#and they are 5 people shooting the strings
sunofpandora · 3 days
 V I R A G O                   
Chapter 5
Honey, you’re familiar.
Neteyam x fem!omaticaya!reader
Mentions of dick sucking and eating pussy???? IT'S A JOKE GUYS I SWEAR JUST READ AND YOU'LL UNDERSTAND GIVE ME A CHANCE!! 
Anxiety/mentions of hunger/mentions of not eating/ heights/ sex jokes/murder jokes?? Neteyam has like, one dirty thought?
Synopsis:  Y/n and Lo’ak spend some time together at the lake, and return to the omatikaya to join the sullys for the communal clan meal. Jake and y/n have a heart to heart.
Extra characters:
Kyuna: Omaticaya clan member
Popiti: Omaticaya child, Tuk’s best friend according to the visual dictionary.
Authors note:
HI GUYS! Did you miss me?? It’s okay to say no 😭. I’m in such a good mood guys and you won’t believe why 😏 and because I am in such a good mood, I have decided to give you guys some fluffy  sully family feels before the next chapter, where neteyam and Y/n will start their training! As just a reminder, please remember to go back and read chapter 3 (all 3 parts if you can) bc I have a feeling that not a ton of people have.
This chapter is what I call a direct chapter. This means that the events in this chapter are happening on the same day as the ones in chapter 4 (found on my masterlist.). Ik it’s been awhile so pls feel free to refresh your memory
 “Damn that thing is huge.”
“So big and juicy looking…”
“I can’t wait to have that thing inside of me…mmm….my mouth is just watering thinking about it.”
“Lo’ak. Shut the fuck up.”
Lo’ak cackled, shoving you playfully.
“C’mon sis you know I play around.”
You huffed, trying to keep up being unamused with his sexual innuendos. 
“Lo’ak it’s not funny.”
“Yes it is.”
You thwacked him with your tail, hissing at him lowly, making him shut up immediately.
“You know for someone who complained about neteyam moaning into a fruit, you talk a lot of shit.”
Lo’ak shrugged.
“Is it so wrong to admire a fruit for its nice curves??”
It was inevitable that Lo’ak would bother you like this while you tried to focus. It wasn’t anything new. And while you were practicing the art of perpetual kindness, the occasional sex joke from Lo’ak deserved a whack of your tail, did it not?
You huffed, dropping your shoulders and letting your stance slip. You had been out in the woods with Lo’ak for the last 2 hours. Just exploring and enjoying conversation and gossip as usual, your bow slung around your torso and a few arrows, sharpened and freshly fletched at the ready in case of trouble.
It wasn’t trouble you were trying to shoot right now, luckily. Your current target was the fresh bunch of fruits that glistened under the canopy’s kisses of sunlight leaking through the foliage.
Lo’ak shifted on his feet.
“I could just shimmy up there and cut them down at the stem.”
You rolled your eyes, fondly recalling how about 5 minutes ago he tried that and fell on his ass…7 times.
“No, Lo’ak. I don’t want you injured. We’re doing it my way now.”
You raised your arm again, placing your arrow against the string of your bow, carefully constructing your once slipping stance to its previous position.
You took a breath, widening yourself at the proper angle, the sweet sound of the stretch your bowstring was a gentle satisfaction. You felt your nose twitch as the fletching of the arrows brush your nostrils.
You can feel Lo’ak’s eyes on you. Tracing the way your muscles tensed and stretched, enamored by your skill. It seemed as if everyone was. 
To be honest, it would have felt weird if it was anyone else other than Lo’ak.
You finally released, watching the arrow fly up and into the tree, the sound of the vine snapping as the arrow pierced straight through the stem that hung the fruits by the bunch to the branch resonated through the moistened air.
The fruits fell with a thud, you let out a satisfied sigh.
“There we go.”
You hummed, handing Lo’ak your bow as you squatted to swing the fruits over your shoulder.
Lo’ak was quiet for a moment. Just staring at your weapon as you stood to your feet.
“What? What’s wrong?”
You queried, stepping over the few stones to stand with him.
He shrugged, a smile allowing itself to sink upon his features.
“Nothing. I just feel like I should be more formal. I’m in the presence of our clan’s mighty archer.”
You rolled your eyes, pushing him as you started to walk down the path you came.
“Shut up.”
“No im serious. I should’ve done my hair or fixed up my outfit-“
“You’re not funny.”
“My mom says I’m funny.”
He puts his hands on his hips, chin high as if his existence was the height of humanity’s greatest accomplishments.
“Yourn mom also tells Tuk that babies come from flowers. So she’s extremely reliable, it seems.”
Lo’ak gasped frantically, dramatically tumbling over his steps and clutching his chest as if he’s entering cardiac arrest.
“You fiend of a woman! How dare you speak to me with such a tounge!?”
“Oh suck my dick Lo’ak.”
“Eat me out y/n!”
Lo’ak leaned against a tree, posing seductively. Spreading his legs and falling his hands around to gesture to his loins.
You covered your mouth and nose, gagging for effect. 
“Put it away Lo’ak, phew, I KNOW it stinks up in there.”
“It smells delectable.”
“Mo’at had a heart attack scare last time she washed your loincloth. I wouldn’t count on it.”
Lo’ak flipped you off.
You both couldn’t restrain yourselves from the ugly cackles that erupt from your throat.
Your laughter weaving floridly around the forest before soaking into the late afternoons sunrays. The sky blushed it’s shadowed hues into breathtaking. It was at this time when the sun settled its intensity and ceased staining the world with its harsh tones, when the night crept behind a curtain of clouds.
Lo’ak and you continued to wonder around, Lo’ak carrying the fruit in the woven satchel bag that hung by it’s strap over his shoulder, your hands remained free, feeling the diminutive weight of the bow on your back, reaching out every now and then to swing on a branch or hurl yourself over a log.
“So, question for you.”
Lo’ak started, throwing himself over a rock to land on the patch of moss.
“Uh huh.”
“If we were to go swimming right now, would we be late going back to high camp?”
You think for a moment.
“Not if we make it quick. Try not to lose your loincloth in the rapids again.”
You snickered, recalling the incident during a fishing trip that your fathers took you on when you were both 12,
Jogging off before he could pull your tail or pinch your ankle or grab your leg or something obnoxious
“For fucks sake, will you ever let that go!?”
A boisterous laugh leaves you as you doubled over against a tree.
“No. It’s so funny.”
“Shut the fuck up. Listen-“
“I’m listening!”
“No you’re not, you're laughing!”
Another cackle leaves you. You wave a hand around, as if to rid the air of your own facetiousness.
“Okay— okay. I’m done. I’m done laughing. I promise.”
The wheezing endnotes of your breathless words betray you, and another fit of laughter leaves you. Lo’ak joins, and your chest starts to ache with the amount of breath that presses through your fits of giggles.
Lo’ak swings an arm around your shoulder throwing you both of balance, as if your steps weren’t already unparalleled and uncoordinated.
“No because- how did you lose your fucking loincloth—“
You rasped, your eyes squeezing shut.
Sounds that you’re almost 89% sure resemble some animal dying leave you and Lo’ak in sync.
And all the shit you’ve been through the last few days seem to just melt away when you’re laughing with your best friend so hard you can’t breathe.
After a few minutes, the chorus of chortles and raspy sentences cease. 
“Oh eywa. You’re a fucking idiot.”
You sigh, shoving him lightly.
“So are you. We’re a package deal.”
He pushes you before sprinting towards the river.
“Lo’ak! Fuck— wait up.”
Lo’ak’s smile was different from Neteyam’s. Neteyam’s was full of warmth and sunlight. Saturn’s rings sulking in a lightning storm of gold gilded gardens. 
Lo’ak’s smile was made of healing boyish hearts and oddly shaped persuasion. Flames and rings of smoke that radiated its warmth beneath incandescent skin. Rattling notes of wooden beads clinking together and a fragile temperament.
He throws himself in the water with a running start, an accented yelp echoed like a final chord striking before a late curtain call of a sunset evening’s songs.
Your laugh is loud, it shakes your body as his head emerges from the water.
“Come on. Don’t be a wuss.”
You took a breath, diving in the water.
You felt your body slicing through the surface, the air around you revisions itself into a 
You enjoyed swimming. And you were actually really good at it. There was something about being in the water that was so soothing, sirenic sensations that seemed to lift the world into light.
Your vision consolidated, surrendering to the soft undercurrents that brushed along your skin.
You motioned your arms and legs forward, propelling yourself through the water. You swiftly raised your head above the water, feeling the surface break as you retreated for air.
As the film of aqua haze vanishes back to the thickened victorious viridescent shades  painted the jungle. The light leaked through the canopy, reigning a rutilant warm glow, burned by the late afternoon sun.
Lo’ak’s silhouette blackens, shadowed by the thick line of fire that forms itself into the shape of sunlight.
“You’re crazy good at that.”
“At what?”
 Your mother and father were traders.  
Well, really, your father was.
Your father’s family were the representatives for your clan while traveling and trading for years. 
His family had an almost nomadic lifestyle and spent much of their time away from hometree and the clan. The olo’eyktan of the clan at the time, Lo’ak’s grandfather, followed the tradition of leaders many years before him of entrusting your father’s family to be the ones to travel by ikran away from home in seasonal patterns to trade resources and gather new information to report and bring back to the clan. Its a system that has been in place for many years.
As a child, you occasionally traveled with your parents. Visiting the planes where the tipani resided, and even the beaches under the cliffs where the tayrangi dwelled. When you were little, you loved to swim in the oceans with the other tayrangi children. 
You shrugged. Rubbing the back of your neck, your braids strung loosely about behind you, some  some swaying across the surface of the water and other sinking against your back. 
“My parents took me when they traveled east a lot. Remember? I guess I’ve built up some swimming skills.”
Lo’ak nodded, glancing down at the water before flicking his gaze back towards you.
“Do you think you’ll do it?”
“Do what?”
“Travel. Like your parents did.”
You think for a moment. Letting the silence settle. There was a time, where you and Lo’ak were dumb and 12 years old would stay up past dark quietly sneaking around the clan to steal some snacks and climb the yovo fruit trees that surrounded your village, the one you lived in before high camp. You would whisper about your plans for the future. How one day, you both would pack up your ikran saddles and fly off to a far away land, explore and travel the uncharted territories of Pandora together, and return when the journey ended on your own terms.
You hummed, thinking of how possibilities place themselves into puzzle pieces so quickly with time.
He nods, paddling around.
“Remember when we were kids? And we always talked about running away? Convincing my dad to bring back our old trading systems? Just going wherever we wanted? No nagging, no worries, just a bullshit-free life.”
You splashed your face with some water, the refreshing coolness washes down your neck.
“Should we really leave the clan like that?”
Lo’ak snorted.
“Please. I think they’ll be fine. The trade needed to be brought back anyways. There are resources we could use and it’s good to strengthen our connections with the other clans and blah blah blah.”
You couldn’t argue with that.
He swam to you, his expression statued a seriousness that was almost unfamiliar to his usual demeanor. 
“But I want to be real for a moment. I don’t want to be stuck here forever. You hear what Norm and max say. Pandora is huge. It’s too big for us to just stay in the forest for the rest of our lives.”
You frowned, a heaviness blanketed your heart that you couldn't quite name.
“Your family will miss you.”
Lo’ak laughed, but it was thin and forced, almost bitter.
“No. I don’t think they would.”
You shook your head, knowing that wasn’t true.
“Lo’ak. They love you.”
“My siblings and you may love me. But I don’t think the great Toruk Makto always likes me.”
“Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he does like you, and that hes just afraid of loosing you?? Because you are so much like him, so much of a mirror into his own youth, he knows the mistakes he made.”
Lo’ak was quiet for a moment. His voice was softer this time, this tell-tale of a familial tragedy that unconditionally refused to acknowledge one’s individuality. Where Jake and Lo’ak walked the thin line of being a mirror that refused reflection, a window that showed you what you prayed you would never see. History’s cruel rhyme schemes never surprised you. Not anymore. 
The hoarseness in his voice edged his tone, you could tell he was disassociating from the conversation.  
“That has nothing to do with me.”
“I think he’s still learning to make peace with that. You never really grow out of growing.”
Silence settled between you before it was shattered by the heavy sweep of water that crashes onto your face.
You cough up some of the water, slapping Lo’ak’s shoulder.
“What the fuck was that for?!”
“Stop being so fucking smart.”
He whined, dunking his head under water.
You rolled your eyes. Yanking him up by his forearm. 
“Lo’ak, I’m serious.”
He glared.
“And I’m not in the mood.”
“Your dad doesn’t hate you. He just-“
“I never said he hates me. I said he doesn’t like me. You don’t have to like someone in order to love them.”
“That’s not— Lo’ak I’m sure-“
That was your cue to close the curtain on that conversation. It pained you to know that Lo’ak thought like that. But you knew he would open up. Eventually.
Your mouth tapped shut. Your lips pressing into a thin line. 
He sighed, running his hands down his face roughly.
“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to snap. Not at you. It’s just-“
“It’s okay, Lo. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
And of course, what kind of awkwardness couldn’t be avoided with a change of topic??
You swam next to him, splashing him playfully.
“I’ll tell you what. Let’s wait a few weeks, we’ll pull together something to present to jake. We can meet with him and discuss if he’ll let us travel and revive the trade.”
In all, it wasn’t a bad idea. Which was rare for Lo’ak. The least you could do was give him the opportunity. 
He smiled at you. And before you could say anything, he whooped wildly like a child, his elbow thrown around your neck, forcing you to wade abruptly closer.
“Aye! Y/n! I knew you could come around. We’re going to be such badass travelers.”
You chuckled, patting his back.
“As if I would say no to you.”
“If you did I might have to spit in your food.”
He announces proudly, floating on his back.
You gag.
“You’re disgusting.”
“I’m distinguished.”
He corrects, reaching out his arms and moving them slowly in a paddle motion.
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Water was forgiving. Maybe that’s why you felt so familiar with it.
You haven’t felt forgiven for a lot of things in your life. Not now, anyways.
Underwater was where the sun’s warmth didn’t feel so harsh. You never had trouble discerning the safety and the solitude of land. 
You took a breath before submerging yourself under the 
The vault of the sky caves around its azure dome as light bent and broadened across the surface, stretching the sunset into a  henotic harmony. 
You dived deeper. Your arms pushed you forward, like wings guiding a bird through the skies.
The opaque world of glass rests under the world. The shadows of the depths are drunken words spreading orisons that seem like obstinate Orphics. 
mazarine whispers, and cyan and cerulean sing. 
Your thoughts seem to retreat to the uninhibited corners of your mind as you remain nantant.
Nothing could reach you here.
Well, maybe Lo’ak’s bitchy screeching.
“Y/n! Dude! Come on!”
He yanks you out of the water, his arm uncomfortably clamped around your waist like a child trying to retrieve a toy by fishing it out of water blindly.
You sputtered out the water that rushed to your face with the unexpected motion, so lost in your haze of serenity you barely heard Lo’ak the first time.
You coughed, squirming as he threw you into the plush riverbank grass.
“Shit! Sorry!”
He patted- well more like slapped your back roughly to try and aid your recovery.
“Sorry, sorry. You just weren’t coming up for air. I called your name like 10 times.”
You whacked him with your tail, and he hissed and held the spot on his arm.
“I don’t like being manhandled.”
You rasped, clearing the water from your throat.
“Dude who the fuck cares! My dad will handle us into a ditch if we’re not back in time!” 
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“Keep going!”
You yelled over your shoulder, scrambling over branches and through the brush. 
You jumped over a rock, slinging yourself up a step with a vine, looping around to check on Lo’ak, who was halfway seen sprinting to catch up with you.
“Shit! My bow-!”
“Don’t worry! I grabbed it back at the lake!”
He calls back to you.
“Just keep going!”
You nodded, nearly tripping as you sprang forward once again.
You raised two fingers to your lips, pressing air as the shriek of a whistle left you.
The flap of wings you heard wasn’t that far away.
You stopped at when you reached a cleaning, turning around to see Lo’ak skid to a stop.
Kailo landed infront of you both, you Quickly mounted him, throwing your bow in the holster on the side of the saddle.
“Hey buddy.”
Lo’ak cooed in a rushed manner, quickly giving him a few pats before hopping on behind you. You reached back, pulling him up. He wrapped an arm around your neck, hiking up his legs.
You asked, turning around to meet Lo’ak’s eyes. He was out of breath, chest heaving.
“Uh huh— SHIT.”
You took off before he could answer, gently digging your heels into the sides of the saddle, pulling the strapped reign as Kailo took off.
Lo’ak tightened his hold using his elbow around your neck, his upright headlock was no unfamiliarity whenever you gave him rides.
But this is Lo’ak we’re talking about. Of course he got comfortable quickly.
There was a comfort to flying with Lo’ak.
It made you feel like a little kid again. Carrying eachother around on your backs, playing games and doing stupid things for stupid reasons because there was a time where being stupid was fun and okay.
And maybe, with Lo’ak, being stupid wasn’t so bad.
You banked left, diving through the center of an arched mountain over the forest. Lo’ak cheered and whooped, throwing his hands up, before cursing and holding onto you again after realizing he almost lost his balance.
His palm roughly cupped your shoulder as he sat himself up a bit higher, looking out onto the world below.
You climb a lift of air before directing Kailo to drop, a straight dive down the waterfall. Once you leveled out again, you and Lo’ak both leaned to the side, letting your fingertips skim the surface of the lake below.
You were never carelesss or reckless with Kailo. He was one of the fastest ikran your clan had ever seen, plus he was larger than most average ikran. That was no excuse to go flying so fast you fling yourself off the saddle.
But occasionally, you let yourself go.
“Please please please go faster!”
Lo’ak yelled, his volume competing wit. The wind.
“What? No. Any faster and we’ll crash into something.”
Eh, why not? He’s had a rough couple of days. So have you.
You dived down again, grinning as you joined Lo’ak in his wild bouts of yelling.
But the fun didn’t last forever. Ahead, high camp came into view.
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You could feel Lo’ak’s hand shaking slightly as you both touched down through the large entrance crevice of high camp.
“Dad’s gonna kill us.”
Lo’ak groaned, sliding off the saddle behind you, petting Kailo a few times.
“Just relax and let me do the talking.”
You shook your head, giving his shoulder a small squeeze.
“It’ll be okay, I promise.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I know everything.”
“Where the hell have you crotch stains been!?”
And you sure as hell knew who that voice belonged to.
Lo’ak jumped a bit, turning to see Jake barging himself towards you both.
Lo’ak muttered under his breath. So quietly he might not have said it all.
He hung his head, a few of his braids swinging over his shoulders, he shifted uncomfortably on his feet, only glancing up once to look at you.
A few heads turned, some na’vi bearing witness to the spectacle of their olo’eyktan yelling at his kids.
And boy, he did not look happy.
Lo’ak puts both hands up, something you’ve noticed Neteyam do when Jake got heated like this. As if trying to calm a raging animal from attacking.
“Dad, I know this looks bad.”
“I would be concerned if you thought this didn’t ‘look bad’, Lo’ak.”
Jake bit back, his taller figure looming over his son.
Lo’ak bit his lip, his fingers twitch as his fingers dangle at his sides.
“You disobeyed me.”
The space between his brow wrinkles offensively.
“How did I disobey you?”
“I asked you, I asked ALL of your siblings this morning to let y/n rest and i found out you two go off on a joyride!?”
“Slow down Jake or you’ll have a heart attack.”
You sigh, stepping forward until your gaze is paralleled with his.
Lo’ak snorts, but he quickly masks his amusement as Jake sends him a glare, then he sends you one.
“You and I will talk later, I can only deal with one delinquent at a time.”
He waves you away.
“No, since you have enough to dish out for Lo’ak here, i’m sure there;s plenty for us to share.”
You felt like a teenager edged with attitude, especially when you loved and respected Jake so much. But seeing Lo’ak get wrung out all the time was exhausting. 
“Jake this wasn’t Lo’ak’s fault.”
Lo’aks shaking fingers stilled, the ghost your side, gesturing to you that you didn’t have t0 take this for him.
“I’m the one that suggested we go for a ride. We took kailo and went to the lake for a few hours. Cleared my head. Did some meditating just like you suggested.”
You nudge him playfully, but the man didn;t look amused. Conflicted was probably the right word.
“Either way, I said he was to stay away from you for at least a day.”
“Jake, he doesn;t run up my blood pressure like he does yours. He’s fine. No one was hurt. Nothing happened, and Lo’ak didn’t want me to go alone.”
You Lo’ak a look, commionucating silently with your eyes.
Dude. say something.
Lo’ak nods, fishing himself out of a daze.
“R-right. Yes. right, we just went to the lake, dad.”
Jake sighed, rubbing his fingers to his temple, attempting to soothe the brewing headache, virtue to the usual shenanigans Lo’ak and you could never seem to shake.’
“Guys, i really don’t think that-”
“Wait! The only reason we stayed longer is because Lo’ak wanted to grab these.”
You grabbed the satchel that rested on Lo’aks hip, opening the woven flap to display the fruits you gathered earlier.
You gently thwacked lo’ak with your tail, and he immeditaaly caught the jist.
“I know theyre mom’s favorites.”
Lo’ak batted his eyes while you gave jake a sickeningly sweet smile.
He groaned, turning away.
“Out of my sight. Both of you. Now.”
“Okay thanks! Love you dad!!”
You and Lo’ak sprinted across the camp, submerged in your own laughter. You scurried mo’at;s tent, shutting the flap when he turned to you.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Eywa wouldn't let us face battles if she knew we were going to do it alone.” 
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Neteyam’s pov, the sullys tent:
My mother hates crowds. It’s not something I’ve inherited. 
You can tell by the way she shrinks behind my father or grandmother when we have clan gatherings. The way she resorts to fidgeting with her songchord or holding Tuk’s hand to distract herself from the ocean of eyes that are standing in front of her.
Tonight the clan eats communally. We do it every once in a while. My grandmother told me that the people did it every night before hometree was destroyed, but as time faded, so did our habits, I suppose.
Maybe thats why tonight, as my family prepares to leave for communal meal, the air is uneasy and tense.
Kiri and I had been home almost all day, watching Tuk while my grandmother rested and my mother attended to her duties around high camp.
It feels empty without my father, Lo’ak, and y/n.
My mothers voice pulls my attention.
“Neteyam, go wake your grandmother.”
She kneeled down in the corner, tending to Tuk, trying to pick the leaves out of her hair.
“Uh huh. Give me a second.”
I set the freshly washed bowls I just finished scrubbing down in the pile where we left all our dishes. 
I turned to see my grandmother, currently 18ft deep in her beyond-afternoon nap. 
I sighed, stretching my arms behind my back, locking my fingers together to soothe the tightness in my muscles as I walk my way over to her.
I tap her shoulder, her snores blaring lowly.
I sigh. Waking up my grandmother was usually a two man job.
“Grandmother? Grandmother???”
She stirs, but doesn’t wake.
I poke her shoulder lightly with my fingers.
She gasps awake, flinging her arm at my face, I step back, flinching at the action.
She sits up, squinting at me before her gaze softens.
“Neteyam, I’m sorry. I thought you were your father.”
“So you were planning to smack my father?”
“That’s beyond the point. I had the most wonderful dream.”
She reminisced dreamily.
I shifted on my feet awkwardly.
“That’s wonderful, grandmother. But I woke you because-“
“Quiet boy. I’m speaking.”
Great. Just what I was aiming to avoid.
I straighten, a rough breath falling from my lips. Settling in for the haul of whatever was to come.
“Apologies, Tsahik. You were saying?”
She begins.
“It was many years ago…when your mother told me she was with child.”
“Uh huh.”
“And then once she started, eywa she just wouldn’t stop..one child after another..”
I catch my mother glaring out of the corner of my eye.
“Neteyam, I think your grandmother can get up on her own.”
She hisses.
Grandmother waves her off.
“Don’t listen to her, boy. Go fetch my cane.”
My mother throws her arms up to express exaggeration.
“You don’t need a cane, Sa’nok.”
I stand warily between the two of them.
“And you don’t need to be sneaking off with your husband every few nights.”
My grandmother shoots back.
Maybe there was a reason for my father’s constant headaches.
It’s kiri’s voice that grasps my attention. I turn to see her enter the Marui with a half-weaved basket in her hands.
“Neteyam, while the golden girls are fighting, you might wanna take the time to worry about yourself.”
I shake my head, protesting gently. Something keeping me tied to multitasking bites at the back of my mind.
“No, I got it.”
She gives me a look, setting the basket-in-progress down and crossing her arms.
“Neteyam, you have been chasing Tuk around all day, helping mother clean, and as much as I know you enjoy being serenaded by grandmothers snoring, you need a break.”
“Kiri, really I'm fine.”
“I wasn’t asking. Go.”
Arguing with Kiri was useless. There was no competing with full-bodied ambition when ignited. 
I surrender. Retreating behind the curtain of the divider between the two areas of my family’s home.
I busy myself with personal tasks. Sharpening my knife, rummaging through lo’ak’s hammock to retrieve the armbands I know for a fact he's stolen from me. Again.
About 1o minutes had passed. I had found 8 armbands when I heard the familiar voice of my father as he entered the tent.
I slip under the divider sheet to see him. He alternates looks between Lo’ak and Y/n as they shuffle inside.
My mother sighs in relief, as if my father is the shower of fresh rain after a drought.  She holds Tuk on her hip as she squirms and giggles.
“Where have you been? There is much that needs to be done.”
My father pauses as he takes in each dilemma. 
Kiri and Grandmother arguing in the corner.
My mother is holding an overly-hyper tuk.
Lo’ak and Y/n laughing for whatever reason.
And me. Peeking out from behind the sheet.
“I can see that.”
He affirms, reaching out to take tuk off my mother’s hands.
running his hand down her back in soothing circles, trying to get both of them to calm down.
My father knows my mother is full of love. He also knows when not enough of that love is kept for herself.
Lo’ak stares at our parents, his expression of mild disgust.
“Do you two want a moment alone?”
A laugh follows, my eyes ascertaining to its source.
Her. Oh it’s her. 
It’s her.
She stands behind Lo’ak, a lean azure frame. Droplets gleam and scintillate as they slide down her skin. Her bangles and bracelets shine under the fractured light. I try so hard not to stare. I try to focus on anything. Anything at all. Anything that won’t make me feel like I’m staring at a woman who’s wet and shiny like some kind of pervert. 
Fuck. That sounded like I was describing a river rock or something.
‘wEt aNd sHiNy.’ 19 years old, future Olo’eyktan of your clan  and you can’t even talk. I feel like the ground envelops me in quicksand, my lungs famine for air. Eywa, she was pretty.
‘Pretty’ feels like a disparagement. Makes me feel inarticulate for lacking a better word. Beautiful. Stunning. Hot? Is hot weird? She is hot. Is that weird? Am I weird?
If there is another word. I’ll find it
Her braids cascade down her back, a crown of curls and waves Unwinding at the where the braids end, the curls I sometimes imagine spilling through my fingers while I capture sweet sounds that fall from her lips.
Am I weird for this? 
My father speaks, yanking me out of my haze.
“Baby, I can always call off the clan gathering if you’re not feeling a crowd tonight.”
He adjusts Tuk on his hip, picking a leaf out of her hair.
My mother shakes her head.
“No. I’m alright. There is just much to be done before we leave…”
My dad nods graciously, placing Tuk back to her feet again.
“Say no more. We’ll get everyone outta here in one piece.”
“Were you planning on us leaving disembodied?”
Kiri asks, her tone welcoming sarcasm in its arms.
Lo’ak chimes in.
“Can I swap out my loincloth real quick? I hate having the wet weaving slapping against me every time I walk.”
“Then why would you get wet?”
Kiri asks, rather harshly.
“Why do you cut your hair like that knowing your forehead is too big?”
“It astounds me how every day you talk about my forehead. Did you know they almost had to cut mom open because your head was so abnormally enormous??”
Lo’ak looks at my mom with incredulous eyes. 
“Ma she’s lying. Right?”
My mom evades any squander of the moment as she turns to duck under the divider flap to where  my parents slept.
“Ma’Jake, I’m going to change my top before we leave.”
Lo’ak falls to his knees, a dramatic anguished groan leaves him.
“Oh shit. I’m a freak. I’m a freak with a huge head.”
“You’re not a freak. You just have your fathers genes. I’m sure Jake was unusually large as well.” y/n comforts him, gesturing to my father.
“The hell I wasn’t.” My dad pipes up, trying to wrestle Tuk into sitting still.
Kiri shrugs, leaning against the wooden pillar to the side of the sheet as she fidgets with one of Y/n’s braids, standing behind her.
“I think we should banish Lo’ak for the attempted murder of the Tsahik daughter.”
I snicker, nudging Kiri 
“Mother would have joined eywa doing what she loved. Screaming at father.”
She laughed, tossing her head back.
Lo’ak’s jaw drops, he tries to speak but only a string of syllables come out.
“That’s not fucking fair.”
My dad glares at all three of us.
“Watch your mouth boy. And what did I say about plotting murder during dinner.”
Y/n blinks, tilting her head.
“We aren’t eating dinner.”
“I don’t give a damn-!
Okay, you know what? New rule. No discussing murder. Period.”
Kiri clicks her tongue, the usual gleam flickering across her irises.
“Can we discuss manslaughter?”
The sentence teases its own tone.
She places her palms against one another in a paring position before pointing them outwards towards my father.
Y/n mimics her.
“If we can’t discuss it can we at least plan one? Me and Kiri have already worked out a date and time.”
“And we have a target.”
Kiri adds, nodding confidently.
“For the love of god, I will put all of you on time out. And your grandmother can join you.”
My father threatens. Glaring at all of us.
Grandmother speaks as she slowly arises from her sitting spot on the floor, Lo’ak assisting her by holding her arm.
“Good. That will give me and the children time to plot against you.”
She speaks matter-of-factly.
I laugh, watching Tuk’s big eyes travel between my father and the rest of us as she tries to keep up with the conversation.
We all turn to see my mother as her figure is guided back through the divider, a new top now covering her chest.
It had flowers on it, delicately placed in a pattern over her breasts. Vines braided over her shoulders to hold the garment in place.
My fathers eyes take the shape of stars as he sees her, the sun setting outside and him both share a flicker of breath as she moves toward us.
“Are we ready?”
She asks, placing some of her braids behind her shoulder.
My father whistles, a hand coming up to cover the grin that etched its way onto his face.
“Goddamn. You look..”
“Like a pretty flower!”
Tuk chirps, clapping excitedly as she runs to my mother, hugging her waist.
“I was gonna say gorgeous, but yeah. That works too.”
Gorgeous. That’s the word I was looking for.
She giggles as she strides her way over to him, He takes a step behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist, another hand tracing circles in her hip.
“Y/n made this one.”
She murmurs, speaking quietly for my father.
“Do you like it?”
“Kids’ got taste. It’s stunning. Do a spin for me.”
My dad nods approvingly, Y/n feigns cockiness, posing and swaying her hips.
“Of course I have taste. The best there is, no doubt.”
Out of all of the fabrics, all the leaves and flowers and materials on the planet, I think her smile always looks the most stunning.
“You know who else has taste?”
My father whispers, clearly not quiet enough, the endnotes a purr.
My mother gasps, it twirls into a chuckle.
“Ma’Jake, the children are watching.”
“Kids, look away!”
My dad demands, kissing my mothers cheek as she squirms in his arms.
“Oh I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Kiri gags, clearly not fawning over my parents' affections the way y/n or tuk is.
My grandmother wedges herself between my parents, poking my fathers chest.
“Enough of this. It is time to depart. Before you both go and make another child I will have to deal with it.”
That was my fathers cue as he sighs dramatically, scooping up a squirming Tuk and twirling her around like a princess.
“Alright family let’s get going. Roll tide.”
“Roll tide!”
Tuk mimics my fathers lingo as we exit the tent, single file. 
Tuk scurries infront of me. Hopping vigorously to squeeze her way in between my parents as they walk ahead of us. 
Lo’ak and Kiri take turns bickering with grandmother, keeping their paces ahead of me.
I saunter off behind them. The cool air and dwindling distant conversations plexure in the atmosphere. Families talking, children laughing, all coalesce into a chorus that ceases its journey where the darkening night sky ends.
I turn as I feel a tap on my shoulder,
Big, doe-like gold eyes invade my gaze. Those eyes are my vice. My biggest sorrow and my greatest gift.
The auric hues captivate me. The gleam so picturesque the shadows run for shelter. 
She’s still wet from the river. The shine from the droplets define her features, tracing every curve, clinging to every dip.
I feel ensnared in her equivalent of hypnosis. The expanse of her throat, the coves of her eyelids, every inch of her has me infatuated.
She doesn’t look like she belongs here. Her features lack those of a mortal being in regularity. A deity you’d sacrifice yourself for in the form of a disguise.
“Oh— you.”
Oh wow. That must make women swoon. ‘Oh. You.’ Might as well have said ‘ew. It’s you.’
Pull yourself together!
She recoils, its so slight you might not have noticed it at all.
She’s nervous. 
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to check up on you.”
Her steps find competence as they match my own. Her fingers lock together as she strides with them behind her back.
I awkwardly shuffle to keep pace with her.
“Oh, no. Please don’t apologize.”
I wave my hands stupidly, as if she’s hard of hearing and needs to have everything signaled. 
I clear my throat, clearing the hoarseness. Letting a silence settle before I realize what she’s said.
“You..wanted to check on me?”
She nods, her eyes meeting mine for a 
moment. She’s only a few inches shorter than me. It always reminds me of how she teased me when we were kids, saying I’d never catch up to her height. 
“Yeah. Well, I mean, I just…Lo’ak told me you were acting a little…off? This morning?”
Oh. You mean where you consumed every single one of my waking thoughts? This morning where I woke up still imaging you hugging me? This morning? Where I woke up stunned, paralyzed, drunken in enamorment of how on eywa’s green ground you could possibly be real when you have beauty of such extravagance?
“I have no idea what you speak of.”
I shrug,  crossing my arms over my chest.
She’s skeptical.
“Oh. I see.”
“Yup. Nothing wrong.”
“So, you weren’t moaning into a a fruit this morning?”
A who-was-moaning-into-a what?
“What are you talking about?”
She laughs, shaking her head.
“I just heard from a friend, that you were…excited for breakfast.”
Oh, the joy of having siblings.
I groan.
“No, that was a misunderstanding.”
She nods, trying to regain seriousness.
“Of course..I figured it was.”
Her cheeks puff slightly, harboring laughter.
I would probably be annoyed if it was anyone but her. and if her laugh wasn’t my favorite sound.
“Okay, you know what? It was early, I was tired-“
“Oh please. I’ve known you since you could walk. You’ve always been a morning person.”
I scoff, trying to pretend she wasn’t right.
“Yeah, okay.”
“Neteyam, I’m going to be your teacher soon. You should confide in me,”
Her arm accidentally brushes mine as we walk.
“So I should know if there’s something between you and that fruit that might interfere with your focus.”
I sigh, shaking my head, my tail gently swishing behind me.
“Say it with me now. Okay? 1..2..3…you’ve been spending too much time with Lo’ak.”
She chortles, recoiling at the sound.
I doesn’t phase me.
Not one bit.
“It’s the other way around.”
She argues.
“I can’t disagree. Last week I caught him wearing one of your armbands..”
“The one your father gifted me after completing my rites of passage?”
“Amber stones, arrowed weaving?”
She snaps her fingers.
“That’s the one! The bastard. I’ve been searching for weeks.”
I chuckle, catching a glimpse of her profile at the side of my gaze.
“I don’t blame him, you know.”
My voice carried a sincereness that seemed out of place with the conversation.
She looks at me, confused.
“What do you mean?”
“For looking up to you.”
She scoffs.
“No. I’m serious.”
And as much as I regret cutting her off, the way she said my name, so tired, as if it was worn.
“You are one of the strongest warriors this clan has ever seen. I know that for a fact. I hear the way my parents speak of you. The way the people look at you, the way the children braid their hair to look like you. Everyone loves and admires you. I know for a fact I lov-“
She slows for a millisecond. That’s all it took to correct myself. Her steps only broke its pace as consciousness calculated on the ledge of what i knew so well I almost said.
“I love admiring you. I hope you know that.”
She shifts slightly, her fingers fidgeting with one another instead of being held behind her. I can tell my words are an impudent invasion that scratch and claw at the walls she’s built.
“You don’t have to say things like that.”
All I can do is smile.
“I wasn’t born with jesters privilege, I’m only saying what I know. I’m not glorifying you.”
And suddenly, i forgot the concept of boundaries.
I blame the aureate iridescence in the paradox of her irises. 
“You just don’t give yourself enough credit.”
She looks at me, confusion capturing her.
“What are you talking about?”
I shrug.
“You’ve saved lives. Protected our clan. Defended us against the sky people. What more can you ask of yourself?”
She stops walking this time. Her eyes staring straight ahead of us. 
Her head turns slowly to stare at me. It’s not a look of offense, or fear.
My hand reaches for her back, my palm placed against the small of it.
“It’s just something to think about.”
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Y/n’s pov 
You stare at him as if he's shown you colors for the first time. Epiphanies impulse under your skin, their unwelcomed and you’re unprepared.
As you approach the large area where other clan members have already sat down with their families, sharing food and laughter, you find yourself wandering astray.
“Give yourself more credit.”
Credit for what? What did you do to deserve praise?
Protected others? It wasn’t a task. It was second nature. If you didn't, what else would they ate from you?
What were you if not the sword and shield? What would you become the day the war ended?
There was no credit to be given. There was nothing to be given because there was nothing left. Because you refuse to repeat your mistakes. To suffer at another’s hand, to suffocate under the wreckage of what was built only to be torn down. Cankered, tattered, stained fingers clutching at the flesh that stretched across your bones, bruises worn like badges of honor. 
You were afraid. So afraid of being sheltered and delicate. Being blinded and impetuous. 
“Y/n. Come sit with me.”
You feel an arm link with yours, and you catch Kiri at your side.
The stray braids that hung by her neck like vines from a canopy of verdant haven swung while she walked. She guides you out of your solivangant sondering.
Her gestures were laconic. Her eyes marbled over with a generous concern as she whisked you away, grabbing a wooden bowl for herself and one for you as well where they were being distributed.
“Are you alright, dear? You’re zoning out a ton.” She whispers, placing a hand on your back.
You shake every former thought from your head, washing your mind clean.
“No, it is nothing. It’s foolish.”
“It’s not foolish if it’s bothering you.”
She corrects, looking down as she gathers some meat onto her plate from the communal fire.
You shift on your feet, eyes trailing her movements.
“I’m fine. I just..suppose i haven’t eaten enough today. Its making me spacey and slow.”
She nods slowly, her tail lightly swishing behind her.
“Well then, take this plate.”
She hands you the plate she had just finished filling with roasted sturmbeast, and squares of yovo fruit.
You shake your head graciously, handing it back yo her mindlessly.
“Oh Kiri no– no this was yours.”
She scoffs, waving you off.
“I'm more than capable of making myself a new plate.”
She smiles at you, and the familiarity of it is a comfort. 
The frail dark bangs that wisped lightly above her eyebrows sweep subtly in the night breeze, the weightless braids that hang on the sides of her head swing softly, you reach your hands out and tuck a strand behind her ear, your fingertips grazing the subtle honey-oak streaks, a delicacy in your touch as if you were handling something a fragile as a flower petal.
“You’re so good to me.” Your tone was beatific, gentle.
She smiles smugly, dragging her fingers across where your collarbones rose and fell upon each drawn breath before handing you the plate once again.
“I’m keeping you alive and fed.”
Lo’ak peaks himself from behind kiri, his tail swishing.
“Kiri can you make my plate next?”
Her smile drops.
“No. Make your own damn plate.”
She rolls her eyes, grabbing another wooden piece to start piling with food for herself.
Lo’ak gawks, offended.
“You made Y/n’s no problem!”
“That’s because I like y/n. I tolerate you.”
You laugh as Kiri links her arm with yours, whisking you away to the large dwelling in the center of highcamp.
A large fire with meat cooking over it, and families scattered into their little circles and sat around the ground, people weaving in and out to reach their group.
Some families wave to you, calling out thanks as you walked, because it was you who had hunted the sturmbeest with neteyam they were eating now.
Kiri and you found a seat next to Mo’at. Neytiri, Lo’ak, Tuk, Neteyam, and Jake had not returned yet, so you 3 waited.
“Did you girls get everything you need?”
Mo’at asks, resting her hand atop her knee.
You nodded, taking a seat.
“Yes ma’tsahik. We did.”
There was an unspoken formality between you and Mo’at. Despite her knowing you since you were born. An implicit etiquette that’s been emplaced in you ever since childhood.
She reaches out for your arms, her nails scarcely printing tiny marks on your palm as she inspects your wrist and hand.
“Your cuts are healing.” She informs you, somehow knowing even though your incises from the day before are not visible anymore.
You figured the cuts you got from spider's mask would heal relatively quickly. However, the memories of the accident would leave a different kind of scar. 
You gently placed your hand back in your lap, your gaze only flicking away from Mo’at to see Tuk skipping towards your small sitting area with a bow in her hand.
“The lake water might have sped up the process. It’s not bothering me, though. Just another couple cuts to add to my collection.”
Kiri giggles, nudging your arm.
“Another paint stroke to complete the masterpiece. Maybe we should hang you up next to tuk’s artwork.”
You snicker, making room for the smaller na’vi in question as she scurries to your side, snuggling herself in place next to you on the log.
“Healing cannot be rushed, child. Scars are more than just victories. It’s time you know that.”
Tuk gasps just as Neteyam, Lo’ak, and Neytiri find their places in the circle. 
She peers her head over your shoulder, looking down at your palm.
“It’s gonna be a scar??”
She blinked up at you with those big, disquieted, doleful eyes. She concernedly fumbled with your fingers, and you have to quickly gather her bowl into your lap with your other hand before it tips off her own with all of her movement.
“Oh no Tuk. I’m okay, love.” You kissed the top of her head, smiling at the way her nose twitched when you did.
“Do you want a kiss? To make it better.”
“Awh, sure. Thank you.”
She presses her lips to your bandaged palm.
“Mwah! All better.”  her sweet and stagey movements make you melt, proudly admiring her work.
“Thank you, Tuk-tuk.”
She sits back down, and you hand over her bowl.
She starts to eat, carefully picking the seeds out of her fruit slices.
“Are scars good or bad?”
She muffles through a mouthfull of juices.
Jake shrugs, leaning over to wipe the corners of her mouth with his thumb.
“Depends who you ask.”
Neytiri nods, her hand pressed to her chest briefly as she swallowed her bite before speaking.
‘Your father is correct. Scars are pieces of our memories. We carry them with us.”
“Nothing to be ashamed of, either. Back where i come from we wear our scars like badges of honor.”
Jake chimes in, setting his elbow on his knee, his back stretching forward.
Mo’at scoffed.
“Don’t listen to your father, children.”
Waving him off, she took a sip from her herbal tea. 
Jake frowned, wincing as if he were in a cramping-kinda pain.
“Oh, I think I just got a new one.”
“A what?”
Neytiri inquires, concerned, confused, placing a hand on her husbands back.
“A new scar?”
“From what?”
“My mother in law..agh, how she wounds me.”
Neytiri hisses, a smile breaking from her and my fathers lips. 
Mo’at is unamused.
Jake shakes his head as his laughter dies out.
“Come on, I mean, it’s symbolic.”
“Symbolic of what? Stupidity?”
Mo’at chuckled.
“Of bravery. Strength. Survival.”
Jake defies the Tsahik gently.
“Scars are cool.”
Lo’ak agrees half-mindedly, munching and speaking with a full mouth in a similar manner to Tuk.
“Look at y/n. Her scars are badass as fuck.”
You kept your head down. Stuck between accepting it as a compliment or perceiving it as pernicious.
“Lo’ak, we do not speak of others bodies.”
Neytiri sterns.
“Right, and how many times have i told you to watch that mouth.” 
Jake rebuked Lo’ak’s word choice rigorously, pinching the back of his neck lightly.
Lo’ak shrunk away from his touch, receiving it with nothing much than a scrunch of his face before continuing.
“Scars are like ways of saying ‘I got through it’. You know? I mean, I’d rather have a scar than the other alternatives.”
Neytiri opened her legs the slightest bit, propping up one crossed as she displayed the inner of her thigh. With delicate fingers, she traced over a darkened discoloration, a jagged scar that dragged across the surface.
“This scar appeared shortly after giving birth to Tuktirey.”
She explained, her tone soothing and benign. 
You leaned forward, getting a closer glimpse at it.
Tuk pouted, guilt striking her expression.
“I did that? I’m sorry.”
You gently drew her closer to your side, a small laugh that was horribly compressed left you.
“No, Tuk. You didn’t do it. Some mothers get them after having babies. It’s normal.”
You explained.
Neytiri nodded, smiling graciously at you for explaining so gently.
“That’s right. And it has been with me ever since that day. It’s a symbol. Like your father says. Celebrating the day of arrival for a gift in my life.”
She gently runs her slender fingers down Tuk’s cheek in an affectionate stroke, Tuk giggles at the sensation.
Jake took a swig from his cup.
“Hell, if that’s not strength, I don’t know what is. I know I sure as hell couldn’t do it.”
“Ew dad. We know. We know how the male body works.”
Kiri retorted, appalled.
“I’m surprised mom doesn’t have a scar from giving birth to Lo’ak and his big head.”
Neteyam mumbles into his cup, clearly not quietly enough.
A laugh was shared around the circle, even Neteyam shaking with chuckles as his head hung low for the moment.
Tuk looked at you, big eyes gleaming with curiosity.
“You have scars. Do you like them??”
The circle became silent for a moment.
Neytiri and Jake both hissed in unison, their tone hesitant, scold-like.
“Tuk, we don’t ask such things.”
Neteyam, always the 3rd parent, corrects softly.
Tuk glances back at you, the sully’s eyes tracking her gaze.
You shook your head, clearing your throat of the hoarsness.
“No, no. Its alright. I mean, we were talking about it, right? No harm in asking.”
You turned to tuk, your eyes softening at the sight of her.
“Most of them, yes. They are symbols, like your father says. Scars are like..stories. Every single one has a place of origin, epitomes of remaining unbroken.”
“I like this one.”
Tuk points to the scar on your shoulder, the zig-zag imprint that dragged across the plate of your acromion almost resembling lightning.
You smiled, letting her trace her smaller fingers over it.
“So do i.”
You whisper.
Neytiri smiles at the both of you. Her gaze holds its tender warmth, radiating its warmth like a sun ray washing your soul.
“My beautiful girls.” She coos, reaching out to kiss Tuk’s head and Tuk a braid behind your ear.
She turns to Kiri, side-gazing at Lo’ak and Neteyam.
“All of you are beautiful. No matter how many scars you have, you are all so much more than what lies on your skin.”
“We’re not beautiful Neteyam and I are stoic, unfeeling, we don’t have time for that.”
Lo’ak affirms, proudly slinging an arm around Neteyam, making him lurch to the side awkwardly, a couple of fruit slices roll off his plate due to the action.
“Lo’ak, my food.” Neteyam swats Lo’ak away.
Neytiri pouts, “No, both of my sons are beautiful.”
She grabs Neteyam’s face, peppering it with kisses before she does the same to Lo’ak.
Lo’ak groans, floundering in her hold.
“Ma, come on..stop..Okay, okay, stop. I’m not beautiful, I’m handsome.”
Neytiri taps his nose with her finger. “You’re both.”
 She giggles.
“You’re neither, you hell-raiser.”
Kiri hisses blatantly.
The air remained unscathed of burden as laughter simmered in the air, you found nepenthe with the Sully family, making the night seem so endless it could stretch into the stratosphere. 
You laughed as you spun Tuk around by her arms, the meaningless balter keeping her entertained her laughter.
“Again! Again!”
She laughs, jumping up and down, reaching up to be spun around again.
You smile, grabbing her arms.
“Okay, okay- ready? 1…2..3..”
Supporting her tightly by her forearms, you swing her around as her squeals of laughter flood your ears.
“Y/n, you up for a quick flight?”
It was Jake’s voice that beckoned your attention. You turned away from playing with tuk to see him gathering the wooden bowls in his arms to haul back to the sully’s tent.
“Right now?”
He nods, shifting the pile in his arms. “Yeah. I mean, do you have something planned?”
You can’t remember the last time Jake Sully willingly encouraged anyone in his family to go on ikran out after dark since the return of the Rda unless it was him and Neytiri for the occasional date night.
You turn to Neytiri,  who only gives Jake a pensive look.
“Will you be out late?”
He shakes his head.
“Of course not, baby. Just taking Y/n out for a little nighttime crusade.”
Neytiri nods, slowly and pensively as she hands the bowls in her hands over to Neteyam.
There’s a stretch of quiet that spreads through the air. High camp was settling down for the evening. Families gathering up their food and families and eating ware and retreating back to their tents and huts for rest. It was unusual to be out past that tim unless Jake had arranged a patrol group.
“Where are you guys even going this late?” Lo’ak queries intrepidly.  
Jake shrugs, starting to walk behind Mo’at, who held hands with Tuk and walked alongside Kiri back towards the sully’s tent.
“Just got something’s to discuss.”
Jake’s answers are succinct and ambiguous.
Neteyam rears himself closer to Jake, his steps carefully matching pace with his father as he carted the woven sack of sitting mats under his arm.
“Will you be discussing the next raid? I can accompany you both if needed, father.”
He glances at you preventively, as if desiring to shape himself into a shield around you.
Jake causally declined his offer, patting his shoulder supportively.
“I think we’re good for tonight, son. You can rest easy.”
Neteyam nods, but you can tell he’s chastened. Jake always kept Lo’ak and Neteyam in this constant cage that clipped their wings, keeping them away from the fighting.
But something tells you this wasn’t about raid planning, or even the war.
Jake hands the pile in his arms off to Kiri, who mumbles under her breath as she tries to catch up with Mo’at. He turns to you, “Y/n, why don’t you run along and gear up Kailo. I’ll meet you at the crevice in a few minutes.”
Before you could answer, Neytiri appears behind him, her eyes softening soothingly, her gaze condemning with concern.
“Please be safe. Both of you.”
She whispered, placing a hand on your cheek and reaching up to kiss Jake’s shoulder.
“Baby, nothing will happen to her or me as long as I’m there.”
Neytiri doesn’t seem consoled.
“Y/n, please keep an eye on him.”
She sighs.
You chuckle, letting her kiss your hairline.
“I promise.”
She cracks a small smile, Jake reaches for her palm. Ghosting her fingertips across her lip, kissing the heel of her palm.
As if committing the feel of her skin to memory, even if he’s not away from her for long.
“Don’t worry I’ll be back before you know it.”
He winks at her, his eyes drifting to the cinch of her waist.
“Ew gross.”
You recoil, scrunching up your nose at Jake.
He rolls his eyes, waving you off.
“Go. Get your ikran ready. I’ll be there in a bit.”
You nod, jogging off to the rookery where your clans ikrans resided.
The air tonight was warm. Undertones of a glass remnants and tattered clouds. You were halfway to the crevice, quieting yourself with your inner thoughts, when you paused at the call of your name.
A juvenile voice echoes behind you. High pitched and distinct.
You turn around, and a small Na’vi child comes into view. She has yellow feathers in her hair. A woven grass top and braids that reached her shoulder blades. 
Popiti. She was one of your students. She was apart of the group of children Makeyo and you taught archery lessons.
“Popiti! What are you doing here, evi’? (Child, affectionate.)
She scampered to you, wrapping her arms around your waist, smiling wide.
“She wanted to come say thank you.”
Another voice gathered your attention.
A taller Na’vi slowly sweeps her way out of the shadows. Tall. Feminine. Her steps were rushed. They lacked gracefulness. Her confidence was pure forgery, wearing a mask made of fool's gold and a fetish for mystique.
You greeted, your face rather neutral.
Kyuna was only older than you by a year. Regardless of your age, you always surpassed her in most aspects.
She could never finish a hunt. Meanwhile you were dragging home freshly arrows skin-deep in a yerik.
Everyone is valued in your clan. That was a known fact. But it was you who was named the Olo’eyktan a strongest warrior.
You were stronger. Faster. Smarter. 
It made you feel a bit guilty, how often so many didn’t make any effort to make your transcendence discreet. 
She smiled at you. It was thin. Fake. Feigning any ounce of genuine decency.
“Popiti here wanted to thank you for y tonight’s meal. It was you who hunted the sturmbeast, right?”
You nodded, still stroking the top of Popiti’s head affectionately
“Yes. I was. It was my pleasure, Popiti.”
You smiled graciously down at the little girl who beamed up at you as if you were everything she ever wanted to become.
“When I get big, I’m going to be a warrior just like you. I’m gonna have a beautiful bow, with carvings and beads just like yours! And I’m gonna have-“
Your heart melts a bit as she rambles on, every word idolizing you.
A sudden hand on her head cuts her off. Kyuna pulls her closer in the opposite direction. Her ability to endure the nicety’s hanging by a thread. 
“Popiti, why don’t you run along home.”
Her smile pathetically conceals the bite in her tone.
“But I don’t know how-“
With a small, sad wave, the smaller Na’vi huffs and stomps away.
You tilt your head back up to Kyuna.
When your eyes met hers, you can tell she’s frustrated just by the mere sight of you.
You cleared your throat, trying to rid the awkward intermission from the air.
“It was nice of her to thank me in person. She’s a good kid.”
Kyuna’s arms remained crossed, her gaze distant, occupied with other things
“Mhm. I’m surprised you had time to see her, after all, you’re always busy with the Olo’eyktan or..or those Sully boys.”
Lo’ak and Neteyam were both men but whatever.
She clicks her tongue, raking your figure up and down.
You forced a laugh.
“Well, I am living with them after all.”
“And sleeping with them.”
You snap your head up. The comment a little too dour to be a meaningless joke.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh! Y/n, I’m sorry.”
She suddenly gasps, her hand flying to cover her mouth that hangs wide open like an animal expecting food.
“I would never mean it like that, I just meant that ever since the clan decided to come up here to the mountains, everybody’s tents became a little…disorganized. Right? You’re sleeping in a hammock with Lo’ak? So I’ve heard.”
You don’t know where the fuck she would even ‘hear’ that from.
You straightened, your patience running thin and your tolerance for jealousy incredibly low.
“It’s two separate hammocks woven together. We’re not sleeping ontop of one another.”
You elaborated, chuckling to yourself.
“Can you even imagine sleeping so close to one of them? Well, I’m sure some would want to imagine it.”
Your tone carried a clear enmity.
Her cheeks flushed, her tail swishing fervently behind her.
Shes nervous now. What happened to all of that confidence?
“Well, I hope I don’t strike you as someone who’s desperate.”
“Oh no, of course not. That’s what makes people so good at it.”
You smiled, locking your fingers together behind your back.
She’s stunned for a moment. Stilling as her imperceptible brain struggles to process everything that’s been said.
“Well, I must be going. I have to meet with the Olo’eyktan. But I wish you a good night, Kyuna.”
She snaps out of her daze.
“H-huh? Oh. Oh yes, good night, Y/n.”
She stares at you. A mix of awe and envy compete for sovereignty.
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“What are we doing here?”
You and Jake had flown into the night, and landed on one of the mountain tops, the flat rock making space for you both as he sat across from you.
“Have a seat, Y/n.”
You didn’t know why he had brought you there. And you were feeling anxious for n some unknown reason. When you left, Jake insisted you leave your bow and other weapons at home. He promised that you didn’t need them. But how could he know that? How can he possibly understand the stability you felt when those objects were near?
Death, chaos, war, grief, it didn’t wait for anyone. Ever.
“Am I in trouble?”
You asked, nervously shifting on your feet. The rest of the world seemed to drift farther and farther away.
“Because If I did something wrong, I can fix it. I promise.”
“Jake this is killing me just tell me why-“
You felt his large palms cup your biceps, holding you still.
“Take a deep breath.”
He said softly.
You looked at him puzzled before inhaling in, holding it for a good 3 seconds then exhaling out.
“Attagirl. Are we calm now?”
You nodded, finally sitting across from him, crossing your legs.
He smiled at you, clearly proud of himself.
“Y/n, welcome to your very first therapy session.”
You begged the finest pardon?
You froze. 
Did you hear him right?
Therapy. The word sounded familiar. Then you remember that day he told you about it when you both went hunting.
Should you laugh? Be pissed? Both?
“What the hell are you talking about. Jake?”
He shrugged.
“Well, I’m no professional-“
“But I’d figured this would help with…”
He considers his next words, opting for gesturing to your entire self with his hands, 
“Jake, I love you. I really do. You’ve done so much for me over the years. But I’m about 2 minutes away from rocking your shit.”
Not paying any mind to the threat. Jake waves his arms, ridding your frustration from the air.
“You know what, let’s start over. And please. Just give this a chance, yeah?”
Jake leaned back, locking his fingers together and resting them on his stomach.
“Usually this kind of thing starts with a simple introduction.
Hi, my name is Jake. And I will be your therapist this evening.”
“Jake you know my name.”
He nods.
“Maybe I know your name yes, but I’m here to know your soul and what energy you put out into the universe.”
“Are you stroking out? What the fuck are you talking about.”
He groans.
“Come on kid, bare with me.”
You sigh defeatedly.
“Okay. Okay. Hi. My name is y/n. And I’m an adrenaline addict. Better?”
“…well, we had to start somewhere.”
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Authors note:
Stay hating Kyuna. Ik your itching like a bitch without your eczema cream 💕🫶🏽
lol anyways, I hope you guys Enjoyed this chapter. It’s very rushed but I had so much writing sully family fluff. And starting next chapter, we’ll get into Neteyam starting his training with Y/n. And you best believe there is some tension 😌 also you’re gonna have mini therapy sessions with Jake from now on. Remember when they discussed that in chapter 3?? lol.
But I wanted to share a little life update with you guys. I hope you don’t mind. For those of you who don't know, I’m in a relationship. And yes, sme of you probably know him as the guy who was the victim of my cgi faces avatar experiment 🤭
Now, I don't want anyone thinking I'm bragging or ‘rubbing it in others' faces)’…you guys are the first people I've told. I'm still in shock about it. The point of telling you guys this is that love is beautiful, and I don't think my writing can even begin to express the full extent of that. And one of the many things I love is writing for you guys. I know you guys have never met me and probably never will, and I'm just some person tapping away about blue aliens and posting my silly little rants from time to time, but please know that I appreciate all of you. Every single one of you who read, support, comment, like, repost, my anons, my followers, the friends I've made here, I hope I make you guys as happy as you all have made me. I can’t wait to share my fics and creations with all of you. One of the reasons I love writing for ‘y/n’ and reader inserts is because as someone who has read y/Insert fics, I know how special they can make us feel. So long rant short, I hope I make you guys feel like sexy, gorgeous, devastatingly beautiful, badass bitches yall are ☾⁺☀︎₊𖦹✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⁺☀︎₊ ⁺☀︎₊☾⁺☀︎₊ ⋆⁺𖦹₊⋆⁺☀︎₊
Taglist 🪐🌑🪻
@fluorynn (my guest of honor 👑)
@isnt-itstrange @thebestrouge
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erigold13261 · 2 years
In defense of Yinu on the boss tier list, she is the only one able to attack you while her health bar is empty. But DJ sub is the strongest, I agree
Hey, just because she's the weakest alone out of the NSRtist, doesn't mean she is weak at all!
You are right in the sense that I see Yinu as super determined. So much so that I could have seen her outlasting everyone in endurance when it comes to playing music. Even Mama is too old to play as long as she did when she was younger.
If DJ had to play a concert for as long as Yinu does, he would quit so quickly lol!
But yeah, physically I do think DJ is still the overall strongest.
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moirindeclermont · 3 months
5+ things I love about the Carriage Scene
also know as horny edition, I decline every responsability if "feelings" arise during the reading of this thread. Buckle up, folks! This is going to be a wild ride. Take a shot every time I use an innuendo for maximum results (don't, please)
1) The build up. Especially on rewatches, I do enjoy the momentum as it gets created. His confession, her "what" - I wrote about that moment "One word. Four letters. A word spoken so often it was laughable that *that* word could mean so much to her." The seconds before they kiss. Half of my fun is the build up.
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2) His face when she touches him. I believe it was one of my first daily thread and it's so dear to me. The absolute devotion and pleasure that man is experiencing in that moment always send me to places. It's raw and uninhibited and he is just in the moment, his mind blank as he takes in her touch. He is a man starved and Pen it's his answer.
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3) This scene is all about passion. There is no space for nerves or shyness, nothing is thought about or planned. It's just them, coming together for the first time, both their feelings acknoledged and reciprocated. They are both giving each other everything (I know many don't like it, but I think it's an appropriate song choice).
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4) I sound like a broken record, but the nod, the consent, is so sexy to me. She doesn't know what's going to happen - my personal headcanon it's that she knew a very vague version of it but not the specifics - she just knows she trusts Colin to take care of her. And it spokes volumes about their connection, even at this early stage.
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5) And talking about uninhibited, all the beautiful expressions and sounds that Pen makes (and Colin, if you listen to the version without music, 10/10 no notes). Thing is, we - real and modern people - are much more easily scandalized than they were at that time. She is just open about her pleasure and it's a detail that many people don't like because it's too much, too intimate, too personal, and I understand that. But I like it exactly for those reasons.
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6) Their laugh and their kiss after they arrived at Bridgerton house. The softest, cutest touch. Their smile, basking in the moment they just lived. It makes my heart tremble, because even after everything changed, nothing really is changed. They are still friends.
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7) The "what you are doing" when Colin is fixing her dress. The delivery of that line just strings my heart every time. She still can't quite believe it's happening and she still have doubts, so there is an underlayer of stress there that Nicola deliver so well.
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8) What stands out it's their connection. It's not the steamiest scene ever shooted, but it's deep and for me it's intoxicating because of this. And I have to mention this lip bite because of reasons
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Feel free to add your own. I'll go have a very very cold shower.
And as always if you want to ask for a specific 5+ things I love go to my Tumblr or my Ig @moirindc - you can ask about Bridgerton, IWTV, Buffy or Supernatural
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frost-queen · 6 months
Starcrossed lovers // part 5 (Reader x Peter Parker) NWH
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @minimin1993, @narniansmagic, @benonlinear, @canthebest1, @mellowdreamlandpost-blog, @thewhitewolfmarvel, @freek12569, @bookloverfilmoholic, @cigarettedaydreamsandcofee, @qalijahbydior, @gabriella-aesthetic, @fallenxjas, @fluffybunnyu, @minimin1993, @supernaturalstilinski, @cherrysxuya,
Summary: Now Peter is involved as well it unleashes a tug and pull war to get you. Blinded by their own desire to have you, they are unaware of another force playing at hand. [ part 1 & part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 6]
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“Wait you know too?” – you called out confused staring at Peter Parker. Peter ignored you walking up to Peter. You stepped back to not get caught in between. Peter grabbed the other Peter by his suit. – “I told you to leave her alone!” – he shouted pulling a bit at him. Peter looked over your Peter to you. – “You know I can’t do that.” – he responded looking down at Peter. Your Peter groaned annoyed pushing him off. – “You just made things so much worse!” – Peter yelled at him.
You couldn’t quite follow, but it was clear they didn’t seem the closest of people. – “What is going on?” – you made clear. – “I’ll explain it later Y/n.” – Peter three said with a gesture. Peter clenched his jaw, pushing his hand down. – “No you won’t!” – he outed. – “Leave Y/n out of this.” – he stated.
“Go home.” – he begged Peter three with sympathy. – “Don’t make it worse.” – he sighed out coming over to you. Peter grabbed you by your wrist, pulling you away from Peter three. – “Not without her.” – Peter three called out. You noticed how the Peter you knew from school grunted annoyed. – “You know I can’t.” – you heard Peter say behind you.
“She’s not yours.” – Peter replied. – “Accept it.” – Peter said as a final statement. He tugged on your arm, pulling you with him towards the streets out of the alleyway. Peter three shot his hand out. You yelped softly when you felt something stick to your back, making you spin back with a simple tug. You kept spinning, feet dancing around as you tried to keep a steady balance.
Then you came to a sudden stop, gasping loud. Looking down you saw the web on your clothing. Following the line with your gaze it went towards Peter in full costume. Yet there was another pull on your body. Looking over your shoulder, you saw another string of web on your body. Turning your posture a bit, your gaze met up with Peter. The Peter you knew from school.
It made you widen your eyes, feeling like you were tripping. – “Let go!” – Peter three made clear. You slowly pointed in shock at Peter. Was he spiderman too? If so who was the real one? – “No, you let go!” – Peter one replied loud. Your head felt like spinning unsure what was right or wrong. – “You’re Spiderman.” – you muttered out.
Peter glared at his name mate. – “Well thanks a lot, now she knows!” – he shouted accusingly. – “If you simply let go, she wouldn’t know!” – Peter three answered rudely. – “So this is my fault now?!” – Peter one responded. – “You simply had to leave her alone.” – Peter added. – “I can’t!” – Peter three answered a bit sentimental. – “I…I’m becoming bitter without her.” – he explained.
“Not my problem.” – Peter one bit back. – “She’s my Y/n!” – Peter three made clear. – “She’s my…friend.” – Peter one finished, unsure about that last part. – “And I’m not letting you have her.” – Peter one ran up to you, making you widen your eyes. He slapped his arm around your body, shooting a web out.
You screamed loud when you got launched in the air with him. Clamping tight around his body. Peter three clenched his jaw, shooting out a web of his own to go after you. – “Peter!” – you screamed out as he soared for a moment in the air before shooting another web out. That weightless feeling was something you weren’t going to get used to.
Peter swung with you from building to building. You had lowered your head on his neck, eyes shut as you didn’t want to look. – “Hold on Y/n.” – Peter said to you. You felt the force of the wind on your back. – “Peter!” – he suddenly heard loud behind him. It made him look back, seeing Peter three swing furiously behind him. His focus lost for a moment as when he looked back to the front, he nearly crashed against a building.
It made him flung webs around to swing past it. His feet running briefly against the glass before setting himself back off. – “Peter put me down.” – you begged, squeezing your arms tighter around his neck. Peter three shot a web out, setting his feet out. His feet hit Peter in the back, making him fall forwards. His grip around you loosened. It made you scream as you felt weightless for a moment.
Then an arm went around you. – “I got you.” – Peter three breathed out. You saw Peter one tumble in the air before he found his balance and pulled himself back up. If only he could reach the watch, he could open a portal and just take you with him. Peter one came back in vision, more furious than before. – “You stay away from her!” – he called out shooting a web out to you.
It stuck to your legs as he pulled at it. You felt yourself slip down. Peter three caught you by the wrist, keeping you in place as you dangled in the air. – “Peter!” – you called out, not caring to which Peter you were referring to. You just wanted them to stop this war in the most dangerous place. Up in the air. Your eyes widened seeing Peter one swing at your height, arm open to catch you.
His arm wrapped around your body as the force made Peter three let go. – “Got ya.” – Peter exclaimed. Peter three came swinging in from the side. He came in full force against Peter. The impact made them crash through a window with you. Peter let go of you as your body hit the ground. They rolled over the floor, coming to a stop. Peter Three and one got up, panting. Peter one flung a desk at Peter three.
Peter three jumped to the ceiling. You had pushed yourself up, eyes widening at the desk flying your way. It made you shriek, jumping aside before it could hit you. The desk got flung out the open window. Peter three jumped back down, flinging a chair at Peter one. He blocked his arms in front of him. The chair crashed against him. He groaned loud when he came crashing through the window across from where they entered.
“Y/n!” – Peter three panted out, looking around. You had hidden yourself away under a desk, not wanting to be in the cross fire with them. Peter three’s eyes widened as he sensed something. He turned around, but too late. Peter one flung himself on the level, kicking him back. Peter three fell back against some desks, making you jump out of your skin. He groaned in pain, touching his side. His eyes fell upon you, hidden underneath a desk nearby. – “Hey… hey Y/n it’s okay…” – he said reassuring.
Except you weren’t okay. Shuddering with fear, you crawled away from him. – “Y/n wait…” – Peter called out not wanting you to run away. Peter pushed a desk aside to go after you. – “Y/n.” – Peter three said wanting you to stop. You kept crawling away, moving around desks and underneath it to get away. You came from under a desk, meeting up with a pair of shoes.
“Y/n!”  - Peter one exclaimed relieved. You didn’t want to be around him either. Being juggled around like a ball had crossed a line with you. You were moving away from him too. – “Y/n it’s okay… I’m not going to hurt you.” – Peter one said trying to calm you.
“You are scarring her!” – Peter three shouted standing up. – “No! you are!” – Peter one yelled back. You got up by the edge. The wind howling inside the floor you were on. The windows broken by them. You held onto one of the frames, looking down to see how high up you were. Knees buckled at the sight. The cars down below looked like ants. – “Y/n get away from the window!” – Peter three called out in a panic.
It startled you, making you turn a bit to them. Peter one joining his side, hands out. – “Y/n carefully walk up to us.” – he spoke. – “So you can toss me around more?” – you shouted angry. Both Peters looked at each other with shame. – “I’m sorry Y/n. I just couldn’t let him have you.” – Peter one spoke. – “Why am I to concern of you? We’re not friends.” – you told Peter one. Peter three could see how this afflicted him. – “We… we…” – Peter one sighed not sure how to end that sentence.
“What about you? Why are there 2 spiderman? Why does it feel like I am not understanding an inside joke, I should?!” – you told them feeling like you were losing your mind. – “Y/n…” – Peter three started wanting to come closer. You moved back, feeling your feet slip almost over the edge.
It made you look down into the depts. – “Don’t move!” – Peter panicked. You stood still, not moving a muscle. – “I know you don’t feel like trusting us Y/n, but let us get you to safety. I… don’t want to lose you… again…” – Peter three spoke saddened. The wind was tugging on your clothing, playing with you to see how long you could maintain your balance.
You nodded wanting to get closer. Both Peters approached you, both their hand out to you to grab. You stuck your hand out, grabbing the frame with but one hand. A gush of wind came full speed ahead in the deserted office floor you were on. Your eyes widened, a gasp caught in your throat as you fell out of the window. Both Peters shouted loud, jumping out of the window after you.
Falling down it felt like time was slowing down. Both Peter’s had their hands out trying to catch up with you and grab you. You wanted to scream, but it felt like your lungs were being pressed against your chest. They weren’t even close yet and you just kept falling.
Closing your eyes, you didn’t want to feel what would come. Your body squashing against the ground or falling hard on a driving car. – “Come on!” – Peter three forced out, stretching his hand more. His eyes got teary not wanting to relive his worst nightmare. Not a third time. Peter beside him was diving down at the same pace as him. Unable to get any closer. – “Please…” – he begged himself shooting out a web, yet you were too far out of reach to get a hold of you.
Your eyes widened once more feeling something underneath you. Both Peter’s eyes widened as a portal opened below you. You fell through it as it caught you, the portal shutting instantly after you. – “Nooo!” – Peter screamed out, changing his position to stop himself from diving head down. Peter one did the same, shooting out a web to get him back to higher grounds.
Peter three followed, letting himself guide onto a rooftop. Panting loud he was joined by Peter one. – “Where is she? Where did you send her?” – He called out in anger. – “I…I…” – Peter three responded painfully. – “I didn’t do anything…” – he spoke looking at his own hands. He hadn’t touched the watch, so it couldn’t possibly be him.
Peter one stared in shock in front of him. Peter three’s lip started to tremble. Looking down he knew he had lost you again. Sputtering out a sob, he fell to his knees. Peter one looked his way, feeling a bit guilty. He walked up to him, hesitantly placing  his hand on his shoulder. – “I…I just wanted her… I just wanted to love her again… to not be bitter anymore…” – Peter three said saddened. Peter one tore his gaze away, staring in the distance, thinking back off MJ. How much he missed her and sharing everything with her. – “Where is she now?” – Peter three begged to know, filled with emotion. Peter one shrugged his shoulders.
The portal opened as you fell through, landing with a thud on something soft. The portal vanished before your eyes as it made you blink confused. Touching with your hand around your body, you wanted to get a feeling of where you were laying on. It was definitely softer than the streets. You heard footsteps as it made you sit up straight.
A figure came in sight, smiling. – “You must be the girl.” – he said in a deep husky voice. It made you swallow frighting. – “Where… where is Peter?” – you asked looking desperately around for him to appear. The man chuckled seeing how desperate you were. – “Oh, I’m counting on him to come.” – he spoke till you heard muffled sounds. Your eyes drawn to the muffled sounds.
It took you a moment to set it apart. To distinguish it from the rest of the room. Your eyes widened seeing another woman tied up. Mouth gaged up as she tried to warn you.  Fighting and pushing against her restrains to get her words out but they were no use. The man chuckled deep as his voice seemed to echo off the walls. He swished his cape over you as it turned everything to black.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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adayumantium · 3 days
okay anyways umm i was listening to ariana grandes unreleased song ‘fantasize’ and i just imagined logan 😩 yk what i meannn? 😮‍💨 anyways do you think that possibly, maybe, you could make a fic that was inspired by it 😣
please, i love you muah 😍
- 🎶
Logan x gn! Reader 
a/n: this ended up being angsty and I am a little bit sorry,,,,if you WANT maybe ill do a happier part where we actually GIVE IT TO HIM 9 to 5, 5 to 9 yk..... banner by moosgraphics
Summary: when the guy you want is smitten with someone else, you're left to fantasize
W/C: 400ish
tags/warnings: gender neutral reader, jealous reader, pining and longing, crazy levels of Jean hating i won't lie, a little suggestive, a little bit angsty and too real if ur in love with a fictional character….
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You definitely need something stronger. Your fingernails tap the neck of a cold soda bottle, desperate to keep your mind occupied. What does Logan see in her? Yes, Jean is gorgeous. Smart, and suave. She is also taken. You’ve watched her string Logan along, letting him fall in love with her. Scott is so devoted to her, too. There’s nothing to like about her, especially the way she’s wrapped Logan around her pinky finger. 
Now, you watch the two of them laugh, magnetized by each other's lips as they take swigs of their bottles. Your knees buckle seeing Logan’s gaze linger on the rim, Jean’s lipstick left behind. With a roll of your eyes, you go to find somewhere else to sit so that you don’t have to endure their display. Plopping on the couch, you hope that root beer can drown sorrows just as effectively.
Your phone goes off, and you check it hesitantly- the only person you want to hear from is glued to someone else. 
Dan (bar trivia): hey! I had a really good time the other night. Do you want to-
You shut off your cell with a groan, not even gracing the rest of the text with a read. Guys like Dan are the problem, kind and considerate and totally into you.
You want raunchy, rough, and unavailable. 
You want Logan. 
You decide to retire for the night, exchanging courteous goodbyes to the people around you; shooting a glance toward Logan, you’re not even sure he notices, so entranced by Jean's facade. 
Your mind starts to wander, as it often did watching him do menial tasks around the mansion. You would give him anything. Everything. You’d let his hands do whatever they wanted, let his mouth go wherever it pleased. He had to know how desperate you were for him. 
Crawling under your sheets, you’re consumed by the desire to kiss him goodnight, drawing circles on the sprawling canvas that was his back. You would wake up next to him, his hips pressed against your ass and the pillows smelling like sandalwood. 
It’s just not real.
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 11
The second one for today. Steve and Eddie have an actual conversation about their wants and needs from the relationship.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @itsall-taken
Eddie laughed when Steve explained the reason for the flowers that night over drinks. “Do you really think your parents will leave you alone now?”
Steve shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. But they’ll fuck off for awhile at least. And honestly you can’t buy that kind of peace.”
He smiled. “Damn straight. My own dear ole dad came out of the woodwork when Corroded Coffin hit it big. Tried to take credit for teaching me to play guitar.”
Steve leaned forward, chin on his fist. “I’m guessing that’s nowhere near what actually happened?”
“Oh hell no,” Eddie scoffed. “He taught me how to hotwire cars, blend into crowds to get away from cops, and how to lie through your teeth so convincingly that no one could tell. But you want to know who did teach me how to play? My Uncle Wayne. The man who took me in when the cops finally caught up with the rat bastard.”
Steve sighed wistfully. “God, what I would have given to have an Uncle Wayne. But sadly, when the test came back as infertile all they could think about was how to ‘recoup the loss of having an omega for a son’.”
Eddie’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “Are you fucking with me?”
“I wish I was,” Steve said mournfully, shaking his head. “Most of the men on my dad’s side of the family were alphas and if they weren’t then they were omegas pumping out babies like a machine.”
Eddie winced and took Steve’s free hand in his. “I’m sorry, baby. That’s got have been so hard.”
Steve squeezed Eddie’s hand with a sigh. “The disappointment was so palpable in that doctor’s office you could cut it with a knife.” He shook his head. “They even refused further testing, even though my great-great grandmother on my mother’s side was a golden omega.”
“Really?” Eddie said, his eyebrows shooting up. “Damn. Those are super rare.”
Steve nodded. “I have two friends with red hair and that’s more common than a golden omega.”
“But if they were so desperate for money why didn’t they test for it?” he asked gently.
Steve shrugged. “My dad is a skinflint. The cost of the test outweighed the gamble on my chance of being ultra-fertile instead.”
“Damn just think you could have had your choice of any alpha in the country,” Eddie teased, “if they had and you turned out to be one.”
Steve shook his head, wrapping Eddie’s hand in both of his. “Nah, I prefer it this way, I have a job I love, a best friend I couldn’t live without and you. If I had been a golden omega, my parents would have made me chose from the crustiest, conservative assholes they could find.”
Eddied ducked his head and blushed to the roots of his hair. “So I’m assuming the label sent you a copy of the interview today?” he asked shyly.
Steve nodded. “Of course. You were so cute.”
“So call me stupid,” he said clearing his throat, “but I didn’t know escorts were allowed partners. I looked it up, a couple even have bonds. Like how the fuck does that work?”
Steve laughed bright and clear and Eddie went to remove his hand from his, but Steve held on tight.
“I wasn’t laughing at you, babe,” Steve soothed. “I was laughing because Robin thought that you weren’t aware and told me to clear it up with you. That was the main reason for drinks tonight.”
Eddie blinked at him owlishly. “Wait, really?”
“Of course,” Steve said. “But to answer your question about how omegas with bondmates can still be escorts, you forget that a lot of what we do isn’t about sex. Everyone associates escorts with sex, but that’s just a common misconception. Sometimes people just want the attention of a kind omega with no strings attached.” He kissed Eddie’s knuckles gently. “And then there are the ones that want a ‘cheating’ scenario without the drama of actually cheating.”
Eddie frowned. “So how does that work?”
“They want to have sex with a bonded omega,” Steve explained. “But without having to worry that there would an actual alpha gunning for them.”
“And their alpha doesn’t care they’re having sex with other alphas?” Eddie asked, tilting his head to the side, his eyes gentle and curious, not judging.
Steve shook his head. “Nope. Things can change, of course. A famous Starcourt escort Mia Sanchez retired last year because her alpha asked her to. But they had been bonded for fifteen years before retirement.”
That filled Eddie with a warmth he didn’t know he was missing until that moment. He licked his bottom lip slowly.
“And if I wanted to properly court you,” he asked easily, “what would you say to that?”
Steve grinned back at him. “I’d say yes.”
Eddie leapt from his seat and came around the table to kiss him firmly on the lips.
Steve laughed, breaking the kiss, but Eddie didn’t mind. He couldn’t be happier.
“So you don’t want me to chose between you and my job, then?” Steve asked, referring to their contract.
Eddie shook his head. “If there was a way that you could be happy with both, darlin’, that was choice I was always going to make.”
“What about the Grammy’s and your rut?” Steve asked, concerned. He felt bad, but he still wanted to get paid for those things. He didn’t want to suddenly have Eddie expect them for free now that they were courting.
“Don’t worry, Stevie,” Eddie murmured into his omega’s ear. “The contract will still be for those things, we just won’t have a fake break up of our fake relationship after my rut.”
Steve’s lip wobbled. “Would it be a real break up of a real relationship?” he asked softly.
Eddie pulled him in for a big hug. “Not for all the gold in all the world. Okay?”
He let out a shuddering breath. “I’m okay with that.”
Eddie kissed him again before going back to sit down in his chair. “So for the Grammy’s I looked over those two outfits you sent me for suggestion on what you should wear.”
Steve smiled, grateful for the change of topic to something safer and more comfortable for him. “Yeah, which one did you prefer? I mean, I have closet full of amazing clothes and if nothing suits your fancy...” he half shrugged, “it gives me chance to go shopping.”
Eddie laughed. “No, no. I loved them both. Though taking you shopping has it’s appeal...” He shook his head. “I’m getting off the track here. I want you to wear the mini to the awards and the pant suit to the Vanity Fair after party.”
Steve’s mouth formed an ‘O’ and he grinned. “That is a fantastic idea. I love it.”
“I thought you’d like that,” Eddie said with a grin. “Do you get to wear much stuff that’s just for you or do you have to be ‘Starcourt Escort’ twenty four seven?”
Steve shrugged. “It’s a bit half and half if I’m honest. I don’t have to be dressed to the nines all the time...”
“But if you don’t,” Eddie said with a growl, “all the tabloids say that you’re ‘letting yourself go’?”
Steve blushed and nodded.
“What would you want to wear if you weren’t ‘escort Steve’?” Eddie asked, motioning to the waiter that they needed another round.
“It’s stupid,” he said, tucking his chin tightly to his chest. “I’m a fashion plate. That’s what I’m supposed to be.”
Eddie clicked his tongue and wagged his finger. “None of that. I won’t let anyone talk shit about my boyfriend, not even himself.”
That surprised a laugh out of him. “I like the polos, Henley’s, and chinos look. Lame I know.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. That was not the answer he had expected at all. He thought it would have been sweat pants and baggy sweaters.
“It’s not lame if it makes you feel good about yourself,” he insisted.
Another couple of bottles of beer arrived and Steve grabbed one. He just held it in his hands. He let out a long sigh.
“You know how we can roleplay situations for clients?”
Eddie nodded. They had done the meet-cute in a bar roleplay just last night.
“There’s one you won’t find on my list,” he continued. “At least not anymore.”
Eddie could feel the tension build between them. Whatever this was about was fucking hard for Steve to talk about.
“Sometimes busy executives and business owners like to have a scenario where they come home to a cute little omega housewife. If it’s a female omega, think the 1950s type. Dresses and high heels.”
And suddenly what Steve was talking about hit Eddie like a fist to the solar plexus. Male omegas would be in the polos and chinos. But the roleplay had tainted Steve’s love for those kinds of clothes and it made Eddie furious.
“And if you’re seen out and about wearing them,” he guessed, “people think you’re doing the roleplay, don’t they?”
Steve flushed in shame. He nodded once.
“Shit, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Are you sure you like this job?”
Steve’s head snapped up. “Yes! The good far out weighs the bad. Like ruts without an omega can actually fuck up an alpha body. Like completely wreck it to hell. So I get to go in and help these alphas that don’t have an omega they can trust and help them through one of the worst weeks of their year and that it happens multiple times, anywhere from three to five depending on their age. Yes, I’m trained to be charming and great in bed, but that? That’s what makes everything worth while.”
He was panting at the end of his rant, eyes wild, hands clutching Eddie’s fiercely.
Eddie chuckled. “All right, darlin’. I didn’t mean to offend.”
Steve ducked his head and Eddie gently lifted it back up with two fingers. “I like that you’re passionate about what you love, honey. It makes you sparkle.”
Steve looked down at his watch and cursed. “I’ve got to go.” He looked back up at him. “But I’ll see you on Friday?”
Eddie grinned. “It’s a date, sweetheart.”
Steve hopped off his seat and walked away.
Eddie shook his head and murmured, “Hate to see you leave, but damn do I love to watch you go.”
Steve ass looked amazing in whatever the guy wore. But now Eddie understood his need for hyper-masculinity. Even when he was wearing that golden dress, it highlighted his flat chest and broad thighs.
People made assumptions about who Steve was based on what he was wearing at all times and if he was even the slightest bit not what people expected he got hell for it.
In a lot of ways, Steve’s every move was even more scrutinized than Eddie’s and he was the frontman of a very famous metal band. He couldn’t imagine living the way Steve did. But despite all the hang ups and downsides, Steve was happy and you really couldn’t buy that.
He paid the tab and walked out onto the pavement. He lit up a cigarette and took a long drag. He let out the smoke slowly and flicked away the ash.
Eddie was content with his lot in life for the first time since he moved in with his uncle, Wayne. Wayne was always supportive of whatever Eddie wanted to do in life and was happy to hear about Steve.
And even happier when Eddie had called him this afternoon to tell him Stevie might agree to date without all the hoopla of the agency. Everything Eddie did, Wayne was sure to hear about it first.
Wayne was home. No matter the distance. Something Eddie never thought he’d find out here in California.
Stevie was quickly becoming home for him. He never thought he would want to mate, not after seeing how horrible his parents acted. But now?
Now he couldn’t wait to start courting the most beautiful omega in the world.
Eddie took another drag of his cigarette and then flicked it away. He hailed a cab and gave directions for home.
He couldn’t wait to show Steve off on live television. And maybe just maybe win a Grammy or two.
Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @y4r3luv @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @eyehartart @mangoinacan13 @demolvr @ellietheasexylibrarian @rememberthatiloveyou @slowandsteddie @r0binscript @alyelf @melodymeddler @mogami13 @annabanannabeth
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observeowl · 1 month
Second Chance | Chapter 4 - Strangers Now
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You missed drawing the string back to your face and seeing the arrow hit the yellow centre; what you didn’t miss was having to wake up at 5 am in the morning to travel to school and set up the boards. You remember selling your bow immediately after graduating, there’s no time to shoot, and places to shoot aren’t as common as a basketball court or football field. You took an arrow from the quiver and loaded it once more before releasing your breath with it. Once you saw the arrow hitting the centre, you placed your bow down. 
Clint stared at your grouping from next to you. “You’ve improved over the week.” He clapped in shock before nudging your side. “Tell me, who is the new coach you got outside?” 
Clint was the captain of the Archery team, and he often coached new members up to a certain standard before the actual coach came in. Thanks to his teaching, you learnt a lot more about Archery. You never knew that to shoot competitively, you’d have to own so much equipment. He was kind enough to teach you what each of them is for when other members approach you for certain things since you were the logistics director. Truthfully, you only took up this role because you wanted to be able to put something in your resume. 
“So, what did you and Nat talk about?” Clint asked as you were pulling your arrow out of the board. 
“What? We didn’t talk at all.” 
“Nat asked me where you were two days ago. Did you guys miss each other?” 
“I have nothing to talk to her about.” You collected all your arrows and returned to the shooting line to prepare. 
“What happened? I thought you were always happy to hear anything about Nat?” 
“Well, now I don’t. Is there a problem?” You glared at him. “I’m shooting now. Could you not bother me?” Clint was shocked at your words. You were usually so non-confrontational and soft, never daring to say no to others. 
“Did Nat make you angry?” 
Just then, an evil plan hatched in your head. “Why don’t you ask her?” 
After you were done with training, you lugged your heavy backpack and waited for Andrew. He was bringing you on a date to a cafe nearby within walking distance, but when he heard you were going for training, he offered to bring his car along so you didn’t have to carry the heavy backpack. 
After the party, Andrew started texting you, and he revealed that he was in the same Management Accounting class as you. He was sitting behind you all along, and you didn’t really notice him because you were always on your phone once you found your seat until the class started. Camellia and Diana were always the ones who did the interacting while you sat there like a loner.  
When you saw his notification from your home screen, you immediately went to text Camellia. You were freaking out that someone actually asked you on a date. After not being in the dating game for so long, you kinda lost touch with what you’re supposed to do. In actual fact, Camellia had no experience in dating as well, so she was worse than you. But she’s the one you would rely on to cheer you on. You had other friends throughout middle and high school, but she was the only one you opened up to within a year. She took care of you and showed you many things that opened your world. You had her to thank for making you more confident in trying new things. 
“Hi, sorry for making you wait. I was a bit nervous, so I left the dorm late.” Andrew helped me put my back in the trunk before opening the passenger side door for me. 
“That makes both of us.” You all started chuckling before making a move. He turned on the radio, and Taylor Swift happened to be playing. You learned that he had been to a Taylor Swift concert and admitted there was explosive energy all around. Seeing people’s Instagram videos of concerts made you dream of attending some sort of concert and experiencing it yourself, but you were too shy to go alone, and all your friends have different tastes from you. 
“We should go together one day.” He said. 
“What?” You asked, confused. 
“To a concert. Whichever one you want. From your question, I can tell that you’ve never been to one. Do you want to go?” You nodded your head and smiled. You’ll take this chance to experience all the things you never did. 
“We’re here.” He parked the car by the roadside before entering the cafe. It has a very vintage decor inside and a clear theme of typewriter here. “Apparently, we can use the typewriter here too. I can ask the owner for the papers.” 
He found a place to sit, and you looked through the menu for something to eat before settling for some aglio olio. You continued the conversation from earlier, and he was really relaxing to be with.
After learning what you said to Clint, Nat was furious that you decided to taunt her despite being in this situation. Clint was none the wiser and continued asking for answers about what happened between you two that Natasha couldn’t provide. The sudden switch between you and Nat has left him very confused. He didn’t know you two had gotten close enough to hate each other. He was about to get a headache from watching the two of you interacting with him as a messenger. 
Thanks to Clint, she knows where you’re headed, and after much searching like a mad woman looking through the windows of all the cafes nearby, she finally found you chatting with Andrew. Rage filled her eyes when she saw you so happy with him.
She opened the door harshly, and the windchime alerted everyone inside of her arrival. You watched her storm closer and didn’t get to say anything as she pulled your arm. “Get up!” She was stronger than you and was making her way out with you as fast as she came in. 
“Hey! What are you doing?” Andrew rushed out behind you after seeing you getting dragged out by Natasha. “Let her go!” 
“This is between me and her, you don’t interrupt.” Natasha glared at Andrew, who was grabbing her wrist. “Let go while I’m asking nicely.” 
“No! You’re the one that is forcefully taking away my date.” Andrew didn’t heed her advice, and she expertly flipped him onto the ground while still having one arm on you. He didn’t know that Natasha had a black belt in Judo and Taekwondo. 
“Natasha, stop it! Andrew, Andrew, it’s okay. I’ll come and find you later.” You tried to prevent the situation from getting worse than it is. Natasha pulled you away when you tried to check that he was alright. She dragged you quite a few streets down, and you were sick of her leading the way without telling you anything. She always thought that whatever she said goes because she was earning more between you two. “Enough!” You released your hands from her grip. “Just say what you want and get over it!” Your shouting has caused people around to look at the commotion. 
“Why did you tell Clint to find me for answers?” 
“I don’t know what kind of story to tell him, so I figured you could do the talking.” You shrugged your shoulders. “You always make the decision.” 
“I do not!” She insisted. 
“So then, why did you drag me away from Andrew? Couldn’t you find me another time?” You argued and pointed to the street where you were dragged from. 
“Don’t change the subject! What do you expect me to tell Clint?”
“I don’t know! Anything! That we don’t see eye to eye?“ You snapped. You were getting more frustrated talking to her. “I’m trying to live my life here without you. Stop bothering me, and don’t look for me. We are just strangers.” You told her with conviction and left her there to deal with everything. 
After texting Andrew, you realised he was still waiting at the cafe and picked up your pace a little. You couldn’t be more apologetic when you arrived for causing such trouble and embarrassment for him. 
“It’s okay.” He shook his head. “I have to ask, though, who is she?” He was surprisingly understanding. 
“She just, she used to be a friend.” You struggled to come up with an answer. “Let me pay for the food. That’s the least I can do to repay you.”
“No, it’s alright. I brought you here today, so I’ll pay. But I guess I’ll allow you to pay for the next one.” 
“That’s a promise.” 
Series masterlist
@gemz5 @natsxwife
@dyslexic-dreamer @unexpected-character @eternalnight410
@leenasayeed @oh-thats-sad @skz-xii @gay-frogs-dancing-around
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queenlucythevaliant · 5 months
Okay, here we go. Rating literary allusions in Taylor Swift songs:
The Outside: "I tried to take the road less traveled by /but nothing seems to work the first few times/am I right?"--Starting off pretty well! She tried to take the road less traveled by, but it didn't make any difference. 8/10
Love Story: Whole song allusion to Romeo and Juliet-- All those 2008 jokes about Taylor not having read R&J weren't funny then and they aren't funny now. It's a fun, satisfying subversion. However, I am going to dock points for the fact that Romeo and Juliet aren't a prince and princess, just rich. 7/10
Love Story: "You were Romeo/I was a scarlet letter"--Is the Juliet character in "Love Story" being publicly shamed? Did she do something scandalous? There are zero other lines in this song to suggest that she did, and a fair amount of evidence that she didn't. This allusion confuses rather than clarifies and tbh this is the one people should've made fun of in 2008. 2/10
New Romantics: "We show off our different scarlet letters/ trust me, mine is better" --Hooray! She figured out what the book is about! This is a beautifully executed allusion, where "scarlet letters" represents a mark of something shameful which, in a fun subversion, is being shown off with pride. Fits the song really well. Most improved award, 11/10
Getaway Car: "It was the best of times, the worst of crimes" (A Tale of Two Cities) -- Goes in the category of "fun wordplay, but doesn't really mean anything deeper" 5/10
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: "Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year" --This is a perfectly serviceable allusion, but not a super interesting one. Sub "Gatsby" out with "nostalgic" and the song wouldn't change at all. She could've done a lot more with the reference, given the subject matter of the song. 6/10
cardigan: "I knew you/tried to change the ending/Peter losing Wendy" -- This works! You get a sense of Betty losing her innocence and choosing to leave James and of it being inevitable somehow. Plus, it imbues the song with a lovely fairy tale quality. 10/10
illicit affairs: "take the road less traveled by/tell yourself you can always stop" -- To take the road less traveled by is to do something risky, unpopular, or unfamiliar, not just to take a route through town where you won't run into people. Not totally egregious, but the regression from Debut is disappointing. 4/10
invisible string: "and isn't it just so pretty to think/ that all along there was some/ invisible string tying you to me."(The Sun Also Rises)--Ugggggh. Okay, so "Isn't it pretty to think so?" is this sad, tired, ironic note in The Sun Also Rises. Brett tells Jake, "We could have had a damned good time together" and Jake says "Isn't it pretty to think so?" because their whole situationship was never going to work. It's not a positive thing; it's pure, bitter Lost Generation irony. Completely out-of-place in a song about how two people we're supposed to believe will actually work as a couple. This one drives me nuts, and I don't even like Hemingway. 0/10
happiness: "I hope she'll be a beautiful fool/ who takes my spot next to you" (Gatsby)--Saying this about an ex's future SO is so... off. Like, the reason why Daisy hopes her daughter will be a beautiful fool is because it's easy. The two situations have nothing to do with one another, and not in an interesting way. 1/10
The Albatross: whole song allusion to "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," but most notably "She's the albatross/ she is here to destroy you"--The albatross in the Rime is a good omen. The Mariner shoots is for no reason, and the albatross's death is the ostensible source of bad fortune. I wrote a whole separate post on this here. That said, culturally "albatross=bad omen" is common enough, so whatever. 3/10
I Hate It Here: "I will go to secret gardens in my mind/ people need a key to get to/ the only one is mine" -- I like this one a lot. Exactly the right vibe for the song, trying to escape something miserable by going somewhere pleasant. The key is a nice touch. Poor Archibald. 10/10
The Prophecy: "I got cursed like Eve got bitten" --No Taylor, that's not what happened. Famously, Eve was the biter in that situation. 0/10
Cassandra: whole song allusion -- correct me if I'm wrong (I haven't actually read the Illiad), but my understanding is that Cassandra died fairly far into the Trojan war, and not by burning. 4/10
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Top 5 most hilarious, ridiculous BT theories? 😂
I'm gonna give you my favorites in no particular order.
Ryliver is sleeping together. Why did this make the list? Well, 3 weeks ago I had people in my inbox telling me that Oliver and Lou are in love and Oliver is only going along to protect him from the buddie crazies, and that's why they're hiding Lou. Now Oliver is sleeping with Ryan and they are forcing the network to do what they want and conspiring to get Lou out. So like, which one is it? Is he with Ryan or Lou? Is he protecting him or trying to force him out? Can they pick a struggle? Probably not.
The what if episode without Eddie that's just buddie highlights with Eddie removed. The way they think that putting Buck in the same situations he's been with Eddie with an explicit love interest and having Buck have the same reaction helps them is hysterical. That would literally just further the idea that Buck is in love with Eddie, because if he has these reactions with someone he's romantically involved, then he has romantic feelings for Eddie. It's a very simple parallel they don't seem to understand. They also seemed to have forgotten that Tommy left the 118 before Buck joined so even without Eddie, it would not lead to bt. Also got me thinking "so you agree that buddie is romantic?" I would laugh if Tommy got shot tho, but don't you dare break the sanctity of the shooting.
That leads us to the "Tim only wrote Eddie so that he could bring Tommy in during season 7 and have him replace him." Somehow they think that they would write Eddie in to give his personality to some random character 6 seasons later because somehow, Tommy has been in the show longer in their heads, even though Hen Begins is 9 episodes after Eddie was introduced (I think they think that the begins episodes being earlier in the timeline means something it does not), so the spot was always meant to be Tommy's, Eddie was just a placeholder for Buck to kinda fall for but then choose Tommy so they then they could remove Eddie seamlessly. Doesn't make sense at all. I like that they admit that Buck is "kinda" in love with Eddie. Just a reminder that Ryan didn't audition, was brought in as a lead, and Eddie was written for him.
The Tommy is getting a spinoff week was also fun. I was legit rolling around on the floor with how much I was laughing. They had potential names. Plots. Buck was going to leave the 118. They were sending posters to Tim. They had the whole thing locked and loaded. And they kept talking about it like it was a sure thing for whatever reason. Highly entertaining. Was convinced they were rage baiting me until the spies confirmed they were in fact talking about a spinoff as if it was a done deal.
And boring but the invisible string thing. They somehow missed the way that Eddie was the one who restarted Buck's heart. That and the way that multiple people are on record saying that Lou was a last minute decision. And that he was brought in for Eddie. But sure, they absolutely took the time to pretend the relationship has been planned since season 2 when they changed it from Eddie to Buck mid filming the cruise. Totally happened.
Honorable mentions: the Chris has 3 dads and Tommy is somehow the better parent and the only one who can connect with him, and the Tommy is going to admit he was interested in Eddie, Eddie is going to admit he is interested in Tommy, Buck because he just loves them both so much is just going to accept being 50th choice.
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bby-blu-swirll · 1 year
hairdressing | hawks x reader
little short where a long term customer recommends her stylist (you) to a coworker of hers <3
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soft rock filled the small space as you swept across the salon floor, making a small pile of your last client's blue hair. you smiled to nobody in particular, taking a deep breath. you really did love your job. it was an art to you, and every person who passed under your hands for a cut or dye felt like a small masterpiece.
you worked out of a small salon in downtown kyushu, on the cutest street corner across from a bakery. it had three stylist chairs in their respective stations, each decorated to their owners' liking. yours had small (f/c) prints along the wall, little butterflies scattered around, and your mirror was lined with some miscellaneous polaroids and string lights. at first they were just for the vibes, but you quickly noticed the majority of your clients finding a significant amount of joy in taking their instagram photos with it.
the other stations had been filled with personality of their own, belonging to your salon co-owners, two lovely people you became quick friends with in cosmetology school. however, one had clocked out for the day hours earlier and the other had no appointments, so the shop was yours to enjoy while you waited out the clock. of the three of you, you were the only one who didn't leave after the last client. you hardly made appointments before 10 am, so if you had some extra time before 6 pm, you would tidy the salon and see if you got any walk ins. if not, you closed at your 8 hour mark. every once in a while though, someone would wander in asking for a quick cut and you were always more than happy to comply.
so now was one of those evenings. your last client, coming in for a fresh trim, had walked out at 5:20. and here you were, just humming along with the music and bobbing your head.
a soft buzzing from the counter tore your attention away from the pile of blue hair you were sweeping and brought it to your phone, with an incoming call. you smiled softly at the icon, a picture of you and rumi from the last time you two had been able to go out together. at this point, it must have been months ago. she was always so busy with hero work now, which you completely understood, it just made you miss the days before she was number 5.
you had gone to the same middle school and stayed connected since. of course she went to a high school to get her hero license, (before you, too, since you met in her last year, and your first) but you wouldn't let that stop you from seeing her on weekends, or stop her from forcing you to help with the classes she didn't understand. in exchange, she let you practice on her hair to help your chances of getting into a better cosmetology school. hell, she even let you dye it once or twice. ever since, you were the only person who's cut her hair, ever.
you put the phone to your ear with a smile. "heyy, hunny bun! what's goin on?"
you heard her playfully scoff through the phone, as if you haven't been calling her that since you were 15.
"hey babes, just had a question for ya." her cheerful tone was unwavering as usual, you could practically hear her confident smile through the phone.
"mkay, shoot."
"are you with a client right now?"
you tucked your phone under your ear with your shoulder, picking up your broom and starting to sweep the pile towards the automatic vacuum in the corner. "mmm, no, my last one left just a few minutes ago, actually." you heard her say something you didn't quite catch, like she was talking to someone she was with. "why? what's up?"
"do you still take walk-ins until 6??" her tone was more eager now. you smiled a bit, wondering what for.
"oooo! okay perfect, then i have someone who desperately needs your help." you could hear annoyed and offended protests come from her line and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "oh shut up, you've let it grow too long and you know it! stop acting like a stubborn child." she chuckled slightly before turning her attention back to you. "think you've got time for a quick trim for my friend?"
with a small smile, you turned to the clock on the wall. "yeah, plenty actually. how far away are you guys? should i put up the closed sign in the window in case someone else comes in?"
"nah, don't worry about that. we just got off patrol like four blocks from you. should be five minutes, tops."
you stopped your sweeping and froze, just a bit. "patrol? you mean i'm doing one of your pro hero friends' hair?"
"well you've been doing mine since we were 13, i figured it wouldn't be a big deal." she sounded so casual, which was in character for her, yet still astonishing to you, considering the circumstances.
"i mean yeah, but i know how to do your iconic haircut because i've been doing it for, i don't know, almost 10 years?? not to brag, but i'm probably the only one who can do it just the way you like. but if you bring me some big shot hero and i screw up his 'do, then it's all my fault." you chuckled slightly.
"ahh, don't sweat it y/n. i know you'll do a great job. besides, it's not like i'm bringing you chris hemsworth or something, it's just someone i work with every once in a while. feel free to screw up his 'do as much as you like." her end of the call was suddenly filled with miscellaneous protests and insistent "NO, DON'T DO THAT-"'s, followed by her cackling furiously.
you couldn't help but laugh yourself. "alright, well i'm gonna finish cleaning up from my last appointment. i'll see you in a few, yeah?"
"alright see you then babes."
"buh-bye hunny bun." you hung up, smiling softly, a bit excited for whatever was coming your way.
when the golden bell above your door rang just a few minutes earlier, you were reorganizing your hair colors. as soon as you turned around, you smiled and threw yourself at rumi in a big hug, laughing as she scooped you up and spun you around. it's a habit she'd picked up way back when she first started heavy lifting.
she squealed as she squeezed you, finally setting you down. "agh, i feel like it's been so long since i've seen you!"
you chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of your neck. "yeah, it's almost like that's because it has."
your smile changed into a curious look as you remembered why she was here, looking behind her at the eye-catching scarlet pair of wings on her friend. realization dawned upon you as your eyes met his, golden and piercing, even through his tinted glasses. you huffed a laugh and smirked, cocking your head to the side. he held out a gloved hand for a shake before stopping.
"oh-" he chuckled and bit the middle finger, pulling out his hand and offering it again, flesh and bone this time, for a friendly shake. "hey, i'm-"
"hawks. i'm familiar." you smiled and laughed softly. "call me y/n."
"pleasure to meet you, y/n." the way your name rolled off his tongue made you hesitate for just a moment, biting the inside of your cheek in thought.
"likewise... hey rumi?"
"remember when you called me earlier?"
she smiled playfully. "yeah, i think so."
"yeah, and you said, 'iT's nOt LiKe i'M bRiNgiNg ChRiS hEmSwOrTh'?"
"mhm mhm i think i remember that."
"so.. wanna tell me what the number two hero is doing in my salon, oh my God?"
she laughed loudly and patted you on the back. "y/n don't worry, i promise you have nothing to stress about. now i'm gonna pop into the bakey across the street and see if i can get anything before they close, why don't you go ahead and get started?" without waiting for an answer, she was already back in your doorway. "screw him up, yeah?" she winked playfully before closing the door and making her way to the crosswalk outside.
a moment of silence passed as you watched her make her way across the street before hawks spoke up.
"sooo.... please don't screw me up, too badly."
you laughed as you prepped the rinse station for him. "oh no don't worry, you're in perfectly adequate hands."
he let out an amused hum. "i don't know, adequate has to be an understatement, if you're the one doing rumi's hair. she told me you were the one who did her hair and makeup for that magazine she was in a few months back, said you style her for every event too." he shrugged off his jacket and slipped off his glasses, dropping them in one of your lounge chairs.
his easy going tone and relaxed smile had already made you feel more at ease. "yeah... well i mean, i guess i just know her, what looks good and what she likes, you know? we go pretty far back." you chuckled, motioning for him to come take a seat.
"well whatever you end up doing to me, i'm sure it'll look great." his relaxed, almost cocky smirk rested on his face comfortably. though you thought you saw it falter for just a moment when you pressed a hand to his chest to guide him back, neck resting on the edge of the bowl, head leaning into the sink.
"well let's hope so..." you smiled softly as you lowered your voice just a bit. "let me know if the water's too hot..."
he hummed as the warm water poured over his scalp, visibly relaxing. as easy going as he always seemed, it must have been exhausting to always be on guard, looking for trouble. "mm... 's perfect."
you bit the inside of your cheek again, smiling still. he exhaled softly as you massaged the shampoo into his scalp, looking like he was sinking into the chair even more.
he opened one eye, looking up at you. "hm?"
"you okay?"
"oh, yeah... sorry," he chuckles faintly. "just, feels good... sorry if that's weird."
"oh! no, ha, not at all."
as you go along with the rest of the wash, conditioning and rinsing, you couldn't help but wonder if he ever got attention like this. as far as the media could tell, he didn't have many personal relationships, and he reacted so easily to your touch, it was like he hadn't relaxed, had personal attention like this in a while.
you moved him to the chair without many words. as you comb through his hair, you look up for just a moment and catch his eyes on yours in the mirror. you continued what you were doing, holding his gaze.
his smile returned with an amused exhale. "nothing, just watching you work."
you returned the expression before turning your attention back to his hair. "okay.. so rumi said you needed a trim, how much exactly am i lopping off?"
"ah, probably an inch, hardly more. it's been getting in my eyes when i'm fighting, which is like skating on thin ice, so..."
you nodded, picking up your sheers. "okay, i get you."
"i usually get it cut every few weeks to keep it manageable, but the guy who was doing that before quit on me."
you tilted your head curiously as you began trimming around his neck. "really? why's that?"
"ah, i ended up having to see him pretty often, guess he kinda got fed up." he laughed lightly.
"every few weeks is already pretty often, why would you need to see him more often than that?"
"i solve issues before they can happen. but i also assist other heroes pretty often, walking into battles that have already started. and sometimes my own situations can still get out of hand. if i get banged up, chances are so does my hair. it's been burnt, ripped out, shaved around head injuries, pretty much anything you can think of."
as he talked, you pulled strands of hair to snip. every once in a while, you would notice small-ish scars buried under his overlapping layers.
"yeah, i think i see what you mean..." you gently run your fingers over one of them, watching carefully as his eyebrows quirk up slightly.
"yeah... anyway, guess the old stylist got tired of fixing me, and ended up quitting a few weeks ago. of course, i'm basically the commission's 'golden boy'," you didn't even have to look up to know his eyes were rolling. "so i guess he was the best in the area. that's why they're looking for someone new now, and why i've been looking just a bit overgrown." he chuckled lightly.
his eyes followed as you picked out your sheers and comb, making your way in front of him. his classic smirk stayed on his face as you leaned in closer.
your voice was low as you bent over just slightly, raising his chair. "sorry, just need to do your front parts quickly..."
"no worries..."
"so... if your image is such an important part of the job, why'd they higherups trust you to someone like me?" you smiled faintly. his eyes fluttered closed as you began to trim the hair falling around them.
"actually, that was mirko's idea. she speaks pretty highly of you, ya know. besides, she thought maybe, if you did a good job, she could convince the commission to hire you to take care of me." he winked playfully. though it was perfectly in line with his personality and was likely a regular habit for him, it still made your stomach drop for a moment. "if you're interested that is. she thought you might be. no pressure, of course."
you moved back behind him as you felt your cheeks heat up, putting down your tools before facing away. "uh huh..."
"wooow, i can see why she's got so much faith in you." his smile was obvious in his voice. when you turned back to face the mirror, you saw him admiring his reflection, hair still slightly damp and falling into his eyes. "i look sexy~"
you laughed and put your hands on his shoulders. "yeah yeah, i haven't even styled it yet."
he chuckled softly turning his head from side to side with a sly grin. "i'm not even sure you need to, sweetheart. you do know best, though."
it was hard to miss the flirty tone in his voice, and harder to ignore now that he was throwing in nicknames, but you were sure it was just his personality. he was a reputation charmer, after all. his ever-lingering smile made you grip your hairdryer just a bit tighter every time you caught his gaze on yours in the mirror.
as you were adjusting his fluffy hair, you noticed the texture was slightly lacking. "hey, your hair is kinda dry..."
he quirked up an eyebrow. "really? that's weird, i take great care of my hair."
"i mean it's not too strange, high winds will definitely do that." you looked around your shelf for a moment before picking up a few products. "i can fix it though."
he watched curiously as you pumped some leave-in conditioner into your palm, rubbing your hands together. as your fingers found their way into his hair, you first saw him relax before you felt him slightly lean into your touch. he sighed contently as you took your time massaging the product into his scalp, not wanting to interrupt how relaxed he looked.
"okay..." you spoke softly, voice low. "you're all done."
you smiled and unbuttoned the cape, watching as his smile grew. "honestly? bang up job, princess. i see why you get such glowing reviews."
you laughed lightly and shrugged. "thank you, but it's really not a big deal." you turned your attention to the shelf of product again. "oh, before i forget-" you picked up a small pink tub and handed it to him. "just use this in place of your conditioner and leave it for like 5 minutes, whenever you shower. should help with the dryness a ton."
he picked up his coat and took the container from you, his fingers lingering on top of yours for just a moment. "thanks... i owe you one." he winked again, and again you felt your stomach drop.
in a matter of perfect timing, rumi finally pushed open the door of your salon again, three little bags and a coffee in hand. "hey, sorry i took so long! i ended up getting something for both of you though!"
she handed you a small bag with your favorite pastry inside, still warm. you thanked her with a warm smile, turning to hawks, who looked less amused.
"poppy seed muffin?" he scoffed, his playful smirk returning. "you're hilarious."
"ahh, i know i am." rumi laughed lightly and threw her arm around you, still looking at hawks. "nice cut, by the way. told you she could restore your sight." the three of you shared a laugh as she took a swig of her coffee. "anyway, why don't you get out of here? i'll walk y/n home and catch you later, yeah?"
he nodded. "sounds good. hey, y/n, what do i owe you for the fresh cut?"
"oh, don't worry about it. it was just a trim and last month you totally saved my block from getting blown sky high, so we'll call it even." you smiled softly as he pulled out his phone.
"aww c'mon, at lease let me tip you."
you rolled your eyes playfully, deciding to not fight him. "i have a venmo qr code on my mirror if you really feel so inclined, but really, don't worry about it."
he sauntered over to your mirror and scanned it, tapping on his phone as he made his way to your door. "thanks again! i'll get your number from rumi so i can call you up next time i need your help." his flashed his pearly whites one last time as he closed the door behind him.
you turned back to rumi, who had begun to tell you all about everything that's happened since you last sat down together, when a knock sounded from your front window. you looked out to see hawks motioning to his phone and winking one last time before he finally took off.
you smiled and knit your brows in playful confusion until you felt your phone buzz. it was a venmo from hawks, with nothing but a small heart as the note. rumi almost spit out her coffee when she saw it, and your jaw was already on the floor.
this man had just tipped you $200.
as it turns out, the next time hawks would "need your help" was sooner rather than later. it was hardly 5 days later when you were walking from the coffee shop across the street to your own salon when your phone rang with an unknown number. you picked it up, expecting one of your clients maybe calling to reschedule or cancel. instead, you were met with the whistling of wind and a familiar smooth talking voice.
"heyyy y/n! it's hawks, i went ahead and got your number from rumi."
"oh-" you almost stopped in the middle of the crosswalk due to your surprise. "hey, what's up? did something come up?"
"nothing bad, no. are you at work yet?"
you smirked as you pulled out the keys from your pocket, trying to find the right one as you got to your door. "just arrived, actually. why?" no response. "hawks?"
as you slipped the key into the slot, you looked down at your phone and saw the call had disconnected. "okay.."
when a sudden rush of scarlet filled your vision, you yelped and almost dropped your coffee. hawks had practically fallen from the sky and landed right next to you, standing close, his cocky grin unwavering.
"oh my God, you scared the hell out of me!" you clutched your chest, laughing and waiting for your soul to come back to your body at the same time.
he chuckled and pulled something from under his coat. "sorry 'bout that sweetheart... would these make up for it?"
he held out a small bouquet of flowers in your favorite color.
"wh- what? why..."
"when you did my hair, i noticed the ones you had on your front counter were dying. i saw these on my way in this morning and they reminded me of you and your shop, thought they would look nice in the place." he smiled as you took them gingerly. "consider it a thank you!"
you opened the salon door with an exasperated smile, feeling it grow wider when he followed you in. "well they're beautiful and i appreciate them, but believe me, the VERY generous tip was more than enough."
you put the flowers in the now empty vase, adjusting them when he got close behind you. your eyes widened as his hand found your lower back, pressing slightly, his breath close to your neck.
"c'mon princess, just let me express my gratitude~"
you didn't realize you were holding your breath until he stepped back and you suddenly let it go. when you turned to face him again, his playful fun smile was back and he looked so casual, you almost wondered if you had imagined whatever the hell that just was.
"anyway, i've gotta be in soon, and i imagine you've gotta get your shop opened up, yeah?"
"then i'll catch you later. have a good one!" he left with a signature wink before taking off.
whatever that morning was, became a regular thing. every few days he would drop by for a visit for whatever reason- replacing your flowers, bringing you a pastry in the morning, offering to walk you home after work, even though you only lived a half a dozen blocks away.
and with every little reason to see you, came some "harmless" flirting that made your stomach do somersaults.
finally after almost three weeks he had actually come to you for the smallest clean up. while you lightly snipped his ends, he asked if you had considered the position of being his personal groomer. you told him you wanted to think about it more and he told you not to worry about it, but he did have a favor to ask.
in a few days time, he needed to be at an important event. just a hero dinner of sorts, it was meant to be all over the media though, so he needed to dress to impress. after seeing your work with rumi, the commission approved of you making hawks camera ready (upon his request, of course). it just standard hair and makeup, but it was an important job nonetheless.
against the better judgement you'd gained over the last few weeks of dealing with him, you agreed swiftly.
so here you were, outside his door with your cosmetology bag, ready to make up him and rumi.
rumi would take longer for both hair and makeup, so you decided to start with hawks. so she would be coming over later, which left just you. and him. alone. in his penthouse apartment. what could possibly go wrong.
aside front that he answered the door shirtless in sweatpants, nothing. so far.
he stood with one hand on the doorframe, the other on the door itself, towering over you with a sly grin. you had to force your eyes to stay on his face instead of wandering down to his incredibly cut core. you felt your stomach flood with butterflies as the softest flush covered your face, and he didn't take long to notice.
"you've got some good eye contact, sweetheart, i'll give you that."
his smile relaxed a bit as he stepped out of your way, opening the doorway of his apartment to you. you stepped in without mentioning any of whatever the hell just happened, biting the inside of your cheek with a soft smile.
you held up your bag, looking around. "where should i..?"
"ah," he began to move towards his living area, just a couple couches with a chair gathered around a coffee table. he plopped himself down on the soft rug of all places, in front of the table. "figured this might be a good place since, you know, you've got plenty of natural light to work with."
he was right, the entire wall across from his front door was basically made entirely of glass. it left a beautiful view of kyushu outside, with a terrace you imagined would be perfect to watch the sunrise from.
you smiled as you sat across from him, both of you cross-legged. "yeah, it's perfect actually..."
"perfect..." he mumbled to himself. his gaze lingered on you as you pulled out your makeup bag.
"so." you turned to him and scooted a bit closer, reaching a hand towards his face. "do you mind if i..." you hesitated, halting your hand just before your fingers grazed his skin.
he gulped and nodded, confident smirk faded as his pulse picked up. you lightly cradled his jaw and carefully turned his head from side to side.
"well you've got great skin... smooth, not oily, i doubt i'll have to do any base..." your voice was low as you spoke, talking more to yourself than him. he just hardly nodded as you inspected him closely. "i'll give you some highlight and contour though, just for the camera... your eyelashes are stunning..."
he cracked a small smile. "thanks.."
you returned the look and met his eyes. "you're welcome..."
time seemed to still between you for a moment. his eyes flicked to your lips for the shortest instant, you almost missed it. he inhaled deeply before clearing his throat and looking to the side. you sucked in a quick breath as you turned your attention back to your makeup bag, digging out a brush and a couple of small product bottles. you handed him a headband, still not looking at him.
"ah, so..." you took a deep breath before finally facing him. "here, i'll just go in with a thin base just in case. flash photography isn't the most flattering lighting,"
he chuckled softly, deep in his chest, and your heart skipped a beat.
the next few minutes went by with minimal conversation, mostly just you letting him know what you were doing now, and him nodding along or making small sounds of approval. silence otherwise filled the room as you tried to focus on your work, though his eyes constantly wandering over all of you made it slightly difficult.
when you finally made it to his classic eyeliner, you accidentally let your gaze wander to his lips. you pushed aside all your thoughts and impulses and channeled your inner makeup artist.
"hey hawks..."
he opened his eyes as you moved the eyeliner pen away. "hmm?"
"your lips are kinda pale, would it be okay if i put a little stain on them?"
"oh," he bit his lip and furrowed his brow. "yeah for sure, i'm probably a bit dehydrated." his smirk was back, resting on his lips comfortably.
"yeah.." you took another deep breath, trying to keep your face from getting too pink. "the lipstick i've got now should actually work fine, its somewhere in my purse..." you picked up your highlight stick and put your fingers under his chin to turn his head to the side. "i'll get it in a second..."
he hums softly in response. you carefully applied the highlights to all the right places, emphasizing his cheekbones and the tip of his already curved nose. you heard his breath falter, just slightly, when you cupped his face in your hand, using your thumb to blend it out on his cheek. to your surprise, he closed his eyes and leaning into your touch. it was your turn to have trouble breathing, even more so when he placed his hand over your own and looked at you with a piercing gaze. you stopped what you had been doing all together, frozen as he turned his head. he pressed a small kiss to your wrist, then another, his lips lingering for just a second longer this time.
at this point your heart was in your throat trying to process what was happening. when he turned his gaze back to you, everything stopped. his friendly smile was gone, replaced with a fierce look, demanding and intense. neither of you moved for a moment, just stared. your stomach jumped as his eyes moved to take a long look at your lips. the second his gaze met yours again, he pulled on your wrist, practically yanking you into his lap. his hands moved quickly, one pressing against your lower back (a touch you'd actually grown used to form him) and the other cradling the base of your neck.
you could feel his breath on your lips. all you had to do was tilt your chin and you would feel them against yours. his hand on your neck moved up into your hair, looking at you through half lidded eyes.
"can i kiss you?" he practically breathed out his words, softer than a whisper.
you took a deep inhale and closed your eyes. "yes."
you'd hardly gotten the word out before he pressed his lips against yours forcefully, hungrily. his kiss was demanding, like he had been waiting for the longest time to finally get this from you. you tangled your hands in his hair, smirking just a bit. it was soft.
he finally pulled away, keeping close to you. both your faces were flushed deeply, and yours only got worse when you remembered he wasn't wearing a top.
"y/n..." the way your name rolled off his tongue made you shiver. or maybe it was his hand on your back, creeping beneath your shirt.
your eyes widened as he pressed his lips to your jaw, feathering kisses all the way down towards your neck.
"you... i want you call me kiego."
lil extra &lt;3
rumi showed up just after you had finally started on kiego's hair. as expected, her makeover ended up taking significantly longer, but the three of you didn't mind. by the time you finished curling her gorgeous (but VERY long) hair, it was time for them to go. they both looked spectacular in their dresswear, and you had to struggle to keep your composure helping kiego with his tie. his sly little grin never left his face as you messed with the fabric, trying to remember how, instead of thinking about his lips.
when you had packed up all your stuff and started to get ready to leave, kiego stopped you.
"its already dark out! why don't you just kick back and stay here for a while, yeah? i'll only be gone a few hours. make yourself at home." he had leaned close to your ear, his breath tickling your neck. "besides, we've gotta... talk more, when i get back~"
you agreed quickly, not wanting to seem suspicious in front of rumi. as much as you wanted to tell her, and knew you would soon, you needed to get a few things settled first.
so here you were, sitting in his apartment. even though he was insistent on you making yourself at home, the most you had really done was play some music, use one of his water glasses, and kick back on his couch.
you checked the time again. as far as you could tell, the event had ended just a bit ago. you had checked a few news outlets, seeing some clips already uploaded from the beginning of the evening. almost every one of hawks was him refusing to shut up about the new stylist who had gotten him looking so nice, and furthermore insisting whoever it was, was a secret (for now).
those were your favorites.
in the middle of a clip you were watching of rumi going over her latest fight, you heard keys in the door. you sat up on the couch and watched hawks walk in, a tired smile decorating his face. his jacket was thrown over his arm and his tie was undone, hanging around his neck loosely. the sleeves of his shirt had been rolled up his forearms, exposing a few cord bracelets.
"hey, sweetheart." he kept his gaze on yours as he tossed his jacket to the side, along with his tie. he slowly sauntered towards the couch, unbuttoning the first few buttons on his shirt. "glad you stuck around~"
his tone was flirty, but tired, and it was so attractive.
he settled on the couch almost on top of you, one of his legs between yours as a hand on your chest guided you to lie back.
"hey kiego..." you blushed and smiled as one of his hands found your waist. "how was the dinner?"
he pressed his body against yours, sighing as he relaxed into you. "exhausting... let's talk about it tomorrow."
you chuckled and tangled your hand in his hair, playing with it and massaging his scalp. he pressed lazy kisses to your neck, making you blush harder.
"be my girlfriend... stay over tonight... stay forever..." he said between kisses.
you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, melting into his gentle touch.
"okay.. <3"
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5619 words, which is almost 13 full pages in google docs omg-
sorry and you're welcome <33
idk if any of my future writing will be this long but ig we'll see ! at least i can say i'm starting out strong lol
i haven't the foggiest where this idea came from and as of rn i have scarcely any others, so if anybody wants me to write something short or long or whatever to any specific idea my inbox is open for requests !!
sm love 💗💗
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justjams2003 · 4 months
The Desire to be Loved- 5
Summary: Love is Desire's first creation. As Cupid she shoots her arrows of love and rips them from people's hearts too. Occasionally, shooting a soulmate arrow. What does she do when her first Soulmate arrow in 100 years is between Cupid and Dream?
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x OFC Love/Cupid/Venus (you know how these beings have millions of names) (Also technically it could be an x reader because love is sort of anthropomorphic but in this story a she)
Warnings: Manipulation, threats, crying, cliffhanger, unedited, kind of like enemies to lovers, soulmate au, cursing, gore, snake slander :(tell me if I miss any.
Word count: 1,8k+
Dividers by: @hyelita
Tags: @intothesoul @briskesby coffeebeforewater @i-voluntears @dreamingblueberries @idkamt @deniixlovezelda @lmg-stilinski24
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What overcame him can only be described as fury. Utter rage. As if he himself were not Dream but Destruction. Desire had not put the humans in danger, it is true that he was not stupid enough to do that. However, they did harm Cupid. There’d be no other explanation for his hollow puppet following after Dream.  
Morpheus doesn’t see warm brown eyes staring back at him, but instead malicious glowing gold. Like a slithering snake watching his every move, deciding when to strike again. And he’s used Cupid’s body as the tall grass that he’s used to hide from Dream. Or rather, a second skin from which he can crawl inside and out when needed. Just another way to abuse her.  
Dream’s pale hand wraps around the puppet’s neck. “Come out and face me, you unhuman abuser.” The creature’s expression changes to that sinister smirk that Desire has trademarked. She speaks but it is not her. It sounds painful. The voice sounds to be physically crawling with claws out of her throat. “You know where to find me.”  
The puppet does what puppets do when their master lets go of their strings, she falls limp, then disappears. The dream-maker curses and within seconds steps into his gallery hall. He grabs the heart of Desire and his boots hit the red glass walls of Desire’s realm.  
“What did you do with her?” His voice is rough and his jaw is locked. “She is my creature you cannot have her.” The younger brother snipes with a pained attitude, clearly displeased with his older brother catching him in his shenanigans. “She is not something to be owned.” The rougher voice replies just as quickly.  
Desire’s lip is raised in disgust. He sits upright on his throne, crossing his legs and leaning forward. “I breathed life into her flesh, I can take it away just as easily. That makes her mine to own.” Dream steps forward. “Perhaps. But it is awfully cruel to keep Love from loving merely because the free will you gave her is awakening.”  
Desire scoffs, “This is not love this is desperation. She’s nothing but a pet, I made her to be used.” This ticks Dream off. He does he same as he had with the marionette, grabs Desire right by the neck, threatening his life. “I will summon every nightmare that I have ever made and ever will make to haunt every frame that your eyes show you. You think that Endless do not too have dreams? I see, do not think I do not.”  
Desire clenches his jaw. He knows that Dream speaks the truth and anything Dream can conjure would be 100 times more terrifying than he could. They swallow, their eyes look for a way out but can’t find one. “She’s in Despair’s realm. I don’t know where.” Dream doesn’t say anything, just squeezes Desire’s neck tighter. “I don’t know where! I don’t know what despair she has, I gave her the perfect life!”
Within those words Dream knows what haunts Cupid. He remembers the horror in her eyes and the way the blood dripped to the floor like sticky syrup. The way it coated her golden hair, making look like wet copper, a rusty pipe. Most of all he remembers how she wailed in despair.  
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She can’t escape it. She can’t escape this nightmare. Each time she tries to stop it from happening, it does happen. No matter what she does or doesn’t do. The heart always ends up beating in her hands. She holds the soul of the lover pumping blood until it shrivelled up and grey in her arms.  
At this point, she’s given in. She sits on the floor in the corner of the room it all happened in. Even when she does this, the organ still ends up pouring her hands with blood. The tears she cried at first matched this boundless drip but now it has ended and there is nothing left in her soul. Only the fear she has for herself and just how cruel she has become. 
“Cupid.” She doesn’t hear. All she hears is the man that at no time has ever stopped crying. Grabbing at his chest as he dies of a broken heart. That and that pump-pump-pump as the cardio vascular muscles pull and contract trying to save a person who stands no chance.  
“Cupid!” In between the gasps of a dead man and the point where all blood drains she hears it. Him. Has he come to fulfil his promise of finding her? Of saving her? Why did it take so long? Why did she have to break this poor soul’s heart over a million times before he found her? 
“Cupid!” Her gaze snaps. It is him. The scene restarts again. The man’s crying starts again. No, no, she can’t do this again if there is some glimmer of an escape. Her head finally raises from the position it’s been locked in for all this time. “Call again.” Her voice is rare but the other one isn’t. 
“Cupid!” There it is! A mirror in the corner of the room that ripples when the voice calls out. She lifts herself. Her knees crack as she does and her legs have long since gone into pins and needles. But anything is better than that blood curdling scream that comes now. She jumps, she jumps every time. The heart shows in her hands again and again she wants to stop and cry. 
“Cupid!” She mustn't become distracted, this is her only chance! She must come to him herself or else she can never escape this hell. She places the heart down, the man cries even louder at this. She flinches but in her last moment of strength ignores his pleas for her to stay and comfort him. She’s tried that before.  
Her hand, smeared red with blood, reaches to the mirror and then through the mirror. She feels a soft hand, a cold one, a pleasant change from the burning blood bound to her hands. A gasp of relief escapes her and she steps closer. She can just barely make out his face and those glowing blue eyes.  
“Come to me, Cupid. I have found you.”  
With one step through the glassy mirror, relief falls on her shoulders. More like tumbles down. Peace comes within the instant. And suddenly she can breathe again. Glades upon glades of ceaseless flowers that jump and dance in the wind and the sun and the colours that plummet from their petals.  
The mountains too are painted in vibrant images of a thousand hues. The suns first early rays comes from the right and cast a shadow behind her. Bees and birds and butterflies bound from beautiful buttercups. What looks to be fairies, made from which she is, tend to the flower field.  
The hand that holds hers helps her as she hunches down in the hibiscus flowers. The tule of her dress surrounds her in a image of a flower’s petals spreading in the face of the early mornings rays. Her hair seems to match the colour of sunshine and Dream can hear his own heart beat in his ears.  
“You made this for me?” Her eyes, this time like hot honey on his tongue, look up to him. She squints against the sun shining down on her. Her button nose scrunches up as she does. A coy smile shows his white teeth against those pale lips. 
“I did not.” Her brows furrow, “Then who did?” He tilts his head to the side, the sunrays hit her eyes again, he notices and moves back. “You did.” Cupid turns back to face the flower meadow. “Me?” He nods, allowing her to think. “You started out as something merely made by Desire...but it seems your affect on the humans has made you into something more...”  
His blue eyes don’t seem to match the blue sky and it’s all she can think about. “This would be your realm.” He explains to her, he can’t seem to look away. It’s strange, a pout forms on her lips. It runs over Dream like a crashing wave you cannot run form. He cannot stop when he is already crouched down beside her and his thumb pulls on her bottom lip. 
“Why the frown?” Her cheeks match the colour of a dusty rose. She takes her head back from his grasp and her eyes scan the scene. “I was hoping there’d be someone to talk to.” Dream feels his heart soften like wet clay. His knees give in and he sits down next to her in the flower bed. 
“You are lonely?” Her small hands takes the delicate petals of a flower between her fingers. “I’ve only ever talked to Desire.” Dream scoffs at this. “That is sure to cause a lonely heart for his company is only about themself.” He stands out in the colourful field. “You could make some company.” 
Dream suggests and her brows pull together. The Endless gently plucks the flower she holds from her hands. He seems to summon a bundle of sand which so carefully trickles onto the flower. The daisy sprouts eyes and appendages and a mouth. It’s eyes look all around before settling on Cupid. 
“Hello.” Love smiles and brushes the petals again. “Hello. Go, play.” She says, letting the now mortal flower jump around in the meadow. “Thank you, but I was hoping something with more substantial consciousness.” Now it is Dreams turn to furrow his brows. 
“I could give you the gift of choice. To chose when the humans can see you and when they cannot, just as I come and go.” He suggests to her, wanting to do almost anything to keep her happy. “You just saved me from eternal hell and now wish to gift me more?” She is unused to people being kind. 
“If it sets your heart at ease we could call it an exchange.” Her eyes jump from his eyes to her sharp jaw and then back. It’s hard to keep focus when he’s not looked away from her once. “What for?” Dreams allows the arrow to appear in his hands and then places it in hers.  
She smiles now at the sight of the arrow. “What would you like me to do with this?” She asks, her eyes reading the names over and over again. Dream smiles, “Is it our names written?” He asks her, his eyes only hold softness, no anger. 
Cupid nods, not trusting her voice. “I’d like for you to keep it. And only when you feel the statement is correct may you pierce our hearts with it.” Suddenly tears pool in her eyes and she shudders trying not to cry.
A choice. He’s given himself the chance to earn her love. He’s given her the choice to love him or not. Her first choice ever and it seems it will be the most important one she’ll ever make.
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Part 4~Part 6 (coming soon)
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Since Fives is a really good investigator (evident with him finding about Order 66), can I request an x reader fic where he investigates a string of heists involving Jedi artefacts committed by the reader, who is a flirty master thief, and he tries to pursue her across Coruscant to bring her to justice?
Knew You Were Trouble
Summary: When ancient artifacts start vanishing from the Jedi Temple, stolen from right under the noses of both the archivists and the Jedi Guardians, Fives decides to investigate.
Pairing: Pre ARC Trooper Fives x Thief F!Reader
Word Count: 2484
Warnings: Reader is described as having a feminine body, and wearing makeup. Reader is given the codename Shadow for ease.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Sorry that this took so long! I've had it sitting open in a Doc for days, but I finally got an idea! Reader's outfit is similar to this outfit from Persona 5 Royal. Though without the weapons. There may be a part two of this, if I ever get the motivation.
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“General Nu-”
“Master,” The older woman corrects, as she glances at Fives out of the corner of her eye, and then turns back to her work, “What can I help you with, Corporal?”
“I think a holocron is missing.” Fives replies as he looks at the open spot on the shelf. There’s some discoloration, as though something had been sitting there for a long time.
The older woman hurries over and glances at the spot, a severe frown on her lips. She stares at the spot for a moment, and then releases a heavy sigh. “Again?”
Jocasta Nu shoots him a severe look, and Fives fights the urge to quail under her glare, “How are you at investigations, Corporal?”
“...decent enough, I suppose.”
“Good, follow me.” The older woman leads him through the archives until she reaches her desk, and then she turns a monitor towards him, and she navigates to a file of saved videos, “Watch. This was recorded 5 months ago.”
Fives focuses on the screen.
It’s security footage of the Archives, and he watches as someone, a woman based on her body shape, slips in a window.
She’s dressed oddly, almost in a leotard, with thigh high boots, a long overcoat, and a sharp looking domino mask covering the upper part of her face hiding her features from the camera.
She locks her gaze on the camera and presses a finger against her lips, as if shushing someone, and the camera feed goes fuzzy.
“This next one was taken three weeks after that.”
The monitor flickers, and then there’s an image of the same woman opening one of the vaults before the feed cuts out.
“And last night.”
The monitor changes one more time, and the exact same person, dressed exactly the same, is shown blatantly taking a holocron from the shelf, before she, again, disconnects the cameras.
Fives pulls away from the monitor and focuses his gaze on General Nu, “The same person has broken in three times-”
“She’s broken in a grand total of a dozen times…we’ve only caught her on camera thrice.” General Nu corrects.
“...and the Temple Guard haven’t done anything?”
“They are of the opinion that she doesn’t exist.” The older woman scowls, “Honestly, I don’t even know why she’s targeting us. It’s not like we keep gems on hand.”
“You keep knowledge on hand though. And to some people, that’s worth more than all the gems in the galaxy.” Fives points out.
The woman bristles and then her shoulders slump, “Yes. I know. I want you to try and find her and bring her to justice.”
Fives exhales through his teeth, “With all due respect, ma’am. I’m due to ship out with the 501st tomorrow-”
“I’ll handle it. Will you help?”
Nervously Fives rubs the back of his neck, and then he sighs, “Yeah, alright. Assuming you can get permission, I’ll help. Do you have any evidence for me to go on?”
Master Nu smiles, it’s a sharp little thing and for a moment Fives wonders why she isn’t in charge of the war effort. “The holocron she stole has a tracking chip inside it. And, since holocrons can only be opened by force sensitives, it means she couldn’t have removed it.”
“Why didn’t you tell the Temple Guard about it?”
“Because, again, they don’t believe she actually exists.” General Nu presses a small datapad into his hand, “Here, this is what you need to track the holocron.”
“I’ll let you know what the Council says about your deployment.”
“Thanks for that too,” Fives replies as he powers the device on and waits for it to scan for the tracking fob that it’s keyed to. As soon as the screen lights up, he grabs his helmet and pulls it on and leaves the archives.
The fob is located in a warehouse only a short speeder ride away from the temple. 
And a quick search of the net tells him that the Warehouse is supposed to be abandoned. A deeper search of the net tells him that the warehouse was slated for demolition several years ago, but it just never happened.
“We have arrived at your destination.” The taxi droid chirps, “Thank you for your patronage.” Fives steps out of the speeder and glances at the datapad one more time.
“Seven warehouses,” He murmurs, zooming in a little bit, “I’m looking for building A-2478/23.” The speeder zips off while he’s not paying attention to it, not that he minds, really.
Fives wasn’t planning on returning to the temple right away anyway.
He glances at the datapad one more time, and then looks up and around. The buildings have to be labeled, right?
Ah! There, the closest building, is A-2475/23.
So odds are on the left side and evens would be on the right, assuming that this place is designed with any sort of logic. He jogs over to the first building on the right until he’s able to see the white letters on the side of the building.
So two down then.
The warehouse he’s looking for is a little more rundown than the other ones. Boarded up windows, rust replacing the green paint in places, leaking pipes…
And yet-
Fives moves to where the door is located, his eyes narrowing. The lights over the door are new. The broken windows are broken in such a way that it looks intentional. The doorknob on the door is also new, all of the rust is painted on.
He walks over to a rusty patch and he tugs off his glove to touch the rust with his bare fingers. It’s not real. 
Someone has gone to great lengths to make this place look like it’s been condemned. 
He walks over to the door and lightly touches the doorknob. How long has it been since he’s seen a building using a door like this, rather than the more mechanized ones that are seen everywhere.
If he wasn’t looking for something out of place, he’d likely think that this building was ancient and wouldn’t give it a second thought.
Luckily, he’s smarter than the average bear, so to speak.
He pulls his hand away from the doorknob and pulls his glove back on. There’s no way he’s going through the front door. That’s just asking for trouble. 
He circles the warehouse, thoughtfully. Considering all of his options.
Opening the bay doors isn’t an option, he’d never get them open on his own from the outside. The ground floor windows are also out, anyone inside would see him immediately.
His gaze lands on the fire escape. Like the rest of the building, the ladder doesn’t look like it would carry the weight of a small child, let alone a man full grown. 
However, Fives has already seen evidence of someone going out of their way to try and make this place look more dangerous than it is. So he walks over to the ladder and jumps up to grab the bottom most rung.
Fives hangs there for a moment, waiting, and when the fire escape doesn’t dissolve under his weight, or even shake, he feels comfortable hoisting himself up to the fire door.
The door looks rusted beyond belief, and Fives is sure that it’s all fake rust. But he’s not so stupid to try and touch the door. Fire doors are notoriously sensitive, he remembers that from ARC Training.
So he ignores the door, and instead jumps up to grab the ledge of the roof, and he pulls himself up to the ledge.
A quick survey tells him that there aren’t any sensors on the roof, and he huffs out a quiet laugh, “You’d think that a thief would put sensors on the roof.” He mumbles to himself as he steps onto the gravel roof.
A second quick glance around leads Fives to side-step the roof access door, a door that he’s sure is rigged to an alarm, to crouch next to a window. And this, right here, is all of the proof that he needs that everything about the building is a facade. 
These windows are brand new, and made from blaster proof material. A material that Fives knows was only invented in the last few years.
He can’t see through the windows, not well at least, but he is able to see that there isn’t any movement on the upper walkways. So carefully, very carefully, making sure that none of the windows are wired, he opens one.
One final check that he’s not going to land on anyone, Fives drops into the warehouse, making sure that the window is closed behind him.
Silently he moves from the wall to peer down into the main part of the warehouse. 
There, sitting on a table, is the holocron that was missing. Well, presumably. There are a lot of holocrons on the table. 
On another table are some statues. Some books actually made of flimsy are lined up on another table.
There’s an entire shelf filled with weapons of all types.
And there, pacing between the tables, is a Devaronian man. Fives isn’t able to see the look on his face, and, even more clearly, he’s not the actual thief.
A contractor, perhaps?
Maybe the thief was hired by him to acquire all of these things…though Fives can’t think of a reason why. There’s nothing in common between any of these items that he can see, save for the fact that they’re old.
He scans the warehouse one more time, and then movement catches his eye.
There, perched on a wooden crate, is the thief.
Without her mask.
Fives’ immediate thought was that someone as pretty as her should probably be making a living as a model or an actress or something, not living as a master thief. His second thought is that she’s far too young to have stolen all of the things in the warehouse.
“My darling Shadow,” The man is speaking to Shadow, the thief, and Fives pulls himself out of his thoughts, “You’re so talented.”
“Yes,” She agrees, her voice light, “I am.”
“You’re almost as good as your father.” He continues.
“My father never managed to get into the Jedi Temple. I managed it 12 times in the last year.” Shadow replies, sounding bored out of her mind as she examines her gloves, “But please, do continue telling me how talented my father was.”
Her contractor opens his mouth to say something, and then hesitates, “My dear,” he finally says, condescendingly, “No one is as good as you think you are.”
The young woman lifts her head to say something, and then she pauses, her gaze sliding to the upper walkways. Her gaze locks onto his face, and she smiles, slow and pretty. “We have company.”
The Devaronian jerks, “What? Where!?” He spins around and looks up, and Fives, knowing that he’s been busted, moves a little more into the light. “Kriff! It’s the GAR!” The man yelps, before he shoves all of the holocrons into a bag and sprints away.
Shadow, however, doesn’t bother to run. Instead, she smoothly gets to her feet and pulls her mask on. “‘Won’t you step into my parlor?’ said the spider to the fly?” She coos.
It’s a trap. It’s clearly a trap.
But Fives can’t help but smirk, as he leans over the railing, “Does that make you the spider in this scenario, Miss Shadow?”
“Why don’t you come down and find out, little soldier boy.”
He should go after the contractor. He should. That would be the smart thing to do.
But no one’s ever accused him of being smart.
So Fives grips the railing, and he jumps over the edge.
A quick activation of his jetpack allows him to land lightly on his feet only a few feet away from her. “I’ve come to reclaim the items you took from the Jedi temple.” Fives announces.
Her red painted lips turn up, “Have you? How do you intend to do that?”
“I already caught you.” Fives points out.
She laughs, it’s a pretty sound, “Sweetheart, I haven’t been caught.”
“Oh, you do think highly of yourself, don’t you?” She murmurs. Her eyes, the only part of her upper face not hidden by her mask, sweep down his body, “Of course, I suppose you have every reason to.”
“You could make this easy on both of us and just turn yourself in.”
“Now, why would I do that?”
“You clearly recognize that I’m an ARC Trooper.”
Her smile widens, “The best of the GAR…on the battlefield. And this, darling, is hardly a battlefield.”
Fives sighs, “You’re going to make me catch you, aren’t you?”
She scans him once more, “Well, I’m always happy to submit to a man in armor-” Fives inhales sharply, and he can feel his face heating under his helmet, “But you haven’t made me submit yet.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“So you’re going to let me go? How nice of you~”
“I didn’t say that.”
Her smile doesn’t waver as she moves. Fives curses, she’s faster than she looks, especially for someone wearing heels that high.
Then she’s right in his space. His helmet lifts, just a little, and warm lips press against his jaw. “Catch me if you can, handsome.” Then she’s gone, balanced on the rafters of the warehouse and smiling down at him, “I’ll let you have the stuff in the warehouse, as a treat.”
It takes him a moment to gather his thoughts, “Let?” He rasps.
Her smile is pretty, “Let. After all, you found me didn’t you. Think of it as…incentive to keep looking for me.”
“If everything is here, then why would I do that?”
She produces a datacron from under her jacket, “I like information, sweetheart. And so, over the last dozen visits to the temple, I made copies of every bit of information that I could. And I have it right here.”
Double kriff.
If that information gets out-
There’s a flash of pink as she licks her lower lip, “Are you motivated yet?”
“Well, I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?” Fives’ jaw clenches, “I am going to catch you.”
“I look forward to it, handsome.” And then she really is gone, out the same window that he entered through.
Slowly, shakily, Fives comms General Nu, “I found…a lot. But the thief got away.” He says as soon as she answers.
“How much is a lot?”
Fives looks around the massive warehouse filled with stolen objects, “A whole warehouse full.” He pauses, “There’s more, too.”
“Tell me when I arrive. You and your…twin…have officially been transferred to me.” General Nu says, “I hope he’s as good an investigator as you.”
The comm cuts off and Fives looks around with a sigh. Well, he never really wanted to fight in a war anyway.
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mrfleshwizard · 2 months
I'll be honest, I think enough has been said about how both Lucifer and Charlie leave a lot to be desired.
Incredibly, I feel that Charlie can be forgiven for one thing or another because if we focus on her being ignorant of her own world… it could make her a good protagonist to introduce us to her own world.
I mean, she knows about humans, but she only knows through sinners. That is, all she has seen of “humans” is something more oral than witnessing something genuine. It's always the bad side, from what little he's seen (since he doesn't even seem to know the concept of Overlord).
There are things that can be forgiven or worked around better. The one who has no excuse is Lucifer.
If I could make a list, I think I would fall short because there are too many things wrong.
1) The lack of “I am the king of Hell.” If we were to go by things more attached to the biblical canon, this would be more taken in his favor since Lucifer is not king of anything except his own delusion. However, we are talking about the “popular canon” so if in design he is not going to be scary, in personality he needs to be scary; vice versa as well.
Fuck, the Overlords look more like rulers than he does. They pull the strings, have territories and so on. And they are not even important fish.
2) Depression: It is the card up the sleeve of some characters (not only Vivzie's but other authors as well) to justify things. The fact that you suffer from something does not justify it, it only explains the reason for those things, but sometimes that line even fails in the viewer.
Here it makes no sense. If your home was so oppressive, even if you have some sense of nostalgia, you should feel a sense of relief to get rid of that burden. Now, what's he going to be depressed about, he won a kingdom thanks to the descendants of the people who screwed up their lives, he has a wife (who has marital problems? Like anyone else) and a daughter. He wins more than he loses.
“ You offer humans everything and they destroy everything” said the one who had everything and sent it all to hell.
3) Grooming and misogyny: This one is very simple, Lilith and Eve in comparison to Lucifer are too young. And he decided to mess with both of them, and even rubs it in Adam's face, as if they were things to give pleasure. Yes, I know the joke is “Adam is no good in bed” but all he did was shoot himself in the foot. He could have said a lot of things, including that “without Heaven's help, you can't get someone to put up with you or that you'd be a creature no one would love.”
We are also talking about technically being the adult, if Lilith and Adam were having problems or he saw that Lilith was falling in love with him, he should have stopped the situation. Here also half of Heaven is to blame because why did they allow it, even when they created Eve, it didn't seem that they (Lucifer and Lilith) would have left, therefore, they gave the go ahead to that relationship.
4) Charlie: For a supposed universe where Daddy Issues abound, this must be the most pathetic “daddy issues” I have ever seen. That it's solved with a song and that in reality they both love each other very much. It's not even necessary to say that they were estranged thanks to Lilith/Eva/Roo, they could have put a father present but at the same time absent. That he didn't really value Charlie or that they spent little time with her.
It's just insipid.
5) Hypocrisy: This one abounds a lot in his character.
He doesn't like sinners, Lilith and Eve are sinners. He fights with Alastor over who is the better parent, hasn't seen his daughter in years and doesn't even support his daughter's dream. He likes Vaggie, for the fact that she is a woman and doesn't say her name well. He brags to Adam that he knew how to satisfy his two wives, objectifying them by focusing more on sex than, I don't know, feelings. He loves Lilith, he messed with Eve. Here we can argue whether it was a free relationship or not… but, it would be between the two of them, not Eve.
And the funniest thing of all, is that some points would be perfect… if they didn't want us to empathize with him. That they allowed him to either be evil or a being with delusions that really has no power and that people realized that “he just wants to drag people into the same hole where he is.”
There's a lot of things that could work, if the approach had been different, including it feeling like something fresh and new
On the part of Lilith, the mythological, although evil, is also an interesting character. Of course, popular culture has transformed her from an "evil woman" to an "empowered woman". As they have done with characters like Medea, Medusa (the original version and Pseudo Apollodorus' version) etc.
Although most of the myths she is a despicable being, to a version that is very little explored: One where she and Adam end up 120 years together in a consensual way. It would be interesting if the show handled that version or the evil version.
At the same time, asking for that kind of thing from a show where they focus more on the male characters and the female characters are pretty flat… is asking a lot.
I agree. If the show actually tried to acknowledge her flaws, challenged her views or show that she isn't good person she would be so much better, but show doesn't let her to grow.
1) Overlords are bigger leaders of hell than him. I would find interesting if Sera was the one who leads hell, but no, Lucifer is King of Hell and does absolutely nothing.
2) I don't think Lucifer has depression. That one line seems like a joke. His "suffering" is non existed. Fans love to make sad Videos of him missing his wife. They villainize her for being bad wife without knowing the whole story. He got everything he wanted but stills earns for more (maybe he should replace Mammon.) I hate how the show villainize humans becouse "Lucifer give them free will and they ruined in" or some shit like that. For what I seen humans had free will BEFORE Eve eat the apple and Lucifer ruined everybody lives.
3) The whole situation in eden is weird and creepy becouse how the fuck do Lilith and Eve know that what they doing (cheating) could be wrong? That thing could can as a grooming, but even if it wasn't, it is still predatory as fuck, and I hate how fans tries to justify it. Him rubbing in Adam's face is so pathetic. It doesn't make him cool and I wish fans could see that.
4) I hate how fans act that "He missed Charlie!" When fucker called her when he needed something or was bored, but people choose to ignore it becouse they don't want to admit that Lucifer suck.
5) I always saw Lucifer as delusional. Him dragging others in the same hole where he is could be a very good idea, but Viv refuses to make Lucifer something else than a "Goofy sad misunderstood guy".
I hate mythological Lilith with burning passion. Making rapist an feminist is so wrong. They're more feministic religious characters who aren't sex offenders. (for example Norea from gnostisc religion) Even if the show would go with "120 years" version doesn't change the fact that Lilith assualted many people. (Adam wasn't the only victim.)
The characters and the world are just boring and flat. There is nothing interesting about them and it's disappointing, especially after seeing how fans were hype for this show.
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tojisbbygworl · 1 year
BEYONCÉ?- Miles Morales Imagine
This is literally just a stupid little idea I thought of when I saw the Beyoncé Spidersona that Sony posted
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“Could this day get any damn weirder?”
Miles looked to his left just in time to dodge the T-Rex coming at him in full speed. He didn’t have time to collect himself before more barrages of Spider people began running into him. “I guess it can.”
There was no time to think, all he could do was run, shoot, and flip. He doesn’t even know where he’s going for real. He just has to get the hell out of there.
Even though he’s panicking, he considers that he’s doing a pretty good job at avoiding Miguel. But when he looks up, he sees the hundreds of Spidermen ready to jump at him on Miguel’s command. “There’s no where to run.”
Yeah that’s what that guy thinks. Miles turns and busts out the window wasting no time.
As he plummets through the air, he has time to collect himself. But, since he just can’t catch a break, he hears a loud buzzing sound behind him. He turns in the air to come face to face with a…spider…bee…lady?
Her outfit is black and yellow with a large mask fitting over her face. The mask was more of a helmet if anything, and had long antennas coming out of the top. She had long beautiful honey blonde hair…and she was flying right at him.
“Oh come the fuck on!” He tries to turn back around but before he can hit the ground, he feels a web on his back. Then he get pulled through the air. He tries desperately to reach around and grab the string, but it’s hard when you’re being flung through the air by a crazy bee woman.
She slams him into a building creating a crater for him to rest in. He shakes his head and looks at her hovering in the air in front of him. “I ain’t never heard of a flying spider.”
She puts her hands on her hips. “My name is Spider-Bey.”
Miles furrows his brows. Her voice was deep and very southern. It sounds…familiar. Extremely familiar. “Oh okay, so you’re like a Bee and a Spider? That’s cool.”
“Thank you,” she says, her southern drawl coming out even more from excitement. She must have liked his compliment. Then the crazy woman reaches into her back and unsheathes a long, black, and skinny katana, pointing it at him.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Miles begins to frantically back into the crater. “What the hell is that? You just get weirder!”
She presses it to his chest. “I was cool 5 seconds ago now I’m weird? Don’t get stung, boy.” Ohhhh he gets it. It’s her stinger. Because she’s a bee. Bees sting. Ahh, okay.
“Before we continue,” he says gulping. “Do I know you? I feel like I know you.”
“I’m very popular amongst most universes.” She answers simply, not faultering.
Miles pauses…then he perks up a bit. Then he gasps. Before he can say anything, both their spider senses tingle. She scoffs and rolls her eyes, flying herself upwards just before the wall breaks open, courtesy of Miguel and the rest of the spider society. She stares at them falling and chuckles to herself when she hears Miles shout:
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That was really fun to write. I hope y’all thought it was cute. I was imagining a mixture between the spidersona outfit in the picture and her America has a problem outfit that she wears during the Renaissance World Tour that I often call Renny Sauce for short:
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If I was an artist I would draw what I was thinking but I am not so use ur imagination. Alright that’s all! Imma end this with, get ur tickets for the American leg of the RWT if you haven’t alr. Sry to the European babes
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the song of the soul ◦ h.j
— it hurt when han didn't want to tell your fans about your relationship but maybe it was worth the wait the way your soul sings when his lips touch yours for the first time on stage
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@anon im not even going to lie to you I just realized I wrote this wrong 💀 my dumbass thought the reader was supposed to be the basest and han the electric guitar butttt technically they are both the singers and I hope you still liked it even if I botched it up 😭
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Paring◦ Han Jisung x Fem!Reader
Words◦ 1,085
Genre ◦ Fluff with a little bit of angst if you squint
Warnings ◦ kisses on stage, insecurities, talk about sex, language, questionable writing honestly, uhhh this is really short and sweet but I promise its worth it :)
A/N ◦ i literally wrote this in like an hour and realized as I was about to post it I ended up botching up the ask 💀 might do more rockstar han cause like??? he's hot??
Did you like this? If so please check out doomsday an angsty han fanfic I spent hours on and it basically flopped :)
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~cookiecreates 🍪
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“So your okay with screwing me before the show, but telling the people we're together, that's where you draw the line?” You spit, narrowing your eyes at a bustling han sweating with stress. He throws the strap of his guitar over his head, aggressively fighting to fit it over his shoulder. He's jumpy, bouncing on the heels of his feet, anxiously running his fingers through his hair. He was always rushing before a performance, dragging his feet until the final moment when you have to go on stage. It drove you crazy, but when he offered to ease your annoyance with a few orgasms, you were happy to accept the very generous trade. 
“Look y/n, we don't really have time for this; the show is in 5 minutes.” He mumbles, fiddling with the knobs of his guitar while testing a few of the strings. You really wanted to punch him in his stupidly, beautiful face. 
Why was he so hot and yet so agitating-
One of the world's greatest mysteries
"You seemed to have plenty of time when your dick was in me." His movements stutter; the tips of his ears flushing red. He sighs, running an annoyed hand over his face.
“Put your bass on; we have a long night ahead of us." You fold your arms in front of your chest, rolling your eyes. He's right, and you know he is. That knowledge doesn't make the sharp pain that tingles throughout your chest any less painful. 
You sigh, realizing arguing with him is futile if he wanted to he would
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You have to admit that the hot rush of adrenaline, pumping through your veins, really had a way of rubbing some cool ointment over the burning pain that Han's indirect rejection left you with.
The crowd cries with praise as your fingertips fly over the cords, brushing across the gritty surface. The song reminds you of the comforting patter of the rain right before the roaring of thunder—lightning shoots from the strings as you throw your head back in bliss. The soft tissue of your tongue peaks out of your lips when you groan, whispering gentle lyrics into the mic, a delectable combo that vines with the crackling sear of hans voice, rupturing into a cutting climax.
Playing music was like taking sips of your soul, and right now you were overflowing—a bottle teetering just over the edge of bursting.
The people pulsated with screams and shouts, their plaudit worming its way into your ego, your bones vibrating with confidence before you knew it-
Han's guitar exploded, threading its way into your last string fluidly. The two of you were like water and wine—the cool refreshment of a thick melody.
You had to admit that, as much as you wanted to punch Han right now, he was a natural; interlacing your dark, crisp baritone with a sharp electric tang—a long, low symphony before the biting aftertaste of a bitter hiss.
Fuck, you too were perfect together-
In more ways than one
The crowd screeches as you finish the final note; the song surging into a seductive swell, you two had a way of luring your audience in—pulling them under a wave of wonder—you were the sirens of the sea made from pleasure and passion.
Han gasps into his mic, scrunching his brows when the camera zooms into his face, sweat trickling down his forehead.
He flicks his eyes to you, sending secret messages in the way he tilts his lips, ideas brewing in the back of his brain.
What is he thinking?
You almost fumble your bass when he looks at you like that, like he had a plan and he was either going to break a bone or go viral-
You were down ethier way.
He stalks over to you with a cocky slide in his step and a coy tilt of his lip; everything about him oozes confidence. You swoon; his voice is like whisky sultry and smooth. His eyes like spice tingling on your tongue—his lips like molten cream.
It took everything in you not to melt into a pitiful puddle on the floor-
He takes another step closer, fingers still expertly plucking at a guitar that continues to blaze into a fiery crescendo. You nervously flick your eyes around his face, hoping there's a hint somewhere on his features that reveal what the hell he's trying to do.
"Once you told me, baby, telling the world is where I draw the line but look world," he shouts the last bit with a hiss, a soft knowing smile appearing on his lips, "this is my girl."
He never leaves your eyes as he mumbles into the mic, pushing it away; he almost seems drunk, the way his eyelashes flutter shut. The world dissolves when he drops his guitar from his hand. The howl of a million mouths drowns out in the swell of your own personal symphony. You melt into his arms even when he lifts you back on your feet, unlatching from your lips.
“How about that for keeping a secret?” Even with his hair messy and his lips swollen, he can't help the shit-eating grin he has plastered on his face, as if he didn't just turn your bones into jelly; he turns to the crowd, throwing his hands up.
“Everybody make some fucking noise!” He growls, pulling his guitar back from where he left it, limply hanging on his hip, your jaw drops as he starts a new song like nothing happened. The crowd cheers, chanting to the beat of his final blow.
You have studied songs your whole life, honing your talent to tune vivid beats into sweltering lyrics that set your skin ablaze. You were the ember that started the flame, turning melodies into colors that burst in the back of your brain.
Music was the language of the silent
The words that no one dared to speak
Music was an art
Music was a hoddy
But most of all, music was passion, and right now the only music that you could hear was the songs your soul sang for him.
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©CookieCreates (posted: July, 12th 2024) All rights reserved. Do not translate, copy, or claim my works as yours! I only post on this platform so if any of my works are elsewhere, report and notify me immediately.
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paper-gold-theories · 3 months
If its ok by you, may I ask for some domestic fluff headcanons for Goldheart and Flug? I'd love to hear what you think they get up to while living together
HeroFlugAU Draft Fics
Not really Fluff. But here are some draft slice of life fanfic drafts for the HeroFlugAU 😆
1) GoldHeart likes to seduce Flug for morning sex just to make him late for his daily schedules. It resulted in Flug having to add morning sex as part of his schedule so that he won't. Making GoldHeart burst out laughing hysterically. He still purposely makes Flug go 5 mins off just to troll him, much to the former villian's frustrations.
2) GoldHeart is petty jealous of anything that has Flug's attention other than him, like his friends, the Golden Jet he's working on for the team and now more recently that Codigo Guajalote show. So he would often seduce him to make him miss the premier. Much to Flug's frustration and they make it into a competition.
3) GoldHeart and Flug go to Supervillains Supermarket & Deli in there are civilian identities to buy groceries, shenanigans ensue.
GoldHeart: We're note taking this van. It looks like the kind of van you'd kidnapped people in
Flug: Well technically I...
GoldHeart, covering his ears: Lalala its better I don't know.
Flug: Well what vehicle should we take then?
GoldHeart: I haven't drawn this in a while. (Points to one of his solid gold Ferraris)
Flug: That? That car has barely any space in the boot. I bet that can't even fit a single bag of groceries.
GoldHeart: It's fine we can just put the groceries on our lap, if it doesn't.
(It wasn't fine, they ended up only getting half the groceries and would try another day to get the rest. 😂)
(outside supermarket)
GoldHeart, laughs: Why do you villians call everything you own evil. Isn't kind of overcompensatingly. What you guys think are gonna be less evil if you don't.
Flug, teasing: Says the guy with "gold hearts" on his knee caps.
GoldHeart, teasing: Sure "Mr planes everywhere".
Flug, laughs: Alright maybe both sides are overcompensating.
GoldHeart, laughs: I can take that.
4) A petty argument of who ends up more desperate for sex ends up with of them had a competition to see who can go long without having sex with. The loser is the one who makes the first move. Everyone suffers the consequences. Frust ated and horny of them attempt to make the other lose by seducing each other. In the end both of them end up losing at the same time and jumping on each others bones and their boners 👀.
5) GoldHeart drinks Flug's special awake coffee and can't sleep for a week drags Flug along to do crazy things out of sheer petiness so that he won't have to be wake along. Like taking a several hour plane trip across the continent to get Elvis's Fools Gold Sandwiches, going up the mountains abd solving puzzles to get the fourth flavour ice cream or going to Guzmán Muñoz to do a tag team wrestle in leotards which ended up with GoldHeart being posessed by a parasite mask resulting in Flug having to fight him. Flug was armed with a tranquiliser gun and a laser gun to counter GoldHeart's powers which the both agreed to use if GoldHeart got mind control, but Flug didn't want to use it at first and tried to reason with GoldHeart only for him to end up getting tea bagged by GoldHeart, resulting Flug's last string of sanity snapping for not sleeping for days which ended him him shooting him with the laser and shooting tranquiliser multiple times and finally managing to get some sleep.
Flug wonders why he didn't think about that a few days ago...
Bonus Scene
After GoldHeart defeated Mask Macabre
Adelita: That's right. Pedro is my husband!
[Crowd & Flug]: *gasps*
Sleep deprived and cranky GoldHeart: OH MY GOD AN ANSWER TO A QUESTION NOBODY ASKED!!
Adelita: [ignores him and tells about her husband's origin story and how he ended up being posessed by the mask]
(They are technically wanted by P.E.A.C.E, so Flug puts a tracker on them before they managed to escape. Mask Macabre gets sent to Area 52 for vivisection)
Bonus Draft
6) Some crazy fan got a hold of GoldHeart's underwear after he accidentally left it in a hotel room and tried to auction off on eBay for a million dollars (Miss Heed was one of the bidders). The Golden Rule Members attempt to hunt the creep down and beat the crap out of them bring them to justice.
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