#is doomed to fail
mstornadox · 2 years
Please tell me someone has started “will this head of lettuce last longer than Kevin McCarthy?”
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moth-fuzz · 2 years
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I don't think I've ever made any comment on 'q slur' because I think it's dumb and we should just be respectful of people but this reply got me hard. Like jesus fucking christ how pessimistic can one be... "There will never be a polite word for us"? Really? Not ever? Not in your brightest hopes for the future can you imagine living in a world where being gay is valued and respected by society? We either have to assimilate into straight society or forever be the dirty little freaks in the corner? Forget about assimilation for a second - think bigger. No 'fitting in' with straight society, no being rejected by straight society, what about gay society? Not in your WILDEST fucking DREAMS, could you imagine, that one day, LGBT people of all stripes can just live their fucking lives in a world that has finally made room for them?
For what it's worth, the specifics are the message. And my message is this 'queer discourse' stuff is self-defeating essentialist garbage masquerading as radical politics. My word is not a weapon, it's people's entire lives. It's not just a seat at the table, it's the whole fucking house. The world and all her beauty belongs to the gays, not just the underground. Not "queer as in fuck you", but "gay as in we deserve the world".
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magikant · 2 years
the idea that thinking alignment is a bad game mechanic = “not being able to handle conversations about morality” is a fucking wild take
#i dont hate alignment#but i do think trying to apply it to anything besides dnd#is doomed to fail#because the only reason it makes any sense in dnd is as a basis for a fantasy cosmology#and at the end of the day it doesnt do a very good job at that#because while functioning as the base understanding of reality within this universe#it also fails to acknowledge itself as a humano/euro-centric realization of morality#the centerpoint of alignment is not flexible or considered in relation to different cultures#alignment (as conceived) says bad is XYZ and good is getting rid of XYZ#ABC races do XYZ so are bad#you are therefore only good if you oppose ABC#alignment does not ask 'what does goodness or lawfulness look like in a goblin society?'#it says 'goblins are chaotic evil. if you are good you are obliged to kill goblins'#obviously you dont have to play your game that way#and there has been enough pushback against that mindset that the text is finally starting to reflect a new attitude#but it still remains the core of the concept#honestly i dont think there is any choice wotc could make moving into 5.5 regarding alignment that i would be totally happy with#leaving it as is or getting rid of it both feel like bad options#changing the way it is implemented is the obvious answer but there is no way to do that that will make everyone happy (duh)#anyway just bugs when people act like their (probably better) more socially conscious definitions of alignments are like#them /figuring out/ the real meaning of it and what they are supposed to be#rather than admitting this is how they like to homebrew alignment to better fit with their own sense of ethics#that is not really what the people i am responding to in this moment were doing#but something i see often enough
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Guilt will follow Michael in every FNAF universe..
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so rhaenyra starts s3 with a god complex, believing herself to be the prince that was promised from aegon the conqueror's dream... but hugh and ulf will betray her, mysaria will misunderstand her, coryls will undermine her, bartimos will underestimate her, daemon will abandon her, her people will turn against her and burn her castle and kill her dragon. and when everyone who accepted rhaenyra as queen rejects her, the only person left to love rhaenyra will be alicent, who never loved rhaenyra as queen but rhaenyra as a person ("she was the vision that sustained him [...] it was his love for her that kept him resolute in his choice of heir."). alicent, who abandoned her gods and duty to go to rhaenyra on dragonstone and appeal to the person beneath the crown ("i cast myself on the mercy of a friend who once loved me."). alicent, who's made a god of rhaenyra, not as queen, but as the girl she read with beneath the godswood ("come with me.").
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jadeazora · 8 months
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Numerous exterminations since the late-1800s? Survived.
Getting into turf wars with Cherri Bomb? Survived.
21 losses to the Radio Demon? Survived.
Getting vaporized by Adam? Died, but still survived.
I really hope next season Pentious' general unkillability is mentioned when the cast finds out he made in to Heaven. (If the elder Seraphim don't try to hide things anyway, but I can see him and Emily rebelling if need be.)
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shkika · 4 months
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the amount her death haunts me is unreasonable
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demigods-posts · 4 days
me whenever i see people write off annabeth as an annoying and controlling and crazily jealous girlfriend with anger issues. understanding that the foundation of the rhetoric is based off of annabeth's behavior toward percy and rachel is tbotl and tlo. except annabeth's behavior in those books is soley due to the surplus amount of traumatic experiences she's had. ranging from her parents neglecting to care for her well-being when spiders attacked her in the middle of the night as a seven-year-old. to watching everyone she's ever dared to care for die, abandon, or leave her for a better option. so it's much more likely than annabeth was expressing great mental and emotional distress during a period of her life where it was uncertain if the boy she loved would drop dead on his sixteenth birthday. on top of having to uphold a reputation as the best strategist at camp half-blood and devise a plan to fight in a war and save the world before she's a sophomore in high school. so the notion that annabeth is an abusive and toxic individual lacks the consideration that maybe she was just a child forced to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders at all times.
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demigod-shenanigans · 3 months
Feeling some type of way about Leo deciding Jason is the one who needs saving when Jason’s been the one saving people all his life.
The thing is, once they realize what the prophecy means, Jason decides if it’s him or Leo, it has to be him. He outright states this in his narration twice:
As much as Jason loved his life, he couldn’t let his friend die for his sake. He could never live with the guilt. ~ House of Hades
He knew the risks. But he wanted to take those risks himself, not put them on Leo. ~ Blood of Olympus
And the thing is, Leo knows this. Jason never tells him, but Leo still knows it. He doesn’t tell Jason and Piper his plan because he knows they’d never allow it. Because he knows Jason, stubborn hero leader that he was raised to be, would never let it be him.
Leo knows Jason would die for him and he will not allow it.
Thinking about how one of the first things Leo says when he manages to string words together after learning what happened to Jason in The Burning Maze is “He did what Jason always did. He saved the day.”
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another-day · 13 days
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“were we even really friends in this one?”
ii 16 really messed me up
alt under cut
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this one doesn’t have the blur effect just because i like how the drawings looked
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canisalbus · 10 months
I've been following you for years, and I love your art. Seeing you repost your older art pieces reminded me how much I loved the angry, bitter, miserable Machete art and how it resonated with me... but a part of me is also so happy to see the current art of him being happy. Cute art of him as a unicorn, or chilling in a bathtub with Vasco. Like, we're all growing and healing :')
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aegonshiddenrealm · 2 months
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No one does doomed spouses like them 🥺
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lovesickeros · 4 months
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☆ de fontaine
{☆} characters furina {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings angst, suicidal thoughts, hurt / no comfort {☆} word count 1.4k
This wasn't fair. This wasn't fair. This wasn't fair!
She thought, for one moment, she could put the mask down and breathe – for one moment of daydreaming, she thought she could just be Furina. She thought she would finally get to live the live she should've had in the first place, the life she threw away to play God to an audience who saw her as nothing but a circus animal, dancing to their whims. Furina just wanted to be selfish for one brief and fleeting moment..and it was gone before she could even grasp it in her hand. A comet soaring past far out of her reach.
She can barely keep her hands from violently shaking as she looks down at them – broken and bloody and more a corpse then a person – and she feels so numb she can't even feel the rain pelting against her back. None of this is fair, she wants to scream, why is it always me? But her voice is silent beneath the torrent of rain. She wonders if the ocean would take her if she sank into it's depths – just for a moment, she wonders how it would feel to finally be able to sleep at ease.
Furina is tired.
But Furina is nothing if not useful, isn't she?
So she forces her feet to move, dragging against the stone beneath her heels, and drags their bloodied body into the nearest empty building, letting the rain do the work of washing away the smeared blood following her path. The smell makes her feel sick, the feeling of it sticking to her hands and gloves makes her lightheaded, but she persists. Because Furina is useful, because Furina won't let them die out in the rain, because Furina won't stand by and just let them rot on the streets like some..pest.
Furina wants to go home. She wants to sleep and she isn't she if she wants to wake up, this time. But she keeps going anyway.
Because it's all she's ever done, and the habit sticks.
An Archon she may not be, not anymore, but the expectations of five hundred years still linger like eyes on the inside of her skull. They watch her, pry and prod at her thoughts, mocking laughter and judging eyes following her as she forces herself to dance to the song they weave with glee. Furina never stepped off that stage – she's still there, she thinks, watching the crowd stare at her in disdain as the curtain call looms above her like a guillotine. She still hears Neuvillette deliver her damnation and salvation with a trembling voice, still feels her hair stand on end when electro crackled like the crack of the whip, Clorinde's blade aimed at her like a loaded gun.
She's trapped on that stage and she never left, not really.
She hates it. She thinks she hates them, but it's not their fault. They didn't ask for this, didn't ask for everyone to turn against them, didn't ask for her to save them. Neither did she..yet here they are, she thinks.
She tries to tell herself she's in control this time, though. She can stop performing her part in this horrible, bloody play any time she wants. It makes her feel better, just for a little while, if she convinces herself she's still Furina, painfully human.
And Furina has always been good at lying.
It's the believing that's the hard part.
There isn't time for her to wallow in her own self pity, though. They're still bleeding out onto the dusty, creaky floorboards of some random, broken down house and she's just standing there as the blood stains the wood. She can fix it – she's good at fixing things. She's done nothing but fix things – try to, anyway – for five hundred years. She can fix a little wound, how hard could it be? Her hands are clenched so tight they ache as she kneels down, wincing at the creak of the floorboards beneath her heels– she hesitates just long enough to wonder if she's making a mistake before she peels away just enough of the outer layer of their clothes to see the deep, bloody gash across their chest. She tries not to think about it – it's deep, too deep, and she feels dizzy just looking at it, but she's handled worse, right?
Furina can fix it. That's what she's good at.
She doesn't feel so confident when she tries to wrack her brain for..something. Five hundred years, and a little wound stumps her? No, she had to have learned something, right? She's decidedly not trying to buy time because she's panicking, parsing through hundreds of years of memories like flipping through a book. Furina isn't made for this, not really – she's running on nothing but adrenaline and she's really not sure what she's doing, but she's trying. And just like before, it won't be enough, will it?
She'll fall short again – she'll be too late to fix it before she's alone again.
Furina was an Archon..used to be. What use would she have for that sort of knowledge? Which makes her predicament all the more harrowing and bleak. What was she supposed to do?
Furina had heard it first hand, that vitriol in Neuvillette's voice. She isn't sure she's ever heard him that..angry before. She's not sure he would listen to her if she tried, either. And that scares her more then anything. All of Fontaine was up in arms about this..imposter, yet here she was, staring down at them bleeding out in front of her, and she was trying to save them.
Why? Why is she throwing away her only chance at normalcy for a fraud? Why didn't she just turn them in?
They were dying – that should've been a good thing, shouldn't it? So why didn't it feel like it?
"Why you?" Her voice breaks as she speaks in harsh tones, grabbing the front of their shirt in trembling, bloodied hands. "Why now?" She wants to scream, to demand answers they can't give, to claw back the reprieve she was promised after five hundred years of agony..and all she can do is sob into their chest, pleading for an answer that will not come. "Why me?"
Silence is their answer, and it hangs heavy on her trembling shoulders as she cries.
Of course they don't, she thinks bitterly, no one has ever answered her pleas spoken in hushed sobs. Not her other self and certainly not them.
Furina has always been alone. Furina will always be alone.
Because Furina never left that stage, never left that moment when she looked at herself in the mirror and took up a mantle too heavy for her to bear. She always finds her way back eventually. There's no one on the other side anymore – she stands alone on a stage, waiting for an inevitable end she isn't sure will come.
"Please," She pleads through tears and choked sobs, clinging to them like they are all that keeps her from sinking. "Please don't leave me, too." The words burn on her tongue – how pathetic is she that she craves companionship from the bloodied body of the imposter? Perhaps she's truly lost her mind after all these years..perhaps she's finally gone mad. She must have.
But their presence is like the first feeling of gentle warmth upon her skin as the sun crests the horizon, like the gentle lap of tides along her heels, the sway of branches and leaves as the wind blows through them like an instrument all it's own. They are the soothing sound of rain against the window as she watches the dreary skies in fond longing, the first bloom of spring as color blooms upon the landscape like paint had been spilled across the hills and valleys.
They are like the faint spark she carefully nurtures and stokes, so fragile even the smallest wind could blow it out like a candle. She cradles it within her palms, pleads with whoever will listen – prays that someone finally listens, because if not for her, then for them.
She's failed to protect too much already, let too many people with so much trust in her fall between the cracks of her fingers like grains of sand. She won't let them go – she can't.
If nothing else, if she couldn't be saved when she begged for salvation from that five hundred year long agony, even if she never got that chance..
Furina will make sure they do.
#sagau#genshin sagau#self aware genshin#genshin impact sagau#self aware genshin impact#genshin cult au#genshin impact cult au#fic tag#furina#so um. looks around. okay look. i know im like THE ts@r1ts@ dealer (censored so it doesnt show in tags. hopefully)#but the moment i saw furi in fontaine the day it released she became my fav even more then the tsaritsa SORRY SHES SO..#this is my love letter 2 furi (making her suffer unimaginable horrors)#open ended kinda in case i decide on making a sequel maybe#furi makes me feel cuteness aggression so bad i start acting like a rabid animal#furina the woman that you are. thats my girlprince meow meow id kill someone for her#playing her part as archon so well but being so horribly irrefutably human in every way..#five hundred years not even knowing what the real plan was. when it would end. knowing if she slipped up it was over.#and in the end almost no one knew what really happened. a select few people know the real weight of her sacrifice.#furina's story was always a tragedy. it was never going to be anything but a tragedy.#and thats one of the most tragic parts of it isnt it? she didnt know how itd end. she didnt know her story was always going to be a tragedy#furina never knew a thing. and still she did it for the people of fontaine and succeeded.#how do you define “yourself” when you havent existed for 500 years?#to be so selflessly human you give up “yourself” to save people who will never know of your sacrifice.#sometimes i think about the confrontation on the stage and have a week long mental breakdown#sacrificing EVERYTHING for fontaine and still. still! the people closest to you turn on you.#heavy on clorinde. she was as close 2 furi as neuvi fight me on this. i bite.#her bodyguard and friend and she ends up staring down her blade wondering if this is it. she failed. she failed them all#because even when faced with the trial. with losing everything. she still thought only about fontaine. oh furina.#do you think she has nightmares. wonders if she was never meant to win this game of g-ds. that her story was always meant to be a tragedy?#do you think she still wonders if she was ever meant to have a chance at a happy ending? a doomed tragedy from beginning to end
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robby-bobby-tommy · 2 months
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Plus Kazuma, Phoenix ect
Add characters that you think would fit the category
(Btw I'm not justifying their actions, but man do I feel bad for them. After one point their lives became a freaking greek tragedy)
#ace attorney#ace attorney investigations#the great ace attorney#dai gyakuten saiban#tgaa 2#tgaa2 spoilers#tgaa spoilers#aai1#aai2#aai1 spoilers#aai2 spoilers#dai gyakuten saiban 2 spoilers#dai gyakuten saiban spoilers#tyrell badd#tobias gregson#genshin asogi#klint van zieks#katherine hall#they were doomed by the narrative and injustice in their world#and while their actions are very bad. you can see how they tried their best and failed miserably#mostly because they took justice in their own hands. because people with power who should bring this justice literally did nothing#klint and other aristocrats had the status that protected them from punishment for corruption. genshin and klint dueled#leaving a lot of people without answers and closure. hence gregson agrees to strongheart's proposal#no matter how hard badd tried the proper justice wasn't served because prosecutors and lawyers couldn't give less of a crap.#hence he thought becoming the yatagarasu might improve the situation#kate's adoptive father was put in a cell for 18 years for no fault of his own because - once again - people in power didn't care for truth#there is always something so tragic in these situations. because. yes#they did terrible things and they deserved their punishment#and there always was another way to bring better into the world. but you still can fully understand why they did what they did#could've they done better? yes. did they? no. were people in power trying to help and find the truth? absolutely not. sad.
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bungouchronicles · 4 months
I like my ships doomed by the narrative
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fairyroses · 4 months
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— SMALLVILLE, "Tempest" (1.21) & "Fragile" (5.18)
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