#is Andropause real
crystaivf · 5 months
Is Andropause Real? Can Men Get Menopause?
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In this condition, there is a gradual decrease in testosterone levels in men, affecting them physically and emotionally. While it’s a common problem in men as they age, its significance can immensely affect the health and well-being of men. 
Unveil the truth: Is andropause real? Explore the facts on men experiencing menopause symptoms. Discover insights into male hormonal changes.
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andropause is real
(no offense, but I can see it on my dad)
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shoujoboy-restart · 1 year
Don't both cis men and cis women get hormone replacement therapy too and even cis kids too?
Like I'm 90% sure cis people and even cis kids also get HRT when they lack specific or have too much of a specific hormone in their body
Like I even read that this is a real treatment for those who are intersex or have PCOS or just for cosmetic reasons for cis men and women
Yup, HRT was originally made to help women with menopause and men with andropause. Same way hormone blockers were at first made to help treatment for cancer, since if you stop sex hormone production you halt a lot of general cell production and therefore cancer cell production, and then adapted further hormone disordered people and those suffering with early puberty.
Like most of the argument is literally "SURE THIS EXISTS FOR ALMOST CENTURIES...BUT THE LONG TERM EFFECTS!!!" Which is a very dishonest arguemnt when we know damn well they just straight up want ban HRT for transitioning because they don't want people to transition not because of any actual fear the medication is flawed, which they still have no proof of.
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ahopkins1965 · 4 months
Proverbs 21:13 says: Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor, will himself cry and not be heard.  This is a true statement because I have been in this situation before myself.  I ignored the cries of the poor myself and when I was in that situation myself God did not hear me.  When I was living in Charlotte, NC: I helped people who were just as poor as I was.  One Day, on October 5, 2009 I was unjustly evicted out of my apartment because of a misunderstanding with the Landlord.  The Landlord blessed me with a place to live, and I got into an argument with my Landlord and he evicted me.  This is also during the same day I had a seizure twice in one week.  The second time I had a seizure was on October 9, 2009 at Central Piedmont Community College and I was transported to Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, NC.  I have learned a valuable lesson on that day alone because I was homeless for two weeks.  I paid my rent and I still got evicted out of my apartment by the Police.  
Next, I went to the hospital and stayed for eight weeks in Broughton State Psychiatric Hospital in Morganton, NC from October 13, 2009 to December 5, 2009.  I was not able to
move physically because I was messed up from taking Haldol and Ativan shots for aggressive behavior.  On the week of my release from the hospital, I went back in the hospital one week later for aggressive behavior.  The State of North Carolina Probated me for my behavior.  I went home afterwards back to Dayton, Ohio on January 5, 2010.  As soon as I arrived in Dayton, Ohio it was a snow storm.  I got off the bus and caught a cab to my sister's house.  I stayed with her for only one month.  My sister saved my life because I tried to kill myself with pills.  I was hearing voices from November 5, 2009 to the present day.  I have been hearing voices for 14 years now.
Further, I want to inform all of you that my sister and mother died during the same month back in the year 2017.  My sister died on Friday June 2, 2017 and my mother died on Thursday July 20, 2017.  This was during the time that I was working at Walgreens pharmacy on Salem Avenue and Philadelphia Drive in Dayton, Ohio.  I was having seizures during that year.  I was also suffering from Schizoid Affective Disorder and Clinical Depression.  
Moreover, I want you to know that I have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and Andropause right now.  I still suffer from Type 2 Diabetes Full Blown.  I have to be very careful because I am losing my memory each day of the week.  I told everyone that I have the diseases and I am still taking it easy right now.  I have not been to Church within the past few weeks now.  There is a juvenile delinquent shooting a gun outside of the building right now.  You have a lot of children living here at Wentworth Hi Rise Apartments located at 2765 Wentworth Avenue Dayton, Ohio 45406.  This side of town is considered as Harrison Township in Dayton, Ohio.  These children do not have any where to play outside of the building.  The Juvenile Delinquent children hang out inside of the staff parking lot.  The parents of these Juvenile Delinquent children should be locked up for allowing a child to shoot a real gun.
Finally, I want all of you to know that this place is not conducive towards the needs of anyone.  Children become criminals and are locked up for the rest of their own life.  I know all about being a Juvenile Delinquent myself.  I was a Juvenile Delinquent for a total of 5 years.  I started smoking marijuana and cigarettes as well as drinking alcohol on a daily basis.  I have been clean and sober for 33 years now.  My AA Sponsor told me today that I didn't relapsed since I didn't take a guzzle of wine back in the year 2000.  I didn't drink anything since then.  I have to be very careful because alcohol is a drug.  Thank you for reading my essay.
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vertanvertan · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide To Best SARMs For Muscle Gain
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SARM supplements usually are allowed by the law, dependable choices to steroid drugs are often which can help you gain muscle large plus burn off fat more rapidly. As they simply simply cannot provide precise same outcome as real given, they actually offer you plenty of remarkable benefits. They can also be used by professional athletes that are occupied with the side side effects connected to muscle growth, among them water retention, bad acne, and even sexual energy reduction. As well as body improvement, SARMs will be able to strengthen bone tissue and additionally failing liver characteristic lower inflammatory reaction. Including enhance sums of HDL cholesterol, the particular “good” sort of trans fat. That makes individuals suitable for people who had heart disease and additionally the bodies health conditions, such as arthritis together with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (copd). Glowing be used to heal muscle-wasting illnesses brought on by cancer, osteoporosis, and hiv.
To increase some great benefits of SARMs, it is advisable to heap all of them with alternative nutritional supplements that may have totally different ways about activity. As an example, you can get a fabulous SARM which usually helps bring about strength best SARMs for muscle growth having a SARM which will promotes fat reduction. Piling SARMs by means of secondary things with steps may prevent the progression of forbearance, which often comes about when yourself turns into useful to an individual product. With the purchase of SARMs, be sure you find them through a creditworthy seller. It is best to get a corporation sporting a good name for what to consider in addition to a reputation for delivering level of quality supplements. The best SARM seller will even offer a money-back guarantee if you are dissatisfied considering the system. Get acquainted with regarding it best sarm supplements for cutting within the hyperlink.
ase you're attracted to by using a SARM supplement, you should make a choice which has examined plus approved by the Food and Drug Administration. You must also locate a organization which is translucent around a merchandise components. To illustrate, Wild Mass states that the software testing nearly every one of it really is products and solutions for basic safety and additionally efficacy in advance of promoting him or her. In addition, this doesn't happen benefit from animal-derived substances within its nutritional vitamin supplements.
There are a selection associated with SARM supplements obtainable, but some advisors are not technically screened yet. Examples include Ostarine, LGD-4033, and YK-11. YK-11 got its start to relieve patients encountering lean muscle mass wither up, and it is noted for its ability to combine using the androgen receptors on balanced muscular areas to inspire muscle tissue expansion. It is additionally applied during the course of chopping series that will maintain muscle even while minimizing fat cell function. You are able to proceed to the web page to receive comprehensive knowledge in relation to best sarm supplements stack.
Another popular SARM is usually Cardarine GW501516, which had been meant to remedy andropause symptoms not to mention strongly encourage health proteins performance free of stopping libido. Costly perfect option for sports athletes who sadly are trying to create a toned body. But, it's important to be aware that Cardarine GW501516 doesn't necessarily make the exact final results since additional SARMs, along the lines of Anavar and Testosterone Enanthate. The fact is, as per a research shared with the Newspaper of this American Medical Association within 2017, the majority of merchandise marketed just as SARMs tend not to possess these. The study considered 44 sarm products paid for net found out that only one-half found any sort of ingredient. Additionally they learned that 39% of this products and solutions found substances not listed over the tag.
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keelies-korner · 1 year
What Is BHRT?
Are you wondering if your symptoms may be related to a hormone imbalance? It isn't unusual for people to experience an imbalance. Women and men of any age can suffer from this condition for various reasons. Pregnancy, certain medications, and chronic conditions are often the source. Hormone deficits are often replaced with bio-identical hormone therapy, or BHRT. This guide will discuss BHRT, signs of an imbalance, and how treatment can benefit both men and women. 
What Does BHRT Stand For?
BHRT is short for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. The term “bio-identical” refers to the hormones being the same as the hormones in your body. For example, typical hormones reproduced in treatment include testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. If your body stops producing enough hormones on its own, you can often suffer from a host of symptoms. 
What Are Bio-Identical Hormones?
Bio-identical hormones consist of hormones derived from natural plant sources. They mimic the hormones in our bodies, providing symptom relief without unpleasant side-effects. This treatment uses cutting-edge technology to relieve symptoms in a safe, effective way. These natural hormones are exact replicas of hormones in our bodies. 
Benefits Of This Treatment Option
Left untreated, a wide range of symptoms can be brought on by hormone imbalance. These symptoms can affect your quality of life and general well-being. Daily life can become a struggle, as hormone deficits continue to wreak havoc on your body. Such symptoms of an imbalance may include; 
Mood changes
Decreased sex drive
Weight gain
Hair Loss
Anxiety and depression 
Lack of mental clarity
Night Sweats
Many people choose bio-identical replacement therapy instead of conventional hormone treatment because it is an all-natural option. 
How Fast Does BHRT Work?
The speed in which you will see results varies from person to person. Because each of us is different, there is no real way to predict how fast your body will process the hormones. Some say that their symptoms have significantly lessened a week after beginning treatment. Others feel better a month or more after receiving BHRT. Your healthcare provider would encourage you to let them know if you don’t seem to be responding to treatment. They will work with you to find the cause and take the necessary steps towards a solution.  
Who Should Do This Treatment?
Women who are going through menopause or perimenopause may benefit from BHRT therapy. Men going through andropause who are experiencing symptoms of a decline in testosterone and other hormones can get relief from BHRT. Andropause is brought on by aging and  often accompanied with lingering symptoms. Those experiencing problems with insulin resistance, as well as a range of other medical disorders can get relief. Generally, anyone with symptoms can benefit from BHRT. 
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ccprx · 2 years
Coast compounding Pharmacy Oceanside
Ccprx is Oceanside pharmacy specialised in bioidentical hormone therapy and treatment for perimenopause andropause. We are determined to provide 100% best Medication to our patients. We deal in real technology to communicate with our customers.
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Tuesday 10:57 - Takotsubo
This one got really looong with the notes and all but I hope I made everything clear
Jo: Hey, Maya!
Tiff: Supervisor!
Jo: Hey, the coat and everything! Could you give me a late note* real quick?
Tiff: Ms. Supervisor!
Maya: Hello
Jo: Wow...
Student: Nice to meet you, ma'am
Jo: "Ma'am"!
Tiff: "Ma'am"! You just got ten years older**
Jo: Hey I lost my student book***, could you make me a new one?
Redouane: Could you get rid of my detention hours? It's gonna be so cool having you here!
Maya: Guys, it's my first day! Do you want to have me fired or what?
Jo: Exactly...But really, do you have access to the servers? That way you could give me a nice little 18**** in maths...Amazing!
Tiff: No, not 18, let's say 12...
Jo: Don't listen to her...you have to be ambitious
Tiff: 12 is more likely...
Jo: Think big. Big!
Tiff: Do you have our mock exam subjects?
Jo: There we go!
Maya: Does it say "sucker" on my forehead?
Tiff: We don't know, we can't see it
Jo: We've never actually seen it...Does she have one?
Tiff: No one knows
Nurse: Sorry, excuse me, sorry. Excuse me, do you happen to have 50 cents, please?
Maya: Yeah
Nurse: We never get an actual break
Maya: Here you go
Nurse: Thanks, you're a lifesaver. I lost my wallet yesterday at a party and I really need a coffee right now
Maya: Maya, nice to meet you
Nurse: I'll tell you right away so you're not disappointed, the mood among the team isn't great
Maya: Ah...alright
Nurse: Yeah, sorry. Ah, something very important: if the French teacher, the one with the ugly sweaters, ever invites you to one of his "colleagues" party, say no. Seriously. You really have to say no.
Maya: Because his parties are...are...?
Nurse: Well, he calls them "parties" but really they're...themed tea parties...you don't want to know
Maya: OK, noted
Nurse: But you look cooler than the rest...can I get your number?
Maya: Yeah, totally
Tiff: She's getting the nurse's number...
Maya: What's your name?
Nurse: Wait, sorry
Jo: Hey! Send the number on our group chat!
Tiff: Invite her to our parties!
Jo: Hey! Does she only have one lab coat, or 10 identical ones? Ask her, I'm begging you! Maya! Cut a strand of her hair, put it in your pocket for later!
Nurse: Sorry, it's my boyfriend, he's being very annoying as of late. Might be andropause...He wakes me up every night, and not to do anything interesting...to talk!
Maya: Yeah
Nurse: Do you have anyone?
Maya: Uh...No. Well we broke up not long ago
Nurse: Oh, lucky you! Freedom, flirting, one-night stands!
Maya: Yeah, no...for me it's more like...tachycardia, pain in the chest, difficulty breathing...that kind of stuff
Nurse: Takotsubo
Maya: Tako what?
Nurse: Takotsubo...It's broken heart syndrome. It felt like you were having a heart attack, right?
Maya: Well yeah, but wait...is that a real thing?
Nurse: Not only is it a real thing, but it's really common, way more than you'd think. I know a girl who had it twice. But hey, that's rare! And it's beautiful! If it happened to you, it means you loved your ex very much [pause] Bye! [offscreen] Excuse me, do you have 50 cents?
* Idk how it works in other places but in French middle/high schools, when you're late you have to fill a late note (with the reason for your tardiness) and get it signed by a supervisor (like Maya) before you can show up to class 😐
**That kid called her "madame", which technically was reserved for married women, whereas single women would be called "mademoiselle". A few years ago, "mademoiselle" disappeared from official documents as it was considered to be a misogynistic practice. However when addressing younger women, it is still common to call them "mademoiselle" in speech, and "madame" can make people feel old. It's kind of a rite of passage to be called "madame" for the first time and suddenly feel the weight of your (usually) 20 years of life on your shoulders.
***The "carnet" is a little book that every middle/high school student has. In it you have your class schedule, late and absent notes, infirmary slips, detentions (if you get any), notes from your teachers to show your parents and vice-versa...etc. When I was in middle school we also had to show that "carnet" to be allowed on school premises so losing it was a very big deal.
****You might already know this but just in case...Exams in France are graded out of 20, so 18 is considered an excellent grade - in many subjects it will be close to impossible to get a perfect score. 12 is good, since you passed, but it's not..."wow", you know?
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bourbon-ontherocks · 3 years
Imagery & flashback! 🌟
Aaaaah, thanks!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Imagery: How much do you worldbuild in your current writing project? How do you make your setting seem real and vivid?
Bhahahaha, bold of you to assume I worldbuild at all!!!!
Okay so you're lucky that I'm currently working on 2 AUs which have taught me a lot about world-building and how to make things (hopefully) vivid. It's not something I naturally write I think, my first draft tends to go straight to the point of characters' thoughts and interactions, and it's only during editing that embellishments appear, where I have a lot of notes about the different elements I want to convey in order to make the reading more immersive.
So it's generally a very not organic process. I sit and try to think about which sensorial informations the character could be receiving in that moment and how relevant it would be to include those. The smell. The weather. The light...
I tend to mainly focus on sensorial details tbh, and especially internal ones? I'm a firm believer that the mind and the body are totally connected and that if you're mentally suffering, your body is going to show it too. So I really like to play with headaches, nausea, unexpected pain, in order to really occupy the body of the character whose POV I'm writing, and I've noticed that I get a lot more feedback about how immersive and organic my writing felt when I do that?
As for the setting, which is what the question was mostly about, I'm afraid I don't build that much, though? I feel like a fully vivid setting would require a lot of long descriptions, which are trickier for me to write in English without repeating myself a lot (I love long descriptions, but only if I have a ton of pretentious vocabulary to put in, which I don't have in English haha!) so I tend to focus on the characters and/or precise details of the setting.
So, back to my current WIPs, here is how it happens:
For the nursing home AU, this is literally a playground for body language. We've got joints pain, walking issues, someone did break their hip before the story started, menopause and andropause are bitches, etc... I try to keep all this in mind when I write, to really get into the skin of an older person. As for the setting itself, it's both a spatial and temporal one since the story is set 30 years post-canon in a place we never saw in the show, so I try to drop backstory and surroundings details little by little instead of all at once cause that would be boring to read. To make it realer, I also tend to insert little details or anecdotes that don't need further explaining but just imply that there is more, which I think flesh things out better?
For instance, instead of referring to some interchangeable nurse bringing Beth a glass of water, I'll give her a name. I don't need to describe her, or even to give her a line of dialogue if I want to keep thiings minimal, but the fact that Beth's POV calls her by her name implies that she's known her for a while, the way Beth talks to/about her tells us if they get along, etc, so I don't need to precise that. Basically, I try to write the setting through the character's (cranky) eyes, as if we were them and not as if they were explaining it to us. Which I believe can be very immersive as long as it's not too obscure to follow.
For the western AU it's a bit different since there will be many different POVs. It's a bit of the opposite of what I just said. Insted of seeing a whole world though the eyes of one character, we see multiple characters fathoming the same world. So one of the many ways to make it more vivid is to make it look different depending on who's speaking. Also for this type of AU, I feel that one can rely on the collective imagery we all have of western settings? Like, if I sprinkle recurrent references to horses, hats, dust, sun, etc, in the text, I sort of assume that the reader's mind will perform the other half of the job because we've all seen westerns before so we can easily create a decor just from a few suggestive elements and clichés (like the reference to a ball of hay rolling in the wind in the prologue is absolutely and purposefully parodic). And the more reminders I add, the more vivid the decor will feel. Or so do I hope!
tl;dr Internal and external sensorial feedback. Backstory-loaded details. Subjectivity. Mind/body connection. Reliance on collective imagery.
  Flashback: Post a short excerpt from an old piece. How much has your writing changed since then?
Ooooh, fun, I was actually hoping (and a bit terrified tbh) that I'd get this one!!
So let's do this with an example. Here's the very first paragraph of my very first fic, Love and War.
"He's gone. We're free."
Beth genuinely meant it when she had talked to the girls. With Rio out of the picture, for good, she had thought things would get easier.
She had tried not to think about the image of him lying on the floor, choking on blood as he was desperately seeking for air. She had convinced herself that it was the best solution for everyone. Well except for him obviously, but she chose to focus on her feelings and her well-being and not his.
(Ugh, that was so bad. Or... no, it's not bad, and it was pretty honourable regarding where I stood by then, but I so not would write that now!!!)
Now here's how I'd write it nowadays:
"He's gone. We're free."
She meant every word of it. He is gone. For good. And that's -- well, that's one less problem weighing on her mind right now.
Not that she particularly condones the... the expedient of it, no. She doesn't harvest enjoyment in visualizing him gasping for air and drowning in a pool of his own blood, his body convuls--
In fact, she doesn't think about it at all.
Doesn't want to, at least. Because this was actually the optimal solution for everyone, and he just got... bad luck. And his well-being is not what matters here. It's -- yeah, it was for the best. Sure.
So what changed? First of all, I'm currently in a phase where I feel more comfortable writing in the present tense because I find it more intuitive to convey tight POV.
And second -- the POV!!!! The way I write POV has changed so much! I use and abuse of broken sentences, ‘--’ and ‘...’, which are the way I use to convey the chaotic limbo of someone's mind. Plus my POVs tend to be tighter which means that they are less objective -- denial's included instead of being stated for instance. Instead of "she convinced herself that it was the best solution", I write "yeah, it's the best solution. Sure." in which latter case the hypocrisy is (hopefully) perceptible.
Also it's probably not very visible here because I chose a quite serious example, but I tend to put more irony and distant humour in my writing too? "He just got bad luck" is I think what I have closest to an example of dark irony here, while I used to just make blank statements.
Finally my characterization has changed as well, a lot, and I think it shows a bit here, although I tried to remain faithful to the original intent and characterization. My new Beth is much less empathetic, more rational, I assume? Way crankier too, with a generous serving of denial and self-hypocrisy on top.
  Technical writing thingy
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Endocrin Harmony for Men and Women: Three Home remedies for Treating Hormonal Difference
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hormonal harmony hb5 reviews
Hormones are a big issue in the health field and many women and men are in the "volatile zone" of hormonal imbalance. You may well be a pregnant woman, the latest mother, a woman in some cycle of menopause or a girl having difficulty with what is a really relatively easy and normal completing phase of the month or possibly a man in some phase associated with andropause.
hormonal harmony hb5 reviews
A good place to start using hormones is by defining the way they are.
"Hormones have many characteristics as the body's messengers. Throughout scientific language, they are termed as signalers. They are so good that all other signals inside the cells are ignored every time a hormonal signal is dispatched. " Allen & Lutz, Life Without Bread, (2000), p. 22.
This is exactly what is going on to many people are doing every little thing right to lose weight, but they continue to be stuck or plateau into their weight loss efforts. It is likely given that they have an underlying severe junk imbalance in their body along with hormones are a stronger affect in the cells than anywhere of diet or exercising and some hormones block the consequence of other hormones in the cell.
So , besides weight-loss, fat burning and building muscle (regulation of metabolism), exactly what else do hormones accomplish? Hormones play a role in the:
arousal or inhibition of expansion, emotions, induction or reductions of cell apoptosis (cell suicide), activation or prohibition of the immune system, preparation from the body for fight, airline flight or freeze syndrome, prep of the body for a brand-new phase of life, for instance puberty, parenting or menopausal, controls the reporductive technique, appetite, libido.
When a individual has balanced hormones you will find a smooth transition in both the actual monthly and the life periods of a woman, including growing up and menopause and for adult men, their transition into andropause. They should experience an overall impression of well-being no matter what the instances are going on around them. They also have healthy libidinal drives, balanced skin, hair and fingernails or toenails and healthy blood sugar legislation and immune function.
Somebody with imbalanced hormones may well experience some of the following signs and symptoms, for women:
low energy, very low sex drive, menstrual disorders, unpredictable cycles, splitting headaches or maybe headaches on the side of the scalp, craving chocolate, tired, slumbering too much or too little, escalation in weight, low abdominal pufiness, mood swings, breasts tender all-around cycle, acne around circuit, hot flashes, skin running, breast discharge, breasts becoming less, vaginal dryness and painful love-making.
For men, hormonal balance consist of:
flat or low sexual interest, decreased morning erections, lack of ability to concentrate, episodes regarding depression, decreased physical stamina levels, sweating attacks, more emotive than in the past, weight gain, changes in frizzy hair, skin or nails.
While in st. kitts are natural supplements and herbal products for specific hormonal signs, there are also things each individual is able to do to promote balanced hormones since lifestyle issues are just what drives hormones. Someone who is usually complaining about hormonal issues should first look at how they are living and they are eating. The following a few components make up a holistic method to balancing hormones.
Diet sits the foundation for healthy the; digestion, detoxification and defense function are linked jointly as one. In a lot of men and women, the digestive and immune system systems are very confused since they're not eating real food, they can be eating a lot of nonfood that is going to create hormonal dilemma in the body. Also, many people get undiagnosed food allergies knowning that creates significant inflammation by the body processes and elevates the hormonal production cortisol adding to the de las hormonas confusion.
Lifestyle factors are definitely the next step to consider in endocrin imbalance and these include rest and exercise. If a particular person complains of hormonal difference and it is found they are merely sleeping five hours some sort of night, it may be a smarter transfer for the healthcare practitioner to function on helping the person sleeping better rather than giving them sport nutrition for their hormonal complaints. In case their sleep is improved, that is going to increase their hormones, without intervening while using hormones, with just cooperating with the body's wisdom. Again the particular holistic approach to health is simply not to suppress the indication, but to find the root cause in the symptom and allow the body for you to heal and re-balance on its own. So a sleep reduced person with hormonal grievances might be suggested to take a number of minerals at bedtime as well as Valerian Complex to improve their very own sleep and the body will then re-balance the hormones untreated.
Once the diet and lifestyle factors are viewed, the third step is to logically use herbs or products specific to particular de adn imblances. After foundational assist such as a whole food multi-vitamin, trace minerals and a necessary fatty acid is suggested, then precise endocrine/hormonal support is thought about. The next step is adding customized nutritionary and herbal support intended for specific complaints. Of course , your better intervention is to work with a all-natural healthcare professional in this area.
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ahopkins1965 · 4 months
Proverbs 21:13 says: Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor, will himself cry and not be heard.  This is a true statement because I have been in this situation before myself.  I ignored the cries of the poor myself and when I was in that situation myself God did not hear me.  When I was living in Charlotte, NC: I helped people who were just as poor as I was.  One Day, on October 5, 2009 I was unjustly evicted out of my apartment because of a misunderstanding with the Landlord.  The Landlord blessed me with a place to live, and I got into an argument with my Landlord and he evicted me.  This is also during the same day I had a seizure twice in one week.  The second time I had a seizure was on October 9, 2009 at Central Piedmont Community College and I was transported to Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, NC.  I have learned a valuable lesson on that day alone because I was homeless for two weeks.  I paid my rent and I still got evicted out of my apartment by the Police.  
Next, I went to the hospital and stayed for eight weeks in Broughton State Psychiatric Hospital in Morganton, NC from October 13, 2009 to December 5, 2009.  I was not able to
move physically because I was messed up from taking Haldol and Ativan shots for aggressive behavior.  On the week of my release from the hospital, I went back in the hospital one week later for aggressive behavior.  The State of North Carolina Probated me for my behavior.  I went home afterwards back to Dayton, Ohio on January 5, 2010.  As soon as I arrived in Dayton, Ohio it was a snow storm.  I got off the bus and caught a cab to my sister's house.  I stayed with her for only one month.  My sister saved my life because I tried to kill myself with pills.  I was hearing voices from November 5, 2009 to the present day.  I have been hearing voices for 14 years now.
Further, I want to inform all of you that my sister and mother died during the same month back in the year 2017.  My sister died on Friday June 2, 2017 and my mother died on Thursday July 20, 2017.  This was during the time that I was working at Walgreens pharmacy on Salem Avenue and Philadelphia Drive in Dayton, Ohio.  I was having seizures during that year.  I was also suffering from Schizoid Affective Disorder and Clinical Depression.  
Moreover, I want you to know that I have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and Andropause right now.  I still suffer from Type 2 Diabetes Full Blown.  I have to be very careful because I am losing my memory each day of the week.  I told everyone that I have the diseases and I am still taking it easy right now.  I have not been to Church within the past few weeks now.  There is a juvenile delinquent shooting a gun outside of the building right now.  You have a lot of children living here at Wentworth Hi Rise Apartments located at 2765 Wentworth Avenue Dayton, Ohio 45406.  This side of town is considered as Harrison Township in Dayton, Ohio.  These children do not have any where to play outside of the building.  The Juvenile Delinquent children hang out inside of the staff parking lot.  The parents of these Juvenile Delinquent children should be locked up for allowing a child to shoot a real gun.
Finally, I want all of you to know that this place is not conducive towards the needs of anyone.  Children become criminals and are locked up for the rest of their own life.  I know all about being a Juvenile Delinquent myself.  I was a Juvenile Delinquent for a total of 5 years.  I started smoking marijuana and cigarettes as well as drinking alcohol on a daily basis.  I have been clean and sober for 33 years now.  My AA Sponsor told me today that I didn't relapsed since I didn't take a guzzle of wine back in the year 2000.  I didn't drink anything since then.  I have to be very careful because alcohol is a drug.  Thank you for reading my essay.
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bastardsunlight · 5 years
//LONG-ass headcanon sesh for D, Alucard (Hellsing) and Adrian (CV’s Alucard) all kinda rolled into one.
So, since I don’t have radiantDecay anymore, I’ve sort of pulled back from the verse where Adrian BECOMES D. There was a lot of movement and timeline adjustment that had to happen for that one, and while it is in some way still possible, I’m not terribly interested in upkeeping a unique interpretation for a character that’s never really going to come into play. If you’re writing with D, it’s thousands of years after he was Adrian. If you’re writing with Adrian, it’s pre-1999 pretty much.
So, I have some documents someplace that I had written regarding D’s origins. The novels heavily imply that he’s somehow enhanced—y’know the movies hint at him just being super powerful Mary Sue turbo ultra dhampir simply because he is the son of “Our Sacred Ancestor” whomst we all pretty much know is Dracula himself right? Certain novels even hint that Mina Harker is his mother, if they don’t just outright state it. It might be the clunky translation (they really should have been more carefully transliterated because WOW some of those sentences just… don’t), but thus far it’s not been made CRYSTAL PERFECT CLEAR. However, I’m more than willing to run with that idea.
Dracula is, by the time Mina et. Al. come up against him, quite old, nigh ancient. I think that the Dracula of the Bram Stoker novel is or, rather, was the historical Vlad III Dracula Tepes (the impaler), born in the 1420s, “died” in the 1470s, iirc. Supposedly, the sultan at the time… Mehmed Fatih, kept his head in a box for a while before pinning him up on the walls of Constantinople, which the Turks controlled at the time. Ugly period in history for Eastern Europe… With Wallachia and Transylvania, in particular, two kingdoms in Romania, times were triple trouble. They were sandwiched between the Ottoman Empire to the east, then west was Eastern Orthodox Christendom—further west was Roman Catholicism and if you think THOSE guys didn’t fight, ding dong ur wrong!
BUT this period of violence produced one of the most well-known and controversial heroes (sometimes called a war criminal) of all time. Also he had a great ‘stache. Now when I write Hellsing’s Alucard, I roll with this same lore, so D and that Alucard could absolutely exist in the same ‘verse. It’s kind of a “darkest timeline” deal, a world in which the Belmont clan never existed. Before that even, Lisa never made Dracula’s acquaintance so the guy’s motivations are a little different. In addition, he is NOT Mathias Cronqvist, a tactician during the first crusades in 1090 AD. In that case, he would have revamped (PUN) his whole personality and integrated himself into one of the other great houses of Wallachia/Transylvania and re-emerged four hundred years later as Vlad the Impaler. That could work fine—not like he hasn’t got time—and that would have been around the time he met, and lost, Lisa. Now whether THAT part of history looks the same is dubious, since Vlad’s exploits during the period of his reign/deposition/reign/deposition/beheading are pretty decently documented. In this case, I’m going to say the Belmonts’ existence is in a timeline where those conflicts also may have played out differently. As these are all fictional worlds, I guess this’s up to ME atm. Nice.
So this is part “how I write D” and part “how I’d be inclined to write Alucard (Hellsing) in interactions that take place BEFORE the manga—like WAY before”. Since Adrian would have been a major contributing factor to the Belmonts’ strength from Trevor onward (so in the games idk if folks know this, but Adrian is Trevor’s father, with Sonia Belmont being his mom), that would also have contributed, at least in part, to the ability of the Belmonts to stomp Dracula and his minions.
With D, there is no need to include Mathias and his ebony/crimson stone conundrum, which does tend to throw a small monkey wrench in the ol’ gears (but not big enough I can’t adapt, trust me). The difference, aside from lack of Belmonts, is the origin of vampires. Clearly, they’re a magical construct or a spell-woven form of sentient life in Castlevania. In Vampire Hunter D, it’s heavily implied (once again, not outright stated) that the Nobility, some of them anyway, are simply a mutation of humanity (Dark Gene vs Light Gene, Lina’s whole deal, among other passages here and there), who also happen to be allergic to garlic, crucifixes, running water, and basic-ass Bram Stoker weaknesses. They’ve even got labs full o’ Nobles tryin’a conquer the sun issue.
So to know D, we gotta know his dad first. At the beginning, Vlad III is born to (big surprise) Vlad II. He and his brother are sent to Edirne as part of the Ottoman Empire’s “tribute” of however many young  boys from noble houses, to be trained in the ways of Islam and Turkish mannerisms, etc. This is more for pacification of that region of Europe, which is still Eastern Orthodox, than it is for real “peace”. It’s “peace because you guys are a good buffer zone between us and the rest of Eastern Orthodox-dom”, anyway. Every _voivode_ of Wallachia has to swear allegiance to either the Ottoman Empire or to the Eastern Orthodox church. While most of that area is EO, it’s in their best interest to swear to the Ottoman Empire. They’re bigger and closer. Vlad’s dad has done some underhanded shit, but he’s also a member of the Order of the Dragon and has propelled it to new heights within the EO and that’s where Vlad gets his name: Dracula, which is Son of the Dragon. So Vlad II’s immediate family are known as the Draculesti, which is fucking cool—it’s like “children of the dragon” and that’s not even his like, NAME name—it’s a frickin’ nickname, or sobriquet, as is Tepes.
In the world of Vampire Hunter D, vampirism appears to be a genetic phenomenon—ironically, a mutation. No Noble is going to admit that, OBVIOUSLY. And while it’s true, they were probably born that way, they’re still a mutant human derivative. Rather than mutating due to radiation or whatevermstthefuck like the actual mutants in VHD, they’re just born that way. So what I’m rolling with is Vlad III was born with that particular mutation and, kind of like my OC Toby, who is also a genetic vampire, it takes a violent or unnatural death to trigger the actual symptoms, else you’re just a normal-ass person. In fact, in this interpretation, I’m going to say that maybe quite a few people are BORN with that mutation, but if they live to a ripe old age and die, it never triggers. Most likely, the body is too enfeebled to handle it, maybe it dies after menopause/andropause? Either way, the body has broken down too much and there’s no material to work with.
That might also go a long way to explain the animosity many old vampires have toward humanity. Sometimes it’s straight up contempt, of course, but every single time, it seems to be a removal. Carmilla is a good example. Most of the time, her backstory involves a vicious assault that might very well have killed her. Imagine dying that way and waking back up to find that you had to KEEP living in the world that did this to you, that death is FAR far off. I can understand being VERY PERTURBED, to put it mildly. By the same token, what about war? How many folks die in war? Thousands? Millions? Of all those, how many have the mutation? Probably quite a few. Some folks might not figure out what’s going on and stay where they are, buried for decades, before just wasting away without sustenance—Vampires DO require blood, after all, to keep doin’ their thing. Plenty more are probably just torched in the sun. Since they were KIA, it might be rough finding their bodies in the first place…
So Vlad is beheaded—now this part intersects VERY well with Hellsing’s Alucard in my portrayal—and Mehmed Fatih keeps his head close at hand for a bit, probably talking to it. What happens when it starts talking back? We know Dracula has some SERIOUSLY kickass abilities and putting himself back together would definitely be one of ‘em, in my humble opinion. Mehmed dies not long after he achieves “victory” over Vlad the Impaler and no one knows where Vlad’s remains are. Maybe they up and walked the fuck away, hm? Maybe it was HE who ensured Mehmed’s destruction. How poetic would THAT be? Spoiler alert ||very||.
Now imagine going through everything he did—the guy had a tumultuous life. He might be one of the few, lucky ones who figure out that sunlight is a no-go, hide himself away, eventually go back to haunt his castle in the mountains between Transylvania and Wallachia. Now fast forward to the 1800s, MODERN TIMES (heehee okay) and one very ambitious realtor who wants to sell a creepy old abbey to some weird foreigner. Seems legit. Anyway by now we can see that Dracula’s gotten kinda nutty? He has three scary “wives” but he doesn’t seem to care much for ‘em. They’re obviously vampires, too, though I cannot recall if they’re turned by him or if they’re LIKE him—anyone who’s read it recently, do feel free to refresh me.
He’s kinda senile and while he’s crafty, he’s outsmarted by a dandy, an ancient-ass doctor, a dude who cannot stop fainting, a man named Quincey (my husbando), and Jack Seward—nuff said. He has some kind of congress with Mina, though ofc it’s the Victorian age so the only penetration is that of his li’l toofers on her poor neck. Nom. I don’t think Dracula banged Mina Harker. I think that, in THIS world, a dhampir is a nigh-impossibility, because at this point (and their cool-ass vampire science might’ve changed this), vampires are The Undead™ and therefore cannot CREATE LIFE. Not even if they have a raging turboner (that’s a turbo boner, for those of u not in the know). So he bit Mina, but before he did that, Mina married Jonathan—like as soon as he got home. They were married and living together and doing the frickle frackle, presumably, before Drac shows up in London to mess up their day.
In this case and for the sake of sanity, to create a dhampir, the vampire must chew on a pregnant lady. The curse lifts from her when the master is killed, but his blood has already entered and changed the child; the process is much longer and more involved for an adult human, who has an immune system and much more ground to cover. If the smol bean was in embryo stage or even fetal, it had no defense and mom’s body provided it with everything, Dracula’s blood, included. The final set of letters in Dracula mentiones a young boy, Jonathan and Mina’s son, Quincey, named after their fallen friend. So little Quincey is a dhampir!
Now, a bitten vampire cannot, in this universe, turn anyone else. They can feed and create thralls, but they can’t make VAMPIRES. In Hellsing lore, if a vamp bites you and you’re a virgin, you become one—if not, you become a ghoul/zambolio thingamajigger. Integra narrates this for us pretty early on. But it’s not Alucard’s venom doing this. It’s the vicar of Cheddar Village, who is a manufactured vampire. He’s not a true vampire, not like Alucard. Now, Alucard DOES ask Seras if she’s a virgin ‘fore he kills and bites her, which makes sense… IF HE LOVED MINA.
Hear me out. So, he saw this strong-ass bitch and thought “goddamn I’m sick of my whiny, vicious wives UGH I need me a woman like that”. So he’s gunna turn her. It probably takes longer since he hasn’t been powered up by Hellsing and their dark science-magic shit, or whatever it was… OR as he chomps on ‘er, he realizes “well fuck me she’s preggo, so even if she changes, I can’t have her”. Pregnant blood has GOTTA taste different, all those hormones and shit, even early on. I think he did have some weird admiration-affection for her. His arrogance and greed, however, has taken him over, so perhaps he decides to change her slow, to make the fellas suffer. They’ve fucked with him so he’s gunna fuck with them, but I think it pains him a little to do so, because lbr Mina’s the woman of his dreams.
So when Quincey is born, he’s perfect, healthy, rosy-cheeked, and by god only Mina knows something’s amiss. Damned if she’s going to say shit to Jonathan, who’s liable to faint, the absolute fucking walnut. They live fairly well, having taken over the real-estate business from their wonderful, generous, dead benefactor. 
Much like Carmilla’s weirdo ghost, however, Dracula’s spirit absolutely lives on.
TL; DR D was born Quincey Harker. 
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velofelus9-blog · 4 years
Velofel Review — Does it Work ? Check Price & Reviews
Velofel Review :
Velofel There is a condition called Andropause in men which is equivalent to menopause in ladies. You will discover various items that need to figure to help address the issue of male sexual wellbeing. You will discover a wide range of items available. They don't give you the accurate outcomes as you need, and furthermore they are not changeless. That is the reason it turns out to be increasingly imperative to have an item that builds your size, stamina, quality yet additionally gives you durable outcomes. Each relationship needs to make some extraordinary memories in bed; this makes their relationship sound and glad. This velofel male upgrade isn't just made to treat the side effects yet in addition the genuine reason for the issue. It will rapidly reestablish the lessening testosterone level in your body. So don't hold back to get it.
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What Are The Benefits Of Velofel Supplement?
In the present time, the greater part of the male is having different sexual and wellbeing issue. There are numerous individuals whose relationship has broken due to not getting enough fulfillment from their affection life. There is a solid purpose behind that when you are not ready to give total fulfillment to your mate. She will get coldhearted towards you and lose her enthusiasm for you. This is certifiably not a great circumstance for you. In the event that you are additionally experiencing these equivalent issues at that point think about certain answers for these troubles.
The Leading Choice For Male Improvement!
Velofel male improvement is the formula that functions as male amplification and redresses every sexual difficulty. At the point when you contacted and cross the period of 30s, at that point there is a solid plausibility that you lose the testosterone tally and face issues like erectile brokenness and untimely discharge. Be that as it may, this item will dispense with every one of these issues viably and normally. So it is the across the board item that gives you complete assurance from sexual issues.
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How To Use Velofel Male Enhancement ?
It is a clear and simple procedure that is expected to pursue for the utilization of the enhancement. As per your recommended measurements from your PCP, take that much dose as it were. For the most part, the recommended measurements by an expert specialist is the admission of 2 cases of the enhancement every day. For the most part, it took, when you are setting off to your bed to rest around evening time and toward the beginning of the day soon after awakening. Possibly on the off chance that in the event that you are experiencing any treatment or drugs. At that point promptly counsel a specialist. Else, it is completely protected to use as it is produced using different organic high evaluated characteristic herbs. It is altogether sheltered to utilize.
Velofel - The Best In Male Enhancement?
Additionally, all it's containers comprises of 60 cases. Regardless of whether there is even a point by point depiction of how to take it? Simply behind the pot. It favored that you acknowledge these pills either with tepid water or with milk. Practically numerous advantages are there for velofel. As it has numerous one of a kind and different no. of fixings like Saw palmetto berry, boron, epimedium remove, Korean red ginseng, nutrient D, wild yam separate parts are there with improves the quality and versatility of men. There is a finished rundown of favorable circumstances like .
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andropause1-blog · 5 years
Picture this--you are a forty year old man reading the newspaper on a Sunday morning. You used to enjoy this weekly ritual, but you're feeling irritable today. Actually, you haven't felt like yourself recently. You're happy along with your job and your relationships, but you're feeling tired and depressed and you don't know why. You haven't been sleeping well and your sex life isn't what it used to be.
Before you reach for another cup of coffee, ask yourself--have I'd my testosterone levels checked to see if I've andropause?
Understanding Male Andropause: Andropause is a medical condition due to low testosterone levels in men. Low testosterone levels affect some men in their late 20s, and all men feel the outward indications of andropause to some degree in their 40s and beyond. Andropause in men resembles menopause in women, except the outward indications of andropause (and the intensity of the symptoms) can vary greatly. It is estimated that at the very least 95% of men in their fifties feel the outward indications of andropause.
Andropause has received little medical attention until recently, as doctors attributed the outward indications of andropause to senior years or depression. However, andropause is just a real condition and it may be treated. The outward indications of andropause vary from male to male, and the utmost effective 5 symptoms are listed below.
The Top 5 Outward indications of Andropause: 1. Depression 2. Sweating and hot flashes 3. Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction 4. Fatigue 5. Poor concentration and memory
Andropause may be followed by other symptoms. Here are additional symptoms.
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More Outward indications of Andropause: - Decreased muscle mass - Sleep disturbance - Osteoporosis - Excess fat gain, particularly abdominal weight gain - Aches and pains - Loss of height
Approaches to alleviate the outward indications of andropause: There are several uniformly accepted changes to human behavior that could have an apparent effect on the results of the progression of andropause. Three basic, but trusted principles are: - Exercise regularly - Eat well - Moderate use of alcohol
Exercise: Andropause symptoms directly correlate with depression. Exercising will enhance your mood and make you're feeling better by increasing endorphins. Consider these suggestions: get a run, play tennis, produce a visit to the bowling alley, or grab a basketball and head to the court.
Eating well: Eating well can have a confident effect on your time and mood. Try to incorporate Omega-3 fats, folic acid and B12, and Vitamin D into your diet plan, which were proven to decrease depression. You can get Omega-3 fats from salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed, folic acid from oatmeal, broccoli, organs, and fortified whole-grain breakfast cereals, B12 from cottage cheese, lean beef, and eggs, and Vitamin D from milk.
Alcohol: Each body reacts differently to alcohol consumption. Be mindful of your present consumption levels and frequency of consumption and look at the following--alcohol lowers serotonin and norpinephrine levels, which acts as a depressant. Remember, depression is too often a misdiagnosis of andropause written by family doctors.
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woomette-blog · 5 years
Libido and causes libido loss
LIBIDO is the word for the sexual desire of people. This sexual lust is the engine for all our sexual activities.
The term 'libido' comes from Latin, meaning 'desire'. Nowadays the word is used to indicate sex drive.
Differences in libido
The libido can vary enormously among people. This difference can have to do with both biological and psychological causes. The most important biological cause is a hormone: testosterone. Important psychological influences are sexual stimuli around you and the experiences you have gained in the sexual field. Annoying experiences make you long for sex, and pleasant experiences make you feel more and more.
High libido and low libido
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One speaks of a strongly increased libido of hypersexuality; in cases where this leads to obsessive sexual behavior, you can speak of sex addiction. A greatly reduced sex drive is called anaphrodisia. The libido changes during a lifetime. During adolescence and young adulthood, libido is at its highest. The sexual peak in men is around 20 years. Women have their sexual peak later, between 30 and 40 years.
Menopause and Andropause
In women, libido changes after the menopause. Many women experience a strong loss of libido. Men also have andropause and more problems with erections. However, there are also examples of eighty-aged people who still have a strong libido.
Sex drive is largely determined by hormones in the body, especially by the hormones testosterone and estrogen. In women, the menstrual cycle has a major influence on the urge to have sex. During ovulation, many women experience an increase in libido. Emotions can also influence libido: stress, anxiety, stress or depression can reduce or even increase libido.
Solutions for libido loss
There has been a proliferation of all kinds of means that offer a solution to erection problems and libido loss. It is therefore often difficult to find a real solution. It is best to talk about it with a doctor, gynecologist or sexologist. There are special clinics for menopausal women. Recently, special clinics have also been opened for men with libido problems.
More can be found on Provestra Female Libido Reviews
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agelessall-blog · 5 years
Ageless Male Reviews – Does Ageless Male Really Work?
Ageless Male – An Ideal Sexual Energy Booster For Men
As per the health reports by the medical experts the men’s sex health is said to decline as they approach their middle ages. The sexual problems in men are mainly attributed to the testosterone level, a male hormone. In the middle phase of their life, the male hormone level will start to weaken overtime. It takes them to the condition known as andropause.  The main culprit is the lack of essential nutrient contents which is essential for the healthy functioning of the male hormone. In such instance, you should use ageless male supplement. It is considered as the perfect sexual health supplement for men. Ageless Male pills can take back you to your youth.
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About Ageless Male Supplement
Ageless male is a natural sexual health supplement for men. The ageless male supplement contains essential natural ingredients which are strong enough to increase the testosterone level. It is a natural phenomena that the testosterone level is said to drop back at the time of 50′s and later. The very problem will be exhibiting several symptoms like in the form of weakened bones, low sexual drives and many other related side-effects. By using the Ageless Male supplement, you can just say good bye to the symptoms of growing old. Your testosterone levels will improve within a hopeful range as if it was during your youth.
Ingredients in Ageless Male Supplement
As I mentioned in the above statement, Ageless Male pill supplement contains several essential natural ingredients which are really helpful in improving the testosterone levels in men. We can start with a special Testofen compound which is included in the supplement. This Testofen compound can drive up the men’s testosterone levels. Ageless Male can also maintain the male hormone levels within a healthy range. The most important beneficiary factor behind the use of Ageless Male is that it does not cause any side effects as they are purely natural.
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The ageless male supplement is made up of Testofen which can effectively improve the testosterone level. It also includes Vitamin B6, which can improve the overall health of men in addition to enhancing the hormone level of men. Another important component used in making ageless male is Magnesium. The very component can enhance the reproductive capacity too. Another major ingredient included in the supplement is Zinc. Zinc can ensure the prostate health and it helps in developing the immune system.
The ingredients included in the supplement ensure the effectiveness of Ageless Male supplement in enhancing the sexual health of men. The very ingredients can provide an overall good health condition along with a healthy hormone level.
Specialty of Testofen Ingredient in Ageless Male
Testofen is the most crucial ingredient in the Ageless Male supplement. It is the real sexual energy boosting element in the supplement. Other than improving the testosterone levels in men, it can also muscle mass by burning out the fat content that has accumulated around the body muscles. Ageless Male is a natural product and its use will not cause any adverse side-effects as in the case of other medications.
How Ageless Male Works In Men?
As  per the latest health reports, Ageless Male supplement is the most effective solution in curing the andropause condition which occurs in men who are in their middle ages. The expert reports have rated the product high because of its very natural ingredients. They are of the opinion that the very use of the product will improve the testosterone levels in men and it will give a long lasting sexual life. Other than improving the hormone levels, Ageless Male also works well in enabling men to undertake all kinds of physical activities with ease.
Pros and Cons of Ageless Male
The Ageless Male supplement can boost your overall health condition with its essential vitamins and nutrients. The very use of ageless male can increase your sexual drives, metabolism and moreover your testosterone levels. The product is so powerful to slow down the symptoms of aging. The product is manufactured under the strict supervision of leading doctors. The product is offered with a 30 day money back guarantee. You can order the product through the reliable online sites. There are also some special offers which you can avail.
The negative facts about Ageless Male supplements are that you must take in the supplements for a long time period to get the real benefit out of it. You cannot stop its intake mid-way which can even lead to severe problems. There is no free trial for the product. The company offers only a money back guarantee.
If you are in real need to lead a happy and healthy life ahead you need to get the Ageless Male supplement at the earliest. So, order it now to start using Ageless Male and feel the changes yourself!
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