#iris and daisy birthday week
ailendolin · 2 years
Birthday ficlet
Happy birthday to one of the loveliest people I have met in this fandom and am grateful to call my friend - @iris-in-the-rain! 💙 This little ficlet is for you, dear! I hope you enjoy it!
Title: In Her Arms [AO3]
Characters: Ho-Tan, the Youngers, the Elders
A/N: This is a sequel to my prompt ficlet Packing in which Ho-Tan refuses to admit she's sick. The Youngers' names are based on this post. Teddy for Trevor's Younger is a new addition I came up with for this story.
In Her Arms
There was a soft knock on her bedroom door.
“Come in,” Ho-Tan called hoarsely. She pushed herself up to her elbows as five small heads and a little blue blob carefully peered around her door with matching anxious looks and worried frowns on their faces. Her heart swelled with more affection than she knew what to do with. For the first time in days, a smile broke out on her face. “Oh, you made it!”
Taking her joyful relief as permission to enter the room, the Youngers pushed through the door and nearly stumbled over each other in their eagerness to come closer.
“Hi Mum,” Alfie said softly and reached for her cold hands. “How are you feeling? Uncle Choop told us you were sick.”
Ho-Tan did her best to swallow the cough she could feel tickling in her throat. It wouldn’t do to make the children worry even more than they already were.
“Better now that you’re here,” she said sincerely once she was sure her voice wouldn’t break halfway through the sentence. She gave her son’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “How was your journey?”
As the Youngers launched into a riveting tale about all the things they’d seen along the way – even a real dragon, according to Irk – Ho-Tan allowed herself to sink back against her pillows and let their voices settle around her like a warm, comforting blanket. It felt good to have her children here – to have them home. She had missed them these past few weeks; more than she’d like to admit, if she was being honest. Their bright eyes and smiling faces made even the glummest day bearable and made her feel at peace like little else in the Realms did. Now that she had them with her, Ho-Tan felt even more grateful to Choop and the others for rearranging their plans so the Youngers could come visit them instead of the other way around. She would have never been fit enough to travel, not after the night she’d had. Her fever had spiked so badly that just after midnight, Vex had been forced to go and fetch the doctor.
Thanks to her help and the foul-smelling tea she had forced Ho-Tan to drink Ho-Tan was fine now – not perfectly, of course, but her fever had finally broken in the early hours of the morning, leaving her weak and tired but still feeling better than she had in days. Certainly well enough to bask in the presence of her children.
“And then it breathed fire!” Irk exclaimed with wide eyes before he proceeded to imitate the, apparently, fire-breathing dragon by crawling on all four over her floor and sticking out his tongue as he roared and snarled at them in a rather cute manner that made Ho-Tan bite her lip.
“It did not,” little Teddy piped up from where he rested in Sepal’s hand.
Daisy nodded in agreement. “It was a lizard, nothing more.”
“It didn’t even puff smoke,” Barry added, sounding vaguely disappointed.
Irk harrumphed mid-growl and sat up. He crossed his arms in front of his chest in such a petulant manner that this time, Ho-Tan couldn’t help but laugh. It felt good, even if her laughter eventually turned into a coughing fit that left her gasping for breath.
Alvin’s hold on her hand tightened in worry. “Mum? Are you all right?”
“Of course I am,” Ho-Tan rasped out once she felt like she could breathe again. “You’re here, aren’t you?”
The Youngers smiled at her – still looking a little spooked, perhaps, but also obviously glad to be home.
Ho-Tan patted the empty space next to her on the bed. “Come on, I want to hear about the rest of your trip.”
Alvin and Irk immediately cuddled up close to her just like they’d done when they were younger. Sepal handed Teddy to her and joined Alvin on her left side, followed by Daisy. Young Barry made himself comfortable next to Irk before he picked up his story about the dragon that actually was a lizard (“But it had a frill and looked all big and scary with it!”) again.
An hour later, when Choop and the other Elders came to see how they were doing, the Youngers were still curled up at Ho-Tan’s side but instead of daring tales of adventure the sound of soft snoring now filled her room.
“The journey must have taken it out of them,” Pressley murmured with a fond smile as he gently rested one of his hands on Barry’s curly head.
“It was quite eventful,” Ho-Tan agreed with a quiet smile.
Vex carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and let his eyes roam over her face in concern for a moment before he asked, “Are you all right, my dear?”
Ho-Tan nodded at him, still tired but so very happy to have her whole family around her for once.
“Of course she is,” Choop said softly. He sat down next to Vex and pushed that stubborn lock of hair Ho-Tan was never able to tame behind her ear with a gentleness that made her feel more cherished than she thought she deserved. His fingers briefly touched her brow, looking for signs of a fever that was no longer there. “She’s got everything she needs right here, haven’t you, my dear?”
Ho-Tan smiled.
“Hear, hear,” Flowers said quietly. Together with Pressley, he sat down on the other side of the bed, careful not to disturb the children, while Trevor got comfortable at their feet.
They mean to stay, Ho-Tan suddenly realised, and for the second time that day she felt her heart swell with so much love it shimmered wetly in her eyes. For Choop was right: all she truly needed was her family and today, she finally had them all in her arms again. Even exhausted and aching, Ho-Tan couldn’t imagine a better way to spend a day than this: holding the people she loved close and being held by them in return.  
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gothdaisyjohnson · 7 years
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Two Flowers Celebration | Day 2: Flowers / Beauty 
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julianavalds · 7 years
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Iris and Daisy Birthday Week: - Day 5 - Marvel and Dc
» Daisy & Cisco
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ettadunham · 7 years
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IRIS AND DAISY BIRTHDAY WEEK ↳ Day 1: Why You Love Them / Characteristics
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✾ Iris and Daisy Birthday Week ❁    ⮡  Day 2: flowers × beauty
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catchylove · 7 years
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iris and daisy birthday week ✿ day eight: au    ↳ Iris West thinks Central City’s newest superhero is a villain in disguise. Daisy Johnson is pretty sure Central City’s best reporter is up to something shady. Turns out, they’re both wrong...and if they want to take down the real villain in town, they’re going to have to work together.
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lightningnow · 7 years
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dailydaisyjohnson · 7 years
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✿ iris and daisy birthday week ✿ day  -  heroes 
 Now go sing it like a hummingbird The greatest anthem ever heard
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irisdaisysource · 7 years
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It’s cancer season and our two favorite women are celebrating their birthdays! Use the hashtag #iris and daisy birthday week and appreciate the beauty that is the two flowers for the whole nine days between their birthdays. ♥
June 24th, Day 1: Why You Love Them / Characteristics:  - It’s Iris West’s 28th Birthday! 
June 25th, Day 2: Flowers / Beauty: i.e. moments from each show that are centered around the significance or beauty of flowers, name symbology Or favorite outfits, hairstyles, looks 
June 26th, Day 3: Colors: i.e. those you associate with them, your personal favorites throughout their scenes
June 27th, Day 4: Songs / Poems: i.e. your favorite wlw anthems, narrative quotes or tumblr poetry
June 28th, Day 5: Marvel And DC: Crossover Ships with either or both of the Two Flowers within either superhero universe i.e. Daisy and Cisco, even Iris and Sara Lance
June 29th, Day 6: Femslash: Crossover and/or Poly Ships with the Two Flowers from any universe your little heart desires i.e. Iris and Daisy and Buffy, Daisy and Izzy
June 30th, Day 7: Heroes: i.e. how they’re both heroes in their own right, their actions and traits that show this
July 1st, Day 8: AU: i.e. any scenario, meet-cute, canon divergent, episode combining rewrite, an adventure they could go on together to anywhere in this world or another 
July 2nd, Day 9: Why They’d Love Each Other / Parallels: - It’s Daisy Johnson’s 29th Birthday!
Any type of media is welcome: graphics, gifsets, moodboards, aesthetics, fanfic, you name it. Sharing the love for both of these beautiful women above all else is everything this event is about, so let’s!  ♥
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hey!  its my favorite heroes  ✿ ✿ ✿
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daisyjhonson · 7 years
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✿ iris and daisy birthday week ✿ day four: poetry - insp 
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jellyroom · 4 years
So this kinda comes as a two part request but i was on instagram and saw a post asking men what they would do if they got flowers from their significant other. And honeatly it was so cute. I want to know what kinda flower they would like and how they would react to receiving that flower? Also a virtual rose for you for running an amazing blog 🌹😁
What flowers they like/how they react to receiving the flower~
AWWWW THANK YOU OMG! I’m sorry this took so long and I’m sorry it’s not the best 😫❤️
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Amaryllis- after a trip to the human world you came back with a flower you thoguh lucifer would like. You had seen drawing of it in one of his books that he would often read. When you presented the flower to him his mood brightened more than you may have ever seen. He was amazing at how you were able to find his favorite flower with such ease. He pulled you in to him using one arm and gave you the most passionate kiss he’s ever gave.
Orcid- Mammon was in time out, in a sense. He decided he would try to steal something of Lucifers again, and got caught. You decided to try and cheer him up and brought him an Orcid. He allowed you to put the plant down before bringing you into a hug and letting you both fall back on the bed a just cuddle and kiss the rest of the day.
Carnation- Valentines Day was definitely Asmos favorite holiday and you didn’t want to go to far out so decided to get his favorite flowers. Upon presenting them to him he smiled really big and put it up to his nose to smell it before giving you a big hug and his gift to you.
Peony- Satan had recently read a book about flowers and felt drawn to the Peony, he wanted to see a real one but they didn’t exist in the Devildom. You went to Diavolo and asked if you could go and get a few peony’s for Satan, to which he agreeded. When you cane back you immediately went to Satan and held the flower out to him. He blushed upon seeing you give him a flower before taking it in his hands and realizing it was the flower he talked about. He laid the flower down on his little table and picked you up and held you close.
(Yellow) Hyacinth- Levi has shut himself in his room for the last week trying to beat a game. You decided to give him a gift for how hard he was working. You decided to get a yellow hyacinth plant, you remembered Levi talking about it once. When you presented the gift to him his face flushed red and his eye widened. He looked away and pulled you in for a hug and stayed like that for a few minutes while he calmed back down.
Marigold- It was the day Dia choice for the students at RAD to give flowers to their significant other or a close friend. You knew how much Beel loved marigolds because of their color and were quick to drag Asmo and get them. When you presented the precious flower to your boyfriend he smiled widely and took you in his arms, swinging you around, and gave you a big kiss.
Snapdragon- Diavolo decided to have everyone in the school get a flower that reminds you of the person assigned to you. Thankfully you had gotten Belphie. Already knowing what his favorite flower was you quickly got a hold of it. When you presented it to him he slightly blushed and looked away before bringing you in for a hug... then he took a nap while leaving on you.
Iris- you had noticed there would be random Iris plants around, especially in Dias study. When it was his birthday you and Barbatos put the plant all over Dias bedroom. When he walked in after the celebration for his birthday he was pleasantly surprised. He would hug you and kiss you so much because you gave him something he wasn’t use to, normally people get things that cost the most or things he don’t even like.
Violet- After many visits to the garden at the palace you had learned that Barb loves Violets more than any of the other human flowers. Sadly Devildoms soil doesn’t suit violets very well. When you took a trip back to the human realm, you got some dirt and violets and planted them in the garden. You quickly brought Barb to see it and his eyes widened in surprise before he fought you in for a gentle kiss right there.
Rhododendron- Solomon never really celebrated Valentine’s Day. So when you came at him presenting a flower you had seen in one of his book of shadows, he was plesently surprised. He carefully took care of the plant before bringing you in for a soft and delicate kiss. He then started kissing all over your face causing you to giggle and the two of you rested in peaceful silence.
Daisy- You decided too surprise Simeon at the purgatory hall because you guys had officially been together for 4 whole months. When you presented the Daisy’s to him he wrapped you into a hug and almost looked like he was crying. He was so happy that you thought of him and thought of you as more of the angel than he was.
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gothdaisyjohnson · 7 years
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Two Flowers Celebration | Day 4: Poetry
and the people who mistreat you should be very afraid of what can happen when all three live in the body of one person.
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julianavalds · 7 years
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Iris and Daisy Birthday Week: Day 1 - Why You Love Them / Characteristics
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ettadunham · 7 years
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IRIS AND DAISY BIRTHDAY WEEK ↳ Day 5: Marvel and DC: Iris/Daisy/Kara
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✾ Iris and Daisy Birthday Week ❁     ⮡  Day 1: why I love them × characteristics
(courage, integrity, compassion, charisma)
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