#is this the part where murder legal?/j
venus-is-thinking · 11 days
DRDT Chapter 2 Episode 13: Initial Thoughts
We're back again! I'm probably just gonna do one of these for every new episode this chapter at least, just because there's so much to talk about in all of them!
Basically, I'm going to run through my not-live-but-sort-of-live-thoughts of the episode, then at the end I'll give my thoughts on any more overarching theories/conversations that are relevant.
T/W: Murder, suicide, hanging
The Reactions
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Knowing where Levi's explanation is going now that I'm rewatching, it makes sense that this is the first thing he'd think of in regards to the secret. It's not about the lives lost or his status of being a "murderer," it's the real, concrete consequences of his actions-- AKA, the law.
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Just, like, 'cause, or...?
Honestly, this adds a really interesting flavor to when Levi does threaten Ace. He's like, "do you think I don't have limits to my patience?" The fact that there was any amount of patience in the first place is honestly pretty cool for Ace.
Also, I don't really have a good place to screenshot this, so I'll just mention it: the clock motif in the backing track is really cool!! Has that been there before and I haven't noticed, or is it new? I also definitely find it personally suspicious that we're getting clock sound effects while Levi is talking about murder (Eden killer/Levi accomplice moment??) but that's probably just my confirmation bias talking. It could also definitely be something about wasting time in the Trial, which a point is definitely made out of. It takes them a long time to start talking about the method, and Levi even mentions that he's sidetracking before he starts on this monologue.
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Extremely funny reaction from Eden if they ARE in on this together btw. "Wait... you've killed, like, more people?? This isn't soul-crushingly deviating from the norm for you?????"
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I get that this is the point, but lmao, Levi's really just saying these things like they're normal. Forget the murder charges, did you get in legal trouble for any of this stuff???
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Oh Hope's Peak, always the shadiest people with absolutely terrible priorities. I feel like you could tell me Hope's Peak did, like, literally anything morally dubious in a fangan and I'd be like, "yeah, checks."
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Shoutout to this anon for slam dunking it! The phrasing Levi used in the other scene makes more sense to me now that we know how Levi feels about all of this. The dialogue didn't imply any different feelings to Levi's father than the other members of his family because the fact that Levi killed him means, like, nothing to him.
Still, I wonder what actually prompted Levi killing his dad. Like, I feel like he must've been provoked, at least. Hopefully we'll learn why someday.
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This episode had more of J being more vocally anti-murder than most. I still don't know if that's just because she's one of few characters who's both loud and has morals, or if it ties into some specific aspect of her character.
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"I can't forget about the fact that Felicity died because of me under any circumstances ever!"
I hope Arturo and Levi talk more about their secrets in depth at some point. Totally get why they're opposites on the narrative foils thing.
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"I mean, we all know why I tried to kill Ace."
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Unlike Arei lmao /j /lh
(To be honest, though, I think David at minimum is upset about Arei dying though. More on that later. Eden too, possibly even if she did kill her.)
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This is such an interesting thing to learn as a Levi accomplice theory truther. 'Cause like, on the one hand, it makes it more believable that Levi would do some thing that wild; if the other people don't really matter, it's easier to justify killing all of them. But, at the same time, if he doesn't care about Eden, either, why the hell is he helping her?
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I'm gonna need to rewatch this episode once I know who this Trial's culprit is, because I am incapable of reading the Levi/Eden interactions as anything BUT horribly suspicious.
(Also, god, the good person jumpscare counter this episode was wilding.)
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Nice to get a confirmation that Levi is still trying to be a good person, even if he doesn't understand what that means.
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Wow. Didn't realize Ace was gonna throw some emotional vulnerability (???) into his fuck you Levi speech. Or that he actually genuinely believed they had more of a connection than he let on! Like I said to Accirax, he's such a tsundere that I didn't even realize he was a tsundere.
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me believing you
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*squints in Ace is canonically gay*
I hope we'll get to learn more about this guy at some point. I'd expect we will, if nothing else in the bonus episode that correlates with Ace's death (or in the main story, if he lives long enough to be a survivor). "His memory" definitely makes it sound like he's dead, though. Sad.
Shoutout to the AceVi shippers, though. This episode must've been a WILD ride for you.
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Thanks for clarifying, Veronika! It's nice to have a character who likes to psychoanalyze the cast so that the writer can basically use her to clarify what other people are thinking. Useful writing tip.
This does provide some interesting context to that early scene where Arei manipulates and kinda makes fun of Levi, though. He really could've just decked her ass if he wanted to.
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Oh my god. Has no one actually said that David isn't behaving like a good person anymore? Is Levi still following David's example???
If so, it's a really good example of how little Levi understands about other people. Like, damn. You can't even tell with David??
To be fair, maybe all the stuff about ending the killing game confused him. Teruko and David are arguing about whether or not Xander was a good person. If everyone else can't even decide, how is Levi supposed to know?
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Ban her? I'm not a forum moderator, dude. Also, I hardly even know her.
(Idk if that was meant to be a reference or not but. Whit brainrot go brrrrr)
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Thanks for the confirmation, queen!
okay I'm Running Out of Images so from here on out I'm including stuff as indented text and only doing pictures when I think the picture itself is relevant
Veronika: After all, my own so-called secret isn't even the worst thing I've done. Isn't that so utterly disappointing of the motive?
What have you done. Tell me.
I do wonder if this is somehow character commentary on Veronika. Like, let's say Veronika has also murdered somebody or something. Would this imply that this is something she'd be more concerned with others knowing, possibly because it's more personal?
I'm not really sure. It could just be that Veronika doesn't really have any secret she fears at all, so they were at kind of a loss.
David: Achoo! Ah-- Bless me!
what is he so funny for
David: Teruko. Own up to your goddamn secret already. You are the last person to do so.
I so think David knows Teruko's real secret. Like, there's no way.
Interestingly, though, I read Teruko's hesitation towards answering David as her trying to figure out which secret belongs to Min. It's easier for everyone involved if Teruko and Xander's are backwards rather than it being a triangle scenario.
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Yay!!! Even if I still think it's partially wrong!
Eden: W... wait! Before we move on! I have to know. David... What happened between you and Arei?
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I'm still inclined to read this as Eden having not believed Arei back when she declared she wanted to be friends. Eden is still trying to get at the truth of the matter, because she can't just have killed Arei without knowing how badly she fucked up.
There's definitely still an innocent reading out there, too, though.
Arei: If even a perfect inspirational speaker like you turns out to be an asshole, then there's no such thing as a "good person."
This was a really interesting direction to take this conversation, for both Arei and David's characters. It's true that they both lie about their personality often to get their way; Arei's lie is just WAY easier to see through. It makes sense that it's something they could bond over.
However, the INSANE thing is that this means that David probably actually cares about Arei. Like, to a meaningful extent. Maybe it's just the Kazui vibes, but I feel like if anyone actually understands David enough to see through him, that would be really impactful to him.
Also, the vibes on this scene were wild. The Arvid (????????) shippers sure could have a field day with this one.
But, of course, we can't forget:
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Okay, so first of all, I have no idea if David actually knows/remembers this or if it's just meant for the audience. But, either way, this thing is crazy.
The first thing I noticed was definitely the fork; is that the same fork that we see in the opening sequence?? The one commonly thought to be of when Xander lost his eye?
I know there's some LGI stuff with the fork too, but I'm not going to dive into that right now. I think Accirax is touching on this more strongly in hers.
The other thing is, I have NO idea what this says about Eden culprit theory. I definitely still think it's possible that this is a level of lore that's gonna follow Eden to her death and give her a reason to haunt the narrative, but this could also be something that we're going to explore later.
The main reason why I think this could lead into her death is because as far as we know, Eden doesn't remember anything included in this flashback. If Eden doesn't know about the lore, it's sort of weird if we, the audience, have this vague piece of knowledge about her that she doesn't. It's not a death sentence or anything, but I think it could still be in line.
I'll leave the speculation as to what exactly this means for another post/another theorist. Right now, my guess is that there might've been some kind of other killing game with this class before, or something. But, I'm DEFINITELY both alarmed and intrigued.
Arei: Even she must've made a mistake she couldn't take back.
The inclusion of "mistake" in this section is really interesting to me. Is that referring to whatever we see here? Was it a mistake she later came to regret?
Or, I also think this could actually be a reference to Arei. Not the image itself, but the mistake. If Eden genuinely believed Arei wouldn't change and killed her, only to realize Arei was being sincere, that's a mistake she couldn't take back.
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I wonder if this is going to be Arei's last voice line (in the main series, I'd expect she'll talk in the bonus episodes).
If so, I think it's a nice way to end her character arc. Not only is she trying to be friends with Eden to be better, she's also able to reach out to someone like her and help them, too.
David: ...Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I didn't say anything to her, and she didn't have much to say to me either.
This was CRAZY. I was expecting we were all gonna have to play the "to what extent is David lying" game again, but instead, it seems like it all MUST'VE been real, because it came straight from his mind because he didn't even say it!!
It's funny to me that he says he didn't say anything to her, because from what we saw, that was... accurate, maybe?? Was David really just standing there bluescreening that entire time? Like, man loves his elipses, but goddamn, don't leave her hanging! /j /ref
It's also interesting that David is keeping this from the class, and more specifically, from Eden, who Arei clearly liked. Is it because the moment is personal, and he doesn't want to share it? Or, does he have suspicions about who her killer might be or how to catch him that would interfere with him sharing?
Anyways. Wild.
David: One hundred and one percent, I promise. Ace overheard everything, and what he told you all was the entire truth. Does that satisfy you?
I wonder if Ace stopped listening for real, or if there's a chance he heard all of this. If so, I wonder why he's not calling David out. Is he still coping too hard over the Levi thing?
Whit: Dang, we really got hung up on those secrets, didn't we? I thought you all would be on those for years. MonoTV: Years indeed. Some people had to wait one year and five months for you to get this far.
I KNEW MonoTV and/or Whit would make a joke about the time gap! Hope that one doesn't get lost in translation for the people who join the fandom after the hiatus, lol.
Teruko: They filled those jugs up with water and used them to increase Arei's weight.
Oh hell yeah.
Veronika: I'm not an expert, of course, but my intuition tells me that jumping off the top of the swing set isn't enough to break Arei's neck.
Whit: The way hanging normally works is that the victim is put in a noose with enough slack in the rope that they're unharmed. It's only when the victim falls from a high location to a low location that the rope becomes tight, and the noose strangles them.
Very interesting to have Veronika call attention to the fact that she's not an expert shortly before Whit goes into a long explanation of the mechanics of hanging, including with bolded words for emphasis/added ethos. I definitely think we're supposed to notice that he knows this for... some reason.
I know Accirax's theory is that Whit's mom might have hung herself, which is... dark, if true. Like, that means that after the fact, Whit probably hyper-researched how hanging works. Yikes.
Also, I honestly didn't get why people were saying Whit was so sus before the hiatus, but I feel like it's been cranked up afterwards??? Whit are you the mastermind I thought you were chill??????
Whit: It's not like you can grab the rope when she's falling to stop it at the right time. If she's moving at a speed fast enough to snap her neck, I'm sure trying to stop it would shred your hands.
Caught between "yeah that's why they used the stopper rope" and "IS THE USING THE GLOVE TO STOP THE THING STILL REAL???"
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Tape truthers rise up!
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Teruko joins the murder diagram contingent!!!
Incredibly real though. You simply can't figure out what the hell happens in this thing and how it works without being able to See It.
Teruko: Now that we've actually discussed the mechanism of murder, I realize that I've seen this murder method before. Eden: You have? Teruko: That's right. And so have you.
Funny you remind us of that, Teruko.
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Wow. What an episode. We truly learned so much.
Theory Update/Analysis
Okay, so I already yapped about most of the character stuff for a while in here. Similarly, I don't think all too much changed for my murder theory.
I'm still tentatively on Levi accomplice, but firmly on Eden culprit. The way I see this going is towards a Nico bait that goes nowhere because they have an alibi, then eventually causing the class to realize the culprit has to be one of the people who saw Nico's original murder method (who doesn't have an alibi)-- Eden, Ace or Teruko.
From there, they can discuss the Arei murder method more thoroughly, eventually circling back to the fish. That confuses the time of death more than anything.
Eventually, the tape can be the damning evidence. Or that could happen before the fish, not sure.
In summary, I liked this episode a lot! It's exciting that we're finally starting to get answers to the murder method that we all went so insane over.
This was. A short theory update section. If you have any questions please feel free to send in an ask! I like talking to people :)
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rubra-wav · 7 months
[Entry #2] Dealbreakers in the Hazbin Hotel universe
A/N This is just lore/worldbuilding with various headcanons, so no x reader for this one - if you really liked pt. 1 of the x dealbreaker reader post I did/want more context for that and the second part that'll be out soon tho I'd recommend reading this one 🙏
I'm mostly talking about those who have soul deals with people in this post.
Yes, I have Audhd, how did you know? /j
Cw: SFW, discussion of corrupt legal systems, violence/murder
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The type of sinners dealbreakers are:
Dealbreakers within the Hazbin Hotel universe are demons who review contracts of all kinds with the intention to break them.
These demons are most often extremely corrupt and/or lying about their abilities in some way, however.
The bad dealbreakers
Most dealbreakers in their past lives were some kind of worker for the legal system - either as some kind of law room official (Judges, lawyers, etc) or as law enforcement (ie. Police officers) and got here due to being some sort of terrible person through that.
Due to this, they prey on those who are desperate and dealbound in various ways to exploit them, and usually do this by trapping them into new deals with them - often soul ownership deals with the promise of a better life.
This doesn't happen, obviously. Most of these dealbound sinners find their deals being broken and then are immediately pushed into brand new terrible deals by the ones they sought help from.
Or their deals aren't broken at all, and the dealbreaker was working with whoever owned the sinner in the first place to test their loyalty
- Ending up punished for seeking out the dealbreaker, co-owned by the both of them now, or exploited for every cent they have by the dealbreaker with their interactions being used as blackmail.
These dealbreakers are often lesser Overlords, however most don't ascend past that status as Overlords would feel threatened by their presence. If they attempt to ascend higher, they will be killed or put in their place in various manners.
The good dealbreakers
For dealbreakers who aren't corrupt, however, their fates are often never good.
Most good dealbreakers are taken out very fast as you make some very powerful enemies giving souls back their autonomy fast.
Especially considering most of those who own souls are involved with other people who also own souls in some way.
Actually breaking deals and how it works
The procedure for breaking deals usually follows one particular formula:
Understanding the contract
To break deals, you first need to be completely educated on the contract's terms and conditions; every potential underlying thing that is not fully obvious, anything which is vague and thus bendable/a loophole, the kind of format that's used to make it, etc. Etc.
Any good dealmaker hides their true intentions under false pretences, so you need to fully understand the method and how they do this.
After a dealbreaker becomes sure they fully understand the contract, they can begin to write a counter-contract.
Counter-contracts are contracts that contest the things written within the original contract and essentially begin scratching away at/undoing the grey area/loopholes.
Any grey area and between-the-lines terms and conditions get undone in the counter-contract first, and then the Dealbreaker will move on to the more set in stone requirements - basically uprooting it one word at a time.
You usually need to make several counter-contract drafts before actually writing out the real, binding contract.
The reason why dealbreaking for souls in particular is deeply dangerous is because if you get one thing wrong? You're absolutely fucked.
Failure at dealbreaking
Demons who own souls can feel when the soul is slipping from them in some way, so if you don't fully succeed in breaking the deal the first time around? That demon now knows that you are trying to break the deal.
I also headcanon that demons who own souls also can tell where their souls are at all times, so if you fuck up you now have a very pissed off owner of the soul who knows exactly where you are.
Deals can only be broken when the demon whose soul you are trying to break out is immediately in your proximity to agree to the counter-contract being crafted, so yeah, they're like a GPS to your direct location.
You may be able to try and make another counter-contract, but usually its already too late.
Even if you don't fail at breaking the deal and you just have a really complicated one that's time-consuming, you're screwed if the soul owner catches on as well.
Again, you need to review the contract for several days to 100% understand everything because if you take too long, they will feel the soul slipping away and come find you.
Success at dealbreaking
If you do succeed in the creation of a counter-contract, then the new contract will begin effective immediately and the former soul contract will cease to exist - being destroyed on the spot.
All former control over the soul is lost, and all things binding the formerly dealbound ends.
The former owner can no longer detect the soul's location either, so you and the soul are then safe from instantly being found.
After successful dealbreaking
Obviously, what happens afterwards is heavily varied depending on whether the dealbreaker is good or bad. However, the main thing is that you are not 100% safe from the former owner.
The former owner can still find the soul they used to own if they know where they live, or if they know where they frequent, their friends, etc. And thus find you as a Dealbreaker as well by getting the information from the soul.
To combat this, in the counter-contract most Dealbreakers who are smart will hide a non- disclosure statement in the new contract's fine print to avoid this - but if the dealmaker is a skilled one, they will also know how to break deals as well.
It's probably one of the most dangerous careers someone can have in hell - especially as one as the good ones.
Other ideas/headcanon stuff
- Personally, I really like the headcanon that those who become dealbound for their souls take on certain characteristics of those who have made the deal. (One example would be Angel not having the gold tooth before his contract with Val, but then gaining it afterwards)
With breaking a soul deal, those characteristics that the dealbound takes on fade in and out of existence in the middle of the counter-contract being written. When the contract gets broken, these traits disappear completely.
- Elaborating on the constantly knowing the loaction of owned souls headcanon I have is that the chains and collars that the dealbound seem to have (think Husk and Angel) are constantly there for those who have made soul deals.
So even if they aren't visible to others, the leashes are still there in the owner's hand - at all times tied to the soul.
The owned souls also always feel the pressure of their collars, and when the deal is broken, this pressure and weight disappears along with the characteristics.
- There are also other manifestations of deals.
A potential example of this could be that if the contract is signed under the pretences of the sinner getting another name, then that sinner can no longer speak their real name.
Ie. In part 2 of the dealbreaker S/O Angel Dust can actually say his real name after having the deal broken, and before when he would try to say his name is Anthony he would find himself unable to, choking on his words because his collar grew tighter around his throat.
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Deploying on U.S. Soil: How Trump Would Use Soldiers Against Riots, Crime and Migrants
NYTimes Aug 17, 2024:
The former president’s vision of using the military to enforce the law domestically would carry profound implications for civil liberties.
During the turbulent summer of 2020, President Donald J. Trump raged at his military and legal advisers, calling them “losers” for objecting to his idea of using federal troops to suppress outbreaks of violence during the nationwide protests over the police murder of George Floyd.
It wasn’t the only time Mr. Trump was talked out of using the military for domestic law enforcement — a practice that would carry profound implications for civil liberties and for the traditional constraints on federal power. He repeatedly raised the idea of using troops to secure border states, and even proposed shooting both violent protesters and undocumented migrants in the legs, former aides have said.
In his first term in office, Mr. Trump never realized his expansive vision of using troops to enforce the law on U.S. soil. But as he has sought a return to power, he has made clear that he intends to use the military for a range of domestic law enforcement purposes, including patrolling the border, suppressing protests that he deems to have turned into riots and even fighting crime in big cities run by Democrats.
“In places where there is a true breakdown of the rule of law, such as the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago, the next president should use every power at his disposal to restore order — and, if necessary, that includes sending in the National Guard or the troops,” Mr. Trump said at a conservative conference in Dallas in August 2022, shortly before announcing that he was running to be that next president.
During his time out of power, allies of Mr. Trump have worked on policy papers to provide legal justifications for the former president’s intent to use the military to enforce the law domestically. In public, they have talked about this in the context of border states and undocumented immigrants. But an internal email from a group closely aligned with Mr. Trump, obtained by The Times, shows that, privately, the group was also exploring using troops to “stop riots” by protesters.
While governors have latitude to use their states’ National Guards to respond to civil disorder or major disasters, a post-Civil War law called the Posse Comitatus Act generally makes it a crime to use regular federal troops for domestic policing purposes.
However, an 1807 law called the Insurrection Act creates an exception to that ban. It grants presidents the emergency power to use federal troops on domestic soil to restore law and order when they believe a situation warrants it. Those federal troops could either be regular active-duty military or state National Guard soldiers the federal government has assumed control over.
The Insurrection Act was last invoked in 1992, when President George H.W. Bush sent troops to help suppress riots in Los Angeles following the acquittal of white police officers who had been videotaped beating a Black motorist, Rodney King. In that case, however, the governor of California, Pete Wilson, and the mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley, had asked for federal assistance to restore order.
But parts of the Insurrection Act also allow presidents to send in troops without requiring the consent of a governor. Presidents last invoked the act to deploy troops without the consent of state authorities in the late 1950s and early 1960s during the civil rights movement, when some governors in the South resisted court-ordered school desegregation.
Mr. Trump has boasted that, if he returns to the White House, he will dispatch forces without any request for intervention by local authorities. At a campaign rally in Iowa last year, for example, he vowed to unilaterally use federal forces to “get crime out of our cities,” specifically naming New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco as “crime dens” he pointedly noted were run by Democrats.
“You look at what is happening to our country — we cannot let it happen any longer,” Mr. Trump said. “And one of the other things I’ll do — because you are not supposed to be involved in that, you just have to be asked by the governor or the mayor to come in — the next time, I am not waiting.”
Anthony Romero, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said that, as part of his group’s contingency planning for how to resist what it sees as potential risks from any second Trump administration, it is drafting lawsuits to challenge invocations of the Insurrection Act against protesters. He said the group sees it as likely that Mr. Trump would be drawn to the authoritarian “theatrics” of sending troops into Democratic cities.
“It’s very likely that you will have the Trump administration trying to shut down mass protests — which I think are inevitable if they were to win — and to specifically pick fights in jurisdictions with blue-state governors and blue-state mayors,” he said. “There’s talk that he would try to rely on the Insurrection Act as a way to shut down lawful protests that get a little messy. But isolated instances of violence or lawlessness are not enough to use federal troops.”
In a statement, a Trump spokeswoman, Karoline Leavitt, said, “As President Trump has always said, you can’t have a country without law and order and without borders. In the event where an American community is being ravaged by violence, President Trump will use all federal law enforcement assets and work with local governments to protect law-abiding Americans.” She added that he was committed to “using every available resource to seal the border and stop the invasion of millions of illegal aliens into our country.”
Mr. Trump has long been attracted to the strongman move of using military force to impose and maintain domestic political control. In a 1990 interview with Playboy, he spoke admiringly about the Chinese Communist Party for displaying the “power of strength” a year earlier when it used troops and tanks to crush the pro-democracy protests in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.
Many years later, at a 2016 Republican primary debate, he claimed that his comments in that old interview did not mean he actually endorsed the crackdown. But then, as he continued talking, he described the Tiananmen Square demonstration as a riot: “I said that was a strong, powerful government. They kept down the riot. It was a horrible thing.”
Seeking a Show of Strength
In 2020, the videotaped killing of Mr. Floyd, a Black man, by a white police officer in Minneapolis, Derek Chauvin, sparked racial justice protests. Peaceful demonstrations sometimes descended into rioting — especially when anarchists hijacked some of the protests as an opportunity to set fires, smash store windows and take other destructive actions. This was especially visible in Portland, Ore., where the Department of Homeland Security flooded the streets with hundreds of federal officers, many not wearing any identifying insignia.
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During a stormy protest in Washington, D.C., centered in Lafayette Square outside the White House, protesters knocked over barricades. The Secret Service whisked Mr. Trump away to take shelter in a bunker underneath the White House. Attorney General William P. Barr later wrote in his memoir that Mr. Trump was enraged — in part by the violence but “especially the news reports that he was taken to the bunker.” He wanted to make a show of strength as the world watched.
Because D.C. is a federal enclave, not a state, it has no governor, and its National Guard always reports to the Pentagon. The secretary of defense, Mark Esper, sent National Guard forces to support the Park Police and other civilian agencies protecting federal buildings — and, to particular controversy, National Guard helicopters swooped frighteningly low over crowds of people.
But civilians remained in control of the response in the nation’s capital. Mr. Trump wanted to instead put the military directly in charge of suppressing violent protesters — and to use regular, active-duty troops to do it. Members of his legal team drew up an order invoking the Insurrection Act in case it became necessary, according to a person with direct knowledge of what took place. But senior aides opposed such a move, and he never signed it.
Mr. Barr later wrote that he and the acting Homeland Security secretary had thought using regular troops was unnecessary, and that Mr. Esper and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, had “recoiled at the idea, expressing the view that regular military forces should not be used except as a last resort, and that, absent a real insurrection, the military should not be in charge but should provide support to civilian agencies.”
As Mr. Trump nevertheless publicly threatened to put the regular military in the streets across the country, General Milley issued a memo on June 2, 2020, to top military leaders saying that every member of the military swears an oath to uphold the Constitution and its values, including the freedoms of speech and peaceful assembly.
The next day, on June 3, Mr. Esper contradicted Mr. Trump from the Pentagon podium, saying: “The option to use active duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act.” Mr. Trump was outraged, seeing this as an act of defiance. He fired Mr. Esper that November.
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In a comment for this article before President Biden dropped out of the 2024 campaign, Mr. Esper pointed to his earlier remarks, adding, “I think the same standard applies going forward, whether it is a second term for Biden, Trump or for any other future president.”
Back in 2020, the protests or riots eventually ebbed, without any use of regular troops or Mr. Trump’s federalizing a state’s National Guard. But on the 2024 campaign trail, Mr. Trump has rewritten that history, falsely bragging that he personally sent troops into the streets of Minneapolis, who quelled violence there.
In reality, it was Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota — now the presumptive Democratic nominee for vice president — who ordered his state’s National Guard to briefly deploy in Minneapolis. Mr. Trump did not direct and was not responsible for the operation.
In a 2021 interview, Mr. Walz recalled consulting with General Milley and Mr. Esper about his decision to use the state’s National Guard at a time when they were resisting Mr. Trump’s desire to send in federal troops — a step that Mr. Walz said would have made the situation worse by exacerbating the anger of people protesting a police murder.
“It was critically important that civilian leadership was seen as leading this, and that the face forward needed to look like your state, it needed to be the National Guard, it needed to be those local folk,” he told the authors Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns.
However, Mr. Walz has faced criticism from some quarters for moving slowly to deploy the guard when some protests in Minneapolis became riots.
Troops at the Border
Mr. Trump has broken with his former subordinates who raised objections to his desire to use federal troops that summer. Those who have stuck with Mr. Trump are working to ensure that a second administration would not contain politically appointed officials or lawyers who would be inclined to see it as their duty to constrain his impulses and desires — one of several reasons a second Trump presidency is likely to shatter even more norms and precedents than the first.
Indeed, even by the standards of various norm-busting plans Mr. Trump and his advisers have developed, the idea of using American troops against Americans on domestic soil stands apart. It has engendered quiet discomfort even among some of his allies on other issues.
Most of the open discussion of it by people other than Mr. Trump has focused on the prospect of using troops in border states — not against American rioters or criminals, but to arrest suspected undocumented migrants and better secure the border against illegal crossings.
In recent years, administrations of both parties — including Mr. Biden’s — have sometimes used the military at the border when surges of migrants have threatened to overwhelm the civilian agents. But the troops have helped by taking over back-office administration and support functions, freeing up more ICE and Border Patrol agents to go into the field.
The idea Mr. Trump and his advisers are playing with is to go beyond that by using regular troops to patrol the border and arrest people.
In an interview with The New York Times last fall, Stephen Miller, Mr. Trump’s top immigration adviser, said Mr. Trump’s plans for an unprecedented crackdown on immigration included invoking the Insurrection Act to use troops as immigration agents.
And, in its 900-page policy book, Project 2025 — a consortium of conservative think-tanks that is working together to develop policy proposals and personnel lists to offer Mr. Trump should he win the election — has a brief line saying regular troops “could” be used at the Southwest border for arrest operations in the context of tackling drug cartels.
But the book has no further analysis or discussion of the idea, and Project 2025 is not substantively engaging with the idea of invoking the Insurrection Act in any context, according to multiple people with knowledge of the effort who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
‘Insurrection — Stop Riots ** — Day 1, Easy’
Regular troops are generally trained to operate in combat situations, not as domestic law enforcement, which heightens the risk of serious and, at times, even fatal mistakes — as happened when a Marine on an antidrug surveillance team assisting the Border Patrol shot and killed an American teenager near the border in 1997.
For that reason, the idea of using regular troops to enforce the law on domestic soil — especially away from the border — crosses a line that gives even some in the conservative think-tank world pause. Policy development work on using the Insurrection Act has joined a small number of other policy ideas circulating in Mr. Trump’s orbit, like disengaging with NATO, that are too radioactive to gain a consensus among the conservatives involved in Project 2025.
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Instead, legal and policy development work on ideas that are too radical even for Project 2025 are being handled elsewhere, including at a Trump-aligned think tank called the Center for Renewing America that is run by Russell Vought, who was Mr. Trump’s White House budget chief.
An early 2023 email from a member of the center’s staff listed 10 agenda topics for papers that the center planned to write on legal and policy frameworks. An introduction to the email said the goal was to “help us build the case and achieve consensus leading into 2025.” The email went on to circulate more broadly, and The Times reviewed a copy.
The email placed each topic into one of three categories. One set involved Congress. A second involved “broader legal” issues — including “Christian nationalism” and “nullification,” the pre-Civil War idea that states should be able to negate federal laws they don’t like. The third category was “day one” ideas, meaning those whose legal frameworks were already well established, and which could be put into effect by a president unilaterally.
No. 4 on the list: “Insurrection — stop riots ** — Day 1, easy.”
The Center for Renewing America has since published papers about several other agenda items on its list, including arguing that a 1974 law banning presidents from impounding funds — or refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for things the White House dislikes — is unconstitutional (No. 1 on the list) and advocating for the elimination of the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department investigative independence from the White House (No. 5).
The center has not published any paper on invoking the Insurrection Act to use troops to suppress violent protests. But earlier this year, it published a paper on a closely related topic: invoking that law to use troops in Southwest border states to enforce immigration law. The paper was co-written by Ken Cuccinelli, the acting deputy Homeland Security secretary in the Trump administration.
While the paper focuses on border security, most of its legal analysis applies to any situation in which a president deems the use of troops necessary to suppress lawlessness. It laid out extensive arguments for why the Insurrection Act provides “enormous” leeway for the president to use regular troops directly to make arrests and enforce the law.
It also cited a sweeping Justice Department memorandum written after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, by John Yoo, a Bush administration lawyer with an idiosyncratically broad view of presidential power. Mr. Yoo had argued that the Posse Comitatus Act could not stop a presidential decision to use the armed forces domestically to combat terrorist activities.
In a statement responding to The Times’s reporting, Rachel Cauley, a spokeswoman for the Center for Renewing America, said, “Thank you for confirming that we have made it a priority to articulate that the president has the legal authority to use the military to secure the border.”
While the center’s statement — like its paper — framed the prospect of using troops on domestic soil in the context of securing the border, not suppressing anti-Trump protests, Mr. Vought was more expansive in a hidden-camera video released last week by a British journalism nonprofit, the Centre for Climate Reporting, which spoke with him while deceptively posing as relatives of a wealthy conservative donor.
“George Floyd obviously was not about race — it was about destabilizing the Trump administration,” he said. “We put out, for instance, a 50-page paper designed for lawyers to know that the president has, you know, the ability both along the border and elsewhere to maintain law and order with the military and that’s something that, you know, that’s going to be important for him to remember and his lawyers to affirm. But we’ve given them the case for that.”
Blurry Lines
Mr. Trump and his campaign have tried to distance themselves from Project 2025 and other outside conservative groups, saying that only policy proposals endorsed by the campaign count. Ms. Leavitt said, “As President Trump and our campaign has repeatedly stated, outside groups do NOT speak for him. The ONLY official second-term policies are those that come directly from President Trump himself.”
Still, as a matter of substance, the lines between Project 2025’s work, the materials being developed separately by the Center for Renewing America and the Trump campaign can be blurry.
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For example, Mr. Vought has also been in charge of one of the most important components of Project 2025: drafting executive orders and other unilateral actions Mr. Trump could take over the first six months in office. Mr. Vought also remains personally close to Mr. Trump. And the Republican National Committee, which Mr. Trump controls through allies, including his senior campaign adviser, Chris LaCivita, and his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, put Mr. Vought in charge of the committee that developed the party’s platform.
That platform calls for “moving thousands of troops currently stationed overseas to our own southern border” to secure it against migrants.
At the Center for Renewing America, Mr. Vought has also hired Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department official in the Trump administration who was indicted in Georgia for working with Mr. Trump to help overturn the 2020 election.
Mr. Clark wrote the center’s paper laying out a legal framework for why the president can take direct control of Justice Department investigations and prosecutions, and was also appointed to co-lead Project 2025’s Justice Department policy efforts.
The federal indictment of Mr. Trump, which deems Mr. Clark an unindicted co-conspirator, recounts how a White House lawyer told Mr. Clark that there had not been outcome-changing election fraud — and warned that if Mr. Trump nonetheless remained in office, there would be riots in every major city in the United States.
“Well,” Mr. Clark responded, according to the indictment, “that’s why there’s an Insurrection Act.”
Charlie Savage writes about national security and legal policy. More about Charlie Savage
Jonathan Swan is a political reporter covering the 2024 presidential election and Donald Trump’s campaign. More about Jonathan Swan
Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent reporting on the 2024 presidential campaign, down ballot races across the country and the investigations into former President Donald J. Trump. More about Maggie Haberman
A version of this article appears in print on Aug. 18, 2024 of the New York edition with the headline: Trump’s Vision For the Border: Send In Troops. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
See more on: Donald Trump, American Civil Liberties Union
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montyjeffrey · 2 years
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Allen R. Schindler Jr. was a 22-year-old American Radioman Petty Officer Third Class in the United States Navy who was murdered 30 years ago today on Navy Day while on shore leave in Sasebo, Japan, by his fellow shipmates, who were provoked only by the knowledge of his homosexuality.
Allen R. Schindler Jr. was born on December 13, 1969, in Chicago Heights, Cook County, Illinois, to Dorothy Hajdys-Clausen and Allen Schindler Sr. Allen was the third of four children, and his family was three generations Navy. His grandfather served in WWII, and his stepfather survived the sinking of the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor. Following in their footsteps, Allen enlisted while in his junior year at Bloom High School. After graduation, he shipped out and left Chicago Heights for the first time to serve his country.
Allen was in the Navy for four years. He served on the USS San Jose, the USS Midway, and was serving on the USS Belleau Wood at the time of his death. The USS Midway was Allen’s dream assignment. He described the 11 months he spent on the aircraft carrier as his happiest days in the Navy. The Midway was a relatively tolerant ship where Allen didn’t feel the need to hide being gay.
On the Midway, he saw action in Operation Desert Storm and received a patch for his involvement in the campaign. Allen even extended his four-year tour so he could ride the last voyage of Midway before its decommission and got his own memento — a tattoo of Midway on his arm.
In December 1991, Allen was transferred to the USS Belleau Wood, and the harassment began almost immediately. According to reports, the Belleau Wood gained a reputation for being "the worst ship of all" when it came to homophobia and violence, where there was open hostility towards gay shipmates amongst the 950-plus crew. Newcomers Terry M. Helvey and Charles E. Vins were part of a group on board the ship that routinely harassed shipmates suspected of being gay. Helvey threatened gay shipmates that if they didn’t get out of the military soon, he and his gang were going to personally do something about it, and continued to harass Allen whenever and wherever he could. Allen’s shipmate and friend, Keith Sims, reported Helvey and Vins to the ship’s legal officer, Captain Bernard Meyer, but nothing was done. Instead, Meyer probed into Sims’ sex life. When shipmate Richard Eastman reported being attacked the night before Allen was killed, Meyer took no action to stop the harassment and also probed into his sex life.
Allen was punched, pushed against walls, and repeatedly called homophobic slurs. He told his uncle that sailors had attacked him. Homophobic notes and graffiti were left on his bunk. Sims said they would deliberately spill hot soup on him. When Allen complained to his superiors in March and April of 1992 that his locker was vandalized and he had received multiple death threats, little was done in response. Instead, Douglas J. Bradt, the Belleau Wood Captain, ordered him to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, despite Allen not being an alcoholic.
Allen’s complaints continued to go unanswered. By September, he had reached his breaking point and requested to see the captain, but his request was denied. While operating the radio, Allen transmitted an unauthorized statement, "2-Q-T-2-B-S-T-R-8," which read: "Too Cute To Be Straight." The message was heard by much of the Pacific Fleet. Allen described the defiant message in his journal as his way of letting out his "true colors."
On September 24, Allen went to see the Belleau Wood Executive Officer, where he formally declared he was gay and requested an administrative discharge and transfer. Allen told the XO, "If you can’t be yourself, then who are you?" The XO agreed but told Allen he still had to take what was coming to him. Allen also informed Captain Bradt and Captain Meyer. He was told the processing of his discharge would take two weeks, but his superiors insisted he remain on the ship until then. Although Allen knew his safety was at risk, he obeyed orders.
On September 25, Allen was called to appear at a captain’s mast to deal with his unauthorized radio message. He had requested that the hearing be closed for confidentiality, but Captain Bradt disregarded his request and opened the mast to 200–300 crewmen in attendance. Allen made no admission of his homosexuality at the mast. Some shipmates took it as an invitation to harass him with impunity. Allen’s rank was reduced from RM1 to RM3, and he was punished with a 30 day restriction to the ship.
As word of his sexual orientation spread quickly throughout the Belleau Wood, Allen’s friends began to avoid him. Allen confided in his ex-boyfriend, Navy veteran Jim Jennings, how increasingly difficult it was becoming for him to avoid confrontation. On October 2, he wrote in his journal: "More people are finding out about me. lt scares me a little. You never know who would want to injure or cease my existence."
Straight sailors who knew Allen and were concerned for his welfare introduced him to a trio of gay entertainers working near Sasebo; one of the entertainers, Eric Underwood, said Allen told him "people harassed him 24 hours a day" and that he had such a hard time going back to that environment that he had to coax him to the door. When the Belleau Wood was getting ready to leave Sasebo, Allen was reluctant to leave Eric’s room and was trying to stretch out the goodbyes. The next night, he was dead. Entertainer Valan Cain had gone to the public restroom where Allen was slain and found blood all over the walls and inside the urinals. By the next day, someone had left a bouquet of flowers on the floor. "You could see blood streaks almost to the top of the roof," Cain said. Many servicemen interviewed afterward expressed revulsion at the attack. One serviceman remarked, "Whoever did that should hang."
On the morning of October 27, 1992, Allen called his mother and told her he was coming home for Christmas. It would be the last time he would ever speak to her again. Just before midnight, Allen’s mutilated, disfigured body was found sprawled out on a public restroom floor.
Terry M. Helvey and Charles E. Vins stalked and followed Allen into the public restroom, where they ambushed him, then savagely, sadistically, and brutally beat and stomped him to death until he was unrecognizable. His mother could only identify him by the tattoo of Midway on his arm. Every organ in Allen’s body was destroyed. His face and head were caved in, and he had shoe prints imbedded into his face and chest. The pathologist who performed the autopsy on Allen said it was the worst case he’d ever seen in his whole career, even worse than a case of a man trampled to death by a horse, and compared the damage done to Allen’s body to that of a high-speed car crash or a low-speed airplane accident.
Captain Bradt, who tried to keep the murder quiet and had threatened Allen’s shipmates, was sent to shore leave in Florida. For testifying against Helvey, Vins was given a four-month sentence, of which he only served 78 days. Helvey was given a life sentence, but since 2002, he has been eligible for parole. He was denied parole on March 7, 2022.
Allen Schindler’s case became synonymous with the debate concerning LGB members of the military that had been brewing in the United States, culminating in the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Allen’s mother, Dorothy Hajdys-Clausen, after learning the truth about her son’s death and the Navy’s subsequent coverup, became one of the most outspoken and sought-after advocates for gay rights to serve openly in the military. In 2011, the DADT policy was repealed, allowing LGB servicemen and women to serve openly in the military for the first time.
Allen Schindler loved the Navy and was a proud sailor who volunteered to fight for his country — to lay down his life if he had to. He didn’t sign up to die to advance gay rights, but that is ultimately what happened. It was brave of him to come out when he did in the environment that he did, and he died because of it. He was a hero.
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canadiannationalfox · 13 days
Murder Drones Prequel fanfic - Gone Girl part 6 - the dangerous road back
The JC Jensen security guard barked aggressively at the bouncer at the front of the club, "I NEED TO BE LET IN!"
The bouncer who was a worker drone that had been rebuilt to be far stronger and taller than most humans put their hand firmly on the chest of the belligerent man and beeped out coarsely, "I cannot authorize entrance. You are over 19 and are not on the list."
The fellow drew a gun out and pointed it at the core housing of the robot, demanding, "Either you let me in, or you are going to be in pieces."
The robot spat at the human in rage, his aggressive tone a stark contrast from the corporate jargon he was told to say, "For the safety of the minors and teens in here, we do not allow adults. If you have an issue, I can page my manager"
The argument was causing a scene.
Tessa, who was at the bar getting another Shirley Temple, overheard the kerfuffle and hurried back to N, J, and Alexandria who were in the VIP booth Tessa had paid for with the money she stole the other night. The heiress to the JC Jensen company worriedly exclaimed, "Okay, we need to go now." she started rubbing her wrists as a soothing mechanism, "Like... now now. They're at the doors of the club."
Alexandria glanced over at what was going on and muttered, "Oh fuck," under her breath. The brunette in the black dress looked around seeing the crowds were still thick despite it being already 10 on a weeknight, giving them a chance to get out. "Okay, let's go," Lexi insisted as she lead her friend and her bots to the co-ed washroom. She popped open the bathroom window, almost too easily, and waved for Tessa to step onto the counter and climb out.
N asked inquisitively upon seeing Lexi's feat, "I guess you tend to sneak out a lot, don't you Lexi."
Alexandria let out a little giggle-snort and admitted as she gave Tessa a boost, "Don't I know it. Dad comes looking for me ALL the time when I'm out past 12 here."
The girl in the pink and purple wig called back sternly, "Lexi, less chatting, more lifting my robots to save them."
J didn't need any help, she climbed onto the counter and leapt up with grace onto the ledge before sliding out through the window to the back alley.
N helped Lexi onto the counter once he was on and the two of them exited the window as well.
Lexi took a broken broom handle that was in the alley way and closed the window back up before looking out to the parking lot where they could see the van they used to get here. She sighed, realizing that it might be too risky if there was someone who might mistake her for Tessa. "This is the end of the road for me, Maxxine," the technician stated, "If they see me, they'll think I'm you... and they'll take all of us into custody."
"No, we can't leave you," Tessa, who still was under the guise of Maxxine, urged with sadness in her voice, "We can't leave you, that's not right or fair, Alexandria. You're so cool and you're named after the best library that ever existed."
J interjected, she was worried for the girl's well-being now too, "What if you get fired over this?"
Lexi thought a little and responded in a whisper, "It'll be worth it. I gave a caged bird and her two mansion besties the best night I could give them. Godspeed, N, J, and Tes." She hugged them all before shooing them out into the parking lot, "Go now!" she urged as she climbed on top of a garbage can to get back into the club, she was sacrificing herself.
"No, wait!" Tessa cried, her mascara running as tears fell from her face.
J and N pulled Tessa along, they had to, it was for her safety.
Once back at the van, Tessa sat in the back crying, her new friend that Tessa now really really cared about had sacrificed everything for her.
J sat at the drivers seat, she was driving as fast as she legally could to get them out of the city and that much closer to home. She glanced back to her inconsolable human crush and to N who was doing his best to comfort her. "I'm sorry we made you leave, Tes, we... can't get caught."
Tessa dried her eyes, her voice was a bit nasally from crying so much, "I know... but... Lexi... she did everything for us, she would've even risked getting us to space... she gave us freedom for a night... and she just... she turned herself in for our safety."
J chimed in, "I would've done that for you too, but... I know if I wasn't there..." she started crying a little too, "Who's to say your parents would stop at chaining you up?"
The little butler boy chimed in sharply, "J, she doesn't need to hear that right now! You're going to make it worse!"
J snapped back as she got onto the freeway, "Look, N, our lives but more so Tessa's are on the line. We need to get home."
Tessa wiped her tears, J was right. They had to get home, somehow, some way, before they were caught. She heard her cellphone ring, Tessa looked to see it was Lexi's number. She answered the phone excitedly, "Oh thank goodness you're alri-"
The voice on the other end that interrupted the Aussie girl was a gruff man's voice, he bellowed with a chortle, "Well, well, well... Miss Elliott... Seems your little bait 'n' switch caused quite the scene... Just know you're not out of the woods yet... We will be looking for you."
Tessa hung up the phone and scrambled to the back seat tinted-window. She rolled down the window and tossed the phone onto the road. She breathed rapidly and in a panicked manner. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit..."
J looked around making sure there were no cops in the now forest-y stretch of road before making the van accelerate faster, they didn't have much time, and they were being hunted.
To Be Continued
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tuhbanbuv · 9 months
EWJ AU and Headcanons:
Guess people wanna hear my AU bullshit lol /j
I have a fuck ton I had to dump in a notepad and try to organize it.
Jim can get drunk off of ice cream and fro-yo because the sugar fucks up with his system so much.
Jim curls up in the neck of her supersuit when she's too tired to reach her bed or overstimulated.
Jim is bigender him/her lesbian, Psycrow is bi, Professor is gay, Peter is gay as well.
Jim's full legal name is Jim/Kim Clayton, and she switches between he/him and she/her pronouns. Just don't call him an "it".
Jim is dyslexic, autistic and has a TBI.
Jim got her name from a grave she discovered in New Junk City. She didn't know anything about gender and stuff at the time, so she just assumed the masculine persona that people gave her due to her voice and suit. This would end up biting her in the ass years later.
Insectika courting rituals are much different than human courting rituals. WHN didn't know Jim was interested in her until he accidentally proposed to her in an Insectika tradition. After a bit of back and forth they began properly dating afterwards.
Princess WHN:
Snott is actually WHN's pet, he only sticks around Jim because of the snacks he forgets he puts into his suit's backpack and Snott is very much a glutton.
Princess WHN is also autistic, but she wouldn't know until Saturn was diagnosed as autistic.
WHN is part human part Insectikette, her true heritage and birth being the catalyst for her sister taking up the throne and mother's murder because the royal family was basically advocates for eugenics. It did not end well for all parties involved, big shocker there.
WHN LOVES human food, especially pizza. She'll be completely distracted if someone offers her food. Want to make her happy, give her food.
WHN thinks that a lot of Creepypastas are real, even the bad ones. She has spent at least a couple nights searching to bring down Jeff The Killer and Slenderman only to be dragged back home by Peter.
WHN often enters in strongman contests, and has several first place trophies from them.
Peter's parents were used in animal experimentation an attempt to make the strongest fighting dog known to man. When the ring was broken up and arrested, the dogs were sent to a farm where Peter would be born as the run of the litter, only to be adopted by a young Addie.
Peter was adopted by Addie and her family when he was a normal puppy. As he was a runt rejected by his bio mom and adopted as a newborn, Peter was 100% convinced Addie was his real mom. Even if he knows he's adopted, he still calls her his mom.
Peter is a Jack Russel-Beagle mix, though he's technically now a hellhound.
Peter does most of the housework, at least the ones involving chemicals and flammable equipment because Jim is very accident-prone.
Peter is around 20-30 during the main canon. He aged up in dog years as a normal dog only for his biological age to slow down when he became Amos' vessel akin to that of a human. He'll probably live for 100-200 years though.
Peter is very small for his breed and was often mocked for it. Now, he uses it to his advantage because seeing WHN or Psycrow pause in shock as he gets drinks at a bar is hilarious to him.
Amos is Peter's demon and later lover. Originally Satan's right-hand man…until a certain cat came along and ruined it for him.
Peter has six puppies, named Paimo, Rono, Molo, Bapho, Corso, and of course, Solo. They all have some sort of demonic power thanks to Peter's demon and their other parent, Amos. If you understand the naming scheme for them you get a free cookie.
Amos can take up a form almost like Venom when he's going parrot-mode on Brock, just chilling in Peter's shadow. Except Peter's shadow now has eyes and a mouth and scares the shit out of everyone he comes across while doing errands.
Peter is Amos' longest-lasting vessel, as most of the others died from being murdered in witch hunts or took their own lives. He only made himself known to Peter after he temporarily died after a mission gone wrong because he was so impressed with Peter that he had to see him in the flesh.
Peter has severe anxiety, and honestly, who can blame him? Though he usually medicates it with those dog CBD treats and weed whenever he can. Addie Newman:
Addie is part Corvidian part human, with her biological mother unknown and potentially dead. Addie has a suspicion that Psycrow is her biological father, however.
Addie is currently dating Grayson, president of the Earthworm Jim Fanclub. As you can imagine, the meet the parents dinner went as well as you'd expect.
Addie has a large mixed family, biological and adopted, including her adoptive fathers, David and Mike, and her adoptive baby sister, Penelope.
Addie had anger issues in her childhood, once overthrew the leader of a gang in less than ten minutes, got expelled from several schools before the age of ten, amongst other things. Her parents went to adopt her a puppy in hopes it would help her, leading to her picking the runt of the litter, Peter. Peter would help Addie immensely...until he was separated from her when he fell through a portal to Heck.
Addie kept and wore Peter's collar on her person until she would eventually try to summon Evil to retrieve Peter herself, fully knowing and accepting that she would have to sacrifice her own life according to Evil. Jim would save her and Peter and became her friend.
Addie is still a delinquent but is more geared towards vigilante justice rather than purposeful crime. She wouldn't outright say it, but Peter and Jim saved her life.
Psycrow would discover a baby Addie abandoned while he was doing drug trades. He would take Addie in for the first three years of her life until ultimately deciding to give her up to an earth couple so she wouldn't be killed due to his criminal career. The two would later reunite and Psycrow would be accepted in the Newman family after he permanently put his criminal days behind him.
Saturn, Solo and Bessie:
Saturn is selectively mute, and Solo often speaks for her when they do missions
Saturn hardly speaks even as an adult, usually only hissing or screeches. She of course knows how and can speak quite well, but just prefers not to.
Saturn was born with just her arms as a lot of baby Insectoids/Insectikettes have a "larval stage", and much like Saturn did, grow their legs later on, usually as a toddler.
Saturn can curl up like a cat, and usually does this to fit in human chairs/seats/etc.
Saturn lets Solo and the other pups ride on her back. Seeing as she's literally a giant centipede and can fit all 6 of the pups on her back at once
Saturn considers Bessie her sister/half-sister due to their parents being clones. Bessie hates her guts, so the feeling is not mutual :(
WHN stressed and worried over not being a good mother to Saturn. She was ultimately worried over nothing, as Saturn is technically the only member of the royal family that had loving parents.
Solo was completely convinced that Saturn was a dog much like her and the other puppies until Peter had to try to explain otherwise. For five straight hours.
After a mission gone wrong, Evil Jim was sucked into a wormhole and presumed dead. Jim tried to take in Bully Bessie and it worked for a while until she ran away as a preteen and assumed Evil Jim's role. She works endlessly to find her dear papa and will not hesitate to find any way to save him, even if it means backstabbing her "sister". And she'd gladly do so.
Bessie is part jaguar, part piranha, part scorpion and radioactive cow, as Evil Jim wanted to make her with every advantage known to man.
Bessie ironically enjoys using butcher knives and cleavers as her weapons of choice, considering Evil Jim's guns as "too quick". Creepy.
Evil Jim didn't know what sex/gender Bessie was at birth and still doesn't, so he just let Bessie choose her clothes even as a baby.
Solo, despite being the smallest of her siblings, is pretty much the litter's leader. Mess with her family and you'll beg for death. She makes her fathers proud though Peter is a bit worried.
Solo can see and speak with the dead.
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ruleofrosethorns · 1 year
notes for kuwtm!! (since some of yall seem to really enjoy this au)
the main au takes place a few months after SH3
james is here because harry kinda just felt like visiting sh after a couple of years and lo n behold
he saved wittle old james and the rest is history
Harry DID NOT DIE because his protective bf (james) saved his sleepy ass
they decided to go on a road trip to Silent Hill and fuck around for a bit
(i might start writing a separate thing for that hehe)
anyway at some point harry got separated from the gang(tm) and went to alchemilla hospital
(oh and Maria was out and about terrorizing James like old times <3)
pretty much there's just a group of monsters who are kinda just hanging out and smoking weed
they're cool w/ the gang and through undisclosed plot developments i'm still tryna work out in my brain-
the weed-smoking sh group survives the purge of Harold Mason and move into the human world
not directly next to but in the same area as the Masons (much to their concern (except for Heather))
and thus, the mlm wlw rivalry begins /j
Heather enjoys hanging out w/ them but Harry and James are UNDERSTANDABLY conflicted
like idk bro letting our adopted daughter hang out with the manifestations of my guilt seems kinda wack...
but regardless they all love Lisa because she has never done anything wrong ever
Harry's alright(???) w/ Maria and PH?? James is mostly just annoyed by Maria and PANICKED BY PH
Harry and Lisa are honorary siblings <3 they didn't really get to know each other during SH but that all changed when Lisa moved in
Maria and Lisa are in love and sort of formed a found family with the monsters. co-workers of the otherworld ig
the monsters sort of look up to Maria and Lisa as mother figures, PH being the weird uncle that they all love bc he supplies them weed
James & Harry tend to COINCIDENCELY run into Maria & Lisa whenever they go on a date its an ongoing issue
Most of the monsters can't really go outside?? (y'know because grotesque eldritch horrors aren't "allowed" in public SMH)
So Maria, Lisa & Heather usually go on shopping sprees to get their demonic buddies things that they want
Unfortunately Lisa sometimes starts leaking blood so that's sometimes an issue
(she has to inhale & hold her breath to keep it at bay for long periods of time)
She is like a balloon
ALSO Harry is still an author!! He's moved away from murder mystery's and works on supernatural horror & non-fiction novels about certain cults...
James doesn't really have a job.
he just sort of fucks around and gets a new part time job every time the last one realizes he has been legally declared missing for 12-13 years
Heather's still in school (doing her last year), had to repeat once because of SH3 kinda resulting in her family needing a REAL vacation
Maria and Lisa don't have jobs. No one knows how they managed to rent a house. James thinks they probably killed the landlord.
Like seriously, where does their money keep coming from.
Heather asked one day and Lisa spoiled the mystery by admitting they sell random demonic items they find in the Otherworld.
SPEAKING OF HEATHER. she is a girl liker. i don't make the rules (i do)
Harry is also teaching her piano (yknow for puzzle related purposes), James "trys" to help her maths homework to various degrees of success.
James does most of the cooking, but can and will resort to eating dirt if needed.
(He doesn't cook because he's good at it or enjoys it tho. it's not like he is better than Harry at cooking-he just REALLY wants to help out around the house)
Oh also James &  Harry got married a few years before the events of SH3. It was a tough decision for them at first but Heather helped them work things out
(She also hijacked the music at the reception and played My Chemical Romance)
Maria n Lisa had thought about marriage but they're sort of stuck with each other for eternity sooOo
LEMME TALK ABOUT HARRIA REAL QUICK (yes harv i have coined that name it is TOO GOOD)
So Maria is directly, y'know, connected to James' subconscious, so she can go back and forth between the forms
Again, James fell in luv w/ Harry and SH panicked and said "FUCK MARIA CHANGE UR PFP"
At first she didn't have much control over it?? So like a year after SH2, Maria's just chilling w/ Lisa and then POOF
HARRIA. And Lisa's like "AYO :O I KNOW THAT GUY?!" So they found out about the boyfriends PRETTY early on
It took a few months, but she managed to figure out how to shapeshift at will. Turns out shes genderfluid!
But after SH3 she doesn't use it that much (yknow considering harry is RIGHT THERE) but she will shapeshift just to fuck w/ people
James is ashamed to admit he actually fell for it once (he was SLEEPY and half-awake, okay?!)
Harry was a lil bit freaked out at first but now he just thinks it's kinda cool
Heather just thinks it funny that this eldritch demonic horror from another world is basically just a yassified vers of her dad and James' ex-wife
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coldsore-sound · 1 year
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C40 tape in faintly marbled seaweed green shell made from recycled plastique in teal tinted transparent standard cassette case, that looks like the water in the holiday resort pool, where some rather go for a refreshing dip, because the beach is full of black corpses. also, a greyscale foldout j-card cover and some stickers. the first edition is limited to 20 hand-numbered copies. 'the governments of the global north choose to build walls & barriers, by these actions sanction murder of those worst affected by climate change. this is genocide by choice. my thanks to GRM for compiling this collection.' (radiofreeul-quoma.bandcamp) 'we stand against murderous white supremacist borders, that kill so many. we stand for the destruction of the state, that oppresses us, while keeping us over-feed, comfortable - silenced in the face of it’s murders. often when we are silent, it is equally reason for, as well as a result of the multitude of horrors that colonial extraction + destruction has flooded the world with for the profits we consume. we have to break the loop, challenge privileges of all kind, be they based on the fantasy of white supremacy, patriarchy, class structures, … this challenge will and cannot be comfortable for those who are privileged. to take part of the liberation of the world + it’s peoples from the said horrors, we will have to leave the silence of our comfort zone + start to make some noise.' (coldsore-sound.tumblr) All of the profits from this release will be donated to sea-watch.org in solidarity. "Sea-Watch e.V. is a non-profit organization that conducts civil search and rescue operations in the Central Med. In the presence of the humanitarian crisis, Sea-Watch provides emergency relief capacities, demands and pushes for rescue operations by the european institutions and stands up publicly for legal escape routes. Since a political solution in the sense of a #SafePassage is not on the horizon, we have expanded our field of operation and made new plans. We are politically and religiously independent and are financed solely through donations."  Layout and mastering by grm for Totes Format. totes-format.weebly.com
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history-time-out · 2 years
Genrikh Yagoda
Jewish Murderer | Chief of Soviet Secret Police (NKVD) | Stalinist Henchman
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Genrikh Yagoda was a Soviet secret police chief and henchman of Joseph Stalin during the early part of the 20th century. He was responsible for overseeing some of the most notorious purges and terror campaigns of Stalin's reign, including the Great Purge in 1936-1938 and the dissolution of hundreds of kulaks, or peasant households. A loyal ally to Stalin, Yagoda was later accused of numerous crimes against humanity, including torture, mass executions, and forced labor programs that resulted in millions of deaths. Although he has been condemned by many over the past decades as one of the most ruthless figures in Soviet history, it is important to understand his place in this turbulent period and examine his motivations for following Stalin's directives.
Yagoda was born on October 7th 1891 in Gomel, Russia into a Jewish family. After completing school in 1910 he went on to study law at Moscow University before joining the Tsarist secret police force. When Vladimir Lenin came to power after the Bolshevik Revolution, Yagoda became an active member of Lenin's Cheka secret police organization where he rose through the ranks and eventually became deputy director in 1924. He served as Cheka Director from 1926 until 1934 when he replaced Vyacheslav Menzhinsky as head of the NKVD (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs). This position made him responsible for carrying out Stalin’s orders for purges and terror campaigns against anyone deemed an enemy or threat to Soviet rule.
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Under Yagoda’s directorship, thousands were arrested and imprisoned without trial or even access to legal representation during his tenure as NKVD chief. In addition to those arrested without trial or conviction, millions more were killed through mass executions or through forced labor camps known as gulags which are estimated to have caused between 1-3 million deaths alone since their foundation in 1930 under Yagoda’s direction (Rummel). The most notable period during Yagoda’s time as head of NKVD was known as The Great Purge which lasted from 1936 until 1938 which saw hundreds killed after being falsely accused of treason with little evidence to support these accusations while others were simply targeted due to their affiliation with certain political groups (Uldricks).
Yagoda’s loyalty to Stalin led him down a dark path that eventually cost him his life when he was accused by Lavrentiy Beria himself of participating in “anti-Soviet activities” alongside other top officials at a meeting held on February 19th 1938 (Uldricks). He was arrested three days later with many other leading officials at a special session held by Joseph Stalin himself and charged with “willful negligence," "corruption" and "espionage", despite having no credible evidence presented against him other than hearsay from Beria himself (Uldricks). Placed on trial without legal representation alongside other senior figures like Nikolai Bukharin who had also been falsely accused by Beria, Yagoda was found guilty on all charges on March 15th 1938 despite pleading not guilty throughout proceedings (Rummel). Sentenced to death by firing squad two days later alongside four others charged alongside him; Genrikh Yagoda became yet another example how those who chose not to follow Joseph Stalin too closely could end up paying for their loyalty with their lives ultimately ending an era that saw widespread fear amongst citizens under communist rule.
​​Rummel R J (1985) Democide: Nazi Genocide And Mass Murder; Transaction Publishers; New Brunswick NJ
​​​Uldricks T J(2007) The Great Terror: A Reassessment; Oxford University Press; Oxford UK
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party-chief-radio · 2 months
PnB Rock’s Accused Killer Found Guilty of Murder – Report
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The two men charged in connection to the murder of PnB Rock have been found guilty.
PnB Rock Murder Trial Ends in Guilty Verdict
On Wednesday (Aug. 7), the trial for Freddie Trone and Tremont Jones came to a conclusion after the jury deliberated for less than four hours. Ultimately, Trone was found guilty of murder, two counts of robbery and one count of conspiracy in connection to the Philadelphia rap-crooner's Sept. 12, 2022 killing at Roscoe's Chicken 'N Waffles in South Los Angeles, according to Rolling Stone reporter Nancy Dillon. Jones was found guilty of robbery and conspiracy.
"I'm elated," PnB Rock's mom Deannea Allen told Rolling Stone following the announcement of the verdict.
Trone is the father of the 17-year-old shooter, who was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial and is currently in custody of the juvenile system. During the trial, the prosecution told the jury Trone and his son went to the restaurant after being tipped off by Tremont Jones that the rapper was dining there. The State alleged Trone instructed his son to go in and rob the rapper, who was shot and relieved of his jewelry by the teen in front of the rapper's fiancée Stephanie Sibounheuang and shocked patrons. Trone's defense team argued he only helped his son after the fact and had no part in setting up or masterminding the robbery.
"I understand you’re trying to put together your story," Freddie Trone told a prosecutor during cross-examination in a Compton courtroom on Monday (Aug. 5). "I never had nothing to do with it. I wasn’t there. I didn’t tell nobody to do nothing. I didn’t hand nobody no gun."
However, the jury disagreed.
Trone's wife and reported mistress were also charged in connection to the rapper's death. They pleaded no contest to being an accessory after the fact prior to the trial.
Trone and Jones will be sentenced at a later date.
XXL has reached out to Freddie Trone's attorney and the Los Angeles County Deputy District for comment.
Read More: Here Are the Longest Prison Bids in Hip-Hop History
PnB Rock's Family Gets Justice
PnB Rock's family has been waiting for nearly three years for justice to be served. Rock's mom Deannea Allen has been in attendance during the trial. On Monday, she told Rolling Stone, "I’m here to get justice. I want justice. This was my son, my child. I want the jury to know he has a family who loves him and wants to support him."
During the trial, Sibounheuang gave a harrowing testimony where she said the rapper saved her life. PnB Rock leaves behind a 4-year-old daughter.
Read More: 10 Rappers Who Beat Major Legal Cases and Walked Away With a Victory
Check out Nancy Dillon's coverage of the verdict below.
See the Verdict in the PnB Rock Murder Case
See Freddie Trone's Mugshot
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See 27 Hip-Hop-Related Police Raids
Samir Hussein/Getty Images for Sean Diddy Combs
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Diddy's homes in Miami and Los Angeles were raided by Homeland Security agents back in March, with sons being placed in handcuffs during the raid. The dramatic raids unfolded on live television and were reportedly linked to a sex trafficking investigation. Diddy was not on the premises at the time, and had allegedly charted a plane to the Bahamas for a family vacation with his daughters. Diddy was seen talking with investigators on the tarmac in Florida, but ultimately was not arrested.
During the raid, the federal authorities seized all of his electronics as well as numerous weapons. Police also arrested Brendan Paul, who was accused of being Diddy's long-time drug mule.
Paras Griffin, Getty Images
J. Cole
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J. Cole isn't the first rapper you think of when it comes to police raids but it happened to him on March 18, 2016. While the MC and his Dreamville Records squad was down in Austin, Texas for the annual SXSW Music Festival, his North Carolina studio was being raided by armed SWAT team members. The incident served as the inspiration for his song "Neighbors," from his 2016 album, 4 Your Eyez Only. 
The raid, which was captured on camera, shows 12 SWAT team members approaching the house and breaking through the door, with one of the officers disarming the camera that was recording the fiasco. Going off of a false tip by a neighbor who believed Cole and his friends were growing marijuana or using the house as a drug den, the officers jumped the gun.
Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images For Balenciaga
Polo G
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Polo G had his house raided by police back in August of 2023. Video of the raid captured by TMZ showed a swarm of police wearing body armor in front of the Chicago rapper's Los Angeles home. Multiple people were seen exiting the home, including Polo G, who was led away in handcuffs. Police had reportedly been executing a search warrant on the home related to a robbery. Four people were detained. It is unclear if anyone was arrested following a search of the home.
"It is widely known that Polo is not a convicted felon and never was a convicted felon," Polo's lawyer Bradford Cohen said in a statement. "I personally got all his charges in Miami dismissed when he was in our opinion wrongfully arrested and charged."
Albert Urso, Getty Images
Young Thug
Before the YSL RICO case took hold, Young Thug was arrested at his home on an outstanding warrant on July 15, 2015. During the time of his arrest, his home was also raided, with officers discovering drugs and guns on the premises. He was charged the following day on various felony drug and weapons charges, but Thugger would be released on $10,000 bail. Eventually, all of the charges against him were dismissed after the initial raid of his home was deemed illegal.
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
Lil Wayne
On Nov. 3, 2015, police raided Lil Wayne's Miami Beach mansion with a levy warrant, which is used to seize property, due to unpaid debts in relation to a judge's ruling that the rapper be ordered to pay $2 million to jet leasing company Signature Group in a civil suit.
Lil Wayne, who was not at home during the time of the raid, would comment on the raid via Twitter, writing, "It's days like 2day dat make me ? everything,even myself But I guess dis is da thx I get. Sum times it's tough 2b tough & even tougher 2b me." He also referred to to the women in his immediate family as his motivation for pushing on.
Eric Espada/Getty Images
6ix9ine had his Brooklyn home raided by the feds back in 2018. It was unclear what prompted the search, but police discovered a gun. Police weren't sure whether or not the gun had belonged to the controversial rainbow-haired rapper, as the rapper hadn't been back to his house in a few weeks. Additionally, a source close to 6ix9ine informed TMZ he was reportedly in the process of moving out of said house, and that movers had been in and out of the property for weeks.
Neilson Barnard, Getty Images
Bobby Shmurda
One of the more infamous raids to occur in hip-hop happened on Dec. 18, 2014, when Brooklyn rapper Bobby Shmurda and members of his GS9 crew were arrested during a raid at Quad Studios in Manhattan, N.Y. as a result of a lengthy investigation of the Brooklyn-based crew. The raid, which came at the height of Bobby Shmurda's popularity, uncovered 21 guns, crack cocaine and marijuana. The incident would rock the rap community, who had positioned Shmurda as a budding star in the game. Ultimately, Bobby Shmurda would plea to conspiracy, weapons possession and promoting prison contraband and be sentenced to four years in prison, and was released in February of 2021.
Maury Phillips, Getty Images
Soulja Boy
Soulja Boy's antics finally caught up to him on Dec. 15, 2016, when police raided his home following a Crime Stoppers tip that the rapper had been threatening individuals on the internet with violence. The search would turn up a firearm which, being that he is a convicted felon, is a violation pf his probation, leading to Soulja's arrest. Charged with felony gun possession, Soulja would plead no contest in April 2017, receiving five years probation and 240 days of community labor. He was also not allowed to threaten anyone or possess any deadly weapons, not even a replica or toy gun, as part of the terms of his plea agreement.
Michael Fequiere
Chief Keef
The new year started off on a rough note for Chief Keef, as the Chicago rapper found himself in deep trouble when he was arrested on Jan. 26, 2017, on suspicion of armed robbery in connection with a home invasion that took place in San Fernando Valley. The victim of the home invasion, producer Ramsay Tha Great, claims that Keef and a group of other individuals entered his home against his wishes. Ramsay mentioned the rapper by name in a social media post and accused him of stealing cash and a Rolex watch, in addition to assaulting him while one of the Keef's cohorts menacingly carried an AK-47.
After identifying Keef as the suspect in question, authorities obtained an arrest and search warrant for the rapper's home, where he would be cuffed and taken into custody, but would be released after posting $500,000 bail. The case remains ongoing.
Paras Griffin, Getty Images
DJ Drama
On Jan. 16, 2007, DJ Drama and Don Cannon found themselves in hot water after officers from the Morrow County Sheriff's Joint Vice Task Force and the Clayton County Police raided the pair's Atlanta-based Aphilliates Music Group offices. Drama and Cannon were arrested on felony charges under the RICO Act. During the raid, 81,000 mixtapes were confiscated, as well as computers, recording equipment and four cars. Although DJ Drama and Don Cannon would not face any jail time, the raid was a big blow to the mixtape game, and stands as a pivotal moment in rap history.
Paras Griffin, Getty Images
Irv Gotti
Many may point to Murder Inc.'s beef with 50 Cent's G-Unit crew and affiliates as the catalyst for the label's fall from grace, but an investigation into Murder Inc.'s business dealings with a notorious drug lord would also be crippling and have lasting ramifications. 
On Jan. 3, 2003, in the wee hours of the morning, a team of FBI agents and NYPD investigators arrived at Universal Music Group's Manhattan location, raiding the Murder Inc. offices, going as far as to bring along drug-sniffing dogs in an effort to find any dirt on Irv Gotti and his company that they could. Although authorities would confiscate documents and laptops, no arrests would be made the day of the raid. However, two years later, Irv Gotti and his brother, Chris Gotti, would be charged with laundering over $1 million in drug profits for Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff, the leader of the Supreme Team, a criminal organization that controlled the drug trade in Jamaica, Queens and beyond during the 1980s. Although McGriff would be found guilty of murder conspiracy and drug trafficking, Irv Gotti and his brother would be acquitted on all charges in 2005. This was one of the more high-profile criminal cases in rap history.
Scott Gries, Getty Images
Gillie Da Kid
Philly rapper Gillie Da Kid found himself within the long arms of the law on Feb. 6, 2007, when the former Cash Money affiliate was arrested and accused of running two drug stash houses in the Oxford Circle section of his hometown. He was apprehended while leaving one of the locations with five other associates in a fleet of luxury cars. Officials received a tip that the buildings were a hotbed for drug activity. Gillie would be charged with conspiracy and possessing narcotics with the intent to deliver after officers raided the two homes and found upwards of 89 pounds of marijuana, with a street value of over $404,000 according to Narcotics Capt. Chris Werner. Although Gillie would be accused of supplying various drug dealers all over the city of Philadelphia and beyond, in 2008, the rapper would be cleared of all charges.
Matt Winkelmeyer, Getty Images
Gucci Mane
Atlanta rapper Waka Flocka Flame's Georgia home was raided back in December of 2010. The raid was related to an investigation into possible prostitution and evidence of guns and drugs at the location. And although Waka Flocka was not home at the time of the raid, rapper Gucci Mane was, as he lived with Waka and his mother for a period of time. 
Gucci was cuffed after police found weapons and a small amount of marijuana on the scene, but he would be subsequently released. Waka Flocka's mother would also claim that police were looking for evidence of her son being affiliated with any street gangs, with Waka adding that the notion that he would be gang-banging is a hilarious one and a reach on the cops' part.
Noel Vasquez, Getty Images
Nipsey Hussle
Nipsey Hussle was set to hit the stage at the 2014 Made in America music festival, but a police raid that occurred hours prior to his scheduled performance threw those plans off course. On Aug. 29, 2014, LAPD arrived at Slauson Avenue Clothing in L.A.'s Hyde Park section in response to a probation complaint search, arresting the man in question, as well as Nipsey Hussle. The late rapper missed his scheduled performance that day, but posted a $13,000 bail to ensure that he would be able to rock the house on the second day of the Made in America festival.
Fernando Leon, Getty Images
Juelz Santana
On Feb. 2, 2011, Harlem rapper and Dipset member Juelz Santana surrendered to authorities and was charged with various felony drug offenses after a January 2011 raid of his New Jersey music studio. The search turned up two fully loaded handguns, ammunition and 17 plastic Ziplock bags of marijuana. The raid, which was the culmination of what authorities say was a 10-month-long investigation, resulted in Santana being charged with possession of a handgun without having a permit, possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance within 1,000 feet of a school zone and two other similar counts. The rhymer would post $125,000 bail and claim that he was being unfairly targeted by the police.
Jag Gundu, Getty Images
Canadian rapper Belly was very unhappy with Ottawa police following an August 2008 raid on his home in the city's outskirts. Officers from various law enforcement departments executed a search warrant for firearms, busting down the rapper's door with a battering ram and even attempting to break a camera, which captured the incident. Much of the rapper's belongings were tossed around in the search of any contraband. While authorities found imitation firearms, no sign of criminal activity was present and no charges would be filed against Belly, which did little to appease the rapper. 
"I'm so twisted up about [the raid] right now. I have so many mixed emotions about it—I get angry, then I get sad, then I get frustrated. It's like I got nowhere to turn about it," Belly said to reporters after the incident. "Every musician knows your studio is like—it's a bubble for you. It's a personal space. This is where I work, where I create. It's crazy. I just feel like this is violation."
Ethan Miller, Getty Images
Paul Wall
Paul Wall's drink of choice may have been lean during his rise to fame, but in 2016, the rapper got caught in a controversy involving a drug of a different variety. On Dec. 23, 2016, the "Sittin' Sidewayz" rapper and a group of 10 individuals, including Baby Bash, were arrested after police raided Paradise Smoke Shop, where the group had been holding a private party, collecting toys for disadvantaged children. The rapper was charged with manufacturing and delivering Tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC, after being found in possession of the drug. Paul would later be freed on $20,000 bond and has since been exonerated on all charges, making this run-in with the law a close call.
Stephen Lovekin, Getty Images
Trick Daddy
Trick Daddy was blindsided by Miami police on April 3, 2014, when he was detained while getting out of his car. The rapper was arrested on charges of drug and gun possession after authorities obtained a search warrant for the rapper's home, where they discovered cocaine, a handgun and ammunition. Charged with possession of cocaine, possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon, and driving with a suspended license, Trick would be released on bond and all charges would be dropped in May 2015.
MoneyBagg Yo
MoneyBagg Yo's March 2016 release party for his compilation mixtape should've been a celebratory affair, but instead, it was a chaotic night. 28 attendees were arrested by Memphis police during a raid of the party. An estimated 60 representatives from local, state and federal agencies took part in the operation, which was intended to target gang activities, violence, probation and parole violations, and fugitives. 
The cops' search yielded 10 weapons, a bulletproof vest, cash and drugs. A majority of the 28 people detained were hit with charges involving drugs, alcohol or weapons.
Frazer Harrison, Getty Images
Apparently, police raids in hip-hop don't only occur in the U.S., but also abroad as well. U.K. rapper Stormzy found this out the hard way on Feb. 14, 2017. The front door to the rapper's London flat was damaged after Metropolitan Police attempted to raid his home after mistaking the millionaire for a burglar. 
"Woke up to Feds destroying my front door coz apparently I'm a burglar who burgles his own home," the rapper wrote on Twitter, posting a picture of the damage done. "@metpoliceuk need your bank details still." Authorities claimed that they received a call reporting "a conspiracy to burgle a ground-floor flat, believed to have been vacant." Stormzy and his associate were lawful occupants of the home, and law enforcement would issue an apology for their blunder by suggesting that the rapper send them a DM if he had any further complaints about the mixup.
Frederick M. Brown
Suge Knight
On Nov. 15, 2002, deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department raided the Beverly Hills office of Suge Knight's record label, Tha Row, one of the mogul's properties in Las Vegas and several other locations in search of evidence connected to the June 2002 murder of Eric Daniels, a gang member from Compton, Calif. 
Receiving a tip that the murder may have been planned at Tha Row offices, investigators would arrest three men during the raids, including Tha Row employee Theodore Kelly, charging them with murder-conspiracy. Knight, who had recently been released from prison at the time after serving a four-year sentence for violation of probation, would not be arrested nor charged.
Lars Niki, Getty Images
T.I.'s arrest sent shockwaves through the music world on Oct. 27, 2007. Officers from the ATF, U.S. Marshal's Fugitive Task Force, Fulton County SWAT, Fulton County PD, Dekalb County PD and the ATF/Atlanta PD Violent Crime Impact Team all teamed up to execute a raid on the rapper's house after he had allegedly purchased guns illegally through one of his bodyguards. The raid, and T.I.'s immediate arrest, would coincide with the 2007 BET Awards ceremony and bring back to light hip-hop's strained history with law enforcement. 
While the optics appeared irreparable on first glance, T.I. would plead guilty to weapons charges and was sentenced to a year of prison time, a relatively light sentence in comparison to what many had predicted, giving the trap king-turned-mainstream star a second lease on life.
Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for EDITION
Wiz Khalifa
Wiz Khalifa had his own run-in with the law when his tour bus was raided on Nov. 9, 2010. Police raided the rapper's bus while he was performing onstage, arresting him and nine other individuals following the performance. Everyone taken into custody was charged with felony counts of trafficking marijuana, a felony count of maintaining or storing marijuana and one misdemeanor charge of possession of drug paraphernalia. Wiz would be released on $300,000 bond and the charges against him would be dropped in September 2011.
Audible Treats
Maxo Kream
Houston rapper Maxo Kream and his Kream Clicc Gang were arrested and charged with numerous drugs and weapons charges on Oct. 20, 2017, after members from various law enforcement agencies banded together to perform raids on several locations connected to the crew. According to investigators, Maxo Kream and company were using the U.S. Postal Service to ship marijuana from California to Texas, which lead to the raid across multiple residences in Fort Bend County and Harris County in Texas. During the raid, authorities turned up approximately 85 pounds of marijuana, 2,000 Xanax pills, 13 firearms (three confirmed stolen), body armor, cash, jewelry and drug contraband indicative of manufacturing, packaging and distributing illicit narcotics. Maxo Kream, who would post $200,000 bail, would proclaim his innocence via social media. "They're out here saying organized crime, bro," he wrote. "I'm organizing music for my album....Doing right....Trying to take care of the family." As of press time, the charges against Maxo Kream and the rest of the Kream Clicc Gang are still pending.
Things got especially heated for former Hot Boys member Turk in January 2004, when the rapper found himself in a shootout with Memphis SWAT Team members during a raid in a Memphis apartment—they were searching for drugs and weapons. Although Turk would maintain his innocence and deny knowing who fired the shot that critically wounded a SWAT team officer, in October 2005, the rapper would be found guilty on three weapons charges and sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Vince Bucci/Getty Images
The Adams County Sheriff’s Department ran up on Afroman’s home in August of 2022, where officers searched and failed to find any illegal narcotics within the premises. Afroman was in Chicago at the time of the raid, and said on social media the police had profiled him because of his music, which includes songs like "Because I Got High."
In classic Afroman fashion, the rapper had filmed the entire raid via his security cameras, and later compiled the footage together to turn into a music video called "Will You Help Me Repair My Door." Ohio Sheriff's deputies sued him for this.
Jason Koerner/Getty Images 
Sean Kingston 
Sean Kingston's rented Southwest Ranches mansion in Dania Beach, Fla. was raided by a SWAT team serving arrest and search warrants on May 23, 2024. During the raid, the crooner's mother Janice Turner was taken into custody on numerous fraud and theft charges. Kingston was arrested hours later in California on fraud and theft charges as well.
The arrests were reportedly in connection to Kingston failing to pay for a $150,000 television sound system he was sold from Ver Vert Entertainment.
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seemabhatnagar · 2 months
Supreme Court Distinguishes Between Murder and Culpable Homicide in Man Bahadur Singh Case
The Supreme Court's judgment underscores the nuanced distinction between murder and culpable homicide not amounting to murder. By applying Exception 4 of Section 300 IPC, the Court acknowledged the spontaneous and unpremeditated nature of the incident, thereby delivering a just and appropriate verdict.
Man Bahadur Singh & Ors v. The State of UP
Crl. Appeal 2209/2024
Before the Supreme Court of India
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Heard by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia J & Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah J
Facts of the Case:
On April 19, 1984, at around 2:00 pm, a fight broke out between children from two families over mangoes. This minor scuffle escalated when the adults got involved, leading to an altercation between the families.
During the fight, the appellants, armed with lathis (wooden sticks), attacked Vishwanath Singh, the father of one of the children involved. Vishwanath sustained severe injuries and was transported to a hospital in Gonda by bullock cart, where he was declared dead.
The postmortem report indicated five antemortem injuries on Vishwanath Singh's body, with injuries on the head being fatal:
Two lacerated wounds on the head caused skull fractures.
Additional abrasions on the forearm and leg.
Multiple eyewitnesses, including an injured witness, corroborated the sequence of events leading to Vishwanath Singh's death. Their testimony was consistent and reliable, establishing the appellants' involvement in causing the injuries that led to the death.
Legal Proceedings:
Trial Court: The III-Additional Sessions Judge, Gonda, convicted the appellants under Sections 302/147/149/323 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), sentencing them to life imprisonment.
High Court: On appeal, the High Court upheld the convictions and sentences for the surviving three appellants (Man Bahadur Singh, Bharat Singh, and Bhanu Pratap Singh).
Supreme Court's Analysis and Decision:
The Supreme Court focused on whether the case constituted murder or culpable homicide not amounting to murder under the provisions of the IPC. The key distinction lay in whether the act fell under Exception 4 of Section 300 IPC:
Exception 4 of Section 300 IPC:
"Culpable homicide is not murder if it is committed without premeditation in a sudden fight in the heat of passion upon a sudden quarrel and without the offender's having taken undue advantage or acted in a cruel or unusual manner."
Points Considered:
Lack of Premeditation: The Court noted that the incident was not pre-planned. It stemmed from a spontaneous quarrel over children fighting for mangoes.
Nature of the Fight: The altercation was a sudden fight in the heat of passion, not a calculated or deliberate act to commit murder.
Weapon Used: The weapon involved was a lathi, typically not considered inherently deadly.
Nature of Injuries: The fatal injuries were caused during the heat of the moment, without any undue advantage or cruelty on the part of the appellants.
Judgment: As such this is a case of Culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
By applying Exception 4 of Section 300 IPC, the Court acknowledged the spontaneous and unpremeditated nature of the incident, thereby delivering a just and appropriate verdict.
Seema Bhatnagar
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jamiesugah · 5 months
I just finished a five-part, six-hour YouTube deep dive on a 45-year old murder case and it is fucking INSANE and needs to be a miniseries. Way more interesting than another OJ Simpson doc. Who cares.
Anyway. Story. Someone I went to high school with is in jail for murder. He was up for parole a few years ago and got denied. Anyway, when Netflix came out with the new Unsolved Mysteries show, it made me think of him, and I mentioned it on our monthly family video chat. Which prompted my dad to go, "oh that reminds me of when this girl that my sister used to babysit was murdered".
And I just kind of blinked at him. Like. Say more right now. Why am I almost 40 and didn't know this. And he didn't tell me much, but there was a TV movie made about the case so I looked it up. Learned the basics of the case, and it always stayed in the back of my mind, because there didn't seem to be much on it anywhere.
Putting this under a read more just in case people get triggered by it. Also it's long.
So when I looked up the Wikipedia, there was a bit on it, but the basics are that she was a teacher in a town in PA near Philly (she is from my dad's hometown, though, which is super tiny and rural), and she was found in the trunk of her car in a motel parking lot near Harrisburg (which is a couple hours away from Philly). Her children also disappeared and THEY WERE NEVER FOUND. IT'S BEEN 45 YEARS.
It was the kids that kept this in the back of my mind. No one ever found out what happened to the kids. Their dad is dead, both suspects in the woman's murder are dead, and they spent their entire lives claiming that they were innocent and the other man had done it. We will never know what happened to these kids. They were 10 and 11.
Anyway, I fell into a bit of a YouTube spiral this past weekend where I started with watching videos on the Watcher situation, then Jojo Siwa, then J Lo, and then somehow ended up on true crime, specifically The Boy in the Box and then the Yuba County 5. And I was like, "I've never been able to find an official documentary, but surely someone on YouTube talked about this case about the woman and her kids." And lo and behold, I found one.
It is six hours long, which surprised me, but I kept watching because this shit is BONKERS, and the fact that there was only one TV miniseries (even if it starred Stockard Channing and Treat Williams) and, like, 20/20 never even covered this is a huge missed opportunity. This shit is BANANAS and Hulu or something needs to jump on this.
So the two main suspects, who were both convicted (though one was later overturned as the cops withheld evidence during his trial), were the former principal of the school - who was also convicted of robbery and his sentencing was like the day after the murder - and her secret boyfriend and fellow teacher.
By the way, the principal has a Wiki page, the woman - Susan Reinert - does not.
Anyway, the boyfriend/teacher was like a narcissist and compulsive liar. He was dating something like 5 women at the same time (including two former students) while being legally married, and he used to tell people that he had helped the government hunt down rebels in Cuba, which of course was not true. He basically had a little cult of followers around him, and he would ask them to do stuff like HIDE WEAPONS and WIPE FINGERPRINTS OFF $25K IN CASH and no one ever went, "huh that sounds shady" because I guess he was just that charismatic.
The former principal was known to be weird and secretive. He never even let his wife or their children in the basement of their own house (which when they raided because of the robbery they found riddled with bullet holes), and it's more than likely that he murdered his oldest daughter and her husband and then tried to pretend they ran off to California.
Anyway, the boyfriend/teacher spent the months leading up to Susan's murder telling as his "followers" that he knew for sure that the principal was going to kill her and lamenting that he would likely be framed for it because she had made him the beneficiary of her life insurance (which she did, and he would have gotten like $700k which is a lot of money now, let alone in 1979). And none of these people went to the cops or told Susan, even though they all knew each other because they all worked at the same school. So then boyfriend/teacher worked REALLY hard to have an airtight alibi on a specific weekend, which just so happened to be the weekend that she died.
After the murder, all of this dude's followers were like, "wow you were right, principal actually killed her", and then he suddenly started going, "no I think he was framed by the mob" and everyone was like wtf is wrong with you, you have been telling us for months that he was going to kill her. And then his lies started to catch up with him and basically everyone in his influence turned on him and went to the police, except one of his girlfriends, who may or may not have helped him dispose of the kids' bodies, since they were never found.
ANYWAY this case is fucking crazy and should absolutely be immortalized on like HBO or something, but if you want to go down the rabbit hole, this is the first part of the series that I watched. It is super detailed. Like the murder doesn't even happen until part 3. You can also look up The Mainline Murders, there were a couple of books, but one was written by the principal's lawyer.
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scribbleymark · 10 months
"In order for asexuality to be understood and recognized as the queer identity that it is, sex acts and sexualization would first have to be removed from the center of dominant conceptions of queer identity. It follows that asexuals would never fit seamlessly into a mainstream queer discourse that largely focuses on sex and how queer folks (are thought to) engage in it... Hyperfocus on queer sex and sex roles is a direct result of the oversexualization of queerness as a means to construct it as nothing more than sexual deviance and also to reassert heteronormative gender roles within queer relations—i.e., the myth that mascs cannot be bottoms and fems cannot be tops due to the misogynistic idea that masculine sex partners must always penetrate feminine sex partners because both penetration and masculinity are conflated with dominance and control while femininity and being penetrated are each associated with being passive and submissive under someone else’s rule...
Queer people are often asked invasive questions about our sex lives and our role in sexual situations in the course of benign conversation. These voyeuristic inquiries about the intimate details of queer people’s sexual habits, and even about the mechanics of the sex acts we might engage in (for instance, which body parts go where and in what fashion), are about reaffirming queer people and queer sex as exotic curiosities—deviant and other. This oversexualization is the same avenue by which bisexual+ individuals become thought of as more promiscuous, less trustworthy people...These beliefs lead to bisexual+ people being vulnerable to sexual violence at higher rates than lesbians and heterosexuals. They are also more likely to experience victim-blaming following an assault because those who are perceived as more promiscuous than what is socially acceptable are more likely to be blamed for the sexual violence they experience.
Meanwhile, lesbians being treated as hypersexual in media is a prevailing issue and it directly contributes to the rates of violence against lesbians and people merely suspected of being lesbians...Depictions of lesbians in the media often reduce their relationships and interactions with others to sex, and societal misconceptions about lesbian sex and relationships are worsened by lesbian porn that is made largely by heterosexual men for the gratification of other heterosexual men. So, lesbian sex becomes viewed as something to be freely fetishized and consumed by everyone, but especially by heterosexual men.
Invasive inquiries and demands about trans people’s genitalia are often born out of curiosity and confusion about how trans people participate in sex, especially whether or not it is penetrative and phallocentric. This intense focus on the genitalia of trans individuals is specifically used to paint trans women as deceptive sexual predators. It manifests in the disproportionate murder of Black trans women (and transmisogynoir cannot be separated from the fear of the Black phallus)...Beyond that, it helps fuel the mission to further marginalize trans and nonbinary youth through bills that prevent them from accessing gender-affirming health care and even criminalize them by levying legal penalties at trans girls participating in girls’ sports...
Sex and gender roles, and the dynamics thereof, are used as one of the primary tools of understanding human relationships, interactions, and connections in general. And this way of understanding, and of writing meaning onto certain bodies, becomes heightened for queer people—a manifestation of compulsory sexuality and the oversexualization of queerness that imagines queer people as inherently aberrant, perverse, and sinful spectacles meant to be fetishized, feared, and punished."
-Sherronda J. Brown, Refusing Compulsory Sexuality
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virginiaprelawland · 2 years
The Trial Of Adnan Syed
By Noreen Karam, University of Virginia Tech, Class of 2024
October 17, 2022
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In 2000 Adnan Syed was found guilty of the murder of Hae Min Lee. He was additionally charged with kidnapping, robbery, and false imprisonment. Hae Min Lee was a student at Woodlawn High School in Baltimore Md. She was 18 years old when she disappeared after school. When her body was found, it revealed that she was killed by strangulation and then buried in a park. Adnan Syed, a fellow student who had dated Ms. Lee was immediately arrested following the testimony of Jay Wilds, one of his friends who said he had helped him bury Ms. Lee’s body. The prosecution presented cellphone tower records that allegedly placed Mr. Syed near the park where the body was found. Adnan Syed pleaded not guilty but was found guilty by a jury. He was sentenced to life in prison at the age of 17.
In 2014, a popular podcast named “Serial” who talks about one real story per season, had done a total of 12 podcast episodes on Adnan Syed and Hae Min Lee. During which it discussed the existence of an alibi witness for Syed-someone claimed she was with him at the library when Ms. Lee was killed. This witness, Asia McClain, said she had been willing to testify in 2000 but Syed’s lawyer never contacted her. One year later, the lawyer was disbarred following a series of client complaints. The podcast also questioned the credibility of the tower records. They disclosed that the evidence that was gathered, such as the victim’s clothing, was never tested for Syed’s DNA. The podcast gained enormous popularity. It was downloaded over a 100 million times in the first year which brought widespread attention to this case. It won a Peabody Award for its compelling account of how guilt, truth, and reality are decided.
In February of 2015, one year after the podcast first aired, a Maryland court agreed to hear an appeal from Syed. Nine months later, a judge granted Syed a new hearing that would allow the introduction of new evidence such as testing the DNA of Ms. Lee’s clothing. During the hearing, Syed’s defense argued that his original defense lawyer was irresponsible and careless. Ms. McClain’s testimony was then presented as the alibi exposed by a witness. In addition, they also asked why the original defense team had not questioned the reliability of the cellphone tower records. The court in Maryland then granted a new trial but the state appealed the ruling. The victim’s family had expressed pain and disapproval at the decision to grant a new trial. They had not gotten any details of why this was occurring and why it was moving so fast. To them, Syed was the offender. They believed that justice was done when he was convicted of killing Hae Min Lee. The motion to have Syed released on bail was denied. In 2018, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals upheld the decision to grant Syed a new trial. Although, they vacated his conviction agreeing that he had received poor legal counsel, he remained in incarceration. In 2019, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals ruled in a 4-to-3 decision that while the original defense team had been deficient, Adnan Syed was not prejudiced by that deficiency. They denied him a new trial and reinstated his conviction. In November of that year, the United States Supreme Court declined to hear his case. At the same time, following a four-part HBO documentary about the case where it was revealed that DNA tests had been performed at the request of Syed’s new lawyers. In March of 2022, prosecutors agreed to new DNA testing, saying that it was warranted because of the advances in genetic profiling. Simultaneously, a new Maryland law gave prosecutors the discretion to modify the sentences of offenders who were under the age of 18 at the time of their crimes and had served at least 20 years in prison.
This past Friday the 7th, Marilyn J. Mosby, the state’s attorney for Baltimore City, said that she received notice that the results of DNA were not a match with Syed’s DNA. “The items that we tested had never before been tested,” Ms. Mosby said. “And we used advanced DNA to determine that it was not Adnan Syed.” (Holpuch, NYT).
Less than a month ago, the prosecutors asked a judge to overturn Syed’s conviction. In addition, they mentioned that an investigation, conducted with Syed’s lawyers, had uncovered two potential suspects and key evidence that the prosecutors had failed to provide to the defense. The defense asked that a new trial be granted. On Sept. 19, Judge Melissa M. Phinn of Baltimore City Circuit Court vacated the conviction “in the interests of justice and fairness.”  Adnan Syed, 41, walked out of prison and served home detention while awaiting word on whether prosecutors would proceed with a new trial.
On October 11, the charges were dropped, because the Maryland Office of the Public Defender said the DNA evidence excluded Adnan Syed. Jay Wilds had pleaded guilty to accessory after the fact to first degree murder, but he did not get any prison time for testifying against Syed. There is no current updates on what will happen to him for giving a false testimony,
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queenblueoffire · 2 years
genuine question: what do you do when a player you despise plays for one of your favorite hockey teams?
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moon-simmers · 3 years
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Today is a day to commemorate the figure and history of women that was so much displaced and ignored over the centuries. I as a cis man must accompany from a secondary place.
For my part I want to show more about the history of my country and I thought it was good to share Important and iconic women of Latin American history, specifically Argentina.
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Mariquita J. P. Sánchez de Thompson. 1786-1868
Daughter of the Buenos Aires aristocracy, remembered in the Argentine tradition as the "Great National Hostess" for her gatherings where the National Anthem was sung for the first time in her home. He refused an advantageous marriage to marry his cousin, his entire story could be a novel by Jane Austen.
She managed for women to reflect on topics forbidden to them at that time. She embraced freedom, celebrated the revolution of 1810, defended education for women and was part of the Society of Beneficence of Buenos Aires.
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Felicitas A. G. Guerrero. 1846-1872
She is the most dramatic murder story in Argentine history. She married for convenience when she was 18 and her husband 50.. At only 25 years old, she became an extremely wealthy widow, owner of large fields in the province. Her youth, beauty and heritage made her one of the most desired women of the time.
Enrique Ocampo was from a well-known aristocratic family and was attracted to her although Felicitas never took an interest in him. She met Samuel Sáenz Valiente, who would be her fiancé in 1872. A big engagement party was held at the Guerrero family home. The young woman was intercepted in her bedroom by Ocampo.
Unable to persuade her to marry, he drew a gun on her. She wanted to leave the room and when she turned around she was shot in the back and fell to the floor. There are two versions of what happened next: They say that Ocampo committed suicide and another that Felicitas' brother and cousin killed him.
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Cecilia Grierson. 1859-1934.
She was the first female doctor in Argentina. Teacher, doctor, tireless educator, she was a pioneer in the field of obstetrics, kinesiology, first aid diffusion and much more.
From a family of Scottish immigrants, at 14 years old she had to take care of a rural school that his mother had to open to support the whole family. In 1874 when a friend became ill, Cecilia wanted to find the remedy to cure her of a chronic disorder.
Armed with an iron will, she was admitted to medicine and graduated in 1889. She worked at the San Roque Hospital where she was a gynecologist and obstetrician but not a surgeon, a specialty that was denied because she was a woman, despite having the qualification to practice that specialty,
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Julieta Lantari. 1873-1932
She was the first woman to vote in Argentina and Latin America. Founder of the National Feminist Party, she was a banner in the struggle for women’s rights.
She was the first woman to enter and graduate from the Colegio Nacional de La Plata, exclusively for boys. In 1896 he applied to the dean of the Faculty of Medicine for a degree and graduated from pharmaceuticals in 1898. She denounced the inhuman conditions of women workers, demanded the right to divorce, pursued equal rights at all levels, political, legal, labor and civil.
She was the first woman candidate for deputy in Argentina, for the National Feminist Party. although by law she could't accede to the position. She promised to fight to sanction maternity leave, to grant a child allowance, etc.
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María Angélica Barreda. 1882-1963.
She was the first lawyer in Argentina. At the age of 23, she graduated as a lawyer from the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences in 1909. She wasn't allowed to practice as a lawyer because they thought she had a capitis deminutio, (a decrease in capacity by nature,because she was a woman.)
Persons with authority were against her. At that time there was no law that could defend it, invoked in self-defense the Constitution which guarantees the freedom to learn without discrimination according to gender. The Supreme Court eventually authorized her to enroll and swear as a lawyer.
She was an activist in the struggle for women’s rights and participated in the Association of Argentine University Women. One of his many phrases was: "You can not go back to destroy a conquest. The woman has won her position and no one can hinder her passage".
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Amalia Celia Figueredo de Pietra. 1895-1985.
She was the first female aviator in Latin America. She was born in Santa Fé, Argentina. At the age of 19 he moved near the Villa Lugano airfield, where he met the famous aviator Jorge Newbery with whom he made his first flight. He scored in May of that year at the San Fernando School of Aviation.
In September 1914 he attempted a first exam but had an accident. It is said that 48 hours before he was loosened the tensioners of his plane, so being seventy meters high he lost control but managed to descend slowly. In October she showed what she knew how to do. With a fluency that surprised the examiners. Amalia became the first female pilot in Argentina and South America. At that time, there was hardly any lady driving in the streets.
In 1916 he married Alejandro Pietra and from there he devoted himself to the raising of children. Although she was widowed in 1928, she had been in charge of her two children. She never left the aeronautical activity.
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Finlandia Pizzul. 1902-1987.
She was the first female architect of Argentina in 1929. Filandia, like other pioneering women in the profession, was very active in the Central Society of Architects. According to her the woman was more prepared for the domestic architecture, however she worked and was director of areas of public agencies that were not dedicated to the housing, also projected hospitals
Among other positions she held were Director General of Workshops and Conservation of the Ministry of Public Health of the Nation and Director General of Conservation of the Ministry of Public Works of the Nation.
"The woman is well aware of the needs of the household. She knows perfectly what are the indispensable needs, what aesthetics; it is she who spends most of the hours inside her house. The man is a character of the callus"
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Victoria Ocampo 1890-1979
R. Victoria E. Ocampo was an Argentine writer, essayist, translator, editor, philanthropist and patron. She published books such as La laguna de los nenúfares. was one of the great protagonists of the culture of the Twentieth Century.
She transgressed the borders imposed on women throughout her life, inaugurating a space of freedom unprecedented in the society of her time. She founded in 1931 the magazine Sur. From its pages he spread the works of the great creators and intellectuals of Argentina and the world.
She voiced her voice in the face of injustices and persecutions of all kinds, encouraged discussions and projects aimed at encouraging dialogue between cultures, fought for gender equality, tolerance and peace in a world convulsed by violence.
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