#irl transmog
goldenmotive · 2 months
Undersiders as WoW players:
Rachel // Tauren Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter. Rolled a male Tauren because she thought they looked tough. Usually sticks with the coyote she tamed at level 10. Has a surprising variety of pets otherwise. Mostly plays solo and grinds professions (you only see her on raid night where she's top DPS). Picks an endgame zone as her territory and bullies out anyone trying to quest or grind. Gets mad when people won't shut up in guild chat. Struggled because she can't read quest text but got really into it after Taylor installed questhelper for her.
Aisha // Undead Rogue
Combat Rogue. Absolute menace. Ignored IRL but makes up for it by being infamous on her her server. Ninja looter, will roll need even if she can't use it. PVPer, will kill you when you're fighting a bunch of mobs then teabag you. Griefs her own team in battlegrounds just fucking around while she's holding the flag. Spends all her downtime ganking lowbies in STV, but she's actually really good at her class. kills you on your main too
Alec // Blood Elf Priest
Shadow Priest - rolled the same class as Lisa to fuck with her. Really only plays to screw around with Aisha. Has Aisha's password. Used to multibox on his siblings accounts but burned out. Doesn't do dailies, doesn't do professions, relies on guildies for free potions and food. Surprisingly into transmog. He's right there ganking with Aisha and mind controls kid win off a cliff. Stands in the fire.
Lisa // Blood Elf Priest*
Disc Priest but she's a huge altoholic. Toxic trade chat queen, starts shit and baits other players into getting banned. She's got a character in every major guild on the server - she's the one to invite a fill when they need another head. Okay at every class but she'll end up filling healing and crowd control - someone's got to keep this guild from self destructing. Recruited Taylor to the guild, helps Brian run shit outside of raid bosses. She's tracking everyone's DKP.
Brian // Orc Warrior
Prot Warrior. Guild Leader. Tanks because it's the manliest role. Kind of basic - he'd be a human warrior if the rest weren't horde. Maxed mining and blacksmithing because someone told him it's just what warriors do. Knows raid boss strats, knows what's BiS for each class, knows that none of it matters if they aren't going to listen to him. Pulling his hair out trying to run raid nights. Always marks himself with the skull raid icon. Pays for everyones consumables, also pays for the vent server. Quits for a bit, but comes back next expansion to reroll death knight.
Taylor // Troll Shaman
Elemental Shaman. Addon queen. Her screen looks like an excel sheet and you can barely see her character. Rerolled horde after her ex-guildie logged onto her account and deleted all her characters. Skips school to play. The biggest minmaxer you'll ever play with. Has to stop herself from telling people how to play their class. Hasn't noticed she's not even having fun anymore.
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commandermahariel · 9 months
okay i'm gonna ask the most important question. how do i get drip in ffxiv. is paying irl cash the only way, one of the options, not an option at all? can i get nice outfits on the free trial? does it have transmog?
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macgyvertape · 2 years
FF14 Heavensward notes
Took me a month to realize its Heavensward not Heaven-sword.
I’ve given up on crafting/gathering classes. I don’t intend to keep playing after finishing the story in all the expansions and I don’t want to invest the time to level. Its getting tempting already to just watch the cutscenes for other classes instead of leveling them 
Its also nice to decide to not care about transmog hunting or saving items for glamours unless I know I’ll use them. When I played WoW during Legion I invested a lot of effort in glamorous and now I don’t even play that game.
 It took 5 months to get through HW, so in post expansion patches I gave up and looked up major Shadowbrings spoilers because I wanted to know why Greek gods are in this game? Ppl were talking about hades and I was wondering if it was a crossover with Hadesgame, but no it’s the same dude who shoots the cat boy who shows up whenever I look up anything about Garleans or Ascians. I can see why he’s so popular he’s peak “poor little meow meow” 
So know I know the overall shadowbringers plot directly related to skunk hair asshole and warriors of darkness so its nice that I’m not totally lost on cosmic lore 
Main Quest
Oh wow voice actor budget went up, and Alphinaud got a new voice actor who sounds bland
Ishgard is a very weirdy scaled city, everything is so tall and vaguely gothic and all the clothing fashion dates to late middle ages with Hennins and Henry the 8th style fur coats
Oh nice that we get choice in dialogue and can be sympathetic towards Iceheart. That she has the echo, is she like our narrative foil?
Haurchefant really is a bro, saving me from an escort quest then supporting me during trial by combat
Back to main storyline, time to go fight all those Crystal Braves we trained. A based plotline would have the message “this is why PMCs are bad”
Its really hard to judge Ilberd’s  “you’re being used as a pawn just like me” when like i have no idea of the stakes of the conflict I’m involved in, but I do feel like a pawn in the Dragon vs Catholic snow elf war. Also his accent in voiced dialogue took me by surprise
Told Auphinad “why don't we just leave?”, and i know it doesn’t change anything but i like to pretend thats why we are going to see Iceheart
We get to call Iceheart Ysayle now, which is great that we can travel with her
Breaking into the Hive quest is the worst quest yet, like holy shit it fucking sucks with how easy it is to pull too much aggro and how trash White Mage is at doing damage
Ysayle is the best part of this expansion, road-tripping with her
Heavansword makes the whole Primal summoning super interesting, if the dragon is to be believed summoning not the actual god but your biased perception of one. (After looking up spoilers guess all gods are fake lmao)
 Wow Ysayle having a crisis of faith and we just leave her there…..
So glad Lolorito gets voice lines as he explains his plans. What a smug conniving asshole, he's the most engaging antagonist yet and its been 1 conversation. Ilberd still asshole but barely not as bad as i thought that he supported a bloodless coup to get resources for his home country rebellion against the Empire. Sucks that I guess he’s being cast away as a political pawn
Whats the irl equivalent here for the Crystal Braves and them being used as a tool in a coup? They’re obviously a PMC but I guess the Syndicate plants was just a hostile takeover
Wow so the big twist were the Dragon brothers were swapping along eyes like its Naruto
Nice to see Estinien and Ysale team up since it seems the war was founded on bullshit, and just kept going by the Elf catholics trying to gain more power
The moment where my friend and I pause to talk about how attractive Hilda is. All that leather and those boots, its that feeling where I’m both attracted to her and envious because I want to look like her but that leather look is a lot harder to pull off irl
RIP TO Haurchefant, my favorite snow elf dude. “A smile better suits a hero” I’m gonna burn this whole ass church down, actually a very tragic death 
Like I am trying to follow the story and the characters but somehow the way it was presented and that I only play a few hours a week I didnt realize Fortemps and Haurchefant were related until the father was literally sobbing and saying son
WHYS THE EMPIRE HERE? WHATS ALLAG? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DRAGONS AND YSALE? Like she seemed to be dropped from the story. Varis zos Galvus, I want to look him up but the wiki is full of spoilers :(
Fool me once with Nero in the Crystal tower shame on me. Fool me twice, Lucia is a Garlean that’s it time to be suspicious of anyone with any sort of bangs or headband
Y'shtola is back, the expansion has gotten better, and she has a nice outfit upgrade
Hilda is back again as we say goodbye to all the characters, wish she had been in more quests 
Ysayle heroically sacrificing herself for us, sad to see it happen and fuck the empire 
Doing Heavensword dungeon: I thought we had killed Lahabrea. My friend: somehow Lahabrea has returned
The part where the pope-king transforms, its comical how ginormous he becomes
Estinien becoming Nidhogg has been the most interesting thing for his character. I know he and Alymeric are fan favorites are fan favorites but I’m meh about them 
Are the ascians on the fucking moon?! Was this a much bigger reveal pre-Endwalker and all the moon's haunted memes?
“Warrior of Darkness” looks like bog standard scruffy dude video game protagonist. Is he meant to look like the generic scruffy guy from the marketing?
Great to see Thancred back again in a cool new outfit plus eyepatch! Lmao he emerged from the livestream bucknaked!
Aymeric is just fucking stabbed in the street! Drama
The rescue the hostages mission was the worst mission in a while, super long and really slow as WHM as it doesn’t let you heal the NPC way through
I don’t fucking trust Unukalhai because they’re wearing a mask, and I don’t trust Urianger because he wasn’t running around Ishgard with us (aside from the Ascian cutscenes the player sees)
Don’t think we’ll be getting Minfilia back from being bonded with the Mother Earth Crystal Spirit. Especially if she wants us to kill all ascians, have we never not been in a “holy war” aside from fighting the Empire? (Having looked up spoilers lmao)
Alphinaud’s really going through it 
Aymeric is asking us out for a drink, shame I’m meh about him
I didn’t like Emmanellain and that was before he ordered a protestor shot and killed. Punching Thancred while whining is like point of no return for like-ability
FUCK this grand melee, have to do this long ass fight over again because my healer can’t burst down the boss before he casts the party wipe spell.  He still cast it again on Very Easy but atleast it didn’t kill me
Can’t believe we just toss the eyes into the abyss and don’t do anything to destroy them. Lord of the Rings style i expect these to reappear since there was no volcano. LMAO less than an hour later and there’s some going to get those eyes
Aymeric wants a dinner date with the player, sorry buddy but your not my type
Rip to the scions but the Warriors of Darkness party has better fashion
Tragic backstory, LMAO alphinaud was just like “would your plan even work?“ and they’re like “uuuhh enough talking”. Somehow Uriangar with a bandanna over his face is perfectly disguised, from everyone but the player. Like its been years of IRL experience wearing masks that covering just the bottom of your face doesn’t stop people from recognizing you
Excited to finally see Yda and Papalymo
Urianger is such an over dramatic asshole (complementary)
The warriors of darkness are pretty sympathetic
So Lahabrea and Igeyorhm got sucked into the eyes and are still there? I guess Elbidius didn’t care to get them out, or couldn’t? Even spoilered on a bunch of Ascian lore I’m still confused 
Baelsar’s Wall dungeon: i liked Ilberd as an asshole character right until the mechanically complex fight where he went “sloooppppy” every 15 seconds. ╰(‵□′)╯
Nero shows up talking about Omega, congrats to you Mr 2nd Place Pathetic Loserman
Very relieved Yda takes off her mask and she isn’t a Garlean
Side Quests
The Dark Knight quest feels very edgy in a fun way, especially when Fray’s eyes glow red. At first I was like "oh dark knight like batman" then I realized edgier and more like Konrad Curze. Shame the class starts at lvl 30 it seems cool thematically and I do love wielding a giant 2h sword but I don’t want to level this class right now
I unlocked Red Mage, I like the style of it but there are a lot of buttons. The tumblr infographic was actually really helpful and I now enjoy playing it
I thought WHM was questline was boring, but now after doing the final lvl 60 quest I just hate it. It took me 10 min running around the caves to find the right spot and then it was just healing a dragon (flashbacks to healing a tree)
I love the Dancer outfit but the class abilities and playstile are super confusing
Doing the gunbreaker quest, and there are tiger-men? (Radovan) like my character is a human who has cat traits but this is more on the furry side where the tiger has human qualities
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starshipeu · 6 months
2024 Events Schedule
🚀 Introducing the Starship🌈 World of Warcraft 2024 Events Schedule! 🚀
Hello to our wonderful cosmic adventurers of Azeroth! Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through our events lineup for 2024. We're thrilled to unveil a plethora of challenges, epic prizes, and unforgettable experiences that await you in our World of Warcraft community.
🏆 Highlights
Prepare yourselves for the return of our beloved classics, including Season 4 and 5 of 'The Race to World Worst', where the bravest and most prepared contenders battle through a level 30 capped Dungeon Tournament in the ultimate speedrun challenge, and 'Runway Rivals', our renowned transmog/fashion contest. But that's not all! Brace yourselves for new adventures, including our inaugural iRL Community meetup in the beautiful city of Prague!
💎 Prizes
Gear up for some truly epic rewards! Thanks to our Blizzard and our incredible partners, our prizes are set to dazzle with treasures beyond your wildest dreams!
🌟 Unique Adventures
At Starship🌈, we pride ourselves on crafting events that are as unique as our diverse community. Get ready for inclusive, imaginative challenges that you won't find anywhere else in the Warcraft universe.
📺 Live Events
Can't join us in-game? Fear not! We'll be streaming all major events on our Twitch, with exclusive giveaways for lucky viewers. Don't miss your chance to be part of the action, all while supporting our 2024 charity partner, 'Safe in Our World'.
🌌 Something for Everyone
Whether you're a seasoned Warcraft Vet or a total Newbie, our event schedule caters to all tastes and skill levels. From dungeon delvers to fashionistas, there's a place for everyone aboard the Starship🌈.
🆕 NEW Events in 2024
Brace yourselves for the thrill of the unknown with our latest additions to the lineup!
Experience the heart-pounding challenge of 'MD-WHY?', our unique twist on Mythic Plus dungeons, or take to the skies in the adrenaline-fueled 'Starship Cup' Dragon Racing tournament. And don't miss the 'Blast From the Past Invitational', where teams journey through the tomes of Warcraft history in a raiding tournament like no other!
🌍 Inclusive Community
In the World of Warcraft, diversity is our strength. No matter your background or playstyle, you're always welcome with Starship🌈. Join us as we celebrate the boundless creativity and kindness that makes our community shine.
Get ready to set sail on the adventure of a lifetime with the Starship🌈 World of Warcraft 2024 Events Schedule!
Stay tuned for further details and mark your calendars for a year filled with excitement, friendship, and epic loot. See you there!
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Everyone is welcome, and we cannot wait to meet you.
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frutavel · 4 years
The real Frut Experience tm is getting dressed up for an RP session both in game and IRL because you wanna feel like a professional
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motherazeroth · 5 years
I’m not hating on the yeti kigu (I seriously do not understand their love of the yetis and would have preferred almost any other creature but w/e), but honestly whatever you think about it, by putting something like that in the game -- something that totally breaks the 4th wall by having you walk around with a literal irl convention tag on your chest -- blizz has forever lost all credibility over their bullshit “you can’t transmog x thing because it would be too silly/unrealistic” arguments. let us fucking transmog witch hats year round
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kinamysa · 4 years
hello, any tips for someone who's gotten on and off wow due to loving the lore but hating playing by himself? It's really discouraging how empty the game feels, specially when most groups will kick you at the first mistake
I can relate how you feel, I also play on and off, and while I’m used to playing alone, there are ways to find nice people! =^_^=
I would usually go into Trade Chat like ‘is there a nice social guild for returning players?’ and usually someone would whisper you, it can be a bit tedious if the server is low pop (like on Sylvanas EU is easier for me, but on Deathwing is kinda barren). 
Also RP guilds on RP servers can be nice  and have more guild events as I saw ^^ They’re usually very open to new players and making their guild a community.
I also like socialising on the year event as well! My favorite being Brewfest haha there’s always social people there, especially in front of the sausage eating stand :D from a silly conversation you can start talking about whatever. I think it’s kinda like IRL, you can tell early on with whom you go along welll :3 I also like the Kirin Tor Tavern Brawl, even non RPs like it, it’s very fun!
And I see you mentioned groups, I’m assuming m+, and while you can meet nice people there, I think it’s mostly those who want to focus on finishing the chore that m+ is hehe. Casual PvP can be nice; sitting in the flag room and complimenting your team-mates transmog :D ofc u can do m+, I preffer doing it only when I have some social circle, a la a guild or so.
Also WoW Discords can be helpfull, I met some nice people there who are playing on / off as well :3 
Also I think with the pre-patch the game won’t be too empty, so don’t worry ^^
If anyone has tips for anon, leave it in the notes if you want <3 Also I play on EU so if you aren’t shy shoot me a message. 
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[Coming June 7th] “The Final Bow”
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“The time has come”, the walrus said, “to speak of many things. Of shoes and ships and ceiling wax, of cabbages and kings. Of why the sea is boiling hot, and why the pigs have wings.”
Nearly six years ago now, the Tirisfal Theatre revealed itself to the public in our first ever major performance in October of 2013. Founded and lifted from the soil by Lord Atos Sunhart, along with Joseph Murdrich and Zat’ai, we have all served the people with entertaining shows, engaging events, and quality celebrations that we are always working to improve upon in any way we can. I have been witness to a great many things in my half a decade of running the Tirisfal Theatre. I have made countless friendships that will last a lifetime, met so many unique and endearing people who continue to show up to our events to this day, made so many people smile, and introduced roleplaying to those who had yet to get their feet wet in the idea. I have loved and I have lost a great deal along the way of this journey, done many things I would never have even dreamed of doing before I came out of my shell to present this once impossible idea, and made mistakes that I have learned and grown from. Now, much as the game itself changes, my life, in the real world away from Azeroth, is growing more demanding of my time. While I will never truly be gone from World of Warcraft, the time I can allot to the Tirisfal Theatre is unsatisfactory to the love and care this guild needs to grow and further improve in the way I intended for it to always do. The quality of my work has suffered in recent weeks, and as such, I will not be doing the final performance I had initially planned before retiring, making Hellthreequel the final performance with me at the helm as the producer and director in the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe. It is time for me to pass the torch. Join us on June 7th, and help us light up the night as I name the successor to the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe for the first time, and let’s try to do one last thing together that will be GREAT!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present a simple yet sweet sendoff; 
the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe’s “Out with a Bang” fireworks display! 
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And just how will we make it so large? Simple, my friends, you will all be a part of the show! The Troupe will be there prior to the start of the event handing out fireworks as Atos makes his final speech as the director of the Tirisfal Troupe. After a brief performance from the troupe itself, we will call upon you all to go crazy and blow all the fireworks you can manage to help us light the night sky up! What a sendoff for Atos and for the troupe*, right? We hope to see you there for the final farewell! 
~ Lord Atos Sunhart
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* DON’T WORRY, folks! The troupe is not going anywhere. In fact, a great deal many new things are in the works, so many things that we will be needing an offically announced hiatus on our own public events in order to make it all possible by the 2020 calendar year. This does mean that our only appearances will be minor scheduled events, akin to our old Improv Nights and our Transmog Tournaments, but we will be having an anniversary performance during October - we couldn’t possibly pass that up! However, during this downtime, we will be restructuring everything within the guild and readying it for an expansion of our own! This move has been in talks for quite some time, and is not a decision we came to easily. We understand that we do often take brief hiatuses, especially towards the END of the year, but this time around, we needed the extra time to allow everyone to work on important stuff IRL while we focus on projects we could not otherwise tend to. We hope you all understand this, and look forward to the fun stuff we can cook up when we’re given time to actually cook! Because who has time for cooking? More information on the nature of this hiatus will be announce after the event.
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moonguardsecrets · 5 years
Only Elf Marshal would get on MGS, post that he anonymously doesn't support his own crucifixion and go back into discord only to continue on his deadpan stories of stuffing his own shit in peoples mailboxes when they don't let him put his irl RP transmog on. Think about the 4,153 people who play on MG that have been threatened or blackmailed by this fecal-mancer, only to now find out he's false lightning. It's sundown on the savannah, and we're all hungry...
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smooshkin · 6 years
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Brittany’s historically inaccurate irl transmog
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xellandria · 5 years
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Are you going to BlizzCon this year?  Do you want something totally unique and fantastic and wonderful to wear while you’re there?  Do you want to support a free-range organic artist at the same time?  Boy howdy do I have great news for you!
Returning for the second year, convention badge commissions are now open!  Whether you’re raising your faction colours in Battle for Azeroth or are chomping at the bit for Classic, show off your character to all the rest of us nerds and make us jealous of your sweet, sweet transmog—IRL!  Badges start at $50 USD, and that includes domestic (US) shipping.
Not really into WoW?  Don’t worry!  While most of my previous badges are from the Warcraft universe, there’s nothing that says they have to be!  After all, custom illustrated badges can be found at all kinds of conventions—furry, anime, and gaming alike.
Interested?  Check out all the details here.  Looking for more badge examples?  Check out my #con badge tags either on my art blog or on my main (includes WIPs).
(Reblogs are GREATLY appreciated; I don’t have a very large following either here or on twitter, so help getting the word out would be amazing <3)
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katieskarlette · 6 years
I usually liveblog the cosplay exhibition, but it ends up being just a list of characters and no pictures, so I don’t know how useful that really is. 
So I’ll just give a big high-five to all the cosplayers who have spent the time, money and effort to get these amazing outfits together.  I bow to your skill and dedication (not to mention the bravery of modeling your creations in front of a huge audience.)
I love how many cosplayers have random Pepes on their heads or shoulders.  The enormous Pepe costume was pretty awesome, too.
Hooray for the Katrana Prestor cosplay!  Not only was the costume fantastic, but just the fact that someone cares enough about the character in 2018 to cosplay her gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.  
One of the Alexstraszas had a spiked dragon egg with her.  Cool!
It always amazes me to see the outfits and weapons/props that are so familiar in the game come to life that way.  Like, I’ve transmogged some of those robes before, and there they are IRL!
I feel bad for the host because the people are not coming out in the order that’s on her sheet, so she keeps misidentifying them.  Not her fault, and it must be stressful.  It’s great that they have someone who is actually familiar with the characters and character names to do the announcing, though.  I remember several years ago they had an announcer who couldn’t pronounce half of them.
That was really short, only a half hour.  I guess the actual competition is later.  Does that mean these folks aren’t in the contest?  Because a lot of them were awesome and totally could be.  Or maybe they’re in both?  I don’t know, I just enjoy watching pretty costumes.
Anyway, I have time to go grab a sandwich before the next panel, so here I go. 
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flusterfluff · 6 years
We were outnumbered, and our head cleric called out sick. Shame, because she was the Leader’s wife. The Support squad needed a new lead, our one Seeker, the only spare person with experience leading a squad, was required in the Archer team. After the battle, I learned that it was something along the lines of fifty two enemies to our measly thirty-some. But first, let us back up a bit. 
Ruthless was a rather... well, Ruthless faction, for lack of a better word. In our latter days, we had somewhere around 150 to 175 members. Hard to tell specifics with everyone leaving here and there because the decaying state of our guild. Of these, lets say 175 because it makes math easier, the ranks fell as follows:
Leader. We’ll call him Brillopad. Or, Brillo.
Leader’s Wife/Director. She’ll be Onyxia.
Marshals. There were four slots at this rank, but we only used three. The most trusted of the leader duo. This was myself, DPS squad leader, and I think the Tank squad leader.
Executors. Ten of these, basically incredibly active and loyal players used for managing the lower ranks.
150 other people, hand-picked by Marshals and up for their combat ability, or ability to farm for guild mats.
There was a weekly event where various factions fought for control over the world map, to have their faction’s name present along the zone name when loading into any given area. These battles got... heated to say the least, but I’ve talked on the mechanics here before. The important thing to recap is that player limit is 80 per team, but the most active factions can only field 30-40 at a time. 
This meant that Ruthless divided it into four squads. Each squad of ten people was led by someone that would normally use voice chat over Raidcall to call the shots and the squad’s targets. Normal leads were:
Brillo, leading either Tanksquad or Archersquad. 
Onyxia, leading Support squad to lend help wherever needed on the battlefield, basically a flex position
Nameless Seeker, leading Archersquad when Brillo was on tank duty. Archersquad was mostly DPS oriented, using their head to debuff a group of targets and make them take more metal damage
Nameless Barb, who led Tanksquad while Brillo was on his archer. Basically just to pull catapults to damage towers and... Mechanical things. 
One of several random people leading StraggleSquad, for people that came in late. Often used to reinforce Archersquad. 
As stated above, Onyxia called in sick, and she was the only one experienced in leading the Support Squad. Normally, we’d have Nameless Seeker lead support, but he was needed in Archersquad, because Brillo was down a tank in Tanksquad and had to fill there. So, he calls for me in Raidcall, and tells me that he’s going to have me lead the Support Squad. Problem being that, at the time, I didn’t have a microphone. And also no experience shotcalling. I told him this, and got reassured by both Nameless Barb, Nameless Seeker, Brillo, and one of my best friends in that guild that I would do fine.
Brillo, the fool, the idiot, made the fatal mistake of asking me what I needed in order for my unique role as a Heavy Armor Venomancer to function at its full potential. This day, and never again, I was given reign over the composition of my squad. He asked what classes I needed, I called out in Guild chat nine names. Not classes. Not roles. I needed BeefCake the Barbarian, MysticHeal, the off-meta Mystic that specialized in, whaddaya know, healing, TANK, two Clerics, one of which being my best friend in the guild, the other being infamous for trying to DPS instead of healing, a Venomancer that I had briefed beforehand on how to operate in a squad with me and had trained with, and “Whoever else you can spare for DPS”. Brillo, the madman, let me have our second and third best tanks. From his own squad. We were operating crippled, missing half our potential catapult pullers due to my insane request, our best healer due to “illness”, and, ten minutes into a two hour war... Our leader. 
Brillo left early to go help Onyxia irl. I worked together with Nameless Seeker to lead the fight in his stead. The Raidcall was in panic, but I had everything under control. Together, the squad leaders (And BeefCake, who left to go help the CataSquad mid-match), directed the fighting while I called out general strategy. While typing. And directing my squad to specific targets. Via typing. While we were in a voice call. This was while playing the single most strategically complex and reflex-intensive build in the game. 
Battle highlights:
1) Brillo leaves without designating a leader, Archersquad gets wiped, Catapults get reset, Support Squad and StraggleSquad, sixteen people in total fend off a wave of three mixed seven to ten man squads, protecting our tower. Three assassins jump our healing cleric. I peel, drop their attack speed and damage, and the DPS cleric works with an archer to get a combined triple kill while I shoot a cleric out of the sky by turning it into a cat. 2) BeefCake gets reassigned to CataSquad on respawn because he got combo’d by two Wizards at once. Ouch. Said Wizards feel my wrath. One gets Kittified, the other gets sent back to spawn with my trademark OHKO combo, amped by a local Metal Mage (Read: DPS cleric) to bypass his buffed defenses.
3) My biggest Purge ever. This is why I’m Sage. My Debuff Purge gets a small five foot AoE. I hit eight people with it at once. What happens next? You hear Nameless Seeker CACKLE on voice, call target, and arrows rain from the sky, wiping a full squad after he debuffed them and triggered charms.
4) The Coup de Grace. This one deserves its own post, but to summarize, it’s the story of how I killed an entire army of fourty plus people with little more than psychological warfare. Oh, and a targeted transmog that turned someone into a cat for six seconds.
6) Reinforcements. FeedMy/PoL/arm, the enemy leader, got reinforcements, Brillo came back to see us still alive, got ignored, raged in VC for a bit, took control of his faction back by force, and proceeded to lose us a won game. I consider this TW a victory. I won. I don’t care if we lost the land. We might not have. Our enemy faction lost face, and I finally considered the score even for the one time the enemy leader continually spawn killed me for teh lulz.
The conclusion of this entire territory war is fuzzy in my memory. We might’ve won. If so, only barely. We might’ve lost. If so, only to enemy reinforcements pushing a 32v40 to a 33v52 in their favor. What does matter, more than who won the fight, was the aftermath. Within a week, Ruthless fell apart. I think the leaders got divorced. Both yelled at me for siding with the other because I chose to be neutral. That’s another story, as well. You could say we lost the aftermath, either way...
But our opponents, our biggest rival at the time? Completely lost face. I’m told their leader was screaming on voice chat, cursing me specifically for my tricky dickery that got him killed. Many of his followers lost faith in him, and soon... They crumbled, too. 
And that’s how I killed two of the largest factions in EPW at the time by taking command of ONE battle! This is why you don’t let me lead things, Brillo. You fucking numbskull. This is why I can’t have nice things.
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corbinscrawdadz · 3 years
Thinking about a ‘trans’ character but instead of standing just for ‘transgender’ the ‘trans’ in their identity stands for fucking everything that starts with trans.
Transgender: they are transgender
Transformer: They are also a transformer, apparently. They have multiple forms. A transformer (I mean a literal electrical transformer) and just any general transportation vehicle. They still look 100% human otherwise, they can just. Do that.
Transfiguration: They figured out how to fucking shapeshift but they can do it to other people
Transmissometer: They have the power to measure the transmission of light through a medium at will
Transmigrations: When they die they just transfer into someone else’s body and slowly turn it into their old one.
Transportation: Really good at driving buses, really good at turning into buses.
Transparentize: Can make themselves or someone else transparent
Transpiration: they’re very sweaty. That’s. Kinda it.
Transvaluations: They do transvaluations as part of their job.
Transformation: They can transform. Lucky bastard.
Transistorizing: They can equip ANYTHING with transistors.
Transliterate: Śömēhòw, thêÿ čåñ táłk līkë thīś (not even in text. Can somehow speak like that irl.)
Transcriptional: They can make RNA from DNA. And can transcribe stuff.
Transamination: Can transfer an amino group from one compound to another at will.
Transhistorical: Fucking immortal. Huge footprint in human history though nobody notices. Think of smthn like Kenneth from 30 Rock.
Transmogrify: Really good at Transmogs in WoW
Transposition: They can move your fucking dna. They are going to scramble you.
Transparentness: Can adjust how opaque they are. Can adjust how opaque others are.
Transplant: Is a surgeon. Can also move plants really well.
Transubstantial: Can turn into different substances.
Transillumination: They can make their insides glow, and your insides glow.
Translatability: Knows every language
Transferability: They can transfer ANYTHING to ANYTHING
Transcendent: Has ascended beyond god.
Basically, y’all get the point of how they’d work. Anyways this concludes my talk about why an epithet erased character with the epithet ‘trans’ would be op.
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harshwhimsy · 7 years
any tips/advice for someone who's new and been trying to get into WoW? i've been playing off and on for about 2 years, but i always fall out of it because no one i know irl plays so i end up getting lost on...well i guess HOW exactly to play. if that makes sense. i really enjoy playing it and i want to, i just have absolutely no idea where to even start understanding it. i do basics (quests,dungeons) but after that i'm pretty much lost. feel free to ignore, figured i'd ask becuz of the GG post
if its rotation stuff u can always look at a site like icy veins when u search ur class u should find specs, rotations for those specs, and best in slot sections. ive seen a lot of videos as well on youtube on rotation and how to play certain classes/specs
since i dont know the class/spec ur playing i cant give u any tips but the classes i do know the best are druid (feral), priest (discipline or shadow), warlock (demonology), monk (windwalker and brewmaster), and paladin (protection) if u play any of those i could probably help u out just let me know
as far as gearing or finding things to do.. well it all kinda depends What u wanna do. if u like pvp i always start doing random battlegrounds to gear up and then ill move to rated battlegrounds and arena. the new pvp system in my opinion is great but ofc wpvp is still really lacking :o( and terrible
if u wanna gear up for raiding i think its best to start out doing the heroic dungeons as soon as u can and gear up through world quests too (which u said uve been doing so ur definitely on the right track) and then start on doing some mythics and mythic+. there is lfr too but the best way to gear for raiding is mythic+and if ur not a huge fan of raiding thats totally cool bc mythic+ is super fuckin fun. when u complete a mythic or mythic+ ur given a mythic+ key (it will say the dungeon and +# which indicates difficulty). u just enter the dungeon, add ur key, and the mythic+ starts (keep in mind there are time limits to these so u have to beat the dungeon within the time that displays on ur screen or ull only get one reward for completing it i believe)
mythic+ also will have some mechanics. ie: mobs that die leave a pool below them that can heal mobs still alive. theres a ton of different mechanics.. but holy shit mythic+ is so fuckin fun i highly recommend trying them out
i am assuming ur playing legion content ofc.. but if not the same things kinda stand. its just that there is no mythic+ for older xpacs, so to gear up u basically do heroics, mythic dungeons if u can, then move to raiding when ur properly geared
and if u find urself just bored theres always dailies... altho there really arent much in legion. but u can always do old dailies for reputation mounts (like pandaria dailies. pandaria is FULL of dailies) 
theres also mount farming old raids/dungeons. there are mounts to be had out in the world too. this is the kinda stuff i keep myself busy w rly when im not pvping or raiding. or ill just run some old dungeons/raids for transmog
dont forget to check the in-game calendar to see what weekly events are active and what seasonal event is going onright now its legion world quests weekend event and winters veil seasonal event. here is a video explaining what u can do during winters veil as well as what u can get from it
and also if u are playing legion dont forget there is a long quest chain basically to get a class mount
if u need me to explain anything else just let me know and ill do my best
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andmyshield · 7 years
Thor the Hallowed
Thor the Hallowed #transmog #Warcraft #Thor
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It’s Hallow’s End in Azeroth, and even if I’m not personally one to create costumes and dress up and go to parties irl (or in roleplay for that matter), I thought I’d at least give my pally that Thor cosplay he always dreamt of.
Not surprisingly, there are few items in World of Warcraft that looks even roughly like Thor’s gear in the comics or movies. For instance there’s almost no chestpieces in…
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