#is a creeper as usual
splatattackz · 8 months
oh !
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dr3amofagame · 2 years
a quick fic for c!dream hybrid day !! involving creeper hybrids c!dream and c!sam (what will they do) 
tws: abuse, torture and death mentions, lots of Weirdness about hybrid traits bc c!sam has Issues (tm)
The cell is hot. 
It cuts through even the coolant running through the insides of Sam’s armor, the residual effects of the fire resistance he downed before pearling through the lava. The air shimmers and warps next to the lava, and he turns away from the overwhelming brightness with a tight frown, fist tightening over Warden’s Will as he surveys the cell. It’s relatively clean for one of Quackity’s visits, not that that means very much. Dream has managed to pull himself upright against the back wall, eyes blank. 
“Dream,” Sam rolls his eyes, rapping his sword against the floor until his gaze swivels over to focus on him. His pupils are pinpricks, shining gold. 
“Sam,” Dream mutters, his voice hoarse. He blinks, shakes his head, blinks again. “Sorry.” 
The apology is tacked on like an afterthought, and Sam sighs again. 
“Get up.” He surveys the damage as Dream struggles up to his feet; there’s another series of bleeding gashes carved into his back, some sort of large, amorphous burn that’s ruined one pant leg and covers most of his shin, his hair stringy and wet - if Sam were to guess, from being dunked in the cauldron again. Manageable enough, even without potions, but he’ll use one anyway for his back just to ensure he won’t bleed out. Dream’s legs wobble underneath him, his ear flicking back and forth, and Sam pushes him away from the back wall of the cell with the flat of his sword, handing over a change of clothes and a health potion as he does.
“Don’t take too long,” he warns, watching carefully as Dream cradles the glass bottle with two hands. “And don’t drop the potion. You’re not getting a second one.” 
Sam turns away from him, looking at the blood and grime on the ground and internally lamenting the mess; no matter how many times he tells Quackity to be more careful, he never manages to listen quite as well as Sam would like. This is supposed to be better than the last few days, which - if Sam is to be fair - it is. But better doesn’t mean he’s not going to be here for the next thirty minutes mopping the obsidian, nor does it mean that Quackity hasn’t ruined yet another prison uniform that Sam will inevitably end up having to find the materials to replace. He lets his sword fall back into his inventory, pulling out a bucket of water and a mop with a frustrated sigh that barely skirts around becoming a low hiss, starting at the leftmost wall of the cell in silence. 
It’s barely five minutes later when the hissing begins: an almost inaudible low hum of noise at his back that he stubbornly ignores. The mop splashes loudly as he dunks it in the water, scrubbing grit and grime from the cracks in the stone and staining the head of it red-brown, and the hissing grows in volume like it’s trying to drown it out. His fists tighten on the mop handle. There’s a puddle of dried blood and vomit in the corner he has to scrub at for a solid minute and a half. He adjusts how his mask sits on his face with one hand, a spark of a rising headache pulsing brighter against the front of his skull-
“Will you stop that?” 
The hissing cuts off. Dream stares back at him, wide-eyed, the points of his eyes impossibly small and bright. Smoke curls from the corner of his lips, mouth barely open. Sam notes, with no small measure of irritation, that he has yet to put on his new shirt. 
Dream looks away first. “Sorry.” 
“Hurry up. And stay quiet.” 
Sam turns back, mop clutched tightly in his hands until the joints of his gauntlets creak against each other, headache worsening despite the silence from the man behind him. With new vigor, he scrubs at the floor along the back of the cell, determined to leave as soon as possible. 
“What, Dream.” 
“I- my shirt.” Sam looks back at him; with how sickly pale he’s become, the embarrassed flush that settles over his face and neck is impossible to ignore, the darker, blocky patches of green over his cheeks and shoulders much like Sam’s own fading into the rest of his skin. “I can’t-” 
Sam bites back a flash of burning anger, startled momentarily at the ferocity of it even in his own head. “Figure it out, Dream. I’m not your butler.” 
“Please, Sam.” Behind the words, the hissing builds, then stops. “I-”
The cell is sweltering; heat gathers at Sam’s collar, the fire resistance long having worn off. He sets his jaw and looks over at Dream, who - admittedly - looks a little pathetic. He’s tangled up in his shirt, one sleeve dangling loosely, beads of sweat gathering at his hairline from the heat or exertion. His eyes have brightened to a piercing orange, pinpricks of brilliant light in his dark eyes, and Sam feels the hairs of his neck stand on end. 
“Watch it, Dream,” he mutters, waving away a curling fog of smoke and gunpowder. Dream hesitates, then nods, shoulders tight as Sam reaches for his shirt, careful not to touch him. The lava glitters at the edges of his vision, hair sticking to the skin of his neck. It’s awkward, maneuvering his arm into the sleeve, and Sam backs away immediately after with a roll of his shoulders. 
“Thank you,” Dream says, voice almost a whisper. He pulls at the shirt awkwardly, wincing every so often from the strain at his back, and Sam turns his gaze back to the cell after he starts fumbling with the buttons. There’s a dull ache in his head that he tamps down, clearing his throat awkwardly as he returns to the mop. 
He finishes cleaning the rest of the cell without any more interruptions, finally looking back at Dream clutching the bloody rags of his old uniform and an empty potion bottle. Sam picks up the bucket of water from the ground and returns it and the mop to his inventory.
“Sam,” Dream says, voice pitched hesitantly, and Sam feels his jaw jump. 
“What now, Dream!” 
Dream stares back at him, silent. His expression is unreadable, eyes an even darker orange, a dull, inconsistent buzzing making Sam’s ears ring. Inside his own ribcage, there’s something hot and bright and sharp, begging to tear loose. To swell into light and aching heat, to set the world aflame, and Sam swallows a gulp of air that’s not cool enough to do anything more than fan the flames. 
“It’s hot in here, Sam,” Dream says, looking away. His eyebrows are furrowed in inscrutable thought. “It’s too hot. You know that.” 
“You should’ve thought of that earlier then,” Sam says, clipped. “This cell was your design-”
“I know, I know-” Dream mutters, dismissive, and Sam forces down the hiss building in his own lungs. “But- with Quackity-” 
“I don’t see how this has to do with Quackity.” 
“The- the gunpowder, Sam! And the lava!” Sam’s ear flicks irritably, and he runs his hand through his hair beside it, remembering Dream’s doing the same. “It’s not- you know it’s not-” 
“Quackity has been supplied a mask and appropriate precautionary equipment.” Sam’s voice comes out more guttural than he intends, and he forces himself to take a deep breath. He has to leave. The searing brightness at his sternum presses against the cool metal of his chestplate. 
“You mean- a bucket of ice water and a shield? Yeah, because that’s going to do so much when I literally explode and kill us both, Sam! Don’t you remember-” 
“He’s been informed with what to do in case-” 
“-what happened to Tommy!” 
Sam whirls around. Dream’s eyes are wide, eyes glittering in the lava’s light, lips still slightly parted as Sam stares down at him. There’s a seething rattle to the air, steam in a kettle, rising to a fever pitch as Sam feels himself move forward towards where Dream is still standing in the middle of the cell. 
“Tommy? You killed Tommy, Dream! You ruined his life! You wanted to put him in here!” The mask digs into his face, knocking against his chin as his mouth moves. 
“You’re the reason why the cell is like this. You’re the reason why Quackity has to visit. Stop trying to- use all of these things to convince me- you know what? You’re right! You’re right, I do know what’s necessary for the cell. I know better than anyone, and you know that. So don’t try and threaten me, Dream!” 
“Sam, please-” 
“You deserve this, Dream-” 
Sam’s hand clamps around Dream’s wrist only to wrench away - the cell is hot, and Dream’s skin burns. Dream’s eyes are wide as saucers, the smoke spilling from his mouth blurring the image of his face with a hazy sheet of translucent grey, and Sam only barely registers himself pulling out a pearl and launching himself into the lava, forcing himself through over to the opposite side with his heart pounding in his chest. 
He waits; one second passes, then two. His breathing is harsh and heavy and loud through the mask, hissing ringing in his ears. From Dream’s cell, there’s no sudden swell of sound, no harsh crack of an explosion tempered through the lava curtain. He forces his breathing to steady with his shoulders pressed against the atrium wall, waiting for a detonation that never comes. 
Finally, relatively confident that the danger zone has passed, Sam peels himself from the wall, feeling strangely heavy on his feet, almost disoriented. He ignores the levers on the wall - Dream is fine, surely, he didn’t hear anything from the cell - and heads for the bathroom. Some cold water on his face sounds amazing right now. 
(A few minutes later, he hesitates as he leans over the sink, focusing on his reflection.)
(The eyes in the mirror glow bright orange as they stare back.) 
#chybrid day#tw death#tw torture#tw abuse#writing !!#my writing :D#some additional notes bc i made up so much random shit about creeper hybrids in here:#no one knew c!dream was a creeper hybrid pre-finale#creeper hybrids usually have smoke that comes from their mouth - they don't mind it#but the fumes can be noxious to others#hence c!sam and c!dream's masks#they have black sclera and white eyes Usually#but they turn yellow -> orange -> red when they get stressed/about to explode#they also usually run cold but heat up when they're about to detonate#explosions by creeper hybrids can be more controlled than regular creepers#(as in they can explode partially instead of their entire body)#but as they're still very painful + regeneration takes a long time#most avoid explosions if they can manage it#explosions become especially hard to control with heightened emotion + stress#and are very destructive + potentially fatal if you explode#so yeah c!quackity is literally torturing a living bomb that's . fun.#sam had Some weirdness about being a creeper hybrid bc of the destructiveness before#but it definitely gets 20x worse with the reveal of c!dream being one#cause he sees c!dream as being the embodiment of everything he fears about himself etc#as well as being u know. Terribly Evil.#hissing from creepers is a warning they're about to explode as well skks#so yeah a lot of sam's deal here is telling dream to control himself#as to not literally blow up#which is hard considering the constant stress of being u know. tortured.#anyway that's about all i think !! hope u guys enjoy :D
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fluxedbuds · 1 year
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Heard we’re doing hermitcitizens? Have a this guy! Nobody told them the flash was on
I figured an allay fairy godmothering itself into a guy was the kind of fun magical nonsense explanation Hermitcraft tends to go for! They won’t deliver things for you but they DO love cookies (thanks for the excuse to post sona, @ink-ghoul!)
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bloodlust-kid · 6 months
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excited for some more intimate shows!🩸🧛🏻
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— Assorted Body Stims
Link Here if Used
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bastard-baby-snoots · 1 month
What's the physiological process in creepers that produces gunpowder, or at least the black grainy substance that is commonly identified as a gunpowder equivalent? :0
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you know, when i first got this ask over two years ago when i started this blog (and i do apologize for my frequent disappearances) i did a bunch of research and came up with a legitimate physiological process for creepers and a biological reason for this defense mechanism but.
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hlupdate · 2 years
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Louis and Niall at Glastonbury Festival - 26/06/22
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 5 months
i say go to the kinky new years party because even if you can't bring yourself to talk to anyone i'm sure someone there will have a kink for people standing awkwardly at parties and they'll be all over you in minutes 😘
Except if I don't talk to anybody I'm worried I'll look like a creeper and they have specific rules against doing that 😂
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black-mass-things · 7 months
Help I’m writing fanfiction about Sanguivore and part of it is about the band (as members of the Ghost Brigade which is a group in the lore so I figure that’s fine) and it’s a pretty big plot point that William Von Ghould (which I’m calling him to try and separate him from the real Will) has this girlfriend and when I wrote the plan I referred to the girlfriend as Charlotte (his actual girlfriend) and basically just based the character around her, but then I thought about it some more and was like “hmm maybe that’s a bit weird” because she’s not really like in the public eye in the same way the band are so it feels weird to be writing about her
So basically the point is, do I keep the character the same and risk being weird or do I change her design and name and stuff (it also feels weird to just like fabricate him a girlfriend and it’s not like an oc or self insert she’s kind of just there???) or do I cut her character completely to avoid any kind of weirdness
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braxiatel · 2 years
Loved Doc’s latest episode of empires smp!
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theheadlessgroom · 9 months
Dorian made a face at her description, though he certainly couldn't fault her for it-she was right, every step of the planning process was just another stone in the path leading her to being shackled to that monster for the rest of her days...
It honestly made him shudder, imagining this woman, whom he happily considered a dear friend, this bright, vivacious, kind, free-spirited woman, doomed to a life being married to Pennyworth, having to bear him heirs (who would no doubt grow up to be horrid little brats like their father), forever chained to him, unable to escape...
...it was enough to make his blood boil, but he at least took solace in the fact that they were changing that.
In an effort to turn the conversation towards something happier and lighter, he asked her in genuine interest, "What do you see, in yours and Randall's futures, I mean. Would you like to work at his haberdashery with him, would you like to have children together, would you like to travel and see more of the country...anything of that sort, or...something else entirely?"
#((hey; a fellow li'l meatie!! yeah; james really does seem like a genuinely nice; stand-up guy))#((and i not only respect the video he did where he and chelsea made it clear where they stood))#((when it came to the strike; but also making it clear that he won't cover the works))#((of directors like victor salva or roman polanski because of the crimes they've committed))#((and i really respect that! i know what polanski did and i DEFIDENTLY know what salva did))#((and i've refused to watch 'jeepers creepers' as a result; so i respect james's stance))#((and same! his show really is like spark notes for horror movies; because of dead meat))#((i've both gotten to learn more about film series i generally don't want to watch))#((such as the 'saw' franchise; which he makes REALLY funny with his jokes and commentary))#((but the channel also introduced me to a bunch of series that i went on to actually watch in full))#((when i may not have otherwise! i love the running gags; the jokes; and all the rich trivia))#((that he brings to the table; showing how it was all done! it's probably my favorite youtube channel))#((next to dark corners reviews; which involves its host robin bailes covering bad movies in mondays))#((poking fun at them and breaking down what doesn't work; as well as doing streaming reviews on friday))#((covering usually much better movies and giving his personal thoughts on them))#((with some specials about classic films; actors; and directors; i highly recommend his channel))#((as well as 'the horror geek'; who covers a variety of usually terrible splashy horror films))#((with TONS of hilarious running gags and potshots! i highly recommend those))#((if you're ever looking for more fun horror channels to follow!))#outofhatboxes#beatingheart-bride#V:Days of Future Past
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the-doodleer · 10 months
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The rest of my Attacks for team Werewolf :3
INFINITY [rev] for ~cryxtiice @Ivnariite Leopold [rev] for ~staticjuicebox @staticvoicebox Dave for ~chelydraserpentina PRISM for ~LOLZthyCATZ
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Headcanon/Rewrite: Terry is a journalist when Michael isn’t making him deal with chemistry, he started to journalize things after his father ended up dying. It did not have a very good affect on him as after he learned to write things down, he started to comment on female bodies in it.
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r3tr0s-posts · 2 years
Sketched a Creeper Design based on headcanon lore both from the fandom and theories I like
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darckcarnival · 2 years
@r-edfield​ Continued from: Here
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The silence with his gaze spoke volumes, even if he hadn’t shook his head. It was obvious how much he hadn’t come across. It had the much shorter woman grimacing in sympathy for the man, eyes softening in their gaze behind purple sunglasses. It had been an odd turn of events that ended with Darck and her organization running across Chris and his Squad, but they were on the same side, so he hadn’t asked too many questions. He had his focus.
Thankfully, she had sent her people to scout and surround the area and keep their distance, handle these monstrous imitations that endangered them all, would make others hunt more actively. Don’t need them to make any questions get raised more than already were. She herself could handle the more direct interaction unless otherwise required.
“Damn.” A heavy sigh exited Darck then. Eyes glancing back towards the large Castle, and the surroundings near by. Picking up on scents lingering in the air carefully, starting to sift through the dusty molded overbearing haze on it all. If anything, the cigarette was a welcome difference that replaced it. “We’ve not found survivors either... Sorry, Redfield.”
At his question however, she did lift one hand up, opening the closed fingers to show a couple of used shot gun shells, blasted apart as they were. “Did come across this back there. Recent too, still smells of gun powder. Not having had time to oxidize too long. Past hour maybe, less?” Hard to tell with the damn snow and mold. Weather always had a toll on things.
“My people have been keeping the region contained so it doesn’t spread further, taking out anything threatening to leave the area.” Hopefully that would ease just a little weight off the man’s shoulders.
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ghostprinceiii · 2 years
I look away for ONE SECOND
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