#is a little disheartening
dedusmuln · 7 months
yeah you support trans people but are you normal about trans men who choose to get pregnant
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muzzlemouths · 11 months
not to sound desperate on main but since it's disability pride month it'd be really nice to see some art or fics with disabled Y/Ns.
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zeb-z · 7 months
dude. foolish surviving a 3v1 inside a tiny obsidian box for over a minute, taking away most of the eggs health with phil before dying for the first time. making nuisance of himself, playing smarter not harder, operating as a distraction with half a heart and a dream as phil deals the final blows. then him and cellbit’s collaboration on their base, the large build and crazy fucking lava maze and decoy obsidian boxes making it impossible for the other team to destroy their egg in return. red team winning not by being the better pvp team, but by playing to their strengths - building, strategy, communication, and complete and utter chaos. they started preparing early, they made weapons, they built extensively and prepared traps and decoys. and with their gas masks and bombs and chainsaws and complete refusal to give up, they had to have been terrifying. if they played the tower defense strategy, they would have lost faster than green had. if they had spent time getting just armor and gear and none actually working on their base, they would have lost worse than blue. the red team won by playing smarter, grinding their ass off, and by turning the playing field into incomprehensible chaos even they couldn’t navigate. they didn’t even know where their egg was and they defended it perfectly. it was a well earned victory today - here’s to hoping there’s no repercussions
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steddielations · 9 months
He’s also 20 years old probably a virgin flagging he’s a dom to seem cool lmao what he flags as a 20yo will not be the same thing he flags at 25 or 30. People change, the flag isn’t set in stone
very very true also i’m just gonna add what @munsonkitten said about eddie flagging lmao
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decolonize-the-left · 2 months
Reminder that I am a trans non-binary person.
Not theyfab, not confused cis, not a trans man. I'm not a man, I don't identify with womanhood, and hate such a limited gender binary.
I'm a trans non-binary person who is also feminine and will continue to be Mostly feminine for Most days even if/when I get bottom surgery.
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habizuh-studios · 2 months
TGCF in Hua Cheng's POV?!
More likely than you think. Part 1, Book 1
---------------- “Crimson Rain,” Hua Cheng hears in his spiritual communication array. He’s been so bored lately. The only semi-interesting thing that had happened was him pummeling Qi Rong to the ground in his own city, so he’s excited to hear something.“I have good news for you,” he says. He more excited than usual. “So good that you have to contact me this way?” Hua Cheng says with a smirk. “To the point of having to use that stupid password, yes,” He Xuan probably rolls his eyes. “But I’ll get straight to the point. His Highness, the Crown Prince of Xianle, has ascended to Heaven once again.” Hua Cheng’s eyes go wide hearing that. His Royal Highness… Part of him wishes he found him earlier. The rest of him, however, is quietly celebrating. He brings his hand down from when it was resting on his temple and closes it into a fist. His head hangs down a little bit and he closes his eyes. He smiles- a true, genuine smile. It may be ugly, with too sharp teeth and crooked, but it’s genuine. It took so long… “Hua Cheng, what are you doing?” He Xuan’s annoying monotone voice breaks his euphoric stupor. Fuck He Xuan. “You don’t even know where he currently is.” “... Aren’t you going to tell me?” “Yes,” He Xuan says. How Hua Cheng can hear the joy in He Xuan’s voice. It’s uncharacteristic, but he doesn’t really care at the moment. “But not for free. He has caused quite the property damage from his ascension alone. Sent a clock flying towards General Xuan Zhen, destroyed General Nan Yang’s palace… He’s in a lot of debt. Now he’s doing a mission in the mortal realm to pay it off.” Hua Cheng thinks that this is very convenient. His good luck was actually worth something! “Hua Cheng, don’t you want to know where he-” “Free food, five months. I’ll feed your bonefish for two months. Anything else for them, one. Nothing to your debt.” “Ehem, pardon?” “You heard me. Do we have a deal, He Xuan?” “DEAL. He should be near the mountain of Yu Jun, at a tea shop… Small Shop of Chance Encounters. Fitting name, isn’t it? Anyway, he’s going to solving that Ghost Groom case some people were praying about. Maybe he’ll even ride in the bridal sedan…” “6 months of free food.” Hua Cheng can hear how much smile is in He Xuan’s voice. It’s disgusting, honestly, and he honestly pities him. That does not matter right now, however. What does matter is His Highness. He will not throw away this chance no matter how much it costs him. Just to see him once is all he asks for.
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Way too enamoured with the tiny macden I drew for the background of one of my Valentine's zine pieces to not post a lil sneak peak snapshot of them on their own <3
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feluka · 1 year
You could spend a lifetime thoroughly researching SWANA cuisine and fashion to authentically and respectfully incorporate it into your worldbuilding as accurately as possible and it means NOTHING to me if you don't put even half of that energy to throw your support behind real life SWANA causes. I’m not treating anyone like a champion of our people before I’ve heard their stance on “controversial” topics that concern us - and if they abstain from commenting to protect their brand, then their use of elements of our culture is less than nothing to me; it’s abhorrent.
And on that topic, I wish we could stop treating SWANA representation by white creators as though it were some sort of charity work. If anything, THEY benefit from it the most. Our culture is so rich and intricate that by incorporating it into their work, its value goes up immensely. Unless they want their work to be the same old tired rehashed eurocentric stuff, they had *better* put in the time and effort to look into inspiration from outside of their comfort circles, because I’m certain the average reader has had their fill of Fantasy England and Fantasy France, or at least I hope so. Of course the problem is that more often than not, SWANA representation is riddled with orientalism and fetishization or stripped from its connection to actual SWANA people and overwritten to perfectly accomodate the prioritization of white people into it over us, that when the representation does actually have some tether to reality and to us, despite that being the bare minimum, we want to cry with gratitude, and that makes me so sad. I get it, I REALLY do. I am also overcome with excitement when I simply hear a word in my language in a piece of fiction that I enjoy. These joys are so rare to us that we can’t help but revel in them. I don’t fault anyone for that. I just look forward to the day our response to seeing ourselves gets farther from ‘Thank you’ and closer to ‘You’re welcome’.
I’m sure all of this applies to many other marginalized cultures as well. I’m just speaking to what I can personally attest to.
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b1mbodoll · 2 months
hihi ! i’m sososo extremely sorry for bein a bit ia lately!!! i recently celebrated my 21st bday n have been busy with birthday plans and just life in general !!!! but i have a few lil announcements bcus ive received lots of asks n dms recently n have a lot to discuss so i would appreciate if you all took the time to read this 🎀
first of all, i am super iffy about sharing my private life on here and do not appreciate questions regarding my hometown / where i’m from / even asking my ethnicity is a big no because you can nvr be too careful online. i’ve also gotten questions asking about why ive been so busy / not been writing and i hughly dislike them bc they seem intrusive and demanding. i have a life outside of tumblr and will not be sharing private details about myself with people i’m not close to!!!! i love my anons and followers so much n u guys know this but please respect my boundaries.
secondly, i’ve also received asks regarding a situation between an ex mutual of mine and i from a few months back and would greatly appreciate if they stopped!!!!! i wont go into detail about it because i honestly just want to forget about that person and the situation due to the mental distress it caused me and the negative feelings brought up when they / the situation are brought up, so again, please refrain from asking me about it because asks will be deleted and i will block you from sending anonymous asks if this persists.
third of all, i’ve been doing a lot of thinking regarding this and i won’t be taking official requests anymore. i love writing and fulfilling your fantasies n thoughts about idols but i’ve received too many demanding and hateful asks from people when their request is not posted. my asks will always be open for thirsting and suggesting ideas n if i enjoy it i’ll elaborate!!!!! but please do not expect a reply to every single ask sent it, i am only one person :( it breaks my heart to stop taking requests but it’s ultimately the best thing for me and my mental health.
lastly, PLEASE read my rules before sending in your thirsts / ideas / suggestions. time and time again i’ve had to reiterate boundaries and things i won’t write about because people are not taking the time to check my pinned posts and it’s tiring having to see multiple requests for kinks / scenarios i absolutely do not write for. it isn’t hard to check an author’s dni / byf and overall rules before asking something of them!!!!!!!!!!
oh one more thing!!!! i absolutely do NOT write for stray kids. they make me extremely uncomfortable and i don’t even have them listed in my “who i write for” section of my pinned post so, kindly, stop sending asks about them or i will have to block you :(
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spockandawe · 1 month
Hello! I've been kind of vanished, and I'm not confident I'm fully back yet, but I'm feeling noticeably less frazzled, and I'm ready to start catching up on the backlog of what I've been doing! To start with, I went mad with my new homeowner power and decided to paint a room. And then I decided to paint it a WILD color. And then I decided I also wanted to learn how to panel a wall. All by myself, with a hard deadline before my aunt gifted me a pile of old furniture that was going to take the room from empty to full. It was very cool and fun, but oh my god
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Also, most of the paint work quality in my home is uhhhhh indifferent, so i had some fun soeed bumps like having to cut an old mirror off the back of my door and finding at least two color strata of it being painted into place (even after filling and sanding and priming and painting, i can still see the shadow, but that's a problem for future me to continue addressing). And I picked a REALLY dark green. I knew that taking a dark color back to white would need a lot of coats, but I.... did not consider that going from white to almost black would be equally bad, even with toned primer.
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If I was doing this again, I think I would have attached the paneling after that first coat. But I think I was still underestimating how many coats it would take to darken bright white material, even with sanding for better grip. And the caulking almost broke me! My secret strategy to picking up new skills is always to underestimate how complicated they are, then power through on pride and stubbornness, but this tested me, haha
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But I really love it! It's been done for a few weeks, so I've been dragging furniture into the room and steeling myself to drill holes for the curtain rod, and the Horrors have faded and I'm considering painting another guest room. I adore this color (salamander) to pieces, and I still have another gallon, but I'm not sure I want to commit to all this again. But.... the effect is soooooo restful, and it looks SO luxe, especially with the colored outlets and wall register. It's not going to be in my next paint project, but it may come up again!
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sukibenders · 6 months
Something that still doesn't sit right with me while being a part of the HOTD fandom is how Laena was done so dirty, from being placed as a "second" option for Daemon and having him keep her from returning home, from having her daughters see Driftmark, from seeing her own brother and parents before she died! That added on to the fact of how Daemon just sucked at loving her the way she deserved makes my blood boil. And to make matters worse, to drive the knife further, is during her funeral (added on to him laughing during it, which wasn't appropriate at all no matter the context or what anyone says) where she and her unborn son were only just recently placed at the bottom of the sea, Daemon and Rhaenyra sleep together and then marry each other all within the span of the same episode (don't even get me started on how they went heavy into the romantics of the moment but couldn't even bother to show Daemon be affection with Laena like he was in the books I believe).
And some in the fandom reaction to all this can be such a turn off. Because you can have people, mainly black fans, rightfully call out problems with this plot change, with Rhaenyra and Daemon sleeping together only right after Laena's funeral and will be met with so many heinous responses (a lot in which tie in with centering Rhaenyra and going "oh so you hate her" type beat) and it's so frustrating. That, and how we barely see Daemon interact with his daughters, let alone be affectionate as well as protective over them---that scene where the girls are bruised from a fight and clear in distress and yet Daemon doesn't even move to check on them nor go into a rage at the fact that his daughters were harmed, let alone the fact that his now dead wife's dragon was claimed by another on the day of her funeral. None of that. But will stand protectively by Rhaenyra and her sons' side without second thought. Make it make sense.
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saturnsorbits · 17 days
Every time you comment ‘Part Two?’ on a fic instead of offering the writer a literal crumb of actual appreciation your fave falls out of love with you a little bit…
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is-the-fire-real · 2 months
Gotta admit, I was expecting that pro-Pals would find some of my posts on the Palestinian fandom eventually. But I had expected the pushback to start coming from leftist antisemites.
"NAZI TERF furries" were not who I expected.
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logicpng · 9 months
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been contemplating giving them a more humanoid head shape. just kinda further evolving from aster's initial inspiration
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i love!!! pavitr!!!! best part about him is that the astv creators just said he's indian. he could be any type of indian and you wouldn't be wrong. maybe he's malayali. maybe he's from mizo. maybe he's from punjab. maybe he's tamilian. maybe he's from sikkim. you decide!!!!
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wildtornado-o · 9 months
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Trace the steps to the place where they buried your heart (In the winter wind where our lungs collapse) Fall Out Of Love by Salem
Fionna and Cake coming out has me feeling Emotions about these two again...
Ko-Fi Link <3
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