#makes me wonder what bracket we would need
lynxgriffin · 4 months
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Eldritchrune - Dreemurr of Jokes
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Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
Toriel stops by Sans' shop for some goods, and for some more cheery distractions! Unfortunately, all this time later, it's still too difficult to escape reminders of what's been done.
It was fun finally getting to do some stuff with Sans in this universe! The last part for this trio of scenes will be up sometime next week!
Alt text for these pages is under the read more:
Page 1 Panel 1: Interior shot of a small store, with displays of goods, loose plywood, sacks of things. Two circular woven hangings bracket the door through which Toriel enters, a heavyset woman in a polka-dotted dress with a basket over her arm. Sans watches her enter, though we see only the back of his head. 
Panel 2: Toriel enters the shop and we see more displays, mostly food. There are large potted trees as well, and the shop’s counter, draped in patterned cloth and decorated with candles. Toriel: “Well, hello again. I was wondering if you had-” Sans, a jovial, bearded man dressed in loose robes and always smiling, waves a hand and cuts her off. “Hold on, you hear that?”
Panel 3: “...Hear what?” Toriel asks, nonplussed. Up close, her face is soft but distressed.
Panel 4: Sans leans over his slightly messy counter, still grinning. “I HERB that you needed some more cinnamon cloves, and look what I have here!” He offers a handful of herbs. Up close, the cuffs on his robe sleeves are patterned with little bones.  
Panel 5: “Just what I needed! How did you guess?” Toriel exclaims, reaching out with a real smile to accept the herbs. She and Sans are framed by other mysterious shop wares- jars of things, open sacks, rolled-up mats. Things you might find in an open-air desert market. 
Page 2 Panel 1: Sans: “Was just thinking it’d been awhile since I saw you making the neighborhood rounds with some of those pies of yours… Figured you were planning to start this month’s soon!” Sans gestures up at Toriel in explanation. 
Panel 2: Toriel smirks, setting down a handful of coins.  “And perhaps hoping that I would stop by your place first with them?” Sans: “I pride myself on my forward thinking, y’know.” His grin is conspiratorial as he leans towards her and he taps his temple with one finger. 
Panel 3: Toriel, eyes sad despite her smile: “All right. How about this: Tell me a good joke, and you have my word you will have the first and freshest one.”
Panel 4: Sans: “Just a good joke?” He raises an eyebrow. 
Panel 5: Toriel clutches her chest- we don’t see her eyes. “I find myself in desperate need of levity these days.” 
Panel 6: Sans waves his hand as if to keep her from feeling like she need say more, scratching his chin in thought with the other.  “Sure, I got one…” 
Page 3 Panel 1: Sans, with the smug grin of someone about to tell a terrible pun: “Why was the empire soldier happy to get demoted to horse groomer?” Toriel, with her hand on her chin in thought: “I do not know, why?” 
Panel 2: Sans shrugs widely like the answer is obvious. “Because he finally had STABLE employment!” 
Panel 3: Toriel laughs in genuine delight, although maybe a little harder than expected. 
Panel 4: Toriel: “Thank you, I needed that.” She smiles a relieved little smile. Sans: “No problem. So hey, aside from the pie… Can I maybe get an invite to those little get-togethers I see some folks around here doing once a month?” He steeples his fingertips together. 
Panel 5: San’s dialogue continues: “I’m so curious as to what goes on then!” We only see Toriel, though, shocked and dismayed. She’s thinking of the Ritual gatherings- townspeople gathered in their robes and animal masks- reindeer, fish, but most centrally, the goat masks she and Asgore wear. 
Panel 6: Toriel: “Unless you are completely enraptured by tedious talk of planting schedules and building repairs, I believe I can sate your curiosity by saying you would find them quite boring.” She waves a hand in front of her, dismissing the thought- her expression is once again drawn and weary. 
Page 4 Panel 1: Toriel turns to leave, waving goodbye. “You should look forward to your well-earned pie more!” 
Panel 2: Sans gives her a slightly skeptical look. “Alright.” is all he says. 
Panel 3: As she leaves, Toriel looks down and sees for the first time a small statue set by the door, surrounded by candles- it’s not a merchandise display, more like an altar. The statue is a horned figure holding a bowl filled with greenery- an offering of some type. The figure is rounded like a sitting child, and simple, with closed eyes and little other detail. 
Panel 4: Toriel’s dialogue over a close up shot of the figure: “What an interesting little figure you have. It does not look like it is for sale, is it?” The little horned one has three toes and four fingers on its stubby little arms and legs, and a detail on its forehead that could be a suggestion of hair, or it could be a symbol. The pillar candles surrounding it have been burned enough to have long wax drips pooled around them. 
Panel 5: Sans: “Nah, that’s just a holdover from my home country. Supposed to help keep demons out of your space.” He seems uninterested in this bit of lore, but Toriel, still facing away, is wide-eyed and shaken.
Panel 6: Toriel whirls back to him, sweating. “I-Is that so?” 
Panel 7: Sans’s expression intensifies, eyebrows dropping dramatically. “Sure thing. You know what happens when demons get in your grain stores?” 
Page 5 Panel 1: “They’re OATsolutely RYE-ined!” Sans holds his hands wide, like he’s waiting for the rimshot effect. It’s almost like his shop counter and back wall are suddenly a stage. 
Panel 2: Toriel hides a giggle behind her hand, relieved. 
Panel 3: “Is that something you have had to deal with previously?” she asks, stepping a little closer in her interest. Sans makes a slight gesture of dismissal. “Nah, I don’t really go in for that sort of stuff, honestly.”
Panel 4: Sans: “My brother, though… He’s all in on charms and wards and that sort of thing.” He gestures up, as if to point to wherever it is in the town that his brother might be now. 
Panel 5: “Keeping customs from your home country, I suppose?” Toriel asks, drawn again into the shop and closer to Sans. “Something like that,” he responds, leaning forward on his counter. On the wall next to him, there’s another woven wall hanging like the ones over the door.  Toriel: “Do you have any customs that have a reverse effect?” 
Panel 6: Sans looks as skeptical as one can while constantly grinning. “You mean like, if you want demons in your house?” 
Page 6 Panel 1: Toriel puts a hand up in denial. “N-No, that would obviously be undesirable! I meant more… just out of curiosity about your home.” 
Panel 2: Sans stares up at her, for a beat of silence. 
Panel 3: “Maybe? Again, this stuff isn’t my thing.” He leans back in his chair with his hands behind his head, nonchalant as can be. “And anyways, we left our country for a reason. Old customs aren’t relevant in this town, y’know?” 
Panel 4: Toriel once again turns to go, with a rueful smile. “Maybe not… but I cannot imagine letting go of your entire history.”
Panel 5: Sans shrugs and looks away. “There’s worse things to let go of, honestly.” 
Panel 6: Toriel, gritting her teeth, thinks of a happier time tucking Kris into bed. 
Panel 7: Close on Toriel’s expression, now more haggard and pained than it was when she came in. She clutches her chest tight. 
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Warming Up The New Client
Fred Weasley x Reader
Sum: Was another one of those little bets you and Fred did. You lost, but you are kinda the biggest winner between the two of you. Especially when one of the Weasley’s business partners come in to discuss important things. Let’s see if he can keep his head straight
Warnings: 18+, cock warming, blow jobs, semi public, kinda cracky because not everything needs to be a porno you gotta laugh, accidental choking, worried boyfriend because whoops this has become a sitcom, after care. Lowkey tho any fic you’ll read from me will have it, unless stated otherwise. HEALTHY AND REALISTIC SEX
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“MR WEATHERBIRD! What are you doing here?!” Fred would panic, as he would force his chair to push into the desk. Was followed by a thump, as your body hit the back of the desk. Hardly any space for you, and his legs, in the confined space.
Why were you under his desk, and between his legs? Well you lost a bet. Was a harmless one. Just those lazy Mondays, at the shop, where you both needed something to help stimulate the day. A bet where it didn’t matter who won or loss, because there weren’t really any losers when the fun is the game.
Your prize for losing was to give the winner a blow job. Nothing too crazy. That is until unaware company arrived. That being a man that the Weasley twins were meant to do business with. Seems like George must have missed the man. Well, he arrived via fire place. George wouldn’t have seen him arrive, unless in the office with you two.
“Is now a bad time, Mr. Weasley? I figured Mondays would work best for you. Tis a joke shop, after all. The slowest day of the week, as your largest income bracket is through the school children. A Monday morning felt the most reliable to arrive.” Damn his logic, that was what Fred thought. He had a point.
“No no! It’s fine, you are right. Just surprise, that’s all. Take a seat. Let’s talk!” He would grin his award winning smile, as you remained stuck in your hiding place. Left with a choice to make. Stop what you are doing, or see how far you could push the button. Well, you married a Weasley. What’s a little bit of risk?
“Wonderful. We have much to discuss.” Boy was this going to be boring. You knew it, Fred knew it, but hey. You are certainly going to make it more enjoyable. Or worse. Either way, it’s gonna be fun.
As the older gentlemen began his garble, you were busy with your own garbling. Letting his cock press into your cheek, as you tried to find a way to move your head. You didn’t want to just keep thumping your head on the wood. That’s not fun at all.
You were shifting your head all over the place, as you tried to get comfortable. Made for your boyfriend to struggle with paying attention to the boring work jargon his business partner was making. Was certainly difficult to make sure he looked like he was listening, and not currently getting sucked off. Certainly difficult indeed, when those freckled cheeks of his were rosey.
“You seem a bit warm, Mr. Weasley. Are you feeling well?” The older gentlemen would ask Fred. Ever the charismatic man he was, he was oh so quick to think on the fly. Lie out of every situation. Such a charming gift to have.
“Fever fudge. You know how my brother and I are. We always self test our products. That way if anyone gets hurt, it’s us. We only ever field test with mostly our siblings. We know how they would react to what we make, but not to strangers. No. We don’t act like it, but we try and keep things safe.” That seemed to win over Mr. Weatherbird. Charmed the man as much as he could charm a gaggle of girls in a quidditch stand.
The devil on your shoulder was going to be the death of you, and him, with what it was whispering to you. Wanting to try and make his facade crack somehow. Just a little bit. Enough to make him sweat under the pressure. Just a little bit. You don’t want to actually put him at risk of anything, but gambling is gambling. Win big, or die trying.
As you finally managed to force Fred’s chair back, you could properly move your head. Made him need to sit awkwardly, to not make it appear that he was pushed back. Didn’t want the man to get suspicious. Seems he wasn’t, as he was busy with papers. Gave Fred time to look down, and see your devious face. Stuffed with his cock. Was so arrousing, you could feel his cock twitch on your tongue. With fresh flavor for you to enjoy.
He would shoot you a glare, only for the man to look back up. Forced him to meet the clients eyes, as to try and act as chill as possible. Never did he think he would want to do paper work right now. Anything to not just cum down your throat. George was the moaner, not him. But you were seeing if they were identical in a few other ways.
That was until Mr. Weatherbird started to lean over the desk. Just trying to be polite, and show him something on the papers. Had Fred quickly slam himself back under the desk. Forced you to take his cock all the way down your throat, and gag on it. Had you cross eyed, and trying so damn hard to not gurgle on it. Guess you weren’t quite enough.
“What was that noise-?” “What noise?” “Sounded like someone was choking….” Fred, ever quick, was able to come up with the perfect lie. A lie melted in truth, to keep the seal on the little secret at hand closed.
“We have a product here called puking pasties. A pastry used to help kids throw up. For one reason or another. Not to mention we have many things that stink so bad you wish to obliviate yourself from the memory. Just kids being kids. George has it under control.” He would brush off the worry, as you tried to find your ability to breathe again.
Was rather difficult, as you were now trapped entirely under the desk this time. How your head was pressed against the desk, and held no way to move your head. Just gagging around his cock, with drool soaking all over your clothes.
The more you tried to steady yourself, the more his cock twitched in your mouth. Feeling your tongue trying to adjust itself. How your throat kept clenching and your lips desperate to move.
Before you could make any other noises, he was quick to wave his wand. Had his gramophone kick to life, and play that loud swing music those twins loved. Nothing like some big band to liven up the scene. Along with hide more of your gagging, and sputtering, in the hopes to finish this meeting.
“That’s better. Now, as we were saying-“ The droning was starting to get to him. All his mind could think about you was choking on his cock. Had him aroused, but also very worried he was hurting you. It’s not hot if it’s not consented on. Was an accident, yes, but he loves you and wants you safe. He had to figure out how to get you out of there, before things get worse.
“Say uh. Mr. Weatherbird, um-“ Wow was it getting harder to talk. Wasn’t helping that you were still scrambling. Your hands reaching into his lap, to try and push him back some. When trying to reach the front of his chair, you got a full grab of your favorite stress toy instead. Had his eyes go cross, for a moment, as he had to bite his lip. Trying so hard, but he wasn’t going to last much longer.
“Oh, I know it’s alot. You are so new to this world of business. I respect it. You two are stars, I can see it. I’ll do my best to help guide you both. You two are already doing so wonderful. Truly business savvy. Your parents must be so proud. Here, I’ll leave these papers for you and your twin to discuss over. Just send an Owl if you have any questions.” He gave a tip of his hat to Fred, as Fred himself did his best to give a flustered nod.
Mr. Weatherbird would give a wave goodbye, and vanished through the fireplace. As soon as he did, Fred pushed himself back. Made for a rather pornographic sight, and sound, as he popped his cock out of your mouth.
You were just covered in your own drool. Face more flustered than his own, with your lips swollen from being stretched for so long. How you were panting hard from the stress of the scene. It was all too much. You were just so perfect in his view. He just had to add to it.
He barely had time to close your eyes, as he leaned back. His cock just spilling his cum all across your face. Across your drool stained chest. You were just covered in so much. You were surprised he even had so much in him. Guess this was some life or death edging, so to speak.
With your breath caught, it was his turn to pant. Just leaning back in his office chair. His body slack, as he was seeing stars. That release was so needed, and so intense. He swore he pulled his back out from it.
“That could have gone better…Or worse. Depends on if we look at this from a positive view or not.” You would joke, as he gave a dry laugh. Happy to know you were ok. You knew he was worried, you could just tell. There was something sweet about it. That even with such heat of the moment he was looking out for you.
You would let him collect himself, as a cleaning charm solved all your problems. You also were polite to help out his dick away for him. After care goes both ways, after all. When he would come back to reality he would take care of you. You knew that. Until then, you’ll make sure he is cared for to.
Once he had his time to no longer sweat himself a new pool, he would pull you into his lap. Just cuddling you. A means of apology, without saying it. You knew he was trying to not have you humiliated. It wasn’t intentional in any way. The way you would play with his hair conveyed it. Both of you using your own silent little love language.
“So….Whens your next meeting?” The fact you asked that made his head spin. You wanted to do that again? That risk? The choking? The fear? The adrenaline? The insanity of it all?
“…….Thursday, after lunch….” He’s a Weasley. They were all adrenaline junkies. That’s just one of the many things that made you love him. Love him, kiss him, and bump your noses together. His adorable bird nose, with yours.
“You are such a minx, and I LOVE it.”
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charlesf1leclerc · 9 months
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Summary: Christmas morning and surprises in the Leclerc family. 
Warnings : suggestive content but no smut 
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY. Hope you all have a wonderful day with your family or whoever’s you are celebrating with. I wish you all the happiness and hope that this fic serves as a little gift from me to you. Xx
It was all quite to begin with. But that would never last long especially on Christmas morning. You and Charles were close to each other in bed Charles had his arm around your waist. You were both sound asleep. Until..
The sound of footsteps came from down the hallway then your door opened and the there was the shaking and the sound of voices.
“ wake up , he came he came” 
Your groaned and rolled back in your pillow you knew Christmas was exciting and you weren’t annoyed at your babies but sometimes you liked your sleep. 
Charles arm slipped from around your waist as he rolled over to look at the three kids standing on his side of the bed.
“ who came? “ he asked obviously teasing them.
“ SANTA papa “ Sicily screeched 
“ presents!” Remy yelled
“ ok ok shall we go downstairs and see what he brought” Charles said moving to get up
“Yes!” All the kids ran downstairs.
“ Darling “ Charles shook you and you rolled over to face him as you obviously hadn’t gone back to sleep.
“Come on let’s go downstairs I’ll make you some coffee” he laughed
You groaned but got up out of bed as you wanted to spend this morning with your children. He then wrapped his arms around and gave you a kiss on the head as you both went downstairs. 
By the time you had all gotten downstairs and you and Charles were settled on the couch your three children were ripping into their piles of presents. With many different new toys coming out from the wrapping paper. With the occasion shrieks of joy and the show and tell to you and Charles. As well as the numerous demands of “open it papa” only for the toy to be unboxed then left behind to unwrap more presents.
“ Santa really spoiled you guys this year” you smiled as you watched Remy play with his new dinosaur toy on the ground, Indy inspecting her new roller skates , and Sicily with some slime that was in her stocking. 
“ what about you mama and papa what did Santa bring you” Sicily asked.
“ Santa dosent come to adults “ Indy said in a obvious way
“ that’s right but it’s ok because mama and papa got each other presents “ Charles smiled.
You had been nervous about one of Charles presents for the late couple of days as you had been feeling off for awhile so you decided to take a test, a pregnancy test. It came back positive. Of course nothing was planned but you were sure Charles would be just as happy and supportive as all the other times.
“ merry Christmas my love” Charles handed you a pile of gifts and leant over to kiss you on the lips
“ ewww “ Indy and Sicily groaned , as Charles replied by sticking his tongue out at them. 
The first gift was a refill of the perfume you wear every day and could never get enough of. The next gift was a beautiful silver bracket with a love heart and engraved in the heart was a I, S , R and C. And then the final box made him smirk and you were immediately suspicious of what was in there. When you opened it you immediately put the items back in the box closing the lid and giving Charles a death glare.
“ in-front of the kids Charles” 
“ something special for you and me “ he smirked proud of the silk set within the box
“You are such a teenage horny boy”
“ ok my turn” you sang as you passed him his pile of gifts
You were getting more excited at sharing the news with him. 
He opened the two first gifts revealing some clothes as he was in need of some more suitable day wear they wasn’t carry blue and white tye dye jeans, next was new AirPods and a new travel set of mini suitcases for race weekend. Then he finally came to the final box, the box which contained the next chapter of your lives. He slowly opened it and revealed the stick from under the tissue paper.
“ what’s this mon amour” you just continued to stare at him. 
He picked it up examining it closer. Then his eyes grew wide
“No” he looked at you
You just nodded your head smiling  
“ your pregnant!” 
“ yeah”
“Cherie” he smiled leaning over to kiss your lips and hug you. Then leaning to put his hand on your stomach.
“ this is amazing , the best Christmas gift”
“Surprising this is your fault for not being able to keep your hands off me” you laughed as his hand was still on your stomach
“ you’re just irresistible Cherie” he kissed you again.
“ 4 kids we are really outnumbered now”
“ we’ll be okay” and you believed him you would be ok
“ what did you get papa” Sicily asked as now the two youngest kids were standing in-front of him
“ well mama is pregnant there’s gonna be another baby” he smiled
“ yay! A new girl” Sicily shriek alerted the youngest who didn’t quite understand the idea of a new baby
“ well we don’t know if it’s a girl baby” you laughed 
“ well I know it is “ she smiled going back to her toys
Charles looked at Remy picking  him up , placing him on his lap then snuggling further into you basking in the fact that it was Christmas and the fact a new baby was on the way. It was all ok though for now you would bask in the comfort of your family of 5 before next year the family would grow and Christmas will become even more special.
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Lauren Bacall (To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, Key Largo)—"Just put your lips together...and blow" excuse me ma'am i'm briefly going to turn into a kettle. She's the quintessential Femme Fatale who may betray me in the end but I'd let her it'd be worth it
Gloria Grahame (It's a wonderful life, Oklahoma, Human desire, The Cobweb)—I'm just going to link to this Film Comment article by Donald Chase, who makes the argument more eloquently than I can, although I think Grahame's Ado Annie is more than just the 'flirtatious goofus' he offhandedly describes her as. Between that role and Violet Bick in 'It's a Wonderful Life" she's played two of cinemas best irrepressibly horny ladies. That would be legacy enough for our hot vintage queen, but she is also GLORIOUS in 'In a Lonely Place' and consistently pulls focus from her co-star Humphrey Bogart, famously one of the most charismatic leading men of his day. I think she had even more, and hotter, chemistry with him than he ever had with Lauren Bacall, which is saying a lot I know. Anyway, your honor I love her and I want her to win it all.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Lauren Bacall:
"She is soooo neat. And hot. And everything. That one scene in To Have and Have Not where she says "you know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow" altered my brain chemistry during media archaeology class and here we are."
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"Lauren Bacall was a major lesbian awakening for me. Every picture of her makes it look like she’s about to destroy you physically and emotionally (why is that so hot, I may need help). She had incredible long running chemistry with her husband, Humphrey Bogart, but was an absolute star in her own right. I’ll never be over my crush on her."
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"She's got that confident, no-nonsense air about her. She's a boss babe who knows what she wants and gets it DONE. Staunch liberal Democrat her whole life. Campaigned for RFK. From Wikipedia: "In a 2005 interview with Larry King, Bacall described herself as "anti-Republican... A liberal. The L-word". She added that "being a liberal is the best thing on Earth you can be. You are welcoming to everyone when you're a liberal. You do not have a small mind."" Beautiful hair. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful lips. She's just beauty. LISTEN TO HER VOICE. TELL ME THAT'S NOT THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF."
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"HER VOICE. Like yeah, she was absolutely stunning but oh my god, I'm obsessed with her voice"
"A gorgeous lady inside and out. One half of an absolute power couple with Humphrey Bogart, tended to him and other actors suffering from malaria whilst filming the African Queen, generally radiated grace and poise throughout her life. Also her last role was in Family Guy so she needs justice for that"
"The VOICE, the SLINK, the EYES. Woof."
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"She was stunning. Tall and beautiful with a distinctive voice and able to carry her own in a male dominated field. She won the heart of millions, including one of Hollywood's most iconic leading men, Humphrey Bogart. Their story was the stuff of legends, and the chemistry between them was apparent in the multiple films they started in together. She personified the film noir dame and yet she also adapted as Hollywood changed. Her career spanned decades, and she was honored multiple times."
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Gloria Grahame:
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Absolute Hollywood vamp, who had a fine comedic bone. Died far too young and was depicted by Annette Bening in the stellar Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool
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I’ve heard she’s horrendously miscast in Oklahoma (I have not seen it), so if you’re coming in with that framework PLEASE set that aside because gods does this woman shine in a NOIR!! She plays the battered woman more than a full on fatale, but she manages to bring interesting nuance to characters who are written as mere sultry divergences! Also: she’s sultry and an EXCELLENT divergence
She could do sexy, sweet and sinister in the same breath. She was crazy talented and had that lisp that melts me every time.
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dedalvs · 10 months
Hello there! I was wondering if you could possibly translate this quote: (I know it's a different fandom, but I was wondering if you could translate it anyways. I think it would be neat to see it in High Valyrian.)... "Not all who wander are lost."
So listen… I know this wasn't the intent, and I know that you're kind of standing in for tons of people from my past, but like… When people ask to have something translated, do they really not give any thought to the grammatical complexity of what they're asking for? And 100% this is not just you, but like… Embedded clauses, relative clauses, counterfactuals…
Something I didn't realize till I started creating languages for a living is translation is my least favorite part of language creation—and it's what I spend the most time doing.
Okay, so, "Not all who wander are lost". Good lord. First, there's "lost", which has a literal and metaphorical meaning in English. Absolutely no idea if this would translate in High Valyrian, and I'm pretty sure I don't have a word for "lost", and I don't even know how to go about creating one. Spanish perdido essentially comes from "wasted" or "squandered". We know where English "lost" came from. There actually is a word for "to lose" in HV, but it's to lose a battle. Doesn't make sense to use it here. So I'm going with something that kind of evokes that mists that surround destroyed Valyria and use the locative of "fog", so to be sambrarra "in the fog" means "to be lost".
I also don't (or didn't) have a word for "wander", but I made a derivation based on one of my favorite words, elēnagon, which means to oscillate or swerve. Jorelēnagon now means "to wander". Seems to fit.
And that was the easy part. A relative clause is something like "The dragon that I saw is big". "Whoever I saw is big" also features a kind of relative clause—an indefinite relative clause. These things are absolute murder to create. But no. It's not just that. It's a modified indefinite relative, because it's not "Whoever wanders is lost", it's "All who wander are lost". BUT IT'S NOT JUST THAT. It's negated on top of that. NE. GA. TED. And not just in the usual way: It's the Mothra fumbling quantifier that's negated. It's not whoever wanders. It's not all who wander. It's NOT ALL who wander. This is like my nightmare—being asked to translate something like this. This is giving me flashbacks to season 1 of House of the Dragon when they asked me to translated "Would that it were", as if that was some reasonable thing for a human being to say in any language ever.
Anyway, if you type "indefinite relative clause" into my High Valyrian grammar, you come up with nothing, because I always forget to write down how the hell I decided to do them. I think because I have both relative adjectives and pronouns that I can just use the damn pronouns by themselves. God. "Not all…" Are you kidding me?! You know High Valyrian has a whole collective number to handle "all", right? What, do I just negate that? Will the meaning be the same as a negated quantifier?! Like it's [[not all] who wander], right? And you can bracket like that because they're all separate words. But what if "all who" is one word? What then?! BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT IT IS!
(By the way I just added a sentence to my grammar that includes the phrase "indefinite relative clause" so I can search for it. It's not like this wasn't written up, but I honestly probably forgot what the term was when I wrote the section the first time and I never revisited it.)
Okay. I'm calm and cool. So. Returning to the translation. There are two types of relative pronouns: One that refers to people or things, and another that refers to concepts or ideas or places. We're talking about people here, so we need the first one. And we need it in the collective. That's lȳr. Leaving the negation aside, this can be translated fairly easily:
Jorelēnus lȳr sambrarra ilza.
Okay, that's "All who wander are lost". I chose the aorist subjunctive for the relative because it's like "anyone who may wander"; I think it makes sense. Lȳr is grammatically singular, so it triggers third person singular agreement in both verbs. Since we're using ilagon as a locative copula here, I think (think) the present tense makes the most sense. So that is "All who wander are lost".
Now how the flarking frump do you say "not all" when "all who" is lȳr?!
So since lȳr is a pronoun it can be modified with an adjective, which would like like this:
Jorelēnus dōre lȳr sambrarra ilza.
But the problem with that is I don't think it gives us the intended meaning. I think that means "None who wander are lost", and that's not what the intended meaning is at all. It is basically "Some people who wander are indeed lost—perhaps many of them—but some of those who are wandering are not, in fact, lost". This is also why you can't negate the matrix verb. That would mean "Anyone that might be wandering is not lost"—again, not the intended meaning. This is the crux of the whole translation: Negating the quantifier and not what the quantifier is modifying.
For that reason, the only thing I can think to do is to go to a much more prolix, and, frankly, un-Valyrian-like expression. This would mean taking the relative pronoun out of the collective, putting it back in the singular, adding in a quantifier, and negating it. That would be this:
Jorelēnus dōre tolvie lȳ sambrarra ilza.
Is that it? I honestly don't know. It is a translation; I'm not sure if it's the best translation. Another possibility is to re-translate it and say "A few who may wander are not lost". That would look like this:
Jorelēnusy lȳn sambrarra ilosy daor.
The pronoun is now in the paucal, which triggers plural agreement on both verbs. (And, by the way, thank goodness sambrarra is a noun phrase; it doesn't have to agree with anything!) And this is, basically, "A few who may wander are not lost".
I feel like the second translation is better maybe…? It feels more Valyrianesque. But I'm not 100% sure it conveys the same sense.
Anyway, I started translating this a little over two hours ago. That's what this takes. That's how long something this complex takes. Granted, it didn't have my full attention at all times, because I was watching Booksmart, but this was my second time watching it, so I didn't have to give the movie my undivided attention (though it had been a few years; there were bits I didn't remember). But yeah. Translation. My god. Like…why. Creating languages is fun. Translation is work. (And if it's not work, you're doing it wrong. Mic drop; soap box kicked.)
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sourlove · 5 months
Wedding Crasher ~ Part II of 'Street Rat' YANDERE BAKUGO KATSUKI
A/N: This was in very high demand so I hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for all the support xxx
(Female Reader)
One cold, dark evening, Bakugo Katsuki walked away from the store you worked at and never came back.
Part of you couldn't care less. Another annoyingly persistent part of you cared far too much. It didn't make sense to you. Katsuki was nothing, and yet you still found yourself searching for those scarlet eyes in a crowd. The eyes that never drifted away as if they were anchored on your visage. Sometimes, in the quiet of your mind, you wondered if anybody would ever look at you like that again.
"Y/N, smile!"
Your cheeks hurt as your lips pulled into a wide grin. When you thought back on it, agreeing to marry the first wealthy man that asked might not have been the best idea.
"You lucky bastard!" One of Yuto's drunk friends laughed loudly, as he slung an arm around you carelessly. His breath stunk with expensive alcohol when he leaned in too close to you. "How did you end up pulling a girl like this when you look like that?"
The group laughed at that and you tittered along dutifully. Yuto smirked. "Laugh all you want but she was all over me from the start."
His friend (what was his name again?) groaned dramatically and your resisted the urge to push him off. Just a few more hours, you thought, and we can go home.
"Come on man, just tell us what you did!"
Yuto shrugged and sipped his drink. "You know girls like her. All they need to see is you throwing some money around and they practically throw themselves at you."
Everyone laughed again, voicing their agreement as if you weren't standing there, still smiling like a fool. It was true that Yuto and his friends were in a much higher tax bracket than you but it wasn't like he thought you were some kind of gold-digger.
The drunkard, whose name you still couldn't recall, leered down at you, bony fingers digging into your hip. "So she's that kind of girl huh?" His breath reeked. "Tell you what, I've got a five dollar bill, do ya think she'll let me get lucky tonight?"
This time, the only people that laughed were Yuto and his smelly little friend, though by the way his hand kept creeping downwards, you could tell it wasn't a joke. The crowd sort of chuckled awkwardly, many of them glancing at you, and you realized you had stopped smiling for the first time since morning.
Kenji. You remembered his name now. When you looked at him, all you could see was your reflection in the display area of the shop, looking down with a pompous, self-satisfied smirk. As if you were untouchable. The only difference was that you were the one being looked down on. The same way you looked down on Katsuki.
Kenji was still laughing when you swung, fist hitting his throat dead on. You watched impassively as he choked and coughed, eyes bulging nearly out of his sockets. Someone screamed and the creep gaped at you, holding his throat. You hoped it would bruise.
"Your breath fucking stinks," you hissed, just as Yuto pulled you away into the garden, away from the wedding reception. You stumbled and tripped but your husband's harsh grip on your arm kept you moving, deeper and deeper into the dark garden maze. The thought of a steamy escapade in the dark of night would have been promising any other time. But not this time.
You expected Yuto to be angry but you didn't expect him to slap you across the face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you know who you just hit right now?!"
"I could ask you the same."
The sudden voice made both of you jump. What you thought was a shadow shifted, revealing a large, broad frame of a man. He towered over Yuto, who was fairly tall, to his credit, but you could barely make out any features other than his light colored hair.
"And who the fuck are you?" Yuto snarled. "This is a private garden!"
The figure didn't move but Yuto surged forward, perhaps in some convoluted attempt to seem threatening. You wanted to tell him to stop, that something felt dangerous about this man but the stranger beat you to it.
There was a loud crack and you gasped when Yuto fell, struck down by the stranger's weapon. He stepped closer and a beam of moonlight fell over his face, highlighting chiseled yet familiar features. Your breath halted in your chest.
Bakugo Katsuki squatted down and fisted Yuto's hair, dragging him up to face level. "I asked you, do you know who you just hit?" The bat he used was covered in nails and a dark red substance you figured was blood, part of which was flowing from your husband's head.
"P-please," he stammered, all bravado gone. "I didn't d-do anything..."
A scowl marred Bakugo's features and he released Yuto's head, standing up. "Wrong answer, asshole." The spiked bat curved in a powerful arc in the sky before landing on Yuto's face. Again and again and again until he stopped screaming and only gurgled noises came from the mess of blood and flesh that used to be a human face.
You were paralyzed with fear, from the beginning of the assault until Bakugo finally locked eyes with you. Your knees gave way and you slumped to the ground, tears spilling uncontrollably. "Oh god, oh god, p-please- don't kill me...!"
Those eyes, those terrible scarlet eyes that you had stared down at from your pedestal, darkened. "Y/N..."
He recognized you. You sobbed and curled up protectively. "Please I'm sorry, please j-just don't kill me, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry, I-"
This was it, the moment he would take his revenge on you for all those years of dismissal and mockery. Bakugo frowned and moved towards you but you immediately scrambled up, intending to run further into the garden. You had to at least try to get away.
But Bakugo was much faster and stronger than the scrawny kid you remembered. You barely took two steps before he had caught you, hooking a thick arm around your neck despite your screams and struggles.
"Don't worry, baby, everything will be okay once I take you home."
Darkness creeped into your vision and the last thing you saw was the scarlet blood on your dress that only reminded you of those terrible, terrible eyes.
A/N: if you liked this, please like, repost and drop a comment or request!
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moonstruckme · 6 months
We have whimsical reader in marauders
We need one with tasm peter
Can you imagine (or make) a witch/wizard reader with tasm peter!!???
Thanks for requesting love!
tasm!Peter Parker x whimsical!reader ♡ 679 words
Peter comes in through the window, more out of habit than anything else now that he’s not hiding anything from you, but you don’t startle. You’re sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the floor in front of the couch, flipping through what looks like his old physics textbook. 
“Baby,” he says, “why was there an apple on the fire escape again?” 
“It was still there?” You look up, disappointed to find a whole apple in your boyfriend’s hand. “I thought Ricardo would’ve gotten to it by now. I hope he’s okay.” 
Peter scoffs, going into the kitchen to wash the apple and put it away. He scrubs it extra hard just in case the raccoon you’re set on befriending did get his grubby paws on it. 
“Ricardo can eat without your help,” he says. “He’s hardy, he’s from Brooklyn.” 
“I know,” you sigh, “but apples are his favorite.” 
Peter’s eyes narrow, but you’re not looking, your attention on something in the book. “How do you know that?” 
“He’ll let me pet him while he’s eating apples.” 
He sighs, leaning his forearms on the counter. He’s going to have to find a way to move that raccoon to another neighborhood the next time he goes out. Before it gives you rabies.
“What’re you doing over there?” he asks you. 
“Pressing flowers.” 
“Yeah?” Peter rounds the counter, moving behind you to sit on the couch. His knees bracket your shoulders. The A/C is blasting to combat the summer heat, and goosebumps prickle down your arms. “What for?” 
“I was thinking May could bring them to work,” you say, flattening a dandelion between two pieces of wax paper. The movements are deft and routined, and Peter wonders how many flowers are already enclosed between the pages. There’s a small pile of them sitting next to you, miraculously intact despite the fragile puffs. “She was telling me about some of the kids she works with last week. I thought they might like to have them.” You shrug. “For bookmarks or whatever.” 
Peter’s insides go melty soft. “I’m sure they would.” He leans forward, setting his hand on your shoulder and his lips to your head. You only keep working. Sometimes Peter feels like a weird rock or a feather that you’d picked up somewhere, put in your pocket without a second thought. But you do love your rocks and feathers, so it’s not an awful fate. “Where’d you get these, sweetheart?” 
“I found them,” you say simply. “Parks, sidewalks, you know. They grow anywhere. Do you think I should save a few in case they want to make wishes instead of keeping them?” 
It’s said so seriously Peter can’t help but grin, turning so his cheek smushes into the crown of your head. “That seems like a good idea. Mind if I use one?” 
“Of course.” You sound surprised. “Use as many as you want, Peter. I can always get more.” 
“Just one is good.” 
He slides off of the couch, sitting beside you and picking up a dandelion. He waits until you’re looking over at him before blowing. 
You squeeze your eyes shut as the seeds rush towards you. Peter’s close enough that they get stuck in your eyelashes and eyebrows, a couple in your hair. His breath weakens as he starts laughing, the last few seeds coming off the flower by way of little puffs of air. 
“You don’t have to blow it at someone,” you say, lips stretching into a pretty smile. You blink cautiously, opening your eyes once no dandelion fluff falls in. 
He lowers the stem. “I just wanted to make sure my wish went in the right direction.” 
Your head tilts. “What’d you wish for?” 
Peter combs a bit of white fluff out of your hair, grinning. “C’mon, baby,” he tsks, shifting his fingers to your jaw. You’re pliant to the touch, angling your head at the slightest cue from him. You keep your eyes open, curious, but your lips are soft against his. “You know that’s not how it works. I’ve still gotta make sure it comes true.”
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wonwoosthetic · 9 months
Can you write about the NANA TOUR with minnie? plsss (can you also include the reaction of carats to her waking up and her closeness with wonwoo)
series masterlist
word count - 12k
a/n: thank you for the request!! I was very happy to write Minnie into these episodes/parts bc omg even just watching them was so much fun already! I had to change up a few things, for example like them not waking up Minnie but her already being up, I hope that's okay :) at the end of the chapter you can find a link to some Fan Twitter edits, I hope you like them too :) if there's anything else you'd like to see, please let me know! Love you all! <3
[everything in brackets like this was added by me]
everything in italics wasn’t caught on camera, but is just for you <3
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Go Together NANA TOUR 🌷Minnie
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EP1-1. Don't Let SEVENTEEN Know
Yeongseok was getting every piece of information about the other members out of S.Coups. What will they be doing at 5 in the morning? Which members are going to be drinking most likely? Who will be the most excited? The leader of the idol group was giving him every answer in detail, knowing the rest of the group like the back of his hand.
"Who will have the best reaction when they find out we're going?"
The question was thrown into the room, making the wheels in Seungcheol's head start turning right away. It didn't take him long to have the answers, remembering each time the members had excitedly talked about the Youth Over Flower program even before they had the luck of picking it out of the hat as a prize for their hard work. 
The '95 Liner started listing off some of the brightest members of the group. At the, once again, mention of Mingyu, the producers couldn't help but chuckle, remarking that the leader had repeatedly talked about the taller member.
Amid their conversation and after a particular question from the producer, the two men realised that while Minghao would be definitely excited, he might also be possibly slightly disappointed in the trip. Seungcheol explained that it might surprise him that it would suddenly not only be him and Jun in Rome but he and the 12 other members. Na PD made sure to let the leader know he'd be looking out for the '97 Liner with an extra eye and keep him close.
A follow-up question from one of the producers behind the camera caught Cheol's attention.
"Other than Myungho-shi," he wondered, "are there any other members we need to take care of?"
For a second, 'Coups let himself think.
"Minnie-shi?" The producer asked him again.
The '95 Liner nodded. "She... you'll see... she can get... how do I say this?" He wondered out loud. "She tends to look for a person for.. comfort? She wants to have someone right next to her that... she can trust and she can be comfortable with because... It's like... she gets like this and just wants to have someone that will... lead them well. She's just very careful sometimes," he explained. "Especially with this program because she won't trust you well at first," Cheol chuckled, "because of the past 'Youth Over Flowers' episodes."
[Leader who knows his members very well]
"Okay, okay... I see... So, Minnie will be clingy? Once she trusts us." Yeongseok questioned him further.
Cheol nodded. "Yeah, maybe... and it might seem cute, but don't let that fool you," he suddenly warned the older man, making him chuckle.
"W-What? What do you mean?" He laughed.
"She has a very strong personality," Coups smiled with wide eyes, embellishing his statement.
"Aaah," Na PD nodded his head. A memory made him chuckle again as he put his hand on the idol's shoulder. "She was already making deals with me during the first Game Caterer episode."
[Kids who like debating]
The comment made the leader laugh out loud and touch the older man's arm as he threw his head back in glee. Yeongseok joined him, chuckling along with the '95 Liner while some giggles could be also heard from behind the camera.
"That means she's comfortable with you, hyung. That's a good sign," S.Coups assured him with a nod. "If she puts up a fight with you, it means she likes you. Then she'll also be more fun."
Na PD took a deep breath in, "Aah, ok. That's good then, I guess... a bit confusing, but..." his eyes closed for a second as he chuckled before catching himself again. "Then I'll make sure to keep Minnie close to me as well. Along with Myungho and Mingyu."
"And anyone else?" The producer from behind the camera asked furthermore, clearly wanting to make sure that each member would be in good hands.
Cheol pressed his lips together before the next member's name rolled off his tongue. "Woozi?"
After knocking on the hotel door, S.Coups let himself in.
"You're so loud," he commented right as he entered, the camera not following him.
"Come in," Hoshi just ushered him inside. Followed by Joshua, who repeated it,
"Come in, come in."
"You're too loud," the leader told them again.
Minnie sighed softly, a smile evident through her voice, "I've been telling them that."
Mingyu interrupted her before she could say anything more. "But-" and suddenly started singing a random tune. The maknae was quick to join his hyung, coming up with lyrics that would fit the instrumentals the group was playing in the background.
"Did they wake you up?" The girl suddenly wondered.
Seungcheol shook his head, "I was already awake."
"Why are you awake at this hour?" She sounded clearly confused, maybe even slightly concerned, but the '95 Liner just brushed off her worry as he remembered the 'script'
"I think I lost my phone."
Dino was still in the middle of his written-on-the-spot song when he called the leader's phone as he asked him to do. Hoshi and Na PD were still in the hallway of the hotel floor when the phone rang. Unbeknownst to everyone but the '96 Liner, Yeongseok picked up the call and followed the idol back into the room, hot on his tracks.
After the two came in, the older man revealed himself to the six members who were in the room. Starting on the left side of the room, Seungcheol had taken a seat on one of the extra armchairs while Joshua and Seungkwan were occupying the couch and table right by the window. Mingyu had gotten comfortable laying on the bed, while Minnie was sitting up and the youngest decided to stand right next to the mattress.
Na PD barged in, still on the phone, "Coups-ya, how can you leave your phone just lying around?"
As soon as he came into view, the members jumped back in surprise. Joshua sat up straighter while Mingyu just continued to lounge off. Minnie's mouth was hanging open wide, gazing at the man in front of her with big eyes.
But he kept up his act, "How can you leave your phone lying around?"
Their leader had fallen into a fit of laughter, gripping his crunches tightly as he tried to collect himself again while the rest just looked around the room in a state of shock and surprise. With so many cameras on you all of a sudden, the expressions on each of their faces were understandable.
Hoshi joined Minnie on the side of the bed she had claimed, reaching out for the hand of the producer.
"Ah... wait a minute- we really... woah..." He kept on starting sentences and not finishing them.
"This can't be it," Joshua threw into the room, now also up and closer to the bed as all eyes were on Yeongseok, who held onto the '96 Liner's hands tightly as he talked.
"Hey!" He started, "This is what was promised."
Hoshi sighed out loud in frustration, "No, but our concert just ended yesterday-"
"Wait," Mingyu suddenly jumped in, scooching up further to the front of the mattress to stop right in front of Na PD. "Are we not going to Korea?"
The producer shook his head with a smile, "You can't go! That's not where you're going." Making the rapper's grin widen even more and eventually errupt into bright laughter as he threw his hands up and let himself fall back onto the bed. Even before his back hit the white sheets again, his arms wrapped around the girl who was still quietly in the background, hiding her mouth behind her hand that was covered by the black zip-up hoodie she was wearing.
"WOAH, that's so nice!" He called out happily, tightening his arms around her as if she was to thank rather than the man standing in front of the group.
Each member received a microphone to be clipped by the collar of their clothing and got to sit back down comfortably. Minnie decided to stay on the right side of the bed, her shoulder brushing against Hoshi's.
Everyone but the leader was still in somewhat of a bubble of the unknown, unsure of what would be happening next or where they would even be going even after they had started interrogating the producers and staff members about their schedule.
The performance unit's leader had another important question, "What's the thing where Myungho and Junnie are going to Italy, hyung?" 
"Myungho and Junnie are going to Italy," Na PD simply answered, making the girl's eyebrows scrunch in confusion.
"Ah, so separate-" Hoshi started but was interrupted by Seungcheol, who chuckled at the disarray of his members.
"No," he smiled, "You're going together."
"We're going?" The '96 Liner looked up at the older man, who seemed to be also very much amused at the situation, but one member caught his attention.
"Minnie-ya," he turned to the girl with a smile, who met his eyes, "You've been so quiet."
She chuckled to herself, taking a deep breath in. "I... I'm still in shock," making the other producers smile as well. "Are we really going to Italy?" Her big eyes were fixed on him, not even daring to blink, too scared for it all to be a dream and blinking would wake her up.
Mingyu had fallen to his knees, clasping the producer's hands into his, practically begging him to not be lying to them. He desperately wanted the news of their apparent Italy journey to be true.
"Can I tell them that?" The older man asked his fellow producers who nodded with multiple chuckles. So, he turned back to the '97 Liners who were still gazing up at him with expecting eyes. "We're going to Italy." He assured them.
With big smiles and eyes, Minnie and Mingyu turned to each other, giggling before the rapper let his head into her lap, his cheek brushing against the white silk of her pyjama pants.
[Dream destination of the younger ones?]
Very quickly, Yeongseok explained the next few steps that would involve waking up the other members who were sleeping and gathering them all in one room to let the program officially start.
Only problem: some of the members were still drunk enough to most probably hardly remember anything about the events the following day.
"Right now, I-" Dino explained, "We're kind of drunk."
"We are drunk," Joshua agreed, his voice just underlying the statement he had just given.
"It's okay," Na PD assured them. "Everyone's drunk."
"Noona isn't," the youngest pointed at the girl who had stood up and was straightening out the hoodie she was wearing.
Yeongseok looked over at her. "Minnie, you're not drunk?"
The camera focused on the female idol who shook her head. "No," she chuckled, "I was sleeping, but my phone kept going off," she explained. "These idiots were texting me to come over." 
[Interruption of her beauty sleep]
Her comment got a round of chuckles from the producers behind the cameras, making her smile and shake her head.
"So you haven't been here for long?" Shin Hyojung, one of the female producers, wondered.
"No," Minnie answered again. "I actually came like five minutes before you barged in."
"Woah," Na PD gasped, "So you could've caught us even before Hoshi..."
[Lucky timing]
"We really wanted her to drink with us," Hoshi walked over to the '97 Liner, linking his arm with hers.
"And I wanted to sleep," she added with a smile at the older member.
First on the list: Waking up Dokyeom.
The group, along with the producers exited the hotel room and rushed into the lobby, on their way to find the room of the other member. Minnie walked alongside the leader, Seungkwan was right in front of them, walking backwards so he could face the two.
"Pledis really does this?!" He continued to question the reality of the situation.
The girl shook her head, looking down at the floor before glancing forward again. "That can't be real. They can't just take us to Italy like that, right? Pledis wouldn't allow that."
"But they are," the leader stated, continuously laughing at the situation.
"That's crazy," she mumbled to herself, hugging her arms close to her torso
She had found the idea of barging into the other members' rooms entertaining, yet scary at first. She wasn't able to get the thought of them doing the exact same to her out of her head. 'Thank God, I was with the drunk part of the group...', Deep down, she knew she had to thank Dino and Hoshi for blowing up her phone and getting her out of bed because the situation could've gotten quite uncomfortable for quite a few people. These thoughts led to her staying in the background during their break-in into Dokyeom's room, choosing to laugh along with the members as they loudly shouted out for the '97 Liner to get up. 
With his bloodshot eyes, he was still looking around the hallway on their way out towards the next victim's room. He tapped the girl's shoulder, making her turn to the right, immediately a giggle tumbling from her lips as she took in his dishevelled look.
"Minnie-ya..." Dokyeom gasped, "Is this real? Are we really going?"
The female idol patted his back with a smile, "Yes, we're really going right now."
"Woah..." he breathed out as they stopped right in front of the producer's room.
Seungkwan reached out to unlock the door with the master keycard, but his hand was slapped away by the '97 Liner rapper.
"Just go!" The leader, from the back of the line, called out, "Just go in with 'Woozi!'"
"What if he's not sleeping..." Seungkwan wondered out loud.
After a few more moments of debate, the members agreed to let Yeongseok walk in first to wake up the '96 Liner by pretending he was one of their managers. Waking him up softly like one of the staff members was definitely the better choice rather than barging in and screaming at his face like they did with the main vocalist right before.
Na PD didn't need much convincing before opening the door and stepping in. Everyone was surprised by the brightness of the room due to the lights that were still on - hardly anyone expected Woozi to be still up at this time. Well... he wasn't exactly. Walking further into the hotel room, the group of idols and producers found the singer lying on his bed, no sheets covering his body, still in the clothes he had worn before, spread out on top of the mattress.
One chuckle after the other fell with each step they took further into the room. All the while Yeongseok kept up his act of their road manager, trying to get Woozi out of bed.
Clearly confused, the '96 Liner pushed himself off the bed, the sound of each member's laughter echoing through the room as they started surrounding him. Mingyu's distinct laugh bounced off the walls specifically.
Minnie's eye drifted from the flustered member who had just been pulled out of his slumber, to the table right next to the bed. She immediately laughed even harder than before, walking up to Hoshi to show him.
After smacking his arm, she pointed forward, "Look at his protein powder!"
"Ah!" The performance unit's leader laughed out loud, "His protein! Look at the protein!" He caught the attention of the rest of the people in the room. Each member started laughing even more at the mention of the massive box of protein powder he had brought along for their, in relation, rather short Japan trip.
The producer was still too dishevelled to form proper sentences, just clearly wanting to get the group out of his room and onto the next one.
"Woozi-hyung, why are your sunglasses on the bed?" Dokyeom commented once his eyes found the accessory lying close to the pillows. Hoshi had reached out and grabbed them, handing them over to Mingyu, who put them on the older member's face and pushed them up to keep his hair looking somewhat sane.
Minnie chuckled with a shake of her head, "Woozi-hyung might just be the most fashionable sleeper I've ever seen." Then she turned to the producer. "But without them, you currently look like a crazy scientist." Getting a sarcastic grin from him in return, as Mingyu hit her arm with a chuckle.
"To which door are we going next?" Yeongseok wondered right away, as soon as Woozi was ready to go. He had gotten into the flow of the Seventeen members waking each other up. Each time, using their creativity and knowledge about one another to come up with fun ways to rip them out of their slumber and surprise them with the news.
"The room next door is-"
"Wonwoo," Minnie finished the sentence of the staff member quietly under her breath. Not enough for the rest to notice, but the camera right next to her had caught it.
Mingyu's voice suddenly rang through their ears. "But- I'm sorry. We'll skip Wonwoo-hyung."
The girl's eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she looked at her fellow '97 Liner, "Why?" Followed by Na PD who threw the same question into the room, sounding slightly more concerned than the girl, who just seemed confused by Mingyu's sudden comment.
"I just don't think it's going to be funny," he told the older man before meeting the eyes of the female member.
Minnie opened her mouth, still a slight scrunch in her eyebrows, but as soon as she closed her lips again her eyebrows returned to a neutral facial expression. Dino was quick to react.
"No, no, no, Wonwoo-hyung is fun," the youngest commented, already ready to make his way to the next room.
The girl was next. "Mm, it's gonna be okay," she assured the rapper, speaking softly as she walked up to him. "We'll make it fun."
Arrived at the next room, Seunkgwan and Dino were the first in line, right next to the door. The '98 Liner was already holding the keycard up, excited to wake up the next member.
"Wonwoo?" Na PD asked them again to make sure.
The main vocalist nodded, "Yes, we'll go with Wonwoo."
The producer of the show had caught up with the two youngest, standing next to them as the Seungkwan reached out to knock.
Minnie had come closer, stopping between Hoshi and Dino, waiting for the singer in front of them to finally open the door.
For a moment, the group waited after Seungkwan had knocked on the door three times. Only that Hoshi had already become too impatient,
"We can just go in." Not even wanting to wait another second, making the girl next to him chuckle.
"Let's go in," Dino whispered along with the older member, ushering Seungkwan to just open the door. With a soft push down on the handle, they opened it. Before they let themselves in, Hoshi had pushed Minnie forward, right past the maknae, who added another quick whisper of,
"Noona, go in first."
With quick, yet quiet steps, the female member pushed the door slightly more open and stepped into the room right after flicking on the lights.
"Oppa?" She greeted him at first.
Dino followed right behind her, with Seungkwan afterwards, who held the door open for the cameraman.
"Wonwoo-hyung, they say we need to go," he commented as soon as he walked in.
"Huh?" A raspy hum came from the other side of the room.
While all the other members were toddling inside in a line, one after the other, Minnie's voice was caught by the microphone.
"Oh- pull up the covers," she hastily stated. "Cover your body."
"Why-" Wonwoo was about to ask her a follow-up question when Na PD's voice echoed through the room.
"Wonwoo-ya!" He called out as he revealed himself from the hallway, appearing at the foot of the bed, on which Minnie had sat herself down, while the rapper was holding up the covers over his chest. "It's time to go!" The producer chuckled at the reaction of the '96 Liner as he let himself fall back against the mattress. "Wonwoo-ya... why are your shoulders so wide?" He laughed as he got closer to the bed, his hands finding his bare shoulders that had gotten famous ever since their Game Caterer episode.
The female idol laughed along with her members, holding onto the massive block of a power bank and his glasses as her eyes switched from watching the group in front of them to the man to her right, still hiding underneath the white hotel bedsheets.
"They're definitely wider than Mingyu's!" Cheol commented with a chuckle, making the girl divert her glance over to the '97 Liner, who continued to stand still with what could almost be considered a pout on his lips. She tilted her head with a tight smile decorating her face.
Yeongseok's laughter and voice filled the room, "I think we need to cover him up!" As he tried to do exactly that by tucking the sheets closer to Wonwoo's side. "Stay like this! Stay like this right now!" Pulling them even higher up to his neck.
Not able to hold back a smile, Minnie carefully opened his black frames and tried to place them onto his nose, knowing just how blurry everything must have been for him, making the situation even worse. As they happened to fall slightly crooked, she reached out again to fix them. "Wait," she chuckled, "You have to wear them properly."
"Oh," Na PD looked at him, "Yes, wear your glasses, please."
While Seungkwan's attention was now on the magazines that had been placed on the nightstand, the girl seemed to have noticed the redness shooting to the tips of the rapper's ears, making her smile even wider as she tried to cover them with his hair, running her hand over them and through each strand. 
With a quick hand motion and moving lips towards the '98 Liner, he immediately knew what the girl had asked him to do.
"Ah- wait, wait, where are your clothes, hyung?"
"Oh, where are your clothes, Wonwoo-ya?" Yeongseok immediately engaged with them, looking around the room before the '96 Liner pointed towards the couch. He pushed himself up to sit up straight, the white blanket falling off his shoulders exposing just the very upper area of his torso.
"Oh? Hi, PD-nim." Wonwoo threw everyone off-guard at the sudden greeting. He had only now straightened his glasses properly and blinked enough times to get adjusted to the bright lights in his room. 
Along with Yeongseok, who greeted him as well with a surprised tone lacing his voice as their hands interlocked, Minnie chuckled with the other members at the conversation happening in front of them. With laughter, the girl let herself fall forward, the palm of her right hand hitting Wonwoo's bare skin and shoulder muscles.
After being handed a shirt, the rapper turned to the two members that were closest to him - for one, Minnie on his left, sitting on the bed, and Seungkwan still standing to his right.
"What is this?" He asked them, the corners of his lips curling up into a tired smile.
"Hyung," the '98 Liner started, "We're going."
"Youth Over Flowers is starting," the girl explained further, giggling once again as the surprised eyes of the '96 Liner met hers. 
"Going now?"
"Right now," she nodded, her hand still on his shoulder, only leaving it when he pulled the black shirt over his head and torso.
The quick comment, "That's my shirt," by Mingyu was met with a blank stare from the girl as she pressed her lips together, and quietness washed over the room. Wonwoo having to put on pants first, was the next big attention seeker.
While the rest of the group was debating who to wake up next, either Jun or Minghao, Na PD also admitted to his guilt of having to explain to the '97 Liner that he'd be going to Italy, not alone with his fellow Chinese member as he had thought, but with all the Seventeen members together. Minnie's hand was gripping the sheets, holding them up just slightly after she had noticed the struggle the rapper was having as he tried to put on pants without revealing himself to an entire camera crew and staff members.
They decided to go with Jun next. Apologising to him would be easier, or so Na PD thought before they barged into the '96 Liner's room, ripping him out of his slumber. Now, the producer was standing by the left side of the bed, his hands intertwined in front of him as he tried to find the right words.
"Jun," he spoke ever so softly, "I have something to tell you." The still dishevelled member looked to his right, trying to find the eyes of the older member while Dokyeom was trying to place the microphone onto the collar of Jun's shirt.
"I don't know from what point I need to start telling you," Yeongseok admitted, getting a round of laughter in return.
Minnie, who had taken her place next to the maknae, let her head fall onto his shoulder as the giggling shook both of their bodies.
"We lied about so many things," he admitted. "I don't know what to talk about first."
Jun let his eyes drift around the room, trying to find some explanation in the glances from his members, but they were all just smiling back at him in pure amusement. With a hand, he covered his mouth nervously.
"From what is it the truth?" He wondered, hoping to be able to figure out the starting point of what the producer kept on claiming to be 'a series of lies'.
"There's no truth," Minnie stated with a chuckle. "It's all lies."
"Hey!" Na PD turned to the girl, pointing at her with a smile, "Don't say it like that!"
"You have to be honest with him, hyung... He was so excited for the trip." She fought back, all while fighting her own giggles as Jun kept up his confused facial expression, switching between the two arguing parties.
"That..." He started once again, still flustered by having to admit to the fake schedule they had created for the idol group. "The... this program," Na PD finally let out. "That entire program."
Still slightly unsure of what exactly the man was talking about, the '96 Liner slowly nodded his head, "Aah... ah... okay..." Making the members around his bed chuckle.
The older man kept his stance with his intertwined hands, looking down at the performer with pure guilt written all over his face. He repeated his apology, explaining that the schedule wouldn't include the other two famous men, but the rest of his group instead. Trying to lift the mood by elaborating on how wonderful it is to be able to spend that time with the rest of his members was used to more so soothe him instead of the idol as Jun was still very much disoriented by the sudden intrusion.
"Do the members know too?" He wanted to know.
In chorus, they started explaining to him they had only just found out as well and weren't in on any 'plan' as he had thought.
Na PD placed a comforting hand on the '96 Liner's shoulder. "The people in front of your eyes right now," he started, "They didn't know anything 5 minutes ago." What he did leave out was the fact that not only were they unaware of the situation they'd be thrown into, but also unbelievably unprepared, as a rap battle seemed much more important.
The youngest of the group had another confession to make as he opened his mouth. "And hyung... I'm drunk right now." He suddenly revealed. The girl on his right wrapped her arm around his waist, patting his back as the room erupted in another round of laughter. Wonwoo was quick to jump into the situation, holding up his hand, showing four fingers that he moved around in front of Dino's face, a fond smile making his lips curl.
"Oh-" the maknae was surprised by the sudden action, "Three?" He called out, getting another chuckle from everyone in the room. Minnie's palm hit his chest with a giggle.
On their way out, onto the next room, the female member was interrupted in her conversation as the youngest called out for her.
"Noona!" He turned around to face her while she was walking a few steps behind them, next to Seungcheol. 
She hummed in response, "Hm?"
"I really wasn't too weird, right?" He stopped in his tracks to let her catch up with him before he interlocked his arm with hers. "You were the only really sober one, so please tell me. I wasn't too weird, right?"
With a tight smile on her lips, their looks met. "Well..." she started, already making the maknae close his eyes and groan in embarrassment. "You weren't weird. You were just being you. But you did start a rap battle all of a sudden," she recalled with a giggle.
"Ah...," he sighed, letting his forehead rest against her shoulder, "Noona, why did I do that?" 
Her lips formed a fond smile as she patted his back. "Don't worry about it. The people watching this will find it funny."
"Are you sure?" He asked her further, still with a slight sulk lacing his voice.
[Younger brother looking for affirmation]
She nodded, her hands brushing over his hair, making him smile.
The members had made their way into Vernon's room. Seungkwan had gone in first after the group was convinced that he the second youngest was actually still awake and not sleeping, like the rest had been. Inside, they were greeted with yet again the bright lights of the room, and, just like with Wonwoo, another two copies of their magazine cover on the table that Dino presented proudly to the camera.
The '98 Liner had himself fully covered by the white bedsheets, confirming the suspicion they had of him, like his fellow HHU member, not wearing anything to bed.
Mortified by the sudden amount of people invading his room, he had pulled the blanket up to his face. Even with Seungkwan's warning, nothing could've prepared him for this moment.
Minnie and Hoshi had joined him on the mattress, sitting down on the left side that was kept free while Na PD tried to get the younger member out of the comfort of the bed.
"I'm in such a dirty state right now," Vernon confessed, now hiding his entire face behind the safety of the sheets. "I'm only wearing this right now," he pointed to the thin piece of clothing working as a robe.
Yeongseok chuckled flustered. "Oh- you're only wearing that?"
Without a warning, Hoshi's hands suddenly travelled underneath the covers, getting a look of confusion from the girl in return. He patted around the mattress and body of the man underneath them when he suddenly nodded with a big grin.
"Ooh, he's really only wearing this," he told the rest of the room. The members and crew chuckled at his uncalled action. Shocked, but definitely not surprised.
Minnie, who kept her eyes on him, leaned closer to him, slapping his leg with an amused scoff, "You can't do that!"
Her fellow '97 Liner and rapper right next to them, hunched over in laughter, his hands falling to the shoulder of the performance unit leader, pushing him away.
They agreed to let him put on clothes first before they would move on to the next room. But the blanket still covering him turned out to be more of an obstacle than expected as he started squirming around, Na PD trying to lift the sheets to give him some more room to put on the pants that were handed to him. The movements seemed too funny for the group not to comment on them.
"Are you shedding?" Seungkwan was the first to comment.
Minnie smiled at his struggle. "You look like a transforming worm, Vernon," getting a round of chuckles from the members.
Getting Jeonghan out of bed was easy for the group. The '95 Liner was quick to play along and jumped into character almost instantly when Yeongseok was the first to walk into his room. He was up on his feet and ready to jump into action. You could've thought he hadn't even been sleeping.
"I don't know," Jeonghan mumbled, "I don't know how I am right now." While some of the other members were still focused on the magazines with his pictures on the cover. Somebody had placed a few copies of them on his table as well.
Na PD chuckled warmly, "You're very pretty right now. It's okay, it's okay." His assuring words made the vocalist nod and ready to go on to the next room.
Minnie sighed, "You could really wake up Jeonghan-hyung at any hour and he'll look pretty. That's so unfair." Followed by a slight sulk that was caught by the members. She was just about to turn around when Seungkwan's follow-up comment made her stop.
"Then you gotta work on your beauty sleep, noona." His words made her open her mouth but close it quickly, reminding herself of all of the cameras that were on them, so she just nodded. But a sarcastic smile was plastered on her face.
Woozi couldn't help but shake his head in amusement at the two. "Don't listen to him," he mumbled, patting her back before he turned around to leave them alone.
Next and final room: Minghao. The member Na PD was dreading to face, having to, once again, explain the situation and the lie they had come up with, making the '97 Liner believe he'd go on a trip to Italy with Jun alone, along with two other people from the entertainment industry. Well, now he'd get to enjoy the Italian flair with 12 of his members.
Standing in front of the last hotel room they'd break in, the debating started. How would they greet the member who was looking forward to the trip the most?
Seungkwan proposed that Yeongseok should go in first, clapping and congratulating Minghao on the trip. Jeonghan had the idea of letting the '98 Liner walk in first to wish him 'safe travels', but he stopped himself in the middle of the sentence, deciding that it would take too long to let one member after the other inside. Final decision: all of the barge in at the same time, clapping and celebrating. That would wake him up, for sure.
After one flick of the lights, the members rushed inside, their loud voices immediately filling the room as their claps bounced off the walls. Wide eyes welcomed them as Minghao looked around the room in surprise, taken aback by the sudden appearance of his members along with crew members he didn't recognize right away. Only after Seungkwan introduced Na PD, did the '97 Liner realise who was standing in front of him. He sat himself up to greet him.
Then it was time. The explanation.
Yeongseok started. "Oh, to be honest, Myungho-ya... there's something I need to apologise to you about."
As soon as the soft and delicate words, "What is it?" Left Minghao's lips, the producer stepped back. You would've thought he had to tell him Santa wasn't real by his reaction.
But after a moment of silence, he spilt the truth, explaining that Jun and his 'trip to Italy' was happening right at that moment, adding that the rest of the members were coming along too though. From her position next to S.Coups in the corner of the room, Minnie, along with the rest of the members burst into laughter when he started clapping and smiling almost painfully fake.
Minghao got dressed and the others got themselves comfortable around the room, spreading out onto the bed, and the couch, and some chose to stand up.
That's when Na PD spoke up again, "Okay, everyone's together, right?" A conversation easily followed. Hoshi started by explaining their fully packed schedule, which made the members realise that they would not even have the time to film 'Youth Over Flowers' at any point during that time, but the producer clarified the careful thought process that went into kidnapping the idol group and giving them a well-deserved break during such a busy time.
As the realisation of it happening right now hit Dino, he groaned and let his face fall into his hands, catching the attention of the girl. Minnie chuckled at the youngest antics, elbowing the leader on her right before she nodded towards the bed, where the maknae was contemplating all of his life choices.
"Look at Dino." Seungcheol joined her giggling, eyeing the youngest member carefully. "He's still drunk," she shook her head with a smile.
While Hoshi and Dokyeom discussed which month they had thought they'd get to film the program in, Shin Hyojung spoke up from behind the camera.
"Considering that, too," mentioning the packed schedule of the idol group. "we freed space for a week." Which caught the attention of each member.
Various gasps and hums echoed through the room.
"An entire week?!" Minnie wondered out loud in shock, getting a nod from the female producer in return.
"An entire week," she confirmed.
After she dropped the next lie, which had been the fake schedule they created for the entire week, another round of gasps could be heard from the singers. None of them could really believe the time and dedication the production crew had put into this - just for them.
"All fake," Seungcheol commented.
Minnie turned towards him. "Did you know about them being fake?!"
He was quick to shake his head, "I swear, I knew as much as you guys about this. I only found out a few hours before you."
"That's crazy..." the girl mumbled, her arms crossed in front of her chest, tightening the zip-up hoodie around her frame.
"I'm going to make some announcements," Na PD called out to get the attention back to the moment. "And we can talk about other things later!" Firstly, he let them know about their destination as only some of the members had caught onto where they were going - Rome, Italy. While sounds of surprise and happiness filled the room, Minnie stayed quiet and surprised Cheol when she suddenly wrapped her arm around his. The crutch made it slightly awkward, but it didn't stop her.
"Who has been to Italy?" Yeongseok wondered, getting a round of shaking heads in return.
"None," was repeatedly thrown into the room as different members answered him.
"No one?!" Na PD was well surprised by the answer. "Minnie," he caught the attention of the younger woman. "Not even you?" Expecting for at least her to have been to one of the most visited countries in Europe. But she shook her head as well,
"Not to Italy, no."
"That's why we picked it," another female producer explained from the other side of the room.
"We've never been to Europe," Seungkwan wined.
Woozi nodded in agreement, turning to Yeongseok, "We haven't been to Europe either."
Minnie's head dropped to Seungcheol's shoulder. He let go of his right crutch, using his now free hand to caress the arm she had interlocked with his.
Na PD's speech went on. "To be honest, Seventeen has had a really packed schedule up to now. I know that you had a really hard time." He got sounds of agreement and nodding heads in return. "You must've had no time to rest at all. So, the concept of this Italy vacation is different from our usual 'Youth Over Flowers'." He continued to explain the differences in the program the group would film. They wouldn't face any hardships, not suffer as they go along. It would be an 'all-inclusive package' for a real holiday.
"So, you just need to play. We searched and rented all places where we could play and enjoy. At breakfast, go visit stuff and eat delicious things. At dinner, we get together and play," he explained further. "We're going to spend a week like this." As expected, the members reacted in glee. Happy, surprised and yet still not fully believing things that good would happen to them.
Woozi was the first to question the sincerity. "We can believe this, right?" Which made Yeongseok turn to him in surprise,
"You can trust me! You can trust this!"
Minnie squinted her eyes jokingly. "I feel like that's exactly something that someone who'd try to trick us would say."
"No, ah-" He sighed and shook his head with a smile, "Really. Trust me with this." Turning to the other producers, he looked for help. "Tell them that this is right!"
After revealing the new name of the program 'NANA Tour', the group almost forgot it was too good to be true. But the following words from Na PD made them realise they may have started celebrating too early.
"Since our trip is an all-inclusive package," he stated, "there's nothing that you guys need to prepare."
The members started to look for each others' gazes, trying to find some sense in a moment of confusion.
"You don't need your bag or anything else," Yeongseok explained further. "The things you need are the clothes you're wearing and a cell phone. You don't need your wallet."
"Really?" Dokyeom asked out loud.
Minnie glanced at the man in confusion while mumbling to herself "But I'm wearing pyjamas." Her worried tone got a chuckle out of Seungcheol as he looked over to her, shaking his head.
But even with all the good news the group had gotten, bad news was about to follow as well.
"The problem is that we- our package's departure schedule is a bit early."
The girl opened her mouth to say something, but Woozi beat her to it as he pointed at the man on the bed.
"I'm saying that his eyes are scary!" Making the crew of producers and cameramen laugh wholeheartedly and zoom into Yeongseok's face.
"How could you let us leave us without anything on us?!" Minnie called out in frustration. "That's not right... You have something planned! Don't lie!"
Na PD couldn't help but chuckle, hunching over before holding himself up from the mattress by his hands. "No, I promise. We're going to go to Italy. But the problem is that we have to go kind of early!" He argued back.
A comforting hand found its way to Minnie's back as Cheol shrugged his arm out of her grasp to wrap it around her frame. Her eyebrows were back scrunched up in confusion as she whispered to the leader,
"I don't trust him." To which he chuckled.
"It's okay, you can trust him." But she just shook her head with a pout on her lips.
Her attention went back to listening to the producer as he spoke, "You guys are going to get dressed starting now and in three minutes-"
"In three minutes?!"
"This is so much fun," came from Jeonghan, who seemed to be the only one to enjoy the stress that was put on the group with that statement alone.
Na PD was quick to add, "Because you don't need a bag or wallet! We have all of your passports."
Right away, questions started coming from left and right.
"Can I still brush my teeth?"
"Can't I take a shower?"
"Is there underwear in the package?"
"Everything!" Yeongseok answered Dokyeom's question. "Just wear what you're wearing now-"
"I can't wear pyjamas to the airport," Minnie sighed out, running a hand through her hair with a deep breath.
Jeonghan grinned at her, "Don't worry, Minnie-ya. You make everything look fashionable."
With scrunched eyebrows, she glanced over at him, not able to hold back a smile once she came to sight with his.
As soon as Na PD gave the official 'ok' to split up and start getting ready, the members split up quickly. They rushed out of Minghao's room one after the other, trying to get to their own rooms as quickly as possible. Jeonghan didn't seem to be nearly as stressed as the others as he decided to stay back. Minnie was doing the same, standing still in her place next to the leader.
"Oh... oppa...," she sighed. Cheol immediately knew what she wanted to say, so he was quick to interrupt her, patting her back once again.
"No, go, go. Get ready. Change your clothes. I'll meet you downstairs," he assured her.
"Really? You'll still be here?" She asked further, getting a nod from him in response.
"Ok..." she mumbled. before she left, she hastily threw her arms around his shoulder, giving him a quick squeeze before exiting the room as well, thoughts of which clothes to take out of her suitcase already rushing through her mind.
She had already finished packing her luggage the evening before, right after the concert, wanting to spare herself the stress of packing it right before their flight back home. Therefore, Minnie's baby blue suitcase was already in the hallway, where she had to put it on the ground to open it.
"Ok," she thought out loud, "Rome is probably hot right now at this time of year... but I want to be comfortable on the plane. So... I'm not gonna wear shorts, but thin long pants. But a short shirt. That should be fine, right?" She looked up from her position on the floor, glancing at the cameraman, who just shrugged back. 
The girl chuckled and nodded to herself. "It'll be fine," she stood back up after gathering everything from her suitcase, including a pair of sneakers. "More important is... what will I take in my small bag," with a hand on her chin, she contemplated. "Sunglasses... maybe tissues... I can't bring make-up, right?" The cameraman shook his head. "Ok... that's... ok... but suncream. I'll need suncream. OH- and chapstick- hold on. I also need to brush my teeth..."
After Wonwoo, Minnie was next to enter the meeting room, getting greeted by Na PD immediately, and the '96 Liner along with S.Coups, Hoshi and Minghao who had already taken a seat on the chairs and couch. She had changed into a pair of jeans along with a slightly cropped white shirt and a grey cropped cardigan on top. A black hat was on her head, but she had taken it off once she walked in.
"Minnie, come in and sit," the producer ushered her inside. But something caught his eye. "Ah- Minnie-ya," at the sound of her name, the girl stopped in her tracks.
Yeongseok reached out his open palm. "Give me your bag."
Her hands found the handle on her shoulder in an instant, clinging onto it tightly.
"But I need it," she fought back.
With a sigh, the producer continued looking at her. "I promise you, everything you need, you'll get from us. Come on, give me the bag."
Hesitantly, the female member let the leather brush off her shoulder, before slowly handing it over. But just before Yeongseok could get a hold of it, she pulled it back, "Wait! Can I take out what I need?" 
A chuckle tumbled from his lips as she shook his head. Glancing over at the other members, he only found amused faces looking back at him. He took a deep breath, "What is it that you need so desperately?" 
As an answer, Minnie placed the bag on the console table on the left side of the room and started rummaging. Picking out the important things, she counted them, "Chapstick, sunscreen, and... sunglasses!" She showed the things to the producer, who nodded after inspecting them.
"Ok, ok, you can take them. If they fit in your pockets. Now sit down." With a nod and a quick, "Thank you," she went after his orders.
Na PD, Cheol, Joshua, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Vernon, and Minnie made their way downstairs with the elevator. Stopping in the garage, where a car was already waiting for them. Just as they were about to leave, the '96 and '98 Liner of the Hip-Hop-Unit walking towards the vehicle first, Yeonseok calling out for S.Coups caught their attention and made them turn around again, almost forgetting that their leader wasn't going with them.
One after the other, the members said goodbye to him, hugging him one last time before they'd be on their way. Minnie stood still between him and the producer.
"Aah, you're not coming with us!" Vernon suddenly realised.
The girl pouted, "How the heck is he supposed to come with us with his injury?!" Clearly frustrated by the situation.
"I totally forgot about that," the younger member nervously chuckled. After individually making sure they had said goodbye properly, wishing him a comfortable ride home, it was Minnie's turn to hug him. Without a word, she threw her arms around his shoulders as Joshua patted the head of their leader. With a sigh, she let him go again.
"I don't like this...."
"Don't be like that, Minnie-ya," he nudged her. "Have fun in Italy. Be careful."
She nodded hesitantly, "I guess we will."
"You guess?!" Na PD gasped next to her, making the girl chuckle. "You guess?! We'll make sure that you guys have fun."
"Ok, ok," she nodded again. One last time, Seungcheol opened his arms to pull her in. Just as she was about to let go of him, the '95 Liner whispered something into her ear, to which she frowned at first as soon as they separated, but then she assured him, she had understood him. With a last wave, she bid him her final goodbye before she'd get to see him again in about two weeks.
[they will reunite well]
EP1-2. Off to Italy
Minnie took her place by the window, with Minghao on her right. The bus had started its engine and was about to start driving away. The members looked outside to see their CEO, managers, and most importantly their leader standing on the side, waving them off.
[bye bye]
With a sad smile, the girl waved back, nodding at S.Coups after he had motioned something with his hands. Her gaze didn't leave the window until everyone was out of sight. Only then did she let herself fall back against the seat, looking down at her hands with a sigh. Her fellow '97 Liner noticed her quietness and placed a hand on top of hers, making her look up.
She was greeted with the kind smile of her best friend, making her grin in return. He gave her hand a little squeeze, which she copied, quickly developing into a battle of who could squeeze the other person's hand harder. Even if it was obvious who would win, Minnie still put up the fight, grinning down at their hands, and just taking a moment to be thankful for the person to her right.
Hoshi, Wonwoo, and Minghao were sitting together at Incheon Airport, waiting for the connecting flight with Na PD, who was behind the camera they had set up, engaging in a comfortable conversation.
Minnie suddenly appeared from the background, joining the group on the floor, her phone in her grip.
"Did you talk to your mum?" Yeongseok asked.
The girl nodded with a smile. "I told her we're going to Rome."
He chuckled, "What did she say?"
"'Why not closer to us?'" Minnie changed her voice into a slightly higher tone, impersonating her mother. "'I could've brought you guys something to eat.'" 
[caring words of a mother <3]
The members around her started laughing, with Hao leaning onto her shoulder.
Na PD scoffed with a chuckle. "Does she think we won't feed you?"
Minnie shrugged, "I think she also thinks this will be more like 'Youth Over Flowers'." To which the producer laughed in return.
Deep in her slumber, the female idol was catching up on the few hours of sleep she had missed out on due to the intense rap battle her fellow members wanted her to witness.
[beauty sleep]
"Minnie-ya," a soft voice from the right spoke up. When she didn't react, a hand reached out to nudge her. 
The camera angle expanded, to expose Wonwoo, who was trying to get her to wake up. With one more gentle shove to her arm and a repetition of her name, his voice ever so soft, Minnie's eyes fluttered open. For a second, there was clear confusion written on her face, but as she looked to her left, she found the rapper's eyes already on her, she smiled.
"Eat something before we land," Wonwoo spoke quietly, not trying to distress her as she tried to adjust her eyes to the brightness. Minnie nodded and with a quick click of a button, she let her seat straighten back up. 
"When do we land?"
"In like two hours."
"Ok," she answered, trying to hold back a yawn without any luck. Then she glanced at the clock. "Ah... I forgot about the time difference... it's evening now."
"Mm," Wonwoo looked away from his phone to glance over at her, "Are you still tired?"
For a second, the girl seemed to think about it. "A little bit. I hope I'll get to sleep."
EP1-3. First Step of the Travel
After landing and walking through the airport for a good bit, they arrived at the visa checkpoints. Jun and Minghao were separated from the group due to their Chinese passports, but what caught the members off-guard was when Minnie was directed towards a different line than them.
"Where are you going?" Mingyu asked the girl as he filmed himself.
"We took Minnie's EU passport, not her Korean one, so she has an easier way," one of the producers behind him explained to him. The '97 Liner nodded while watching her walk away.
The female member had gotten her own vlogging camera, filming the lower side of her face that was still covered by a mask. She didn't start talking until she came to a halt and pulled the mask down and the camera up to show her entire face.
"And now we'll wait. Because the members are gonna take a little bit longer than me." And ended her commentary with a smile.
Dino, Hoshi, and Wonwoo were the first to join her.
"Noona, you just walked through the gates!" The youngest called out as soon as they had caught up with her.
Minnie chuckled, "Yeah, it's like this within some countries in Europe. If you were born here."
"Aaah," he nodded. "Practical."
When she saw the vlogging camera Hoshi was holding up, the girl put her own one down, focusing more on her surroundings as they walked through the entrance/exit of the airport and out into the warm late summer air.
The rest of the members, besides Jun and Minghao, were already hot on their tracks as well and followed them to the bus that was waiting for them outside. Walking in, they greeted the driver before cramping together into the seats at the back. Vernon and Minnie decided to sit together with the younger member by the window and the girl by the aisle.
During their little gaming session, the girl decided to relax, mostly focused on her own phone, texting her mum about their arrival, sending a quick message to their leader and scrolling through Social Media.
When Minghao and Jun finally joined them on the bus, they were ready to leave. Right from the start, the producers could feel the energy coming from the group. Everyone was excited and most of them had slept enough on the flight, explaining their high energy levels.
"The name of the airport," a staff member suddenly spoke up, "is Leonardo Da Vinci Airport."
"Ooh, Vernonnie." Dokyeom's voice rang through the ears of the girl. Only a split second later, she started to laugh. The members quickly caught onto the comment by the '97 Liner.
"No, Leonardo da Vinci."
"Not that Leonardo, Dokyeom-ah," Minnie and Mingyu spoke at the same time, both smiling at the situation. It was only then that Vernon, the man in question, realised what was being said, making him chuckle as he ran a hand over his face.
During the rest of the drive, Na PD was in charge of entertainment. He started with the description of their accommodation, mentioning that it was an Airbnb they had booked. But before they would get to their housing, the crew had decided to make a quick stop by the Colosseum to take a group picture and let the idol group roam around a little bit.
The producer started them off with some facts.
"You all know what it looks like, right?" 
The group agreed in union.
"Round and pretty," Minnie added with a bright face. At the sound of her voice, Wonwoo turned his head to glance over at her, a fond smile on his lips.
"Right," the producer answered, "Round and... yeah, pretty I guess too." Making the girl chuckle. "It's a building that was built about 2000 years ago. It's an ancient theatre. Simply put an amphitheatre. There's an audience, and what do you think they did in the centre?"
"Duel," Wonwoo and Minnie answered at the same time. With grins, they glanced at each other, chuckling when their eyes met. European history had always been a big interest of theirs.
"Exactly," Na PD pointed at the two. "Duel. Gladiators would fight each other or a tiger vs. human."
The girl suddenly gasped quietly, "Hoshi-hyung..." Which only seemed to have reached the ears of the two '96 Liners next to her, who had turned to smile at the other one, clearly amused by the comment of the female member. 
After they arrived at the sight, the group quickly split up again into smaller portions, each member wanting to see and explore the ancient building for themselves.
Minnie stood still as her eye raked up and down the height of the Colosseum, astonished at what she was seeing with her own eyes.
"It's so much bigger than I expected for some reason," she commented out loud, catching the attention of Yeongseok, who had stopped to her left.
He nodded. "Mm, but you must be used to buildings like this, or not?"
The girl shook her head with a smile. "I don't think you can ever get used to this. Ancient buildings are always so shocking when get to see them in real life."
"The Eiffel Tower for you too? You must've seen that quite a few times already," he continued the conversation as the two made their way further around the arena.
Minnie chuckled, "Yeah, I guess so," she explained, "But it's a lot smaller than people expect."
"Oh, really?" To which she nodded.
"So, this," she pointed towards the building right in front of them, "Is... insanely beautiful. Especially now at night."
Once the idol group had gotten back together, the individual sightseeing coming to an end, they decided to try to give their leader a call, reminding themselves of the fact that the time in Korea was 6 a.m., so the chances of him picking up were slim. Explaining, why they were so surprised when Seungcheol did in fact pick up the call, revealing his tired face on the screen of Hoshi's phone.
"Oh, he picked up!" Dino called out, making the girl, who was still in awe of the arena, turn around.
"S.COUPS!" Jun shouted out in glee. Minnie chuckled, watching the screen, seeing how clearly tired the '95 Liner was, assuming they had ripped him out of his sleep and that ungodly hour.
"We came to the Colosseum," Hoshi explained to him.
"Is it fun?" The leader wondered, his voice laced with pure exhaustion and still deeper than usual.
"It would be more fun with you here," the girl smiled, getting a chuckle from him in return.
"Mh, I bet," he sarcastically answered.
The performance unit leader suddenly announced they'd be taking a picture, surprising Cheol over the phone, who did his best to do some kind of pose in his position on the bed. Even with his absence, a group picture with all of them together was necessary.
EP1-4. Something Happened in Their House
In groups, the members were ordered to leave the bus and start their seven-minute walk towards their Airbnb. Minnie was in the second group that got to exit the vehicle, along with Hoshi, Wonwoo, and Minghao. As soon as they stepped out and fell into their usual walking tempo, for comfort, the girl looped her right arm with Wonwoo's left - no reaction from him. The group easily fell into a natural conversation, commenting on what was around them, what they passed, and the warm weather they were lucky enough to catch during this time of year.
"I'm not normally sentimental," the '96 Liner from the Hip-Hop-unit suddenly stated. "But it's gonna become sentimental."
The female member nodded. "Because we're on our first real vacation as a group, minus Seungcheol-oppa. And in a really nice city as well." The three men agreed with nods.
When they finally arrived at their housing for the night, they got to walk through the apartment in the old building the crew had rented out for the group. Each room had its own charm and the members already knew it wouldn't be easy to choose. But then again, their individually designated rooms often get lost after nights of drinking and playing games, and suddenly four people are sleeping in a two-person bed. So the choices weren't all that important to the singers.
They decided to let faith decide and play a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. The winner would get to choose first, then the second, and so on until each member had a bed assigned to them.
One after the other, the singers walked around until they reached the room they had chosen to sleep in. Dino and Jun had decided on the three-beds room, leaving one still free. That's when Minnie appeared from around the corner to glance inside.
"Ooh," she commented with a smile as she came in. "I don't think we've ever shared a room together in this constellation, right?"
Jun agreed, "Yeah, I don't think so."
"Noona, stay, it's gonna be fun," the maknae, who had already made himself comfortable on one of the beds that had gotten pushed together.
Minnie chuckled, walking in to throw her cardigan and the pouch she had taken from the plane, onto the mattress. "Of course, I'm gonna stay with you guys."
"Yeyy," Dino looked up at the older member, who smiled down at him. He was quick to sit up straight once he noticed she had gotten comfortable on the other bed right next to him. "Do you want to sleep by the window?" The youngest asked her.
"Hm?" Minnie wondered, turning to her right to see the window being closest to her bed. "I don't mind it."
"Okay," he nodded before throwing himself onto the sheets.
Minnie and Jun had left their assigned rooms. He had joined the four beds Joshua, Hoshi, Mingyu and Dokyeom-room, engulfed in comfortable conversations as they settled into their housing, while Minnie paid a visit to Jeonghan, Woozi, Wonwoo, and Seunkgwan's room.
The girl was sitting on the bed with the '98 Liner when Na PD surprised them with a visit. "Please wait in the room for five to ten minutes!" He announced as he waltzed in.
"Okay," he got a reply in chorus back.
As soon as he left again, the group started talking.
"His eyes are weird, I keep on saying this," Woozi commented, getting a round of chuckles from the members in return.
"They're spun around," Seungkwan added.
Minnie sighed, "I'm telling you, we still can't trust them. What are we gonna sleep in? We don't have any extra clothes." Her question seemed to get the roommates to thinking, the wheels inside their heads visibly starting to turn.
"Maybe... maybe they'll give us something," the youngest of them answered her with a shrug.
"But we're definitely gonna have to work for them," the '96 Liner stated. "They're not just gonna give us everything."
"Yeah, I don't think so either," the girl agreed, letting herself sink into the mattress.
After a few minutes, the members were called to gather in the kitchen. Walking in, they could already see that something had been set up.
"Tax-free?" Minnie wondered out loud as soon as she had entered the room. Joshua, who was already sitting down, turned to where she was looking at - a poster on the wall.
Slightly confused, yet intrigued, the girl took a seat opposite Woozi and next to Jeonghan, waiting for the next steps as the two main songwriters of the group grinned at each other. Both were still carrying only a small amount of trust with them when it came to the program they were filming.
Yeongseok brought in a shopping trolly, that he placed on the table the two were sitting on, revealing it to be filled to the brim and explaining the meaning of it to the group. As they hadn't had time to pack anything, aka the crew didn't let them bring anything other than what they could carry on their body, the producing team would provide them with everything they could possibly need. 
Ranging from toiletries to clothing or even electronics, the crew had thought of every single thing. The first thing they presented were T-shirts. But not just any shirts. Custom-made T-shirts for each member. The group gazed at the item of clothing with wide eyes. Every shirt had a different design, fitted to the member whose name was written across the chest. Cherries for S.Coups, dumbells for Woozi, and so on.
Next was underwear. A true essential.
"Hold on," Minnie suddenly stopped. She pointed to a pack of black underwear with a rim she only knew too well. "I have to work for the underwear I model for? I thought I'd get them for free." As they were Calvin Klein underwear the production team had packed for her, the girl was surprised.
"AH!" Seungkwan suddenly shouted out. "You don't have to remind us of that photoshoot!" Getting a round of chuckles from the members in return, and a sarcastic big grin from the girl.
"You're welcome!" To which the '98 Liner only glanced at her in disgust.
"I'm sorry, Minnie-ya," Na PD told her. "But you also had to work to become an ambassador, right?"
With a squint, she glared at the man to her left. "Touché," she mumbled loud enough for the other members to hear, who laughed at the conversation.
The show continued as he presented the rest of the containments of the bag: Kimchi (jongga, of course), dumbells for whoever would want to work out, cup ramyeon, shorts, shampoo, a NANA Tour guidebook, zip lock bags, fans, wet tissues, stir-fried gochujang, toothbrushes and toothpaste, a bag, merch, and even earphones.
Then, last, but most definitely not least, the producer pulled out an envelope, with a quick side-remark.
"Jeonghan-ah, you'll really need this. You're going to cry," he explained. "For all of you, filled with his heart S.Coups' letter." Without missing a beat, the vice leader of the group suddenly erupted in fake tears, his groans echoing through the room. The girl couldn't help but chuckle as she nudged him with her elbow. Once he returned back to his normal state and Na PD sat back, she leaned over to the '95 Liner.
"Cheol told me to choose the letter."
"When?" He looked down at her in slight confusion.
"When we said goodbye to him. He mentioned a letter, but I was so confused about what he meant. But it must be this." Jeonghan nodded, leaning apart again to avoid suspicion from the production crew.
After they were introduced to all of the items, the group was clearly intrigued by what they could get. They knew they could, but how? Well, definitely not for free, of course. Yeongseok explained they would have to play a game, earning item after item with each round they'd win. The game they had decided on was 'Human Zero'. A game Seventeen was somewhat familiar with, but since they hadn't played it in quite a while, the worries were accordingly high.
But as soon as the game started, every fear had made its way out of the window. The group was surprisingly good at the game Na PD had chosen. In each round, the members made the right decision with who decided they should and shouldn't stand up. They were very good. Too good in the producer's opinion. Suspicion rose.
Even when they asked Hoshi what number Yeongseok should shout out next, the idol group stood strong and won another round.
It went as far as that the members even individually promised to stand up, making him almost want to shout out '13!' but if there's one thing Seventeen was flawless at, it would be teamwork - and teamwork only worked amongst the team, individuals outside of the group wouldn't understand.
Even though the idol group won each round unexpectedly, even with repeated attempts to change the game's rules and make it less likely for them to win and to prove they weren't cheating, it was still as entertaining as everyone expected. The entire crew was laughing along with the singers, surprised by the unexpected win after win.
The planned five rounds quickly turned into fifteen with Seventeen winning each round and the production even adding products they could win. But just because it didn't turn out the way the crew had planned, didn't mean it was any less entertaining. If anything, it made it all that much more amusing. It was the living proof that Seventeen talked, slept and breathed a language only they could understand.
"Just take all of this," Na PD sighed in defeat as he pointed to the prices on the table.
With all the interesting things they had earned, there was one thing that was still a mystery to the group and they'd finally get to reveal.
Jeonghan got handed over the letter Seungcheol had written to his members. He opened the envelope and opened the piece of paper, a piece of plastic being the first thing to catch their eyes.
Minnie glanced at it. Her facial expression of confusion quickly changed into surprise as she realised what the '95 Liner had just picked up - Coups' credit card.
"Oh wow..." Jeonghan gasped out loud along with Dokyeom who looked at the letter with wide eyes.
"That's not a letter," the girl commented, leaning in to try and read the words that were written on the piece of paper the card had come in. He read it out loud.
"Thank you for picking my letter. I feel so sorry for you guys going without any preparation. You can use this card however you want. I will be waiting for you well in Korea. You can use this card however you want, okay? Have fun. I love you."
A round of claps and gasps in affection filled the room.
"It really is his personal card," Dokyeom pointed out.
"His personal card?!"
"Woah... he really is the best leader," Minnie commented. A round of heads nodded in agreement.
They decided on Dino to keep the card safe as he was already the manager of the pocket money they had received before their departure.
So after a long day of travels and finally also a game, the group was released.
"Since it's late, hurry up and wash up. Change into these clothes and let's rest well," he dismissed the members.
"Good night," Minnie's voice echoed through the room as some members clapped in appreciation
"Well done, guys."
"Great job."
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Fan Twitter Reaction
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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cumikering · 11 months
Alex Keller x reader
1.7k | fluff, suggestive
Your movie date involved a cherry lollipop (part 2)
For @glitterypirateduck ’s Alex Keller challenge! (Is this what you wanted, don’t make me answer that)
“You’re not on a date, are you?” Laswell asked rhetorically.
Alex opened his mouth to answer.
“Sorry, Keller, I need the report now.”
The private who he’d tasked had apparently not delivered the report to Laswell that Friday for some reason. He’d better be prepared for the earful Alex was giving him on Monday for ruining what would have been his 5th date with you.
“Come back to base and hand it over yourself or rewrite it. Your call.”
He groaned after the line went dead. He was about to exit his SUV and knock on your door, but you were already heading his way. You smiled, hair swaying behind you, giving him a little wave.
He reached over to open the door and you slid into the passenger seat.
“Hi, beautiful,” he mumbled, kissing you on the cheek.
Your smile brightened. “Thanks for picking me up. I’m looking forward to the movie.”
He winced. “About that… I just got a call from work.”
Your hand froze midway to the seatbelt bracket, your smile faltered.
“I need to redo a report at home, will take 30 minutes, an hour tops. Would you mind if dinner is pushed back?”
You let the belt retract. “Or is it better to cancel tonight?”
“No, I want to take you out. You want to watch that movie, and you got dressed already. We can catch a later showing? If that’s fine, of course.”
“I don’t mind waiting a bit, as long as you can get the report done. I know sometimes work can get unpredictable,” you reassured.
It was your first time at his place even that you didn’t live very far from each other. His apartment was neat with large windows overlooking the bustling street below.
He gestured at the couch. “Make yourself at home. If you need anything, go ahead and help yourself, okay?” he said from his room before hurrying back out with his laptop. He sat at the dining table, flipping it open. “I’ll be as quick as I can.”
You leaned back on his cosy couch.
At first, Alex had a hard time concentrating with your presence, stealing glances at you ever so often like a knee-jerk reaction. Not because you were a disturbance, but because he itched to be close to you. He had been excited to see you all week! When he eventually sank into the report, the room was silent for a long time except for the gentle keyboard clacking and few grunts and curses he muttered under his breath.
Sometime later, you unwrapped a lollipop from your purse. He felt bad because you must have been getting hungry. You sucked on the red candy as you kept scrolling on your phone, smiling to yourself at times.
His typing stopped. He wondered what flavour it was. Probably cherry – his favourite. Not like it mattered. It wasn’t like he was going to taste it on you, but as you tongue swirled around the sphere, he couldn’t help imagining it swirling around something else instead. Something that had stirred alive moments ago, now painfully strained in the confines of his jeans. It wasn’t like you were being obscene or anything, but maybe his mind was too dirty for his own good.
He shifted in his seat as he discretely reached under the table to readjust. He couldn’t believe what his overactive mind did with the innocent sight. He took a deep breath and got back to his work, but it caught your attention instead. He noticed in corner of his eyes how you were now staring at him with a small smirk. He tried not to look, but he couldn't resist anymore.
As your gaze locked, you popped the candy back in your mouth, twirling it around with your tongue. Your lips redder, sticky and sweet, and much more kissable than usual. His breath caught in his throat as you sucked the sphere, cheeks hollow. He’d never seen you like that before, pretty eyes so dark and alluring.
You held his gaze for a few more seconds before casually looking away, back at your phone. Like the classic bar brush-off, as if you weren’t just fucking him right there with your eyes.
Oh, you minx. He pursed his lips, taking a deep breath. You were going to be the death of him.
After a few more minutes, he pushed his chair back. “I’m done,” he announced, closing his laptop. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“No problem. You didn’t take too long.” You smiled, walking over to wrap your arms around him.
In a swift move, Alex stood, caging you with his body. You let out a small yelp and turned to him, leaning back onto the edge of the table. His lidded eyes bored down into yours.
“Why were you looking at me like that?” he asked, a little breathless.
Your eyebrow cocked. “Am I not allowed to?”
“You are. Just that you made it very hard... to concentrate.” He leaned in, dragging the tip of his nose up the column of your neck. “Is this what you wanted?”
Your tilted your face, eyes shut. “Please don’t make me answer that,” you muttered, voice warbled from his breath on your skin.
Enjoying having the effect on you, he pulled away with a smirk. Your chest rose and fell as your lips parted, still tinted from the candy earlier. He ached to taste them. He swallowed before his eyes flicked back to yours.
“I just want to say I’ve been enjoying my time with you a lot and I want to keep seeing you.”
You smiled, the kind that always made his heart skip a beat. “I’d like that.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” You cupped his cheek, pulling him to you. He could taste a hint of the sticky sweetness on you, but couldn’t tell what flavour it was and he didn’t care at all anymore. Your lips were soft, so full that he couldn’t help the groan that slipped.
You wrapped your arms around his neck before scooting up to sit on the edge of the table. His beard scratched your skin in the most addicting way. You hiked a leg up, brushing it against his hip.
Your arching back was the invitation he gladly accepted. He took a step, closing the gap between you. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pressing your body onto his, his other hand as support on the table. He gave small licks on your lower lip as he suckled and nipped gently.
Your skin burnt up, the heat pooling in your belly unmistakeable. Your lips parted, letting his wandering tongue dance with yours. You moaned into his mouth, arm tightening around his neck. Your hand trailed down, over every rise and fall of his powerful arm, all the way to his bulging veins as he continued to hold you up. Your fingers crept back up to grip his bicep.
Alex was lost in the kiss, breathing heavier now, as he mindlessly thrusted his growing bulge onto your stomach for much-needed friction. It earned him a delicious gasp, fuelling his desire further.
You rolled your hips into him and he groaned into your mouth. His palm ran down your side, slipping under your top to grasp your soft hip, brushing the skin with his thumb as he helped you grind against him.
It took him a second to realise you were pulling away. When his eyes fluttered open, yours were hooded, wet lips parted, begging to be bit more. He leaned in again.
“I hope no one saw that.” You chuckled, looking out the windows, the curtains open.
He gave your hip another squeeze. “Oh, I hope someone did, so I know I’m not hallucinating about finally kissing you.”
You laughed, pulling him in again.
Alex was mildly disappointed when you finally suggested dinner, not like he didn’t want to take you out. It was just that kissing you instantly became his favourite leisure activity.
He had always been terribly attracted to you ever since he laid eyes on you, but after finally tasting you, it was like a switch was flipped. Suddenly linking arms and holding hands weren’t enough. He couldn’t take his hands off you - not when he drove, not when you had dinner.
He had to wrap his arms around your waist as you stood in line for the movie tickets. You smiled up at him, leaning your head back onto his shoulder. He didn’t need to make up excuses to touch you anymore.
The urge took him by surprise, to want to parade you around, to make it known that you were with him. He realised it was borderline childish, but he couldn’t help it. You were intoxicating and he wanted nothing more than to have you close. He had a hunch you felt the same as you squeezed and patted his arm ever so often.
At the movies, Alex had his arm around you as you leaned into him. He kept stealing glances at you and the only reason you didn’t notice was because of how engrossed you were in the movie. Truth be told, the title wasn’t his first pick, but he knew how big of a fan you were and the smile on your face made it all worth it.
This was beyond a terrible crush. He couldn’t stop his mind drifting to the kiss, about how good you felt up against him, about how good it was between the thighs he’d thought about for hours and hours. How soft and sweet and absolutely beautiful you were. As much as he loved spending time with you, he looked forward to getting home and exploring his vulgar fantasies in private.
“Thank you again for tonight. I had such a good time, and I loved the movie,” you said when he pulled up outside your apartment.
“It was my pleasure.” He took your hand to his lips.
“Do you… Want to come in?”
“What if I don’t want to leave later?”
His favourite smile was back again. “Don’t think I want you to either.”
Taglist: @sofasoap @b1rds3ye @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot @caramlizedtomatoes
199 notes · View notes
tgmsunmontue · 12 days
Season to Taste - 13/? WIP
Explicit Hangster - Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin who have a relationship spanning the globe before they realize how tightly bound they are to one another. Heading into this little world.
                “Hey Ice.”
                “Hi Bradley. Happy birthday.”
                “How are you?”
                “Good. How are you?”
                “Can’t complain. Alive and kicking.”
                Bradley feels a little awkward talking to him now, his one remaining link to his old life. He wonders if it would be different if he was talking with Mav, or if they had something more in common than his dead father from over twenty years ago. All that though and he still makes the calls, Leandro and Silvia both giving him the stink-eye if he doesn’t and he knows at least that he doesn’t want to disappoint them. Short weekly calls when he’s at home in Italy mean they don’t expect him to spend a long time on the phone. He hasn’t called in a couple of months, not a fact he will be sharing with either Leandro or Silvia.
                “What have you been up to?”
                “Ah. Went to Spain for a couple of months. Worked in a kitchen there. Helped harvest grapes and make wine. Just… the usual.”
                “Usual for you maybe. Sounds quite idyllic.”
                “Well, butchering and curing meat isn’t idyllic at all, quite bloody and messy. So… the scenery was nice though. And I went to Barcelona for a couple of days, that was pretty cool.”
…            …            …
                He hadn’t intended to just blurt out an invitation to somehow define what they’re doing. Not to jump from casual sex to… Dating? To trying out a long-distance relationship? After only knowing each other for five days? It’s crazy. But sometimes crazy just works and god he hopes this is one of those times. So many things simply feel right about Jake and crazy has worked for him several times before.
                “I think you’re a little drunk.”
                “I’m not. Trust me, it takes more than a bottle of wine for me to get drunk.”
                “Yeah? You know that do you?”
                “Yes. Unfortunately.”
                Jake laughs and pulls into the grocery store parking lot, and Bradley’s hand is already on the seatbelt clasp, ready to go in. He’s shifted from thinking about convincing Jake to making a mental list of things he needs to get if he’s going to make the flourless chocolate cake for Maria, and some more food for breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Then he notices that Jake is also putting food in the cart and he purses his lips.
                “What are you doing?”
                “Well, I might not have a fancy cookbook to my name, but I can feed us. Just burgers, but we won’t starve. Come on. You’ve been cooking non-stop, you deserve a break.”
                Bradley doesn’t even bother trying to hold back, simply moves around the cart and brackets his arms on either side of Jake and kisses him, starting soft but it quickly turns harder before he hears someone cough and he pulls away, knows his cheeks will be flaming red and Jake is looking smug, one eyebrow arched.
                “I ain’t even cooked you anything yet…”
                Bradley just shakes his head, looks away and then studies the flecks in the linoleum floor. It’s not the food, it’s the thought behind the gesture and Jake doesn’t even seem to be trying to be charming, is just naturally thoughtful and sweet as well as being a bit of a spoiled brat and cocky asshole. All things he’s finding more and more endearing and attractive the better he gets to know him.
                Crazy indeed. God he wants.
…            …            …
                Everything to gain.
                The words turn around in his head every few minutes, like they’re going past of a merry-go-round. The fact Leo had meant it seriously means Jake is taking it seriously, wonders how he’d make it work exactly when his leave is so limited, the fact that he wants to see his family when he’s on leave. He might like Leo, a lot, but he loves his family. And it’s not like any of them can just pop up to New York and visit. If that’s what Leo is even suggesting. Leo did say he travels a lot, and if he’s willing to travel to where Jake is, then maybe it could work? Hell, he hasn’t mentioned certain things, not really wanting to bring it up with just a guy he was going to have a two-week long fling with.
                Except it’s potentially not a fling anymore. He studies Leo, who is reading and frowning at the backs of several different packets of chocolate. Jake wonders what he’s planning on making, considering just how much food he’s put into the cart already. He pulls out his phone and finally lets himself check the messages that Maria no doubt sent while he was walking to his truck. As he expected, a couple of messages from Maria;
>I like him and I think you two could be really good together. Don’t be an idiot.
>If you do decide to be an idiot I’m going to be his friend anyway.
                Okay then. Pretty clear exactly what Maria thinks of Leo, and to be honest she’s one of the harder nuts to crack when it comes to his sisters. Not that he was intending to introduce a potential… anything, but maybe that had been a little naïve. God, she’s never going to let him live this down if he and Leo somehow… end up something. Lord, was this ever just sex? Leo decisively dumps three blocks of one particular brand into the cart and gives Jake a grin and Jake has to bring it up.
                “So, I gotta ask. How do you envision us having a relationship exactly?”
                “Well… long distance mostly,” Leo says and Jake rolls his eyes, hip checks him and Leo just laughs, hip checks him back.
                “Yeah, no shit. And if it doesn’t work out?”
                “Then it doesn’t work out. As I said, got to at least try right? But we both have to at least want to try.”
                Jake wants to try.
                “Grocery store is a pretty odd place for such a serious conversation…”
                Leo shrugs.
                “Well, it’s neutral and it’s bit of a… transitionary space. Like having conversations in the car when you don’t have to look at the person.”
                “So you mean like we did on the drive here?”
                “Yeah, exactly.”
                “Yeah. Okay. I guess we’re… trying this whole dating for an intense two-week period and then going long distance. Give it a shot right?”
                Leo looks lit up from inside and Jake has to remind himself that they’re in the grocery store, but he can get them back to Leo’s place in about fifteen if they hustle.
                “Yes,” Jake says, pushing the cart toward the checkouts. “Although, can I just say, if I’d had any idea that this was on the cards I wouldn’t have introduced you to Maria so early. For the record, I wouldn’t ask any guy I was dating to meet my sisters this early. Wouldn’t want to scare him off.”
                “Well, that horse has bolted don’t you think? Also, I don’t scare easy.”
                “Lucky for me…”
                “Plus, you’ve met Vi, she is by far the scariest member of my… oh. Shit.”
                “Nothing. Just… remembered something I should probably do. Sorry.”
                “Okay…?” Jake asks, because Leo is looking a little frustrated.
                “I’ll tell you later maybe. If it becomes a thing.”
                “Okay. Come on. I want to take the guy I’m apparently now dating to bed…”
                “Wow. Romance is gone already…”
                “Was there ever romance?” Jake asks jokingly, but also a little worried because he’s not romantic. His sisters tell him so constantly and he hasn’t tried with Leo because… it was just sex. Oh god. He’s failing at this before he even starts.
                “Enough for me…” Leo says, and he’s biting his lip and looking fucking adorable and something inside him untwists and he wishes the checkout operator would go a little faster. Then Leo insists on paying for the food and Jake scowls, tells him he’s getting the next shop and Leo just grins, eyes mischievous and he says we’ll see, gives him a quick kiss before taking off at a run with the cart, leaving Jake to run after him.
…            …            …
                Jake’s hands don’t seem to leave his body, which makes putting the groceries away that much more challenging, but he’s also not complaining, turning in the circle of his arms and raising an eyebrow expectantly.
                “Thought you were going to cook me dinner?”
                “I am. I will… just… dinner can wait…” Jake says against his neck and Bradley lets his head fall back, breathes in the scent of Jake, his sweat and the dust from working outside, savors the warmth of his skin. He rolls his hips, has been low-level aroused since their kiss in the grocery store, and Jake responds obligingly by grinding right back, slotting a thigh between Bradley’s legs.
                “Won’t take long.”
                “Yeah? Good. We can take our time again later,” Jake mutters, his teeth nipping and he lets out a groan. Maybe it’s a good thing they’ll have time apart, give Bradley time to recover, although he wonders if they’ll always be like this when they’re together, because it will always be a novelty, time together snatched and fiercely held onto, where they both make the most of it. He lets Jake shift him, bodily moving him towards the bedroom and it quickly become a bit more frantic, hands scrambling to touch bare skin beneath clothes and he just lets himself fall.
…            …            …
                He has never wanted to order takeout more, but he also said he’d cook Leo dinner and he’s a man of his word. But lying there, roughly wiped clean, catching their breath, Leo’s fingers lazily trailing up and down his back, soft smile on his face, Jake can’t help but feel pleased with himself. He likes that look on his face. Likes the feeling of everything from the last few days and fuck it’s going to suck saying goodbye. But the idea he might get to have this again? That’s something that will keep him going. Leo’s stomach rumbles then, and Jake shifts and blows a raspberry, making Leo squirm and shift away.
                “What are you doing?”
                “Communing with your stomach. Speaking its language.”
                Leo laughs again and Jake shifts away to standing, hunting around for underwear and jeans, pulls a clean t-shirt from his bag before deciding he might as well have a quick shower. He tugs Leo out of bed, ignores his grumbles about the promise of food and turns the water on, busies himself with kissing Leo while they wait for the water to warm up. It’s a nice way to pass the time before they’re both stepping into the shower and actually rinsing themselves off and it feels alarmingly and wonderfully domestic.
                “So… I’ve been thinking.”
                Jake turns and raises an eyebrow; he’s almost finished but apparently Leo has decided to wash his hair. So much for a quick shower.
                “Yeah? When? Hopefully not while I was trying my best to make you come…”
                “No,” Leo says. “Just before, lying in bed… and I haven’t looked into it, haven’t had time obviously, but depending on where and when you have shore leave, I could potentially meet you there.”
                Jake’s hands still with the quick rub-down wash he was giving himself.
                “You’d travel to see me for thirty-six hours?”
                “You might get forty-eight.”
                “You’d travel though?”
                “Well, as I said. I haven’t looked into it, but if I could get a work gig either side of your leave, then… yeah. I would.”
                “Holy shit.”
                “I mean, no promises. But I’ve got pretty good incentive huh?”
                “My dick’s that good huh?”
                “You’re a dick…” Leo mutters, but his half-hidden smile makes the insult completely pointless.
                “Your dick,” Jake replies with a grin, and the smile Leo gives him is beautiful.
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francisballerhide · 4 months
An older viewer's perspective on I Saw The TV Glow
(content warning: discussion of spoilers, depression and suicidal themes.)
x-posted from the subreddit of the same name.
I am a queer, non-gender conforming (back in the day we said "genderqueer") person in their late 40s. I saw this the day before yesterday. I'm about five years or so older than the main characters (Owen and Maddy.) The equivalents to "The Pink Opaque" for my friend group that were on TV when we were the same age as the characters were Liquid TV and/or the 1992-era X Men cartoon (so as you can imagine, I've been ecstatic about the X Men 97 revival.) We were also obsessed with the film The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai: Across The Eighth Dimension.
I liked Buffy, but I was already in my 20s when it was airing.
And woah, this movie is very powerful and made me feel all sorts of things.
Like Maddy, I experienced a "break from reality" in my 20s. And I was deadset on finding someone to go on that "break" with me, to experience a folie à deux with, I guess. To help me validate that the imaginary world I was living in was "the real world," and the outside world where I was expected to "get a job and be a productive member of society" was fake.
I know in the context of the film, it's supposed to be implied that Maddy's story is true. She is really Tara, and Owen is really Isabel. But as someone who has been through something very much like Maddy describes (apart from the "being buried alive" part) it was difficult for me not to see Maddy as someone who did exactly what I did - who rejected reality as it is, and tried to check out from it completely.
But also, it's easy to see what Maddy ended up doing as a metaphor for attempted suicide - and that she might have been trying to talk Owen into going along with her on a second attempt, together, when the first attempt failed. And this may have been how Owen saw it, when he rejected it.
Because for me, adulthood felt the same way. You get a job. You try and fit in, or at least fly under the radar. It's not what you want to do - but society is constantly telling you, pressuring you, hassling you, that it's what you should be doing, what you need to do. Maybe you meet someone and settle down, maybe you don't. Maybe you have kids, and maybe you don't.
But one year passes, and then another. And then five years. And then a decade. And then three decades have gone by. And you don't feel it. It's just like skipping forward to the next scene on a DVD. And then you're old, and wondering where your life has gone. You haven't been living your real life.
And the thoughts running through your mind go: "This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. This wasn't supposed to be my life. What happened to my life?"
And as someone with left-of-center politics and a not-always stable mental state, I think: "how much of this is down to reality being screwed up, how much of this is down to us living in a "Black Iron Prison"-style reality construct; and how much of this can be blamed on "late stage" or "end stage" capitalism, which never allows people who exist outside of a certain tax bracket to self-actualize at all?
What if it is "just the suburbs?"
The answer is to try and live your truth and be your authentic self, no matter what is going on in the world outside of that - no matter how difficult the world makes it. But not everyone is strong enough, or has the psychological tools to find their way to that.
I think I need to go back and watch this film again.
I also would like to recommend Matrix Resurrections to anyone who was bummed out by the end of I Saw The TV Glow, for what happens when the person who has been insisting "that beautiful, powerful person can't be me" suddenly decides to be that, anyway.
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bluewasthecolor · 2 years
OOOO FROM THE PROMPT LIST, NUMBER 1, "Come here and make me" mutual pining, completely done teammates, 'just hurry up and date already' vibes. With.. uhh.. I haven't thought this far, Lotte Wubben-Moy. Maybe they meet at UNC
Prompt 1 x Lotte Wubben-Moy
Word Count: 1378
Warnings: None!
A/N: Ugh, I love Lotte so very much. I hope this lives up to what you wanted! Also, oops this isn't really a ficlet anymore because I got a little carried away but whatever.
“Ugh! This day has been so long, tell me something to make me feel better Y/N.” Lotte flops down next to you in the training room, making puppy dog eyes as she sits. You roll your eyes at her silliness, but oblige.
“Let’s see…” You pretend to think, although you already know exactly what to say. “How about that we have tomorrow off and we’re going out with the girls tonight?”
As you expected, this brightens Lotte’s mood. She was right, it had been a long day, and everyone was ready for some much needed downtime with the team. 
“I forgot about that! Come to my place before so we can pregame?”
“If by ‘your place’ you mean walk out of my room and into yours, then yes, sounds good.” You poke her, teasing your roommate for her choice of words. 
“Y/N! Lotte! Stop your flirting and get over here, we’re planning for tonight.” Katie’s voice interrupts the two of you, and you both immediately blush at her comment. Leah, standing next to Katie, shoves her and whispers something you can’t quite make out. As you make your way to join your friends, Lotte hangs back a minute. You give her a strange look, but can’t quite tell what’s wrong. She looks upset, confused, and maybe a little embarrassed. Oh well, you think, if it’s something major she’ll tell you. You’ve been best friends (and roommates and teammates) since your UNC days, after all. She knows she can come to you with anything. At least, you think she does. Truth be told, you’re not too sure these days. She’s been pulling away a little, acting a little more distant. You’ve tried not to read into it but you can’t help wondering if she’s started seeing someone. Not that it would matter if she was–she’s your friend not your girlfriend. You don’t get to feel jealous.
That Night
“Okay, you know the deal. We do two shots each, drink one glass of wine, and then wait until right before we leave to do one more shot.” You instruct, passing a shot glass to your best friend. She nods, clinking her glass with yours before taking a lick of the salt on her hand and tossing the tequila back. You both grimace at the burning sensation, bringing your lime slices to your mouths to quell the remaining taste. You pour two more shots and repeat the process together, dancing to the music blasting throughout your apartment as you do so. Lotte then goes to the fridge, opening a bottle of wine and pouring two glasses. She passes one to you and laughs when you down it quickly.
“We’re not leaving for at least an hour, now you’re just gonna have to wait!” She scolds. “No I won’t. Not when my sweet best friend is so willing to share!” You grab her wine glass out of her hand and twirl away.
“Hey! Give that back!” “Come over here and make me!” You sing-song, leaning against the doorframe to her room. 
Lotte lunges after you and you squeal, dashing back into the kitchen and around the island. She eventually catches you, her arms bracketing you, your back pressed against the counter. You look up bashfully. You were used to being in close proximity with her, but that doesn't mean your heart doesn’t still skip a beat when she’s that close. Especially recently. Especially when you’ve been drinking. Her eyes meet yours and that’s when you see it: she wants you. Her eyes are dark, pupils blown, and she’s been staring at your lips. You think she’s about to kiss you, could swear that’s what’s about to happen, but then: “I need to finish getting ready.” Her voice is flat as she turns away from you, leaving you more confused than ever before. You decide to put it out of your mind, for now, instead focusing on pouring yourself more wine.
By the time Lotte is ready, you’ve had another two glasses of wine and are feeling pleasantly drunk. She, on the other hand, is tipsy at best. 
“Let me have your shot for you. You don’t need it.” She still isn’t meeting your eyes, but her voice is full of concern.
“No, no, no. I want it. Mine.” You insist, waving her hand away from your glass. She gives up easily, not wanting to pick a fight over something so small–besides, she can just make sure you don’t drink much more when you’re out.
Once out, both of you had put the kitchen incident out of your minds (or that’s what you were pretending at least–in reality it was all the two of you could think about). While Lotte was attempting to curb your drinking, you kept finding ways to get more alcohol. You would ‘share’ a drink with Viv (this really meant you were drinking them all) or get Katie and Leah to do shots with you (they never took much convincing). You got dancey when you were drunk, pulling your friends with you onto the dance floor. Lotte hung back, feeling like at least one of you should be somewhat coherent. She watches as you dance, your body moving fluidly with the beat of the music. It was graceful and, well, as much as she didn’t want to admit it to herself, it was unbelievably sexy. You were so in tune with your body when you danced, just like when you played football. Fuck. She’s falling for you. If she’s honest, she fell for you way back at UNC she just hadn’t realized it yet.
By the time the night is over, you’re swaying sideways as you walk and slurring your words. Lotte holds your waist as she helps you up the stairs to your shared apartment, helping you stumble to the bathroom. She holds your hair back as you lean over the toilet, washes your face gently when you’re done, and tucks you into bed, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead. Before she can leave your room, however, your voice floats through the darkness.
“Lotte? Will–please stay. Don’t wanna sleep alone.” You mumble, your voice thick with sleep. Lotte is unsure of what to do. On one hand, she doesn’t want to overstep and doesn't want you to be uncomfortable when you wake up. On the other hand, she knows it’ll likely be fine. It’s not as if you’ve never shared a bed before. She makes up her mind, sliding into your bed next to you. You roll over, burying your face in her chest, and fall asleep in a matter of minutes, but before you do Lotte swears she hears a whisper.
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
The Next Morning
You stumble groggily into the kitchen to see Lotte at the stove, cooking up a storm. She glances over her shoulder as you enter, a smile ghosting over her lips.
“Morning, Y/N”
You don’t respond, just groan, and she chuckles.
“Rough night?”
You groan again, leaning against the counter with your head in your hands. Lotte slides a plate in front of you, chock full of eggs, bacon, and toast. The smell wafts into your nose, breaking up the nausea you’re feeling. You dig in, slowly beginning to feel better with each bite. When you’re done, Lotte gestures to you from the couch, silently asking for you to come sit.
“What’s up?” You ask, sitting gingerly next to her.
“So…I might be off base here, but you said something last night I think we should talk about.” She begins, eyes searching yours to see if you remember (you don’t). “You told me you were falling in love with me. Is that true?” Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. This is why you don’t normally drink like that. You can’t trust yourself not to embarrass yourself like that. Taking a deep breath, you decide it’s time to face the music. You’ve been in love with Lotte for years and you figure now is as good a time as any to confess.
“Um, yeah, it is.” You look down at your hands, afraid of what you’ll see if you look at her. “I think I’ve been falling in love with you for years.”
“I'm in love with you too, Y/N.”
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Rafe Cameron x tutor!reader? I know it’s been done a lot but it’s a really fun idea.
This is possibly one of my favorite tropes in this fandom.
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Of course a storm had to hit the minute I wanted to leave after my meeting with Wheezie.
We finished up her math and her history homework in a few hours, Ward paid me and I had all of my stuff ready to go when I heard the booming of thunder over the estate. Rose had mentioned when I got there that there was some nasty weather coming towards us but I definitely was not expecting a tropical storm that's forcing everyone to stay in their homes till it passes- which, of course, would be tomorrow.
It's not the worst placed to be holed up, not in the least. They had plenty of food, plenty of guest bedrooms, Sarah and Wheezie and I already spend so much time together so it wasn't odd. But I'd never been forced to spend so much time under the same roof as Rafe.
I have no personal issues with him, I've just heard things throughout the different pogues that I hang out with, including Sarah's boyfriend who's had a thing against Rafe since they were in primary school- the last time they were in the same social bracket.
He's just the older, best friends brother, who'd go out of his way to mess with me if given the chance- whether than be at parties, during my meetings with Wheezie, or if he happens to be at the beach the same time I'm there, basking in the sun. He's an instigator, he loves the attention and he almost demands it whenever he walks in the room just by the stupid cocky look on his handsome face.
I practically jump out of my skin as the house shakes, rain pounding against the window of the guest room that I've forced myself into after gladly changing into a change of clothes that Sarah had graciously offered me.
"You okay?" My head snaps to the open door where Rafe stands, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. I give him a simple nod before looking back out the window, watching my bike fall over in their driveway with a sigh.
"That was my bike you heard hitting the ground." I huff, biting at the skin around my nails as I tuck my legs under me, heart pounding as I feel the weight of Rafe's gaze.
"I can give you a ride home in the morning- in fact, my dad's insisting I do." He laughs awkwardly, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck, feet shuffling against the carpet.
"Thanks, Rafe." His name feels foreign as it leaves my lips as he steps into the room. "Do you need anything-"
"How's the, uh, sessions been with Wheezie?" He asks suddenly, cheeks blushed in a faint red tint. His question makes my brows tick up in confusion, wondering why on earth he cares- he's never been interested enough to ask. "That was a really poor attempt to try to talk to you." He chuckles bashfully, leaning against the wall only feet away from me.
"You could've just talked to me." I laugh, fisting the sleeves of my long-sleeve shirt, nervously biting at the inside of my cheek. If Wheezie was here, she's ask for some distance between us, constantly joking about my 'hormones' when it comes to her brother. She's way smarter than people give her credit for and you'd be so surprised on the things she's picked up on, even when you don't want her to.
"Yeah?" He asks, brows furrowing cutely. "Can we talk now?" His question makes my stomach flip, more so than the pounding thunder outside the walls as the rain violently hits against the window.
"About?" He shrugs, sliding down the wall to sit. "We've literally never had a substantial conversation. Why now?" I ask, jumping as another crash of thunder hits, lightening lighting the whole room up momentarily.
"In all honesty?" He asks with a sheepish laugh.
"I'd hope so." A few moments pass, Rafe's lips parted in silent words, the smile on his lips not fading as I wait.
"I think you're really hot."
I'm sorry, what?
I blink dumbly at him, jaw slack as he laughs. "That was unexpected." I whisper, reaching up to rub my hands down my face, taking a second to grin like an idiot into my palms. "Just like this storm." I snort, pointing out the window as the house rattles.
"Do you not like storms?" He asks, not phased one bit at chaos.
"I do. But only when I'm tucked in my bed in my trusty trailer and not in a mansion, in clothes and a room that aren't mine." I chuckle nervously, watching his brows settle and his lips tug down into a frown as he looks around the room.
"Well, it's not your bed or your room but I could tuck you in." He flirts, his grin making my head spin especially at the realization that he's openly flirting with me.
"I'll be fine-" I cut myself off with a squeak as another crack of lightening lights up the room, a loud laugh coming from Rafe who claps his hands in amusement.
"Mhm, you look fine." He teases, making his way over to sit beside me, his arm scooting around my waist to pull me into his side. I gawk up at him, taken completely off guard at his forwardness but he just smiles calmly.
"So you've gotten an excuse to talk to me and now what? Touch me?" I ask, finding it humorous that he'd ever take on the stance of a 'knight in shining armor' to protect me from the raging storm outside.
"Yeah, I'd say this is working out in my favor." He shrugs cockily but his soft smile tells a different story, his boyish gaze flickering across my hesitant expression. Reaching out, I press a hand to his chest and he raises his hands in surrender with a laugh.
"Cool it, hot shot. Before I tell your sister you came onto me." He scoffs at my threat, bumping his shoulder with mine before patting my knee as another crack of thunder sounds above us.
"She'd jump for joy."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
@steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @witxhy-lexx @starlightandfairies @hysteriahall @piceous21 @igotmajordaddyissues
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sansundertale14x1 · 7 months
Achy mouth w. Gaz :(
(totally not...cuz somethins goin,...on eith my mouth...not proofread...little drabble...gn reader...one sexual ref...)
Coming home to your roommate, Gaz, whining about your mouth.
You just came home from an ortho appointment, where you finally decided to bite the bullet and get the braces you need so badly. At first, it didn't seem bad, just a slightly odd feeling in your mouth. Now, after driving home from the office, you hate it with your whole soul.
You feel like a nerdy teenager again. It's just so peculiar...and it feels like you're being stabbed by little metal rods (which technically, you are.).
You come to Gaz with your woes, talking about the aching feeling in your teeth, head...and entire face, really. He lets out a soft sigh...
"Did you listen to what the doctor had to say..? Here, hand me that.."
Gaz takes the little bag from your hand, inspecting the contents.
"...Sit down.."
Though you didn't really want to, you immediately obeyed and took a seat on the nearby kitchen chair. Gaz rummages through the bag, pulling out the little package of wax.
"...being poked?"
He softly asks you, and you nod. However, that nod ended up sending waves of pain to your jaw. Gaz starts to mold the wax until it's malleable.
"Listen, just put it over the bracket that's bothering you, and it should help."
You remember the doctor mentioning this, but the amount of sensations in your mouth seemed to have clouded your memory. You do as Gaz asked, softly pressing the wax over the irritative bracket. You try to get used to the feeling, immediately feeling relieved from your piercing pain...however, your head still aches from the unfamiliar tight feeling.
"There we go..."
Gaz smiled, gently leaning closer and putting a small kiss on your forehead.
"Anythin' else?"
He asked, clearly concerned for your comfort. If it hadn't scratched the inside of your mouth, you would've smiled.
You softly mumble, looking into Gaz's eyes. The way his skin went a rosey tone, you could tell you maybe phrased that a tad weirdly...
You clarify, and Gaz lets out a soft breath of air. He was relieved...which sort of makes you wonder if he would allow you to if you were asking for that. However, he sweeps this under the rug and hands you two ibuprofen and a full glass of water.
"...be careful."
He gently mutters, looking away from your eyes and trying to regain the normal color of his face. By the time you finally swallow down the pills, you nudge at his hand.
"Could we lay down..?"
You politely ask, and Gaz turns back with a happy but flustered smile.
"Of course sweetheart.."
You end the day cuddling with Gaz. Your mouth is numb from the medicine, but that's the last thing you're worried about. Gaz had drifted off with you on his chest, hat bent down to cover the sunlight from the sunset from affecting his eyes. It's sweet to see him all soft and cuddly...but he's just like that anyway. <3
im tired bye bye
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1.03 Damon invited himself and Caroline to Stefan and Elena's dinner with Bonnie, and now Damon is helping Elena with the dishes. She drops a wine glass; he catches it, and she laughs and tells him "Nice save." "I like you," he says, "you know how to laugh." She smiles at him. Damon brings up Katherine again, says she died in a fire, and Elena asks what she was like. "Beautiful, a lot like you in that department. Complicated, selfish, at times not very kind, but very sexy and seductive." Elena says, “Sooo which one of you dated her first?” Damon answers, "Mine and Stefan’s answers would probably differ on that point." And then he changes the subject: "You should quit cheerleading." He says he saw her and she looked miserable. “Things are different this year," she admits, "everything that used to matter…doesn’t anymore.” "So don't let it," he says. "Quit, move on, problem solved." Elena says a little wistfully, “Some things could matter again.” “Maybe,” he says, “seems a little unrealistic to me.” She looks at him, and says, seriously, "I'm sorry." He looks at her quizzically, and she clarifies: "About Katherine. You lost her, too." Damon's face softens and transforms in wonder. For the first time, someone is seeing him for who he is.
1.19 Damon just told Elena about Stefan’s blood binging, and now Stefan is MIA. Elena’s name is called, and she descends the stairs in her beautiful gown, nobody waiting at the bottom for her. Damon, standing in the crowd, looks around, realizes what is happening, elbows his way to the front, and smoothly steps up to wait for her. Her face softens in gratitude, he gazes up at her. She takes his hand and whispers, “Where’s Stefan?” “I don’t know,” Damon whispers back. And then, together, they step into the light. Jenna watches them walk by and asks, “What is she doing with Damon?” Alaric answers, “I have no idea.” “What are we gonna do?” Elena asks.  Damon answers, “Right now we just have to get through this.” And then they dance. Damon starts to smile at Elena, and then after a moment, she starts to smile back. She’s not panicked anymore. The soundtrack provides telling commentary: “Can you still see the heart of me? / All my agony fades away / When you hold me in your embrace / Don’t tear me down for all I need /Make my heart a better place / Give me something I can believe”
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pseudowho · 2 months
Hihiii Haitch!
Okay, first of all, I would like to say that I’m absolutely in love with your writing. The way you write Nanami is just✨✨
And I was on the fence about watching jjk because of the numerous spoilers I had encountered. But all your fics and my lil (read major) crush on nanami finally made me come around to watch it, I’m on s1e6 rn (I’ll just blissfully ignore the teensy detail I know about what happens to nanami and my other fav characters while watching it…hehe😭)
So onwards to my questions :
1) How does writing come to you? Does it feel like that urgent spidey senses tingling moment and the next thing you know your fingers are flying across the keyboard like a woman possessed…or does it feel like this distant feeling, that slowly grows and you let it simmer fully before you formulate it into words?
2) what song or word do you think immaculately describes Mr haitch?
3) Do you derive your real feelings while writing? Like the feelings that you feel in that particular moment, does it affect it somehow? Have you ever written something that has made you feel very exposed in an emotional way?
4) lastly I’ll add a fun fact : Did you know that in India, marriages are taken so seriously and especially arranged marriages, that there is a very well developed legit business solely centered around finding perfect matches for you. So your family essentially contracts an agency that finds matches for you , based on your requirements and it has levels to it.
The families of the to be bride and groom, use the agency as a mediator to contact each other. The agency also runs background checks. You have to pay a yearly subscription fee for it. And if you want to marry your child outside your tax bracket (into a wealthier family to put it bluntly) you can join the premium membership, where you pay double, only to get a chance to get meetings with their high profile clients. (Yes I know how shallow this is…)
Hellooooo! I am so sorry for the pain you will soon endure. Please know that if I could hold your hand through it, I would.
I'm so glad they made a TV series about that weird JJK Bad Timeline AU. It was a great way to explore all of the things that could have happened to the characters we love, but didn't. Really creative. 10/10. So glad they got the Good Timeline in reality.
Both of those actually! My drabbles, especially my husband!Nanami and Papamin drabbles are very much the former. My longer fics that I header, gently form in my head over a number of days, maturing slowly.
Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz: Up on Melancholy Hill/ Sits a manatee/ Just looking out for the day/ When you're close to me/ When you're close to meWell you can't get what you want/ But you can get me/ So let's set out to sea, love/ 'Cause you are my medicine/ When you're close to me/ When you're close to me
AND... Absent by Sylosis:
I'm no saint I've no virtue I wish I could feel that you hurt too But it's so dark I can't tell god from the devil I'm just absent More than ever
I surrender I'm incomplete I've had all I can take So take me in pieces
3. I'm very good at making myself feel exactly how I need to feel, for the purpose of writing. I'm also very good at making other people feel how I need them to feel, good and bad. So I find it easy to recreate emotions in fics. It's freaky and I'm sorry. I also separate myself from that very well, sort of hovering above it as I write it. Nothing that makes me feel exposed would ever be written down on my blog, because that's purely for a couple of select people to witness.
4. I did know this! I've cared for lots of Indian couples having babies, and as such I'm rather well-versed in cultural traditions. I'm always fascinated by peoples' love and marriage stories, so listen with great interest when they share things like this. Thank you for also sharing the information. It sounds cut-throat!
Thank you so much for the wonderful Inbox. I really enjoyed answering it!
Love as always,
-- Haitch xxx
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