#iris de bar
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🌈 Good morning and happy Wednesday, my bookish bats! You didn't think that tiny "queer books coming out this fall" guide was ALL there was, did you? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR this month. Happy reading!
❤️ A Vision of Air by Nicole Silver 🧡 Eli Over Easy by Phil Stamper 💛 How to Get Over the End of the World by Hal Schrieve 💚 Kween by Vichet Chum 💙 The Forest Demands its Due by Kosoko Jackson 💜 The B-Side of Daniel Garneau by David Kingston Yeh ❤️ Midnight Companion by Kit Barrie 🧡 Let the Waters Roars by Geonn Cannon 💛 Into the Glittering Dark by Kelley York 💙 When the Rain Begins to Burn by A.L. Davidson 💜 Been Outside by Amber Wendler & Shaz Zamore 🌈 The Forest Demands Its Due by Kosoko Jackson
❤️ A Necessary Chaos by Brent Lambert 🧡 The Spells We Cast by Jason June 💛 Pluralities by Avi Silver 💚 Salt the Water by Candice Iloh 💙 Beholder by Ryan La Sala 💜 This Pact is Not Ours by Zachary Sergi ❤️ Dragging Mason County by Curtis Campbell 🧡 Menewood by Nicola Griffith 💛 Mary and the Birth of Frankenstein by Anne Eekhout 💚 The Dead Take the A Train by Cassandra Khaw & Richard Kadrey 💙 Bloom by Delilah S. Dawson 💜 Let Me Out by Emmett Nahil and George Williams
🌈 In the Form of a Question: the Joys and Rewards of a Curious Life by Amy Schneider ❤️ Songs of Irie by Asha Ashanti Bromfield 🧡 A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand 💛 Being Ace by Madeline Dyer 💚 Charming Young Man by Eliot Schrefer 💙 The Glass Scientists by S.H. Cotugno 💜 The Fall of Whit Rivera by Crystal Maldonado ❤️ By Any Other Name by Erin Cotter 🧡 Brooms by Jasmine Walls and Teo DuVall 💛 Stars in Your Eyes by Kacen Callender 💚 Shoot the Moon by Isa Arsen 💙 The Bell in the Fog by Lev A.C. Rosen
🌈 Brainwyrms by Alison Rumfitt ❤️ Family Meal by Bryan Washington 🧡 A Murder of Crows by Dharma Kelleher 💛 A Light Most Hateful by Hailey Piper 💚 Love at 350° by Lisa Peers 💙 Greasepaint by Hannah Levene 💜 The Christmas Swap by Talia Samuels ❤️ Mate of Her Own by Elena Abbott 🧡 Mistletoe and Mishigas by M.A. Wardell 💛 Elle Campbell Wins Their Weekend by Ben Kahn 💚 All That Consumes Us by Erica Waters 💙 If You’ll Have Me by Eunnie
❤️ Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Lillah Lawson and Lauren Emily Whalen 🧡 10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall 💛 It’s a Fabulous Life by Kelly Farmer 💚 Let the Dead Bury the Dead by Allison Epstein 💙 These Burning Stars by Bethany Jacobs 💜 The Goth House Experiment by SJ Sindu ❤️ Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant by Curtis Chin 🧡 Mudflowers by Aley Waterman 💛 Here Lies Olive by Kate Anderson 💚 Fire From the Sky by Moa Backe Åstot, trans. by Eva Apelqvist 💙 Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date by Ashley Herring Blake 💜 On the Same Page by Haley Cass
❤️ A Dish Best Served Hot by Natalie Caña 🧡 Art of the Chase by Jennifer Giacalone 💛 The Haunting of Adrian Yates by Markus Harwood-Jones 💚 The Sword: Xcian by Elle Arroyo 💙 The Complete Carlisle Series by Roslyn Sinclair 💜 300,000 Kisses by Sean Hewitt and Luke Edward Hall ❤️ Just a Pinch of Magic by Alechia Dow 🧡 Blackouts by Justin Torres 💛 Wrath Becomes Her by Aden Polydoros 💚 Let the Woods Keep Our Bodies by E.M. Roy 💙 Everything Under the Moon: Fairy Tales in a Queerer Light edited by Michael Earp ❤️ Frost Bite by Angela Sylvaine
🧡 We Met in a Bar by Claire Forsythe 💛 Sweat Equity Aurora Rey 💚 Pumpkin Spice by Tagan Shepard 💙 The Misfit Mage & His Dashing Devil by M.N. Bennet 💜 Love and Other Risky Business by Sarah Brenton ❤️ Enough by Kimia Eslah 🧡 A Fire Born of Exile by Aliette de Bodard 💛 Twelve Bones by Rosie Talbot 💚 Wild Wishes and Windswept Kisses by Maya Prasad 💙 Dragged to the Wedding by Andrew Grey 💜 Fox Snare by Yoon Ha Lee ❤️ Murder and Manon by Mia P. Manansala
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blorbofightclub · 16 days
Adrian de Montoire (left) from @iri-lynx's OC VS Oli TheOrionSound from YouTube (right)
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Vote for the character you think would win in a no-holds-barred fight. You must pick one or the other. Propaganda is allowed; being a dick is not. May the best blorbo win!
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eylences-blog · 9 months
Okul bittikten sonra memlekete döndüm. Şeref Dayı çok ilgileniyordu benimle. Babam da vefat ettiği için önemsiyordu beni. Oldukça zengin, çevresi de çok güçlü biriydi. Askerlik sonrası onunla oturup konuştuk biraz. İzmir'e dönmek istiyordum ben. O da bunu onayladı. Henüz yeni mezun bir avukat olarak bir şirkette veya en kötü bir avukatın yanında çalışmak istesem de, o direkt bir büro açmamı tavsiye etti. Bunu yapacak maddi gücüm yoktu, ama onun da cesaretlendirmesi ve maddi olarak biraz destek olması ile İzmir'e döndüm.
Kaynaklarım sınırlıydı. Şeref Dayının maddi desteği iyiydi, ama çok da değildi. Ucuz bir semtte bodrum katında 1+1 ev kiraladım. Ucuz bir iş hanında da ufak bir ofis. Cmuk davaları, ufak tefek danışmalar, bir iki boşanma davası maddi olarak ancak devam etmemi sağlıyordu. Bir yerde çalışsam da alacağım para bundan birazcık fazla olurdu. Köpek gibi çalışıyordum ama. İşhanının kapanma saatinden sonra evde de devam ediyordum. Sürekli okuyor, araştırıyor ve şirketlerle görüşüyordum. Geldikten sonra bir sevgili yapar, evlenirim bile belki diye düşünsem de, yoğun tempodan ve biraz da maddi sebeplerden dolayı bir yere bile çıkamıyordum. Birkaç kadınla flört olduysa da devamı gelmedi.
Bazen evde tek başıma içki içtiğim günlerde sosyal medyada gay arayış sayfalarına da bakıyordum. Kendime itiraf edemesem de bazı genç ve güzel vücutlu erkekler kızlardan daha çok azdırıyordu beni. 31 çekmekten çok sıkıldığım zaman hoşuma giden birkaç kişiye mesaj attım. Çoğu sanaldı sadece. Bazıları cevap verdi. Cevap verenlerden birkaçıyla da birlikte oldum. Güzeldi, ama Orhan'la olduğu gibi değildi. Daha çok ilk siktiğim Ozan gibiydi. Onları da bir delik olarak görmüştüm sadece. Hiçbiriyle 1 saatten fazla sürmedi. Sadece birinin sikini o da ilgimi çektiği için okşayıp biraz yalamıştım. 1.65 boylarında, tombul, orta yaşlı biriydi, ama siki 20 cm vardı ve onu ağzıma alırken itiraf edemesem de hoşuma gitmişti. Tamamen pasifti ama. Boşalırken bile tam sertleşmemişti siki.
Cmuk paralarının yattığı ve cebimin dolduğu bir gece dışarı çıktım. Üniversiteden bazı eski arkadaşlarım da vardı. Önce rakı balık, sonrasında da bir bar ve müzik. Birkaç kızı yoklama ve red edilme. Su gibi akan alkol. Arkadaşlarımın çoğu alkole benim kadar dayanıklı değildi. Bir süre sonra yavaş yavaş eksildik ve sonunda gece 1 gibi tek başıma kaldım barda. Bardan çıkıp Alsancağın arka sokaklarında anlamsızca yürüyordum. İyi gelmişti bu gece bana. Uzun zamandan sonra kafamda iş yoktu. Aslında o an istediğim tek şey sikimi sokacak bir delikti. Ama bir erkek değil kadın istiyordum. Uzun zaman olmuştu bir kadınla olmayalı. Bir escort falan bulsam bari diye düşünüyordum. Taksiye biraz daha az para verebilmek için İzmir'in meşhur Bornova Sokağına girdiğimde duygularım bu yöndeydi. Yürürken ufak bir bar gördüm. Halen açıktı ve içeride sadece birkaç kişi vardı. Orada oturup son bir bira içmek istedim.
Ben içerken sokaktan bir afet yürüyordu. Sivri uzun topuklularla 1.90'a yakın boyu, uzun sarı saçları, dekoltesinden taşan iri dimdik füze gibi memeleri, kısacık eteğinin çok da örtmediği muhteşem götüyle kırıta kırıta yürüyordu. Tüm vücuduna siker gibi bakarken çok kısa bir an bakışlarımız karşılaştı. Yüzünü yakından görünce bunun İzmir'in dikenli güllerinden bir travesti olduğunu anladım. Hep ilgimi çekmişti travestiler, ancak biriyle olmamıştım hiç. Belki de esas aradığım buydu. Bana bakıp çok hafifçe ve biraz da küstahça tebessüm edip yürümeye devam etti. O bakışa dayanamadım ve kalkıp peşine takıldım. Belli bir mesafeden izliyordum onu. Bir tekel bayisine girince ben de girdim arkasından. Ne yapacağımı, nasıl konuşmam gerektiğini bile bilmiyordum. Savcıların, hakimlerin karşısında çatır çatır konuşabilirdim, ama bu travesti benim aklımı almıştı. Sigara alırken birbirimize baktık. Dışarı çıktığımızda ise herşey çok kolay olmuştu. Direk bana yanaşıp evinin çok yakında olduğunu ve tek kaldığını söyledi. "Gidelim o zaman!" dedim ben de gülümseyerek.
Evine girdiğimizde acele etmedi hiç. Birer viski koydu ve konuşmaya başladık. Ücretini biraz da bahşişiyle ödedim. Konuşacak çok birşeyim yoktu benim. İnanılmaz azmış bir haldeyim. Oturduktan 10 dakika sonra öpüşmeye başlamıştık bile. Yatak odasına girdiğimizde sikim çatlayacak gibiydi artık. Mor bir ışığın aydınlattığı odada kocaman bir yatak vardı. Yatağa devrildiğimizde ikimiz de tam soyunmamıştık. Biribirimizi okşaya okşaya soyunduk. Üstünde bir tek tangası kalmıştı. Bacaklarının arasını okşadığımda onun da etkilendiğini anladım. Hep duyduğum veya izlediğim devasa travesti yarağı gibi değil, normal boyutlarda bir siki vardı ve taş gibiydi elimin altında.
Dudaklarım her yerinde dolaşırken o da boş durmuyor beni okşayıp öpüyordu. Üstüne çıkıp memelerini avuçlayıp öptüm. Bir travestinin memelerini öperken sikinin de bana sürtünmesi inanılmaz bir duyguydu. Memelerinden göbeğine indim. Tangasının önünü görünce sikini o halde yalamaya başladım. Kasıklarından bacaklarına kadar bırakmadım. Sonra o üstüme çıkıp aynı şeyleri bana yaptı. Tek kelimeyle inanılmaz yalıyordu sikimi. Köküne kadar alıyor çekip damağında eziyordu kafasını. Hızlanıp yavaşlıyor, taşaklarıma dil atarken tempoyu çok güzel ayarlıyordu.
Kısa sürede 69 olduk. Üstüme çıkıp götünü ağzıma dayamıştı. Çok büyük zevkle yalayıp emiyordum deliğini. Ben yaladıkça o da benim sikimi ellerini hiç kullanmadan emiyordu. Nefes nefese kalmıştık ikimiz de. Deliğini yaladıktan sonra tangasını sıyırıp sikini de aldım ağzıma. Biraz daha devam edersek boşalacaktım. Üstümden indirdim onu ve yatağa dört ayak domalttım. Prezervatifi geçirip tangasının ipini yana çektim ve hiç beklemeden sertçe girdim götüne. Attığı çığlıkta acı da zevk de vardı. Sertçe sikmeye başladığımda onun da çok hoşuna gitti. İçine sokup bastırıyorum hepsini. Yavaşça çekerken gevşetiyordu deliğini ve ben bastırırken ve kasıp daraltıyordu iyice. Hızlandım. Odanın duvarları inleme ve sikiş sesimizle çınlıyordu. Açtığı müziği bastırıyorduk. Omuzuna götürdüm elimi ve kendime çektim. Ben soktukça götü dalgalanıyor, siki de sallanıyordu önünde. Tutup okşamaya başladım sikini.
Dayanamayacaktım daha fazla. "Ağzına boşalmak istiyorum bebeğim!" dediğimde, inleye inleye, "Ver aşkım bana onu!" dedi nefes nefese. Sesinin o tonu çıldırtmıştı beni. İyice bastıra bastıra sikmeye başladım götünü. "Ohhh, al orospu, bunu mu istiyorsun, al hepsini!" diye diye sertçe sokup çıkarmaya başladığımda saçlarını çektim. Köküne kadar sokup çıkardım ve prezervatifi hızla çıkarıp ağzına soktum sikimi. Kafasından çekip bastırarak bu sefer ağzını sikmeye başladım. Belki yüzlerce yarak yalamış emmişti, ama sert girmiştim ağzına. Kendimi kaybetmiş gibi ağzını sikerken patladım ağzının içinde. Gözlerimin içine baka baka emiyordu akanları. Sikim iyice yumuşayana kadar yalamayı bırakmamıştı.
Çıkardığımda kendimi külçe gibi yatağa bıraktım. Ben nefes nefese iken o bana iltifatlar edip ufak öpücükler konduruyordu vücuduma. Kalktı üstümden ve banyoya gitti. Geldiğinde soyunmuştu tamamen. Siki dimdikti önünde. Kolundan tutup çektim kendime. Aslında devam edecek bir halim pek kalmamıştı, ama devam etmek istiyordum. En azından ağzına verir onun keyfini yaşarım derken öpüşmeye başladık. Üstümdeydi benim. Memelerini öpüp yalamaya başladım. Taş gibi siki vücuduma sürtünürken bana baktı. Gülümsüyordu birşey demeden. Ve sonra dudaklarını hissettim. Boynumdan göğüslerime inmiş uzun uzun öpüp yalıyordu. Öperken dilini değdirdikçe gevşemeye, kendimi onun ellerine bırakmaya başlamıştım. Göğüslerimden göbeğime indi. Yavaşça ağzına almaya başladığında ben de sertleşmeye başlamıştım. Çok yumuşak bir şekilde yalıyordu bu sefer. Taşaklarıma indi dili. Bacaklarımı açtım. Taşaklarımın altında indiğinde ise götümü hafifçe kaldırdım. Aslında kasıklarımla beraber orayı da alırdım genelde ama ihmal etmiştim bir iki haftadır. Önemsemedi hiç ve dilini deliğime değdirdi.
"Ohhhhhh, harikasın aşkım, devam et!" diye inlememi tutamadım. Belki de bu lafım ona cesaret vermişti. Çok ustaca yalıyor, sivrileştirdiği dilini sokup çıkartıyordu deliğime. Dudaklarını bastırmıştı iyice. Deliğimi yaladıktan sonra parmağını da zevkle kabul ettim içime. Yavaş yavaş sokuyordu. Sokarken dili de sikimin üstünde dolaşıyordu. Nefesim hızlanmaya başlarken sikim de iyice kalkmıştı. Parmağını biraz daha soktu. İçimde nereye bastıracağını gayet iyi biliyor gibiydi. Sokup çıkardı birkaç kez. Gözlerimi kapatmış ona bırakmıştım kendimi. Bir ara çok kısa bir an için parmağını çıkardı. Soğuk birşey hissettim deliğimde. Gözlerimi kısık bir şekilde aralayıp bakarken gülümsedi bana. "Çok nefis burası aşkım. Bana bırakır mısın burayı? Seni delirtmek istiyorum zevkten!" diye fısıldarken uzandı ve dudaklarımı öpmeye başladı. Elimi omuzuna atmak isterken jeli sürüp birden soktu parmağını bu sefer. Sert ve hızlı bir şekilde köküne kadar sokmuştu. İrkilmiştim birden. Tam itiraz edecektim ki parmağı içimde bir yere bastırıp çevirdi ve sokup çıkarmaya başladı. Omuzlarına çıkan elim düştü yanıma. Parmağıyla sikiyordu beni sanki. Hiç itiraz edemiyordum ona. Dolgun dudakları ağzımı tamamen kapatmış, dilimi emiyordu.
Birden bir acı hissettim deliğimde. Kastım kendimi. İkinci parmağını da sokmuştu. Biraz içimde oynatıp bekledi. Nefes nefese kalmıştım. Gözlerimi açıp ona baktım. O an hayır diyebilirdim. Yeterli deyip onu altıma alıp deli gibi, çatır çatır sikebilirdim. Birşey diyemedim. O da anlamıştı bunu. Parmaklarını çevirdi biraz daha. Çıkartıp yine jel sürerken elini yatağın kenarına uzatıp prezervatifi çıkardı. Hiç konuşmadan bakıyordum ona. Tek bir kelime söylese bu büyülü an bozulurdu. Bacağımı kaldırıp sikini dayadı deliğime. Bastırdı. Canım yandı bir an, itiraz etmek istedim, ama o kollarıyla beni sarıp birden yüklendi ve kaydı içime. "Iııhhhh, yapma ama bunu bana, istemiyorum ki ben bunu..." diye inleyerek konuşmaya çalışırken çok hafifçe kendini geriye çekip sertçe bastırdı ve hepsini içime soktu tek hareketle. Oooohhhhhh, o an aldığım zevkten boynum geriye düştü. Bekledi içimde. Biraz daha bastırdı sanki gidecek yer varmış gibi. İçimde sikinin kafasını hissettikçe kıvranmaya başlamıştım. Çekti ve soktu yine yavaşça. "Ohhh çok tatlısın sen erkeğim. Bırak bana kendini. Anı yaşa. Düşünme birşey. Bak nasıl da hoşuna gidiyor, di mi?" derken sikmeye başladı beni.
Memeleri göğsüme sürtünürken siki içime girip girip çıkmaya başlamıştı. Tutamadım kendimi daha fazla ve zevkle inledim. Gevşemiştim iyice inlerken. Biraz daha hızlandı o da. Çok güzel bir tempoyla sikiyordu ve içime bastırdıkça dizlerimin altından kasıklarıma doğru bir ateş geliyordu. Sarıldım ona. İyice bıraktım kendimi. "Ohhh, evet, çok güzel buu. Durma sakın. Harikasın sen orospu. Anasını siktiğimin orospusu. Sik beni hadi. Sana kısmetmiş götüm!" diye inlemeye başlarken o da iyice hızlanmaya başladı. Çekip sertçe bastırınca durdu içimde. O an daha önce siktiklerimin ne hissettiğini anlamıştım. İnanılmaz bir zevkti bu.
Yavaşça çıkardı içimden, dudağımı öpüp, "Dön arkanı hadi canım. Yeni başladık daha!" derken bir değişik bakıyordu bana. Döndüm ve götümü kaldırdım. Şap diye tokatı basıp ikiye ayırdı. Arasına sürtünürken, "Hoşuna gitti bu senin. Hani istemiyordun? Şimdi esas zevkini alacaksın aşkım. Hazır mısın?" diye kulağıma fısıldıyordu. Sikini dayadı deliğime. Sikinin başını hissetmemle taşaklarını kalçalarımda hissetmem aynı anda olmuştu. Canımın acısıyla bağırırken omuzlarımdan çeke çeke sikmeye başladı beni sertçe. Elini de sikime atıp bir iki kere sıvazlayınca iyice koptum. Ohhhhh, daha önce sadece okşamıştı anlaşılan. Şimdi anlıyordum sikilmenin ne demek olduğunu. Sert sert sokup çıkartıyordu içime. Bazen kökleyip yavaşlıyor, bazen hızlanıyordu. Elini sikimden çekmiş, iki kolumdan asılmıştı. O an sikimin okşanmasını çok istiyordum. Ellerimi çekiştirdim. İzin vermedi. "Bırak kız. Sike sike boşaltacağım seni. Hak ettin sen bunu. Ohhh, çok güzel deliğin aşkım. Ben mi siktim seni ilk defa? Daracıkkk, ohhh. Bu kadar güzel göt sikmedim ben inan ki!" derken hızlanmaya başladı.
Kasıklarım yanıyordu. Bıraktım kendimi tamamen. Sik beni, daha hızlı diye inlemek üzereydim nerdeyse. Anlamıştı o zaten. Hızlandı iyice. Hepsini sokup yerleştirdi ve sikinin kafasını içimde oynatmaya başlayınca daha önce bilmediğim bir zevk geldi ve her yerimi sardı o an. Duramadım sonunda. Çok şiddetli bir orgazm taşaklarımdan geliyordu. Taşaklarımın kasılmalarını hissettim. Birden döllerim akmaya başladı sikimden. O an debelenmeye başladım zevkten. Daha sert bastı. Ben boşalırken o da inliyor ve boşalıyordu içimde...
Yığılıp kaldık yatakta. Nefes alıp verdikçe memeleri oynuyordu. Kendime geldiğimde bir acı hissettim. Elimi deliğime götürdüğümde inanamamıştım. Kol soksa girecek hale gelmişti resmen. Hiç konuşacak durumda değildim. Bir saate yakın dinlendim yatakta. O da bana sarılmış ve yarı uyur gibiydi. Daha sonra kalktık ve banyoya girdim. Giyinip çıkarken de konuşamıyordum. Bana sarılıp hafifçe öptü dudağımdan ve "Fazla düşünmene gerek yok. Senin gibi çok var. Merak etme karınla veya sevgilinle gayet mutlu olursun!" dedi gülümseyerek.
Kafam allak bullak çıkıp taksiye bindim, eve gittim. Otururken canım yanıyordu biraz.
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lullabyes22-blog · 3 months
Snippet - Drifting - Mal de Mer
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Early morning delights...
Mal de Mer on AO3
This morning, though, his focus is purely on her.
Through the windowslats, bars of butterscotch sunlight pour. The ceiling fan cuts slowly through the humid air, redolent of seasalt and their bodies. Behind the carefully-cracked window, Mel can hear the trill of birdsong, and the rustle of palm fronds, and the gentle wash of the waves upon the shore.
Pink is the conch shell sitting on the endtable, a gift from Silco's deep dives. Mauve is the bedspread spilling lazily to the carpet, a soft puddle at the foot of the mattress. Blue is the hue of Silco's good eye, heavy-lidded with the residue of sleep, and a hungry lassitude as he rolls Mel onto her back.
Gold is the paint streaking the canvas on the easel behind him: a portrait awaiting her finishing touches before she has it packed for transit. Gold, like the frame she'll choose in Piltover: matching her wedding band, and attesting to the same. Gold, like the fractaling streak that ignites behind her eyelids, as Silco fans her thighs open to fit himself between them: the fullness of him dipping into her, teasing in and out, then sinking home.
Crying out, Mel thinks: This is how it ends.
In the days afterward, she won't remember her stay at the villa except as a flurry of sketches: the sea, the skies, the sands. And, most of all, the spiky loose-limbed silhouettes, all of which have resolved into a full-color nude on the canvas.
His torso, framed by the parabola of sunset, holds a deep-sea elegance. The lithe contours are etched by the eerie palette of fading twilight. Teals, and indigos, and amethysts:  each color evoked by the subtle interplay of water and shadow. His bare shoulders, caught against the coronal threads of sunlight, like sharp juts of coral. The torso, with its cobra's hood of sinew, tapering into a narrow waist. The hard cut of hipbones, showing the navel and the hair below it, then disappearing into the distorting medium of the sea.
His head is half-turned, the features indistinct: just a hint of aquiline nose, the cutting edge of jaw, and lips parted to bare a glint of teeth.
Greeting, or threat.
The eyes are what complete the piece.
They've been rendered in exacting detail. The right eye, she's captured in all its softness: the blue so vivid, it's like a drop of the ocean. A vibrant green rings the iris, and a band of gray limns the pupil. Sea and storm: fused. The left eye is a bottomless void: the sclera inked black. In the iris: a starburst of blood vessels, red lines spiderwebbing from the center, with an inlay of gold to mimic volcanic flare.
His scars, too, have been rendered patiently. The shadowy left side of his face is a latticework of crisscrossing gouges. In some spots, like the rippled sands on the shore. In others, the cragged rocks of the reef. Each contour is traced out with the precision of a goldbeater's needle. She's overlayed the scars in an impasto of cadmium red and jet black: a tapestry of violence, with a touch of decay.
In sum, it's a creature of myth. Half-submerged, and on the cusp of a choice:
Ascent, or descent.
In her ear, Silco whispers, "Where've you drifted off to?"
Mel's lashes flutter. His body, striped in gold, is a languid arch over hers. One hand, callused, cups her breast. The other, scarred, clasps her wrist loosely between the fingers, trapping it against the sheets. His body flows skin to skin with hers—achingly slow.
Mel, nuzzling underneath his jowl, breathes, "Nowhere."
"Nowhere, hm?"
His tongue whorls in the hollow behind her ear. She shivers, arching beneath him. The tip of afternoon, she thinks, is when he's at his best: the ferocity of the night's hunger faded, the frenzy of late evening's appetite yet to come.
The heat, still banked, becomes a thing to be savored.
"I was thinking," she whispers.
"About what?"
His palm, cradling her breast, traps the nipple between forefinger and thumb. He rolls it round and round. Mel's breath catches; she bites her lip.
"About—about you," she manages.
"I should hope so."
"The painting. It needs, mmmh, something."
"To complete it."
He gives her nipple a playful tweak, and she whimpers. His dark chuckle rumbles through her.  "A title, perhaps?"
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just-my-fandom · 1 year
You Know I Love You, Right? (Cisco Ramon x Allen! Reader)
Eventual (Cisco Ramon x Kamilla)
Man I’ve been trying to get this posted since damn March of last year. This writers block ain’t no joke. Hope you enjoy this angsty shit with lots of tears.
Summary; After accidentally running to the future, Barry watches as Savitar kills his sister. Given months in advance, Barry and the team try to stop this supposed murder. When all else fails, Cisco is left to raise a child alone, years later finding someone who was willing to love both of them. In the process, his ex-wives doppelgänger shows up to help on a mission, bringing Cisco back to what it was like before she died, only to witness it all over again.
Pairings; Cisco Ramon x Wife! Reader , Barry Allen x Sister! Reader, Joe West x Daughter figure! Reader, Iris West x Friend! Reader, Caitlin Snow x Best Friend! Reader, Future Kamilla Wang x Cisco Ramon, Baby Ramon included.
Warnings; Death, blood, cursing, panic attack, crying, child with no mother, reader can teleport and child inherits her powers.
Word Count: 6K😳 my longest one chapter fic. THERE WILL BE AN ALTERNATE ENDING REPOST.
“Que clase de flor es esa?” - “What kind of flower is that?”
“Girasol,” -“Sunflower,”
“Ser buena para Papa Joe,” - “Be good for Papa Joe,”
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July, 2017, four months until destruction.
A hand rests on your bare shoulder. You turn, smiling warmly at Barry Allen’s taller figure, “You look great,”
“Thanks,” Your breath is light, hands running down the front of your sweater-like dress, “Iris helped pick it out,”
Barry then glances over to said woman and the rest of the group, who, too, were dressed up from the event of HR attempting to reopen STAR Labs, “Hey,” He repeats, nodding his head over his shoulder, “I need to show you something,”
“Okay,” You nod back, glancing at your friends grouped together before following your friend at a slow pace, “What is it?”
Barry leads you into a hidden room. A room you recognize that used to be Eobard Thawnes, which worries you as to why he has brought you into the room of your old enemy.
With a click to the button on the single stand, Barry steps back to allow a projector to arise, showing both you and him an article, “Look at this,”
“The Flash vanishes after Crisis,” Your brows pinch as you glance to him, “I don’t understand. What am I looking at?”
“An article. From the future,” Barry starts, eyes flicking back up to the projector, “Look who wrote it,”
Your eyes move to follow his gaze, “Written by Iris West-Allen,” You lift your shoulders, “Okay? You and Iris get married. That’s wonderful, Bar,”
“No,” Barry shakes his head, “You originally wrote this article. Somethings changed,”
“Maybe I quit,” You sigh, reaching up to curl a strand of hair behind your ear, “I’ve been talking to Cait and Cisco about staying home with (Your/Daughter/Name), it’d make sense,”
“That’s not why it changed to Iris,” Barry can see your irritation as he leads on, your figure turning to face him as if urging him to hurry to his conclusion, “When I threw the Philosophers Stone into the Speed Force, I ran to the future,” He pauses to clench his jaw, “You die, Y/N. I-I saw it,”
“Die?” Your breath comes short, in disbelief as you look back to the article, “From what?”
“Savitar. He was holding you and he stabbed you. Right in front of the whole team,” Barry’s hand raises to his hair, tugging at the locks,
“How long?” Your eyes stare at the floor, hearing Barry’s hum of confusion before lifting your eyes to him, “How long until I die?”
“I won’t let that happen,” Barry steps up, hand at your arm as you clench your jaw, tears glossing your eyes, “I won’t. I swear on our parents lives, I will protect you,”
Your hands wipe at your eyes, hard, “We have to tell the others. I can’t stand to be one of the only ones that knows when we can try to stop it but- what if we don’t?”
“We will,” Barry breathes, “I promise, Y/N. I- we will do whatever it takes,”
“I hope you’re right,” You step back, out the hidden door and to the Cortex and to where Cisco instantly questioned your reddened face.
. . .
“So… all this happened while you were in the Speed Force?” Caitlins questions breaks the silence of the cortex. You can see the gears turning in everyone’s heads. Processing it.
You still haven’t.
“When I threw the Stone in, I went four months into the future. That gives us four months to figure out what needs to be changed and how we can stop him,” Barry exhales, looking to you where you leaned against the Control Panel in silence,
“Y/N?” Cisco speaks up, so you raise your eyes to him across the Cortex. “What’s going through your head?”
You lift a hand, waving it in front of your face with a pinch of your brows, “I’m fine. I think,” You bare down on your teeth at a lump that forms in your throat, “I need a second,”
The team watches as you depart from the Cortex in quick steps. Cisco worriedly follows after you while Barry rubs a hand down his face,
“Hey,” Cisco’s hand catches your wrist, twirling you to face him at the same time you cough out a weak breath, “Hey. Look at me,”
Your eyes look up at him on demand. Blurred with tears, you attempt to clear your vision as his hands raise to your face, wiping the tears from your skin, “You’re allowed to be scared. It’s okay,”
“I’m sorry,” Your whisper is harsh, hiccuping, “I don’t want this to happen. I can’t leave her,”
“We’re gonna figure this out,” He reassures, eyes on yours as his thumbs wiped below your eyes, “I promise,”
You nod, eyes shut when he rests his forehead against yours. His hand raises to the back of your head, hearing his best friend call behind him so you pulled away and wiped your face,
“HR thinks if we go back to the place I saw it,” Barry starts, watching you flinch at the mention, “We can find details that may help us change the future,”
“And how’re we supposed to do that?” Cisco asks, tiredly, “Go back into the speed force?”
Barry’s nod is slow, “You might be able to help,”
“I’m gonna go home,” You sigh, raising your hand to your forehead as Cisco turns back to you, “It’s late. It’s a lot, I think I just need sleep, and I need to see (D/N),”
“I’ll let you know what we find,” Cisco murmurs, pecking your lips before staring at you for a mere second, “I love you,”
“I love you too,” Your smile is weak before you teleport from their vision, Cisco exhaling a deep breath before turning to face his brother in law, “Let’s do this.”
September, 2017, two months until destruction.
Cisco steps into a silent apartment. He drops his keys on the counter with a tired sigh, turning to face the inside of his home.
He sees you sitting in silence. One lamp is on, while you sit on the kitchen counter, hot mug in hand.
He sees the tremble in your hands. As quick as you sip the tea, you set it down, Cisco by now having reached you and stood between your legs,
“Hi,” Your whisper is tired, exhausted, shaking fingers sliding to his sides as his own hold your face, pressing one, two slow kisses to your lips, holding you against him, “Anything?”
Ciscos head shakes weakly. He leans back to look at you, eyes glossy as they searched your face.
Your eyes flicker up to the ceiling upon the rise of tears, exhaling so Ciscos arms slid to hold your waist, gently tugging you towards the edge of the counter, “C’mon,” His murmur is soft, your eyes immediately looking to his face, “Let’s go to bed,”
“Just stay,” Your whisper back is just as quiet, eyes meeting his as he pauses, your hands at his shoulders, “For a second. Please,”
Ciscos nod is short, fully embracing you as your arms tighten around his shoulders and neck, foreheads meeting as your eyes shut. Ciscos thumbs brush your hips beneath your shirt, tilting his head up just enough to press his lips between your brows,
“You know I love you, right?”
“I know,” Your fingers curl in his hair, opening your eyes as he looks down at you, “I love you, too. So, so much, Cisco,”
Cisco ducks down to press a long kiss to your lips, hand holding your chin in place before he pulls back, slowly, lifting you enough to set your feet on the ground, leading you to your shared bedroom, mindful of the toddler sleeping across the hall.
October, 2017, one month until destruction.
“Here’s what I quite don’t understand,”
HRs sudden voice drags everyone’s attention to him. The man stands with a hand to his chin, before he directs it to point to you, “Of all outcomes we have seen, Miss Ramon doesn’t use her powers of- what is it- teleportation, in any of them. Why’s that?”
“The downside to my powers is my emotions effect how I use them,” You explain, quietly, “If I’m stressed or scared, I can’t use them at all. If I’m sad, even really really happy, they glitch and I can teleport anywhere,”
“When I proposed, she teleported to Canada,” Cisco lightens, your smile light as you look at him.
“I have to really be able to focus on my powers for them to work properly. It’s why I almost never use them. This whole thing with Savitar, I’m so stressed I can’t use my powers even if I tried,”
HR nods, eyes drifting in thought. Then what was the purpose of your powers?
He’s realized, there was none.
November, 2017, one week until destruction.
You stand in silence. Your daughter lies curled against your shoulder, dark hair sprawled over her forehead and thumb barely hanging from her mouth.
“Baby,” Ciscos murmur is quiet, your eyes opening to see him now in front of you, one hand at your arm while the other curls (D/N)s hair from her shut eyes,
“You’ve been standing here for a while. You want me to take her?” Cisco extends his hands, questioningly, your eyes fluttering with tears as you shake your head, hand raising to cradle your daughters head.
“I’m so scared, Cisco,” You move your hand to cover your mouth, muffling your violent sniffle, “I don’t want her growing up without a mom. I won’t get to watch her grow up,”
“Hey,” Ciscos eyes are glossy as he steps up, arm wrapping around your shoulders to pull you against his chest, mindful of your child in the middle. His hand slides into your hair, sighing against your forehead, “We’re going to figure everything out, baby,”
You move to the side to lay your child in her crib, twisting to press yourself back into Ciscos front so his arms tightly wound around you, nose in your neck in search for his own comfort.
November 2017, the day before destruction.
You find yourself wide awake. Eyes staring up at the ceiling, you listen to the slight shuffle of Cisco closing your daughters bedroom door, then your own as he moved into the room.
Ciscos quiet as he slides into bed next to you, his arm instantly sliding around your shoulders so you scoot to press yourself against his front, head ducking beneath his chin.
Ciscos exhale is deep, free hand pressed to the back of your head as he presses his lips to the crown of your hair, hearing your sniffle muffle against his shirt. “I’ve got you, baby,” His murmur is breathy, fingers knotted in your hair. “You’re okay,”
Your hand reaches up to grasp his wrist, hiccup loud against the silent bedroom as Ciscos fingers tighten their grip in your hair, free arm around your shoulders to hold you against him.
“I’m sorry,” You lean back, Ciscos eyes flicking across your face as you wipe your eyes, “I’m been so emotional instead of helping you guys figure out how to stop all this shit from happening, and-,”
“And you’re allowed to be,” Cisco murmurs, hand curling a piece of your hair behind your ear. Ciscos jaw clenches, “We’re allowed to be emotional,”
Your hands find their place at each side of his face, pulling him down so his lips meet yours, breathlessly. Ciscos hand slides to grasp your hip, his sniffle causing you to lean back and wipe the tear beneath his eye.
“I love you, you know that, right?” You repeat his words, Cisco smiling despite the tremble in his lip as he nods.
“I love you, too,”
Late November, 2017, the day of destruction.
Time falls still. Team Flash all stand frozen in terror. It happened. It really happened.
Savitar won. All those months trying to change the future was a fail. He knew it.
Cisco’s shout is what drags Barry to speed up and catch your near falling figure. Blood already stained your jacket, body limp against his suited form as he panicked for his best friend.
His sister.
“Y/N!” Cisco’s terrified cry gets closer as his footsteps skid, dropping down at your other side to pull you from Barry’s grasp, “Hey! Hey, baby!”
Tearing his goggles from his face, Cisco’s eyes brim red as his gloved hand held your face to look up at him, your own eyes hazy from exhaustion, but wide in terror.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Cisco’s thumb brushes over the skin, eyes flicking back and forth across your face, “Stay awake for me, okay? Can you- can you stay awake?”
“Cisco-?” Your lips part in a wheezed breath, lifting your head in an attempt to look at the damage, but Ciscos hand tightens at your jaw, shaking his head as he sniffles.
“No, no. Look at me. Look at me,” His pleas are weak, free hand pressed to the wound so you hiss, “You’re okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay,”
Your head shakes, barely, blinking away the black spots but only causing more. “Take care of our baby, Cisco. Pl-please,”
“You’re gonna be okay,” Cisco begs, Barry’s chest tightening along with his stomach, sure he was going to puke from the nerves. “I’m right here,”
Your eyelids droop, Cisco shaking his head for the thousandth time, “No. No, no,”
Barry can feel his chest caving in. He failed. He knew it. Iris’ hand comes to his shoulder, worried, but he yanks it free, speeding off in fear of facing the now single father.
December 1st, 2017. The day after destruction.
“Kiss mama bye bye,”
Cisco can feel all eyes on him. But his attention focuses on the toddler in his arms, both of them staring at the casket in front of them.
Cisco raises his hand to pat his lips in a kiss, waiting for (D/N) to copy before he leans down, pressing his hand to the wood of the casket. “Kiss mama bye bye,”
(D/N) pats her hand hard on the casket, Cisco standing straight with a teary smile. “There you go,”
His daughter manages to catch the tear that slides down Ciscos cheek, propping her arm on his shoulder to twirl his hair around her small hand, “Why sad?”
“I’m not sad, sweetheart,” Cisco wipes his chin, then brushes his hand over (D/N)s head to push hair from her eyes, “I’m just missing mama, that’s all,”
“She coming back?” (D/N) glances down at the casket before the group around her, thumb now in her mouth to gnaw on.
“I don’t know, baby,” Cisco hates this. He doesn’t know what to tell her.
He inhales a deep breath when Caitlin walks up, her hand squeezing his arm with her own watery smile towards the little girl.
“Are you hungry, mi amor?” Cisco murmurs to the toddler, who only stared at her godmother and reached out to her. Caitlin giggles tearfully as she takes the child, eyes focusing back on Cisco who swallows.
“I’ve got her,” Caitlin promises, Cisco nodding as his jaw clenches, immediately looking over to see Joe and Barry.
“This hurts,” Ciscos breath is airy, voice strained, “So fucking much. We’ve been preparing for the worse since damn six months ago and-,”
“You’re never prepared for it,” Joe speaks, Cisco raising his hands to his face to wipe his eyes, “But all you can do is be there for that little girl,”
“What am I supposed to tell her?” Cisco doesn’t mean to give an attitude, but his emotions are in a whirlwind and his chest is caving. “‘Sorry that you were born into a world where meta humans and evil doppelgängers live that killed your mother’? That’ll go well,”
“Cisco,” Barry tries, quietly, but Cisco shakes his head, eyes now on him.
“Go back,” Ciscos plea doesn’t go unnoticed, “Go back in time. Figure out a way to save her,”
“You know I can’t do that,” Barry’s voice breaks, Ciscos eyebrows pinching,
“You did it for your mom!” Ciscos voice raises, Caitlin worriedly looking over from across the lot, “You did it for your dad! But your sister dies and she’s not worth it,”
“I won’t do it because if I don’t fix it, the timeline could be altered, again,” Barry steps forward, Joe calling for him, “Someone else could be killed. Someone could never exist, your daughter could never exist, there’s too many risks!”
“But you have to try,” Ciscos eyes are brimmed red by now, chest heaving as Barry is forced to watch his best friend break down, “You have to try and bring her back, please. (D/N) lost her mom, Barry,”
“I know, and I’m sorry,” A hot tear slides down Barrys cheek, Cisco shaking his head as he steps back, “Cisco-,”
“Don’t,” Cisco moves back towards Caitlin, hands out to take his daughter again.
“Let me drive you,” Caitlin offers, Cisco nodding as (D/N) curls into his shoulder, his eyes pinching shut at her small embrace.
December 25th, 2017. 26 days after destruction.
“Hey! You made it,” Joes smile is wide when he opens the front door to his house, Cisco and (D/N) in front of him.
Cisco smiles in greet, looking down at (D/N) who held a box, jumping as she held it up to her grandfather. “Papa Joe!”
Cisco takes the box from her to let Joe pick her up, stepping into the house to ruffle the snow from his hair. “If you can’t tell, (D/N) wrapped this for you,”
“You did?” Joe takes the box in his free arm, looking down at it then the toddler, “What is it?”
“You open it, Papa Joe,” (D/N) wraps her arms around Joes neck as he leads her further into the house, where the rest of the group greets the two new arrivals with cheers.
Cisco is greeted by Caitlin almost immediately, her smile warm as she looks him over, “You doing okay?”
“Physically? She’s got a sleeping schedule down to let me sleep a full eight hours,” Cisco jokes, weakly, eyebrows lifting, “Mentally? I’m hanging in there,”
“You know if you ever need me to take her for a day or two I can,” Caitlin reminds, Cisco nodding as his eyes drift to the near two year old.
“I know. But I feel like she needs me. It’s still all new with just us two, so…”
“And that’s okay,” Caitlin ends the conversation to watch (D/N) pat the box she had wrapped, Joe heaving her onto his lap before the box, pulling the bow loose to open the box.
“A picture!” Joe gives the toddler excitement, pulling a piece of paper from the unnecessary box, scanning it, “Who’s all these people?”
As (D/N) begins to list off each member of team flash, everyone else begins to pass around gifts. “This is daddy and mama,” Cisco looks up at this. He remembers seeing her draw every member, but not you. “Mama has ring ‘bove her head cause daddy says she’s a angel,”
“A halo, sweetheart,” Cisco moves to sit next to Joe, pulling (D/N) onto his own lap, “And she is,”
“Well it’s wonderful,” Joe pinches (D/N)s cheek, lifting a box at his feet to hand to her, “Now be very careful unwrapping this one, there’s something special in here,”
Cisco helps (D/N) unwrap the paper carefully like Joe demanded, (D/N) reaching in to pull out a small stuffed bear, older but looking clean nothing less,
“This was your mamas when she was little,” Joe states, Cisco staring down at the plush toy to see your initials on the tie of the bear, “Little bit older than you, but it was hers,”
Cisco smiles at Joe, thankfully, when (D/N) hugs the bear to her chest, holding it up for Cisco to see.
“There’s something for you, too,” Joe informs to Cisco, eyeing the box so Ciscos brows pinch, reaching in like (D/N) had done, pulling out a smaller box. Lifting the lid, he stares down at the gold necklace, on the chain being the first promise ring Cisco had given you when you first began dating.
“I know you don’t wear jewelry,” Joe begins, “But she left it when she moved out and I thought you should have it,”
“Are you kidding?” Cisco swallows the lump in his throat with a small laugh, clasping the necklace around his neck before tucking it under his sweater, “Thank you, Joe,”
Joe nods once, clapping his hands as he stands, lifting (D/N), “Alright, who’s hungry?”
July 2021, three years since destruction.
“I’ve met someone,”
Caitlin instantly looks up at this. Cisco stares at his computer screen, hesitantly looking up to see Caitlin and Barry’s reactions.
“That’s great,” Caitlin breathes, “What’s her name?”
“Kamilla,” Cisco exhales, leaning back in his seat, “I’ve known her for a couple of weeks, now, but-,”
“But you’re scared,” Caitlin tilts her head, “And that’s completely understandable, Cisco,”
“I should be fine,” Cisco sits up, refusing to look at Barry, “Y/Ns been gone for three years, now. But-,”
Again, Caitlin cuts him off, “But you’re worried about (D/N),”
“I’m worried about (D/N),” Cisco confirms, “I don’t want her to think I’m replacing Y/N. Because I’m not! Y/N…” Cisco pauses to swallow, standing up to pace in front of his two best friends,
“Y/N was there since- everything! Since Thawne, since Zoom. She liked everything I loved and I loved her. So much I married her and we had a kid,” Cisco faces the two, eyes glossy, “I still think about her when I wake up, how (D/N) still doesn’t know what truly happened to her mom and how when Kamilla finds out, if we even went further-,”
“Take a breath,” Caitlin places her hands at Ciscos arms, “Kamilla will understand when she finds out, when you’re comfortable enough to tell her,” Caitlin’s lips press together, “You’re never going to fully get over Y/N. She was your first love, and that’s okay. No one’s rushing you to fall in love with someone else. That’s something you choose in your own time,”
Cisco stares at Caitlin, eyes flicking to Barry. Barry nods, smiling warmly. “I want my niece to have a mother figure. And I trust you that you’ll choose the right one capable for that,”
Ciscos shoulders deflate, nose scrunching, “Should I introduce them?”
“I would let Kamilla at least know that Y/Ns no longer here,” Caitlin hesitates, “But I think they would both love that,”
August 2021, three years after destruction.
“So this is the girl you’ve talked nonstop about,”
(D/N) looks up in alarm at the new voice. She sits next to Cisco at the corner booth in Jitters, staring at the coloring page before Kamilla makes an appearance.
“That she is,” Cisco smiles, brushing a curl out of (D/N)s face, “Kamilla, this is (D/N). (D/N), this is Kamilla,”
“Are you my daddy’s girlfriend?” The five year old tilts her head, Kamilla eyes flicking to Cisco so he winced, Kamillas lips pulling into a small smile,
“Only if I have your permission,” Kamilla sits down across of the two, Cisco curiously looking down at his daughter beside him. (D/N) jabs a crayon onto the page, coloring in one of the sunflowers at the bottom of the page.
“Daddy talks a lot about you,” (D/N) glances up at Kamilla, as if looking her up and down. “It’s a yes from me,”
“Very good vocabulary,” Kamillas eyebrows raise as she looks at Cisco, who smiles behind his Jitters cup.
“I’ve been trying to get her to learn some Spanish, too, for when she’s with my parents. (D/N),” He pauses to point at the flower she was coloring, “Que clase de flor es esa?”
(D/N) pauses as she looks to Cisco for help, before she blinks, “Girasol,”
“Sunflower, buena,” Cisco grins as Kamilla giggles,
“You’re gonna need to teach me some, how’s that sound?”
“I can try,” (D/N) smiles as she tilts her head bashfully, picking up her cup of chocolate milk to sip the drink.
Kamilla looks at Cisco, “She looks a lot like you. You did good,”
Cisco smiles, looking down at the child for what seemed to be the thousandth time. “She’s got a lot of her moms looks. Personality, though? All me,”
“Mama used to say I was her clone,” (D/N) grins, nonchalantly shrugging a shoulder, “Mama died when I was a baby,”
Ciscos lips press together, sighing through his nose as Kamilla frowns. “I’m sorry to hear that. I bet she was a wonderful lady,”
(D/N) looks up at Cisco. “Is Papa Joe still coming?”
Kamillas brows pinch, Cisco looking at her. “Barrys dad is coming to pick her up. I just wanted you two to meet before he did,”
“That’s okay,” Kamilla smiles, spotting Joe walking towards the three before she reaches a hand out to (D/N), “It was very nice to meet you, (D/N). We still up for that Spanish lesson?”
“Only if you can keep up,” (D/N) pats Kamillas hand in a high five before turning to Joe, reaching up so Joe took the sign to pick her up.
“I’ll bring her back by the apartment tomorrow morning,” Joe informs, smiling to Kamilla in greet as Cisco nods.
“Ser buena para Papa Joe, okay?” Cisco points to (D/N), who nods, “I love you,” He looks to Joe, “Thanks for taking her,”
Joe nods, waving before he turns to leave the cafe, Kamillas eyes then looking back at Cisco, “I like her,”
October 2021, three years after destruction.
“(D/N), we’re gonna be late, amor, please,”
Cisco finds himself squatted in the middle of his kitchen. His daughter stands feet in front of him, pout on her face and arms crossed, dressed in mixed matched clothes that proved she dressed herself.
“I wanna wear this!” She pleas, curly black hair shaking as she hops on her feet. She wore a neon green sweater, while red and black checkered pants hugged her legs, one foot with a pink sandal while the other displayed a winter boot,
“Baby, it’s almost eighty degrees, you’re going to burn up,” Cisco rises to his full height to step towards his daughter, but she shakes her head, startling Cisco by vanishing out of thin air.
“Holy shit,” Cisco whirls around, shoulders dropping in relief to find (D/N) had teleported to the front door of the apartment, hand on the doorknob.
“We’re gonna be late!” She yells, as if she didn’t just teleport herself across the kitchen, already opening the door with a giggle,
“(D/N), hold on,” Cisco calls, catching her arm before kneeling down again, hands brushing her frizzy hair from her face, “How’d you get yourself across the room?”
(D/N) shrugs a shoulder, head tilted, “Papa Joe said mama had powers, I do too!”
Cisco cant help but blink. When did she find this out? “Okay,” Cisco heaves a deep breath, sticking his hands out to lift her up, “Please let me change you into decent clothes. I can’t have you overheating,”
“Can I wear my Spider-Man dress?”
“Sure. Yeah, you can wear your Spider-Man dress,”
November 2021, three years since destruction.
“So, (D/N) can teleport now,”
Caitlin blinks. That’s new. “What?” Barry’s question is heaved, eyes on his best friend standing with his arms crossed, “How’s that even possible?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out myself,” Cisco throws his arms out, eyes on Caitlin in a plea, “Can Dark Matter become genetic?”
“I’ve never heard of a meta child,” Caitlin hums, “But her powers are the same as Y/Ns, so it’s the only thing to make sense,”
“But, Jenna didn’t get Cecile’s powers,” Cisco shakes his head,
“That we know of,” Caitlin states, “Jenna’s still a baby. She can’t even talk yet. (D/N)s in that stage where shes developed more. How’d you find out anyway?”
“She teleported across the kitchen this morning,” Cisco sighs, hand at his temple, “Freaked out because I wouldn’t let her leave dressed like- she dressed herself. Teleported to the door before I could reach her,”
“Baby super hero?” Barry teases, shoulders up suggestingly
“Absolutely not!” Cisco demands, “I’m not putting my five year old on the field, dude,”
“I was kidding!” Barry laughs, “But, seriously. We’re going to have to train her to not just teleport whenever she wants. She does it in front of the wrong people and she could be in danger,”
“Yeah, thanks for calming my thoughts, man,” Cisco groans, “What if her powers work the same way Y/Ns did? Y/Ns powers reacted depending on her emotions. It’s likely to happen with (D/N), too,”
“That’s why we need to train her,” Caitlin soothes, “I’m sure everything will be fine. She’s got the best coaches to train her,”
December 2021, one week until destruction strikes again.
“Thanks for coming to our Earth to help, Y/N,”
Your doppleganger turns to smile at Barry. “Of course. Ramsey was a hard one for us to deal with, but I’m hoping to help you guys take him a little easier than we did,”
“There’s something I should tell you before you meet the team,” Barry’s wrings his hands together, “The you from this Earth, you died,”
“Oh,” You flick your eyes down, glancing to the side. “How?”
“Savitar,” Barry sighs, noticing the surprise on your face, “Is there a Savitar on your earth, too?”
“Was, but yeah,” You nod, rubbing your forehead. “We lost someone too from him. Originally it was supposed to be Iris, but HR took her place. Technology that helped him look like her, and,” You sigh, “Yeah,”
Barry nods, “Ciscos going to react when he sees you. You’ve been gone four years this month, which is terrible timing for us needing you, but,”
“I have to ask,” You plea, “Do we have a kid on this Earth too?”
“You do, yeah,” Barry rubs the side of his face, “(D/N),”
You nod, curling your arms to cross, “We named her (D/N), too. Guess all Earths aren’t so different after all,” You clear your throat, “Let’s get this over with,”
“You gonna be okay?” Barry questions, your nod light before you follow him into the entrance of the Cortex, where Barry clears his throat to gain the attention of five members.
Wally is the first to speak, “Holy shit,”
“I know this might be a surprise,” Barry starts, your chin tilting down when Ciscos eyes begin to burn from staring at you. “But we could really use her help with Ramsey,”
“Of all people, bringing her doppelgänger was the answer?” Cisco now speaks up, your eyes flicking up to him as he stands, “I’ll be in my lab,”
“Cisco,” Barry pleas, your hand raising as you frown,
“Let me talk to him,”
By the time you make it to Ciscos lab- which looked exactly like his on your earth- he has already sat down and stared at a project. “Cisco,”
“I don’t want you in here,”
“Cisco, Barry told me,” You state, “About the me from this earth,”
“Great, so you know that I don’t want you here,”
“Cisco, I understand-,” “No you don’t!” The man stands up almost as quick as he’s sat down, turning to stare at you, actually look at you, “You don’t understand. You look just like her,”
Cisco turns to run his hand through his hair, turning back around, “This isn’t some joke,”
“I didn’t say it was,”
Cisco forces a laugh, eyes gleaming from his labs lighting, head tilting back, “You died in front of me when I told you everything would be okay. I told you we would figure it out and instead you died that night,”
Your arms cross again, letting the man reveal his four year hidden feelings, “And now my daughter has no mom because I lied to you. We didn’t figure it out,”
“You can’t hold onto that guilt forever, Cisco,”
“How can I not?!” Ciscos shout startles you, “How can I not be guilty when you died because I lied to you? We spent six months trying to find ways to save you and every single outcome we had failed. You died, Y/N, and now I’m spilling my emotions to my ex-wives doppelgänger,”
Ciscos hands raise to his head, tugging at the strands as his eyes pinch shut, head ducking down with a heavy exhale.
You swallow. Stepping up, closer to him, you reach out to pull one arm down from his hair, “I’m gonna hug you, okay?”
Ciscos sniffle is loud as he nods, his arms wounding around your shoulders as yours loop around his back, feeling Cisco exhale into your hair.
“I’m so sorry,” Cisco murmurs, your eyes shutting as your bodies lightly swayed, “I’ve tried so hard to be there for her, but she looks just like you and I can’t-,”
“I know,” You sigh, own eyes glossy. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Cisco,”
Cisco shakes his head, arms tightening around you as his chin props on top of your head, “How did we save you on your Earth?”
You frown, “I wasn’t Savitars target. Iris was,”
Ciscos grip slightly loosens. “She didn’t die, though. HR did,”
Cisco leans back, wiping his hands across his face with a deep sigh. “I needed that,” He mumbles, dropping his hands to look at you, “The hug. The last time I saw you, you were dying in my arms. I just… It’s hard,”
“I know,” You murmur, eyes flicking downwards to his chest, staring at the necklace around his neck, “You kept it,”
Cisco instantly looks down, clutching the ring on the chain in his hand, “Joe gave it to me the first Christmas after. Along with your old teddy bear for (D/N),”
“Oh, God, he actually kept it?” You laugh with a roll of your eyes, Ciscos smile light as he chuckles, “Hope he doesn’t pop up with it for my (D/N),”
Cisco blinks, “You named her (D/N), too?”
“Of course,” You smile, “We thought of that name before kids were even in the question, remember?”
Cisco smiles, nodding. “Thank you,” He sighs, “I’m sorry for blowing up on you,”
“It was understandable,” You point, “I’d freak if my Ciscos doppelgänger showed up unannounced too,”
Cisco heaves a breath through his nose, eyes staring at you, “She has your powers,” He whispers, head shaking with a weak laugh, “And I don’t know how to help her control them,”
“That’s something we don’t share between Earths,” You hum, Ciscos brows furrowing, “My (D/N) actually has your vibes,”
“Seriously? But I got rid of my powers!” Cisco whines, your laugh light as you nod,
“Trust me, Cisco on my Earth was not happy either,” You pinch your brows, “But, I may be able to help you with your (D/N),”
Ciscos eyes widen in slight panic, “You can’t see her,” His head shakes, “It’ll mess with her head, she knows you’re-,”
“Cisco, calm down,” You raise your hands, moving to his desk to grab his notepad, “I’ll write tips down for you. I’d never do anything to expose myself to my daughter who lost me,” You pause your writing, eyes looking at him, “I promise after everything with Ramsey is handled, I’ll leave,”
Cisco nods, rolling his jaw in thought, “Thank you for being here,”
“I’m sorry for being here,” You answer, “I know it’s hard. I never meant to break the healing you were doing. I just wanted to help my brother in any way or on any Earth that I could,”
“And I appreciate it,” Cisco states, “Even if you aren’t our Y/N, I promise to make sure you get safely back to your Earth,”
You smile, lifting the notepad before handing it to him, stepping to the side to exit his lab.
January, 2022, destruction strikes again.
“She didn’t make it off the table,”
The team of six stand in silence. Cisco feels the emotions all over again, but this time he feels numb at the same time.
Leant forward on the control panel, Ciscos eyes stare towards the lab where you were taken. Ramsey had won. Another one was lost.
“Someone should go to Earth 9 to let her team know,” Iris speaks, hesitantly, eyes on Cisco as his eyes shut, pinched.
Just like four years ago, you had died in front of him again. He knew it wasn’t you, but the emotions were just as hard.
“I can go,” Barry murmurs, Cisco pushing off the desk at the same time to turn around, exiting the Cortex in quick steps.
When Kamilla finds him in his lab, he is staring at the notepad on his desk. “What’re you thinking about?”
Ciscos eyes flutter, glossy as he drops his head, sighing, “How I lied to her again,” He lifts his head, looking at the woman beside him, eyes brimmed red, “I promised her I’d get her back home after Ramsey was dealt with. But-,”
Cisco sinks down into the chair behind him, hands over his face. His hands drop, eyes watching as Kamilla sits in front of him.
“I’m sorry,” He speaks, hands rubbing together, “I thought it’d be easier this time. She wasn’t even our Y/N, and yet,” Cisco shakes his head, hand over his jaw.
“Her team is going to find out she didn’t make it,” His knee bounces, exhaling, “God, her (D/N) doesn’t have a mom now, either,”
“Tell me about her,” Kamilla speaks, softly, Ciscos brows pinched as he looks up at her, “Your Y/N,”
Cisco hesitates, and Kamilla states it’s because with her now helping raise your daughter- Kamilla knew almost nothing about you to talk to your daughter about.
“We met through Barry,” Cisco starts, hands fidgeting together, “She was his twin sister. After Barry got struck by lightning Y/N ran to STAR Labs freaking out- we almost had to kick her out because she barged in unannounced,”
Cisco cracks a smile. “She became a part of Team Flash with us after we learned about Barry’s powers. She was the next one to come up with powers, when we threw a surprise party for her-,” Cisco heaves a weak laugh, “-We scared her so bad she literally just vanished in thin air, turned out she teleported to Spain and managed to teleport herself back to the labs,”
“We started dating and got married in the same year,” Cisco rolls his eyes, “But I loved her. I knew she was the one and I didn’t want to chance letting her go,”
Kamilla notices his eyes start to distance as he stared at his hands, “She had (D/N), and not even a year later was when we found out about Savitar. It was killing her, because she knew she wouldn’t get to watch our baby grow up,”
At his rough sniffle, Kamilla rolls her chair up in front of him to wrap her arms around his shoulders, his head resting against her chest. “It’s why I wanted to get rid of my powers so quickly,” Cisco breathes, Kamilla brushing a hand through his hair, “I didn’t want to chance (D/N) losing her dad, too. Not after I promised to Y/N I’d protect our daughter,”
“Do you remember what we talked about?” Kamilla hums, Cisco slightly leaning back, “About stepping back from all of it?”
Cisco nods, Kamilla tilting her head, “I think it’s time we do that. But only if you’re ready to,”
A long pause, Cisco looking up at her with a single nod, “I’m ready to,”
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wispstalk · 1 year
Been collecting some couture inspiration for Shivering Isles fashion. The bar for outfits has to be set in the stratosphere there, right?
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Ann Demeulemeester | Robert Wun | Pressiat
Enfin Leve | Greg Lauren | Sandrine Philippe
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Thierry Mugler | Casa de Criadores | Iris van Herpen
Jean Paul Gaultier | Vivienne Westwood | John Galliano for Christian Dior
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Jean Vendome | Leby le Moria | Alexander McQueen
Alice Auaa | Kobi Levi | House of Worth
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beechersnope · 6 months
short preview of a thing that's in itself a small part of a longer thing
They'd decided to do fully matching costumes this year instead of contrasting costumes with a similar theme. Lando had splurged on them, hiring someone on Etsy to handmake shimmering metallic bodysuits with glow-in-the-dark circuitry and fully functional LED buttons that littered the colored panels of both the front and back of the suit, along the breastplate and hips, down each arm, and along the length of the spine. The only difference between the two is the color: Lando’s bodysuit is a pearlescent fuchsia while Oscar’s is a shimmering teal.
The silvery face paint and white iris contact lenses pushes it over the top—in Oscar’s opinion, Lando has gone so far that even with the skintight bodysuits, they are firmly in the realm of scary versus sexy.
“I don’t think you’re going to get laid this year,” Oscar tells Lando honestly, turning to find a matching cyborg face staring back at her.
“There’s a zipper in the crotch,” Lando counters, the implication going miles over her head. “Easy access. I planned ahead.”
Oscar just turns back to Lando’s vanity and lets out a soft sigh.
The party is in full swing by the time they arrive at Daniel’s mountainside—well, Oscar still doesn’t like calling it a mansion, but calling it a McMansion seems worse, even if that’s exactly what it is. Regardless, they have to park halfway down the narrow street at the very end of a line of cars that spills out of Daniel’s already outrageously expansive driveway.
Oscar eyes Lando’s beat-up Toyota with a dubious frown, slightly worried that the parking brake won’t hold its own against a seven-percent incline.
Lando doesn’t seem similarly concerned, locking the doors with a carefree whistle and then tossing her keys as well as both their cellphones into her purse. Their bodysuits might have crotch access, but they sure as hell don’t have pockets.
By the time they ascend the foothill Daniel’s house sits atop, where it overlooks the tiny city in the valley below, Oscar is somehow sweating from exertion and yet freezing all at the same time.
The front door is wide open, and inside, the soft orange overhead lights that Oscar remembers from her previous visits have all been switched out with black light bulbs instead. The décor is different, too. It looks like Daniel plundered an entire warehouse full of Halloween kitsch to achieve the effect he’s gone for, which seems to be turning his entire house into a walk-through haunted house experience.
Oscar follows Lando closely as they move from the foyer—which has ghoulish portraits that shift between scenes, reminiscent of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland—into the living room—which is now a museum of cryptid taxidermy, around which partygoers converse with glowing concoctions in their hands, though Oscar spies more than one couple with their hands down each other’s pants as she and Lando traverse the room.
They finally find Daniel in the kitchen: presently, a mad scientist’s laboratory, complete with bubbling potions and blinking machinery lining the walls. And of course, Daniel, as the host and de facto bartender, is dressed as none other than the mad scientist himself.
He looks elated when he glances up to find Lando and Oscar standing in front of him at the island in the middle of the room after waiting for the half-dozen people in front of them to be served first.
“Can I get you ladies something to drink?” he asks with a broad grin. “I don’t mean to brag, but I make a mean mojito.”
Oscar’s heart jumps a beat. It’s impossible to tell from Daniel’s expression or tone whether he meant to use the phrase they agreed upon previously, but just in case he had— “Yes,” Oscar says emphatically as she scoots a bit closer to the bar. “I’d love something to drink.” She’s aware of Lando giving her a strange look, but Oscar ignores it, focused entirely on the brief flash of recognition that crosses Daniel’s face. Even if he hadn’t intended to ask her permission, he now knows he has it.
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zoeysdamn · 9 months
Fanarts and illustrations masterlist
[Instagram art account]
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Meet the artist (TW: mention of mental health issues)
The Wicther
The Witcher Tarot - Major arcanas
Yennefer of Vangerberg
Philippa Eilhart
Anna Henrietta 
Emhyr var Emreis 
Yennefer and Geralt 
Geralt of Rivia
Emiel Regis
Cirilla of Cintra 
Radovid V 
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach
Leo Bonhart 
Tor Zireael   
Triss Merigold  
Milva Barring 
Tissaia de Vries [TW: blood] 
The Witcher tarot - Figures 
King of Swords - Eskel  Queen of Swords - Cerys an Craite Knight of Swords - Sigismund Dijkstra Page of Swords - Fringilla Vigo Ace of Swords - Ida Emean aep Sivney
King of Wands - Lambert Queen of Wands - Falka Knight of Wands - Olgierd von Everec Page of Wands - Assire var Anahid Ace of Wands - Sabrina Gleivissig
King of Pentacles - Vesemir  Queen of Pentacles - Francesca Findabair Knight of Pentacles - Margarita Laux-Antille Page of Pentacles - Shani Ace of Pentacles - Sheala de Tancarville
King of Cups - Crach an Craite Queen of Cups - Lytta Neyd Knight of Cups - Iris von Everec Page of Cups - Hjalmar an Craite Ace of Cups - Keira Metz
Geralt’s Hansa (books)
Philippa Eilhart (cosplay/fanart)
The witcher 3 genderbends
More The Witcher 3 Genderbends (Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri)
Fem!Radovid x Male!Philippa Eilhart (TW: blood)
Empress!Ciri || Another Empress!Ciri
Cahir x Empress!Ciri
Queen of Cintra!Ciri
Ciri x Cahir Pirates of the Caribbean AU
MET Gala looks for Yennefer, Triss and Philippa
Witchersona sketches
Triss x Philippa (cosplay/fanart)
Witcher!Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars x the Witcher AU)
The Sandman
There shall be night series fanart
Crack headcanon crossover Hamilton x The Sandman
Tatto artist AU (Xavier Thorpe, Wenclair)
Glitter and Gold Rave’n outfits for Bianca, Enid and Xavier
A-Z double characters challenge
A & B
C to K
Original Art
Golden Aphrodite [redraw] Lady Loki [redraw] Party Medusa [redraw] Greek Mythology women - color palettes study Art progress from 2018 to 2023 Modern!Medusa x Athena Monstersona V4 Pole dance struggles Brush and layer mode theory [practice]
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Tomorrow is not too late
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AN: This fic is for the lovely @maladaptivexxdaydreaming's Jardin de Poemas challenge, and who better to use than Ari? My chosen poetry prompt is in bold.
Whilst this definitely can be read as a stand alone, there is a brief nod to this little ficlet I wrote, so that could be seen as a prequel.
Beta by @navybrat817, divider by @firefly-graphics, mood board by me (with credits to those who took the photos)
Find my master list here and the series master list here
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WC: 5.8k
Pairing: Ari x Reader (no ethnicity or body type specified, other than too short to reach top shelves in grocery stores)
CW: Stranger to Friends, Friends to (future) Lovers, Fluff, Getting together, Smidge angst, Ari’s hands and chest hair (totally a warning)
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The sun was beating down as you and your friends hung out on the beach. It was a long weekend, and you were all planning to stay up late, play games, eat too much and most definitely drink too much. 
There was a small resort on this part of the beach, but they didn’t mind non-guests coming down, as they also had a public bar and it was definitely going to be your group’s first stop later when the sun started to go down. Whilst all of you needed a respite from the rat-race, all your friends agreed that you needed it the most.  
It was a lovely day. You lay on your towel, soaking up the rays for a time, read your book and then indulged in a water fight in the gentle rolling waves. You ate some of the picnic that you’d all contributed too and it was all enough, to make you forget your troubles, at least for a while. As the day was drawing to a close, you took yourself off a ways, to sit on one of the dunes and stare out at the ocean, imagining that with every wave that crashed ashore and retreated back out, some of your sadness was going with it. You turned as you saw movement out of the corner of your eye, and your friend, Iris, sat down next to you, slinging her arm around your shoulders and pulling you in close.
“How’re you doing, Puss?” 
A small smile appeared on your face at the use of your childhood nickname, a callback to your obsession with all things Puss in Boots.
“Alright, I suppose. Up and down. I still don’t understand why?  Why he did it? I loved him so much.”
Iris rubbed her hand up and down your arm, biting back the words she wanted to say, because you weren’t ready to hear them yet. Not ready to hear her say what she really thought about your ex-boyfriend.
“I don’t know, Puss. I don’t know. But I do know you will get through it, cos you’re strong, okay?
You blinked back the tears that threatened to spill, determined not to let Kyle’s actions spoil this weekend.
“Okay.  Come on, let’s get back to the others, pack up and head to the bar. I need a drink or three.”
“It’s like you read my mind.  Sure you don’t wanna run off with me?” You hugged her back, hard, smacking a wet kiss to her cheek, making her laugh and push you away, making over-exaggerated gagging noises.
The pair of you were giggling as you stood and ran, hand in hand, down the sandy slope.
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It was fairly crowded in the resort bar, but given the long weekend, that wasn’t too surprising. There was a mixture of locals and guests; the latter asking the former about any hidden gems in the way of restaurants and places to visit.
Your group had taken up residence  in one of the corners, where there were some wicker sofas and armchairs, covered in cushions that had a distinctive ‘70’s vibe. You were two cocktails and a shot in, and feeling nicely mellow. Laughter bounced off the walls as you all chatted about work and families. You were hoping that the conversation wouldn’t turn to relationships anytime soon when Iris elbowed you in the ribs.
“Pssst!! Puss!”
“The guy behind the bar, one of the resort owners - he’s totally checking you out.”
You glanced up, where one of the tallest and broadest men you’d ever set eyes on was looking over at your group. His dirty blond hair sat, shaggily, near his shoulder, and an equally scruffy looking beard covering his chin and jaw. He was hot. And way out of your league. You turned back to your friend and rolled your eyes.
“I doubt it’s me he’s watching, probably Gracie.” You waved your hand in the direction of your other friend, a tall, leggy blonde with annoyingly perky natural assets and a tiny waist. It would be easy to hate her if she wasn’t such a sweetheart.
“Nope, I think it’s definitely you. I bet if you get up and head across to the ladies he’ll watch you. If he doesn’t, I’ll buy your next shot, but if he does, you owe me a shot, and you have to buy from him.”
“Oh, it’s on!” Iris knew your weak-spot; you could never resist a challenge.
You stood up, smoothed your skirt, and grabbed your purse, before you made your way across the crowded bar towards the restrooms. You tried to subtly look across in your peripheral vision to see if the barman was watching you.
Fuck. He was.
You felt heat creep up your neck and onto your cheeks and tried not to hurry the last few feet to the ladies room. You pushed through the door and grabbed hold of the nearest sink, looking at yourself in the mirror.  Your eyes were bright due to the alcohol you’d had and there was still some sand in your hair from earlier.  Why was a guy like that looking at you? You had to admit, it felt nice to be looked at, but you were still dealing with the aftermath of Kyle and you didn’t do one night stands.
You splashed water on your face, and then patted it dry. Semi-happy with your appearance, you exited the restroom and headed to the bar; you owed Iris that drink. Heat prickled over you as you approached; you could feel his eyes on you. When you got so close that you could no longer avoid it, you looked up at the man from beneath your lashes. Your breath caught in your throat, because he was even more handsome, and striking, up close. His eyes were the blue of the ocean, flecked with green and swirling with hidden depths. His hair and beard were also a symphony of different colours; golden, ash, light brown, auburn, all melding together to create something truly beautiful.  His lips, pink, plump and slightly chapped, turned up into a smile as you approached.
“Hey there, angel.  What’ll it be?”
His voice was deep and sonorous, the rumble washing through your body in a way that made your imagination race.
“Umm, can I get two tequila’s please.”
“Sure thing.” He turned to find the shot glasses and the correct bottle.  “So, you and your friends have a good beach day? Great weather for it.”  
You felt the corners of your mouth twitching at his attempt at smalltalk.
“It was lovely, thanks.”
He placed the two shots on a tray and you handed over your card to pay. He rang it up and then passed you back the card, his eyes twinkling, small crinkles around the edges. As you took hold of your card, his fingers brushed yours, and you swore a jolt of electricity ran up your arm.
“I’m Ari, by the way. Ari Levinson.”
“Thanks, Ari.”  You picked up the tray and started to move away.
“Hey,” he called. “What do I call you?”
You chuckled. He was persistent, you had to give him that.
His smile split into a broad grin before he laughed as well, shaking his head as he started to clean the bar.
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Your town wasn’t the biggest, and after that day you seemed to bump into Ari everywhere. First in the grocery store, when you were reaching up to grab your favourite chips from the top shelf.  You were standing on your toes, grocery basket in one hand, the other outstretched above your head searching futilely. The tip of your tongue was poking out of the corner of your mouth in concentration, when a tanned, golden haired arm crossed your peripheral vision and then suddenly the chips were in your basket.
“Good choice, Angel.”  He smiled that smile that made your knees slightly weak and your heart beat loud in your chest.
“Thanks Ari.”  You chastised yourself when your voice came out more breathy than intended, but smiled back before waving good-bye and getting on with your shopping.
The second time, you’d just picked up your favourite coffee on your way to work. You were making your way out of the crowded shop when you tripped. In an instant your cup was plucked out of your hand and your body was brought flush against a broad chest, your nose almost pressing into the golden hair protruding out the top of his partially undone shirt. The smell of sand and salty water wafted across you.
“Woah there, Angel. No need to throw yourself at me.” You looked up at the sound of the amused voice and he winked at you.
“Thanks,” you squeaked out. He helped set you to rights and you scurried out before you could make more of a fool of yourself.
You saw him again whilst jogging, the pair of you waving at each other as you passed in opposite directions,  then a few days later you almost literally bumped into him in the library.
“I’m starting to think the universe is trying to tell us something, Angel, the way we keep meeting like this.  Maybe we should listen.”
You leant against the library counter, holding your stash of books, smiling coyly and raising one eyebrow.
“And what do you think it’s trying to say, Mr. Levinson?”
“That I should invite you for coffee and you should say yes. And that you should never call me Mr. Levinson again - making me sound like my Dad.”
You smirked and turned, grabbing the library notepad and a pen. You’d been feeling good recently, less affected by your break-up with Kyle, and whilst you still weren’t looking for anything serious, Ari had a way of making you smile and laugh. It couldn’t hurt to get to know him better, right? You pressed the piece of paper into his hand and then walked out before you could change your mind.
“Call me,” you tossed over your shoulder and Ari looked down at the paper, your number and the word ‘Angel’.
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You sat, drumming your fingers on the table, to stop yourself from chewing them, as you waited for Ari at the local coffee shop. You’d heard your message chime on your phone sound on your drive back from the library, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. He’d proposed a mid-morning meeting the coming Saturday, and now here you were.  You looked down at your jeans, ankle boots and long sleeved t-shirt, still questioning whether it was the right outfit. It had been cooler recently, the heat of the summer starting to dissipate. You had your leather jacket, too, to wear when you left. Well, too late now.
The bell above the door rang, and, as it’d done every time you’d heard the sound in the last 5 minutes, your head jerked up.  Ari jogged in, smiling broadly, stone wash jeans, burnt umber casual button down and a matching jean jacket. His hand came up and swept his hair back off his forehead, the strands glowing gold in the sunlight.
“Hey, Angel, sorry I’m a bit late. Traffic kicking my ass this morning. What are you having?”
You shook yourself out of your stupor and asked him for your favourite coffee and an almond croissant.  He was back a few minutes later and, although you’d expected the large black coffee he’d got himself, you were surprised by the raspberry and white chocolate muffin.  You smiled in amusement as he pulled the top off of it and let out a contented moan as the sweetness hit his tongue.
“What,” he spluttered around a mouthful of muffin. “It’s good shit.”  You just shook your head, eyes full of laughter as you ripped off a piece of your croissant and dipped it in your coffee, before stuffing your own face. You both sat for the next few minutes, just smiling at each other and eating your treats. 
How was he so handsome? It shouldn’t be allowed.
“So, Ari. How’s it going at the resort?”
“Quiet, but it is nearing the end of the season. Soon we’ll be renting out the rooms for conferences and winter yoga clubs and the such like.”  He looked up at you from underneath his illegally long eyelashes. “I can easily say though, that my summer hasn’t been the same since an Angel appeared on the beach.”
“Ari!” You squealed his name in embarrassment. His hands shot out across the table to clasp your own. You stared down and all you could think was that his hands were so very big and so very warm.
“It’s true! And I know it’s ridiculous, because I don’t even know your real name, but in the least creepy way possible, I can’t get you off my mind.”
You laughed at that, but sombered quickly, sighing and ducking your head. You extracted your hands from his and placed them on your lap, where he couldn’t see you twisting the ends of your sleeves.
“I…umm… I’m just looking for a friend right now.  I… err… had a bad break-up recently and I’m not really ready yet. I’m sorry.”  You glanced up at him, expecting to see a change in his expression, but there wasn’t one. He was still smiling at you sweetly.
“What you apologising for, Angel? Not your fault some idiot couldn’t see the best thing that was ever gonna grace his life. His loss, not yours. You need a friend? I’m your man…friend. Man-friend.” He cocked his head. “That sounded weird.”
You couldn’t help it. His goofiness caused a bubble of laughter to make its way out of your throat.
“Look, sweetheart, I ain’t gonna pressure you into anything. I respect you too much, okay.  So next time you wanna hang, let me know.  You have my number now, yeah?”
“Yeah. Thanks for understanding. Most guys wouldn’t.”  You both lapsed into silence as you finished your coffee. Your cup empty, you stood, feeling somewhat awkward and you busied yourself putting on your jacket. Ari stood as well, clearing his throat and grabbing your attention.  His hand slid to the back of his head, rubbing there, self-consciously.
“I was wondering, if you would like a, purely platonic, trip to the museum to fill the rest of the day? There’s a new exhibit just opened and I think you might like it.”
A smile lit up your face and you stood up on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“That sounds really nice, let’s go.”
He smiled in return and offered you the crook of his arm. You accepted and the pair of you walked out, grinning, into the sunshine.
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Weeks passed and fall came in earnest, the leaves on the trees changing through a kaleidoscope of colours; yellows, oranges and reds, before curling up and floating to the ground. Your and Ari’s friendship strengthened, and whilst you didn’t see him every day, you did text or send funny tik toks to each other. You’d finally told him your name that day you’d had your first friend-date, blurting it out as you’d walked arm in arm down to the museum, causing a puzzled look to flash briefly across his face before he worked it out.
“Suits you,” he’d said with a smile. “But Imma still call you ‘Angel’, if that’s alright?”  You’d assured him it was definitely alright, letting him know about the nickname Iris used for you and how you couldn’t shake it.
Since then he’d come along to meet -ups with your other friends, causing Iris to raise an eyebrow at you, tellingly.  She’d teased you mercilessly about when you were going to put him out of his misery, as he was clearly so besotted with you, despite your insistence that the pair of you were just friends.
“He knows I’m not ready for more, and he’s fine with just being friends.”
“Well, don’t blame him, Puss, when some other woman snaps him up from under your nose.”
You pursed your lips at her, not bothering to lie that you’d be fine with it, because just the thought of Ari with someone else made you feel sick. Which in turn made you feel like a right bitch, because you still weren’t ready for a boyfriend.  You knew the truth of your friend’s words though; you weren’t being fair to Ari, keeping him dangling like this.  You needed to speak to him.
You invited him over for a pizza and film night. You’d had a couple over the last few months, but they weren’t all that common. They’d always been fun though, with you picking a film each and lovingly teasing each other on the choice. This evening, however, there was a knot in your stomach. You’d got in all your favourite snacks, and Ari said that he’d bring pizza, but you weren’t sure if you could actually eat.  The doorbell rang and you jumped, drawing in a ragged breath before heading to open it. Ari’s large frame filled the doorway and he held the hand carrying the pizza’s out of the way so he could lean down and drop a kiss to the top of your head.
“Hey Angel, I hope you’re ready to enter the Matrix.”
No matter how nervous you were, his joyful presence was infectious and you couldn’t help but throw your arms around his waist and hug him tight. But your mood soured again when you remembered why you’d invited him tonight, and you extricated yourself from the embrace almost as fast.  You scurried to the kitchen and grabbed some drinks whilst the sounds of Ari hanging up his coat and sorting out the DVD carried through your tiny apartment.  Ari was a big man, and in your small, private space, he seemed gargantuan. His scent permeated every corner of every room and you knew it would linger for days if you didn’t do something about it, and you never did.
Returning to the sitting room, you found him lounging across your sofa, completely at home, his first slice almost completely devoured, threads of melted cheese sticking to his beard. It should have been gross, but you actually found it endearing. You leant over, removing the offending dairy product and passed him a beer with a small smile. You settled at the other end of the sofa, your feet tucked up and pressed play on the remote before grabbing your pizza box. Ari looked at you, somewhat puzzled; normally you sat right next to him and by the time you’d both finished eating and it was time to start the second film you were leaning on his chest, with his arm around your shoulders.
“You alright, Angel? What you doin’ all the way over there?”  
You shrugged your shoulders, nonchalantly, and returned your gaze to Keanu and Carrie. When Ari shifted to sit closer, you got up to grab a couple more drinks and on your return he’d resumed his previous position at the other end of the couch. You didn’t meet his enquiring gaze as you passed him his beer and sat back down, pretending to be fully engrossed in the film. When the credits started scrolling you shot up again, clearing away the pizza boxes and grabbing your snacks from the kitchen cupboard. Spinning back around you found yourself nose to chest with Ari.
His hands came down to gently grip your upper arms and he steered you back towards your breakfast bar, practically lifting you up onto one of the bar stools. His arms moved to rest on the countertop behind you, caging you in and he bent forward at the waist to bring your faces level with each other.  His beautiful blue eyes were stormy and intense as they searched your face for answers.
“Oh, indeed. Come on, sweetheart. Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
You sighed and pressed your hands against his broad chest, silently urging him to give you a bit more space. He retreated, but only slightly, perching on the other stool, turning you to face him, your knees slotting together, and taking hold of your hands.  You looked down to where he was running his thumbs back and forth over your knuckles, entranced by the look and feel of the action.
“I… um… I’m worried. I’m worried that you’re not happy. You’re hanging out with me all the time, when you could be going on dates, meeting people. I’m holding you back, cause I can’t give you what you want.”
The next thing you knew, Ari had slid down from his perch and wrapped his bulky arms around you, drawing you tight to his chest. He was so warm and smelt so nice, and you couldn’t help but inhale deeply and relax into his embrace. His cheek was resting on your head and you were completely surrounded by him.
“Angel, I don’t wanna go on dates or ‘meet’ people. Why would I need to, when I got you right here? You’re not holding me back, and you are giving me what I want - I have you, don’t I?  However you want me and whatever you wanna give me - that’s what I want.”
“But what about… you know… intimacy…kissing and, um, sex?” Your voice was muffled by his ridiculous chest, but at least it hid you from embarrassment. Ari was silent for a moment as he considered his answer, huffing slightly and you started to feel nervous.
“Angel, I don’t cuddle all my friends like this. We have intimacy, you and I. Would I like more? I’m not gonna lie, I really would, but that’s my issue to deal with. I can wait until you’re ready. Until then, I can, you know…” He trailed off and you giggled into his shirt, before he continued. “And if you’re never ready,  that’s also fine. Sex isn’t the be all and end all of a relationship. I’d rather have you and no sex, than sex and no you.” He moved one hand round towards your face, and finding your chin, tilted it up to look at him.  “What we have is enough, believe me.” He dropped a brief kiss onto your forehead, then took a half-step back, although you were still in his arms.
“Let’s say we take these snacks and go queue up your pick, yeah?”  
You smiled up at him, shyly.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
You walked back into the lounge, hand in hand, you holding a bag of chocolate covered pretzels, Ari holding a pair of beers between his large fingers.  He sat down on the couch first and drew you down next to him, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling you against him.
“This okay, Angel?”
“More than okay, Ari. It’s perfect.”
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Halloween passed and then, before you all knew it, Thanksgiving arrived, with Christmas right around the corner.
“You do know I don’t really celebrate Christmas, Angel?” Ari’s chuckle was distorted slightly over his phone.
“Well, I’ll get you a Hanukkah present then, and if you want we can celebrate together. I’m not going home until Christmas Eve.” You’d been busy recently and not been able to spend as much time with him as you would have liked. You didn’t tell him, but you’d already picked out the perfect gift for him.
“Some of us are having a little thing down the resort on the 20th, in the evening. You wanna come over then?”  You didn’t know his friends as well as he knew yours, even after all this time, so you weren’t going to miss out on the opportunity to remedy that. And you had to admit you’d missed him. Missed his laugh. Missed his smile. Missed the way he held you tight when you were sitting on a sofa together.
“Sounds great. 8pm okay?”
“It’s a friend-date, sweetheart. See you then!”
Mid-afternoon on the 20th and you were stressing about your outfit, because you were just friends. You were. You kept telling yourself that. But if you were just friends, why was your stomach in knots, why did you want your outfit to be perfect? A last minute phone-call to Iris solved your outfit problems. She must have realised how on edge you were feeling, because she didn’t tease you once.  You decided to go with a classic, a black, velvet A-line dress with a sweetheart neckline. Delicate gold jewellery, mid-height black heels and a sparkly black clutch completed your outfit.  You picked up the gift bag with his present inside, as you made your way out of the door and towards your Uber.  It whisked you through the city, all of the Christmas lights, lighting up the streets in differing colours. It made you smile. It was only a short drive to the resort, but the closer you got the more nervous you became, and when the car came to a halt you were on the verge of asking him to turn around. However, you forced yourself to get out and walk down the drive to the hotel reception. Ari was expecting you and you didn’t want to let him down.
As you pushed open the doors, the warmth from inside hit you and the sounds of festive music gayly assaulted your ears. Barely a step inside and he was there, lifting you up into his arms and whirling you around.
“Angel!” His smile was wide and it made your heart stutter in your chest. “I’ve missed you!”  
You laughed. “I’ve missed you too, Ari, but please put me down!”  He pouted, but you tickled him behind his ear until he started laughing and put you down before he dropped you.
“Not fair, sweetheart.”
“Definitely fair. I need every advantage I can get.”
You weren’t sure what it was, but one moment the pair of you were grinning at each other, like lunatics, the next you were aware of how close you were together. And it wasn’t like you hadn’t been this close together before, but there was something about the way his eyes were locked on yours, how his warm breath was heating your lips up, that made your heart jump up into your throat.
“Ari?” Was it a question or a plea that came out of your mouth like a sigh? You weren’t sure, but he seemed to lean closer and…
“There you two are!” You jumped apart like you’d been scalded, the pair of you whipping your heads around towards the interruption. Rachel smiled at the pair of you, her eyes alight with mischief.  “Max needs your superior height with something, Ari. He’s in the kitchen. I’ll take your Angel down to the rec room. See you in a few minutes, shoo.”  Ari shot you an apologetic look and you shook your head in amusement, before he jogged away to see what he was needed for.
Rachel turned to you before giving you a warm embrace. She then hooked your arm in hers and led you through the hotel.
“You look absolutely stunning, by the way. Ari’s going to be a mess all evening, and the other guys are gonna flirt with you, just to rile him up.”
You ducked your head, a little embarrassed.
“I’m sure it will be fine. We’re just friends. Good friends, admittedly.” You cringed as you spoke, as your words sounded false, even to your own ears.
“Do good friends always look at each other like they’re about to devour each other? That man fell for you the minute he saw you, that day on the beach. And I can tell you have feelings for him too. What’s stopping you?”
You opened your mouth to tell her about Kyle, but snapped it shut again as realisation swept through you. What was stopping you? Memories of Kyle hadn’t bothered you in months. Now, the only man who consumed your thoughts was Ari. Warmth bloomed through you, like a flower under the sun as you thought about him. All of your recent thoughts; about how you missed him, how you wanted him to be happy, how you’d be unhappy if he were to start dating a girl, they all pointed to one thing.
You loved him. You loved Ari.
The revelation stopped you in your tracks, jerking Rachel to a halt where your arms were looped together. She was startled for a moment, but one look at your face had her smiling again.
“There we go… I gotta say, it’s like watching an energy saving lightbulb finally turn on. You know it’s gonna get there in the end, you just gotta wait.”
You shook your head, and chuckled as you allowed her to continue guiding you into the hotel.  
The rec room was brightly lit when you entered. Blue streamers and balloons across the ceiling and partially lit menorahs on various flat surfaces. Your stomach rumbled when you saw the buffet, especially the large tray of rugelach; Ari had brought some round now and again, and you now had a slight obsession with the sweet treat. You were ‘umming and ahhing’ over which topping to pick for your latkes when Ari reappeared, Max in his wake. He came up beside you, hands in his pockets and nudged your shoulder with his.
“Leave some for me, Angel”, he teased.
“You snooze, you lose, Levinson.” 
Quick as a flash his hands left his pockets, he took hold of your plate and held it high up above your head.
“Hey, no fair.” You jumped to try and grab the plate, but not only were you too short, your heels hampered you. Ari grinned at you, before taking hold of one of the potato pancakes, dipping one edge in the dollop of sour cream you’d put on your plate and then shovelling the whole thing into his mouth.  You glared at him, trying not to let amusement turn up the corners of your lips.  “And to think, I was gonna share with you. Well now I’m gonna eat all these rugelach myself.”
You grabbed another plate and piled it high with the delectable twisted pastries, before sticking your tongue out at him and flouncing off towards one of the tables. You heard Ari’s deep laugh behind you, and you smiled to yourself whilst he could only see your back.  You dropped down into the chair, daintily crossed your legs and, looking him dead in the eye, took your first bite. The pastry flaked and a bit of powdered sugar clung to your lips and a riot of crunchy, sweet, and spicy exploded in your mouth as the nuts, fruit and cinnamon mingled.
“Mmm…” You let out a salacious moan, your eyes rolled up dramatically and your tongue snuck out to swipe away at the powdered sugar. When you looked back at Ari, you jumped a little when you saw that he’d moved right in front of you. The vein in his neck was throbbing, his nostrils were flared, and his eyes were dark and stormy.
“Angel…” His voice cracked as he let out his plea. He towered over you and for a heartbeat the rest of the world faded away; there was just you and Ari, gazes locked and this palpable tension vibrating between you, and then he was leaving the room by the side door, out onto the sand, in long-legged strides, leaving you sat there, staring blankly into the space he had just been occupying. The hurried clicking of heels brought you back to reality as Rachel ran up to you.
“What are you sitting there for? Go get him!” She practically dragged you to your feet and pushed you towards the door.  You stumbled in the doorway as your feet started to sink into the soft sand, so you kicked off your shoes before dashing out onto the beach. It took you a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the relative darkness outside, with all the lights behind you, but you spied an Ari shaped silhouette, sitting down by the edge of the water.  As you walked up to him, the cool sand squidging up between your toes, he turned to look up at you, his expression stricken.
“I’m sorry, Angel. I really am.” You dropped to your knees in front of him and took his face in your hands,  his beard soft as you cradled it in your palms. His hands came up and covered yours as he stared into your eyes. “I’m sorry.” He repeated the words in a whisper. “I’ll be okay in a few minutes. I just needed a moment. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
You shook your head at him. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable. It’s me who should be apologising. I teased you, knowing how you feel, so I’m sorry, too.” You shifted and lowered your head, so your foreheads were touching and you could feel him shuddering with pent up emotion.
“I said I would wait for you, Angel, and I will, I promise, but I need to tell you, please, let go of the old love and tell it to keep its distance. Tell this love I am the only one for you.”
“Ari…” Your heart was pounding in your chest, your blood rushing in your ears, louder than the sounds of the waves a few feet away. You knew how he felt, but hearing him say it was something else entirely, and the words poured out of you, like a waterfall. “...I love you too.” 
Later, neither of you were able to say who moved first, but almost as soon as the words had left your lips, Ari’s own were upon them. You still cupped his face, and his hand moved to wrap around your waist, holding you as close as possible. His lips were soft, and his beard tickled your face slightly, but it was everything you’d ever imagined and more. His love spilled from him with each press of his lips and you answered with your own. You were dizzy with emotion when you opened to let him in, his warm tongue dancing with yours in the heat of your mouth. He pulled you to straddle his lap and your hands slid from his face to tangle in his long hair. 
You weren’t certain how long the pair of you stayed there, sat in the sand, kissing each other, but it came to an abrupt end when Ari pulled away from you with a shout. You drew back, kiss-drunk and confused, only to realise that the tide was coming in and had soaked his shoes. You started to laugh and Ari growled at you playfully, before rising to his feet, you in his arms, shrieking at the sudden movement. You buried your head in his neck, nuzzling into the warmth of him, as he made his way back up the beach towards the hotel, wondering why you hadn’t done this sooner.
Let go of the old love and tell it to keep its distance. Tell this love I am the only one for you.
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Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @beelicious-barnes @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @turbolisedcomet @goldylions
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WIP Introduction: La Fledgling
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Titre : La Fledgling
Genre : urban fantasy ; romance ; action
Status : first draft
Target wordcount : ~80k (probably more but I'm in denial, leave me alone)
Actual wordcount : 57k
(I had to scrape 20k of what I wrote for the NaNo bc it was written in the wrong POV. Kill. Me.)
TW : blood, violence, alcohol & substance abuse
Synopsis :
Jo Hautain is in love with a vampire. It has been her reality since her girlfriend has been turned, seven years ago, and yet, she still manages to be surprise but the utter bullshit that came with this life-changing transformation. What do you mean Lou has to bond with an established Coven to rule her bloodlust ? What do you mean Jo is not enough ? Still, she is not one to go gently into the night. If the Rodins think they are worthy of Lou, they will have to prove it. When the vampiric masquerade ball Lou has been invited to (and which Jo crashed) takes a turn for the worse, she must come up with a new plan to ensure her girlfriend's survival while trying to preserve her own heart. Unfortunately, Lou isn't the only one having issues of the supernatural variety. Iris suffers from a rare fae disease currently trying to kill her, Charlie still can't accept being a wolf three nights a month and is sinking even deeper into despair as time goes by, Alex longs to return to the sea, despite knowing it would be her undoing. And Ana is hunted and hounded by the Virulentes, the less-than-human leaders of the witch's community, who resent her "abusive use of magic". Add to the mix two customers too charming for their own good, a mysterious Coven settling back into their town and a ghost from the past lurking in the shadows, and Jo is ready to throw the towel. No, really, it's not easy being to be the only sensible one around, but someone has to do it. Jo just wishes it would be someone else, for once.
Settings : a big city filled with supernatural creatures ; a gloomy manor ; a cozy apartment crumbling under the secrets of its habitants ; a café/bar théâtre de tous les drames
Johanne “Jo” Hautain || [27] || lesbian || human || perpetually exhausted ; Done™ ; doesn't have a moral code
Louise “Lou” Venti || [27] || bisexual || vampire fledgling || losing herself to bloodlust ; passive ; doesn't know anything
Anaëlle “Ana” Charles || [27] || lesbian || witch || breaks magical laws for breakfast ; hunted by the Virulentes ; would also like a nap
Iris Adam || [26 human years - 15th reincarnation] || bisexual || fae || dying ; technically royalty ; runaway
Charlotte “Charlie” Thomas || [26] || lesbian || werewolf || allergic to dogs ; fashion enthusiast ; comfort or death
Alexandra “Alex” Martinez || [26] || lesbian || mermaid || escaped death by fleeing on land ; there are many benefits to being a marine biologist (as long as you don't go at sea) ; sarcasm lover
(and many more!)
Tag list: @lena-rambles, @the-stray-storyteller, @sarahlizziewrites
ask to be added or remove to the taglist 💜
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moonchild-in-blue · 2 months
darya can you give me some soft song suggestions?? 👀
Boy, can I??
Okay, SO! This is a bit of a mix of genres/vibes I suppose, to give it a bit of variety. Also it's highly biased list since these are quite literally some of my all time favourites ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (blue for my mostest beloveds!)
(cut here because i don't wanna spam people's dash. It's so longggg omgiapologiseoop-)
Indie / Pop vibes (aka more on the mainstream artists spectrum):
Cigarettes After Sex - Sweet ; K
Billie Eilish - i love you ; everything i wanted
Rex Orange County - Untitled ; Happiness
Bon Iver - Flume ; Holocene ; Wash (he's one of my top 3 artists of all time omg i love him so much everything he does is perfect 💙 also a certain someone has cited him as an influence... :::) )
Ry X - Sweat ; Only
Cuco - Hydrocodone ; Amor de Siempre (my beloved chicano 💙 - lofi pop vibes)
Joji - Glimpse of Us ; Ew ; Like You Do (i would give up my kidneys for him)
Frank Ocean - Pink + White (maybe not super singing-friendly but I had to include him) ; Bad Religion (not exactly soft per-se but it's beautifully heartbreaking)
Bright Eyes - Lime Tree ; Lua
Jake Bugg - Love, Hope and Misery
Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
Rock / Metal / Alt vibes (i'm leaving a million bands out because otherwise this would just be my depression list... I listen to a lot of sad/angsty stuff lol)
All Time Low - Therapy ; Somewhere in Neverland (there's an acoustic version of it!)
Being As An Ocean - Dissolve
Bring Me The Horizon - Deathbeads ; Follow You
Crown The Empire - Millennia ; Lead Me Out Of The Dark ; For Days
Dayshell - A Waste Of Space
Linkin Park - Iridescent ; The Messenger (just typing this already broke my heart)
Of Mice & Men - Space Enough To Grow
Our Last Night - Falling Away
Panic! At The Disco - Northern Downpour ; She Had The World ; The End Of All Things (i am a panic girlie what can i say)
Parachute - Kiss Me Slowly (the cutest love song ever omg)
Plain White Ts - 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Hey There Delilah (sure it's mainstream but whatever it's beautiful)
Pierce The Veil - I'm Low On Gas (...) ; She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty
Queen - Love Of My Life (this one is a must ugh the cutesttt)
Real Friends - I've Given Up On You (my heartbreak song lmaoo) ; Sixteen
Red - Nothing and Everything ; Of These Chains (these are sad and emotionally heavy btw. one of my all time favourite bands everyone should listen to them more)
Seahaven - Honey Bee ; Silhouette
Sleeping With Sirens - Don't Fall Asleep At The Helm ; 2 Chord
Eepie Voucher - Drag Me Under ; Telomeres ; Give ; Shelter (i know it's unnecessary but!!! Oh well)
The Story So Far - Navy Blue ; Phantom
Twenty One Pilots - The Hype (specifically the Locations - Berlin version) ; Truce
Vinyl Theatre - Thank You For The Good Times ; Speak My Mind (it has soft vibes, you'll get it if you listen. They are crazy good and criminally underrated)
Random Songs that I just remembered lmao:
The Beatles - Yesterday
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris (SWS covered it and I love that version so so much)
Joe Brooks - Superman
Iron & Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth
Elliott Smith - Between The Bars
Terrenoire - Jusqu'à Mon Dernier Souffle (my fav frenchies)
Over The Garden Wall - Send Me A Peach (i sing this song at least once a day 🥺)
Kermit The Frog - Rainbow Connection (lmao i knowwww but this is one of my all time favourite songs hahaha it makes me so happy and soft and yeah 🥺🌈)
Baby I'm so sorry for the never ending list. I literally just scrolled through my music player curating songs. And I know I'm forgetting a million other songs but OH WELL 🥺💙💚
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irisopranta · 8 months
FFxivWrite Prompt 4: Off The Hook
“Lucille de Haillenarte, what did you do?” Her mother sternly stated at her. She thought it was a harmless prank. Now, the young elezen is dealing with her mother’s ire. Iris sighed. “Look, I know you were doing it for fun but now this.” She looked onto the door leading to the Dzemael manor. She hung her head down as it was covered with quite colorful art. “Listen just say you’re sorry and I’ll cover the rest.” Lucille nodded at her mother’s words. They both then proceeded through the doors to be only be greeted by a pale looking knight.
“Ah the ladies of House Haillenarte. What may I owe this visit?” The knight greeted the two ladies. “May it be due to the art you painted on my master’s door.” He pointed at the younger woman, as the words spit a bit of venom.
“Ser Tedalgriche, it’s been a while.” Iris game him a false smile. “I’m certain that your master can forgive my daughter. After all, we came here to apologize.”
The knight scoffed, “If the young lady would like to apologize, she may go through.” He let her through but barred Iris from going ahead. He made sure that the younger woman was out of ear shot. “You know this doesn’t let her off the hook. I’m certain that my lord wouldn’t let her off so easily. You Haillenartes are a disgrace to the high houses.” His words were more venomous than before.
Iris just stared at him in his eyes, keeping her cool “Those are some strong words coming from a man that couldn’t handle a horde of dragons. A horde that my lord husband had to save you from.” She sneered at Tedalgriche, knowing he just had issues with her family. She didn’t mind what the knight thought of her or her daughter. Even if they were saints of Halone, he would still have problems with their house.
The knight’s face became twisted. He wouldn’t mind fighting the lady but that may just make his lord most displeased and bend his knee to ruffians that held the titles of lords and ladies. Lucille looked back to her mother. “Mother, aren’t you coming?” She ask.
“Aye.” She looked towards her daughter, ignoring the knight. Not even giving him a good bye as she walked away. This only made Tedalgriche more frustrated with her. But what is a lowly knight like him supposed to do towards the ladies of another High House.
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adarkermiserablecrow · 6 months
Tagged by @fionaswhvre, thank you!
Shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs!
River by Bishop Briggs
Trust Me Mate by Dean Lewis
Kane to Himona Kalokairi by Giannis Kotsiras
Kif by Dimitris Mitropanos
Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco
Used To The Darkness by Des Rocs
Farewell Wanderlust by The Amazing Devil
Paul Revere by Noah Kahan
Coal by Dylan Gossett
Your Top 15 shows can say a lot about your personality:
1. Community
2. Friends
3. 9-1-1
4. BBC's The Musketeers
5. Supernatural
6. The 100
7. Merlin
8. 1899 (still salty it got axed)
9. The X-Files
10. Game of Thrones (barring s8 bc wth)
11. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
12. Vikings
13. Young Royals
14. Peaky Blinders
15. Shadow and Bone
Though I think my personality could've been summed up in like 3 shows, but none of those are in english, so. Lol. Tagging @captain-hen, @callmenewbie, and @cal-daisies-and-briars, though of course no pressure! And anyone else who wants to join, consider yourselves tagged<3
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ertois · 4 months
── pelo menos ninguém morreu. ── gabe repetiu, com certa ironia na voz, o mantra que vinha ouvindo desde que acordara. recostado no que restara do bar de dionísio, tinha um drink em mãos e o oferecia aos céus em algo semelhante a um brinde. após outro golinho, virou-se para encarar @fantasfly. ── o novato fez uma entrada e tanto, aliás. assisti a reprise. la rue e di angelo roubaram metade do tempo de tela, mas não acho que vai demorar até alguém reclamá-lo. um programa assim te dá certa... visibilidade. ── falava como quem entendia do assunto, e no fundo pensava mesmo entender. para gabriel, sua reclamação pela deusa do arco-iris estava intrinsecamente ligada à aparição que ele próprio havia tido meses atrás no keeping up with the olympians. nada mais. ── você viu os olhos? pra mim, ele tem cara de criança proibida. coloco três dracmas no troglodita da aljava de raios. ── pôs a mão sobre a boca imediatamente, olhando para os céus num gesto deliberadamente sarcástico. ── oops, perdão, perdão, acho melhor eu olhar a minha língua. vai que ele arranca ela dessa vez?
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the-annoying-moth · 1 year
Tyler 📂 :D
El don serio
Técnicamente tiene entre 22 y 23,pues cuando tiene 12 es solo un recuento de como fue su vida de adolescente en su transición a adulto(lo mismo aplica para su hermana Mercy)
Mide 1.80 y su peso es totalmente desconocido,tampoco le gusta hablar de eso pues se siente medio mal al hablar del tema(le hacian comentarios hirientes por ser tan delgado en su clase hasta que él comenzo a defender y se detuvieron)
Tiende a ser un chico serio y hasta ciertamente frío(wow como Dario)sin embargo es que el menso heredó la cara de póker de su papá ya que en sí el es muy mimoso,educado, muy risueño, y paciente tal como su mami
Es demisexual y bisexual(sip,al final le dejé esa orientación sexual)
Tiene cierto interés en una jovencita que conoció por ahí,aunque ya se dio cuenta que le va a costar un poco conquistarla así que tratará de hacer su mejor intento(coff@singclow coff)
Actualmente está estudiando biología marina,luego quisiera estudiar algo relacionado con marketing digital
Es normal verlo con sus hermanas andando de la manito por todas las partes de su ciudad llendo a comprar las cosas del mes o solamente saliendo a comer
Trabaja de medio tiempo en un bar como bartender,en ese sitio es bien querido y respetado por su semblante serio
Le gusta hacer guerra de miradas con su papá,por raro que suena casi siempre queda empate y Cherry solo se les queda viendo mientras ríe
Tiene unos pocos mechoncitos rojos en la capa inferior de su cabello y unas pequitas rojas en sus hombros
Nunca sabrás cuando te está mirando o no,literalmente el no tiene pupilas y solo tiene una iris roja cuando tiene un arranque de ira(cosa que es casi imposible de conseguir a menos que le hagas algo a un integrante de su familia)
Se lleva bien con sus tíos y abuelo,a veces va con su abuelo y se queda con él un rato charlando de como le hubiese gustado conocer a su abuela o como era ella entre diversas cosas
Por más que se parezca fisícamente a Seth no es el mejor cocinero,de hecho es bien normal que se le queme la comida y después huela a quemado
Seth descubrió que él tiene exactamente la misma fuerza que su mamá por cuando Tyler era tan solo un bebé de 1 año y medio,pues Tyler levantó una pilita de libros que aproximadamente pesaban 5kg(también casi le rompe el dedo cuando lo sostuvo por primera vez)
Le incomoda el odio que sale de sus ojos por la consistencia viscoza y pegajosa que tienen,se puede quitar pero máximo dura 1 día así que sí,comparte esa incomodidad con sus tíos Lot y Mario
Conoce a todos los hijos de sus tíos(Tristán,Elizabeth,Francene)incluso a los hijos de Albert y Megara por mera coincidencia
Aaaaa perdón el mucho texto! Lo siento tanto waa x'D
Aver aquí los tags:
Lot,Mario,Seth,Neri y Albert de la srta @zaikobt
Pearl es de @singclow osea tú :D!
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comeceialer · 9 months
Comecei a ler: "Delilah Green não está nem aí"
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Simplesmente incrivel! Talvez o melhor romance sáfico?!
O livro tem uma escrita fluida, fazendo você imaginar perfeitamente cada local e esquecer que está de fato lendo algo, o livro em si parece um filme passando na sua cabeça.
Delilah é uma mulher independente que mora sozinha em Nova Iorque desde os 18 anos trabalhando com fotografia e se virando como pode pra pagar suas contas. Apesar de ter uma vida solitária, ela dorme com uma mulher a cada noite. A personagem é descrita como, com todo respeito, uma grande gostosa, com braços tatuados, cabelos pretos cacheados e olhos castanhos escuros.
O inicio do livro já se passa com Delilah acordando ao lado de uma mulher a qual ela mal sabe o nome, confusa com a situação ela nota que o seu celular está tocando, conferindo a tela, um nome que lhe traz traumas do passado aparece Astrid Parker, sua meia irmã postiça que está prestes a se casar e que contratou Delilah como fotografa de seu casamento.
Delilah então se vê tendo que ir para a cidade pequena em que passou sua infância triste e solitária, tendo que aturar sua meia irmã chata preocupada apenas com seu próprio casamento.
Em contra partida, na cidade pequena conhecemos Claire, uma mulher também independente que cuida da livraria da familia. Logo na sua primeira aparição ela está em um bar com sua melhor amiga Iris, apenas tomando uns drinks e conversando. Uma informação importante é que Claire foi mãe muito jovem, por volta dos 19 anos, então ela cuida de sua filha quase adolescente Ruby de 12 anos.
Claire está passando por uma situação complicada, seu ex namorado Josh, pai de Ruby, retornou a cidade com a promessa de se aproximar da filha pela terceira vez desde de que foi embora a 2 anos atrás. Com isso, Claire tem medo de que veja mais uma vez o coração da filha em pedaços, caso Josh a resolva abandonar mais uma vez.
Mas por um momento, tudo isso fica de lado quando Delilah Green chega na cidade e entra no mesmo bar em que Claire está.
Com o desenrolar do enredo, descobrimos medos, inseguranças e problemas mal resolvidos tanto na fase adulta, quanto na época em que as personagens ainda eram adolescentes.
É IMPOSSÍVEL não se apaixonar por esse livro, principalmente porque a autora nos mostra problemas reais, de pessoas adultas e suas preocupações com filhos, aluguel, casamentos e a busca pelo amor.
Eu simplesmente amei, é com certeza o meu livro sáfico favorito da vida, valeu cada centavo, fiquei de coração quentinho com a história das duas e espero que você também.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - 5/5
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