#i think a calm m/ama
erigold13261 · 2 years
In defense of Yinu on the boss tier list, she is the only one able to attack you while her health bar is empty. But DJ sub is the strongest, I agree
Hey, just because she's the weakest alone out of the NSRtist, doesn't mean she is weak at all!
You are right in the sense that I see Yinu as super determined. So much so that I could have seen her outlasting everyone in endurance when it comes to playing music. Even Mama is too old to play as long as she did when she was younger.
If DJ had to play a concert for as long as Yinu does, he would quit so quickly lol!
But yeah, physically I do think DJ is still the overall strongest.
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todomochi-uwu · 4 years
Of Unspoken Troubles & Sudden Worries (2/3)
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader
Warnings: Angst
Author’s Notes: Finally! The amount of time this took is stupid, but I hope you enjoy it :) Also I´m trying to cope with Jongdae leaving, so please stream “Hello” to understand my pain. 
“Hey Crybaby.”
Previous Part: First Next: Second&Half Third
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The same eyes who found were now expecting an answer out of you, they were comforting, soothing but also serious and demanding; words simply didn´t come out of your mouth and you avoided looking at him, choosing to focus on the scratches on your hands and knees.
“Know I won’t tell anyone what just happened, I just want to be able to help you.” He said.
Your voice was trapped in your throat; how ridiculous would you sound if you told him your boyfriend was a piece of shit?
“Did anyone hurt? Is someone harassing you?” He tried again.
This time you shook your head.
“Okay, then did you fight with your team?” You stayed silent this team. “I see, maybe we could try talking to your captain? You are from Shiratorizawa, so your captain is Ushijima, right? Let me just…” When he turned around in an attempt to grab his phone you quickly held onto his jacket sleeve, preventing him from going any further.
To this, he gave you a confused look, “Okay now you need to tell me what´s going on.” He was firm, his tone had changed drastically and his tone was lower. 
Sigh, “I made something stupid, and now I can’t face them.”
“And what exactly is something “stupid”?” He air-quoted.
You knew you just had to tell him at this point.
Kuroo had his head in between his hands, trying to understand what you were trying to say. “Manager not girlfriend, what the fuck does that even mean?” He mumbled. 
“So you managed to catch Ushiwaka’s attention, and even though HE was the one to ask you out, he’s being a fucking asshole.” You simply nodded, “Okay, it’s good to know he’s bad at something, to be honest.”
“Wakatoshi is not the monster everyone makes him look, he’s just weird.” 
Kuroo giggled, “Well let me tell you he does have the kind of face that says ‘I’m going to punch if you so much look my way’ You know?” To this you giggled, “Would you like at that? Crybaby can actually smile.”
“Stop it, I’m not in the mood.”
“I know, just trying to cheer you up.” He sighed, before looking at you straight in the eyes, “Do you want my advice or were you just looking for someone to bent?”
“Apparently my rational thinking is not good, because I just keep going to back to him.”
“Because you are not being rational, you are just thinking about how much you love him and how much you wish for him to change, even though he´s not going to.” He was direct, no tenderness, making you flinch “Thinking rational would be to tell you to dump him, he’s not worth it. You are here trying to make it work while he´s just establishing rules as if it was a business contract.” Small tears threaten to come out of your eyes, another knot forming at the bottom of your stomach, “But… I completely understand what you are going through, so you are not letting him go that easily. So I’m going to do something that worked for me in the past, okay?”
You nodded.
“Have you tried talking to him?” Yes. “Did things change in some way?” No. “Okay. Has it been getting worse?” Yes. “Do you sometimes question his love?” Yes. “Are you genuinely happy?” No. “Is this what you thought it would be?” No. 
Kuroo sighed, before taking your face in between his hands “Is he’s not loving you the way he should; if he’s not cherishing you; if he’s not trying his best for you; if he´s not fulfilling the compromise he made to you. Then it’s not there. There´s no other way to put it.”
A loud sob escaped your lips, things you already knew were now coming out of someone else’s mouth, making it seem real, making it hurt even worse. 
“However, I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say his intention is not that, he’s not trying to hurt you, he’s just… an idiot.” He looked away, “But everything and everyone has their limit, including you, no matter how much you love him.”
There was nothing much you could say, he was right, you love Ushijima, but it was becoming too much. 
“So tonight we are going to go sleep because my god am I tired from trying to block his fucking spikes, I know you say he´s not a monster, but he sure does spike-like one.” You giggled, “Tomorrow you will fulfil your duties as a manager, but nothing else. You will take notes, refill water bottles and give out towels, what you normally do as a manager. No cheering him, no lovey-dovey looks, no midnight escapades, no girlfriend stuff. If he wants you to act like a manager you will, but he will also experiment what losing someone who loves you feels like.”
“Why are you doing this?” You questioned, you knew he didn´t have any malice intentions, but still, you were the crazy person who appeared crying in front of the gym at one a.m. 
“Because I know exactly what it feels like to give out love and receive absolutely nothing, and I’m not letting you continue this destructive cycle; it’s what I wish someone had done for me.”
You didn´t ask any further questions, believing every word he said. You turned around to leave, needing to catch some sleep.
“Hey, Crybaby. You forgot something.”
It was now morning, your eyes felt heavy and were swollen, fingers bleeding from all the biting and your body kept trembling from the anxiety, but you had to reaffirm yourself, put yourself first.
And so, you made your way into the kitchen, getting ready to prepare breakfast along with the others managers, who could only give you a sympathy smile and a pat in the back, clearly having heard you cry.
Before you even noticed, the teams were already making their way into the cafeteria, the noise filling the entire building. You started serving plates, placing them in the table for the boys to come and collect them.
“Hey, manager-chan.” A familiar voice said. Tendou. 
“Hey, Sato. Did you get a good sleep? You need to be prepared to be able to block some of those quick attacks from Karasuno” You smiled, taking him by surprise.
“Yeah… Um, I didn´t know you got along with Nekoma?” His eyes were looking straight into the piece of clothing in which you were currently drowning in. 
“Oh yeah, their captain was nice and gave it to me, he said I looked cold.” Shit, you completely forgot about that. Well, fake it ‘till you make it.
“Okay…” He said while returning to his table, Ushijima was already sitting there looking over the notes from yesterday’s practice. “Hey, Wakatoshi-kun?”
“Yes, Tendou?”
“Have we ever had any other training camp with Nekoma?”
“Not that I remember.”
“Huh.” Tendou was confused but decided to keep his thoughts to himself. There was no need to worry just for a silly thing, right?
It wasn´t until he turned around to have another look at you did he notice your eyes were positioned on another table, another team, Nekoma. Then Tendou noticed their captain looking directly at you, intensely and without even blinking, before he gave you his signature smirk and a quick wink, then sitting down next to his libero. 
Tendou´s eyes once again returned to you, and this time it shook him, the peachy pink in your cheeks and the shy look in your eyes incriminating you. 
Tendou didn´t like it one bit, not when you and Ushijima had something, but after last night´s events, he didn’t know what to think, were you two still together, or was that the final straw?
He saw it during breakfast, he saw during their practice match, he saw it during breaks, Kuroo and you, looking at each other, laughing, talking, a relationship he had never seen before. 
When in the fuck had you met Kuroo Tetsurou? And what in the fuck had happened for you to look at him that way?
“Wakatoshi-kun” He whispered, careful of not raising anyone´s attention. 
He hummed in response.
“Are you and Y/N still together?”
“Tendou, I already told you…”
“No, Ushijima. This time I´m serious, are you and her still together?
Ushijima´s eyebrows were furrowed, there was no point in denying it any more, he guessed. “Yes.”
“Are you sure?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Because for one, she´s wearing Nekoma’s jacket, two she hasn´t even bother looking your way, which I don´t blame her after what you did last night, and third the looks Kuroo has been giving her aren´t exactly friendly.”
“What do you mean?”
Goddammit are you fucking blunt, Ushijima, “I mean, she disappears for the entire night, no one in the team knows where she is, and all of a sudden she is friends with Kuroo?”
“I don´t get your point.”
  “What I mean…” He raised his voice, clearly exasperated, he tries again calming himself. “What I mean is, this morning she was wearing his jacket, she has spent all of her breaks with him and she hasn´t even come to greet you.” He hoped this would wake up something in Ushijima, but he simply stared at him, clearly not connecting the dots.
Well, fuck.
This time, Tendou pointed your way, Ushijima was confused, what was so bad? And then, everything made sense. 
Kuroo had taken your phone away, keeping it at a height impossible for you to reach, you were jumping trying to get it back, it wasn´t long before his arm was around your waist hugging you while laughing, you pouting. 
And to this Ushijima couldn´t help but wonder.
What was this strange feeling? And why did he all of a sudden had the urge to punch Kuroo Tetsurou?
Tags: @samanthaa-leanne @missalienqueen @anime-weeb-bnha @minnieminnie00-got7 @ama-suhen @iiwah @saeranoppa @4ambagelbites @sunaswife @puma-d-a @lionhearteddame @ix-elastix @dudejuststop @pruemania @salty4tsukki @wonderblogger @animexholic @kenmascateyes @aralynxo @decaffeinatedcheesecakemiracle @tsibba01 @softkookyy @nnessworls @xxitsaeonxx @hallothankmas @sinex @shinhiromi @killuaking @icedberrytea @foreverdebbie​ @nati-08​ @amoursa​ @lilolpotato​big @bigtitmisfit​ @itzgabz22​ @holographicwriter​ @aonenthusiast​ @flmshneverbreaks​ 
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milliumizoomi · 3 years
Pspsps Bestie can I have some hcs with Sero, Mirio, and Tamaki + massaging your scalp until you fall asleep. Thank you hun! Make sure you drink water and eat food
Scalp Messages
Parings: Sero x POC! GN Reader, Mirio x POC! GN Reader, Tamaki x POC! GN Reader
Warnings: Major Fluff, slight cursing
A/n: ok but this,,,, I love u for this😀💕. It’s giving me life so ty and yes bestie I’m making sure I’m eating and drinking water u better be doing it to👀.
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He takes such good care of you please
He always makes sure that your comfortable
And that you feel good too
I feel like he would be one of the best people to give scalp massages cuz he’s so gentle and loving bye
Like it feels like this man had been doing head messages all his life
𝐘𝐎𝐔 had been on lying on the bed for the last half an hour because of a head. It felt like your head was splitting open. And what make it worse was that you were alone in your dorm so you couldn’t do much about it. You lied there, sprawled out and groaning. Then a knock came to the door. “My fuckin savior.. COME IN PLEASEEE!” You yelled, knowing exactly who it is. Sero came strolling in with all your favorite stuff like sour gummy worms and your favorite hair oil and stuff if that nature. “I got your text my love,, want a head message?” Sero asked as he placed the stuff down. “Yes yes PLEASE I’m begging you,, my head hurting like a bitch” you say. He laughs at you and climbs on your bed. “Want me to use the oil?” He asked. You nod your head and hum in response. He grabbed the hair oil off the desk and placed your head in his lap. He opened the oil and put some on his hands and got to work. He was so gentle and it really calmed you and your headache down. Soon enough,, you fell asleep without even realizing it. Sero kissed u your forehead then laid next to you.
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He’s also one that makes sure you’re as comfortable as you can be
He will come running if your in any type of pain and discomfort
And he will do everything in his power to help you
Always making sure his ministrations are ok and gentle,,
Call him your protector and your comforter
Everybody needs one of him in their lives
“𝐔𝐆𝐇” you said as you kneeled down rubbing your head in the girls locker room. You had taken a really nasty blow to the head. The teachers asked if you wanted to go to recovery girl for her to check you out to see if anything was wrong but you declined. You now regret that decision. You managed to get your uniform on and stumbled out of the locker room. “Damn I didn’t think it was that bad..” you groaned out as your head started pounding even more and the room started spinning. As you were holding onto the wall for support,, you bumped into someone. You looked up to see Nejire talking to another student. When she noticed you and the state you were in, she was quick to leave. You knew that she was going to find Mirio to tell him so you just stayed there with the student. She came back with Mirio and your homeroom teacher. “Babe! Are you ok..?” Mirio asks as he held you gently. You nodded slightly. “Take them to recovery girl and then take them to their dorm room and stay there with them.” You teacher said. Mirio nodded and then thanked Nejire for her help. He picked you up and carried you to recovery girl’s office and then carried you to your dorm when she was finished with you. He opened your door with the key and walked in and placed you on the bed. He then walked back to the door to close it then laud next to you on the bed. Your eyes were already closed so he just reached up to you head to give you head messages so help soothe you headache. You slowly began to feel heavier and heavier until you finally feel asleep. Mirio smiled at you and then pulled you on top of him and fell asleep as well.
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The absolute best and nobody’s telling me otherwise
He is so scared of hurting you
He treats you like the most valuable thing ever
Always makes sure that your comfortable
And sometimes he so scared to touch you cuz he thinks he’s gonna make it worse so you have reassure him
But he tries his best to do all the right things for you
Oh and he also loves playing with your hair when you tell him he can
But sometimes he slips up and forgets to ask but you were ok with it because he’s the only one allowed to touch your hair anyways
𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈 we’re in his dorm watching a movie. You were cuddled up into him and you guys had a blanket over yourselves. You leaned your head back on his shoulder and he flinched slightly at the sudden action. “I-is something wrong babe?” He asked while looking down at you. You nod your head no while smiling slightly at him. “No bub I’m fine,, your just really comfortable” you tell him as you cuddle closer to him. He blushes at lot at your words. You lifted you head back up and then rested it on his chest. He smiled a little then reached up to your head absentmindedly and started rubbing it. You relaxed more into his hold. The more he massaged your head, the sleepier you got. “Ama..?” You called out sleepingly. “Ya babe..” he answered, still twirling your a piece of hair from your afro around his finger. “M tired,, can I sleep on you” you asked. He nodded quickly then gently pulled you on top of him. He reached over next to him and found a hair tie on the bed and gently put your hair in a ponytail. After that he kept watching the movie and rubbing your head,, just to make sure you were asleep.
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©Property of Miashimaa. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify without my permission. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.
Taglist: @develith @uniquabackyardigans @unfazedrose @kiribis-confesion-page @darylthekidd @gm4176 @blackweebtrash @erensbbg @shamwizzy @kloudyisdepressed (Open ! click here to be added!)
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kenjikutie · 4 years
Back to the Future [Tamaki Amajiki]
summary: when your future child with your boyfriend arrives on the doorstep of the 3-a dorms, fluff, chaos and general panic is bound to ensue word count: 2k pairing: tamaki amajiki x fem!reader warnings: none!
most days, tamaki would thank whatever being there was above him for the mere fact that he was able to hold your hand anytime he wanted to, not that he did, of course. he was constantly overwhelmed by any little affectionate action send his way, whether it was a peck on the temple or a steamy makeout session in one of your dorm rooms. it truly didn’t matter what it was, if it involved your lips, he was sure to be a blushing puddle on the floor
however, this didn’t mean that tamaki wouldn’t cuddle with you of his own volition. the last thing he ever wanted to do was make you feel like you were carrying the weight of the entire relationship. tamaki loved you and he had to make sure you knew, even if he couldn’t untie the knot in his throat anytime he wanted to say it out loud
so, instead of that, he would let his love be expressed through how tight of a hold he had on you during the night. his arms would wrap around your waist while his face was buried in your chest, the adorable indigo tips of his hair settling on your collarbone. you swore that even if something tried to take you from his grasp, they wouldn’t be able to move you more than an inch without him waking up with a whine
but, this clingy nature only existed in the confines of your dorm rooms, due to tamaki’s shyness. because of this, the two of you were sitting next to one another on the common room's sofa, shoulders touching as the rest of the class paid close attention to the famous pixar film, up, playing on the tv. your eyes were also glued to the screen due to your childhood love of the movie, but tamaki was focused on playing with your fingers, trying to distract himself from how many people were gathered in the room
every time a joke was told, you giggled, turning to nejire to laugh some more at her comments on the scene. tamaki, however, would be too concentrated on the small crinkles on your eyes when you laughed and how beautiful your smile was. sometimes, he would overwhelm himself and turn bright red, despite you not even doing anything
a knock on the large front doors of the dorm building caused tamaki to let go of your hand and look up at you, silently wishing that you wouldn’t go answer it, just because he didn’t want you to move. his wish was granted when mirio happily ran to the doors and the rest of the class turned around to see who had paid them a visit. when mirio opened the door, his bright smile fell as he looked around before something tugged on his pant leg
when you heard the sniffling of a child, you immediately jumped off the couch, followed closely by nejire, who cut in front of you to coo at the young visitor. you stood behind your blue-haired friend, not being able to see over both her and mirio. tamaki was beginning to slowly lift himself from the couch to walk over to you, quickly realizing that none of his friends were around him anymore
“u-uncle miri! w-w-where’s m-mommy?”, every jaw in the dorm dropped and no one moved a muscle, besides your happy blonde friend
mirio awkwardly knelt down to look at the young boy, “uncle miri? have we met before? im sorry if i forgot; im not the best at remembering things!”
despite his laughter, you could tell that mirio was just as confused as everyone else. tamaki had taken his spot behind your back, resting his forehead on your shoulder to distract himself from how loud the child was crying. mirio placed a hand on the boy’s back and led him into the room while you, nejire and tamaki backed up to let them inside, still hidden behind the periwinkle of her hair
you could tell that the boy was overwhelmed but before you could say anything, he had closed his eyes and darted for the wall, burying his face into the hard surface, whispering something to himself. tamaki’s eyes widened at the familiar sight of indigo hair tucked into the corner of the room and you did the same. mirio took a step forward to comfort him, as he usually did with tamaki himself, but you beat him to the punch
resting a hand on the little boy’s back, you began to stroke his hair, “hey, i know it’s kinda scary being in here with so many older, taller strangers, but you don’t have to worry. we’re heroes in training; we’ll help you in any way you need!”
the boy tensed under your hands and for a second, you panicked, afraid you might have made the whole thing worse. but, before you could move, he had turned around and buried his head in your stomach, gripping onto your shirt so tightly you thought he might rip it. you gasped, connecting your gaze with tamaki, who looked just as shocked as you did
“mommy! i-im so sorry! i didn’t mean to touch i-it! im so sorry!”, he was sobbing now and you could feel his tears stain your shirt
“m-mommy?”, tamaki mumbled, slowly approaching the two of you, setting a shaky hand on your shoulder
you shrugged at him and lowered yourself down to the boy’s height, doing your best to lift his face from your abdomen to get a good look at him. he was a near mirror image of your boyfriend. with his indigo hair and facial structure, you were convinced the two of them could be twins in another life. meanwhile, tamaki was marveling at the child’s eyes, the same ones he loved to admire every day when you looked at him
“amajiki! y/n! you two never told me you had an adorable baby!”, nejire bounded over to the three of you, taking the boy into her arms, squeezing him close to her cheek and you resisted the urge to laugh at the shocked face he pulled
“w-we do not. i-i-i-”, tamaki’s words were stuck in his throat again and you quickly pulled his head into your shoulder, letting him breathe in the scent of your shampoo to calm down
“im gonna go get mr.aizawa. but for now, i think you two better look after him, doesn’t look like he’s gonna leave y/n’s side for a long time.”, mirio pulled nejire out of the dorm, despite her pouting and whining about how she wanted to take care of the cute baby too
within a second of being let go, the boy was attached to your leg, burying his face in it. suddenly, you were very aware of the two amajiki’s resting on your body. the rest of the class had gone back to the film, seeming unfazed by the recent occurrence
gently, you lifted tamaki’s head from your shoulder and pet the boy’s head, “what’s your name, honey?”
“a-a-akihito. akihito ama-jiki.”
after mr.aziawa had informed you that it was a side effect of a quirk, you were somewhat relieved. this meant that akihito would probably be back to his own time period in a few days, but, you couldn’t help feel a little disappointed. akihito was attached to your hip, not even able to go into a different room without you by his side
tamaki understood completely. the little boy had given him a hug as well when he recognized him as his father, apologizing to him as well, before immediately falling back into his mother’s arms. apparently, his son thought the same thing about you as he did. you were a safe space to him, just as you were to tamaki
but, whenever he saw his son begin to panic, he felt guilty. he was the reason why his son was so easily overwhelmed and frightened. why couldn’t he have been just like you? you were brave, passionate, and outgoing, almost shining as brightly as mirio in his mind. however, his son, just like him, was cursed to live out his days as the moon
the three of you were currently in your dorm room, all of you silently eating takoyaki that you had ordered earlier. akihito suddenly gasped, causing both heads to turn to him with concern. tamaki felt tears reach his eyes as the boy held up his hand, each finger having a small tentacle appearing out of them. you grinned. this was exactly what tamaki needed to see
the rest of the night was filled with akihito cheering at how cool his quirk was and his eyes shining at the sight of his father perfectly using his to perform all sorts of tasks. tamaki was beginning to feel better about their similarities and knew that, like himself, his son also had a sun to watch out for him. this sun, however, took the form of his mother
you went to bed that night with akihito attached to you like a leech and you laughed at the pout at your boyfriend’s face, “aww, tama, did he take your spot?”
tamaki’s face went bright red at your teasing and he quickly glanced away from you, “n-no! i, i was just thinking about h-how sad it’ll be when h-he goes back.”
you smiled and sat up, careful not to disturb akihito as you rested your head against your boyfriend’s chest, feeling his heartbeat speed up, “yeah, but just think how happy the future us’s are gonna be!”
future. that word knocked the air out of tamaki’s chest. the two of you were married. he was a pro-hero and you were currently pregnant with your second child. you two were perfect in the future. did he really deserve that? would you have been happier with someone else? someone who wasn’t as withdrawn as he was
his question was answered when you hid your face in his stomach, resting on your side while he laid on his back, akihito still on top of you. tamaki didn’t need to think about all of that anymore. because, if he kept going like this, then everything would be just fine. he turned off his bedside lamp, and pulled the blanket over the three of you, resting his hand on his son’s back, placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head
akihito was gone the next morning and were sure you’d never felt worse, but, tamaki smiled and pulled something out from his bed. you furrowed your brows then beamed at the handwritten letter from akihito, who wrote about how much he loved you and how he would miss you so much. you gave tamaki a kiss, trying not to notice his squeal of surprise but smiling when he relaxed and kissed you back
meanwhile, future you and tamaki were both panicking. tamaki was trying to console you but he was just as scared as you were. where had your precious son gone? was he in trouble? did he need the both of you to hold and comfort him? what if you never saw him again? it was too much for the both of you to handle
suddenly, there was a harsh pop and blindingly bright flash, tamaki quickly jumping to cover your eyes with his hand. you lowered your husband’s arm and shrieked at the sight of your son, standing perfectly safe in your living room
you raced forward and scooped him into your arms, nearly crying when you buried his face in your neck for a second then pulled back to rest his chubby hands on your cheeks. tamaki joined you shortly, placing a light kiss to his son’s head, then putting a matching one on yours
akihito began to ramble on about how he saw you, daddy, uncle miri and aunt nejire, discussing the food you ate, the note he gave you, and how cool his dad’s quirk was. you listened intently with a grin while tamaki glanced over to the framed piece of notebook paper above your mantle
the same note your son had given you seven years ago
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crimsonshadow323 · 4 years
Ghost Hunt Story Ch 2
Sorry for the wait! I got caught up in other fandoms and the holidays and also my birthday so yeah. anyways hope you enjoy! :)
please note that there is brief talk of a car crash, death and grief. Please read responsibly. 
This now has an Ao3 and FFN
You can see the previous chapter here
   Oliver Davis was not having a good day; in fact, it was rather horrible. From the moment he woke up everything had seemed to go wrong. He asked for tea-- all they had was decaf. He had to give a lecture-- all of the girls tried to hit on him at least once. They had a case--- it was just some complete idiots trying to be funny but only being a waste of time and brain cells. And to make matters worse he got a headache around four and it still hadn’t left yet by the time he got back home around six. All he wanted to do now was go somewhere quiet and away from idiotic people and just read. 
As he trudged upstairs and towards his room, he passed by Gene’s door that had been left open. Not wanting to stop, but being unable to stop himself despite his desire he walked into his brother’s room. And almost tripped flat on his face within seconds upon entering. It seemed the cleaning lady hadn’t come in yet, or she had but hadn’t done a thorough enough job, considering the fact that he had almost tripped over a discarded shirt. Shaking his head at his brother’s less than tidy habits he stooped to pick the garment up only to freeze as soon as his fingers touched the fabric, instantly thrown into a vision. 
He was walking down the side of a lake. The night air was cool and crisp. Crickets chirped in the background and a smile sat on his face as he enjoyed nature. He had one more stop to make in this town before he had to return to Tokyo for a few weeks and then it was back to England. 
To be honest he wasn’t ready to leave Japan. He had felt drawn here and the fact that he hadn’t found out yet what it was that had called him to this place frustrated him. But he had promised mother so back to England he had to go. He only hoped--
Light. Bright light that burned his eyes, the sound of tires screeching on asphalt and then...
His body went airborne, the feeling of weightlessness an odd contrast to the pain that he felt. This pain only got worse as his body lost its fight with gravity. He rolled once. Twice. Three times until his momentum finally slowed. 
As he lay trembling in pain, he heard a car door open, the sharp gasp of a woman before an outbreak of panicked muttering. 
'please help me.' 
He tried to speak, to move... To do anything that would get the attention of the woman, hoping that she would help stop the pain. 
The woman paced, her muttering growing more frantic before she walked to the boot of her car and grabbed something. Unable to see what it was -as he was currently trying to breathe through a particularly vicious bout of pain- he startled when a thick woolen blanket was draped over his body. 
Alarmed and breathless from the pain of the weight settling in his injuries he tries once again to speak. The only thing that came out was a groan.
Shrieking the woman reflexively kicked out and her shoe caught his side with enough force that had him seeing stars. Momentarily stunned he was unable to do anything as she rolled him into the water, after making sure the blanket had been properly secured. 
Ice cold water enveloped him and numbed his senses. His last thought before darkness clouded his vision was...
'I don't want to die.'
“-liver. OLIVER!” 
With a gasp Oliver regained his senses. Dimly he registered that Gene’s room looked like it had been hit by a tornado. Books were flung haphazardly; loose pages littered the floor. The dresser had been destroyed causing an explosion of clothes.
Dazed Oliver turned towards the voice. It was his mother whose face was creased with concern. Oliver wondered if he was going into shock.
“Oliver please say something!” His mother pleaded her eyes wide in both fright and concern. “What happened? Why are you crying?”  
He was crying? Oh. So that’s why his face was wet.
Hah Gene would get a kick out of this. Gene would make a big deal about Oliver ‘finally’ showing emotion that isn’t boredom or contempt. As Oliver thought this his heart clenched and fresh tears slid down his face.
“Gene.” His voice was so ragged it was a mere whisper. 
Luella looked even more alarmed at this turn of events. Martin and Lin, who had both come running when the ruckus had started, traded tense looks. Dread settled heavily in their gut. 
“What about Gene?” Martin asked hesitantly, his heart in his throat. 
“He...I saw...” Words failed Oliver for the first time, it was like they had lodged in his throat and would not come out.
“What did you see Noll?” Lin’s voice stopped his spiraling thoughts. 
“I... I saw him die.”
A tense silence settled over the group as everyone digested the words. For a few moments all Oliver could hear was the pounding of his own heart, but then he heard his mother take a deep shuddering breath, her shoulders shaking in a silent sob. Oliver watched as she started to sway on her feet, but was steadied by Martin.
“Wh-what do you mean?” Luella whimpered from Martin’s arms. “You m-must’ve seen it wrong. Eugene isn’t dead. He... he can’t be d-- he is just in Japan, isn’t he?” When no one answered her plea, she turned to her husband. “Tell him he’s wrong Martin. Tell him!”
Martin didn’t say anything, he just stared at his remaining son with tears in his eyes. As he held Oliver’s gaze his own searched for the answers he so desperately wanted.
“Martin, I think you should take Luella--” Lin started to say but was cut off by the woman in question.  
“No. NO! My son is not dead, I tell you! He’s not! Oliver why would you say such a thing? Why are you lying to me?” Her voice had risen and her body shook with the force of her sobs. “You stop this right now young man.”
Oliver turned away, knowing that he should probably feel something --anger, grief, denial--- anything other than the bone deep numbness that had settled on him the moment his vision had ended. Why couldn’t he feel anything? What was wrong with him?
Oliver looked up his blue eyes meeting Lin’s grey he felt something within him break. Ah. There was the pain.
Lin’s eyes widened and he darted forward to catch his young student as the boy crumpled to the ground. Immediately he felt for a pulse (previous experiences from when Noll used his powers making this almost second nature) and sighed in relief when he found one, weak though it may be.
“Oh my--- Oliver!” Luella screamed, a pang of guilt hitting her as she saw her son fall.  She shouldn’t have said that to him.
“Lin, take him to the car, and fast. Luella, call the hospital and let them know we are coming.” Martin commanded trying to turn his nervousness into action.
“Luella. Now is not the time to argue. Now go.”
As the two left, Lin carrying Oliver in his arms as he did so, Martin was left alone in Gene’s room. With tears in his eyes and his heart feeling as if it had gone through a shredder, he took a quick glance around the room. When he caught sight of a picture that had fallen on the floor, he had to stifle a sob as he looked at Gene’s happy face and teasing grin. 
“My boy...” He whispered thickly. 
 When Oliver opened his eyes and was met with the sight of white walls and the smell of disinfectant, he immediately knew he was in the hospital. Why he was there was another question entirely. As he racked his memory for an answer, he had flashes from the vision.
Pain. Cold. Darkness.
The lamp on the bedside table started to rattle as his breathing picked up and the lights started to flicker in time with his heartbeat. 
“Oliver, calm down.” Lin was beside his bed in a second, his hands on Oliver’s shoulders. 
“He’s gone Lin. Gene is--” A sob escaped Oliver’s lips and stole his breath. 
Lin, although not normally one for physical affection, drew Oliver into a hug knowing that the boy needed something grounding at the moment. Lin’s own emotions were all over the place but that didn’t matter at the present time. He would have to deal with them later, preferably when he was alone. Right now, Oliver needed him. 
He had already sent his sheik to see if they could find Gene but they hadn’t gotten back to him yet, which didn’t give him much hope.  
 Lin walked into Oliver’s hospital room, (the twit had tried to sign out AMA only to be caught by Luella who had ordered him back in bed and to stay there until told otherwise by a licensed professional) while finally looking at his missed calls and texts.  There were a few from Madoka and some from various people that he worked with in BSPR, but the one that caught his eye was an unknown number.
Checking the date that they called the onmyouji felt a jolt of something in his gut. That was the same date that Oliver had his vision of Gene’s...departure. Not sure of what exactly connected the two events, but feeling deep down that they were connected somehow, he walked over to his student’s bedside. 
Oliver looked up, his face blank and rather impassive before looking back down at the book that was his hands. “Hn.”
“Do you recognize this number?” Lin handed over his phone and watched as Oliver looked at it with disinterest at first and then he seemed to do a double take before looking at it closer. 
“I don’t recognize the number but...” Oliver trailed off as he snatched his phone from the side table. Scrolling through his notifications he found what he was looking for. “I got a call from the same number just a bit before you did.”
“Interesting.”  Lin thought for a moment, a spark of hope igniting in his chest. He looked up at his young charge. “I wonder if your parents got a mysterious call as well.” 
“It’s possible.” Oliver hummed in thought before dialing his father’s number. “Father I have a question.”
“Well hello to you too Oliver.” Martin’s voice was a tad sarcastic. “What can I do for you?”
“Did you or mother happen to get a call from an unknown number within the last two days?” 
“A phone call? Well, I’d have to check with Luella but I think I remember seeing a missed call from an unknown number yesterday. Why what is this about?”
Oliver frowned; his brow furrowed in thought. “I’m not sure yet.”
“Well in any case, keep me posted, will you? And remember to stay put. You need your rest.” With that Martin hung up before Oliver could say anything more.
Inwardly sighing at his parent’s mother henning he looked back to Lin. “Father has also received a call, and he’s checking with mother as well.”
“It must mean something. If it had just been one or two of us then it could probably be put down to chance but all four of us, and on the same day...” Lin left the sentence hanging, unable to bring himself to say Gene’s name. “It must mean something.”
“Yes, but what?” Oliver asked, his voice pensive.
“Well why don’t we just call the number back?” Luella’s voice made the two look up. They hadn’t realized that she had entered the room.   
“We can’t just call a random number mother,” Oliver scoffed lightly. “Who knows who would be on the other end of the line.”
“We won’t know unless we try Oliver.” Luella gave her son a look. 
Oliver just gave a sigh before scrolling through his recent calls. Clicking on the number he waited as the phone rang. 
“Hello this is Ava Lionheart speaking how may I help you?”
Brow furrowing in confusion at the voice on the other end. It was definitely a girl’s voice, and definitely American, but it sounded accented as if she were from the south. 
“Miss Lionheart, this is Oliver Davis, I received a call from this number yesterday. I was just calling back to see what it was you wanted.” Oliver’s voice was perfectly polite but there was a hint of coolness in it.
“Oh! Right, hold on a moment. I have someone who wants to talk to you. He’s in the bathroom right now.” There was a muffled knocking and some words that were too low for Oliver to hear before a very familiar voice came on the phone. “Noll?”
Oliver’s breath caught, and if he hadn’t already been sitting down, he would have fallen at the shock from hearing that voice. “G-gene?”
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bleach-your-panties · 5 years
Tumblr media
(Old post alert! Sincember Event❄️)
"Come on, Tamaki, please?"
You whined to your anxious boyfriend, hoping that he'd indulge you at least this once and wear the cute elf hat that you'd purchased for him.
In no way were you trying to make fun of him, because you knew how he felt about his image, but you figured this silly gesture would make him loosen up and be able to embrace the uniqueness that he possessed.
"I-I don't know, B-Bunny. It's kind of embarrassing.." 
You rubbed his arm soothingly, hoping to calm him down. 
"It's okay, you don't have to wear it if you really don't want to. I just thought it'd look really adorable on you. You're so cute, Tama, and I just want you to know that I think you're the greatest boyfriend ever. Don't doubt that, okay?"
The little golden bells on your matching Santa hat jingled with your movements.
The bell rang signaling that you had ten minutes to get to your class or you'd be late. You pivoted on your foot, starting to walk off when Tamaki called you back.
"W-wait. I-I'll w-wear it. Just for you, Bunny. No-not here, though!"
You smiled and turned back around to launch yourself into the taller boy's chest.
"Oh thank you, Tama! You don't know how happy this makes me!" You handed over the green and red elf hat to him and he tucked it safely within his backpack, blushing furiously and trying to pry you off so the two of you could go to class.
After school was dismissed for the day, you and Tamaki walked to the dorms together like you always did.
Once you made it to the common room, you noticed that it was empty, so the two of you decided to sit down and watch some TV and enjoy your alone time together.
"Hey Tama-Ama, we should put our hats on now! Nobody else is around, so you don't have to worry!" You had taken yours off before you got to class so as not to have any issues with the teacher, but now you could happily pull the decorative hat out of your bag and put it on.
Tamaki blushed at the nickname and pulled his hat from his backpack. He slipped it on over his messy, indigo hair, making sure not to cover his ears.
You really really liked his ears.
"Oh, hunny, you look so precious! My sweet Tama~! You're just the cutest elf ever!"
He flushed red all the way up to said ears. 
"Y-you really think it looks g-good on m-me?" He stuttered out, shaking slightly, which also made the bells on the hat tinkle.
"Of course, baby! In fact, I think it looks really sexy on you…" You bit your lip to emphasize your point. 
'M-me, s-sexy? Oh n-no…' Poor Tamaki didn't know how to respond to your compliments in words, but the rest of his body was definitely reacting to your praises, hence the hard-on that was now aching to break free from his uniform pants. 
"Oh, it looks like someone is getting excited.." You hovered over him on the couch, slowly settling into his lap. Your hardened nipples became visible through your thin school shirt. Tamaki gasped, feeling them rub against him.
He tentatively settled his hands on your thighs, right underneath your skirt. Fingertips rubbed circles into the (s/c) flesh. 
"B-Bunny, you're b-being really naughty right now. W-what if someone walks in?" 
A smirk crossed your delicate features, erasing whatever picture of innocence you were trying to portray. 
"What if they do, Tama? What would they see? Would they see me riding my sexy ass elven boyfriend?" 
“A-hh, u-umm…”
You gave an experimental grind down on his crotch, which was met by a soft, whimpering moan from him. Music to your ears.
“Come on, Tama-baby, why don’t we chance it, hmm?”
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post-itpenny · 3 years
I thought I'd seen a ghost
Some long awaited Slasher AU 
Mother, Mother
“Now just why on earth would such a little thing be out here alone?”
Maeve quietly hummed in amusement as she stalked the child down the trail. Always a good distance behind so she could hide, but never so far that she lost sight of the little one. She recognized her, the child from the diner that one time.
A little girl in a jacket with a bunny tail and ears. It was rather adorable, but there was something feral about her. The way she had acted in her small movements.
And then there was that thing in the forest.
Maeve hadn’t been able to get a good look at it, but it was big- bigger than her artist.
Speaking of.
Maeve grinned, but it was more of a nervous one. They were close to her territory. Maeve had come with another offering of bread, and finding the child had been an accident. But something… something felt off… felt...
...So lonely, yet Maeve had never felt so watched...
Maeve blinked and looked around. The child was gone.
Her grin grew wider as she crouched down, scanning the undergrowth.
A twig snapped behind her.
She sprung up, spinning around and pulling a kitchen knife from her satchel all in one swift movement.
A man stumbled back in surprise, “take it easy! Didn’t mean to frighten you.”  
Maeve gripped the knife tighter. She was never this jumpy, not once had she slipped like this. She would have to-
Something rushed past her, the child now clinging to the man’s leg and hissing at her. “Stranger!”
Maeve wasn’t smiling now. She needed a plan, needed… needed.
The man gave a small wave, “are you ok miss? I’ll be honest I thought I saw a ghost, walking around the corner and spotting you.”
Maeve gave her head a small shake, she had to pull herself together and focus for five seconds. What was her plan?
Did she need one?
The man watched the knife in her hand but didn’t seem too frightened. Rather he was concerned.
Maeve blinked, well then.
She smiled and stashed the knife away. “I’m not a stranger dearie, we met once at the diner yes?”
The girl hissed and her hair puffed up. But she didn’t say no.
Maeve smoothed her skirt and took one step forward. The man staying still and the child gripping his pant’s leg tighter.
Maeve took another step forward, “Forgive the startle dears I”m just looking for a friend.” Maeve watched the child, remembering the thing in the woods waiting for her.
“Well I’m afraid my granddaughter and I are the only one’s out here miss.” The man explained. “Maybe-“
“A bird,” Maeve explained, “I’m looking for a great bird.”
At this the man fell quiet, eyeing the woman intently. The child poked her head around her grandfather’s leg. More interested then scared now.
Maeve grinned, “her name is Maggie.”
The next day, Cecilio held Ama’s hand as they walked up to the woman’s front door.
She said her name was Maeve Blackwood. Ama did recognize her but the meeting had been brief. Cecilio cleared his throat as he knocked on the front door. Not sure what to expect of the strange woman. She seemed very proper, or at least she tried to be. Her old fashioned dress and sickly sweet mannerisms felt both genuine and an act. Like a possessed china doll.
Maeve opened the door at the first knock. She was, surprisingly, in jeans and a sweater, her white hair down in loose curls.
As they walked inside Ama froze, grabbing her grandfather’s hand as she sniffed the air. Cecilio leaned down for her to whisper something in his ear.
Cecilio sniffed the air as well for a moment but said nothing, standing up to find Maeve watching them intently despite the bright smile on her face. There was a “ding!” from inside as Maeve’s head whipped around. Demeanor shifting as she practically skipped down the hall humming to herself. He thought back to how distracted she seemed yesterday, was she always this flighty?
Maeve was found in a kitchen pulling something from the oven.
Fresh baked bread
Amaranthus gasped at the smell causing Maeve to turn with a grin.
“I wondered if you would recognize it, I’ve left loaves for our friend in the past.”
Cecilio sat down at a small kitchen table where tea was already laid out. “You’ve left her baked goods?”
Maeve nodded with a small hum as she carefully sliced the loaf and set it on the table with a small plate of butter. “Best way to anyone’s heart is their stomach, yes? I wanted to try and slowly build an acquaintanceship with her but she’s so weary of strangers I worried I wouldn’t succeed. But… well, here the two of you are.”
Cecelio took a sip of tea, “why are you so interested? No offence ma’am, but you don’t seem the type to enjoy long hikes in the woods with a monster.
Maeve took a sip of her tea with a small smile. “No, she’s not a monster. An artist yes, but not a monster. She is a person of interest to me however. Would you be so kind my dear in sharing what you can about our friend?”
Cecilio arched an eyebrow at the “artist” comment but did not say anything on it. “Well ladies first, I have a feeling you know something I don’t if I’m being honest.”
Maeve gave a warm smile with the tilt of her head. Humming quietly as she pulled something from her pocket and set it on the table.
A police badge.
Maeve gave a wicked grin, “lets try this again hmm? Tell me what you know.”
Cecelio stared down at the badge in disbelief. It was a good minute before he could muster up a dry chuckle. “Well son of a b-”
“Language!” Maeve snapped.
Both Cecilio and Ama jumped in their seats, startled by the first real sign of aggression Maeve had given them, a deep frown on her face. For just a moment Cecilio thought back to what Ama had whispered to him.
Cecilio cleared his throat, “my apologies miss. You just threw me for a loop there. Let’s make a deal huh? I’m here because I’m worried about Maggie, and you clearly know something I don’t. So let's all be honest to each other.”
Maeve tilted her head, “have I lied? I mean, in this room?”
“Well you weren’t forthcoming about being a cop.”
“Our dear one here met my brother and I at a diner,” Maeve replied with a nod to Ama, “we showed her our badges.”
Ama wasn’t paying attention, she hadn’t touched the bread or tea either, she was still sniffing the air. “Why does your garage smell like blood? I could smell it from outside.”
Maeve and Cecilio both froze. When Ama had whispered this piece of information to him, Cecelio was concerned but driven in the want to help Maggie. But now here was Maeve with a blank expression on her face. Watching him as she slowly leaned to one side.
“She’s got a weapon under the table”, Cecilio realized.
“Hey now if we’re all being honest I can honestly say that's not an issue.” Cecilio said with a casual wave of his hand. “Ama sweetheart, I think you can take your hoodie off.”
“Eh, she's ummm…. Our new friend here is kinda like your dad. “
Ama watched Maeve in uncertainty before slowly pulling her hood off to reveal a tiny set of horns.
Maeve gasped in surprise, but there was no fear. She grinned like a kid at Christmas.
“They’re so darling!” She cheered as she clasped her hands together in delight. “I wondered if there were more than just our artist. This is splendid!”
Ama stared at the older woman dumbfounded. “Your not gonna-”
“Oh no don’t worry sweetheart I won’t say a word to anyone.” Maeve promised before turning to Cecilio, “As long as we’re all honest with each other, there is no need to be a tattle tail.”
The badge went away and all three of them calmed down after that.  At one point a small dachshund entered the kitchen much to Ama’s delight and Cecilio’s relief since she didn’t see Maeve pick up the butcher knife from under the table and casually deposit it in the sink.
Cecilio shook his head, remembering the knife from yesterday. Guess she had an M.O.
Ama pulled the dog into her lap as Maeve returned with a plate of cookies and several manila folders. “Trouble can’t be at the table when there’s food my dear,” she instructed as Ama set the dog down with a sigh.
“Now then,” Maeve began. “I am technically a part of an investigation regarding several ritualistic murders in that part of the forest. When I couldn’t copy the M.O. myself I realised the killer couldn’t possibly be human.”
Cecilio nodded as he bit into a cookie, “but I think she is- or at least was.”
“You’re correct.” Maeve agreed as she flipped open a folder. Inside Cecilio was shocked to see photos of two older women. One with frighteningly familiar red hair.”
“Are they?”
“Her oldest sisters yes.’ Maeve confirmed, “did you know Maggie is in her fifties? She wouldn’t look it would she?”
“She doesn’t age?”
“I don’t think she could if she tried. But picture this, nearly fifty years ago twelve children were found on the side of the highway. Oldest was fifteen and the youngest was six. You won’t believe the leg work I had to do to track down these two.”
Cecilio nodded, “I’ve been teaching Maggie to read. We became friends after Ama wandered into her territory by accident.”
Maeve nodded, “she won’t kill children.”
“Yeah, I got a free pass as well I guess. But in her cabin there’s a photo of all these kids plus a number thirteen.”
“Yes. Where did they come from?”
“About three miles from where most of the killings occurred there are the remains of a compound. From what the sisters told me their community worshiped whatever it is Maggie is bound to serve. Think of her as an unwilling high priestess. The honor was supposed to go to the eldest sibling.”
“So they were runaways? Why leave Maggie behind?”
“It wasn’t their intention. But we are talking about two teenagers organizing a mass breakout. Their mother was the old Huntress and the community had no choice but to use Maggie.”
“So she's been like this since she was a kid? What happened to the compound?”
Cecilio leaned forward, the writer in him sensing a plot twist, “what do you think happened?”
Maeve gave a grim smile, “No child would be able to perform such a complicated kill. It takes too much strength and dexterity. I suspect until Maggie was capable, the entity turned to the only food source available.”
“It ate them?”
“I suppose.”
“Maggie said she feeds it so whatever that thing is would get out of control and eat everyone else. How much do you want to bet she’s protecting a village she doesn’t even realize is empty?”
“Maggie’s job is to share visions and directions she is given to her people in exchange for her work.” Maeve explained. “I guarantee you she knows and is trapped in her contract. But I have a suspicion this thing isn’t nearly that powerful if it needs a host.”
“Wait,” Cecilio choked as he hastily swallowed the cookie he was eating. “Host?”
Maeve nodded, “it needs someone to kill for it. It’s shaped our girl into the thing that she is but according to the sisters Maggie is just a glorified puppet.”
“She’s not the monster-”
“She’s it’s first victim. At least in my investigation. The sisters gave me the impression this has been going on for several generations.”
Cecilio nodded, processing all this new information. “Maggie is out there alone, she stays quiet and follows that thing’s orders.”
“Not very well if she’s letting the three of us live whenever we visit,” Maeve commented with a sip of her tea. “From my understanding this thing is rather glutinous.”
“What will it do if it gets angry with Maggie?”
“Maggie is apparently not allowed to live for herself but she's not allowed to die either. Not until a suitable successor is given.” Maeve explained, “her sisters told me that the last time a hunter was belligerent their free will was stripped away entirely.”
“Maggie hasn’t been allowing Ama or I to visit in months,” Cecilio stated. “We’ve been trying but she won’t have it. And yesterday-”
“Didn’t it feel like something was wrong out there?” Maeve asked.
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varian-varient · 5 years
“I-I-I... to s-say... to tel-l you... I-I mean...”
Gift for @kingtamakimurder!! <3 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. I LOVE YOU.
1- I know cherry blossoms do not bloom in February, it just fits my vision. 2- Yes, it’s 110% Valentines in the ficlette, I started this a while ago and thought I would finish this sooner than Christmas. 3- Please teach me how to format on mobile. 4- lmao y’all, good luck reading the confession, you have to fill in the stutter and pauses better than I could write.
Word Count: 2,400-ish.
KISSES!!! (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
It tumbled out of your locker when you were talking to Nejire. You didn’t notice it at first, but the gasp she made was enough to make you worry. She held your arm and jumped, repeating “oh my god!” in your ear in various pitches and volumes.
“Meet me under the old Cherry Blossom tree by Ground Xi during lunch?”
You think she squealed louder than you did. The little note was perfect- the script was neat and well practiced, something you don’t think you could recognize and the missing signature didn’t help. The little drawing of the bunny at the bottom was adorable, and oddly familiar. You held it too your face and smiled- it smelled like vanilla. You hoped it was from him...
Valentine’s Day was the only day where people could fawn over all the crushes they had without being ridiculed. However, you still couldn’t tell yours. He was... a work in progress, some times. But he was worth the work and time. His smile, his laughter, everything was worth every second it took to make him smile. Tamaki was your everything- even if you weren’t his.
You started to like him after your first year Sports Festival. After walking to the stage to fight you, he got nervous after some of the other students cheered both of you on and he accidentally activated his quirk- chicken wings to hide himself, but he was an angel. For the rest of the battle you couldn’t stop thinking about how... angelic, perfect, absolutely beautiful he looked. He eventually just knocked you out of the ring, muttering a thousand apologies. It was when he got to the final battle with Mirio did he actually fight.... kidding- those idiots played three rounds of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” and decide the winner off of that. Tamaki won.
But that was 2 years ago! You couldn’t harbor feelings like this for going on 3 years! ......... It was a lie and you knew it; Mirio and Nejire knew it; the class knew it; the teachers knew it; the only one who didn’t know it was Tamaki himself. You would laugh at his jokes, smile at him, wave to him, made sure his comments were taken care of in group activities if Mirio wasn’t around, ask him questions about his day or weekend, have him know that someone was watching out for him.
Few times did you talked to him alone- you felt your face flush thinking about him- he would turn away and nod to questions or comments. Hardly would he actually respond back to you. Sometimes, on days he’s was flushed and sick, he would avoid you all together. It was nice to think he was afraid of getting you sick too.
As you left to leave for class, you ran into Mirio and Tamaki talking in a mostly empty hallway. Mirio was giving Tamaki his daily pep talk, but this one looked more personal. A loud “YOU GAVE IT TO HER?” echoed, pride and terror both laced Mirio’s tone. As they locked eyes with you, Tamaki shied away against a window. You waved, but only one waved back- almost robotic and forced for the situation. Passing by them, you smiled to Tamaki. He only gave a half smile back- and with the small glimpse of his face you saw, he was as red as you could remember him to be. What a horrible day to get sick on...
You walked the rest of the way to class, mostly lost in thought, even with Nejire beating on your arm. Crossing paths with your homeroom teacher, Present Mic, you silently greeted him with a lovesick smile on your face. Nejire walked in behind you, talking her head off about anything and everything. You over heard a quick “Did he...? Oh my god! He did?!” and “Yes! He did!” from Nejire and Mic. Those two could gossip together more than any other student.
As you sat and got your desk ready for class, you spaced out thinking about the note, and Tamaki, and who ever else you could think of who could have writen it. There was the electric blond from 1-A; the shadow girl from 2-C; the one student from 2-B you sometimes tutored; but everything lead to Tama-
“So? You gonna go?” Nejire whispered loudly, catching you out of thought. She pulled a chair up to your desk and sprawled a crossed your table. You looked up and away from her- accidently catching Mic-Sensei; his grin was enough to make you give up. You titled your head a little, looking away from Mic, and signed. “I’ll go, but it would feel like cheating on my feelings...if I said yes.” you whispered back. Nejire sat up straight, determination on her face. She gave you a small frown and opened her mouth to make another comment.
“What about cheating?” A voice boomed out before she could though, it was Mirio with Tamaki behind him. You gave both boys a better greeting from the first as Nejire beamed at them, waving her arms and talked louder than she needed to. “Our little one here got a confession note!” Nejire gushed about. “It fell out her locker in front of her face and she didn’t even see it. And it’s got the cutest little bunny on it, and she keeps smelling it!” Most of the class comments died down, and looked at the four of you waiting on the rest of the commotion.
“S-smelling it?” Tamaki murmured, his cheeks were a slightly less shade of pink as you locked eyes. He turned on his heels and walked to his seat, not letting anyone talk to him. He knocked his head to the top of his desk, and wrapped his arms around himself. His ears peaked from behind his hair- red as the octopus he eats. Nauseous...?
Classes were more than uneventful. More homework, no hero training for the day. Something or another about a request from the other girls. Most teacher didn’t do anything and let people talk quietly. Earserhead came by last second before lunch to ask for Tamaki, you didn’t know why but the class held their breath at it. For once was Tamaki confident, walking out with one of the most hard teachers.
They left for the hallway, the class erupted in comments. “Do you think...”, “It has to be, he’s friends with the red kid.”, “Holy shit, she’s not going to believe it.”, “This is gonna be like a fairytale!” Little comments pulled you to and from person to person. What was Tamaki going to do? Did he get in trouble? Who is “she”? What has Kirishima to do with it? Your head was swamped with dread, thinking that he was in trouble.
The lunch bell rang and the class ran out of the room. Giggles and the noise following. Nejire stayed behind with you- watching you scarf down the bento you pack- thanks to your quirk you had been limited on what you can eat. She talked enough the fill the silence as you ate. Mostly about her hair, or her nails, or how Yuyu has been doing, or her training.
“For someone afraid to cheat on your feelings, you’re excited enough to go see the note writer!” was the last comment you heard before you booked it out of the classroom. Waving her a salut, you ran down the empty hallway. “Yeah,” you thought. “I’m waiting for Tamaki.”
Finding the tree was easy- it is the only tree as old as quirks itself. Generations upon generations of flowers blooming from its branches. No one was under it yet, you were alone- happily. You steadied your breath once and you walked back and forth, in front of the tree.
Was it just the wind or did you it feel like the blossoms were falling much quicker around you alone? None of the other flowers from other trees were falling as quickly. Trying to look up, the sunlight glared at you to look back down.
You stood, bouncing and walking back and forth, waiting- for what could have felt like hours. Checking your phone, you see that it’s only been 20 minutes. Just long enough for someone to eat, normally, and make their way over to the tree, when not running. You brushed your hands against your face, reminding yourself to breath. They would come when they were ready.
They would come and it would be fine- the writer of the note would be coming and you’d look cute and if it wasn’t Tamaki, you’d gently let them down, and if it was Tamaki, you wouldn’t cry and let him talk first- but if this was a jok-
“L-Lost in th-though-t a-a-again, Bun-Bunny?” a timid voice got you out of the scatterbrained thoughts. You locked eyes with the same shade indigo you were just thinking of. It didn’t click to you who it even was- blinking away. He laughed silently, watching at the gears turned before the lightbulb clicked on.
“Ta-Ta-Tama!” You took a few steps back, and bumped into the tree. You were so ready for it to be him, but now? Now you lost everything you wanted to say to him. Blank minded, you could stare.
He jumped back at same time you did. The slight of his cool demeanor gone. He grasped his hands and pulled at his fingers, a trick Mirio taught him to calm down. Taking a heavy breath, he stayed staring at the ground and begin his nervous rant.
“I-I wasn’t sure i-if you would ev-en come. Mirio sai-d I shoul-d tell you bef-before the year en-ded, but I... wasn’t sure if you-you wanted to... be w-with... me. Fat Gum tol-told me that I-I would re-regret it if... I didn’t tel-l you s-oon, since I see you ev-ery-day and may not-not get to see you as oft-often af-ter grad-gradu-ation- with us becom-becoming heroes and all.... And Kiri-Kirishi-ma and other fir-first years ke-kept giv-ing me re-really b-bad ideas t-to con-fess to... you. Yaya sai-d thi-is would be be-best.” He took a small break and kept talking. He rocked himself; from one foot to the other, and back and forth from his heels to his toes.
“Bu-t I-I did-n’t wa-nt to... em-barr-ass you a-and m-ma-ke you so un-uncom-forta-ble that-that you woul-d leave... me. You’re jus-t ama-zing, a-and st-rong, a-and you nev-never gi-give up t-to anyth-thing. You al-alway-s put other-other people fir-first.” He was rambling and shying himself away. His stutter was getting worse with every passing word.
“Tama, slow down... I would always be here for you...” you knew what he was getting at, but right now you didn’t want him to put you on this pedestal. You just wanted to help him before he launched himself into a panic. He gave a small huff, he looked down harder, twitteling his hands together then grabbing his pants. You reached forwards to grab him, before he wrinkled his pants or ripped them from his grasp, but he took a step back from you. His head still hung low.
“I-I-I... to s-say... to tel-l you... I-I mean...” His stutter was worse. He wasn’t shaking yet, but he has going to be getting there soon. You took another step forward, but he took another step back- he didn’t want the comfort, he wanted to do this. You raised one of your hands out to him, letting him come to you instead. Giving him the softest smile you could, reminding him you’re still you and still here for him. He let go of his pants and grabbed your outstretched hand and just pressed his lips to your knuckle for a few seconds. Letting go of your hand and taking a deep breath, he looked up and looked you in the eyes.
“I wanted to tell you I like you, Bunny.”
For once he didn’t stutter. You collapsed against him and grabbed the back of his shirt, and began to sniffle to stop yourself from crying. Baring your face into his chest- vanilla eloping your mind. He wrapped his arms around you and nervously called for you. You felt yourself begin to tear up anyways. The note was his- this was his declaration to you.
“B-Bunn-y?” There is was. The pauses and stutter you love. The nervous ticks you love. The person you love. He loved you back.
You pulled away ever so sightly, and looked up to him. Your smile was brighter than the sun itself. He felt the same way. He felt the same way and this wasn’t a dream. Your eyes were glossy. You held onto his cheeks and tilted, catching him onto the most chaste, most innocent first kiss. He tensed up for a second and you began to pull away and apologize.
But- soft and gently- his began to kiss back, gliding onto yours. His hands dropped from your back to rest upon you hips, innocently pulling you close. You hands drifted from his face to his hair, tugging the knotted strands. As you parted for a quick breath, he uttered the words against your lips.
“I love you, Bunny.”
You leaned in for another kiss, feeling the tears begin to finally fall, before you both heard it. Whoops and cheers came from above you; you both pulled away and looked up in shock. Classmates and the students from 1-A sat in the tree- waging and waving the branches to make the cherry blossoms fall faster.
“I KNEW IT!” “Go Tamaki!” “Congrats Senpais!” “I told you this would work, Amajiki!” “He finally got the girl!”
You turned away form the monkeys and looked at Tamaki. The word was breathless on your lips. He smiled and held you, whipping away a few stray tears. Your cheeks began to hurt from how much your were smiling.
“Finally?” Like the last of the the tape had been ripped away from him, Tamaki sternly looked at your nose. Keeping his eyes on your face, yes, but still to nervous to look into your eyes again.
“Bunny, I-I.... I’ve lov.... l-liked you gr-eatly sin-since fir-st year. W-ill you please go-o out with...me?” He gasped out the last of the confession and gave a small pause at ‘me’. Like he was waiting for rejection, he turned his head and held his breath. Still holding onto your waist. You placed your hands back onto his cheeks and guided him face you, kissing him again- telling him he’s been the only one in your heart.
While everyone knew about your crush on Tamaki but him; everyone knew about Tamaki’s crush on you but you.
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mitaikenhorizon · 4 years
G, M, O, S, U for whoever you'd like to answer these for o:
G) Hobbies and favourite pastimes.
Mira actually dabbles a bit in leather working! Since she grew up in Gridania she ended up taking a few classes from the guild and likes to make small things like bracelets, bag tassels, ect. Before she started her adventure too, she also really loved camping! So sleeping in the wilderness between cities isn’t a problem for her at all, it just takes a campfire and some stories to perk up the experience.
M) A few interesting facts about them.
Hmm let’s do Tamaki for this since he’s the most recent of my ocs on here. I feel like I’ve mentioned the part about him being based on the story of Ryugu-Jo (Dragon Palace), but his name lightly references that! Tatsuzaki can share the same Kanji as the word for dragon, and the Tama in Tamaki comes from the Kanji for jewel or peal, so his name can sorta translate to Jewel Dragon, which seems pretty palace-y to me. His main class is dancer for a similar reason, being a reference to the dancers in the palace in the story! (Can you tell I like folklore references)
this one isn’t too interesting, but he laughs like “ufufu” just thought everyone should know askjfnjkafskj
O) What’s their dream profession?
Ama never really put much thought into what she’d want to do in the future, just kind of assuming she’d end up being some trading partner’s housewife or being a part of the family’s business until then. But part of her always wanted to put her healing magics and knowledge to good use as a nurse (I can’t. remember the term they use in game I think it starts with a C) even when at the time her healing takes from her own aether and hurts her. However even then that felt more of “I need to make myself useful” rather than “I want to do this” so she’s back to square one. Much to think about.
S)  Is there something in their life they regret?
HOOOOOOOOOOOOBOY what DOESN’T Juno regret in life. Despite trying to focus so hard on the present/future she lives in the past very much and wishes for a way to fix all her past wrongs. She wishes she spent more time with her veena tribe before having to leave, she wishes she never took up black magic, even when she’s in Eorzea she regrets not being able to save so many people she’s seen die. Someone needs to run the Alex raids to learn that’s not a healthy way to go about life
U)  Are they a morning or night person?
Morning People: Mira (very much someone who thrives in the sunlight!), Ama (early to bed early to rise, only up very late if she’s not doing great anyway)
Night People: Juno (She’s an astrologian, also her sleep schedule is nonexistent and prefers to be alone), Tamaki (despite not liking the cold, he likes the more chill atmosphere of the night and the calmness in the quiet of it.)
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mysticnfantastic · 6 years
Okay, so on a happier note than my previous request. If requests are still open could do a scenario with RFA + V and Saeran (and maybe also Ray?) holding hands with MC when she suddenly flops to the ground and makes them carry/drag her because she doesn't want to go somewhere (like to the hospital for a checkup cause she hates hospitals or the grocery store cause of social anxiety or something)? I'm really curious about how they would react.
Hi! I hope this’ll  be good! It’s cute!
Jumin is a responsible man.
He makes sure to attend all meetings, check-ups and the like when he must, and is used to everyone else doing the same.
And it is because of this that he is rather shocked to see your (seemingly childish) reaction when you refused to go to the hospital
At first, he tries to convince you bluntly, not understanding where this is all coming from - you just….flopped in the middle of his apartment.
When you refuse to get up, he sighs, and tries to ask you why you’re acting this way, and will try to listen to you as you embarrassedly admit how you feel too anxious to go, and how you have had some pretty bad experiences in hospitals, which made him feel for you, of course, but he also knew you’d have to go for your check up to make sure that you were healthy…
So, he’d probably make a deal with you - he’d have private doctors come to you to check you, instead, and he’d be there by your side the majority of the time.
It was so random, he couldn’t have ever expected it.
You two were just...walking through town when he mentioned how you’d need to go shopping with him, and you just...flopped.
It was really strange and he had honestly no idea how to react, but he crouched down beside you, super concerned, thinking you had a seizure or something, panic in his (beautiful) crimson eyes
“MC!? MC, are you okay??”
Finds it NOT funny when he realises you aren’t actually hurt, but also relieved as fuck.
You shake your head though when he asks if you’re actually alright, and it makes him concerned, as he helps you to your legs, glaring at people who gave you two weird looks.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice fully laced with worry as he looked into your eyes, pulling you into a nice alleyway for some privacy from prying eyes.
You explained your feelings and concerns and anxiety to him, trying not to get upset, to which he smiled reassuringly and kissed your forehead in a gentle manner only Zen could manage.
“That’s okay - I’ll be with you the whole time, okay? If you feel too overwhelmed we can leave and go home.”
Despite this, you refuse, and so he picks up you in his arms and literally carries you to the shops, it gains A LOT of attention.
Gods save this precious bean, he has NO fucking idea what’s happening.
You were both just hanging out at the park, when he remembered how he needed to go to town and pick up some important things, and asked you to go with him, to which you responded by flopping facedown into his bed, saying something that got muffled under the pillow.
You hadn’t ever really..done anything like this before, so it was...interesting…?
So damn confused, is that a ‘no’, then?
You’ll sit up on his bed, and sadly explain why you /really/ don’t want to go to buy anything with him, the social atmosphere being suffocating to you.
He’ll nod, somewhat relieved it’s nothing too major, and he promises that you needn’t go, and that he can and will go by himself.
You feel bad just...waiting at his dorm whilst he goes to do errands all alone, but when he comes back he brings you back candy to cheer you up.
You were just hanging out at his house, sitting on his bed as he sat in front of his computer, typing away.
Eventually, he pulled away from the illuminated screen, smiling at you (like the dork he is) and then pouted when he saw your pale face.
You had been ill recently, and it showed.
Sighing softly, he tried to smile regardless, standing up and walking over to you, when he sat down beside you on the bed, he declared you had to go to the doctor.
Queue you immediately (and dramatically) falling into his lap face-up, hand on forehead like a prima donna.
He’s surprised, but chuckles lightly, shaking his head at your childish endeavours.
“Come on, MC, don’t be like this.”
You shake your head, refusing to go.
He sighs, and tries to make a deal with you - if you agree to go to the doctor, he’ll get off that forsaken computer and spend more time with you when you get better.
Usually, you were quite calm and easy-going, and that made this situation so much more confusing for this poor angel.
He stated that the two of you needed to go to the supermarket to buy some groceries, and your reaction was highly unusual.
You didn’t really even say ‘no’ you just...fell onto the floor, lying on your back, looking up at him with a pout.
V.Exe is not responding
He has no idea what the actual hell just happened.
“...M...MC? What are you doing?”
The humiliation suddenly hits you and you get up off the floor, blushing softly and explaining your dislike of being in public due to your social anxiety.
He’s still mildly confused as to why you felt the need to fall onto the ground to tell him that, but he understands what it feels like to be anxious, and just tells you to make a list of the things you want him to buy.
The two of you were in town, holding hands as you made your way past the buildings, when Jaehee mentioned how it’s about time for you to go and make your annual medical examination
And you responded by...suddenly going limp and literally falling on the ground, much to her shock.
Thankfully, you weren’t in a busy part of town, but it still gained someone unsavory looks.
“MC!? What are you doing…? Get up from there…!” She’s slightly panicked but also embarrassed by the glances from passersby.
She helps you to your feet, though she does glance you over to make sure you aren’t hurt, worried about what caused you to do that.
When you explain the problem to her, she sighs in disappointment. “Really, MC?”
Disappointed Mom Mode
“You’re going to have to go get checked, but I suppose I could make the appointment with you if you’d like.”
It was the day of your doctor appointment, and you really hated the doctor.
Something about the doctor just...caused a deep discomfort within you, and you absolutely loathed it. You weren’t even /that/ ill…!
Unfortunately, Saeran begged to differ, calling you out for how you clearly needed to go.
You could tell her was becoming frustrated with how childish you were being, shaking your head like a five year old and refusing to go get yourself checked out.
When he tried to get you to stand up, you went limp and fell onto the bed, low-key freaking the poor boy out with your sudden limpness.
“W-What?...MC! Get up!”
You jokingly say ‘not unless you carry me!”
MUCH to your shock you feel him suddenly lifting you up in the air, into his chest like a princess, “Damn, you’re heavy.”
You know he’s joking, but you still playfully hit his chest in an ‘offended’ manner.
He chuckles softly, as he carries you through the town (and the two of you recieve many gazes of awe and confusion as you do so)
Ray and you were in the garden, technically on a date.
And it was then you remembered you had a ‘one on one meeting’ with the Saviour.
Immediately you felt the anxiety within you, and you bit your lip, and unfortunately Ray noticed your internal distress.
“Everything okay, MC?” His voice was so full of love and concern.
“I...have to go see the Saviour in a little while.”
Ray’s face was confused - why did you seem so immensely concerned by it?
“I...suppose I am slightly anxious, haha…” you exclaimed, biting down on your lips harder. It intimidated you, and honestly this entire situation was so unusual and odd for you.
You were clearly very hesitant on going, and before you could really say anything else, you felt him princess-carry you to where your meeting would be taking place.
Hope this was good, it took ages and also confession: Mod Ama has long-ago deleted the app (B/c it took too much space and generally I b r e a t h e d this game, and it was...taking way too much time from my busy ass life, BUT i have read A LOT of fanfiction from the Saeran/Ray route, and also I wiki’d shit like hell, and so the Ray scenario is just…..something I made up so don’t shoot me pls.
- Mod Ama 
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health-potions · 6 years
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people to do the same (isn’t this how spam emails happened)
Tagged by: @lamp-shader ♥
Name: Lashantae
Nickname: depends on which friend you ask
Gender: female 
Zodiac: libra
Height: I haven’t had my height measured in like 2 years. I think I’m 5′8″ though
Time: 1:44AM EST
Favorite band/solo artist: changes all the time lol. currently Doja Cat
Song stuck in my head: (it’s literally a cycle of these three songs) REEL IT IN - Amine, Tried Up - Ama Lou, 100 Bad - Tommy Genesis
Last movie I saw: this japanese “horror” movie called Tag.. I was confused the entire time until I read an explanation. after reading it I totally support that movie for what it stands for
Last thing I googled: “ledger of perceived slights” because someone posted a picture of it on discord and @’d me (I still don’t know what it means lol)
Other blogs: @pulchritudinous-space made it for no particular reason. but looking at pretty people apparently calms me.. so... lmao
Do I get asks: ......*lights cigarette*. I haven’t gotten something like that in a long time.... talk to me I’m annoying and lonely
Why I chose this URL:   G A M E R     U R L      A M     I     R I G H T   ?????
Following: 747.. wow lmao I should go through that and unfollow the inactives
Amount of sleep I get: right now? way too much. but I have to job hunt again soon so ... weeeeee
Lucky number: *reaper shrug*
What I’m wearing: pajamas
Dream job: ....d-don’t ask me this
Dream trip: like, anywhere with a tropical beach. but I’ve also never been anywhere in europe or asia so that would be cool too
Favorite foods: falafel & anything spicy
Instruments: piano but I haven’t played it in like 6 years
Favorite song: basically anything by Banks and/or Bad Blood - Nao
Tagging: anybody who wants to do this andddd @x-imie @dxrkfiraga @owliish @diabolicalnerd @catt-crossing @formermayoreliazar @oliviascolomar
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keekafeefa · 6 years
The Final Bossatronian - Chapter 1: The Fall
Everything was calm, he was in his play area giggling as he played with his little septic-eye, Sam. He crawled over to his eyeball friend and hugged him, pulling him closer with his meaty baby hands. He giggled as he felt Sam squirm in his grip.
He babbled loudly as he crawled himself over to the little side table with a lamp on it. He sat himself down and reached his arms up to grab on its edge. Then he pulled himself up, all the while babbling away with a big smile on his face.
He twisted himself over to look at his brother, an almost exact replica of himself. The biggest differences between the two were eye color, as one had both eyes a brilliant blue where the other had one eye that was a dazzling septic green to match his blue eye. He also had sharper teeth, pointed in a way only some were born with.
He smiled a big toothy grin towards his brother and waved his little hand. This earned him a giggle from said brother and a wave back as he tossed around a little ball with his septic eye pet.
He turned then to smile at Mommy, who sat in the rocking chair next to him. Then he giggled again and turned towards her. He slowly and carefully put one foot out in front of him, and then the other. He waddled the few steps to his mother's side and looked up at her with a proud smile.
She was beaming at him, arms reaching down to pick him up as she began to speak.
"Oh! You did such a good job Sea-" she froze, her hand's inches away from him as something shook the house, swaying the nearly year old child. Then a loud wailing alarm started and she gasped. Sean began to cry as the sound hurt his ears.
He was knocked from his place standing against the rocking chair as his mother stood up, landing on the ground. He had big tears running down his face as he cried. His mother cooed at him and lifted him up, placing him on her hip before scurrying out of the room. Her septic eyes were glowing brightly.
She ran into Daddy as she raced down the hall, both had terrified, one might even say horrified, expressions on their faces. Daddy's sharp teeth were barred in fear.
"Is that what I think it is?"
"Yes, we need to hurry. It's already begun. Some got through the defences unnoticed. We might even be too late."
"Oh gods... you get Andy, I'll take Sean, hurry!" Mommy called before rushing past her husband, tears streaming down her face. She burst through the door to find absolute chaos. People everywhere were screaming in terror, fires were sprouting up everywhere as the buildings and vehicles were shot from above.
She turned to look behind her, her child in hand, to the door of the house, stepping backward slowly as she waited. Her eyes were constantly moving and Sean whimpered in her arms. She smiled in relief when Sam came bounding out of the house.
Her face fell as she looked up, though. A fireball was headed their way. She screamed for her family, calling for her husband to hurry up before turning away and running. Sean was thrown to her shoulder, head resting in the crook of her neck.
His big blue eyes were watching the door to the house, confused. Where's Daddy and Andy? He sat up as best he could in Mommy's arms when he saw his father in the doorway, a terrible look on his face, Andy in his arms.
"Martha! Sea-!"
And then there was fire and heat reaching out towards the mother and child as they fell to the ground. Sean's mother didn't look back as she wailed in agony, lifting herself from the ground and holding her baby close as she ran. Sean was forced, unknowingly, to watch as his home burned.
He would one day swear his infantile mind saw his father, holding his twin, smiling sadly at him from the doorway of the burning house before disappearing in a cloud of ash and flame.
He was wailing now, though it was unheard over the sound of the alarms all around them. Everywhere fires burned and families ran for safety. Everyone was headed to the same place. They had prepared for this day.
There were escape pods in every city hall, enough for at least half the city if all the pods survived. Sean and his mother, Sam trailing behind them, were some of the last to arrive at the hall. Sean shifted when he heard his mother gasp, turning to look in front of them.
The hall was ruined, it's domed roof shattered, fire spilling from some of its windows. But they were still moving towards it. A few escape pods could be seen making an exit through the now open roof, only to be shot down and fall like fiery balls of light and destruction.
Behind it, the great septic tanks that fueled the city began to fall. Green liquid began to spill forth and its gasses began to rise and mix, creating a toxin that would soon choke those below as it fell to the ground. There were screams of terror and pain everywhere.
They entered the burning city hall and the world quieted a little. Sean's mother looked around desperately, before relaxing her shoulders a little and running as fast as she could towards a small pod in the corner. It was still running, despite everything, and it wasn't damaged.
She laughed in relief as they neared, before screaming. There was an explosion behind them, tossing them forwards, again. As Sean's eyes opened once more, he felt calm. He couldn't hear anything, and he was still in his mother's embrace, though it had gotten weaker.
He looked around with wide eyes as his mother stood and slowly, jerkily, made her way to the escape pod. He was gently placed in it, and he looked up at her in confusion when she stepped away after doing him up.
He reached out for her as she started pressing buttons below his feet, whining, though silent to his own ears. She looked up at him with a sad smile and grabbed his tiny hand in hers. She leaned in and kissed him, before wiping the blood she'd left on his face away gently.
Sounds began to echo softly around him as his mother cried, and Sean reached out for her as she began to pull away. "You are... nt fo... great thin... ean..." she said, her voice fading in and out in his little ears. She smiled sadly and closed the lid. Sean began to cry and reach towards her, hands stopping as they hit the glass.
"M-ma-ama!" he cried out, and a spark of pride filled his mother's eyes as she stepped away. A small red and green lump held in her hands as tears trailed down her smiling face. She was hunched pitifully, her leg twisted at an awkward angle.
The creature in her hand stirred, and turned to the boy, looking straight at him. It was Sam, and the little septic eyeball seemed to smile at him too, before fading to a grey-green as he stilled in his mother's arms.
"MomMY!" Jack screamed, reaching out with his hands. He panted and gasped for breath as he looked wildly around his room. He relaxed a little when he recognized where he was. I'm safe. I'm in my room, in my apartment. Everything's fine. No ones burning. It was just the nightmare.
He tried hard to calm his breathing completely as he reached out for his Sam plush. He could feel wet trails on his cheeks and brushed the away harshly, though unsuccessfully. He swallowed hard and looked at the clock.
4:20 AM, great. Well, hey, since I know I'm not going back to sleep after that, at least I'm up early. Maybe I can do some more editing now..? He thought to himself, sliding from his bed with Sam held tightly to his chest.
He slowly made his way to the kitchen and prepped some coffee. As he waited for it to brew he sighed. He'd been having that nightmare since a young child, and he never knew why. The mother, father and 'twin' he saw in the dream weren't his. His parents didn't look like that, and he never had a twin. And he was always so... little. A child, no older than one in the dreams.
And such devastation and tragedy... why would a child dream something like that, and why would it be a recurring dream for years? He sighed again and ran a hand through his faded green hair. he always hated that dream. They always shook him, more than anything.
And he could never figure out why.
He set his Sam down on the counter and ran his fingers through his hair desperately trying to calm himself. He could feel tears rising in his eyes, a hard lump forming in his throat as he slid down the wall.
He let out a dry sob as he buried his head into his knees. He felt his hands shakily reaching for his phone. He lifted his head to look at it cautiously when he pulled it down to his face. He debated calling her for awhile, before giving in.
He dialed his mother and waited as his phone rang.
"Jack? What's up hun?" his mother's groggy voice said from the other end of the phone. He swallowed and immediately began to feel guilty.
"I-i'm sorry... d-did I wake you?" he said, trying to hide the fear and... the strange feeling of loss that had settled in his chest, from his voice.
"Jack? Sean? What is it, what's wrong, baby?" his mother's voice was calming to him. He sighed and felt a small whimper fall from his lips.
"I.. I had it again..." he mumbled sadly, he could hear his mother cooing apologetically in his ear. His eyes fell shut and he sighed a little, curling himself up a little tighter. Images of a burning world, different yet similar to earth. Flashes of two familiar faces he'd never seen anywhere but in his dreams, and a grey-green Sam that seemed to break his heart every time he saw him.
"Oh, honey... D-do you need anything? Want me ta come over later?" his mother asked, a concerned tone to her voice. He nodded his head before remembering she couldn't see him.
"Y-yeah... if you don't mind..." he whispered to her quietly. He leaned his head against his knees, phone pressed to his ear as tears gathered in his eyes again. He hated that dream.Hated it. And he didn't hate many things.
"Alright, Jackaboy, I'll come by in a few hours, alright? Make ya some breakfast? You just go and lay down fer a bit. Ya don't have to sleep, jus'... rest yerself, kay? I'll come 'round and make pancakes if yer good," she said, ending with a lighter tone.
Jack chuckled dryly, voice cracking as a few tears escaped. "Okay mom..." he whispered, dreading having to hang up and be alone again. But he knew his mother needed the sleep, and that she would be by later for pancakes.
"Alright, see ya later, alligator," Jack smiled a little and lifted his head.
"After a while, crocodile..." he said in a soft voice. He heard his mother's sleepy laugh and a soft 'muah' sound followed by an 'I love you', before the click and long tone signaling she'd hung up.
And leaned his head back against the wall and sighed,might as well head back to my room... she'll get mad if I don't at least rest myself. Don't need to be tiring myself out to much anyway. He thought as he slowly pushed himself up off the ground.
He left his, now cold, coffee on the counter, grabbing Sam as he passed, and lugged himself back to his room. He flopped (un)gracefully down onto his bed, face shoved into his pillow and Sam once again clutched tightly to his chest. He felt the tears return and let them fall, knowing it was better than holding it all in for hours...
Who are those people? Why do I see them in my dreams? Why do they keep coming back to me? he wondered, just like he did every time this happened. He smiled ruefully, this was the longest he'd ever gone without one of those nightmares before.
He had managed to last five whole months without anything of the like. The only thing even close to the nightmares were the overabundance of Septic-Eye Sam's he had, matching the small creature from his dreams, in a plush form of course.
He soon drifted off, focus on the world fading in and out as sleep claimed him once more.
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xaela-siblings · 6 years
Meet the Character: Goya&Amaeris
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► Name ➔ "Goya`s my name. And my sister here is Amaeris.” She stood back a bit, clearly disinterested
► Are you single? ➔ “No, I`ve got quite the fluffy cat at home.” There was a hint of pink in his cheeks. “But Ama`s still single.” ► Are you happy? ➔ A somber look. “Despite everything that`s happened, especially recently, yes. I`m happy. Ama wouldn`t say it, but I know she`s happy, too.” ► Are you angry? ➔ “I do lose my temper more than I care to admit. But my sister...” He glanced back at her with a soft smile. “She is so cool-headed and calm at all times. She keeps me rooted.” ► Are your parents still married? ➔ “Our parents were married up until the days they died. Ama`s foster parents are still married. But my foster father never married.”
► Birth Place ➔ “I was born in Yanxia, over near the Yuzuka Manor. Ama was... er...” “Sirensong.” “That`s right, on a ship headed toward Eorzea.” ► Hair Color ➔  “We both have a lovely soft pink. I remember mother had a much darker shade, while dad had white hair. So I guess we got something in between.” ► Eye Color ➔  “White. Though people usually notice the bright pink limbal rings first.” ► Birthday ➔ “I was early spring. Exact date, not telling. I don`t like making a big deal about my nameday. Ama...” He turned back to where she stood, earning a shrug. “Don`t know. Too much going on at the time,” she said, truthfully. With the murder of their father, the fleeing of their mother, and her own birth in the middle of the ocean, dates kind of blurred together. “Spring, I think.” ► Mood ➔  A bright smile was on his lips, clearly cheerful. Though the blank look on Amaeris`s face was answer enough. ► Gender ➔ “I`m a man. And Amaeris is a lovely young lady~” ► Summer or winter ➔  “I`m quite fond of winter. Back in my days as a soldier, wearing those stuffy uniforms in the Thanalan heat was torture. Winter was so much nicer. As for my sister, well, I know she`s fond of Coerthas, so I guess that answers that.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Morning, for both of us. We both rise pretty early, mostly out of habit for me. We like getting things done before it gets too hot or too many people are out and about. Though lately I`ve been more fond of just laying in bed for a while after I wake, spending time with Kit.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Yes, absolutely. I wasn`t certain at first, because I`d never... felt like this before, but I definitely am.” “... No.” “Oh, come on, that`s a lie.” He nudged his sister with his elbow, a shit-eating grin on his face. “You`ve got your eye on you-know-who.” “Quiet.” She turned away, cheeks clearly pink. ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Not really. For a while I thought maybe, but those relationships ended poorly because I confused lust with love. Ama, did you like him at fir--” A hand in his face ended up silencing him, Amaeris shoving his head backward. “I couldn`t stand that pretentious--” She silenced herself quickly. ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I did. Maybe it was the soldier life, or maybe it was because I realized I only wanted him for the sex. Don`t really remember.” “Never been in one.” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Probably. Never meant to. There was this one girl once who was romantically interested in me. But, not really my type.” Ama shrugged. She never paid much attention to that sort of thing. ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ Goya rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe a bit. That`s probably why it took me so long to realize how I feel about Kit. Though I`m getting better about it. I think.” “I`m not afraid of commitments.” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Kit, of course. And Gogo. The poor boy went through so much while I was away... It hurt to see him so scared.” He lowered his eyes for a brief moment. “Oh, but Ama... she doesn`t hug people.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔  A laugh. “I dunno. Probably. I admittedly slept around a lot while I was a soldier. Probably had someone here and there who was interested in me.” Amaeris shrugged. ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Mmm, a few times. Back when I was a teenager still, thinking I was in love. Then I realized what scum those people were.” His sister glanced away, crossing her arms over her chest, an uncertain look on her face.
► Love or lust ➔ “Love. It`s a much better feeling than lust.” “Love.” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade, definitely. The tart and coolness is so nice on a hot day.” “Tea.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Cats, obviously,” he said with a wink. “Okay, besides Kit. I did find a stray kitten that was so cute, and brought her home. Now she and Kit snuggle. I think she likes him more than me. Ama has a dog, though.” “It`s not mine. It just follows me.” “And you feed and pet it. That makes it yours.” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Many regular friends! Maybe I`m just too friendly a person, though, and perceive people as friends when they think otherwise...” “A few best friends.” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Oh man, that`s a tough choice. A wild night out is great every once in a while, but I also like spending some quiet, alone time with Kit at home. Candles, a nice dinner, maybe some music and dancing.” “Romantic night in,” came his sister`s answer after giving Goya a look. ► Day or night ➔ “Night. The stars in a clear sky. A campfire crackling. A gentle breeze through the trees.” “Night.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Many, many times. Being a dog of the Empire was stressful. Sometimes I wanted to get out and relax. But my commanding officers tended to figure out my patterns and caught me a few times.” “... Once.” “Wait, really?” “... When I was little I tried to sneak out to play with my parents` cattle one night.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “I... don`t think so?” “No.” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Oh, definitely. But that`s a normal thing, isn`t it?” A shrug from Ama. ► Wanted to disappear ➔ Goya lowered his gaze, glancing away slightly. “A few times, yeah. Back when I was a kid, after watching dad die and being taken away to Garlemald. Then not too long ago, when I got caught in Ala Mhigo...” A hand on his shoulder brought a soft smile to his lips. “I have, once, when you vanished in Ala Mhigo...”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Smile. I love seeing a face light up. So long as it`s a genuine smile, anyway.” “Eyes. They`re... more expressive.” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Shorter. Though a lot of people I`ve been interested in have been shorter than me, anyway. Being an au ra and all.” “Taller.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Attraction.” “Intelligence.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “If you`d asked me a couple of years ago, I would`ve said hook-up. Quick, no commitment, come and go. But now... definitely relationship.” “Relationship.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “I like to think we do. Ama?” She gave him a shrug, but refused to look at him. She definitely thinks they get along. ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Absolutely. But I don`t let that define me.” Another shrug from Amaeris. (She`s really not interested in answering these.) ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “I tried to, many times, back when I first went to Garlemald. And... once, more recently. But I eventually came back, even if it was a couple months later.” Ama shook her head. ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Does getting transferred to a different legion because my former commanders didn`t want me count?” “No.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “No. If I hate them, I wouldn`t consider them a friend, or even try to be friendly.” “No.” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “I do.” Amaeris shrugged. “I suppose so.” ► Who is your best friend ➔ “Best friend, huh? I guess that would be Nobu.” “Unsure.” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Ama and Kit. And Seles, which... is kinda worrying.” “Goya.” “Wait, just me?”
tagged by: @sunlitpeony
tagging: @seascrapes, @tinkercat, @nai-matsugen, and anyone else who wants to!
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jcscn-arc · 6 years
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all seems mellow on the ama’s red carpet when ja san, the “electric light” singer, steps into the spotlight ! many of his fans admit that they were a bit surprised to see him attend the event, but he does with their high praise and support. he was also kind enough to surprise fans quite last minute with the news of him performing ! it will be his first awards show performance in his career and he encouraged all his fans to come and support him and all the other artists that are going to be taking the stage. his all black outfit, despite being the dark color, gives off a warm and calm vibe from the pop-rock-soul artist. like said, he recently released his second LP “electric light” featuring single “wild love” last month on the 18th. luckily, we got to catch up with him and ask him a few questions about his appearance, performances, and his own performance, too before he finds himself hidden away in the crowd.
check out the interview below ! // @viralgossip
question one. ❝ who are you wearing ? ❞
         ❝ an all black suit ? ❞ he laughs . ❝ no , actually , i don’t like to talk prices or official brands , but i can tell you that i’m wearing my most expensive pair of dior homme shoes at over five—hundred ( 500 ) dollars . ❞ he then smiles , another small laugh through his teeth . ❝ uh , is that too much ? ❞
question two. ❝ what do you think about our host, bella carisi? ❞
         ❝ i’ve never personally met her , which shouldn’t be a shocking confession ... just think about her fame verses mine ! ❞ he admits with a gentle smile on a calm face . ❝ i do love her music and it will be really cool to see on stage hosting and also , i guess performing ? i hope she performs one of her new songs . ❞
question three. ❝ whose performance are you most looking forward to? ❞
         ❝ my own performance ? ❞ he laughs a bit once more , ❝ it sounds kinda self centered but it will be my first time performing at an awards show , so i’m kind of nervous actually . look forward to it , though ? i hope i can be half as good as the other performers ... ! ❞
question four. ❝ of the artists who are nominated for an award tonight, who are you rooting for? ❞
         ❝ siwon ! ❞ he responds right away . ❝ he is a good friend of mine and has helped me out on many occasions . he is in five , i think , categories , so he is bound to win something . i hope i run into him at least once or twice ! ❞
question five. ❝ how do you think tonight will go? do you have any expectations? ❞
         ❝ the only expectations i have are for myself , to be honest . i have my performance as well as rooting for certain people to win in their respective categories . but , mostly , i am hoping i can ace my performance and show all my teachers and friends that i can what the big stars can also do ! ❞
question six. ❝ tonight is all about the fans—is there anything coming up that they might want to get excited for? ❞
         ❝ in regards to me ? ❞ he asks and takes a moment to think . ❝ well , like i said , this will be my first music award show performance and i admit that i am indescribably blessed to be able to stand on the same stage as people like bella carisi and arie castillo ... maybe next year , it will be me with the nomination too ! anyway , all i can ask is for my own fans to support ❛ electric light❜ and show me lots of love from the crowd when i perform ! like they say overseas, fighting ! ❞
tune in to see san's first performance ever on a music awards show !
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thegettoknow · 4 years
Task 2: “What has influenced me?”
If I had to describe myself in one word I’m pretty sure it would be outgoing. There are several influences in which have made me the person I am today. Some of these influences include food, fashion, architecture, leisure activities, and entertainment. 
Food is the key to my heart and I honestly believe food brings people together. You can learn a lot about someone from the food they like to eat. I’m Nigerian and Ethiopian so my favorite foods come from both cultures.
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Injera (the picture above) is a Ethiopian flatbread with a sponge like texture made of teff flour. Injera is by far my go to food to eat with different stews. Learning how to cook traditional foods really made me understand the importance of it. My mom taught me how to cook at age 12 and I haven’t stopped since then. On the Nigerian side of my family my father taught me how to make some traditional foods and my favorite is egusi and fufu. 
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Egusi and fufu (the picture above) is a Nigerian soup and yam. Egusi is a soup paired with fufu (pounded yam). My dad teaching how to cook Nigerian food made me realize that cooking has no gender. Cooking together allows us to learn from one another, the stories my dad tells me as we cook taught me a lot about where I come from. 
With that being said although I do enjoy a home cooked meal I also love eating out. I have a huge sweet tooth and a total sucker for milkshakes and Holy Shakes is the best place to soothe my cravings. Holy Shakes is a gourmet milkshake bar in Brampton that serves the best food and milkshakes I’ve tasted so far. My favorite thing to order has to be their Heavenly Choco milkshake. 
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I would say my fashion sense is all over the place. I wear anything that I think I look good in but my main influences would have to be Teyana Taylor . I’m in love with the ethereal earthy look and always opt for comfort when shopping for clothes. I think streetwear fashion has really taken off these past couple of years, major influences like Teyana Taylor  have continuously broken the conventional beauty standards and created looks that are not only comfortable but make a statement. Teyana Taylor is definitely my icon when it comes to fashion, she turns sweats and a chill outfit into red carpet show stoppers.
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Leisure Activities:
My leisure activities generally consists of writing, reading or listening to music. I have always loved to write, I was about 12 years old when I started writing poems and spoken words. I’m an outspoken person that usually has a lot to say, I use poetry as an outlet to dump my thoughts, feelings and opinions on to paper. I write about the thoughts that I just can’t seem to put to words and I can confidently say that journaling and poetry has helped me in so many ways. It alleviates pressure and stress that I face in my day to day allowing me to get lost in my mind secluded from the worries that life throws my way. My favorite poets are Rupi Kaur, Maya Angelou, and Rudy Francisco. These poets write about their personal endeavors and challenges they’ve faced. I love the word play, the rhyme, and dramatic irony poetry has to offer. The stories one can tell in a couple of stanzas amaze me. These poets truthfully use imagery in a way that illustrates the poem in ones head. I think that’s one of the reason to why I so drawn to poetry. Each poem tells a story, a message in some cases, lessons that are sometimes not as easy to find but hidden with lines. It truly is an art to be able to illustrate and touch someone’s soul with only a pen and paper. 
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Maya Angelou was an American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist. She has  published seven autobiographies, 3 essays and books, several poetry books, She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. 
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Rupi Kaur is a Indian born Canadian poet, illustrator and author that rose to fame posting her short visual poetry on both Instagram and Tumblr. 
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Rudy Francisco is an American spoken word poet and amateur author. He has won multiple poetry slams and written five poetry books.
Other than writing literally anything and everything I love to listen to music. Music has to be one the most influential factors in my life. The music I listen is really a representation of the type of person I am. My favorite artists are Jhene Aiko, Nao, Ama Lou and Lauryn Hill. Much like poetry music speaks to me. Music has the ability to change m mood and sometimes change the way I see things. 
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Jhené Aiko Efuru Chilombo is an American singer, songwriter, actress and composer. 
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Ama Louisa John is an British singer, songwriter and model from North London.
Jhene Aiko and Ama Lou are my favorite artists because of how good they are as lyricists. Their music is calming and soft toned which helps me relax when I feel like I need a destresser. Their messages written within their songs really do influence me as a person. For example Jhene Aiko speaks of healing and woman empowerment in most of her songs whereas Ama Lou speaks of her experiences of being a biracial women growing up in the hood and then the suburbs speaking of the identity crisis's she went through. 
 Ama lou | biography & history. (n.d.). AllMusic. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from https://www.allmusic.com/artist/ama-lou-mn0003792198/biography  
Home. (n.d.-a). Rupi Kaur. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from https://rupikaur.com/ 
Home. (n.d.-b). Rudy-Francisco. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from https://www.iamrudyfrancisco.com  
Jhené aiko. (n.d.). IMDb. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1334403/  
Maya angelou | biography, books, poems, & facts. (n.d.). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Maya-Angelou
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zackgardner · 7 years
Dead Space
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Dead Space - Zack Gardner - SciFi - 3742 words - 2017
 The breakneck pace that the Impervious365-X4 had maintained for the past three billion lightyears suddenly pulled back to a lurching crawl, its final destination within sight. The Impervious365-X4 shifted into a comfortable orbit of the blue planet, hissing precise bursts of compressed air to adjust its calculated course. Screens long dark flicked on, back-up systems powering up with a sleepy whine. Cool blue wall panels slowly illuminated the cockpit of the cumbersome vessel.
The A.I. system powered up all of its resources, leaving its hibernation state and returning its CPU and processing speeds to normal. It reinserted its empathy drive along with its short term RAM and ran a SYS check. There was something that needed to be done; something primary. Something urgent. Full interior and exterior cameras and mics rebooted, giving the onboard A.I. its senses back, just as the SYS check completed, flooding the AI's human-esque mind with feelings and memories.
"Oh dear," the A.I. stated aloud. Strapped to main control chair in the cockpit was one of the Portsuits, inhabited. The A.I. activated the control chair's functions, connecting with the Portsuit. It began to recount the events from three billion years ago, before the jump to lightspeed, as data simultaneously poured from the Portsuit into the onboard AI.
"Oh dear." It stated again to itself.
 It was dark and he couldn't move. Panic wasn't far behind, but at least he knew it wasn’t far behind, so there was solace in that, right? He couldn’t even tell if it was darkness, or his eyes were shut. Everything felt fuzzy and off. He tried remembering how he got here and came up blank. He tried remembering the most basic of things and came up blank. Panic arrived just in time. If he could have made himself scream, he would have.
"Oh dear." He heard, his mind instantaneously clearing of the panic. He could hear - that was a start. There were the humming and soft grinding sounds of computers, the buzz of fluorescents.
"Now Master Fiore, I'm going to have to ask you to stay as calm as possible while I try to reconnect your senses." The voice held a thick British accent, prim and proper, but with the softness and monotone obviously making it a computer system. Aside from that, the voice was oddly familiar. Comfortably familiar.
Reconnect, he wondered? And suddenly there was blinding light and clarity, as vision returned to him. The luminescent of the control panel screens, brushed steel and plastics of the cockpit and the dull glare of the thick glass viewport. A massive blue and green planet took up half of the window, the other half a quick atmospheric fade to the stark black of outer space. He gasped at the beauty in spite of himself, hearing his intake of breath through the mic in the Portsuit.
"That should do for visual. And audio input/output should be up as well." The same disconnected British voice. "Can you hear me, Master Fiore?"
Fiore. That sounded right. There was a familiarity to that as well.
"Y-Yes. I am… I am having some difficulties." He said with a shaky voice, tinny over the Portsuit's microphone. “M-motor functions and… and I my, ah, my memory is - is blank.” He tried lifting his hand, looking down at his arm slowly responding, the sleeve of the Portsuit fading seamlessly into its bulky glove.
“Well, Master Fiore, you are a doctor of cybernetics returning from a long-haul run to an outrigger colony. Your full name is Amadeus Fiore, no middle name, the ship you are currently on is called the Impervious365-X4, and my name is-”
“Pervy!” Fiore almost shouted. “We called you Pervy!”
“Very good sir.” The A.I. stated dryly. “We had some complications upon the initiation of cryosleep whilst cycling up the hyperdrive. In response to that, you donned one of the ship’s Portsuits to use its hibernation function. Rather bold move, I do say, but at the time, the best option you had, Master Fiore.”
“Well thank you… Pervy.” Fiore chuckled. “I’m still having some issues with this suit. My mobility is shot. Can we maybe run a recalibration to the suit’s servos?” The Portsuit was a fitted spacesuit, meant to protect and enhance those on the longer trips into deep space. It was a fully enclosed suit, visor and helmet that could protect against the extreme negative temperatures, pressure differences and strains of zero gravity that travelers would come across. Not only that, the models that the Impervious365-X4 was equipped with also boasted full musculature support, full sensory support, full temporal uplink, and even a basic cryo-hibernation option. When equipped, the suit could jack into the brainstem access port all of the crewmembers had had surgically embedded into the base of their skull, at the hairline. All of the suit’s options, or whatever piece of equipment the suit was ported to, could then be controlled cerebrally.
“Certainly, Master Fiore, I have it running now. You should be mobile momentarily… But, sir, there are some other concerns that I should bring to your attention.”
 “Oh yes, Ama, there are other concerns,” came a female voice, sultry, and as though whispered into his ear. He recognized the voice and the moniker. A memory of a feeling. On the tip of his tongue. He jerked his head towards the sound, of course, just the empty cockpit. Just him and Pervy.
 “Of Course, Pervy. I-I appreciate your concern.” Fiore said, shaking it off. “It’s nice to know I have a friend such as you, if I know nothing else!”
“Sir, need I remind you, I have no real emotions or emotional attachment. I merely act on one of my prime directives as to the safety and welfare of the crew…”  The A.I. responded cordially.
“Well that’s good to know too, Pervy, but it would have been better if you’da just taken the compliment.” Fiore laughed exasperatedly. Maybe he should have the A.I. run a SYS test on his access port. Or maybe the temporal uplink needed recalibrated? Who was that girl??
“Alas, sir, undeservedly so. It was all your idea to use the Portsuit – when all of the cryochambers were full.” The A.I. responded. “But, sir if you don’t mind, can I ask what happened just now? Your vitals spiked off the charts for a moment there…”
“Nothing, Pervy… Nothing.” Fiore knotted his brow and pinched his eyes shut trying to put it out of his head. “I’m fine now-wait!!! Chamber-s?! Pervy, cryochambers plural?! There’s more sleepers onboard??” Fiore shouted, leaping up from the chair. Was she there? Was there a She? “Show me!” He exclaimed, slapping the Portsuit’s gauntlet against the Open panel and rushing out the porthole as it slid open.
“To the left up here, Master Fiore,” The A.I.’s voice paced him as he ran down the curved-walled corridor. “Our course has us maintaining orbit for the next three hours until we reach our descent/landing trajectory… I will directly be beginning the rejuvenation cycle for the other passengers, but first, sir, I really need to-”
“Pervy!” Fiore shouted, halting suddenly in front of a labeled portal. “Open this damned door!”
“…yes sir.” The A.I. answered, the door sliding open.
 Fiore scratched the back of his neck where the jack had been wired. It was still sore, having pulled the bandage off a day early. Kaela had gone with him, had had the same procedure. She sat beside him on the blanket, bare legs basking in the warm sun, her black hair tied back showing fair shoulders, olive skin kissed pink by the sun. He felt the heat, his shoulders already freckled and red, his auburn-red hair sweaty and tucked under a baseball cap. They would have to leave tomorrow, and she had so much left to tell him.
 “Sir?” The A.I. asked, a note of concern in his voice. “Your vitals, sir!” Fiore shook his head to clear it, the tinted visor of the fitted helmet shaking in tandem. His vision making the dull blue lighting of the ship leave trails in the air.
“It’s nothing. I… I think it’s just a side effect from the long-term hibernation in the suit.” Fiore clutched his head and staggered into the hibernation room. The room shone antiseptically metal and white. Shower stalls and mirrored sinks lined one wall while the opposite wall housed personal lockers, airtight and secure for travel. Lined side-by-side the length of the room were the cryochambers, ten in total. All occupied.
“Master Fiore, there’s-”
 “There is more Ama. You’re going to just love this.” The voice said teasingly inside Fiore’s head. He righted himself, shaking the helmet, trying to clear his head.
 “Master Fiore, I must insist you pause for a moment.” The A.I. began. “Your vitals keep spiking, and there is a matter you must be made aware of post haste!”
“Pervy, I’m fine!” Fiore insisted, more to himself than to the motherly A.I. Was she in here? Was she in his head?! He headed towards the line of cryochambers, not sure which would be worse. “I just need to reacclimatize to being out of hibernation. Once that’s complete, my friend, I can doff the confines of this stuffy old suit and I will be as right as rain.”
The A.I. was silent for a change, to Fiore’s surprise. He glanced up at the row of dull blue illuminated tiles that ran the length of the ship (where they would all look when speaking to Pervy, as though needing a face for the disembodied voice) awaiting any sort of response. Having none, he shrugged and moved on.
Fiore stepped to the first chamber, peering into the translucent upper half of the brushed steel and glass sarcophagus. He didn’t recognize the middle-aged man in the chrysalis, nor the woman in the next, nor the next, or even the one after that. He stumbled to the next and stopped short, taking a second and longer look.
 Grant took Kaela’s hand, interlacing their fingers and rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. They sat hand in hand on the public bench outside of the guest barracks, watching a stream of meteors flow in a belt around a titanic gaseous planet. Kaela glanced at the cybernetics guy as he passed, giving her a half-wave. That one was odd. He’d have to keep an eye on him. They were maybe a month into their sabbatical aboard the deepspace station, there to provide support, repairs and maintenance for the growing crew of the station. The crew of the Impervious365-X4 would be stationed there for just over a year, so he had better make sure to keep clear of the two of them.
 “James? No, Grant. Grant!” Fiore said, slapping the glass of the cryochamber in triumph. “I remember that prick.” He slid his hand down the chamber and headed to the next.
 The news had devastated him. Kaela had told him on the picnic they had shared, the day before launch. She had cried, and so had he, in spite of himself and perhaps in spite of her. She had said they could no longer see each other and begged him not to talk about it; not to talk to her any more. Despite that, they met again that night, in secret, and made love on the couch of his small rental, sparse of furniture and on its last day of the lease. She left as she had arrived, without a word, eyes sad and on the verge of tears.
 “It was never meant to be – what we had.” She whispered bitingly.
 He saw Kaela at launch, of course, but the formalities and preparations kept them apart. After the journey and the recuperation aboard the deepspace station, Fiore would see her in passing, usually with Grant. Her fiancé. Her fiancé. He had stewed about it for weeks on end, almost a month into their yearlong stint in deepspace. But then came the neuromail message, anonymous, that they should meet. That she needed to see him, now more than ever. That she had to see him in private; had to tell him something.
 Fiore stroked the clear portion of the cryochamber with his thickly gloved hand. She slept peacefully under the glass, the memories falling back into place haphazardly. She was a beauty, silken raven-black hair down to her shoulders with contrasting olive skin, fair and smooth. Even after all she had done his heart still wrenched, trying to pull itself out of his chest, when he looked at her. There was only one more chamber left. His. Fiore plodded on, the Portsuit’s thick rubber bootsoles shuffling on the grated metal floor.
 There had been the usual issues during the return trip takeoff, nothing serious, but now that they had cleared orbit and chartered a hyperspace course, chaos had ensued. The countdown had begun, and the cryosleep chambers were all but full, chemicals pumping and setting stasis for the crew. The last three pods were still open, hissing compressed air and other gases into the hibernation room. All three pods were buzzing warnings, touchscreen controls warning the occupant to initiate cryo stasis as soon as possible. The A.I. was there, obviously, and trying to placate the remaining crew. Kaela sat in her open chamber, shimmying up to the front in order to hop back out, shouting indecipherably. Grant stood over Fiore’s chamber, hands flying over the access screen. Fiore picked himself back up off the grated floor, rubbing his already-swollen jaw, murder in his eyes.
 “I didn’t know though. You have to believe that I didn’t know what he had planned.”
 Grant stepped away from Fiore’s cryochamber, the pod door closing and setting its locking mechanism. He roughly pushed Kaela back into her pod, initiating her pod as well. Fiore stood and swayed – he had not been punched in years, not since primary school... And never like this. The suckerpunch had knocked him down, his head connecting with the metal floor almost as painful as the surprise hard right from Grant. Grant looked at him contemptuously and sneered as he walked slowly to his own pod. Fiore staggered toward him, the room still spinning. Everything was muffled and fuzzy. He probably had a concussion from hitting the floor, and the throbbing in his jaw wasn’t helping. He could hear Kaela screaming at him, screaming at Grant. He could hear his heart beating inside his ears, competing for his attention. He could hear Pervy insistently in the background, urging him to do something, warning him of something… And there was another sound. Another sound most foreign to him.
 “You’re almost there, love. Remember.”
 The droll accent of the A.I. finally broke through the throbbing pain.
“Master Fiore, the jump into hyperspace is imminent. You need to prepare yourself. Your chamber has been tampered with, and I can no longer access it.” Fiore squeezed the bridge of his nose and pinched his eyes shut trying to push the pain away from his brain to make room for thinking. Grant had a smug smile on as his cryochamber latch locked into place, and Kaela kept screaming and beating on the curved glass of her pod. And that other sound... That other sound.
“Pervy, power up the cockpit support controls.” Fiore shouted, turning and running out the hibernation room into the curved-walled corridor. The A.I. paced him, a flash in the bluelit panel. “I don’t care about ship controls, but I want full access to UI protocols and Portsuit protocols.” He spun a corner, equilibrium still off, banging his shoulder into the wall.
“I want my Portsuit opened and powering up by the time I get to it!” He shouted, running full-tilt and leaping through the open port doors as they came. He was out of breath and panting wildly by the time he arrived at the Portsuit locker.
 “Yes, but that sound. The other sound. Remember the other sound? Not me screaming, not the silly computer, not your half-assed survival plan… The other sound.”
 Fiore had the suit on in no time and was doggedly running again, sprinting for the cockpit, attempting a software hack of the access screen on his left forearm that controlled the amenities of the Portsuit. He was already temporally jacked into the suit, but he would need a little time to create the uplink to the ship’s CPU. The A.I. had reverted to a calm countdown until the jump to hyperspace initiated. It would be close, if anything. It would be—
 “The sound, Ama. Please.” She begged.
 Fiore stood at the foot of this cryochamber, afraid to move to the head and peer inside. Afraid, and he didn’t know why. He gritted himself and prepared to move forward.
“Master Fiore.” The A.I. cut apprehensive silence so suddenly that Fiore jumped. “The matter we need to discuss. It will not wait.” Fiore sighed and stepped back from the pod.
“Go ahead, Pervy. Let’s have at it.”
“Your Portsuit, sir.”
“I know, Pervy, but everything seems to be intact. We’ll have to write the company a letter of commendation when we’re back on the ground, if they even still exist.” Fiore laughed lightly, trying to clear his mind of worry. “Who knew these dinky suits could hold out for that long, eh?”
“That’s the problem, sir. The support systems of the Portsuit such as the musculature support and the sensory support have maintained nominally, along with the temporal access port. However, the-”
“The hibernation function?” Fiore finished.
“…Yes sir.”
 “Ama, please… It’s going to be okay.” Kaela whispered in his ear.
 Fiore spun away from the line of cryochambers, making a beeline toward the shower area. The floor seemed to be swaying, like the old-time ships, the ones that floated on water. He almost fell onto the nearest sink, gauntleted hands gripping the white porcelain. He looked in the mirror at the Portsuit helmet, staring back at him: Tight-fitting helmet, airlocked at the neck, black visor, miniature auxiliary cameras at each corner.
“Pervy, what did you do?!”
“Master Fiore… Master Fiore, the hibernation sequence could only be held for a definitive amount of time. It was never meant-” The A.I. stopped speaking, hushed by Fiore slowly reaching for the visor release, a small catch at the base of the helmet.
“Master Fiore, perhaps-”
“Shut up!!!” Fiore shouted through clenched teeth, the mic gritty and screeching with his outburst. The A.I. fell silent again, and waited as the thick fingers of the Portsuit flicked the visor’s catch.
The visor slid up into the top of the helmet smoothly, revealing the interior of the helmet. Fiore gripped the porcelain hard, spiderwebbing the sides of the sink. An old blackened skull was nestled snugly in the confines of the helmet, dark gray and pitted with age. No flesh remained, just dusty bone. Fiore pinwheeled his arms, falling backward and landing with a thud on his rump. A skeleton. His breathing labored over the microphone. I’m all but a skeleton.
“Sir, perhaps I should…” The A.I. began. “When you were in stasis, I ran diagnostics on your Portsuit and found its… limitations. The temporal link to the suit allowed me to reverse engineer a new partition in the suit’s mainframe… Once that was complete and I could add to that partition with extraneous parts we had in the repair bay…”
Fiore was barely listening. He got back on hands and knees and began crawling back toward the line of cryochambers. Towards the last one. Towards his.
 “Ama… Please, you need to understand. You need to remember.”
 Fiore pulled himself up against the pod, and dragged himself toward its head. A skeleton!
“It took an extraneous amount of time, but I managed to copy over your entire memory catalogue, emotion directory and synapse response directory. And after that, it was quite easy to set up the musculature and sensory systems of the suit to respond to the suit’s cerebral controls.” The A.I. said proudly, as though expecting a pat on the back. Nothing but a bag of bones, in other words. Fiore cringed and pinched his eyes shut, realizing that he was not actually pinching his eyes shut.
 “Ama, you need to calm down and think. Ama, please!” The voice crooned. But it was only a voice. Another ghost in his machine. Fiore took a deep breath (aware that he was not in fact taking a deep breath) and peered into his cryochamber.
 A child, or a baby more like, was swaddled in a blanket sound asleep, frozen in time. It had smooth olive skin, an obvious attribute to its mother… And it had a light wisp of auburn-red hair, barely enough to be noticeable in the blue light of the hibernation room. The sound now echoed clearly in his memory as everything fell into place. Not Grant’s threatening rhetoric. Not Kaela’s panicked shrieks. Not the A.I.’s monotone warnings.
 The baby cried, confused and frightened until the vapors from the cryochamber initiating its hibernation sequence lulled it into a doctored sleep. Fiore’s fingers flew over the access screen of the Portsuit, overwriting and rewriting new commands. He barely heard the damned A.I. begin the last minute countdown. He hashed out code and commands he knew by rote. His mind a million miles away. The baby. The baby was his.
 Fiore fled from the room, before the rejuvination cycle could begin. He fled from the impending confrontation. He fled from the future he obviously could have no part in; from the past that he had just so recently discovered. He fled from the memories that were painfully searing into what his conscious still considered his brain. Fiore prayed that from the depths of the ship where he would hide that he would not be able to hear the cries of his baby as it awoke to a life back home. He fancied he could feel tears running down the pitted cracks in his ancient skull.
 Once the Impervious365-X4 reached its target location, it began its trajectory descent back to Earth. The rejuvenation cycle began automatically, restoring the crew and awakening them - acclimating them back into normalcy. The crew of the Impervious365-X4 returned to Earth with the same number of human travelers it had left with, all those years ago.
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