ironfey-42 · 6 months
Kinda a Sense8 IronStrange Idea/Concept
Prompts: Sweets, Baths, Laughs
I guess sense8 au like it’s a thing around the whole universe. All the avengers and some other heroes are in a cluster. Also a canon divergence au after CW and like Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff lives cuz booo so basically a Not Endgame compliant au.
Avengers Cluster:
And whoever the 8th is, you decide
Stephen is in a cluster with Wong and Mordo and whoever but like let’s make it so that the three of them are only ones left in their 8 person cluster.
Just imagine still MCU/Marvel but with the Sense8 lore mixed in. Also, let’s make the avengers around the same age, early 30s. Anyways, they all get “reborn” after that fight in CW, and so what I’m going for, is all of them experiencing what they all went through. All they know through the haziness of being reborn is that one of them needs help to survive. 
(I had this idea in the back of my mind that in this version of the MCU/sense8 world, since they can basically visit each other and use their skills to help each other, why not use their powers, so like Thor being able to use his lightning skills when he’s visiting the other’s body. So they can access Steve’s healing powers to heal Tony.)
Like again it’s not automatic instant forgiveness just cuz they’re connected. Like Tony and Wanda are still learning about each other. In the show, there’s certain people who understand what the other is feeling or who has an idea/view that might look out of place but the other somehow understands, they get pulled into their space and they share their view. Like I know that Marvel had Steve connect with Wanda, but like there’s this potential of Tony and Wanda just learning about each other and the truth, and this is me lowkey wanting a bit of Wanda learning to truly redeem herself instead of just pushing it away in the back of her mind. 
Thanos is still on his snap half of the population of the universe thing and stuff, of course, they still stop him, but on a shorter timeline. Anyways there’s another bad guy like Whispers, so maybe Hydra or Hydra adjacent,  who’s after sensates, but ones who are enhanced or control a suit of armor to deal damage and stuff. He hunts after the clusters who have powers and (TW: death) sometimes people in the clusters who have powers or stuff once they happen to make eye contact with the Whispers in this verse, kill themselves in a way that causes great damage to their head so they aren’t taken advantage of in death by Hydra adjacent Whispers.
Stephen, whose cluster is down to 3, Mordo, Wong, and himself, makes direct eye contact with Hydra-adjacent Whispers. He and Tony fall in love and both clusters work together to stop Whispers from getting to Stephen and Tony’s cluster and any other clusters with enhanced people. 
Anyways what ideas I have for this au is that one scene in the Christmas episode of Sense8 where Riley and Will are in the bathtub just enjoying the vibes that Riley tried to create so that Will isn’t stuck in whatever vibe he’s in cuz of Whispers. 
Once the clusters stop Whispers, every sensate breathes a sigh of relief cuz they’re not being hunted down anymore for their sensate and powers. Stephen and Tony cuz the clusters also need time alone with their SOs, go do their thing of reconnecting with each other physically, emotionally, and sexually.  Stephen and Tony do their own thing with the bathtub scene, but this time more relaxed since there’s no more Whispers. They’re having fun sitting in the water and just basically kissing each other all over their faces. They’re having fun feeding each other sweets making up for the fact they haven’t had time to enjoy because the stress from Whispers was so strong. What they’re feeling is also amplified since the clusters are also reconnecting with their SOs and just a huge feels fest and also going all NSFW.
Anyways after the experience with Whispers, Tony and Stephen finally learn to take some time for themselves and just relax and have fun. Their “self-care” days end with the two of them in the bathtub just feeding each other sweets and giving each other bubble hairdos and beards. If they end up having bathtub sex then that’s no one’s business but theirs.
Crossposting to here from Twitter
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vankaar · 2 years
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@ironstrangehaven Something soft for the Ironstrange Spring Fling \0/
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ironstrangehaven · 2 years
IronStrange Spring Fling
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Hello Everyone!!
It is the 5th anniversary of IronStrange since the Infinity War movie came out at the end of April 2018!! We have come up with an event for the whole month of May called IronStrange Spring Fling. 
This event is to celebrate that IronStrange as a ship became popular 5 years ago! 5 years!! 
It's been amazing with the events over the past few years. 
This is a month-long event because the prompts are just too good.
The Discord server has generated amazing one-word prompts for this event, and because they're all too good to pick from, hence the decision to make this Spring Fling a month-long instead of the usual one week.
As a reminder, you do not have to create a piece for every day of May, you can create one piece each week or more if you want to. All we want you to do is to have fun with prompts.
{How this Event Works}
Mod Izzy has fit all 80ish words into a gif generator. Take a screenshot, 1-3 times, and whatever words you get, those are the prompts that you’ll be working with for a piece. (Click on the gif to pause if taking a screenshot isn't going to work)
This is all random, so if you land on a word that you already have, you can redo it again to get a different word. 
Using the prompts you get, create anything from fics to gifsets to music playlists to moodboards to all types of art, basically anything that you are able to do.
Because there are 80-ish words, you can have any combination of prompts and create as many pieces as you want. You have the whole month of May.
-All forms of fanwork are accepted, including but not limited to: digital art, traditional art, fanfiction, poetry/prose, Photoshop, videos/gifs/related multimedia, cosplay, edits, music playlists, etc. 
- To be added to the blog/twitter page and featured on the IronStrange Discord server, please (1) tag #ironstrangespringfling in one of the first five tags of the post, and (2) add @ironstrangehaven on Tumblr or @ironstrangeH on Twitter in your description so we can find you! 
- Any NSFW content must be tagged appropriately and under a “Read More” link on tumblr or appropriate warnings on Twitter. 
- If possible, please submit fanworks to the IronStrange Spring Fling Archive of our Own Collection. (The link to the collection will be shared in the next post as we get closer to the event.) 
- Mind your tags and make sure to tag gore, violence, and other significant tags. 
- Our Tumblr ask box is open so please reach out to us if you have any questions!
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magicaltear · 2 years
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IronStrange Swan Lake AU
Prompts: 🌸 Moonlight 🌸 Hugs 🌸 Happy
I shared this AU in the @ironstrangehaven server because it was not allowing me to think about anything else, and the lovely @music-is-the-voice-of-the-soul convinced me to submit it as an entry to the Spring Fling event. I tried to stay true to the original ballet, but I simply cannot handle Sad Endings in fic so I instead leaned on The Swan Princess (1994). The post is very long, so I’m adding a read more for scrolling convenience. Hope you enjoy it! ♡
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We have our main cast: Stephen as Odette, Tony as Siegfried (Derek in the movie), Kaecilius as Rothbart, Rhodey as the son of the Captain of the Royal Guard and Tony’s best friend, and Wong and Mordo as other sorcerers cursed by Kaecilius. We’ll add some political intrigue and drama by adding Obadiah Stane as King Howard’s royal advisor.
Princes Anthony and Stephen are arranged to be married the moment Stephen is born. The allegiance would help the two friendly kingdoms to prosper, but it would ruin Stane’s illegal businesses, so he sets out to look for solutions.
Tony and Stephen are forced to visit each other constantly throughout their childhood, and they hate it. Tony and Rhodey often tease Stephen for being younger, and Stephen is never above prompt retaliation.
Truly though, they aren’t so bad, but they are both stubborn to a fault. It certainly doesn’t help that Stane keeps hovering and sneakily manipulating Tony into distrusting Stephen’s intentions all the time.
Their parents don’t relent in these visits even after they grow up, but growing up also means they start to find their own voices. Tony tells Stane off more often, and Stephen grows astoundingly smart. They realize they can keep up with each other in arguments and debates, and it doesn’t take long for a stable friendship to bloom.
Their parents are ecstatic of course, and immediately jump the gun to prepare a full proposal and get that dang wedding going because they have been waiting for over 20 years.
However, that creates tension between Tony and Stephen. The affection between them is real, but so is the hesitation of rushing into things. They part ways full of doubts and a little heartbroken.
Stane is now getting really worried though, so he caves in and chooses his most desperate plan: to contact the dark sorcerer Kaecilius and urge him to take Stephen out of the equation. And he does.
Stephen is kidnapped on the way back to Tony’s kingdom the following Spring, and no one can ever find trace of him again.
Many years pass, and Tony is now being pressured by King Howard to find another candidate for marriage, even though Tony is still stubbornly looking for Stephen.
One rare day, Rhodey actually manages to drag Tony on a hunt to release some stress, and they encounter a peculiar white swan. Tony follows it to a rather hidden lake, losing track of Rhodey.
The sun has already set, but no matter, Tony’s got his bow ready and an arrow trained right on the swan. He’s about to fire when the clouds part and the moonlight falls on the lake, transforming the swan to none other than Stephen.
And he looks even more beautiful than Tony remembered. He’s decked in pure white robes and a cloak of white feathers. A silver circlet sits over his brow, highlighting the white streaks of hair now starting at his temples.
Tony can only dash forward and pick Stephen up into his arms, twirling them around with his momentum. Stephen’s clothes trail water as they spin, and Tony can’t stop staring up at his smile.
The kiss that follows settles something in his heart, and he knows in his soul he’s never letting Stephen go again.
But Stephen cannot leave the lake. His curse only allows him to transform back into a human if he’s in this specific lake when night falls, and he’ll transform back into a swan come daylight no matter where he is.
The only way to break the curse is with a proclamation of true love. Of course, Tony’s mind starts running at high speed. He shall hold a ball! A ball where he’ll finally be able to propose to Stephen and declare his true love for him in front of his kingdom.
So Tony and Stephen part ways with the promise that they’ll see each other again for the ball.
Stephen is over the moon. He’ll finally have his life back! He hates being imprisoned, even though Kaecilius is actually quite polite to him. The sorcerer had no personal vendetta against him, and so he visited Stephen often and never lashed back at him no matter how rude Stephen was to him.
Meanwhile, Tony causes an uproar back in his castle. He asks for the ball and claims he’ll use the chance to officially propose, but he doesn’t disclose anything about Stephen.
The King and Queen are more than happy to oblige, and only Stane suspects about Tony’s sudden change of attitude. When he asks Tony privately about it, Tony of course trusts the man he considered to be a second father.
Stane’s alarm bells go off. He contacts Kaecilius again and demands him to fix things. He was never supposed to let Stephen live this long.
So Kaecilius locks Stephen away in a dungeon the day of the ball. He casts an illusion on himself to resemble Stephen and dons a gorgeous black dress robe for the ball.
Wong and Mordo (cursed into a hedgehog and an eagle respectively) desperately try to break Stephen out. Stephen doesn’t much care about what happens to him, but he needs to tell Tony about Stane’s betrayal. And so the race against time begins!
The black swan arrives to the ball, immediately becoming the center of attention and gossip. The lost prince is back! Tony is beaming, and he dances with the black swan in front of the entire court. And then…then comes the announcement.
Stephen flies the distance from the lake and reaches Tony’s castle on time, but fails to find a way into the ballroom and catch his attention. He can only watch as Stane tricks Tony into declaring a true oath of love to Kaecilius, sealing Stephen’s cursed fate.
However, Kaecilius drops his illusion and betrays Stane, leaving him to the castle guards.
Tony is horrified by what happened and what it means for Stephen. So he runs away from the ball and rides as fast as he can to the lake, to where a weakened Stephen had already flown back to.
Pick your poison. A) Tony arrives too late, finding Stephen collapsed by the lake, curse already broken in death. B) He arrives on time to hold Stephen and beg for forgiveness, telling him he’s the only one he loves like it happens in the ballet. Either way, the curse kills Stephen.
When Kaecilius shows up, a grieving Tony demands him to bring Stephen back. So we have our Final Epic Battle™️ and Tony defeats Kaecilius, which breaks all his curses and their effects.
Stephen comes back to life and has a heartfelt reunion with Tony. Wong and Mordo transform back into humans as well, and they all agree to go home and never step foot near the infamous lake again.
Tony and Stephen get married soon after, and their kingdoms prosper forever more!
(Also Stephen gets married in the most beautiful white outfit with lots of allusions to feathers because he deserves beautiful outfits).
✿ The end ✿
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darkkitty1208 · 2 years
Decided to join in the fun.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Strange (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel) Additional Tags: Cloak of Levitation (Marvel), POV Multiple, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Whump, Hurt Stephen Strange, Stephen Strange Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Established Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, stephen strange whump Summary:
What he pulled out was nothing close to his expectations. A single piece of cloth, likely ripped off of Stephen’s ridiculous wizard get-up, but it wasn’t just that. Blood splattered and seeped into it, a unique blend of the blue in his robes with a heavy tint of red, the smell coming out of it leaving him sick to the stomach.
Written for the Ironstrange Spring Fling 2022 by @ironstrangehaven
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ironfey-42 · 6 months
Stardust AU
Prompts: Wish, Celestial, Forever
Setting the scene for this AU. Here is the link to the video I mentioned.
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Added some plot points into the AU cuz why not.
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Stephen and Tony being the “bickering like an old married couple before they realize they like each other.”
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Tony likes Stephen. Stephen likes Tony.
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Tony realizes he loves Stephen. Stephen now knows Tony loves him. Stephen uses the power of Love to blast Agatha to dust.
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Peter, Harley, and America as the kids.
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It is said that when you look up into the night sky, you can find two stars so close to each other that they almost look like one star. Their shine was so bright that people used to guide themselves to find their beloved. They pray to those two stars so that, like Stephen’s and Tony’s love, their love is also Forever.
Adding the link to the Twitter thread version of this. I’ve added more images in the thread, like some of Stephen and Tony’s outfits. It also includes what I imagine Stephen’s hair to look like.
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ironstrangehaven · 2 years
Spring Fling Prompt Generator
Take a screenshot, 1-3 times, and whatever words you get, those are the prompts that you’ll be working with for a piece. (Click on the gif to pause if taking a screenshot isn't going to work)
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ironstrangehaven · 2 years
IronStrange Spring Fling
If you still want to participate in Spring Fling but can't fully commit, use the prompts you get and create headcanons with them!
Don't forget to mention us and use the tag #ironstrangespringfling
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ironstrangehaven · 2 years
IronStrange Spring Fling is here!!
It's May!!! We can start posting/creating as many works as we can with the prompt generator!! I have opened up the AO3 Collection. As a reminder please mind the rules and don't forget to use the hashtag #ironstrangespringfling
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ironstrangehaven · 3 years
IronStrange Week 2018
#ironstrange week
#ironstrangeweek day 1
#ironstrangeweek day 2
#ironstrangeweek day 3
#ironstrangeweek day 4
#ironstrangeweek day 5
#ironstrangeweek day 6
#ironstrangeweek day 7
IronStrange Week AO3 Collection
IronStrange MidSummer Big Bang
#ironstrangebigbang fanfic
#ironstrangebigbang fanart
IronStrange MidSummer Big Bang AO3 Collection
IronStrange Thanksgiving Reverse Bang
#ironstrangerbb or #ironstrangereversebang
#ironstrangerbb fanart
#ironstrangerbb fanfic
IronStrange Reverse Bang AO3 Collection
IronStrange Gift Exchange
#ironstrangegiftexchange art
#ironstrangegiftexchange fic
#ironstrangegiftchange edit
IronStrange Gift Exchange AO3 Collection
IronStrange Week 2019
IronStrange Week Day 1
IronStrange Week Day 2
IronStrange Week Day 3
IronStrange Week Day 4
IronStrange Week Day 5
IronStrange Week Day 6
IronStrange Week Day 7
IronStrange Week 2019 AO3 Collection
IronStrange Big Bang 2019
#ironstrangebigbang2019 or #isbb19
#isbb19 fanart
isbb19 fanfic
IronStrange Big Bang 2019 AO3 Collection
IronStrange Week 2021
IronStrange Week Day 1
IronStrange Week Day 2
IronStrange Week Day 3
IronStrange Week Day 4
IronStrange Week Day 5
IronStrange Week Day 6
IronStrange Week Day 7
IronStrange Week 2020 AO3 Collection
IronStrange Gift Exchange 2020
IronStrange Gift Exchange 2020 AO3 Collection
IronStrange Week 2021
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
IronStrange Week 2021 AO3 Collection
IronStrange Big Bang 2021
#isbb21 fanfic
#isbb21 fanart
IronStrange Big Bang 2021 AO3 Collection
Spring Fling 2022
IronStrange Spring Fling AO3 Collection
IronStrange Week 2022
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
IronStrange Week 2022 AO3 Collection
IronStrange Halloween Bingo 2022
IronStrange Halloween Bingo AO3 Collection
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ironstrangehaven · 2 years
Hello y’all!!!
IronStrange Spring Fling has ended!!
I hope that y'all were able to create some awesome works!
I have put all works into one thread list on Twitter and will add this event to the masterlist on the tumblr post.
If you still want to create some new works for the Spring Fling, just use the tag #ironstrangespringfling or mention us on Tumblr or Twitter.
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