#solvent extraction plant
pemacprojects · 11 months
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Solvent Extraction Plant – PEMAC Projects
A Solvent Extraction Plant is a key component of the edible oil industry, utilizing specialized machinery to extract oils from seeds and other raw materials. Solvent extraction machineries are essential industrial equipment designed to efficiently extract oils and valuable compounds. The oil-rich miscella is then processed in an Oil Refinery Plant, where it undergoes degumming, neutralization, and other refining processes to produce high-quality edible oils. In contrast, Oil Expeller Plants use mechanical presses to extract oil from seeds without the use of solvents, and they are preferred for producing cold-pressed oils. Various Edible Oil Equipment and Cooking Oil Plants are integral to the industry, providing the necessary tools and machinery to efficiently process and refine oils for consumption and industrial applications.
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techno-spectec · 1 year
Solvent Extraction Plant Manufacturer by Spectec Techno
A solvent extraction plant manufacturer is a company that designs and manufactures equipment used to extract oil from seeds and other materials by using solvents like hexane. These plants are widely used in the vegetable oil industry as they have high extraction efficiency and can process a variety of seeds including soybeans, sunflower, rapeseed, and more. Solvent extraction is a popular method for oil extraction as it can extract up to 99% of the oil from the seeds
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centpro · 2 years
Solvent Extraction Plant Manufacturer
Maximize productivity with our expertly designed Solvent Extraction Plants. Innovative solutions for diverse industries. Solvent Extraction Plants are designed to help you maximize productivity, offering innovative solutions for a variety of industries.
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
What are Infused Oils?
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What are they?
Infused oils are herbal components or spices placed in a jar of carrier oil like Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Avacado Oil, Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, etc. Can be used in cooking, herbal ailments and skincare.
Are they essential oils?
No. Short answer, no. Long answer? I'll give you an explanation. Essential oils are distilled using Steam Distillation, Solvent Extraction, CO2 Extraction, Maceration, Enfleurage, Cold Press Extraction, and or Water Distillation. Lotta words huh? It takes a lot of work to make essential oils. Unfortunately, it also takes quite a bit of that plant to make even those tiny 10ml bottles you purchase. Of course, each plant varies. However, it still can lead to a larger environmental impact.
For instance, one pound of essential oil can be extracted from approximately 250 pounds of rosemary leaves, or from 150 pounds of lavender buds, or say 50 pounds of eucalyptus leaves. This is why you see some as more expensive than others. Unfortunately, you can see where the problem lies in plants that are more threatened or endangered. If you must use essential oils, source responsibly (and not from a Pyramid scheme but I'm not opening that can of worms)
Can I use infused oils in my practice?
Yes! Absolutely! All these oil recipes you see for spell oils are exactly that. You can even use the elemental correspondences of the carrier oils you use for spell oils. As an example Olive Oil is traditionally known for the fire element and Coconut Oil is water. The possibilities for your personal correspondence are endless!
Now I'll stop rambling. Here are a few methods I learned to infuse oils in my courses and through self-herbalist study.
Method One:
The Folk Method - The most common
Place DRIED herbs in a clean, dry jar. Leave at least 1 to 3 inches of open space above your herbs to cover with oil.
Fill the remaining space in the jar with the oil of your choice, making sure to cover herbs by at least 1 inch or more. If the herbs emerge above the surface of the oil at any point while infusing, pour more oil on top to ensure the herbs remain covered.
Cap the jar tightly and shake well.
Place the jar in a sunny, warm windowsill and shake once or more per day.
After 2 to 3 weeks, strain the herbs out of the oil using cheesecloth or a mesh strainer. Or you can leave it in but straining is recommended if you are using dropper bottles as it clogs the caps.
Pour into clean glass bottles.
Remember to label your jars with the date, type of oil, and herbs used! You WILL forget! Trust me.
Store in a cool, dark place. The oil may keep for up to a year.
Method Two:
The Heat Infused Method - Quick Infusion
Place herbs in the crock pot or double boiler. Cover with extra virgin olive oil (or other carrier oil of choice), leaving at least an inch or two of oil above the herbs. 
Gently heat the herbs over very low heat (preferably between 100° and 140° F for 1 to 5 hours, until the oil takes on the colour and scent of the herb. Some recommend heating the oil for 48 to 72 hours at a controlled temperature of 100° F. Turn off the heat and allow it to cool. I personally prefer letting it sit in a crock pot for 72 hours as I feel like I get all of the benefits out of the herb.
Once oil is cooled, strain using cheesecloth.
Bottle in dry, sterilized glass bottles. LABEL your bottles with the date and contents before storing them.
Store in a cool, dark, dry place for up to six months.
Best herbs to infuse in oil
There are a countless number of herbs, spices and resins that can be infused into the oil. Please make sure these herbs are free from pesticides and chemicals (not found on the roadside). Dried herbs work best as you don't want your mixture spoiling sooner. Here are some great examples of herbs to use.
Pine needles
Calendula flowers
Chamomile flowers
Lemon balm
Peppermint leaf
Rosemary leaf
Thyme leaf
There you have it! Now have fun and source responsibility.
Happy witching!
Want to read more?
On sustainability and impact:
Dangers of essential oils and pets:
Want to check out my other post? Look at my Masterpost
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sirenjose · 10 months
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Vera Analysis
Vera was born in Grasse, France. This was a town where originally tanning flourished in the 16th century, but it dies out eventually. This was in part due to competition with Nice, France, but also because they switched to focusing on perfume later.
Perfume or “perfumus” in Latin means “through smoke”.
Tanning left a strong stench, and due to complaints, it became fashionable to have scented gloves. Grasse produced the aroma oils that were put into the leather gloves, and slowly their reputation as a perfume hub increased.
Eventually there was a surge in demand for high quality fragrances, leading to perfume workshops being built and artisans known as “noses” or perfumers being employed who could blend and refine scents. These were people with a natural aptitude for scent, highly trained, finely tuned olfactory abilities as well knowledge of fragrance materials.
It took time for the perfume industry to rebound after the French Reign of Terror, which an emphasis on personal cleanliness around that time helped with. Napolean himself actually encouraged the cultivation of flowers for fragrances, leading to creation of flower fields around Grasse. Flowers sent to Paris were used to create luxury perfumes for the French elite.
The 1st of 3 large perfumeries in Grasse was Galimard in 1747, with Molinard, the 2nd, founded in 1849 (the 3rd was Fragonard, built in 1926). More factories appeared with time, especially with new processes found to absorb scent molecules. In 1850, there were about 45, but by 1875 there were 65. There were also 3 types of factories: plant growers, flower brokers, and manufacturers.
Victorian ladies weren’t known for wearing excessive fragrances. At least initially, the belief was that perfumes should be so “delicate” and so “lingeringly fragrant” that no one could define it as more than the “ghost of a sweet scent”. Anything too strong or overly-lavish was associated with people like prostitutes. Back then, perfumes were generally simpler, consisting mostly of florals and botanicals. They also didn’t apply perfume to the skin, instead using it on gloves, handkerchiefs, clothing, and cosmetics. A predominant scent back then was Eau de Cologne, which was a sharp clean scent that cut through other smells, though it was later surpassed by Bergamont and lemon oil.
Queen Victoria’s scent was the orange blossom. She also loved violets, which were popular in Victorian toiletries.
The focus on singular scent fragrances (smell of a single flower) changed by the end of the 19th century. There were several reasons for this. Raw materials started to be imported from abroad, helping reduce prices, as well as caused Grasse to focus on perfume production rather than flower fields and growing. Another reason was the improvement to the techniques they used. The discovery of solvent extraction techniques allowed for the extraction of fragrant oils without damaging the essence of delicate flowers and enabled the creation of more intricate and nuanced fragrances. The 19th century was when synthetics were 1st made and used. Houbigant and Guerlain were the first to use synthetic products: Fougère royale in 1884, Jicky in 1889, which are considered the 1st modern perfume. Finally, due to synthetic perfumes becoming cheaper to make, wealthy ladies wanted more complex, unique, and as yet unsynthesized perfumes to distance themselves from the lower class.
Going back to Vera, the “Vera” we know in game, the perfumer, is actually Chloe Nair. The real Vera Nair was Chloe’s twin sister.
Chloe herself was initially a timid girl, the type who was easily frightened and lacking in self-confidence, but the 1 person she felt happy with was her twin, Vera, the only person who truly understood Chloe. Unlike Chloe, Vera was cheerful and confident. Despite their differences, they were extremely close and did almost everything together.
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But she was the only one.
Adults in their hometown of Grasse, France unfortunately often compared the 2, in a judgmental, self-righteous way. So, it was no surprised they essentially labeled Chloe, who started working and experimenting with perfumes from a young age, as the negative, weird one who “only seemed to know fragrance” and how to make perfumes, while Vera was the “elegant and flattering beauty” popular with the townspeople. As a result of Chloe’s nervous and unlikeable character, they alienated the more fragile of the 2 sisters, which led Chloe to becoming increasingly negative, sensitive, and suspicious. Seeing just how popular her twin was in comparison probably reduced her own self-confidence further.
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Despite how much this hurt Chloe and worsened the outlook she had on herself and others, and despite how much the residents loved Vera, Vera’s opinion of Chloe differed from everyone else. She knew the truth of just how skilled Chloe was with perfumes, and just how deep her knowledge was of them. Chloe’s skills were supported by her superior sense of smell and sensitivity to scents, which she saw as each “[telling] a story of nature”.
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Not even the rest of Chloe’s family supported her though, as Craig Nair, the “Family Store Manager” (potentially her father, but we can’t be completely sure) told her “If you want your work to have a chance to appear in front of others, you need to cease your weird and comical endeavors”.
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The title of this deduction is “Attempt”, followed by the line “Creativity is never liked before it has been proven successful”. This is a bit confusing as Grasse then was still a perfumery hub back then, so Vera being involved with perfumes at all shouldn’t be a problem.
Based on what we’ve heard about Grasse’s history and the development of perfumery, my best guess to explain Craig’s words is this was when simple scents, for that emphasis on personal cleanliness, were still the most popular, before the desire for more complex fragrances. As I said, there were negative connotations of any scent that was considered too lavish. If Vera was one of those beginning to experiment with something besides single scent fragrances, that could explain why he’d talk about her weird “endeavors”, as well as explain the title being “attempt” and the line about “creativity”.
Complex fragrances, like the deduction say, weren’t “liked” before they were “proven successful”. Craig doesn’t seem the type to want to take risks. He wants to stick with what has always worked. The townspeople are similar, though they also don’t understand how interested Vera is in perfume, or the “stories” tell from each scent. But it’s also possible Vera, least to the townspeople “only seems to know fragrance”, aka she pretty much focused all her time on perfumes, could’ve been more than just because she was interested in it. It’s also possible she leaned into it because it was the 1 thing she was good at, while everyone (likely including Craig) saw her sister as the better one. That or because everyone, especially Craig, never saw her as good enough, so she tried to stand out in the 1 way she knew how.
I think the idea Vera was experimenting with complex fragrances while most others, like Craig, were still focused on single scents could be backed up by deduction 5, which includes the line “Two roses, five parts sandalwood, one part geranium, one part rosewood”. Similarly, Vera had another quote in 2018 that involved multiple ingredients: “The secret formula of love: three sprigs of tuberose, one sprig of jasmine, one sprig of clove, half a sprig of chrysanthemum and hyacinth”.
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Going back to deduction 5, we see that the fragrance she was developing there was for her sister. This helps show how close the 2 were, as well as likely how grateful Chloe was for Vera’s support. Vera was Chloe’s lifeline. The 1 person who was “willing to listen, take her seriously, and support her in endeavors that seem strange to others”. Vera was Chloe’s outlet, a way to help keep her sane despite how bad everything else around her was.
Unfortunately, this didn’t last. When Chloe sees the news about Vera opening a new perfume shop, and the admiration and fame she gets from it, Chloe feels betrayed. We can see her anger and her losing control of her emotions by the way the newspaper is described to have been “shredded and pasted together”, as well as how deduction 6 includes the line “Incredible: These should have belonged to me!”.
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Then there’s deduction 7, titled “vengeance”, which also includes the word “resentful”.
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In this same deduction, as well as the next, we essentially learn that Chloe killed her sister (with a dagger) then took her identity. By becoming “Vera”, and taking ownership of the perfume shop the real Vera started, Chloe finally gets the attention and admiration she’s wanted for so long, as we see from deduction 8’s line “So that is what it is like to become the focus of the masses”. Her life now feels like it is finally “on track”.
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To everyone else, Chloe seems to have just “disappeared”, though Chloe doesn’t think anyone cares. It doesn’t matter. “Vera” is enjoying the fame and status brought by stealing her sister’s identity, as we see from the line “there seems to be a disparaging look in her eyes and she is enjoying it”. Chloe is now “Vera”, and her personality changes to fit her new identity, as well as a result of the reputation and admiration she is now getting, as she is now described in the early version of the artbook as “arrogant, hypercritical, and graceful”.
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We don’t see any immediate thoughts or feelings from “Vera” regarding her killing her sister, but we do see her guilt and regret when she learns the truth upon reading the real Vera’s diary. How Vera had started the perfume shop and everything that went along with it to ensure Chloe’s talents wouldn’t be “buried” to “prove to those biased people”. We also learn as part of this diary entry that the reason Vera didn’t tell Chloe in advance or why she was doing this because Chloe was “proud” and “wouldn’t want me helping her this way”.
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Which implies, if not for Chloe’s pride, Vera may have warned Chloe in advance. Or she could’ve just out right asked Chloe more directly if she (Vera) could help.
I at least partially think Chloe’s pride developed similarly to Edgar’s about painting, which was a combination of self-confidence in their skills as well as I think a semi defensive mechanism to help deal with the unhappiness around them (for Chloe this being the way she was looked down on by everyone in town and by her own family besides Vera) as well as try to prevent themselves from being hurt. Unfortunately, by closing yourself off, it also means distancing yourself from those who genuinely care about you, and for Chloe that was Vera. Maybe Chloe and Vera were a bit more distant when they’d grown up, compared to when they were younger. This potentially could’ve contributed to the build up of emotions in Chloe, with the day she made the assumption that her own sister, her last lifeline, had betrayed her, being the metaphorical straw that broke the camels back.
But as deduction 9 says “Not all mistakes can be corrected”. Chloe had made her “choice” by killing “the only person in the world who truly loved her”. Even worse for Chloe is the fact she had gotten used to living as “Vera”, which had given her the chance to finally achieve her desires and receive the compliments and praise from others she had felt she deserved for so long.
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As we see in her 3rd letter, she is described as trying to “escape reality”. This same letter seems to confirm what was likely parts of Chloe’s real personality, as it describes her as “alert and oversensitive” and “mentally fragile”, with the 3rd note, being she “has a conscience” fitting with Chloe’s feelings over killing her sister after she learned the truth. The manor owner states Chloe suffers “something close to a mental breakdown”, which is likely why she wants to forget, but also I think is a term that would fit with how I think Chloe was before. I think Chloe was already close to snapping before she saw her sister start the new perfumery, while her sister’s actions were just the thing to tip her over the edge.
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 Vera knows she can’t bring her sister back to life, but she also is unable to deal with the complicated tangle of feelings she now has, which are a mixture of sheer guilt, pain, regret, sadness, and devastation. This all combined with Vera’s happiness at living as “Vera” complicating this mess further. As a result, she seeks to forget what happened. Specifically, she wants to forget that she killed her twin, the real Vera. She gets her chance when she receives a “mysterious perfume recipe from an eccentric black marketer”. Using this recipe, she is able to create “Euphoria”, which is described as “anyone who smells this kind of fragrance will be immersed in it and forget everything. But the second note of the perfume is so short-lived that no matter how much she improves it, it cannot be retained”. So, in her desire to perfect the recipe and make it longer lasting, she heads to the manor, which was wear the recipe had come from.
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420friend · 22 days
What is the potency of cannabis concentrates?
The Potent and Versatile Cannabis Concentrate and Extracts
chat telegram:https://t.me/cerianberigam
Cannabis concentrates and extracts have taken the cannabis industry by storm, offering a potent and versatile way to experience the benefits of cannabis. In this article, we'll delve into the world of cannabis concentrates and extracts, exploring their benefits, types, and uses.
What are Cannabis Concentrates and Extracts?
Cannabis concentrates and extracts are products that have been derived from the cannabis plant through various extraction methods. These products can take many forms, including oils, waxes, shatters, and more. They are often more potent than traditional cannabis flowers, making them a popular choice among cannabis enthusiasts.
Types of Cannabis Concentrates and Extracts
There are several types of cannabis concentrates and extracts available, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. Some of the most popular types include:
BHO (Butane Hash Oil): A type of cannabis concentrate that is made using butane as a solvent. CO2 Oil: A type of cannabis concentrate that is made using CO2 as a solvent. Rosin: A type of cannabis concentrate that is made using heat and pressure to extract the cannabinoids from the plant. Shatter: A type of cannabis concentrate that is made using a solvent to extract the cannabinoids from the plant. Benefits of Cannabis Concentrates and Extracts
Cannabis concentrates and extracts offer several benefits, including:
Potency: Cannabis concentrates and extracts are often more potent than traditional cannabis flowers, making them a popular choice among cannabis enthusiasts. Versatility: Cannabis concentrates and extracts can be used in a variety of ways, including vaping, dabbing, and edibles. Convenience: Cannabis concentrates and extracts are often easier to use than traditional cannabis flowers, making them a popular choice among cannabis enthusiasts. Uses for Cannabis Concentrates and Extracts
Cannabis concentrates and extracts can be used in a variety of ways, including:
Vaping: Cannabis concentrates and extracts can be vaporized using a vape pen or other vaporizing device. Dabbing: Cannabis concentrates and extracts can be dabbed using a dab rig or other dabbing device. Edibles: Cannabis concentrates and extracts can be used to make edibles, such as brownies, cookies, and more. Join the Conversation
Want to learn more about cannabis concentrates and extracts? Join the Cannabis Collective Telegram channel (https://t.me/Cannabiscollectives) or chat with us on Telegram (https://t.me/cerianberigam). We'd love to hear from you!
Cannabis concentrates and extracts are a potent and versatile way to experience the benefits of cannabis. With their high potency, versatility, and convenience, it's no wonder why they've become so popular among cannabis enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or just starting out, cannabis concentrates and extracts are definitely worth checking out.
Cannabis Collective Telegram channel (https://t.me/Cannabiscollectives) Cannabis Collective chat on Telegram (https://t.me/cerianberigam)
Note: This article is for informational purposes only
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blogging1202 · 4 months
 KeraBiotics Ingredients
The ingredients chosen for  KeraBiotics are carefully researched. All the ingredients used in this product are safe, effective, and gentle on the skin. Below are the ingredients used for the supplement:
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice: Extracted from the aloe vera plant, this ingredient is well-known for its soothing and hydrating properties. It helps to calm irritated skin, reduce inflammation, and provide essential moisture.
Glycerin: A natural humectant, glycerin attracts moisture from the air into the skin, helping to keep it hydrated and supple throughout the day.
Deionized Water: This purified water serves as the solvent in the formulation, ensuring that other ingredients can be effectively dispersed and absorbed into the skin.
Caprylyl Glycol (Optiphen): Another preservative, caprylyl glycol helps to extend the shelf life of the product by inhibiting microbial growth and oxidation.
Potassium Sorbate: This natural preservative helps to prevent the growth of mold and yeast in the product, ensuring its stability and safety for use.
Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract: Cucumber extract is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It helps to soothe and refresh the skin, reducing puffiness, and providing a cooling sensation
Copper Gluconate: Copper gluconate has antimicrobial properties and helps to promote wound healing. It also plays a role in collagen synthesis, supporting the skin's structure and elasticity.
Phenoxyethanol: A widely used preservative, phenoxyethanol helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi in the product, ensuring its safety and efficacy over time. 
Carbomer: This ingredient acts as a thickening agent, giving the product its gel-like consistency. It helps to improve the spreadability of the formulation and gives it a smooth, luxurious texture.
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budandtender · 11 months
Water Hash: The Pure and Potent Extraction Method
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Water hash, a favourite method of making cannabis concentrates worldwide, has gained significant popularity due to its pure and potent characteristics. This article will delve into the details of water hash, its production methods, its surge in popularity, and how it competes with solvent hash.
Understanding Water Hash
Water hash, also known as bubble hash, gets its name from the efficient water-based process used to collect glands from the trim, leaf, and bud bits of the cannabis plant. It is essentially a loose, kief-type product that can be smoked directly or pressed into traditional hashish form. The result is a pure and potent product that quickly wins over many who experience it.
Production of Water Hash: Simplicity and Precision
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One of the main attractions of water hash is its simple production process. It can be made in small or large quantities, depending on the user's needs. The ready-made systems available in the market have significantly simplified the process. These systems have enhanced the precision and efficiency of the water hash production process, contributing to its increasing popularity.
For those who prefer a DIY approach, it's possible to make water hash using home-gathered equipment. The key components include ice, water, cannabis material, and specially designed "bubble bags" that help filter out the trichomes from the plant matter. This simplicity makes it an accessible option for many.
The Rise of Water Hash Popularity
Over the past two decades, water hash has dominated the world of cannabis concentrates. Its popularity stems from its pure and potent nature, which offers users a high-quality experience. Additionally, the absence of harmful solvents and chemicals in the extraction process makes it a safer choice, not only for consumption but also for production, as there's no risk of explosions or exposure to hazardous materials.
Competition with Solvent Hash
However, water hash's reign is being challenged by the rise of solvent hash. Products like wax, shatter, budder, and oil have begun to replace bubble hash on many dispensary shelves in the United States over the last few years.
The competition from solvent hash has forced water hash makers to up their game. Ultra-fine water hash is now being marketed as "solventless" wax, reflecting a level of distrust about poorly made butane-tainted products. High-grade water hash is also excellent for edibles, and the best of it is indeed dabable.
The Safety of Water Hash
One of the significant advantages of water hash is its safety. The production method doesn't involve any sketchy chemicals or pose a risk of explosions. This safety factor, combined with the pure and potent nature of the product, continues to make water hash a preferred choice for many.
In conclusion, water hash offers a simple, safe, and efficient method for producing high-quality cannabis concentrates. Despite the increasing popularity of solvent-based products, water hash continues to hold its ground due to its purity, potency, and safety. Whether you're a novice or an experienced user, Water Hash provides a unique and satisfying experience.
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wholemelts404 · 5 months
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Whole melt extracts are a type of cannabis concentrate known for their high quality and purity. They are produced using a solventless extraction method, which means no solvents like butane or propane are used in the process. Instead, whole melt extracts are made by mechanically separating the trichome heads from the plant material, resulting in a concentrate that preserves the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes found in the original plant.
Live resin sugar, on the other hand, is a specific form of cannabis concentrate that is made using fresh, frozen cannabis plants. The extraction process involves freezing the cannabis immediately after harvest to preserve the plant's natural terpene profile. The frozen plant material is then extracted using solvents like butane or propane, resulting in a concentrate that is rich in both cannabinoids and terpenes.
When combined, "whole melt extracts live resin sugar" likely refers to a cannabis concentrate that is made using a solventless extraction method (whole melt) and incorporates the live resin sugar technique to preserve the plant's natural terpene profile. This combination results in a highly potent and flavorful concentrate that captures the essence of the original cannabis plant.
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fibre2fashion · 4 months
Sustainable Yarns for Eco-Friendly Fashion
Discover sustainable yarns for eco-friendly fashion, including organic, recycled, and renewable options. Learn how to make environmentally responsible choices.
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In recent years, the fashion industry has seen a significant shift towards sustainability. As consumers become more conscious of environmental issues, the demand for eco-friendly fashion has grown. One crucial aspect of sustainable fashion is the use of sustainable yarns. These yarns are produced with minimal environmental impact and are often made from renewable or recycled materials. In this guide, we will explore the various types of sustainable yarns and their benefits, helping you make informed choices for eco-friendly fashion.
1. Organic Cotton Yarns:
Organic cotton is one of the most popular sustainable yarns in the fashion industry. Grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, organic cotton farming promotes soil health and biodiversity. Organic cotton yarns are soft, breathable, and biodegradable, making them ideal for a wide range of clothing items, from everyday wear to luxury garments. Additionally, organic cotton is often certified by organizations such as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), ensuring high environmental and social standards.
2. Recycled Yarns:
Recycled yarns are made from post-consumer or post-industrial waste, such as discarded textiles, plastic bottles, and other materials. By repurposing waste materials, recycled yarns reduce the need for virgin resources and help minimize landfill waste. Common recycled yarns include recycled polyester, recycled nylon, and recycled cotton. These yarns offer comparable quality and durability to their non-recycled counterparts while significantly reducing environmental impact.
3. Hemp Yarns:
Hemp is a highly sustainable and versatile plant that has been used in textile production for centuries. Hemp yarns are strong, durable, and naturally resistant to pests, which means they require minimal chemical inputs during cultivation. Hemp also grows quickly and uses less water compared to cotton, making it an eco-friendly choice for sustainable fashion. Hemp yarns can be used for a variety of garments, including casual wear, activewear, and accessories.
4. Bamboo Yarns:
Bamboo is another sustainable material gaining popularity in the fashion industry. Bamboo plants grow rapidly without the need for pesticides or fertilizers, making them an environmentally friendly option. Bamboo yarns are soft, lightweight, and have natural moisture-wicking and antibacterial properties. However, it's important to choose bamboo yarns that are produced using environmentally responsible processes, as some methods of bamboo fiber extraction can be chemically intensive.
5. Tencel (Lyocell) Yarns:
Tencel, also known as Lyocell, is a type of yarn made from sustainably sourced wood pulp, typically from eucalyptus, beech, or spruce trees. The production process for Tencel is closed-loop, meaning that almost all solvents and water used in the process are recycled and reused. Tencel yarns are known for their softness, breathability, and biodegradability. They are an excellent choice for eco-friendly fashion, suitable for everything from casual wear to high-end garments.
6. Wool and Alpaca Yarns:
Natural animal fibers such as wool and alpaca are inherently sustainable when sourced responsibly. These fibers are renewable, biodegradable, and have excellent thermal properties. Sustainable wool and alpaca yarns come from farms that prioritize animal welfare, land stewardship, and ethical practices. Certifications such as the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) ensure that the wool is produced in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.
7. Linen Yarns:
Linen, made from the flax plant, is one of the oldest and most sustainable fibers used in textiles. Flax requires minimal water and pesticides to grow and can thrive in poor soil conditions. Linen yarns are strong, durable, and breathable, making them perfect for warm-weather clothing. Linen production has a relatively low environmental impact, and the resulting fabric is fully biodegradable.
8. Sustainable Dyeing and Finishing:
In addition to choosing sustainable yarns, it's important to consider the dyeing and finishing processes. Eco-friendly dyeing methods, such as using natural dyes or low-impact synthetic dyes, reduce the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. Furthermore, water-saving techniques and energy-efficient practices in the finishing process contribute to the overall sustainability of the final product.
Sustainable yarns are a cornerstone of eco-friendly fashion, offering a range of options for creating garments that are both stylish and environmentally responsible. By choosing yarns made from organic, recycled, or renewable materials, and ensuring responsible production processes, designers and manufacturers can significantly reduce their environmental footprint. As the demand for sustainable fashion continues to grow, embracing sustainable yarns will play a crucial role in shaping a greener, more ethical fashion industry.
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pemacprojects · 3 months
Process of Edible Oil Processing Using Solvent Extraction
Solvent extraction plants play a crucial role in the production of edible oils, significantly enhancing the efficiency and yield of oil extraction from various oilseeds. These plants dissolve the oil in the seeds using a chemical solvent, usually hexane, so almost all of the oil is extracted. This method is particularly advantageous for oilseeds with low oil content, such as soybeans, where mechanical pressing alone would be insufficient.
The process begins with the preparation of the oilseeds, which involves cleaning, dehulling, and sometimes conditioning to optimize the extraction. The prepared seeds are then subjected to a solvent extraction process. At an extractor, the seeds and solvent are combined at this step. The oil is dissolved by the solvent after penetrating the seeds, creating a combination called miscella. The oil-laden solvent is then separated from the spent seeds, which are often processed further to recover residual oil.
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The miscella undergoes distillation to separate the oil from the solvent. The solvent is evaporated and condensed for reuse, while the crude oil is collected for further refining. This refining process includes steps such as degumming, neutralizing, bleaching, and deodorizing to ensure the oil is safe and palatable for consumption.
In addition to solvent extraction plants, edible oil refineries, oil mill plants, oil expeller plants, cooking oil plants, and vegetable oil plants all contribute to the broader oil production ecosystem. Edible oil refineries focus on purifying crude oil, ensuring it meets quality standards. The mechanical extraction of oil from seeds is mostly handled by oil mills and oil expeller plants. Cooking oil plants and vegetable oil plants specialize in producing various types of oils for culinary uses, ensuring they are suitable for cooking and other food preparations.
The integration of these various facilities ensures a seamless and efficient production process, from raw seed to refined oil, meeting the global demand for edible oils.
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youngbonescomic · 1 year
What's that thing Goliath was holding for extraction duty?
Oh boy oh boy, this feels like I'm back in elementary school science again \ :D /
So, when you extract plants or herbs, there's a whole techinqincal process is whats called an Extraction Process, so that you can separate the high density liquid from the low density liquid from your solvent liquid or what you started. What Goliath is holding is a Separatory Funnel
But you need two solvent liquids (one from a living organism and the other can be water)
The goal is to separate the two relatable solubilities into two different immscible liquids
And immscible liquids basically mean liquids that don't mix
Or say, a soul that would need to be put into a liquids, wink wonk
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the-stray-storyteller · 6 months
Damn girl, are you an angel?
Because one common method of making meth is the "red phosphorus" method, which involves mixing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine (found in cold medicine) with other chemicals such as red phosphorus, iodine, and hydrochloric acid. This mixture is then heated and distilled to produce methamphetamine.
Another method, known as the "Nazi method" or the "Birch reduction," uses lithium or sodium metal in the reaction mixture instead of red phosphorus.
It's important to note that the process of making meth is highly dangerous, not only because of the chemicals involved but also because of the risk of explosion or fire. It is illegal in many countries, and attempting to make meth can result in severe legal lconsequences.
The first step in making cocaine is to harvest the coca leaves. These leaves are then placed in a solution of gasoline or other solvents to extract the alkaloids, which include the active ingredient in cocaine, cocaine hydrochloride.
The next step is to purify the extracted alkaloids by removing any impurities or other chemicals present in the solution. This is typically done by washing the solution with water and then filtering it to remove any solid particles.
The final step is to convert the purified alkaloids into the final product, which is typically done by adding chemicals such as hydrochloric acid or ammonia to the solution. The resulting mixture is then heated and distilled to produce a white powder, which is the final product: cocaine
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a powerful psychedelic drug that is made through a series of chemical reactions. The process of making LSD is relatively complex and requires a significant amount of knowledge and expertise in chemistry.
The first step in making LSD is to obtain a precursor chemical called lysergic acid, which can be synthesized from ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains.
Once the lysergic acid is obtained, it is then reacted with other chemicals, such as diethylamine, to form the intermediate compound, diethylamide of lysergic acid.
The intermediate compound is then purified and further reacted with other chemicals such as iso-propyl alcohol to form the final product, LSD.
The process of making CBD typically involves several steps, including cultivating, harvesting, and processing the cannabis plant, and then extracting the CBD oil from the plant material.
The first step is to cultivate and grow high-CBD cannabis plants, which are typically hemp or specialized strains of marijuana. Once the plants are mature, they are harvested and dried.
The next step is to extract the CBD oil from the plant material. There are several methods that can be used to extract CBD oil, including:
1. CO2 Extraction: This method uses pressurized carbon dioxide to separate the CBD oil from the plant material.
2. Solvent Extraction: This method uses a solvent, such as ethanol or butane, to separate the CBD oil from the plant material.
3. Olive oil extraction: This method uses heat and olive oil to extract the CBD from the plant material
Once the CBD oil has been extracted, it is typically further processed and refined to remove impurities and other plant material. The final product is a clear, amber-colored oil that contains a high concentration of CBD.
Pharmacologists would say that the process of making CBD is relatively simple, but requires a significant amount of knowledge and expertise in botany, horticulture, and chemistry. Additionally, the legality of CBD production varies depending on the country and state laws, so it is important to be aware of the regulations in your area.
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid pain medication that is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent. The process of making fentanyl involves several steps, including obtaining the precursor chemicals and then synthesizing them into the final product.
The first step in making fentanyl is to obtain the precursor chemicals, which include N-phenethyl-4-piperidone (NPP) and 4-anilino-N-phenethylpiperidine (ANPP). These chemicals are usually obtained through illegal means and can be highly dangerous.
Once the precursor chemicals are obtained, they are then reacted with other chemicals such as acetic anhydride, hydrochloric acid, and palladium on carbon catalyst to form the final product, fentanyl.
Pharmacologists would say that the process of making fentanyl is highly dangerous and illegal in most countries, as the chemicals used in the process can be highly toxic and the drug is highly addictive and can cause serious harm, including overdose and death. Additionally, the fact that the precursor chemicals are obtained through illegal means and the process of making the drug is done in illegal laboratories can pose a serious risk to public safety.
The process of making marijuana, also known as pot, involves cultivating, harvesting, and processing the cannabis plant.
The first step is to grow the cannabis plants, which can be done either indoors or outdoors, depending on the desired strain and the local regulations. Once the plants are mature, they are harvested and dried.
The next step is to process the dried plant material to extract the psychoactive compound THC, and the non-psychoactive compound CBD. This can be done by using various methods, such as solvent extraction, CO2 extraction, or by using mechanical means to separate the trichomes from the plant material.
Once the compounds are extracted, they can be further processed to create various forms of marijuana, such as buds, edibles, tinctures, and oils.
Pharmacologists would say that while marijuana has medicinal properties, the process of growing and extracting it is heavily regulated and varies depending on the country, state or jurisdiction. Some countries and states have made marijuana legal for medicinal and recreational use, but it's still illegal in others. It's important for individuals to be aware of their local laws and regulations before cultivating, harvesting or processing marijuana.
Experts in pharmacology and gardening would describe the process of growing marijuana as a multi-step process that involves selecting the appropriate strain, preparing the growing environment, planting and nurturing the plants, and then harvesting and processing the buds.
1. Strain selection: Selecting the right strain of marijuana is crucial, as different strains have different levels of THC and CBD, and different growing requirements.
2. Preparing the growing environment: This includes selecting the right location, whether it be indoors or outdoors, and setting up the necessary equipment such as lights, fans, and irrigation systems.
3. Planting and nurturing: This includes germinating the seeds, planting the seedlings, and providing the plants with the necessary nutrients and water.
4. Harvesting and processing: This involves carefully timing the harvest to ensure the highest concentration of THC and CBD, then drying and curing the buds, followed by trimming and packaging the buds for consumption or extraction.
Growing marijuana requires knowledge of horticulture, botany, and cannabis cultivation techniques, as well as an understanding of local laws and regulations. It's important to note that growing marijuana is heavily regulated and varies depending on the country, state or jurisdiction. Some countries and states have made marijuana legal for medicinal and recreational use, but it's still illegal in others. It's important for individuals to be aware of their local laws and regulations before cultivating marijuana.
Whoever you are. I thought you were my friend from school. She had once lectured us on how one could make drugs out of legos.
I love the fact that I can now start a drug lab. Thankyou so much.
I love you.
*flying kisses*
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
How to Make Tinctures
Typically after teas, many beginner herbalists move onto making their own tinctures! While it can seem a bit daunting, the process is easily understood if you have someone to properly walk you through it. 
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“Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts made by soaking the bark, berries, leaves (dried or fresh), or roots from one or more plants in alcohol or vinegar” (Healthline). In the very basic form, a tincture is composed of herb material and a solvent.
Your solvent can be anything from water, to alcohol, to vinegar, but for the purposes of keeping things simple we’ll stick to using alcohol. Using alcohol to make a tincture serves a few purposes: it will extract more constituents than something milder such as water or vinegar (example: alkaloids, sugars, enzymes, essential oil, some minerals and vitamins are best extracted with alcohol).
What Are Constituents?
Consider constituents “active ingredients” of a plant. These are phytochemicals that plants have developed for individual reasons that differ per plant, however many of them are believed to have potentially medicinal impacts on the human body. 
These constituents have been separated into two different classes: primary and secondary metabolites:
Primary metabolites include the chemicals plants use to growth and maintain health (starches, proteins, lipids, etc.)
Secondary metabolites include the chemicals plants use to interact with the world around them (can be used to repel predators/attract pollinators)
Herb of choice
Solvent of choice
Dropper or regular-topped single-serve amber-tinted bottles for storing finished product
Wide mouth canning jars with lids
Cheese cloth
Bowl—one with a spout is extra handy!
Small funnel
Concerning Alcohol Usage:
Several different types of alcohol can be used, as long as it’s over 80 proof (or 40% alcohol by volume). Too much water opens your tincture up to the danger of mold, which will ruin any tincture.
While alcohols such as vodka, brandy and whiskey are all acceptable, the best alcohol to use for high-quality tinctures are organic grape or organic grain alcohol.
How to Make Tinctures:
Harvest the herb material or root that you want to use 
Remove all parts of the plant that are not desired
Chop/mash fresh herbs and grind dry herbs to expose as much surface area to the solvent as possible
Place herbs in a wide mouth mason jar
Add enough alcohol to cover herbs by an inch or so, and replace the lid
Store your tincture in a cool, dark place and visit it daily to shake or mix up the plant material
After 4 - 6 weeks, strain the mixture through your cheesecloth, squeezing out as much solvent as possible
Store in your tincture bottles and label with the type of tincture and date
Make sure to store in a cool and dry place.
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thinkeco-friendly · 1 year
The 3 R's of Waste Management
Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
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The 3 R's are the necessary foundations of conservation and waste management techniques for a more sustainable lifestyle.
Sustainability, in its environmental definition, is the ability to maintain conditions supporting biological life on Earth by preserving natural resources. The continued prevalence of diminished natural resources due to the rise in greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane, from human activity over the past decades has impacted our course of sustainability on planet Earth. However, reducing, reusing, and recycling materials will lessen energy consumption instead of mining, extracting, and producing new goods with raw materials. These forms of waste management will allow trees to be planted in areas to lessen the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that would otherwise be used as landfills for trash.
Overconsumption of products that yield mass amounts of trash can contribute to the problem that waste management is trying to fix. Being aware of the issue at its roots and diminishing the need to throw away items can better sustain and handle the waste output that one is producing. Reducing the amount of discarded waste can also lessen the need to reuse or recycle items constantly.
Some ways to reduce and use preventative measures are to:
use reusable forms of everyday daily items such as reusable beeswax food wraps, washable utensils, electric lighters, metal razors, and recycled grocery bags
compost compostable foods at compost centers in your state
shop at zero-waste grocery stores in your state
avoid throwaway items such as single-use cutlery and dishes
replace paper items with fabric or cloth options such as fabric napkins, dishcloths, and cotton paper towels
buy products in bulk as opposed to small, single-use containers
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Often, it can be easy to discard packaging or items that no longer work or have a use for them. Instead, one should put creativity into practice when thinking of ways to reuse an object instead of throwing it out entirely and increasing waste output.
Some ways to reuse common thrown-away items are to:
turn used milk, coffee, juice, and water cartons into birdhouses
grow seedlings in empty egg cartons
use empty plastic milk jugs for your garden in creative ways
clean out glass jars or containers and repurpose them as a storage component
sell or donate old clothes, furniture, appliances, etc., to those who can use it
reuse grocery bags to cover small trashcans or on your next trip to the store
utilize newspaper as a way to cushion fragile items for storage
use leftover wood as fuel for bonfires
donate old notebooks and books for children who are in need of them
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Recycle ♻️
At times, it can be easier to throw away used goods rather than recycle them and allow them to redirect potential waste from landfills, conserve energy, and reduce the need to extract new materials for new products. According to the EPA, "recycling one ton of paper would save enough energy to power the average American home for six months, save 7,000 gallons of water, save 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one metric ton of carbon equivalent (MTCE)."
Some ways to get started with recycling items can be to:
buy items that are made with recycled materials so that once it is used up, you can recycle them and restart the process
educate yourself on the plastic recycling symbols and learn what they mean and if they can be recycled
be aware of the fact that not all plastics can be recycled at certain facilities
clean out hazardous/unrecyclable contents before recycling items
choose to buy things that are made with water-soluble solutions instead of chemical-based solvents
look out for materials that local recycling facilities are accepting, and start collecting recyclable items
use public blue bins that indicate if they accept paper, glass, or plastic for an easy-access recycling system
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Efforts to start being sustainable might seem to make a slight difference amongst the tons of trash thrown away daily, but having one person reuse, reduce, and recycle, can make a big difference in a healthier Earth.
“3rs - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.” SustainableSA.Com, 2 Aug. 2016, www.sustainablesanantonio.com/practices-technology/reduce-reuse-recycle/. 
“Basic Information Details | Paper Recycling.” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 21 Feb. 2016, archive.epa.gov/wastes/conserve/materials/paper/web/html/index-2.html. 
“Climate Change Indicators.” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1 Aug. 2022, www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/greenhouse-gases. 
“Climate Change, Recycling, and Waste Prevention.” Climate Change, Recycling and Waste Prevention from King County’s Solid Waste Division - King County, kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/solid-waste/programs/climate/climate-change-recycling.aspx. Accessed 1 July 2023. 
Fahad. “3 R’s of Environment - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” Earth Reminder, 4 Jan. 2020, www.earthreminder.com/3rs-of-environment-reduce-reuse-recycle/. 
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aroraaromatics1 · 1 year
The Enigma of Peach: Why Extracting Essential Oil is a Fruitless Pursuit
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Peaches are undoubtedly one of the most delectable fruits, celebrated for their sweet, juicy flesh and delightful aroma. Many essential oils have been successfully extracted from various fruits and plants, but when it comes to peaches, it's an entirely different story. In this blog, we'll delve into the reasons why extracting essential oil from a peach is nearly impossible and explore the aroma molecules used to recreate that irresistible peachy scent, with a focus on CIS-3-HEXENOL and the expertise of Arora Aromatics.
The Challenge of Peach Essential Oil Extraction
Extracting essential oils from fruits and plants is a complex process that involves various techniques like steam distillation, cold pressing, and solvent extraction. However, peaches pose unique challenges that make obtaining their essential oil a daunting task.
Low Oil Content: Unlike some other fruits like citrus or lavender, peaches contain a minimal amount of essential oil. This low oil content makes extraction economically unviable as the yield is incredibly low.
Complex Chemical Composition: The essential oil of peaches is composed of numerous volatile compounds, each contributing to its unique scent. This complexity makes it difficult to isolate and capture the essence of peach in oil form.
Delicate Aroma Molecules: The aromatic molecules responsible for the peachy fragrance are highly delicate and can easily degrade during the extraction process, resulting in an inferior product.
Aroma Molecules Behind the Peachy Scent
To recreate the enticing scent of peaches, perfumers and aroma experts turn to specific aroma molecules, and one of the key players in this aromatic symphony is CIS-3-HEXENOL.
CIS-3-HEXENOL is a natural compound found not only in peaches but also in various fruits, vegetables, and plants. It is responsible for the green and fresh aroma often associated with freshly cut grass. When used in fragrance formulations, it imparts a subtle, fruity, and green nuance, reminiscent of the peachy scent.
Arora Aromatics, a renowned player in the fragrance industry, has mastered the art of capturing and utilizing aroma molecules like CIS-3-HEXENOL to craft fragrances that evoke the essence of peach. Their expertise lies in blending various aroma compounds to create a harmonious and long-lasting fragrance that closely mimics the real thing.
The Role of Arora Aromatics
Arora Aromatics has been at the forefront of the fragrance industry for years, pioneering innovative approaches to recreate the scents of fruits and flowers. When it comes to peaches, they employ a meticulous process that involves:
Aroma Compound Isolation: Arora Aromatics isolates aroma compounds like CIS-3-HEXENOL from natural sources, ensuring the highest quality and purity.
Precision Blending: Their perfumers use a combination of aroma molecules to recreate the multifaceted scent of peaches, striking a balance between sweetness, freshness, and fruitiness.
Sensory Testing: Arora Aromatics conducts rigorous sensory testing to ensure that their fragrances capture the true essence of peaches, meeting the expectations of even the most discerning customers.
Extracting essential oil from peaches remains an elusive quest due to the fruit's low oil content and complex chemical composition. Instead, fragrance experts like Arora Aromatics rely on aroma molecules like CIS-3-HEXENOL to craft captivating peachy scents that can be enjoyed in various products, from perfumes to candles. These expertly crafted fragrances allow us to experience the delightful aroma of peaches whenever we desire, even when the real fruit's season has passed.
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