#is now 12:20am i need to sleep
rosicheeks · 1 year
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hellfireeddiemunson · 2 years
do I smoke my blunt now before bed or do I save it so I don’t have to spend time at 6am to roll myself one for before work
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spidervisuals · 10 months
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☆ Plane to paris
🎧: What would happen if this plane to paris went down?
part one | part two
pairing: earth 42 Miles x black model female reader
Synopsis: You and Miles had an extremely big fight the day before you leave to paris for fashion week. Unfortunately, you leave before you guys end up making up.
tw: mentions of a plane crash, heavy arguments, slight mentions of dea!h, slight mention of over perfectionism and body dysmorphia.
A/N: this is inspired by nessa barrett's (love her sm hehehehe) "plane to paris" song which has been my ultimate favorite as of recently.
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Everyone knew it was on your vision board. It had always been your dream to model but now, you were finally living it. Your jaw completely droped when you checked your emails to find out that you had been selected to model for chanel at Paris fashion week.
"Mama!" You yelled downstairs, "Guess who's going to Paris!?" You squealed as you ran to show your mother the email.
"Honey- what-" your mother covered her mouth with her hands as she spun around in excitement, "first class tickets I assume?"
You laughed as your mums expression changed from excited to slightly concerned.
"Now what is your little model self still awake at 12am in the morning?" She rose an eyebrow
"Uhhh...meditation?" You said trying your best to sound convincing.
She scoffed, "yeah right. Don't stay up to late talking to that boyfriend of yours".
You hugged her as you ran back upstairs and opened up Miles contact.
Mi luver 🖤
you: baby wake up
Read. 12.18am
Mi luver 🖤: whatcha doing up at 12am in the morning?
Read. 12:20am
You: FaceTime me right now
Read. 12.25am
"Mi luver 🖤 liked your message"
Miles couldn't even get two words in as you excitedly spilled the news to him.
"I'm so proud of your princessa", Miles yawned whilst giving you a tired smile.
"Soooooo, you're going to help me pack right?"
" Of course. I love the mini fashion shows you give me" he smirks at you whilst you chuckle.
" Sorry baby you can get sleep" you said whilst blowing him kiss.
He smiles at you whilst ending the call.
You were focused on making your catwalk perfect, removing all flaws from your face, hair, body everything. Everytime you looked at yourself, you felt like something needed to change. With your desperate need for perfection, you found yourself lacking in other areas like your school work, mental health and especially your relationship with Miles.
"Honey, you know that this is only for a week right?" Your mother would tell you as you forced her to watch your catwalk for the 30th time.
"Mum just watch this last time", you told her as you rubbed your feet. You had gain blisters all over your feet due to the continuous practice. You didn't care infact good. No pain no gain you'd continously tell yourself.
"Honey it's ok to take breaks", she looked at you concerned, "let me help-"
"Mama it's alright" you told her as you looked at yourself in the full body mirror, "I just need more practice".
"Honey, I gotta go back to work" she said whilst getting off her seat, "Oh and remember to text that boyfriend of yours. Rio's been saying that he's been worried due to your lack of contact" she told you as she walked to the kitchen.
"Shoot" you panicked as you check your phone to see 50 missed calls from Miles and over 70+ messages. You felt like you didn't have time so you sent him a quick responses as an apology
You: sorry love, I've been really busy. Call you soon.
Read. 8:15pm
"Mi luver 🖤 liked your message"
You didn't end up calling him back but instead focused on your catwalk. It had to be perfect. It needed to be.
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timberoon · 3 months
Tuco Salamanca X Y/n (PART 2)
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-may not follow the plot for Bcs
- nsfw/fluff
-(Fem reader)
"Don't read if your a sensitive fuck"
Enjoy 😋
You wake up,well you were already awake when rising up at 5am when the sun began to shine through your bedroom window apartment, you couldn't sleep a wink that night, that night you were begging that all of last night was a dream and that didn't happen, during that night,, you called and called, no answer from Domingo,, having to quit your job last minute..You were foundering all night even such as throwing up to not experience todays monumental events...
Part 2 (support for more!) ♥️
After being exhausted of just worrying all day and night,, you finally got yourself together, you went to make one of the strongest coffee you ever had because you thought maybe you would of needed it for today.
Y/n entered the kitchen from now exiting your bedroom. You walk over and...Your heart stirred, sending an eerie feeling to your stomach making you almost break out to tears over a single sheet of paper..
A single sheet off paper on your kitchen counter that says "El Michoacáno. At 1pm .."
You were up all night and HEARD NOTHING. How?? When?? maybe you should tell someone..No you can't! You would get ...You are now involved.
12:20am y/n preparing to brace yourself and mentally preparing herself. Your mind about to erupt from all of the stress from one day. You tried to call Domingo again, again, again and again...No answer.
"FUCK!" You gave up it's almost time and you should probably get there early to not piss him off..
Y/n got up and wore dark blue jeans and a white tank top, nothing too much for something involving drugs. By now it's 12:40am getting ready with your hair down and everything, you looked good..way too good..
You were gonna be late,,you got into your car and drove there in a hurry, probably going over the speed limit but you were deemed that you would make it on time.
You got there,,you wouldn't of ever expected that this little Mexican shop was involved with drugs. you checked your time and you saw that you were 3 minutes late, you thought to yourself even if your gonna die today, no one would ever care so what was the point. You got brought over a small notebook and a pen if he wanted you to do some kind of job. When arriving there you pulled up to the restaurant and to be expected, there he was,, there, leaning against the windows that lay across the restaurant, him whom you don't know the name of smoking a cigarette, honestly you found that kinda hot,, seeing the colour he was wearing capturing your eye suited his quite well.
Parking in the parking lot across from his car you noticed it was his ,the only car there,, both of you guys made eye contact, making him taking a last puff of the cigarette and stubbing it against the ground. You exited from the car and now in hand your small notebook and pen walking towards him.
He blew the remaining smoke from the cigarette in your face when you winced "Cough,Cough".
"Your late." he said in annoyance looking at you digging his dark brown eyes into you.
"Yeah, s-sorry there was traffic" you weren't lying the traffic was pretty heavy, you said this all whilst your anxiety started to build up clenching onto the notebook you brought.
He just stared blanky at you, you predicted he did this to detect if you are lying or not, in silence, his gaze shifted to the notebook you were holding, He snatched it from your hands and went through it, you stood there in awkwardness.
"What the fuck is this!" He said going through the pages.
"it's my notebook..I thought maybe I would need it if I'm being an accountant.." you questioned yourself.
He walked over to the bin beside him and threw it in there, you were angry but you knew you couldn't do anything to stop him.
"You won't need any of that sissy shit! you count the money and total it."
His gaze struck back at you,, getting closer to your face.
"Don't fuck this up."
You nodded..
His words replayed in your head over and over again, he walked in first, making you follow behind him, opening the door to the sound of ringing bells, the ringing echoed in your ears.
You looked around, it looked empty no one there but a cook which looked warned by the entrance of me and him. He took the first seat and you stood in question wondering were your supposed to go..?
"Sit." He said keeping his eye on you.
You took the seat he told you to go on, you and your thoughts alone wondering how this day will go on, you and your thoughts snap to the sound of his voice again.
"I give you the money, you count it ,put it in the bag besides you, easy." giving you insurance he said.
Saying this, the first guy walks in, turning your bosses stare to a tall covered guy in tattoos, pants to his waist, you get the idea. He seemed like he knew what to do, he sat down across from us in a slouching position getting the money from his pocket and passing it on to your now boss.
which then he passes to you, keeping his glare onto the guy,
You stumble to get off the rubber band off the vast sum of money in your hands , you swallow the lump in your throat and count the money.
Interrupting you when counting making you look up to the direction of the sound.
"It's all there" the all tattoo man said giving a nodd to your boss.
"let . Her . Count." Your partner said to the man giving him a burning eyes to not disturb you. The man looked you up and down, you could tell he was blaming you for getting shouted at.
You turned your attention back onto the money you have in your hands,, counting it"£2,000" You said whilst putting back the rubber band around the vast of money and tossing it in the bag besides you.
Even though you've done your job, your partner hasn't, he keeps his gaze onto the man until the man gets up from his chair to face both of us.
"Tuco" the tattoo man nods at him to show respect "miss" he nods at you too and ran out of that restaurant. You felt superior..It felt good to be respected, but that was the lease of your concerns, your boss names is actually Tuco..you didn't expect Tuco to be his name. But it worked, you loved the name Tuco, it rolled on the tongue. After that tattoo guy left you sneaked a peak at 'Tuco' You thought maybe he wasn't so bad..He never actually physically hurt you so you thought maybe it would be okay to stay like this for a bit..
After meeting with alot of people and counting the sum of money,, you could feel the tension slowly rise low between you and Tuco, you felt like you were protected, like you were under his devil wings.But now its 8pm of meeting with his men, you were exhausted because you didn't get any sleep today,, watching Tuco work and how intense he can make a person feel actually fascinated you. But now it time to end the day, you got up from your chair and grabbed the bag besides you and zipped it up.
Tuco still in his seat, "What's the total" he said in a calm voice also getting up from his chair. Of course you were keeping up, you couldn't disappoint him on the first day.
"£413,000" You said with a relief, this is more you would make form a year from your previous job, it felt good saying that number, the sudden thrush of doing criminal activities felt good to you, like a break of routine for once.
Tuco takes the bag and carried it by hand, you tuck in your chair and follow him out, just about to get the keys from your pocket he says "You better be fucking right about the sum, because I'm checking it tonight" He said to you turning his back to face his car then to face you again standing there hopelessly "Same time tomorrow" Tuco said giving you chills to the thought.
And he drove off, you watched him leave, your belief in him died after he spoke thoes words yo, started to re-think if you actually did count the money right. You dove home that day and went straight to sleep not even to take a shower or anything, you were so tired you just needed a rest from everyone.
The next day you woke up at about 10am you were exhausted, you needed that sleep after last nights work at the restaurant, now that you know how's the day gonna run out, you were totally ready for it, and got ready today with your hair down and wearing short denim shorts which did show a little ass, but it was way too fucking hot working in that restaurant, and wore your white tank top,, and made your way to the restaurant, seeing as there was no 'paper with a note' you suggest you were right about the total of the money last night.
You made your way to the restaurant, you see there was no Tuco waiting for you on the window, you felt kinda disappointed actually since you actually did make it on time this time. But made you way inside to the restaurant, the bell rang and rang and you turned your attention to a man in red talking to the restaurant cook,buying food, but did not pay. You suggested maybe your second boss..? The man turned around and checked you out,,
"Hello..?" You said to the man wondering if he was gonna say something first. He walked towards you.
"Your 'y/n' right" he raised his eyebrows. You nodded to his question. The man looked confused, "I didn't expect someone like you" he said looking you up and down again. You thought maybe he was expecting a druggy..
He took the first seat first after grabbing his drink he ordered, sat where Tuco is supposed to sit and you follow along. "Tuco isn't in today, so it's just us, you want anything to drink or..?" He said
"no no I'm fine thank you." Humbling yourself you noticed this guy somewhere before, he seemed so relaxed you could feel like you could genuinely have a conversation with him without any crazy outbursts.
"I've met you before, you seem familiar" you pitched to the guy.
"I don't think so." He seems kinda of cautious now seeing that you rembember him from somewhere.
"Oh yeahh, You work in that fabric shop near here right" your brain clicked to that memory of you and Domingo getting you a new installation for the seats,, kind of brought up a bad memorie.
"Oh yeah, Your Domingo's Chick right" he exclaimed, noticing the situation you were in it, he changed his mood. But before that could happen the Jingles of the bell rang, welcoming the first person to walk in to meet with us.
This routine was like yesterday's but without any tension, after the guy left you and your partner would make up random conversation between us and learn more things about each other, like his name Nacho, you guys were getting along.
It's time to pack up now (8pm) you gave him the total amount of the cash, "317,000" he chuckled to you, You looked up to face him and smiled to his contagious laugh, "Your like a human calculator" he said again before crossing his arms "how?" He questioned whilst you were zipping up the bag full of money, you chuckled to his response. "Well it's bec-".
The giggle of the bells rang, you and Nacho both face toward the door to see who would come in at this time of night,, Tuco. He seemed pissed,, high off drugs due to his dilated pupil. His laugh entered the room again his demonic laugh, you looked at Nacho seemed he didn't expect him to show up. "You guys seemed to be having a good time, why isn't anyone laughing anymore?" Tuco sarcastic smile faded to a serious one, You were thinking maybe today is the day you die.. Tuco turned to Nacho and gave him a look he won't forget "Leave." Tuco said to Nacho. Nacho giving you a look then taking his exit.
Tucos attention turned to you, his eyes sawing into you made you back up on the side of the table, Tuco walking towards you, pretty close to your face.
"So, what were you guys talking about." he look inside your eyes, through your soul.
"N-nothing" you replied feeling the fear grow bigger inside of you.
Tuco grabbed you hair with one hand making you face to face with Tuco, You flinched to the feeling of his hands against you,,"Don't fucking lie to me, why are you in a bad mood, did you want Nacho to fuck you or something," He said in a confident tone.
"Are you fucking crazy!" You said to the accusation of something like that. It went silent for a good minute of just intense eye contact. he forcefully gabbed your jaw whilst also holding your hair in place, and out of no where, both of your lips intertwined with each other, your eyes widen to the kiss, you didn't expect such soft lips from Tuco, both of your guys tongues met with each other that night, his grasp of your hair slowly letting go of your hair and placed on the table you where arching into, you were loosing breathe, you started to punch Tucos chest to get him of you, and the kiss broke.
"Tuco!" You were in shock, panting away. You didn't expect something like this from Tuco. He said nothing but just looked like he was hungry for more, you couldn't lie this was pretty fucking hot. He looked at you then took a peak at his jeans which was obvious that he had a boner,, in a soft voice that sounded desperate that you didn't want to do any of this, "Tuco..please" you said to him begging for mercy.
He forcefully man-handled you against the table, you winced to the roughness you were now facing away from him, Tuco against the back of you turned you on, but you knew you were scared, "Tuco.. Somewhere els-" before finishing your sentence his hand forced your head against the table, along with forcefully lifting your hips higher into the air.
The sound of his belt unbuckling sent waves to you brain, His hand running down your back to the waits line of your shorts and unbuttoning them bit by bit, You were exposed, knowing you couldn't do anything, "Joder..hermoso culo" (fuck.. beautiful ass) In his strong Spanish accent, as well as Slapping you ass, you released a scream to the aggressiveness of the slap, pulling your underwear down, he giggled with excitement, his dick slapping against your ass "fucking bitch" he groaned out.
The tip of his penis entering in. You moaned to how unprepared you were, suddenly he fully thirst into you, fully submerged. You muffled your moans with biting onto your hand. "Fuckkk,, Baby relaxed" his hands on your waist pulling you towards him to bring you closer. The feeling of his penis entering awakened you. He started to thrust in and out, you could feel your legs start to weaken. His groans getting louder with each thrust, "Who's my bitch" he said in a panting voice, as you were trying your best to let out your moans saying nothing. He grabbed your hair again, making your arch into his thrusts. And let out the moan you were keeping in, "I said who's my bitch!" Taking a bite of your neck leaving a pretty mark.
"M-me" you said in your stuttering voice, you were close and you could also feel Tuco member grow bigger inside of you, "TUCOO" you screamed his name as he started to quicken up his pace and thrust into you relentlessly, He was close whispering your name "y/n.." in a groan. And before He came he took it out and released himself onto your ass, The room was filled with moans from y/n and Grunts from Tuco.
When Tuco finished he buckled his trousers up and went out for a cigarette. Giving you time to get yourself together. Walking in again Tuco said
"C'mon, I'll take you home." You thought again in such a shaky state you were in you didn't want to drive tonight..You nodded to his response and followed along. The whole ride you fell asleep to the Mexican music playing on the radio.
He dropped you off at your apartment, You were glad you didn't drive because you wouldn't of made it through.."See you next week" he said to you before zooming off. The thought of meeting him again made you feel confused with emotions. But all you needed right now was a shower and some sleep...
[I'm so sorry for how long you guys had to wait for this, but I was pretty busy with my studies, but we made it through!! // Also wanted to say when this gets posted, it will be said 'posted 6 days ago' But that was just my mistake, but was actually posted on the 26/2/24. So YEAH! thank you and please let me know if you want to see more of this, and maybe turn it into a series.]
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Who Let Us Have A Group Chat?
Pairings: Blood Moon/DJ Music Man, Harvest Moon/Glamrock Bonnie, Eclipse/OC (well, not anymore)
Word Count: 1,430 Words
Summary: KC has their first period and inadvertently comes out.
Warnings: Caps, Period/Menstruation, Death (mentioned only), Blood (mentioned), Age Regression, Pain (mentioned), Cursing, Accidental Misgendering, Coming Out, Nudity (mentioned only, non-sexual), SFW Tickling, let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 12: Periods & Panics
6:40am Who Took My Hat?
Kill Code: It HURTS
Moon: What hurts?
Kill Code: My stomach.
Moon: What did you eat last? Did you eat grapes? Dairy? Did you eat something rotten or moldy? Old baked goods? Something out of date?
Eclipse: Jesus you went into Mom Mode. Chill. I don’t think he’s dying.
Moon: Even if he isn’t dying, he’d still need epinephrine and your computer doesn’t know how to make it!
Eclipse: Bold of you to assume!
Eclipse: But yeah, it doesn’t. But he also didn’t eat any allergens at dinner, we just a meat/meat substitute and salad night and me and him used the same dressing non-dairy with no grapes, grape seed, or anything grape related.
Moon: Then what could possibly be hurting? Cres?
Kill Code: I have blood in my bed, I threw up. I don’t know what’s happening.
Moon: BLOOD!?
Eclipse: oh
Eclipse: Moon chill out, I know what it is. Dad, do your hips hurt too? Lower back?
Kill Code: Yes, everything hurts.
Eclipse: Moon, you’ve never had periods before, did you?
Moon: Not after the first one, that was hell. I forcibly turned off my hormonal sensors and haven’t had one since.
Eclipse: He’s having his first period and nobody told him because us kids thought he already knew what they were like being in your body.
Moon: shit
Eclipse: I can take care of it. I’m his ‘oldest’ child.
Kill Code: I can deal with it.
Kill Code is offline
Eclipse: He got up trying to fix it himself while I was getting supplies and he fainted from how suddenly he got up mixed with how much blood he lost while he was sleeping.
Kill Code is online
Kill Code: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just wanted to fix it.
Eclipse: We’ll you ain’t. What you’re going to fix is getting into the bath and cleaning off because I’m the one fixing it. You’re in pain. You deserve one day of being taken care of.
Kill Code: I’m the dad, I don’t get taken care of. I take care of you.
Harvest Moon: Go bathe or I’m coming in there and forcibly bathing you.
Kill Code: fine
7:20am Who Took My Hat?
Moon: He’s okay now?
Blood Moon: He’s fine. Still bathing.
Eclipse: I thought he came out already.
Blood Moon: No, I’ve been waiting at the door to make sure he doesn’t try to go off working and he hasn’t come out yet.
Eclipse: Go in and check on him, I’m washing the sheets. Trying to, anyway.
[Blood Moon has started a video call] Moon: Why? I don’t want to possibly see KC naked!
Blood Moon: I need moral support! I might see my dad naked! You can suffer through it, it’s less traumatic for you, since you shared a body with him.
Moon: Fine.
[Blood Moon opens the door slowly, showing KC still in the bath but quickly looks away]
Blood Moon: Dad? Are you okay?
Kill Code: Bat’ie. *giggles and splashes the bath water a bit, playing with a few bubbles but whimpers and starts crying when his belly hurts again*
Moon: Blood Moon, he’s regressing.
Blood Moon: Dad? You’re little?
Kill Code: Hurts! Wan’ it to stop!
Blood Moon: Did you get clean?
Kill code: Yeah, got clean.
Blood Moon: Okay, let’s get you dressed then.
[Blood Moon has ended the video call]
Moon: Thank god, I don’t have to watch you dressing him.
Blood Moon: Eclipse, he’s little, what do I dress him in?
Eclipse: Standard? Sweatpants he can loosen in case he’s bloated at all, big soft baggy shirt in case his chestplate is sensitive. A pad since he’ll probably be sleeping once he gets the food and Midol into him.
Blood Moon: Moon, you better have a good fucking reason for this.
Moon: For what?
Blood Moon: kcinatowelholdingupapurplenightgown.jpg
Moon: I guess the nanobots you guys made his body from shifted with how vulnerable he felt?
Blood Moon: Moon, he picked out a dress. By himself. I’m not confused about the almost human part, I understand the defense tactic. I am concerned about the dress he chow on his own.
Eclipse: Oh my god, if this is how we find out KC is trans, I swear to god.
Harvest Moon: Dad is trans?
Eclipse: You are so far out of the loop right now, Ves.
Blood Moon: Kill Code fought me trying to stop them from digging through drawers, they wanted this one single article of clothing more than they cared about not being in pain.
Blood Moon: I want an explanation, Moon. You shared a body with KC.
Moon: I can neither confirm nor deny anything.
Harvest Moon: This isn’t a question, Moon, we need to know before we do something that upsets them while they’re already in pain and upset!
Moon: I plead the fifth.
Eclipse: Please?
Moon: …
Moon: Fine.
Moon: KC is genderfluid. They kept it a big secret, they were embarrassed about it constantly, especially when they were sharing with me.
Eclipse: Why would they keep this from us? We’re their kids, we love our parent.
Moon: They think they have to be some big tough Dad for you all. They refused to take care of themself until they took care of you. But I guess so much piled on all at once forced them to need to accidentally come out because they didn’t want to feel uncomfortable anymore when they were already so stressed.
Supermassive: So right now KC is our Mom. Right?
Moon: Right now Cres is just a baby. If she’s still regressing, that is.
Blood Moon: I would say her asking if she can use a diaper instead of a pad says yes to her regressing.
Eclipse: I have some still from before I knew pads existed. I’ll bring one in.
Blood Moon: Who says I want to put a diaper on my Mom!? This is worse than naked trash can!
Lunar: I’ll come do it. My god.
Eclipse: Seriously? Don’t you hate her?
Lunar: Too late, I already used the daycare to bunker teleporter thingy. And yes, I hate her. But she’s family and she’s family I don’t care if I see naked. I’ve changed Moon before, I don’t care at this point.
Moon: You better stop talking right now.
Lunar: Hush.
Lunar: And stop lying about your period, you get them twice a month, you poor fucker.
Moon: Shut uuuup, I don’t want to think about it!
Eclipse: Wait, if you have them, then how didn’t KC know about them?
Moon: I blocked off the pain sensors for it and she just never thought to check down there because KC didn’t care when she was feral. Later on, she just ignored it because she felt uncomfortable with my body and couldn’t stand to interact other it.
Eclipse: And the blood?
Moon: …
Lunar: He put on period diapers before they switched out.
Lunar: Here’s our pretty girl by the way.
Lunar: killcodebeingcarriedtobed.jpg
Moon: Just occurred to me, why the hell are you so strong?
Lunar: Monty messed up my schematics by one little issue.
Lunar: He made me just as strong as he is. He added an extra zero by mistake. So I’m worth 10,000 joules of energy instead of 1,000.
Moon: You scare me.
Lunar: I should scare you. I’m a fourteen year old who can pick up two family members at once.
Lunar: Regardless, look our our pretty girl.
Lunar: killcodesnugglingastuffedbearandwatchingtinkerbell.jpg
Moon: Tell her she’s such a sweet girl for me, she liked that when I tried last time to get her to come out and stop pushing herself.
Lunar: Oh, my heart. Moony, this is the response I got. I can’t believe I thought to record it. This is the most precious thing!
Lunar: kcbeingcute.vid
[video transcription] Lunar: Moony says you’re such a sweet girl, Cressy.
Kill Code: Mama says?
Lunar: Yes, baby, Mama says. Mama says you’re pretty and sweet and the cutest girl ever.
Kill Code: *tiny little giggles as she watches Lunar with complete joy* Mama make pain go away?
Lunar: Mama’s at home right now, he’s looking after the daycare. But you have me all day if you want.
Kill Code: Mama work. Got Baba.
Lunar: You do, you got Baba.
Kill Code: Baba make pain go ‘way?
Lunar: I most certainly can. Here, let me kiss it better. *kisses her belly and tickles her sides*
Kill Code: *giggling constantly until she giggles so hard she squeaks*
[transcription end]
Moon: Oh my god, that’s adorable.
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starythewriter · 1 year
Stripping gets attention
Part 4 FINAL.
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He started unzipping your dress and you took off his shirt. You threw it on the floor and then you both started kissing. You broke the kiss for a few minutes to catch your breath. "You sure that's what you want?" He asked softly. You nodded your head. "Good, because I really wanna make love to you"
He slid his hand under your panties and started playing with your clit. "oh god... vinnie..." you moaned loudly. You wrapped your legs around him and arched your body forward, making yourself accessible to him. He licked your folds and you moaned louder. He sucked your clit into his mouth lightly. You grabbed his hair and tried pushing yourself further on his face.
He took advantage of your opening to slip a finger inside of you. You whimpered. He kept sucking at your clit as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of you. "God... please.... I need you so much..." you begged. "Yeah baby.. I'm almost there," he muttered, his eyes glued to your entrance. His cock was already rock hard and throbbing in his pants. He kept teasing you, pushing himself deeper inside of you.
He pulled out and then slammed back inside you, fucking you with his cock so fast that you couldn' t keep up with his thrusts. Then he pulled out completely and started pounding your insides again. He was so hard and fast. You felt like you couldn't handle it. He pulled out and then slammed back in, harder and faster than before. Your whole body was on fire, but still, you wanted him even closer. You started moving against his thrusts, rubbing yourself against him. Suddenly, he slowed down. He pulled out entirely and you cried out in pain. "Baby, I'm gonna come inside you... just hold still ok?" He demanded, looking into your eyes. You nodded your head frantically. You needed to be filled by him.
He pushed himself deep inside of you and pounded away, filling you up fully. You groaned and started bouncing on his dick. He moved faster and harder. You were getting close. He kept slamming into you and then pulling out and slamming back in. His thrusts became slower and longer, he was close too. When he reached his climax, he screamed out your name and spilled his seed all over your insides.
You fell unconscious from the orgasm and woke up hours later, lying naked in bed. You had no idea where you were or what had happened while you were sleeping. You sat up slowly and looked around. You noticed that there was a note stuck to your wall. You grabbed it and read it quickly.
Thank you for everything. I'll call you when I get home tonight. Love, Vinnie
You smiled. He had called you darling, just like you liked it. You had forgotten how much you loved being called that.
It meant he cared for you and wanted you to come home. You hoped that meant tomorrow he would bring the divorce papers back to you. You wondered briefly if they'd been signed yet. But that thought only lasted a moment, it soon dissolved. What mattered now was the fact that he loved you. He had loved you from the beginning.
You laid down, closed your eyes and went back to sleep.
You woke up feeling a lot better. You still weren’t able to move your arm but you managed to reach your phone to look at the time. 12:20am. Vinnie hadn’t called yet but it was unlikely that he would. Not after that last round of love making. So you went back to sleep.
You were woken up a couple of hours later by the ringing of your cell phone. It was Vinnie. ‘Hi babe, hope you slept well. How are you doing? Sorry I didn’t call earlier but I wanted to surprise you’
‘I’m fine. You missed me a lot though’
‘Of course I did. Can’t wait for you to come home. I missed you so much, my beautiful girl. Can’t wait till we can cuddle each other and make love again.’
‘Me too. Let’s plan on cuddling tonight. I’ll pick you up at 9pm sharp’
‘Ok. I will pick you up at 7pm sharp. See you then’
‘See you then’ you replied and hung up. You smiled and headed to the bathroom. You took a quick shower and brushed your teeth. You applied makeup and styled your hair. You put on a simple blue sundress, grabbed your purse and headed downstairs. You had just put on your shoes when your doorbell rang. You opened it and there standing on the other side of the door was Vinnie. He looked absolutely stunning. His black suit fit perfectly over his muscular frame. His blonde hair perfectly matched his facial hair.
You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face. You gave him a big hug. “I missed you so much” he whispered into your ear.
You pulled apart and smiled at him. “Come on let’s go” you said and linked arms with him. You walked together to his car. As you drove towards his house, you couldn’t stop smiling. He seemed so happy too. He drove smoothly and you enjoyed the ride.
When you arrived at his house, you parked your car and got out. You locked your car and followed Vinnie inside. He led you to the living room and sat you down on the couch. He sat next to you and kissed you passionately. You kissed him back and then he pulled away. “Sorry” he said. “I shouldn’t have done that” he said and looked away ashamed.
“Don’t apologize. I loved it. Why did you stop? We haven’t had sex in days… I missed you” you told him truthfully. He looked at you and smiled. “That’s good. I missed you too” he said. “What are we going to do today?” You asked. “Well, first I am planning on making dinner. You should join me” he suggested. “No. That won’t be necessary” you replied, taking one of his hands in yours and kissing the top of it. You had decided to go slow with each other. You wanted to make sure you were both prepared.
“Okay…” he paused for a minute. “We could play video games…”
“That sounds amazing”
“Do you know any games that involve kissing?”
“Oh, I know some…” you said and giggled. “What about that one?” You pointed to the game that was in front of you. “Sure” he said and got up. He picked it up. He handed it to you and got up too and kissed you again. “Let’s play this then” you said happily.
You played for hours until the clock showed 2AM and you had lost two rounds. He kissed you gently on the cheek and smiled. “I think it’s bedtime” he said softly. You nodded and stood up. You stretched and yawned, making Vinnie laugh. “Did you not get enough sleep last night?” He asked and chuckled.
“A little. Are you tired?” You asked him. He shook his head. “Not in the slightest” he replied. You smiled and leaned in to give him another kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow” he said and left the room. You sighed and went upstairs to change into something more comfortable.
You changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Then you climbed into bed and snuggled in next to Vinnie. You were so contented and relaxed. You started to kiss him slowly, and rubbed his growing bulge , he moaned loudly "what are you gonna blow me?" In a joking manner. "Yes" you both undressed and you kissed his abs, slowly licking his thick cock.
Then you both began stroking each others' cock, trying to get as hard as possible. He pulled you closer to him and placed kisses on your neck.
Your mind was in pure bliss, you didn't care about anything anymore. All you could think about was him, and you couldn't stop your thoughts from wandering. You had never been intimate with a man before, except for the times he'd fucked you. You'd always made love to him. And now you were doing the same with Vinnie. You thought about how hot you would make Vinnie feel. You ran your hand lightly over his chest. You then started moving down towards his pants. He moaned loud. You knew he needed release and you knew exactly how to please him. You wrapped your fingers around him and began sucking him off. He moaned louder than ever. You kept pumping your hand up and down his shaft, moaning and panting while you licked your lips. You felt him begin to tense up, signaling he was close. You pulled him close and sucked harder. He let out an animalistic growl. Soon you felt his whole body tense and tighten. You heard his heart beat rapidly against your breast as his orgasm hit him full force. You smiled. You felt incredibly proud of yourself for having pleased him like that.
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spicykaraage · 7 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Sadaharu Inui
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Birthday: June 3rd (Gemini)
Blood Type: AB
Relatives: Father, Mother, Cat [23.5]
Father’s Occupation: Public Servant
Elementary School: Midorikawa First Elementary School
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Middle School: Seishun Academy Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | Class 3-11 | Seat 2
Club: Tennis Club (Regular)
Committee: School Festival Committee
Strong Subjects: Physics
Weak Subjects: Home Economics (especially cooking)
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Reference Room 3
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Medical Team
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Favorite Motto: “Knowledge is an everlasting treasure.”
Daily Routines: Organizing data, glasses maintenance
Hobbies: Having the club members drink his (terrible) special vegetable juices, backlighting ➜ Making special vegetable juices for people to drink, playing TRPGs [23.5]
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Music: Any kind
Favorite Movie: Korean films
Favorite Book: Mystery novels, horror novels [TP]
Favorite Food: Durian? (Momoshiro’s guess), spaghetti soup? (Kikumaru’s guess) ➜ Yakult, cilantro [23.5]
Favorite Anniversary: May 30th (the day he began gathering data)
Preferred Type: A calm person, preferably older ➜ A cute person [TP]
Ideal Date Spot: Art museum ➜ A factory tour [TP]
His Gift for a Special Person: “Special Inui Juice… is what I would say, but maybe a wristwatch.”
Where He Wants to Travel: Ho Chi Minh City to buy rare herbs
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: State-of-the-art blender ➜ Rotary evaporator [23.5]
Dislikes: Lightning strikes, power outages (since his computer will go down) ➜ Fortune-telling, rhythm games, choosing souvenirs [TP]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Reversi, shogi, chess, Go, administering first aid [TP]
Spends Allowance On: Notebooks, reference books
Routine During the World Cup: Gathering data on foreign players, chatting with an old man whom he became friends with
Height: 184cm ➜ 185cm [23.5]
Weight: 62kg ➜ 64kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 28cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: (With glasses) 1.5 Left & Right
Play Style: Serve & Volleyer
Signature Moves: Data Tennis, Sonic Serve, Waterfall, Super Sonic Serve
Time He Wakes Up: 5:15am
Time He Goes to Sleep: 12:20am
Number of Notebooks He Owns: 218+
Favorite Brands:
Racquet: Puma (Sequence PT0636 0067)
Shoes: prince (Graphite Challenge)
Fitness Test Results:
Sidesteps: 53
Shuttle Run: 100
Back Strength: 118kg
Grip Strength: 55kg
Backbend: 64.5cm
Seated Forward Bend: 51.8cm
50m Run: 7.05 seconds
Standing Long Jump: 225cm
Handball Throw: 36.2m
Endurance Run (1500m): 4:55
Overall Rating: Speed: 2 / Power: 3 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 2 / Technique: 4 / Total: 14
Kurobe Memo: “I have no complaints with his play style that makes use of collected data. I must say, though, matches in the real world will inevitably require going against unfamiliar opponents. If he is overwhelmed by an opponent he’s meeting for the first time, he will need a back-up plan. Otherwise, he will be at a disadvantage and it will be difficult for him to turn the situation around.” [RB]
What’s in His Bedroom [10.5]:
A massive bookshelf // He has an enormous amount of “secret notebooks” that he’s been writing in
Magazines on the floor // Half-read tennis magazines and other items are scattered across the floor. He’s not good at keeping things tidy
A digital camera connected to his TV // He records matches for data collection
Computer setup // The hub where he processes all of his data. He’s gathered data on players from other schools as well
Notes written on his wall // He has a tendency to write whatever pops into his head, and has unintentionally written notes on his wall here and there
What’s in His Bag [10.5]:
Laptop and calculator
MD recorder and player // He records himself and others
An 8mm video casette // Footage from a handheld camera. Most of the contents are matches of Seigaku and other schools
Secret notebook and rule book // The secret notebook contains a large amount of data on players. The rule book is for guiding underclassmen
Hole puncher // A two-hole puncher, used to assemble any data he’s written on sheets of paper
Digital camera // Used to record the forms of the other members and matches
Stopwatch and measuring tape
Binoculars // A very expensive pair of high-magnification binoculars
The Prince of Tennis 10.5 Fanbook | Release Date: 11/02/2001
He is the tallest of all the Seigaku members
He supposedly gained his tall stature from drinking a lot of milk. He enjoys milk and drinks it often, and will try out different types everyday as well as compare and research them
Prior to Ryoma joining the team, he was Seigaku’s third best player
Konomi made his glasses obscure his eyes to give readers the impression that they aren’t able to tell what he’s thinking
Konomi had written him to be temporarily dropped as a regular in order to highlight Ryoma’s entry into the team
His favorite foods are unknown but are guessed to be spaghetti soup by Kikumaru and durian by Momoshiro. He states he has neither likes nor dislikes, but does like spaghetti soup. Momoshiro had guessed durian due to his spiky hair
He has been playing tennis since elementary school and enjoys it since he views it as a battle of wits
He had a smaller stature when he was younger
He states that he does not make his Inui Juice to torment his teammates and his intention is to boost their nutrition with it
His personality is described as someone who relies a little too much on data, but everyone else around them relies on it as well
Konomi describes him as “not just a data man”, he may have lost to Ryoma, but he is still skilled
The Prince of Tennis 20.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2003
He tends to speak his mind without hesitation, but means no offense by it
He is described to be suited for professions such as a lawyer, accountant or stockbroker
He is steady and cautious, but can be bold and intrepid as well
He is deeply into physics since the knowledge is useful for tennis
He utilizes his data to improve himself as well and has an aggressive side when playing tennis due to it
He is the hardest working member of the team
He is top of his class in science and math
His secondary sport would be baseball
The Prince of Tennis 40.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2007
He is surprisingly(?) interested in romance since love cannot be measured, which is also why he likes Korean dramas
His overly calculating and cautious personality often manifests as a deterrent towards others, but he will show a side completely contrary to his usual self
He began writing in his “Inui Notebooks” once he started playing tennis. He has approximately 218 as of now, but has countless “other notebooks” such as “Exclusive Notes on Yanagi”
He hums from time to time, but is extremely tone-deaf. He is able to read sheet music but is unable to produce the right sounds
He has a total of 121 pairs of the glasses he wears
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A Realistic Morning Routine for the working girly...
As you guys may know I am in the process of creating my dream girl and a part of that if you haven't read my 12 Characteristics of my dream girl post is OPTIMIZING MY TIME BY SIMPLIFYING PROCESSES.
One of the most important aspects of the day is the morning routine. While I love the long soft life morning routines, I do truly aspire to live that life. My reality right now is working 10+ hour days, commuting 45 minutes one-way. So I can only afford a slimmed-down weekday morning routine if I don't want to sacrifice sleep. So here it is, the morning routine for a working girl.
TOTAL TIME: 1hr 20mins
6am - rising & morning pep talk, & gratitude
6:05am to 6:10am - drink water & take vitamins (i drink water before brushing my teeth so my body knows what enzymes to make, this is also beneficial for the immune system)
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6:10am to 6:30/35am - this is my personal time, I use this time to stretch pray, meditate, & journal. I don't do all of these every day but I go based on my mood. This time is really about checking in with yourself
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6:30am to 7am - this is time to get dressed and ready for the day since I pick my clothes out on Sundays for the week this is quick and easy. I will brush my teeth if I haven't already, take a quick shower (10mins) and slick my hair back into a bun or fluff my wash and go. My make-up is simple INNBEAUTY Face Glaze, mascara, and sometimes a little blush/highlighter...
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7am to 7:10am - I will make my breakfast and pack my lunch if I haven't already (sometimes I do this the night before). Breakfast is usually vegan yogurt or oatmeal with fruit and honey, I put granola in the yogurt as well. I have a thermos for food and one for tea as well. Right now I am enjoying a sweet tangerine blend with ashwagandha for the morning time. I’ll enjoy these when I get to work.
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7:10am to 7:20am - I pack my bag for the day, most of the time the same items remain but i like to clean out receipts & organize cash. Grab an umbrella if needed etc... and I will smoke as well usually I have a joint rolled from the night before. I must be out the door by 7:20 lest I be late haha.
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Tuesday, February 20th, 2024!
8:20am: Phew, that was fun, back to business now 😎 business of being a bachelorette 🤪 it's so cold I need to hook up the heated blanket bc I did that thing where I crumple up in my sleep then the stomach and back hurt from literally constricting all night. Also need to do laundry so I can get my warm clothes, they're all wet and sickly 🙃 need to start studying today (RIP this quiz) and not get another L. And also not get sick again, I need to handle these gum blisters. High key this is what happens when I have to entertain for a weekend like I am immediately behind on just so much shit. But it's so worth it ❤️ I love my family
12:22pm: Well I just don't know anymore. Every time I think I've done the worst unimaginable thing, I seem to one up myself?? I'm inflicting the karma personally now, but I don't know how to say I truly didn't mean to. Maybe my subconscious meant to. I have no fucking idea. But can we talk about how I haven't seen rain like that in months, probably won't see it again for several months, like it was just a damn bad sign. I still just think it was part of his personal karma, I just really didn't think it would get wet like that bc it hasn't rained like that since the literal summer. I think he hates me now. Well. Ok I can't do anything about that. Welp. Just kinda have no words, I was literally in fight or flight mode and he will never understand that he's the fucking reason. Fight or flight is not a reasonable train of thought in that situation. No shit I did something that makes no sense I was shaking terrified. And he doesn't fucking realize he's the goddamn reason. Good riddance.
3:09pm: well I think he blocked me on everything. A rain storm took out 8 years of friendship. And this is the what, 900th time he's chosen material objects, replaceable possessions over me? 901st time he's chosen paper, a piece of paper, over speaking to me ever again I guess. I guess I'm the shitty person, not him who lied and cheated on front of my face, nope me, who was shaking too anxious freaking out in my apartment bc he threatened my brother five days before coming to town 🤷
3:39pm: maybe this is my karma for hitting on a guy in a relationship, we just are no longer friends. Well I guess she got what she wanted, he is getting what he wants, which is to finally be able to blame me for something, and I get to have them both out of my life. This is the world now. The world is still turning.
4:00pm: It's like he was just looking for a reason to block me, just like he was looking for any reason to cheat, to leave, to break up, to move out, any little thing that could be a provoking reason and just running with it. I'm done.
I know this is technically my fault, I have apologized. Everything still feels abusive though. I was just trying to save myself, I was being selfish. But um hello so is cheating. He's not better than me and in my opinion he's still much worse than anything I've ever done to him. It's just things.
I would hope if something is actually going to come of this, his grandma would give me a warning first or something. I want to call her but I feel like everything is too heated. Let me go home, blow my nose and use the bathroom, maybe I'll call her tonight.
4:48pm: TBH we always talk about forgiving these stupid assholes. Why don't I forgive myself for this? I forgive myself. Even if I did it subconsciously, even if I was being a bitch in the back of my mind (I really don't feel this way) it's more like I was just tired of thinking about it! And look at me, thinking about it now. It's over. Whatever. He wants to take me to small claims or something? Whatever I'll live. He wants to run a smear campaign on me? Didn't he already do that? I'm still alive. He wants to take the cats as revenge? I'll live, they'll live, life goes on. If something happens to them that will be his shit I guess. I forgive myself and C said it, I'm already being Way. Too. Nice. Everybody would agree with me. I can't even bring it up bc ppl will be like ?? You still talk to him ?? Ppl would be so confused. I did the best I could without causing myself unnecessary stress on a weekend when I didn't want stress. Was I journaling this weekend? Fuck no there was a reason for that, because I was actually being happy living life. That's why y'all didn't hear from me tf. Healing continues though so we're back, still gonna push forward though.
5:19pm Damn yeah he blocked me on everything! What was even the point of speaking to me. That's fucked up to confront someone about something, something so materialistic, and then not accept an apology. Whatever. Good luck with life, good luck being a petty ass mf, acting like you're some heaven on earth angel who can do no wrong, fuck you.
5:34pm: I told my brother what happened, and he helped me feel better, I wish he lived closer to here but texting is ok now :) my family is just everything ❤️ I tried my best, it's over now, like a fever dream. On to find someone else to give my love and effort to 🥰 I'm just gonna give it to myself for now.
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ne0nlightzz · 9 months
apparently secretly being extremely interested in FNAF as a kid [ like when it came out] but refusing to admit i liked it cuz i worried about what my older sisters would think of me and didn't wanna be made fun of and then finally just saying 'screw it i don't care' at like age 11 or 12 cuz i was over hiding all my actual interests, wasn't a great idea-
i say this and worded it poorly for the reason that my own fear of what others thought of me due to my interests just backfired at me once i finally was just like "hey i like this thing!". and i say that because now after hiding the interest for so freaking long then admitting i liked it made the interest intensify by x100, become a on and off fixation for years [ still goin too.], and made me make too many freaking fnaf perlers, themed things, invest into many figures and shit and also is making me have crisis over a freaking shelf.
this is so freakin weird n random and has sucky ass Grammer, spelling and all that shitz cuz again, i dont give a shit [at the moment at least] cuz this site seems to not judge you as much for the 1:20am adhd random rants like most others do- will i regret actually posting this later, probs cuz what the hell am i even talkin bout? idk i need to go to sleep:/
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danieljohn7341 · 1 year
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It’s 12:20am, and I set my daughter’s alarm for 8:00am. I guess that means I’d better get to sleep too before too long. The 3-year-old’s first night in her big girl bed was October 30th. With number two due in July, we’ll need out quality sleep now! Green light and the alarm mean she can play with her toys. Red light means it’s time to lay down and go to sleep. Slow to fall asleep, she wanted to be shown the yellow light too. What’s the yellow light, daddy? The yellow light means daddy loves you.
Now go to sleep! She did...after we rehearsed how the yellow light also means...rubbing our noses together and kisses. Now sleep! #fatherhood #redlight greenlight #yellowlight
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
took your advice and set up my blog, now just waiting for requests and contemplating posting the first chapter of an Eddie fic I started lol 😭
how was your day today?
Awesome!! If you want I can give you some prompts I have stocked up for certain characters if you want any ideas. With the Eddie fic when you do decide to post it let me know! I wanna read!!! And for how my day has been the first 20 minutes of it has been pretty good as it is 12:20am lol oml I need to go to sleep. But as for how my last 24 hours have been it's been really good!! As I said before I was going to on a run but decided I didn't want to and instead stuck my butt in a chair all day and stayed on here lolol. A nice easy day.
How has your day been going so far?
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dear-eli · 2 years
Maybe this genuinely is harder on him than I thought. He texted me at around 9 this morning, while I was still asleep, to tell me he missed me. I texted him back that I missed him too, when I woke up and saw the message a bit after 10:30. He immediately replied back with another "I love you" text. To which I of course responded "I love you too." Break or no break, I can hold myself back from being the one to initiate things like that but I can never not respond in kind when he says those things. That would be heartbreaking, for both of us, and honestly cruel to him. He's even told me point blank that if I actually ignore him, the way Kacee seems to want, that there won't be a relationship for us to come back to because he considers that degree of silent treatment to be abusive (even moreso than anything Kacee has done up to this point apparently). So I reply truthfully when he initiates the conversations out of reflex, but I bite my tongue or go cry in private when I feel the same.
He took it even further today, though. Thus far when he's texted me things like that, it's mostly been while I've been at work over at Nicole's. But today I was home. So as soon as I replied back to his "I love you" message, he came and knocked on my door, and came in to give me a hug. I was still laying in bed and he just came in without saying a word and SQUEEZED me, sort of half laying on top of me, kneeling on the edge of my bed and pressing his head into my chest/my head in the crook between his neck and shoulder. We stayed that way for a couple of minutes until he pulled back and kissed me, really firmly and kind of desperately. I asked him what he was doing, and he said "getting some love." Which is easier to do while Kacee is at work, and especially with his mom at the store for the moment, he was here essentially unsupervised/with no one to observe and judge him for sneaking around to spend time with me while we're supposed to be on a break.
To be fair, with my work schedule so far this week (9:20am-12:06am Wed, 9:32am-12:56am Thurs), we hadn't seen each other in two days, except on Kayleigh’s multiple daily "Call Unkie?" video calls - during which he always made a point of at least signing "I love you 🤟" to me at the end of each call, if for whatever reason (e.g. Kacee's presence) he wasn't able to say it out loud. I had been missing him quite a bit as well, but I was prepared to suffer in silence as expected/required (crying myself to sleep at night, for instance).
And now as I'm typing this he came back in here again, the second time in like half an hour, for a "surprise attack" of more kisses and another embrace. He kept making excuses about needing to leave shortly to get back to work, because he's soo busy with all the prep stuff he has to do, but he's also the one who kept going in for more kisses. Again, I knew this was wrong and definitely not how we were supposed to be acting on a supposed no-contact break, but I couldn't just not reciprocate when he initiates things without hurting him, and I didn't want to anyways. It's a huge adjustment, trying to basically quit someone cold turkey like this while still living with them, and I'm trying my best to just look at this as a transition period. Hopefully the longer we're apart, the easier the separation anxiety will become, and the less often we will both struggle with these little indiscretions. But at least for now, I know he still loves me, and still misses me as much as I miss him.
I guess we'll see how long that lasts.
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bookworm-2692 · 4 years
Reader ask meme: A10, B6, C4 and D2?
Questions are from here!
A10: Who did you have your first fanfic-related conversation with? What was it about?
I… don’t remember? First irl conversation? Or online? Online would be someone from the Salad on Dreamwidth in the comments section in like 2014??? Real life… maybe my sister @adrift-in-eden or my friend @lebannabell or another friend who doesn’t use tumblr. Or maybe… wait I remember when I was young and my dad downloaded these “James Potter and the X” ebooks (here is the first on Goodreads), as well as Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality or something? It’s only now in hindsight that I realise they were fanfic lmao. I read the James Potter ones, I remember enjoying them. My dad talked about the Methods of Rationality all the damn time! He found it absolutely hilarious, tho I never read it. I think those would have been the first conversations about fanfic, given that I remember not knowing that term in those days (a couple of months ago my sister and I were talking about this fic at the beach in the ocean and my dad overheard some and started talking about Methods of Rationality again (bc we tried to make him go away by saying “hp fanfic” but he didn’t and instead started relating to us) and it wasn’t until that moment that I was like “hey that’s fanfic… those James Potter ebooks were also fanfic… wtf”, so I clearly didn’t know the term fanfic back when I first read them). 
Looking on the Goodreads now, JP1 was published 2007, JP2 in 2008, JP3 in 2010 and JP4 in 2013. JP5 wasn’t published until 2017. I definitely read 1-3 all at once, and definitely did not read #5. From the title on the Goodreads I feel like I recognise #4? Nope ok so I went into iBooks, and I have 1-3 but not 4 or 5. So my dad downloaded them somewhere in 2010-2013? I remember being disappointed it stopped at number 3 lmao. Trying to work out exactly, but all the other ones of his I read were published in 2008 so that doesn’t help. It was definitely after I read the whole series, and I know I started after the last book came out in 2008, and had definitely finished the series multiple times by year 5 or year 6 (2010/2011). So I would’ve read my first fanfic in maybe 2011 or 2012 lets say, at the age of like 12 or 13, and the first fanfic conversation would’ve been with my dad, and would have been about that fic he sent me lmao
B6: What is your favourite story trope? Why?
Um idk about trope?? But I really like stories where it’s like… one tiny thing changed, which changes the entire plot. Canon divergence fics. For Want Of A Nail I think it’s called on TV Tropes? Like all the NDRV3 fics where (spoiler alert) Akamatsu isn’t executed, because Saihara lies that he killed Amami and Monokuma rolls with it, or because he actually killed Amami, or instead Chapter 1 goes as canon, but instead Saihara is the second victim, or changes to Chapter 5: Saihara is Ouma’s hostage, or both Ouma and Momota are in the Exisal, or if they play by the rules in Chapter 6. I also really enjoy when canon mentions a thing happening, but not in any great detail, but then a fic goes over that event in great detail. For example, the First Nonary Game in Zero Escape, or the events of VLR from Phi’s POV, or the audition process in NDRV3 and showing how they actually “become” their characters. Also wasn’t it mentioned somewhere that Hongou went through Gordain’s Game? Dammit this is almost turning into a rec list from me. I guess I just really like long detailed fics with a good plot? 
Since some of my favourite fics didn’t manage to fit into the above: (Danganronpa) after the events of DR1, Naegi is kidnapped by Ultimate Despair, (Danganronpa) a time loop AU where we see the loops that lead to the canon timeline, rather than that one being the first one, (Harry Potter) Salazar Slytherin’s brother crawls out of his portrait during Harry’s fifth year ready to be the competent teacher Hogwarts needs (here is my longer recommendation to this fic that I posted a few days ago), (Harry Potter) Harry gets adopted by loving Muggles as a baby and raised in a loving home, (Harry Potter) Draco and Harry another others are 24 and professors at Hogwarts, this expands on the ideas of wizarding Lords and Ladies and has super amazing worldbuilding/characterisation, (Harry Potter) a series of wonderful “what if AUs”, (Harry Potter) 19/20 year old Harry wakes up in a 14 year old Slytherin body in 1942 - deals with Slytherin politics in such a Gryffindor way, it’s absolutely beautiful, (Harry Potter) a Muggle becomes the Weasleys new neighbour, and they all think she’s actually a witch, (Zero Escape) the boys are playing DND over Discord and now a real life mystery is occurring, (Zero Escape) snippets leading up to Dcom, and also during the experiment, (Zero Escape) a look at what happens after ZTD, and how they try to continue saving the world (it’s very good), (Zero Escape) random scenes from every timeline, (Zero Escape) a complete AU, Crash Keys are doing crime, it’s good stuff, (Zero Escape) the story of 1904 Phi (also really good)
I’m now getting tired but if you want more fic recs then please just ask! Also if you have your own fic recs please send them to me!
C4: What thing that fandom loves do you actually kind of hate? Why?
To be honest? The shipping. Like I’m not an anti-shipper, I’m not trying to stop people from shipping. You do you boo. But I just sort of dislike when shipping gets shoe horned in unnecessarily? Similar to how I dislike romance subplots and love interests being added to mainstream media “for the sake of it”. If it’s needed for the plot (or extremely well done) then it’s absolutely fine. But if it has no bearing on the plot, or is badly written, or feels OOC or something, then it annoys me. Generally it’s fine though, but.
D2: Who/Where did you get your last fic rec from?
I think my sister?? When she was reading a lot of Harry Potter fic, she’d send me the best of them and I’d open the links and just have the tabs open until I got around to reading them. I was at uni and busy, so I just kept on accumulating links, and she wasn’t even sending me every single thing I read! She’s since moved on to reading another fandom (and hence hasn’t been sending me any fics in a while), but I still haven’t caught up on all she sent. Some of them were really good though, super amazing.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Good Girls & Little White Lies
Title: Good Girls & Little White Lies
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Summary: You and your friend, Mya, never set out to lie. It just kind of…happened that way.. Steve Rogers x Black!Reader Sam Wilson x WOC!OFC
*Warnings: Inane Fluff, Slight Daddy Kink, Slightly Bratty Reader, Slightly Bratty OFC, Name Calling, Angry Avengers, Cursing, Spanking (mentioned), Punishments (mentioned), Hangovers, Ridiculousness for no real reason,  Minors DNI
A/N: Not super proofread. All mistakes are my own.
Good Girls & Little White Lies
A little white lie never hurt anyone. Right?
You and your friend hadn’t originally set out to lie. It just kind of…happened that way. You just wanted to have a little fun away from the judgmental, overprotective eyes of your loving boyfriends. You assured yourselves that they would never find out about your night out. But then someone took pictures. And then it all went to hell. 
Saturday Morning - 10:00am
God, you feel like death. You come to with a groan on Mya’s bathroom floor, your body stiff and sore. You attempt to sit up before immediately thinking better of it. It felt like someone had punched you one at a time in both eyes. Using every ounce of your strength, you manage to roll away from the toilet just in time for Mya to stumble in and empty her stomach into the bowl. Between the two of you, you weren’t sure who was prettier. 
“I’d offer to hold your hair back…” You sound pitiful, even to yourself. “But sitting up feels dangerous.”
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N.” She heaves into the toilet yet again. 
“You could’ve brought me a bucket.” You mumble, whimpering slightly when she swats at your leg. “Just sayin’.”
“Seriously, shut up. We are in so much fucking trouble, Y/N.” Mya visibly wilts, nestling herself between her toilet and the bathroom sink. 
You manage to perk up at the word trouble. “What trouble? Why? How?” This was more than you could process right now. 
“They know, dipshit.” You feel your stomach churn at that. God, she really should’ve brought you a bucket. Or a bowl. Just how much had you had to drink?
“They don’t know anything, Mya.” You just want to go back to bed. “Look, for all they know we had too much wine and fell asleep early.” You’re both too hungover for this right now. You needed some Gatorade, a blanket, and a pillow. Stat. 
“No bitch!” She huffs before lobbing a loose roll of toilet paper at your head. You manage to catch it and throw it back. The bitch dodges. “You don’t get it. They called us. Or at least Sam called me.” You groan as memories from last night start flooding back. “You gotta know Steve called you too.”
Fuck. Yes he had. Had you answered? You were afraid to check. 
“Right. They came by here.” You whimper, throwing an arm across your eyes. “We were at Carnal.”
“Uh huh. And then they went to Carnal. And we were gone.” Mya gags again. You flinch as she tosses you her phone, letting you read her messages. 
Big Daddy: *Message Includes 2 Attachments* (Received 12:55am) 
“Wait.” You look over at Mya, not even bothering to hide your surprise. Do you seriously have Sam listed in your phone as “Big Daddy”? Like, how did I not know this?” You can’t help but laugh, even though it hurts your head. 
“Bitch, if you don’t shut up and focus!” Right. You blink once, twice. And then get back to the task at hand. 
Big Daddy: Princess, please tell me these are old pictures. (Received 12:56am) 
Oh God…they were pictures of the two of you. Dancing on each other at Carnal. Great!
Big Daddy: Why aren’t you picking up??? (Received 1:00am) 
Big Daddy: I’m officially concerned. Steve can’t reach Y/N either. Are you ok? (Received 1:08am) 
Big Daddy: I’m not playing, sweetheart! Answer your goddamned phone! (Received 1:20am)
Big Daddy: Damn it, Mya. If I don’t hear back from you in the next 5 minutes I’m coming over. (Received  1:33am)
Big Daddy: That’s it. I’m on my way. So is Steve. For your and Y/N’s sake, you had better be sleeping. Otherwise we are about to have a serious fucking problem. (Received 1:38am)
Big Daddy: We’re here, Maya. WHERE. ARE. YOU? (Received 2:01am)   
You collapse on your back with a pitiful moan, while Mya attempts to drag herself into the living room. You two were dead meat.
The Night Before - 7:45pm “I’m serious, girl!” You manage to laugh as you gulp down another mouthful of wine. “This man, I’m talking the Captain America, actually had the audacity to sit in front of the door and refuse to let me leave. He pretended he was stretching. As if he hadn’t already spent all day trying to get me to cancel with you!” Your friend, Maya, can barely contain her laugh at the thought of a big man like Steve willingly sitting on the floor, pouting in front of his own door. 
“Mind you,” you continue on, “this is after the same hardened veteran purposely hid my keys from me and then had the nerve to act like it was my fault.”
“Mmhmm.” Mya nods sympathetically. You knew she’d been there, done that. According to her, she’d also spent the better part of her day trying to escape the clutches of a certain dark and broody Falcon. Superhero status aside, it was basically common knowledge that Sam Wilson could be a terror when he felt like he wasn’t getting his way. 
“How’d you figure out he had them?” Your friend hands you her now empty glass, which you are quick to fill. 
You can’t resist puffing out your chest just a little. Blame it on the wine. “I waited until he finally paused his protest to go to the bathroom, and then I tackled his ass to the bed, girl. Told him I was never going down on him again unless he let me check his pockets.” You both cackle like a couple of fools. 
“Bet he regrets teaching you those self defense moves now!” She says as she raises her wine in mock salute right as the doorbell rings, signaling the arrival of your pizza. And not a moment too soon. All this wine and talk about your men had you positively starving. 
(10 minutes later…)
“So I was thinking…” You trail off as you start working on your second slice of pizza. “Well, more like wondering…” What was the best way to phrase this? “Are we still…you know…fun?”
Mya pauses mid-bite. “Uhmm…we’re not not fun. We’re just, you know, at different points in our lives now.” You nod at that. “Plus, we’re dating members of The Avengers. It’s not exactly like we can go out and party like we used to…”
You sigh and lean back against the couch. She had a point. It wasn’t like this was the first conversation the two of you had ever had about your men’s expectations of you. You were expected to be their good girls like all of the time. It went almost without saying. Whether it involved you hanging on their arms at some glitzy charity function or simply running everyday errands, you had to play your roles. Your job was to smile and wave, to be sweet, and never (ever) misbehave. Cap and Falcon were major sticklers about that last one. 
The boys were, and would always be, soldiers first. Yes, they loved you, but they were accustomed to living lives lead by duty and discipline. You’d be lying if you said that it wasn’t a little much sometimes, that having to constantly toe the line didn’t make you itch to rebel.
“Okay”, you concede, “but what if we broke the rules? I mean, just for a night?”
Mya stares you down, her face unreadable. “Like…you wanna tell the boys we’re going out to a club or something?” You roll your eyes and shove another bite of food into your mouth.
“Argh! Nooo, Mya. We don’t need to tell them anything. We are adults, girl!” Mya hums in agreement. “And did you or did you not just tell me earlier that Sam has been on you to sell this place?” Your friend nods, which meant you were winning…hopefully.
“Think about it. The moment you give up your apartment and move in with Sam, girls’ nights like this won’t even be on the table anymore.” Of course you would still hang out, but things just wouldn’t be the same.
“Alright, so just to be clear”, Mya interjects, “you want to forget all about tonight’s totally safe pajama party, that we both had to fight to have, and hit the club instead?” 
Well, yeah. 
She cuts you off when you open your mouth to speak the words out loud. “You say this fully knowing that, if the boys find out, they will lose their collective shit?”
Granted, you could typically count on Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson to remain calm and level-headed in the heat of a battle. But all bets were off when it came to the safety and security of the two of you. You were their girls. Call it overly protective, call it overly possessive. Whatever. However you wanted to phrase it, your men were who they were: two sexy halves of one whole menace. 
You bite your lip and shrug. “Yep, that’s what I’m saying.”
“Uh huh. And do you remember what happened the last time we got into trouble?” You did. Steve had spanked you for it, among other things. It wasn’t the first time, and while you had tried to be good since then, you knew it wouldn’t be the last. You were pretty sure that Mya had experienced something similar, but you two had never really traded details. 
However, in your mind it had been worth it, even if it meant having to sit on a pillow for the better part of a week. Instead of responding, you flash her a knowing smile and a wink. 
“Fine, fine…” Mya’s face breaks into a matching grin. “But I get to choose the place. And I don’t want to hear a motherfucking word from you when I’m dancing on top of the bar tonight.” She stands and motions for you to do the same. You giggle, already searching your phone for the perfect pregame playlist. 
You feel her grab your hand. “C’mon Thelma, let’s go raid my closet. If we’re gonna act up, we damn sure better look good!”             
The Night Before - 10:35pm
It’s opening night at Club Carnal, and the place is packed. You were initially surprised when Mya chose this particular spot when you pulled up, noting that the line was wrapped around the block. But your protests were squashed when she assured you that she knew a guy. ‘After all’, she’d said, if the two of you were going gonna be bad, ‘you deserved VIP status’. And your girl was never wrong. 
One quick phone call, and before you knew it, you were being escorted into the club via a private door. You allowed yourself a moment to take in the atmosphere. From the swirling colors and beautiful people, to the thumping bass and spacious bar - you no longer had any doubt that you’d made the right decision. After all, you knew from experience that this really wasn’t Steve’s scene. And you didn’t fault him for that. If you’d spent most of your life fighting aliens, terrorists, and the occasional Hydra baddie, you’d probably be a homebody too. 
Your red dress, courtesy of Mya’s wardrobe, is short, tight, and hella sexy. If the situation was different, you would’ve teased your boy with a picture or three. But you couldn’t and that sucked. Mya wasn’t looking too bad herself. She was currently rocking an all black ensemble that left very little to the imagination. 
The air in the club is hot, a little sticky, and just kinda damn near perfect. Mya hooks an arm around your waist and proceeds to drag you to the bar. Tonight you two were apparently drinking for free, thanks to some cool as shit chick named Sharon. “It’s time for shots, boo. We bout to get chocolate wasted!”  
You for sure wanted to get wasted. Preferably without the chocolate. You feel your phone buzz as you push your way to the bar. It’s a text from Steve. Lucky, lucky you. 
Stevie: Hey, sweetness…miss you. How’s girls’ night going? 
You: So fun, baby! We’re about to watch Crazy, Stupid, Love. Miss you too.
Stevie: Not more than I miss you. Tell the truth. You being a good girl for me?
You: Of course I am, Captain. ;) 
In an attempt to really sell it, you shoot him a quick picture of you and Mya smiling into the camera, dressed in your pajamas. You bite your lip, feeling slightly bad for lying. You glance at Mya as she slides what looks to be a lemon drop shot in front of you. She points at your phone and mouths: “is that Steve?” You nod and show her the brief conversation, which earns you a thumbs up. Placing your phone back in your purse, the two of you clink glasses and toss them back. It goes down so smoothly. You proceed to order another as your phone buzzes again.
Stevie: Well, don’t you two look cute. Hey. Tell Mya to text Sam back. You know how he gets.
Your eyes flash to Mya. 
You: Okay, I will. But Stevie, honestly, we’re fine. Now shoo!
You poke your friend in the arm, showing her your phone again. She rolls her eyes, making you giggle as she fishes out her own phone. A quick glance at her screen and the look on her face lets you know that she’s missed what had to be a number of texts from Sam.  
Stevie: No, no can do. I’m always going to see about my best girl. Check on you later. 
You smile as the bartender passes you another shot. You and Mya were determined to make the best of your night, even if it killed you. Five more shots and several Amaretto Sours later, the two of you are ready to hit the dance floor. God, it had been so long. 
The Morning After - 10:17am
Eventually, you manage to gather enough strength to follow Mya into the living room. Your memories from last night are still hazy, but you had a feeling that what was in your phone would help bridge at least some of the gaps. Whether you wanted it to happen or not. 
When you find your phone you see it’s nearly dead. You make quick work of plugging it into the wall before reviewing your own messages. Initially, you recall the first few texts. But you see that the rest almost match Sam’s to a tee…except for the last couple. 
Stevie: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? (Received 2:31am)
Stevie: Y/N. Answer me. Don’t think I won’t shut this fucking city down! (Received 2:35am)
Stevie: Alright, have it your way. (Received 2:58am) 
What way? You grimace as you check your call log. Apparently there was a point during the night when you had spoken to Steve for…6 minutes and 37 seconds. At 3:42 in the morning. And then it hits you. That call had been brutal. And you hadn’t been alone for it either. 
Saturday Morning - 3:40am
“Argggh!” Mya screams into the empty street. You two had been waiting on your Uber for the better part of 20 minutes. “Sammy keeps fucking calling! Whaaddafuck does he want me to say?” She slurs in your general direction. 
Truthfully you didn’t know. Most of your concentration was currently dedicated to remaining in an acceptable upright position. Stevie had called you too and – ope! Here he was again!
This time you look at Mya, awkwardly motioning for her to come stand by you. “I’m gonna answer it. I’ma do it,” you tell her. Eyes wide, she frantically shakes her head “no”. But your mind is made up. Mya, the good friend she is, drunkenly tries to snatch the phone from your hand, but it’s too late. One of your wayward fingers inadvertently swipes the “accept” button. Here we go! 
“Ahem, hello?” You breathe into the phone, silently willingly yourself to sound sober.
Steve’s voice comes in loud on the other line. “Y/N? Damn it, I’ve been calling you all night!” Boy, he sure sounds irritated. “Hello, Steven. How may I be of assistance to you today?” Nailed it! You try not to laugh.  
Steve grunts as someone, Sam you assume, grabs the phone. “Y/N, it’s Sam. Is Mya with you?” The girl in question again shakes her head “no”. Which makes no sense to you.
“Of course she is, Big Bird. Where the hell else would she be?” Mya snorts beside you. 
“The hell did your girl just call me?” An indignant sounding Sam erupts over the other line. There’s more jostling and then Steve is back. “Where are you two? I’m not happy, sweetheart, so don’t make me ask again.” 
“Then don’t fucking ask!” Mya hiccups into the receiver. 
“Are you two…drunk?” Steve fires back. 
“Hell yeah, we are!” The two of you hi-five. The voices on the other line sound briefly muffled, but your drunken ears can almost swear you hear the words “told you we shoulda put a tracker on them”. A tracker? What the what?  You can tell Mya heard it too, and she is clearly just as confused as you are. And then it clicks. 
“Steve, you had better not ever–” You sputter.
“Sammy, if you even…I swear…Redwing…I’ll break him!” Mya is leaning on you now. It’s kinda hard to sound sober and hold up another human being at the same time. But good on her for threatening Sam’s little pet. You were pretty sure you could get Bucky to help with that. Knowing him, he’d probably be all for it.
“You even think about touching Redwing and I’ll make sure you regret it, baby girl!” 
Mya rolls her eyes so hard you’re honestly surprised they don’t get lost in the back of her head. “I’ve heard that threat before, Samuel. You and your boy Captain McKringleberry over there need to simmer down already.” Now it was your turn to laugh as you hear Steve mutter: “Sam…what the fuck is a McKringleberry?”
“Watch it, Mya.” Sam snaps. You both giggle, unable to help yourselves.You flick Mya in the shoulder. Pull it together!
“Whatever”, you mumble into the phone as your uber finally arrives. “We’re still VIP’s, and we’ll deal with you tomorrow.”
“Goddamnit you two, it *is* tomorrow! We’ve been looking for all night!” You and Mya find yourselves looking up and around at the sky like idiots. You weren’t a scientist, but you were pretty sure that it was definitely still nighttime. “Umm, guys, it’s still very dark out so…”
“Okay, Mya, Y/N,”, an exasperated Sam chimes in. You can tell by his tone that he’s struggling for patience. The nerve of that man! “You know it’s nearly four in the morning right now.” 
“Whatever”, Mya huffs, clearly over the conversation. She grabs the phone from you again before you can stop her. Not that you tried all that hard. “Well if that’s the case, then let me be the first to wish you a big old cock-a-doodle-do! Now goodbye.”
Woah. Who knew your best friend was such a brave little toaster? Cue serious drunken admiration.  
She hits “End Call”. Your phone buzzes again. And then so does Mya’s. What the fuck? Time to ignore. You both haphazardly climb into the uber. God, you both really needed to go to bed. You’d deal with the boys tomorrow. Or in a few hours. Whichever came first. 
The Morning After - 10:45am
The two of you pause your animated discussion on how to proceed next when you hear a lock click and the door open. Aww shit. 
It was too soon. You didn’t have a plan, an excuse, or a story. You weren’t quite used to being caught without…well, something in place. Shit, you were gonna throw up again. But before you can, you decide it’s time to designate a sacrificial lamb. Offering up a silent prayer for forgiveness, you push Mya out of the kitchen and into the living room. 
You flinch when you hear her eek out a tentative “hey guys!”, which is met with silence. Oh, great. “Where’s Y/N?” You hear Steve ask. His voice sounds calm and level, but you know he is anything but. 
“Umm…she’s in the kitchen. Come on out, girl!” You resist the urge to hiss in her direction before summoning the courage to poke your head around the corner.
“Ah, hey boys, we were just about to start breakfast.” Two sets of unblinking eyes focus on you. “Do you…maybe want some?”
“No.” Both men growl. Did they time that? 
“If you know what’s good for you, Y/N, you’ll come out and pack your bag right now.” The beauty of it is, sober you does know what’s good for you. Which is why you’re currently hiding in your best friend’s kitchen. “If I have to come and get you, I’m gonna make sure you feel it.” You gulp at that.
“Okay, but Stevie…baby…you sure you don’t want, like, an English muffin or something?” You try your best to appear as sweet, and innocent, and also as hungover as possible. “How about you, Sam?”
Sam blinks. Steve starts to move towards you. Crap! You quickly note that your friend is too busy packing up her own things to be of any real aid at the moment. You scuttle out of the kitchen to grab your stuff before your boyfriend grabs you. 
“Oh, it’s Sam now?” Sam grumbles at you. “Coulda’ sworn my name was Big Bird.” You wince. Not sure how to recover from your previous drunken misstep. 
“Umm, well, I would like to take this moment to apologize, and also point out that the actual Big Bird is a well-revered and highly respected member of Sesame Street.” 
“Uh huh.” Sam growls, clearly not convinced. So, like an idiot, you keep going.
“And for you to be associated with him is kinda like a compliment so…” 
Sam rolls his eyes. Steve snarls. Solid oops. Oh well. 
“Save it, Y/N. Get your bag and let’s go. You’re in deep enough as it is.” 
Mya chokes back a laugh. You shoot her a glare. Steve issues a hard slap to your ass, making you yelp. 
God, you really were way too hungover for this shit.
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thran-duils · 3 years
Doll Me Up (Intro)
Title: Doll Me Up (Introduction) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Tony Stark. On good days, you and Tony were a power couple. You, a perfect trophy wife with your hands in local charities to promote a wholesome image. Tony, business man but sullied with organized crime. He indulged in his illegal gambling, extortion, and political corruption. And he indulged in his escort business. Hell, that is where he had found you. You were a brat, and he loved a challenge. Words: 700 Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, smut, daddy kink, dom/sub, manipulation, death, violence, possessive behavior Author’s Note: If you want to be added to the fic tag list or a forever tag list, just let me know! I mess up sometimes but I’m usually pretty good about it, lol
Part One || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
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Tony, 11:32pm
Where the hell are you?
Tony, 11:44pm
You can stop being a bitch now, Y/N. Get your ass home before I really lose my temper
Y/N, 11:47pm
Yeah, cause that makes me want to come back. Prick
Tony, 12:12am
Why the fuck is there a charge on your card for a plane ticket?
Tony, 12:13am
I will cut your card off
Y/N, 12:15am
And leave me stranded? Great plan
Tony, 12:17am
Get home NOW
Y/N, 12:20am
Sorry, gotta turn my phone on airplane mode. 😘😘😘 Have fun sleeping alone
You smirked seeing Tony was trying to call you now. You hummed to yourself, sending Tony to voicemail before switching your phone into airplane mode. You slipped your phone into your Balenciaga handbag, stretching your legs out. You noticed your shoes and frowned, remembering at the sight of them you had not changed into something more practical. The Rockstud heels were gorgeous but you did not want to spend the whole flight wearing them. You undid them and kicked them to the side. You sighed, as reality sunk in that it was going to be hard to relax in this tight, off shoulder mini dress you were also wearing.
Sighing you pressed your button and waited impatiently for a stewardess to come over. You missed your private jet, but you could not have taken that without Tony putting a stop to it.
“Hey, sorry, can I grab a blanket?” you asked. “Just wanna… you know, cover myself.”
“Of course, I’ll be right back.”
You noticed a man across the way was sneaking lewd glances at you and you rolled your eyes. You had had enough of men tonight, a scowl coming to your face thinking of Tony again. You had been in fights before this and took off because you knew it pissed him off. But this was the furthest you had gone; actually taking a plane somewhere to get to a different state. Even for a couple days. Tony had to be seething and that brought a self-satisfied smirk to your face now. You got off on pissing daddy off.
The stewardess came back with your blanket and you thanked her.
“Do you want anything to drink? Vodka cranberry, perhaps?”
“Oh, I can’t have alcohol right now,” you told her, touching your stomach.
“Oh, okay. Well, we do have a lovely virgin raspberry mojito?”
“A water with some lemon is perfectly fine,” you told her.
The flight from LAX to SeaTac was not going to take that long, so no need for food. Especially since it was past midnight. Plus, you had eaten at the movie screening before you and Tony had gotten into the argument. You had tried to keep it quiet in one of the back rooms, but you knew some people had heard it. Tony had made sure of that.
Tony probably would not sleep alone like you had said to simply be a bitch. He was a huge fan of angry sex and he was going to have to find it elsewhere. It would distract him for a little bit, but he soon would be back to going crazy wondering what you were doing and where you were. You imagined he would be on the phone with the credit card company the moment they were open to get information about where your flight was heading to.
On good days, you and Tony were a power couple. You, a perfect trophy wife with your hands in local charities to promote a wholesome image. Tony, business man but sullied with organized crime. He indulged in his illegal gambling, extortion, and political corruption. And he indulged in his escort business. Hell, that is where he had found you. You were a brat, and he loved a challenge.
You played with your ring on your left finger as the movie you chose started to play. Tony normally did not like when you ran off on him; he hated losing control. But his temper was going to be inflamed further now since you were carrying his child. The thought came that maybe you were pushing him too far with this little stunt but too late to back out now.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21​
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