#is it to garner sympathy?? like
under--pluto · 1 year
man people don't even try anymore, emergency commissions are fair enough but the amount of just "hi I'm not cis/white/straight/normal brained/able bodied or a mix of them pls give me money uwu" posts on this webbed site is astronomical
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 9 months
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behold my new brain baby
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sheriffclownkins · 2 years
why is there so much discourse over characters being good or evil in the Morally Grey/Everyone Commits Murder and Warcrimes book
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professorsta · 5 months
I feel like to describe Steven's shows as him flaunting wealth and eating gold from the bussoms of royalty is quite a dishonest summarization and transparent way to not even try an understand what the fuck the show is. Its a show about sharing and partaking in different cultures lmao. Like, you know there are classes in college for that right? Literally just exposing you to different cuisines and culture's? Thats Steven's show and I don't see the ethical problem in budgeting money to do so, if you want to watch that sort of entertainment (i do! I do! I do. You don't that okay). He's always been about connecting with others and sharing life experiences. Yea he owns a Tesla, lame shit not gonna lie but I'm not a wimp and I'd say that to anyone with a Tesla, even Steven. So yeah fine whatever rip on him for that lmao. But to call a show wheres he's just touring to connect with others and share their food out of touch and classist? Pfffftttt. Wow how cruel and unethical. Criticize him all you want, but none of you are. Its all half ass accusations and weird fucking Vibe Checks where you deem him Not Right cus he didn't smile correctly or wide enough. You are not his friend but Also, not his life long enemy fool. You don't know him well enough to hate or love him accurately.
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bustedxblue · 3 months
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Lil vent doodle. I'm gonna ramble so I'll put it under the cut if you wanna read! Though, there's mention of death so, heads up if that makes you uncomfy!
I've yet to really delve into Rump's relationship with the rest of the band in a proper post yet but I'm always daydreaming about it. While Rump is closest to Stu, they have a friendship/bond with Russel with the mutual understanding of death/loss. Watching someone you love and know your entire life suddenly die in front of you, helplessly trying everything to keep the light in their eyes is... heavy, to say the least. This, I feel like, is something Russel would be the most understanding of considering what he went through with Del.
A part of me wants to give them like buddy tattoos or some little charms/trinkets they have. Like an hourglass or wilting flowers. Something to represent their friendship and correlate with the phrase "Momento Mori."
I would like to make a separate post explaining their story from phases 4 to current. I've got the start written in a separate post. I'm still mad anxious to share it, though. In time... maybe soon. If the world wants to be nice...
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aliensmoothie · 3 months
hardest part of thinking abt mistakes is trying to simultaneously not linger on them so as to not get stuck on it and never move forward while also keeping it in mind just enough so that you still learn a lesson and dont make the same mistake in life again . sigh
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remyfire · 4 months
I have some messages that have been waiting. For a while. I'm very sorry. I am in the pit of despair. I'm really hoping I can get to them soon because I greatly enjoy your thoughts!! Just want to give them proper attention instead of a cursory pass if I'm in the agonies, if that makes sense. Soon (optimistic; threatening).
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exandr0th-0f-viscera · 2 months
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syssyadmin · 6 months
polls are one of thee most upsetting features of this website. like u think most ppl on this site must be at least vaguely normal cos you only follow beautifully endowed intellectual transexuals and then you vote on one with full confidence and it's like. over half of respondents haven't heard of Peaches? the overwhelming majority thinks you shouldn't be allowed to smoke weed in public?? there is no hope
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techchan · 2 years
so how many of you want a robot partner because it would be the only relationship where you could allow yourself to be truly human?
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badsalmonella · 1 year
You know like THEEE one people would make long angry rant posts about being like "you like this character??? Don't you know they did *grocery list of problematic traits* ???" The one deemed as """the true villain of Camelot""" in those bad take posts. Yes I encourage explanations in the tags.
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mtndewbajablast · 9 months
people saying “faggot isn’t a slur” are crazy im in my 20s and even i got called a fag & had water bottles whipped at me as a trans teen ⁉️
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troutfur · 2 months
There’s a hollyleaf vs Dovewing poll about which is more hated i think and Holly was sweeping last I saw
Really? I only saw the @best-murdercat-tournament one, I didn't realize someone was making an overhated character one. Regardless, I'm surprised not sure whether to be surprised or not Holly's pulling ahead there because on the one hand Dovewing love is the overwhelming fandom consensus but on the other... with how much Dovewing hate is the stuff of legend and the recent adoration of her is a complete pendulum swing I can see how she would win that kinda poll.
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batshikns · 5 months
i wanna vent about my distaste for myself and all the stupid things i do until i remember that's exactly why my friend called me manipulative
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heir-less · 2 years
Charles and/or the Palace are such a fucking idiots for even acknowledging The Crown.
Like, the one time keeping a stiff upper lip would be beneficial and they're doing the opposite. There is no scenario where disavowing The Crown will make Charles look better, but Charles is a perpetual victim with a lack of self-confidence so, of course, he'll be breifing the media throughout The Crown's season 5 run.
Personally, I'm very happy that Charles will have to deal with this at the start of his reign and I'm happy Netflix didn't postpone season 5. The recent surge in support for the monarchy is disgraceful, so I'm happy that there will be some media to encourage some critical thinking skills on that island.
Since Charles is so worried about the damage The Crown will do to his reputation, I'm interested in how he'll try to prove that the depiction of him is inaccurate. The press is already implying that Charles's new role as king will allow him to present a countering narrative:
“You will see the King and the Queen Consort on state business in the UK and abroad and people will have more of an opportunity to compare the real people with the fiction they see in The Crown.
“In the past they didn’t get so much coverage, so in that sense it was harder for people to be able to compare and contrast the drama with the reality.” (x)
I'm not really sure how true the claim that Charles didn't get a lot of direct media coverage before Elizabeth's death is, like, the media war between him and Diana wasn't exactly one-sided and he did a lot of string pulling to help repair his image post-1997. He is one of the most prolific royal members of all time in terms of public work.
Furthermore, I don't think this will go over well because Spoiler Alert! if you think the fictitious Prince Charles depicted in The Crown was bad, wait until you find out about the real Prince/King Charles, who is worse in every single conceivable aspect. If you're comparing Charles from The Crown to Charles IRL, that is a negative comparison. I mean, shit, The Crown hasn't even touched the Black Spider memos or the cash-for-access scandals. I think Charles is just morally corrupt and you can't blame the media for conveying that reality.
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technoganicspy · 1 year
Starscream: I’m a bad person, I’m a very bad person, I’m a horrible person. Everyone: ... Starscream: No you’re not, Starscream! We still love you, Starscream!
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