#is reusing cooking oil safe
dronebiscuitbat · 15 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 82)
The pod now lay in peices, a small team of drones hovering over each section, taking note of the way it was designed and more importantly why, so that it could be properly emulated then construction began on the proper escape shuttle.
That's what Uzi was doing now, sitting on a chair in the outdoor workshop that one of her team insisted she sit on instead of standing, and thinking realistically on what they would need to escape Copper- 9's gravity well safely and, more than that land somewhere else without being cooked in the atmosphere.
Aluminum, lots of it, first and foremost, it was the lightest metal they had on hand, and thankfully, present in the vehicles that littered the roads, the bunker had a forge, it was offline at the moment (because they had no use for an industrial grade forge) but it shouldn't be too difficult to reactivate. They had enough solid fuel to keep it running temporarily… just long enough to see this through.
N and V could both lift cars with ease, so getting the burned out vehicles into the bunker was also a non-issue, so at the very least, they had that covered.
Oxygen wasn't needed, Drones didn't need to breathe, she… could breathe, but it seemed like she didn't really need to all the time if her vents could get enough air into her system unaided, it was only went she was doing something laborus or anxiety inducing would they really start going. They need some sort of air though… so it will have to be pressurized in some way.
Khan would probably be in charge of that, pressurized doors sounded right up his area of expertise, so she filed that away for something to give to him.
Next came recharging, it was probably a good idea to reuse the standing charge pods that were present in the landing pods, it would be uncomfortable sure… but it would save on space and weight.
With all that in mind, she began a preliminary sketch, trying to fit in as many charging pods in as little space as she physically could, the bigger the shuttle, the longer it would take to construct and the harder it would be to get out of the planets gravity.
The gravity wasn't very strong… lacking a core would do that, but light was best regardless.
“Liz, I'm not going to ask you to do this… it's more my responsibility…” She heard V's voice from outside the building, sounding wary and tired.
“Hell no, girl you are not claiming sole responsibility. We're all part of this now. May as well own it.” And that was Lizzy, Uzi grumbled lightly, glad that Tera was with N at the moment.
“Heeeey.” Lizzy poked her head into the doorway, it now had a sheet over it to keep out some of the draft, Uzi shivered slightly as the freezing wind hit her silicone, her core fluttering in displeasure.
“What?” Uzi asked gruffly, not wanting to really interact with her, she wouldn't call them enemies now, but a “freind” was probably still a bit of a stretch.
Even so Lizzy trapised up right to her side, V following close behind, arms crossed and looking like she'd just lost a fight with a bear.
Lizzy, the bear in question, leaned on the table in front of Uzi, quiet for a moment, V's eyes never left her, as if begging her to not do whatever she was about to.
“So V said you and N have a nest.” She started, making Uzi freeze up for a moment, feeling the embarrassment crawl up her back before shoving it down, there was nothing embarrassing about it.
“Yes.” She said simply, turning her head up from her very important work that she would very much like it get back to. Lizzy made no indication that she was phased by it.
“And that she's been sleeping in it for the past couple of days.”
Uzi blinked. Was… was Lizzy jealous? Of V sleeping in N and hers nest? Oh! Oh that was hilarious!
“Mmmhm?” A small smirk made it's way to her face, Lizzy didn't seem to notice it.
“Great! You won't mind a fourth then right?”
And suddenly the smirk was gone, and she heard V let out the world's most ‘done with this woman’ sigh she'd ever heard.
“Uh, Yes I do mind! Why do you even want to?!” Uzi exclaimed, sketch now long forgotten due to the audacity of this woman! Uzi didn't ask if she could sleep in Lizzy's bedroom, what gave the right for Lizzy to?
“Because V thinks it's her job and only her job to take care of you when N isn't around, and that's not right when I'm right here!” She pointed to herself, flipping her hair like she was the obvious choice.
“I don't need taken care of. I'm fine! I don't need all of you doting on me!” Uzi snapped, standing up quickly in protest… too quickly, her vison blurred for a moment as she was hit with vertigo, swaying and holding her head for a moment.
Lizzy steadied her on one side, V on the other, Uzi grumbled, leaning more into V automaticaly when her lovely warmth washed over her.
“Uh huh, face it girl, you need help and you can't hog my…” V looked at her, blushing furiously as she made a cutting motion with her hand.
“B-bestie all to yourself.” Lizzy finished with a stammer and a wild blush, Uzi rolled her eyes, why did they even try to hide it anymore? It was so obvious it hurt. Her and N weren't this bad. Right?
“Bite me. Both of you.” She grumbled, but her body betrayed her by purring loudly when she felt V pet her head gently, making Lizzy giggle and Uzi blush madly.
“Uh, Uzi?” The three girls turned around, Thad poking his head into the room with a sheepish smile on his face, his eyebrow raised as if he was asking a question.
“No.” Uzi groaned, but it clearly didn't matter, she felt Lizzy nod and then punch V in the arm, and she nodded as well. “NO.” She said more sternly, she wanted the nest to be private!
And yet… that daybreak the nest was full of all six of them, N and Herself, sleeping in the middle with Tera between them, V and Lizzy, curled up next to each other, V's tail and arm wrapped around her protectively, and Thad passed out in a corner, snoring like a freight train…
And she slept like a baby…
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buriedpentacles · 21 days
hi! since i've really leaned into witchcraft and spirituality, i became much more appreciative of the earth and i've been talking to her lots but i want to also become more sustainable in my daily life to help the environment even in small ways. do you have any ideas for simple things to do or habits to change to be more sustainable?
I do indeed!!
I think some the best things you can do for sustainable living is develop sustainable skills:
Learning to sew allows you to:
- fix holes in clothes
- adjust the height/seams/etc of clothes
- crop or add to items of clothing
Which means that clothes have a longer lifespan in general!
Learning to garden (even if its windowsill gardening!) helps you:
- spend less on certain herbs or plants (an easy way to start is regrowing spring onions in water)
- grow more native plants in your area
- encourage more insects into your garden
Learning to cook and bake can actually be super helpful because:
- you don't rely on takeaways or ready meals as often
- you can have more control over where your food is sourced and what you're eating
- you can meal plan and prep which saves time and money
- you can learn how to make your own jams, pickles, syrups etc! And you can get pretty creative with it!
Learning simple diy skills is super beneficial as you can:
- make things unqiue and suited to yourself (I.e. perfect sized shelves or a cabinet that fits perfectly in that gap between your bed and wall)
- restore thrifted furniture (staining to a preferred colour, cutting off legs to shorten it, fix the wobbly door etc)
- recycle old furniture, cabinets or similiar unused items into something else (I've turned a old cabinet into a small outdoor storage unit) rather than throwing them away
Learning basic maintenance for things you own is a money saver and:
- means you can fix your bike chain or replace your car's oil and filter without needing to call anyone or spend extra money
- can keep you safe and at a lower risk of motor accident (knowing how to do basic maintenance checks can help you see warning signs for damage)
- means that simpler things like clogged drains, non-flushing toilets, leaky taps etc no longer require calling and paying for a plumber
Of course you don't need to be an expert in any of these, I'm certainly not! But I can cook myself a decent meal, sew some new buttons on an old shirt or fix a hole in my jeans and restore an old wardrobe into something usable.
I love Pete Seeger's quote:
"If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production."
Basically it's so important to be aware of your consumption - avoid overconsumption, buy quality over quantity, thrift and reuse things, trade with people. Throwing things away should be a last resort or a necessity, rather than a "I don't know what else to do with it".
And, while recycling isn't quite the saviour people think it is, it is so important to get into the habit of sorting your rubbish correctly!!
Other important sustainable habits include:
Changing your eating habits. If it's feasible for you, try:
- reduce meat and dairy consumption (including fish, as they're massively overharvested)
- prioritise locally and ethically sourced animal produce (local butchers can be a great place to start for this)
- eat more seasonally (its not really feasible to only eat seasonal foods, but try to learn about them and incorporate them more)
- reduce food waste with composting, food donations, meal planning/prepping and learn to love leftovers
- invest in a tap filter and reusable water bottle (drinking tap water is not always safe depending on where you live so research first!!!)
- use public transport (or walk) where possible!
- connect with other people near you who also care about sustainable living: trade services and items and knowledge!
- learn about your local area and ecology!! I sound like a broken record saying this, but the BEST way to start living with nature, is to understand it. You can't help your local wildlife if you don't know it, you can't take steps to protect your environment if you don't know the threats.
All of these are just a few tips and ideas, they may not be feasible for everyone for numerous reasons but it's important to remember that it's not about being perfect, it's about *trying* and doing what you can.
There's so much more I could get into here, from foraging to activism to how and what to thrift vs when to splurge on new items but I think this post is long enough! Let me know if there's anything you want expanding or going into more depth on!!!
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wicca-foxes · 2 years
Witchcraft and recycling
Wicca, and by extension witchcraft, value nature as both a host and a guest in our lifes. Making the most of our resourses is both financially wise and respectful of our believes and values. It is very easy to emast a wide catalogue of stuff in our every day lifes, harvesting what we can to reuse can be a fun way to recycle.
A few examples of using "scraps" for witchcraft:
recycling paper at home, using opened envelopes to write your spells/notes on;
collecting rainwater to use in spells and for watering plants;
using kitchen scraps (like lemon peels, orange peels, used cinnamon sticks) as offerings;
using the coffee zest for fertiliser (do not worry it is around pH7 and it's perfectly safe for plants and/or composting - I have tested it) or lose tea;
using old/damaged chopsticks as a "beginner wand";
the bottles from cooking extracts (vanilla extract, orange extract) or essential oils bottles are PERFECT for storing seeds and for being spell jars (bonus points because they're so small and cute!);
re-melting remaining wax from candles to form new ones;
using old paintbrushes as a "beginner broom" (especially good for a hidden/small-pocket sized altar);
using an old pot as a cauldron, or thrifting one as needed;
using pressed/dried flowers as offerings;
considering a digital book of shadows (Word is excelent for this, combining it with Excel, can be used in browser for free);
using digital libraries for books of study (@coreycore420 mentioned https://z-lib.org and it's a godly recommandation and tool!);
avoiding essential oils;
using dried pine needles as incense sticks (for outdoor use only);
growing a few herbs used in both spells and cooking in tin cans (starters) then thrifted pots is amazing!;
going around your neighborhood, take a look around the dumpsters or glass collectors, people can throw away usable pots, plastic storage boxes, baskets or jars and glass bottles (make sure to properly clean and clense the item);
if avalable - trade and swap local groups on Facebook can help you thrift with ease, especially if you don't have thrift stores where you live;
using old papers/magazines as packaging/wrapping paper (hello holidays).
With all these corner-cutters, you need to be careful to not hoard items. I have made the mistake of holding to items thinking I can find them an use, my rule of thumb is that 1 month is enough to plan a craft/purpose, and 2 months to execute it, ajust the time to your liking, but don't keep it longer than 6 months overall. Also be prudent with what you plan to reuse, as certain ideas can be dangerous (not me looking at my idea to reuse burned out lightbulbs and cutting myself by mistake), so don't force anything.
I want to highlight an important aspect: you doing all these things, bending your way back to have a lesser impact on the environment, is not going to make the big impat you dream of. Take it as "I'm doing my part to respect my host and my believes", or as a challange. Do not sadden youself for your waste, as most of the time it is forced upon you.
Nowadays you can opt out of certain waste (opting for no cutlery if buying takeaway, bringing your own coffee cup/thermos to a coffee shop to avoid the paper cups, bringing your own reusable straws, using trays or silicone ice cubes instead of using the plastic ice-maker packs, etc.). There are little changes you can make, or ask for, in your life in order to minimise your waste, or just to save some money.
Please take care of yourself out there!
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We're makin leaps and bounds with this whole sustainability thing since we moved from our apartment a few years ago. Whenever i feel like im not doin enough I lay out all the tiny swaps we've done on the table
we no longer by styrofoam cups and reuse the ones we have
We no longer use plastic plates, we either use glass or compostable ones (and throw the compostable ones in the compost)
Our building has solar panels for electricity
Our soaps are zero/low waste
My mother and I started our loc journey so its much easier to find all-natural, plastic free hair care
I use reusable pads
I don't buy new clothes often if at all, 4 shirts in the last 7 years
3/5 of us eat strictly plant-based bc we're vegan,
We have an indoor hydroponic system growing leafy greens, tomatoes, peppers and fruits, and we bought seeds in bulk. We're planning on swapping rockwool cubes with reusable and compostable hemp fiber cubes
Since the hydroponic system is so bright, and the led lights last for 5 years at a time, we use the living area lights much less, opting for natural sunlight if the hydroponic system is not enough or is off.
We have a bokashi indoor compost bin for food scraps, and an outdoor cold compost bin for the scraps that cant go in the bokashi bin to make our own soil
We started a kitchen garden, and a pollinator/tea garden, and as of 2023 we now have a plum tree, a grapevine, two blackberry bushes, 5 reusable grow bags, 4 big planters and 2 big raised garden beds, lookin forward to fruits and vegetables in the spring, summer, fall and winter. We're planning to buy one more steel raised bed to ensure that we are cycling through what we're growing each year to limit pest-control methods, even neem oil, and planning on purchasing a lot more perennials and native perennials/annuals.
This fall Im gonna purchase a mushroom growing chamber kit for more low waste vegan meat alternatives and to add some healthy mushroom soil to the compost cycle
Our laundry detergent is environmentally safe
Our washing machine is water-efficient
We have a fridge with a water filter for cooking and drinking water
We have reusable grocery store bags
Im gonna try to grow lufas next year to replace our kitchen sponges and steel wool scrubbing pads,
Our property is small, and our neighbors are not as social/gungho about bartering or Co-Op food gardening,
but I'm proud of wat we've done so far, and I can do a lot more, and I plan to do so, so any advice would be welcome
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Purifry Power Pack
The Purifry Power Pack is equipped with innovative features that make cooking oil safer for reuse, ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness in your kitchen.
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 This is the best cooking oil safer for reuse,
 Here’s how it accomplishes this:
Oil Filtration System: One of the key features of the Purifry Power Pack is its built-in oil filtration system. After each use, the appliance filters the cooking oil to remove food particles and debris, maintaining the oil's cleanliness and quality.
Oil Storage: The Power Pack includes a dedicated oil storage compartment where the filtered oil can be safely stored for future use. This compartment is designed to preserve the oil's freshness and prevent contamination.
Oil Testing: Some advanced models of the Power Pack come with oil testing capabilities. These models analyze the quality of the filtered oil, checking for factors such as acidity levels and impurities. Based on the test results, the appliance may recommend whether the oil is suitable for reuse or needs to be replaced.
Safety Features: The Power Pack prioritizes safety when it comes to reusing cooking oil. It ensures that only properly filtered and tested oil is recommended for reuse, reducing the risk of using degraded or unhealthy oil in your cooking.
Cost Savings: By efficiently filtering and testing cooking oil, the Power Pack helps you save money on oil purchases. You can reuse high-quality oil multiple times without compromising the taste or nutritional value of your dishes.
Environmental Impact: Reusing cooking oil not only benefits your wallet but also reduces waste. The Power Pack encourages eco-friendly practices by minimizing the amount of oil disposed of after each cooking session.
User-Friendly Operation: The Power Pack's oil management system is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive controls and easy-to-follow instructions for filtering, storing, and testing cooking oil.
Overall, the Purifry Power Pack's oil management features make it a valuable addition to any kitchen, promoting sustainable cooking practices while ensuring the safety and quality of reused cooking oil.
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lindwurmkai · 6 months
i have to say i am feeling rather incensed about the covid situation once again. just found out that reports of long covid have been on the rise lately, and my country is literally in a fucking recession because too many people were sick last year. how much longer until somebody does something?!
people act like "the lockdowns" were traumatic or some shit when very few countries in the world actually had proper lockdowns. what was even the point of those half-assed measures? my life literally went on as normal. no change except for occasional toilet paper or cooking oil shortages. if that was traumatic, imagine how traumatised i must be from just living like that the whole time lol.
and the "mask mandates" lmao. did a single country anywhere actually get those right? no cloth masks allowed, no surgical masks allowed, filter masks handed out for free, adequate education about proper fit and how to safely reuse disposable masks? did anyone do that??? did any government on this planet actually try???
then we got vaccines and how that was handled certainly varied from place to place, but by now i don't think anyone advertises the need to get regular boosters anymore. people are literally out there thinking they're safe because they got a booster over a year ago. others are trying to get another booster and can't even make it happen for various reasons.
after four fucking years, at least some of the richer countries should have made ample progress upgrading the ventilation systems in all public buildings by now. is that the case though?? certainly not where i live. please do tell me if someone somewhere is doing it right because i am really losing my faith in humanity here.
like ... my groceries being more expensive is certainly not what i personally want to focus on regarding this matter, but the recession is a measurable effect that people have noticed and yet the news article that initially reported it didn't so much as mention covid with a single word. "respiratory infections, such as the common cold, bronchitis or the flu" were apparently the biggest culprits. which, uh. even if all those put together had been more prevalent than covid (something we cannot possibly know since many people don't test anymore and write it off as a cold immediately), previous covid infections could have easily contributed by making people more susceptible to catching them.
shaking my damn head for real
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bakingpaperfactory · 21 days
Baking Paper for Cooking, Grilling, Air Fryer And Oven
This baking paper can prevent food from sticking to the baking sheet and grease from adhering, making your baked goods more beautiful, simplifying the cleaning process, and reducing contamination in the oven. What is particularly worth mentioning is that the paper does not contain any substances harmful to human health and is safe and reliable, allowing you to enjoy baking without worries. In addition to its performance, our baking paper is a renewable natural resource and can be recycled and reused after use. Compared with traditional oil paper, it will not bring much burden to the environment. Whether it is home baking or a professional baking workshop, baking paper provides users with a reliable and convenient baking experience.
Address Room 301, Building 1, No.59, Group 9, Tongyi Village, Hezhuang Subdistrict, Qiantang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province.
Telephone +86-15906656586 +86-13967180559 +86-571-57152798 +86-571-57151888
Fax +86-571-57152758
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ewastebuyersblog · 28 days
Navigating the Future of Recycling with EWasteBuyer: Your Trusted Partner for Scrap Materials
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In today's world, sustainability and responsible waste management are more than just buzzwords; they are essential practices that protect our environment and promote a circular economy. As the demand for eco-friendly solutions rises, the need for reliable partners in recycling and waste management has never been greater. This is where EWasteBuyer steps in as a leader in purchasing and recycling scrap materials. Whether you're dealing with battery scrap, used cooking oil, copper wire scrap, or motor scrap, EWasteBuyer is your go-to resource for responsible recycling.
The Importance of Recycling Scrap Materials
Recycling is not just about reducing waste; it's about turning waste into valuable resources. By recycling scrap materials, we conserve natural resources, reduce pollution, and create a more sustainable future. Let's explore how recycling specific materials can make a significant difference.
Battery Scrap Buyer: Ensuring Safe Disposal and Recycling
Batteries power our modern lives, from smartphones to electric vehicles. However, the improper disposal of batteries poses severe environmental hazards due to the toxic chemicals they contain. EWasteBuyer specializes in responsibly managing battery scrap, ensuring that these harmful materials are recycled or disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
As a battery scrap buyer, EWasteBuyer plays a crucial role in preventing soil and water contamination. By collecting and recycling battery scrap, they help recover valuable metals like lead, lithium, and nickel, which can be reused in manufacturing new batteries and other products. This not only conserves resources but also reduces the demand for mining, a process that is both environmentally damaging and resource-intensive.
Used Cooking Oil Buyer: Transforming Waste into Energy
Used cooking oil is another waste product that often ends up in landfills, where it can contribute to environmental degradation. However, this waste product can be converted into biodiesel, a renewable energy source. EWasteBuyer recognizes the potential of used cooking oil and actively purchases it for recycling.
As a used cooking oil buyer, EWasteBuyer supports the production of biodiesel, which can be used as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels. This process not only reduces the carbon footprint of energy production but also provides a sustainable solution for managing waste cooking oil. By partnering with restaurants, food processing facilities, and households, EWasteBuyer ensures that used cooking oil is diverted from landfills and put to good use.
Copper Wire Scrap Buyer: Recovering Valuable Metals
Copper is one of the most valuable metals in the recycling industry due to its wide range of applications, from electrical wiring to plumbing. However, extracting copper from natural ores is an energy-intensive process that has significant environmental impacts. Recycling copper wire scrap is a more sustainable alternative that conserves resources and reduces pollution.
EWasteBuyer is a leading copper wire scrap buyer, helping to recover and recycle copper from various sources. By purchasing copper wire scrap, EWasteBuyer ensures that this valuable metal is returned to the supply chain, reducing the need for new mining operations. This process also lowers the energy consumption associated with copper production, contributing to a more sustainable industry.
Motor Scrap Buyer: Recycling Complex Components
Motors are found in countless devices, from household appliances to industrial machinery. When these motors reach the end of their life cycle, they often contain valuable materials like copper, aluminum, and steel that can be recycled. However, recycling motor scrap is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and equipment.
As a motor scrap buyer, EWasteBuyer is equipped to handle the challenges of recycling motor components. By carefully disassembling motors and recovering valuable materials, EWasteBuyer helps reduce waste and conserve resources. This process also prevents hazardous materials, such as lubricants and coolants, from contaminating the environment.
Why Choose EWasteBuyer for Your Scrap Materials?
When it comes to recycling and waste management, choosing the right partner is crucial. EWasteBuyer stands out in the industry for several reasons:
Commitment to Sustainability: EWasteBuyer is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in the recycling industry. By purchasing and recycling scrap materials, they contribute to a circular economy that reduces waste and conserves natural resources.
Expertise in Recycling: With years of experience in the industry, EWasteBuyer has the expertise and equipment needed to handle a wide range of scrap materials. Whether you're dealing with battery scrap, used cooking oil, copper wire scrap, or motor scrap, EWasteBuyer has the knowledge and resources to recycle these materials responsibly.
Reliable and Efficient Service: EWasteBuyer offers a seamless experience for businesses and individuals looking to sell their scrap materials. Their team is committed to providing prompt, reliable service, ensuring that your scrap materials are collected and processed efficiently.
Competitive Pricing: EWasteBuyer offers competitive pricing for all types of scrap materials. By partnering with them, you can be confident that you're getting the best value for your materials while contributing to a more sustainable future.
Conclusion: Partner with EWasteBuyer for a Greener Tomorrow
In a world where environmental responsibility is increasingly important, partnering with a trusted recycling company like EWasteBuyer is essential. Whether you're looking to sell battery scrap, used cooking oil, copper wire scrap, or motor scrap, EWasteBuyer offers the expertise and commitment to sustainability that you need.
By choosing EWasteBuyer, you're not only ensuring that your scrap materials are recycled responsibly but also contributing to a more sustainable future. With their dedication to promoting eco-friendly practices and their expertise in recycling, EWasteBuyer is the ideal partner for anyone looking to make a positive impact on the environment.
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amandarduke12 · 3 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Get Rid Of Used Cooking Oil
Cooking oil is a kitchen essential, but figuring out how to properly dispose of it can be tricky. Pouring it down the drain can lead to clogged pipes and environmental harm, and tossing it in the trash can attract pests. Fortunately, there are several safe and eco-friendly ways to get rid of used cooking oil. In this guide, we’ll explore how to get rid of used cooking oil ensuring that your kitchen remains clean and the environment stays protected.
1. Reuse the Oil
Before disposing of your cooking oil, consider if it can be reused. Many oils can be filtered and used multiple times. Here’s how to reuse cooking oil safely:
Cool and Strain: Allow the oil to cool completely. Use a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove any food particles.
Store Properly: Pour the strained oil into a clean, airtight container. Store it in a cool, dark place.
Limit Reuses: Depending on the type of oil and what you’ve cooked, you can typically reuse oil up to three times. Discard it if it develops an off smell, dark color, or foams excessively when heated.
2. Solidify the Oil
Solidifying cooking oil makes it easier to dispose of in your regular trash without the risk of spills. Here are two effective methods to solidify oil:
Use an Oil Solidifier: Products like FryAway Cooking Oil Solidifier are designed to transform liquid oil into a solid, making disposal simple. Just sprinkle the powder into the used oil, let it solidify, and then toss it in the trash.
Cool and Chill: If you don’t have an oil solidifier, you can let the oil cool to room temperature, then place it in the refrigerator or freezer until it hardens. Once solid, scoop it into a container for disposal.
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3. Composting
Some types of used cooking oil can be composted, adding beneficial nutrients to your compost pile. This method is best for small amounts of vegetable-based oils. Here’s how to do it:
Cool the Oil: Let the oil cool completely.
Mix with Compost: Pour the cooled oil onto your compost pile or mix it with other compostable materials. Avoid adding too much oil at once, as it can attract pests and create odors.
4. Recycling Programs
Many communities have recycling programs that accept used cooking oil. These programs often convert the oil into biodiesel, a renewable energy source. To find a recycling program near you:
Check Local Resources: Contact your local waste disposal or recycling center to see if they accept used cooking oil.
Store Properly: Collect the oil in a clean, sealable container. Follow the recycling center’s guidelines for drop-off or pick-up.
5. Disposal in Trash
If none of the above methods are feasible, you can dispose of used cooking oil in the trash. Here’s how to do it safely:
Cool and Contain: Allow the oil to cool completely. Pour it into a sealable, non-breakable container, such as a milk carton or a plastic bottle with a screw cap.
Double Bag: Place the sealed container in a plastic bag to prevent leaks and dispose of it in your regular trash.
Additional Tips
Avoid the Drain: Never pour cooking oil down the drain, as it can solidify in pipes, causing blockages and damage to the plumbing system.
Use Smaller Amounts: When cooking, try to use only the amount of oil you need to minimize waste.
Educate Others: Share these disposal methods with family and friends to promote environmentally friendly practices.
By following these tips, you can ensure that your used cooking oil is disposed of safely and responsibly, protecting both your home and the environment. Whether you choose to reuse, solidify, compost, recycle, or safely dispose of it in the trash, taking the time to handle cooking oil properly makes a big difference.
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purifryindia · 3 months
The power of reused oil in batter recipes
When striving for a healthier lifestyle, we often forget about small yet powerful adjustments we can make every day. One such adjustment is reusing cooking oil, which not only boosts your health but also helps protect the environment. Let’s explore why and how reusing cooking oil can positively impact your well-being.
Cost Savings: Reusing oil can be economical since it reduces the frequency of purchasing new oil for cooking.
Flavor Enhancement: Some people believe that reused oil can impart a desirable flavor to fried foods, adding a characteristic taste that fresh oil may not provide.
Reduced Waste: Reusing oil aligns with sustainability practices by minimizing waste generated from cooking oils.
Introducing purifry power pack
what is purifry?
Purifry isn't just a regular oil cleaner—it's a game-changer for healthier cooking in your kitchen. This compact and easy-to-use device is designed to keep your cooking oil clean, removing impurities, contaminants, and unwanted odors. With Purifry, you can cook confidently, knowing that every meal you make will be prepared with the purest ingredients possible.
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Here's a simple guide to using a cooking oil purifry:
Step 1: Prepare Your Oil: Start by allowing your cooking oil to cool down to a safe temperature. It's important to avoid handling hot oil to prevent accidents.
Step 2: Add Purifry Packet to the Oil: Carefully place the Purifry packet into the used cooking oil.
Step 3: Purification Process: Allow the Purifry to effectively remove impurities, odors, and particles from the oil, ensuring it's clean and ready for reuse.
Step 4: Store Purified Oil: Once purification is complete, store the purified oil safely for future use. Remember to label it correctly and store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Step 5: Enjoy Cooking with Clean Oil: With your cooking oil purifier, you can prepare healthier and tastier meals while reducing waste and saving money in the long run.
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pemacprojects · 3 months
Process of Edible Oil Processing Using Solvent Extraction
Solvent extraction plants play a crucial role in the production of edible oils, significantly enhancing the efficiency and yield of oil extraction from various oilseeds. These plants dissolve the oil in the seeds using a chemical solvent, usually hexane, so almost all of the oil is extracted. This method is particularly advantageous for oilseeds with low oil content, such as soybeans, where mechanical pressing alone would be insufficient.
The process begins with the preparation of the oilseeds, which involves cleaning, dehulling, and sometimes conditioning to optimize the extraction. The prepared seeds are then subjected to a solvent extraction process. At an extractor, the seeds and solvent are combined at this step. The oil is dissolved by the solvent after penetrating the seeds, creating a combination called miscella. The oil-laden solvent is then separated from the spent seeds, which are often processed further to recover residual oil.
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The miscella undergoes distillation to separate the oil from the solvent. The solvent is evaporated and condensed for reuse, while the crude oil is collected for further refining. This refining process includes steps such as degumming, neutralizing, bleaching, and deodorizing to ensure the oil is safe and palatable for consumption.
In addition to solvent extraction plants, edible oil refineries, oil mill plants, oil expeller plants, cooking oil plants, and vegetable oil plants all contribute to the broader oil production ecosystem. Edible oil refineries focus on purifying crude oil, ensuring it meets quality standards. The mechanical extraction of oil from seeds is mostly handled by oil mills and oil expeller plants. Cooking oil plants and vegetable oil plants specialize in producing various types of oils for culinary uses, ensuring they are suitable for cooking and other food preparations.
The integration of these various facilities ensures a seamless and efficient production process, from raw seed to refined oil, meeting the global demand for edible oils.
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ecoilindia · 4 months
Navigating the Regulations Around Used Cooking Oil Disposal
 As one of India’s leading  (UCO) used cooking oil collection used cooking oil collection companies, Ecoil is at the forefront of transforming waste into valuable resources. We recycle UCO and turn it into biodiesel, contributing to a cleaner environment and promoting sustainable practices. In this blog, we will explore the regulatory landscape governing UCO management in India, focusing on the laws, regulations, and guidelines that businesses and households need to follow to ensure proper disposal and recycling.
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The Importance of Proper UCO Management
Proper management of UCO is essential for several reasons:
Environmental Protection: UCO can pollute water bodies and damage ecosystems if not disposed of correctly.
Infrastructure Maintenance: Improper disposal of UCO can clog sewage systems, leading to costly repairs and environmental hazards.
Resource Recovery: Recycling UCO into biodiesel provides a renewable energy source, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.
India’s Regulatory Framework for UCO Management
India has recognized the importance of managing UCO effectively and has put several regulations in place to ensure its safe disposal and recycling. Here are the key regulatory measures governing UCO management in India:
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) Regulations
FSSAI Guidelines on UCO:
FSSAI has issued guidelines for monitoring the usage of cooking oil in the food industry. These guidelines aim to ensure that cooking oil is not reused beyond safe limits.
According to FSSAI, used cooking oil should not exceed Total Polar Compounds (TPC) levels of 25%. Beyond this limit, the oil is deemed unfit for consumption and should be disposed of responsibly.
Repurpose Used Cooking Oil (RUCO) Initiative:
FSSAI’s RUCO initiative encourages the collection and conversion of UCO into biodiesel. This initiative promotes safe disposal practices and supports the creation of a circular economy.
Under RUCO, FSSAI has authorized several collection agencies, including Ecoil, to collect UCO from food businesses and households for recycling into biodiesel.
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)
Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016:
These rules classify UCO as a non-hazardous waste but emphasize the importance of its proper management to prevent environmental pollution.
The rules mandate that businesses generating UCO must store it in a manner that prevents spills and leaks, and they must ensure its safe transportation to authorized recyclers like Ecoil.
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Guidelines
CPCB Guidelines for Biodiesel Production from UCO:
The CPCB has provided guidelines for the production of biodiesel from UCO, ensuring that the process is environmentally sustainable.
These guidelines cover the entire lifecycle of UCO, from collection and transportation to conversion into biodiesel and disposal of by-products.
Local Municipal Regulations
Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016:
Local municipalities are responsible for ensuring that UCO is not disposed of in the regular waste stream. They work with authorized collection agencies to facilitate the proper collection and recycling of UCO.
Municipalities may impose fines and penalties on businesses and households that do not comply with UCO disposal regulations.
Ecoil’s Role in Promoting Sustainable UCO Management
At Ecoil, we are committed to helping businesses and households adhere to these regulations while promoting sustainable practices. Here’s how we contribute:
UCO Collection Services:
We provide efficient and reliable UCO collection services, ensuring that UCO is safely transported to our recycling facilities.
Recycling and Conversion:
We convert collected UCO into biodiesel using environmentally friendly processes, contributing to renewable energy production and reducing waste.
Compliance Assistance:
We assist businesses in complying with FSSAI, MoEFCC, and CPCB regulations by providing documentation and support throughout the UCO management process.
Community Engagement:
We engage with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of proper UCO disposal and the benefits of recycling UCO into biodiesel.
Proper management of used cooking oil is critical for environmental protection and resource recovery. In India, regulations by FSSAI, MoEFCC, CPCB, and local municipalities provide a comprehensive framework for ensuring safe disposal and recycling of UCO. At Ecoil, we are dedicated to helping businesses and households comply with these regulations while promoting sustainable practices through the collection and recycling of UCO into biodiesel. Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future.
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Exploring Growth Trends and Opportunities in the Global Sodium Hexametaphosphate Market
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Sodium Hexametaphosphate: An Essential Food Additive Composition and Structure Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula (NaPO3)6. It consists of a cyclic polymer of six orthophosphate (PO43-) units linked together by their shared oxygen atoms. The phosphate units are bound to six sodium cations which give SHMP its water-solubility and ionic nature. Each PO43- center has a slightly distorted tetrahedral geometry, with P–O bond lengths between 1.52 and 1.64 Angstroms. The cyclic structure has a toroidal configuration which allows it to bond strongly to surfaces through electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged phosphate and positively charged metal ions. Uses in Food Processing One of the most important uses of SHMP is as a food additive, where it serves as an emulsifier, stabilizer, and sequestrant. In processed meats and seafood, it helps retain moisture by binding water molecules within its cyclic structure. This decreases cooking loss and improves texture, mouthfeel, and shelf life. SHMP is also widely used in canned, frozen, and dried foods. As an emulsifier, it permits oil and water to be suspended together homogeneously. This is important for products like canned tuna or soup. It also prevents the precipitation of minerals which could lead to undesirable sediments. SHMP acts as a sequestrant by binding divalent cations like calcium that could otherwise cause proteins to aggregate and foods to spoil prematurely. Regulatory Status and Safety Due to its broad applications, SHMP is approved as a direct food additive in the U.S., European Union, China, and other major markets worldwide. It has been thoroughly researched and consistently demonstrated to be safe for consumption when used under the regulated conditions. The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives established an acceptable daily intake of not specified due to its low oral toxicity. Acute oral LD50 tests in rats indicate very low toxicity, in the range of 3-5 grams per kilogram of body weight. SHMP is poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and eliminated unchanged in urine. No evidence suggests it bioaccumulates or poses any risks to human health at typical intake levels from food. Overall it is considered one of the safer food phosphates. Alternatives and New Applications While SHMP remains an important workhorse additive, research continues into alternative usages and replacements. Due to sustainability concerns over phosphate rock mining, efforts have focused on recovering phosphates from industrial and agricultural waste streams for reuse. SHMP is also being investigated for non-food applications, such as water treatment, scale inhibition, and metal surface treatments. More novel areas of study involve its synthesis into nanomaterials for drug delivery, cancer imaging, and metal ion adsorption. SHMP’s ability to sequester calcium makes it potentially useful for inhibiting calcium-based biomineralization associated with dental plaque, kidney stones, and arteriosclerosis. Its emulsifying properties could expand into cosmetic and personal care products. Overall, sodium hexametaphosphate’s versatility and low cost continue driving exploration of new opportunities.
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digital1004 · 5 months
Purifry - Cooking Oil Safer for Reuse
Purifry is a product designed to make cooking oil safer for reuse. It typically involves filtration or treatment methods that remove impurities, contaminants, and food particles from used cooking oil, extending its lifespan and maintaining its quality for cooking.
This is the best cooking oil safer for reuse,
Here's a more detailed description:
Filtration: Purifry systems often use fine filters to trap solid particles and sediment from used cooking oil. These filters can be designed to capture even tiny particles, improving the clarity and cleanliness of the oil.
Removal of Contaminants: Purifry may also involve the removal of contaminants such as burnt food particles, moisture, and other substances that can degrade the oil and affect the flavor of cooked food.
Deodorization: Some Purifry processes include deodorization techniques to eliminate odors and flavors absorbed by the oil during cooking, ensuring that reused oil doesn't transfer unwanted tastes to fresh food.
Monitoring and Control: Advanced Purifry systems may include monitoring and control features that allow users to track the quality of the oil, adjust filtration parameters, and optimize the reuse process for efficiency and effectiveness.
Environmental Benefits: By extending the life of cooking oil through Purifry, businesses and individuals can reduce waste and environmental impact associated with frequent disposal of used oil.
Overall, Purifry process contribute to cost savings, improved food quality, and sustainable practices in the culinary industry by promoting the safe reuse of cooking oil.
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ontariosidinggutters · 7 months
Kitchen Gifts Home Cooks Will Love (and Actually Use!)
Are you struggling to find the perfect gift for the home cook in your life? Look no further! Asahi Kasei is here with a list of kitchen gifts that are not only useful but will also be appreciated by any home cook. By assisting with meal prep or by simplifying food storage, these gifts will help make any home cook’s culinary adventures more enjoyable. So, whether you’re shopping for a novice cook or a seasoned pro, there’s something on this list for everyone. 
Asahi Kasei Premium Wrap
Asahi Kasei Premium Wrap is a high-quality cling wrap that is designed for food storage and preservation. It is made from PVDC, a safe and non-toxic material that is commonly used in food packaging. The wrap is known for its excellent cling, which helps it to adhere tightly to surfaces, sealing in freshness and preventing air and moisture from getting in. The wrap comes with a built-in sliding cutter that allows you to easily cut the wrap to the desired size, preventing waste and ensuring that you always have the right amount of wrap for your needs. Asahi Kasei Premium Wrap is also microwave-safe, making it a convenient option for reheating food. It is also freezer-safe, allowing you to store food for longer periods without fear of freezer burn or contamination. The wrap is also transparent, making it easy to see what is inside without having to unwrap it.
Asahi Kasei Cooking Sheet
The Asahi Kasei Cooking Sheet is a premium quality parchment paper that is silicone coated on both sides, making it greaseproof and water resistant. Due to its premium quality, you can bake with it at temperatures of up to 250°F without it crumbling. Thus, it can be reused for the same recipe. Lining pans with parchment paper makes cleanup a breeze. Simply discard the used parchment paper and rinse the pan with warm water. Although this parchment/baking paper is meant to line a baking pan, it also functions well as a food wrapper. It doesn’t stick to the food, so you can wrap it without causing a mess. Everything from sandwiches and wraps to puranpolis and butter naan can be wrapped in it. It has an in-built cutter that makes it easy to tear and easy to use.
 Asahi Kasei Frying Pan Foil
The Asahi Kasei Frying Pan Foil is a silicone-coated aluminium foil that can be used in a plethora of ways. Its main purpose is to enable us to prepare delightful meals with little or no oil. We use oil when frying food to prevent food from sticking to the pan’s surface. Food won’t stick even when cooked without oil thanks to the silicone coating on one side of the foil. You can use it to make foods such as fried eggs without using a drop of oil. Your favourite foods can be enjoyed as a result without compromising your health or their flavour. The Asahi Kasei frying pan foil is also versatile and can be used for other cooking applications, such as wrapping and storing food or as a protective layer for oven racks or baking trays. Its non-stick properties make it easy to clean, and it is also disposable, making clean-up after cooking quick and hassle-free.
 Asahi Kasei Zipper Bag
The Asahi Kasei Zipper bags, also known as zip lock bags, are polyethylene plastic bags with zippered mouths. These airtight bags prevent liquid leakage, mould growth, and odours while keeping food fresher for longer. It does not compromise the food’s nutritious quality and is chemical-free. This makes them ideal for storing and transporting food items such as fruits, vegetables, snacks, and leftovers. They are transparent and come with a label space, which allows you to identify the contents of the bag without having to open it. The Asahi Kasei Zipper Bag is also microwave safe and can easily be used in a microwave to defrost frozen food items stored in it. They can be used for a variety of purposes beyond food storage, such as organizing small items, storing personal care products, and even packing and travelling. In terms of environmental impact, Asahi Kasei is committed to reducing waste and thus has developed eco-friendly zip-lock bags that are made from recyclable materials.
These Asahi Kasei products are useful and practical accessories for any home cook or professional chef. Their reliability, convenience, and versatility make them a great kitchen gift for anyone who enjoys cooking or needs to store food efficiently.
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Avoid These Common Mistakes While Cooking Chicken Fried
Cooking a perfect chicken fried dish requires attention to detail and careful execution. To ensure your culinary masterpiece turns out flawlessly, here’s what you should avoid:
1. Rushing the Dredging Process: Don’t rush through the process of coating the chicken. Skipping steps or not properly shaking off excess flour or egg can lead to uneven coating and affect the overall texture of the fried chicken.
2. Overcrowding the Skillet: Resist the urge to overcrowd the skillet while frying the chicken. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking and a soggy coating, preventing that coveted crispy texture.
3. Using the Wrong Oil Temperature: Don’t guess the oil temperature. Using oil that’s too hot can result in a burnt and unevenly cooked exterior, while oil that’s not hot enough can lead to greasy and undercooked chicken.
4. Neglecting to Rest the Chicken: Avoid serving the chicken immediately after frying. Letting it rest for a few minutes on a paper towel-lined plate allows excess oil to drain and the coating to set, ensuring a crispy exterior.
5. Skipping the Seasonings: Don’t underestimate the importance of proper seasoning. Skipping or skimping on the seasoning mix can lead to a bland end product lacking in flavor.
6. Not Using a Thermometer: Avoid guessing when the chicken is cooked through. Using a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C) will guarantee safe and properly cooked chicken.
7. Forgetting About Safety Precautions: Don’t overlook safety precautions when working with hot oil. Always use a thermometer to monitor the oil temperature, and avoid leaving the skillet unattended while frying.
8. Overworking the Chicken: Avoid excessive handling of the chicken during the coating process. Overworking the chicken can cause the coating to become clumpy and fall off during frying.
9. Reusing Oil Too Many Times: Don’t reuse oil too many times. Overused oil can lead to off-flavors and less desirable results. It’s best to use fresh oil for the best taste and texture.
10. Neglecting the Presentation: Avoid neglecting the presentation. Taking the time to arrange the chicken fried dish attractively on the plate can enhance the overall dining experience.
Read more :https://chickenfriedrecipe.com/
Fried Chicken recipe
Chicken Fried Receipe
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