#oil expeller plants
pemacprojects · 11 months
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Solvent Extraction Plant – PEMAC Projects
A Solvent Extraction Plant is a key component of the edible oil industry, utilizing specialized machinery to extract oils from seeds and other raw materials. Solvent extraction machineries are essential industrial equipment designed to efficiently extract oils and valuable compounds. The oil-rich miscella is then processed in an Oil Refinery Plant, where it undergoes degumming, neutralization, and other refining processes to produce high-quality edible oils. In contrast, Oil Expeller Plants use mechanical presses to extract oil from seeds without the use of solvents, and they are preferred for producing cold-pressed oils. Various Edible Oil Equipment and Cooking Oil Plants are integral to the industry, providing the necessary tools and machinery to efficiently process and refine oils for consumption and industrial applications.
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minioilmill · 23 days
Find out how much machinery used in a 6 ton automatic oil mill plant? How much profit can you actually make, Oil Mill Factory, Oil Mill Business, Oil Mill Project report
Hello friends, Today we will learn how a 6 ton automatic plant works and what machinery is used in it? We will tell you how much machinery used in 6 ton automatic oil mill plant and in the video everyone will say this profit you made and that profit is made but we will tell you in actually how much profit is actually made. Friends, please read this post to the end and don’t forget to like and…
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najia-cooks · 10 months
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[ID: A bowl of avocado spread sculpted into a pattern, topped with olive oil and garnished with symmetrical lines of nigella seeds and piles of pomegranate seeds; a pile of pita bread is in the background. End ID]
متبل الأفوكادو / Mutabbal al-'afukadu (Palestinian avocado dip)
Avocados are not native to Palestine. Israeli settlers planted them in Gaza in the 1980s, before being evicted when Israel evacuated all its settlements in Gaza in 2005. The avocados, however, remained, and Gazans continued to cultivate them for their fall and winter harvest. Avocados have been folded into the repertoire of a "new" Palestinian cuisine, as Gazans and other Palestinians have found ways to interpret them.
Palestinians may add local ingredients to dishes traditionally featuring avocado (such as Palestinian guacamole, "جواكامولي فلسطيني" or "غواكامولي فلسطيني"), or use avocado in Palestinian dishes that typically use other vegetables (pickling them, for example, or adding them to salads alongside tomato and cucumber).
Another dish in this latter category is حمص الافوكادو (hummus al-'afukadu)—avocado hummus—in which avocado is smoothly blended with lemon juice, white tahina (طحينة البيضاء, tahina al-bayda'), salt, and olive oil. Yet another is متبّل الأفوكادو (mutabbal al-'afukadu). Mutabbal is a spiced version of بابا غنوج (baba ghannouj)‎: "مُتَبَّل" means "spiced" or "seasoned," from "مُ" "mu-," a participlizing prefix, + "تَبَّلَ" "tabbala‎," "to have spices added to." Here, fresh avocado replaces the roasted eggplant usually used to make this smooth dip; it is mixed with green chili pepper, lemon juice, garlic, white tahina, sumac, and labna (لبنة) or yoghurt. Either of these dishes may be topped with sesame or nigella seeds, pomegranate seeds, fresh dill, or chopped nuts, and eaten with sliced and toasted flatbread.
Avocados' history in Palestine precedes their introduction to Gaza. They were originally planted in 1908 by a French order of monks, but these trees have not survived. It was after the Balfour Declaration of 1917 (in which Britain, having been promised colonial control of Palestine with the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire after World War 1, pledged to establish "a national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine) that avocado agriculture began to take root.
In the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, encouraged by Britain, Jewish Europeans began to immigrate to Palestine in greater numbers and establish agricultural settlements (leaving an estimated 29.4% of peasant farming families without land by 1929). Seeds and seedlings from several varieties of avocado were introduced from California by private companies, research stations, and governmental bodies (including Mikveh Israel, a school which provided settlers with agricultural training). In these years, prices were too high for Palestinian buyers, and quantities were too low for export.
It wasn't until after the beginning of the Nakba (the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from "Jewish" areas following the UN partition of Palestine in 1947) that avocado plantings became significant. With Palestinians having been violently expelled from most of the area's arable land, settlers were free to plant avocados en masse for export, aided (until 1960) by long-term, low-interest loans from the Israeli government. The 400 acres planted within Israel's claimed borders in 1955 ballooned to 2,000 acres in 1965, then 9,000 by 1975, and over 17,000 by 1997. By 1986, Israel was producing enough avocados to want to renegotiate trade agreements with Europe in light of the increase.
Israeli companies also attained commercial success selling avocados planted on settlements within the West Bank. As of 2014, an estimated 4.5% of Israeli avocado exports were grown in the occupied Jordan Valley alone (though data about crops grown in illegal settlements is of course difficult to obtain). These crops were often tended by Palestinian workers, including children, in inhumane conditions and at starvation wages. Despite a European Union order to specify the origin of such produce as "territories occupied by Israel since 1967," it is often simply marked "Israel." Several grocery stores across Europe, including Carrefour, Lidl, Dunnes Stores, and Aldi, even falsified provenance information on avocados and other fruits in order to circumvent consumer boycotts of goods produced in Israel altogether—claiming, for example, that they were from Morocco or Cyprus.
Meanwhile, while expanding its own production of avocados, Israel was directing, limiting, and destabilizing Palestinian agriculture in an attempt to eliminate competition. In 1982, Israel prohibited the planting of fruit trees without first obtaining permission from military authorities; in practice, this resulted in Palestinians (in Gaza and the West Bank) being entirely barred from planting new mango and avocado trees, even to replace old, unproductive ones.
Conditions worsened in the years following the second intifada. Between September of 2000 and September of 2003, Israeli military forces destroyed wells, pumps, and an estimated 85% of the agricultural land in al-Sayafa, northern Gaza, where farmers had been using irrigation systems and greenhouses to grow fruits including citrus, apricots, and avocados. They barred almost all travel into and out of al-Sayafa: blocking off all roads that lead to the area, building barricades topped with barbed wire, preventing entry within 150 meters of the barricade under threat of gunfire, and opening crossings only at limited times of day and only for specific people, if at all.
A July 2001 prohibition on Palestinian vehicles within al-Sayafa further slashed agricultural production, forcing farmers to rely on donkeys and hand carts to tend their fields and to transport produce across the crossing. If the crossing happened to be closed, or the carts could not transport all the produce in time, fruits and vegetables would sit waiting in the sun until they rotted and could not be sold. The 2007 blockade worsened Gaza's economy still further, strictly limiting imports and prohibiting exports entirely (though later on, there would be exceptions made for small quantities of specific crops).
In the following years, Israel allowed imports of food items into Gaza not exceeding the bare minimum for basic sustenance, based on an estimation of the caloric needs of its inhabitants. Permitted (apples, bananas, persimmons, flour) and banned items for import (avocados, dates, grapes) were ostensibly based on "necessary" versus "luxury" foods, but were in fact directed according to where Israeli farmers could expect the most profit.
Though most of the imports admitted into Gaza continued to come from Israel, Gazan farmers kept pursuing self-sufficiency. In 2011, farmers working on a Hamas-government-led project in the former settlements produced avocados, mangoes, and most of the grapes, onions, and melons that Gazans ate; by 2015, though still forbidden from exporting excess, they were self-sufficient in the production of crops including onions, watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, almonds, olives, and apples.
Support Palestinian resistance by calling Elbit System’s (Israel’s primary weapons manufacturer) landlord, donating to Palestine Action’s bail fund, and donating to the Bay Area Anti-Repression Committee bail fund.
2 medium avocados (300g total)
1/4 cup white tahina
2 Tbsp labna (لبنة), or yoghurt (laban, لبن رايب)
1 green chili pepper
2 cloves garlic
2 Tbsp good olive oil
Juice of 1/2 lemon (1 1/2 Tbsp)
1 tsp table salt, or to taste
Pomegranate seeds, slivered almonds, pine nuts, chopped dill, nigella seeds, sesame seeds, sumac, and/or olive oil, to serve
Khubiz al-kmaj (pita bread), to serve
1. In a mortar and pestle, crush garlic, pepper, and a bit of salt into a fine paste.
2. Add avocados and mash to desired texture. Stir in tahina, labna, olive oil, lemon juice, and additional salt.
You can also combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor.
3. Top with a generous drizzle of olive oil. Add toppings, as desired.
4. Cut pita into small rectangles or triangles and separate one half from the other (along where the pocket is). Toast in the oven, or in a large, dry skillet, stirring occasionally, until golden brown. Serve dip alongside toasted pita chips.
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b1asho · 25 days
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Species number two: Rossetians!!
Rossetians are a mid-sized species that evolved in an area roughly the size of Europe, and have less extreme regional differences than other species, usually only having some vatiation in skin pattern, color, and snout shape.
They aren’t exactly adapted to live in water, but there were enough water obstacles around that they developed some useful traits like nostrils in the top of their head and semi-webbed hooves.
Their skin is thick, dry and rough, closer to scales. This bars moisture from coming in and leaving. The only place they have hairlike structures is in/around the pouch/genitals for oil secretion and for neonates to pull on to drag themselves into the pouch after birth (meaning they see hair as private and even lewd).
they use their heat-sensitive nose pits and sensitive pronged tongue to navigate low visibility places like tunnels and dense vegetation, and also to locate food and other resources that are hidden in crevices.
Their tongue in particular replaces their sense of smell, and is able to detect minute chemical changes in the air. It’s pretty long, and slides back into a hole a bit in their mouth/throat when closed.
They also use their four wide set eyes to scan more open areas, and while they have good close and far vision, they cant see in the dark and have poor color vision.
Rossetians share our iron based blood, using a large molecule that is contained in cells. It retains oxygen for much longer and in higher quantities (closer to erythrocruorin in size and effectiveness.) it is a very dark red when not oxygenated and turns a much brighter red shade than human blood when exposed to oxygen.
It is very very stable, can operate at a wide range of temperatures, and helps them manage in oxygen scarce environments between the pockets of oxygen in their tunnels (however, they can’t tolerate low oxygen for long, and need warm temperatures and abundant oxygen function well).
The high quantities of oxygen their blood can carry helped fuel them when fleeing predators, but at other times the large size of the molecule means that it takes a lot of energy to pump it around fast, and it already brings a lot of oxygen per molecule, so normally they have a slow heartbeat and metabolism. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, all of these things potentially leading to their longer natural lifespans.
This iron based blood developed because their environment was very heavy in metals, particularly iron. There were also a lot of other toxins just hanging around in the air, water, and soil. They have a very strong liver and other specialized glands and processes to help them metabolize and expel metals that they take in, it they can tolerate a lot more metals in their body than a human could (they’re very hard to kill via poison, toxin exposure, or drugs) . they actually incorporated it into more of their body (namely their horns and teeth, and for coloration of skin). Like limpets, they have metal in their teeth, making them extremely hard and strong (used for scraping off algae, moss, and lichens from rocks and crushing nuts and tubers) this also partially accounts for the color of the teeth, though some still have white teeth due to less pigmentation. Their colors vary less due to sun exposure and more due to the content of elements around them.
Rossetians were originally prey animals, with their horn and extremely thick skin/fat layer being their main protection from predators. (through selection over the years, their horns have become a bit more ornamental, though they’re still plenty sharp). They developed sapience due to their overkill sensory prowess, letting them spend less time scanning and more time thinking. Eventually, this combined with their cooperative herd structure/domestication of food sources to advance their intelligence to modern day.
As herbivores, they eat predominantly plant matter, though some also consume dairy due to a similar “lactose tolerance” mutation as humans for the taste and nutrients. They eat small and frequent meals for steadier energy to make up for their slow metabolism.
They are endotherms, though mainly due to their thick fat and skin layer helping them to trap heat. Without this, they aren't nearly as good as humans at regulating their own temperature, though they can still shiver and pant to try and regulate (they cant sweat).
They have a total of 6 teeth, two in the front and four molars in the back.
Their food tends to be boiled or otherwise processed in some way to make it easier to get energy and nutrients faster with their otherwise slow metabolism (so they can stay on the go for busy city life)
They are viviparous and can reproduce any time of the year like humans, but they lack a true placenta. infants instead develop in a pouch of skin on the mother where they drink milk.
Their pouch opens like an American opossum, and their children will stay in and out of it for a while even a little after they’ve been weaned (eventually, they get too big.) They stay in there for the first year or so, and will then start exploring outside in their ‘toddler’ stage before eventually being able to walk on their own.
They have a centaur-esque body plan that allowed them to free up a front set of arms and support brain development while also being able to lower themselves to the height needed to navigate the volcanic tunnels they lived in and move quickly. The only important thing in their front "torso" region is a small cluster of nerves that helps handle some of their sensory information.
4 of their 6 limbs are for walking while the front 2 specialized for object manipulation, with the two digits on the sides slightly turned inwards and able to be used almost like thumbs. None of them are very good for gripping since climbing wasn’t part of their evolutionary history (though all of them are also slightly webbed, especially the back ones, since swimming was helpful to them in their environment)
Their soft lips and similarly shaped mouth make it very easy for them to replicate human language, though their tongue and teeth sometimes get in the way (and makes it harder for humans to speak their language, since some noises require the use of two or four prongs of the tongue at once).
They can see a color spectrum similar to horses or deer on earth, which is why their clothing is often dull or monochrome besides the stitched patterns. However, since it was useful for them to be able to see some color variation to tell if a plant was poisonous or not, they can see reds/greens a bit better than Prectikar, who have a similar colorblindess range.
While they can't see red, they still incorporate it into their clothing since to them it registers as a nice green to accent the blue and yellow. To us, it looks red.
They have very homogeneous cultural traits because for much of their history, they have valued unity and have been joined together under one Empire or another (most recently, the same guys who got to the Prectikar). However, similar to cultures across, say the British isle, they still have unique quirks from their regional heritage.
Males have a horn with a unicorn-like front spike and a considerably longer tail, while females lack the horn projection and also have a pouch. Unlike other species, they actually have similar sex and gender roles as human men and women, though a bit more pronounced than current humans due to their society’s particular emphasis on family units in politics and economics.
They also have stricter nudity and propriety standards year round, with traditional conservatives barely showing anything more than their face out in public.
They show marriage through pierced ears. They typically have one partner for life.
Most of their clothing is heavily layered with lots of dresses and cloaks to give them a feeling of security when in public, like a weighted blanket or something to cover their shape so they feel less exposed. Many also cover their sensitive ears when in crowded spaces.
Most of their brain is in their head, but they have 2 smaller clusters to help deal with other sensory information and leave more room for thinking in the main brain. The clusters are located between their front arms (protected by the larger vertebrae and collarbone/shoulder blade their arms connect to up there) and their pelvic girdle.
When interacting with other species, they are known to be very timid and insular among themselves. Unfortunately, xenophobia has a very literal meaning to them since most other species have traits that they instinctively find unsettling as former prey animals, like sharp teeth and claws (similar to what happens when you see a snake or spider, even if you know it won’t or can’t hurt you most people still feel fear). Without proper socialization for both parties, things can get awkward very fast.
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aeriona · 7 months
How Inkfish Change their Ink Colour
Here's an extremely long, (poorly) illustrated speculatory post about how ink and inksports could THEORETICALLY work in Splatoon! yippee!
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Ink is a mucous that Inklings, Octolings and Cuttlings produce with their ink sac, where it can be expelled through the mouth and siphon (and through the skin via the ink vessels, but don't worry about that just yet). You can take a look at my diagram of the ink vessels here.
Spitting up or sweating ink is a common stress response in ink-bearing cephalopods, it also serves as an extremely rude gesture if you happen to aim it at someone else's face.
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Inkfish actually can't change ink colour on their own, so instead they have to rely on artificial means to brighten and saturate the colour into something more easily recognisable.
The history behind inksports is extensive. In ancient times, inkfish would use naturally occurring dyes (such as clay, plants etc.) to change their ink colour, often to denote a particular social group. In modern times, colours are artificially synthesised and treated to have a minimal impact on the inkfish's body as possible, as believe it or not constantly eating red clay wasn't exactly good for you.
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The colour of an Inkling or Octoling's skin is determined by chromatophores, which can be basically any colour or shade they choose. The chromatophores function completely independently from the ink sac, so it's possible to have differing skin and ink colours (although you'd probably confuse your teammates a fair bit).
This is fine and cool and all, but how do inkfish prevent different team colours from just blending all together in a match? WELL! While turfing capsules also change ink colour, they can also alter the chemical qualities of the ink itself by introducing something called polarity!
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There are two kinds of turfing ink- polar and nonpolar. In easy terms (I am not a chemist), it's what allows two different colours of ink to sit on top of each other in separate layers instead of diluting together like paint. Before a match starts, each turfing team is given dye capsules in their respective team colour, with each team having opposing polarities to prevent inks from mixing together during the game.
Before technology got involved, people would simply use oil and water to prevent one ink colour from mixing with another's. Nowadays, oil and fat derivatives are commonplace as it's less likely to cause health problems as the body slowly processes it out.
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Splatting works when enemy ink reacts with the outermost ink vessels in an opposing team member's skin, forcing the victim to contract their ink sac and spit up all their ink (usually in the form of a super-jump back to spawn, though in the moment it's not uncommon to overshoot it). It's also possible to splat someone with blunt force trauma, but we tend to call that assault. Splatting is usually not dangerous, but it's still not a terribly pleasant experience and is somewhat painful, akin to a nasty static shock.
This splatting reaction is also why water is used in turf stages as a restrictive barrier, as water causes the same splatting reaction in the body as enemy ink does (at least until the dye wears off).
Okay that's all I got, I'm not gonna go into ink weapon mechanics because I'm tired... perhaps another day haha. Hopefully that all made sense and I apologise deeply if it didn't. Feel free to shoot me an ask if something needs to be cleared up or explained in further detail haha
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arcane-trail · 2 years
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Spells for a More Prosperous 2023
Imbue your 2023 new years resolutions with a little magic.
Samhain, at the end of October, is considered the start of the new year among most Pagan and Wiccan groups. And the Winter Solstice and Yule on the 21st of June is also an important gateway in the wheel of the year as this is the moment when the sun starts to increase in force again (in the northern hemisphere).
Read our guide to Samhain here.
New Year, on the first of January, became the start of the New Year among the Romans in 45 BCE when Julius Caesar decided that the calendar needed reforming. He chose January because it is the month of Janus, as the god represents beginnings and transitions, and he has two faces so he can look both backward and forward.
Despite not being one of the major Wiccan holidays, New Year is still an excellent time to cast spells to set your intentions and manifest prosperity for the coming year. The positive energy created by so many people celebrating and sending out energy wishing for luck and transformation creates a shared energetic force that we can tap into to give extra power to our spells and rituals.
We have three favorite types of rituals that we like to conduct at the new year. Cleansing rituals to expel negative energy and prepare ourselves to take on the new year with fresh energy. Intentions rituals that help firmly set our intentions and draw power for their manifestations. And good luck rituals to attract a bit of fortune for the new year.
Cleansing Rituals
It is great to start the new year by cleansing yourself of any negative or unwanted energy from the previous year. New Year’s Eve can be a great time to conduct any of your favorite cleansing rituals. Use incense to clear energy out of your space, or use a Selenite, Amethyst, or Tourmaline wand to expel negative energy.
But, at New Year, you might be more focused on cleansing your own physical energy. This can be done by bathing in nature, in the Ocean, or in a clean natural lake. If you prefer to do your cleansing at home, run yourself an Epsom Salt bath.
To conduct a ritual cleansing, make sure you have a shower before you enter your bath, as you want to feel clean during your soak. Add a few drops of sage and frankincense essential oils to your bath water for more potent cleansing.
Burn a cleansing white candle while you bathe and focus your mind on the flame. Send negative thoughts and the sources of your negative energy to the flame and imagine them burning up and floating away in the smoke as you bathe.
In the hours following your bath, try only to do things that nourish your body. Moisturize your skin and eat foods and drinks that nourish and invigorate your system.
Intension Rituals
New Year is a time when many people like to set intentions and resolutions for the new year. You can conduct rituals that give your intentions more force and give you and the universe enhanced energy to make them manifest in the coming year.
Start your ritual at first light on December 31st. Take a small piece of green or brown cloth and place it on the earth. Pour a small mound of ground cinnamon onto the cloth and visualize the cloth as a fertile foundation and the cinnamon as nourishing earth.
Next, take some seeds in your hand, one to represent each of your main intentions for the coming year. Hold each seed in your hand and focus on your intention. When it is clearly visible in your mind, plant the seed in your cinnamon. Once you planted all your seeds, leave them in the sun until sunset. As the sun sets, gather the cloth and seal it around the cinnamon and seal it with a gold ribbon.
Take the bundle with you as go about your business. When you and all the people around you are sending out positive energy at midnight, take out your bundle and focus again on your intentions, channeling the positive energy that you need around you into your bundle.
After the ritual is done, place the bundle in your sacred space. You can hold it in your hands and focus on your intentions whenever you need energy, focus, or guidance in the coming year. When you no longer need the bundle, you should bury it in the earth.
Good Luck Rituals
You can also set yourself up for the best possible new year by attracting some good luck. One of the best spells for good fortune is a luck jar.
Get yourself a clean glass jar. Cleanse it thoroughly with soap and water, and then incense. Gather crystals and herbs with lucky energy, such as quartz, peridot, and tiger’s eye for crystals and orange tea, bay leaves, lemongrass, and peppermint for herbs. Also, gather other things that may represent good luck to you, such as something made of gold or small objects linked with previous luck or success.
Take these objects into your magic circle and sit before a burning candle. Slowly and with the intention of both giving and receiving positive energy in the coming year, place these items inside your jar in layers. Once it is full, you can seal the jar using the wax from your candle.
Keep your spell jar on your altar, beside your bed, or where you work if you are looking for fortune in your professional pursuits.
[Read Full Blog Post Here]
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helios-writings · 1 year
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Love Potion No.9
Sabo x gn! Reader
WC: 1.6k
Warnings: None
You’re a witch who’s been commissioned to make a love potion, and you’re struggling with it. Until you meet Sabo.
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You cough as the cauldron expels black smoke, the spell backfiring. You’d been working on this potion for a few days, a customer had requested something like a love potion for her 20th anniversary with her wife. Something that would help them feel like teenagers in love again.
You wouldn’t know what that felt like, having never been in love, but you weren’t the best witch around for a hundred miles for nothing.
You scratch an ingredient off of your list. “Okay, mermaid’s tears are clearly a no. I’ll have to think of something else.”
You groan as you throw out the whole pot and then you notice the young man standing awkwardly at your front door.
“Sorry to uh, interrupt.” He says with a small smile.
“Oh that? Just my job. What do you need?”
The scar over his right eye is more noticeable now that you’re looking at him more intently. His blonde hair is hidden under a rather unflattering hat, too, but you won’t tell him that.
“My name’s Sabo, I need medicine for my brother, Luffy, and I was told you’re the one to see?”
“Medicine? What’s wrong with him?”
You beckon him inside so you can grab your notebook and a few other books. He sits at the table.
“Nice place.” Sabo tells you.
Your cottage is a hodgepodge of plants, decorations, spellbooks and potion bottles. The table he sits at is made of dark oak and is stained with paint and is riddled with cuts from knives.
You sit across from him. “So, what’s wrong with your brother?”
“Right. Well, he won’t eat, he sleeps, but it’s fitful. He has a fever, he coughs a lot. Ace, my other brother, said that he’s been sleepwalking but every doctor in town that I’ve been to says they can’t help, and everyone else says to come to you.”
You flip through your book. “Okay, and what was he like before and how long has he been like this?”
“A week or two? It’s hard to say, I’ve been staying up all night to take care of him. And he was energetic, loved to be up and about, and he definitely could eat, I’ll tell you that.”
He rubs his eyes, his hands covered in black leather gloves.
You frown and stand from your chair, hurrying over to your cabinet. You throw a few herbs and some oils into a bowl and grind them into an ointment. You then gather a few more herbs and place them in a bag.
You hand them both to Sabo. “The ointment is for your brother, rub it on his chest and back until the whole thing is gone, he should be better by then.”
“And what’s the bag for?”
You smile. “For you to get some sleep. Crush the leaves and make them into a tea. Let me know if it works, okay?”
He nods and thanks you. “How much do I owe you?”
“No charge. Not for something as important as this.”
“I can’t just take this.”
You roll your eyes. “You can and you will, now go on.”
He stands up and nearly falls over. “Sorry, I’m half-blind so….”
“It’s alright.”
You watch him walk away until he’s out of sight and then turn back to your cauldron. “Alright. Love potion round five.”
Two weeks go by before you see Sabo again, but this time he’s joined by two others and they all wear a matching grin.
You just got done throwing another batch of love potion out, so you wipe your hands on your apron. “Sabo, it’s good to see you again. What brings you by?”
“Well, you asked me to tell you if your ointment worked.”
The youngest stepped forward. “Thanks for helping me! And thanks for helping my big bro too, he hasn’t stopped talking about you this whole time!”
The other one, who you assume is Ace, slaps Luffy lightly on the shoulder. “Be nice, man.”
“Do you guys want some tea?”
They all nod enthusiastically and Luffy practically bounds in after you.
The brothers sit around your table, but leave the chair next to Sabo empty for you.
You set the cups in front of them and take your seat.
“So,” Ace starts, “what were you working on?”
“Oh, a woman in town asked me to make a love potion for her, but I’ve been having trouble with it.”
“Why?” Luffy asks.
“Part of it is ingredients, but the other part is that I’ve never been in love.”
“Really?” Sabo seems shocked, which is flattering.
“No one ever tells you this, but magic is half knowing what you’re doing and half knowing the feeling of the spell or potion you’re making.” You add a little wink to come off mysterious and Sabo flushes.
“That’s so cool.” Luffy praises, eyes wide.
“Oh, not really. Anyone can do it.”
“You’re too humble for someone who saved my brother’s life.” Ace remarks offhandedly.
“You should get up and walk around before you fall asleep.” Sabo tells his brother, who sighs heavily.
“I’ll take the crybaby with me. C’mon Lu.”
The two of them walk out, leaving you and their blonder brother to chat.
“Your brothers are great.” You tell him with a genuine smile.
“Ah, thanks. They’re a pain in my ass sometimes, though.”
You laugh. “I’m really glad Luffy made a full recovery. I mean that.”
“They’re all I have left, so it means the world to me that you helped him.”
You’re the one that's flustered this time as you avoid his gaze. “That’s just what I do.”
“What you do is amazing, you’re amazing.”
“You’re too kind.”
“Ace is right, you are too humble.”
You pick up the empty cups and put them in the sink. “Being humble is better than being arrogant.”
Sabo stands next to you and you switch sides with him so you’re on the side with his good eye. He thanks you and helps you wash the dishes.
“You should come by again sometime.” You tell him as he collects his things and calls for his brothers.
“Of course. You’ll have to come by sometime, too.”
He kisses your hand like a real gentleman and bids you farewell. You see Ace follow him with Luffy bounding behind them, a huge grin on his face.
You stare after them, your hand burning where Sabo’s lips touched it. For a few more minutes, you stand there, just thinking about his lips.
Sabo doesn’t leave you alone and nor does he leave your thoughts. Almost every day he’s at your cottage, helping you make the love potion that you still haven’t been able to complete, every batch a failure. Days turn to weeks, and the weeks to a few months.
You lay your head on your table. “This is pointless, I should just give that poor lady her money back. Her anniversary is next month.”
“No, you can do this, I know you can.” He tells you, your hand in his.
You smile shakily at him. “You really think that?”
“Of course. But for now, let’s take a walk.”
He stands up and pulls your chair out for you, waiting for you to stand before he opens the door for you.
The two of you walk shoulder to shoulder through the forest, and his hand never leaves yours.
“Luffy’s got this new friend, Usopp, one of the funniest kids I’ve ever met, but scared of everything. So different from Lu, it’s crazy.” He tells you.
“Well, you know Luffy, picks up friends whenever he goes.”
“He’s been begging for you to come back over, by the way.”
You smile. “After I finish this potion, I promise.”
“D’you think you’re close to figuring it out?”
“I think so? It’s hard to tell.”
He reaches into his bag and pulls out a small notebook. “Well, I was thinking….”
You listen intently as he lists different ingredients that might help. It’s peaceful in his company and you always feel your worries drift away when you're with him, the feel of his hand in yours is enough to calm your nerves.
It hits you then, that you may be in love with him. It wasn’t as dramatic as the books made it seem, but it was suddenly just there. A Feeling that you had now realized.
“You alright?” He asks after you don’t answer.
You don’t plan on saying anything, but the sudden swell of emotions is almost too great to keep a secret from him. “I’m in love with you.”
He seems confused. “I love you too.”
“Sabo. I’m in love with you, romantically.”
“I don’t understand, we’re together, aren’t we?”
Your jaw drops. “No?”
His face turns red. “Oh.”
“How long did you think we were together?”
“A month or two, at least.”
“And you didn’t think: oh it’s a bit weird we haven’t kissed, but it's okay?”
“I was raised to be a gentleman! I was taking it slow.”
You grab him by the coat and pull him into a small kiss, which he smiles into.
When you both pull away you grin. “I think I can finish that potion now.”
He grins back. “Then let’s not waste a moment.”
The two of you hurry back to the cottage and you finally finish the potion, the pink pearly sheen gleaming at you from the black of the cauldron.
“Smells almost like flowers.” He tells you.
“That’s a good thing. I hope.”
You bottle it carefully, sealing it with a light kiss.
“You’re amazing.” He tells you, a lovesick smile on his face. You wonder how long he’s looked at you like that.
“Thank you.” You respond, finally accepting a compliment from him.
He kisses the top of your head and pulls you close. “I love you.”
You say it back.
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the-busy-ghost · 2 months
Common Featherfew has large, fresh, green leaves, much torn or cut on the edges. The stalks are hard and round, set with many such like leaves, but smaller, and at the tops stand many single flowers, upon small foot stalks, consisting of many small white leaves standing round about a yellow thrum in the middle. The root is somewhat hard and short, with many strong fibres about it. The scent of the whole plant is very strong, and the taste is very bitter. (...) Venus commands this herb, and has commended it to succour her sisters (women) and to be a general strengthener of their wombs, and remedy such infirmities as a careless midwife hath there caused if they will but be pleased to make use of her herb boiled in white wine, and drink the decoction; it cleanses the womb, expels the after-birth, and doth a woman all the good she can desire of an herb. And if any grumble because they cannot get the herb in winter, tell them, if they please, they may make a syrup of it in summer; it is chiefly used for the disease of the mother, whether it be the strangling or rising of the mother, or hardness, or inflammation of the same, applied outwardly thereunto. Or a decoction of the flowers in wine, with a little Nutmeg or Mace put therein, and drank often in a day, is an approved remedy to bring down women’s courses speedily, and helps to expel the dead birth and after-birth. For a woman to sit over the hot fumes of the decoction of the herb made in water or wine, is effectual for the same; and in some cases to apply the boiled herb warm to the privy parts. The decoction thereof made with some sugar, or honey put thereto, is used by many with good success to help the cough and stuffing of the chest, by colds, as also to cleanse the reins and bladder, and helps to expel the stone in them. The powder of the herb taken in wine, with some Oxymel, purges both choler and phlegm, and is available for those that are short winded, and are troubled with melancholy and heaviness, or sadness of spirits. It is very effectual for all pains in the head coming of a cold cause, the herb being bruised and applied to the crown of the head: As also for the vertigo, that is a running or swimming in the head. The decoction thereof drank warm, and the herb bruised with a few corns of Bay salt, and applied to the wrists before the coming of the ague fits, doth take them away. The distilled water takes away freckles, and other spots and deformities in the face. The herb bruised and heated on a tile, with some wine to moisten it, or fried with a little wine and oil in a frying-pan, and applied warm outwardly to the places, helps the wind and cholic in the lower part of the belly. It is an especial remedy against opium taken too liberally.
Nicolas Culpeper (1616-1654) in 'The Complete Herbal' discussing the herb feverfew.
Obviously, I do not advise trying these remedies at home.
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Witchy Herbs: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
This is also called devil's nettle, milfoil, seven years love, or bloodwort. It has feminine energies, connects with the element of water, and is ruled in the planet Venus. It honors Aphrodite, Hermes, and the Horned God. Zodiac sign; Aries. Crystals; Clear quartz, tigers eye, lapis lazuli.
It is a common herb you can find in most gardens. Its foliage has a silvery quality that is rather attractive. The stem and leaves of this plant are usually harvested in the latter part of summer and used in poultices and ointments to help staunch blood flow from wounds.
Hence for its Latin namesake. Achillea millefolium. According to the Greek myth, Yarrow gave the hero, Achilles, its protective powers to make him invincible wherever the herbal bath had penetrated his skin, and in turn, Achilles healed his wounded soldiers with Yarrow.
Growing yarrow in your witchy garden is always an excellent idea. Not only will you attract bees and have a steady supply of medicine, its very presence helps out all the other herbs around it. It increases the other herbs’ essential oil content as well as their growth and health in general.
Fights infections, break fevers, eases common cold symptoms, aids digestion, and easing painful menstruation or used in sitz baths for post labor. Recent studies are looking into how Yarrow can help with depression and anxiety as a tincture.
You can use this for spells involving love, healing, protection, courage, exorcism, and psychic powers.
Fun Folk Fact - When used in love spells, it is said that it will only empower that love for 7 years, the rest will be up to the couple to make it or break it.
• It is an attracting herb. If kept near, it will attract love, friends, people from the past, or to gain attention. If you think of them, they will come. • You can make a tea with this herb to enhance your psychic abilities and enjoy during divination. • Growing it near will also expel evil from any place, person, or thing. • Use yarrow to set magical boundaries. • Place yarrow over doorways to protect from negative energies. For powerful protection, pick yarrow flowers and charge them in the sun. Once charged, take the flowers and sprinkle them outside all the way around your home. This will keep any negative influences and energies away from your home. • Wash down a room or Ouija board with yarrow to attract friendly spirits. • Wash crystals and crystal balls with a yarrow rinse to bring about clarity of vision. • Yarrow has weak romantic properties making it the perfect courting ingredient when you just want to get to know someone before getting serious.
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p1nkcanoe · 2 years
Ghoul Kit 101: a Helpful Guide
So you've decided to summon a ghoul kit, but you have no idea what you're getting into.
Don't be alarmed!
Here's some important tips to know before starting your unholy and inhuman family:
Fire kits may randomly combust when agitated or irritable. It is a good idea to have a fire blanket or extinguisher at hand at all times. Thickly insulated clothing and a reliable ice-maker should be purchased prior to summoning in order to train your kit on the importance of internal temperature regulation and self control. When raising a fire kit it is always a good idea to refer to the abbey's handbook for the emergency line and to keep in mind where your closest fire alarm is!
Water kits tend to be the best behaved kits, but will expel an excessive amount of tears and drool when overly excited or upset. Consider investing in a good quality, everyday bib for your little one. It is also imperative that your water kit soaks periodically in a water bath for up to six hours a week— excessive soaking may oversaturate the skin and lead to what is best described as "leaking".
Earth kits are curious and require close attention beginning around three months post-summon. It is important to provide your kit with a hardy plant that requires little tending and can survive in even the worst of shape (choose wisely as their first plant could potentially become emotionally bonded and travel with them for the first couple years post-summon). Secondly, earth kits require intense sunning throughout their first year and it is important to follow up with an organic lotion to rehydrate the skin. Lastly, refrain from allowing them to eat bugs; specifically butterflies and moths, which can temporarily affect the pigmentation of their skin for up to seven days. A muzzle may be a temporary solution for this almost unavoidable phenomenon.
Air kits may randomly levitate due to the unique density of their bones. Specially made weighted shoes and kit-belts can be purchased so to ensure your kit never floats away. (Pro Tip: Tying a yarn to your kit while engaging in outside time is always a great idea!) Your kits hair may stand on end for the first month post-summon. Specially made oils can be borrowed from the greenhouse for this reason. (Please call the abbey emergency line immediately if your kit floats to the ceiling of the chapel or any high ceiling. We have special equipment to handle situations such as these.)
Quintessence kits grow twice as fast compared to the average weight of any other elemental kit and are born with an excess of dark magic, causing their skin to appear iridescent and heal at an accelerated rate. Be sure to wrap and pad harsh corners and hide your valuable objects from their reach! They're essentially walking wrecking balls beginning at 3 months post-summon and are susceptible to falling.
Accidentally summon a multi-elemental ghoul kit? Don't panic! Refer to the previous articles concerning the elemental make-up of your kit. It is important to note that some elements may appear or disappear as your kit ages, and that the strength of any observed magick should be observed with great attention and care. Specialty packages can be purchased for multi-elemental kits through the abbey nursery that include everything you may need as your kit ages and evolves— from a modified fire blanket to a one-size-fits-all weighted belt!
Good luck and Happy Summoning!
-- talk to me about some ghoul kit headcanons!!
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medicatrix-naturae · 3 months
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Menstruation - is it really necessary?
Why do women menstruate - and what's "normal" about it? During the days before a woman ovulates, the lining of the womb - the endometrium - thickens in preparation for a possible conception. If the egg released at ovulation passes through the womb unfertilized, the thickened endometrial tissues are not needed - and in a truly healthy woman, as in animals in their wild state, those tissues are mostly reabsorbed. What remains is expelled over a short period of time as a slight mucus discharge.
The majority of women in modern cultures however, experience instead a copious disabling monthly bleeding - that neither their wild primate cousins nor humans living close to nature do. Nature did not intend the ovulation cycle to be accompanied by cramping, nervous tension, or any of the long list of symptoms we've come to associate with "having a period" - let alone by the days of bloody flow we now accept as "normal", but which they rightly call a hemorrhage.
Bleeding, or perhaps we should refer to it as haemorrhaging, only appears to occur in the toxic body, such as a nose bleed. It is the body’s way of eliminating excess toxic waste.
Women who eat a vegan/vegetarian diet containing mostly raw food experience only brief periods, scarcely noticeable, with hardly any loss of blood. Women experience troublesome periods only because of the toxic condition of their blood brought about by the high fat and protein Western diet.
What is this connection between diet and menstruation? What is actually happening in the womb to make it hemorrhage? A poor diet, residues from improper digestion contribute to a state of body-wide poisoning, or toxemia.
Structurally the human body is designed for the same kind of diet that other primates eat. Our teeth, intestinal tract, digestive organs and their secretions are not those of a carnivore like the wolf, nor a herbivore like the cow - but of a frugivore, or fruit-eater, like the apes and most monkeys - whose natural foods are mostly fruits and vegetable matter.
Modern man's diet however includes large amounts of protein foods from animal products and dried legumes and grains - none of which he can easily digest, and all of which leave his normally alkaline body in an acid condition. The body's attempt to neutralize this condition by keeping the blood-calcium high results in badly disrupted mineral levels, with both calcium depletion from the bones and deposition of excess calcium in joints, blood vessels and organs.
Animal products, along with salt, sugar, alcohol, refined fats and oils, most condiments, artificial additives and stimulating beverages… lead to increasingly poorer health, through menstruation and menopausal "symptoms", ultimately ending with heart disease and cancer. Worn out by decades of "the Curse", drained of health, vitality and enthusiasm, often after years of miserably irregular menstruation and the related signs of ill health soon become so dramatic they can't be ignored: osteoporosis, cysts and tumors, and rapid ageing among them.
In domesticated animals and animals kept in zoos who have constant access to unnatural and often concentrated food supplies - these animals experience a periodic bloody discharge the equivalent of human menstruation. This is especially noticeable in normally plant-eating animals made to eat dry high-protein feed. When these captive animals are instead fed on the fresh natural plant foods they'd normally eat, the menstruation ceases.
Summary: Menstruation is a harmful hemorrhage involving the loss of vital fluid. Hemorrhage is Not a condition of health, it is a pathological state and is always harmful and sometimes dangerous. Hemorrhage in the uterus is no more normal than is hemorrhage in the brain or lungs. It is less dangerous only because the uterus is less vital to the immediate welfare of the body. No authority on earth can successfully maintain that a hemorrhage is natural and normal, no matter in what part of the body it occurs.
Not only do some apparently healthy women, even in our culture, never menstruate, but non-menstruating women can be fertile and have healthy children. That is, ovulation does not require menstruation. Menstruation is neither natural nor healthy. And it can be changed very much for the better - even to the extent of not experiencing it at all yet remaining healthy and fertile.
Source: Mixed/Unknown & my own.
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pemacprojects · 3 months
Process of Edible Oil Processing Using Solvent Extraction
Solvent extraction plants play a crucial role in the production of edible oils, significantly enhancing the efficiency and yield of oil extraction from various oilseeds. These plants dissolve the oil in the seeds using a chemical solvent, usually hexane, so almost all of the oil is extracted. This method is particularly advantageous for oilseeds with low oil content, such as soybeans, where mechanical pressing alone would be insufficient.
The process begins with the preparation of the oilseeds, which involves cleaning, dehulling, and sometimes conditioning to optimize the extraction. The prepared seeds are then subjected to a solvent extraction process. At an extractor, the seeds and solvent are combined at this step. The oil is dissolved by the solvent after penetrating the seeds, creating a combination called miscella. The oil-laden solvent is then separated from the spent seeds, which are often processed further to recover residual oil.
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The miscella undergoes distillation to separate the oil from the solvent. The solvent is evaporated and condensed for reuse, while the crude oil is collected for further refining. This refining process includes steps such as degumming, neutralizing, bleaching, and deodorizing to ensure the oil is safe and palatable for consumption.
In addition to solvent extraction plants, edible oil refineries, oil mill plants, oil expeller plants, cooking oil plants, and vegetable oil plants all contribute to the broader oil production ecosystem. Edible oil refineries focus on purifying crude oil, ensuring it meets quality standards. The mechanical extraction of oil from seeds is mostly handled by oil mills and oil expeller plants. Cooking oil plants and vegetable oil plants specialize in producing various types of oils for culinary uses, ensuring they are suitable for cooking and other food preparations.
The integration of these various facilities ensures a seamless and efficient production process, from raw seed to refined oil, meeting the global demand for edible oils.
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minioilmill · 3 months
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hildathesaint · 1 year
Hilda's herborium: Lemongrass
Per request of @nav-is-bored, these are commonly distributed in the Phillipines!
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Scientific name: Cymbopogon citratus
Native Habitat: India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Indonesia
Magical Qualities:
Expelling negative energy
Lemongras is a perennial grass in the family Poaceae grown for its fragrant leaves and stalks which are used as a flavoring. The grass grows in dense clumps and has several stiff stems and slender blade-like leaves which droop towards the tips. The leaves are blue-green in color, turning red in the Fall and emit a strong lemon fragrance when damaged. Lemongrass produces large compound flowers on spikes when grown in the tropics, but rarely flowers when grown in more Northern latitudes. Lemon grass can reach a height of 1.8 m (6 ft) and will grow for several years, typically its economical lifespan is 4 years.
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Lemongrass has been used as a healing herb in folklore for hundreds of years. This tropical plant is used prolifically in many Asian cuisines.
Historically, lemongrass was often used for its oils. During the 17th century, it was distilled and shipped around the world as part of the perfume industry. At the time, there was very little access to personal hygiene facilities, which meant that anyone who considered themselves of a higher class would anoint themselves with scented oils in an attempt to cover up their own smell. Lemongrass was one of the most popular scents though few could afford it due to its high price.
Lemongrass has been a traditional healing herb in its native regions for a long time, the fact that it’s so helpful in reducing fevers has given it the name “fever grass” in some cultures. It’s one of the most popular medicinal plants in Brazil, with many in the Amazon regarding it as a wonderful sedative when taken in tea form.
Lemongrass is a great magickal plant which you can use to promote openness to new ideas or people. It’s great for providing some magickal help if you struggle with communication. Lemongrass is also thought to attract fae.
One of the most famous uses of Lemongrass essential oil is as an effective and natural insect repellent. It is thought that the citronella content of Lemongrass is responsible for its insect repelling abilties. It blocks the scent that attract mosquitoes and other biting insects such as lactic acid and carbon dioxide, making it harder for insects to locate you. Furthermore, research has shown that citronella helps to reduce mosquito landing by 40 percent.
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Quotes about Lemongrass
"I landed in 1980 in Bangkok, and I stopped to eat ten times between the airport and the hotel. It was all lemongrass and ginger and chilies." -Jean-Georges Vongerichten
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ohmynaps · 5 months
Coconut Oil For Hair & Skin
Coconut oil is a plant-based oil that is made from the meat from a mature coconut. The oil is typically made through a process called cold pressing or expeller pressing. There are two types of coconut oil: Virgin and Refined. Virgin coconut oil uses fresh meat, and refined coconut oil uses dried coconut meat, which is also called copra.Coconut oil is saturated with fatty acids. At room…
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Tell us more about the scripture ^^
I'm curious if there are any other religions on the continent, or if it's just one major religion that simply varies slightly by region,
have a teaful day!
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Naniaism is the largest and most common religion in the land of Äterra. Its said that The religion cropped up during a time of strife for non magical humans.  The human civilization that had formed from a few of the human tribes (that i have yet to name)  had become dominated by magi. Magi interfered heavily in human politics and along owned 75% of the kingdoms wealth. Large swaths of humans where starving and dying of disease. It contrasted heavily with the civilisations ruled over by magi; and elves witch the human’s had made contact and established trade with in the last century.
The human civilization was the richest it had ever been but also in the most turmoil it had ever been in. 
Resentment of non human and magical folk was at it highest. 
It was the perfect storm of conflicts when a alchemist and physician(who i have yet to name) discovered noticed that a lot of his magi patients where coming in with serious burns that were unable to be healed magically. Doing some investigating he discovered that bacrüm, a small bush that produced red berries, used to treat dyschezia in cattle, caused acidic burns to those born with the capability to practice magic. With experimentation he figured out that even just standing in a room with the plant caused magi to become lethargic and nauseated. non-magical elves and humans born to one magical parent but who themselves were not born with magic, were unaffected by the berries.
Using this knowledge he penned a manuscript that mixed the creation storie from of his tribes religion and sprinkled in other traditions from other human tribes. He truly believed himself to be a prophet of Mother Nania. He believed she had gifted him this knowledge so that would save his people, humans like himself.
 He started by reading his manuscript to a small group of his friends in his home. Eventually word spread and so many people wanted to hear what he had to say, they volunteered to expand his cellar into a massive underground chapple. With pews and a pulpit. He called them his Fold. Like the sheep the berries were given to to expel the filth. He encouraged his Fold to cultivate the bushes he dubbed “mother’s touched” in there homes. Collect the berries and transport them to his underground chapple. His cult followed his instructions without question. Even on the night that pushed the cult into infamy. 
He ordered them to kidnap a local Magi boy (haven't yet named) to experiment on. This boy wasn't skilled enough to defend himself from being bashed on the head and drug to the underground chapple. The Boy was tortured immensely. He had the berries rubbed into his eyes blinding him and he was tied up to be like a practise dummy to find the most effective way to use the berries as weapons. After trying numerous ways, they found out the best way to utilize the berries was to turn them into an oil. The oil won't dry up or rot like smashing or juicing them would. Finally the boy was decapitated, putting him out of his misery. 
The boy’s body was dumped in a part of the city most heavenly populated by magi. On his body a note calling for a total destruction of inhuman kind was found. tp the people who found him it appeared as if he had just been burned and decapitated. The red oil blending in with his blood covered corps. The note told any human sympathetic to inhumans to either join or be cut down along side them. Many humans joined the religion. The magi called on the ruler of the human empire to quell this cult but he was too busy with the many distractions set in place by the political magi to care. The political magi tried to solve this problem but where either murdered by human nobles who were apart of the cult , or they escaped and encouraged  others to escape back to the magi empire as well. Taking the majority of the empire’s wealth with them. Unfortunately a good sized population of magi were too poor to make it back to the magi empire, didn't actually believe in the impending danger, or were too proud to be scared by the human cult. 
The cult grew larger and larger and spread covering the entirety of the human empire. 
The emperor and his family were killed and his brother who was sympathetic to the cult was propped up as the new emperor. 
Angered that he was ruling a poor empire he prepared to sack the magi empire and take back what he felt was rightfully human wealth. He commissioned thousands of siege engines, such as trebuchets, to hurl colossal wooden containers filled with the Holy Red Oil. The containers were so large they could fit a city’s cisterns inside them. Along with fortifying his own cities. 
After 2 years of this preparation with the constant fear that the magi empire catching word of his plans he had eliminated all magi within his borders.  The human’s were still suffering starvation and poverty. the cult leader took a high position in the emperor's court as the emperor's religious adviser. Still many humans in the empire didnt practous the new popular religion. But the emperor  was finally ready to put his plans into motion to attack. He marched on the magi empire.
They knew the human’s would be coming for them so many of them abandoned the major cities including acting emperor and powerful families. After 2 years of experimentation they knew no way to subvert the effects of “mother’s touched berries.
There population’s that stayed to fight were decimated Many fleeing after watching there comrades burn in the oil covered streets. 
The magic universities were destroyed there libraries of arcane knowledge meticulously burned to the ground. 
The magi empire was no more and the human empire grew larger. After a some decades the human desire for more took over. While they were doing better they still wanted more. Spreading across the continent giving it its name  Äterra’Mūteer meaning Land of the Mother. Absorbing the remaining human tribes and smaller human civilizations evangelizing them into Naniaism.
Eventually the expansion stopped. Blocked by the elven territories. 
 They had pushed out majority of the elven populations but the emperor still desired more and desired to envied the elven empire who at this point had become a refuge for all the magi refugees and was still quite prosperous. The magi emperor and his entire extended family warned the elven emperor of the brutality of the human emperor. So a surprise attack would be utterly pointless. The cult leader however told of the elves incredible weakness to human disease. 
The cult leader devised a plan of attack. He had gathered for him 500 flea infested rats packing them into a wooden box witch he had launched into the elven capital. The rats and the fleas spread a devastating human disease to the elves witch at this point had no cure for it. The magi were mostly resistant to human illness so they were largely  unaffected. The elven emperor knew what was to come but he didn't flee. He sent his family away with the magi emperor  and his family and the majority of the magi people elves and human but he stayed and fought. The war lasted quite a while delivering major losses to the humans actually having the human emperor assassinated, but his oldest son tool his place. Finally the elven emperor was defeated and captured. He was tortured to tell where he had sent his family and the magi but he would never give up the location. He was eventually being executed and the establishing of elven enclaves where established in the walled off ruins of the former elven cities. In the human territories that were never elven they were hastily constructed slums. The elves were forcibly converted and were not allowed to practice there old elven religions though some still did in secret until resent times when the ban was lifted and enclaves were promoted areas In which to practice, altho most now just practice Naniaism or no religion at all.  
Naniains worship the human goddess Nania.
Nania created herself. But she was so lonely she began to cry. Her tears fell on the floor and blossomed the world. 
She then wanted to create a people to live on this world.
Her first creation was to be in her image but she mistakenly created what we know as elves.trying again she successfully created the humans. She doted on the humans giving them all her love. Permitting the elves to run free.  but the first elf she created, Arthinre’el, who’s color changed throughout the year, grew envious of her love for the human’s and desired to make a people of his own that he could love and treat just as well. 
Going to her, he asked her to share her power with him. But she refused. Not out of spit but because he wouldn't be able to control it. This angered Arthinre’el. He then plotted to steal her power if she wouldn't give it to him. He stole the tears of life. The tears that held her power that grew the world. He ran far away from Nania spilling the tears creating pools that good magical creatures walked out of. Arthinre’el his in a cave and drank from the tears of life. But instead of being able to create he gained the powers of magic. He went to his elven brethren and told them of the powers he gained. Some agreed to drink and some refused afraid of Nania’s rath and not wanting to betray her. Some gained magical powers and some didn't. 
Arthinre’el then went to the humans and told them of a way to be powerful like Nania. 
Some went with Arthinre’el but some stayed and went to tell Nania. 
The humans drunk the tears. Some gained magical powers and some didn't. 
Well the humans who refused to go with  Arthinre’el finally reach Nania and tell her of Arthinre’el’s betrayal. This angers Nania so much the tears that spilled onto the ground when Arthinre’el was running to the cave, that had been up to this point making good magical creatures that didn’t want to hurt people. Now they turned angry and magical creatures that wanted to hurt people began walking out of the pools. 
Nania came to Arthinre’el and tried to defeat him but HE was too powerful and she was only able to break off part of his soul and cast it into the sky creating the moon. He was able to cast her from the world entirely by shooting a beam of magical energy into her forehead. Creating a constellation of herself in the night sky, a purple star where her forehead where the beam of energy hit her. Many years went by and most people had forgotten their creator. Until one day she saw her favorite creations suffering under those that betrayed her. She was able to reach out and touch a bush with red berries. bestowing upon it the ability to cut deeper than magic can reach
Other facts about the religion
Naniaism is represented by a purple star flanked of 4 sides by red dots.
Naniaism has different branches that mainly practice the same core concept of loyalty.
Naniaism used to require that magi receive painful and tortuous deaths but after an incident where a magi blew up a large chunk of a city after his wife was tortured to death, many kingdoms band the practice of magi torture to keep there people safe. Though a few kingdoms still stick to the old ways.
I didn't mean for it to be thins long!!! i have a few other religions in my catalog so stay tuned for those.
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