naziachy · 1 year
Kahi ishqi di marzi hay; kahi rab di marzi hay!
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hasan221197 · 2 years
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Afzaliyat e Siddiq e Akbar Khalifa e Awwal رضي اللَّه تعالیٰ عنه Ba-Zuban e Imaam e Silsila e Barkaatiya Syed Shah Barkatullah Ishqi Pemi رحمة الّله تعالیٰ علیہ @shadab_amjadii Ki Wall Se (at Dargah-E-Barkaatiya Marehra Shareef) https://www.instagram.com/p/CndKq9kIDcY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vaelinor · 4 years
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CALLER: Hello?
CALLER: Hi, it’s me. Yeah. I’m doing okay, thanks for asking. How has life been treating you?
CALLER: Oh, that’s wonderful to hear.
RECEIVER: Any particular reason you called?
CALLER: I-I’m not sure.
RECEIVER: That’s okay. I’m here.
CALLER: I just...gosh, do you ever think about the insignificance of the universe? Maybe we’re not so insignificant after all. Sometimes, it’s so easy to forget the small things in life. You know? 
CALLER: Like how green the grass is when you just lay in it, staring up at the sky that turns into stars. When words flow out effortlessly, without restraint or caution. When you don’t make an effort to be perfect or say everything poetically, and when you’re just...you. Those little moments.
CALLER: It’s so easy to forget.
CALLER: I guess, in this little world where my name is barely known, it’s easy to want something bigger. A universe where your name is plastered all over Times Square, where  you get on stage and it’s like you own the entire world, even if the world is just you and the stage and your audience. And you just want to sing your heart out and fling your arms out and just—just let go.
CALLER: I forget to let go a lot.
CALLER: And then there are the big names and stars who climb up to the stage for a hundred days consecutively. I think they think about what we have a lot. The normal life, per say. Work, and school, and hanging out with friends at burger joints, and laying in soccer fields. They don’t get that.
We always want the things we don’t have.
But getting to be here and to experience all of this, taking it in all one day at a time—the simplicity is beautiful. It’s comforting, in a way. I forget that, too: the comfort of simplicity. I don’t have to be the greatest or famous or anything at all.
Humble survives. To wake up to clean walls and think, wow. This is what I have. I really get this. Even if each day seems a little bleary and unclear, you’re here.
You get me?
The small things are here. This moment, right now, on the phone with you. I’ll never experience it again.
Each moment is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You don’t need to bow to an audience after you finish a masterful piano piece at Carnegie Hall to have those unique moments. Here it is. Right here. Every second you breathe is a unique moment. You don’t need a grandiose display for the world to understand you. You understand yourself, more than anyone.
I’m so grateful for all of it.
For you.
It’s easy to be afraid and to give in to the dark. Most times, I do.
That’s okay.
But tonight...tonight I was thinking: Do you want to drive up to the mountains together, right now, and see the stars? Maybe we could admire the little things tonight. Together. We could sit in the grass and bring a blanket and catch up on everything we missed out on over the years.
Would you like that?
Would you?
CALLER: Hello? Are you still there?
general taglist. ( ask to be + / - )
@arkicts @aeternve @empurious @hennaswars @herondalelucies @ishqi @ladywithalamp @perditism @queridaz @ruewens @sans-removyr @semblanche @serpentarii @skyhuntcr @sollariia @runinswar @writerinabubble @yaqarah
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maesvp · 4 years
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— a wip introduction
GENRE: fantasy
TROPES: found family, platonic soulmates, court intrigue
CONTENT WARNINGS: character deaths, blood and violence, human experimentation, child soldiers, memory loss, unrequited love
STATUS: 10k / 90k
— synopsis
Sporadically and endlessly, Nyame’s Star has rained stardust into the veins of the worthiest of champions upon their birth. These champions are known as ajabu, star-touched individuals whose eyes glow vibrant jewel tones whenever they practice their magic. Ajabu have been feared and celebrated for centuries, their rarity and magical feats adorning kingdom lore since the beginning of time. The age of ajabu is coming to an end in a realm where magic weakens as Nyame’s Star grows dimmer.
Sanaa Madaki is no hero, nor a star-touched legend. There is wealth and opulence to her name as an esteemed heir to one of Sekotanga’s Founder Houses. A recluse aristocrat by day, and wielder of secrets and blackmail by night, Sanaa has dedicated her life to protecting the strongest ajabu the kingdom has ever seen: two kid orphans. Sanaa protects her family with undying loyalty. That is, until questions arise when a young woman claiming to be the presumed dead princess requests the help of two famous ajabu to overthrow the queen.
House Madaki has not been represented at the royal court in nearly forty years. With the help of her childhood friends, Sanaa ties together an elaborate plan to overthrow the crown from inside the palace. Complications arise as Nyame’s Star loses its luster and the royal astrologist campaigns a dark and dangerous method to weaponize the remaining magic present on the Land. The pursuit for the crown entangled with sacrifices for magical corruption forces Sanaa and her family to do everything in their power to stop Nyame’s Star from being used as a weapon to destroy their kingdom.
— characters
SANAA MADAKI | LADY ECHO. twenty-five. nkosi of house madaki. ringleader of gilded echo, a dark guild that deals in favors and secrets. queen of blackmail.  they admire a gilded figure—crafted meticulously by the state of her environment—failing to take notice of what blooms beneath the surface.
HEDIYE ADEMOLA | LOST HEIR. twenty-one. bastard princess of sekotanga. the entire kingdom believes she is dead after a failed assassination attempted ordered by her step-mother fourteen years ago. a ray of sunshine, one that shields herself with naivety and beauty, smiles delicate, her flattery is inviting.
KOVU BALEWA | GHOST. twenty-three, ajabu with wind magic. his skill and stealth earned him an infamous reputation as a member of gilded echo and assassin guild, lex talionis. the world has only shown him its worst, resulting in a softness veiled by ice.
CELANKOBE OKONKWO | EX-WARRIOR. twenty five. royal warrior tasked with ensuring the assassination of hediye ademola... turned-reluctant royal babysitter for more than a decade. he knows of loyalty and trust, and amongst this court, one can not survive without the other.
RUDENEJA | DOVE. fourteen. ajabu with sensory magic. speaker of many languages. the jewels adorning her tight curls of pitch black and slender piano fingers catch light and glitter as she evades and taunts her opponents with the calming laugh of a child who seeks solace under the moon, sun, and stars.
FARAJI | PHOENIX. fourteen. ajabu with fire magic. the swing of his twin blades are no different from the stroke of his paintbrush. there is an intricacy to the way he strikes, mismatched eyes—one of cool silver and the other of burnt embers—honing in to the visual lays of the world that surround him.  
— taglist (ask for +/-)
@herondalelucies @moariin​ @seomarshalls @tae-mv​ @amarnas​ @namelessscribe​ @vaelinor​ @tsainami @sprigofbasil​ @ishqi​ @vellichor-virgo​ @aashna​ @yaqarah​ @serpentarii​ @ladywithalamp​
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sukoonat · 4 years
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sukoonat (n.) — a merge of peace (sukoon) and silence (sakunat) ; peaceful silence
— about me.
my name is nini, and i use she/her pronouns. i’m a student with too many random interests to keep track of, but they usually revolve around literature, history, and music. 
i’m a leo, infj, type 4, and a bunch of other useless identifiers (excluding bread type, because i have a bone to pick with buzzfeed about that). some of my favorite books include the night circus, pride and prejudice, the invisible life of addie larue, and the raven cycle series. 
i love to play around with different styles of writing and have a penchant for writing long-winded metaphors, creating motifs that will never leave, and playing around with themes of life and death
— poetry.
i haven’t been writing poetry for very long, so please don’t keep your expectations too high, but do feel free to check out my poetry tag and leave some feedback for me :)
— wips.
sweetbriar house.
keres stavrou has been running as long as she can remember — from a family she never belonged to, from a lover who left her her broken, and from a power she wished to be rid of. finally given the chance to try again, she settles down in sweetbriar house, an abandoned cottage passed down through generations of her family, tucked away in a small town that gives her the opportunity to grow without previous resistance. but the house has its own secrets; a slew of spirits are trapped within it, spirits only keres can free... if the life she worked so long to evade doesn’t overtake her first.
introduction coming soon .  wip tag
— tag list.
[ask to be added or removed]
@sollariia @agnosthesias @vaelinor @aeternve @hennawar @kalliopeian @summonerscog @winteranarchy @ishqi @ninazeniks @etoilesvp​ 
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cheesekeys · 3 years
hyy everyone 
After so long I’m back in tumblr 
is there any Indian who used to watch serials of SONY TV 
and it’s Ishq Parr Zor Nahi 
it is the best serial I have ever seen on television 
main characters are Param Singh as Ahaan and Akshita Mudagal as Ishqi 
Ahaan fav dialouge is ‘‘What the Fudge’’ he use to say fudge because he can’t say fuck in National Telivision.
Ishi fav are “This Ishqi is very very Riscky”
                  “Mujhe dekhiye Zoom kr k dekhiye” 
And Ahaan’s cousin brother is “Godfather”of this relatinship.”ISHQAAN”
I request you guys watch this serial at least once.
it comes on SONY TV Evening 9:30 P.M. Monday to Friday.
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sultanah · 4 years
ishqi -> everslarks
sb please <3
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sitaarein · 4 years
Last line written tag
I was tagged by @ishqi <33 thank you so much!
So this is an excerpt from my current WIP which is in sore need of a new name hdgfskhdf but anyways:
 As Ramil pulled out his sword from one of the creatures with a disgusting squelch, he glanced around, just in time to notice Izaan grimace as he was showered with a nasty spray of blood that left all three of them coughing. The creature Izaan had just killed slumped forward, and the translator shoved it away with a barely audible curse. 
Saif, as always, remained completely unperturbed, despite having been practically choking not even a full minute ago. Ramil saw the scholar look up from his nails from the corner of his eyes, as he drove his sword into yet another wuhush.  
“You’re getting sloppy,” Said drawled, presumably addressing Izaan.
Izaan snorted, whirling away from the aalim.
 “‘Thank you so much for saving my life, Izaan! What would I ever do without you????’ ‘Why, it was my pleasure, Saif! My only purpose in life is to prevent any harm from ever befalling you!’ And no, Ramil, to answer your earlier question, I am certain you are perfectly capable of buying your own shoes, ”
Ramil pouted, slashing his way through the wahasha to stand back to back with the translator. “Yes, but you buying me clothes is just so much better,”
“I’m sure,” Izaan replied, darting around the wahasha, using his axe in quick, clean moves to ensure they didn’t get back up, which resulted in a rather drastic decrease of monsters trying to kill them. Even Saif looked- microscopically- impressed. 
Tagging: Literally anyone who’s written something recently and wants to share it!!!! Go wild!!!!!! 
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arkicts · 4 years
heads up seven up
thanks for the lovely tag!! @writeremma
(this is me simultaneously writing seven different chapters. these are the beginnings of four of them, from my wip the language of honey blossoms.)
Katja Feldt is a death god. That's what people in the gambling dens of Western Lehmm have whispered when their fingers grasped their soft-edged playing cards and they felt the kiss of decay on their sweat-slicked necks.
Moritz Rohlfs was a blood craver, addicted to the copper-scented liquid that trailed down his sinewy arms as it inked the parchment paper on his desk with crimson splotches. His blood, tainted with the kiss of divinity, was what Hilda Brunker used to mark her cream envelopes and the soft-creased parchments she writes on.
There was something Folke Rahr loved about the people that screamed when he cut off their tongues with his crooked dagger. They all shrivelled around his feet, staring at the glossy points of his laced boots as they clung to the fabric of his trousers, begging with feverous whimpers and soundless cries.
The blood-soaked streets and the crooked alleyways of Stadhtberg were not safe for Aurik Hasse.
tagging + no pressure! @septemberliterature @ishqi @writingbyjillian @mahalii @kraljevna
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zoyalais-moved · 4 years
gonna take a very off guess and correct me if im wrong but ishqi is a variant of the word 'ishq (love)' right? or am i wrong lol...? love the changes you made to your writerblr ! looks damn cool
saiiiii ahh ily for even asking shgdhd
yess!! Ishqi specifically means my love/my passion
also tanksuu !! I'm gonna make it a general writerblr now so I can dump all my wips there shgdhdh
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shippersark · 3 years
Ishk Par Zor Nahin 30th March 2021 Written Episode Update
Ishk Par Zor Nahin 30th March 2021 Written Episode Update #IshqParZorNahi #ParamSingh #IshqParZorNahin #AkshitaMudgal #IPZN #IshkParZorNahi #ParamSinghBhatia #IshkParZornahin #Ishqaan
The Episode starts with Ahaan coming to the kitchen. He sees Mayank. Sonu hides. Mayank says it would be a problem if he saw us. He says finally, I m getting married in my friend’s house, we shall celebrate, I m very happy. Ishqi is a nice girl, I m so excited. He goes with Ahaan. Sonu thinks poor Ishqi, she doesn’t know that she is getting married to a cheap man, shall I tell truth to…
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vaelinor · 4 years
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— sweet child, listen to this: when, tell me when, did you become a monster?
Sweet child, pray tell: When did you learn how to carve your own heart out? Your mercy has become agony upon your blade; How did the light in your eyes fall to drought?
Vicious child, tell me this: When did your name become a symbol for your pain? They shout your name across the rooftops you reign. Since when have your lies spun themselves around their veins?
Lost child, do speak: How have your feet learned to walk the spiked streets? Your kindness was reaped in exchange for woe; When did your touch become a killing blow?
Fallen child, answer this: When did you begin to define the night sky not by its stars but by the darkness it confines? In your nightmares, you have become a saint. Hark! those who fly too far will only faint.
Beware, my love, for you climb so fast; The treacherous look upon you, aghast. When your crown becomes ruin And your throne passed, Will you see what you have become at last?
general taglist. ( ask to be + / - )
@agnosthesias​ @arkicts @aeternve @empurious @hennaswars @herondalelucies @ishqi @kalliopeian​ @ladywithalamp @nangua​ @perditism @queridaz @ruewens @runinswar @sans-removyr @semblanche @salicaires @skyhuntcr @sollariia @thanctos​ @writerinabubble @yaqarah
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agnosthesias · 4 years
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AGNOSTHESIA (n.) — the state of not knowing how you really feel about something, which forces you to sift through clues hidden in your behavior, as if you were some other person.
hi! i’m andrea or andy. my pronouns are they/them, and i’m an isfj, type eight, and chaotic neutral. my main & literature blog is @jsperfhey​​.
some of my favorite books include girls of paper & fire, the hate u give, sapiens, six of crows, and red white & royal blue. i’m a writer who rarely writes coherent pieces as well as an aspiring poet—both written and spoken. currently, i’m working on an untitled novel and exploring slam & prose poetry!
wip i (untitled).
a wlw retelling of the famous romance of the three kingdoms.
introduction & wip tag coming soon.
all of my poetry can be found under my poetry tag here.
@aeternve​ @arkicts @ellinghams @from-knight-to-lover @godessofchastity @hennaswars @hennawar​ @ishqi @kalliopeian @kilioferebor @phaesphoros @sollariia @vaelinor​ @yaqarah​
ask to be added or removed!
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maesvp · 4 years
and to land stars return soulmatism
there is one (1) thing you must know about atlsr, and that is: sanaa and kovu have the softest moments ever. as far as i am concerned they <3 have invented soulmates
— stars of our youth, infinitely, inexplicably
From the way he moves along with the nonchalance of an oblivious boy, Sanaa takes it upon herself to spell it out for him. "She likes you. The kind of like where she wishes to fall in love with you."
"Really," Kovu says lightly. He digs a pinky in his ear, and doesn't spare a glance backward, disinterested. "Is that the same love I feel for you?"
"It's different! You love me, but you are not in love with me."
"If it's so different, why have you said love twice?"
"You are so difficult—okay—we are to be wed because we are very close. Some people are fortunate enough to be wed to their lovers."
"I still get to marry for love, then," Kovu says—so simply and earnestly—without hesitation. His warmth bleeds, and Sanaa finds herself chasing after it.
She throws an arm around his shoulders and allows herself a moment to bask in the youthful innocence that radiates off of him before replying, "Yes, you truly do."
— the mind and heart of you and i
He is painstakingly clueless and endearingly thoughtful—a constant warmth by her side that overshadows the very golden gleam provided by the sun. He's a body of innocence and smiles of youth, overarching and stretching past the barriers held by her walls. It bleeds—this brand of kindness—all over his heart and his sleeves, carmine drips and slathered rubies forever sketched on their canvas of life.
This kindness loves so simply. It is always Kovu being the first to reach for Sanaa's hand, entwining their fingers and swinging the connected digits between them. He reminds her of his promise, always with linked pinkies and a kiss on the bend of thumbs, smiling so brightly that his eyes close ever so slightly and even the sun has to seek cover behind pillows of white suspended in blankets of cerulean blue.
— taglist (ask for +/-)
@herondalelucies @moariin @seomarshalls @tae-mv @amarnas @namelessscribe @vaelinor @tsainami @sprigofbasil @ishqi @vellichor-virgo @aashna @yaqarah @salicaires @ladywithalamp @crystalline-methadone @pressedpapyrus @perditism @hiddenhistoria @chazzawrites @thrcneofthorns @marewriteblr @astorsa @trans1ence
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herondalelucies · 4 years
omg hi its (@ishqi) can I be added to your general taglist? your wips all sound super interesting <3
of course!! this is a REAL sign for me to make a real general taglist huh c: but i’ll add you to all the wip taglists!! thank you sm for your interest <3
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sultanah · 4 years
qamaras -> ishqi
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