#isis and abdu
azariahstarcaster · 7 months
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the vision
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I know Isis wasn't able to find her family, but… is it possible to find some here?
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Written by @segasister Art by @hey-haven
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spookyhugsandkisses · 2 years
What would a halloween date with each of the PCs be like? What would they dress up as?
Happy Halloween!
Oz- A total dork through and through, he would dress up as izuku from bnha.
Vicky - I see her dressing up as either a cat(sexy or cuddly) or as a mad scientist.
Brian - He would probably dress as a barbarian or match with Vicky.
Amira - I see her dressing up as a mobster or mercenary.
Isis - Cleopatra or one of the Egyptian goddesses.
Abby - a cute bumblebee.
Jun-seo - An *NSYNC member (and he’ll try to convince his friends to dress up as the rest of the band so they’ll all match)
Riona - Headless horseman.
Abdu - Spider-Man, he uses his bandages as webs.
Sawyer - A horse jockey, minus the riding crop of course.
Noodles - Just himself, his presence is scary enough already.
Susanne - Fox, the biker chick from Friday the 13th.
Thanks for the ask!
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four-eyed-floozy · 3 years
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The pc's around the fire 🔥
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steehia · 2 years
i tried to pair off everyone in monster prom and here’s what i came up with:
- oz and zoe: two old beings taking new forms and having a grand old time. also this polaroid:
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- milo and sawyer: they just look too good together i mean come on:
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- miranda and dahlia: blue/pink lesbians.
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- calculester and noodles: green boys good.
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- aaravi and hex: gal meets curse.
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- abdu and isis: mummies in love. a skater and his goddess of a gf.
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- brian x liam: can’t stand liam at all and can’t see him with anyone but brian.
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more on the way :>
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faozarasyid · 3 years
Hari ibu? Ya atau Tidak?
Alhamdulillah Allah karuniakan kita seorang ibu yang mencintai kita sepanjang hayatnya.
Ibu yang bertaruh nyawa demi kelahiran kita.
Ibu yang merawat dengan penuh cinta dan kasih, yang membimbing, yang mengajari kita kebaikan/ nilai-nilai kehidupan yang benar berdasarkan syariat, sehingga kita bertumbuh menjadi manusia yang taat kepada Sang Khalik.
Dan suatu kewajiban bagi kita berbakti kepadanya seumur hidup. Menaatinya dalam kebaikan sepanjang masa.
Pagi ini saya membaca sebuah buku karya seorang ulama bernama Wahid Abdus Salam Baali (semoga Allah merahmati beliau). Sebuah buku yang berjudul
الكلمات النافعة في الاخطاء الساعة حمسوم خطاء في صلى العدين
Al-Kalimaatun naafi'ahfil akbthaa-isy syaa'iah : khamsuun kkhatha-an fii shalaatil idain.
Atau 50 kesalahan dalam berhari raya, yang sudah diterjemahkan oleh Mufti Hamdan (Semoga Allah berkahi beliau). Cetakan ke-2 dari Dar Ibni Rajab.
Dalam buku tersebut salah satunya membahas tentang "Hari Ibu" yang kita tau, sebagian besar orang Indonesia merayakan setiap tanggal 22 Desember.
By the way, do U also celebrate it?
Well, Tau kah kita sejarahnya bagaimana hari ibu itu ada?
Jadi, awalnya ada seorang laki-laki (kafir:orang yang tidak beriman kpd Allah dan Rasulnya) mengunjungi ibunya, memberikan berbagai hadiah,dan memberikan selamat kepada ibunya. Namun setelah itu, ia memutuskan hubungan dengan ibunya, tidak mengunjungi dan mempedulikannya sepanjang tahun.
Ironisnya, orang-orang bertasyabbuh (menyerupai/mengikuti) kaum kafir tersebut, dengan merayakan hari ibu, memberi selamat dan memberikan hadiah-hadiah.
Kenapa mesti menunggu tgl 22 Des, kenapa mesti menunggu hari ibu untuk membahagiakan ibu kita untuk memberikan hadiah kepada ibu kita? Bukankah Allah memerintahkan kita untuk berbuat baik kepada orang tua kita sepanjang waktu?
Kenapa kita mesti mengikuti budaya yang mereka buat, sedangkan agama kita saja megajarkan untuk berbakti kepada ibu. Kenapa? (Silakan kita renungkan)
Mungkin diantara kita ada yang berpikir dan berpendapat "tapi kan itu bagus, berbuat baik kpd ibu kita"
namun itu keliru.
Allah telah memerintahkan kita untuk berbuat baik kepada ibu itu sudah jelas dalam Firman-nya. Kalau hanya sekedar ikut-ikutan budaya mereka, jelas keliru.
Pertama karena dalam Islam kita sangat diwajibkan berbuat baik kepada ibu sepanjang waktu, bukan hanya pada setiap tgl 22 Desember saja.
Kedua, karena hari ibu ini berdasarkan cara dan bentuknya adalah diadakan oleh kaum kafir. Sedangkan kita sudah tau bahwa kita dilarang bertasyabbuh terhadap kaum kafir.
Baginda Rasulullah saw pun telah berpesan kepadanya kita,
من تشبه بقوم ، فهو منهم
man tasyabaha biqaumin fahuwa minhum
"Barangsiapa yang menyerupai suatu kaum, maka dia adalah bagian dari mereka"
(Shahih. HR. Abu Dawud (no 4031), dan disahihkan oleh al-Abani رحمه الله)
Baginda Rasulullah juga bersabda
ليس منا من تشبه بغير نا، لا تشبهوا باليهدود ولا باالنصارى
"Bukan termasuk golongan kami orang yang bertasyabbuh dengan golongan selain kami, janganlah kalian bertasyabbuh dengan Yahudi, tidak juga dengan Nasrani."
(Hasan. HR.At-Tirmidzi no.2695. dan dihasankan oleh al-Abani dalam as-shahihah no 2194)
Ketiga, dan kita wajib menyelisihi mereka, dalam hal ini adalah merayakan hari ibu.
Baginda Rasulullah Saw telah bersabda
خالفوا المشر كين
"Selisihilah orang-orang musyrik"
Keempat, hari raya ini dapat membuat anggota keluarga lainnya akan merasa cemburu.
Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Baaz رحمه الله menyampaikan bahwa
"Sesungguhnya mengkhususkan dalam menghormati ibu pada satu hari dalam setahun, kemudian menyia-nyiakannya pada tahun lainnya disertai dengan adanya pemenuhan terhadap ayah dan family lainnya (pada tahun-tahun lainnya itu) adalah diantara bentuk (kebudayaan) yang diada-adakan oleh kaum Barat."
Dan sekarang sudah nampak, banyak orang muslim yang sikit demi sikit mengikuti kaum kafir.
Jangan sampai kita termasuk di dalamnya.
Well, apakah kita masih mau merayakan hari ibu? Hari yang dibuat oleh orang kafir?
Sudah jelas dalam Al Qur'an maupun Hadits Rasulullah saw, bahwa kita harus berbuat baik kepada orang tua, khususnya kepada ibu kita sepanjang waktu.
Semoga Allah menjaga keimanan kita dalam menaati perintah Allah dan menjauhi apa yang dilarang-Nya.
Semoga kita tidak menjadi muslim "bunglon" yang mengikuti budaya kaum kafir.
Dan semoga kita menjadi pribadi muslim sesuai tuntunan syariat islam.
So, kesimpulannya, hari ibu tak ada dalam syariat. Sehingga sudah seharusnya kita sebagai seorang muslim tidak mengikuti apa yang orang kafir lakukan dalam hal ini merayakan hari ibu.
Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat.
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Monster Prom ✨
✨ Abdu ✨ Blobert Blaubelaire ✨ Brian Yu ✨ Coach ✨ Damien LaVey ✨ Dmitri ✨ Officer Enchanted Armor ✨ Jun-Seo ✨ Kale Romero ✨ Liam de Lioncourt ✨ Leonard Kovacs ✨ Scott Howl ✨ MOSS MANN ✨ The Interdimensional Prince
✨ Aaravi Mishra ✨ Amanda Vanderbilt ✨ Amira Rashid ✨ Bellanda Vanderbilt ✨ Dahlia Aquino ✨ Isis ✨ Laudanda Vanderbilt ✨ Miranda Vanderbilt ✨ Polly Geist ✨ Riona ✨ Susanne ✨ Joy Johnson-Johjima ✨ Valerie Oberlin ✨ Zoe ✨ Vicky Schmidt ✨ Vera Oberlin
✨ Abby ✨ Hex ✨ Milo Belladonna ✨ Oz ✨ Sawyer
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creepingsharia · 4 years
A Month of Islam in America: April 2020
Reporting was light during the month of April as the un-Constitutional lockdown of America went into overdrive. The media, however, continued to find ways to promote Islam and ignore the jihad.
While Americans were denied their rights, some were forced by their local government - un-Constitutionally, to hear the Islamic call to sharia prayer five times a day, including before sunrise. It remains to be seen if this was a temporary government-sanctioned breach of the state Constitution or if it remains permanently.
Meanwhile, churches were shut down, pastors and congregants arrested, and liberties denied.
Sharia is here.
Click any link below for more details and a link to the original source.
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Jihad in America:
Tennessee: Muslim stabs four women at truck stop, killing three of them before being shot and killed
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Idris Abdus-Salaam was shot and killed after fatally stabbing three women and hospitalizing a fourth at a Knoxville truck stop early Tuesday.
Illinois: Muslim attempts to burn down church, carves “kill all Christians” on cell wall, all while out on bond for slashing tires of cars at churches
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Osama E. El Hannouny is charged with one felony count of arson, hate crime, criminal damage to property, five counts of battery to peace officers and violation of bond, Palos Hills police said.
He allegedly used his clothing to carve “Kill Christian now” on the wall of his cell.
Alaska: Man Who Claimed Loyalty to Islamic State (ISIS) and Threatened to “destroy Christianity,” Bombings at Lafayette College (Pa.), Pleads Guilty
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Gavin Lee Casdorph pleaded guilty to one count of willfully making false threats in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 844(e). after using the handle “BdanJafarSaleem,” Casdorph posted on Twitter that he planned to bomb multiple locations on campus. 
Five Muslims Arrested in Plots to Attack U.S. Air Bases in Germany, Kill People Critical of Islam
German police have arrested five Tajik nationals on suspicion they belonged to an Islamic State terror cell planning attacks on U.S. forces stationed in Germany, prosecutors said Wednesday.
The five allegedly also were planning attacks on people they deemed critical of Islam, prosecutors in the city of Karlsruhe said.
Georgia: Muslim Pleads Guilty to Attempting to Attack the White House with Explosives
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Hasher Jallal Taheb, 23, of Cumming, Georgia, has pleaded guilty to a charge of attempting to destroy, by fire or an explosive, a building owned by or leased to the United States. Taleb had planned an attack on the White House using weapons and explosives.
Illinois: Muslim who fled U.S. after 2015 home invasion robbery is arrested arriving at O’Hare Int'l Airport
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Government Cooperation with and Failure to Stop Jihad in America:
Bill Clinton stopped CIA from killing Osama Bin Laden - signed bill making it illegal to take deadly action (VIDEO)
Minnesota: City approves sharia call to prayer to be broadcast 5x a day from Cedar-Riverside mosque during Month of Jihad - churches still closed
Islamic charities that lobbied U.S. Congress work closely with Pakistan-based terror groups Hizbul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Taiba
U.S. Bureau of Prisons is not adequately monitoring terrorist inmates, report says
The Foxes Run the Henhouse: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Control the Narrative
New York: de Blasio Using Taxpayer $$ to Serve 500,000 “Free” Halal Meals to Muslims During Ramadan
Legal Jihad in America:
Illinois: Coronavirus delays sentencing of convicted Muslim terrorists
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VIDEO: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Use of Lawfare and Intimidation
Previous monthly reports here.
Immigration Jihad also known as Hijra:
Vermont: Immigrant taxi driver - Alaa Abdulsalam Arif - arrested smuggling illegals into U.S. from Canada
  Mosques - the incubators of jihad in America:
Minnesota: Islamic call to prayer over terror-linked CAIR’s sound system expands to additional messages to “pray in your homes”; shrieks of “takbir” and “allah akbar” in response
Jihad in Education:
American Professors Whitewash Islamic Terror
Notre Dame prof hails Islamic law, asks international law judges to consider “referring to parts of sharia”
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Qatar Funds Terror...and High Schools, Universities in the U.S.
Sharia in America:
Videos: Newsweek Uses the Coronavirus to Promote Islam; New York Times Blames Christians for U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak
Fraud for Jihad:
Investigation Exposes Terror Ties Behind Islamic Charity's Humanitarian Facade
Will Donations to ICNA’s Coronavirus Efforts Fund Terror?
Missouri: Mental health clinic owner gets 18 months for billing scheme to dead woman
Michigan: Owner of Detroit-Area Health Care Clinic Sentenced to Prison for a Drug Diversion Scheme
West Virginia: Jordanian immigrant convicted in food stamp fraud scheme transferred to federal custody, faces revocation
There were no victories against the sharia in April but we leave you with our April Fool’s Day post that apparently fooled many as some got quite irate. Have a laugh:
Breaking News: We’ve Converted to Islam (Must Watch Video)
Please share this and other posts on your social media sites.
Previous monthly reports here.
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Hodeidah, Yemen (CNN) – Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners have transferred American-made weapons to al Qaeda-linked fighters, hardline Salafi militias, and other factions waging war in Yemen, in violation of their agreements with the United States, a CNN investigation has found.
The weapons have also made their way into the hands of Iranian-backed rebels battling the coalition for control of the country, exposing some of America's sensitive military technology to Tehran and potentially endangering the lives of US troops in other conflict zones.
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, its main partner in the war, have used the US-manufactured weapons as a form of currency to buy the loyalties of militias or tribes, bolster chosen armed actors, and influence the complex political landscape, according to local commanders on the ground and analysts who spoke to CNN.
By handing off this military equipment to third parties, the Saudi-led coalition is breaking the terms of its arms sales with the US, according to the Department of Defense. After CNN presented its findings, a US defense official confirmed there was an ongoing investigation into the issue.
The revelations raise fresh questions about whether the US has lost control over a key ally presiding over one of the most horrific wars of the past decade, and whether Saudi Arabia is responsible enough to be allowed to continue buying the sophisticated arms and fighting hardware.  Previous CNN investigations established that US-made weapons were used in a series of deadly Saudi coalition attacks that killed dozens of civilians, many of them children.
The developments also come as Congress, outraged with Riyadh over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year, considers whether to force an end to the Trump administration's support for the Saudi coalition, which relies on American weapons to conduct its war.
In 2015, Riyadh launched a coalition to oust Iranian-supported Houthi rebels from the country's capital and reinstate the internationally recognized government of President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi. The war split the country in two, and with it came the weapons -- not just guns, but anti-tank missiles, armored vehicles, heat-seeking lasers and artillery -- all flooding into an unruly and complex state.
Since then, some of America's "beautiful military equipment," as US President Donald Trump once called it, has been passed on, sold, stolen or abandoned in Yemen's state of chaos, where murky alliances and fractured politics mean little hope for any system of accountability or tracking.
Some terror groups have gained from the influx of US arms, with the barrier of entry to advanced weaponry now lowered by the laws of supply and demand. Militia leaders have had ample opportunity to obtain military hardware in exchange for the manpower to fight the Houthi militias. Arms dealers have flourished, with traders offering to buy or sell anything, from a US-manufactured rifle to a tank, to the highest bidder.
And Iran's proxies have captured American weapons they can exploit for vulnerabilities or reverse-engineer for native production.
                                           'Do you have American guns here?'                            
In the narrow, ramshackle streets of Taiz's historic district, weapons shops lie tucked between women's clothing stores.
Arms markets are illegal in Yemen, but that doesn't stop them operating openly in this large, mountainous city in the country's southwest.
To one side hang veils, abayas and colorful dresses for sale; to the other are pistols, hand grenades, and US assault rifles available on special order.
In one arms market, sweets were displayed among the ammunition. "Do you have American guns here?" CNN asked. "The American guns are expensive and sought after," the weapons trader replied, in an exchange captured by undercover CNN cameras.
In another of the city's markets, a very young-looking boy handled weapons like an expert. Men joked and chewed khat, a commonly used drug, and the atmosphere was casual. But these shops don't just take individual orders, they can supply militias -- and it's this not-so-hidden black market that in part is driving the demand for hi-tech American weapons and perpetuating the cycle of violence in Yemen.
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Once the intellectual heart of the country, Taiz is now a tinder box that set off a war within a war last year, when the various militias backed by the Saudi-led coalition turned their guns on each other.
Amid the chaos of the broader war, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) made its way to the frontlines in Taiz in 2015, forging advantageous alliances with the pro-Saudi militias they fought alongside.
One of those militias linked to AQAP, the Abu Abbas brigade, now possesses US-made Oshkosh armored vehicles, paraded in a 2015 show of force through the city.
Abu Abbas, the founder, was declared a terrorist by the US in 2017, but the group still enjoys support from the Saudi coalition and was absorbed into the coalition-supported 35th Brigade of the Yemeni army.
“Oshkosh Defense strictly follows all US laws and regulations relating to export control," the firm told CNN.
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And there are deadlier forms of weaponry that have made their way into the city. In October 2015, military forces loyal to the government boasted on Saudi- and UAE-backed media that the Saudis had airdropped American-made TOW anti-tank missiles on the same frontline where AQAP had been known to operate at the time.
Local officials confirmed that the airdrop happened, but CNN's attempts to conduct further interviews were blocked and the team was intimidated by the local government. A local activist joked that the weapons had probably been sold on.
Graveyard of US military hardware                            
At a graveyard of discarded US-made military hardware near the flashpoint port city of Hodeidah, it becomes clear that the Alwiyat al Amalqa -- the Giants Brigade, a predominantly Salafi, or ultra-conservative Sunni, militia -- is a favored faction.
Nearly half a dozen Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles sit side by side, most bearing stickers with the insignia of the Giants Brigade.
One even has the export label on it showing it was sent from Beaumont, Texas to Abu Dhabi, in the UAE, before ending up in the hands of the militia. The serial number of another MRAP reveals it was manufactured by Navistar, the largest provider of armored vehicles for the US military.
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The armored all-terrain vehicles are built to withstand ballistic arms fire, mine blasts and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). “It’s the vehicle that every crew wants when they’re out in the field,” Navistar’s website says. The firm declined to comment on this report.
Recipients of US weaponry are legally obligated to adhere to end-use requirements which prohibit the transferring of any equipment to third parties without prior authorization from the US government. That authorization was never obtained.
The Saudi coalition did not respond to multiple requests for comment. A senior UAE official denied “in no uncertain terms that we are in violation of end-user agreements in any manner.”
The Giants Brigade is a “part of Yemeni forces,” the official told CNN, adding that the group was under the direct supervision of the UAE and, therefore, the equipment was in the “collective possession” of the coalition.
The US Department of Defense, when asked specifically about the Giants Brigades, said it had not given Saudi Arabia or the UAE permission to hand over US weaponry to other factions on the ground.
"The United States has not authorized the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates to re-transfer any equipment to parties inside Yemen," Pentagon spokesman Johnny Michael told CNN. "The US government cannot comment on any pending investigations of claims of end-use violations of defense articles and services transferred to our allies and partners."
Iran is ‘assessing US military technology closely’         
Because a majority of American troop deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are caused by IEDs, it is critical that knowledge of MRAP vulnerabilities does not fall into enemy hands.
But it's already too late.
In September 2017, a Houthi-run TV channel broadcast images of Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the de facto rebel leader, proudly sitting behind the wheel of a captured US-made MRAP in the capital Sanaa, as a crowd chanted "death to America" in the background.
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CNN obtained an image showing the serial numbers of a second American MRAP in the hands of another senior Houthi official last year in Hodeidah.
The vehicle was part of a $2.5 billion sale to the UAE in 2014. The sale document, seen by CNN, certifies that "a determination has been made that the recipient country can provide the same degree of protection for the sensitive technology" as the United States.
MRAPs like these, captured on the battlefield, have been probed by Iranian intelligence, according to a member of a secret Houthi unit backed by Iran known as the Preventative Security Force. The unit oversees the transfer of military technology to and from Tehran.
The member of the force, speaking to CNN anonymously out of fear for his safety, revealed that Iranian and Hezbollah advisers have already gotten their hands on the armored vehicles and other US military hardware.
"Iranian intelligence are assessing US military technology very closely," the source said in an audio interview done from Sanaa. "Listen, there isn't a single American weapon that they don't try to find out its details, what it's made of, how it works."
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IEDs are now mass-produced in Yemen by Houthi forces on a scale only previously achieved by ISIS, according to a report published by Conflict Armament Research.
The group tracks weapons and their supply chains in conflict zones, and has found IEDs containing Iranian components in Yemen.
Hiram Al Assad, a member of the Houthi Political Council, confirmed to CNN that the MRAPs were still in Houthi hands but denied the existence of the Preventative Security Force.
Iran has not responded to a CNN request for comment.
Human cost of conflict                            
The flood of US weaponry is fueling a conflict that has killed tens of thousands -- among them children on school buses and families fleeing violence -- and pushed millions more to the brink of famine.
Two-year-old Rehab is so severely malnourished that her chest has collapsed into a deep dent at the center of her tiny body.
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There are an estimated 200 cases of malnutrition like hers in the village of Tohta, a frontline area surrounded by artillery and mortar positions on the Red Sea coast near Hodeidah.
A few months ago, the local clinic was shut down due to political disagreements over funding. But Dr. Fatma Ibrahim won’t give up.
She conducts house-to-house visits every week, and as soon as she steps into the street, worried parents flock to her.
“Look, look,” one father demands as he shows the doctor his skeletal 14-month-old girl, Roula. Ibrahim gently examines her, but soon it's time to move on to the next baby.
For a young man, joining a fighting faction is one of the few means of finding employment in a poor country with little infrastructure and a barely functioning economy.
At the same time, too many powerful political figures and key armed actors in the region have been prospering greatly from the conflict and, as a result, they lack the incentives to agree to a peace process that would threaten their financial gain.
The US is by far the biggest supplier of arms to both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and its support is crucial to the Saudi-led coalition’s continuing war in Yemen.
US lawmakers are trying to pass a resolution ending the Trump administration’s support for the coalition. But there is scant evidence that the White House wants to listen, despite evidence that the actions of a key US ally may be making Americans less safe.
In the wake of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi murder last year, Trump said it would be foolish for the US to cancel multi-billion dollar arms deals with the Saudis. "I don't want to lose all of that investment being made into our country," he said.
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indianarrative1 · 3 years
This is what happened after the visit of the Director General of ISI Lt Gen Faiz Hameed to Kabul on Saturday. The much-expected name of Mullah Baradar as the head of the new Taliban government was suddenly replaced by a lesser-known face Mullah Hasan Akhund overnight. In fact, most of the probable names of the Taliban’s Doha political office were either removed or “demoted” in the new list of the Taliban government.  The political face and head of the negotiating team, Mullah Baradar may serve as a deputy of  Hasan Akhund the new head of the Taliban proposed government.
“The Taliban chief Sheikh Hibatullah Akhundzada had himself proposed Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund as Raees-e-Jamhoor, or Raees-ul-Wazara or the new head of state of Afghanistan. Mullah Baradar Akhund and Mullah Abdus Salam will work as his deputies,” Pakistani daily The News reports quoting Taliban leaders.
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askundeadbluelesbians · 10 months
Oh Vicky, I wonder if you'll bump into the rest of the color crew! Plus Isis color crew 2 electric Boogaloo
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Written by @segasister Art by @hey-haven
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spookyhugsandkisses · 2 years
What do you think each color crew’s living situation is like? Do they live in separate homes with their parents or do they live together in a apartment studio?
I like the thought of Oz, Amira, Brian, and Vicky sharing a apartment studio, Swayer, Abdu, Susanne, and Noodles living together in a house big enough for all of them, and Abby, Riona, Jun-Seo, and Isis live in a condo
I really like the idea of Amira, Oz, and Brian living together. Vicky and Brian were roughing it on their own together in the early days of their afterlife. And moved around while finding odd jobs and cheap temporary places; when they met Amira and Oz and became close, they moved in together in a studio apartment.
Isis lives in a penthouse on the very top floor of a very pricy apartment building. Abby, Riona, and Jun-Seo sleep over sometimes. Abby and Riona share a one story house while Jun-Seo lives in a flat.
Abdu and noodles live together in a apartment complex in the city. Sawyer has a small house to themselves; a cabin close to the woods. Susanne lives with some relatives.
Thanks for the ask!
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four-eyed-floozy · 3 years
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And a rainbow 🌈 of protagonists! It was hard to fit them all together but it's nice to see them relative to each other :D.
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punteuet · 4 years
Downlod Buku Islam Agama Damai
Downlod Buku Islam Agama Damai
Sofyan – Downlod Buku Islam Agama Damai
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Downlod Buku Islam Agama Damai
Pada artikel kali ini, kami ingin mensharing sebuah kitab yang berjudul Al Islam Dinus Salam atau Islam agama Damai.
Kitab ini disusun oleh Prof. Dr. Abdus Shabur Syahin. Sesuai dengan judulnya, isi bukunya berkaitan adalah tentang datangnya Islam dengan kedamaian dan membawa misi kedamaian.
Berikut ini kami kutip…
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ancienttreeoflife · 5 years
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Who is Isis and Who is Aset? | 👉 http://bit.ly/2OdqqyT Most people know the names Isis, Osirus, and Horus. But when I use their ancient Kemetic or Egyptian name, most have no idea what I am talking about. Ancient Kemetic Terms and Ancient Greek Terms We are told by the Ancient Classical Greek writers like Plutarch and Herodotus that the Ancient Greeks got their gods and goddesses from Ancient Egypt (Kemet) and Nubia (Ethiopia). In keeping with the spirit of the culture of Kemetic Spirituality, we will use the Kemetic names for the divinities through which we will bring forth the Philosophy of the Prt M Hru (Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead). Therefore, the Greek name Osiris will be converted back to the Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) Asar (Ausar), the Greek Isis to Aset (Auset), the Greek Nephthys to Nebthet, Anpu to Anpu or Apuat, Hathor to Hetheru, Thoth or Hermes to Djehuti, etc. (see the table below) Further, the term Ancient Egypt will be used interchangeably with “Kemit” (“Kamit”), or “Ta-Meri,” as these are the terms used by the Ancient Egyptians to refer to their land and culture. The tradition and worship of Asar, Aset and Heru was general, throughout ancient Kamit. The centers of this tradition were the city of Abdu containing the Great Temple of Asar, and the city of Pilak containing the Great Temple of Aset.[1] Each Neteru listed above here has specific wisdom related to the nature of self, Creation and the Divine. Following this tradition means studying their mythic significance, their wisdom teaching and their mystical insight. Together, they constitute a wholistic teaching, integrating the philosophy of their own tradition and their relationship with the other traditions. These teachings, their understanding and application are to be learned through the process of Shedy. Kemet University Egyptian Mysteries Asaru College https://www.asarucollege.org/who-is-isis-and-who-is-aset/ 🙋 Interested in learning more? ____________________________________ 💗 Discover Your Hidden Potential. 👉 http://bit.ly/2OdqqyT 🙋️ Like This Post 👍⠀ 🗣️ Comment Below 👇⠀ 👉 Follow Me Now 👈 ____________________________________ 🏃🏻️ Click Profile For More 🏃 . . .
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Monster Prom ✨
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