#is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
gay-dorito-dust · 1 day
I hope this is ok
Could I request hcs of Jason Todd with a s/o who enjoys giving him compliments, even when they're asleep?
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Jason is soft, undoubtedly soft.
He couldn’t help the smile that grew across his face whenever you told him that he was the most handsome man you’ve ever met in your life.
It makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside that it becomes an addicting feeling that he never wants to go away.
He wasn’t use to someone showering him in adoration and unconditional love as you have done since your first date with him, sure it was something that he had to get use to as it wasn’t something he was willing to accept immediately, but after awhile Jason was practically hanging off of your every word that left your mouth like a fool in love.
You: your so perfect Jason you don’t even know it and it saddens me that you can’t see yourself how I see you because if you did then maybe you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself.’
Jason: 🥰🥺🫶
Day in, day out you would tell Jason exactly how you felt about him no matter what but when one night Jason heard you muttering under your breath, he becomes intrigued as to what you were saying and leant closer to you, only to hear you say;
‘You may think your broken but you are anything but my sweet Jaybirdie.’
‘you’re an art piece who’s true message has been misconstrued many times but that never took away from how beautiful you were.’
Needles to say Jason was this close to squeezing you tight in his arms because you were too good for him, way too good for him that made him want to keep you close to him all the more.
Jason didn’t like seeing his own refection in mirrors, it reminded him of how much of him had been taken away and never given back, but you gave him the courage to look himself in the reflective surface after your sweet words a about how you loved the way his face was structured, his jawline, his eyes, his lips, everything you admired about him you had made well known.
You give him the confidence he had been trying to cover up the lack of with sarcastic and witty comebacks and an uncaring attitude. You helped rebuilt him brick by brick to the point where Jason wasn’t ashamed of walking the apartment shitless, his scars boldly on display but he knew you’d give them nothing but love and affection; much Kim you did the rest of him.
You: your scars are just as much apart of you as your arms and legs were, they are just as deserving of love as the rest of you and there’s a lot of you left to love if you let me.
Jason: I’d let you love me for the rest of forever if you wanted sweetheart.
Jason would soon find himself staying up incredibly late just to hear you sleepily praise him with a dopey look upon his face as he brushes a knuckle across your cheek gingerly, knowing that this was the kind of love he had been looking for since he was a goin boy, a love so unconditional that you find yourself again through it; a real and pure love that would stand the rest of time.
And now he finally had it and he had you to thank for loving him for the mess that he was.
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storiesofsvu · 3 days
Decadent Desire Ch 8
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol, smut, rougher sex (ish), minor breeding kink. ngl it almost feels like a bit of a filler chapter, but it reunites what bits i had combined previously to make full chapters. Also sometimes filler is needed, I needed something else in there to break things up and that's why i kept staring at the word doc having NO clue what i wanted to do. SO, hopefully it doesn't take two weeks til the next update. lol. thank you for reading, extra bonus love to everyone who comments, sends asks and reblogs! you're the best!
After a lavish breakfast of stuffed French toast, all the delicious sides you could ask for and the best tasting coffee you’d had in ages you figured you should take advantage of the fancy shower once more. You took your time, scrubbing your skin with exfoliant before washing with a rose scented body wash and combing through your hair with a leave in conditioner. Wrapping yourself in one of the fuzzy robes you added in some hair treatment, braiding your still damp locks to air dry while sipping on a second cup of coffee. Finally it was check out time so you collected your things and headed downstairs, the Sunday morning air was the perfect balance of crisp while warm, the breeze floating through the streets spreading the sense of summer on the way.
You weren’t totally surprised when you found a bouquet of flowers on your front step, a note from Emily in the florists font scrawled across the front. Scooping it up you took it inside, kicking off your shoes and dropping your purse to the kitchen island before unwrapping the flowers. Picking a vase from the cabinet you filled it with some water and placed the bouquet inside, placing them on the coffee table to display. You dug through your bag for your phone, finally finding it and opening the text chain with Emily.
‘The flowers are gorgeous, thank you.’
‘You’re such a good girl I figured you deserved a little treat.’
‘It’s much appreciated.’
‘Speaking of… your upcoming events, do you need anything for them?’
‘I’m picking up a couple of dresses from alterations this week, haven’t looked through my accessories though.’
‘I’ll keep that in mind.’
‘Thank you. Enjoy New York, eat a bagel or a slice of pizza for me.’
‘Oh now that’s just a guarantee’
You chuckled as you locked your phone, sliding it back onto the island before you turned back to the fridge, eyes flicking through what was left and still usable for you to meal prep a bit for the upcoming week.
Said upcoming week flew by faster than you’d expected, likely due to all of the added on extra tasks you had to complete by six p.m. on Friday. Even with the slew of assistants strewn through Heather’s team, everything had to be perfect, double or triple checked, approved by Heather or yourself before appointments were confirmed, meetings were booked, or things were publicized or printed. You often wondered if it was actually financially worth having your own personal assistant considering the amount of things you either did yourself or had to be redone. (Not that it really mattered to you, they weren’t on your payroll).
Friday’s banquet wasn’t much for you to worry about, just made sure you were dressed the part and were ready when the car rolled up to your condo. Dinner was over and cocktails were in full swing, time for schmoozing, networking and making sure that everyone went home remembering the Dunbar name and philosophy. You’d stepped outside briefly after dinner, chatting with a congressman while he had a cigar and gave you the opportunity to stretch your legs. Walking back inside you found a high top table to settle against, pulling out your work phone to read a handful of emails.
“You know, you are allowed to put that thing away, right?” Heather teased, sliding a glass of Cristal across the table to you and you rolled your eyes, locking the device.
“You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew I was confirming some very affluent last minute sponsors for tomorrow.” You took a sip of the champagne, thinking back to your conversation on the terrace “and you’re welcome, Blythe will be voting in favour next week.”
“Good girl.” She grinned, clinking her glass with yours before her eyes drifted to the bracelet around your wrist. Her gaze lingered for a moment then moved upward and she reached out, lifting your earring with a curled finger before her eyes dropped to the gem resting on the swell of your chest. “Matching set?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded over a sip of your drink.
“Haven’t seen it before.”
“It’s new.” You replied, a small smirk on the corner of your mouth.
“Looks expensive.”
“If you’re trying to suggest it’s out of my budget, you’d be correct.”
“It’s nice to see Emily has good taste.”
“Among other things.” There was a gleam in your eye that Heather was eager to find out more about, a smirk on her lips as she took another sip of her drink.
“Glad to hear.” Was all she had time to reply with when another body sauntered up to your table.
“Not surprised to see you two here.” Tony greeted with a wide smile, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek before he reached out a hand, “Ms. Dunbar.”
“You know, I am surprised to see you here.”
“Drew the short straw.” He shrugged, “director had something come up, Gibbs would rather be caught dead than at one of these things and McGee doesn’t know his Dolce from American Eagle.”
“What about that other Agent you have right now, the little feisty one?” Heather asked, sly smile on her lips as Tony chuckled, scratching at the back of his neck in an attempt to distract from the blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Ziva? These aren’t really her style; she wouldn’t even know where to start.”
“I mean you could’ve at least brought her as a date, shown her the ropes so she knows for next time.” You offered, nudging at his shoulder and he let out another little huff.
“Oh, no, I mean, she’d hate that. She’d spend half the night flirting her way through the crowd and the other half having to convince everyone we weren’t actually together.”
“So she’s available?” Heather asked with a teasing smirk, pulling an awkward laugh from Tony.
“I— uh, well…” He stuttered, “maybe a little too… controlling… to be your style.” He suddenly leant against the table with his elbow, “but you know McGee does have a sister…”
“Do tell.” Heather grinned over the rim of her glass, pulling an eye roll from you.
“No!” You punched Tony’s arm before swatting in Heather’s direction. “Your dance card is already full,” you turned to Tony, “and she is way too young.”
“From what I heard, that’s how she likes it.” He muttered and you rolled your eyes as Heather chuckled.
“Age is just a number.”
“She graduated high school last year. That puts her younger than your kids.” You retorted, watching the way Heather’s nose crinkled before she laughed, happy to have found some amount of amusement from a night like tonight.
She let out a soft sigh as her eyes fixated on something across the room, “there’s Conway, looks like my time is now.” She turned back to you, “Durant may need some more convincing and I haven’t seen Sharp yet.”
“Please, all I need to do is bat my eyelashes in Jackie’s general direction and she’ll do whatever I want.”
“That’s why I keep you around.” With a smile and a nod to DiNozzo, she scooped up her champagne flute and made her way across the ballroom.
“Was… she serious?” He asked hesitantly and you laughed.
“No!” You took another gulp of your drink, “besides, like I said, her schedule’s full, she can’t take on more right now.”
“Speaking of schedules.” He grinned, waggling his eyebrows at you, “I’m surprised to see you here on a weekend, thought those were for secret romps and exchanges of sugar.”
“You know, sometimes I wonder just how suave of a man you could be if you just let your brain think things through before they came out of your mouth.”
“Stop.” He groaned, leaning against the table as he turned to you, “or are you just saving your hot date for tomorrow night?”
“This week didn’t line up, I’ve got that fundraiser all weekend, which, you should bring your team to make it a little family outing.”
“I’ll think about it.” He took a swig of his beer, “really puts a wrench in your plans then, I can already tell you’re getting grumpy.”
“Anthony…” you warned, “we met up last weekend. It was kind of last minute but we made use of the time we had.”
“So no hot dates during the week?”
“Not usually, but we’re both busy, plus she was in New York all week at conferences.”
“A rich woman, who travels for work,” he began to tick them off on his fingers, “outranks NCIS, has significant style tastes, works full time during the week and sometimes weekends… are you sure you aren’t dating a politician.”
“I—” you paused, head tilting for a second before you nodded, “yes. Government employed but not by the White House.”
“Isn’t everyone technically government employed?”
“And we’re not dating, I thought you of all people would understand the stipulations of a financial beneficiary pairing.”
“Oh yeah, and what’s that?” He asked, eyes gleaming.
“She buys me nice things, pays for my hair or nail appointments, adds to my jewellery collection, makes sure my fridge is always full, sends fresh flowers weekly.” You spotted one of the people Heather wanted you to talk to on the other side of the room and drained your drink, “and in return I meet up with her at high end hotels on the weekends and let her fuck my brains out.”
Even though Tony had been expecting it, your brashness still left him choking on his beer as you smirked at him, picking up your empty glass to grab a refill from the bar and one for Durant.
Seven days later and fucking your brains out was exactly what Emily was doing.
It had been less than an hour and if she’d asked you about dinner, you wouldn’t have been able to remember a single thing. All you could think about was the feeling of her buried inside you, hitting deeper with each powerful thrust of her hips. Your hands clawed at the bedspread, eyes scrunched shut as your cunt pulsed around the toy, moans louder with each time she sunk into you. Her hands tightly gripped your hips, hard enough you were sure there would be fingerprint shaped bruises come morning. You let out a little whimper, your nipples rubbing against the duvet every time she fucked into you, the multiple sensations driving you absolutely wild.
“More…” you groaned out, a gasp leaving your lips when she spanked you.
“God you really do like it rough, don’t you?”
“Mmhmm.” You managed to nod, fire shooting through your body, your clit throbbing as you ground it down onto the bed.
“Gonna need you to come soon princess.” She dropped over your body, husking into your ear while one hand tangled into your hair, yanking at the roots and you let out a blissful cry. Her mouth latched onto your neck, teeth scraping the sensitive skin as her free had wound around your middle, fingers pinching at your clit.
“Fuck!” You cried out, “oh fuu-cck. Don’t stop!”
Your teeth sunk into your lower lip, holding back any louder moans, whimpers and whines bouncing off the walls along with the wet sounds coming from your pussy. Your juices coated Emily’s cock, smearing across both of your thighs, more than enough for her to gather up as she rubbed your clit. She could feel you trembling in her arms, your hips bucking back against hers as you started to lose control.
“That’s it baby, you’re so close. Come for me.” She nipped at your earlobe, her breath hot on your skin right as she pressed harder on your clit and you were coming undone in her arms, a shaky cry coming from deep in your throat.
“Oh fuck…” you muttered, collapsing down onto the bed while she continued to fuck you through your orgasm, her hips slowing just a hint.
“So good for me.” She panted, “where do you want my cum? In that pretty mouth? Hmm? Or maybe on this gorgeous ass?” A breathy gasp left your lips when she spanked you again and you moaned, pussy fluttering around her cock as you were coming up on a second orgasm.
“Inside me!” You whined, “please!”
“She likes it rough and she’s dirty?” Emily chuckled, “we’ve got a lot more to explore.”
She watched as your body shivered, thighs clenching together and your hands bunched tightly into fists as your second peak washed over you and then she let out a groan, stilling with her hips right against yours. Her hand quickly found the base of the toy, squeezing hard and you let out a satisfied moan at the feeling of her spilling deep inside you. Emily’s hand soothed up and down your back, watching as you caught your breath before she pulled the toy almost all of the way out of your pussy. She let out a low swear at the sight of it coated in a mixture of your cum and the lube before slowly nudging it back into you, fucking her cum deeper into your drenched cunt. You trembled again, a sheen of goosebumps breaking out on your skin and she finally pulled out of you, skilfully ridding herself of the strap to be dealt with later.
“Christ…” you muttered, your head burying itself into the pillows and Emily let out a small chuckle as she dropped down onto the bed beside you.
“Seems like you’re a little fucked senseless?” She offered and you let out a small laugh, your eyes barely blinking open to look over at her.
“Not to deflate your ego,” you let out a large yawn, “because you certainly did, but I am also just completely fucking wiped. I barely slept all week. Between Heather’s bill proposals and the upcoming endorsements I’ve been working twenty hour days.” Emily snuck under the blankets, an arm draping over the top of the pillows and you practically nuzzled into her side, yawning again as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Hey!” She swatted at your side, “none of that, you need to use the bathroom.”
“C’mon…” you whined, burrowing yourself deeper into the blankets and Emily tsk’d at you, pinching your chin until you opened your eyes.
“If you want me to come inside you again you’re going to use the bathroom missy.”
“Fine.” You grumbled, shivering as you pushed back the blankets and padded to the en-suite, much to Emily’s satisfaction. You returned a few minutes later, make up wiped from your face and teeth brushed, climbing back into the bed as you let out another yawn, curling around Emily’s side. “Are you staying?”
She shrugged, “got nowhere else to be. You mind if I keep the tv on?”
“Not at all. I’ll probably be dead to the world anyways.”
She chuckled softly, feeling you relax against her body as she started to flick through the channels. It wasn’t that late and while her week had been long it clearly hadn’t been as taxing as yours was. You were asleep within minutes, softly snoring against her and she made a mental note to start sending you good night texts in an attempt to make sure you were getting enough rest.
@daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @blackbird-brewster @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @lisqueen @mrs-prentiss @whitewinewithice @d33pd3sire-blog @daffodil-heart @maximoffcarter @i-lovefandom @chimnlex @moonlightjxuregui @chestnutninny
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anemptypuddingcup · 3 days
Contains early morning fingering & slight somnophilia.
Missed this writing style & organization sm, Ima start back doing it.
Nami slowly sat up from her pillow, her palm reaching up as she rubbed at her sleepy amber eyes. Her back arched as she began to stretch out, a slight squeal leaving her as she raised her arms and stretched. Her pretty lips lets out a soft sigh and she scratched at her soft orange strands before turning to you, watching as you slept soundly at her side on her bed. Your snores were soft and your breaths were steady and soft as she watched you breathe.
Nami cracked a smile as she reaches a hand out and run her hand along your temple, feeling and combing her fingers at your pretty strands while she began to blush just a bit. As she focused on your frame, she squints her eyes as she focused on the state of your body. Your tank top was disheveled and your strap was slipping off of your shoulder, which caused your breasts to spill out onto your side on the mattress beneath you.
A hum leaves Nami’s lips and she slowly loomed over your slumbering frame, her eyes continuing to trail down your body and focus on your pretty skin. She peppers a smooch to your cheek and wraps her arm around your body, her arm pulling your frame close enough to where your back was pressing up against her breasts.
Her eyes focused on your monotone face as you slept while she trailed her fingers down between your legs, her hand slipping down to your cunt which seemed to be bare and out in the open. Nami teased at your cunt but her eyes widens as she felt a bit of sticky fluid coating her soft fingertips. She quickly shoots her hand up and looks down at it before giggling, her hand gripping your inner thigh and spreading you open so she could have easier access.
“Having a wet dream aren’t you? Are you dreaming about me, sugar?~” She whispered into your ear, her lips nipping at your ear and causing you to flinch just a bit in your sleep. She chuckled at your cute reaction and ran her fingers along your slit, a soft mewl leaving you while your thigh twitched at her touch.
Slowly stuffing her fingers inside of your pussy causes you to gasp out and she chuckled as she slowly slid her fingers deep inside of you. Nami shuddered at the warm feeling of your velvety walls squeezing her digits, her fingers scissoring inside of you while she watched your facial expressions shift a bit.
She slowly rolled her fingers in and out of your pussy repeatedly, continuously smooching at that sweet spot of yours while you exhaled shakily against your pillow. Your brows began to furrow and your face scrunched up unconsciously at the pleasure, your arms instinctively moving down towards Nami’s hand.
Nami chuckles and stared down at your pussy fluttering around her digits, her breathing growing a bit heavy while her body began to grow all hot and fuzzy. “Fuck, you’re so precious…I love when you’re making such cute noises~” She complimented, her lips peppering another smooch to your cheek.
“Ahhh~ N-Nami~” You gasped out shakily in your sleep, your voice a bit scratchy and groggy while you slept. Nami leans in closer to you and nuzzles her face into your neck, humming out at your scent while she moved her fingers a bit faster inside of your sticky pussy. “Wake up sugar~ It’s time to wake up~” She whispers, her body sitting up as she began to focus on her fingers going farther into your cunt.
You moan out shakily and reach your hand down for Nami’s wrist, your hand feeling around as you tried to stop her from continuing to fuck you with her fingers. Nami smiles mischievously and disregarded your reach, stuffing her fingers inside of your cunt knuckles deep while you arch your back and jolted a bit out of sudden pleasure.
An angelic gasp leaves your lips as your eyes slowly opened and looked down between your legs, your vision a bit blurry as you struggled to process what exactly you were looking at. Nami flutters her lashes and smiles, her body moving in closer to yours as she finally noticed you waking up. You reach your hands up to your eyes and rubbed at them with sleepy motions before looking down again, your face scrunching up as you felt Nami’s fingertips kissing your bundle of nerves.
“Ah! N-Nami!-“
“Good morning sugar…Time to wake up for me~”
The sound of Nami’s fingers going in and out of your pussy causes a blush to dust at your cheeks while you stare down at her fingers thrusting repeatedly into your cunt. You softly grab at Nami’s forearm and sigh out softly yet shakily, your leg lifting up slightly while your toes began to curl. “Oh N-Namiiii~” You moan out her name so sweetly as you turned your head towards hers, your pretty yet sleepy eyes staring into hers while she stared back at yours with a smile plastered across her face.
“You look so sweet, don’t you?~ Do my fingers feel nice inside of your pussy?~” She asked you, her soft lips trailing up along your jawline while you blushed in response. “M-Mhmm~ C-Couldn’t this w-wait later though N-Nami…?” You asked, your teeth clenching a bit as you your cunt tightens around her digits a bit more.
“No no~ It couldn’t wait sugar. I got a bit impatient watching you sleep so cutely~ It was making my pussy so wet just watching you~”
Nami reached over your frame, her breasts smushing up against your arm while she give you a sweetened smile. You pry your lips open just a bit, begging for her to just kiss you with her fingers were buried deep of your cunt. Nami smirks and moves in before she presses her lips against yours, a moan leaving you as you felt her stuffing her tongue past your lips while her let out a muffled gasp.
You breathed heavily through your nose as you felt her thrusting her fingers faster inside of you, causing you to spread your legs open just a bit more for her. Nami pulls away from your lips and rolls over onto your body, her breasts squishing up against your chest and restricting her movements as she struggled to move in closer to your lips.
You wrap your arms around her torso and press your lips back against hers, her lips so soft and smooth against yours as she kissed you deeply yet so hungrily. Your hands gripped at her tank top tightly while your moans grew loud, your toes curling as you struggled to stay composed much longer. You moan out into her lips and whines out, your legs wrapping around her hips as her fingers nudges up hard against your sweetest spot.
“O-Oh Nami!~ Mmmhh!~ N-Nami!~” You gasp out, pulling your lips away from hers while a string of saliva tore from both her lips and yours. Nami moans out shakily, her brows twisting into a pleasured little expression as she watched you melt beneath her. “S-Sugar~ Y-Your faces a-and your voice are turning me on s-so much~ A-Aren’t you close?” She asked you so sweetly, her other hand sliding underneath your shirt and fondling at your breast.
“Hahh~ S-So close~ I-I’m gonna cum soon, N-Nami!~”
Your back arched and you turned your head while your face twisted pleasantly, a bit of drool spilling from your lips while your legs trembled from your rising orgasm. You could feel your juices soaking the sheets beneath your bottom and Nami’s hand was practically being drenched in your pussy fluids due to your arousal.
She didn’t mind it at all, if anything she adored it much more.
Your nails scratched at her clothed back and you gasp out before throwing your head back in pleasure. “N-Nami!~ O-Oh god Nami!~” You moan out Nami’s name and breathed heavily as you felt your pussy yearning to finally release on her fingers. “Gonna cum my dear?~ Please cum on my fingers for me, sugar~” She moans out to you, her eyes half-lidded as she moves in closer to the skin of your neck.
You bite your bottom lip and shut your eyes tightly while Nami smooched at your neck, her fingers thrusting in and out of your pussy as such an immaculate pace that your pussy could barely handle it anymore.
“C-Cumming!~ Oh f-fuck!~” Your eyes rolled up and you let out and loud and heavy gasp before finally releasing in Nami’s finger, your pussy squirting your juices out onto both her hand and her bedsheets. “Oh goddd~” You gasp out heavily, your body trembling while your hands gripped and pulled at Nami’s top tightly. Nami chuckled and pressed her lips up against your sticky ones, her tongue intertwining with yours while she slowly pulled her fingers out of your cunt.
She cups your face and keeps your lips against hers, smooching you so sloppily yet so deeply as she enjoyed the feeling of your tongue and lips against hers. She pulled away and exhaled deeply, staring down at your fucked out face while she slowly began to sit up and hove over your frame.
She stared at her fingers for a moment, the skin of her fingertips all pruned up while your cum and slick drenched her fingers. She slurps and laps at her fingers while staring deep into your eyes, a hum leaving her as she savored your rather bitter yet mellow taste. You whimpered and slowly sat up, your eyes now watching Nami pull her panties off before set her hips down against yours.
She spreads her legs before bringing her fingers down to her pussy and spreading herself open for you, her other hand making a V-shaped sign with her fingers before she’d up to her lips and slide her tongue between her fingers.
“Now that I’ve woke you up, won’t you be a dear and come eat your breakfast sugar?~ I’ve made it especially hot and ready just for you~”
Your face burned a deep shade of scarlet and you gulped before nodding to her, your hands pressing against her shoulders softly before you lied her down onto the bed and pressed your body against hers.
A mewl left Nami’s pretty lips before she wrapped her arms around you, a sweetened smile spread across your face as she grew eager for your affection.
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beomiracles · 3 days
OMGOSHH hiii Serene my goddess
i would like to build a dreammmmm (hello you are so adorable)
so i have an idea
its a historical (or modern if youd prefer) fantasy au (w any member u deem suitable)
where reader is a fox spirit who fell in love w member who rescued her while she got injured and trapped in her animal form
member and reader spend some domestic time tgt and eventually reader recovers and reveals her true form and is worried member would be afraid of her
initially he is but things happen and he ends up falling for her too?? and they get tgt !!
(i like things steamy)
thank you for taking the time to read this :))
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#serene adds ✎... omg ily like ;( when I first read this I IMMEDIATELY thought, yeonjun. (maybe it has to do with the reader being a fox idk. but it feels right to have this fic about him) I'm also super into this whole idea but I've never written for a supernatural reader before so idk how good it is on that front heh..! hope you'll still enjoy :3
wc -> 1.8k
pairings yeonjun x fox spirit!reader (afab) warnings very slight dom/sub dynamics, sub!yeonjun, soft!dom reader, handjob/blowjob, hints at further sexual themes.
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It had been, three? Maybe four weeks? You could hardly keep track of time as the room you had been staying in lacked any sort of time teller, and it wasn’t exactly like your rescuer was about to sit down and inform a fox of the time. You couldn’t blame him, he had already done so much for you, from taking you in and providing both shelter and food — it was more than you could have ever asked for. 
You had grown accustomed to the company of the human man, strangely enough. Foxes were known to be distrustful of said species yet you found yourself feeling warm and fuzzy inside whenever he was around, which was almost all the time as he returned to check up on you multiple times throughout the day. 
But by now, your body had recovered enough for you to finally be able to comfortably shift back into a more presentable form. Your only worry was the human’s reaction, you scolded yourself for taking his feelings into such great consideration, it wasn’t what was supposed to happen. Yet you worried that he might be scared — dreaded that he might not like you at all in your human form. 
The cool air causes goosebumps to rise across your now naked skin, having adapted to the feel of fur after spending so long in your other form that the now mildly cold degree outside felt freezing. You stretch your fingers out in front of you, studying them as if it were your first time seeing them. A small sigh of relief escapes your lips, finally you felt more like yourself again. 
The sound of the door squeaking open causes your head to snap in its direction as the human stumbles inside. His hands are full of cut up fruits and a few pieces of raw meat, but as soon as his gaze falls on you the plate crashes against the floor and you flinch at the sound. 
Yeonjun’s mouth hangs open as he studies you with a slightly horrified expression. You could smell the fear dripping from him as his eyes darted across the room in search of your fox form, but all he found was you. Slowly rising from your crouched position, you offer the man a small smile. 
You internally cringe at how strained your voice sounded, but after not being used for almost a month it wasn’t so surprising. Yeonjun doesn’t reply as he stares at you dumbfoundedly. “...Who are you?” He finally splutters as he takes a defensive step back, your heart churns at the small action. 
“It’s me…Red”, you try as you use the nickname he had given you a few weeks prior. Yeonjun’s eyes might as well just pop out of his eye sockets as he stares at you in disbelief. “Red?” He repeats, though his stance remains wary. Eagerly you nod as you take a step forward.
“But…it doesn’t make sense I…” He stammers as his hands come up to block you from his view. “And you’re…you’re naked!” His statement causes you to stop as you frown whilst glancing down to your bare body. So? Why did that matter? It was natural when shifting forms — besides, did he really not have greater things to worry about than your naked frame? 
You surge forward once more only to be stopped by a pair of large hands against your shoulders as Yeonjun prevents you from coming any closer. “Why don’t you sit down over here”, he redirects you toward the bed in the center of the room as he hastily pulls the duvet cover over your exposed body. 
Huffing out a breath of air, you glance up at your savior as he fusses over you, much like he always did. And as your eyes roam his body; you wanted nothing more than to repay the kind favor. 
Hesitantly, Yeonjun takes a seat beside you on the very edge of the bed, much to your delight. He runs a hand through his dark hair as he studies you with a slight frown. “I don’t understand…you…you’re..” — “A human?” You interrupt as the corner of your lips curl into a small grin. “Yeah.” He breathes out a small sigh. 
In your human form, he seemed even more delectable and your gaze followed the way his teeth closed around his bottom lip as he bit it anxiously. “I’m a fox spirit.” You state as you watch his reaction. His frown deepens as he looks at you, noticing the swirling pools of orange in your eyes and your sharp canines as you grin. He supposed he should feel afraid, but he didn’t, for he could still recognize the wounded animal he had taken in all those nights ago. 
You tilt your head to the side as you listen to the now, steady, beating of his heart as the human came to terms with the creature before him. “But why didn’t you reveal yourself earlier..?” He wonders and you let out a small sigh. “Well it was impossible to, given the state my body was in”, you shrug before glancing toward him with a small smirk, “but thanks to your helpful hands and kind words I am now completely recovered.” 
Yeonjun’s eyes widen as color rushes to his face. “Kind words…you mean you..” — “Even in my fox form I understand the human language.” You say as you watch the increasingly flustered state of the human who averted his gaze, suddenly recalling the multiple comments about the fox he had made. 
“Do you really think I’m cute?” You ask as you lean forward on the bed. Yeonjun swallows as his eyes return to you, “I uh…” he begins but trails off as you close the small distance between you, trapping him against the bedpost. The duvet falls from your shoulders and his eyes dart between your exposed skin and your face. 
“I think you’re cute.” You purr as your nose graces along his cheek. The rapid beating of his heart felt like music to your ears. Under you, Yeonjun squirms as he tries to free himself from your grip, you let him go as you watch him with a slight pout. He scrambles across the bed to lean against the headboard, slightly panting as he looks at you. 
“Are you scared of me?” you ask with a small frown, a sense of hurt lingering in your words. He shakes his head, “n-no…I just..I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to…” He sharply inhales as you suddenly appear mere inches from his face, gently straddling his lap as your fingers brush along his flushed cheek. “But you’re not scared of me?” Your question comes off as more of a statement but Yeonjun gives you a small shake of his head. You smile, “good.” 
Your lips find his as your hands gently cup his cheeks. Half expecting him to pull away, you’re surprised when his arms wrap around your naked waist to pull you closer. “I’ll make you feel good, yeah?” you whisper against his lips as your hands grip onto the fabric off his shirt. Yeonjun gazes up at you with a clouded expression, uttering a small “uh-huh”.
Your sharp nails dig into the soft cotton as you rip it apart, exposing his lean torso for your hungry eyes to ravage. If he’s surprised by your quick actions, he doesn’t let onto it as his eyes rake over your naked body. The hands on your waist slowly move across your stomach before gently cupping your breasts, his thumbs grazing over your nipples. You let out a small moan as shivers course through your body. 
The roll of your hips against his makes his breath hitch and you lean down to press open mouthed kisses along his neck and collarbone. “You saved me”, you murmur against his skin, feeling the way blood rushed beneath the surface. Sharp teeth drag across the sensitive flesh of his neck as you inhale his sweet scent. 
“Not many people would take in a fox like myself.” The tantalizingly slow movements of your hips causes him to buck up against your wet cunt, drawing a small hiss from you as you grind down on him even harder. Your lips hover over his own once more as you gaze at him in a loving manner. Yeonjun looks at you with a hazy expression as his lips part so deliciously and invitingly, soft pants emitting from him. 
“I am forever grateful.” You whisper before leaning back to rip the seam of his pants apart. Your mouth almost waters at the sight of his throbbing cock, hard and ready for you. Yeonjun lets out a small gasp as you wrap your fingers around him, marveling at how heavy he felt in your hand. “So pretty and good for me”, you coo as you take your time to get a full feel of him, drawing a soft groan from the human. 
You experiment with the pace of your hand, the flick of your wrist, closely watching his reactions as Yeonjun fell apart under your touch. His fingers digging into the soft sheets of the bed, knuckles turning white at the sheer pressure. Unable to resist you lean down to get a small taste of him, relishing in the throaty moan you manage to coax from him. 
Tongue pressed flat against his cock, you slowly work your way down before licking a stripe all the way up to the red tip again. “Ah, fuck.” He groans as you suck all of him in your mouth, swirling your tongue against his slit. His hips snap up against you, his cock hitting the back of your throat and you almost gag. Your hands brush along his thighs as you moan softly around him, silently praising him before pulling off with a small pop. 
“What do you need from me, pretty?” You whisper as your hand returns to gently stroke him. Sweat sticks to his forehead as he lays panting, he swallows, “a-anything, fuck…just need you!” His words make you clench around nothing as your lips eagerly return to his cock, feeling it twitch against your lips. 
The soft whines falling from his plump lips were enough to have you take him as deep as you possibly could, pressing your tongue against him with so much pressure that it almost hurt. “Fuck, I’m c-close” he groans and one of your hands join your mouth on his cock as you encourage his orgasm. 
With one final twitch, he releases himself inside of your open mouth. The feeling of hot cum spurting on your tongue had you moaning against his slowly softening cock as you pulled away to wipe your lips. Above you, Yeonjun brings a hand to his forehead as his ragged breathing slowly returns to normal, but the beating of his heart remained rapid as you study his flushed expression. 
His eyes snap toward you as he feels you move on top of him. Teasingly pushing two fingers inside your dripping cunt for him to see. “Think you can do one more, pretty?”
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coffeeandbatboys · 2 days
Period Drabble with Fives
Warnings: self explanatory. Fem reader. Periods. Fluff. Fives is head over heels in love.
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You had set out to make a welcome home dinner for Fives. You'd even gone as far as to buy everything needed and put it in the conservator.
Your body, unfortunately, has other plans.
The first stabbing cramp that wracks your insides is enough to make you double over in pain. You yelp and drop the knife onto the cutting board before running to the 'fresher.
You groan in pain and frustration because the first red spots have already made their way to your underwear.
Twenty minutes, a maximum dose of medicine and heating pad later, Fives walks in your apartment to find you cocooned in a pile of blankets.
"Mesh'la?" He calls, dropping his bag on the floor next to the dresser. You whimper in response, and he worriedly hovers over the side of the bed, trying to find your head in the mess of blankets. Once he finally does, his kind eyes search your features.
"Sith's sacrificial bloodbath," You mutter, and a sympathetic smile replaces previous worry on his face. You burrow back into your blanket cave as he removes his armor, the telltale clack of plastoid still reaching your ears.
"Did you get some painkillers?" He asks, sliding into the bed, hands searching to peel back your shelter and see your face again. You toss a couple of blankets aside in favor of curling up into your boyfriend's chest, which is warmer than any heating pad you've ever used.
"Yeah, but they're sure taking their fucking time."
He nods and buries his nose in the crook of your shoulder, taking a deep breath.
"I had a nice dinner planned and then this happened." You sniffle, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
Upon hearing you cry, he immediately goes into panic mode. His calloused thumbs swipe across your cheeks, wiping away the tears that fall.
"No, no, Mesh'la. Don't cry."
Your lower lip quivers but he catches it with his lips and kisses you senseless. when he pulls away, a smirk playing on his features, you can't help but giggle.
"You don't have to worry about me, baby. I brought home takeout anyways."
Home. That word. He considers your place home. It makes your chest feel all warm and fuzzy.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” You murmur.
A smirk plays on his lips. “Maybe…though I could stand to hear it again.”
You giggle and kiss the bridge of his nose.
“Fives, my dear boyfriend, I love you so much.”
He chases your lips with his own, only pausing to speak against them before kissing you.
“Mmm. You drive me crazy, woman. I think I love you more.”
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Banner by @dystopicjumpsuit
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 day
Endogenic systems are SYSTEMS.
No, they aren't "plurals", the "nonmedical version of systems". They are PLURAL, meaning the label that encompasses all SYSTEMS of all ORIGINS along with the uncommon but still very important experience of plural non-systemhood.
Seeing people trying to claim that because system is used in a medical context that it's not for endogenic SYSTEMS and I don't know how to tell you that endogenic systems have been identifying as such since before you were born, back when all multiples were in community together before this Gd damn conflict resembling a fed psyop so effectively split us into liberationists and bigots.
Also, endogenic systems can be traumatized. Endogenic systems can experience trauma AFTER becoming a system. Kicking them out of spaces MEANT for trauma survivors is denying resources to and harming trauma victims.
As a mixed origin traumaendo DID system, these experiences have SIGNIFICANT OVERLAP. No, they're not so different as to be discrete. Y'all just reject any information that doesn't fit in with your pre-existing bias. Which, get this, means y'all are spreading misinformation. I thought you didn't like misinfo? Unless you were just using misinfo to mean "info that doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy inside about my bigotry"?
Endogenic systems are systems
Mixed origin systems are systems
Nondisordered systems are systems
We're gonna have to start using the slogans like the trans community does until you stop doing the "trans women aren't women/trans men aren't men" of the system community.
Because speaking as a trans system, this is exactly what you're doing. You can deny it all you want so that you don't have to realize how horrifically you've acted, but it's still true.
Oh and anti-endos DNI I won't even see your notification because I have my partner screening them for me and you WILL simply be blocked and the post reposted without your addition. I refuse to platform hate, even to argue with it.
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leahsluxury · 2 days
You Can Handle It - Jack Daniels x F!Reader
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Summary: Just Jack being a dick when it comes to your pleasure, but in the best way.
Warnings: 18+, PiV sex, light bondage, orgasm denial (technically?? you don’t get to cum sooo..), cockwarming, slight praise kink, spitting, Jack being mean, no plot just sexy time
Word Count: 664
(Note: I have never written smut before and I’m a virgin so please do forgive me if this is underwhelming)
“Jack please!”
You would whine, your hips desperately trying to create friction against his cock that remained almost completely still inside of you. He only smirks at your sobs and cries. He loves pleasing you, but he can’t resist the urge to make you beg for it every once in a while.
A couple of hours ago, Jack had promised you a ‘buck wild’ night; as he called it. The position you found yourself in with him now seemed cruel for what he had sworn to give you. He had himself balls deep in your weeping cunt, his strong chest to your back. You can feel his soft tummy pressing against your lower back, warm and almost fuzzy in a sense. You would have you fucking him like crazy by now, bouncing up on down on him, but one thing restricts that.
Jack, being the cocky cowboy he is, had your thighs bound to your shins, prohibiting the friction you so desperately craved on your gummy walls from occurring. God, how you yearned for his cock to fuck you senseless, how you wanted him to strum your clit until you were screaming, but he wouldn’t. All your pretty little pussy could do was cockwarm him whilst he laughed at you; ultimately gaining a lot of confidence at the sight of you squirming.
“What’s wrong honey? Too much for you?” he purrs by the shell of your ear, the dark hairs of his moustache tickling you delicately. Jack lets out a deep groan in ecstasy as you manage to move your hips the tiniest bit, the ropes never loosening. Although the friction is minuscule, both of you feel it in all of its strength.
“You’re so mean..” you practically sob as your crying pussy clenches around his fat dick.
“Your eyes ain’t the only thing weepin’ sugar.”
He croons, large and rough hands rubbing along the flesh of your restricted thighs. His lewd words in his thick southern drawl have you in shambles, your body helplessly leaning into him as his hands slither up to your breasts. Jack adores your tits. He always has. With one hand occupied with a hardened nipple between his calloused fingers, he palms at the fat of the other, cupping you perfectly. He could play with them all day if he didn’t have constant missions.
Your pretty lips part as he presses his hips up into your own, shoving his cock as deep as he can into your sopping cunt. Eager moans escape from you as he does so. He knows it’s killing you. He knows what you crave. But he won’t give in. He wants you to beg. With your clit throbbing and pussy stuffed, you look up at him. Your glassy eyes plead silently with him. The ropes of his lasso cut into your thighs with every attempt you take to bounce on him. A dark chuckle escapes him before he speaks in that lustful tone once again.
“You need me to fuck this pussy huh? You wanna be a good girl for ol’ Jack? Mm.. that’s my girl..” his hips move ever so slightly, but not enough to scratch that killer itch deep inside of your stretched cunt.
Although it’s eating you alive, you can’t help but love how he forces you to cockwarm him, having his filthy tongue whisper the dirtiest things to you from behind. He’s perfect for you. Despite the fact he’s making you cry over some cock, you love him. And he loves you.
You’re broken from your soft sobs by the sound of him spitting softly onto his fingers. Before your mind can register it, he places the rough pads of his fingers strategically onto your throbbing clit, dragging out a pornographic moan from your throat. Immediately you’re squirming, for more or less? You can’t even tell at this point. Amongst your sobs and desperate moans, you hear his sweet honey-like voice speak once again.
“C’mon sugar, you can handle it.”
For Jett, thank you for helping me find the confidence to write this @morallyinept 🖤💜
I’M SO SORRY IF THIS IS BAD!! I finally wrote it after a lot of procrastination.. I’m aware that it’s short but it was mostly an empty idea I’m afraid. Please please please do give advice if you have any! I love you! 😋💜
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biolumien · 20 hours
hi! o em gee i am absolutely in love with ur writing! i quite literally devoured ur master list when i discovered ur blog. i love how you write all the characters it truly makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside >_<
since requests are open i was wondering if you could write some hurt/comfort for reno ichikawa where the reader puts themselves in danger to protect reno but reno gets upset by this as he can’t stand the thought of possibly losing them :’))
if you don’t want to write this it’s totally okay! and thank you so much for taking the time to read this <33
notes: hi hi yes :') of course i can do that for you!! i am still. a bit under the weather while writing this so its a bit on the shorter side so i hope that's okay... blehh
i need a doctor!
reno ichikawa x gn!reader mentions of hospitals / burns word count: 509
you were always the self-sacrificing type. you frequently disregarded your safety–mostly because you felt it wasn’t that important deep down. after all, you were a measly little tick in the cog of a machine far larger than you, composed of parts that were much more valuable and important. what did it matter that one small cog got knocked out of line?
that’s what you told yourself frequently.
you’d jumped in front of a wyvern kaiju’s blast, shoving reno out of the way as you took the full brunt of the attack. in woozy vision, you watched as reno screamed something, rushing forward towards you as everything went black. 
when you next awoke, you were in the hospital. pain ripples across your body unevenly–and as you look down, your entire chest is wrapped in bandages, a nasty burn spreading across your arms. as you look up, you find reno looking down at you–exhaustedly at first, but then wider and with more urgency as soon as he realizes that you’re awake.
he immediately lets out a shaking sigh. 
“reno?” you ask worriedly. “are you–”
“are you insane?!” 
you’ve only heard reno shout a handful of times. most of the time it was always lighthearted–him yelling at kafka to quiet down, a casual shouting match between him and iharu, but to hear it targeted at you was something else entirely. he brushes the corner of his eye, taking a breath.
“sorry for shouting,” reno says, leaning forward to pull you in as tight of a hug as he possibly dared to, gingerly moving his arms around your wrapped ribs. “i just… i don’t like seeing you do that.”
“i wanted to help,” you murmur weakly. 
“there were other ways you could’ve helped other than doing that,” reno says weakly, pressing his face against your shoulder gingerly. “you could’ve died there. what were you thinking, tanking the wyvern’s breath like that? that thing can destroy buildings! how could you–”
“it was going to hit you,” you whisper, reaching up a shaking arm to touch the nape of his neck, gently pulling him a little closer. “i couldn’t have let that happen. i’m not–as strong as kikoru, i couldn’t have blasted the head of that thing right off–i just didn’t–i just didn’t want to…”
“i don’t want to lose you!” 
reno’s voice shakes as the words come out in a jumbled mess.
“i don’t… i don’t want to lose you,” reno repeats. “every time you do–every time you do something reckless, i get so–” his grip almost tightens on you for an instant before he remembers that you’re still hurt, and his hand loosens its grip. “i love you too much to let you do this to yourself.”
your heart thuds in your chest.
“reno,” you whisper.
“please,” reno says quietly, looking up at you, his eyes brimming with tears. “promise me. promise me you won’t do anything like that again.”
“i promise,” you say, pressing your face against reno’s cheek. 
and when reno leans into your touch, you think you hear him laugh.
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gaiahypothesims · 2 days
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Jonah- Listen princess, I’ve had it up to HERE with your shit, and I don’t even really know you. You know what I do know? That you’re a spoiled rich kid that treats people like shit. We aren’t here for you to kick down into the mud because shits not going your way!
Harris- You have no fucking clue! This is my fucking life! This is all I have left and it’s all falling apart! I gave up everything for this, and now I can’t even make the music I want to make!
Jonah- Well boo fucking hoo! It’s music! It’s not like you’re running into burning buildings to save anyone!
Harris- I’ve had more than one person tell me that my music saved their life!
Jonah- They we’re fucking lying. Your music is shit, your attitude is shit, and that poor girl was just doing her job and you ripped her fucking head off! She was probably really excited to work with you and now what?! What the fuck man. You’re wasting everyone’s time and no one likes you.
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Harris- That’s not fair. I’ll apologize.
Jonah- An apology that doesn't mean anything is just being manipulative.
Harris- Oh what would you know about it?
Jonah- A lot. I’m a shitty person, why the fuck do you think they have me babysitting you?
Harris- I don’t think you’re shitty. I mean, you don’t listen to my music so that’s a strike against you… but you’re decent. Listen, I get a bit hot under the collar and lash out. It’s nothing, everyone knows I’m like this.
Jonah- …and you think that’s a good thing?
Harris- No of course not. I get it, I’m turning into my Dad who I hate. Thank you Jonah for pointing that out. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
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wingodex · 1 year
i drew something yesterday that i just really like so i keep going over to look at it and smiling. it's kinda stupid but funny and cute, and i think i forgot that i could make art like that!! sometimes i get so in my head about making art (because art school) that i forget it doesnt have to be serious and it doesnt have to mean anything. i can draw stupid shit sometimes and it doesnt matter!!!
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canisalbus · 2 months
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i've returned for 2 seconds to tell you that they're not leaving my head. (sort of unrelated but i've been thinking as well. what if vasco died before machete ? what would go down)
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puppyeared · 7 months
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doodles of my fav sillies
anton belongs to @poicyss
#my brain is a barbie dreamhouse and theyre all just living in it#im especially fond of the second one because my mom used to hold me like that all the time <3#im drawing them a lot lately because im being crushed by the horrors and have to compensate for it somehow#homemade comfort blorbos......#watch me draw anton inconsistently bc i can never decide if i wanna draw him close to how he actually looks#or yassify him and give him soft fluffy hair and kind eyes and defined features. head in my hands#i dont really have a lot of drawing ideas for them bc they dont have like. a canon storyline or anything methinks#its just stuff me and bow toss around and giggle abt thru messages lol. maybe ill draw infant vincent one of these days#i just come up with stuff and draw them doing it. it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside#cuz like anton works for lobocorp as an abnormality BUT hes super duper chill and cute and does his funny little tasks so its fine#AND hes unkillable. auggie is an oc ive had since like 6th grade and i smushed them together. and vincent was for fun but i got attached#i dont have much of a read on anton either bc i think hes meant to be more of an insert character??? if im using that right#on one hand i dont think too hard abt anything being ooc since im not taking it seriously. on the other hand i just hold them in my hands#and stare into space until i can come up with something to draw since i dont have much to go off of. but its fun to build on small tidbits!#i think bow called it an au so i guess??? its an au????? im not really sure. bow if youre reading this im just willy nilly#the only thing i know for sure is that they boink like rabbits. im talking gomez and morticia levels of boinking#maybe ill go back and look at my old doodles for them and redraw em lol#myart#my art#my oc#oc#friend oc#augusta#anton#vincent#sillies family#doodles
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tiny-chubby-bird · 5 months
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I love the shy and gentle expressions the most.
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lovvecherrymotion · 12 days
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i miss them so much i wish joker out were real
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rainbow-beanie · 7 months
I’ve never known of a ship that has given me such serotonin quite as quickly as fizzmodeus.
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pansyfemme · 3 days
im. 💖
#having. a good night#i’m gonna. crash but. having. good converstions#feeling warm and fuzzy and comfortable#im.#i feel silly but im like. im falling in love i thinkkjjjjjjjjjj its great its wonderful#i have not felt this good and this pretty in a long time like im just. life is swell#im . tired and i know im doing the classic puppy love just. head over heels stuff thats known for in new and passionate relationships but it#feels so good and i like him so much and i just feel. real#i feel seen and understood and . loved its. huh its. yeah#but brain real fuzzy and warm. im just. i found someone so. just. so perfect for me its like. im :)#he treats me. really well and he’s so amazing and so fucking insanely talented at art and animation and im likeeee all dizzy and feeling#just . safe and comfortable like. i just feel. safe and its. not something i feel a lot#and like. its funny bc like theres a few irls who follow here who know both him and me and its like. haha you guys get the inside scoop on#just how infatuated we are with eachother like. surprise . but yknow.#its like. hhh. its just. im just. its nice#echo#like. we all know im well aware that im pretty as it is but he just makes me feel. so pretty like just. gorgeous#and i mean he’s like . woah. like i know you guys dont know what he looks like besides my paintings but the paintings do not do him justice!#he’s got this like. great smile and he’s always laughing and giggling and this really pretty long hair i love and its like… 💖💖💖#like. he’s. very my type. i have a weakness for pretty guys and he’s just. so prettyyyyy and im :)#im sorry to my irls who see me just. gushing about him like. idk. im not sure if anyone saw it coming but i think it. makes sense. it makes#a lot of sense. and we’re. cute together. got that. opposing aesthetics stuff. but it’s. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#im just. oh i think im talking until the tags run out now i think so uh huh#yeah it’s . embarassing honestly to be. this into someone but it just. feels. good and natural and it makes sense like i said#i just. hm . im both so nervous around him and not nervous at all its. nice#and like. i just want to. be with him all of the time ever and it’s. probably whats gonna happen next semester#im just totally infatuated and he is. with me as well and it’s. really cool to be just. mutually losing it#like half of our calls involve us hiding our heads in our hands because its real nervous boy4nervous boy shit like. very much so#i often have to put my phone down and just. close my eyes and lie in the dark and go. oh my god oh my god oh my god#its just surreal to like someone so hard for so long and then a month after classes end and it’s real. its normal its happening
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