#is that what a food aversion feels like? like so gross that you don't want it even in your mouth?
harpsicalbiobug · 1 year
Hey weird question what does a food aversion feel like?
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rubra-wav · 7 months
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The Main Hazbin cast x taking care of sick reader
A/N : I'm going off of flu-like symptoms type sickness for this one
Cw: Sfw, gn reader, Niffty being strange asf - injection mentions
[ Part 2 ] >>
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- no. 1 caretaker of those who are sick istg (in theory at least)
- She pulls out every single thing; medicine, soup, heating bottles, electrolyte drinks, extra blankets, entertainment stuff, etc. Etc.
- She will straight up fixate upon you getting better so you can come back to group exercises without the others worrying about your contagiousness.
- The only issue with her is that she won't leave you alone like at all.
- Vaggie needs to come drag her out so she'll stop talking about all the 'work' you've missed while you've been away recovering and all the theory behind it while you're trying to rest.
- Charlie 100% gets sick as well.
- Probably will try to keep hugging you and stuff like that, disregarding your grossness because she doesn't want you to feel 'lonely'.
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- Understandably a bit avoidant of you, but not straight up averse.
- She needs to stay in top shape to guard the hotel.
- She would wear a mask around you and come see you still in short intervals, though, bringing you some stuff you need occasionally.
- insists you stay in your room so the hotel doesn't have a sweep of whatever the hell you have. Even with you wearing a mask or something yourself, she's iffy.
- Apologises each time she has to pull Charlie out of your room so you can sleep in peace.
- Also apologises when Alastor and Niffty show up to be menaces.
- Wants you to get better probably just as much as Charlie does.
- But mostly so she'll stop having to personally come drag away her overly good-natured girlfriend and the other two.
- Probably ends up getting sick eventually because Charlie ends up getting sick.
Angel Dust
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- Avoids you like the plague.
- If he has to give you stuff, he will just leave it outside, knock, then bolt.
- Would probably talk with you over phone calls a fair bit while you're bedridden.
- The absolute last thing Angel needs is to get sick in his mind. It's not sexy at all, and with the hours he works?
- Fucking hell no.
- And he doesn't want to find out if there's a kink about that.
- Sorry, not sorry, but he's staying away.
- Would probably dress in a sexy nurse outfit while he delivers stuff to your door as a joke.
- If you don't answer the door, he'll assume you are asleep and will send a selfie with whatever he's left at your door and send it to you with some kind of 'get well soon' esque message so you know it's there.
- Wants you to get better but isn't gonna actively take any kinds of risks.
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- Would also not want to be around you.
- Another person with a 'I can't get sick with my job' mindset.
- Would probably just purely communicate over messages, wouldn't actually come up to your door.
- May make you special (nonalcoholic ofc) drinks to help you recover and get someone else to send them up to you - makes the excuse that he needs to be at his 'post' at all times so he can't himself.
- I hc him as secretly being really good at cooking and liking to, so makes you lots of soups and things like that.
- Annoyed because he then has to deal with other people complaining about why he isn't making food for them as well.
- He's confident you're going to get better so doesn't really care all that much.
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- He's genuinely worried.
- Both for himself, but also for you as well.
- He comes from a time where people got what you got and died very quickly with no treatment available, so he's scared shitless about it even if everyone's insisting it's not going to kill you.
- Doesn't go see you in person because he's freaked out about it, but sends his eggs to come talk to you, ask you how you are and deliver messages from him to you every day.
- Will lie and say he doesn't care at all, then probably go cry in private about it.
- When it's clear you're no longer sick, he's going to be so relieved.
- Will probably genuinely show physical affection without thinking about it.
- Glomps you via wrapping himself around you, and then acts like it never happened.
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- He's such an awful cunt the whole time.
- Always shows up to go see you but its only to laugh at you like you're the funniest thing ever.
- Will bring you stuff, but it's very obviously not goof faith.
- He cannot get sick off of normal things, so he's all up in your business the whole time he decides it's 'go bother (name)!' Time.
- If you're delirious with temperature he'll probably openly talk to you about certain secret things because if you remember and bring them up he can just gaslight you about it.
- "Oh (name), you must be misremembering because you were so unwell!"
- He is the absolute worst about you being sick.
- Vaggie is your saviour in this situation, shooing him out of your room when she realises that he's once again back.
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- Okay, Alastor is objectively the worst, but Niffty is also fucking terrible.
- She's seemingly good faith with her bs at least, though.
- Acts like the insanest, most unhinged nurse taking care of a child with you.
- Will be there trying to cram food and drink down your throat aggressively, spoon feeding you things while gripping your mouth open way too hard.
- Dresses up like a nurse as well, courtesy of Alastor of course.
- Will show up with God knows what in syringes and try to inject them into you.
- Probably will try get a blood sample from you as well for some terrifying reason.
- You probably end up tripping balls at some point because she's injected you with some unidentifiable substance.
- Also needs to be escorted out by Vaggie so you aren't straight up killed by her attempts to... help(?) You get better. The motivation is unclear.
I may also make one about reader taking care of them when they're sick too atsp 🤔
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canisalbus · 10 months
Hello! I love your art- you have a real talent for expressive eyes. You're a great cartoonist, and I can't wait to see more of your work
It's a little silly, but I just wanted to say- don't beat yourself up for having a reaction to needles after a bad experience. On a moral level, yes, but also a practical one.
It's normal for a body to react to a bad experience with fear. That's what fear evolved to do, warn you about something that could go wrong next time.
However, fear can be reinforced. If your body responds to a stimulus with fear, and then you feel a negative emotion around that memory, your nervous system goes "Wow! That was so bad that even thinking about it stresses me out. I'd better make sure to never let this happen again. Time to dial up the fear signal!"
Being kind to yourself about something frustrating or painful is hard in good conditions, and I don't want to minimize that. This isn't "don't let it bother you" or "just get over it" or "think positive" advice.
When a fear of needles happens to me again (the fear comes and goes), I try to treat it like I would a food aversion resulting from food poisoning. You know when you eat something bad, get sick and then the thought of the food is really gross for awhile? Like that!
I try to let myself be mildly annoyed, but not so much it gets my blood pressure up. Sadness doesn't seem to extend the length of the fear either. But anger, guilt, or shame for me really seem to reinforce the fear reactions.
Your mileage will vary, of course! For me, I went from no fear of needles, to fainting when an IV was put in, back to no fear with patience and time. Maybe this can be a bit of hope for you too! I wish you luck and a smooth road!
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bredslut · 2 months
I found your blog back when you were about 17 or 18 weeks pregnant (so not long) and since then your comments and updates have been really inspiring to me.
Pregnancy is beautiful, and I want to share that one day with a loving wife of my own carrying our children in her womb. Realistically doing that though means being able to provide and support for a pregnant wife to ensure that she and the baby (or babies) are healthy and comfortable. I started looking up tips and advice, keeping a pregnant woman off her feet by taking care of chores, good maternity wear and clothing hacks, things like that.
I look forward to your updates because they give me an idea as to what I can expect for an expecting mother. How much heavier you feel, how nursing bras are the only bras that fit now, how active the baby is, etc. (That, and you're hot gonna be honest. Seeing you in a robe or a nightie is pretty damn hot lol). So any advice you can give me on how to help make a pregnancy easier or pregnant changes I should be aware of, I want to know so that I can be prepared. Thank you, and here's to a smooth pregnancy the rest of the way.
Every woman is different so it can be hard to give advice for what to expect. For example, I never had morning sickness, but my friend did with all 5 of hers. Be ready for anything. Mood swings, exhaustion, sickness, food aversions and cravings (and that's just the first trimester!)
The best advice is to listen to your partner for what they need. Maybe she needs you to cook because raw meat makes her sick. Maybe she needs you to clean up at night so she can go to bed at 8pm. Just be there for her through the ups and downs.
Also, it's very likely her sex drive will take a dip. It's not true for all women but many experience a big drop in desire to have sex. Be prepared for that and don't pressure her, ever. I read so many posts in due date groups of women asking how to force yourself to want to have sex so their partners won't leave them. It's gross that men can't chill out while their partners create a whole other human being.
I hope this answers your question! Let me know if you're curious about anything else.
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greatcheshire · 2 years
i think you've alluded a few times to the weird food situation you had in your upbringing, so i was wondering if you ever talked at length about that? if not, would you be comfortable saying like, what the heck was up with it? if not thats totally fine, i know it's probably a tough subject, but i will admit i am intrigued.
I believe I've talked about it before, but probably through scattered posts and what not, so I don't mind explaining it! If anything just so I have something to link to when people ask lol
CW: abuse I guess? Idk if this counts for abuse or not but just for safety's sake
Basically I wasn't really exposed to a lot of food as a young child. Like I was a picky eater at a young age, which isn't that unique, but my mom wouldn't pressure me to step out of my comfort zone at all and try anything else (vegetables, bread, most food) and instead resort to whatever I already liked. By the time I was five, this had evolved into my mom rarely, if ever, cooking anything for me and my sister, with her often just getting me fast food nuggets or me having to cook whatever a five year old could easily make and would want to make (aka a lot of microwave pizzas, dinosaur nuggets, hot dogs, and mozzarella sticks. She would give me Twinkies for breakfast, though, as they were "a source of bread so they're healthy"). As a result of this, even if I did want to try new foods, I was often unable to, as they weren't in the house or not something I could easily prep or understand myself.
This evolved once again around the time I was in middle school when my mom had me placed on a very restrictive diet in order to present a legal case for the court regarding my custody, treatment, and physical and mental health. She worked with my doctor at the time to put me on a diet where the only restriction was I couldn't eat anything over 7% saturated fat, which quickly showed to be a flawed system, as it meant I could eat as many cookies as I wanted but wasn't allowed a single yogurt cup. As part of this diet, my mom basically refused to buy any food for me that wasn't cinnamon rolls or Ritz crackers dipped in ranch dressing. So for a few years, so long as I was at my mom's, I was eating either cinnamon rolls or Ritz with ranch for three meals a day, minus the days I could sneak out and secretly use money to buy myself lunch somewhere. I remember one time she had me take a glucose test (where you have to fast and then get your blood drawn every hour for, like, 8 hours) and refused to get me anything real to eat afterwards so I chugged a few Vitamin Waters and ate Ritz crackers with ranch dressing in the hopes that it would help the woozy feeling that comes with having so much blood drawn after fasting.
When I was 14 my mom died and I was now living with my dad full time and at this point my palate began to expand, mainly due to my stepmom encouraging/pressuring me to try things that weren't just chicken tenders, cheese sticks, hot dogs, or pizza. However, I wasn't fully out of the clear yet, as my dad is also a picky, meat and potatoes kinda guy. So while I was trying more and more foods, it was a lot of stuff like pork chops or ribs or brisket or steak. Still good things to try! But not a lot of variety, especially for a family that doesn't eat non-American foods except for Taco Bell and doesn't keep fruits or vegetables in the house. Furthermore, I also had the point where despite being a teenager, being kept away from so much food for so long made me sort of averse to even breaking that barrier. Why try bread at this point when I'm 15 and know that I don't like it? What if I have it and it's gross? What if I finally do try lettuce and it makes me sick? Even when I did try things, a lot of it tasted so differently from what my tastebuds were used to that it was hard to learn to actually like it. This is something I still struggle with, to be honest: how to determine if I actually don't like the taste of something or if's just a new taste I've never experienced before.
It would kinda stay stagnant like this until I was 19, just finishing up my first year in college and about to go into my second. And as we all know, college is the time for discovery and experimentation, which in this case meant trying bread. I don't know why I started branching out into more foods then. I think I had just gotten so tired of eating the same thing every day, especially now that I was on my own in a dorm, that I wanted to at least try some new things, especially if I had a dining hall I could just grab things from. I still didn't explore THAT much, if I'm being honest with myself, but from that point on, at least I started to eat bread and burgers and sandwiches and wasn't totally adverse to the idea anymore.
My food exploration kinda slowed down in my later years in college, mainly because I didn't have the dining hall plan anymore and was low on cash and, well, when you have so little money, you're going to stick with safe food choices because if you spend $10 on a new dish and you hate it, well, guess you're out of dinner money now. But thankfully this year, through friends and travel and my own volition, I've started trying more and more things, trying to adapt to a "I'll try whatever" mentality (unless it has nuts in it because wow I hate nuts so much). It took a while, and I'm still learning and dealing with things, but I've come to realize that I don't need to fear food anymore, and now that I have my own place with my own income, I can purchase and try whatever I want to and don't have to worry about any outside pressure one way or the other. It's been a struggle. But it's getting better.
I hope that clears things up! I'm sure there's probably still questions and maybe this doesn't make sense at all but I hope fills in some gaps, at the very least.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Step By Step Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last week, fans created a stir because they read a scene a certain way, and Dee Hup House decided to edit the scene in question. I am not happy about this. Otherwise, Pat is leading his first big project involving creating an ad for a client. Jeng has been hovering at a distance, and many lines are being crossed with them. Jaab and Jen also crossed a line and kissed. Put has thrown down the gauntlet with Jeng, making his intentions towards Pat clear. Ae is pregnant, and this apparently something Beam feels a lot about?? Still, Pat and Jeng had something almost like a date to see the fireworks.
Dick is abundant and low in value, and I'm glad Pat is getting other guys sliding into his DMs.
I'm glad Chot is out of the hospital. Also, Jeng needs to stop looking at Pat so fondly at work.
Jeng was so worried if Pat would like his food, only to learn that Pat hates celery.
Jeng is such an older sibling. He blew on the nugget before trying to force it down his brother's throat.
Excited about Pat and Chot collaborating more, especially if it leads to more scenes of two queer people teasing each other before a date.
So Jeng spent time working on a Pat-friendly recipe, and Pat got all gussied up for a date only to get stood up. The gays are not thriving. At least Chot looks great and is engaged.
Jeng suggesting Pat help him with a coupon was smooth. Now I want some sushi though.
And look at that. These two can have a normal set of interactions without Pat completely losing it. I like that Jeng talked about the aversion to celery in a way that didn't make Pat feel bad about himself.
Put is going to use every opportunity to try to reinforce familiarity with Pat, and Pat looks so uncomfortable about it.
If this classmate is any indication, Pat likes them big (and he is valid for that).
OMG this is horrible. Pat's date has turned into an MLM pitch. That's right, Pat. Get the hell out of there!
Oh good. Pat realized what it was. Unfortunately, Put helped, and is all about taking every opportunity.
Where's the gif of Shin being mad at Minato for being easily tricked by food? Don't let him get you, Pat!
Damn, Jeng looked so sad about Pat balking at the shopping date offer.
Oh to be Pat, with three hot guys with baggage pursuing you at once.
This man is really hard selling in Pat's workplace.
Jaab's mom said, "I'm too pretty to be heartbroken," and I respect her for that.
I'm sure the color folks will have something to say about Pat choosing a red jacket and Jeng wearing a blue shirt.
Oh hey we actually went on the furniture date!
"I feel things slowly." Bitch, me too! The fuck!
I know these two aren't going to act like they didn't have a whole moment just now!
Yes, make the big man carry the new chair into the house. Make him sweat.
Yes! Let's turn the Ikea date into a cooking date!
Pat thrives on praise. He shines any time Jeng tells him he did a good job at something.
Pat, if you don't want to be with Put anymore, maybe not show that much chest on a date.
Demanding Put now disappear is giving me Our Dating Sim flashbacks.
There's something to be said about Pat knowing he was gay for a long time, and Put learning this about himself later. Couple that with Put's ambition to escape poverty, and I do feel for him. Pat is totally right to be cautious with him, though.
Wtf is Kong doing outside the restaurant? Was he stalking him like that?? Gross.
Why does Jeng hold his hands on the steering wheel like that? Both of his hands are at 12 o' clock.
Damn, Pat. You on one date thinking about the guy from another date telling you how to get rid of a guy from a third date.
Pat, are we really giving it up for a plushie?
Oh boy. Big work problems next week.
I really like that Pat has romantic options in this show! I also like that we have a gay man setting a boundary with a pushy man. Curious how things eventually settle with Put.
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tarohonii · 2 years
Sucheon and Gangseok Friendship in 5 minutes
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blorbo thoughts consumed my mind. More elaboration on this chart below the cut
sends cute stuff/sends cursed stuff:
I feel like Gangseok is also an stickler for cats and anything cute in general and is just an overall softie for that kind of thing, so he probably sends things like flowers/cats/animals. As for Sucheon, I feel like he wouldn't send neither cursed or cute stuff necessarily and would fall into the more dead center, but I can see him sending something cursed more than sending something cute. I feel like both of them would send each other photo's of their gross ass injuries all the time.
argues for fun/conflict averse:
Sucheon doesn't argue for fun, and usually minds his own business, but if provoked he'd definitely start shit. As for Gangseok, he manages to remain remarkably out of it, and is an general peacekeeper.
Shares food/steals food:
It's my personal headcanon that Sucheon is an picky eater and Gangseok has an cast iron stomach and as a result of that Gangseok just eats whatever Sucheon doesn't want. However, in terms of generosity, I think that Gangseok would share his snacks and Sucheon would be the one stealing.
completely feral/mom friend:
I just realized I forgot to put Gangseok's circle on that one ANSJDASJ. But he'd definitely be on the far "mom friend" side. He already has that leader vibe to him, but is also incredibly caring and compassionate and I can see him scolding Sucheon for being..Sucheon. As for Sucheon, while he isn't completely unrestrained and feral, sometimes he'll go off his fucking rocker. Paired with his sharp tongue and "i don't give a fuck about you or your feelings" attitude, it's enough to constitute him as pretty feral.
shoulder to cry on/always crying:
This one was a bit of an stretch for me, especially on Sucheon's part. Gangseok of course would be the shoulder to cry on, and since Sucheon has an considerable amount of baggage compared to Gangseok, I put him more farther on the 'always crying' part. However, I doubt he'd ever truly cry, but moreso be more emotionally unbalanced and would need Gangseok to keep his emotions steady.
I think both of them are introverts, but Sucheon moreso than Gangseok. However, I do consider Gangseok to be someone who's introverted by choice rather than being painfully awkward and unable to connect with anyone. I see him as someone who prefers solitude, and Sucheon's just an more radical version of that. He does not like people.
affection through words/affection through action:
Because Sucheon is shown many times to lack anything that's virtually nice in the verbal department, he's kind of forced into the 'affection through actions' kind of person. I feel like it'd be less acts of service and more of him noticing things about the other person or stepping in for them. Gangseok, on the other hand, I can see being someone who can easily state how he feels about someone, but would prefer to express it through his actions. He'd be much more of an acts of service person.
constant gossip/pretentious conceptual conversations:
When I say Sucheon's an gossip, I mean that he shit talks and bitches about anyone to Gangseok all the time. I doubt he'd be very interested in anybody's personal life or rumors, but he loves shit talking people. As for Gangseok, I can see him info dumping about martial arts or something to Sucheon all the time and about the different techniques. Which is good for Gangseok, because fighting is one of the few topics Sucheon doesn't mind hearing about. He finds learning about other association's fighting styles necessary and vaguely interesting.
"borrows" things/the lender:
I think Sucheon wouldn't want nor find any reason to borrow anything from Gangseok, and Gangseok would be more likely to borrow something from Sucheon, though I don't think it'd be often because they both seem to be indivualistic people who rarely don't have what they need. (Sucheon is constantly on his ass trying to get back the things Gangseok "borrowed" from him)
physical affection meter:
Both of them just aren't an fan of it. The most Gangseok can take is probably someone resting on his shoulder or sitting really close to him. The most Sucheon can take is someone being four feet or less to him.
Gift giving meter:
Since I can see Sucheon being more observant, I also think that'd translate to him seeing something that reminds him of the other person and just randomly buying it. I lowkey feel like Gangseok would be an awful gift giver, but would buy gifts to express his affection from time to time.
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
heyyy can i get a romantic matchup? ID REALLY LIKE AN ENSTARS ONE but if u dont do those, a twst one is good :3
im kitten, i dont use pronouns (so just use my name). i dont use labels either, but im feminine. im 17 (so nobody younger than me pls!!), currently in IT classes, 162cm, virgo and entp/intp. also 8w9
umm Im a vampirekin and have a strong affiliation w rabbits and cats. i can be really blunt (sometimes i dont mean it sometimes i do) and am pretty aggressive. i love play-fighting w friends and getting into joke arguments nd stuff.
i hate hatee having 2 give advice like I cant deal w ppl venting 2 me. I can b rude Mostly jut since if i dont like you 4 whatever reason Im not going to hide it Im just not going 2 Be nice. Cuz of this I dont get approached a lot bc ppl say i look mad/intimidating a lot!!!
VERY umm bimbo oriented. very clumsy, Very bad memory and attention span, But who cares I love acting cute and acting pretty and stuff. I love cute things tbhgd sm and I just want 2 squeeze. Cute ppl. As a bimbo i still Have my days 💔where im just Depressed man and Thats most days. but i am good at Just Living and Not acting like that..! Tho when im Very bad w mental health I tend 2 just get sick and not leave my bed and just cut everyone off LOLL
Any ways I love fashion and dressing cute and DESIGNING CLOTHES!!!! I love designing plushies and characters and stuff I need like a creative output and I have 34983 ways of that (designing plushies, characters, outfits ect. sewing, vtuber rigging, sculpting, painting, ect). i usually dress in v-kei, gyaru (kogal), ouji and lolita.
i love any love languages recieving tbh Maybe like words of affirmation I need lots of reminding that they R a willing participant of this Relationship. PERSONALLY i lvoe spending time and doing acts of service, im rlly Not an affectionate person so im probably not going to initiate physical contact and Im RLLY bad with words so im not probably going to do words of affirmation either .......
Hmmmm what else I love music. so much different types. breakcore, classical, eurobeat, game osts, pop rock, industrial metal, esp anything super weird and experimental.
jut stuff i likee would be active cities, being clean, good food, nighttime, CATS AND BUNNIES, pigeons<3, (i want to own a pet cat, bunnies and a pigeon lol), collecting things and baking
i DISLIKE dogs (despite being pretty dog-aligned by personality), my room having any sun in it, dirty/messy/gross ppl. i hatee violence sm I get uncomfortable hearing or seeing ppl/animals get hurt Its just gross and scary.
abt relationships ... I will die for my Partner i will straight up Fight someone for them. idc if they r bad person or if They did a crime rlly Thats so girlboss of them . I want to go out a lot on dates and stuff I dont wanna just go to the same places I want 2 explore and go to new places nd stuff. also Ermmm i dont rlly wanna Date someone shorter thn me Like. They just look like a child at that point..
thx :3 sawrry i wrote a lot lolz. lolll tyy So muh
A/N: Hello and thank you for your request! Don't worry about it being so long, the more information that I have to work with then the better! It only lets me get even more ideas for a match-up! Speaking of, I do hope that you like yours and enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with.........
Ritsu Sakuma
From one vampire to another, you both are quite literally made for each other in that regard. He sees you and he can feel warmth flooding through his ice cold veins, how the moonlight illuminates your figure makes you look just ethereal. He is stunned into silence but soon regains himself and Ritsu can't help but to approach you.
Now given his sleeping patterns, it is a little hard for the both of you to meet up for any kind of outings, these would mostly be happening later in the evening and into the night given his aversion to sunlight, but he manages to work his schedule just right between his unit work and when he sleeps. He will always make time for you.
Another cat lover! Perhaps the both of you would like to go to a cat cafe for one of your dates? It would be something that he would find both enjoyable and relaxing, especially if you get to be there with him.
His schedule is quite busy sometimes given the work he has with his unit, Knights, but if you would like, you could always join him when they have practices and lives. Honestly, the thought of you being in the crowd and cheering him on makes this young vampire smile.
Speaking of his unit, the others absolutely adore you and they protect their own, and given that they now see you as one of their own, they will protect you just as you protect Ritsu. It is what a Knight does, after all.
Ritsu is big on giving you those words of affirmation. He may not be too much of a talker, and he really isn't that down on himself, but he would never want you to be down on yourself. He wants you to know that he is committed to this relationship no matter what it takes.
Overall, two vampires are able to join each other under the light of the moon. It is something that he will always love. With your similar interests and hobbies, it just makes the time that you spend with one another so much better and so much sweeter.
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kiankiwi · 1 year
Our Quiet World: Mommy to the Rescue
Summary: Because of their food aversions caused by their Autism, both Ollie and Austin constantly deal with tummy issues. Today, they were unfortunately both dealing with stomach issues at the same time
CW: Constipation, pain
You could tell what was wrong by the look on Austin's face. See, with Ollie and Austin having so many food aversions, they often suffered from irregularity. "How long, bubs?" Austin whined with a look of discomfort on his face as he crossed his arms against his stomach and leaned against your bedroom wall.
"Um... a few days..." He mumbled.
You raised your eyebrow. "What's a few days Aus? Three? Four?"
Austin squirmed. "Um... m-more like five or six... Please don't be mad." You sighed.
"I'm not mad baby, but I know this makes you feel sick and I hate seeing you in pain... I hate that you do this to yourself..." Austin's eyes glistened with emotion. "You'll be okay baby, c'mon assume the position babes." You said as you stood up from your bed
Austin knew what that meant, he laid on his back on the bed and pulled his shirt up so you could feel his stomach.
You palpated his belly and Austin grimaced in pain as you pressed on it . "Yep, you need the medicine baby." Austin groaned "Argh, but it makes me feel sick!" You chuckled and helped him sit up. "Yeah, because you're chock full of waste and it needs to come out. The longer it stays in there, babe, the sicker you'll get. Now please just do this, for me? C'mon as soon as you take it, we can snuggle in bed while we hydrate you and wait for it to work okay?" Austin grimaced, he did want his tummy to stop hurting, and he knew every time he took his laxatives, he came out just fine... eventually.
Austin rolled his eyes at you. "Ugh fine. But will you stay with me when it gets ugly and gross?" You chuckled. "Yes babe. In sickness and in health right?" Austin whined and put his head on your shoulder as you gave him a loose hug.
"Alright, first what we're gonna do is get you a smoothie with some fiber, okay? You might not want to eat right now but you gotta eat something, okay?" Austin whined, already dreading the pain he'll be in. You chuckled. "You'll be just fine baby. You know the drill."
Just as Austin was halfway done with his smoothie and you were making breakfast, Ollie waddled into the room with a pout on his face. "Hi baby! Goodmornin' you sleep good?" Ollie whimpered. "Mommy, tummy!" Ollie whined and ran to wrap his arms around your legs. "Your tummy hurts baby? Here, can mommy feel your tummy?" You picked Ollie up and laid him on the couch and lifted his pajama top, palpating his tummy. "Am I hurting you love?" Ollie just grimaced and whined at you but shook his head. It didn't seem to be as painful as you had feared but it definitely felt as full and hard as Austin's.
"Oh no baby, not you too!" Ollie cried, fearful. "He need a smoothie too?" Austin asked from his spot at the table. "Yep, looks like it. you two are just twinsies huh?" You kissed Ollie's cheek and carried him to the table. "Here, you wanna sit next to daddy?" Ollie pillowed his hands on the table, his paci bobbing in his mouth. "Hey baby, your tummy feels full and icky too?" Austin asked softly, rubbing his toddler's back. "Yeah, daddy. Feel like rocks in my tummy." "Me too buddy, but mama will work her magic and both our tummies will feel better soon." You chuckled as you put the MetaMucil fiber suppliment in the blender along with a handful of fruits to mask the grittiness of the powder. "Here you go sweet boy, one fruit smoothie with magic in it to help your tummy!" Ollie smiled and gave you his paci cautiously taking a sip of the smoothie. "Drink it all baby, it'll help your tummy promise."
The smoothie got Ollie feeling back to normal but unfortunately Austin was still in pain. You were running back and forth between both your boys as they writhed in pain.
You left Austin resting on the bed with a full bottle of water while you went to tend to your crying toddler. "Momma! Owie!!! Owie!!" You put your hand on Ollie's belly which was angry. "You're okay baby, I know it's scary but if you gotta go potty, go, it'll only be worse if you fearfully hold it in bubs." Still sobbing, Ollie stood up on his big boy bed and held his arms up for you. "Mama, hold me!" You scooped him up and held him close as he hid in your shoulder and finally let the medicine work on his stomach. You shushed him as he cried out in pain. "Shh, I know baby, I know."
"Mommy! Potty!" Your little boy screamed, right into your ear. "I know baby, you wanna go to the potty?" Ollie gripped onto your shirt and shook his head anxiously. "No, no!" He seemed to just want to hold onto you, his safe space. "Alright bubby, that's why you got a pull up on. Just let it go buddy, you're alright, momma's right here." He screamed through the whole ordeal as all of it left his body.
Ten minutes later, it all seemed to stop and Ollie's diaper was so full it seemed to almost hang off his tiny body. "Good job Ollie, you did so bubba! You done for now?" Your son seemed exhausted as he caught his breath and his body finally felt empty. "Mama, change please?" You chuckled. "Yes baby, I'll change you. Are you done for now?" Ollie nodded. "Alright, we're gonna put you straight in the bath this time and then change you okay?"
After carefully disposing of the diaper and washing him up and setting him up with a movie, you now had a bit of time to check on your husband. "You okay baby?" You found Austin clenching all of his muscles as he sat in a ball on the bed groaning in pain. "No! It huuurts. I can't even m-m-move." Austin whined. You crawled onto the bed and run your hair through Austin's curls. "You wanna try, I can help you to the bathroom." Austin started to sob as you slowly and as gently as you could helped him sit up. "Here babe, I can tell you're trying to keep it from working. C'mon babe let's try okay?" It took some convincing but eventually you got Austin up and helped him to the bathroom.
You sat there while Austin tried to get anything to work. "Is Ollie okay?" Austin asked, his voice wobbly. "Yeah, he's fine baby, he's resting and watching a movie now. He's back to normal so we can just focus on you now okay?" "It's not working, nothing." "Don't give up baby, do you want me to give you a tummy rub hm?" "Austin nodded, starting to shake and sweat.
You sat in front of your husband and pressed your fingers into his distended bloated belly. "You're alright baby. It'll work soon."
Austin tried again with the help of your kneading fingers but again nothing. "Nope, nada."
As Austin laid back in bed, you grabbed your wallet. "Alright new plan, you need to get moving so we're gonna go to Starbucks and we're gonna get you a coffee with regular milk. No dairy pills. That should definitely work. And if not, we might have to take you to the ER, sound good?"
Austin groaned, rubbing his belly. "Well it doesn't sound good but I'm down for whatever works at this point."
"Good boy... Ollie, wanna go to Starbies buddy?" You yelled to your son. "YEAH!" Ollie yelled. The toddler currently had big crushes on ALL the current baristas at your local Starbucks. But his favorite one was a sweet goth girl named Alyssa that had vibrant purple hair. "Is Alyssa gonna be there?" Ollie asked you as he brought you his shoes for help. "I don't know bub, maybe. You gonna say hi to her?" Ollie blushed, playing with his hands cutely. "Maybe." You chuckled and quickly got him ready as Austin stood up. "Alright time for yummies!"
You got to the cafe and unfortunately Ollie's crush wasn't there but he did walk around waving to all his 'fwiends' while you ordered your and Austin's drink, making sure to get regular milk in his and not dairy free milk.
"Here you go bubs, by the way the bathroom code is 15252." You said as you handed Austin a medium iced mocha. "Thank you bubs." Austin groaned as he sat up and watched Ollie toddle around exploring to take his mind off the pain while he sipped his drink. "No, chug it come on." Austin grimaced. "No, it's gonna make me puuuuke!"
"You won't puke baby, you'll drink it, we'll go home and rest and I called your mom to come take Ollie in a couple hours so we can spend all night in the bathroom if need be and I'll just be focused on you, okay? You'll be okay babes but you need to drink it. You don't need to be scared okay? You've been through this before and you always turn out fine." Austin nodded and swigged from the cup.
Thirty minutes later, Austin ran to the bathroom. You smiled and let him be until you checked your phone and saw Hubby texted you.
That was absolutely horrendous. I'm all good but but I need to go home NOW
You smiled and texted back. Take your time, we'll be waiting in the car for you.
You collected Ollie and brought him to the car and waited for Austin, making sure you had an emesis bag on hand in case the dairy made him nauseous.
"You okay?" You asked as Austin gently got into the car, grabbing the bag as you started the car. "We need to go home before I shit all over the car." You felt so bad for your sick bub. "Daddy, bad word!" you heard Ollie chirp up from the back. "I know buddy, I'm sorry."
THERE WE GO! I've been working on this with @elvisnuts for like 2 weeks!!!! I'm sorry it's a bit gross but Austin is often a sick bub in the OQW AU!!
I hoped you enjoyed it but if you don't like this one, of course you can skip it and I'll have something else for ya soon...
I hope you guys are enjoying this AU, I love it so much, if you want to request anything for this au or any of my others, you know what to do, send your requests to my inbox, I'd be happy to write stuff for you guys.
I love this AU so much and I'd be happy to see what you guys want me to write for these characters
Also, I have so many adventures mapped out for this family I'm so excited
But of course it's easier for me to write in non-chronilogical order.
ANYWAY happy reading!
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Notes for A Matter of Duty - Chapter 4: A leaf drifting in the sea
An actual plot-heavy chapter! And is there a thing such as un-porn? Porn that turns you off? (I guess that’s the definition of a squick.)
This chapter took the longest to write so far... in part because it required me to actually figure out more of Inazuma's political situation, and plan out the political intrigue that I've so far been vaguely handwaving. (I'm going to have the Inazuma section of the Genshin Impact wiki memorized at this rate. And Ayato's entire story quest.) Hat tip to my nesting partner who is good at political intrigue plot and workshopped it with me, otherwise I would probably still be stuck.
Also took a while to write because I had to make up an original character, because I couldn't find an Inazuma NPC that fit the role. I planned for Toru to be creepy (his placeholder in my notes until I figured out a name was "Creepy Old Man"), and then learned more about him as I wrote/outlined further, and thought maybe he wouldn't be creepy after all. (Maybe he's just a lonely old man and it was a big misunderstanding?) Aaand then I wrote the actual chapter and never mind, he's rather creepy and writing that scene felt gross and squicky. Might have to just gloss over/summarize future scenes with him because I don't particularly want to sit in that feeling again, but we'll see how things develop. (I'm outlining way more than I normally do with this story, but I'm still ultimately a seat-of-the-pants kind of writer, and it always feels somewhat like I'm following the story/characters where it happens to unfold rather than making deliberate choices. If I try to force it into a different shape than the one it wants to take, it never works as well.)
I know you can't buy miso soup from Shimura's, but it's where you get the recipe, so I assume it's on the restaurant's menu somewhere.
I didn't intend to write the origin story of Thoma's aversion to alcohol in his "Least Favorite Food" voice-line, but it happened anyway. ("As far as food is concerned, I'm fine with anything. If we're counting beverages, though... I'm not very good with alcohol. Don't laugh, and before you say it — yes, I've wondered what this says about my identity as a Mondstadter. But, y'know... too much alcohol is bad for you, anyway. So not drinking is a good thing.")
Also, a note: Gonna be depicting all sorts of varieties of sex work and sex worker in this story. We’re pro sex worker rights and decriminalization around here, SWERFS can GTFO, you probably won’t enjoy this story if you’re here for a “sex work bad / all sex workers are victims / save the poor sex workers” kind of story. A not insignificant number of my friends are sex workers in one capacity or another, from legal licensed full-service girlfriend experience to side hustle passion hobby to cam work and stage work, all across the gender / sexuality / romantic orientation spectrum. I’ve heard a lot of stories and perspectives from them over the years, and my writing’s informed by that. I know it might at first look like we’re going down the “sex worker as victim” plot line, but bear with me and it’ll develop into more nuance over time.
And again, a sampling of my Google search successes when studying up for this chapter:
Japanese etiquette according to a fascinating 1897 article in the Sacramento Daily Union. Particularly focused on hospitality.
Japanese gift etiquette, around giving and receiving gifts.
Visiting etiquette in Japan, according to another 1897 article, this time in the Hanford Journal.
Japanese slipper culture, because yes, there is a technique and etiquette all around the various times to wear and remove different kinds of house-slippers. I'd lay money that Inazuma incorporates this aspect of the culture, because you can find shoes sitting right outside the door of a few different Inazuma houses, even if they don't bother animating it because that would probably be too much trouble.
Etiquette of feudal Japan, covering bowing, speech, audiences, and especially sword or weapon etiquette.
Drinking etiquette in Japan. Why yes, most of my research this time was around politeness rules, how could you tell?
Japanese economic history prior to the Meiji restoration, aka during the Tokugawa Shogunate / Edo period which is the closest analogue to Inazuma. There were... a bunch of other articles on historical Japanese economics, but I won't bore you with them. Let's just say that as brilliant, detailed, well-researched, and cohesive as Genshin Impact's worldbuilding is, they really drop the ball on economy design and government design.
Summary of the fic itself with content warnings, tags, etc below the cut so you can decide if you want to read it or not before you click on the link.
A Matter of Duty
"Back then, I had no choice but to accept the position I was in. While I desperately looked around for powerful supporters, I endured smear campaigns and attempts to exploit me. I had no other choice... I didn't mind what became of me, but my family... No one can ever be allowed to trample over my precious family."
How Ayato secured powerful supporters, endured exploitation, and weathered the storm of the years following the death of his parents... and how Thoma helped him contend with a bunch of self-serving, degenerate public officials.
And how, after much stilted fumbling and well-intended sacrifice, they learned the truth of one another's hearts.
Note: Mind the tags. More specific content warnings will be given at the beginning of each chapter, and the story tags will be updated as needed. All characters involved in any sex scenes are adults.
Rating: Explicit. It's porn with plot. Porn as a vehicle for plot, or plot as a vehicle for porn, you can interpret it either way. (I prefer: porn and plot as a vehicle for ~feels~)
Tags that I'm not actually turning into tags here, but it gives you an idea of what you're in for: Kamisato Ayato/Thoma (Genshin Impact), dubious consent but not between Ayato and Thoma, slow burn, sex ed, first time, self-sacrifice, humiliation, exhibitionism, oral sex, anal sex, bdsm, bad bdsm etiquette, rough sex, breath play, impact play, bondage, service kink, abuse, sadism, codependency, shame, guilt, jealousy, possessiveness, trauma, ptsd, dissociation, political sex work, or sex work for political maneuvering, or political survival sex work if that’s a thing, exploitation, blackmail, political machinations, political intrigue, no aftercare, maybe someday some aftercare, hurt/comfort, mostly hurt for a long time but eventually comfort, oblivious disaster gays, for such socially savvy people they are terrible at personal relationships, dominant Ayato, submissive Thoma, top Ayato, bottom Thoma, Ayato is incredibly parentified, Thoma has no sense of self-preservation, self-sacrifice isn't a contest but don't tell Ayato and Thoma that, it's like the snipe-the-check game at restaurants but with sex and politics, Kushiel's Impact, no really this was in my drafts for the longest time as Kusheline Thomato Fic, everyone's an adult in this timeline except Ayaka, she gets protected at all costs, original characters out of necessity, finding appropriate existing Inazuma npcs for some of these roles was impossible, no beta we die like ayato's parents
Full fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47604337?view_full_work=true
Chapter 4: A leaf drifting in the sea: Thoma completes Ayato's deal with the elderly accounts manager of the Kanjou Commission. He mostly keeps his promise to not push himself in the process. ...Mostly.
Chapter contains: sex work (for political favors), oral sex, significant age difference, alcohol, pressure to drink alcohol, drunkenness, more plot than porn. Also general... creepiness/squickiness, I guess? Aka writing this made me uncomfortable and I'm not sure exactly how to content warn for it.
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scentedchildnacho · 1 year
The security warned me social security raises came in.....so I told him no I don't take or tolerate any government its post metropolis and it was actually the irish that jobbed a lot of secret chicago culture......
Because now people can be aware most of it is extensive migration and there are other forces to ask for integration the government was not good to people and social security is just for old reefer serial killers they called an experimental astronaut....no one wants public stripping but playmates....old ulgy mean unmarried disgusting old dudes are the only people who social tourism
They will start driving around and in from all over....it was a felon and it goes and reefer playmates at the gross stagnation that hangs it's repulsive big fed but untreated disease skinner tits over the food or asses at people ...their disgusting 20 something's their very old girls with untreated disease and it touched my things when everything is robotics capable
Protests I would be apart of is that government wasn't significantly reduced.....as regulations not statutes was finally posted and government was only mental health slaughter and they are trying to figure what actually to governance...
I told the lady at Lutheran meal......that I am doing badly it's very chink gooky all the time here...no good to sense anywhere nothing but pure war torture with tools all the time
I have brain damage....drones over head that feel like the sound wave aid is battering and hammering really pound british pounding on my head till i feel like brain damage ..I'm not really afraid of anything and my short term memory is very bad these creepy disgusting gang swat teams come by the library because young men never go away if a bitch is around if things are ever bitchy or sex positive young men are always around clinging and disobeying general
The young men don't go away to work anymore they use to have fish research or rural abstraction renewal and they never go away anymore
There is extensive wilderness like deep south in arkansas and they all stalk around here continuing to concentrate all abuse on things already abused beyond concentration
Its so deafeningly beyond concentration it's just how many people were killed and I prefer anything loud with a tool shocked and ran by hellicopters in it's film scene till very averse to ever stalking around loudly
Young men started stalking us by the library when the things already have schools suburbans and jobs and started coming around me ever at a library
Just outside of Camden Arkansas there is truly nothing out there but abandoned rural outposts to renew and reconstruct and the things won't go away to us ..they just keep rape ing and rape ing rape ing things already raped ..all nothing but jap gook mass murder
I was gang raped with swat dog men by the library yesterday because young men were ever allowed and if young men are allowed their jail tells them to believe in gender neutrality and I don't look like a man but it will all assume I'm a male to rape on site for tourism
I told her they stalked by me to start pooping and peeing the property or letting the dog bark or have threatened me on multiple occasions with cageing and dog murder
The only things I say to people is return threats of community shocks into required behaviour
If a dog growls i finally get to say to some creepy youth millionaire you want to finally get put down asshole for that you finally want your vaccine for the lobotomies
Or if they shock me by suddenly being on the sidewalk where I am it's six feet of space you reeking creep grommett
And that's really the only time I want government is if these creeping shocking amounts of young militias won't go away I only want to call their general and put them in femas
I told her I only want to know how many people have been killed and if it's going to be a genocide and if I should expect to die
Im sorry but I'm a selfish person I'm some middle aged lady with brain damage I don't deserve anything more then a quiet run down old folks home of an inner city it's the youth life that has no business stalking around rapeing battering and killing everyone of it's school stalkers
Their young people get away from me into the wilderness if your going to strike going to school if your earth hookies you have to go out and homestead...get away from me
I was like well if their going to be that loud disgusting and stupid of a frietal group then deep south you told us all the christian commitment to cultivation and economics wasn't enough for you so if your a neo nazi that can't respect what semites can give you have a wilderness to go to if you desire another dinosaur age with how pollutive repulsive you are.....
I mostly want to know if I'm going to die or not.....I watched Edward said and metropolis parades so they told me in comparison these are ugly annoying small and young men that act old and terroristic compared to how large and magnificent Jewish armies can be.....but nothing ever intervenes a mostly disgusting ugly incapable rape force easily kills us off or severely debilitates us and nothing ever stops the noise the horrible repulsive painful rape noise...so I want to know if they are never going to intervene and we all just die
No I'm not talking about my issues with my ex boyfriends and I've been firmly told that's issues if you politicize it they will stop hurting me all the time with coed enforcement and gender neutrality because their not like my ex boyfriends my exes were very your a girl with coodies you have to go away from me zoo regularly....these are very unphobic of things it called a bitch finally taking a kitchen knife and letting it bleed to death on the floor
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Sarah I wanted your advice, opinions or... I don't really know. I'm 24f and I never had a serious relationship (or even a non serious one) and one of the problems I think it's the fact that I don't like kissing. I kissed people I liked and I felt nothing but wanting to get it over it and somewhat grossed out. But people put so much into kissing that I feel like something is wrong with me. And now I'm crying. I don't know what I want you to say...I just know you will be kind even if I'm a weirdo.
Anon! There is nothing wrong with you! Nothing. At all. Please believe me when I say with all the sincerity in my heart that there is nothing wrong with you and I certainly don’t think that you are a weirdo!
So you don’t enjoy the physical sensation of kissing. That’s as arbitrary as not liking the feeling of being on a rollercoaster, not liking the taste of certain food on your tongue, not liking being tickled in a certain spot. Think of it in those terms: it is completely reasonable and natural for you to dislike the feeling of kissing. I’m willing to bet that you are not my only follower who feels that way. In fact, I know that you aren’t. You only think there’s something wrong with you because you have grown up in a world that places a stupid amount of importance on sex, sells products with sex, pads out novels and movies and television shows with sex, pushes sex down our throats and tells us that it’s something we should want, that it’s something vital, like air and water, that it’s the most necessary component to a healthy romance. The reality is, none of that is true. You get to decide what the necessary components are.
I get the impression from your ask that you would like a relationship, but feel like it is not an option for you because you dislike kissing. I want you to know that romance is an option for you and that you’re really not alone in feeling like this. I don’t know if your aversion to kissing extends beyond kissing, I don’t know if you are asexual or not, or if that’s something you’ve even thought about, and I personally don’t believe you have to label yourself as anything at all if you don’t want to (or haven’t figured that out yet), but I certainly know that you are not alone. There are other people in the world who crave romantic relationships without sex and kissing. They may seem far removed from you right now, but they are out there. They exist in the thousands. I promise you that.
I’ve actually just sent a screenshot of this ask to my brother and he has given me permission to let you know that he is the exact same way. He does not enjoy kissing at all, and he also never wants to have sex. Being a young man with young male friends, you can imagine the hassle and mockery he has endured because he feels this way, and the subsequent damage that it has done to his self-esteem. It has definitely been a struggle for him to come to terms with that, and to come to terms with the fact that there is nothing inherently wrong with him, because there are people who will insist upon finding it strange, and friends can make jokes that hurt deeply, even if they would never wish to hurt you intentionally. I have first-hand experience of witnessing what it can do to a person to feel the way you feel, but I am going to tell you the same thing I tell my brother when he asks me “Is it normal to feel such and such a way about kissing/sex/touching?” Yes, it is normal, because that is how you feel and therefore it must be, and it is not for anybody else to ever tell you that there’s something wrong with that. Not ever. You’re doing just fine as you are, anon.
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Anu Vrat
Mind lives on more. Misery starts with "more and more". Misery makes you dense and gross. Self is subtle. To go from gross to subtle you go through the finest relative... the atom. To overcome aversion, hatred, jealousy, attraction or entanglements, you have to go to the atom. Going to the atom means accepting a teeny tiny bit of all this.
It may be difficult to accept something that you don't like but you can definitely accept a teeny tiny bit (an atom) of it. The moment you accept that one atom, you will see change happen. This has to be done in a meditative state. Suppose you love someone. You want more and more of them. Yet there is no fulfilment. In Anu Vrat (the vow of an atom), you take just one atom of that person and that is enough to bring fulfilment to you.
Though the river is vast, a little sip quenches your thirst. Though Earth has so much food, just a little bite satisfies your hunger. All that you need is teeny tiny bits. Accept a teeny tiny bit of everything in life, that will bring you fulfilment.
Stephano: What about trouble?
There is so much trouble in the world, you can accept just a teeny tiny part of it. Tonight go to bed feeling that you are satisfied, taking a teeny tiny part of divinity with you.
Satisfaction comes from the subtle and not from the "more and more".
Question: What about giving?
You take a teeny tiny part, and the rest you give away.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
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