#is this gonna flop? probably but I just remembered this scene and I was like oww that was a cute one let’s share it
aealzx · 1 year
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The quiet of the infirmary was welcomed, but Leo also didn’t miss it when it was broken by Mikey bursting into the doorway with his hands holding an item above his head. “Leo! Mama and April brought strawberries AND watermelon!” Mikey announced, the huge melon balanced in his rocking hands.
“Two watermelons!”
“TWO watermelons!”
Mikey could barely contain his excitement, repeating April’s comment that filtered in from the other room and causing Leo to laugh. “She’s gonna see if Raph can fit a whole one in his mouth! You gotta come watch!”
“What? No way! There’s no way!” Leo sputtered even as Carol winced before rolling her eyes with a sigh. Leo was about to scramble off the bed, but stopped and turned back when he remembered he was supposed to watch after Donnie. Crouching close to his brother, Leo rested a hand on his shoulder and lowered his voice to almost a whisper. “Hey Dee, you wanna come get some strawberries?”
With all the noise being made it was safe to say Donnie was already awake, but he appreciated Leo being quieter to talk to him. Normally he loved strawberries, but right then it just felt like too much. So with a scratchy cough he just twitched his head to decline and buried down in the blanket.
Leo seemed a little concerned at the reaction, and moved his hand to rest gently against Donnie’s forehead again. “Okay. We’ll just save some for you for later,” Leo promised, nudging his own head against Donnie for a moment before squirming off the bed. “Can you keep an eye on him, Mom?”
“Of course, honey. Go have fun and enjoy the snacks,” Carol assured, not wanting to keep Leo from being the teenager he was. She wasn’t really in the mood to watch Raph shove an entire watermelon in his mouth anyway. Leo just flashed a bright smile before he gingerly hobbled out the door.
“Coming to you live from Subway Hamato, this is April O’Neil about to witness the beginning of a new record. ONE entire watermelon, carefully cut from its disgusting rhine prison, is about to be devoured in no more than two bites by none other than Raphael Hamato.”
April’s phone was swooshed dramatically between the lair’s kitchen scene, to herself, then to the red orb of one of the watermelon’s she and Carol brought, before swooshing back up to Raph, who just gave a big smile and wave.
“Blue! Where are your crutches?” Splinter’s voice came from off camera as Leo hobbled gingerly over to them from the infirmary.
A brief flash of fear from a teenager getting caught crossed Leo’s face before he brushed it off lightly. “It’s fiiine pops. It’s just bruised,” he waved, flopping onto the stool next to Raph.
“Don’t you downplay it Blue. It’s something worse, isn’t it?” Splinter scolded, pointing the blunt ended melon knife he had at his son without fully realizing it was in his hand.
That caused Leo to roll his eyes, avoiding the concerned look from Raph. “What? Psshhh, nooo. I was just sitting on it wro-.”
“Considering the way you were walking, it’s probably one of your ligameeeennnttts- um… am I cutting these right? I think this is the first time I’ve seen a strawberry,” Casey’s interrupting commentary about Leo’s injury was steered to a different topic when Leo gave the lad a pointed stare.
“You’ve never seen strawberries??” Mikey blurted, mouth dropping. “Oh mi gosh, you have to try one, now!”
With the conversation being torn away, Raph just made sure Leo saw his concern before he turned back to April’s camera and brought his smile back. Splinter just continued to narrow his eyes at Leo though, so Leo finally broke down and hunched across the counter to whisper rapidly. “Okay, it’s a slight ATFL tear. But I’ve already taken anti inflammatories, I’m still wearing the brace, and I’ll portal back instead of walking and get ice on it after. Alright?”
Splinter kept his eyes narrowed for a moment longer than necessary so Leo would squirm slightly, but then just passed a slice of the second watermelon over to him before patting his head gently.
Giving Leo a quick wink, April shifted her phone back into view to return to her mock reporting. “Spectating with us are Raphael's younger brothers, Leonardo and Michaelangelo, his esteemed father Splinter, and the newest addition to the family, Casey Jr.”
The introductions earned a dashing smile and mask tail flip from Leo, and a toothy grin and double hand wave from Mikey. Splinter just gave his trademark grin and wink, while Casey just looked confused. Something that only increased when April stayed on him for her next question. “What are your thoughts Casey Jr? Will history be made, or will we be cleaning watermelon from the floors?”
“Uhhhhhh…,” Casey’s blank answer was reflected on his face openly, gaze moving from April, to Raph, then the peeled watermelon orb.
“An astute answer, my boy! Who can say? Such a feat has never been attempted before, being deemed too unfair for the annual Lair Games. Raphael, are you confident in your performance?” April adapted to Casey’s non answer easily, swooshing the camera back to Raph.
“Raph is gonna eat this melon in one bite. Like a BOSS! I can fit my fist in my mouth, and this thing isn’t even as big as my fist!” Raph responded, pumping his arm and holding his closed fist next to the melon for comparison.
“There you have it folks! A man of confidence ready to take on his foe. If you’re ready, we’ll begin in three, two, one!” April cheered, figuring she shouldn’t delay them any longer since Leo and Mikey were already shoving their slices of watermelon halfway into their own mouths, and Raph already had the melon orb in his hands.
By the count of one Raph shoved the melon into his mouth and chomped down, the fruit being crushed and squished out from his cheeks even as juice poured down his chin. Leo and Mikey were belting out their laughter within seconds, only getting louder when Raph smiled proudly and cupped his hands under his chin to catch the falling fruit pieces. Mikey’s laughing ended up mixed with pained chirps though as his bruised ribs protested the rough treatment, and he slid off his stool and circled around his chest.
“Yu khey M’kee?” Raph asked around his mouthful, causing Leo to give a loud honk before he fell off his own stool, and April had to put her phone down so her own roaring didn’t shake it while it was still recording.
“HA - AAHHOW! SHUT UP!” Mikey howled, wheezing and slapping the floor while his other hand pressed against his side. And after a quick glance at Splinter to make sure the teens were actually okay, being met with loud laughter from Splinter, Casey gave a soft huff of amusement before he allowed himself to add his own voice to the raucous merriment.
some silliness for you guys >U<
(leo's mask being pushed up for eating was directly inspired by this headcanon from thesofgengar )
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freeuselandonorris · 19 days
↻ FLIP FLOP dealer’s choice on specific scene whether it’s the unseen solo listening or their first time trying it together, but lando POV for taking off our clothes in the window for the neighbours pleaaaase 😌
YEAAAAH i'm so glad i finally got the chance to write this because i really wanted to put it into the original fic somehow but it would have just been lando telling max about it and it wouldn't have hit the same.
cw for erotic hypnosis
He actually felt a bit nervous before he pressed play, which was fucking dumb, probably. It was just words. 
The website was pink, all the headings done in a cutesy bubble font. Lando made a mental note to clear it out of his history after he was done. Embarrassing, having all this shit in there. 
The files were listed in a particular order, under the heading Training Plan. There were pink bow and flower emojis either side of it. 20 days, the intro promised, to turn you into a brainless babygirl fuckdoll. The words caught in Lando’s brain and echoed, pleasingly. 
Well, fuck it. Whole thing was probably some elaborate fantasy scam for middle aged men to wank to, but nobody was asking him to put his card details in and it was all nonsense, really – so. He’d listen to a couple, try and remember the cringe bits to report back to Max, and probably forget the whole thing.
They’d talked a lot on Reddit about a uniform, something to wear while you listened. Sexy dresses, women’s knickers, mad shit like that. There was probably some of Luisa’s old stuff hidden away in a drawer somewhere, but like fuck he was gonna try and find it. In the end, he’d settled for a pale pink hoodie he’d had for a while, the same shade as strawberry protein milk. Topped it with a bracelet, little beads somehow woven into the shapes of flowers, white with yellow centres. Obviously it was lame that he was even doing this, considering all he was doing was listening to the files to report back to Max, but he put them on anyway, obeying some impulse he chose not to investigate.
The file, when he started it, was almost an anticlimax. A low hum like the meditation videos Jon sometimes sent to him, rising and falling like a mildly annoying wave. A woman’s voice – not even a real one, clearly AI. Telling him to focus on his breathing, on relaxing. 
“The fuck,” Lando muttered, and tried not to think about why he was disappointed. It was a low-rent meditation track. 
Let the tension drain from your body. Focus on the pleasant feelings.
He’d finish the first one, he told himself. Just for curiosity’s sake. Nothing wrong with a bit of guided meditation. And actually, it was nice to just relax. Breathe from his belly, let the tension out of his shoulders.
Now, I’m going to say a phrase, and that phrase will bring you back to this place where you’re free of worry, free of desire, free of thought. Just happy and relaxed here in your bubble.
The first flicker of excited sparked through Lando’s stomach, disturbing the slow smooth motion of his breaths.
That phrase is Babygirl.
He breathed through it. The pink hoodie felt soft against him. He hadn’t bothered with a t-shirt underneath, and the brushed fleece backing felt good against his nipples. 
Whenever you hear the phrase, you can come back to this place. Happily listening to my voice, and obeying. It feels good to obey. You don’t have to think. You just listen and accept, like a good babygirl.
He must have been breathing deeply, because his fingers and toes were tingling, oddly weightless like he’d become disconnected from his body. 
Babygirl. Babygirl. Babygirl.
Dizzy, but in a good way. He breathed through parted lips and felt the air rush over them where he’d licked them, and that felt good too.
The only thing in your brain is your desire to listen and obey. 
Everything was soft, and good, and there were vast blank expanses in Lando’s mind that had never been there before, the peace of shutting the door on a screaming crowd.
Obey and feel the pleasure of listening. The pleasure that comes from having no thoughts. The pleasure that comes from having no free will.
It was like being turned on, but without the manic pressure to do something about it. He wasn’t even hard, exactly, just fattening up a bit. Couldn’t bring himself to move and do anything about it anyway. 
And you can’t ever conceive of having wanted to do anything else but listen to my voice and hear your trigger phrase, so you can experience this pleasure again.
 He thought maybe he was moaning, but it didn’t matter.
The file ended, the silence of the room filtering through his headphones. 
Lando opened his eyes. He felt mildly drunk, shaking the feeling back into his fingers. Unlocked his phone. Even the swipe of his thumb against the smooth, cool glass felt good. 
He scrolled to the next track. Clicked play. Closed his eyes.
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alaydabug2 · 2 days
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @nowjumpinthewater @ilikebookssomuch @insert-clever-username-1133
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Eighty-four
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
It was hard to see in the dark room. Strobe lights flashed around, hurting her eyes. She was starting to get ready to leave.
Sophie was a frat party. Her friends said that they should go for laughs and giggles. So she did. She decided that parties weren't her thing.
She shoved through the crowd to try and find her friends. She finally found a clearing on the dance floor. She saw them huddled in a small circle.
"Hey, there you are," she told them.
"Oh, hey. Having fun," Dex asked.
She shrugged. "Eh. I'd prefer to stay in. Probably going to head back to the dorm. Have you seen Keefe?"
Her friends glanced at each other. "We thought he was with you."
"Oh." Well, where would he have run off to. "Where did you see him last?"
"If I remember correctly," Biana said, "I think he was near the bar."
Why was he at the bar?
"Ok, thanks. I'll go check over there."
Sophie made her way to the back of the room where the bar was. She saw no sight of him. That was until-
"Keefe, what are you doing?"
He was out cold on the counter. He sat on one of the stools. Drool hung down his mouth.
The bartender leaned over the counter. "You know him?"
"Yes, that's my boyfriend. What happened to him?"
"Drunk, big time. Had to cut him off."
The bartender slid Keefe's ID to her. She sighed and shook Keefe by his shoulders. He woke up with a start.
Be sat up and blinked hazily off at nowhere. His gaze eventually found Sophie. A dopey smile spread across his face. Sophie was having none of it.
She took his arm and forced him out of his seat. He grumbled as Sophie drug him away. He kept swaying on his feet, nearly keeling over every couple of yards.
When they finally got back to their group, he was leaning on her, over her shoulders in an attempt to go back to sleep. She jerked her shoulder so he'd wake up. She got a dramatic whine it response.
"What happened to him," Tam asked.
"Drunk," she muttered.
Tam sighed. "How much."
"Not a clue. The guy said he had to cut him off."
She made Keefe stand on his own. She held her palm out to him. "Keys."
"Nooooooo. I can drive," Keefe complained like a child.
"You can't even walk in a straight line. Give me the keys before I have to take them from you."
He pouted a while moment longer before digging in his pocket. He placed his car keys into Sophie's hand.
Sophie drove to her dorm. She had a feeling Tam wouldn't be coming to pick him up until morning.
Sophie had Keefe sat down on the couch. Well, sat was saying it nicely. He ended up flopping his face first.
She crinkled her nose. She could smell the reek of beer on him. What in the world was he thinking?
"Hey!" She shook him. "You're gonna stink the place up. I don't want everything to smell like alcohol."
He groaned but held his arms up. She took off his shirt and threw it in the washer.
Rayni decided to pick that time to come out of her room. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the scene before her.
She snorted. "So... that party. How'd it go?"
Sophie rolled her eyes. "Great. My boyfriend got wasted the second he was introduced to alcohol."
Rayni attempted to cough to cover her laugh. "Good luck with that. I was just grabbing a snack before heading to bed."
Her roommate left the kitchen back in her room. Sophie was about to head to bed herself. That was until she heard a whiny voice from the couch.
"Can I get a blaaaaanket. It's cooooold."
Sophie rummaged through the linen closet. She found a thin, raggedy blanket. She wouldn't be too upset if she had to throw it out from the smell. She tossed in over the blanket arm of the couch. It quickly got snatched up.
She went to her bedroom and kicked off her heels. She changed into a shirt and shorts before collapsing into the mattress. It had been a very long evening.
In the morning, Sophie assumed Keefe was up. She heard retching.
She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she walked out of her room. Rayni was already in the kitchen sipping on her mug of coffee.
"I'm gonna let you deal with that." Rayni pointed to the bathroom door.
Sophie sighed. She bet she would.
She stood by the door. It was slightly ajar. She pressed on it to swing it open a bit. Keefe was pale, hovering over the toilet.
"Morning," she leaned against the door frame. "How's the hangover treating you."
He grumbled a response she couldn't make out.
"Yeah, well, once you're done with that, I've got you a change of clothes and a towel. Shower up, brush your teeth, and meet me on the couch. There's a spare toothbrush in the drawer."
When Keefe came out of the bathroom thirty minutes later, Rayni got the hint and went back to her room. Sophie situated herself by him on the couch.
"Wanna tell me what happened last night?" She asked him.
He shrugged. "Not really. Not that proud of it."
"Didn't think you would, considering your mom."
He cringed at that. She didn't want to add insult to injury, but...
"I was being stupid," he eventually told her.
"Oh, I know. But usually, something prompts you when you do something stupid. Did somebody dare you? Did it get too out of hand than what you were thinking?" When he stayed silent, she said, "You know why I'm so concerned, right? In no way is that good for your heart. Nor any of your other organs. So if this is going to end up being a normal thing that happens..."
He groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Headache," he muttered.
"I bet." Still, she stayed where she was.
Eventually, he said, "My dad called me yesterday. We fought. It was right before I picked you up for the party." A guilty look over took his face. His eyes turned downcast. "I just wanted to forget. Even if it was only a little while."
"Oh, Keefe," she cooed. She ran her hand through his hair. "You could've talked to me about it. Drinking won't make it disappear."
He sighed. "I know. I really am sorry. I won't do it again."
"I'm gonna lie down," he muttered. "I feel like crap."
Sophie adjusted her position on the couch. She coaxed him to lay in her lap. Keefe gave in. She brushed her fingers through his scalp. He nodded back off quickly. She kissed his forehead.
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cowgurrrl · 7 months
JUST WATCHED THE SAG-AFTRA FOUNDATION VIDEO WITH PEDRO PASCAL ANDDDD.....gotta mention her but the idea of actress!reader having a similar segment for herself, getting similar questions while rockstar!joel is there to support her?? YES PLEASE, it'd be so cute !!! and actress!reader would have some amazing answers and little stories to share about her career me thinks
I love this idea!!
Good Old Days
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: this ask!!
Warnings: unedited because I simply cannot be asked, the kids are so grown up in this :(, fun little reflections, I think that’s it!
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It feels weird to be at a point in your career to be able to do a Career Retrospective with SAG-AFTRA, but it also feels well-earned. You’ve been in the business long enough to have seen a thing or two and you’re excited for the opportunity to get to talk about it. Plus, Joel took the day off from working at the label and is sitting in the audience of other card-carrying SAG actors. The woman interviewing you introduces you to the crowd and you walk out to modest applause and an especially loud whistle from Joel. You blow him a kiss before settling across from your interviewer, Kate, who immediately gets into it.
“Thank you so much for joining us today. Should we start with the question everyone probably asks you? When did you get your SAG card?” She asks and you laugh a little at the memory.
“I got my SAG card literally the second I got my first gig in LA. It was mandatory for the project and the project was Sweet Water-”
“That was your first gig when you got to LA?”
“Yeah. My apartment wasn’t even unpacked when I got sent home with the script and they were like, ‘make sure you mark in your script’ and all that stuff and I didn’t have a dining room table. I was literally marking stuff while sitting on the floor.”
“That’s must’ve been a big leap.”
“It was huge. This was a tiny pilot that was coming onto this huge scene of TV medical dramas and it wasn’t supposed to be set in this big city, it was a rural hospital, and we didn’t know if it was gonna get picked up. So, yeah, it was pretty scary for a second. My family was terrified but they told me they felt a little better once I was a part of the union.” You shrug, not knowing how much you actually believe that, but their support got you to where you are for a reason.
“That’s surprising to know, especially now that it’s a huge success.”
“We didn���t know for a long time if it was gonna flop or not,” you admit. “I remember Carolina and I would always get stuck doing night shoots and we’d just be exhausted and covered in the fake blood or whatever and we would look at each other like, ‘what the fuck are we doing?’ But I loved that character and I loved that show.”
“How did you get into acting before all that?” She asks and you stretch your memory back as far as you can.
“I think I was always interested in it. I worked at a movie theatre for a while just so I could go see movies for free and when we read plays in class, I would always get really excited. I did theatre throughout high school and college but it didn’t really start to feel like a real career until I started working. Like I would act in little short films and get paid like $100 for a week of work and I thought that was what acting was. So, I just kept taking on projects and kept working and then eventually got noticed but I think even if I didn’t get picked up, I would still be acting in some capacity.
“And you went to NYU?” She asks and you nod. “What drew you to NYU?”
“I mean, isn’t it every young actors dream to go to New York? I just thought that’s where people were actors and artists and I wanted to be a part of it. I moved to the city and knew absolutely no one and it was a real starving artist kinda vibe for a while. Like I was a waitress at two different restaurants and one of them was in Midtown and the other was in the Upper East side so I was constantly jumping boroughs and spending money on subway tickets. But it was a really great experience and I met a lot of incredibly talented people.”
“Including Carolina Garcia-Long.”
“Oh, especially Carolina Garcia-Long!” You exclaim, excited to talk about one of your favorite people. “She’s such an amazing person and I’m so lucky I got to start my career with her. I just love her and Ryan so much.”
“Had you guys acted together before Sweet Water?”
“Yeah, so Carolina and I had been scene partners during class assignments and we were often at the same auditions for things. Ryan and I didn’t act together professionally until… I wanna say our first project together was Self Made Men? That was right when he was starting to pick up steam in his career and it was my first movie right off of Sweet Water and I played this super minor character named Sunday. I was really only on the call sheet for a few days but we had so much fun that he kept inviting me back, if not to work, then to learn and that totally changed things for me,” you furrow your brows as you think. “I might have to text him after this and ask because I’m almost positive we did something together before Self Made Men. But way before that, in New York, our paths just kept crossing and crossing and then Carolina and I finally moved in together in this tiny little apartment in Hell’s Kitchen with two other girls. I actually took Joel by there on our first trip to New York together and he was so shocked at how shitty the building was. Sorry, can I swear? If not, I think I’ve already broken that rule.” You cover your mouth and look around for someone to make a cutting motion at their throat to get you to stop but everyone just laughs.
“You can say whatever you want.” Kate says and you let out a relieved sigh.
“Okay, good,” you say. “But yeah, I remember him asking all these questions like, ‘wait, how many people live there?’ And I was like, ‘well four of us but sometimes their boyfriends or whatever would stay over so sometimes up to eight people.’ He was such a dad about it, just panicking about fire safety and whatever else. It was so stupidly endearing.”
“And he’s here today, right?” She asks and you look out into the crowd until you find his smiling face and point him out to her.
“He’s over there in that corner, trying to act like he doesn’t know we’re talking about him.” He blushes at your words and shakes his head but you just smile.
“Something I didn’t know about your husband is that he’s actually a card-carrying member of SAG-AFTRA.”
“He is!” You say, excitedly. “For like the first ten years of our marriage, he would come to set and just randomly get placed as an extra or a random character. I think he even said two lines once as like a barista or something but we did an episode of Things We Don’t Talk About together where they actually cast him as police officer and that entire production was a must-join so, yeah, he got his little SAG-AFTRA card and became a union man.”
“Did you ever think you’d get to do TV with your husband?” She asks and you laugh.
“I never even thought I’d be on TV, let alone my husband.”
“I guess that’s true because you did a lot of Shakespeare before coming to film and TV, what drew you to that?”
“I honestly don’t know. I think I just needed a job around the time I actually started doing Shakespeare so it was more of a necessity than anything. I didn’t really care about it in school and it was always confusing but once I got into shows and learning more about it, I was totally hooked. I did Shakespeare in the Park several times and did some off off off Broadway Shakespeare work, too, and I just love it. And we’ve raised our kids on it.”
“Have you really?”
“Oh, yeah. Our son and daughter-in-law actually just had their first little girl and she’s named after a Shakespearean character.” You say, beaming from just talking about Juno.
“Do we get to know the name?” She asks and you shake your head.
“I’m afraid that’s not my secret to tell, but she is very, very cute.”
“Well, congratulations to both of you.”
“Thank you,” you say. The rest of the interview goes well and you even get to tease the new project you’re working on with Violet. It feels good to recap such a fun and still running career, a feat not everyone gets to celebrate. It also helps that Joel is waiting in the wings with a big hug and kiss the second you’re off stage.
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mackmp3 · 5 months
okay i'm gonna answer this cos i was listening to joan earlier SO (and no i dont know why this is in greentext format just roll with it i'm so sorry) (this is uhh veeeeery very long too)
>some scruffy loser calling himself bob dylan shows up in new york with a guitar and pretty much cosplays as woody guthrie for a bit
>joan baez, who is the same age, made her debut self-titled album at nineteen years old and is well liked by everyone, her music is generally appreciated by everyone on the scene, she has a beautiful voice and strong vibrato and really good at guitar, involved in activism stuff, played with lost of older respected musicians, the whole folksinger package
>but she doesnt really write her own stuff
>bob dylan write copious volumes of material but his performance is uhhhh less than amazing and technical ability has uhm room for improvement
>his debut self titled album flops hard
>scene is pretty small so they inevitably meet
>joan is like lol look at this loser isnt he cute hehe--his songs are pretty good too huh
>she invites him to play with her, they do a bunch of shows together etc and eventually get romantically involved. joan introduces him to civil rights stuff & anti-war stuff & anti nuclear and all that stuff
>bobs stuff was already political but in a sort of abstract way, his work gets a lot more specifically activist-ey in a very powerful way
>they're still doing a lot of shows together-bob is pretty famous on the folk scene at this point, largely because of joan endorsing him pretty much lol, still romantically involved. music press starts paying attention to bob dylan and he releases quite a few albums with famous songs on them. people kinda shit on him for his voice its a whole thing but i really like his voice so whateverr
>but by 1965 music is starting to get Weird, beatles are happening etc, lots of new styles of music, new youth culture, drugs are also happening
>bob releases bringing it all back home - some of these songs have electric band backing, where previous All Bar One of his songs were solo acoustic guitar, vocals, maybe some harmonica. some people are vaguely put out by this but i think most people find it pretty cool
>20th july 1965 bob releases Like A Rolling Stone, arguably his most famous song. it is very electric and a banger and much Much more rock (it was pop then but yknow) than folk. young people go YAY YIPPEE
>newport folk festival 25th 1965 (five days later) bob plays with an electric band (later to be known as The Band) to Outrage from folk purists who thought he was their god etc. someone shouts 'judas' at the stage implying he was betraying folk music by going electric and that guy must absolutely shit himself every time he remember that he did that because goddamn. pretentious twenty-somethings who hadnt even liked folk music before bob dylan get mad at him, old folk singers are mad at him, popular myth says the famously pacifist pete seeger threatened to cut the power cable with an axe. everyone is Big Mad except like a rolling stone goes hard and people who care a bit less about Proper Folk Music think its a banger
>highway 61 revisted comes out and bob dylan is now a major sensation amongst music enjoyer everywhere, like his stuff is really really cool, new and exciting, also decidely Not Folk but like really very cool. bob also starts smoking weed and taking speed b/c ofc he does & if you look him up he looks like twelfth doctor with the sunglasses and the hair and i'm right on that
>joan is still doing traditional folk music mostly. she is less than amused at bob going electric but iirc mostly polite about it. later that year she released 'farewell, angelina' an album of covers of bob's songs. a lot of them are Very Good, all sung with much more skill than bob could ever hope for sorry bob. which is like. Damn Okay Joan Thats A Move but it was probably finished before newport.... idk..........
>england is suddenly like OMG BOB DYLAN????????? at around 1964/65 but it takes a long time for music to get over there b/c the british music industry had a thing about only selling uk artists so american records were special import it's a whole thing. so people are just getting his famous folk stuff riiiight as he changes his mind about that and starts doing rock music instead, though still with a very poetic bent
>on a related note uk albums were often released differenet in north america to 'appeal to american audiences'?? so the version of the beatles rubber soul that inspired bob dylan and like lou reed and Everyone is kinda of.... wrong...... its weird
>bob n joan's relationship is kinda strained at this point, due to musical differences and yknow relationship stuff, not helped by the fact that bob could be a bit of a prick and was also quickly accumulating A Legend around him. not helped by his insanely cryptic and often nonsensical interview responses.
>at some point in the middle of all this bob marries Sara Lownds in secret. no one knows. he doesnt tell joan. he's not With with joan anymore but she didnt know he was literally marrying someone else. apparently sara wasnt really a music person and didnt know exactly why he was so famous.
>1966 uk tour (this is filmed in d.a. pennebaker's DONT LOOK BACK (no apostrophe. cos dont & look & back all have four letters so it fits on a poster and the apostrophe would muck up teh symmetry also they were all really fuckin pretentious)). bob is playing mostly electric sets with The Band (known then as the Hawkes) which was A Choice To Be Sure
>some people love it but all the folk purists think he's awful and bad and terrible boo him offstage etc which is pretty terrible
>he starts taking a lot of drugs. music gets Weirder. he's kinda not doing too good
>joan shows up partway through the tour and its......awkward....... to say the least. he'd kind-of-not-really-ish broken up with her & then got married to someone else but she just inserted herself in there. idk why. the whole of dont look back he's kinda dismissive of/rude to her ngl
>meanwhile his Mythos has built to uncontrollable levels. he doesnt exactly help this b/c he's very clever with words so people would obvious find meaning in his lyrics, and when he spit nonsense in interviews people would often find a method in the madnes yknow?? like he's smart. he's also really weird. but people have started reading WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much into EVerything he says and does. like everything. like idek what a modern comparison would be. gaylors have nothing on this shit. understandably he gets pissed off at people asking stupid questions
>joan has a girlfriend at this point also. like yeah in a lesbian way. she says she's straight but she did have a girlfriend her name was kimmy
>blonde on blonde comes out in '66. its his most......... 60s album if you know what i mean. like its lots of drugs and lots of instruments and plays on words and its very good, big double album, he's looking super hip on the cover, songs rumoured to be about edie sedgwick, the whole shebang. the lyrics are inspiration for batshit insane theories for decades to come even though a lot of it likely is just in there cos it sounds cool and rhymes.
>includes the song 'sad eyed lady of the lowlands', which is about sara. joan thinks its about her and says so. bit awkward. its a beautiful song and bob never plays it live, it was recored at like three in the morning and the band didnt know how long it was gonna be etc etc lots of myth
>in november 1966 bob dylan has a motorcycle acciedent near his home in woodstock new york state and is in hospital. music enjoyers everywhere Very concerned. he's okay, and after this more or less disapears from public life for a bit. has a bunch of kids. just chilling in the countryside. does a bunch of jamming with The Band, lives of royalities etc. tries to avoid people mostly. this mysterious disapearance combined with blonde on blonde fuels a lot of theorising by fans which he thinks is stupid
>in just five years bob did more musical innovation than most muscians could ever hope to, and he Never WOuld Have been Famou s WIthout Joan.
>joan is getting even more involved in activist work as the vietman war drags on and on. still doing folk music. she has electric instruments in her stuff eventually but still in a definitively Folk Style. she plays at the Woodstock Festival in 1969, she got married too, doing lots of activism stuff, everyone still really likes her music. 1969 bob relases his country album which most people (bob included) think is kinda trash
>1972 joan releases 'to bobby' (she called him bobby a looooong time after everyone just called him bob). which is. Wow. its uhmmm. well. it's a song beseeching bob to come out of retirement and help out with the anti-war cause. lots of musicians though that is he wrote a good new anti-war song it would really help the cause like he used to in the early sixties. bob was pissed at this like relaly annoyed he though she was being far too presumptuous and i really gotta agree with him there like dude's been through enough.
>1975, bob's been back touring for a year -ish. he decide's he gonna put together the ROLLING THUNDER REVUE which is pretty much him & all his friends who are also folk.country.rock whatever you wanna call it musicians and they go arund a whole bunch of little venues and generally have a good time. lineup includes joni mitchell robbie robertson roger mcguinn emmylou harris, a very cool violin player called scarlett (i think) allen ginsberg the poet who had a gay crush on dylan in the sixties, the blonde guitarist from ziggy stardust AND JOAN BAEZ :D there are like ten people on the stage at once and loads of guitars and various string instruments etc and they redo all these dylan songs in new and exciting ways.
>they film some of it to make this move called Renaldo and Clara. i havent seen it (yet) but its like a semi-fiction semi-documentary film about the tour and also some sort of plotline they string together from somewhere idk. joan is in this film too. from what ive seen there are some uhh. some fairly OUGH scenes, on top of bob n joan singing together on stage all the time. there s clip of bob saying that he n joan could sing together in their sleep. she is still a wayyyy better singer than him but his voice is really good these years and they way they do the songs together is veeeeryyyyy cool. theres a scene in the film where bob says (and i quote) 'it really displeases me that you went off and got married' (OUT OF NOWHERE MIGHT I ADD) and joan says 'you went off and got married first and didnt tell me' and he doesnt really have an answer to that. like GODDAMNIT BOY
>there another scene where there was a bit of a script but joan went off and said something like 'do you know why we never couldve got married?' and bob was apparently bad at improv so he wasnt saying anything and so joan just kept talking going through all the reasons why they never got married and all the issues between them. On Camera. like damn.
>also in 1975 joan's album Diamonds & Rust comes out. the title track is one joan wrote herself and it is Very Clearly about bob and its uhhh a little bit scathing. also very very good. generally regarded as one of her best songs. awkward as you can imagine. 'my poetry was lousy you said' 'we both know what memories can bring / they bring diamonds and rust' 'you burst on the scene already a legend'
Now you're telling me You're not nostalgic Then give me another word for it You who are so good with words And at keeping things vague 'Cause I need some of that vagueness now It's all come back too clearly Yes, I loved you dearly And if you're offering me diamonds and rust I've already paid
>bob gets divorced from sara in 1976? 77? idk that happens too. i think joan gets a divorce too but not sure.
>theres a bit gap in my knowledge here idk what happens to them specifically after that. like i know a bunch about bob but nothing relevant rn. hes christian for a bit. makes some albums that suck and some that are good. joan still does folk music & mostly covers.
>in 2003 bob releases a memoir called Chronicles Vol. I (supposedly of three but theres only one lol). he talks about joan a bit, how could he not, describes how he was so envious of her when he was 21 and saysing 'she looked like a religious icon, like somebody you'd sacrifice yourself for'. super normal thing to say about your ex ahaha.
>2022 the rolling thunder revue film comes out (its a netflix film but also. internet archive) and they're both interviewed for it. some iconic moments. i think most interviewers sort of stopped asking joan about bob out of politness after a while but obviously she talks about him there thats what the films about. yeagh.
>joan baez like hangs out with lana del ray n stuff now & has books out or her little drawings. she also paints. and bob still tours at 82 (almost 83) years old. and still relreases new stuff. yeagh
ANYWAYS the concise history of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan. sources: dude trust me ahahah no but the source is the 2022 rolling thunder film, dylan's chronicles and around a year of being obsessed with bob dylan. he was my real life old guy blorbo fr.
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sparklezzzzzzsstuff · 2 months
I’m not actually sure if someone has done this before but I was js having a brainrot and got this idea tbh, should this have stayed in the drafts? maybe💀, but I really wanna hear others thoughts and opinions on it cause AGHH. I eat up AU content so I thought I’d try making my own even if it’s flops. Most of this is up for interpretation cause I had WAYYY too many ideas/alternates for these.
Okay here we go yap time
(No no you can’t tell who’s my favorite….)
No warnings!!
For Ben I was really thinking of someone leaning more on the playful/mischievous side cause i feel that’s a huge part of most people’s headcanons for him (including mine).
I thought who better than Hermes cause if ur a fan of EPIC (Circe saga specifically 🤓☝️) I felt that Jorge Rivera really protrayed Hermes with a playful/childish demeanor and even if was helping Odysseus he was like “yeah ur probs gonna die anyway bud�� and it kinda resonates with Ben cause he’s just in it for shits n giggles tbh.
Being the god of messages I feel like Ben would have a lot of fun spreading misinformation around the mansion (or wherever if the mansions not ur thing 😔).
Also in a way I feel like it’s the same thing with his powers and tech savvy skills. I remember seeing a few people on here hc his job was security cams and stuff so he knows the shit you’re up to😰
Yk wether it’s sending emails under rando accounts or discord messages about his latest obsession he’s not afraid to SEND👏THAT👏MESSAGE👏
In general I feel like one could argue he’s unfiltered tbh
ALSO ALSO flying shoes = floating ghost 🤔
I feel Ben could definitely be capable of showing empathy/giving help to heroes in need and stuff but overall he’d just prefer to get into mischief and do things for his own benefit.
He brings a lot to the table! (that is if you can clear off the Pokémon cards and Zelda figurines)
For example, if there was a mansion in this au (the world they live in is up for interpretation cause I love the idea of Ancient Greece but I’m loyal to the cringe mansion I love dearly 😔)
Teleportation comes in handy for when slender decided to give out hand-written letters that come with Cheeto dust fingerprints(Ben swears they were there before) (they were guys dw bout it…)
Something else I’ve seen on here is that he’d float to make himself taller and i will take this to the grave idc if i die on this hill.
SUPPOSE they had outfits and he had to be pried off the hot topic isles and link getup. I genuinely do not think he’d fw the sandals im sorry 😔. He’d slap something else on and call it a day. Or maybe not tbh..he’d think they’re cool.
I feel like outside of this AU he’s a bit of a chatterbox so..IN this AU he’d probably use deliveries as a way to talk the ear off and bother hang with his friends and fellow Creepypastas.
Anyways, in summary Ben can impish and irresponsible but he’s a master of his craft and if there does end up being heroes to guide he wouldn’t hesitate to…interfere.
“You want to beat her? You’ll need the blessing of a certain god, divine intervention, someone who’s not afraid to..send a message”
Nina my beloved scene girl this one’s for you
First order of business shout out to @jeffthekillerzblog and his au about Ben, Jeff and Nina’s arcs I love them sm. The whole idea of her getting over Jeff and sort of becoming her own person without him is awesome and I can definitely see it in my au too.♥️♥️
I chose Calyspo because when met with Odysseus she was instantly head over heels, turning into a kind of obsession and yearning for company😔👏(yeah same)
I think Calypso’s whole idea of “I love you and I think I’ll die without it” resonates with what Nina used to be with Jeff and her need for his affection.
Although I don’t really think Nina would necessarily keep a partner as a hostage on an island I think she tends to feed into that kind of delusion of a healthy relationship when desperate for attention
In terms of style and aesthetics Calypso and Nina are pretty much opposite (Nina scene style I am loyal to you) however in this au I’d think she’d wear a lot of pink layered robes and fun jewelry. I like to keep style up for interpretation just cause it’s fun.
Ultimately Calypso does do the right thing and lets Odysseus go,(with pushing from Ben Hermes) I do think at heart Nina knows it isn’t right but she still longs for love.
It gets lonely on an island okay?🤨
“Tell me though, who’s Penelope?”
“She’s my wife…”
“Anyways! I’ve got all you could want here, all you could need here..just you and me my dear, my love for life!”
ALRIGHT. Here’s the thing, at first I wanted to choose Slenderman for this because it just felt right. However I wanted to choose Ej instead because I took into account the storyline with Persephone. (Also with Jeff and smile dogs friendship I was thinking him too cause smile dog could be his Cerberus ugh😔)
From my interpretation of others HCS and mine I definitely see Ej as a lone wolf so what better place to be dark and ominous than the underworld itself?
Dramatically staring out into a sea of souls while Chappell Roan , Radiohead plays in the background/j
I do think Ej would enjoy the isolation and in my hc he’d rather hide away from the others because of his demonic nature, and nobody there to pester him (besides Ben with his emails of course).
Anyway, going back onto the Persephone storyline because it was a dealbreaker between Slender and Ej.
I thought about which one would really want to seek love. In past HCS of slender I’ve seen that he is in fact capable of caring (if ur a fan of the mansion and believing he collects traumatized children like Pokémon or infinity stones) .
So, let’s say Slender is actually capable of caring, would he really wanna go seek love? I kinda see him as a single dad but I’ve debated it tbh. For now I’m just going with single dad who’s not interested in romance but rather power.
So that left me with Ej, I think Ej still has some human in him. Whatever was left behind after his transformation/sacrifice made him yearn for company even being ruler of death. (He’s got Cerberus aka smile dog 🤷‍♀️maybe a couple skeletons idk)
Anywho if he did happen to stumble upon Persephone, rather than kidnapping her pissing her mom off I think he’d be too scared to approach her 😭
In the sense that he wouldn’t want to scare her with his appearance even with the mask.
Maybe his Persephone is a kidney? Who knows 😔
“If I became the monster and threw that guilt away would that make us stronger?”
I’ve been waiting for this I’m about to go crazy
Athena, warrior and goddess of wisdom, not to mention hella creative.
I feel like this matches with Jane’s sense of responsibility and maturity. In my hc Jane is a STROOOONG WOMAN😍😍🤤. I also saw someone on here saw she does poetry and I couldn’t agree more
Athena,who has no husband—oh look at that Jane doesn’t either she’s happily married to Mary(idc if Athena doesn’t marry. THIS one did.)
Aura if I’ve ever seen it
COOL WEAPONS COOL WEAPONS and armor tbh. Feminine robes and the usual Athena getup.
If you’ve listened to God Games then I don’t need to speak any further on how driven she is too succeed, “bring it” attitude.
I think it’s nice how Athena and Ares rivalry can be intertwined with Jane and Jeff’s backstory, despite Jane having coming to terms with it she still has sought vengeance.
Much like Athena in the Arachne story tbh
Independent fr fr, def wants to protect her wife from any other gods but also doesn’t worry about anyone messing with her.
I see her as a really good leader tbh
Wise tree af, knows you better than you know yourself and WILL use it against you if you piss her off.
Outsmarts people for breakfast.
In terms of Odysseus I think she’d def get annoyed with him but because shes got more important things to worry about she sticks with him.
“Goddess of wisdom, master of war, my life has one mission…create the greatest warrior.”
Alright. God of war you know where this is going. Major anger issues but he’s sm more than that guys trust pls it’s just for the plot guys pls come back where are you going—
Angry ANGRY guy that’s why I chose him
Also I get major fire nation zuko vibes from him..NOT just cause he was burned I swear on my life
Anyway, if you’re lucky enough to not die and finally see past the blood thirst you’d see a whooooole lot of angsty regrets and if you peel it back a little more he’s bi
Fighting the demons daily
All those battles go straight to the head and probably boost his ego (FAKE FAKE FAKE) to no end.
I interpret ares as arrogant, brutal, and egocentric but I think a good arc for Jeff would to be to try and change that (maybe even heal some burned bridges with Jane, and his brother, who knows??)
He’s trying I swear
Ben def hangs with him and try’s to make him turn a new leaf and leave his asshole ways. (Even if he isn’t the best influence)
Quite literally insane idk what to tell you
Still love him though he’s a new guy I swear ignore the blood on him that’s normal you’re crazy.
“What kind of sick coward holds back his power while his friends get devoured? He didn’t even fight Scylla…didn’t even try to kill her.!”
Aaaaaand the crowd goes wild. Unfortunately those are all the characters I have inspo for rn but I hope more will come to me!! Also I wish I could have found a better quote for Jeff but oh well. All of these quotes are from EPIC/god games by Jorge Rivera-Herrans!! :). Honestly kind of scary to think of a mansion in this au it wouldn’t last 8 seconds. Would Ej technically live in the basement?? I’d love to hear others thoughts on this cause why not just add ☝️
Happy summer ya’ll☀️☀️☀️
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jennathearcher · 5 months
Thirteen horror movies that scared tf out of me
Thank you so much for tagging me @talesfromthecrypts!! I wanted to do this so bad and put entirely too much thought into it XD
Rules: list thirteen horror movies that at one point in time terrified the hell out of you
Skinamarink - probably goes without saying at this point; not everyone is gonna vibe with the visual style, and it actually helped a great deal that I watched it with someone who was bored out of their mind by it while I was ready to start climbing the walls from pure fear XD A+, 10/10, hate thinking about this so much :P
Hereditary - also a very obvious choice but COME ON. This is THE horror movie for me. Literally rewired my brain chemistry; totally changed the way I think about not only horror, but film IN GENERAL, just there is SO MUCH MORE YOU CAN DO??? Also points for connection to irl trauma of mine AND being the only movie to date that has made me curl up in the fetal position on a theatre seat 8D that moment when you feel so viscerally in danger you want nothing more than to flee the theatre but you also NEED TO KNOW HOW THIS FUCKING ENDS (you're not gonna sleep for a while and you're gonna LIKE IT DAMMIT) also extra points for being able to traumatize people without them actually having to watch it :P
Jennifer's Body - yes, believe it or not, I watched this movie as a teenager and it actually gave me nightmares XD seeing Megan Fox fully unhinge her jaw with like a gajillion teeth just did something to my brain, man :P and in retrospect I don't think it was a bad thing
Saint Maud - excellent movie, highly recommend it. Had to include it on the list because even though it didn't necessarily scare me as I was actively watching it, it was the sheer impact it left behind with me that has me like, cool cool cool, I can never watch that again :P seriously, I didn't touch another horror movie for six months after I watched this one
A Cure for Wellness - WE STAN THIS MOVIE IN THIS HOUSE however it has to make the list purely because I actively had an anxiety attack while watching it :P
Sleepy Hollow - another one from my teen years; I absolutely love it, and it's one of the first movies I can remember genuinely scaring the shit out of me while still remaining fun to watch?? Like, first time I was scared while watching a movie and didn't immediately have the desire to shut it off XD
Suspiria (2018) - god damn you Luca you gotta stop making adaptations that leave the source material so far behind in the dust that I never want to bother with them ever XD this one makes the cut because I watched it for the first time at home, and it's the only time where I had to actually pause the movie three-quarters of the way through and just. PROCESS. love this movie so much, will be salty forever that it financially flopped
The Conjuring - THE FUCKING HIDE AND CLAP SCENE. LEGIT ONE OF THE SCARIEST SCENES IN ALL OF CINEMA. MWAH. CHEF KISS. AMAZING. I physically GASPED the first time I saw it and I think you could actually pinpoint the moment I sold my soul to James Wan forever and ever :P
The Night House - sometimes you watch a movie and you think, "holy shit that was good," and then a year and a bit later you have to come back to it just to see if it is, in fact, as good as you thought it was, AND THEN IT I S. There is a stretch in this movie where even on the second watch I don't think I took a single breath during it. Just UGH. CINEMA.
Smile - I literally almost blocked this movie entirely out of my memory, that's how bad it fucked me up. You know shit is fucked when you had planned for this movie to be part of a whole evening of horror movies, only after watching it you're so fucked up all you can do is watch a couple episodes of anime and then go straight to bed. Is it perfect? No, but it scared the absolute fuck out of me so on the list it goes
Speak No Evil (2022) - oh my god I can't even. jdskdlsfdsf. I watched this on a WHIM and had to walk around my house in circles after for the better part of an hour. There's an American remake coming out this year with James McAvoy and if they do this right OH MAN. OHHHHH MAN.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - listen to me okay LISTEN. I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH. This was my first real slasher movie I ever watched when I was a teenager just getting into actual horror movies and IT TOTALLY SCARED ME!!!! AND I LOVED IT!!!! feel free to judge me because I hate the original while still loving this one LISTEN IT JUST DIDN'T AGE WELL OKAY :P
The Lodge (2020): hooooooo fuck. I don't even know what I can SAY about this movie other than WATCH IT. It's underrated as hell and made me feel emotions hitherto only experienced by shrimp. Major content warning for pet death though, like BIG time, worst case I've ever seen in that regard
tagging: @afoxnamedmulder @thebarefootking and anyone else who wants to do the thing!! <3
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goosters06 · 11 months
II ep 16 spoilers again, AGAIN
My overall thoughts
I really thought Nickel was gonna be the one getting eliminated this ep. As hilarious as Blueberry coming back only to be booted instantly(the blueberry fans really lost with this one </3), I wish we got to have him around a bit longer. They set him up only to immediately flop.
The Nickel apology scene was AMAZING though. With how structured that apology was, he probably was practicing it for a while. As I've stated before, their number #1 issue is, and always has been in s3, communicating their problems to the other. It's nice to see Nickel FINALLY taking accountability.
Michael showing up as a V.A genuinely scared me for literally no reason. Jumpscare/j,lh
And finally:
God, I fucking LOVE the direction they're taking Mephone. It's so INCREDIBLE. The way he's blatantly trying desperately to not let this season end, to not return to season 2..
I see a lot of people complain that this season seemed to come out of nowhere, and I get it, but god. Analyzing Mephones behavior it starts to make sense.
Season 2 went to shit from his POV. His brother "left", Toilet was "spying on him", and then there was the "Cobs" jumpscare that ended up actually being just aliens, but still.
Season 2, to him, probably feels too connect to Cobs. Season 3 was probably made without A.D.A.M, without anyone behind the scenes, it's just Mephone and a camera crew.
We need to remember: the show is to SPITE Cobs. He believes that Cobs was involved in S1-2, so he made S3 without any other help, and his anxiety is growing as it nears its conclusion, most likely because he doesnt have any plans for after this, and is afraid to return back to the original island.
Most of this is just me rambling unplanned so sorry if this feels jumbled.
Anyway, that's all for now! PEACE!
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kennyomegasweave · 6 months
9 Fandom Friends to get to Know Better
I was tagged by @wavesinlowtide! Thank you <3 <3 <3. Sorry it took so long, I tend to flop, lol, but I had fun with this and finding pics/gifs!
3 Ships I Love:
Ian x Mickey - As gay ghetto white trash, it will always come back to these two for me. Add in Ian being bipolar (same girl!) and the fact that Mickey Milkovich has one of the greatest character arcs I've ever seen (which is wild cause the writers never cared about Mickey, which is probably why his arc was so good)? Yeah. It'll always be them.
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Matt x Elektra - "It is true that somewhere a woman named Elektra is still alive and a man named Matthew Murdock is happy." - What If? Elektra Had Lived (Vol. 1, No. 35). I love every single version of this ship and every single version of this ship will never not break my heart.
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Team x Win - I watched Until We Meet Again three days after my last time making a Real Bad Decision, so I was doing really bad and couldn't even leave my bedroom (the scene of the crime), but then these two came out of fucking nowhere with their 30 minutes of screentime and I fell completely in love. They were a short and sweet break from the heaviness of my mind and from the heaviness of the show. They still have my whole heart.
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First Ship Ever:
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Most likely Eric/Jack from Boy Meets World. You couldn't and still can't tell me shit about them. But if they don't count since I didn't know about the concept of shipping back then, it would probably be Pacey/Joey from Dawson's Creek.
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Last Song I Listened To:
Seasons by Thirty Seconds To Mars
Favorite Childhood Book:
As a wee one, it was probably a Magic Tree House book. But the first book I remember loving was The Long Walk by Stephen King (well, Richard Bachman). I read it for the first time at like 15 and it just broke my heart. It's still my favorite to this day. And 15 is still a child, so I think it counts!
Currently Reading:
Assorted fics. I don't really read books unless I can read it all in one sitting, so that's hard sometimes cause I don't always have five hours to sit uninterrupted. And then sometimes when I do, I just don't wanna read.
Currently Watching:
23.5, Unknown, and 911. And I just found out today Two Worlds already started so I'm gonna start that soon too.
Currently Consuming:
Grape tomatoes.
Currently Craving:
Submerging myself into the ocean, but I just pierced my right industrial on Monday at like 1:30AM, so no fully submerging myself in water, even salt water, for a while. :( :( :(
Without any pressure to do this, I'll tag @chaos0pikachu, @anenbyendorphin, @thelastoftheredhotswamis2, @brazilian-whalien52, and anyone that wants to do this because I love learning about everyone!
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rowandekarios · 4 months
I’m gonna send this to you in probably ask form b/c I truly haven’t written creatively in over a decade and even then it wasn’t that exciting to begin with. It turned less fluffy than I planned but hey what are you gonna do? I just couldn’t get the scene out of my brain until I wrote it. Also the first poem referenced was pulled from the Forgotten Realms wiki and I liked it.
Rowan and Gale sat in the library of the tower, the winter winds whipping past the windows, the sound lost to the thick curtains drawn to keep the chill out. Rowan almost scoffed at the thought of Waterdeep’s winter being cold - she remembers inklings of winters spent bundled inside and dangerous to leave the house, of air that hurt to breathe. That didn’t stop her from folding herself up into the chair at her desk in Gale’s library, taking notes every so often. As she read the arcane tome, though, she found herself distracted by her companion. Gale sat closer to the room’s fire and with a thick blanket covering his lap to boot, absorbed in his own book.
“Are you studying with me or are you reading something fun tonight, wizardboy?”
Gale, not looking up from his reading, replied, “If that treatise on Abjuration is not holding your attention you need only say as much, Rowan, heckling my reading is not required.”
Rowan let out a groan flopping over the book and desk dramatically, “You would think it would be hard to make literal magic sound dull, but man did this guy make it happen. I do want to know what you’re up to, though. Maybe a quick break will help,” she suggested, smiling cheekily at him from her desk. Gale finally looked up from his reading, anticipating the grin after knowing Rowan for months now.
“Well, my apprentice, I am reading a comparison and analysis on the poem Wind by the Fireside, an apt topic at the moment,” Gale replied with a gesture to the curtains.
“So stuffy wizard poetry? No Volo this evening?”
”On the contrary,” Gale said, “There is some mystery to the poem, as its author and origin is unknown. The only thing that is agreed upon is the evolution of the poem across the centuries, as shown by the many variations of the poem across Faerûn. The passage that is the most well known is as follows,” Gale cleared his throat nearly theatrically and began to recite;
“So as you shiver in the cold and the dark, Look into the fire and seen in its spark— My eye Watching over you.
As you walk in the wind’s whistling claws, Listen past the howling wolf’s jaws. My song Comes to you.
And when you’re lost in trackless snow, Look up high where the eagles go. My star Shines for you.
In deep, dark mine or on crumbling peak, Hear the words of love I speak. My thoughts Are with you.
You are not forsaken. You are not forgotten. The North cannot swallow you. The snow cannot bury you. I will come for you.
Faerûn will grow warmer, And the gods will smile But oh, my love, guard yourself well— All this may not happen for a long, long while”
As Gale recited Rowan was entranced, enjoying the cadence of the poem and Gale’s deep, soothing voice as it rose and fell rhythmically. Her heart warmed as her love of poetry - true poetry not stuffy wizard nonsense - was rekindled. She watched the fire play across Gale’s face, the way it seemed to change his profile with each flicker. Never removing, only enhancing, his strong jaw and sharp nose and he read the poem with all the precision of spell casting.
“Well recited, Gale, who knew you had a performer in you all this time?” Rowan said after a moment, a pause that was enhanced by the storm outside.
Gale scoffed, “I am offended you have been here this long and not noticed my tendency toward theatrics!”
Rowan rolled her eyes, “Take the compliment, Gale, I am very aware of your theatrics. Performing poetry, however, is a skill you had yet to display.”
“Well when you call all of the poetry I keep ‘stuffy wizard poetry’ it does not lend oneself to performing, now does it?”
Rowan grinned and fully put her tome on abjuration aside, inspired by the poetry and the storm, “Would you like to hear my favorite poem?” She offered, side-stepping the goading from Gale.
Gale cocked his head and closed his own book, “Ah yes the eponymous ‘Nevermore’ if I remember correctly?” Gesturing to the staff resting across the desk.
Shaking her head, Rowan replied, “The poem itself is creatively titled, The Raven, but you’ll see where the name comes from soon enough.” Rowan shook her loose curls lightly, correcting her posture from reading to reciting.
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As if someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. ‘Tis some visitor,’ I muttered, ‘tapping at my chamber door - Only this and nothing more.’”
As Rowan continued with the poem she fell back into a beloved cadence, satisfied and proud that she remembered the entire poem, she felt a warming at the feather around her neck. As if the Raven Queen was enjoying the recitation along with Gale, who Rowan noticed had become rapt by the performance.
Truly Gale was delighted and awed as Rowan shared what felt like a piece of her soul, the way she played with the volume and pausing meaningfully. Gale wanted to commit the poem to memory, maybe have it transcribed into a small book along with some of his favorite poems as a gift for the winter holiday, he mused with a small smile. He was soon distracted, however, by the way she looked in the firelight of his study, a comfortable presence that shone and gave life to the room despite her shadowy inclination.
“-Vainly I had sought to borrow, From my books surcease of sorrow- sorrow for the lost Lenore - For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore — Nameless here for evermore.”
Oh, how Gale understood that wish, to ignore the pain and loss in tome after tome. It reminded him of those first six months with the orb, his malaise and despondency near crippling with the loss of his own “Lenore”.
”Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token, And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, ‘Lenore!’ This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, ‘Lenore!’ — Merely this, and nothing more.”
The many times he woke with Mystra’s name on his lips, alone and cold in his isolation at the dead of night, was echoed in the poem and Gale was struck at the idea that across planes or worlds there was someone who could capture that suffering. Lost in his musings, Gale didn’t notice a similar longing reaching out from Rowan’s voice.
Rowan also yearned, not for a lover lost, but for a lover at all. She remembered why she resonated with this poem, the yawning emptiness and longing for someone, anyone, she had felt in her past life, echoing in her recitation. She at least was soothed by the fact that now she had someone, if not a lover, a companion in Gale. Despite her crush some days threatening to overwhelm her, she was glad for his company and friendship. She smiled softly at the man for a moment as she continued;
”Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, in there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore. Not the least obeisance made he, not a minute stopped or stayed he; But with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door — Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door — Perched, and sat, and nothing more.
Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore. ‘Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,’ I said, ‘art sure no craven, Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the Nightly shore— Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!’ Quoth the Raven, ‘Nevermore.’”
Here Gale and Rowan caught each other’s gaze, smiling in acknowledgement of the name and understanding. Gale found himself shaken from his musings at her look, a contained joy at a reference now understood and shared. He continued to be lulled by the cadence of Rowan’s speaking, now enrapt in the story of this lost soul and his raven leaving his musing behind him.
“Till I scarcely more than muttered, ‘other friends have flown before— On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.’ Then the bird said, ‘Nevermore.’
Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken ‘Doubtless,’ said I, ‘what it utters is its only stock and store. Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore— Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore, of Never—Nevermore.’”
The pair both wondered to themselves at the potential loss of their friendship; Gale by revealing his folly and Rowan of her deeper feelings. Would the other fly away, as others had before, at the confession? Fortunately for Rowan she was able to push these thoughts away by focusing on her performance, while Gale had no such distraction. Trying once more to push these new melancholy thoughts from his head, Gale refocused on the current moment here and now with Rowan. The purple in her hair still gave him a small thrill, and it caught in the firelight teasingly; there one moment and gone the next as she moved her head with the passion of her performance.
“‘Wretch’ I cried, thy God hath lent thee— by these angels he hath sent thee, Respite— respite and nepenthe, from thy memories of Lenore; Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!’ Quoth the Raven, ‘Nevermore.’”
If only he could forget his Lenore, Mystra a love and weight across his chest. He longed to be able to give his whole being to Rowan— and suddenly Gale was struck by that thought. Did he want Rowan in that way? To love and be loved by her? While his physical desire was obvious to himself, Rowan was beautiful and beguiling, Gale pondered on the idea of true love and companionship with his friend.
“‘Be that word our sign in partin, bird or fiend’ I shrieked, upstarting — ‘Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken! — quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!’
Quoth the Raven, ‘Nevermore.’
And the Raven, never, flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting, On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming, And the lamplight o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out that shadows that lies floating on the floor, Shall be lifted — Nevermore!”
Rowan let the silence and the wind hang once more at the end of her recitation, before Gale started to lightly applaud. Gale grinned as he clapped, and Rowan was wrested from the trance like state she had found herself in, during the last stanzas.
”Beautifully done, and I understand why it is your favorite; the imagery, longing, and at times downright spooky writing was only enhanced by your love of the work, and of course the irony of your Matron,” Gale praised and appreciated the flush of Rowan’s cheeks at his applause. ”Now I was wondering, would you mind clarifying some of the unfamiliar, and likely specific to your world, concepts?”
Rowan grinned at Gale’s ceaseless hunt for knowledge, “Sure Gale, I’m glad you liked it.”
They held each other’s gaze for a moment, a smile shared, and Gale said softly, “I deeply enjoyed it, especially from your voice,” the pair shared a moment of quiet companionship, both appreciating the other’s existence in a wordless reverie. After a moment Gale shook himself before continuing in his normal tone, “Now I am assuming this December you spoke of is a time of year?”
Rowan chuckled as she started to explain each Earthism and the wind blew outside, both heedless to the storm around them and delighting in each other's company.
hey I want you to know this sent me into sobbing convulsions in the bathroom at work like holy fuck.
There are no words that can fully articulate my gratitude and appreciation for what you’ve shared with me, what you’ve written for me.
I’m going to start writing again.
Thank you (:
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Vampire!Peter + Martin Whitly, Who Is The Real Monster, discussion prompted by rewatching Frankenstein because I am thinking many frankenstein thoughts always these days?
Absolutely hilarious that you sent me a prompt involving Frankenstein cause I was gonna rewatch a video tonight discussing the novel/Junji Ito manga version of it cause it's October and that means horror classics.
But I'll watch that later, I've got a one-shot to write.
On with the fic!
Peter shifted about on the couch, trying to make himself more comfortable without spilling his drink. Sure, he could put it on the table, but... nah. He just gave up and flopped on Martin's thighs and wiggled a bit.
"Really? All that for you just picking my lap, as usual?" Martin asked, though not sounding all that offended.
"Yep." Peter replied, loudly sipping from the silly straw in his cup. His attention was on the screen, watching as Victor Frankenstein moved about, talking about his creation, which was going to be brought to life shortly. "Hey, Martin, I've got a question."
"I'm sure you do."
"Why do people always call Frankenstein a doctor when the idiot never actually finished school?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like," Peter shifted to make himself more comfortable, "the book has it where he's still in college, basically. And this is a project he's working on in his fuckin' house, that he shares with other people!"
Martin chuckled, carding his fingers through Peter's hair. "Well, many medical professionals have done experiments at home."
"Not recreating a human body!"
"Not that you know of."
Peter turned up at him, giving him a stare. Martin laughed at this. "No, I'm not included. There would have never been a good time to have a reconstructed corpse in my busy home! Jessica would have found out the moment I brought in the first body part!"
"Or Malcolm would have."
This made Martin scoff. "Oh, possibly. I bring one girl home and suddenly I find myself in a cell for twenty years because my son was a little too curious."
Peter rolled his eyes and slurped his bloody mary that contained real blood. "Still though, why do people call him Dr. Frankenstein if he never even earned that title?"
"Well, I assume it's to separate him from Frankenstein the monster."
"I guess, but that's dumb."
"How so?" Martin asked, attention now on Peter rather than the movie where the monster's body is currently being brought to life. Peter had seen this scene enough times to not bother looking at the screen.
"It's... ya know, I mean. The monster is his own person, he's not Frankenstein! He learns to speak and read later in the novel through his communications with a family, before everything goes to shit cause, whoops, he can't have anythin' nice, no thanks to that bitch Victor. He even tells his creator that he is basically his Adam. Probably why people call him that when they talk about these two."
Martin shrugged. "I suppose so, he is a rather smart human-like being, even though the movies tend to not show that."
"Ehhh... I think Van Helsing did? Can't remember, it's been ages since I've sat down and watched that one sober." Peter finished off his drink, setting the cup aside to cross his arms. "But anyway, it's so weird that the movies kinda fuck up his character."
"The monster?"
"Yeah! He's smart, he's caring, but he is also angry, which they get right. I mean, I'd be fuckin' mad at my creator for bringin' me to life and then abandoning me. Oh wait, I have! Fuck my sire! Killed that bitch. Still, like, he's human, in his own right! No need to call him the monster."
"Ah, but does this play into the common question people have about him and his creator? Who is the monster and who is the man?" Martin asked, smiling. "I remember having a discussion about this once with Malcolm, he had been reading the book in school and it had him thinking about me."
Peter raised an eyebrow. "About you?"
"Well, at this point I was in my cell, so he knew that I was the Surgeon. But at the time, Malcolm had explained to me that he saw that how I presented myself to the world and the person hidden from it, the one that was dangerous, were like Frankenstein and the monster."
"Thought you'd be more Jekyll and Hyde."
"I thought so too, but he explained it as... oh..." He tapped his chin. "Ah, yes, he said that I presented myself as this brilliant scientist, who tried to keep up a normal life, and yet I hide from the world a creation made of horrible deeds through the pursuit of knowledge. And, like Victor Frankenstein, to deal with troubling thoughts. This 'creature' I created, the Surgeon, could pretend to be human, but was still a monster, even if he knew the right ways to be human, he just wasn't one due to who he was."
Martin then leaned back, smiling. "I think my boy was overthinking it, believing that I am both the man and the monster, as both of these characters are in their own right. It still sounded Jekyll and Hyde to me, but then again, Malcolm always did find ways to relate me to more conflicting philosophies and thoughts. What a clever boy."
Peter wasn't sure what to say to that, so decided to change the subject. "Did you know only one adaptation of Frankenstein actually brings up that the eight-foot tall man is hung like a fuckin' horse?"
"Only you would go from deep thoughts of humanity to thinking about someone's groin."
"It's Young Frankenstein, in case you're wonderin'." Peter grinned.
Personally, I have no idea who is the monster and who is the man, both are so very, very human and I think that's the point.
*jazz hands*
And yes, Peter is correct about that last fact. Also, apparently, the Universal movie is based on a play adaptation that changed so much of the original plot.
Just some fun facts right there.
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kibbits · 2 years
I have a few questions about your Theater AU
1) Are the boys separate or in the same body? If the same body, have they ever tried doing something like Jeckle and Hyde? Will management separate them?
2) Does Y/N have a sibling? If so, would they ask to be in the show somehow? Like a child actor? How would the boys treat them? Would the boys help with their acting?
3) If this is a comedy show for the boys, what sorts of plots will be in there?
4) Is Y/N going to double as both an actor and a caretaker in this AU?
Hi!!! Gotta admit I didn't develop it much in December so I don't have things 100% concrete, haha, but I love getting questions about it! Sorry for the delay, I was taking the time to think about the questions
Ah, so this turned out longer than I thought, so putting it under a readmore fljkgk
1) The boys are in the same body! They have absolutely done Jekyll and Hyde! In fact, I'd been thinking it might even be one of the last shows they did, so Moon sometimes gets stuck in that mentality (well, more like impulsive gremlin, but when you're a metal robot with little to no experience with how fragile humans can be, it also gets dangerous and scary)
I haven't decided yet if management is going to separate them, but for now I'm gonna go with no --Moon in this AU is in fact working as intended, and has Sunny's full support. It's probably easier to wrangle ONE animatronic (body) rather than two at the moment, so it wouldn't even be on the table until they're safer for the humans around them, but maybe in the far future!
2) I haven't fleshed out Y/N too much, so idk if they'd have a sibling yet, but once it's safer, it's a really cute idea to include either a kid from their family, or that they regularly babysit or something!
Probably not as a child actor? But maybe they can eventually grow to include volunteers in their shows --I remember getting picked to play a woodpecker from the crowd when i was a little kid gdjklg. And maybe that kid can work with them and Y/N behind the scenes to set up what that calling for a volunteer would look like
For now, only Sun really knows how to interact with kids? And that's by putting on his characters' persona, so it's akin to uuuh what's it called, a face character actor at disneyland? always in character, and a bit too posed and acted to feel natural (though the kids love it) but he doesn't know his own strength, or the kids', so it's a bad idea to have him interact with them directly and without supervision. Later, he learns to tone it down a little and he's delighted to interact with the kids, he just loves their energy and enthusiasm! Yes, even when they're having a tantrum --gotta admire the dedication to letting their feelings be known! fgjkldgk
As for Moon, for now it's a very, very bad idea to let him interact with kids. His roles are villain roles, and not always kids' stories villains, so it's a bit like if a haunted house actor was given carte blanche/told to go ham, was in character 24/7 and also didn't know about the no contact rule. And regularly breaks staff bots. Later though, he ALSO tones it down, and is more like that one older cousin or villain actor that loves to mess with or annoy you in a funny gremlin way, and pulls faces at you when the adults aren't looking to make you laugh
I think if they were asked directly, they'd help their acting! By the time they're safe enough to interact with kids, they've learned enough about how to go about it and also how not to comment/just play along unless the kid asks for pointers
3) I. Don't know yet fgjkldl I'm guessing you mean the shows and not their story? I haven't planned out anything concrete yet : O I'm still flip-flopping between wanting to make them 'fazbear and friends' type of knock-off retelling or original stories, or actual musicals. Maybe a few more classic ones? They definitely used to do more serious ones though, before the adults got bored of the novelty
4) Not entirely decided yet, but most probably they'll stay as a sort of talent agent/handler! They like acting with friends as in doing improv, dnd, LARPing, etc. but they're more of a stagehand than an on-stage kind of person. Sun and Moon probably trick them into doing a short guest appearance regularly though, haha, especially when it's a kids' show! (And Y/N can back out if they REALLY don't want to, it's all in good fun)
Thanks so much for the ask! Got me thinking more about it!!
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astro-b-o-y-d · 5 months
7, 9 and 12 for the ask game :3
7) that i nursed in a daydream before finally writing: Aw, dang, so much of those specific daydream-based writings are still stuck in the daydream stage. BUT I may have something from the super rough draft of a future chapter (subject to change) that I've daydreamed about nonstop and cannot WAIT to finally get to:
Mabel remained still until he rounded a corner out of sight, then spun on her heels to face Bill. “Dipper, I can explain—” Any further explanation died in her throat as she peered at him from behind her glasses. Glasses, Bill guessed, that were probably the reason she hadn’t lost her mind while staring directly into the beast’s eyes. A second passed, then another— “...You’re not Dipper.” There it was.
9) with characters i love: Hmm, have another snippet from one of the next few chapters with Mabel and Bill (again, subject to editing):
“Wendy and Dipper are prepping for it in my place!” she insisted, crossing her arms with a pout. “And it’s gonna be big and awesome and you’re still not invited!” “Oh, I’m so wounded,” Bill said with playful sarcasm. “Also wow, you really left Pine Tree to take care of party preparations? That’s like dropping a blobfish in the Sahara!” He tilted his head. “Would probably be just as funny to watch him flop around helplessly in the scorching desert sand, though!"
12) that has a particularly good bit of characterization: Hmm, that's a good question. I hate to once AGAIN go Mabel (no I don't), but this scene in particular from chapter 1 makes me smile and I really feel like I got her well:
She reached into her bag and pulled something out with a wide grin, before holding it up for Dipper to see. “I even made him a personalized sweater, so he has another one to wear besides his red one!” she explained, pointing to a smiling picture of Ford on the front. “See? I knitted a happy little picture of him—” She moved her finger to the next one. “—and this one’s of the six-fingered hand that was on his journals—” And finally her finger landed on the stitched writing at the bottom. “—and this part says ‘A-FORD-able! Not like ‘affordable’, but like ‘adorable with Ford!’’ …I was already halfway done when I remembered ‘affordable’ was already a word, so I just added that last part instead of undoing everything.”
As we can see...I like writing Mabel <3
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lyriakisser · 1 year
OK THEN ME TIME EVEN IF I'M TIRED WTV!!!!!!!!! ok so i'm gonna do this in third person bc if not it's gonna be too hard and i just wanna go rest for a bit kshdkjsjsj SO UM uhhhhhhh what was i doing. OH RIGHT SO UM BACKGROUND so pinkest boy in da whole worldo grew up in an orphanage bc um. parents abandoned him? or not??? wtv they never specify THE THING IS there people didn't like like him bc he was always going into trouble bc of his difficulties for making friends and such! BUT THEN rose aka fucker chairman of the pokemon league went there and saw talent in him and BOOM hatenna for u! then i or bede or wtv u want went to a trainer school and then joined the gym challenge! so abt personality. arrogant. jerk. that's basically it KDHJSHDJAJDJHAJDA ANYWAYS protagonist and bede become rivals bla bla bla THE INCIDENT W HOP HAPPENS i start tearing up and flop over and die OH BTW the chairman doesn't even remember who bede is just so yk that. fucker........ ANYWAYS u reach this town that has a mural! and u see, bede's mission wasn't just to become the champion, bit to also gather these rocks called wishing stars!! so the guy asks the chairman for his copperajah:
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this BEAUTIFUL elephant over here, and BOOM starts destroying the mural!!! and guess what! the chairman appears and u know what he does? do u???
ANYWAYS UM now he's expelled BUT later u go w this old lady called opal aka the fairy type gym leader and u find him! he's gonna ask the chairman to go into the gym challenge again bla bla bla BUT THEN opal sees bede. oh god that's literally the funniest scene in the game u should totally watch it fkhsjdjs bc u see opal had been searching for a new fairy type gym leader AND she saw that bede was the perfect option!! and so they leave for god knows how much time and u the next time u see bede is. um. u've already defeated hop and marnie and u've gone to the rose tower......... OK SO A BIT BEFORE U ACTUALLY BATTLE LEON HE APPEARS AGAIN BUT THIS TIME AS THE FAIRY TYPE GYM LEADER!!!!!!!!! man what a glow up....... THAT'S what i call pink............. SO he's a nicer guy now and yeah!! that's basically the whole story! opal did some kind of dark magic and BOOM new me ig dkdhdjjs anyways why was this so long HELP
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MORE INFO IF U WANT!!!!!!! look at me boy i'm the pinkest >:3
AND THAT'S EVERYTHING U NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!! u probably thought this was gonna be boring and didn't read anything but oh well i just like talking abt my hyperfix </3 IF U HAVE ANY QUESTIONS JUST ASK :DD
NO I DID READ ABSOLUTELY EVERY ASK YOU SENT ME i love when people ramble about stuff so much you have no idea JFKANGNSNFN thanks for taking your time in making these super good analysis...... you have now enlightened me in how amazing you guys truly are...... thankyou my dear Koha❤️
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tribadismes · 2 years
7, 10, 11, 34 for the tv show ask!
Hey love ! Thank you so much for asking !!
7. have you ever been inspired to start a new show based on gifs or memes it has produced ?
oh definitely ! probably the case for 1/4 shows i've watched !
10. what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate ?
There's this show called Work in Progress that sounded right up my alley, it's written & stars a butch with ocd so you know basically my life story, i was really excited about it, but it ended up making me extremely uncomfortable and was a huge disappointment. The premise is already... really icky since it's about this 40 something butch lesbian who starts dating a 20 yo pre-transion trans man, but you know it could have been handled in a good way i guess ? but it wasn't, it really really wasn't, and the main character is so unlovable and, yeah, big flop, wouldn't recommend, oh at all. I was also really disappointed in Dead End : Paranormal Park, it's an adult horror/fantasy cartoon featuring a gay trans man lead and his autistic bestie and talking dog. I love adult cartoons and liked the premise and animation style so i was like this is gonna be good but it's not. I watched it less than six months ago and barely remember it so i can't really elaborate lmao but i remember the plot being both messy and underwhelming (proof : can barely tell you what the plot even is) and also that the worldbuilding was extremely lackluster, which is a huge dealbreaker when we're talking fantasy like ?? Needless to say i dropped both these shows after the first season and never looked back.
11. which TV show has the best musical soundtrack, in your opinion ?
if we're talking serious good original soundtrack obviously Twin Peaks comes to mind... if we're judging by how obsessed i am with it then... Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, oh surprise
34. what are your top 5 shows right now ?
i loooove that question and i will even make a proper ranking for yah ! I'm judging by how often I think about them and how much youtube content i consume around them lmfao.
5. A League Of Their Own : best show of 2022, favorite lesbian show since oitnb probably, actually haven't gone into a youtube rabbit hole about it (yet) but i really wanna rewatch it soon, also my thirst for butches in period clothing is endless
4. Arcane : i am obsessed with this show, watched it twice in like a week, it's amazing truly, so fucking well-written, if you're into fantasy, animation, crazy women and butches with big muscles you should definitely watch it. I don't think a show has ever emotionally scarred me like that and i loved every second of it.
3. Young Royals : i regularly rewatch scenes from this show, i'm just fascinated with the acting... also i love their love, makes me wanna fall in love again (yes i have been using it as a coping mechanism since my break up to remember love is beautiful and shit)
2. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend : i mean what can i say that i haven't already said jjjkjkjkjarf the thing is it's the only show on this little list that i watched for the first time a really really long time ago (4, 5 years ago ?) and that has finished airing (cause my obsession for the other shows is mostly explained by : i'm waiting for the next season/episode) but i'm just obsessed with the music man, i listen to it on a daily basis almost
Helluva Boss : indie adult cartoon (free on youtube), hence why it's almost unknown except if you're an embarrassing cartoon dweeb like me lmfao but it's about to be a lot more famous since a show by the same creator in the same universe was picked up by i believe hbo and is going to air sometime this year. The best way to describe the tone of the show is, it's like Bojack Horseman but in hell. It's. So. So. Good. It has everything i love : really really dark humour, fucked up characters, drama, incredibly toxic gay ships, tons of lore, great world-building, foreshadowing, and most importantly a completely hectic release schedule (due to it being indie) that makes my adhd go absolutely fucking bonkers
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #180
Who gives the best advice? Mazzy. They are spectacular at balancing realism and the validity of emotions, and is very good at maintaining a neutral, unbiased ground imo.
Is there any band out there that you like every song by them? No. I don't think anyone likes every song by their beloved bands, some are gonna flop for you personally.
What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? I'm not 100% positive, but I think it may be "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade, which I discovered through Sara. It's one of the songs with the strongest emotional impact on me, like if I'm in a bad enough mental state I'm crying lmao.
Have you ever smoked? No, I've never been interested in doing so.
Does your favorite uncle have any children? Yeah, but what's wild is I don't remember any of their names lmfao, I think it's two daughters??? Maybe a son????
Have you ever been in a lighthouse? No. I'd like to one day.
Name one of your psycho exes? I was the psycho ex.
Why were they a psycho ex? I was very mentally unwell and didn't know how I was going to live without the guy who broke up with me. I'm leaving it at that, I don't like even acknowledging that Brittany ever existed.
Do you still talk to your first crush? No; we're friends on Facebook, but we don't actually talk and haven't for many years.
Where would you like to travel? I'll just list the places I'm rather passionate about visiting, but there's certainly more I'd love to see: Africa (particularly South Africa, but I'd also love to go on a safari of the Maasai Mara or something), Germany, Alaska, Yellowstone National Park, Venice, Iceland, some location with a pink beach, Arizona, and Niagara Falls, probably the Canada side 'cuz I'd really like to visit Canada.
Are you shy about singing in front of people? Yes, I refuse to do it. I barely sing at all in any setting, though.
Do you know anyone who always makes themselves out to be the victim? I don't allow those people to stay in my life anymore. I am very, very, very done with those individuals.
Have you ever been insulted or called names by a significant other? Well Sara certainly has, but not WHILE we dated. Jason's almost certainly spoken with unsavory opinions of me at some point, but that I actually deserved.
What’s your favorite movie battle scene? I have no opinion on this.
Do you have any step-grandparents? Yeah, I guess; my maternal grandmother died a few years after marrying him, 'cuz her previous husband was long, long dead. I didn't know Herb well though, I saw him VERY few times, but he still calls my mom sometimes. He's a sweet man, he's just not family to me, especially when I loathed my mom's mom anyway.
How far away do you live from the house you grew up in? Like, 20-ish minutes.
Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? No. I would, that just hasn't been something that's occurred in my life.
What’s the population of your hometown? lmfao holy fuck, I knew it was small, but Google is telling me as of '21, it's around 1.5k people.
What’s the most difficult experience you and a significant other have gone through together? Distance I guess, when Sara and I were together.
What’s something you have zero tolerance for? Predatory behavior, especially when it's towards children, but any of it is fucking vile.
When's the last time you said you were sorry? I'm not sure, but I think it was to my mom.
Would you like living on the coast? No, because of hurricanes. They're regular occurrences here, and the coast is always what gets fucking roasted because they get the brunt of it. Flooding is awful.
Honestly, do you enjoy arguing? No, I fucking despise it. My anxiety absolutely explodes.
Which theory do you wish but perhaps not believe was true about afterlife? It'd be lovely if we get to see those we love again and exist eternally with them, but I honestly just don't think that happens. Sure, maybe, I really don't know, but...
Are you scared of losing the person you like to someone else? No, I trust him a lot. He's BEEN cheated on so knows how badly that hurts, I can't imagine him ever doing it himself. I trust that if he started feeling something for someone else, he wouldn't bullshit with me about it.
Do you have a hard time making decisions? YES, I have insane choice paralysis, regardless of how big or small the matter is.
If there was a large spider in your room, would you stay in the room? I'd try to get it out.
What’s your favorite kind of meat? (vegan/vegetarian options count!) Probably chicken.
Have you ever been mistaken for staff at a store you were just visiting? Not that I recall.
What’s the coolest or most memorable animal you’ve ever seen at a zoo? Well memorable for ME was absolutely meerkats; I've only seen them on one zoo visit in the 5TH GRADE. I can't remember their reasoning, but they had to move them to a different zoo. What I think is objectively the coolest thing I've seen was an African elephant very up-close; they have a fantastically massive exhibit, so it was immense luck to get as close to this one as we did, she just strolled by right along the fencing. They also had a leucistic alligator.
Do you share a bedroom with anybody? I mean my snake's terrarium is in there and Roman will usually sleep in bed with me, but I don't share it regularly with any human, just sometimes Girt if he stays the night.
What video game have you played the most hours of? If you don’t know, just make a rough guess. lmfao World of Warcraft, it's not even remotely a competition.
Who will you see within the next week? Actually a lot of people; my nephew's bday party is tomorrow, so I'll see my sister, her husband, and the three kids; Dad will be there and likely his wife Kim, Nick's (sister's husband) parents and some of their relatives, my younger sister, probably Nicole's best friend too (she was Ryder's first crush lol, he loves him some Allison and it's adorable), and obviously some friends of the kids, and some of Ash's and maybe Nick's. I live with Mom so I'm obviously seeing her, and I'll probably see Girt at some point.
Do your parents live in their hometown(s)? lol definitely not, Mom's all the way from New York, and Dad's from Ohio.
Have you ever modeled before? Even if I WAS pretty, I wouldn't. No.
If offered $1 million, would you do a reality show of your life? Ehhh I really don't think I could, my life is SO boring, but I also don't want it public with people to judge me.
Who owns the computer you are on? Me.
What’s your best friend’s favorite color? Teal.
What color was your senior prom dress? Black.
How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2014? I was dating Jason all that year.
Northernmost state you’ve been to: New York.
Think you’ll live to be 100? No, I don't even want to; by that age, I doubt I'd be able to live comfortably. I DO NOT want to rely on others to take care of me.
Which YouTuber do you feel like you could be friends with easily? Shane Dawson or Gab Smolders.
Who do you know personally that has a nice singing voice? My boyfriend.
If you met your favorite musician, what would you ask him/her? I honestly have no idea lol
What's something you used to believe in that you don't anymore? Any sort of loving god that takes care of its creations. Angels, demons. Fate.
What's something you believe everyone should have? A home.
What's the first thing you do once you get home from a trip? Say hi to Cookie and Roman.
Do you listen to podcasts? Which ones? No, I've never been able to stay interested in those long.
What was the last heavy thing you lifted? Groceries.
Do you have an anchor tattoo? No, those don't interest me.
Are your hands unsteady? Yes, I have essential tremors in my hands and sorta my feet too. It's the result of psych meds, like I honestly kinda forget sometimes that pre-medication, I don't think I had them. I might be wrong though.
Do you think you’re pretty? No.
Who do you know that wears the most makeup? Probably my friend Summer, but she's a cosmetologist and VERY good with makeup so it's not surprising.
Are you anyone’s first love? I don't know.
Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? Yes.
How much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)? I have very strict boundaries with talking about it with her above anyone else; I do NOT want to discuss it and would really refuse to if she wanted details. The most that she's aware of is that we do "things" but I'm sure as hell not adding colorful descriptions.
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