#is because they don't need ammo to shoot the strings
erigold13261 · 2 years
In defense of Yinu on the boss tier list, she is the only one able to attack you while her health bar is empty. But DJ sub is the strongest, I agree
Hey, just because she's the weakest alone out of the NSRtist, doesn't mean she is weak at all!
You are right in the sense that I see Yinu as super determined. So much so that I could have seen her outlasting everyone in endurance when it comes to playing music. Even Mama is too old to play as long as she did when she was younger.
If DJ had to play a concert for as long as Yinu does, he would quit so quickly lol!
But yeah, physically I do think DJ is still the overall strongest.
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shuttershocky · 2 months
hihi shutters, what's your thoughts on mhw beyblade radobaan, also any suggestions you can offer for it? I reaaalllly want the armor-
- a struggling insect glaive player
Oh man, usually I fight charging monsters like Radobaan, Diablos, etc with the likes of Lance, Charge Blade, or Hunting Horn since I like to take them head-on, but Glaive has workarounds for Radobaan.
So first off, if possible you want to equip a blunt kinsect for Radobaan since the glaive itself does severing so you can cover both types, with blunt doing more damage to Radobaan's head and body while Severing doing more damage to hind legs and tail. I don't remember if it's accessible early into low rank, but I also use a Kinsect that creates blast powder, and Radobaan is most susceptible to blast. If you can't get one yet, use a poison kinsect.
Radobaan's bony body is very annoying to deal with when you've got a severing weapon because when it's armored it only takes a fraction of the damage (you gotta break the bones to do regular damage) and early on in Low Rank when weapons have low sharpness, you'll find yourself bouncing off and needing to retreat and resharpen a lot. This is when you take advantage of Radobaan's roll mechanic. While it's rolling, you can hit it from a safe distance with the kinsect or weak slinger ammo (like rocks or torch pods) for free. Near the end of its roll, the Radobaan will start wobbling, hitting it with the kinsect or weaker ammo in this state will make Radobaan crash and fall over, giving you free hits. Do not use stronger ammo (like the ones Radobaan himself drops) as these have special flinch properties on their own that will override Radobaan's crash, instead feed these to your Kinsect to empower it and shoot them at Radobaan when it isn't rolling to flinch it so you can use extended combos.
Keep exploiting its vulnerability while rolling and Radobaan will give you plenty of free hits to break its armor. It might take some practice to learn the timing to snipe it out of its roll, but the Rotten Vale has plenty of Torch Pods and Scatter Nuts lying around!
Good luck!
Edit - Almost forgot. If you're a new insect glaive player, a big boy like Radobaan is the perfect time to practice the Kinsect Drill.
After feeding your Kinsect with ammo, put it back in your arm, vault, and then do a dive through the monster, angling yourself so that you go through as much of it as possible. When you land on the ground, turn the camera so the follow-up hits on the ground place your powder on the monster you just went through.
When you start the dive, the kinsect will leave your arm and hover in the air, waiting for your powder. Once the powder is set, the Kinsect will also dive towards the powder. This makes the Kinsect drill right through the monster, dealing multiple hits, and the slower the kinsect and the more of the monster in the path, the more hits will be dealt. It's a cool technique to get a lot of damage out of your Kinsect, and if you've got a blunt one you can drill through Radobaan's head and body to deal a whole string of blunt damage at once.
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morfinwen · 3 years
5, 8, 9, 17, 34 for the ocs from stories we don't share (lauren, ian, etc) :)
I don't even want to know how old this is, but here's the long-awaited answer!
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Chris: Keys, wallet, phone, pocket knife, ticket stubs, a small pen or pencil, gum, anywhere from one to ten dollars in change and small bills, guitar pick(s), string, blurry bits of musical composition written on a napkin or the back of a receipt.
Reagan: Keys, phone. Stretching this to include purse: wallet, lip balm she never uses, pens, and a knife.
Neal: Keys, phone, wallet, receipts dating back several weeks, one or two odd items (bottlecap, glove, AA battery, candle) that he picked up at some point and forgot about.
Angie: Nothing. In her purse, keys, wallet, phone, lip balm, gum, small notebook, pen.
Elarin: Identification, whatever kinds of keys they have, several credits, some kind of tiny datapad with random notes on it that make no sense to anyone but her.
Meaghan: Identification, spare credits she forgot she still had, small rocks or small carved item that feels good rubbed between her fingers.
Avery: It’s random. On one day, nothing; on the next, exact change for that set of armor she’s had her eye on and a roll she grabbed at breakfast but forgot about; on the third, enough herbs to fill her herb drawer because they went outside the city walls and she harvested everything in sight; on the fourth, nothing again.
Leah: Her bag is always stuffed full -- spare clothes, food, scrap, medical supplies, weapons, ammo, etc. Some reliable things are a comic book (she enjoys Grognak, but prefers Astonishingly Awesome Tales), Blamco Mac and Cheese (irradiated or not, it tastes like childhood), at least four different guns, and a haphazard collection of toys she’s recovered from burned down houses, trash bins, the ocean, etc.
Ian: Wallet, keys, phone, random bits of change, and a button, inexplicably.
Lauren: She keeps her phone and keys in her pockets. In her purse, wallet, lipstick, lip balm, lotion, nail clippers, tweezers, backup phone (cheap disposable with all her contacts in it), change purse, napkins, tampons (all times of the month), Swiss army knife, hand sanitizer, small sewing kit (buttons, needle, thread, patch), and anything else she suspects she might need. She’s not paranoid, she’s prepared!
Kira: If she picks something up for any reason and gets distracted, there’s a better-than-50% chance it will end up in her pocket, and Kira picks up a lot of random junk and gets distracted easily. Each day’s assortment is different, random, and largely useless.
Darcy: Pencil and paper.
Susanna: Don’t ask.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Chris: A friend in college took him to a shooting range once. Everyone present described Chris as “worryingly enthusiastic” and “alarmingly good”.
Reagan: Nope. Her aunt wouldn’t have let her growing up, none of her college or work friends are into guns, and she lacks the interest to find and shoot one on her own.
Neal: Never. He hates even being in the same room as a gun. His dad owned a handgun; when Neal was ten, he (his dad) developed a habit of cleaning it in the living room, and pointing it at people as a “joke”, increasing in frequency and aggression until Rigby “lost” it a few years later.
Angie: One of her relatives took her hunting when she was eight and, perhaps inadvisably, allowed her to fire one of his rifles. She can’t remember what she shot at, or how close she came, but she can still remember how loud it was.
Elarin: May have fired a blaster in the past she can’t remember. Did try firing one on the Endar Spire during its final battle. Her targets were invading soldiers. If she hit one, it was by accident. She’s not really a “blaster” person.
Meaghan: Started using a blaster after she got exiled from the Jedi Order. Her first target was a droid.
Avery: What’s a gun?
Leah: Yes, so many guns. Her first target was at a gun range.
Ian: If bb guns count, then a paper target his dad set up in their backyard.
Lauren: Never.
Kira: Nope.
Darcy: Nope.
Susanna: Someday (be very afraid).
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
Chris: He’s always considered himself to be in some nebulous position between middle and upper class. Based solely on net income, it’s been probably closer to middle both as a child and as an adult, as even on a lawyer’s salary living in New York is not cheap, especially with private school tuition, music lessons, and extra curricular activities tacked on. But as noted elsewhere, both of his parents came from wealthy families who were always willing to contribute money whenever asked. If he wanted, he could live with either of his grandparents and probably never have to worry about money again.
Reagan: Maybe slightly less middle class than she used to be, but not a huge shift. Neither she nor her aunt have ever made a ton of money, but it’s enough to keep her off the street and in a (mostly) decent apartment.
Neal: He’s doing better than his parents were. Which means things like “lives within a budget” and “doesn’t spend half his paychecks on alcohol”.
Angie: Depends on how you define her socioeconomic status growing up. Based on her mother’s income, she was lower middle class at best, and now she’s solidly middle class, so maybe.
Elarin: She’s still a Jedi, though what precisely that means has changed since she was a child.
Meaghan: Same as Elarin.
Avery: At one point, yes. She came back from an expedition with a considerable fortune that enabled her to buy back her mother’s old home, and her mother grew up as nobility. For several years money was not a concern. But while she’s managed to hold onto some of it, after everything that happens in Kirkwall, she’s more or less forced on the run, which is how she spent most of her childhood. At least it’s familiar.
Leah: She was raised middle class. She is now the head of the Minutemen and a valued member of the Railroad, manages more than two dozen settlements with their own economies, owns property in Diamond City, and regularly scrounges caps and resources from the wastelands. So, yeah.
Ian: Nope, pretty much the same.
Lauren: Nope, also pretty much the same.
Kira, Darcy, Susanna: Still growing up.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
Chris: K’nex. His grandparents bought him and his sister multiple sets for a couple birthday/Christmas presents, and they would spend hours constructing huge contraptions in their apartment -- Chris would come up with the ideas and Marie would figure out how they could build them. It was sometimes exasperating to come home and find the living room had been renovated as an amusement park made entirely out of K'nex, but their mother was usually too impressed to scold them for it.
Reagan: Simon Says. She would bring it to school and challenge other kids with it, and routinely creamed them.
Neal: Remote controlled airplane. It didn’t last very long, but he and his brother got a lot of use out of it first.
Angie: A Winnie-the-Pooh stuffed bear her mother gave her when she was a baby.
Elarin: I have no idea what kind of toys Jedi children play with, but from what i know of Elarin, her favorite was probably some piece of scrap or tech she wasn’t supposed to have that she used as a jumping-off point for her imagination.
Meaghan: Colored blocks, made of wood or whatever they used instead of wood. She loved the texture.
Avery: Wooden sword. Her mother was not best pleased.
Leah: A dollhouse. A big, expensive wooden one, with an elevator, dozens of pieces of furniture, a car, a fireplace that lit up when you flipped a switch, and all kinds of other cool things. She almost spent more time setting up the rooms than actually playing with it.
Ian: Some kind of toy construction truck, highly-realistic looking and very movable. His parents are holding onto it and many of his other toys, as his mother hopes they might get used by grandkids someday.
Lauren: Her stuffed dog Patches. He’s lost a lot of his stuffing and has actual patches now from where he’s been repaired, but he sleeps on her pillow during the day and with her at night. Only Ian knows.
Kira: Her Barbies. At fifteen, she’s too self-conscious to play with them still, but she’s got a box in her room of the dolls and accessories she loved the best.
Darcy: Not that he’d tell anyone, because he gets called a nerd enough as it is, but he’d spend hours playing with his dad’s scientific and graphing calculators from college.
Susanna: Back in Kansas, her grandfather built a few playground structures for Kira, Darcy, and Susanna even before they came to live there -- a swing set, a tower that was both clubhouse and climbing wall/fireman’s pole, monkey bars, etc. They weren’t super fancy, but they were solid quality, and Susanna designed her own obstacle course around them. It was getting a little small for her when they moved, but she still misses it, especially since in their cramped Chicago apartment she's not likely to get a replacement any time soon.
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
Chris: Different, unless he really believes in the first method and can reasonably expect the failure not to reoccur.
Reagan: She’ll give the first method another try or two, then move on to something different.
Neal: He’ll usually approach the problem from a similar but noticeably different angle, and just build off from that.
Angie: Could try the first one once or maybe twice again or go straight to a different one, depending.
Elarin: Has never used the exact same method twice in her entire life.
Meaghan: The same method slightly different.
Avery: If the first one isn’t working, she’ll change to a new one right in the middle of it.
Leah: She’s got a couple different methods she cycles through, but won’t use the same one on a problem if it didn’t work.
Ian: Different methods, assuming he stuck with the first one long enough to give it a proper try.
Lauren: Modified same method.
Kira: New method.
Darcy: He doesn’t have that many different methods of problem-solving to try more than one.
Susanna: The same method, but harder.
Thanks for asking!
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paragraph20 · 2 years
Paragraph 2 Firearm Safety
For a variety of reasons, firearm safety is crucial. Gun safety in general should be your first priority, especially if you have children because so many individuals now carry firearms. Even after explaining to your kids that firearms are not toys and can cause harm or death, they may still experiment. Placing them in a drawer, beneath the bed, or in a closet is insufficient since if given the chance, curious kids may and will find them, perhaps leading to disaster even when not intended.
The transition from hunter to hunted happens quickly. People are lazy, thus they don't follow basic gun safety rules. The best and most expensive guns need regular maintenance; if this is not done, they may break down when it counts. Due to the owner's carelessness with firearm safety precautions, there have been occasions where a gun has accidentally exploded inflicting facial injuries. While these safety measures are appropriate to everyone, they are particularly directed at hunters. Hunting in the wild is one of the riskiest sports in the world. You could lose your life or suffer limb injury as a result of a single tiny error.
The safety of your life and the lives of your hunting party is guaranteed when you follow the right firearm safety procedures. It is not necessary to take any additional firearm safety precautions right before the hunting season. Long before the start of the hunting season, firearm safety procedures should be taken. Check out and carefully clean the weapons and other essential equipment. To make sure that they do not malfunction when it is most convenient, these devices should be used under simulated situations. Just picture the coveted buck running off because your tools were ineffective. Even while most equipment does break down occasionally, it usually happens because timely firearm safety measures were not implemented.
The majority of hunting firearms have long distance crosshair sights because they are high accuracy weapons. Firearm safety precautions include not only inspecting the firearm's shooting capability but also making sure the long-range sights are clear. Mold can grow in these spots during the monsoon and in areas with high humidity, which could impair your views. When you are about to locate a deer, this can be risky. Gun safety precautions are crucial if you're going on a hunting vacation in Africa. Would you enjoy becoming tiger food just because your gun accidentally fired? There are several websites that can help you make sure that you are taking the right safety procedures when handling firearms.
If your gun ever has any issues, have a gunsmith fix it rather than doing it yourself. They have the necessary tools to test your firearm and are better suited than you in these areas. To take correct firearm safety precautions, you must also have the appropriate ammunition and get it from a reputable retailer. Numerous retailers provide ammo at steep discounts. Many of these items might be army rejects, and if they are used, they might be problematic. When you are going to shoot down a fierce beast, nothing could be more perilous than discovering a string of useless bullets. Simple rules should be followed, along with prompt preventative action. These are the main goals of gun safety measures and they are provided by Paragraph 2 Firearm Safety.
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