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Flags for the archaeopronouns:
is/eum (Latin for he/him)
id/id (Latin for they/them)
ea/eam (Latin for she/her)
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seehisbriefs · 3 months
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embarrassedanon · 4 months
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One of the benefits of taking spin class in an open-air gym was no one blinked an eye when you took off your tank. After all, the trade off for the vitamin D boost was the stifling humidity. But you were there to sweat, no pain no gain, etc. So you embraced the stickiness and powered through the ride. What you hadn't planned to embrace was the free show you were giving to the dozens of guys in the rows behind you. Your trusty pair of spandex had never failed you until today. A combination of the excess sweat and the gargantuan glute gains you made since taking up spinning left your tights completely sheer. While you were head down ass up powering through your workout you couldn't figure what was so funny in the back rows or what had so many guys on their phones. In due time you'd learn how you became the butt of the joke.
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disease · 2 months
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trendingdrama · 1 year
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We finally meet again.
[S01.E01] See You in My 19th Life / 이번 생도 잘 부탁해 dir. lee na jung
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swinginmandarin · 2 months
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Saw this tweet and thought of them
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sorrydupuis · 4 months
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whumparound · 1 month
Midnight Studio - Whumplist
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Summary: Struggling lawyer Han Bom (Kwon Nara) has fallen on hard times: She’s behind with her rent and can’t find any clients who will pay her. But might she enjoy better luck representing clients in the afterlife? After she meets a short-tempered photographer named Seo Ki Joo (Joo Won) and his clientele of disgruntled ghosts and restless spirits, her luck begins to change. Will this unusual duo’s new partnership prove a hit for the living...and the living dead? 
**Description from VIKI, Show is a VIKI original**
Thoughts: I actually really enjoyed this drama. I feel like some pieces of it were never explained like his mother, and he only talked about his father once. Outside of that, the story was really entertaining and, as you can see, filled with whump. Joo Won is a great whumpee, and I would suggest watching Stealer: the treasure keeper or Alice if you want more whump from him. For this list I started paying attention to Baek Nam-gu around episode 7 but there is an ep early on that shows his death. I don't really count death as whump so I didn't add it.
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Seo Ki joo Played by Joo won
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Baek Nam-gu Played by Eum Moon Suk
1x01 - Seo Ki joo: carried (comical) ●● choked in air ●● Sick, Feverish, smoke Inhalation coughs ●● scared, attacked, choked
1x02 Seo Ki joo: thrown on accident●● attacked by spirits pinned down, saved
1x03 Seo Ki joo: *from last ep***pinned down, almost killed, saved*** ●● Arrested, manhandled, woke up yelling from a nightmare
1x04 Seo Ki joo: concerned for someone, ran into traffic to save FL
1x05 - Seo Ki joo: sleeping, woke frantic, someone throws salt at him, crowded and yelled at, ●● concern for someone ●● in fight ●● pinned against wall ●● Nightmare, wakes up sweating falls off bed unconscious
1x06 - Seo Ki joo: Sweaty, can't hold up his head, passes out ●● carried home by FL *it's was so funny I has to pause to laugh*, laid down, wakes up slowly, struggling, goes to work but is sick for 3 days
1x07 - Seo Ki joo: Choked, cared for Baek Nam-gu: fought, struggling to stand
1x08 - Seo Ki joo: scratch on arm ●● Sick, sweaty, falls asleep, wakes up, frantic (comedic) Baek Nam-gu: fought ●● found out upsetting news
1x09 - Seo Ki joo: Concerned for someone ●● Worried ●● Thrown by a visitor, concerned for, helped to stand Baek Nam-gu: upset, crying, throws vase through glass with powers. Concerned for, comforted, thrown by spirit
1x10 - Seo Ki joo: upset, crying ●● thrown to the ground, choked ●● found out shocking news, pretending to be okay ●● crying while confessing he's scared (really heartbreaking and great acting) ●● attacked with a wrench, chased, fought, choked with said wrench, almost passes out, choked again, saved, protecting FL, bruises on neck Baek Nam-gu: thrown to the ground
1x11 - Seo Ki joo: Client breaks glass that cuts ML cheek
1x12 - Seo Ki joo: scared, in ambulance, unconscious, sweaty, worried for, bleeding, flatlines Baek Nam-gu: Cries
1x13 - Seo Ki joo: found out shocking information, Fought, stabbed, knife twisted, struggling to run, falling, holding wound, falls wound bleeding more, finally makes it downstairs, passes out **this whole sequence was kind of funny on the Bad guys part because he looked so content** (from previous episode) in ambulance, unconscious, sweaty, worried for, bleeding, flatline ●● In hospital, coma, loved ones concerned for him●● Concerned for, slapped *comedic* ●● Concerned, saved FL worried Baek Nam-gu: slapped *comedic*, Upset, almost becomes evil, calms self, upset
1x14 - Seo Ki joo: crying, upset, bittersweet reunion with loved one ●● walking around with IV, looks weak ●● pain in stomach (Pretend), pain in neck (real, no consequence) ●● sad ●● teary Eyed, shocked, fought, throw Through wall of photos, chocked, dropped, chocked, almost stabbed, crying, screaming Baek Nam-gu: fought, thrown bookcase falls on him, fought, Collapsed, continues fighting, taken over, stabbed, crying
1x15- Seo Ki joo: dragged out of studio by a supernatural force, crying, comforted ●● Worried for loved one●● Worried for●● upset, trying to punch a ghost, collapses, teary Eyed, upset
1x16 - Seo Ki joo: Drunk, admitting he's scared, worried for ●● scared, chased, attacked, man's was jumped, jumps off a cliff into a gate, Rolls, grunting, cut on face, ●● stumbling, falls down hill, loosing energy, chased ●● thrown back by energy, upset, falls down a hill into rocks, knocked out ●●wakes up, kicked *comedic*, cut on hand
Sorry for any spelling errors. I am dumb 😊
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dansphil · 18 days
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The 8 Show  (2024) – Character Intros
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tansu-bomb · 11 months
See you in my 19th life is giving me such Alchemy of Souls vibe…I’m over the moon.
In a veryy long time, the first episode of a drama has me utterly hooked.
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prplocks · 3 months
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✧❁ wallpaper 〴 becky blackbell ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
reblog if you save ➳
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seehisbriefs · 3 months
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Tyler, with cheeks as red as a ripe tomato, clutched his shirt down in a futile attempt to cover what his missing pants could not—his trusty tighty whities. His friends, Jake and Ethan, stood a few feet away, barely containing their laughter.
Jake: (chuckling) "Oh, Tyler, you really should thank us. We're just helping you air out those classic briefs!"
Tyler: (embarrassed) "This isn't the time for jokes, guys. Seriously, where are my pants?!"
Ethan: "Relax, Ty. They're safe and sound. But you've got to admit, this is pretty funny. Who knew you were still rocking the look of a fifth grader?"
Nearby students began to gather, drawn by the unusual sight. A girl named Emma pointed at Tyler, her giggle cutting through the murmuring crowd.
Emma: "Oh my gosh, Tyler, I had no idea you were such a trendsetter. Tighty whities on campus? Bold move!"
Tyler's face turned an even deeper shade of red, if that were possible. He tried to laugh it off, but his voice cracked under the weight of his embarrassment.
Tyler: "Yeah, haha, trendsetter... that's me. Can I just get my pants back now?"
Jake: "All in good time, buddy. They're just hanging around, enjoying a bit of sunshine. Maybe you should take a stroll by the library. You know, for some light reading and... pants retrieval."
Tyler sighed, resigned to his fate. He knew there was no escaping the watchful eyes and smartphones of his peers.
Ethan: "Don't worry, Ty. At least you're wearing the good old reliable tighty whities. They never go out of style, right?"
With a sheepish nod, Tyler set off toward the library, his friends' laughter echoing behind him. As he walked, the murmurs of the crowd followed, a mix of amusement and sympathy for the young man in his not-so-secret underwear.
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mezbeleyer · 1 year
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Seo-ha. Please don’t cry.
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candlewinds · 10 months
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I would not mind dying. Together.
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kdramasource · 1 year
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" Cho-won,you haven't changed at all.You're making it hard for me.I might regret it.I definitely will regret it.I shouldn't even think about it.I know I shouldn't, but…"
[S01.E05] See You in My 19th Life / 이번 생도 잘 부탁해 (2023) dir. lee na jung
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girlsdit · 1 year
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see you in my 19th life (2023)
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