#is this what jaehee meant when she said that zen had to stay single for his fanbase
Saeran’s Passport Package
I’ve been waiting since the 19th to get my hands on this baby and I’m glad that it got here today. It took me a little bit to sit down and go through everything cause I wanted to cry about it the entire time. 
Spoilers Ahead, everyone. So, if you’re not interested in seeing what’s in the Passport set AFTER the events of Saeran’s After Ending, then do not click Read More, got it? I’ve made it clear to you. I will say that it’s worth the money if you’re debating buying it. 
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So, we can go over the contents in the box, first as an overview. You receive a letter stamped with a cute sticker as well as the passport itself which holds the notes that Saeran’s been taking and drawing since this all started. I just think that’s cute. My brain said don’t open that passport until we review the letter first so, why don’t we go over the letter first? The little details are really cute. There’s just so many stamps on this baby. 
The little touches are what sell it. You’ve got this man putting his love all over it and there’s a CUTE NOTE of CATS. Sir, was that a touch to Saeyoung? I know you know that your brother is a dork. Homage to brother who is an idiot but too glaringly obvious. It got a chuckle out of me. I know this man, and it’s just getting to me. 
The passport itself is also really cute. It has the art from the promo banner but instead of everyone hustling around together, there’s new poses and all of that jazz. Jaehee isn’t rushing around. Zen’s got a selfie stick, no surprise on that front. Jumin just chilling. Seven and Yoosung... doing what they do best and you know it. RUN, YOOSUNG, RUN.
Saeran and MC... being cute on the inside made me go, “Aw!” Ice cream. They can really just put ice cream and it’s going to make me cry, huh? Really? Is that how easy this is? Am I a joke to you, Cheritz? Is that what this is? 
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Now, if you want to talk about the contents in the letter, you get this sheet that is listed in three languages, surprised me, Korean, Spanish, and English, and it lets you tick off little things that you like to do. An itinerary sheet. I feel like this is purely Jumin crafting these. It asks about Cats. Literally. Cats. Wine? Yeah, this is on Jumin. You always come in flex, Jumin, but oh boy, I’m chuckling over here at these little touches. 
You get 2 boarding passes. One with Saeran’s name and one with a blank to fill in your name. I thought that was cute. Tying in that with the CG of the passes in the game with this just makes it more real to me. I’m holding this in my hands and it just makes my immersion feel much more real than it did when I was holding my phone in my hand and playing this out. 
I think merch like this just makes you feel more apart of the story then you do when you’re able to talk and chat, you know? If you really like feeling like you are involved with the game, this is how you do it. You wanna know how I know that Jumin is the one setting this up with Saeran? Flip over the fucking passport and you realize that Elizabeth is on the back.
I’m still laughing. 
I’m trying to imagine this and now, like, I’m starting to see why Jaehee is so damn tired because Elizabeth really is on everything that he can get his hands on and she’s good too many files to sort through when it comes to whatever the photographers take of her. Jumin can’t take photos. He’s either got Jihyun to do this for him at some point, or he’s straight up hiring photographers for her cause he can’t do it. 
I mean, we all know that Jumin will put Elizabeth everywhere but I just— It’s on the BOARDING PASSES? JUMIN! 
There’s also a postcard within the letter that is once more, written in all three aforementioned languages. Saeran says that it feels like a dream when he is with you, like this is where he’s always meant to be. His promise of happiness is made truest when he’s with you. I teared up a little. I know that he means well when he does that but damn, does it take an arrow to the heart every single time he does it. 
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Saeran put a lot of thought into this in a very short amount of time. I know that he did this plan likely with the idea that he may not be able to go with us but he wanted us to be able to see the world for him. You know, how he implied that he wanted Saeyoung to see things for him? To live for him? Even if he was dead, he wanted Saeyoung and the player to be happy and free. 
The blurred state on those... doesn’t have names. It doesn’t name Saeran in this photo. 
The implication of his sacrifice with the boarding passes kind of hurts because this is a side note of the fact that Saeran Did Not Know If He Would Live To See This Through. He made it thinking maybe.. if things worked out, it would be an okay future, but this was... God. I just. I’m thinking about the weight of the AE and what that felt like. I almost glossed over the Boarding Pass because I was just so upset with him.
I’m the type to try to sacrifice myself for others, too. I have that in common with Saeyoung and Saeran. 
I think that we’d argue over who should die for the others and while that’s macabre, it’s just the kind of people that we are. We love these people so much that we’re willing to die if they’re safe and sound. Knowing that, I understand what Saeran tried, and even what Saeyoung tries, but it’s hard cause I want to make sure they’re happy in comparison to myself. 
This is where being selfless is a bad thing. 
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Does anyone know what a big deal it is for Saeran to have a passport? He’s never had an ID or paperwork in his entire life. If he did, he would’ve been killed, so would his brother. They’re both never had IDs. Unless you count the ones from the Agency and Mint Eye. They’ve got them in the Believer box with their names and faces, but that’s not official. That’s not paperwork that everyone else has. That’s just... 
You know? 
Seeing this tangible thing in my hands is a testament to Saeran Choi being alive and thriving. He’s not afraid of showing his face. He’s living. He’s a free man and nobody can kill him for existing. Does that not weigh on anyone here? It hit me and I wanted to cry. I might break down thinking about this later because I just take this too seriously. Look at him. Look at HIM. Okay? Did you look? Now, LOOK AGAIN.
Okay, I’m not going to share every single page inside of the passport but I will give you little snippets of the journey ahead and show you what he writes and draws. Yes, he’s drawing. I knew that he was talented because he is great at doodling and drawing, but he knows how to have such a cute style that I want to gush about and he probably has no clue about how cute it is because nobody’s ever told him!
Okay, so the trip is broken up over a few months and into segments. You know how I was surprised by the 3 languages? Yes, this passport is written in three languages and it stays that way. It implies that Saeran knows English and Spanish, or at the very least, he’s been studying them, I get that it’s kind of a neat tie in to make sure that all languages are included but I only English and I can only read Spanish, I suck at conversational Spanish, so I could only read the English and Spanish sections. 
So, if anyone wants to throw in what the Korean segments say, please do. I have a rough idea, but it’d be nice to know. The first segment of the trip is spent traveling over Korea. You see the things that he packed in the bag! 
I almost had a heart attack because I thought the vitamins were Caffeine Pills. I was about to beat my Husband and make him go to bed. Thin ice, Saeran. Thin ice, the Special Believer package implied you take more then ten and I want you to go the fuck to sleep at night. 
He packed his hanbok! Look! You remember? From the title screen event? The blue shirt is the one that he matches with MC in. There’s so much I’m screaming about it. 
It shows you things that you do. Like, biking, karaoke, gardens... is there a locket bridge in Korea? You know? If you put them together on a bridge, it’s said that your love lasts forever. I forget where that came from but I guess there must be one in South Korea, too. Oh, and food. Can you believe that he can eat whatever he wants now? I’m sobbing. 
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Okay, here’s the thing. I only have one gripe with the Passport Package and I’m going to say this again at the end, but I really wish that they had included big photos for this because the Passport itself it rather small and I wish that I could have bigger photos of this. It’s my only complaint. Literally, it’s the only thing I have to say about the box that will affect my rating. Look, we’re doing cheesy couple stuff! 
God, I wish I wasn’t broke. I would commission someone to do this for my MC. 
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The second and third portion of the trip are spent in the U.S.A. and Mexico, I was so surprised by that! New York and Hawaii specifically are what they name and I was. Well, those are really far apart, huh. I mean, those are very popular spots. I’m not surprised. I’m chuckling because he’s got matching outfits. 
Saeran Choi, you really want the embarrassing couple look, don’t you? Well, if it’s for you, I’d do it. Did... Saeyoung or Jumin set us up, are we fucking loaded? There’s mad bank here. 
Saeran and MC basically are living per Jumin and Saeyoung, to be honest, because Saeran’s never had a job and MC is... your MC literally agrees to go and test a game in the woods, how good can our lives be? I’m broke, boy. I ain’t got nothing. So, I like to think that those two are offering to let Saeran be as happy and free as he wants. No expense. Like, kindness. The RFA is too damn much, I’m gonna cry. I’m starting to understand why the RFA didn’t hear from us for months. 
The final Check-In with the RFA is set 6 Months after the events that take place when we save Saeran. The events of this Passport cover 3 months. So, we go back to Korea after this adventure and met up with Saeyoung, because we know that we’re hanging out with him in the conclusion. So, if they haven’t really heard from us, that means that we’ve been traveling more with him. 
I kind of like that. 
We’re spending time with Saeran alone and time with the brothers together, and that’s sweet! I love that. I need to write more about it. 
I’m trying not to laugh about this Mexico portion but it looks like he passed out from an ice tea... lemonade...? It’s surely not alcohol. Maybe too much sugar, I know that crash can hurt. I’ve been there. I just know that you’re not implying the man with alcohol trauma is gonna drink. Nope. Neither he nor Saeyoung ever will do that. I stand by that statement and I’ll die by that statement. Bite me my tongue if I’m wrong, but I stand by that. 
Saeran is at least mindful of the sun. He’s also made notes that the perfect time for sunset is 18:34. Cute. He notes that it’s time for the Day of the Dead as well, so that’s fun!
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There’s actually a portion in here where he asks you certain questions and you have the space to fill in it. I like that it’s interactive. 
Do you have favorites sweets? Are there things about yourself that you hide? Did you make sure to ask Santa what you wanted? I’m wheezing. The food doodles are one thing, and the Christmas photo is one thing, but he really drew himself as a butterfly and the MC as a bug catcher. 
Help me. 
I’m laughing so hard.
Saeran, you fucking goofball.
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And, the last page of the passport is us assumedly returning home with all kinds of trinkets and gifts. Flower crown, snow globe, cactus, hats, listen, there’s a lot of details in this photos that I really wish I could have it blown up. 
That’s really my only complaint about the Passport Package. I really want to have bigger photos that are shared. I wouldn’t have minded if it was the photo of the final CG in the game, or the Christmas photo, I really would have enjoyed getting that to have for myself. 
You know? The passport itself is roughly like 5 x 7 or so, so while it’s not big, it’s still like. I would love to see the details blown up. It’s smaller then the diary, that I know for sure. I think it’s the only thing stopping from giving Cheritz a 10/10 on this item. 
I’m going to have to give them a 9.8/10 simply because it feels like we are lacking one big photo. 
I guess I’ll print my favorite CGs and decorate my room like that. But, all and all, I really enjoyed reading this and it made it feel like I was there and I was able to reflect on Saeran’s vacation with the player. Like, he was doing this as we were going using his little doodles... I’m in love with this fucking sap. I’d say that this is worth the money. 
For sure. 
My only gripe aside. That’s a personal problem, not really a content problem. I love this bastard. 
Look at him, he’s GOT A PLUSHIE. I have so many things that I want to write about now thanks to this. Saeran, darling, sweetie, my love, I am dying. Either way, I’m glad this arrived when it did. I needed this. I justified getting this for myself because I don’t expect to get anything for my birthday in early February but I’m happy I have him.
It’s been five years since I found this game in August 2016. I’m happy that it’s been here with me. 
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606writings · 4 years
Ok I’m not sure how far you’ve gotten in mystic messenger but,,,, how would the RFA (and V and Saeran if you wouldn’t mind) respond to mc randomly asking them: if you got stabbed, (and lived to tell the tale) would you keep the knife? 0_0
HC: If you got stabbed, would you keep the knife? [RFA + V & Saeran]
A/N: I felt a bit inspired while writing this so maybe it wasn’t what you expected, but I really hope you like it! If someone wants this hc for obey me, mlqc or mha, let me know and I’ll gladly do so!
Warnings: Minor spoilers for Seven and Jihyun’s.
“W-What kind of question is that, Y/N?!”
“I’m just curious. Because I think maybe I would keep it…”
“Well, it would be pretty scary, don’t you think?” He asks rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I would be so scared; I wouldn’t want to remember something like that…”
“But it would be so exciting!” You replied laughing.
He stood serious for a moment looking away from you.
When you were about to ask what was wrong, he said:
“If I got stabbed to defend you, maybe I would keep it… Because it’d remind me that I’m strong enough to protect you, and that that I shouldn’t be scared when it comes to do anything for you…”
He gazed at you ashamed, his blush covered completely his face and his golden hair stood out in contrast.
You pouted moved by his words and jumped over to embrace him tightly.
Even though your boyfriend seemed to be a shy a coward person, he actually was very brave and fearless when it came to protect others.
“Ohhh, Yoosung, baby!” You filled his face with small kisses while smiling. “I love you!”
“I l-love you too… And, Y/N…?” He asked hiding his face under your chin.
“Yes, baby?”
“I’ll always protect you, you know that, right?”
“Of course, I know it. Thank you, you’re the bravest person I know.”
“Hey, Zenny, if you ever got stabbed, would you keep the knife?”
You asked him while you two were watching a horror movie, cuddling on the sofa.
Without taking his eyes away from the T.V., he said jokingly:
“Why, honey? Do you want to stab me?”
You pushed him laughing and then with a more serious face asked again.
He now was looking at you, thinking thoroughly about it before answering.
“Mmm, I don’t think so. It would give me chills if I ever had to remember something as scary. It would bring bad luck to our home!”
You nodded lightly and after another question appeared in your mind, you asked:
“And if I was the one getting stabbed, would that be different for you?”
He froze for a brief moment but then relaxed again. He placed his eyes back on the T.V. screen.
“No, it wouldn’t. Bad memories like that will never be forgotten, but, Honey…” He now looked directly at your eyes, and with determination he continued:
“I want you to only remember the good things. I would want protect you from remembering something hurtful, because you’re an angel to me, who deserves only happiness in her life.”
You didn’t move an inch, and instead kept looking at his eyes. Your heart full with love was pounding like crazy.
He raised his left hand and slowly caressed your cheek. With hints of a smile he spoke again, slowly.
“Please keep only the good memories, honey.” He smiled and leaned to kiss you lightly.
“I think it wouldn’t be possible, Y/N. If I got stabbed, the knife would now be evidence for the police.”
“Well, let’s pretend they didn’t need it, would you keep it or throw it away?”
“I’m not sure. There wouldn’t be a need for me to keep it, but it’d be a waste to throw it away.” She had a serious look on her face while thinking about your question.
“Wouldn’t you be scared about it?” You asked surprised of her coldness about the matter.
“Why would I be scared about it? Is the person behind the knife that’d hurt me. The knife itself is harmless.” She tilts her head to the side, slightly confused about your question.
“Mmm, you’re right, but wouldn’t it bring you scary memories?”
“Maybe, if it were an extremely traumatic experience. But if we’re talking about a simple theft that went wrong, maybe that memory would hold something for me to learn about.” Jaehee continued what she was previously doing, without paying much attention to her words.
“What do you mean?” You asked for a further explanation from her.
“Experiences like that always teach us something, or they make us stronger. I don’t mind going through something scary if it means I’ll become more mature and stronger after that.”
Jaehee paused her tasks and stared back at you.
“Because that means I’ll be a better person, someone worthy to protect you, Y/N.”
Unlike the other guys, Jaehee didn’t stop to have a cheesy moment with you. But her words were honest enough to let you know how much she cared about you, making you smile and mutter a small:
“Thank you, Jaehee.”
“I would keep it, obviously. Just to file a complaint with the police. The weapon is an important clue to any case, I would make sure to run fingerprints test before doing so, of course, to have my own investigation.”
“Ok, ok, honey. But I’m asking if you would keep it to yourself.” You interrupted your husband, before he kept blabbering.
“Keep the weapon just because I want?” He raised an eye brow at you, perplexed. “No, it’s dangerous to have something like that in the house, Elizabeth the 3rd could hurt her little paws if she tried to play with it.”
“What if you kept it in a safe place?” You rolled your eyes, from your husband’s response.
“It’d still be dangerous. And not to mention if I ever got stabbed, I would make sure you’d never be alone. What if they tried to get revenge by hurting you?” Jumin shook his head and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“If someone stabbed me, I’d keep the knife.” You muttered without thinking too much.
“What are you talking about, Y/N? If you got stabbed, I’d make sure to destroy the knife without thinking it twice.” Jumin replied, anger emerging in his features from your answer.
“Eh? Why, honey?”
“If someone ever dares to hurt you, I’d want to destroy them and make them vanish completely from earth, so you’d never have to be afraid ever again.” He answered frowning. “Doesn’t matter if it’s people or just an object.”
“Whoa, that sounds scary, Jumin.” With wide open eyes, you stared at him surprised.
“Maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but still.”
“The only thing I’d want is for you to be always safe.”
“Actually, I was stabbed once!”
“Yeah, I was stabbed in the heart…” He sniffled and cleared fake tears from his face while pouting.
“WHAT?! How is that pos—?!”
“Stabbed in the heart by your beautiful looks, I almost died the first time I saw you, you know, Y/N?” He recovered his dorky tone and bright face holding back the laugh.
“AHHH! I’m gonna kill you, Seven!” You pushed him back, recovering from the mini heart attack you got after hearing his words.
“But I think it’s a bad idea to keep something like that! What if they put a chip on it to track you down?” He shook his head in disapproval.
“I don’t think it’s likely…” You laughed.
“If it’s a simple knife, maybe I’d keep it. I’d be fun to have a collection of all the things that almost killed me in the past!”
“Wait, how many times someone has tried to kill you, exactly…?” You weren’t sure if you’re boyfriend was serious, but knowing his past as a secret agent, it wouldn’t surprise you if it was true.
“A million times! And all of them I survived!” He said proudly, lifting his glasses with his middle finger.
“You’re scaring me, Seven… I don’t want anyone to hurt you ever again…”
You frowned and hugged his right arm tightly, burying your face in his clothes.
“Ohhh, Y/N, you don’t have to worry about it!” He reassured you calmly.
“As I said, I always survive. And now more than ever, I want to stay alive for a loooong time.”
You raised your head slowly to give a peek at him, not sure what he meant.
He turned his head around to look towards the photo framed on the wall.
A photo of the RFA sitting together on the couch, with Saeran and Yoosung at both your sides, and you embraced by your smiley boyfriend.
“I have so many things to fight for, now that I have you and Saeran with me.”
“I’d definitely keep it.”
He didn’t hesitate for a single second before answering your random question.
“Well, that’s the answer I expected from you, but why?”
“It’s a free knife, why not?” He shrugged careless.
“A free knife…?” You laughed at his response.
“Yeah, and I’d probably use it to stab them back.”
“What? NO! You should never stab someone, Saeran! It doesn’t matter if they stabbed you first!” You hurriedly scolded him.
“I know, don’t worry, Y/N. I won’t stab anyone.” He rolled his eyes, as you didn’t notice the sarcasm in his voice.
“But yeah, I’d keep it. As a reminder that even if I met some good people like you or the RFA, there’s still bad people out there, like my father…”
You stayed in silence for some time, before replying to him:
“Instead of trying to remember the people who hurt you, why not better remember the people that love you?”
It was an innocent question you did, but it your words hit him hard.
He stood quiet for a minute, and then looked at you and smiled lightly.
Caressing carefully your head with his hand, he said:
“Yeah, you’re right. I should do that instead.”
“W-Why you ask that, Y/N?” He asks, taken aback by your sudden question.
“I saw people talking about it on the internet, and I was curious.”
“Well… If the person that stabbed me was someone important to me, I think I’d keep it.” He said with a low voice.
“Would it be important to you?”
“Yes, maybe they stabbed me because I hurt that person. The knife would remind me of my mistake.”
“Jihyun, your bad habit of blaming yourself is never gone, is it?”
He let out a light laugh, nodding in agreement with you.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” He placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Baby, you’re the sweetest person I know, how could you hurt someone to the point they’d want to stab you?” You sighed.
The two of you locked eyes for a moment, remembering a certain blonde girl who made a lot of damage to your boyfriend.
“Umm, forget that.”
He laughed again, with innocence.
“Even if you hurt someone, I would help you recognize your mistake and make up for it. And I’d never let anyone hurt you.”
“You’ve spent most of your life trying to protect the people around you. Now it’s YOUR turn to be protected.” You assured him.
Jihyun just stayed silent digesting your words.
The old him, would feel bad to have you protect him and not the other way around, but now he wasn’t afraid of letting other people help him when needed.
And he loved you more than anything else, so of course he trusted your words.
“Thank you, Y/N. Let’s protect each other.”
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
So I had this random thought one day and you don't need to do it if its trash 😂 But in this scenario MC has a daughter from a prior relationship that resulted her to be homeless with her daughter. She has a phone and goes through everything with the RFA but once she finds out about the bomb she asks the RFA for help, at least for her daughter's well being. How it ends is up to you! Thank you love 💕
RFA with a Mc who has a daughter and asks the RFA to save her after finding out about the bomb in the apartment
Hii! I really loved this request! It’s not trash at all! I hope you like my idea! I had to change Jumin’s, Jaehee’s and Saeyoung’s Story since there’s no bomb in their Route! I still hope you like the out coming! Have a nice day!
Ps: Did someone miss me, hehe? I actually forgot to post anything, hehe but i kept researching stuff for a new Headcanon...wait for it!
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,,Mommy! Please!’’ your little daughter begged you.
You rolled your eyes and looked to your husband, who was smiling happily.
He seemed to enjoy the current situation.
After the party, you and Jumin married almost immediately. 
You went on your honeymoon and enjoyed your time as a little family. 
After all, you had to take your daughter along.
But for Jumin, this wasn’t a problem at all. After all, he loved that mini exemplar of you.
At first, it was odd. He didn’t really like the fact that you had a daughter or that you were married once before.
Even though he loved you and knew that you were different from all the gold diggers he had met until that point, he just couldn’t help but think of himself when he looked at the girl.
However, he quickly realized that he was wrong.
The girl was a cheerful one and accepted Jumin as an uncle immediately.
,,I will take you there,’’ he said and took your jacket.
,,Jumin, there’s no need…’’ you mumbled and tried to give your little daughter some signs.
,,No, don’t worry. She forgot her favorite game there and wants it back. I can understand her sadness. Besides, I want to know where you lived for the time being,’’ he told you.
And so the three of you entered the car and let Driver Kim drive to the address you told him.
Jumin observed you and thought about your story.
Your husband was no good, so you divorced and escaped to freedom.
You were homeless and after Unknown made it possible for you to get into the apartment, you thought that it came in handy for you.
How many people must have felt like you? He wondered.
,,We arrived,’’ Driver Kim said, looking into the mirror to look at you all.
,,Okay now, young girl. You’re going up with me to search for that doll of yours,’’ you added, firmly but without scaring her.
You kissed Jumin and told him that you would be right back.
None of you thought that this would be a big deal.
Jumin used the time to look on his phone.
For some reason, Seven was panicking.
,,The security system at Rika’s apartment has been activated! Someone’s inside! The building will blow up!’’ he said.
In just that moment, you entered the chatroom.
Jumin’s heart stopped beating for a second as he looked up. Somewhere in there, your life was at stake.
He jumped out of the car and immediately called you.
,,Jumin! Don’t enter the building-!’’ you sobbed.
,,Don’t worry, my love! I will save you!’’ he hissed into the phone, trying to think of a way to save you and your daughter.
,,Just, don’t think of me, but her instead...please. As long as you can save her, it’s okay!’’ you hiccuped.
Jumin’s heart was breaking.
,,As long as no one is entering or stepping out, nothing will happen… the hacker won’t do anything either, let’s wait for my guards and Seven…’’ Jumin tried to make you hope, already planning what to do.
He suddenly saw your face looking down from the window...
,,I wanna go see Daddy Jumin!’’ he suddenly heard the girl whine. 
His heart was about to burst when he heard how she called him daddy for the first time.
But more than his heart would burst soon enough.
You suddenly yelled at her to not open the door and suddenly, all the black haired man could see was red flames.
Jumin’s phone fell on the floor, cracks were visible on his display and invisible in his heart.
Something flew towards him and crushed on the floor, missing him by an inch.
The head of a burning doll. 
Your last memento.
Suddenly, some noise made you look at your back to where your daughter was playing while you were cooking.
A white haired man was holding your three year old daughter.
His face was hidden because of the mask he was wearing.
You felt as if your heart would crumble when you saw your helpless child trying to move away.
,,I will force you to stand still if you don’t stop moving around!’’ he hissed at your daughter who had tears in her eyes.
You tried to find out who this man was.
But he only talked about paradise and that he wouldn’t hurt you so you shouldn’t try to fight back.
You felt scared and tried to find a way to loosen his grip on your daughter. Either way was okay as long as she would be safe.
But suddenly, there was a knock on the door and as both of you looked back, he asked you if you invited Luciel over.
However, this wasn’t the case.
,,HELP ME!’’ you yelled desperately as the stranger opened the door and asked you about your well being.
No way you would mistake this voice you fell in love with.
,,HYUN! HELP US! HE GOT HER!’’ you whined.
Suddenly, the man pulled you over to his side, making you step on the glass.
Your daughter was crying out your name. 
You could sense the fear she was feeling.
Zen glared at the man as he observed how he had you both in his arms.
,,If you don’t move, I will have to use force to protect my two girls,’’ Zen hissed again.
You thought that finally everything would end, but then the man grinned, asking Zen if he knew the red switch he was holding.
,,Installing a bomb while a woman is living here and on top of that with a child? What’s wrong with the RFA?’’ the man asked Zen.
,,What do you want?’’ Zen hissed, hoping that he would ask for funds.
But the man only wanted to escape with you, the planner of the RFA parties and then take away every single of the RFA with him.
,,Zen, it’s okay,’’ your voice almost gave up.
,,I will go. You take care of my little girl,’’ you begged, looking at the three years old, who was doing her best to not move.
,,Watch how I’m taking ,,your girl.’’ At least I will let the other one stay with you,’’ he laughed and let go of your daughter.
A stone fell from your heart as she was finally free, but suddenly things changed.
In just a few seconds your daughter kicked the man in a place people shouldn’t get hurt which made him crumble and let go of you.
,,MC, NOW!’’ Zen yelled as you took your daughter and ran with her towards Zen, who asked you to trust him.
A new chatroom opened as you and your daughter rested between Zen’s arms, her crying hysterically and you trying to stay strong.
Zen was chatting with Seven.
He was explaining everything and mumbled curses sometimes.
But at some point he threw his phone away and just hugged you.
,,I’m sorry you had to go through this, I love you so much…’’ he sobbed and kissed your forehead, holding you stronger now.
,,But how did she know this…? I’m scared now,’’ he tried to make you laugh.
,,She probably saw me do that to her dad often,’’ you confessed, nuzzling your head and inhaling his manly scent as you both observed your daughter falling asleep.
,,What should I do now…?’’ you began to sob as you read what Seven was writing in the chatroom.
He and Jaehee entered the chatroom at 20:55 pm and there the only hacker you knew told you that there was a bomb in your home.
Currently you were living with a bomb and your daughter was with you in a dangerous building.
,,What if the other hacker tries to break in and this place blows up…?’’ you asked yourself as Seven tried to make jokes.
Your daughter’s life was at risk, so you got pretty angry.
Even though Seven begged for forgiveness and Jaehee apologized on behalf of the RFA, you couldn’t let it slide.
Your fears were stronger than your nice heart and these fears made you pretty angry.
,,Please… do something,’’ you typed with trembling hands.
There, Seven told you that he was trying his best. 
However, that wasn’t enough for you.
,,No,’’ you typed, looking at your girl’s sleeping face.
,,Seven, you probably know that I’m not living alone here at Rika’s apartment,’’ you chatted.
Jaehee didn’t quite understand what you meant and so to make it easier, you revealed that you were living at the blonde woman’s apartment with your three year old daughter.
After you exposed this secret, Jaehee showed even more concern, but eventually they both stepped out of the chatroom. 
Seven tried to work on your problem and Jaehee carried out her duty, relaying everything to Jumin.
Not even a minute later, Yoosung called you.
,,I read what you wrote… I think I misunderstood our relationship… I’m sorry,’’ he mumbled.
,,No, Yoosung,’’ you quickly intervened.
,,You didn’t misunderstand anything,’’ you told him and actually blushed at your sudden confession.
,,Then, how come you have a daughter?’’ he questioned you.
You sighed loudly as you kept looking at your girl’s hair. 
Her calm breath made you relax a bit too as you finally found the strength to confess to him what actually happened.
,,My boyfriend impregnated me in high school, but left me afterwards while my parents kicked me out.
So, I was homeless for a long time, between living in shelters for young moms, the hospital, and the church. But then, someone sent me a message on my phone and when I saw that no one was in the apartment… Well I hate myself for it, but I just decided to live here,’’ you hiccuped again.
,,I need to feed a baby!’’ you suddenly told him.
,,Yoosung, I need to save her! I need to protect her!’’ you explained into the phone, holding on it as if your life would depend on it.
,,I… after Rika died, Mc, I felt so guilty… I don’t want to feel the same towards you. I really want to help you,’’ Yoosung declared.
A few tears fell on your lap as you looked down.
,,As long as my daughter can grow up, I’m okay with the death coming over me. But please help me,’’ you begged and finally cut the call, falling asleep next to your angel.
Living in fear was the worst. 
But finally, after Yoosung tried his best to help Seven at saving you, the problem was resolved and you were allowed to breathe calmly again.
You thought you would be okay, however, more things followed and even though your future boyfriend attended the party you organized, he got hurt just to save you.
,,Thank you for putting your life at stake just for me and her,’’ you whispered as you looked at his injured eye while you stroked your daughter’s head.
In the end, you still had a happy ending after all.
,,Are you excited?’’ you asked your daughter as you returned home with a cab.
Jaehee gave you a key. It had a special meaning and you wanted to make sure to quickly move out and realize her dream of opening a coffee shop with her.
The best thing about Jaehee was that when you showed her your unsureness because of your daughter, she made sure to send you signals that it was okay for her that you had a daughter from a prior relationship.
Afterwards, the both of you made sure to talk things out while the boys of the RFA took care of your five years old girl who was having much more fun than you expected.
,,Didn’t you love him anymore?’’ she suddenly asked you, looking at your daughter from the window as both of you stood outside on the balcony.
You shook your head and explained the situation.
,,I loved him so much,’’ you mumbled.
,,My heart still hurts whenever I think about him, my lovely husband… but Jaehee, just like you, I’ve lost my dearest person.
My husband died. My daughter had just been born when he died in a car accident, leaving the both of us behind.
Unfortunately, it was his fault that the accident occured and so I had to pay a lot of money for the damages.
Even though my husband died and I was a single mother, no one helped me.
One thing led to another and one day we were both alone in the cold, unable to go into our home anymore.
And that’s when I came into the RFA. Jaehee, after all that pain and hardship, I never thought that I could be so happy again and feel love again.
I never thought that I could meet you…’’ you ended your speech and touched her hand, making her blush.
,,I-understand…’’ she mumbled and looked down. 
However, she was smiling in happiness.
Days went by and you guys started to plan out your life together when you got reminded that even though you didn’t have much, you forgot some things at Rika’s place.
,,I need to go there…’’ you mumbled and looked at your daughter.
,,It’s too risky for her to stay here,’’ Jaehee told you as she looked at all the workers who were currently building the inside of the store.
,,You’re right. I should take her with me. Little girl, say bye to Jaehee!’’ you took her hand and smiled at your daughter’s cute voice.
Hand in hand you walked down the street, realizing that the apartment was actually closeby.
You typed in the passcode and walked to the 14th floor, where you stayed the past few days.
,,System activated,’’ a woman’s voice said, making you wonder about the apartment’s features.  
,,Pack your things, baby!’’ you happily said, looking at your phone as it suddenly vibrated.
,,Oh hi, Luciel! Why are you calling me?’’ you asked him cheerfully.
,,MC! DON’T LEAVE THE APARTMENT!’’ he yelled into the phone.
Your heart sank. 
You felt that something was wrong.
The red haired man explained everything to you over the phone while you sat on the bed and held your phone in your hands.
You made sure to keep your daughter distracted with the TV while a lot of things were on your mind.
You were on the 14th floor. Escaping from the windows was almost impossible.
Suddenly, Jaehee’s name appeared on your display.
You answered her call and tried to speak into the cold device you were holding against your ear.
,,Jaehee…’’ you whined as quietly as possible.
,,Mc, I love you, I will do something to-’’
,,No, Jaehee, please help me to bring my little girl out of here… I don’t know how, but you need to save her!’’ you hiccuped.
Jaehee stayed silent on the other line.
,,I will do everything in my power to make sure that you can come out, I swear,’’ she firmly said and cut the call.
,,You should have stayed with Jaehee,’’ you sighed and put your hands on your face.
,,TELL ME THE ADDRESS!’’ Jaehee began to argue with Seven who did his best to ignore her and instead try to save you.
You stayed in contact, but Jaehee knew that you were scared. 
She was too, after all.
,,Okay,’’ Seven finally said and looked at the brown haired woman who had been tormenting him for the past two hours.
,,That’s the address. I could deactivate the bomb,“ Seven told Jaehee.
She nodded and quickly ran to the given place, calling you.
,,GET OUT OF THAT BUILDING! IT‘S SAFE NOW! I‘M ALMOST THERE!“ she yelled into the phone.
This wasn’t something you let her say twice and took your daughter in your arms.
You prayed that she was right and opened the door.
As quickly as you could, you rushed down.
,,MC!“ she called out when you stood outside.
She quickly hugged you and kissed your daughter before the both of you began to cry.
,,I‘m so tired of you!“ you began to sob as you had again an argument with your fiancé.
He nodded. He was also annoyed and you could tell.
,,Forget it. We‘re gonna sleep at Rika‘s place!“ you hissed and packed a few things for you and your daughter so that you could survive the next day and then rushed out.
Saeyoung let himself collapse on the chair as he looked at your back disappearing, hand in hand with the seven year old girl who turned her head to see him one last time.
He was angry and disappointed but he was also at fault.
You wanted to finally marry him, but he wanted to wait, which made you think that he wasn’t ready to bind himself with you and your daughter.
When you calmly asked him, he answered in annoyance, triggering an argument between the both of you.
He could understand your reaction.
The man you once loved and impregnated you escaped after all, leaving you alone with a girl.
It was natural that you were sensitive about these things.
Days passed and Saeyoung was indecisive to call you when he suddenly was forced to, due to something odd happening.
,,ALARM“ he typed and tried to make Saeran call you.
,,MC?!“ he typed, seeing that everyone except you entered the chat.
,,You messed up this time, lol,“ Yoosung commented but this time Saeyoung wasn’t down for jokes.
,,IT WILL EXPLODE! DON‘T STEP OUT!!“ he quickly typed in.
A few seconds later, you entered the chatroom and begged him to at least save your daughter.
,,Please…“ you begged over and over.
At Rika‘s place, you made sure that your daughter wouldn’t open the door.
You looked out of the window. You were way too high up.
,,We will get her out. Assistant Kang, order a helicopter right now,“ Jumin typed.
You closed your phone and hugged your daughter as tears were slowly falling on the floor.
Of course, she didn’t understand yet, but she knew that she shouldn’t say anything at that moment.
,,Whoever activated the bomb again could make it blow up any moment,“ Saeyoung sobbed as he sat in a helicopter with the pilot and Jumin.
The chairman in line wasn’t good at it, but as he patted his friends back he felt like he was doing his best.
,,That’s it. I will call her now,“ Saeyoung said, feeling kind of happy.
But suddenly, the pilot flew further away and when the red haired man was ready to bash at him, he could see the reason.
Red flames were all over the building.
,,Omg...OMG MC! MC?!“ Saeyoung yelled from the inside.
Were you… burning? Your daughter? Was she crying? Was she in pain?
Suddenly, he reviewed a message with a picture.
Your crying face hugging your smiling daughter.
,,She wanted to send her daddy a picture… I love you and I‘m sorry. I can’t wait to finally see you,“
,,Why are you writing this message Mc…?! WHY DID THE BOMB BLOW UP RIGHT NOW?!“ Saeyoung desperately asked Jumin who, however, didn’t have an answer.
And this all happened because he didn’t want to marry you yet…
Now marrying you was impossible.  
,,Daddy?“ a sweet voice called him. The red haired man sat up in his bed and looked around him, finding your daughter next to him.
Was this a dream?
,,Mommy said I should call you. Uncle Saeran is awake too! Breakfast is ready…you okay?“ the little girl asked him, putting her little hands on his sweaty cheek.
,,A dream… nightmare…“ Saeyoung began to laugh and suddenly embraced the little girl.
In lightning speed, Saeyoung approached you and hugged you.
,,I’ll never argue with you, I swear!“ he sobbed, making you feel totally puzzled at his confession.
,,Are you so grateful because I put Honey Buddha Chips in your pancakes?“ you joked and hugged him back, already imagining that he must have had a nightmare again.
12.03.2020// 21:33 MEST
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kirishwima · 4 years
CFD Anon: I am not sure if I worded this well, but my follow up request is treatment is going super well for MC and has placed the CML in remission. So head-canons with RFA+V either with the news of the remission, her follow-up care, survivor-ship care plans and/or her worrying about the cancer coming back if treatment stops working.
Got it! This is actually a great prompt; my mom works in the hematoncology and genetics department back home, so I’ve been helping out and meeting patients with leukemias and other conditions frequently since I was a kid. 
* He’s been with MC through it all, through every failed and attempted treatment.
* He saw MC get weaker by the day, frailer, only to then have a few weeks of stillness, before acute bouts of the disease resurfaced, making her spend days in bed, too tired to do much else.
* And suddenly, it all just...phased out. She seemed better, stronger slowly, and they were both confused, scared of what’s to come, what’s going on.
* Even her doctors seemed surprised, running test after test, taking so many blood samples Yoosung thought they’d run MC dry. But then her supervising doctor came back with a smile on her face, explaining the situation to them.
* Remission, she’d called it; not cure. It’s the best they could hope for, she said. Yoosung held MC’s hand in his, tight as he carefully listened to the doctor’s explanation and detailed follow-up plans.
* Whilst MC’s blood results were seemingly back to normal, the cancer wasn’t quite gone; she’d still have to continue some of the treatments she’d been undergoing, mainly medications and injections-Yoosung pretended not to hear the shaky sigh of relief when MC was told she wouldn’t have to undergo any further radiation treatment, that they’d still have to have monthly check-ups until they can no longer detect any genetic abnormalities in her white blood cells.
* Yoosung was thrilled at the news-MC was getting better! She’d slowly reover her energy, return to the bright excited girl Yoosung had fallen in love with!
* And yet she didn’t seem nearly as thrilled as he felt. He didn’t ask anything, not until they were back home, late at night when he held her close to him, fully aware than neither of them was asleep.
* He didn’t say anything, simply held her by the waist as she hid her head into his chest. “What if it comes back? Again and again? What if-I’ll never go back to how I was before?”
* He..didn’t have a response to her question. Yoosung whished with all his might that he could find an answer, a definitive one to ease her mind, but there wasn’t one; neither of them could know what the future had in store for them.
* All he could do was kiss her forehead, pull her as close to him as he could.
* “I’ll be there with you. Through it all, no matter what.”
* Honestly, MC’s ups and downs had taken a toll on both of them.
* The Zen that always took care of his pristine appearance now had dark eye bags, his skin taut as he spend nights worrying over MC’s sleeping form, constantly terrified she’ll slip through his fingers.
* When, after her usual check-up, the doctor called them the very same day to ask them to come in for a meeting the next day, they both looked to each other, fearing the worst; why else would the doctor call them this hastily?
* He didn’t let himself appear weak or scared at that time-he put his best acting skills to work, working up a smile on his lips as he eased MC’s worries, telling her he’s sure it’s no big deal, that the doctor might just want to discuss a few things she forgot to mention in their previous meeting.
* He only let himself break down at night, only after MC was fast asleep. He sneaked up to the rooftop, stealing one single cigarette that shook between his lips as he took ragged breaths, ignoring the wetness that trailed down his cheeks.
* The next day as they sat across the smiling doctor behind her desk, Zen had his hand firmly gripping MC’s thigh, a gesture that was less-so romantic as it was meant to be reassuring, a quiet ‘I’m here whatever may come’ sort of thing.
* When the doctor explained the remission to them-how not only MC’s blood results were getting better, but that the amount of mutated cells had significantly dropped, when she said the word remission-Zen couldn’t help the happy tears that escaped his eyes.
* He turned to MC, his smile shaky but sincere. “You hear that baby? You’re getting better! You’ve been so strong, and now you’re being rewarded for it!”
* Even the doctor couldn’t help but smile at the couple in front of her, how MC immediatly ducked into Zen’s embrace to hide her laughter.
* “This is really great news, and I’m happy to see you both excited, but please remember that this isn’t a cure-it’s remission. We still have a long way to go, but MC, you can definitely expect an improvement in your energy levels and for some of the more severe symptoms to slowly fade away. We’ll discuss follow up treatments and arrange future check-ups, but if all goes well, we can expect a full remission soon” the doctor said, and it was music to their ears.
* Zen took the whole rest of the day off of work-rehearsals could wait, today he had to celebrate the good news with his baby! He took her out to their favorite ice cream parlor, walked lazily for a while around town before heading back home, where he had MC sit beside him on the kitchen counter as he cooked her her favorite meal. 
* “Zen it’s-I’m happy too but please stop pushing yourself this much for me” MC asked, guilt pooling in her stomach. She was no fool, she knew the toll this had taken on Zen, and she didn’t want him to get his hopes up only to have them crushed again if there was another acute bout of her disease reappearing.
* Zen shook his head, leaning close to MC to give her a chaste kiss. “We’re allowed to celebrate small victories my love, and this is one of them. For today let’s stop thinking of what the future holds, and just enjoy the good news, okay?”
* When Jaehee’s stressed, she plans. She cleans, she arranges, she needs to put structure into everything she can so that at least everything else in her life is controlled.
* So when MC told Jaehee of her diagnosis, when Jahee started living with MC and saw the impact this leukemia has on MC; she got to planning, researching, strategising. 
* She’d read every resource available when it came to CML, what the phases are, what to expect in each phase; every medication MC took, Jaehee looked up, reading on their effects and side effects, how to best combat post-chemotherapy nausea, everything she could learn, she did. 
* She was on a first-name basis with MC’s doctors, always coming in for check-ups and treatment rounds, writing down the dates and dosages in her calendar-the nurses were honestly in love with Jaehee, asking her if she’d be willing to come work with them lol
* She’d put up a strong face in front of MC, but everytime she saw MC cry because of pain or fear, everytime she’d hear her vomit in behind closed bathroom doors, she’d allow herself a moment of vulnerability, letting out a shaky breath before composing herself again.
* Jaehee would look through each of MC’s blood test results everytime they were available, and within a few months she noticed the pattern of improvement-how her white blood cell counts were returning to normal, how the last specialised blood test showed a decreased count of mutated cells.
* She was aware MC was going into remission even before the doctors told them, but still, to hear it from a professional-she was so relieved she could melt right into that hospital office chair right then and there. 
* She knew the risks of course, how remission doesn’t equate cure, how MC would still need to take medications and return for frequent check ups, the risks or relapse per percentage and what not.
* But still, this victory-they could allow themselves to relish in this.
* As soon as they exited the doctors office, standing in front of that door-before MC could turn and utter a single word to Jaheee, Jaehee whirled around, grabbing MC’s face and kissing the heck out of her, earning a few ‘awws’ and coos from passerbys. 
* Even through her furious red blush she looked to MC with a confident smile. “I’m so, so proud of you” she said and kissed MC again for good measure.
* Similarly to Jaehee, he’s a man who needs structure, especially in stressful times, unable to allow himself to drown in emotions. Unlike Jaehee though, he’s unable to even recognise those emotions at first, not until one day he feels such a horrible stomach ache he decides to stay home for the day.
* MC asks him how he’s feeling, if he needs anything-when he explains his pain to her, how he feels this constriction in his chest, his stomach pain a nuisance; MC smiles, soft and sad as she strokes his hair. “That’s anxiety my love” she says, “And I’m afraid I might be the cause of it.”
* Jumin takes some time, acknowledging the feeling, but tells MC to never blame herself again-if he’s feeling this way it’s not because of any wrong-doing on her part, it’s simply another manifestation of his love for her.
* He too closely monitors MC’s progress, inviting the best of the best hematooncologists to monitor her, gets her the latest and most improved treatments they can offer.
* He learns all there is about CML, and talks with her doctors on the daily-nothing slips by Jumin, not when it comes to his beloved MC.
* When the doctors explain remission to the couple, the stages of it and how they’ll modify MC’s future care accordingly, he patiently listens, and does some further research himself before he can feel even a little at ease-only facts and numbers can sooth this mans’ mind, and when he sees how low the relapse percentages are in comparison to the 5year survival rates-over 90%, medical papers assure him, only then does he smile, telling MC the good news.
* MC is worried, and rightfully so-even as Jumin tells her all he’s learnt, she’s gnawing on her lip, her hands firmly clasped on her lap.
* “I-what if luck isn’t on our side Jumin? What if I’m one of those few numbers that do relapse?”
* Jumin didn’t miss a beat. He kneeled in front of MC, taking a hold of her hands. He stroked her knuckles with his thumbs, stopping to take a hold of her hand where her wedding ring sat perfectly on her ring finger.
* “Even then, we’ll face it together. Through the good and the bad, in sickness and in health. That’s what we promised, isn’t it?” he asked, leaning down to kiss her knuckles.
* “You’ll find I’m a man of my word MC” he added with a smile, and well, it’s impossible to resist kissing that smile off of his face now isn’t it?
* Believe it or not, he’s the one that lets his anxiety show the most out of all of the RFA.
* Thing is, when stressed, sad, overwhelmed-Saeyoung becomes closed off, distant and cold, his only defense mechanism given what life has thrown at him.
* He tries to be strong though, for MC. He’s there with her through every session of chemotherapy, and even if he can’t be there for the whole duration, he’ll send her memes and silly jokes to distract her, and will always come pick her up from the hospital when she’s done.
* If she gets anxious or sad, he’ll take her for a ride in one of his babies, finding the best secluded viewpoints he can-he’ll lay a blanket on the ground in front of the car, take another to cover them both as he holds MC close, looking to the city skyline at night-sometimes they’ll stay there, talking until daybreak, and if MC falls asleep in the car on the way back, he’ll drive a little slower, avoiding any bumps in the road so she can get some peaceful rest.
* you fell asleep in my car, I drove the whole time, but that’s ok I’ll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine, I’m driving here I sit, cursing the goverment, for not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement-
* When doctors speak of remission and stages and treatments, Seven honestly zones out-not because he’s not interested in what they’re saying, but because he just can’t help but focus his attention on MC’s face, how her eyes light up at the doctors explanation, the little tremble of her lips that split into a smile as tears well up in her eyes;
* “Excuse me doc, I just need to do something mildly indecent for a moment-” he speaks up, and shifts from his seat besides MC in the doctors office, cusps her cheeks in his palms as he gives her a quick kiss on the lips, knocking his forehead with hers as he whispers “You’ve made it baby. You did it.”
* The doctor politely coughs, unable to hide her smile as Saeyoung gives her a sheepish smile, returning back to his seat, his hand still gripping MC’s tight.
* The explanation of follow-up care is a blur for Saeyoung-he has a photographic memory though, so when the doctor gives them some leaflets and a detailed individualised plan for MC’s follow up care, he reads through them, and ticks a mental note to drive MC to her next appointment.
* When outside at the hospitals parking lot, Saeyoung walks ahead to unlock the car, feeling MC snake her hands around his waist, knocking her head on his back.
* He smiles, covering her hands with his own.
* “Thank you-being there for me, even though you’ve been going through so much yourself I-thank you, Saeyoung” she mumbled on the fabric of his jacket. Saeyoung simply turned, pulling her close to him as he looked into her gleaming eyes.
* “No, thank you, MC”, he started, wiping stray tears from her face, “for choosing to be with me. Thank you for everything you’ve given me. If-if you’ll have me” he looked away, his cheeks a fiery red, “I want to be there with you through anything and everything else that’s to come.”
* MC poked his ribs, a smirk on her lips. “Sae, that sounds just like a marriage proposal.”
* Saeyoung...he was thankful she didn’t move her hands lower on his back, that she didn’t feel the box-shaped lump in his back pocket.
* “Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t-you’ll just have to wait and see now won’t you?” he teased back, letting go of MC to hop into the drivers seat.
* Soon, he promised her quietly, soon.
* Oof...honestly...this man has been nothing but supportive through it all.
* He researched everything he could about CML, politely asking doctors and nurses whenever he could about things he didn’t understand or things he wanted to fact-check that he’d read online.
* It could’ve been annoying were it not for his dang politeness, the worry in his eyes as he asked his questions. No one had the heart to dismiss him, and MC’s supervising doctor even set up a seperate time to meet with Jihyun and answer any questions he may have about CML (so long as they didn’t directly relate to MC’s condition-we ain’t about to violate HIPPA y’all)
* MC and him quickly become the cutest couple the hospital has ever seen-he’s always there with her through every chemotherapy session, holding her close as he quietly reads one book after another to her, his voice lulling her into a brisk sleep while the IV drained in her veins. 
* Nurses and other patients would greet the two, stop and whisper-talk with Jihyun whilst MC slept, and he was always so happy to chat and remembered everyone’s names and conversations they’d have had the weeks before-he quickly became everyone’s favorite person to roam the hospitall halls lol
* With every new developement, every up and down, he’d face it together with MC, her hand clasped tight in his.
* When the doctor talked to them about remission, how her latest blood results looked better and better-how another bone marrow biopsy could tell if she’d gone into full remission or not, Jihyun sat beside her with a smile. 
* He didn’t even notice he’d been crying until the doctor politely pushed a box of tissues his way, earning a giggle from MC as she turned and saw Jihyun’s confused tear-eyed expression at the offending tissue box.
* During her bone marrow biopsy, he stood by her side, let her hide her face into his shirt as the doctor plucked the thick needle onto her hip. He held her hand, letting her dig her nails into his skin, ignoring the crescent shaped dents that remained on his skin for days afterwards-this was nothing, nothing in front of what MC had underwent.
* They celebrated the news of her full remission by cooking her favorite meal, then going to a late-night summer drive-in cinema, where he removed the cloth-plastic covering of his old Volkswagen car’s hood, letting the summer breeze in as they watched a cheesy romance film, holding MC close and kissing her temple every once in a while. 
* Honestly...he was so happy, and they’d both been strong for so long through it all, they deserved these quiet vulnerable moments, and Jihyun wanted nothing more than to stay here with MC healthier and happier, in his arms.
-send me mystic messenger headcanons for character reactions-
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After End
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V x MC | Gen | FIXIT FIC | I left in the bits I liked. All two (?) of them.
Also I wanna dedicate this to @jihyunkkim, who loves V more than anyone and has been excellent to rant with
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
MC’s wedding dress was as white as a snowflake and as soft to the touch as a summer breeze. She turned to admire her reflection in the mirror-once and then twice, touching her fingers to her hair.
For the first, and likely only, time in her life, she was wearing a tiara; made of silver and engraved with clear stones. It was cool to the touch but warmed her heart, a reminder that the day was hers.
Half hers, at least. She wondered how Jihyun fared in his room-if he was as excited and nervous as she was. If she closed her eyes, she could practically see him, only partially paying attention to Jumin’s well wishes and advice for the day as he fastened his tie.
She opened her dresser drawer and unfolded the letter within, rereading the vows she had spent months drafting and amending in the run up to the big day. There were so many things she wanted to tell him; so many promises she wanted to make. She knew she would not have the luxury of reciting them all, but narrowing them down was easier said than done.
Someone knocked at the door and she folded the paper again, slipping it back into her drawer without a moment’s hesitation. It wasn’t a secret, but it was slightly embarrassing.
“Come in!”
It was Jumin, dressed in a carefully tailored suit and flowers pinned to his lapel. He gave her a soft smile as he entered, so small and subtle that only those who knew him well enough might see the warmth behind it.
“Congratulations,” he said, taking in her dress and curious expression. “I’ve got something for you.”
MC wasn’t sure what else he could possibly have for her. He had already offered up the use of the grandest of his vacation homes for the nuptials.
The item in his hands was perhaps the last thing she might have expected: a single use camera, typical of her childhood, though rather unusual of late. MC turned it over in her hands, remembering the seemingly endless summers of her childhood, snapping photograph after photograph of her friends and family and waiting eagerly to see the results. She held the camera to her chest, considering how typical such a detail was of both her fiance and his best man. Her wedding might last days or even weeks depending on how long it took to gather and develop the film.
The first photo she took was of Jumin standing a few paces from the doorway as the Chois arrived with a handful of bridesmaids. The second was of Seven in his three piece suit, pretending to toss her bouquet over his shoulder, while Saeran watched in horror.
Seven made no secret of the fact that he wanted to be MC’s maid of honour, winking theatrically at the tradition of running away with the best man. Jumin flatly refused the idea and, even though everyone else found the mental image amusing, MC compromised and asked him to walk her down the aisle instead. Both twins, actually, would be giving her away. She laughed and joked that it was to stop her from escaping, but in truth she wanted them close now of all days.
It had been years since her arrival at the Mint Eye castle and everyone had changed, mostly for the better. Seven no longer worked for the agency, instead putting his skills to use at C&R, a gesture of goodwill from Jumin that has provided near constant entertainment since. When Seven wasn’t playing pranks on his boss, he was enabling his love for cat projects, much to Assistant Kang’s ire. MC wasn’t sure which was worse for Jaehee’s health: trying and failing to prevent Seven from filling Jumin’s desk with party poppers or the knowledge that even after everything, his diet was almost entirely chips and soda.
Saeran was hospitalised for almost a full year after the incident, slowly progressing from withdrawal to psychotherapy. No one could say for certain exactly how much elixir had poisoned his body, only that he spent months shivering and sweating, racked by nightmares and sick to his stomach.
The change she was proudest of came from Yoosung. He had grown so much in the past couple of years, barely recognisable as the boy she chatted to all those years ago. He was taller. Happier. He balanced psychiatric studies with volunteer efforts and fundraisers; a regular at counselling groups for the survivors of Mint Eye and their biggest advocate during their integration back into society.
He, as well as Zen, were the ushers at her wedding and both swelled with pride when they saw her approach.
“Ahhh, here comes the bride.”
“Congratulations, MC!”
“Has everything gone to plan so far?”
“Ehh, a few paparazzi here and there. Nothing we can’t handle.”
“Did...he show up yet?”
She didn’t say his name, but everyone knew who she meant.
She and Jihyun spent hours on their wedding invitations, creating each by hand. They attached lace and ribbons in the style of a wedding dress; wrote each name in careful calligraphy-no two identical, but each one perfect.
Neither Jihyun’s father nor his stepmother had responded to their invitation; something Jihyun himself claimed was for the better. Pursuing an art career had left them more distant than ever, leaving only his sister to acknowledge him as family. She replied within a matter of hours, young enough to be more excited about the occasion than any bad feelings.
She was a bridesmaid, in fact; willowy and cheerful in her pale pink gown. MC wanted to include her somehow, in return for her maturity and understanding over the past few years. Her gentle nature, in fact, was the reason MC whispered the question.
“Not yet,” said Zen, with a sympathetic touch to her shoulder. “But there’s time yet!”
MC sighed, conflicted in her emotions; closing her eyes to take in the momentary silence while realisation slowly sank in. This was it. Soon she and Jihyun would no longer be engaged but man and wife.
For the briefest of seconds, she found herself anxious, wondering if she was doing the right thing. Jihyun had been broken in so many different ways...what if she hurt him in several more? What if he fell out of love with her the moment she threw her bouquet?
MC took a deep breath, glancing down at the flowers in her arms: sweet peas, pale pink and shaped like butterflies; lily of the valley, as ornate as a pearl necklace; pink peonies, as soft as kisses. Saeran put them together for her; his love for flowers one of the only constants over the past few years. Last night he stayed in his room to arrange every ribbon.
They were as comforting as a lover’s embrace and MC let out the breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding, just in time for violin music to ring out from beyond the closed doors.
She watched as Yoosung and Zen pulled them open, revealing a garden illuminated by fairy lights.
“Wow,” she whispered, unsure where exactly to look. There was something new in every corner, from friends and family watching her expectantly to Jumin and V standing under a floral canopy that matched her bouquet. Jihyun had his back to her and stood up so straight that she could tell he was nervous. Jumin stole glances every now and then, smiling and whispering in Jihyun’s ear.
She noticed the record player last of all, as she took her first steps down the aisle. It was Jihyun’s idea to have a band, but Jumin’s to play a recording, speaking aloud the ideas that Jihyun never would. It was not just any musician; not just any song. It was a song by Pachelbel performed by a dead violinist; one who set aside her music books in unfortunate circumstances.
Her seat was in the frontmost row, with two white roses resting against the frame.
A gentle breeze caught MC’s hair as she reached Jihyun, scattering flower petals across the green. Seven and Saeran loosened their grip on her arms and she turned to her fiancé for the first time all day, stomach fluttering in anticipation.
He had flowers on his lapel just like Jumin’s, matching her bouquet and complimenting his light suit. He flushed the same shade of pink when he saw her, never once looking away even as the record player fell silent.
The rest of the ceremony passed by in a blur. Seven shed several tears as they exchanged vows, completely serious for the first time all day. MC stumbled over the words, love seeping into her voice as she professed her feelings in almost unadulterated detail.
His vows were not only original but the words of a poet. He told not only MC but everyone present how long he had searched for love before her; how dark and lonely the years had been. He once believed that true love would be a masterpiece, and in many respects that was true, but he had not been able to not experience it fully until he found his own colours.
MC, he explained, was full of colours. More colours than he would ever know the names of, much less put to paper. His world was monochrome when he met her; she leaves sunsets and soft light wherever she goes. If he was beautiful now it was her doing.
Their hands trembled as he slipped a ring onto her finger; the room falling silent with the exception of camera clicks. MC could not tear her eyes away from their joined hands and never wanted to. She never wanted to let go ever again.
The spell was broken when they were pronounced man and wife; MC returning to reality as if crawling out of a comfortable slumber. No one had to tell Jihyun he could kiss the bride-his lips were on hers the moment he heard the word ‘wife’.
He took her hand as they turned for photos, whispering both sweet words and obscenities in her ear.
She blushed, eyes darting around the garden and finally resting on the unexpected guest standing at a distance, a white envelope in his hand.
He was far away, but recognizable enough for anyone who knew him. V’s sister certainly did, gathering her skirts and rushing to greet him with an enormous smile on her face. She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the other guests, eager for him get a photo with his brand new daughter in law.
Jihyun clearly wasn’t expecting his father to attend and MC wondered if Chief Kim had ever expected to come. They both looked like ducks out of water as they stood side by side for photographs.
She still wondered about it as she tossed her bouquet, watching it sail through the air and land quite neatly in Jaehee’s arms. It took her a moment to fully register what was happening, but she was swift to elbow Seven in the ribs when she realised he was standing next to her fluttering his eyelashes.
It was a day MC hoped to never forget-from champagne bubbles on her tongue to their first dance as husband and wife.
She does not forget, of course. No one could forget such a perfect day and she has it immortalised in seven different albums, containing each and every photograph from every roll of film. From Zen posing for a selfie at the dinner table to Jumin giving his best man speech to Saeran sitting by the flowerbeds to feed confetti to the birds. Every detail is immortalised, with only one exception.
At the end of the evening, almost every single disposable camera was full, save for mystery camera with exactly one photograph left on the film. At first she was eager to take a photograph of just about anything just to finish off the film, only to change her mind at the realisation that doing so would truly end her wedding day. She was glad of the extra time each roll of film afforded her, but the prospect of being a bride forever was far more attractive than knowing what was on the film.
She positioned that camera pride of place in their front room, underneath her wedding bouquet, which Jihyun pressed and fitted into a frame. It serves as a reminder that every day is her wedding day; each morning is a fresh start and new beginning for their love.
She never intends to develop it, never caves to curiosity and ultimately only reaches for it when several years have passed.
“She’s here!” Jihyun says, running his fingers through his hair and taking one step towards the front door, only to change his mind and double back. “What should I say?”
She hasn’t seen him this nervous since the day she married him.
“Well...you could start with ‘hello’.”
“Good idea!”
MC gives the room a final onceover, listening to his excited, albeit stuttered greeting when he opens up the front door.
“Come in, come in!”
She moves to join him, stepping out into the hallway to greet their guests.
Jihyun is still shaking the social worker’s hand when she gets there, and they look only too relieved when he awkwardly lets go.
The woman is an acquaintance of Yoosung’s, who regularly gives lectures on vulnerable children. The orphanages she works with have benefited from multiple VFA fundraisers, in part because of their tactical approach. They bring an orphaned child to every party, appealing to the sympathies of other guests and very often securing not only funding but permanent homes for abandoned children, just like the one standing in front of them today.
Her name is Lucy, or so MC was told, and has been in and out of foster care from birth. Both Jihyun and MC expressed surprise at such a detail, for Lucy is quite a beautiful child, not unlike a porcelain doll. It all became clear, however, when they actually spoke to her. Lucy did not speak her name-she signed it.
Along with painting, Jihyun had studied sign language, in part because he had never done so to communicate with his mother. MC wasn’t sure who was more excited to speak; Lucy, whose signs bordered on frantic, or Jihyun, who struggled to translate at times because he needed to give her one hundred percent of his attention. He told her terrible jokes; she told him he was handsome. Later they learned that she suffered mumps as an infant, which left her hard of hearing at first and later entirely deaf.
Today MC sits onto her knees and clumsily signs a greeting. She’s not nearly as fluent as Jihyun, but more than willing to try.
My name is MC. I’m going to be your Mother.
She knows for a fact she probably signed it wrong, but Lucy is more than excited, reaching to loop her arms around MC’s neck and pulling her into the warmest of hugs.
It was MC who suggested they adopt her. Having children had always seemed like a far off dream, but Lucy crossed their paths ready made and perfect, leaving MC unable to think of anything else but feeding her ice cream and signing her goodnight.
Once again she is reminded of warm summer childhoods; of excitement and wonder. She can see it in Lucy’s eyes as they sign the final papers, unapologetically examining each and every inch of their home.
Her home.
Before long it is just the three of them; Jihyun showing Lucy to her room, laughing all the while at her excitement over each and every toy they picked up for her. She has a paint set from Jaehee, multiple leather bound encyclopedias from Jumin, a DVD of one of Zen’s performances that Jihyun slipped into a cupboard and never saw the light of day again, an enormous teddy bear from Yoosung.
Of all of the gifts, however, she makes a beeline for the tablet left by her uncle Luciel.
“Ahh, now, Lucy...wouldn’t you rather play with this?”
Jihyun picks up a copy of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and Lucy shakes her head.
MC watches them from the doorway, turning that final disposable camera in her hands, just like she did on her wedding day. She lifts the camera to take the final picture, laughing at her husband’s incredible old fashioned-ness and Lucy’s excitement at whatever game Luciel created and installed on the tablet. From the looks of things, it’s a rhythm game, with piano keys and bright lights to show which one to press and when. MC can tell that before long she’ll not only be walking all over Jihyun but the whole of the VFA.
Her husband is barely recognizable from the one that called her upon her entrance to the VFA, voice quivering and spirit broken. She no longer sees herself in the woman who rested her head on his lap while he struggled through poison.
She recalls V’s words on the day of their wedding- that if he is beautiful it is because of her, considering that it is only half true. The three of them are butterflies, bursting out of their chrysalises to bathe in the sunlight.
The camera snaps and MC takes the final photo.
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anon-drabble · 5 years
a secondary concern
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awww poor jumin just give him huuuuugs mc. i guess this didn’t quite end up as fluffy as you requested? i think fluff seems to be my weak point. i’ll try to do better!
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Zen whipped out his phone with a playful smile. “Then let’s show them what they’re missing! C’mere, babe!” Zen grabbed MC and pulled her close for a selfie. They gave a huge smile and Zen took the picture, sending it to Jumin and Jaehee.
“Yoosung! Can you help Seven hang up this up over there?” MC handed Yoosung a brightly-colored banner with the new and refreshed RFA logo. They were all preparing the venue, MC, Yoosung, Zen, and Seven. Jumin and Jaehee remained trapped at C&R. Annual contract renewals meant even less free time for both of them. MC knew they would help if they could. Especially Jumin. He always hated leaving MC. They were in their first year of marriage and happily in love and both would rather spend time alone. But their schedules were against them this time. MC spent her days planning for the next RFA party, to be held in a week’s time. She kept busy, as he no doubt did as well.
“Did you get a lot of good guests this time? No cats, right?” Zen asked.
MC gave him a knowing smile. “Oh, I don’t know, Jumin and I thought we might bring Elizabeth the Third this time,” she teased.
Zen’s face scrunched in disapproval. “Tell me you’re kidding.”
“Of course I am, don’t worry. You’re allergic. We understand that.”
“I don’t know what you see in that trust-fund kid but at least he’s mellowed out with you. Where is he? Why isn’t he helping?” Zen asked, glancing around at the progress they’d made without Jumin and Jaehee.
“He’s busy with C&R contracts. They’ll be done in time for the party but it’s just us right now.”
Zen whipped out his phone with a playful smile. “Then let’s show them what they’re missing! C’mere, babe!” Zen grabbed MC and pulled her close for a selfie. They gave a huge smile and Zen took the picture, sending it to Jumin and Jaehee.
“Hey! Not fair!” Yoosung called, scurrying over from where he and Seven had finished with the banner. “I want one with MC, too!”
“Okay, come here, Yoosung,” she said. Zen took Yoosung’s phone to take the photo. After Yoosung’s turn, Seven insisted on one. He and MC made ugly faces at the camera and Zen made sure to send every single picture to Jaehee and Jumin. They finished up not too much later, planning to meet up again the next day. MC went home (they still lived at the penthouse, though Jumin was drawing up plans to build a new home for them) and answered some emails, doing the more boring, accounting aspects of running the party. She went to bed early, and was already asleep when Jumin came home.
He looked at his sleeping wife, remembering the joyful photos he’d been forced to endure while at work. He tried to come home as quickly as possible to see her but she already fell asleep. What a disappointment.
How strange to feel so lonely when she was right there, next to him in their bed. Didn’t she miss him as he did her?
Did she even know what next was and what it meant for them?
Jumin left early the next morning, work calling his name. MC hated that she couldn’t see him that morning but continued her day. On both ends, they called and emailed various contacts, performing their duties. For Jumin, working hard when stressed or upset came as his second nature. More than one cat project proposals landed on Jaehee’s desk. When it came to MC, she kept glancing at her phone, hoping it might be a text from Jumin. But nothing. When she met up with the others, they distracted her, kept her going by keeping her mind off Jumin. The party would be bigger this time. The last party hadn’t been simple or small by any means (thanks to Jumin’s press conference) but this one required a larger venue and much more preparation. MC could barely keep up with all of her duties.
She sent Jumin a text that night. “Sorry, I won’t be home tonight. I’m staying with Seven because it’s closer so I can get back to work sooner. Love you, Jumin!”
It didn’t make Jumin feel any better.
The party’s date was marked for next week. Jumin finished his work before the date and Jaehee volunteered to give some last-minute help. Jumin hadn’t seen MC in days, hadn’t spoken to her in person for over a week. The loneliness nearly crippled him. They texted but sparingly, neither having enough time to devote to a real conversation.
The day of the party, Jumin dressed alone. MC stayed with Jaehee that night, citing some excuse about needing another woman for something. At this point, it felt like she was avoiding him.
“Good morning, my love. Is everything prepared for the party? Do you need me to pick up any last-minute items?” he texted MC.
“I don’t think so! Just bring yourself and I’ll bring myself! 😘 “ came the reply.
Despite himself, Jumin smiled. He still felt forgotten but he couldn’t deny that he loved her. He drove to the party alone. MC and Jaehee would be the first ones there, the others arriving shortly before the party began.
When Jumin walked in, he hoped to see MC first thing. Instead, Yoosung greeted him. Yoosung explained the schedule but Jumin only half-listened. He’d already memorized it anyway. He only wanted to see MC. Desperately. When he entered the main hall with Yoosung, he finally saw her. With Zen. Laughing so hard, tears were streaming down her cheeks. Her cheeks red. Her smile. The way her hair shifted and moved with her belly laughs. It all belonged to Jumin, still… Right?
His inner turmoil didn’t show as he confidently stepped forward. “MC,” he called, getting her attention.
She turned and saw Jumin, giving him the loving smile she reserved only for him. She hurried to give him a hug but was stopped by a minor crisis that needed her attention. “Jumin, later, okay? I have to fix this and then change before it actually starts!” Then she disappeared again, right before his eyes. Once more, Jumin took second place to the party.
Despite the lack of time for him and MC, the party proceeded well. When she entered again, in her dress, Jumin couldn’t take his eyes off her. He had never seen the dress before and it suited her perfectly. The way it fell and swayed around her legs. He could already feel it in his mind as he held her, needing the physical presence of MC back in his life. He watched her, his eyes following her every move. Watching when other men paid attention to her. Once the guests were announced, MC finally had some free time. Immediately, Jumin shuffled through the crowd to her side.
He took her hand, giving her a look that said he wouldn’t be waiting any longer. MC smiled and excused herself, letting Jumin pull her away. They retreated to a quiet corner, still part of the party but where they could have a conversation.
“Jumin! Just...Let me do this, okay?” she asked, leaning against his chest, wrapping her arms around him. He automatically pulled her close, fitting her into the embrace she knew so well. It was like there was an MC-shaped indentation in his hug, meant just for her. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
“MC. How long has it been? You just wish to hug me?” he asked, sounding a little annoyed.
“Well. No. Of course not. But I’m worried if I start kissing you, I won’t be able to stop. I missed you so much.” A faint blush colored her cheeks and she shyly looked away from his eyes.
“Did you? You hardly seemed to be that lonely. All those pictures and texts. You spent more time with Zen and the others than with me and we live together.” Was he… Was he pouting? Yes! The perfect Jumin Han may not have shown it on his face but she could hear it and she knew. He was pouting!
She couldn’t help but giggle softly. She gave his nose a playful tap of her fingers. “Oh, Jumin, of course I missed you! I thought of you all the time! I had to rely on them so much because I couldn’t keep my mind off you. I had to spend time with them just so I wouldn’t be so lonely without you.” Her expression turned serious again. “Did you really doubt that I missed you?”
Jumin watched her. “Do you know what today is?” he asked.
“Today? Of course. It’s the day of the party!” His expression fell and she gave him a gentle smile. A hand touched his cheek. “And it’s our anniversary. Of course I didn’t forget. I love you, Jumin. Always will. I promise you that. I know it’s not much of a gift but I worked with Jaehee and we cleared your schedule for a week and I booked us to go on a cruise. You, me, the ocean. And no one else. Not even the RFA.” She gazed at him, squeezing in closer to his chest, snuggling up to him. Who cares if anyone was watching.
Jumin blinked in surprise. He pulled out his phone to confirm her words and yes, he saw his schedule was suddenly clear. “I thought you might have forgotten. I should not have doubted my wife.” He smiled with his eyes, her favorite kind of smile. He took her lips in a kiss, holding her tighter still. MC had to pry him off of her when she lost her breath. “You were correct. Once I started, I don’t want to stop. But that is why you and I will be together the rest of our lives. Time to savor every last experience.”
“And time to love each other until we can think of nothing else,” MC promised.
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zennyshoneybunch · 6 years
Mystic Messenger Teacher AU - The Substitute Teacher (Part Two)
So here’s part two of this prologue.
Jumin is taking us to meet Zen and Yoosung, so we know we’re in good hands. ;) Enjoy!
Part Two - Meeting Zen & Yoosung
He took you out of the building and around it in the direction of another, a round one that was probably the amphitheatre. He was serious about not being very sociable since he did not utter a single word the entire way.
As you two approached the amphitheatre you saw a man standing by the door. He was tall with a very light skin tone and long silver hair. He seemed to be waiting for you with a large smile on his lips. He was gorgeous.
- Hey there! You must be MC.
He gave you a bright smile like he was genuinely happy to see you.
- This is Zen… I mean, Hyun Ryu, the Drama teacher.
- You can call me Hyun or Zen if you’d prefer. Pretty much everyone does. It’s great to meet you.
He extended his hand, which you took. His skin was soft and warm against yours.
- Thank you Hyun. Or… Zen. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
- The pleasure is all mine! I’m really glad you’re a girl. Now that Rika left the only feminine presence in our group was Jaehee.
Jumin distractedly scratched his jawline, his eyebrows slightly furrowed in serious thinking.
- Not true. I’m certain the Fashion & Design and the Music teachers are both women.
- Well yes obviously, but you hate Sarah and Kyungju and Jaehee don’t really get along for some reason.
- And what makes you think we will all get along with MC?
Zen’s attention returned to you, his smile never faltering.
- Are you kidding? For one, unlike MC, Sarah and Kyungju didn’t sign a contract with the college, so technically they aren’t part of the RFA. And besides look at her, she’s so cute and nice. I’m sure she’ll be a great new member in our group.
Being called ‘cute’ by such a handsome guy was something you were definitely not expecting and an embarrassingly red blush reached your cheeks. Noticing you were still holding Zen’s hand made it spread all the way to your ears.
You retrieved your hand at the same time you heard him chuckle, but if he was going to make a comment about your blushing face Jumin’s strong voice interrupted him.
- Where were you when we had that lecture about sexual harassment?
- I was not sexually harassing her, I was giving her an honest compliment. Besides, you know perfectly well that lecture wasn’t meant for me. I’m the victim, cursed with this beautiful face and meant to be harassed by colleagues and students on a daily basis.
You looked at Zen, unsure if he was joking or being serious. Jumin let out a loud sigh, pressing his middle finger and thumb on his temples.
- I knew Yoosung would be better for this, I don’t even know why I named you. We should go look for him.
- Hey, stop with that nonsense, you’ll make MC think I’m some kind of abuser.
Zen turned to you with a big boyish smile and a hand over his heart.
- Pay no attention to him, MC, I promise I’m a perfect gentleman.
- It’s fine, I can take care of myself if you cross the line.
Zen’s eyes grew big and a small smirk appeared on Jumin’s lips.
- How fierce. But, regardless, we must find Yoosung and introduce you. He should be here like V asked, but since he’s not we must go find him.
- He is probably in the Biology Lab, scheduling his classes.
You followed both men to another building, that had a wooden plate with the word ‘Sciences’ written on it.
- Hey, Yoosung?
Zen called as he opened the door to one of the labs. A younger man with blond hair turned to all of you with a surprised expression, his big purple eyes as round as saucers, looking at you over the white mask he had covering his mouth. You gave him a little smile.
- What are you doing here? Didn’t V send you a text message?
- He did, but I didn’t read it.
- Why not?
Taking the mask off, Yoosung furrowed his eyebrows.
- You know why.
- Man… not this again.
- There is no point in having a special app in our phones to communicate if you ignore it.
As Jumin lectured Yoosung, Zen leaned to you to whisper.
- Yoosung is Rika’s cousin, our former English teacher you’re here to replace, and he’s angry at V for hiring you.
- No!! It has nothing to do with him hiring you, MC! I’m Yoosung Kim, I teach Biology and you are very welcome here. I just don’t agree with the way V dealt with this situation.
- Yoosung, you are perfectly aware that this was the best way possible to deal with it.
Jumin turned to you before you could ask what they were talking about.
- Rika was sent home this semester due to a nervous breakdown. But don’t worry, it had nothing to do with her students.
- I’m sorry, but it had everything to do with her students. And we all know she didn’t have a nervous breakdown, she was fired.
Jumin shifted his weight from one leg to the other looking clearly uncomfortable.
- We shouldn’t be discussing these matters in front of a stranger.
- She is not a stranger, she is one of us now.
- She is a substitute teacher, who knows how long she will stay. These matters are private, they can damage the faculty and they are of no consequence to her job.
- They are of consequence, she has the right to know how this faculty treats their employees. How V fires people based on wild accusations without hard proof of their veracity.
Zen rested a hand on the younger man’s shoulder.
- Yoosung, that’s enough. V did what he thought it was best.
The blond professor turned to you.
- You see, MC, Rika helped create this school and she had a dream, she wanted this school to be free of tuitions. To be exclusively a scholarship school and for that to happen all students needed to have perfect scores, attendance, behaviour and participation.
- She basically needed them to become robots. Like Jumin here.
Zen added with a smirk.
- I am hardly a robot.
- So she wanted to abolish tuitions and have all students attend for free.
- Precisely. It was a nice idea to give everyone the chance to receive a proper education without having to pay large sums for it, but sadly that idea is nothing but utopic, with no real practicality. We have as many scholarship students as we can but for that to be possible we need tuition students to keep the school working. There is no way around it.
- It’s sad but true. Money makes the world spin.
Zen added with a serious expression. You and Yoosung both nodded in agreement. Jumin was the one to break the silence that fell in the room.
- Actually, the angular momentum is responsible for that.
- The angular what?
- Momentum.
- Dude, seriously?
- Of course, why would I lie?
- No, I mean… yeah, nevermind.
An almost imperceptible smile appeared in Jumin’s lips and you realized he was teasing the silver haired man. Which was kind of cute.
- Anyway, didn’t you have somewhere else to go? There’s still a lot to show MC.
- You’re right, I must meet Jaehee. She has made a lot of pertinent research to both our classes.
Zen looked extremely annoyed by Jumin’s remark.
- Aren’t you ashamed? To make Jaehee do your researches?
- I didn’t make her do it, our courses just seem to mingle together, since I teach Business and she teaches Economics. She helps me and I help her.
- Yeah, right. Just admit you hang with her just to use her.
- I hang with her because, besides Saeyoung, she’s the smartest person after me.
- So if I was as smart as her you would hang with me?
- No.
- What? Why not?
- You don’t like cats…
- I never said I don’t like them, I’m allergic!!!
Yours and Yoosung’s eyes kept jumping from one man to the other, watching them banter. Zen seemed to be worked up about it, but Jumin was keeping it cool like they were talking about the weather, showing no emotion at all apart from that almost invisible spark of fun shining in his grey eyes.
Noticing your eyes on him, Jumin straightened himself up.
- Anyway, I must take my leave. Don’t forget to introduce her to Saeyoung, he needs to install the app on her phone so she can communicate with us.
He walked out of the lab leaving you with the two men to go look for Prof. Saeyoung, who wasn’t in the science building.
To be continued...
Check out Part One here
Thanks for reading! :3
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deijnar · 6 years
What if
This is my first Mystic Messenger writing. It is for a very special person that means incredibly much to me.
To my Saeran.
Saeran had been gone for a few days now. And still, Saeyoung sat in front of the last thing that was left of him - the notes his brother and he had written each other back and forth when Saeran was still uncomfortable with talking to him face to face - like his heart had been ripped out of his chest just moments ago.
So when MC came home to the bunker that day she found her boyfriend on his knees again, tears streaming down his cheeks. Immediately she dropped her bag and rushed to his side to embrace him. Sobbing into her chest he clinched to her arms like she was the only thing keeping him alive right now. Which might have been true.
“He’s really gone, MC. He’s gone and he might never come back” he managed to breath out and the deep sadness in his voice broke MC’s heart.
After Saeran had lived with them for a few weeks and recovered quite good he’d decided that he needed some time for himself and couldn’t be near Saeyoung all the time. He simply couldn’t stay, so he’d made his leave.
Ever since Saeyoung had been devastated.
“What if he’ll never come back?” he asked tonelessly and stared at MC with his eyes so empty and without any trace of their usual spark that it scared her.
“What if he’ll find out that he’s better off without me? That he doesn’t want me?”
Now he began to panic. What if these few weeks with his brother by his side were all he’d get? If all his talking about family and always being together would end up being lies after all? That would mean he’d let Saeran down once again, like he always did. With everyone.
As all these thoughts crushed down onto him he couldn’t control his breath anymore. He wanted to scream but he also wanted to curl up and be so quiet that no one would ever notice him again. What to do? What is the right thing to do?!
Seeing Saeyoung having a battle against his inner demons right in front of her eyes and losing it made MC hugging him close and stroking his hair until he breathed regularly again. If only she could help him further...
“I knew he was thinking about leaving” he whispered under his breath as soon as he calmed down enough to talk. “Yet I couldn’t stop him. What if it’s all my fault?” His grip around her tightened even more. He couldn’t lose her too.
“The others miss him too, you know?” he added, heartbroken over the fact that he truly had done wrong to everybody who had ever meant anything to him. “Yoosung keeps asking for him and worries if he’s okay every single day. And Zen… Zen and Saeran had a truly unique connection. I know that he misses him like crazy every time he's just thinking about the messenger. And even Jumin and Jaehee. They don’t really say it but I know that they care for him a whole lot too and that they’re worrying.” He drew back a little and looked straight into MC’s eyes, guilt written all over his face. “And you. I feel like I failed all of you. I’m the only one who could have prevented this from happening but I failed.”
Ashamed he buried his face in his hands. “I feel like I can’t do anything right” he confessed barely audible. Feeling tears wanting to crawl out of her eyes herself MC wrapped her arms around Saeyoung and hugged him close again.
“That’s not true…” she whispered, her voice shaking, but he didn’t listen to her at all and kept talking, completely lost in his self-destructive thoughts.
“Does he want me to reach out to him? Will he think I don’t care about him if I don’t? But what if he feels pressured if I contact him? The last thing I want is making him feel like I intent to urge him to come back to us against his will or do anything else he doesn’t want to do. But what if he’s waiting for me to say something? What if he feels abandoned and forgotten if I don’t?” the words bubbled out of him as he desperately tried to figure out what was true and what was not. He buried his face in MC’s hair and she felt his whole body trembling immensely.
“I don’t know what to do, MC. What if I do the wrong thing? What if I lose him forever?”
A single tear streamed down MC’s face as she comforted her love in her arms silently.
She didn’t know either.
They stayed like this without saying a word for a long time. Everything had been said and no one knew what else to do but finding comfort in each other’s presence. And even though no one said it, both of them knew it.
Even if Saeran would never come back, Saeyoung would never forget him.
I will never stop loving you.
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butterflynotes-a · 6 years
Forever And A Day
Fandom: Mystic Messenger Characters: Saeran Choi, MC | Myeong-Eun Choe, everyone but Vanderwood/side characters (Rika has a cameo) Relationships: Saeran x MC Prompt: Weddings Originally Posted: June 9th 2018
The edit was by me using befunky. The original images belong to their respective owners, I just put it all together.
An invitation was where it all begun.
A simple invitation sent to each member of the RFA - of the people that Saeran had grown to know as his family. The same invitation was sent to the family of his fiance. Fiance. The word had rung through his ears for so long, bringing a smile to his face each time. It hadn’t set in yet, really.
The fact they were getting married.
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Saeyoung was the first to be invited.
Saeran knew that because he had personally delivered the invite, finding it rather idiotic to post it out to someone who only lived a few floors above him in the building where the apartment he and Myeong-Eun shared was. He was unsure how Saeyoung would feel, really, seeing as his brother had loved Myeong-Eun at one point too.
Saeran always felt guilty when he remembered that.
He knocked on the door, quietly, almost hoping his twin wouldn’t hear so he could just go home. Of course, he never got the chance to think about leaving any further, seeing as the door opened just moments later. Saeran simply handed his twin the envelope, murmuring something under his breath before leaving.
That was confusing for Saeyoung.
Of course, when he read the invite, the elder of the twins was simply overjoyed. His little brother was getting married, after all! Another note was with the invite, a request for Saeyoung to be the best man, which he readily accepted. That night, he invited Saeran out to celebrate and they went to an ice cream parlour before going to play laser tag. Saeran, as usual, lost - surprising, since he had once handled a gun with accuracy.
He didn’t like remembering that.
Yoosung Kim was next to get his invitation.
It had been sent to his dorm, which was quite a surprise - few people sent mail to that address rather than to his parents’ home. It was no surprise he was calling Saeran’s number multiple times until the other picked up, saying that it was about time they actually got married and offering any help needed.
That alone caused Saeran to tear up.
Jaehee and Jumin had less emotional reactions.
Both of them just texted a single congratulations. Jaehee, seeing as she owned a cafe, offered to do catering if needed - Saeran accepted the offer, though he insisted on paying her much more than she had actually wanted. Jumin offered to pay for the wedding, which both Saeran and Myeong-Eun refused on two separate occasions, insisting they had more than enough money.
It was true, after all.
Jihyun and Rika were the next two to be invited.
Jihyun often visited Rika in her new home, feeling it was his responsibility to mend his relationship with her - not in a romantic sense, but so they could be friends. Even if it had taken years, both had realised their relationship had not been healthy and it just wasn’t meant to be. Jihyun hadn’t said more than a mere ‘congratulations’, but he ruffled Saeran’s hair the next time he saw the younger twin and offered to be the photographer for the wedding.
That offer was accepted quickly.
Rika, on the other hand, seemed less than pleased at the news. She forced a smile, choking out a ‘congrats’ to the two. However, she declined her own invitation, refusing to see the two happy. Even if she was recovered for the most part, seeing Saeran brought out the thoughts in her head of destruction and ruin.
As well, he caused her guilt.
Zen was the last to get his invitation.
The reason had been because both Saeran and Myeong-Eun had been reluctant to send one out rather than just tell him on the day. They did regret sending one soon enough when Hyun showed up at nine in the morning the next day, lecturing them about sex - of all things - and about how improper it was they hadn’t been married already considering they lived together.
It took Jumin coming to finally make him leave.
On the day, it was a bit of a nightmare.
Myeong-Eun’s friends were helping her get ready - one of which was the maid of honour, but Saeran couldn’t recall her name. Saeran had requested everyone else get things ready while Saeyoung attempted to calm the younger down, seeing as Saeran was quite worried about the day. Usually, it was the bride who freaked out.
It was amusing, however.
When everything started, it was as if time stopped. She was beautiful, the dress was… so perfect. She was more than he deserved, he knew, and for the first time he realised he was luckier than he’d thought to have her by his side. The entire day was a blur, from the first ‘I do’ to her lips on his, his arms around her.
It was all surreal
The vows before that had been memorable, of course, and Saeran could remember tears in his eyes as he spoke to her. “Myeong-Eun- You… You’ve been so good to me throughout the time I’ve known you.” He recalled starting, voice soft and quiet. The words were for her ears only. “You’ve done nothing but make me happy, no matter what. You convinced me to… to go to a place that was safe..
“A place I could be happy. I remember our first date, the first time you kissed me in the gardens of a place I once loved- The first time we held hands… I love you more than anything. I’ll stay with you, no matter what, just like you did for me. I want to be with you forever- I… I will be with you. I’ll be with you for longer- I’ll love you for forever and a day, I promise you.”
Her own vows, before his, were just as beautiful. “Saeran. When I met you, you were… odd.” She had laughed, nervously, but the words were spoken breathlessly and he had known she was just as lost as he was in the day. “You were clingy, you… you were lonely. I got to know you, every side of you, and when I finally met the real you, I was overjoyed. I think that was when I fell for you, rather than just having a crush on the odd man pretending to be a game developer.
“I never want to leave you. I know that, in your life, people have hurt you. I know you’re used to people leaving you. I love you, Saeran, and I will never be someone who leaves you, who hurts you - I’ll never be like those who have used you. I don’t want what you can offer me as a tool and I never will. I only want you.” In that moment, he had thought ‘you have me’, before he had actually spoken his own vows.
He loved her.
Of course, Saeyoung’s speech wasn’t nearly as nice.
His brother had waffled on for a good half hour, sharing every embarrassing moment of Saeran’s life. The younger twin had hit his head on the table within the first minute. After that had ended and they could finally get on with life, the dances had begun. The first dance had been Myeong-Eun dancing with her father before she danced with Saeran - and, shortly after, her younger brother.
Saeran had a slight fear of the boy.
He was two years younger than Saeran was, but when they spoke, he had threatened harshly enough that he would gut Saeran like a fish if he so much as made Myeong-Eun cry from anything other than happiness. It had been terrifying. However, he had agreed, seeing as he would hate himself if he made her cry.
After all, he’d promised he’d stay forever and a day.
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Kait Reacts To The AE: Other Endings
NORMAL ENDING! I’ll likely be doing this for the Bad Endings as I collect them but that make take a few days because I’m not sure where all of them are and I have to play the Route over and over. So, here’s my reaction to the Normal End as well as what happens. Spoilers ahead. If you click it, it’s your choice. 
Alright, so to clarify this ending is triggered when you select the option [Don’t go Save Saeran.] I wondered what that meant since I used all my Saves on the Day 4 Branches. That’s how I got all of the Bad Endings on that day today, by the way. Your save spots always come in handy if you know where the branch is that may trigger the Bad Ending. I wish I bought more save spots, though, because I have a feeling where the other Bad Endings are. 
I have to start from the beginning to get them. I should have 3 more by tomorrow if I do it right. Anyways, this ending starts out when you finish having the talk to Rika. To set the scene, it’s when you start looking Saeran with the group, Rika, V, Driver Kim, and yourself. You know that it’s dangerous but you have to go and find him now. You get a sinking feeling and speed up to the lake. 
Saejoong is in the process of taking Saeran, but when you try to run Driver Kim holds you back from running. You plead with Rika and V to save him because he is your life, your love. If you can’t do it, someone has to do it. That being said, your pleas do not fall on silence. Rika sees the desperation in you and she is willing to help. She may be... complicated, but at this point, she’s decided that enough is enough and she can’t run away anymore. She tells V to get in touch with the unit. You know, the ones hunting for her, and for the Prime Minister in a way, as well as the RFA. 
V hesitates because... they sold their souls to avoid prison time. But, he’s at that point where he can’t tell Rika no. Saeran is literally about to be taken away and harmed. As cruel as they have become, they don’t want the boys to die. I will give the two of them that much. They don’t want them to die. Rika is the one that says, call them. V does it. She tells you to stay close to her now. 
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The two of you approach the scene with Saejoong. You rush to Saeran’s side to be with him but he’s unconscious by the time you get to him. Unlike the Good Ending where you find him and he’s somehow hanging onto himself until the very end here. Saejoong is surprised to see her now but he scolds her for what she’s done. He says that they’re kids, she should have been able to stop them from doing anything. She says that the deal is off. 
Saejoong begins to tell her that they should make a new one instead. He thinks that he can sway things to his favor, but Rika doesn’t want to hear his bullshit at this time. Rika, and V, as messed up as the two of them are, at the end of the day here, both realize that they can’t run away anymore. It’s time to grow up, and face the music for everything that they’ve done. 
Every single crime that is on the horizon.
They must pay the price. 
Your actions have consequences, and at last, Rika is admitting that she’s been horrible and cruel and toxic. She isn’t going to try to fix anything. She doesn’t expect forgiveness, and she knows that the road ahead of her is going to be a dark place for the rest of her days, but she’s okay with that because Saeran has shown her something that she never thought she’d ever get. 
Saeran is a saint. 
I will never forgive Rika for what she did and I can’t forgive V for what he did in this AE. I cannot. Saeran is the one that decided that he wanted to go to the end by using forgiveness and I respect that. It helped him and it was the straw that broke the camel’s back with Rika, alongside us giving her a chance. Giving one a chance doesn’t mean you forgive them. 
I don’t trust them, but I gave them both a chance because I know they don’t want Saeran to die here. If they turned against me, it would only further prove my own thoughts about them. So, hey, in a lifetime of doing things wrong, you did one thing right but it will ever excuse what you did. I’m glad to see that you know this and understand that. 
That’s some maturity never shown from Rika. Can’t say how much of that is even her being honest but at least she’s done one thing right. 
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Saejoong basically tells her off for being blinded this. Rika calls him out at every single turn and doesn’t give him leeway. She lets him know that in his heart, he is very greedy and wrong. She says that he will never know what love feels like because he never let that in. He is the monster of his own creation and if he is a monster and he hates himself, and he feels alone, it’s his fault. He did this all to himself and that’s his only person to blame. 
She knows because she did the same thing. She says that solitude and suffering will his cruelest master and if he doesn’t stop now, it will damn him. She knows that no matter how far he climbs the ladder to the top, nothing will ever take away that empty feeling in his chest. He will never know what it feels like to be alive or to feel love  in his heart. She says that she is the same way. She says she’s been screaming for so long that she’s perfect. 
That she’s not wrong. 
That she’s doing the right thing.
But, none of that was right. It was never right and she didn’t know how to even admit to that until now. She says that love is the only thing in life that is worth the trouble and is the purpose of our lives. She says that Saeran protected his love with his life and it kept him from suffering. She says that Saejoong is blind and ignorant, and he will never understand as he continues to argue with her about it. 
She says it’s a miracle that Saeyoung and Saeran were born, filled with love and happiness for each other and the rest of the world. She says that is their power and that will be their guiding force in life. Saeran was wiling to forgive her even when he didn’t have to do it. She says that Saeran... and Saeyoung, they are innocent and they just want to love, and to be loved. Nothing more, and nothing less than that. 
Rika: The only dirty thing here? It’s you, and it’s me. We’re the ones that tried to manipulate them and break them. I’m going to tell the world what I did. I’ll give up all of my life for their protection from people like me and from people like you. So, you take your hands off of Saeran and don’t you ever touch him again! 
Saejoong is panicking now. 
V says it’s over. They’re coming for him.
He panics and demands someone kill all of us. When they don’t listen, he goes to do it for himself. We have to leave now for our own safety but Rika tells us that she is thankful for meeting us and that we gave her a chance, she says that we should live a happy life. She admits everything that she did was wrong and that she wishes Saeran and us the best. 
And it fades to black.
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I don’t really like Rika and I never have. But, she had the gall to admit that she was wrong and she went down for it. Good. She can work on herself while she is in prison. I don’t wish poor health on anyone so it’s a good thing that she was very willing to say that. She can only grow for herself when she admits that she is wrong. So, in a lifetime of wrong, you did one right thing. 
It will bring you nothing but she didn’t do it for selfish reasons. 
She did because it was the right thing to do. 
She expects nothing in return and she will get nothing in return. 
You can ask Rika and V what they’ll do next but they both say: We choose to do this. We must pay for it. But, no matter what happens, at least we know who we are now. 
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[3 Months Later]
You are treated to a chatroom. Jumin lost the race in this ending. He’s back at C&R but everyone loves him. He’s likely to be the CEO in his future and that’s a good thing. Jaehee’s with him. Nobody knows what the RFA did because the plan was given out anonymously. The RFA isn’t... well, the public knows that they aren’t bad now but still... it’s not a great note. That’s why this is a Normal Ending and not a Good Ending. 
Zen is going to have to struggle to fix his career and get back. Yoosung is going back to school and he’s going to have a hard time. In this ending, it’s not the best outcome for everyone but it’s.. okay. It’s not the worst but it’s not the best thing for everyone. Saeyoung had to work for months to beat the Agency but it worked out. This ending gives more clarity to what happened with Saejoong in the Good Ending. 
Saejoong runs but he’s caught in this ending. He’s going to school forever. Rika isn’t going to be free if at all. It’s going to take decades. Jihyun, on the other hand here, he will be away for a while but not forever. They’re all facing what they should for what they did but again, the RFA is not talking about them for very long. So, I know that they’re not letting them back in. Not V, and Rika, and honestly, that’s how it should be. 
I wouldn’t let them back in, either. 
But, it’s okay to wish their mental health the best in the end, if anything. We’re still with Saeran and Saeyoung in this ending, though. We’re all together but it doesn’t feel as great as it did in the Good Ending. As it turns out, in this ending, we all moved. We’ve got a quaint little life in a house somewhere that has a big and nice greenhouse for Saeran. He seems to be happy with everything here and he does look healthier. 
It’s a bit bittersweet because... he never got to confront his father and he never allowed himself to get that last sense of closure in his life. It’s not very perfect but again, this is a Normal Ending. It’s not supposed to be perfect. It has to feel like there’s something missing and having already played the Good Ending, it’s definitely something missing here. 
Either way, I’m happy to see Saeran so happy in a garden of his own. He says that he has so much work to do and things to tend. I tell him to not stress himself because I’ll help out whenever he wants. He says that it’s okay, he feels that he is much stronger than before. He feels that he’s okay and I can see it in his eyes as he speaks. He does look better. 
He says that he’s happy. 
He wants an ordinary life with me. Oh, and he’s back to talking to the flowers about how much that he loves me. I sputtered when he did that because he is the type of person to whisper his secrets when he’s alone in the garden because it’s so... It’s so Saeran. He says that he’s happy that I agreed with him when he suggested that he find a nice little house. 
He says that he feels grateful for what he has. That he’s blessed. Though, he does have a tiny suggestion. I prod if it’s something important, something that he’s been wanting to ask for a while. And, then he hits me with that good old question that makes you heart flutter and a stupid laugh come to your lips and I’m almost punching myself for not clicking: Aw, I should have asked you first! 
I said, I think you’re missing something, though. You know, for our lives to be perfect... and he says that he wants to make a family, and we all know what is to come before you say that you want a family. 
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OH, GOD. My heart. My heart is weakened right now. We know that this is one of those things that is going to happen in the Good Ending at some point, but I like that we actually go and start traveling with Saeyoung and Saeran first instead of tying ourselves down to anything. 
I think it’s a lot more fun to explore the world and just... 
Be free. 
Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to the day where he does propose to the MC, but I preferred how things were handled in the Good Ending as to the Normal, but that’s to be expected in my case simply because I liked how we were able to help Saeran see things through to the very end of his emotional journey. 
The CGs for this are... the bomb, though. I love it. 
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allen-messenger · 7 years
I already read some of your drables and i think your writting is amazing, keep up the good work ♥. If you're not busy, may I request some headcannons about a MC that has a resting bitch face 24/7 but it's actually veeeery soft? RFA and Saeran please!
Thank you so much anon, you are so lovely. Your supportmeans a lot to me. Also, congratulations for sending me my very first request ♥ I got a bit carried away, so my HC might be a bit long, butI hope you’ll enjoy reading them anyways.
P.S : I’m sorry if the formatting looks awful on the phone app. I tried to make it look better but it appears I’m awful at it.
Kindhearted MC has a “resting bitch face” (RFA + Saeran)
Simply put, the boy was so damn worried.You seemed so cheerful in the chatroom, so why did you look annoyed now thatyou were finally meeting in real life? Was he the only one who had been lookingforward to seeing the other? Were you disappointed in him? Was hedisappointing? 
Thousands of negative thoughts crossed hishead. Argh, maybe he should have listened to Zen. Maybe he should have workedup instead of staying in front of his computer 24/7, eating Leys chips anddrinking Ponta. Maybe Jaehee’s was right, maybe he was too short, and maybe hisworn-out hoodie was tacky. And… what if you thought he wasn’t wild enough? Hehad no idea how popular men like Zen acted. Should he start calling you “babe”or “lamb”? Should he start bragging about his looks…? Ah, he suddenly feltincredibly gloomy. He didn’t have half of Zen’s looks, so there was no way hecould ever become as attractive as him. And obviously you would bedisappointed, you were going out with him instead of dating a godlike musicalactor!
“Yoosung… Is something wrong? You lookpale.” You asked, worried.
“I’m sorryI’m not good enough, but… I’ll try to become a better man for you! So… so…!” Hepanicked.
“Huh…?What are you talking about?” You were genuinely surprised. His reaction was sosudden you weren’t sure what to answer.
“You don’tlook like you are having fun at all… I knew it, I am too normal… I am not acool career woman, a famous actor, a genius hacker, or a corporate heir, thereis no way you would like me… I… I am not even ranked #1 on LOLOL!”
“No! It’snothing like that at all.” You reassured him. “I’m just nervous, it is ourfirst date after all. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
“I’m theone who should apologize, MC… I must have looked ridiculous, right?”
“Not atall. You are adorable, Yoosung.” You chucked. “You know… Don’t tell the others,but I think you are the cutest member of the RFA.”
All of a sudden, his cheeks felt warm. Hewas sure of it now, you were the supportive, kindhearted MC who had alwaysaccepted his normal, average self. Your words have always felt like they wereimbued of magic to him. Once again, you had managed to make his uneasiness flyaway. This time, it would be his turn to make sure you would have fun.
Jumin Han
For the longest time, the corporate heirdid not even notice your expression. He had zero interest in his employees’ appearanceafter all. The only thing he evaluated them for was their professionalism,their skills, and how useful they were for the company. Although he stronglyappreciated your meticulous work, he did not have a personal interest in you.You were an employee – a really competent one -, and he was a practicalexecutive. That was all there was to it.
However, one day, he overheard negativegossip against you. Some of your coworkers were talking about how contemptuous andarrogant you were, constantly looking down on them. Progressively, they startedstraight up laughing at you, saying someone as condescending as you wouldprobably die alone.
In a single sentence, the corporate heirbrought back peace in the corridor.
“If you have the time to slander your colleague, go back to work. Now.This is your first and last strike. Next time I see youdeteriorate our company’s work environment, I will personally make sure yourdesks are emptied.”
Seeing your coworkers laying low for awhile gave you a surge of relief. Actually, you had been contemplating quittingyour work because of the heavy atmosphere you felt around you. Your gaze mighthave looked harsh, but in truth, you wished you could have got along with yourcoworkers. Although most colleagues acted neutral towards you, a small groupexuded hostility every time you uttered a word. Nevertheless, you had stayedbecause the company worked on interesting projects – also, the pay wasundeniably satisfying.
After this event, Jumin slightly paid moreattention to you. It wasn’t noticeable, but for an instant, he examined yourexpression, trying to find what could have led your peers to think you weredisrespectful towards them, in vain. He just couldn’t understand the reasonbehind their gossip. Your expression did seem to show a bit of disinterest, butyour meticulous reports obviously showed how passionate you were about yourwork. The executive skimmed through the folder you held out to him.
“Your report is satisfying, but I would like you to develop on theeffects our project would have on the environment. Assistant Kang researchedsome data regarding this point, ask her to share the file with you.”
“Understood. Thank you for your time, Mr. Han.”
“Close the door before leaving. While you are here, I’d like to say thatyou can address any complaint you have about your work environment directly tome. You are a valuable asset for our company. It would be a shame if C&Rwere to lose you because of some pests.”
“Thank you, Mr. Han. I will take my leave now.”
For thefirst time, you smiled at work. Jumin Han was said to be a cold, insufferableemployer, but to you, he was just a practical executive who cared about hisworkers in his own way.
Jaehee Kang
The first time you met Jaehee was at oneof Zen’s musicals. You were both seated on the front row, next to each other.The storyline wasn’t that original, but Zen’s acting mostly counterbalanced thescenario’s flaws.
You were completely oblivious to theglances Jaehee threw you during the performance. Usually, the assistant wouldhave been dazed by the spectacle. But today, her curiosity sometimes made herlook away from the actor’s performance. Zen had a solid fanbase by now, andfront row seats tickets for his shows were highly difficult to obtain. Jaeheeknew for a fact that some fans were willing to spend more than 500$ to gettheir hands one of those prized tickets. Because of that, she was bewilderedthe person sitting next to her seemed so dissatisfied in the musical. At times,you even seemed straight up irritated. Even more surprising, you vigorouslyclapped at the end of the musical, giving the staff members a standing ovation.
After a few minutes of contemplation,Jaehee asked you if you had enjoyed the musical.
“Oh, please don’t mind me if I am wrong. You just seemed irritated and…I was just wondering if the show did not suit your taste?
“Ah, no. I… just usually look this way.” Usually, being called out foryour expressions made you upset. However, seeing how Jaehee’s eyes wereshrouded in remorse, you understood that she only meant well. “Thank you forworrying, though. I actually liked the musical, especially the part where the detectivediscovered the culprit’s identity.
Conversing with you, Jaehee realized thatyour cold expression contrasted with your loving nature. Although your eyesseemed to be looking down on others, you were full of admiration for theactors. More importantly, she was grateful you noticed her uneasiness and turnedan awkward conversation between strangers to a passionate debate about Zen’smusicals. She now had no doubt that you were compassionate, and much morecourteous than she was.
A while ago, you discovered a websitewhere many Zen’s fans showered him with compliments. At first, you were veryexcited about participating in anonymous conversations about the handsomeactor.
However, when you became his full-fledgedgirlfriend, you had to stop lookingat the forum threads. Messages full of malice towards you were being spammedall day.
“She’s totally in for the fame. Pathetic.”
“She’s dating the most beautiful actor on Earth but she looks so annoyedlol, what a bitch.”
“Hate her. I would definitely give Zenny so much more love lolol ♥”
“Fire her! My love Zen needs a lovingmanager, not some random frigid girl. Guys, let’s make a petition so she getsthe fuck out of here!”
“They’re such a bad match. Seriously,is Zen blind or something? She always looks mad lol.”
“A princeand a bitch faced frog lololol”
Needless to say, you were devastated. Itused to be such a welcoming community, so why did it become that way? And whywould they judge you solely on your appearance? Of course you’ve never beenannoyed by him. At contrary, you loved him. You really did, even if youexpression wasn’t always full of love.
Feeling unworthy of him, you avoided Zen’scalls and only went in the chatroom to talk about the party. After a few days,the actor himself waited in front your doorstep for you to come home.
“Zen…? What are you doing here?”
“Babe… You wouldn’t take my calls, so I came here. I was worried sick.Did something happen?”
He gently wiped the lone tear falling along your cheek.
“Tell your knight everything. Don’t cry, princess. For you, he wouldfight off dragons and witches, so please don’t cry.”
Zen caressed your hair while you told himabout the hate directed towards you. Your sentences were interrupted by manysobs, but he still understood.
“Honey… Don’t mind what they say, please. You are the kindest andmost-loving soul I have ever seen. Those people don’t know who they are talkingabout. How dare they say I am blind? They are the ones who should run to thenearest optician. You are so beautiful you don’t need the princess attire toshine! Your knight will protect you from those dirty mouths, so don’t worry,alright?”
You chucked at Zen’s burst of anger.
“Okay… I love you.”
A week later, your knight in shining armorkept his promise. During an interview, he firmly asked his fans to stopspreading negativity towards you.
 “She is the woman I love, and I can’t bear seeing her hurt because of mycareer. I wish you could see past her expression. If you could, you would seethe golden heart hiding behind it.”
Hisdeclaration was well received by  his fanbase, who created apopular forum where ill-messages against any of his fans, including you, wouldimmediately be deleted.
At first, you were a bit reticent aboutjoining the RFA. It was understandable: you were just a good Samaritan whowanted to give back a phone to their rightful owner, and you ended dragged inan association you had never heard about. Watching the CCTV at Rika’s apartment,Seven assumed you seemed annoyed because of the situation you unwillingly endedup in.
As V’s slave, he was the one who gatheredinformation to pressure you into a joining the group. Because of that, he felta bit guilty and tried to cheer you up with silly jokes. He wasn’t sure hisattempts were any successful. Although you wrote he was funny, he could stillsee your irritated expression whenever he looked at the CCTV. Even worse, youreyes were sometimes full of disdain while you chatted with the RFA. He didn’tmention it to anyone, but seeing you warming up to the group members, includinghim, while keeping your scornful glare intimidated him a bit. Did you have badintentions towards the RFA, after all? Should he redo the background check toensure you didn’t have any link to the hacker?
After seeing how much your kind wordsencouraged the members, Seven started to believe your tenderness was real.Witnessing how you pushed every single member forward, the hacker couldn’tdistrust you anymore. His instinct, on which he had sometimes relied on tosurvive, told him there were no lies lurking in the shadow. Placing confidencein V’s decisions, Seven also gradually opened up his heart to you. Actually, itwas hard not to. It wasn’t every day he could find someone who appreciated his oh-so-funnyjokes, after all. Whenever your condescending expression turned into a smilebecause of his jokes, he felt his heart race, just a little tiny bit.
When he was a child, the only expressionsSaeran had ever seen were his mother’s fury and his brother’s compassion. Afterhe entered Mint Eye, he stopped looking at people. Even though his eyes laid onthem, he couldn’t really see their faces. His mint-colored irises were meant tofocus on computer screens, not on people. Other believers wouldn’t help himmake his dearest wish come true, but his hacking skills would allow him to havehis revenge on that damn redhead.
Because of that, he had absolutely no ideawhat a “resting bitch face” was like. When he saw your expression, he simplyconcluded you were despising him, and quite rightly. He was the hacker who, insearch for a useful tool, had led you to the trapped apartment, after all.Afterwards, he shot your association’s leader, and was treated like a victim,even though he was the monster. How ridiculous.
However, Saeran couldn’t comprehend whyyou would still visit him every single day without fail. You would silentlyopen a book and read in his company. In truth, he didn’t really dislike your presence.Your visits were peaceful, soothing moments during which he didn’t have to seethe redhead he loathed so much. Contrary to the therapist or to Luciel, youdidn’t expect him to say anything. Other than the faint sound of turning pages,you didn’t make any noise. Yet, he felt uncomfortable you were forced to seehim every day, for a reason of another. If you despised him, why didn’t youstay in the nice, cozy home he’s never had? If you hated him that much, whywouldn’t you stand further from him, like all those stupid nurses? Your oddityraised some concern within him, and he finally asked “Why are you coming here?”.He sounded so bitter, yet so sorrowful. His voice was the voice of anabandoned, broken human being.
“Why… you say…” His question wasunexpected. After carefully weighing your words, you answered “There is noparticular reason. I just thought you would be lonely, alone in this emptyhospital room.”
For a few seconds, the white-haired man searchedfor an answer. However, no words came to his mind, so he stayed silent, andquietly thought that you were similar to his brother after all. Even though hestrongly wanted to resent you, it was so difficult… Your kind nature,contrasting with your expression, made it so hard for him to feel any animositytowards you. So, maybe he would silently enjoy your presence. Just for a littlewhile.
A masterlist can be found here.
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Mc who lose her parents at an early age and she takes care of her twin brother alone (Mc x RFA , Mc xTrio )
RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who raised her little twin brothers
The Requester contacted me and told me that they actually meant, that Mc has two little brothers~I hope you like it my love! Please tell me your opinion! Have a nice day and thank you for supporting me!
BTW ~this is the first post in 2020! I hope you all enjoyed the arrival of the new year! Let’s support MysticMessenger also this year!
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Two little brown haired boys laughed on a blue carpet while Jumin observed them with a smile.
One of the reasons why you wanted to hurry home as quickly as possible was because the brothers were at the Nanny’s place.
Of course you didn’t tell Jumin back then that they were the reason.
You told him later on when he decided to marry you.
,,I know it’s weird,’’ you said back then, ,,but I feel uncomfortable leaving my little brothers at someone’s place.’’
At that time, Jumin still didn’t understand what you meant, but he recalled the scenario every day…
,,I have two little twin brothers that I raised ever since I turned 20. Back then, when our parents died, they were just three years old,’’ you told him and showed him a picture of two little boys which now seemed like six or seven.
Jumin nodded.
,,I have no problem taking them in. I will accept everything you bring into this marriage, Mc,’’ Jumin said, making you smile brightly at him.
Today the boys were eight and playing happily with their toys.
,,Here, I brought you some vitamins!’’ you giggled and sat down on the couch next to your husband, where the little boys approached you.
Jumin put an arm around your shoulders and a hand on your growing belly while you fed him an apple.
No one would bring their kids along for their first date, but you were something totally different.
Zen understood.
After all, he already met your twin brothers when he saved you from Unknown back then.
The white haired man was about to blow up an entire family.
Zen still couldn’t believe that he was such an amazing hero to be honest.
,,Uncle Zen! Look what I can do!’’ the five years old boy giggled and showed Zen a drawing.
,,Ohh! Wow! Who are they?’’ Zen asked him and looked at the six people in the picture.
,,This one is you…’’ the boy mumbled, pointing at a figure.
,,Then there is noona, this is my brother, and these two are my real parents!’’ the boy happily said, making Zen emotional.
He was sad that the boys weren’t able to meet their parents in a proper way.
He could still remember the night when he saved you.
You were crying into his chest while you thanked him.
The twins, at that time, were already asleep.
,,Thank you so much, Zen! Oh my god, my little brothers almost died…’’ you sobbed, shaking crazily.
,,Oh, I thought they were your children,’’ Zen responded. At that time he really believed that you were a single mother.
,,No, they are my twin brothers...I’ve been raising them on my own for three years now...my parents died way too early…’’ you explained.
,,Oh my. Back then you were just twenty!’’ he gasped.
,,We’re back…’’ you mumbled when you walked hand in hand with your second little brother.
,,Hyung! Next time, I want to go to the bathroom with you! Noona is so embarrassing…!’’ the boy whined.
,,She said ,,Should we put in your little pipi again?’’ while a pretty girl was looking…’’ the boy whined, making Zen try very hard to hold in his laughter.
,,Of course, my boy,’’ Zen answered, finally laughing out loud.
The blond young man was so happy to see you, but for a moment he thought that you were a cheater when two little boys appeared behind you.
,,Yoosung, these are my four year old twin brothers! I’m raising them!’’ you smiled and lightly pushed the boys forward.
The boys bowed and greeted the older boy.
,,Oh, Mc! I thought we were the same age!’’ he laughed and bowed too.
,,I’m two years younger than you, Yoosung! I’ve been raising them since I turned 17…’’ you smiled.
Well, at least you tried to smile because he could sense a sad feeling in your smile.
The RFA around you stayed silent.
,,Mommy and Daddy went away to heaven! One day I will meet them there too! I will bring Noona along so that she won’t be sad anymore!’’ one of the boys laughed, giving Yoosung a stab into the heart.
,,But my little boy, it’s still too early for you-’’, Yoosung stopped when he saw that you were shaking your head.
,,They probably still don’t understand that heaven means they died…’’ Jaehee whispered.
And so Yoosung found you, an amazing girlfriend who also knew how to be a good mother.
,,Aish you rascals, say hello!’’ you whined as your nine years old brothers argued over something trivial.
Jaehee looked at them, her mouth open from the shock.
She didn’t believe it, but now she saw that you were already a mother!
,,So, their father…?’’ she slowly asked them.
,,Ah, he unfortunately died...it was so sad back then…’’ you almost whispered.
Jaehee patted your back.
,,Stay strong…!’’ she tried to console you, feeling a bit disappointed, however.
She expected that the two of you could be a couple, but she could understand that you still had feelings for him.
However Jaehee was amazed, you were apparently her age so that meant that you gave birth when you were 17.
,,When did the father die?’’ she asked you.
,,Both of them died shortly after they were born…’’ you explained, still observing your brothers.
,,Both?’’ she asked you.
,,Yes, he and his wife,’’ you nodded, looking at her.
But this time she seemed frozen.
,,He was married and you gave birth?’’ she asked you.
,,Unbelievable that married men always-,’’ Jaehee immediately stopped talking after you burst out in laughter.
,,These are my twin brothers, hahaha...not my children...but I raised them…’’ you chuckled and finally told her the whole story.
,,They’re crying again…’’ Saeyoung whispered in the middle of the night, when suddenly, your baby twin brothers cried in the middle of the night.
They were just three, so it was somehow normal that they were still scared to sleep alone.
,,Let them sleep here for tonight…’’ Saeyoung offered after realizing that you couldn’t sleep for the last few days.
First, someone let you stay in a stranger’s apartment and as if that wasn't enough, you had to come along with him to save his twin brother and experience Jihyun’s death.
,,They first had to move from your house to the apartment, then to Jumin’s place, and now here…’’ Saeyoung mumbled as you walked to their room, resembling a monster.
,,I know…’’ you moaned sleepily and opened the door.
,,Noona…Hyung…’’ both of them cried.
You brightly smiled at them and took one of them into your arms.
,,Ai, are you scared alone? But your Hyungs worked so hard for your rooms…!’’ you said, referring to the work of Saeran, Saeyoung, Zen, Yoosung, and Jumin.
Saeyoung took one of your brothers into his arms and then went into his own room.
You were really glad that Saeyoung was so responsible now.
Not just for you, but for your little family.
,,Hyung! Hyuuuuung!’’ your younger brother whined as Saeran cooked lunch.
,,Yes?’’ he smiled, taking your brother into his arms.
He still felt guilty that he somehow imprisoned you and your little brothers.
He put your little family into huge danger and you even saved him.
,,Noona is taking sooo long!’’ the boy showed the white haired man with his two little hands.
,,Yes, but that’s because your brother is feeling sick,’’ he tried to explain.
,,Aish, you!’’ you jokingly said to your brother, who quickly ran to you after Saeran put him down.
,,Will you let him cook?’’ you asked him, ruffling his hair.
,,He wanted to take me…!’’ the boy lied, making Saeran laugh.
,,Oi! Don’t lie!’’ you laughed along with your boyfriend, hugging him after giving him a kiss.
,,Thank you for staying with us…’’ you mumbled before your little brother asked you for something again.
When he arrived three years later, he didn’t expect to see you with two babies.
However, you could quickly tell him what happened.
,,I am so so sorry that I couldn’t stay by your side…’’ he sobbed with you while you let go of your tears into his chest.
Your parents died and left you with your little twin brothers.
To Jihyun, the burden left on your shoulders seemed as big as his burden, when he took Saeyoung and Saeran in, failing at the attempt of being a good caretaker.
But this time, he promised himself that he would give his very best. He also knew that you were different than Rika.
,,You are so strong...Not every 23 years old girl can take in her twin brothers…’’ Jihyun smiled, stroking your head.
From now on, he promised himself he would try his best to make everything a little bit better.
Not just for Saeran, who he just brought back, but also for you and your brothers as well for your shared future.
,,Actually, I would like to talk to you about something…’’ you one day said in a tiny voice, worrying the long haired man.
He seemed cold from the outside, but Vanderwood was a loving boyfriend who was willing to do anything for your well being.
He listened to your words carefully.
Every time a tear was on your cheek, he stroked it away, and when you hands began to tremble, he held them into his own, trying to calm you down.
Of course, the death of loving people around you was hard to accept.
But you didn’t even have time to grieve over them since they left you with two three years old babies.
You had to stay awake at night when they cried for their parents, smile in front of them, and work hard for them.
You couldn’t become ill whenever they were ill or else you would have lost your job.
You weren’t allowed to make a single mistake or else the state would have separated you.
You had to do so many things.
,,I’m proud of you,’’ Vanderwood whispered when your speech ended, making you look up at him, surprised.
You were never complimented before for your hard work.
Everyone always assumed that this was a big sister’s job after all.
But Vanderwood said that you did well.
He actually smiled at you and stroked your hand.
And accepted them with his all.
Six days later he sat in the corner, kind of depressing, and looked at the mess.
,,And you cleaned this up…? On a daily basis?’’ he asked you, shocked.
01.01.2020//22:50 MEST
Tagged: @foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @sailormoonrocks666 @widya345@remiliadacalde @r-f-a-journalists
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kirishwima · 4 years
The RFA+V+Saeran with a female MC who is secretly a country bumpkin and they find out when they insist on a trip to visit her family? Hope you're safe and healthy, hon!
awe this is cute! Honestly, im from a really tiny island and a complete city girl, so this was a little hard to tackle, but hope you’ll like it regardless!! ^^
*As much as he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s also a bit of a country bumpkin-sure, he’s an absoloute introvert who loves to stay home and play games, but if he has to go out, he’d much rather be in the countryside rather than the city-the quietness and the friendliness of people just lifts his spirits every time, and he’s actually quite fond of gardening and farming chores!
* He realised MC is similar to him when they got talking and he realised how much she prefers the countryside to the city-she explained how she was born and raised in a little rural area hours away from the town they live in now, and how moving into the city was a huge deal for her.
* Yoosung’s so excited? He asks MC about anything and everything, asks her if her parents work in argiculture (yes, they do), what animals they raise (mainly chickens Yoosung, she answers with a little giggle), if all her family lives in the countryside (nowdays no, it’s just her grandparents but her parents aren’t too far away)
* He decides they HAVE to take the next weekend as an opprotunity to visit her family. It’s not like he hasn’t met them before-they’ve talked frequently through skype when they check in with MC, and her parents seem to adore Yoosung-he’s shy but such a little ball of energy, she’s sure they can’t wait to meet him up close.
* So they both pack their bags, hop on a bus and spend the hours-long ride watching TV shows on their phones or playing online games together ‘till the signal weakens too much-a signal that they’ve arrived.
* MC sure wasn’t exaggerating when she said it’s a very small rural city-by the time they reach the bus station the roads turn from asphalt to dirt-roads, and he has already counted over 4 donkeys walking by the side of the street!
* MC’s parents were there to greet and pick up the two of them, taking them to MC’s grandparents place where they’d be staying the weekend-and Yoosung was THRILLED. MC seemed so happy to be seeing her grandparents, and they both seemed to love Yoosung so much, if the fact that they kept trying to get him to eat more food was any indication?
* He let MC guide him around, taking him out to the back of the house and into the big courtyard where her grandparents had planted fruit-bearing trees and vegetables, stopping by the kitchen coop where she remembered the names of every single chicken around.
* It was different from what Yoosung was used to, but he loved it-and seeing the smile on MC’s face, he loved it even more.
* Zen’s a city boy, through and through. He was born for the hustle and bustle of cars and trains, for the busy bustling life.
* So when MC’s parents called, insisting she and Zen come visit them on their next time off, she was perplexed-she wanted to see her family, and Zen seemed eager to meet them too...only she never told him where she grew up.
* She never mentioned that she lives in the countryside, how her parents have their own vegetable patch and sell the best lettuces and potatoes to big supermarkets-it’s not that she was embarassed of it, on the contrary she was proud of her parents’ hard work, but she had no idea how Zen would react to the idea of staying where there’s barely a decent phone signal for a few days.
* Well, it seems she was worried for nothing-when she explained the situation to him, he was thrilled! He packed more relaxed clothes for their trip, slacks and even farmer jeans he’d been saving in the back of the closet, that really...shouldn’t look as good on him as they did.
* She was worried throughout the trip, and Zen rolled his eyes as he held her hand, rubbing soothing circles on her knuckles. “I love you, and I love everything about you, your hometown included. There’s nothing to worry about!”
* And well, he was right. Her parents were so excited to meet Zen, they’d invited her grandparents and cousins for dinner, a huge meditarranean feast with produce they had grown and were proud of, and Zen was so happy to try it all and even help set and clean the table-her mother had taken her aside at some point, tipsy with wine as she whispered in her ear ‘don’t you EVER let this man go!’
* The next morning, MC woke up to find Zen wasn’t next to her-no, instead, he was out in the field with her dad, where he’d been doing all the heavy lifting for her parents-and seeing her man with sweat on his brow, his sleeves rolled up and a sack of potatoes over his shoulder shouldn’t be as hot as it was, but it’s Zen so-that’s a normal reaction, right? Right?!
* Boy....
* When MC’s parents said they’d love to meet her girlfriend, she was so shooketh-of course she wanted to meet MC’s family, but this suddenly? They’d invited them over this weekend?! She had no time to practice her reactions and speech and oh god, what if they hated her, what would Jaehee dO-
* “Jaehee, baby...I have to tell you something.”
* Jaehee’s mind went on overdrive. Oh no. OH NO. Were her parents going to hate her? Were they inviting them over to tell MC to dump her, is this what it was about? What MC wanted to tell her?!
* “Um, my parents-I was born and raised in the countryside. Our property is actually a house with a farm where we raise cows and sheep for milk and wool. Uhm, I just-I guess I wanted to make sure it’d be cool with you to stay over at this sort of place for the weekend?”
* Oh. Oh?! Is that all? Jaehee breathed a sigh of relief, turning to look to MC with a small smile. “Of course it’s alright MC. I’d love to meet your family and see the place you grew up at. I just...” she shrugged, a blush on her cheeks, “I just hope your parents will like me.”
* MC rolled her eyes. From the little they saw of Jaehee when MC skyped them, they’d already said she’s the best partner for their daughter-’the only one able to knock some sense into you’, her father has specifically said.
* Turns out Jaehee was far more of a countryside girl than she’d initially thought-she spent the weekend learning all she could from MC’s parents, meeting the sheep and even getting licked on the cheek by an over-excited cow, at which she laughed until tears formed in her eyes.
* At night, she sat at the porch with MC, a glass of wine in one hand, her other interlaced with MC’s. She was wearing a woolen sweater MC’s mom had knitted specifically for Jaehee, a ‘welcome-to-the-family’ gift as she called it, and it took everything in Jaehee’s heart to stop from crying.
* “I want that”, she said as she looked out to the starry night above them, far brighter than what they could see from their little apartment in the city.
* “Want what?” MC asked with a hum. Jaheee sighed, looking to the woman she loved, imagining the future ahead of them. “This” she said, “A life like this, for us-to be able to just hold each other and be proud of our produce and live quietly in the countryside-I can see how much you love it here and...I love it too. I-I love to see you this happy” she admitted.
* MC smiled, big and toothy as she leaned close to give Jaehee a quick kiss on the lips. “And we’ll have just that. We have the rest of our lives to plan it out” she added. 
* Jaheee laughed. “That almost sounds like a proposal” she grinned.  “Maybe it is” MC said cryptically.
* Of course he had to visit MC’s family and properly introduce himself, as he’d be the one to marry their daughter. Despite MC’s concerns, he was the one to call her parents and introduce himself, explaining that he’d love to meet the family of the woman he loves as soon as possible.
* MC’s parents were....baffled, to say the least, and demanded MC explain everything to them-how could she be ready to marry this man when she never even told them she was dating him?! But she promised they’d meet him soon and they’d explain everything, so they calmed down, and said they’d expect the two to come over this weekend.
* MC bit her lip as she turned to Jumin as she hang up the phone. “Um, baby-I should tell you first, my family lives um-they live in the countryside. Is that...okay?”
* Jumin frowned. “Why would it not be? I want to know everything about you my love” he said, taking a step forward to take MC’s hands in his. “I want to meet your parents, see the place you grew up in, learn everything there is about you-it wouldn’t make a difference to me if you grew up here or the other side of the world.”
* With that, MC remained quiet, saying little else about her upbringing until the day they were to go to her family’s home. She saw Jumin pack his usual suit and tie and smiled a tight-lipped smile. “You won’t need those there. Rather...it’d be best to take something far, far more casual” she said cryptically. Jumin blinked owlishly but complied, taking out his suits in place of casual shirts and slack pants, as casual as a man like him could get.
* When they arrived hours later to her family home, he understood what she meant. Her home was in a rural area, bordered by green lush forest all around, and right beside it was a long stretch of a vineyeard, where they met her parents, a crate of grapes besides them.
* They were more than weary of Jumin at first, eyeing him like a foe-especially MC’s father, but when they all sat down for dinner and explained the situation to her parents, they started warming up to him. Her mother was more than pleased when he started asking about their vineyeard, clearly knowledgable in both wines and the different kinds of grapes there were.
* MC loved to see Jumin bond with her family, and was so excited when the next morning he woke up earlier than her to get dressed and head down to the gardens to help her parents spray the grapes to protect them from bugs, then going down to the small strawberry garden with her mom to pick fruits to make jam.
* Seeing Jumin smile with no inhibitions, standing side by side with her mother as he carried a crate of strawberries so MC’s mom wouldn’t have to do any heavy lifting....already she could see a life ahead of her with this wonderful, gentle man, and she couldn’t wait another moment to start living it with him.
* He’d talked with her parents many times online, peeking at the corner of the camera whilst they face-timed their daughter. At first he was shy, barely able to stutter out a word to them, but eventually he was more than used to greeting them, even cracking jokes with her dad and talking about the latest gossip from the farmer’s markets with her mom.
* Of course he knew all about where she grew up-he hacked into all of that information the moment MC had stumbled into the RFA chatroom!
* He’s not really fond of the countryside-Saeyoung has so much energy as a person that a place that offers him little stimulation is borderline furstrating, so he never attempted even visiting the countryside before. 
* When he explained just that to MC though, she laughed, loud and bright. “Baby, if you want, just try and help out my parents with their daily tasks...I promise you by the end of the day you’ll be begging to just sit down and do nothing for hours on end.”
* Well, MC was....partly right. As soon as they arrived to her parents’ home, stopping a few times along the way as Saeyoung’s pricey sports’ car rumbled and complained on the dirt roads, he excitedly greeted her folks with hugs and kisses, telling them he’s ready to get to work.
* MC explained how he wanted to help them as much as possible this weekend they’d be staying over, and they were both overjoyed-a chance for them to relax a little was rare when there was both livestock and wide stretches of vegetables and fruit to take care of, and they’d take any opprotunity they could.
* So MC...barely saw Saeyoung the rest of that day. Instead she was content to let her parents guide him around, choosing instead to make some lemonade to take to all three of them on the fields as a little break.
* What she found when she walked out into the vegetable patch was an unexpected yet welcome sight-Saeyoung, a rake in his hands, farming gloves on his hands as he cleaned the soil and helped her mom pick out the cabbages that were ready for harvest, Saeyoung laughing besides her dad at one thing or another, looking like he belonged right there-it warmed her heart, to see a man that had been through so much laugh this bright.
* When Saeyoung turned to look to her, his smile shifted into something more private, his gaze clearly filled with love, enough to make her cheeks redden.
* Her mother walked up to her, taking a glass of lemonade from the disk MC held as she leaned close to whisper to her daughters ear; “This one’s a keeper honey. You better marry the heck out of him!” 
* And boy, looking to Saeyoung, walking towards them with his bright silly grin, his hair matted with dirt from the soil, his eyes crinkling with glee-her mother was right. MC would marry the heck out of this man.
-I’ll be adding Saeran and V soon! I just need some more ideas first so it doesn’t become repetitive, sorry ^^”
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon/scenario for character reactions!-
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mysticalmistake · 7 years
hi!! i'm new to your blog and have been binging on your imagines (i love them) haha. i really like the idea of the rfa ( + v and maybe saeran too if that's possible, i mean, can't leave them out !!) accidentally meeting mc before the party and if it's possible i'd like to request them accidentally meeting an artist mc painting in a paint and sip studio, if that's okay? thank you sm ^^
Oooooh I’ve never heard of that. Sounds fun! Italicized writing means MC is talking, and V’s has spoilers about his route~Also, I’m so sorry anon but I didn’t include Saeran because there was absolutely no good way to write it. Like, I could not make any sense of how or why he would be at a paint and sip after recruiting MC but before the party? There was no way I could make that make sense. I’m sorry. I tried! D: ~Mod L 
Yoosung ♡ One of the clubs he tried joining was a painting club ♡ Initially he wasn’t that good, but he was convinced to stick with it ♡ He actually got pretty good at it, and his friend convinced him to go to a paint and sip studio ♡ He was really nervous because he didn’t think he was good enough, but tried it anyways ♡ He also wasn’t super into drinking, so he kind of just had his glass with him but wasn’t drinking much♡ All his friends wanted to be towards the back of the room, so his spot was a few spaces behind yours ♡ When he first saw you he thought you were absolutely gorgeous, but especially so when he watched you paint♡ You were so focused on your work, and it showed in the beauty of it♡ He realized halfway through he hadn’t pained a single thing and fumbled to catch up ♡ He was already nervous enough and so now having to rush meant his art wasn’t the best it could’ve been ♡ One of his friends noticed and couldn’t help but tease him for it ♡“Jeez Yoosung, you have to focus on your art man!” ♡ Hearing his name got your attention and you turned around immediately ♡ He tried to hide at first because he was blushing so much from you noticing him but you were able to help him realize it’s you♡ He’s over the moon and spends the rest of the day with you
Zen ♡ One of his directors invited everyone from a play he was on to go, and he wasn’t super excited about it ♡ He wasn’t an artist, and he was mostly going to please the director ♡ Also alcohol ♡ Alcohol always helps♡ When he got there he was way more focused on the wine than the painting, but he eventually he had to pick up a brush ♡ As he focused in on painting you noticed him from only a few spots down, and you recognized him from the millions of selfies he’d already sent to you ♡ You were so shocked you accidentally bumped into someone, spilling wine all over yourself ♡ That caught Zen’s attention, and you were looking back and forth between him and trying to apologize to the person you bumped ♡ He pieced together that you were focused on him, and went over to help clean up the wine ♡ “You’re eyes can’t seem to leave me. I know I’m handsome, but you’ve got to be a bit more careful~” ♡ Cue a groan from his coworkers ♡ He just assumed you were a fan until you managed to stutter out who you were♡ He couldn’t believe it at first, but as soon as you explained that yes, it really was you he couldn’t have ran out the door with you faster
Jaehee♡ After quitting her job, she was still trying new things to see what other hobbies she’d love ♡ She wasn’t planning on going to this, but rather saw the poster and made the spontaneous decision to go ♡ Which was very rare but so exciting for her ♡ She saw you while everyone was setting up, and she couldn’t help but think you were absolutely stunning ♡ Once everyone began painting she focused in on her art but couldn’t keep you out of her mind ♡ She couldn’t see you from her space, but that didn’t stop all the thoughts about you ♡ She wondered if you noticed her, or was looking at her painting and if you thought it was any good ♡ Even though she couldn’t see it she was positive yours was gorgeous ♡ You had in fact noticed her, and you thought it was her but you couldn’t fully tell ♡ Once everyone was done you hesitantly walked over to her, and soon as she noticed you approaching she felt her heart skip a beat ♡ “Jaehee?”♡ When you said her name you almost gave the poor girl a heart attack ♡ Once you both realized yes, it was in fact each other Jaehee was so excited to meet you♡ She messaged Seven to make sure it was safe to take you out for the rest of the night, and that’s exactly what he did 
Jumin♡ His dad had invited him to attend for him to meet his new girlfriend ♡ Jumin was not happy about this, but to make his father happy he agreed to go ♡ The wine helped ♡ His father’s girlfriend insisted on going to a regular sip and paint rather than a more expensive one or renting out the entire place, which brought Jumin a certain amount of relief that she didn’t seem to be using his father for money ♡ He had a conversation in the messenger with Yoosung and Jaehee that he was going, but you didn’t read the log until you were walking in the door ♡ When you looked up lo and behold there he was ♡ He was looking over the wine selection, and he seemed dissatisfied with what he was seeing ♡ You walked up to him, and rather than immediately introduce yourself you decided to talk to him for a bit first♡ “You know, this white wine is fantastic”.♡ He didn’t see you approach him, so he was taken aback by your sudden words but you wouldn’t be able to tell from his face♡ “I’ve never heard of this brand before. It must be-” ♡ “A commoner brand? Yeah, it’s not that expensive, but just because it’s cheaper doesn’t mean it’s worst~”   ♡ Jumin gave you a confused side eye, and you just winked as you took a sip of your wine ♡ He decided to take a sip, and was pleasantly surprised at the taste♡ “.. You’re right. This is a rather crisp wine. Thank you for the recommendation. But I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of an introduction?”♡ He was surprised at himself for being so willing to meet an absolute stranger with no business relation, but something about you just caught his attention♡ When you introduced yourself, it suddenly made complete sense ♡ He insisted on leaving the sip and paint, with the excuse that there was no way you were safe from the hacker there ♡ And he said an early goodbye to his father and took you back to his home
Seven♡ Vanderwood was upset ♡ For a job Seven insisted they needed to go undercover to a sip and paint ♡ He thought it was incredibly unnecessary, and was upset he had to go too ♡ “Agent, don’t we have more work to do on the computer? And don’t you have that RFA girl to watch over?”♡ “Vanderwoooood, I told you a million times. I can do the work quickly, and we need to be here to gather information. Also, she’ll be fine so long as she doesn’t leave the apartment~ I told her not to. She’ll read the log and stay put, and everything will be fine!”♡ You did not read that log♡ You were getting ready for the sip and paint ♡ When Seven and Vanderwood entered and Seven saw you, his jaw just about dropped through the floor ♡ He immediately took Vanderwood out and explained that everything, in fact, was not fine and you were in there♡ Vanderwood almost killed him on the spot ♡ “We need get her out! But we have to be subtle!… Listen, come back inside and just follow my lead, okay?” ♡ Vanderwood didn’t trust Seven at all but went with it anyways ♡ You were set up right next to the wine table, and Seven scooted the two of them up until they were right behind you and then shoved Vanderwood into the table♡ “O-Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I think my friend has had too much to drink, oh no oh no- Uh, miss, can you help me carry him out?” ♡ Not recognizing Seven you offered help and both of you helped carry Vanderwood out ♡ Seven has a bruise from where Vanderwood dug his hand into him♡ When you were all out and Vanderwood was pissed at Seven you had no idea what was going on♡ While somehow not getting killed by Vanderwood Seven explained himself and introduced the two of them, and decided the safest thing to do was to just take you back to his home with him 
V♡ V was walking home when he saw the poster for the sip and paint♡ He couldn’t help but be reminded of his mother, and thought about the last time he’s ever painted ♡ His eyesight was only getting worst, and he figured if he was ever going to do it it would have to be soon ♡ Despite feeling very conflicted about it, he decided to do it ♡ As he entered he chose a spot to set up, coincidentally right next to you♡ His eyes weren’t able to make out the images of you very well, so he didn’t recognize you but you felt so familiar to him♡ But he shook the feeling off and tried to focus on the painting ♡ As he painted he felt frustrated that he couldn’t get it just right, and halfway through was feeling completely distraught ♡ He accidentally mumbled out loud, “Ah, this was a mistake,” before softly setting his tools down to leave ♡ “I think it looks nice”.♡ You had whispered to him, so initially he wasn’t sure he actually heard you♡ “I mean, half the people here have had too much wine and yours looks like a Picasso compared to theirs”♡ But he couldn’t help but chuckle at your joke, and decided to pick his brush back up and continue ♡ You two continued with small chatter as you painted, and V found he was genuinely enjoying himself in your company♡ Time flew by quickly as you two quietly talked and painted, and before either of you knew it it was time to go ♡ V realized then that you two never properly introduced yourselves, and as soon as you said your name everything clicked in his head♡ He then became very worried about why you weren’t at your apartment, and walked back you back home safely
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choisgirls · 7 years
Request for 404! Requests for everyone (including V and Saeran) reacting to an MC who is in love with the ocean (like to the point that if they see the ocean, their first thought is to jump in) and stars!
A/N: Did you mean: ME?because holy shit just ask anyone i flip the fuck out over the ocean and E S PE C I A L L Y THE STARS *slides tons astronomy textbooks across the table* Igot the hook up ~Admin 404
               -He loves the ocean too!
               -He remembers going to the beacha few times as a kid and how much fun he always had with his family, so hewanted to share a similar experience with you!
               -Everything was planned out!He’d share a nice picnic lunch with you first, then the two of you would relaxbefore taking a long walk hand in hand-
               -Except you threw that out thewindow in an instant
               -The moment you got there, youstripped your clothes to reveal your bathing suit underneath
               -(The action which was innocentbut Yoosung still practically fainted because w o w you’re a beautiful person)
               -You ran towards the waterdespite his protests
               -But he can’t actually get thatmad because watching you jump into the water made him want to get in too? Mightas well do something really fun together right??
               -Besides, isn’t spontaneity waymore fun than following a plan?? He didn’t want to turn out like /Jumin/ afterall
               -So he jumps into the water withyou! The two of you spent the whole day in the water and passed out the momentthe two of you laid on the beach towel, the picnic completely forgotten
               -The Curse of the Beauty™stops him from going to the beach very often
               -But you wanted to go and he wasso ready to take you!
               -(Totally wasn’t because he wanted….tosee you…. in a swimsuit…)
               -The ocean breeze was sure tofeel amazing after all of the stress of practicing for his latest play
               -He kept trying to get you totake selfies with him but you just?? Kept playing??? In the water???
               -You looked so adorable justrunning and splashing around that he took selfies with you in the backgroundanyway
               -Totally the type to pick you upand throw you into the water, but did you like it? Yes
               -He felt really bad when you gottears in your eyes when he said it was time to leave
               -Had to carry you out of thewater while you were kicking and throwing a fit because you just! Wanted! Tostay! Longer!
               -You were adorable and he loved itbut please MC you’re going to pass out from exhaustion, you’ve been out thereall day!
               -A day of relaxation???
               -With a nice ocean breeze????
               -Where she can just sit with youand read a book or two???
               -She couldn’t pack the car fastenough. She was Ready to Go™
               -Except she… didn’t get torelax?
               -The moment you got there, youran straight for the ocean and that scared her
               -“MC! Don’t you think thosewaves are a little.. high? Shouldn’t you come rest?”
               -She did not get to rest. Shewas worried about you the whole time. It didn’t help that you kept lettingyourself wash up on the beach hoping she’d give you mouth to mouth *wink wonk*
               -You even pulled her into the watera few times, against her will. She just wanted to read, MC! You felt her wrathevery time she practically tackled you into the water, though, it wasn’t reallya punishment for you?
               -He thinks your fascination withsuch simple things is amazing
               -Things you can see every night,and things you can simply just travel to, it was all so common but your lovefor it was just extraordinary
               -So he decided to mix the two.You like the ocean? You like the stars?
               -He rented and entire beachresort for the two of you fuckin rich kid
               -Watched as you ran immediatelyto the water, body guards following a little bit behind to make sure you don’thurt yourself
               -He joined you after a littlewhile, watching as you ran around, splashing, laughing and smiling like a childat heart
               -Couldn’t help but laughwhole-heartedly when you jumped onto his back and made him run through thewaves, or when you kept sneaking up on him like a shark and splashing water inhis face
               -The two of you laid together onthe beach once night fell, watching as the moon and stars started to rise
               -He watched you in amazement asyou listed off and pointed to each and every constellation. He knew you weresmart so it shouldn’t have been much of a shock but he couldn’t help himself
               -The small smile on your lips asyou explained the back stories to all of the star formations made his heartskip a beat. He placed his hand on your cheek, pulling your face close to hisbefore kissing your cheek. He could lay there all night if it meant he couldhear you talk so passionately like you have been
               -Space Nerds™
               -The two of you try to outsmarteach other when it comes to anything space related
               -You’ll constantly take trips upto the mountains to relax and stare at the sky
               -That’s when the two of you havea contest on who can name the most constellations
               -You guys have even gone to theclosest planetarium enough times that the staff there knows your names
               -As often as you two get inpassionate debates, he loves to keep it going as long as possible??
               -Not because he likes arguing,but he loves to see the fire in your eyes and the smug little smile on yourface when you know you’re right
               -More often than not, you guyshave pushed Saeran out of the way trying to race each other outside
               -You love putting up glow starsin the bedroom with Saeyoung, switching the constellations every other week
               -That’s how he asked you tomarry him too, spelling it out in stars on the ceiling for you to find when youwent to bed
               -Because he knew anything thatdidn’t involve your guy’s favourite thing was completely subpar
               -Taking aesthetic photos withflowers in the daytime
               -Taking aesthetic photos withthe stars and fireflies at night time
               -The starry sky is one of hisfavourite backdrops for you
               -And he’s always taking picturesof how soft and happy your face gets when you look at them
               -Always his background. Always.10/10
               -Your favourite picture of himis one where his hands are cupped around a firefly, the light glowing softlyagainst his face, thousands of stars in the background
               -When he asked you what made ityour favourite, you told him there’s three different stars and you loved eachone of them
               -From then on he made sure thatthere was always time for star gazing. He even made photography trips solely toexplore different landscapes with you, so you could see different variations ofstars and star quantities
               -There’s a whole gallery full ofyou running around, looking up at the stars, even a few when your face is asred as could be, after realizing you’ve rambled for hours about the stars, buthe loves them
               -“This gallery may be fullof stars, but this person, right here, is my favourite one.”
               -He knew you always disappearedat night for hours at a time but didn’t know where? He pretended like he didn’tcare but it actually started to worry him
               -A few nights, you would leaveand wouldn’t come back until the morning and that /scared him/
               -So one day, he followed you.Completely ready to follow you to some sketchy place, but all you did was walkto the back yard?? What???
               -He watched as you set up aladder to the roof, climbing to the top and disappearing
               -Not far behind you, he climbsup and pops his head up just far enough to see you sitting there, hugging yourknees and looking at the sky
               -“Saeran you can come uphere, I’m not gonna stop you,” you said, but you scared him so bad healmost fell off the ladder. He scrambled onto the roof to pretend it didn’thappen
               -He sat next to you in silencefor a solid hour until he asked why you were up here. You told him the starswere one of your favourite things and sometimes you just wanted to sit and soakit all in. It comforted you
               -He knew you liked the stars, healways say you reading books related to space, your space related things aroundthe house, and your nerdy space themed clothes. He didn’t know your love wentthis far though??
               -Could definitely agree that itwas comfortable up here, looking at the specs of light in the sky. He asked youabout some of the constellations and even about a few planets that were visible
               -“You don’t have to leaveme alone every night anymore, MC. I’m going to come up here too. Not becauseyou like it! It’s… nice. It’s cool. No, I said it wasn’t just because I cansit with you!”
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saeranlover · 7 years
Why give rika a good ending? she doesn't deserve it
Okay, anon... I understand where you’re coming from. Yes, Rika did some pretty bad, disgusting stuff in her life. However, that does not mean that she is 100% not worthy of any sort of redemption.
I’m going to probably end up doing some sort of long analysis on Rika here, so stick by me...
Rika was mentally ill. Of course, all of what she did cannot be pinned upon just that. All of the RFA members seem to hold some semblance of mental issues, but I’m going to be talking about just Rika here.
From what it sounds like, she has worked persistently through her life to improve the quality of the lives of others over her own. You can tell by some of the CGs in the game. For example, this one with Yoosung:
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The thing is, her life wasn’t perfect, perhaps leading to why she wanted to help others. It is indicated that her adoptive parents end up disliking her, meaning that in terms of family, Yoosung was the only one who wanted her around. That must have been horrible, knowing that not even the parents who wished to grant her a second chance to have a family in life don’t want her, with it only being her adoptive cousin who feels as though she was worth something. That could have made her depression so much worse than it could have been if she had a proper, full family wanting to support her.
Also, to add on to this, her life becomes worse following the death of somebody important in her life: her pet dog, Sally. This is like a trigger for her, as she blames herself entirely for not letting Sally get surgery to fix her eyes, leading to Sally running out in front of a car. She must have felt like it was her own dog committing suicide just for the sake of getting happiness that could only be achieved otherwise by receiving the surgery.
This leads to (what may be coincidental, because of Sally’s blindness) V’s eyes being attacked by Rika. However, he is not innocent with this matter. I do feel sympathetic for V, and believe that he was dumb for not taking up Jumin’s offer for surgery... But he did bring this upon himself.
This is a conversation which they had in part 3 of the first section of the secret endings:
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And for just in case it doesn’t load:
V: You can never hurt me, Rika. I love you more than you can ever imagine. I don’t have a single shroud of doubt in my mind. I love you, I desperately want you.
Rika: You want me when I’m like this? I’m always depressed. I have so many problems...
V: They are nothing compared to my love...
Rika: I can’t believe somebody would love me so much. V... are you real?
V: You can test me until you believe me. Even if you strangle my neck, BLIND MY EYES, and destroy my limbs... I love you. I am your sun.
V is genuinely trying to help her, but is going the complete wrong way about it in my opinion. He says that she can never hurt him, but feeling hurt is good in a natural, healthy relationship, so long as the hurt isn’t constant or permanent. He then, as I emphasised in bold, italics, and capital letters, says that Rika can blind him to prove that he is real and that his love is real. V, for god’s sake... That will not help in the slightest. He did feel as though he was doing good for her, and proving his love...
But still, in a way, that may have been another trigger for Rika in setting her off in her delusions of achieving happiness. Being able to influence V’s happiness in such a way may have made her feel she had the power to bring about happiness for all.
On top of this, this was most likely at a point after V had influenced Saeyoung into joining the intelligence agency. That meant that she had somebody else to test out her happiness ideals... Saeran Choi, a vulnerable, abused, and sickly teenager. Her promises to him for happiness through assisting her and getting his revenge on Saeyoung for leaving is what led to him becoming completely loyal to her, in turn making her feel more powerful in terms of achieving power, and making her delusions of power worse, leading to her calling herself a ‘Saviour’.
On top of that.... Rika used the RFA to assist in the creation of Mint Eye, her ‘Paradise’. Chances are, she used the lists of guests to find people who would be willing to join and support the group. This can be supported by something which V, who is aware of Rika and Mint Eye, says in the Christmas DLC to Jumin. He asks for Jumin to illegally obtain information about people who attended the first RFA party... Specifically the bank details.
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He’s vague with his reasons, but I have a feeling that this is to fund Rika’s Mint Eye. I mean, the ‘medicine of salvation’ which Rika ends up with must have been created through some sort of funding, and I have a feeling that V knew that if he could get the support of those who are no longer associated to the RFA - AKA those who could tell Jumin, etc. that something is going on, he could support Rika’s paradise.
Again... Not the best thing you could’ve done, V. And even then, I think Jumin still does it for him, because of his loyalty to his friend.... V is so blinded by his love for Rika, he just wants her to be happy. I understand that feeling which V has of being so in love with somebody that I would want to do literally anything for them, but if Tobias started a cult which drugs and brainwashes people? Hell nah, I would never help him with that, I’d try to talk him out of it!
But even then... He probably knew that Rika now had the power to kill him. She has disciples at this point, people who would be willing to kill him just to make her happy. He can’t lie to her...
But anyway, I want to kind of go into Rika’s delusions of power now. As I mentioned earlier, through (most likely) Saeran and V, she feels powerful and as though she is one of the only ones who have the power to make people happy, hence her taking on the title of ‘Saviour’. She attempts to ‘save’ people, and ‘cleanse’ them from the ‘sins’ of society. As she has influence by this point, she feels more and more powerful.
She has nothing to ground her to reality.
She abandons the RFA, which V covers up at a suicide to protect the lives of the RFA. He doesn’t want them to know, he can’t afford to let them know, or else their lives would be put in danger by her pulling them into Mint Eye. But it was the RFA who grounded her to reality. People who supported and loved her, and became a second family to her who relied upon her.
Yoosung, her cousin who looked up to her. Jihyun, her lover and fiancée. Jumin, a close friend or both her and Jihyun. Zen, the rising musical actor who she had supported since he was nothing but a small name in the industry. Saeyoung, the boy she assisted in church before he became a hacker. Jaehee isn’t so closely tied to Rika, only being a part of the RFA through association to Jumin, but chances are she probably understood and empathised with the love and adoration which the others had for her.
The only way in which she could be brought back to reality...
Was being made to witness something which could only happen in reality, and not in her paradise.
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V being killed by Saeran.
In her paradise, V would have remained a ‘loyal’ disciple by her side (it is indicated at times that he is simply just a mole in Mint Eye under the premise of a disciple who does as she asks to avoid his death at her hands, trying to gather information to protect the RFA), until his natural death He would have been made to stay with her as he turns blind, and have been at her every whim.
He didn’t die how she intended for him to die.
It breaks her. She doesn’t know how to react. But unfortunately, that is how she can be grounded to reality.
After this, Rika is completely silent. Even when Zen and Yoosung are watching over her, she remains mute. She’s in shock. She is too shocked and horrified to react to Jihyun dying, and her only way of reacting to that is smiling and being silent. I assume that she is smiling and happy because that’s what Jihyun wanted her to be like when she was alive. Happy.
It’s only at his funeral, where people are talking of V in a positive light, that Rika begins to speak again. She talks about the sun - what she and V called each other.
Then, of course... She was able to be sent to Alaska for a year of residential therapy by Zen and Yoosung, before she is arrested for her crimes as a cult leader. She doesn’t resist, as she likely would have done if she was still at Mint Eye.
And we can only assume, due to how the secret endings finish, that one of two things happen.
She is helped with her mental illnesses in Alaska
The therapy doesn’t help, and makes things even worse for her.
I, in my honest opinion, hope that it is number 1 which occurs.
But anyway... That’s enough of my rambling... I’ll summarise what I said here:
Rika is mentally ill.
Yoosung is her only family member who supports her, not even her adoptive parents.
Sally’s death is one of the main triggers of her worse actions, as is V’s attempts at helping the one that he loves.
She feels that, through doing her best to make V and Saeran happy, she can make everyone happy, leading to delusions of power.
Mint Eye is a result of that.
The RFA was what grounded her to reality - leaving them to work on Mint Eye completely separated her from reality.
Only one thing was possible to ground her to reality, making her see the problems in her actions - V’s death
She becomes mute, but comes across as happy - WHAT V HAD WANTED FOR HER THE WHOLE TIME.
She doesn’t resist being sent to therapy in Alaska, but it is unknown what the outcome of that is.
Aaaaaaaand... Thank you for sticking with me.
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