#is this what being famous is like
the-nefarious-vampire · 7 months
"you only say you're autistic because you want to feel special and different" actually finding out i was autistic made me feel significantly less special and different. before i was autistic i was Strange and Unpredictable in some sort of Unknowable way which Surely meant i was Predestined for Greatness (like storybook character). now im just some fuckin autistic guy like any other. i significantly prefer it this way btw
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edducard · 2 years
me coming on to 30 notifs on this blog
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pinkportrait · 2 years
Psa my joke posts are not for your bitching about something irrelevant
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introspectivememories · 4 months
too many of you guys think nico is the loser and not lewis for letting the divorce go on for so long. like they're both losers about each other. emotionally constipated idiots who can't talk about their toxic homoerotic friendship that imploded on itself like 8 years ago and are now making it everyone else's problem. yeah nico's on television or in beer gardens talking about lewis all the time but like every other month some reporter is like "lewis, what's your favorite moment in your career?" and lewis no hesitation is like "oh man, karting, y'know? everything was simpler then" and then spends another six months skirting around nico's name. like this whole thing they're doing in the media isn't some kinda extended foreplay for them. they're both still pressing on the bruise to make sure it's still there!!! every few months, they're literally just asking on public television, does it still hurt for you like it does for me? and like clockwork, someone will release new information about them or one of them will say something about each other (in my heart, he's still my best friend/yes... and teammate) and the answer will remain the same, yes, of course, always.
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dubiousdisco · 8 months
Kenshi: Takeda, I'm dating someone and I think it's time you two meet. He happens to be waiting outside so I'll ask him to come in right now if it's ok with you.
Takeda: it's fine.
Kenshi: Come in!
Johnny: hey Takeda, Kenshi told me a lot about you!
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alevens · 2 months
Zoro does care about Luffy and his newly acquired form, but in the way he's been caring since his captain started with his gears. he cares because he has to know the side effects and how they affect Luffy. Luffy is a God, but that isn't news for Zoro, not when he's been holy from the very start. if Zoro fought for Luffy, if he left light kisses on his cheeks and hugged him as tightly as possible whenever they have to separate and will bite him and let him wear his shirts to sleep, and if he prays by helping him whenever he wants to do something stupid, and if he prays when he lets Luffy drag him everywhere like he's a ragdoll, and if he prays every single time he wakes up next to him. if Zoro believes so strongly in him, it's because he's holy in the way he's human, in the way he's strong all the while he is able to bleed, how he's able to laugh and cry, the way he gets angry on behalf of his friends when you hurt them, a man who frees and helps and yet hates when they call him a hero, he's reckless and makes mistakes, he's greedy and possessive, and he learns, he gets better, he's not the same person he was two years ago and he won't the same as he is now two years into the future. Luffy is a God, Zoro cares about this fact, in the way he's been caring for a long time now because it's not new for him, in the way he will care while he makes sure his captain can get what he wants
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anna-scribbles · 9 months
regained my 12 year old swag(read an entire new percy jackson book in one sitting)
#CHALICE OF THE GODS WAS SO GOOD#AUAUUGHHHUHGHHHGHHHSH#i was laughing out loud every few minutes for like 5 hours straight#this was a book of BITS#(spoilers in tags from here on out)#i keep thinking abt percy’s river rage tantrum and how he came out of it to annabeth saying ‘yeah he’s scary sometimes when he gets worked#up. do you want more tea?’#COMEDY#the entire bit with him hiding under the pastry cart. the thing about annabeth having a secret fanclub and percy’s not even phased.#THE HIMBO JUICE THING. RICK RIORDAN WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME THERES A HOOTERS BUT FOR MEN AND SMOOTHIES#annabeth apparently specifically won’t bake clue cupcakes. and this is happening less than 2 years after the famous sixteenth birthday blue#cupcake that she and tyson made for him. the one that looked like a blue brick that they are with their hands.#<— not inconsistency. comedy.#percy’s whole thing with playing with the snakes with the rainbow as he’s fully prepared to be eaten😭😭😭😭😭he is SO unserious#the entire mt olympus scene where he keeps getting distracted from what he’s doing bc he can’t stop roasting zues in his head????#PERCY I LOVE YOU#ugh i forgot how much i adore percy pov.#pov of not knowing what’s going on ever. pov of being distracted every 10 seconds. he’s literally so real#i thought eudora was hilarious#the whole concept that percy has to do this at all. i think it’s so funny#ppl who are mad that the premise of the quests is stupid. like yeah. percy jackson has a stupid life.#when annabeth broke through his window at 4am to sit on his bed and talk about rocks and trees. everything#percy not knowing the names of anyone at his school or on his swim team#when the god showed up at his cafeteria and percy just ate his lasagna sandwich before talking to him😭😭😭😭that child is TIRED#i loved the light graffiti in the tunnel. when percy wrote their initials i SCREAMED#WHEN. WHEN HE ASCENDED AND TURNED INTO RAINBOW LIGHT WITH THE POWER OF WANTING TO TELL ANNABETH HE LOVED HER.#I DIED.#THE POWER OF LOVE ALWAYS SO STRONG‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️#AUGH i am weak#pjo
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void-and-virtue · 1 day
Imagine the Monsters watching soccer together during the start of Kevin’s stay in Palmetto bc Nicky is a fan thanks to Erik and being cooked in the living in Germany soup for like a year and it just ends up as
Andrew: Hey Kevin look, look, a sport that doesn't even need hands, maybe a new career for you?
Kevin, hand still in a cast, bristling: Fuck you
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atopvisenyashill · 16 days
Worst things GOT did casting wise:
- making Dany too beautiful (+ styling her in a way that she never has a hair out of place, always wears BLUE - which makes her look peaceful and soft and angelic, not making her burn her hair off etc). I just think of that one official art piece that's in the illustrated AGOT book where dany is bald, with the dragons and sparks and frames around her and its so striking instead of the "beautiful angelic blonde women stand empowered with her tits out" scene we got
- casting Iain Glen as Jorah and not like. a random Lannister (like. Come on. He is a burly and ugly man... why are you casting one of the most beautiful men to play him.... this is how we ended up with dany/jorah shippers)
-making Joffrey too unattractive (this is not meant to disparage JG who is a great actor and seems like a really cool dude and i'm not saying he's ugly but I think from his very first scene Joffrey looks very punchable and it would have been so much smarter to make the audience .. relate to Sansa's infatuation with his golden looks. In my head (and in all the official art) Joffrey looks like a male version of cersei/a younger version of Jaime.)
- making Dany, Jon, Robb, Marg, Brienne etc 10+ years older than Sansa and the younger starklings .... It's not "the main characters and arya (who is so cool and can kill people) + the little children" it's ONE AGE group of equally important characters
Like I know people are upset at Ned/Jon etc being too attractive, WHICH I GET, but I feel like those were very vibe based casting decisions and i'm ultimately fine with that (I also think it's easier for the audience to root for someone if they're attractive so like. I guess they had to do it) but these other things resulated in people's perception of the characters being so wildly different from what they're supposed to be. The real reason people get so angry whenever someone says they wish tamzin had stayed is because they don't like the idea of daenerys not being this ethereal beauty (TM is beautiful but not in a conventional way) that they can fully root for without issue.
1. NO YOU ARE SOOOOOO RIGHT ABOUT THEM REFUSING TO LET DANY LOOK UGLY. it’s not to say tamzin isn’t clearly beautiful, but i think she’s beautiful in the same way gwendoline christie is, which is that she’s very striking and she has a strong presence but she’s not exactly what people picture when they say “typical hot lady” (which is Crazy these are all able bodied white women, like the definition of “beauty” is soooooo fuckijg narrow that tamzin merchant is ~atypically beautiful) vs emilia definitely is, and YES like everything from not burning her hair off to emilia being,,,,,fuller in figure than dany as a fourteen year old would be is just very clear that they saw dany different than the way she is On The Page. i mean i know people whack george for saying that she’s like a sexy funny lady or whatever but george never lets go of the fact that she’s incredibly young whereas d&d completely miss that part of her character.
i will say i Get the criticism of tamzin perhaps not picking up on the conlangs easily because one thing you can say for emilia is that she had a decent head for the conlangs, she’s even still partially fluent in dothraki lmaooo. but all the other stuff they said about why they recast dany it’s like. hmmmmmmmmmm.
2. absolutely right about iain especially because he’s similar to idk paddy in that he’s got CHARISMA but unlike viserys, they didn’t intent to portray him as a deeply flawed, antagonistic character they went in portraying him as like an objectively Good Guy dedicated to dany. he’s just so much less creepy and pushy in the show and has several scenes where he shows some moral backbone - that “yet here you stand” “yet here i stand” scene is sooooooo good for example, the fact that he actually apologizes for spying on dany, giving him the greyscale story & not having him fuck a valyrian looking woman in a brothel 💀, etc etc - and you also just lose some of the creepiness here because emilia is clearly a grown if young woman and ian is handsome, so it’s like. welll of Course you want to root for them to be together! and never mind that this is a Massive departure from their book characterizations!! again, they have this idea of jorah in their head that doesn’t match up with what’s on the page even a little.
3. i do get your point re: joffrey and i think this is my problem with aidan as littlefucker too - they’re too obviously villains and it makes ned and sansa look stupid. like, in the books we have that moment where robb almost decks joffrey which does seem to signal something bad but the crown prince being full of himself doesn’t mean he’s going to threaten his betrothed’s sister with a sword then get his ass handed to him by a toddler. in the show we get QUITE a number of scenes where joffrey is shown to be a brat AND as you say, just like aidan, jack has a Certain Look, he looks like a shitty jock who has allegations against him ajsjdj like irl when jack smiles he’s so adorable!! but in the show they REALLY play up his ability to channel a greasy aura ya know aksjd. when the point of asoiaf is often that villains don’t LOOK like villains, but some of our Main Villains clearly resemble typical villains in the show.
4. “it’s ONE age group of characters” NO YOU ARE SO RIGHT. like, there’s several years difference from robert to ned to cat to the twins to tyrion but they’re all the same generation of characters. there’s that exact same age difference from brienne to robb, dany, jon to sansa, arya, bran, with theon kind of similar to characters like jorah, who are old enough to remember The Before Times but aren’t quite in either generation. but because they wanted dany, brienne, jon, robb, and margaery to be more of a Typical archetype rather than an exploration of that archetype, they aged everyone up and essentially invented another generation between the “adult” characters and the “kid” characters. not to be super nerdy here but one of my favorite worked shoots in wrestling is one cody rhodes did where he was ranting about the way young wrestlers get put through the grinder and he has this amazing line where he sums it up as “old men talking, young men dying” and it’s not to say there aren’t a lot of old dudes Also dying lmao but you really see this where young leaders are often unprepared for their responsibilities and used as puppets by older men and you just MISS THAT when that whole generation is so grown!
it’s like they looked at those themes of war being terrible and all consuming and brutal no matter how justified you feel you are and went “wow war is brutal 😍” LIKE PLEASE????
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pumpkinrootbeer · 5 months
Eugene was truly the best boyfriend. saw his girlfriend get broken up with, and immediately had a revenge glow up. Imagine being Cassandra seeing your ex girlfriend's boyfriend and he's wearing a golden choker with the just deepest v neck known to man, the world's sluttiest gloves, and a thigh garter. I'd have to give up then and there.
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coquelicoq · 2 months
my favorite thing about natori polls is imagining that they're in universe and touko is seeing them. she always votes for him, and then she sees the results, and she's like oh my! (because he's losing. badly) and the next time she sees him in person she's like i think you're very handsome natori-san, don't despair, you will find a nice young lady who appreciates you for you. and he's like, uh, thanks? not having any idea what she's talking about. the main problem with this is that if the polls were in-universe he would not be losing lol. unless natsume was stuffing the ballot box, but he doesn't care and would not be spending any of his precious time on this earth on such an endeavor. so the other option is that natori is winning the polls, but touko doesn't know that he's famous (and famously attractive), she just votes for him because he's a nice young man who is friends with her beloved foster son, and then when she sees the results she's like natori-san! you could make a career out of this!
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mrs-monaghan · 18 days
Hi shaz!
What are think about this club video of jungkook and eunwoon?
I'm not an insecure jikooka.. I don't think Jungkook cheated on Jimin in any way, but I would like to know another jikooka's perspective about that.
(the video in question is from august 2023, the two were seen entering a strip club
Strip club
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I could have sworn dumbasses on twitter were claiming they took a trip together to Japan? Lord have mercy 🤦🏽‍♀️
First of all, when I saw that video, whoever is supposed to be Eunwoon looks like Jimin to me 😂😂 do we remember Jimin from this ig dance?
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Thats who I see everytime I see that video. So if anyone tries to convince me that that is JK then the other dude is Jimin. Period 😂😂😂
Second, from what I'm gathering, if this video is indeed from August then that's not JK because aint no way he would have been able to go to Tokyo. Not unless he can be in two places at once. In Tokyo with Eunwoon and in Jeju with Vmin. Not to mention by then he wouldn't have been allowed to travel for leisure seeing as BTS had already signed up to enlist. You can't leave the country unless its for work. (Thus why we now have a Jikook travel vlog 🤭 but I digress)
Third and most importantly SO FUCKING WHAT???!!!! So what???? Eunwoon and Jikook are super freaking close. Wbk! So why tf would it matter if JK was seeing hanging out with the dude? Be it in Tokyo or a strip club. They are friends. Friends hang out. What's the big fucking deal?
I swear this lack of content is making people lose braincells day by day. Fuck me 🙄🙄
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t4t lesbian steddie where they've been publicly out and together since the early 90s, and in modern days eddie's scrolling through twitter for the band and sees one of those transphobe 'if trans women are lesbians why don't they date each other?? checkmate, transbians' posts and is like. oh my god
so she posts a tiktok or something with the tweet in the corner like 'SHIT why didn't anyone TELL ME' and there's like a second of her running into the living room where stevies just sat chilling, reading a book or smth, and then eddie's like 'STEPH did you know TRANS WOMEN DONT DATE EACH OTHER??' and stevie doesn't even look up from her book she's just like 'oh damn, wish we knew that before the wedding. this is pretty embarrassing.'
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nyxofdemons · 9 months
this was going to be like a mile long essay but i just realized the most concise way to say it is that "it feels like a retcon that blitz has been so resentful and hostile towards fizz all this time since he was supposed to feel guilty" is simply not a good criticism when we have been shown, time and time again, that blitz's number one defense mechanism when he feels guilty or judged or attacked is to lash out, to deflect and ignore all his responsibility, and to shift the blame to someone else. that's like. his defining character flaw
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@sunshinedaysforever #and I think the historical setting was important (dot and bubble felt a bit like a cop out tbh esp considering they were just in the 1960s) i dont know if i'd call it a cope out (i think making it a futuristic ep makes that ep stronger / more relevant) but this is a good point to think about that like... the devil's cord was so white sdfshkjhjkl and in such a way that for an episode about music of the 60s, feels kinda........... tone-deaf (eyyy) (shot) like just using the beatles was always going to feel a bit like... like i saw it described in a podcast it's like very "we used to be an empire" type of british-posturing thing dlkfjdf "we were so great ya'll, britain is still relevant, we're still relevant!!!! we're awesome!!! we've always been aweosme and colonialism was Good Actually!!!" so on that angles it is kinda ehhh. but also on the angle that the beatles along with elvis are like... THE symbols of white pop. and then the other only singer in the episode is celina instead of like, idk shirley bassey or smth. . that's when u see this is sadly a very white show and rtd and co need to try harder (or let someone else try).
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honeyslow · 1 year
btw i just checked my agenda and it says we need to talk about “don't you ever think about it? i've got simone and sammy, you've got jeff and callie. did we do something to deserve that? it's just fate that gave us that, right? who does natalie have? other than travis, which we both know is a train wreck, who does she really have? no one. and now she has less. so i do what i can. not just for her, for me.”
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