#isn’t it funny that loki is way better written/arranged than anything mcu has put out in years
atorionsbelt · 10 months
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sorry can’t hang out tonight i have to let it linger
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lady-of-the-spirit · 4 years
🖊 🖊 🖊 Pick 3 OCs and talk about them!
A little later than I wanted to answer this but better late than never
Joan: Joan’s not a warrior like the other immortals. She has some fight in her, self-defence lessons and all, but she’s nothing like the Guard. Her way of living life isn’t by fighting to make the world a better place, but rather creating. Helping. She’s an artist, has painted and written and sculpted, and also works to restore old art. She also works as a therapist and counsellor. She’s no warrior, but if her work can help even a single person - through creating an inspiring piece of art, through helping someone get through trauma, anything - then that is a life well-lived. It’s harder to track that than it is with Andy and the rest of the team, but it’s no less meaningful. 
Also the life she lives is, essentially, the life of the painter, Ursula, from Kiki’s Delivery Service - living on her own in the middle of the woods in Canada where she can just do her work all day. She moves to a different place every few years, but that house is her home and she loves it and lives there most of the time. There’s a town nearby where she can get anything she may need but for the most part she’s totally fine by herself. She’s super lonely though. And meeting the Guard doesn’t really help because she’s awkward, shy and quiet by nature, not even getting into how living some 600 centuries mostly alone affected that, and she has NO IDEA how to interact with these people who have been a family for centuries. She feels like an outsider with them and it’s super uncomfortable for her. (they’re going to try and fix that, though.)
Hestia: Okay I don’t think I’ve ever talked about Hestia before outside of tags but she’s an MCU OC and she and Thor are married. Hestia is an Olympian, another alien species like Asgardians, and obviously the inspiration for Greek myths. Honestly I came up with her while watching Thor: Ragnarok for the first time and I thought of how funny it would be to have someone sitting up with Loki and the Grandmaster while Thor was getting beaten up and being like “Loki. That’s Thor.” While Loki came up with excuses for why it was not Thor. Then I came up with this idea for a politically arranged marriage between Thor and that character, taking place before the events of the first Thor, and I went for Greek mythology to inspire me, and Hestia was created! She’s asexual, is quiet and reserved, has fire powers, and very tiny compared to Thor. They were married some centuries before the events of Thor 1, but it took Thor all of a few weeks to fall in love with her while Hestia took a century or so but is just as much in love as he is. Then the canon events of the MCU happened and it all got FUCKED UP. They’re still happily married but there’s so much drama going on that it puts a strain on them both (no thanks to Loki!). 
Ten: That really is only the name I’ve given him because for some reason, every time I thought about him, that’s the only thing I thought fit him. I went through several name charts and nothing fit him as well as that. It still might be a placeholder name, but for now, that’s his real name. He uses he/they pronouns and is the ultimate Ryoko stan. I created him because I knew that Ryoko needed some kind of companion for her story and I always get a kick out of the “super serious character is best friends with the goofball sweetheart character” trope. Plus Ryoko is in desperate need of someone to help her relax. It takes him some time to figure out she isn’t nearly as cold as she seems, but once he does, and finds out she’s nothing like the legends say, he starts to really care about her. He wants to be a god so he can help the people of his town, who have been suffering for a few years now, and also stick it to them because they thought he’d never amount to anything. (but now he’s gonna become a god and his best friend is literally the queen of the gods, so who’s laughing now??) For the most part, Ryoko is guiding him through the world with her millennia of knowledge, but he’s the one guiding her as he helps her ‘defrost’ basically (and also there are some things she just has zero knowledge of that astound him). 
Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC! It can be a headcanon, a fun fact, a small paragraph of backstory- anything!
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thorne93 · 5 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 20)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:2908
Warnings: Language
Song: This Feeling - The Chainsmokers
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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“That’s it, listen to the sound of my voice,” you cooed as you and Loki sat cross-legged on the rug, trying to meditate. “Try to remember the first memory of Thor. Your first truly happy memory.” 
“When I stabbed him after pretending to be a snake?” he asked, his eyes closed as he smirked.
“No, I mean more of a time you two were equals. Fighting side by side. Perhaps he covered for you when you stole a cake at a feast?” you tried. 
Loki kept his eyes closed, trying to remember. “Nothing. Y/N, I am getting nothing,” he finally said, sighing and opening his eyes. He got to his feet. “This isn’t working. We’ve been at this for two weeks.”
“And giving up will not help. It’s not like we have much of anything else to do,” you said, gesturing around. 
Loki got closer to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. “I could think of a thing or two we could do instead of this,” he said in a low voice.
You smiled at him but put your hands on his chest. “While that is fun, it isn’t exactly helpful, is it?” 
“I don’t know, a jarring bed helps clear the mind,” he said, bending down and biting your ear, making you laugh. 
“Are you two done?” Tony’s voice suddenly asked, irritated. 
You jumped away from Loki, startled. Loki simply glared at Tony and left the room, trying to get to the other side of the apartment where he wouldn’t be seen. 
“Tony,” you greeted as kindly as you could, surprised to see him. 
“Just checking in. Need anything?” he asked, his eyebrows raised. 
“Don’t suppose my freedom is an option?” you joked. 
“No, it’s not. If I have it my way you’ll never know what sunlight looks like again,” he promised. “Anyway, need anything? A book? Paper? Toiletries?” He began walking around the outside of the cell, probably examining it for any tampering. 
“A notebook and some pencils and pens would be nice,” you tried in a meek voice. 
“I can arrange that,” he simply said. “Anything else?” 
“How is Shannon?” you blurted out, desperate to know about her.
“Oh, so now you suddenly care about her wellbeing?” he questioned, irritated. “She’s fine, no thanks to you.”
“Is she… does she ask about me?” you wondered, stepping closer to the glass. 
“Nope. Not once,” he said, satisfaction flashing across his face at the sign of your pain. 
You nodded. “That’s fair. Could you tell her… that I miss her?”
“As a matter of fact, I can’t. I won’t tell her about you at all, unless she asks,” Tony informed, his hands behind his back, gloating. “I’ll do my damndest to make sure she forgets you’re 100 stories below ground…” 
Your eyes drifted to the floor. “Tony, I’m sorry,” you said, so much emotion in your voice, but remorse ringing the most. “I… I didn’t want to hurt you or her.”
“Just collateral damage for Reindeer Games, huh?” he asked, gesturing vaguely behind you. “You know, I never pegged you for a woman to lose her head over a guy, but I guess I was wrong,” Tony said, shrugging, frowning at you. 
“I didn’t lose my head… I fell in love,” you answered simply.
“Yeah, with possibly the most crazy and vindictive prick I’ve ever met,” Tony retorted. “The people we fall in love with shows a lot about our own character, Y/N/N.”
Your eyes flashed to him. “Yeah, you need to remind Shannon of that,” you said pointedly as you eyed him up and down. 
“I will, because.. You know, I’m free and all, and not a criminal, and I can see her every day.” He flashed you a smile and started to walk away. “Paper and pens, got it. You’ll get it sometime in the next month,” he called over his shoulder as he walked away. 
Even watching Tony walk away from you hurt like hell. In a split second, Loki’s hands were on your shoulders, comforting you before you turned and wept into his chest as he held you.
Loki woke in a pool of cold sweat, sitting straight up. He made no noise other than a slight gasp. 
“Darling?” you asked as you sat up with him. “Are you alright?” 
He shook his head. “I had a nightmare. Thanos found us… He came for you… And he… He killed…” He broke off, staring at you with wild eyes before grabbing at you and gripping you tight before crying. You let him sob, get all of his fear and grief out. 
“It’s okay, he can’t get to us. I’ll protect you,” you vowed as you soothingly stroked his back. 
In the following weeks, you worked more and more with Loki. You tried to get him to remember good things. To remember that he and Thor were equals. Slowly, he was coming out of it. The brainwashing was slowly washing away. The cruelty of this Loki was ebbing away to the gentle, clever, and sweet Loki you knew and loved. 
You’d asked for the paper to write Shannon a letter. You wrote on it every day, adding to it, elaborating. You were explaining your life just before the fall, up until the day you were put in this prison. The brainwashing, the torture, the ultimatum, the reasons behind all of your actions. You would hope she would read it and understand. 
By now, it was over twenty pages long. It detailed why you jumped. It detailed that you fell in love with Loki a month before the fall. You explained the good side of him. The side that Earth never saw, and probably never would. The side only his family knew. You explained how Loki had been berated and ridiculed by people closest to him. In your short time there you’d seen it. The warriors teased him constantly. Odin hardly let him talk. The only real good in his life was Frigga. 
You explained that while you were with Loki in the library, riding, in the forest, on the training field, he wasn’t this evil monster that was filled with jealousy and hate. He was just a man, wanting to be seen as the equal he deserved. And you saw him as that, as an equal. Your equal, Thor’s equal. Any one with a good heart, he was their equal.
You jumped, because you were in love with a man that truly understood you. A man that knew what it was like to be overlooked. A man that could make you laugh. A man that got lost in your voice as you went on and on about physics. A man that seemed to take great joy in your fascination with magic. 
Then you fell deeper in love when he selflessly took the brunt of the torture and manipulation just so you would be left unharmed. When you begged him to let you take it, he refused. 
He risked everything by letting you go to Shannon and apologize. He knew he was risking his own life if you all should fail, but so long as you were happy, what did it matter? 
This was the side you wrote about in your letters.
Then you went on to explain just how awful it was living under Thanos’s rule. How he treated you almost like a daughter -- fitting, that a man who wanted to ruin the universe would see himself in you. Not your foster parents, not Frigga and Odin, not Diane and Tom -- no, the most sociopathic man you’d ever met, decided to spare you, take pity on you, and take you under his wing as if you were his daughter. 
You told her all about Thanos, at least what you knew. You knew he was homicidal and uncaring. You weren’t sure about his overall plan, at all. All you knew was your instructions and that was it. 
The letter explained why you could do the horrible things you could do to her. How even though it ripped a hole in your heart, that stabbing her in the leg was far better than Loki, you, Tony, the Avengers, and everyone else - dying. Collateral damage, to ensure that you and Loki ruled Earth, and that ultimately those you loved stayed safe. 
Loki’s motivations might have been slightly… different than your own, but both of you knew, both of you were aware just how much was at stake if you lost. That’s why all sentiment had to be lost.
And yet, you still could not do it. You could not fight Tony with the intent to hurt. You couldn’t fight Shannon with the intent to kill. 
But most importantly, the letters told Shannon how much you loved her more than anything in this world. No amount of brainwashing, or threats could make you forget how much she meant to you. The letters said how sorry you were, and that you did all of this, just to save her. If you failed at everything else, at least you were able to save the people you loved from that murderous being in space… for now. And that was all that mattered -- that they were safe. 
Tony arrived for his biweekly check up. It was his fourth visit in total, meaning eight weeks had passed since you’d been put in this upscale prison cell. By now you were used to the fact that Tony, and anyone else with access to JARVIS could see what you were doing at all times. 
But you didn’t care. What were they going to hear? You writing? Loki reading? The two of you sleeping? That had to be enthralling for the viewers… 
“Need anything?” he greeted. Clearly his utter contempt for you and Loki had not subsided. Loki never spoke to Tony, nor Tony to him. 
“Could we have five more books?” you asked, at this point you hated sounding like a begging child for scraps. 
“Sure. Any particular ones?” Tony asked. 
You held up a list. 
He rolled his eyes. “Read it to JARVIS later and I’ll get it. Anything else?”
“Could we have a handful of things so we can cook? It would be nice to have some variety for down here or if we get hungry at midnight?” 
Tony thought for a moment. “Give me two fruits you want stocked, and give me some ingredients for some recipes and I’ll see what I can do.” 
“That it?” he questioned, nearly through with his walk through of checking for tampering. 
“Uh, no…” You used your powers of concealment and showed him the bundle of letters. “Could you take these to Shannon?”
He looked at the letters for a second too long, then looked up at you and told you a flat, “No.”
He already began to turn and walk out of the room. 
“No? Tony! Wait, what the hell? Don’t I deserve to know why?” you asked, frantic. 
He spun back to face you, rage evident in his expression, making you take a few steps back from the glass. 
“No! No you really don’t deserve to know anything about Shannon! She doesn’t deserve this shit. So no, I won’t give her your letters.”
“Fine! You selfish ass,” you said, angry at him for refusing to deliver the letters. 
He took several more strides toward the glass wall until he was right next to it. “Selfish? I’m selfish? I’m only thinking about her. If I give these to her, they’ll break her. I’m not doing that. I am not watching her go through that.”
“You have no idea what’s in them,” you argued evenly. 
“Doesn’t matter. If they somehow magically explain that it wasn’t all your fault, she’ll feel guilty and want to free you -- which we can’t do. If it’s more blind resentment towards her, or me, or anyone else, it’ll just crush her. So either way, it’s a lose-lose.”
On that, he spun and left before you could beg further. 
Another four weeks slipped by, and still, nothing from Shannon. When you asked Tony about her, he simply said, “She’s fine.” That was all he would ever say to you. No matter what you asked him, when you asked him, that was his only response. 
Part of you wondered why she never came down here herself. Did she really hate you that much? Why couldn’t she just listen to you? 
Other than Tony’s visits, and the occasional food and goods drop from one of his workers, you were entirely alone with Loki. Which, in many odd ways, was good. The two of you hardly had much alone time when you were on Asgard, and never alone unless it was night in that godforsaken hut you lived in on Sanctuary (a name unbefitting the elements, mind you). Then, the plot to take over Earth took place and you barely saw him.
Now, now that you two had no freedom, and were bound together in here, you got to know each other even more. It was like domestic bliss on house arrest. Not ideal, but at any rate, it got you some time to fall more in love. 
And it granted you more time to get that brainwashed bullshit out of his head. Each day was a small step closer to victory for you, and for him. He slowly came up out of the cruel, wild, mess of a man he’d been turned into and was slowly turning back into your Loki. 
If your fate was to be left in a cell with this man for the rest of your life, then so be it. There were fates much worse than this. In fact, this wasn’t bad at all. It was almost like Heaven -- save for lack of freedom, friends or family, at least you had him.
Tony returned for another visit, and asked if you needed anything. It was at this time that Shannon, nearly one-hundred-fifty stories above you, asked JARVIS where he was.
“JARVIS, where is Tony?” she wondered idly as she worked on soldering a motherboard. 
“I believe he is at Mr. Loki and Ms. Y/N’s holding cell,” the AI informed. 
Shannon stood straight up. “He--what?” she asked, perplexed. “Show me.”
On command, JARVIS turned on the video of your holding cell, the outside camera where Tony stood.
“Okay, you want a board game?” Tony asked, confused and Shannon looked on. The tiniest of smiles played at Shannon‘s lips. Of course you would want a board game. That’s typical. And of course Tony would think it was an odd request. 
But then the reality of the situation hit her. Why was Tony even down there? How long had he been going down there? What was he doing? 
“Yeah, Monopoly. It’s fun and it’ll take up some of our time,” you tried with a shrug.
“I don’t think a game about owning and domination and money is best for the Wannabe King,” Tony remarked. 
You rolled your eyes. “Fine, Twister.”
“Hell no. That is basically foreplay, and I’m not watching that unfold on my surveillance.” 
Again, you rolled your eyes. “Fine, then what do you suggest?” 
“God, you’re so boring,” you said with a slight laugh. “Please, Tony? Something for entertainment other than books and writing?” 
“I’ll see about getting you some family friendly, non-dictator-y games,” he promised. “Anything else?”
Your powers of concealment kicked in again as you revealed the large stack of letters. “Give these to Shannon?” you requested in a soft, desperate voice.
“No,” he firmly said again. This was the third time he’d denied you. 
“Tony. Please. Don’t you think she should be able to make the decision for herself? Let her read them. If she still hates me, fine, if she doesn’t then…”
“Then I have to pick up the pieces when you choose that Asgardian asshole over her, again,” he stressed, pointing to Loki who was standing in the kitchen. You turned back to look at him for a moment before sighing. 
“That won’t happen.”
“And what guarantee do I have?” he asked, as if your promise were absurd.
“I’m locked in a fucking cell, Tony. What could I possibly do to her? I don’t get to see her. The letter isn’t malicious. Read it if you fucking want, I don’t care. I don’t care if you publish it in the New York Times, just make sure she reads it!” you begged. 
“No,” he said again in a low firm voice, his hand making a cutting motion in the air. “And if you ask me about it again, I will go in there and burn them.” He turned abruptly and started to storm out.
“Tony… Tony! Tony!” you shouted after him, putting the letters on the glass. “Please!” 
But he wouldn’t respond to your pleas. He left the same doors he always did, and they slid shut behind him. 
His rejection, turned into pain, and your pain, turned to rage. You used your dark energy to pick every piece of furniture up and throw it, screaming as you did so. 
All the while, Shannon watched it unfold. 
Moments later, the elevator opened to the lab, where a happy Tony stepped out and walked over to Shannon. 
“Hi, dear,” he greeted sweetly. He was about to kiss her when she pulled back, revealing the video footage she’d been watching. His eyes went from the video to her, panic in his eyes.
Tag List: @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification @thejemersoninferno @rda1989 @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens @feelmyroarrrr @kaeling @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo @damalseer @heyitscam99 @yknott81 @sorryimacrapwriter @glitterquadricorn @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm @alyssaj23 @sea040561 @princess76179 @thisismysecrethappyplace @sarahp879 @malfoysqueen14 @ellallheart @breezy1415 @marvelmayo @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton
Loki: @lostinspace33 @ultrarebelheart @lenawiinchester @esoltis280 @tngrayson @wangdeasang @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​
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leonawriter · 6 years
Regarding certain implications I’ve seen referred to. Post made before watching the relevant movie, based somewhat on gifsets and various meta I’ve seen. I’m actually hoping more that I’m wrong than that I’m right, so don’t be too hard on me if I say things that don’t match with canon.
Something that keeps bugging me about Loki in Thor: Ragnarok - which, so far, I mostly know of through gifsets and meta posts, yet even that is enough for the general gist of this post - is how people have pointed out that there're a few things that when put together point toward the idea/theory that Loki and the Grandmaster had a... thing. An arrangement of sorts.
Now, my issue isn’t with the idea that Loki might do strange things or use dubious methods to get what he wants. My issue with what I’ve seen so far is in his reaction to having to tell people this is how he got what he wanted, or in having his methods outed without his consent.
See. The gist I’ve gotten? Is that Loki is very reluctant to share these details. That perhaps it’s because Thor’s his big brother (and no amount of weirdness from the past few years can get rid of a few thousand years of considering each other as such, growing up with each other), but... he gets flustered easily when the topic gets brought up. 
There’s a gifset that I remember where Loki mentions having been warming the Grandmaster up to him somehow, and there’s a cut to the Grandmaster, who’s making eyes at Loki. Another time, it’s Valkyrie explaining, amused and more, that the ship they’re on is a pleasure cruiser. For, y’know, orgies.
The film isn’t all that subtle about what it’s implying Loki did, if that’s what it wanted to tell us.
And... thing is? I would feel far more okay with this if Loki was more okay with this.
In the myths, Loki uses his sexuality as a weapon both as a man and as a woman, and also in other shapes and forms (hi, Sleipnir!). As far as I’m aware, it’s not that likely that he’s too bothered by this, because most of those plans were made by him. He has complete agency in the way that he uses his body in this way!
Myth!Loki has confidence both in their sexuality and also in their relationship with sex, and they don’t, as far as I’m aware, see it as a big deal.
Even comic!Loki has their gender identity as fluid (“I can change into anything, as long as it’s me,” for instance), and they do seem to have a comfortable confidence in their relationship with how they approach sex, or at least they don't seem bothered by it (they have kids, that much is true).
MCU Loki, however... well. A lot more serious, more studious, still a trickster at heart but doesn’t seem to have any of that gender fluidity that other incarnations are known for (yet, at least), and... the first sign of sexuality that we see (as far as this aro/ace is aware) is the implications of T:R. Where he’s uncomfortable.
Like I said before - my issue is not the implication that he’s done and/or is capable of doing such things, but that Loki is uncomfortable when it’s brought up.
Which brings me to two points.
The first is that from what I’ve seen, I would feel far more comfortable seeing this play out if Loki’s discomfort was more in line with ‘I’m perfectly confident in what I’ve been doing, but Thor knowing makes me uncomfortable, because he will judge me, and it’ll be awkward’. If Loki himself was more blasé about it. Please tell me if this is actually the case in the movie, because so far I’ve not seen any sign of it. Because... Loki written in this way would give him agency over his actions and his body. It would make us laugh at the scenes in which Thor finds out what his brother’s been up to, because ‘yeah, your kid bro’s more grown up than you thought in this way you hadn’t even thought of’ and ‘he knows what he’s doing’. It’d make us see those scenes with the Grandmaster with more, ah... feeling as though Loki’s in control. 
The second point is essentially linked to that last thing there, but here goes - Loki is correlated a lot with feminine traits, and has been since the first movie he appeared in. Magic and daggers and words compared to swords and hammers and might as far back as Thor 1.Tony compares him to a diva in Avengers (admittedly, also referring to himself, but still counts to an extent). Dark World had him again using more intellectual methods of fighting... to the point where he fakes his own death.
This is relevant because in casting Loki - the one with more feminine traits, who uses more intellectual ways of fighting and less brute force, with as others have said, a largely female fanbase who relate to him in some means or another - in casting this character as one who is implied to have been sexually involved with someone in order to gain ‘better standing’ and who feels uncomfortable when this gets brought up...
I don’t know how many other people have gotten the same reaction, I don’t have any idea how much I’m ‘reading too far into this’ or if I’m missing something that wasn’t in the gifsets that’s full of spoilers or if it was ‘never that deep’. I just don’t know.
But for me, it’s sending out massive red flags. Because here are so many signs and clues to someone having been sexually coerced against their will, and it’s being treated, even if not by the movie (and I have no proof there, having not seen it through) then by the overall reaction I’ve read into by fanbase, as funny. The idea that Loki could have started out feeling as though he were in control, but as time wore on it’s got to a point where he feels uncomfortable and potentially even trapped but unsure as to how to break free because he’s come so far, why waste all that time and effort?
That right there is why I  say ‘I would be okay if Loki was more in control and he saw it as a thing to be laughed at, but what little I’ve seen of the narrative and the fanbase’s reaction to it do not portray his character in this way.
For the one male character whose characterisation hinges on him being queercoded, both in terms of gender and also sexuality, to be treated in such a way, makes me uncomfortable to say the least.
Like, if I’m wrong and I’m just remembering these few clips wrong? Like I said earlier, I’d see that as a good thing. I don’t want to be right! I’m hoping that when I see the movie, it’ll prove me wrong in some way! But even if I’m just working based on a reaction from the few posts I’ve seen going around, then that’s enough for me to feel justifiably squicked out by the entire thing.
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