hoshizoralone · 1 year
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evil gf and her evil-er satan dragon bf
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steel-nageyari · 3 months
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me when i love my wife idk didn't play fe4
julius/ishtar for fe scuffle!
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asphodelis · 10 months
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some wips i will never finish but would like to share (its all 2nd gen jugdral)
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meridachii · 1 year
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Seliph's big and complicated family 
Who’s your favorite member of this family?
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ayumitsuu · 8 months
[ FE4 Character Impressions 8 - yep, still crying ]
Went with darker background for these because I’m a sucker for high contrast.
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- I actually like Iucharba (Yohalva) a lot more than I was expecting (axe users get shafted in FE4 tho, and he doesn’t get sick stat growths like the other babies u_u)
- Iuchar (Yohan) seemed like an OK human being (didn’t deserve to be k-worded). His waxing poetic and death quote about loving Larcei forever was supposed to be romantic I think but it just kinda weirded me out. Sucks that you have to k-word the one you don’t recruit. Can’t it just be one of those either/or choices? :[
- imagine naming your kids: Iucharba, Iuchar, and… Brian 🤪 I can’t tell if they gave up after Brian or from the very start
- Julius x Ishtar’s story breaks my heart 😭💔 Juju didn’t do anything wrong… he was just born the “wrong” twin 💔 Ishtar took me on an emotional rollercoaster, which ended with my heart breaking for her (and Julius), what a tragedy… I just want them to be happy 🥲
- Finn? I think you mean, FINE 😩💦
- In all seriousness though, Finn is the hero of this story. Without him, there is no MC for Thracia 776, jus sayin’ :T Also, royal blue hair? Obviously a descendant of the Hero King 👑
- I was SO glad to see that someone survived the Valhalla BBQ. After that, my first thought about Gen 2 Lewyn was, “dayum, he got hotter???” 😳🥵💦 If wind mage, why hot? 🔥 🤔 (not complainin tho ;’D)
- I cannot… I love them so much. Also, (putting the YUM in) DAYUMMMMM x2 😳😳😳 💗 FINE-ness aside I’m so so proud of them 😭💓💞💗 *sniffle* They did so well… 😭😭😭💗💞💗💓💕💞💓💘💖💖
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phantomstatistician · 7 months
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Fandom: Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Character: Altena
Sample Size: 34 stories
Source: AO3
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randomnameless · 7 months
i know you said hopes had negative character development for the cast, but who do you think is better in hopes than in houses?
Better like in better writing, or better as in I appreciate them more?
Without a doubt, I'd say Felix and Sylvain who are better in Nopes than their FE16 versions, and in a way... Rhea herself, thanks to having more screentime when she isn't PTSD'ing lol
Call it chauvinism, but Sylvain in Nopes was scrubbed out of everything that made him... unlikable/feel flat in Houses.
His sob story about people only wanting to fuck him for his title/crest really felt... straight out ripped from some High School AU, with John McChad acting like an ass because the only girls who want to date him are interested in his situation as a heir of his dad's big company, and not because they love him. Yay. Great. Perfectly what I'm looking for in my medieval fantasy game where you whack people with swords.
Add to that the focus on crusts being the supposedly only reason why people are lusting over him - and not because, hey, you're a member of one of the most important noble houses in the Kingdom - to play in the general "crust bad" orchestra that can lead on the Supreme path, and the fact it's never ever adressed, and we have... this, which completely, to me, hides the other parts of Sylvain's character - like being someone who thinks outside of the box and resolves to lessen the reliance on his relic to defend the border by... creating a situation where they'll be no tension at the border, aka, a peace with Sreng.
Now, Sylvain works so well in Nopes partly because all of his "wah ladies only want my penis because i'm rich :'( " is erased, so we see a character who takes his duties as the heir of Gautier seriously, assists his Lord and friends and bring "new ideas" to help everyone. Sylvain, under his frivolous appearance and behavior, actually thinks and learns and suggests a lot of things that are quite useful, a bit like a "what if Sain wasn't only interested in courtship, but was raised as a future lord and had insight and suggestions on what to do". So sure, it's not as quirky and memorable as John McChad's sophomore year of school, but it fits better, imo, in the FE series.
As for Felix, well, it's more or less the same, his entire "duh boar bad chivalry bad and stupid - but wait no don't die and i'm sorry to have hit you dad i liked you but I was too busy playing the tsundere that I never got to say it to you before you died" schtick felt... old and annoying in FE16.
Sure, Felix can have his own, personal feelings about Dimitri being a hidden boar, but Felix is also the only heir of Rodrigue, and will become the next Duke Fraldarius, aka the second most important person in the Kingdom after the King himself, and the one tasked to protect it. Should Felix completely ignore his feelings and do what is expected of him, or take his role seriously? No, and Nopes has him give some "boar this, boar that", but Felix isn't a petulant 16 years old who wants to be "edgy" anymore, Felix is the next Duke - something he never shied away from, especially in his FE16 paralogue! - and has to start learning the job, thinking about Faerghus in something else than small jabs thrown at Dimitri and how to protect its people and second the King.
Heck, Felix's support in Nopes with Dimitri where Dimitri confesses about the ghosts, where Felix tries to carry him, the more or less cutscene where the general feeling is him saying to Dimitri he can count and rely on them... Given how FE16's Felix was written, even in AM, I can't see it happen before Rodrigue's death... and yet, in AG, Rodrigue is still alive (his optional death doesn't change those scenes), so when FE16's Felix realises there were more important things to do to help both his friend and country and dad but he only noticed it too late because he was too busy... being edgy, Nopes has him drop the edgy act (not completely drop it though, else it wouldn't be Felix anymore!) and act (lel) as his FE16 self, but only, without needing his dad to die first.
As for Rhea...
Having more screentime seriously helps, just like being allowed to talk about non plot relevant things with someone else than Billy or about Billy, I gushed a lot about the Nabatean paralogue, but it depicts her relaxing with her family (pissing on the "u r the only person i can talk to myself not the archbishop" pandering shit from FE16 even if FEH pissed on it first) and making tiny baby steps at apologising and confessing part of her guilt (for something completely stupid like Seiros the Warrior "borrowing" Cichol's shield to gift it to Willy!) to a member of her family.
Would that mean she would have confessed about the rez Sothis plan to Seteth earlier on? I... don't know, don't think so, and we don't have enough interactions between the two.
Compared to FE16 where she is an oyster until Billy turns green and Seteth nags her again and again and again, here she willingly makes the first step to apologise... sure, it's for something silly and not, resurrecting their mother, but it feels like a small progression (tiny baby steps) from FE16 where she has to be reveal stuff due to forced circumstances.
I also like how it sort of teases (or maybe that's just me lol) Seteth realising that Rhea still misses days long past to an unhealthy degree (tfw too much nostalgia), or just, having to remind her twice that those days are gone. Would he later realise her strange nostalgia hides something more deep, and ultimately her wish to "return" to those days by resurrecting Sothis?
idk, it's fuel for HCs and AUs, but for what it's worth, this paralogue and Nopes in general help flesh out Rhea more than what FE16 does, aka tying 80% of her mentions/appearances to Billy and Sothis.
(hell, in Nopes, she finally has lines with Flayn!)
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a-day-in-the-life-feh · 8 months
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Installment 048: Forging bonds: the musical! featuring Seliph, Julia, Elise, Mae, Julius, Maria, Boey, Arvis, Ishtar
Artist: Hayase Reku
Released: September 30 2020
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skelezomperman · 7 months
recruitable ishtar, or recruitable eldigan?
For the purposes of the story, I'll have to go with recruitable Ishtar. Recruitable Eldigan would significantly change the plot because I don't think Arvis would survive a tag-team between Sigurd with Tyrfing and Eldigan with Mystletainn. Ishtar being recruitable wouldn't change the plot that much especially since she most likely would not hold any positions of power if she is recruited, even if Seliph pardons her.
In terms of which one is more likely...this is a tough one. At face value, Ishtar not joining Seliph's army is based more on emotional hangups than politics. However, there are several in Seliph's army who would not be happy with Ishtar being forgiven. I could imagine that Leif and the other Leonstrians in particular would want her brought to justice. Eldigan chooses to not join Sigurd because he fears being seen as betraying his nation for Grannvale; Ishtar chooses to not join Seliph perhaps because she sees no future for her in the postwar order in Grannvale. With the benefit of an observer's omniscient perspective, I think Ishtar has the better chance to survive because Seliph could pardon her and it could be like one of those AU fics where Ishtar goes into seclusion to atone. Without that knowledge I think both situations are equally bleak.
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m0rb1dspade · 1 year
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deamare · 10 months
♡ ˚· @disgracedvessel asked:
Two years isn’t enough to make one accustomed to the damp and the dark. Abyss had been no more a home to Julius than a cave he might have found in the woods beyond the monastery’s walls, and he considered it nearly indistinguishable from the uncivilized wilds. But Ishtar is here now, and the shadows flee from her. It makes hell a little easier for Julius to stomach, and by now he’s made a habit of dragging her from one room to another as one might carry a lantern to fend off the dark, challenging every covetous and greedy look from the other rats in the sewer with the once-lost pride that had characterized his rule over the Grannvalean empire. It’s for the best, of course. By now, his savings have run out, and Abyss does not operate entirely on gold. Julius has pulled strings where he could to secure the tavern for a few hours one night, and it’s to this candlelit space that he leads Ishtar with his thin fingers over her eyes like a soft but frigid blindfold. The room has been cleared, each table but one shoved against the walls. Julius drops his hands away when they reach the centerpiece: a small, sturdy table covered in vibrant red cloth, with two chairs and a tarnished candelabra. “There are some people on the surface who still want you dead,” Julius explains, halfway apologetic, the rest a convenient lie. Truthfully, he does not know if Ishtar’s head is wanted the way his is, but to convince her that she must hide serves him in more ways than one. He smiles and steps away to pull her chair out for her. “So my gift to you this year must be restricted to this hateful place. You understand, I’m sure. I would be devastated if you were taken from me a second time.” He circles around to the other side and takes his own seat, lacing fingers together and resting his chin atop them. His eyes glint with the flickering candlelight, his smile is easy, charming, and still a little boyish. “What do you think, my dear? Privacy is the greatest gift here, I’ve found.” [[ // happy belated birthday from your broke ass king <3 ]
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Twice now has this day passed in silence. It had never just been hers before, and now that it is, she has only known it as a day of mourning. Another year that she lives, another year that they do not.
She tells herself that she does not need to feel ashamed to let it be otherwise.
And, if she is rather honest, there is a joy in her veins now that has grown foreign in that time. It thrums with the promise of a future unlike the one she had been sentenced to, with the warmth of a love she had thought long lost. Her steps fall blindly, one after the other, never questioning the direction of the hands that guide her.
Because hands that love her could never lead her astray, and she knows better now than ever before that such is true.
Fingers fall away from her eyelids, though Ishtar is still slow to open them. It is dim here in the way that all of Abyss seems to be, devoid of color and drenched in shadow, but she sees none of that. To her, this is a room full of more light than she has seen since she was young.
"Oh, Julius..."
With the grace of a woman bred for it, Ishtar takes the offered seat. She watches her lover in the candlelight, eyes softened with affection and lips turned with a smile. Mother's voice still whispers instructions, coaches her in all of the ways she is meant to keep the prince's attention. She hopes she will be forgiven for where she forgets them now, where the goddess facade cracks to reveal nothing more than a girl in love.
"It is lovely."
And she means it-- with all of her bandaged hope, with her heart that has spent a lifetime aching. For there is hope and a heart left at all, and with their entirety she is certain that this is a start of something better.
"After all this time, you still spoil me so." A hand settles above her heart. "Thank you... There is no gift greater than to be here, at your side once more."
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thatratgo · 2 years
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More Genealogy fire emblem au!
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bigcanasfan95 · 1 year
thinking once again about ishtar and julius just pretending to be poor people to cause mischief around jugdral
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fe-aesthetics · 2 years
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Oh, Ishtar, I'm so glad to have you by my side...
Julius and Ishtar, Stepping Through Flames
*requested by anonymous*
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disgracedvessel · 2 years
Across the River Styx [Julius & Ishtar]
starter for @mjolnirsrequiem
“Your Lady has fallen,” the messenger had said with fear and solemnity, awaiting a grieving fit that would snatch his life away. But Julius had spared the man hardly a glance. He had no time for emotional matters - no time for death, even on his path to crush the liberation army once and for all. The mourning was left to the remaining members of House Friege and the few friends Ishtar had managed to keep after Julius frightened away the rest with his increasingly unstable moods. Snuffing out the Scion of Light had been far more important to him than the life of his fiance.
But the hole that her near-constant companionship had occupied would not close on its own, and the sensation of loss crept over him slowly in the months that followed his own defeat. A nebulous emptiness, a reminder of what once had been, entangled with the grief left by a life of privilege stolen away, twisting into grotesque self-pity in which Julius indulged. Nevertheless, his fiancee’s death never did manage to be about her, transforming instead into loneliness bemoaned by its sufferer. How cruel fate had been to him. How miserable he was without his prized possessions.
It was an intoxicating kind of sadness that still placed him at the center of the world’s machinations, and though its grip on him had loosened since his introduction to Fódlan and its many distractions, it still blinded him to that which might drag him from his wallowing.
It had taken three glances before Julius recognized his goddess of thunder in the monastery town, each one more deliberate than the last. When he realized who it was his eyes kept finding, he did not waste time wondering how he had not noticed her sooner, nor did he question how she was alive - or why she was here. None of those answers mattered much to him, and when he was certain that she was real (the familiar scent of her perfume, the fine details of her face which he had re-memorized each time they ventured to the gardens, and the unmistakable lilt of her voice as she interacted somewhat cautiously with a shopkeep were far more vivid that any dream), he slipped quietly up alongside her as she perused the stalls.
“Might you be looking for anything in particular?” he cooed, peering around her shoulder and up at her face with a sly smile. Yes, he was certain she was real now. “Ishtar.”
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sai4649 · 2 years
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