#edible oil equipment
pemacprojects · 8 months
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Solvent Extraction Plant – PEMAC Projects
A Solvent Extraction Plant is a key component of the edible oil industry, utilizing specialized machinery to extract oils from seeds and other raw materials. Solvent extraction machineries are essential industrial equipment designed to efficiently extract oils and valuable compounds. The oil-rich miscella is then processed in an Oil Refinery Plant, where it undergoes degumming, neutralization, and other refining processes to produce high-quality edible oils. In contrast, Oil Expeller Plants use mechanical presses to extract oil from seeds without the use of solvents, and they are preferred for producing cold-pressed oils. Various Edible Oil Equipment and Cooking Oil Plants are integral to the industry, providing the necessary tools and machinery to efficiently process and refine oils for consumption and industrial applications.
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steakout-05 · 3 months
ok as an artist i personally find traditional painting to be. really really annoying. like. i do not have the patience for it and i just find it to be really frustrating to set up and actually do and i end up not liking the results. i find that there's little room for mistakes and trying to fix them usually ends up with me making 50 other ones, paints can be so inconsistent and having to rely on availability and certain brands to continue making the paint is really inconvenient, not to mention expensive. spending a bunch of time trying to mix the right shade of paint, only for it to go down a completely different shade of colour and not being able to do anything about it is so frustrating as someone who likes consistency and having things just, y'know, not change colour as soon as it dries. plus, they all use different chemicals and can go off really easily or change textures and i am just not ok with having all my materials having an expiration date like food. lead and graphite pencils just don't do that and they can last for years, they're more reliable. every paint is drastically different and trying to find the right one is not only time consuming but, again, expensive, and i don't even see the point in experimenting when most of my materials end up not even getting used if i don't like using them. plus, i'm just.... really impatient. waiting for paint to dry sucks and is why i much prefer digital or just drawing something because i don't need to wait for anything, it just works. and then when i do want to take my time and work slowly for a better result, it dries too fast. it's kinda hellish trying to balance that time, especially considering how inconsistent paints are.
i like to use guidelines when doing art and i find painting straight onto a canvas to be really tricky because there's a lack of direction for me to actually paint. i'm at a complete loss at what to do when i pick up a brush because i can't map it out first without risking screwing up the paint. there's just so many things to keep track of and so much wet paint to avoid and i just do not have the mind for it. putting colours on a canvas and praying that it works just isn't it for me and requires a discipline that i just don't wanna involve myself with. painting is also just like... really exhausting and kinda painful. i got some pretty bad back issues and my arms tire and get sore easily and quickly when i'm standing in front of a canvas. it's a really physical activity for me and i just don't find something to be very fun to do at all when it's physically hurting me. i know drawing on a canvas has this issue too, which is why i prefer sketchbooks. sitting down and drawing something that doesn't break my entire spine every time i do it is much more preferrable than questioning if i should go to the doctor every time i make a brushstroke, lol
that's not to say that there's nothing i like about painting though! i can paint simple little things, and i like doing that. i like mixing colours with a palette knife and i find it fun and even a little relaxing. i painted some cute little chibi cardboard cutouts of the mario brothers one time and i found that to be really fun and i think i'd like to do that again! but apart from that, i just do not have the patience for it. i love the look of traditional paintings and i find many to be really beautiful, but i could never get into actually doing it myself because i hate the process. i'm content with just sketching and doing digital stuff because that's more fun to me and less stressful of a process to do. it's fun, it allows for more mistakes, it's easier to build up layers of shading and lines, not to mention using building up a figure with guidelines is super helpful with visualising what i want it to look like, and i can just erase something if i don't want it there or want to change something. it just makes sense to me.
tl;dr i dont like painting because it's inconsistent, expensive, time-consuming, directionless, frustrating and it makes my back hurt really bad. i'll just stick to drawing stuff :)
#vent#artist vent#i hate painting#i hate it so much and i just cannot understand it nor do i have the patience for it#i seriously had a crack at it and i just find it to be so annoying#there's so much preparation and i'd much prefer just whipping out a pencil and eraser and scribbling something down#to be fair though i do enjoy other art mediums that require more preparation#i find crafts to be fun and i really like working with air dry clay#using clay is just creating a little creature and i really quite like it a lot#making little cardboard guys is fun if not a bit tricky sometimes because my hands are so big compared to the tiny bits of carboard im usin#but it's very fun and cardboard is easy to get#clay is not so easy to get but you can get a lot of it and make many things with it#the only things i really dont like about clay is fingerprints and the fear of having your art literally explode when you fire it up#but other than that? fun!#painting? not fun!#paint is so messy and i don't like having goopy stuff getting stuck on me and all over my fingers all the time funnily enough#if i bump into something (which is very likely for me because i am clumsy) then oouuguh there goes all the paint its everywhere now#oh my god you know what i hate the most. i hate oil paints. i hate them so much.#the smell gives me bad headaches and makes me feel faint and it's hard to clean and dispose of and it's just more chemicals to deal with#it's just acrylic but more annoying#i don't think it's edible either which is. frustrating#it's also harder to clean out if you get stained with it (which is very likely because paint is messy)#i just dislike oil materials in general. they smell weird and they do not wash off. i still have oil pastel stains on one of my favourite-#-shirts despite the fact that it has been washed multiple times. and it took several days and so much fucking scrubbing to get-#-it out of my nails and off my hands completely. actual hellscape.#i know graphite and lead pencils would never betray me like this#pencils are so reliable and i love them <3#pencils and drawing equipment in general are just more reliable and don't expire or develop inconsistent textures (except erasers for some-#-reason) and they don't! hurt! my! back!#like i'm over here needing to do the riker maneuver to sit down after i paint my back hurts so bad
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Importance of Liquid Packaging Machines in Various Industries
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evolutionsvoid · 5 months
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The great seas bear many gifts, yet are home to many dangers. The tales carved upon ivory speak of the treachery of the waters and of the beasts that lurk within it. It is no wonder that the ships of wood and bone set sail with so many blades and harpoons, as they either expect to encounter these monsters or instead are seeking them. Some of the greatest blessings that can be found in these waters are pulled from the bodies and guts of these immense beasts, making for fine materials or fetching high prices back on land. Life upon the sea is dangerous, but many do find a living out there. For them, it is crucial to know the great leviathans that dwell in the depths, and know how to deter them or best them when they rise to the surface. This determines if their ship will return to port intact, or will join the horrid beasts below in the dark depths. 
Of the creatures of the ocean, there is no doubt that the Bowel Serpent is the most foul of them. A great worm that writhes through the depths, swallowing prey in a gaping toothless maw. Belching from their mouths are clouds of filth and rot, filling the waters with the taste and smell of death. Scavengers and hungry predators arrive to feed on this chum, only to be sucked into the waiting maw. Though their length is impressive and their reek terrible, Bowel Serpents are not apexes of these waters. Other leviathans see their boneless flesh as a fine meal, and seek to sink their teeth in. To ward off attackers, these serpents discharge large clouds of waste and putrid slime, blinding foes and choking their gills. This smokescreen gives time for the worm to slink away, or perhaps fight back with powerful crushing coils. At times, they flee to the surface, where their presence is known far and wide by the horrid odor they release. Spouts of noxious gas belch from their blowholes, driving away some animals while drawing in others who mistake it for a rotten carcass. For whaling ships, this wretched reek is the sign of a hunt, and they aim their ships straight for the source. Ivory harpoons and bony hooks are launched towards its soft flesh, hooking in and preventing escape. A long fight will go down, with the hopes that the many wounds will bring this leviathan down eventually. Yellowflame is kept away from these battles, in fear that it will ignite internal gases and cause the whole worm to explode, taking the entire crew with it. 
From these battles, a valuable haul of ambergris, oil, blubber and hide is won. Many parts of this rotting worm make for excellent fuel, a fine replacement of Yellow Bile when on long journeys at sea. Their skin is good for clothing and equipment, either repelling liquid or keeping it in where they want it. The meat, while plentiful, is one that will make any sailor or fisher groan. Its horrible smell and pungent taste is made only worse by the fact that it is very much edible. While most would prefer to use it as chum, it is an undesired product that few on land would purchase, thus ship captains use it as cheap food to feed the crew. Why waste the good meat that could be sold, when there are stores of useless flesh that could fill the crew's bellies? Needless to say, "worm stew" or "gut steaks" are despised by sea folk as a whole, but when the other option is starving, these meals are choked down with grumbles and swigs of potent ales. 
While Bowel Serpents are infamous for their terrible stench, land folk like to joke that these beasts are used for perfume aboard whaling ships. As they say, Bowel Serpent odor is noxious and overpowering, but it sure beats the smell that comes off the crew when they are at sea for months on end.           
"Bowel Serpent"
Hey, it's not my fault that there are old drawings of sea serpents that look like intestines! What was I supposed to do? Ignore them? Impossible!
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solarpunkbusiness · 27 days
Bpacks is a circular economy startup that has developed the world's first bark packaging technology, which integrates easily into existing production streams. Bark-based materials are fully compatible with current equipment for plastic packaging production, facilitating the shift to eco-packaging.
The startup is crafting packaging that is 100 per cent bio-based, with up to 75 per cent of materials sourced from production waste.
bark-based material turns into compost within a week in an active environment and enriches the compost with valuable nutrients.
Further, by utilising bark, a sidestream of wood production, as its primary raw material, Bpacks ensures that forest resources are not further strained. 
With estimated bark production levels between 300 and 400 million m3 annually, the startup leverages this abundant resource to create environmentally friendly packaging solutions. 
Furthermore, studies have highlighted the antimicrobial potential of bark extracts from various tree species. These extracts enhance the functionality of Bpacks' technology, which emits up to six times fewer CO2 emissions than traditional plastic production methods. 
As a sidestream, forest waste is also being used by startups to make natural biochemicals, pulp-based cellulose, edible fats and oils. Its status as a living ingredient means it also has the potential to extend the life of the products which it packages according to Nešić. 
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 8 months
Steve’s random life skills (according to my HC)
• Obviously very athletic and is actually very good at picking up physical skills in general. Only has to be shown sports/stretching/maneuvers basically once
• Cooking, especially complicated recipes because he wanted to be able to show off, but he does NEED a recipe until he basically memorizes it by doing it a hundred times
• Autism be dammed, that boy can grill
• Budgeting for food, surprisingly
• Getting booze and vomit out of fabrics, especially carpet
• Hair care and skin care special interest come on down!
• Very basic car stuff like changing a spare/changing oil but not much beyond that
• Very good at setting up appointments
• Even better at speaking to a manager
• He makes a mean paper airplane
• sings pretty well but could use some training to be great
Eddie’s random life skills (according to my HC)
• can learn a song just by listening to it once
• really good at picking up intruments
• shockingly good at baking
• his specific cooking skill is less the ability to follow a recipe (he gets bored and loses his place a lot) and more the ability to make something edible out of the three things left in the kitchen while waiting to be able to grocery shop again. The food will look unhinged but will taste divine
• patching/mending/hemming clothes since buying new clothes isn’t usually an option and there’s not always a perfect option from secondhand stores
• it’s not a hc that he can hotwire a car but he can also break into a car and also pick locks
• Wayne is teaching him basic repairs to the van so if pushed, he could replace certain things himself on top of the more basics of change oil and tires.
• has more upper body strength than people expect. He is the one to move equipment for the band.
• secret artist due to painting stuff for campaigns, especially minifigs. You know you did well in a campaign if Eddie makes and decorates one of your character
• really good at remembering faces and names but pretends he’s not unless it’s movie night and he wants to show off. The main thing he really uses it for is to stay safe as a dealer and also a nerd in school
• can sleep goddamn anywhere
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hollowtones · 1 year
Lately my moms been getting and encouraging me to try out cooking. It was a basic life skill I was bound to develop eventually so I gave it a try. Having undiagnosed mental disorders on top of the language barrier between me and her, my entry into cooking (which I jokingly call my "malewife training arc") was turbulent and confusing.
It took me maybe over a week to be comfortable and confident with using kitchen equipment, handling knives and preparing food. So far the most I got out of my moms lesson is to heat up a pan at high with a bit of cooking oil, toss in the ingredients and stir it around, add sauce with more stirring,and finally putting a lid on the pan for a few minutes until I decide it's done. The end result is what I would personally call "edible" (one time I felt like I overcooked several steaks which I named "godless mistake")
So I'm telling you this because I have a feeling you know more about cooking and I am desperately asking for help with how I can brave on cooking because I sure as hell am not doing right by it.
The trick to “being brave about cooking” for me is a mix of “failure hurts but you have to learn how to be okay with it” and “fake it ‘til you make it”.
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budandtender · 8 months
Water Hash: The Pure and Potent Extraction Method
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Water hash, a favourite method of making cannabis concentrates worldwide, has gained significant popularity due to its pure and potent characteristics. This article will delve into the details of water hash, its production methods, its surge in popularity, and how it competes with solvent hash.
Understanding Water Hash
Water hash, also known as bubble hash, gets its name from the efficient water-based process used to collect glands from the trim, leaf, and bud bits of the cannabis plant. It is essentially a loose, kief-type product that can be smoked directly or pressed into traditional hashish form. The result is a pure and potent product that quickly wins over many who experience it.
Production of Water Hash: Simplicity and Precision
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One of the main attractions of water hash is its simple production process. It can be made in small or large quantities, depending on the user's needs. The ready-made systems available in the market have significantly simplified the process. These systems have enhanced the precision and efficiency of the water hash production process, contributing to its increasing popularity.
For those who prefer a DIY approach, it's possible to make water hash using home-gathered equipment. The key components include ice, water, cannabis material, and specially designed "bubble bags" that help filter out the trichomes from the plant matter. This simplicity makes it an accessible option for many.
The Rise of Water Hash Popularity
Over the past two decades, water hash has dominated the world of cannabis concentrates. Its popularity stems from its pure and potent nature, which offers users a high-quality experience. Additionally, the absence of harmful solvents and chemicals in the extraction process makes it a safer choice, not only for consumption but also for production, as there's no risk of explosions or exposure to hazardous materials.
Competition with Solvent Hash
However, water hash's reign is being challenged by the rise of solvent hash. Products like wax, shatter, budder, and oil have begun to replace bubble hash on many dispensary shelves in the United States over the last few years.
The competition from solvent hash has forced water hash makers to up their game. Ultra-fine water hash is now being marketed as "solventless" wax, reflecting a level of distrust about poorly made butane-tainted products. High-grade water hash is also excellent for edibles, and the best of it is indeed dabable.
The Safety of Water Hash
One of the significant advantages of water hash is its safety. The production method doesn't involve any sketchy chemicals or pose a risk of explosions. This safety factor, combined with the pure and potent nature of the product, continues to make water hash a preferred choice for many.
In conclusion, water hash offers a simple, safe, and efficient method for producing high-quality cannabis concentrates. Despite the increasing popularity of solvent-based products, water hash continues to hold its ground due to its purity, potency, and safety. Whether you're a novice or an experienced user, Water Hash provides a unique and satisfying experience.
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shivshaktimachtech · 3 months
Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Shiv Shakti Machtech's Mustard Oil Bottle Filling Machine is crafted from top-notch materials, adhering to hygiene standards and facilitating easy cleaning. A Mustard Oil or Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line comprises a series of machines designed for filling, capping, and labeling bottles containing mustard oil or other edible oils. Filling Machine: Equipped to precisely fill bottles with desired quantities of mustard oil or edible oil. Features a conveyor belt system for bottle transportation, precision filling nozzles, and volume adjustment controls. Ensures uniform filling levels and reduces spillage or wastage of oil. Capping Machine: Responsible for securely sealing filled bottles with caps or lids. Utilizes various capping mechanisms (e.g., screw caps, press-on caps, snap-on caps) based on bottle and cap types. Ensures tight and consistent sealing to prevent oil leakage or contamination. Labeling Machine: Applies labels onto filled and capped bottles, providing product information, branding, and regulatory details. Operates with precision and consistency, even at high production speeds. Features may include label applicators, sensors, and controls for accurate label placement and alignment. Application: Food and beverage industry: Used in edible oil processing plants, bottling facilities, and packaging operations for Cooking Oil, Mustard Oil, Soybean Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Vanaspati Ghee, Rice Bran Oil, Sesame Oil, Palm Oil, Mustard Oil, Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil, Refined Oil, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Corn Oil, Olive Oil, Soya Oil, Canola Oil, Safflower Oil, Oil Spray, Avocado Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Nut Oils, Organic Safflower Oil, Palm Oil, Groundnut Oil,  Edible Oil, Vegetable Oil. Geographical Coverage: Shiv Shakti Machtech serves as the Manufacturer and Supplier of Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, and various locations across the country, including Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Ladakh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal. For further details, interested parties can contact Shiv Shakti Machtech. Read the full article
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subir-astrologer · 7 months
According to vedic astrology one goes thru rough situations due to the activation of the malefic planets in their horoscope. The activation results of a malefic planet are more effective during is mahadasha ruling period as its is the maximum period that a planet has for its ruling.
In order to pacify the negative impact of the malefic planet, in vedic astrology there are many remedies prescribed by the Great sages of past.
In vedic astrology there are many remedies to pacify a malefic planet and one among them is donations.
Donating items / things as per the planet’s significance will pacify that planet and donation should be done with pure and honest heart. It should not be done with an intension of doing it for remedy ( all though it is done for remedy ).
sun related donations are wheat, jaggery, copper, gold etc to a government servant hence donation should be done on Sunday afternoon
Moon related donations are water, cooked food, couch, milk, rice, silver, pearls to a motherly figure especially from the business community on Monday evening period
Mars is a soldier hence the donation to security force related to people who are celebrate even watchmen is good on Tuesday afternoon, donation related to mars are rewadi, patasa, red dal & cloth, copper, coral , tandoori roti etc.
Mercury is a child hence donation to young student of green cloth &vegetables, book, pens, moong dal etc on Wednesday evening.
Jupiter related donations are kesar, chana dal, haldi, yellow flower, banana etc to senior teachers , priests or respected person of your locality on Thursday morning.
Shukra related donations are silk cloth, ghee, makhan, white sandalwood, cow, camphor, sugar & cloths etc to young women on Friday evening
Saturn related to iron, leather, til, sarso, blue sapphire, edible oil, coal etc to working class poor old man on Saturday any time.
Rahu is related to shadow so umbrella black urad & til plastic sheet, fake coins, gomed, coconut, seesa (lead) on amavas evening.
Ketu is related to multi coloured cloth, blankets , multi or mixed grain food, cats eyes, digging equipment, mustard oil etc to roaming sadhu whenever you spot them or when moon is transiting in ketu nakshatra.
Donation should be done for functional malefic or natural malefic afflicting one’s horoscope and specially in their mahadasha ruling period.
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agp · 7 months
hey if youre on turtle island or still tuesday and feel like trying a quick silly browser game you should check out tradle. (i think it updates at midnight based on time zones?) todays is real fun i prommy.
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you get five guesses to figure out a country from its export data, and after each guess they tell you how far away you are and what direction the county youre looking for is. i know it sounds like a ridiculous challenge but this one has a bunch of easy hints and giveaways that are accessible to your average westerner
if its wednesday by now or you want to see the data presented differently check out this silly economy under the cut (bolded 'spoilers' ig)
total export value: 371b (usd)
gold: 86.7b (23%}
packaged meds: 48.5b (13%)
vaccines, blood, cultures, etc: 40.3b (11%)
base metal watches: 15.2b (4%)
nitrogen heterocyclic compounds: 14.2b (4%)
jewlery: 9.35b (2.5%)
precious metal watches: 8.97b (2.5%)
orthopedic appliances: 7.02b (2%)
hormones: 3.38b
coffee: 3.36b
electricity: 3.19b
medical instruments: 3.09b
machinery w indv functions: 3.04b
platinum: 2.54b
chemical analysis instruments: 2.27b
nucleic acids: 2.17b
valves: 2.17b
silver: 2.01b
electric motors: 1.78b
scented mixtures: 1.72b
sulfonamides: 1.71b
diamonds: 1.64b
planes, helicopters, and spacecraft: 1.63b
beauty products: 1.58b
other heating machinery: 1.43b
flavored water: 1.43b
gas turbines: 1.38b
low voltage protection eq: 1.34b
gas and liquid flow measuring inst: 1.3b
carboxyamide compounds: 1.26b
other measuring instruments: 1.24b
air pumps: 1.16b
motor vehicles, parts, and acc: 1.14b
petroleum gas: 1.12b
electrical transformers: 1.11b
aluminum plating: 1.07b
other plastic products: 1.01b
metal working machine parts: 988m
vitamins: 965m
polyamides: 963m
washing and bottling machines: 925m
chocolate: 887m
oxygen amino compounds: 885m
integrated circuits: 884m
iron fasteners: 881m
paintings: 873m
transmissions: 855m
special pharmaceuticals: 837m
insulated wire: 828m
electrical power accessories: 826m
plastic lids: 818m
cheese: 800m
antibiotics: 797m
liquid pumps: 797m
cars: 789m
ink: 752m
non mechanical removal machinery: 737m
trunks and cases: 734m
centrifuges: 730m
interchangeable tool parts: 728m
high voltage protection eq: 705m
hand saws: 693m
other edible preparations: 680m
electric heaters: 679m
electrical control boards: 672m
polyacetals: 664m
plastic pipes: 636m
electric soldering equipment: 616m
precious metal compounds: 608m
industrial fatty acids, oils, and alcohols: 608m
hot rolled iron bars: 590m
self propelled rail transport: 582m
refined petroleum: 577m
hydrazine or hydroxylamine derivatives: 565m
precious stones: 563m
rubber working machinery: 561m
unpackaged meds: 557m
other iron products: 553m
precious metal scraps 550m
computers: 545m
surveying equipment: 523m
other plastic sheetings: 519m
metal finishing machines: 516m
scrap copper: 514m
semiconductor devices: 511m
raw plastic sheeting: 494m
documents or title and stamps: 490m
rolled tobacco: 487m
malt extract: 469m
other electrical machinery: 467m
other paper machinery: 450m
oxygen heterocyclic compounds: 441m
non knit mens suits: 441m
synthetic coloring matter: 436m
locomotive parts: 432m
non knit womens suits: 428m
iron structures: 424m
leather footwear: 421m
industrial printers: 415m
lifting machinery: 415m
scrap iron: 412m
therapeutic appliances: 410m
office machine parts: 410m
other clocks and watches: 405m
metal molds: 403m
other furniture: 403m
glaziers putty: 377m
liquid dispersing machines: 376m
knitting machine accessories: 370m
other small iron pipes: 369m
broadcasting equipment: 367m
aircraft parts: 363m
industrial food prep machinery: 362m
glues: 357m
pesticides: 349m
oscilloscopes: 344m
raw aluminum: 344m
knit sweaters: 339m
optical fibers and bundles: 334m
excavation machinery: 332m
non iron/steel slag ash and residue: 319m
carboxylic acids: 315m
xray equipment: 315m
electric motor parts: 315m
watch straps: 313m
tanks and armoured vehicles: 310m
forging machines: 309m
cleaning products: 306m
metalworking transfer machines: 298m
animal food: 294m
combustion engines: 282m
engine parts: 271m
electric generating sets: 254m
scrap aluminum: 249m
laboratory reagents: 249m
perfumes: 244m
other rubber products: 241m
photo lab equipment: 240m
wheat: 236m
lubricating products: 234m
printed circuit boards: 233m
aluminum bars: 230m
explosive ammunition: 230m
brooms: 224m
lcds: 223m
refrigerators: 223m
motorcycles and cycles: 221m
large construction vehicles: 221m
coal briquettes: 221m
corn: 220m
aluminum cans: 219m
textile footwear: 217m
thermostats: 207m
coffee and tea extracts: 206m
other aluminum products: 204m
ball bearings: 203m
knives: 199m
machines for additive mnf: 195m
raw iron bars: 187m
delivery trucks: 185m
milling stones: 176m
aluminum foil: 170m
collectors items: 169m
soybean oil: 169m
wood fiberboard: 166m
other stainless steel bars: 164m
sculptures: 160m
cutting blades: 159m
baked goods: 150m
navigation equipment: 146m
hydrometers: 137m
watch cases and parts: 134m
laboratory ceramic wear: 134m
wood carpentry: 124m
mirrors and lenses: 117m
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pemacprojects · 5 days
Process of Edible Oil Processing Using Solvent Extraction
Solvent extraction plants play a crucial role in the production of edible oils, significantly enhancing the efficiency and yield of oil extraction from various oilseeds. These plants dissolve the oil in the seeds using a chemical solvent, usually hexane, so almost all of the oil is extracted. This method is particularly advantageous for oilseeds with low oil content, such as soybeans, where mechanical pressing alone would be insufficient.
The process begins with the preparation of the oilseeds, which involves cleaning, dehulling, and sometimes conditioning to optimize the extraction. The prepared seeds are then subjected to a solvent extraction process. At an extractor, the seeds and solvent are combined at this step. The oil is dissolved by the solvent after penetrating the seeds, creating a combination called miscella. The oil-laden solvent is then separated from the spent seeds, which are often processed further to recover residual oil.
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The miscella undergoes distillation to separate the oil from the solvent. The solvent is evaporated and condensed for reuse, while the crude oil is collected for further refining. This refining process includes steps such as degumming, neutralizing, bleaching, and deodorizing to ensure the oil is safe and palatable for consumption.
In addition to solvent extraction plants, edible oil refineries, oil mill plants, oil expeller plants, cooking oil plants, and vegetable oil plants all contribute to the broader oil production ecosystem. Edible oil refineries focus on purifying crude oil, ensuring it meets quality standards. The mechanical extraction of oil from seeds is mostly handled by oil mills and oil expeller plants. Cooking oil plants and vegetable oil plants specialize in producing various types of oils for culinary uses, ensuring they are suitable for cooking and other food preparations.
The integration of these various facilities ensures a seamless and efficient production process, from raw seed to refined oil, meeting the global demand for edible oils.
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dianas-bishop · 2 years
How to make cannabis brownies
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Numerous cannabis eatable assortments and flavors might exist, however weed fans will constantly lean toward brownies. This is on the grounds that a weed brownie is an inconceivably flexible cannabis consumable that has persevered for a really long time. Every individual who has tasted cannabis brownies can concur that chocolate and cannabutter were made for one another.
Luckily, making weed brownies is simple. These brownies, otherwise called space cakes, wizardry chomps, or pot brownies, are one of the most low-support weed edibles. You don't require extravagant hardware, fixings, or much cash to make a gooey and sweet group at home. There are different sort of edibles you can attempt next to brownies like delta 8 chewy candies and cbd chewy candies.
A weed brownie has a sweet, chocolatey taste and can get you high for around six to eight hours. Additionally, it processes pretty quick more often than not, and individuals much of the time begin seeing its belongings in as little as 30 minutes. Accordingly, pot brownies stay the most well known weed edibles, presently sold in numerous web-based shops and actual stores, including dispensaries.
Be that as it may, purchasing a pre-made weed brownie could appear to be somewhat inefficient when you can prepare some Do-It-Yourself sorcery chomps at home. Knowing how to make weed brownies doesn't require exceptional master abilities. All you want is time, the essential fixings, some baking gear, and a broiler.
This article will talk about the simplest method you can apply to make pot brownies in the solace of your home. You will gain proficiency with a total pot brownie recipe, including the fixings, equipment instruments, and the moves toward take.
However, priorities straight. A decent weed brownies recipe ought to begin with some cannabutter oil so we should begin with that.
How much weed?
Not exclusively will they taste better, yet when you Do-It-Yourself, you're likewise completely responsible for how much bud really winds up in the brownies. This recipe requires an entire 1/8 ounce of cannabis, yet the cycle actually works on the off chance that you choose to utilize less.
BTW, assuming that you go by this flavor changes graph, 1/8 ounce of parsley (the nearest cannabis correlation we could find), is equivalent to around 3 tablespoons. Thus, approximately 3 tablespoons of weed is about what you really want. The pleasure is all mines.
We made the full clump of the cannabutter recipe underneath, involved our favored sum in the brownies, and put away the overabundance in the refrigerator in a plainly stamped compartment (accentuation on "obviously checked").
Must-know tips
Before you dump the items in your processor into a container of Duncan Hines Twofold Fudge, hold tight a sec. To attract out cannabis' maximum capacity edibles, it should be decarboxylated.
Decarbed-what? Decarboxylation is essentially an extravagant approach to saying that the spice should be warmed to initiate it to its psychoactive structure completely. Think: A joint will not get anybody high except if it's gotten on fire going.
This recipe makes 16 powerful brownies. While they're scrumptious, we don't suggest you eat more than each in turn. On the off chance that you're new to this, eat a little one. What's more, show restraint. It could require as long as an hour and a half for the brownie to process and the high to hit you.
Unique brownies recipe
Makes 16 servings
1/8 ounce finely ground cannabis trim
3/4 cup (1 1/2 stick) unsalted spread
4 ounces unsweetened, quality chocolate
1 3/4 cups coconut sugar
1/2 teaspoon legitimate salt
2 teaspoons vanilla concentrate
3 huge eggs
1 3/4 cups regular flour
2/3 cup hacked pecans (discretionary)
3 mint leaves, minced (discretionary)
Master tip: In the event that you're not enthusiastic about the exemplary flavor and fragrance of weed, add finely minced mint passes on to the hitter; it will counterbalance the cannabis flavor.
Preheat stove to 240°F (115°C). Spread cannabis equally on a baking sheet. Prepare 50 minutes (if utilizing less cannabis, really take a look at stove following 35 to 40 minutes). Eliminate from stove and put away.
In a medium pan, dissolve margarine over low intensity. Add decarboxylated (broiler prepared) cannabis and lower intensity to a stew. Cook for 45 minutes, then, at that point, eliminate from heat.
Strain cannabutter through a fine-network sifter or cheesecloth into a little glass estimating cup or bowl. Dispose of stressed cannabis solids or save for cannabis tea.
Preheat broiler to 350°F (177°C) and oil a 9-by-13 inch glass baking skillet with cooking shower.
Place chocolate in an enormous glass blending bowl and soften in the microwave or over a pan of bubbling water.
Add cannabutter to dissolved chocolate and blend until consolidated, then blend in coconut sugar, salt, and vanilla.
Add eggs each in turn, blending until completely consolidated.
Blend in flour and pecan or potentially mint, if utilizing.
Empty hitter into arranged baking skillet and heat for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool somewhat, then cut into 16 pieces. Store extras — obviously checked in the event that there are others utilizing your kitchen — in the cooler for as long as seven days, or in the cooler for a considerable length of time.
Main concern
Weed brownies are amusing to make, delectable at the time and pleasant for quite a long time later. What's not to cherish?
Simply recollect, individuals: A tiny amount makes a huge difference. Particularly in the event that you're a novice to the culinary cannabis scene, make certain to find a steady speed. Eat each square in turn and give it a couple of hours to kick in before you return for seconds.
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pure5extraction · 9 months
What are the extraction methods for CBD oils?
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Supercritical method, cold pressing, vegetable oil, solvent… So many terms that qualify the manufacture of CBD products. But what reality is hidden behind each of these practices? Is there a fundamental difference between CBD products extracted in this way or that way? What is the best mode of extraction? In this blog, you will explore the manufacture of CBD and its impact on the different CBD oils.
The origin of CBD
CBD (cannabidiol) is a molecule naturally present in hemp and known for its relaxing effects. A notable property of CBD is its lipophilic character. Chemically, CBD can only bind to fat or oil. Thus, it is not soluble in water. In order to transform CBD into oil, there are several Cannabis extraction methods, more or less natural, each with its own taste and specificities.
Extraction methods to create CBD oil
Let's review the four main methods of extracting CBD: supercritical extraction (1), cold pressing extraction (2), vegetable oil extraction (3), and extraction. by solvent (4).
1. Supercritical CO2 extraction
CO2 extraction aims to create phase changes (state of matter) in the CO2 and make it reach a so-called supercritical state. This process makes it possible to extract CBD while maintaining the number of terpenes in the plant material (CBN, CBG, etc.). Manufacturers favor this method for its efficiency and relative simplicity: no use of solvents or chemicals could alter the product's purity. However, CBD oil extracted with supercritical CO2 must be reprocessed to remove all traces of THC, which requires laboratory intervention.
CO2, a non-volatile element, is also already used in several industries wishing to control the concentration of a molecule, such as coffee and essential oils. At the end of the process, the CO2 is condensed and stored for reuse. Nothing is lost; everything is reused!
Thus, supercritical extraction is often used for the creation of rich and flavorful Full Spectrum CBD oils.
2. Cold Press Extraction
CBD extraction is often done cold for the same reason: to maintain a natural result while retaining the taste of the terpenes.
With the cold-press cannabis cbd oil extraction equipment, you can run the frozen hemp flowers through a press yourself and extract the CBD and terpenes as low-CBD hemp oil. It is a simple and ecological method to produce your own CBD. Disadvantage? It is not a very effective method when it comes to cannabidiol… Indeed, it takes a lot of hemp flowers to produce little CBD. This is why, apart from edible hemp oil, you will not find or find very few cold-pressed CBD oils on the market.
3. Vegetable oil extraction
Another DIY method, vegetable oil extraction, involves using hot oil to extract CBD from hemp. Instead, use olive, sesame, or coconut oil. This natural method makes it possible to produce tasty CBD oil. But the problems associated with artisanal extraction remain: you need a lot of hemp for little product; moreover, the hot oil may damage the molecules you are trying to extract.
4. Solvent extraction
The hemp is bathed in a solvent in order to extract the CBD. The solvent can be either ethanol, butane, or propane. By heating the liquid, the solvent evaporates, and only the CBD oil remains. The aforementioned solvents are flammable, even explosive; this process is reserved for knowledgeable chemists and CBD Growers.
What is the best CBD oil extraction method?
Supercritical extraction is the most effective way to produce natural, flavor-rich CBD oil. When cold, it keeps the CBD and terpenes pure, does not alter molecules, and uses no solvents, although a second treatment may be required to achieve less than 0.2% THC in the final bottle.
Very effective, it uses a minimum of hemp for a maximum of oil. Finally, ecologically, it reuses CO2 and requires very little energy for high yields. Artisanal extraction may have its charm, but supercritical extraction remains the most efficient and guarantees cost control for both the producer and the consumer.
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kenresearchcompany · 1 year
The Edible Oil Market In Vietnam Is Now Growing At A Steady Rate, With Palm Oil Dominating The Industry: Ken Research
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Farm Mechanization: Although Farm mechanization in Vietnam is still in its nascent stages, it is now seeing a sudden rise due to favourable and targeted government policies. Lack of access to farm power is one of the primary reasons for the slow uptake of farm mechanization and hence the non-intensification of farm productivity, particularly among small and marginal farmers. Moreover, the sector faces critical challenges in terms of a large share of small and marginal farmers, declining land holding sizes, high cost of farm machinery and equipment, inappropriate technology, undeveloped markets, complex operations, maze of legislation and insufficient policy framework. A steady change has been witnessed in recent years with farmers being able to access farm machinery on a rental basis. Furthermore, Substantial public investments including those in agricultural R&D and irrigation infrastructure, as well as the acceleration of the economic transformation in the county, are likely to stimulate the demand for machine use.
Lifestyle Changes: As urbanization increases in developing countries, dietary habits and traditional meal patterns are expected to shift towards processed foods that have a high content of vegetable oil. Vegetable oil consumption in Vietnam is, therefore, expected to remain high due to high population growth and consequent urbanization. Inclination towards processed food has also been exaggerated by a busy lifestyle & a decline in the desire to cook meals at home. On the other hand, people who are health conscious are expressing their desire to purchase & consume healthy meals containing healthy & nutritious oils. This has led to many people purchasing premium products thereby increasing the demand for high-quality edible oil.
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Rising Disposable Income: With the annual income increasing, individuals are expressing their inclination towards better quality food products including edible oils. This can also be attributed to them having extra money to save or spend which compels a person to go ahead with premium products in every sphere. Moreover, a rise in income is also the root cause for a person trying to maintain a certain lifestyle.
Covid Impact: Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam has seen an increase in the production and consumption of refined vegetable oils, especially rice bran oil. Moreover, palm oil exports have also increased manifold even though there was a decrease in the imports of the same in 2021. According to TDM, in 2020/21, Vietnam imported 915,000.0 tons of palm oil, down 9.0% compared to the previous year due to COVID-19 restrictions that impacted the food service, food processing, and tourism sectors. Palm oil accounted for about 92.0% of the total vegetable oil imports in 2020/21 due to its low price. The two main palm oil suppliers are Indonesia and Malaysia.
Analysts at Ken Research in their latest publication, Vietnam Edible Oil Market Outlook 2026F– driven by Rise in Disposable Income, Prevalence of Health Problems and Increasing Inclination towards Healthy Lifestyle observed that the market will experience a steady uptick in the upcoming years. Rising income levels & demand for high-quality oil are expected to be the main growth drivers in the upcoming years. Growing disposable income, an ageing population, and a preference for healthier lifestyles are some of the factors driving the market’s expansion. It is expected that the Vietnam Edible Oil market will grow at a CAGR of 7.7% (2021-2026) for the foreseeable future.
Key Segments Covered: –
By Type
Palm Oil
Rapeseed Oil
Soybean Oil
Coconut Oil
Others (Rice barn oil, Sesame oil, Peanut oil, sunflower oil and olive oil.)
To more about industry trends, Request a free Expert call
By Volume
Palm Oil
Rapeseed Oil
Soybean Oil
Coconut Oil
Others (Rice barn oil, Sesame oil, Peanut oil, sunflower oil and olive oil.)
By Mode of Sales
By type Of Sales Channel
Super Market
Grocery Store
Convenience Store
Local market
Specialised Store
Key Target Audience
High-Income Individuals
Local Stores
Online Stores
Convenience Stores
Time Period Captured In the Report:
Historical Period: 2016-2021
Base Period: 2021
Forecast Period: 2022P-2026F
Companies Covered in Vietnam Edible Oil Market
Vinacommodities Corporation
Vocarimex (Calofic)
Kido Nha Be
Tuong An
Voe ( Vegetable Oil Extraction)
Quang Minh Corporation Joint Stock Company
South America Vegetable Oil Joint Stock Company
Otran Viet Nam Corporation
Vegetable Oil Trading JSC
PVN Oil ltd
Visit this Link Request for a custom report
Key Topics Covered:
Vietnam Edible Oil Market Outlook
Market Size of Vietnam Edible Oil Market, 2021
Forecast of Vietnam Edible Oil Market
Historical Data and Forecast of Vietnam Edible Oil Revenues & Volume
Vietnam Edible Oil Market Trend Evolution
Vietnam Edible Oil Market Drivers and Challenges
Vietnam Edible Oil Import Export Trade Statistics
Market Opportunity Assessment By Type, application, distribution channel
Vietnam Edible Oil Top Companies Market Share
Vietnam Edible Oil Competitive Benchmarking By Technical and Operational Parameters
Vietnam Edible Oil Company Profiles
Vietnam Edible Oil Key Strategic Recommendations
For more insights on market intelligence, refer to the link below: –
Future Outlook of Vietnam Edible Oil Market
Related Report by Ken Research: –
India Edible Oil Market Outlook to 2022
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kuajingplus · 1 year
What Products can the Vacuum Homogeneous Emulsifier Produce?
The vacuum homogeneous emulsifier is a kind of cosmetic equipment, but due to the development of science, the production technology has been continuously innovated. The vacuum homogeneous emulsifier is not only used in the cosmetics industry, but also in many industrial production fields. Let’s follow the editor of YeKeey, a professional emulsifying machine manufacturer to see what products can be produced by the vacuum homogeneous emulsifier.
Vacuum Homogeneous Emulsifier  Application
From the scope of application, the emulsifier can be used in a wide range of liquid products. For products with low viscosity, the emulsifier can handle them easily, and you don’t even need to turn on the homogenization function. You only need to mix, and even two-way mixing is sometimes a bit wasteful. To be precise, it is a bit overkill, and the price of the emulsifier is not cheap, and there is no need to use such a piece of good equipment. Ordinary stainless steel mixing tanks can be used for products such as lotion. But for products with a certain viscosity, it can only be produced by a vacuum homogeneous emulsifier.
The emulsifying machine
widely used in producing food sauces
Food sauces, such as salad dressing, mayonnaise, custard sauce, etc. The function of the emulsification tank of vacuum emulsification equipment is to dissolve one or more food materials in another liquid phase and make the combination into a relatively stable emulsion. Therefore, it is widely used in the emulsification and mixing of edible oils, powders, sugars, and other raw and auxiliary materials.
The emulsifier in the chemical industry
In the chemical industry, some ink coatings, paint emulsification, and dispersion also use vacuum emulsification tanks, especially suitable for mixing and emulsifying some insoluble colloidal additives CMC and other raw materials. The emulsifier is ideal for producing cosmetics, medicine, food, chemical dyeing, printing, ink, and other industrial products. It is more effective, especially for the emulsification of materials with high matrix viscosity and relatively high powder content.
High-shear vacuum homogenizing emulsifiers are widely used in the field of cosmetics
In the field of cosmetics, high-shear vacuum homogenizing emulsifiers are widely used in cosmetic creams, shampoos, shower gels, sunscreens, and other cream products. The emulsifier performs high-speed shearing, dispersion, and impact on the material through the high-speed rotation of the homogenizing head connected to the engine. In this way, the material will become more delicate and promote the fusion of oil and water. The material will be mixed with air during the production process, which will cause the product to become air-bubbled, bacterially polluted, easily oxidized and the appearance is not smooth. This situation will not occur when using a vacuum emulsifying machine.
It will disperse and emulsify evenly in a vacuum state, and air bubbles are no longer mixed in the process of production and mixing, so it can ensure the cream is delicate and stable.
YeKeey vacuum homogeneous emulsifier is easy to operate, has stable performance, good homogeneity, and high production efficiency. Moreover, this equipment also has the characteristics of convenient cleaning, reasonable structure, and a high degree of automation. YeKeey can also provide customers with the service of sending materials to the factory for test machines. If you have a demand for a vacuum homogeneous emulsifier, please consult YeKeey.
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