#is there something wrong with me cuz i think these posts are ridiculous and pathetic
under--pluto · 1 year
man people don't even try anymore, emergency commissions are fair enough but the amount of just "hi I'm not cis/white/straight/normal brained/able bodied or a mix of them pls give me money uwu" posts on this webbed site is astronomical
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this IS ridiculous and stupid and im only perpetuating it and stewing in it but like my whole, at this point, instinctual, response to being in the presence of this shithead is to go 'i have to kill that shithread/myself' is part of the reason why things are still the same and only getting worse. because i did kinda chose some of the worst time wasting things to focus on all this time and it was in fact just only distracting myself from these thoughts. nothing more. cuz i mean i couldnt really function and do anything else otherwise not without acting on these thoughts. ive been trying to not act on these thougths for so long but i dont have TIME to distract myself from them anymore so like... lol. i ve wasted too much time simply distracting myself and not like. doing anything else that might have... allowed me to extricate myself from this fucking situation. i am yet again, simply just tryiing to offload some of this fucking rage and anger building up. and like. as per usual the same regular thoughts keep pouring in. "what is the point at this point, on not just simply succumbing"
regarless of how things have been since however long ago. i stil have this ingrained fear+anger response. i get so mindbendingly incensed at their mere presence. i was literally cursing and sweaing my fuckign ass off audibly yesterday because i didnt feel safe with them at my back. and of course just simply being around them just pisses me offf and of fucking course instead of doing anything about it they complains to someone else about it. i cant talkt o themn either. what good is that going to do. nothing meaningful or good is going to come out of it.
theres no point. theres no fuckign point. obciosuly i have to focus on what CAN be done antd the more important shit but like. man. cmon. thats the whole issue. I CANT. i cant fuckign focus. and i keep wasting time. whether to distract msyelf or just.simply wasting time. all this time i know ive been focusing on the wrong things but like also its been so hard just keeping up with my fuckign hygiene and like keeping the house clean and it only gets harder becuase we dont have a fucking working DISHWASHER or WASHER or DRYER. and also cuz fo like depression bullshit. i dont want to get into "listing excuses" territory but like. ive BEEN using lots of stupid excuses all thistime. but also like i imagine because that bitch piece of shit is tryna make a more focused effort to cut n run theres no way in hell we're getting any replacements anytime soon. which just again just is making me so mad. this is something ive dreamed of. for so long. now that that stoupid bastard bitch piece of shit is leaving. ive more or less ruined/burned all mybridges so like idk. and i knew this hatred and fear would poison and burn me inside out. and probably catch fire to whatevers near me.
i dont want to say its impossible cuz like... its not. thats the whole thing. but it IS its hard to focuson other things, enough to get them done and dealt with... and even more so when mynumber one go to thought is in fact, "whats the fuckitn point" and so it fuckign cycles
and so it has been these last 20+ years.
i dont want to be like this. buti have been. and even now after all this suicidal ideation and ideas and whatever about "disappearing quietly and without a trace" im still fuckign posting about it... wonder what that fuckign means lol
again. YES its fucking stupid that things are like this. ITS FUCKING PATHETIC i let things get to this point. that i didnt do anything worthwile to mitigate or even TRY really. i did. i used to. but i realied it was kinda fruitless to do what i was TRYING to do and i kinda gave up on everything else. and i internalized that kinda thinking for so ong that i just didnt do anything since then. its pathetic. i could have broken out of this. i could have done SOMETHIN to leave. i should have just run away as a child. I SHOULD have done anything. i should have done SOMETHIGN. i can still DO SOMETHING. BUT AGASIN. i just look at my options. all the shit ihave to do and go,
and the only things that i can actually see myself doing are reaching out towards probalby the most extreme and (maybe) unrealistic options out there.
and i say unrealistic cuz if i havent done those things at any point up til now, what chance is there of me doing something now. or when i no longer have a choice......
.............................i still have a fuckign choice
i still have time i guess......
but...a gain that fucking pulsing, overbearing thought leering and looming over my head saying the same shit over n over an over again.
"what is the point"
i can think of some answers to that...... sometimes.
but even then its like.
i did this. i let things get to this point.
i made the decisions i did that cut off almost all form of exit. of escape or whatever route coud be taken to get out of this fucking mire.
and im languishing in it like some fucking idiot instead of doing something.
ive ruined my chances and i shouldnt and cant expect help. because what the fuck is anyone going to do that can actually fucking help me. whos to say tha i wont make things worse for whoever does help me. me i guess but i mean like.
the answer has been clear to me for so long now.
leave this place and die in some hole.
OR stay here and languish until you die here or they call the police and whatever happens then happens lol.
......and i like. i know. whenever whatever ends up happening. how i feel now and i how i envision it happenig will more than likely be COMPLETELY different ffom what does actually end up happening. but like. im scared either way . if things go the way i envision them going or if things go the way i dont. im scared of it either way cuz neither will be good.
like far as im concerned my only REAL, feasible options are rotting out on the street, killing myself, going to some prision/mental hospital or all of the above. (and maybe also somewhere inbetween now and then, bleeding out due to whatever going on with my body OR complications arising from losing consistent amounts of blood every day forthe last few years on n off). and well i think i deserve it.
i..... for as long as i can remember. never could see a feasible or realistic future or myslef. i had all these ideas and ambitions based in what might as well be delusion/fantasy because i never realy put all that much time or effort into working towards making those ambitions real or feasible. and now even still i cannot see ahead of me. i cannot fucking envision what continuing to be alive would be. aside from rotting until im actually dead. and then rotting some more. i dont want to die where someone will find me.
ive never been able to see a future for myself.
and like yeah. sure. you can fuckign craft one or whatever...
even when i come up with answers to that question that i feel should be pretty strong contenders they always. kinda. just. fall flat.
in the face of everything. else... what am i willing to do for those reasongs. what am i willign to sacrifice. what am i willing to fuckign do. what effort am i willing to put in. i never felt like i was able to honestly or accurately answer those fucking quesitons.
and so again. i just feel like everythign i have is just. upheld by falsehoods. and maybe it actually is. but like. what have i done to say or prove otherwise.
what am i willing to do to make it real.......
i dont know.
ive been doing this same shit for so long.
unable to answer the important questions in any sort of meaningful way that feels solid or real.
yelling at myself to just DO IT, whatever IT may be.
coming up with stupi dlil workaround and convoluted rituals to get myself to do the things I WANT to do. WHATEER that might be. or thigns i NEED TO do. and barely bein able to take care of myself. i mean fuck i live in this house on someone elses money. im NOT taking care of myself. but like ive been so focused on tryna at least clean up after myself that i like just. dont do anything else. except waste time. on shit that doesnt matter cuz i not putting in the effort to make it matter. to make something of it. i.... idk...
like id like to be able to say ive been doing SOMETHIN to get outta this situation. like i have so much shit to catch up on like been essentially.... COLLECTING resources for all the things i need to prepare and do in order to catch up on what nees to be done. collecting resources for... STARTING. but i see these documents and pages and stuf that they require and i just freeze. up. i see they require like other ppl's signatures and like all my personal information like my dead name and alls orts of other shit and i just freeze up. i look at the other boxes to fill out and imaybe ill fill them out. but then i look back at the others. i stop. and then i dont save my progress and then i just. look away. go do something else. distract myself. it just. keeps happening. it keeps fucking happening. i shouldnt have had this many chances to squander. to WASTE. i shouldnt have had this many chances and this much time to WASTE. but i did. AND I WASTED IT ALL. AND I DONT SEE THE POINT IN BOTHERING. LIKE. MAYBE. IDK. MAYBE I DO MAYBE ITS BOTH I DO AND I DONT.
its just been all this same damn stupid ass shit. all the time. what do i have to show for anything.... like maybe i can get some fucking hep if i go see a doctor. for about half a much as i say "i should kill myself" or some more detailed variant of that, i also say "i should go see a doctor" i think about all the shit i needto do for that and i just start thinking. " but like do i even deserve it?" shoul di not just throw all my fucking caution and fear to the wind and just say fuck it!!! and let me live up to all this bullshit ive been sayin about how i DESERVE TO SUFFER??? but like i want to throw my cowardice away. i want to get rid of that. but i have to be careful from now on if i want to continue to have some semblance of a life i can enjoy or whatever. i guess. idk. what does that even mean. for me..................
every time i get to this poitn where i think about shit like this (which is just way too often mind you... theres not a SINGLE fucking day that goes by wihtout me thiking about killing myself or some shit like everytihgn i talked about here) i just think or have some stupid naive hope that i can like yell at myself or logic or trick myself into doing something. anything worthwhile. and then i just sit and stew on these feelings and.......
this really is some stupid worthless whiny baby bitch bullshit but like.... i have to do something or else languish and die. liike i have been all this time.
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 years
Sad life of some twitter stans
This one Jason stan online is actually bitching about people writing fics exploring how Tim was effected by different things.
Like-- fan fics are very often written to explore different side to a story.
They and the people they interact always try to say things like they’re making a point, but they’re really not.
It‘s always so odd too because they’re more upset about other characters being portrayed as having done some thing wrong
but-- nuance, does in fact, exist lol Like dear goodie goodness, a bad action? doesn’t make? someone? a bad? person?
It‘s not that hard, and even if the fic is that bad. Overexaggerating the number to be outraged. Can they not function without getting mad?
All this one track mind thinking is mind-numbing.
When some of it involves actual murder attempts.
Nuance people, nuance. they’d shit on Tim with glee, but gosh, someone else do some thing with a bad reaction? REMEMBER THIS BAD THING THAT HAPPENED. LOGICALLY THEY SHOULDN’T BE UPSET NOW
they’re as bad as the people they shit on, but act mighty above them. I don’t even like half the people they shit on. Coffee Tim is overdone and ridiculous, making him feminine for a ship is dumb, acting like Tim can’t defend himself is too, but gosh I don’t make it my personality or daily grudge to bring them up in stuff that does not concern them. Nor do I act like I’m immediately smarter for not liking it .
these people have hundreds of followers, but all they do is say some of the most hypocritical stuff ever, and some days do some even dumber stuff than who they rag on.
Group mocking people, doesn’t make ya smarter. Mocking another over done thing doesn’t either.
I’ve seen them literally mock people for stuff they never said, they are that seemingly desperate to be enraged.
Imagine being so petty. Especially when you’re saying the more illogical thing, or irrational thing.
Like they’ve complain about fanon stuff. Yet completely made their own from the most random and irrelevant of things some times. Like at  least someone they interacted with wants to act like Tim is a punk rebel, cuz of Geoff John’s tt, I assume RR, and music he listened too. Which apparently invalidates everything else? Like you’d have to be so bias to believe a lot of the things they say, but they do it while acting superior for it. I’d almost call it ballsy, if they weren’t pretty seemingly serious about it, and ya know, a prick. they fawn over pre-crisis Jason and a few artists and call him baby, but I’ve actually seen some in that group throw vague pedo accusations at people for doing the same with Tim. Yikes.
that last part really bugs me, because as some body who calls Tim baby cuz he’s cute and just simply picked it up as a fandom thing (with a hint of spite, cuz originally I just found it annoying even if I started doing it unironically cuz I got used to it and finding it fitting) and Ultimate Aunt  May, and as someone that was personally affected by a pedophile. It fucking pisses me off they’re just gonna imply that to complete stranger for doing something they themselves do for another character. that s a serious implication that should be taken serious. Not because you’re a freaking whiner over a different opinion.
It‘s not even my fan fic they’re talking about. I don’t post mine, nor do they deal with what I assume they’re talking about. Heck, being so exaggeratory with fics, if it is even as bad as they act is some thing that bugs me.
Half the fanon Tim stuff they mocked bugged me  too.
But don’t be an arrogant, hypocrite, and a pretty obvious bully over it, or at least interact with bullies, while acting superior. You’re nothing more than a fool to anyone that doesn’t share your bias’.
they can’ t even get Tim's origin right yet act like they have an authority over him. Process that , and a group of those people exist. It‘s pathetic.
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mocarena · 5 years
post of Chu2 rambles and predictions
i realized i actually needed to make this now that S3 is knocking me down with anticipation
blabla this thread is long as heck and incomprehensible so aha good luck if youre actually trying to read thru it. i just wanted a place to write my predictions down to see how right or how utterly wrong i am! whole thing’s under a read more cuz its a lot
spoilers for S2, the RAiSe! manga, and small spoiler for Film Live
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Exhibit: Songs
I’m starting off with talking RAS’ songs because they give me a good basis to talk on several things regarding the band & Chu2.
There might be mentions of other songs, but I will focus on 2 in particular.
Takin’ My Heart
Imo, the most important piece in regards to Chu2 and her character.
That is due to Radio Riot #7 having revealed that the song is literally about Chu2’s beliefs/feelings.
It is also written by her in the Bandori canon (as all RAS songs are since she is the producer, but we know for sure with the Radio confirmation & also how the song came out past Season 2 that this is a song written with Chu2’s perspective in mind).
Raychell even said that she once cried singing the song during her own practice time.
Information source: Iviachupichu on Twitter, a faithful translator who often talks about the contents of Radio Riot episodes. Link https://twitter.com/iviachupichu/status/1106469855757164544!
TL of the song taken from http://www.rizuchan.com/bang-dream-cardfight-vanguard-takin-my-heart/ !!
Long falling down again I’m immature, building up lies and distancing myself from others I feel all torn up; I hold my heart Try to fake a smile… hey, my cheeks hurt
Cry… I hide my rusted eyes Cry… I want you to notice Oh, Come here, Please…
Takin’ my heart Does my voice Takin’ my heart Reach you now…? Takin’ my heart I don’t want to vanish pathetically Takin’ my heart Into a sea of loneliness I’ll just keep crying out to you Today, tomorrow, and for a long time after (Without giving up) I hope my feelings reach you…!
^ not the full TL, just a taste of the beginning
Clearly I don’t have to point out how heartfelt that song is, the lyrics speak for themself and aren’t very subtle (which is very much the point since she’s asking for her feelings to be reached after all).
I’m stupidly annoying when it comes to talking about Takin’ My Heart, I absolutely need to emphasize on the fact that these lyrics are Chu2’s honest feelings.
Expect parts of this song to be brought up throughout this a whole lot.
Now this song has no confirmation on being composed with Chu2 in mind, considering it’s a very early RAS song and has been sung before we even got the reveal of the RAS characters.
However, I believe it DOES hold significance:
-I have no doubts that the introduction of RAS characters together with the band were in mind early on already, due to how early Bushiroad plans things months in advance.
-RIOT, the first RAS original, has very clear tones of it having been written by Chu2 in Bandori canon (a very arrogant sounding song, sure of its music and it almost seems like it’s directed at Yukina). Thus I wouldn’t put it past the production team having formed Chu2’s character around RIOT and UNSTOPPABLE, or they already had her type of character in mind when first composing these songs.
-It’s not far-fetched to say this song might have some ties to Chu2’s feelings since we’ve got the even more blatant song Takin’ My Heart.
I won’t copy paste all of the lyric translations, it’s simply too long, but here are several parts that stick out to me:
The emptiness springs forth like I'm helplessly thirsty
My back droops... I put too much hope in each day
(Hurry up)
「Don't let me down」, I'm always told
(Hurry up)
Cornered, mouth covered, difficulty breathing
I'm caught in a trap
Please indulge in my annoying ramblings
I just won't stop seeking approval every day
Me, I'm my own accomplice,
with a fake me, dance! Dance! (Lullaby)
Doubt and worry stick their tongues out,
pointing at and ridiculing me
Are you enjoying? Are you excited?
Yes? Do you really get it?
Then that's fine
Please ignore my annoying ramblings
I'll just abandon seeking approval every day
My belief of UNSTOPPABLE still having an intended Chu2 connection also lies within the lyrics:
“Please indulge in my annoying ramblings, I just won't stop seeking approval every day”
From what we’ve seen in the anime, Chu2 definitely seems very attention and approval-seeking, specifically when it comes to Yukina.
I will talk about more specific parts of these songs (+ other one-liners from RAS lyrics) within the rest of this big time ramble.
Exhibit: Chu2’s Past….?
A big emphasis on the question mark at the end, as we barely know anything about her past. One thing we know is that due to her excellent grades, she is in her first year of high school despite being only 14 & she studies/studied(?) in an international school, explaining her use of English.
However, based on RAS songs + some bits of the anime I can try to theorize on her past. It might be completely wrong, or I might just get it right, who knows, this is just for fun & speculation.
Family Situation
The anime made a point of how luxurious of a building the studio Chu2 works and has band rehearsals in, there’s even a ~50 seconds scene of Tae just staring at the building and the insides of it in awe.
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Now whether or not that building entirely belongs to Chu2’s family, or only the studio, or it’s only being rented out, it still is clearly very expensive either way. The studio is often being used after all, too.
What that very glaringly hints at is that Chu2 is wealthy. Well, not Chu2, but moreso her family, who we know virtually nothing of.
Now that could mean that her family situation isn’t of significance at all like how it is with a lot of characters in Bandori. But that could also not be the case, considering that Bushiroad does dip into family stuff with a few characters (Saaya, Ran and Yukina come to mind).
Chu2 is 14 years old, so having her lyrics be based off of feelings regards her family/overall social situation isn’t that far fetched.
I’ll go ahead and say that personally I theorize that this might fall into the tropey category of “Kid of rich parents gets practically anything but barely gets attention from their parents”.
I can easily believe that Bushiroad would want to take a route different from this, but there’s a lot of freedom for theorization and I think going with the common route is a pretty safe bet for a theory.
Unlike Betadori they don’t dip into territory that is too angsty, it seems, but it’s not like they’d need to be blatant about something like that either.
「Don't let me down」, I'm always told
Please indulge in my annoying ramblings
I just won't stop seeking approval every day
Please ignore my annoying ramblings
I'll just abandon seeking approval every day
I think it’s important to point out the difference between the last two bits. The lyrics first start out as a plead for listening to her and approving of her achievings, later in the song that part changes to ‘just ignore me please’.
Those lyrics also explain Chu2’s personality pretty well, in my opinion.
Even after being rejected by Yukina she kept trying to get her to watch her band, basically asking for approval from someone whose talent she looks up to.
I also believe that Chu2 might be an unhealthy perfectionist, which seems like a thing that might rise the tension within the band, but more to that later.
Exhibit: Chu2 in the Present
The childish child who won’t let herself be a child
Now if that ain’t a mouthful of a title, but hopefully I can explain my thoughts well enough so it’s somewhat understandable.
Chu2 clearly has a bratty personality and throws tantrums when she doesn’t get what she wants, but to me it doesn’t seem as shallow as that.
The official website describes her as a professional who is arrogant at times, but not rude.
Need I remind you that this girl’s just 14?
Here’s what I think:
Chu2 is a child at heart. But she doesn’t want to let that part of hers show too much due to how she wants to be treated: like a professional.
But she’s clearly an excitable child, as it was shown with how excited she got over the studio when she came to talk to Popipa in Arisa’s basement. For that moment she lost herself and probably could’ve gone on for a while Maya-style if Pareo hadn’t reminded her of her “official greeting”.
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What I think is that Chu2, due to wanting to be treated with high respect   as a producer, doesn’t want to appear childish, so she holds herself back unless the heat of the moment gets her or she feels like she can express her excitement without it damaging her ‘professional’ manners. Like when she got pumped after a RAS live, for example.
A quote that could be overlooked but might actually have a little bit of relevance if the words were carefully chosen was the following:
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“She thinks playing “band” like a bunch of kids is better than being in my group?!”
Tbh this literal child using the phrase ‘like a bunch of kids’ for something like…well, a band of friends being a band, just makes her seem like she wants to take herself incredibly seriously compared to other bands. To show that they’re not “kids” like the others.
In addition to that, she skipped a grade. In an international school. She seems to be really set on providing the best grades and world-changing music to appear worthy without letting herself indulge all that much in living a childhood. I could totally be exaggerating things, but I think it’s not too far-fetched of a thought.
Not a subject I’ll talk long about, but I think there’s things worth pointing out.
She’ll wait until whoever she’s angry at is out of her sight.
With Yukina she started yelling once Roselia was completely gone.
With Otae it’s a bit of a different case. This time she verbally even told her to get out of her sight before letting off steam, though Popipa weren’t completely out of hearing reach either.
2. She looks genuinely distressed.
The purpose of pointing out #2 is that she seems to have deeper reasonings as to why exactly she’s this desperate to have the perfect band/band members. Especially paired with the line of “I finally found what I’ve been looking for…”, she clearly isn’t doing this stuff just for fun and has got some sort of inner turmoil dealing with the fact that things aren’t going her way to which she responds, well, like that.
She’s not entitled to any bands or like anyone else obviously, and she needs to deal with that fact more maturely in the future.
But still, something HAS to be the root of exactly why she feels like this, to finally have found something.
It’s of importance to her, but why…?
I’d throw out the theory of seeking for approval again. She wants the perfect band that could make impact on the world. Maybe she wants the approval of someone (not Yukina, as she’s been searching for a while and clearly already felt this way before even seeing Roselia), probably someone older and personal to her. So I’d bet it on parents again, it IS the easiest answer after all, but who knows. There just seems to be someone (or more) she wants to impress.
Probably related to her bc it seems personal, if not maybe someone else she looks up to.
Exhibit: I wrote all the above way before I’m writing this part
I genuinely haven’t revised the above at this point of time, the 7th of January. So some stuff might be outdated, but I kinda wanna leave it like that, to see what past me has come up with. I vaguely know and have skimmed, but I wanna write more beyond this point now without knowing the details.
Aka I might repeat a lot of things here now!
CHU2 is actually very much in tune with people’s feelings & desires...when they express them through music.
Now I’m pretty sure this is something I haven’t talked about (or at least not much). Chu2 doesn’t strike one as a very empathetic character, as one has seen with how she was still willing to get Otae back into her band, despite Popipa’s deep bond.
But hear me out. This girl actually can understand other’s feelings well, under specific circumstances. And the RAS manga “RAiSe!” proved that.
With each RAS member, it seems like she just knew their desires upon hearing them play. It’s not yet confirmed with Pareo due to Pareo’s 2nd chapter not having been published yet at this point of time, but chapter 1 already leads up to what I think is Chu2 confronting Pareo (online invitation first), and understanding that Pareo holds her true self back.
With Layer she knew she was unhappy- she knew she didn’t want to keep playing support. She knew she didn’t look very happy, especially for someone who played at Budokan. And through that knowledge she was able to persuade her to listen to her music and to imagine what it’d be like in a band together with other members who’d give it their all.
Very much the same with Masking. Masking’s drumming is intense, and she feels like she cannot express herself well outside of drumming. Her desire was to have fun in a band with others on her level, where every member gave it their all on their instruments. Once again, Chu2 was able to convince her to join her band, she let her listen to her track, and Masking did improv drumming on it, in turn also impressing the producer.
Pareo’s desire is to be accepted for who she is. Since she was small she hid her true self that loves cute things, and kept her distance from classmates, pretending to be the perfect student in the eyes of them, her teachers, her parents...and when she first saw Pasupare on TV, she cried due to seeing how much support they got, something she didn’t feel like she received. She found joy in uploading videos of her doing keyboard pasupare covers online without showing her face. The simple prediction here is that Chu2 finds her covers, meets with Pareo in one way or another, and is able to tell that she hides her true self. Somehow she convinces her to change that and embrace her true self, and that she’ll be supported by the band.
RAS songs often are about going against the norm- RIOT for example symbolizes a rebellion. Masking heard the demo song Chu2 gave her, and got the impression that it made one feel like you want to declare war against the world. That it seemed like “that girl” was trying to raise hell itself with her intense music. Even short bits like in DRIVE US CRAZY, one lyric line goes “Never Say Never Crazy”. RAS is a band about expressing your true self. And Chu2 very much could be putting those kinda desires and feelings into these songs.
A little thought here about Chu2 watching Popipa performances on two occasions with very different reactions. When Popipa played a supporting band at Roselia’s self-sponsored live, Chu2 was shown to be very disinterested in them. Whilst Popipa was great, Chu2 might’ve felt the anxiety that Popipa had in them at that point of time and thus had that disinterest. At the Popipa self-sponsored live at the end of S2 however she showed a completely different reaction, dancing happily along to Dreamers Go! and being embarrassed upon Pareo noticing. Maybe at this point she truly felt Popipa’s real confidence, and the bond that they share.
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Not to mention she admitted to having felt moved by Popipa later on.
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Chu2′s got something big coming. Hopefully in S3. Maybe later on. (Cough RAS in game COUGH)
There’s just a whole lot of signs pointing to that. Especially since Lock, the future RAS guitarist, really is an opposite to Chu2′s own ideals. All Lock wants to do is have fun in a band with anyone at any level of playing instruments, as long as she feels the dokidokis. Chu2 is very profession-oriented. It also has a great potential to be a little bit of a Roselia parallel, since that was the band Chu2 originally wanted to be the producer of. And Roselia had their struggles with the just-pro approach, learning that forming strong friendships within the band very much are beneficial.
A little step towards that I feel is already hinted with the Film Live, in which she appeared backstage with the rest of RAS, bringing flowers together with Pareo.
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Even if she is huffy about it and it’s hard to admit for her that she does want to be nice and that she had been in the wrong regards past issues, it’s a step in the right direction.
Chu2 will have great development, and a lot of depth behind her character will be revealed.
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glitterdustcyclops · 6 years
so tumblr, what incredibly petty, ridiculous things are you fully planning on literally dying mad about? cuz for me, there are two very specific incidents in my life that i have actually out-loud sworn to still be bitter about while lying on my deathbed, both of them involving food establishments that have wronged me
okay this post got wildly out of hand (i am a dramatic bitch) so the rest is under the cut
first, the Saga of the Medium Dipped cone. so a few years back when i still lived in vegas, a brand new dairy queen opened up a few blocks away from my house which was personally like a gift from the heavens. idk if u know this abt me, but literally one of my favoritest things on this earth is a chocolate-dipped vanilla soft serve cone, and honestly tbh nobody does it as good as my queen of dairy do. so i was excited to have such unfettered access to my supplier so wonderfully close to my abode, and as soon as i noticed they were open, i begged my dad to take me one day. now, i may love a dipped cone but i’m not an animal, so when drivethru dude asked what size i wanted for my frosty chocolate treat, i said medium. sensible, i thought. not pathetically tiny, but not complete hedonism either. a reasonable amount of chocolate-shelled cream to apply directly to my face parts, or so i thought.
cuz what i in fact received from drivethru dude was a giant fucking cone,literally almost a foot of that fuckin sugar styrofoam nonsense  (easily the worst part of the ice cream cone experience we are all in agreement, right?) with maybe abt a half an inch of soft serve on top, hastily slathered in some chocolate shell. and y’know, i understand mistakes can be made sometimes, so i asked my dad to double check the sitch, because that didn’t seem like my previous experiences with a medium dq dipped cone. so my dad is like “this was supposed to be medium?” and this guy, this fucking guy, looks my dad straight in the face with his cold, lifeless demon eyes and goes “oh, well, it’s just the cone that’s larger.”
THE CONE. THAT IS LARGER. JUST THE CONE. JUST THE CONE. *deep breaths* i like to think i’m a reasonable person, esp when it comes to exhausted retail/food service workers. we’re all just trying to get that bread, i understand. but yall. YALL. i about leapt over my father into that fuckin window and pummeled this dumb motherfucker. THE CONE. the fUCKING CONE IS LARGER.
i came home actually, literally, ranting about how the fuck this fuckin guy thought he could get away with giving me a “medium” dipped cone that was literally just a small ice cream in a giant ice cream package. i ate the cone, of course, and it turned to ashes in my mouth. my heart grew as icy cold as the pathetic amount of soft serve i consumed, and merely a moment later, it was gone. and my mom, my beautiful perfect precious mom was just like “next time you go, just get a small cone, and proportionally it will be more ice cream!” which honestly, is just a portal to madness at that point.
so anyway, me and the moms went back a few weeks later and i thought surely, surely they wouldn’t try that shit again, right? it was just a fluke? just a single, cruel person who hadn’t known love or joy and was too fuckin lazy to make my ice cream properly, but this time, surely, it would be different. dairy queen could redeem themselves! i believed in the power of redemption!! second chances!! so i, like an idiot, ordered a medium. dipped. cone.
AND GUESS WHAT I FUCKIN GOT. GUESS. GO ON. YOU’LL NEVER GUESS. because it was actually, somehow, less ice cream than last time, still on a medium-sized cone. like which demon thought when i ordered a medium-sized ice cream cone what i was really hoping for, what my truest heart’s desire, was a medium-sized empty-ass cone to eat. ice cream, guys. ice cream is what you serve, ice cream is what i thought i was ordering what is WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. i was livid.
and from that day forth, i actually and literally swore that i would go to my literal and actual grave still seeking vengeance upon this establishment that had wronged me so egregiously. every time i go to a diary queen now i order a medium dipped cone, almost spitefully, and wait to see what they give me. thus far no one else has been dumb enough to try the “oh it’s just a larger cone” bullshit on me, and i haven’t had to try and nuke the entirety of dairy queen as a brand from orbit. for now.
my second story isn’t quite as dramatic but definitely still just as petty and ridiculous. this is The Sushi Incident, and it goes like this: when we first moved to utah, me and mom were shopping around for a sushi restaurant. our expectations for the food culture in this state had been already thoroughly disillusioned by this point, and after a few too many 4-star yelp reviews that surely must have been posted sarcastically led us down some dark, dark paths, we were desperate for anything approaching edible at this point. and so we hit up a pretentious looking place near where i worked, and it was busy and loud and took forever for us to get a table, but i was trying to be positive here. and i was looking over the menu and it actually kind of all looked terrible but-positive, i’m trying to be positive here, so i was searching for something that sounded good. and i noticed- under the basic sushi rolls, there was something missing. my number one, go-to staple sushi order. my version of the cheeseburger. my safe haven, that thus far not even the worst restaurant has managed to ruin for me. the rainbow roll. (yes, 95% of the reason i order it is because it’s called a rainbow roll, and therefore, it is the gayest sushi option).
so i asked the waiter, innocently, curiously, oh, do you guys not have a rainbow roll on your menu? and this monster, this eldritch abomination in the shape of a white guy (it’s always fuckin white guys, isn’t it) stared at me, like i’m fucking with him. complete blank face. like i was veering wildly off menu here, some demanding spoiled brat asking for herculean tasks in my honor. the fuckin grocery store makes rainbow rolls. this is entry level bullshit. i tried halfheartedly to explain-y’know, it’s a california roll, but it’s got slices of raw fish on top. like, c’mon dude. it’s the ham-and-cheese sandwich of the sushi rolls. and he just shrugged awkwardly and wandered off.
i don’t remember what we ended up ordering that night, i think i blocked the traumatic experience from my memory. but i do remember appending another black mark to my Record, and one day i know that i’m going to be old and withered, in a hospital somewhere surrounded by generations of my family, my wife beside me holding my hand. and i’m going to beckon towards one of my great grandchildren, and i’m going to pull them close, and i’m going to whisper they didn’t fuckin know what a rainbow roll was and then my heart is going to stop beating. those will be my last words.
so, like, pls, tell me i’m not the only one with these ridiculous stupid petty grudges against things?? pls???
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mr-villainous · 7 years
Black Panther
I have been so excited for this movie, but then I was dumb and thought it would be a good idea to go through the tag on tumblr, and now I’m just frustrated.
Why are so many fucking posts about Black Panther specifically about how it is the definitive, indisputable proof we’ve been waiting for that white people are ugly and useless. Look, I’m all for Black Excellence and I’m all for this film, but this shit is just wrong. Posts like “the only part of whites that’s welcome in the Black Panther fandom is the money they spent on their tickets”. Posting about how ugly the non poc members of the mcu are is just...Yes, black people are beautiful. Their beauty does not negate the beauty of anyone else, and I really wish that was a message people would stop trying to promote, especially on a site where there are tons of young people who suffer with mental health issues that are commonly intertwined with self esteem and appearance issues. It’s not right to tell those kids, or grown ass people, that the celebrities they hold as a beauty standard they’re trying to, or would like to reach, are disgusting is not really something that’s necessary to promote the beauty of the cast of Black Panther. Saying that the rest of the mcu may as well be erased and that the actors and actresses outside of Black Panther are useless is not only an insult to those actors and actresses, but to everyone who looks up to them, and is hurtful to any white person who wants to not be useless. 
I’m not ignorant to the fact that this is just one of many awful ways that black people have been treated, but in my opinion, and I could be wrong, I feel like this is one of those cases where racial superiority rhetoric isn’t the best weapon to fight racial superiority rhetoric with. Like I said, I’m all for Black Excellence, and I’m all for this amazing film, but...can we like...not have posts saying shit like “white actors go ahead and kill yourselves cuz hollywood gone black and ain’t going back”. Like, I don’t care if it’s a joke, or a generalization, or anything else, what happened to the concept that it was never okay to tell anyone to kill themselves, jokingly or not? There are people saying “I don’t wanna see any fucking crackers poisoning BP with their white OCs”. 
There are so many delicate intricacies to this topic, and I understand that it’s not a white person’s place to write any sort of story about living as a black person, living in a black person’s world, claiming to understand black culture personally, or anything like that; but to say that fic writers aren’t allowed to use any Black Panther characters, or have Black Panther in any of their Avengers team ups, or any inclusion of Wakanda in any sense is just...it’s ridiculous. You realize that Marvel itself has Black Panther team up with white people from time to time? I’m not saying people shouldn’t respect the cast and characters or writing, and I do agree that if they were going to try their hand at a story of that nature, that they’d need to handle this with care and respect, but for fucks sake, quit trying to enforce racial segregation in peoples’ personal fucking stories. It only serves to promote segregation in the real fucking world. I thought Black Panther was going to be great, not only as a film and story but I thought it would help to promote and grow a unified community within its fanbase of all people celebrating the great work that it is and the amazing cast and crew that put it all together, but unfortunately the larger, more immediate instinct seems to be to divide the fandom. To say “you can keep your ugly useless whites, don’t dare even think about Black Panther, but make sure you buy a couple tickets”. 
“Black panther is here to show all the white mfs that they’ll never be as good as us”. Okay. I get that it’s not a popular thing to disagree with rhetoric like that, but, I’m just sad to see that this movie isn’t quite the fan unifying moment I had hoped it’d be. Maybe most of these posts are said in jest, or exaggeration. Doesn’t really excuse telling people to kill themselves, doesn’t really change the divisive and charged language being used to tear others down. Maybe most of the posts are meant as generalizations. Still, doesn’t excuse any of that shit. It’s got the same foul taste as when members of the lgbtq+ community say how pathetic straight men are, and expect straight trans men not to take that to heart and be hurt by it (especially considering that that implies that they either don’t really consider straight trans men as “real straight trans men”, even if it’s because they’re some sort of “exception” or that they don’t thing they themselves should consider themselves a real man, which is just the most  #wokest transphobic bullshit I have ever seen, but this is a whole other topic for another post).
Black Panther is amazing, the cast and crew are amazing, black people and culture is amazing. It’s possible to say all this and promote all these ideas without cutting down anyone else, or turning it into a racial competition, and it’s my -apparently- very unpopular opinion that the concept of calling white people useless, ugly, pathetic, and many more unkind terms shouldn’t be outright accepted and promoted just because it’s an easy way to call Black Panther good.
Personally, I already call myself ugly and useless multiple times on a daily basis. It doesn’t help when I go on my blog and have that opinion reinforced. And It especially doesn’t help when there are multiple posts implying that even if I were to achieve the level of fitness and talent and attractiveness of RDJ, or Chris Evans, or any white cast member of the mcu, that I’d still be ugly and useless. I realize that it’s a small thing. I realize that it makes me sound like a hypocrite, at least in the sense because it may seem like I’m disregarding that fact that popular mainstream media reinforces these concepts of ugliness and uselessness on POC constantly. I’m not saying that’s not true, and really, I am so happy and grateful for Black Panther, and I hope that it becomes a trend of representation in hollywood. But I’d also really like if we didn’t battle fire with fire. I don’t really think we need to be telling anyone they are ugly, or useless, or that they should kill themselves, no matter what race. We can all promote each other, we can all acknowledge and recognize the beauty in each other without tearing others down. We won’t, but I wish we would.
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