#because different opponents means different winners
veronicawildest · 4 months
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If you're offended just block me. If you get it, you get it, if you don't, fuck off
When you're in a Laziest competition and the opponent is Purva phalguni native: ☹️🙁🫤😰😰😨😞
They're the 2nd place for being cheesiest interms of being relationship and inlove (I will revealed the winner of this on the next observations)
I realized just I've been googling Sydney Sweeney that her fiance is 13 years much older than her. The Purva phalguni sun celebrities too as well:
Blake Lively (Purva phalguni moon) and Ryan Reynolds
Beyonce (Purva phalguni sun) and Jay Z
Mena Suvari ( Purva phalguni moon) married Richard Brinkmann on March 4, 2000, when she was 21 and he was 37
It's really a pattern and the Opposite sign of leo is aquarius which is saturn.
Purva phalguni love cars. Aside from Elon Musk, Sydney Sweeney has a tiktok account about repairing cars. She has Purva phalguni sun conjunct rahu (intensifying the energy of Purva phalguni)
The physiognomy of this nakshatra is that they have THICK and unruly eyebrows. (Brooke Shields, Taylor Hill) even that i known in my life has this trait
Certain Purva phalguni celebs talks about anxiety and stressed a lot. The lead singer of Twenty One Pilots, Tyler Joseph is a Purva phalguni moon and you can observe that his songs has a lot of topic about this certain extent. Doubt and Stressed are some of this.
They really love music and arts. Claire nakti specifically talk about performing arts but all kinds of arts related to pleasure. They really love it.
Don't let the laziness of this nakshatra fool you. If they have a goal they'll be great at focusing and getting the goal (Just give them a reason to give a F*** to get it but if they really don't care, they be lazy ass about it)
Connections are important to them (even if it's shallow at some extend you will observe them social climbing up way to the top)
Friends before hoes nakshatra (The girls of this nakshatra are more hoes into friends they love their partner more than friends tho)
The older partner one that i observe over purva phalguni girls earlier extend to this nakshatra. but for girls too.
Much funnier than you would expect and also not afraid to speak their minds even if someone is gonna get hurt by them. My classmate has this. If she is a celebrity, one second = cancelled!
Now that I've mention that Nicki Minaj has this moon. No wonder why, Some would say her unhinged opinions on certain things is her manifestation at Jyestha, but i would disagree.
(Some unevolved) girls of this nakshatra are not so much girls girl. They don't claim to be one which is fine but you don't need to bring down others. (They doing it for their friends because of connections y'know shittalking)
The abbreviation of I of Uttara phalguni is INDEPENDENT
I underestimated how this nakshatra gets a lot of hate (some of them are understandable tho)
They're great friends tho. they're are f yapper (if they're comfortable at you)
I always observe them. They're like a sexy librarian (common sidereal virgos that i known have a glasses)
If you want a manipulation teacher who can teach you all kinds of manipulation techniques (I'm talking about drawing, forgery and tarots manipulation involving hands) Go to HASTA!!!!!
They're great mimicker and impersonator (not all are accurate but most of them are funny)
Witty nakshatra (they known how to banter)
Females with this nakshatra have MANY male friends.
They're fvcking horny. Don't let the hasta = nun, virgin fool you bruh
Major trolls!! What i mean to be troll is They like to play dumb even if they are not dumb (Extends to Mrigashira and Dhanistha) They're not DUMB.
They have a manipulation for cameras, If hasta excel at being at work or manipulation of paper involving hands, Chitra would excel at editing, photos and also jewels.
Catriona Gray (Miss Universe 2018) has Chitra moon. As you would see, she looks like Olivia Rodrigo (Chitra moon). Her iconic answer in M.U is Silver Lining and correlation of this nakshatra to jewels.
Most of the gay people that i known have this nakshatra
Kylie Jenner has Mars in Chitra conjunct her moon. That's why the influence of the body is very mars like nakshatra (Her sisters that have some Mars nakshatra/Sidereal mars sign have curvy BBL vibes are Kim Kardashian (Chitra sun) Khloe Kardashian (Dhanistha moon) and Kourtney Kardashian (Ashwini Sun))
Others expect that Swati would be the Sweet side of the Libra compare to the other two (Libra side of Chitra and Vishakha), They're fvcking BLUNT!!!! They're also proud to be "Scorpios" just like Vishakha.
Common placement to have on Celebrities. Especially on states. The Celebrities we have on my home country is dominated by Mars nakshatra
In the past, I have a crush on this swati guy. First impression to him that he wasn't real (my mind is foggy remembering him, he's the first one I met to be that unique) even tho I spoke and everyday we talk on school (i didn't know vedic astrology when i met him) wasn't aware that i've been channeling this nakshatra and picking up the vibes of him. ( He loves to joke as well)
My interpretation and explanation of why Libra ( extends to Vishakha) are debilitated on this sign is the misguided aggression of this nakshatra. Some would argue that Magha and Purva phalguni have this too (Magha being cocky about it) but Libra are passive aggressive for some reason. They dont know how to properly assert themselves.
Swati are Physically attractive (you're lying if you found one ugly, or just a hater)
I read on tumblr once, I forgot what her tumblr astrology name was but she mention that Vishakha and Cowboy correlation and I agree to this. Beyonce recently made this. In the past Miley Cyrus has Vishkaha moon and she made Jolene cover. Also, Owen Wilson famously play cowboys in his film.
I just don't know how to word this properly but Vishakha looks good (like goody two shoes good noy reffering to good looking) even if they're not (bad attitude).
If were talking about attractiveness of this nakshatra: i would say HOT, SEXY, SEDUCTIVE. Honestly, this nakshatra extends to femme fatale in my opinion.
They're fucking two face ( I know this is the symbol of Purva bhadraphada but Vishakha? Backstabbing if you're UNEVOLVED)
They great at fashion tho. If you want advice just go to Viskaha interms of beauty and fashion. They're great (among all nakshatra i considered them to be great at transforming other people, Claire nakti said this nakshatra was great for makeover so)
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slowcatsworld · 9 days
Noel Noa SFW Headcanons
Takes his coffee black. This was the first way he had ever tried coffee when he was an older teenager; all of the add ins he tried later just never gave him the same feeling. The bitterness of the drink is enough to shock his body into a reactive state. If you ever offer him coffee, he requests some milk in it.
He prefers to dress more formally when the situation calls for it. By this, if he is going to a meeting with his club team it means he will be wearing a suit. The elegance of fashion and the social status of what you wear is most definitely not lost on him. It is a noisy static in his mind until he wears something more classy.
When he is in the solace of his own home, his guilt pleasure is to stay in his pajamas as long as he can. He just got home from practice at 8am? He’s putting back on his fuzzy pants. He got back from his morning workout he does during off days? The thick socks he wore to sleep are coming back on once he showers. He just arrived home during lunch hour? His sleeping sweater was on him by the time you stepped foot in the door. He does value his comfortableness in more private settings.
He is both a dog and a cat person. His stoic nature draws sweet, stray felines towards him weekly whether he’s out in the streets of Germany or France. The way cats will purr so loud he can hear them when he’s standing tugs at his heart, though he never mentions it. (He would so let a cat just climb up him like a tree). Dogs don’t really come up to him the way cats do, yet when he sees one out and about he is always tempted to ask the dog’s owner if he could pet the animal.
He doesn’t much like bread. It was one of the few things he was able to eat somewhat frequently during his early childhood in the ghettos of France. That bread will always taste different than the bread he has available to him now to eat, but the feeling of dirty grit will never leave his mind.
He takes pride in his title of the world’s best striker. It gratifies him to look at his teammates and his opponents and think to himself, ‘I’m the best forward there is here.’ About them both alike. He is somewhat humble, though. It’s only when his title is being threatened or ignored does he feel the need to be a total force of dominance on the field.
Can be seen as a slightly sore winner sometimes. The success and privilege that comes with winning a popularity vote, a league game, etc fulfills a dead space in him. To know he has worked hard enough to be the best and he got what he trained to earn is a feeling he will chase forever. It changed his life, gave him a life worth living for. So he when you come up to him saying it was unneeded for him to point out to another soccer player that he has the title of worlds best striker and he is the favorite to win the upcoming finals game for their league in a couple weeks; a ghost of a smile graces his face as he squeezes your hand.
He didn’t quite realize he was perfectly ambidextrous until he tried shooting a soccer ball with his supposed non dominant foot and it was just as easy and smooth as his other foot. This was where he began to plan, to get motivated to use soccer as a way to better his life.
Because of the ambidextrous quality in both his legs and arms, he is able to learn ball control movements and tactics at a faster rate. He’s also able to write very well with both hands, however his right hand has neater handwriting. He uses his phone in his left hand.
Enjoys intelligent conversations. The bounce back and forth between him and another person about whatever topic. Doesn’t actually need to be a topic that is only for those of a higher intellect to understand, it can be anything you are passionate and knowledgeable about. How they are able to articulate their thoughts and understandings and show Noel through speech or body language. It is engaging and he wants to know all of what you think and feel at this moment. It will forever outweigh the basic question-answer format he can get accustomed to in interviews.
Like Marc Snuffy, he does view football as a job. He has to in a sense. In the early days of his career, he had to be diligent and desperate to stand up above the sea of other players. He had to work harder than everyone else on the field, he had to work faster than everyone else on the field, he had to need football more than everyone else. He tries to carry this drive with him even in the peak of his football career, he won’t allow them to shelve him- not yet.
Unlike Marc Snuffy, Noel doesn’t try to rope in his whole team to create a ‘work force’ per se. He makes sure everyone on his team that plays either with him or with his name brand is a competent, driven, and rational person on the field. They do go over play strategies he’s, but he is sometimes dissatisfied at the level of tenacity in Snuffy to have such rigid plays.
Is a silent cheerer. He doesn’t yell and he doesn’t stand up and pump his fists in the air. He’s quiet, waiting and watching. He’ll occasionally mumble praise or encouragement, but you won’t hear it unless you’re right next to him.
He goes to bed really early most days if he can. When he is alone, he sleeps like a dead man. No movement and no noise. Even when he has a nightmare, he’ll just jolt awake in the same position. When he started sleeping next to you, the pair of y’all would just begin to wake up entangled with each other. His arm wrapped around your waist, his feet holding your ankle. Your hand in his short, frosty hair and your chin on the top of his head. He moved quite a bit with you, always seeming to try to burrow into you in his sleep.
Has received numerous compliments on his eyes. He didn’t really understand why people were so entranced with them, especially when he paired it with his eyeliner until you. You loved them. You loved staring into them during bed time, gazing at them across the room. They were precious to you, so they gradually started to become precious to him as well. They aren’t his favorite feature on himself, but it brings you enough pleasure to look at them so he confidently thinks they are one of his top physical characteristics.
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tyrantisterror · 6 months
I think one of the things that gets lost in the big, endless internet conversation about whether or not heroes should kill their villains is the fact that killing villains off robs you of a lot of story-telling potential. The Joker died at the end of his debut story in Batman - imagine what Batman would be if he stayed dead. No Joker in Batman 66, no The Killing Joke which means no Barbara Gordon as Oracle and no The Dark Knight, no Mark Hamill Joker episodes of BTAS (so many of them were based on his comic appearances, after all - the laughing fish is a direct adaptation of a comic), which means no Harley Quinn and no Return of the Joker, on and on it goes.
Like, you can argue the morality of heroes sparing their villains till you turn blue - god knows this site does it at least a thousand times a day - but on a purely pragmatic story-telling level, the minute you kill ANY character, you kill all the story potential they had. And yeah, it's fiction, you can bring them back from the dead if you really need them, but that's a pretty hard story beat to pull off without hurting your story. You don't want to fill your tale with "Somehow, Palpatine has returned" moments.
And you can just make new villains, sure, but again you have a problem with that - a new villain has to establish themselves and has to stand out from who came before, which means you can't go directly to the storylines you could have had with a villain who stuck around AFTER their introduction. A recurring villain is capable of doing things that one-off villains can't.
I'm going to illustrate this with a character from a fandom I'm not even a part of - I never played the Ratchet and Clank series and am only vaguely aware of it, but one day I saw a supercut of scenes starring one of its recurring villains, Dr. Nefarious, on twitter, and I was like "Oh shit, that's the guy who plays Quark on Deep Space Nine, isn't? This guys a hoot, let's see if we can find more clips on youtube." Which brought me to this hefty video here from one of the more recent games in the series.
And, like, as a person who "doesn't even go here," it's obvious this goofy little fucker has a history. His opening scenes have him ranting about how much it sucks to lose repeatedly - a lampshade on the "flaw" of a recurring villain, i.e. that their threat diminishes the more they come back because, by the nature of their role in the story, it means they've suffered a lot of losses. So how cool is it that as this supercut chugs along you can clearly see this is a theme of the game - that this is a story about the virtue of losing, a story that is enriched by having an antagonist who fans of the series know has lost a LOT?
The true antagonist is an alternate version of Dr. Nefarious who's won every fight in his life so far, apparently with little effort, and I love how they differ on a design aspect. They're both technically mad scientists, but notably, Emperor Nefarious, the winner, has a more imposing and "heroic" build, but a smaller brain-dome for his robot brains. Because winning may make him look strong, but if a mad scientist's real power is their mind, well, which Nefarious is really the strong one here then?
Dr. Nefarious gets this juicy arc about realizing the virtue in his repeated failures that corresponds with the heroic characters struggling to find a way to win against a seemingly invincible opponent, as well as contrasts the true villain, Dr. Nefarious's explicit counterpart and foil Emperor Nefarious, who has never once lost and is a total piece of shit for it. Again, not my fandom, I don't go here, not an expert on Ratchet and Clank, but even as a relative stranger to it who's just watching a big supercut, I fucking love this. This is an excellent story.
And it's one you can only tell with a recurring villain. Without Dr. Nefarious, this story works significantly less. You need a villain with a history the audience has seen to really sell this.
Anyway, I made this post because, ironically enough, I saw another tweet talking about how some fans think Dr. Nefarious should have been killed off in his first appearance, and, like... that's just fucking baffling to me, as a person outside this fandom looking in. Recurring villains deserve more love, man, they give us so much.
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veryberryjelly · 1 year
ok maybeeee 3 and 4 from the prompt list for poly!moonhawk
(also if you want me to resend this as a celebration request i totally will and also i can and will send more if that won’t be overwhelming, i just love this idea so much)
i am for real so excited to write for this pairing !!
i got very carried away
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3- hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve
4- ^^ the other notices so they pull them into a hug, smiling as they just watch them melt
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while you had never been much of a fan of karate, you knew this was something you could not miss.
your boyfriends dojo was competing in the all valley tournament and you and your girlfriend were sat amongst the rivalling dojo's families almost on the edge of your seat.
while moon had assured you a number of times that everything was going to be fine, it didnt stop your nerves.
you knew hawk could handle himself, but that didnt lessen the fear of him getting seriously injured.
one wrong move and he could break something major.
it was different when you stopped by the dojo to see him training, because while part of the motto of cobra kai was ' no mercy ' no one in there was set out to truly hurt their friends.
he could get truly hurt out here.
you had shared your concerns with moon last night while hawk was doing some last minute training.
laying on her bed doing nothing in particular apart from chatting with some music in the background with her head rested in your lap.
your're not sure how you ended up sitting like it but you weren't complaining.
' hawk's going to be okay tomorrow, right? i mean- i know he does this practically every day, but it's different. these people aren't his friends, they aren't going to pull their punches. '
while you talked you felt moons hand lift to thread her fingers through yours, pulling them to her chest and pressing a short kiss onto them.
' he's going to be fine. he knows what he's doing. they're not going to pull their punches but there's referees so it's safer than a street fight. '
her words went quite a long way to comfort you as this was going to be your first time watching hawk compete while moon had seen him before.
you could trust her words.
but it didnt completely squash the nerves in the pit of your stomach.
even when hawk returned from training and told you himself that he was going to be fine.
the three of you stayed at moons overnight with the plan to drive to the tournament tomorrow morning.
and that's exactly what you all did.
after arriving at the tournament, hawk went off to join his dojo after both you and moon wished him luck and told him to kick ass.
the two of you had been sat on the benches of there venue waiting for cobra kai to compete.
more specifically, waiting for hawk to step up to the mat.
when you heard his name called you could feel moon stiffen beside you and you had the exact same reaction, your hand reaching out to grasp onto hers.
the guy he was up against was big. he looked to be about 160 pounds of pure muscle with at least 8 inches on hawk including his hair.
" oh god " you muttered under your breath, watching as both contenders bowed to eachother before assuming their first fighting position.
it was as though you blacked out until the referee called the fight, announcing hawk as the winner, even if his bloodied nose said otherwise.
it was your first time seeing him fight outside of practising at the dojo and he was very good.
with every fight it got easier to watch, until you were actually enjoying seeing him do something he loved.
until the semi finals.
you and moon were both up on your feet at this point, partially out of nerves and just needing to stand up, and partially so he knew that you two were rooting for him all the way up there.
your excitement and joy was wiped away when a swift kick to the face sent hawk flying to the floor.
you waited for him to get up like he had been doing all day, but he didn't.
his opponent was announced the winner of the match and hawk lay still on the floor.
you suddenly remembered why you were so scared.
it took a minute for him to get up, and even when he finally did he was stumbling quite a bit.
there wasnt even a discussion between you and moon before you collected your things and stood from the stands to go and find him where he was inevitably receiving a little bit of medical attention.
in the back hallways of the venue it was almost silent apart from the echo from the main area where the fights were still commencing.
the thing that gave away where he was was a pair of voices from behind a door.
moon was first through to push through the door, with yourself close in tow.
you found what you expected, a medic sat infront of hawk performing tests to ensure he didnt have a concussion and issuing bandaids, tissues and an ice pack for the inevitable headache .
when she noticed the two other girls in the room she was quick to respond
" you two can't be back here "
" it's okay," hawk interrupted, his eyes landing on the two of you. " they're my girlfriends "
" you're girlfriend can stay but you can't both be back here " you assumed the medic thought he was just a bit confused from the head trauma.
" no, we're both his girlfriend " you corrected, knowing it was hard to grasp for some people. while you tried to be kind it was very hard to be right now when you could see blood pouring out of your boyfriends nose.
" oh- how modern...i'll leave you three to it then " she muttered out, leaving behind two advil for hawk along with a bottle of water before she scuttled out of the room while a soft smile rested on all of your faces.
that was always fun.
once the three of you were alone, all forms of restraint you usually held went out the window.
" are you okay? that looked like a nasty kick " you questioned, taking the ice pack from his hand to hold against his head, his hand dropping down to rest on your leg.
" i'm fine. just some bruises and a very mild concussion " he muttered somewhat angrily.
a concussion meant he couldnt train for a couple of days.
" you have a concussion and you think you're fine ?" moon questioned, her voice rising in volume slightly as she delicately wiped at the blood under his nose with her thumb.
" yes, because i am fine. " he assured her even if neither of you were believing it.
the look you exchanged with moon was enough to communicate an entire conversation without saying anything.
that short conversation between the three of you was enough for you to know that hawk was more than disappointed he had not only lost, but had ended up with an injury other than a bruise.
so you posed a question to him
" d'you want to stay or we can get out of here before everyone else ?"
there were a few moments before he answered.
" let's get out of here. " his reply set a minuscule smile onto your lips and moons.
" i'll go grab the car and i'll meet you out front " moon said simply, picking up her bag and pressing a short kiss onto both of your lips before walking out to get the car.
" you okay ?" you asked in a volume just above a whisper.
he nodded mildly, his eyes meeting yours.
" yeah, just gotta get out of here " he replied, standing from the bench you were sat on and reaching into his bag to grab a sweater to throw on over his slightly bloodied gi.
once he collected his things, the two of you walked down the hallway towards the front of the building where moon would soon be pulling up with the car.
while you waited leant against the wall of the building, you decided to fill the silence, fiddling slightly with the edge of his sweater sleeve as it hung around his wrist.
" you were amazing today. i've never seen you fight like that before...was pretty hot "
you couldnt even keep a straight face while saying that, a slight smirk edging it's way onto your lips as you met his gaze.
" yeah, " he started, lifting his arm to drape over your shoulders and pull you further into his side. " pretty hot seeing me kick some ass ?" he muttered quietly, a soft laugh edging on his tone
" yeah, not so much watching you get your ass kicked, but for the most part " you teased, your smile almost breaking past the boundaries of your face.
you weren't surprised when that comment earned you a pinch at your waist.
a car horn scared the shit out of you, causing you to almost jump out of hawk's grasp.
it was only when you heard your girlfriends signature laugh that your heart rate started returning to normal
" sorry, didn't mean to scare you guys " while that statement was definitely false, you couldnt bring yourself to care.
after climbing into the car, moon drove you to her place seeing as her parents weren't home until tomorrow and the three of you could spend the night again.
your evening was spent sprawled out across a set of soft sheets with moon's laptop playing an old movie while the three of you went between watching it, chatting in hushed tones and sharing very soft kisses.
it was as if hawk never even lost.
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Party with your special strawhat | HC
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Summary: After the battle you're celebrating at the signature Strawhat banquet!
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Usopp & Sanji
Author's note: Back at it again, this time I did my best to make them proper headcannons. You can tell who my favorite is lmao. Also give my boy Usopp the attention he deserves.
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He loves when you sit next to him during the banquet.
He always saves you a seat by his side, even if you're a little late to join everyone knows the seat by his side is yours.
He'll be all like "Hey y/n! Try this it's really good!" While he's passing some food over to you (yes he shares, there's a lot to go around after all).
He even feeds you directly sometimes because he enjoys it.
Luffy wants to share as many experiences with you, so of course if a dish is particularly yummy he'll give some to you to watch your eyes lit up. "I told you it was yummy!"
If you're separated and he finds something delicious he'll try his best to save a piece for when you reunite (it's not always successful but he tries okay?)
He loves when you feed him food too. Even laying all king like with his head in your lap as you feed him. (Power couple yessir).
If you like to drink he'll indulge you, though be warned he gets even more touchy-feely when he has alcohol in his system.
After he's satisfied with drinking and eating, he's ready for more fun.
He loves to dance and even more if it's with you so he's quick to get to his feet reaching his hand out to you "y/n let's dance!" He's grinning wide.
If you ask him first he'll be thrilled letting you guide him to the dance floor by the hand.
You'll dance with the silliest most goofy moves laughing and grinning the whole time, you're the life of the party.
He loves to spin you around, your laugh as you spin music to his ears.
He'll stretch to make the weirdest dance moves.
If the party goes on for a long time you'll take naps together.
Luffy will wrap his arms around you to protect you while you both sleep.
You already know he's big on physical touch but during the party he'll search for any excuse to be touching you.
It could he something minor like interlacing pinkies, holding hands or full on wrapped around your body.
He loves to give you little pecks and kisses throughout the party.
You love to just go "Luffy look at this!" He turns to see what you mean but your lips connect with his instead. "Surprise kiss!"
He loves it, it drives him crazy.
He's also the biggest attention hoarder he loves when you pay attention to him, tries his hardest to make you laugh and prides himself when you do.
If you dance or pay attention to other people for a long time he'll pout and walk over to you to bring your awareness back to him.
He'll put his head on your shoulder, or catapult himself into you.
If you get separated he'll look for you, he may have something to show you, but it's mostly because he loves your company.
In the end he's happiest when he's with you or you're around.
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Two words, drinking contest.
If you're going against him, get ready to get blackout drunk unless you can hold your liquor.
You're his favorite rival because he gets his two favorite things drinking and you.
If you're not his drinking opponent, he loves when you cheer him on.
It gives him extra power to crush his opponent.
If you are not big on drinking he'll bring you different non-alcoholic drinks to try, as long as you're spending time together he's happy.
If you want to get him to dance with you there's a couple of ways.
First you can promise him booze if he dances with you, he'll pretend to be reluctant (he actually enjoys being close to you while you both dance) but he'll do it.
You can make it a challenge "Winner takes the booze" you say. "You're on!" He replies.
Or you can wait till he's drunk some booze so he's easier to convince.
Or you can threaten to dance with someone else, that will make him grab your hand and lead you to the dance floor himself. He'll die before he shares.
Either way you always get a couple of dances with him.
He loves touching you casually. Like he'll be drinking and have you on his lap, a hand wrapped around your waist.
If you go somewhere by yourself he'll keep an eye on you the entire time.
Zoro particularly enjoys when you grab his hand to lead him around, though he won't admit it, at least he won't resist. He can't resist you or refuse you anyway.
He'll sometimes lead you away from the noise to kiss in a hallway or alley, just you and him.
He loves making out, but he's not big on PDA, so this is how he manages.
Unless someone is making you uncomfortable then he'll get all close and personal with you to make them go away.
They always do after looking at the murder in his eyes.
Your presence always comforts Zoro in a way you can't imagine.
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He loves to make you laugh and the party is the perfect opportunity.
If you weren't with him during the battle he'll tell you all about his exploits (a bit exaggerated as always).
The more he drinks the crazier his story becomes.
You put your undivided attention on him when he speaks which he adores.
You drag him to the dance floor at your first opportunity, he can try any excuse in the book but you have him by the hand.
He'll be shy at first but quickly get comfortable with your help.
Next, he's making all kinds of moves to try to impress you.
You will sit together while enjoying the food, cracking jokes and enjoying yourselves.
You'll cozy up to him, nestling on his side. He puffs his chest, trying to look manly for you.
Sometimes, you'll play around running all through the party grounds laughing.
You'll also play games together including other party attendants.
You'll kiss him sometimes which makes him go beet red, it's your favorite pass time.
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He serves you the best portions of the meals he prepares.
If he's not on chef duty then he will scout around for the yummiest food and bring you the best of the best.
Or if you decide to walk with him he'll explain the dishes to you, pointing out how a certain ingredient goes amazing with this other one and so on.
You listen to his every word and he can't get enough, his smoke coming out in heart puffs.
If you let him feed you he'll be estastic, let's hope he doesn't get a nosebleed.
You want to dance with him? Anything for you.
He let's you lead him around the dance floor, grabbing his hand.
He bursts out his best moves for you, basically jumping around in glee.
If you kiss him, prepare the tissues for his nose.
He tries to control it as best he can but if it's a deep kiss he'll loose it.
He has eyes for nobody but you, his days of searching for ladies ended with you.
He wouldn't have it any other way.
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muriellelibrary · 7 days
Hey tumblr. I'm here to spread some late stage love for something a group of us has put together. Or, well, continued together. I'm going to start with the absolute basics, since some folks might be new to it, so here we go.
ARTISTS AT THE READY 6 is open and taking auditions!
What is Artists at the Ready (AatR)? It's an OCT! What is an OCT? An Original Character Tournament! But what does that mean? It means a bunch of artists/writers get together and have a bit of friendly competition involving characters they made up! AatR particularly focuses on telling these stories as comics and uses a bracket tournament system (like... uh, sports ball?) where two contestants are pitted against each other and the judges pick a winner based on certain criteria. It's about using competition to practice your storytelling.
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So then! AatR is currently looking to being a SIXTH tournament. The first happened in 2009, back during the OCT boom on deviantArt. Many of the old entries have been deleted, but there are still some up there if you want to take a gander. (We are still posting a little on there as well, for posterity.) The second was in 2011, which had so many entries there was an off-shoot tournament called Ready or Not. The third, fourth and fifth took place in 2013, 2015, and 2018 respectively. I personally participated in 3 previous ones.
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What makes AatR different from other OCTs is the premise. Most OCT have you create/use characters and place them in a specific world or scenario with a specific theme and a handful of side characters provided by the judges/people running the tournament. AatR differs in that one of the characters you bring to the story is YOU! You, the artist! The premise is that you are invited to a mysterious world known as The Real and you, the artist, end up there... ready or not. There, you will meet other artists, and possibly the people running the tournament, the Judges. BUT. What made it fun was that you got to summon your own characters to have them join you on your journey! Everyone has a "tool" that brings out a set number of OCs. (It was originally 3, but now only 2 get summoned.) So you get to hang out with your creations and... well, probably fight for your life because story thrives on conflict but there never was a rule you had to actually "fight" your opponent, just interact with them and their characters. It's about who tells the better and more compelling story, really.
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(It's a little like pokemon. You are the trainer and you have two pokemon to summon. They could fight for you, or maybe help you get around or go completely out of control and try to eat reality. The world is your oyster! Except instead of pokemon, it is your favorite homemade blorbos!) Every previous season has had a few provided locations, a few judges with characters, and messengers. Messengers are creatures/things that bring you your invitation. After that, they can be used in any way to help you tell your story. Or don't use them at all. Things are very open-ended and what we provide is totally optional. The previous stories from past seasons ARE VERY MUCH OPTIONAL. Use what you like, throw the rest away. This go around, the only location we have is the Deadline Bar. It has no specific place in time or space, and no specific layout/theme/interior. Make it what you will. Our messengers are equally undefined, inky animals of your choice.
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Personally, I have made some of the best friends I have through OCTs and every time I have participated, it has helped me grow as an artist and storyteller. It can be a grueling experience if you try to tell a grandiose story, but time management is also an important skill for anyone to learn. I loved it and would love for others to love it too. If any of this intrigues you, or has you hopping up and down to throw artistic hands with other artists on the internet.... please come check us out. All the basic rules are on the deviantArt page, the twitter/X page, and far more in-depth material along with cool folks to chat with can be found on our discord. The deadline for the auditions is OCTOBER 11th, which gives you just about the same amount of time to make one as you would have for a round during the tournament. OR just hang out in the server, talk art and maybe participate in some of our Spectator side contests. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME JOIN US AND I BID YOU A WARM WELCOME TO THE REAL! ...just... watch that first step...
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empressofthewind · 18 days
Hi, I'm the one that sent that longer ask recently - thank you so much for responding. So it’s not that the situation at the end in your setting is all that different, but it’s a matter of perspective. That makes so much sense.  
After reading your thoughts I have a couple follow up questions if you’d entertain it (last ones I promise). First because you mentioned interrogating Mogi, why do you think Mello brought Near into it at all? I know he says "my turn to use you" but I get the sense it’s not so much sincere as a pretext and excuse as if to say "don't think this means I'm backing down". Because I think he’s competent enough that he could’ve interrogated Mogi by himself. No doubt he has the skills and confidence to do it on his own since he has the real lived experience needed to rise in the mafia where he'd have to flawlessly prove himself to a very tough crowd a hundred times over. If he kept Mogi to himself it would have in theory given him the big advantage instead of handing it over to his opponent. But the way he set it up put the power in Near's hands...there was always a chance that Near could’ve just said ‘lol thanks’ and hung up the phone leaving Mello high and dry. It seems odd somehow.
And finally, as I understand it your belief is in canon Mello’s priority never wavered from winning the competition but by the end he’d given up hope for that. But also he acted to save Near’s life and gain HIM the victory. I’m trying to wrap my head around this. If he thought there’s a good chance Near is putting his life in danger by having his name written down and possibly overlooking Kira's counter-move, why act at all? If he were right wouldn't it present an opportunity for Mello to claim victory? If Near dies in his confrontation with Kira due to his own mistake…well, that seems like he’s lost fair and square. Afterwards Mello could use Near’s death as the evidence to confront Kira on his own and finally come out the winner. On the other hand if Mello was wrong about there being sketchy business afoot and Near did cleanly confront Kira and win, the situation ends in just the same loss that Mello in theory already accepted so at that point he can go and off himself or whatever. I’m probably not explaining this well, but hopefully you get an idea of what I mean, that there seems to be a bit of disconnect there? ugh sorry it's that I'm trying to understand the end and struggling 😅
Hello again!! These are all very good questions - there's a lot to unpack here so I'm going to do something slightly different and break it up into smaller chunks:
Why Mello Involved Near in his Interrogation of Mogi
I know he says "my turn to use you" but I get the sense it’s not so much sincere as a pretext and excuse as if to say "don't think this means I'm backing down".
I have a lot to say about this point. I think it's perhaps important to make a distinction between what Mello's intentions actually are, and what he aims to achieve by saying this, because I think these two concepts are entirely divorced from each other. So we'll start with the first point.
The thing about Mello is that he uses people. He hates being used, but he wouldn't have gotten as far as he has without using, if that makes sense. He likes to be the one with all the power, the brains behind an operation where everyone else does the actual dirty work for him. At this stage in his investigation, however, he is working alone. He doesn't have the resources he gained from the mafia. He hasn't linked up with Matt yet. He doesn't have Sidoh on his side anymore. He is operating by himself, and as such, he is limited in what he can do. So, the only person he can use is Near. It wouldn't be the first time he's used Near - he acquired all Near's information via the spy to get ahead in the first place - so he's clearly not opposed to the idea by any means. It's worth noting that this is the closest they get to actually working together in the series, so I'm also convinced he has to believe he's using Near to avoid confronting his own cognitive dissonance about it.
Re: why he tells Near this; I definitely don't think this is meant to be some kind informative statement to make his intentions clear, regardless of whether he means them. I think you're in the right ballpark here. He feels as though he's been used by Near, so he wants to make Near feel the same, and in the process, to show him that he still antagonises Near despite appearing like an ally on the surface. So the interpretation of "don't think this means I'm backing down" is pretty accurate, I'd say. My other possible explanation would be that he believes saying will encourage Near to comply with him. Like, "you already used me, therefore you have to let me use you". We don't have much context to determine what their relationship looked like in the past, but Mello has a lot of hangups about keeping things fair (i.e. giving Near information in return for the photograph, because he doesn't like the idea of being in debt to him), so it's possible Near has demonstrated a similar mentality.
Because I think he’s competent enough that he could’ve interrogated Mogi by himself. No doubt he has the skills and confidence to do it on his own since he has the real lived experience needed to rise in the mafia where he'd have to flawlessly prove himself to a very tough crowd a hundred times over.
Theoretically yes, he could have done it himself, but his choice method of interrogation is kidnapping. I don't think he has the same raw persuasive power that Near does, which he seems to acknowledge in this scene ("I know you're good at that stuff"), so he draws information out of people by force instead. There are two problems with this. One, as mentioned above, he lacks the resources. He has never kidnapped anyone himself. In the case of Sayu and Kitamura, his mafia guys committed the crime themselves, and with Takada, he needed the cooperation of Matt and Lidner to get her away from NHN. I have to imagine it would be incredibly difficult for Mello to orchestrate the kidnapping of Mogi on his own, especially without a secure base, if he hasn't recruited another team of allies by this point.
The second problem is that, as far as he knows, Kira could still be anyone. He was told that it was Matsuda, now he's being told by Lidner that it's the second L, whose identity is unknown to him. Mogi could have the power to kill, and Mello's name is known to the task force, so revealing his face to anyone puts him at risk. This is also mentioned in Near's inner monologue, in which he specifically says "This way, Mello won't be in danger". He also follows this up by saying "Mello wouldn't try to kill me", and I agree with him on that front, but I wouldn't be surprised if Mello thought of this as a bit of a "fuck you" to Near by sending him a guy who could potentially be deadly.
If he kept Mogi to himself it would have in theory given him the big advantage instead of handing it over to his opponent. But the way he set it up put the power in Near's hands...there was always a chance that Near could’ve just said ‘lol thanks’ and hung up the phone leaving Mello high and dry. It seems odd somehow.
I think there's a fairly simple answer to this, which is that the purpose of the phone call is just not something that benefits Near. Mello wants Near to make Mogi say something that will incriminate L as Kira. Near is already confident that L is Kira, so he doesn't care about confirmation. That's strictly something Mello needs to hear. Mello "[keeping] Mogi to himself" would not place him at any distinct advantage, because it would only provide him with information that Near already knows. The reason it's beneficial for Near to let Mello hear this information is because it opens the door for Mello to potentially catch Kira himself. Near appears to want Kira caught regardless of who does it, so this is ultimately beneficial.
Why Mello Saved Near's Life
And finally, as I understand it your belief is in canon Mello’s priority never wavered from winning the competition but by the end he’d given up hope for that. But also he acted to save Near’s life and gain HIM the victory.
TOTALLY see what you’re saying here and I think this was just bad wording on my part in the original post. So my general opinion is that Mello has gone through a lot of character development since we first see him. When I say his priority was always to win, I mean this not in the sense that he thought dying was a victory, but in the sense that any action that allowed Near to win was not a true triumph. Thus, he couldn’t possibly consider it a win, even a joint one, when Near was ultimately the one to take credit for it, and he saw his sacrifice as surrendering instead. Essentially he never abandoned the idea that there could only be one winner, even if that winner was Near!
If he thought there’s a good chance Near is putting his life in danger by having his name written down and possibly overlooking Kira's counter-move, why act at all? If he were right wouldn't it present an opportunity for Mello to claim victory?
I think perhaps this excerpt (from here) from another of my analyses might help answer this for you:
there’s also the fact that his name is out there, and he knows that, so he probably thinks there’s a high risk he will die or be imprisoned regardless, so at least this way, he’s dying for a cause. and I think it’s also important to remember that even though he hates Near, he believes that Near is better than him. he was raised on that belief; it’s been drilled into him since he was a kid. that’s why he hates Near. so even though he’s dedicated his entire life to beating Near, I do think in a situation like this, where he thinks that one of them is going to die, he would probably assume it’s better to be him.
My point here is essentially that there is not really a future for Mello beyond the case. Even if Mello did "win", what would he do? He already forfeited the role of L; it's not like Near would just give that up because of some five-year-old competition that he was never really invested in. And Mello is a wanted criminal, so his other options are pretty bleak. He could spend the rest of his life on the run, but why? What is the point? I think he started to realise that he had to accept defeat, because the only goal he had left to chase was his own pride.
If Near dies in his confrontation with Kira due to his own mistake…well, that seems like he’s lost fair and square. Afterwards Mello could use Near’s death as the evidence to confront Kira on his own and finally come out the winner.
The issue with this is that it eliminates the entire point of winning. If Near is dead, who is he proving himself to? Who is around to see him claim that victory? It's not like Roger cares, and there's no one else at Wammy's House who mattered to him the same way Near did.
On the other hand if Mello was wrong about there being sketchy business afoot and Near did cleanly confront Kira and win, the situation ends in just the same loss that Mello in theory already accepted so at that point he can go and off himself or whatever. I’m probably not explaining this well, but hopefully you get an idea of what I mean, that there seems to be a bit of disconnect there?
I do get what you mean! Honestly I think Mello was extremely confident that there was a hole in his plan, based on his line "Then I guess I'm going to have to do it". The phrasing makes him sound extremely sure of himself, so I don't think he had any doubt that Near would die if he didn't act.
Thank you so much for the ask!! I hope this answers things for you - sorry it took me a fair while to write 🫶
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razzle-zazzle · 23 days
whaddya MEAN cole wins his fight against jay?!?!?!
Okay so. Imagine you're Skylor. All your life, your father has been the pure pinnacle of power and control, even as you grow more and more discontent with him. He always gets what he wants, and him winning seems like an inevitability.
Now imagine your fiance just got outed as a spy for Chen despite not being a spy. And now your father is playing into that drama by pitting your fiance against the ninja he had the most animosity with. And because you're trying to stay under the radar as the true spy like a good daughter you can only watch as the drama unfolds.
And now imagine that, during the fight, to your father's utter delight (and your own silent discomfort) that the drama and animosity is high. Until suddenly it's not, and the black and blue ninja aren't fighting anymore, and it's clear that whatever came between them is being reconciled. And you glance over to your father and see he's realizing the same things you have. You're Skylor, and your father is Master Chen, and he always gets what he wants. And you just know that if your fiance ducks out of the tournament, all the drama your father's worked for will dissipate—and worse, if the competitors realize there's still a spy in their midst, your job will get so much harder.
You're Skylor. Your father is Master Chen, and he always gets what he wants—and this time is no different, as you put your hand on the railing and call upon the copied power of your fiance and pull up a rock to sock his opponent in the face.
You're Skylor, and your hands are shaking as your father declares your fiance the winner because the jade blade fell on his head even though that's not how the rules work—
You're Skylor, and you wonder if you just made a big mistake. But there's nothing you can do to take it back—you have to move forwards, even as your fiance angrily confronts you afterwards, and during the argument you hear approaching voices, panic at the thought of your father or his men catching you arguing with the fiance you're supposed to be madly in love with—and pull him into a fake kiss just in time to see the other ninja enter the room.
You're Skylor, and you want to bury your face in your pillow and scream. But big girls don't do that, because big girls are polite and cultured and have a handle on their emotions and they are quiet and unobtrusive and exactly what their fathers need them to be—
You're Skylor, and you are doing your masterdamn best, even if it hurts.
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opheliaorophile · 5 days
The King's Gambit
You guys I just had a thought and I am disturbed.
(*hands you tin foil hat)
Please just.... just put it on please.
In DA:I ;
If you side with the Chargers, and you carry Bull and Solas in your party, they will begin to ‘mental chess’ with each other (Solas says he is trying to help bull get over the loss of the Qun, helps him realize hes not tal-vashoth).
See this “fan-made” (seems pretty professional to me…) video
I also recommend you read this blog post:
(But only after you’re done with mine.)
In chess you have many pieces that all serve their own function. There's the King and Queen, the pawns, bishops, knights, etc.
In the video (and in DA:I), we learn that Solas calls chess pieces by a different name then what The Iron Bull does; a tribute to the pairs wildly different upbringing.
But because they know how the game is played, and the way each piece works, this minor infraction does not stop them from their mental battle.
Solas opened (started) their chess game with the name of a Netflix limited series that most will find familiar; The Kings Gambit.
From a Chess Website:
King's Gambit is an aggressive Chess opening that falls under the category of open games. It is characterized by White sacrificing a pawn on the second move to facilitate rapid development and initiate an attack against the opponent's king, specifically targeting the f7 square. 
Ok I still don’t really understand what this means. Lets use Wikipedia.
From Wikipedia:
The King's Gambit is a chess opening that begins with the moves: 1. e4 e5 2. f4 King's Gambit is an aggressive Chess opening, that falls under the category of open games. It is characterized by White sacrificing a pawn on the second move to facilitate rapid development and initiate an attack against the opponent's king, specifically targeting the f7 square.  White offers a pawn to divert the black e-pawn. If Black accepts the GAMBIT, White may play d4 and Bxf4, regaining the gambit pawn with central domination, or direct their forces against the weak square f7 with moves such as Nf3, Bc4, 0-0, and g3. A downside to the King's Gambit is that it weakens White's king's position, exposing it to the latent threat of ...Qh4+ (or ...Be7–h4+),  which may force White to give up castling rights.
Sorry, lets read that again, from the lens of a not-chess player (which I am, so a millions apologies to the people smarter than me reading this who were like, girl ur dumb for just figuring this out).
White begins a game of chess. White offers up a pawn as a sacrifice to black. If black accepts this sacrifice, white’s central control of the board is vulnerable, BUT, they can aggressively attack black’s king.
SO what are the downsides of this move, then? Sounds like a winner for anyone who knows how to play chess (I do not).
Remember when I said:
In the video (and in DA:I), we learn that Solas calls pieces by a different name then what The Iron Bull does; a tribute to the pairs wildly different upbringing.
Bull and Solas call bishops weird things. They call knights weird things, but one of the pieces they agree on, is the tower (or as I call it, the Castle).  
Which is weird. I mean, when I was a kid learning chess I called it the castle. It looks like a castle, (or a tower) why not call it a castle?
My cousin, who “taught” me chess, also made me call the pieces their correct names, even though I thought bishop was stupid, and knight even stupid-er. And he made me call my castle by its proper name;
What the fuck is a Kings Gambit again?
You sacrifice a pawn, to gain control of the board. You’re vulnerable, but you have high attack strength.
So WHAT is the downside of Kings Gambit?
From Wikipedia Again:
A downside to the King's Gambit is that it weakens White's king's position, exposing it to the latent threat of ...(mastermind chess moves),  which may force White to give up castling* rights.
You mean Rook?
*Castling is a move in chess. It consists of moving the king two squares toward a rook on the same rank and then moving the rook to the square that the king passed over.  Castling is permitted only if neither the king nor the rook has previously moved; the squares between the king and the rook are vacant; and the king does not leave, cross over, or finish on a square attacked by an enemy piece. Castling is the only move in chess in which two pieces are moved at once.
Lets Re-cap:
Kings Gambit is an aggressive chess opening where white (the starting player) sacrifices a pawn (Solas after Inky: check).
Black accepts Whites sacrifice and takes pawn.
White can aggressively attack black, but they are vulnerable.
*Happy Solas Noises*
Rook is their ultimate safety blanket, their last minute escape route.
Rook is White's last resort.
Solas set up a Thedas version of the kings gambit.
But are we playing WITH him? Or AGAINST him?
Oh, and by the way…
Can someone drink the cool-aid with me pleeeease.
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inventors-fair · 2 months
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Sublime Scares: Fear Contest Winners!
Our winners this week are @izzet-always-r-versus-u, @nine-effing-hells, and @reaperfromtheabyss!
@izzet-always-r-versus-u — Don't Make a Sound
Not to be confused with Don't Blink, Don't Move, or Don't Try This at Home. This is a brutal punisher card, though, levying a harsh tax at anyone who tries to extend to far on their own turn. Of course, it still leaves players with the ability to do so if they're confident they can bear the cost, unlike more stringent effects like Rule of Law. I love the use of flavor here too: as with a lot of punisher effects, both the gameplay and flavor stress that you don't want to make a wrong move. I do worry that this might be just a bit too effective at two mana, because the restriction to only a player's own turn means you could simply build your deck to play on your opponent's turn and handily break the symmetry. But that's also a fairly big commitment to go all the way, so...I dunno.
@nine-effing-hells — Bedside Shadow
Oh, well, hello there! What bring you here at such a late hour, friend? This thing's got more than a little DNA from the original Lazav, but I appreciate all the little touches to set it apart. First, requiring specifically discarding and milling to trigger goes a long way towards sharpening the focus, though it does make it less broadly applicable. Lazav will pick up more faces just in the natural course of the game; this one asks you to go out of your way. That said, the ability to field multiple of these is very attractive, and needless to say I find the flavor brilliant. At a first glance this effect seems slightly dubious in mono-black, but in practice it's not all that different from black's propensity for stealing creatures from others' graveyards, so I'll give it a pass. Oh, and, one minor wording tweak: the typical phrasing is that it "has this ability," because you don't need to gain an ability you already have.
@reaperfromtheabyss — Nagging Anxieties
From sleep paralysis demons to the terror of the waking world, but no less a Nightmare! This is a neat little thing that—just like its namesake—compounds on itself very quickly. There's a bit of luck involved, and your mileage will vary heavily depending on what kind of deck your opponents are playing, but you should be able to hit something and a land reasonably often in any situation. I'm a big fan of how this explores how mill is often represented as a sort of mental attack, and it's also a lot more subtle and insidious than the blunt force of something like Traumatize or Glimpse the Unthinkable. The flavor text is great as well, evoking the spirit literally whispering doubts into your ear. I do have a small, potentially insignificant critique, though: I've been erroneously referring to this card all week in my head as "Nagging Worries," which I just feel flows much better than the chunky word that is "Anxieties." That's very much up to you though, of course.
Don't go anywhere, runners up are right on your heels! —@spooky-bard
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Run BTS Mini field day - Part 2
Part 2 of part 2...
Cr./to the creators of media used in this post.
So, where were we?
Oh, yes, slippery soccer.
Let the games begin.
On the right we have the blue team - JM, RM, Hobi and Suga.
On the left we have the red team - Tae, Jin and JK.
Now let's just have at it, cause hectic is too calm of a word to call what went on there, lol.
There's no way I can describe everything that went on there, and I don't intend to. I will also not share who won this round.
Like I said GO WATCH IT. It's definitely worth it.
What I will do is share some moments with you all. Cute moments. Funny moments. Lovely moments.
So, let's get it.
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I guess there will be no forgetting that name for JM in the near future, lol.
I think, although this isn't by order of things happening in the episode, that I will start with Jin and his cahoonas.
Cause why not?
If only for the comic effect...
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JK's reaction. 🤣 🤣
After all, this is serious business we're talking about.
JM was finding it hard to stay up on his feet, lol.
And there's more.
I did tell you we had butt slapping, didn't I?
Well I also gave you the first installment of it in my post a couple of days ago.
But there was more butt.
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Hey, no complaining. I didn't say it was all tuppy tuppy handsy handsy.
Ok ok, if you insist, here's some handsy stuff too.
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We got the hug.
JM wanted that hug so bad.
For scoring a goal that is.
Now, this was hilarious.
Jin, being hit in the balls, got a penalty kick, which Hobi kind of stopped, only to hit JM right in the head and wham, straight into the goal.
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But yeah, he finally got to get his hug. With a member of the opponent team...
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And we got it from a different angle than in the promo.
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Just look at that smile.
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Found it kind of funny that none of them had a word to say about JM hugging a member of the opposite team. All RM had to comment was to the legitimacy of him even getting a hug. 🤣
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JM and JK are still relatively kinda clean at this point (well, JM has some soapy pants, but yet to be soaked).
And then the chaos begins.
The game is surprisingly close. And the red team have a tactic they try to put in place which involves JK holding on to JM and RM so Jin can score the goal,
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a tactic to be utilized by JM a little later and it somehow ends up like this:
That growl JK...
(Disclosure: The JM climbing on JK bit, was in the promos, but not in the actual episode (we knew as much, didn't we?) and it was inserted into this edit by the clip's creator.)
And Tae, is that him enjoying them rolling in the soap, adding more lubrication or him trying to cool them down? Just one more life mystery. Lmao.
But also, there was clearly editing going on there. We have been fooled once again folks. BH editors depriving us of some evidently (I mean look at what's going on there) good Jikook content.
One thing I ask myself about whatever it was that was going on there, and that is: what the hell did it have to do, if at all, with playing soccer? 🤣 
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Game ended, and one hug, evidently, was clearly not enough.
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And breaking it down.
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After the games ended, the winners were announced, Jin got a gold medal as well announcing he got 1st place with Astronaut at M countdown,
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and the hectic couple, a.k.a. Jikook, took over the final MCing.
Bonus: A little bit of cutie Koo.
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and a little bit of cutie Jiminie.
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This is what they had to say at the end:
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I can't help but wonder how the flowers ended up with JM.
Bridal bouquet?
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And just for fun, I love ending my posts with a little reminder from this episode, something to carry us for a little while longer, you know, till 2025. 😭 😭
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liuwithheadcanons · 2 years
General Dynamic Aggression Headcanons
Cause I want to expand on the dynamics and their aggression- also cause my omega aggression headcanon seems to be gettin some traction lmao
Tw for violence talks, blood,,,just over all a dynamic study on aggression behaviors. So stay safe and skip if ya need!
note that these are just general statements and can differ! It’s not isn’t clear cut, but this is the general consensus in my verse! 
Omegas: Omegas are usually seen as the most patient and compassionate out of the dynamics. They can control their annoyance and emotions much easier. However that doesn’t mean they can’t be aggressive or show anger. In fact, aggressive Omegas are seen as the most intimating and the ones that can do the most damage if they have the chance. Which, they usually don’t, so cases of Alpha/Omega or Beta/Omega violence where the Omega is the perpetrator is taken either seriously or not seriously due to the uncommonness. But many times in those cases, while it was eventually stopped due to Betas and Alphas being generally stronger than Omegas, the Omega did do real harm before the intervention. 
Many people’s perception are stuck in old ways of thinking that Omegas can’t actually hurt the ‘higher,’ dynamics
However Omega on Omega violence while uncommon does happen and that’s usually when the most damage is done. They can go into an all out battle of clawing, biting, stabbing, tackling, pinning and growling and won’t back down. Many compare them to rabbits due to the ‘fragility,’ of the dynamic but also the damage that can be done if provoked enough.
Omegas teeth are the sharpest but their bite force is weak, this is because their teeth are more for stabbing a ‘critical’ spot over and over. (I got this from a old saber-tooth documentary that suggested as such and though: huh, it works)
Alphas: Unlike Omegas, Alphas are usually seen as aggressive, prideful, assertive, competitive but also at the core of it all: protective. Due to the semi- social norm of Alpha on Alpha violence it is often seen as the most violent. Though experts know they’re actually second to Omegas. Alphas do have patience and can also hold in their emotions but Alphas know how to push other Alphas buttons which can result in a brawl. Biting, clawing, tackling and hitting is most common. Due to the semi-normalcy there is an Alpha on Alpha aggression and violence, there is an Alpha vs Alpha etiquette. This is due to having the strongest bite force and second sharpest teeth, which can cause a lot of harm.  The rules are: Never claw for their scent glands If one of them is staying down for ten seconds or more, then the other is the winner. Weapons aren’t allowed in a domestic/public fight, unless life is in danger Never hurt a kiddie/pup to the point of blood, exception is a nose bleed
Betas: Sadly due to biology, they are the weakest when it comes to offensive aggressiveness. They are generally the second best at patience, and just like Omegas it takes a lot for them to snap after being annoyed by someone for so long. When a Beta gets aggressive, unlike their counterparts that go offensive, they go defensive. They rely on their virtually silent feet, and their nose to weave and sneak around to land small attacks that the opponent can’t see coming. This is due to fangs being the least sharp, so they have to compensate and make up for that.
You can tell there was Beta on Beta violence due to the stalking, the silence, and their over all demeanor which is seen as ‘creepy.’ But do not be fooled, while they are generally the weakest offensively is perfectly capable of taking down an Omega and Alpha. It just takes more work and extra calculation- which due to their ability to better distinguish instincts from feelings and logic- is usually easy for them to plan out. 
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runabout-river · 1 year
Thoughts on Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 229 (spoilers)
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The domain battle is not over but they're not wildly changing their parameters again. Instead, they've found a formula that both are sticking to while trying to win.
The formula: Gojo makes a tiny domain to strengthen the effectiveness of his own. Sukuna destroys that domain from the outside in 3 minutes. Within those three minutes Gojo has to injure Sukuna heavily enough that Sukuna's domain collapses. When both domains don't collapse at the same time, we'll have a winner of this round.
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From what I understood, Gojo is using Blue and maybe Red to throw Sukuna around and hit him with his fists. We should not forget that Gojo hits so hard that Uraume still felt it a day later.
Unfortunately for Gojo, he did not see the wheel hidden inside Sukuna's shadow. You can read my theories for why that might be in last chapter's review.
Right now that shikigami is adapting to everything that Gojo throws at him. This does have negative consequences for Sukuna as well with every hit he has to endure and heal but the cost-benefit-calculation is obviously in favor of Mahoraga.
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We have some wild and funny panels again this chapter. I also liked how last week's panel was repurposed for the tv-screen this chapter. The shi シ katakana also makes it look like Sukuna has some massive eyebrows.
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Way to doom this entire fight you two! But we already knew that this would go in this direction. Gojo gaining the upper hand before Mahoraga comes out, which then tilts the entire balance of the fight.
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What happened here was Sukuna activating his Domain 0.01 seconds later than Gojo because he had to heal himself. In this tiny timeframe, Infinite Void hit him with information that slowed down Sukuna's reaction time. That gave Gojo the momentum to destroy Malevolent Shrine before Sukuna could destroy his domain after 3 minutes.
After Sukuna's Domain collapsed, the full power of Infinite Void hit him head on but somehow...
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Sukuna was still able finish the summoning of Mahoraga. I would really love to know the logistics of that and what had to be going on here. Mahoraga had already adapted to IV in the 0.01 seconds before but for Sukuna to finish the incantation Mahoraga's adaptation had to be transferred over to Sukuna even if it was only for a second.
We also, for the first time this entire fight, get direct action on what exactly Gojo plans to get Megumi back. Note that in the organs he wants to crush, the brain is not listed. That's because a crushed or chopped of head would mean the actual death of Megumi's body with no chance of healing it.
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First, we have confirmation that Gojo knew about Mahoraga's adaptation ability. Second, he had no idea that the user could detach the wheel from the summon and collect adaptations while fighting through damage done to their own body. And how would he have even known that?
No one else had ever tamed Mahoraga before Sukuna. Knowing about the actual ability is simple: Mahoraga has no interest in people outside of the Exorcism Ritual, meaning that people would've seen how he fought without fear of getting killed for it like with regular sorcerers who want to keep their techniques secret.
But the detached wheel is a completely different story that only Yorozu ever saw and she's dead.
Knowing integral information about your opponent and having a vast knowledge of Jujutsu is going to decide this fight it seems. Remember that Toji was killed because he had never heard of Hollow Purple in the Zenin archives. He was only prepared to fight techniques that pushed and pulled instead of destroyed.
And for Gojo, his plan to deal with Mahoraga just went up in flames because he couldn't have anticipated the genius way Sukuna would use it.
And now, the next chapter is going to be dominated by the King of Curses.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Lesser know fact about Cain in the actual bible: after he killed Able, God had to place a special mark on him to keep others from killing him, as he commited what is believed to be the first murder and without protection, he would have been killed. (Being a born and raised Baptist means you learn the lesser known Bible stories, so feel free to ask for info on that front.)
So to adjust for Cain and Able Au: after both Logan and Victor tried to kill Reader, they gained a mark of unknown origin. They don't know what it means until they come to Earth looking for Reader. The humans (who we may or may not recognize) immediately spit at them and banish them from their lands. Some who don't fear punishment may actually try to kill them, as they know what the brothers did and view it as the worst sin.
Ah... That adds a fun adjustment to this AU~! Thank you, @sugar-soda, for telling me this!
The two brothers, after trying to murder their own child/nibling, gain a mark, which at first puzzles them, making them wonder what strange powers have branded them...
Until, upon visiting Earth, humans see it, and an almost primal fear wells up in them. Some run, shrieking and screaming, moving entire cities or empires just to escape their presence. Others try to fight them, even kill them, but the moment a blow lands, something worse happens to their opponent. And it seems wherever they go, nature quakes and turns a cold shoulder to them...
The other angels and fallen angels and winners and sinners help them look up information on the marks, but there search bears little fruit... Up until they find one of their oldest scrolls, preserved by ancient magic and power, that reveals the different signs of the universe and what they mean... and in its confines, there is a section on the mark the brothers bear, one labeled...
"Murderer/Attempted Murderer"...
They find it strange, why would they be branded as such? They've only done their duties, their purpose, have they not? Why mark them as something like that? Until word comes in that Reader, the very being who had been innocent of all but being their father's child, was slain... and their soul is nowhere to be found...
Reader was...
They weren't in the rings of Heck or the cities of Heaven, nor anywhere on Earth. No spells yielded where they were, nor could the other angels or demons tell them anything as to where they could have gone. It's as though they... they...
Ceased to exist...
And for once, since their feud began, they feel a deep, overwhelming panic.
Dead. Dead?! They, they can't be! Just- completely gone?! No soul left, no traces of their life or afterlife, they're just gone?! What... what the blazing voids does this mean?
Does that mean.... does that mean Reader met a fate WORSE than death? Worse than THEY ever had to suffer? Or anyone else? Because... if they aren't anywhere known... then are they... gone forever?
Neither one can stand the thought. And for once in their lives... they start to feel remorse...
(Go @sugar-soda! I can't wait to expand this AU! And Reader isn't dead forever! Just, well, about to be reborn! So... there is THAT fun detail, and the fun legends behind the First Wrongly Accused... And the creepy fluff! Ahhh... The joys of writing platonic yanderes~!)
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hornie-rosie3 · 1 year
I just wanna be a degraded egirl slut that serves a whole group of guys while they have a gaming tournament or game night. Wearing different slutty cosplays, maybe the winner of the previous game night gets to choose my outfit & of course hole accessories! Then during and in between rounds I’ll serve the previous round winners as a reward~
I think it would be funny too if I was “given a chance” to try the games, but messed with. Mess with my holes, add plugs, bounds, and/or restrictions, or change the game settings itself so I look stupid in front of everyone. Clearly I should just go back to being used and abused because I’m not good enough to actually play.
Nobody even needs to get up from their set up to pee. Just call me over and pick a hole 🥰 I’ll make sure to lick it clean after too so you can continue to game stress free~
And if the games get too heated? Don’t be mean to your teammates! Take out your rage and aggression on me ❤️ just pretend I am your previous opponent and let your hands, insults, whips, chains, etc. fly! Fuck my ass raw while I beg, cry, and scream! All those awful things people type in chat? A reality now if you want!
Sadly I’m too shy IRL 🐭 would love to hear what you would do or any suggestions~
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khepiari · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1081 [Spoilers] Reminder-Law has cheated Death and Lost his home: Thrice!
I knew it was coming; I was hoping for a miracle. But this is the finale, we are going to lose more people! The stakes are high, our final contenders to One Piece are moving closer to their goal! But as Trafalgar Law fan, I was not ready to see him lose!
Paulo Coelho had warned me, Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time, yet I was not ready!
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True, “The weak don’t get to choose how they die”! And Bepo made sure that Law didn’t get to die today. Bepo bet his life and went on to challenge Blackbeard! I respect him and again it set’s another example how each and every first mate has been loyal and that’s how they saved their captains! Zoro on Thriller Bark, Killer on Elbaf, and Bepo on Winner Island! A captain will survive when it’s crew will sacrifice itself!
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Law will hate this; he has the captain’s burden to bare, pride of his crew on his shoulders and honour of the dead to carry! And yes, weak as he may be right now, he really didn’t get to choose his death. Trafalgar D Water Law will not die today, but for now he has been eliminated like Kid from the final race to One Piece.
Law lost his home! For the third time! His island and family are gone, Corazon and foster Doffy family is gone. His crew and ship was a family and home he built over 13 years! A ship which was a gift to him from a friend. He lost it all!
Losing a ship means you have been defeated and your spine cracked! What’s a pirate without a ship? After Merry Go and Thousand Sunny, Polar Tang was my favourite ship. I loved it for it’s cool design, utility, and absolutely fun colour. Law has a career ending blow, but he will survive.
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Law will survive, he will be depressed again, he will hate himself again, but he will come back, he might not get the opportunity to avenge his crew the way he will want too! But he will survive, and he will get his answers to the questions he carries!
There is a purpose he has to serve, and my fears for his future is worse. That devil fruit he carries; it definitely offers something more than eternal youth. If it can cure an incurable disease like Amber Lead Syndrome, that means it can cure other things too. And a certain someone has already lost twenty years to a drug when he tried to save his brother.
I just can’t help but notice how Law has cheated Death thrice! If Law was a cat; he would have six more lives to spend! And out of which their is a high possibility the last life might get spent on saving the only D that matters in this universe. But for now that’s a thought I hope doesn’t come to fruition!
Why am I so sympathetic to Law but not Kid?
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I think why my reaction to Kid getting pulverised and Law getting butchered are so different, is because it’s very simple!
Rule of familiarity.
We have known Shanks since day one of One Piece! Shanks has always been the reliable guy and Kid was introduced to us as being reckless killer. Blackbeard too has been the bad guy since his introduction while we as readers have spent a decade with Law!
I am more invested in Law! I have seen his struggles, ups and downs and what he is capable off!
With Kid it has always been a distanced and tinted pov. Shakky introduced him to Strawhat as a worst generation who killed people to have higher bounty than Luffy. Then when three of them met, Kid picked fight with Law and Lu!
It was fun watching Kid get beaten up by Shanks! But obviously with Law it was different emotions; because we know him better!
Let it be a reminder!
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Defeating Blackbeard and Shanks is not going to be easy! Kaido was the trial round for Luffy, and it took him 5 battles! And the biggest issue with Luffy’s future opponents Blackboard and Shanks is not the difference of power but the difference of planning. Luffy though he has matured a bit; is still a punch first talk later boy. As for Blackbeard and Shanks, they have been playing chess of survival for all these years!
Kaido, Big Mom, Doffy, or anyone Luffy has fought previously has always underestimated him; until Charlotte Katkuri! Luffy is an Emperor of the Sea! Neither Blackbeard or Shanks will give him the half-hearted treatment of toying with a rookie!
Yes Lu is a God, but still a rookie! And next two opponents are people who don’t always rely on strength but brains all the time! They both have planned and plotted to reach this far! It will not be easy!
I think chapter 1081 establishes the final journey to One Piece for Luffy has begun.
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