lady-of-the-spirit · 1 year
Pick any OC for the "if OC was canon" asks! "What feelings does your character most often instill in their fans?" "If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?" "What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?" and "Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?"
Gonna answer these with Hestia because I've been thinking about her in a meta way lately! (It has to do with shipping.)
What feelings does your character most often instill in their fans?
Her fans would love her! Like, she's a soft kindhearted woman, what's not to love??? But also she's got a slight hidden trickster side to her, she's got a surprising amount of backbone considering her general demeanor, and she is fully capable of using people's perceptions of her to her advantage. Her fans are gonna want to protect her so bad but also are like "she contains multitudes!!!" she'd be stanned so hard by her fans.
If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
OOH I remember my sister once made a netflix original series edit a few years back for a potential Hestia-centered series, and I can see that being it. Kinda like Agent Carter covering the development of SHIELD, this series covers the pre-Thor 1 stuff, the story of Hestia coming to Asgard, marrying Thor, how they learn to live together and fall in love, how Hestia learns to navigate her new kingdom and world. It's like... romance, comedy, drama, political drama, a little bit of action. But honestly probably mostly romance and comedy. Freida Pinto as Hestia, obviously, all the MCU Thor cast as their respective characters. We've also got Hestia's family. My old cast for them was Evan Rachel Wood as Hera, Pedro Pascal as Zeus (this was pre-Mandalorian), and Jason Momoa as Poseidon. (I had faceclaims for others, but I'd change them now, and her whole family makes appearances so I won't get into every single one.) Hestia would also probably have a few handmaidens as a crown princess, but I haven't thought about them at all.
What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?
Well she's a queer woman of colour in the MCU fandom. That alone is gonna be controversial. Plus she's married and in a romantic relationship with one of the main mcu guys, Thor, generally seen as the hottest one, so there's that too.
I can see a lot of discourse over her usefulness as a character. Like, Hestia's role once the movie events start going is going to be a lot of background stuff - politics, keeping people organized and keeping the kingdom running. Stuff that is important but, because these are action movies and she's not kicking ass with a sword or something, is gonna get her sidelined. She's also not openly snarky or sarcastic, she's kind even though she can make jokes and be funny, and I think that would also get her mischaracterized as weak or useless. On the flip side, she has a lot of power but chooses not to fight because of trauma, and that would get her called out because "she could have stopped xyz event and didn't".
Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?
I'd like to believe that Thor and Hestia would be a popular ship, you know, "happily married couple deeply in love" is a popular trope for a reason! We love that shit! And it would be popular because they are obsessed with each other and love each other so much and again, we love that shit! But we live in the real world and the mcu so there would still be some shipping drama. Inevitably there would be people shipping Hestia and Loki. I hate to think about it but it would happen. They're very close and have a special relationship, but it's JUST as siblings/friends. They work as friends and siblings but romantically, nah.
Unfortunately I have to bring up the obvious: because people ship thor and loki, I can see fans pushing Hestia out of the way of that. Either by simply having her and Thor being friends in an arranged marriage rather than coming to love each other, or just cutting her out completely somehow. She'd end up the supportive shipper on deck for them and probably show up in the background in a relationship with like, Sif or Jane or some other female character to make it seem progressive that they're sidelining a leading queer woman of colour for their incest ship. Something similar would happen for any other thor ship I guarantee it.
OC meta ask list!
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descendantofthesparrow · 11 months
The true defenders of Auradon - TD x R poyw-Finale
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@disneyfan50 i have too many ideas
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batbobsession · 1 year
The meanest left hook in BatB stage history
Me: I've seen almost every rendition of Beauty and the Beast on stage. Everything amazes me, but in terms of plot, nothing surprises me. BatB Ballet (2022): Lumiere throws hands with the Enchantress and wins. Me: ...wut
@lumiereswig @disneyfan50 @tinydooms @forr-everrmorre @im-too-obssesed @lumiereandcogsworth
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jetblacknewyear · 1 year
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@disneyfan50 not 2 jump on ur tag hahah. But st that came back to me earlier and actually was gonna post was like did afton ever (not necessarily to fuck w the kids) but to keep them at bay or whatever bring them gifts and such as spring bonnie. Like even b4 this its st ive head canoned like he is absolutely sick for creating this almost stockholmed/gaslit family but i do also think the kids enjoy … a little hot wheels set in the abandoned pizzeria every few months.
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Concept looks for Love From The Stars AU counterparts of Power Rangers: The New Samurai team (bar Arianna due to being unsure where she'd appear really if she does exist in the AU), this AU being something me and my friend, @disneyfan50 , discuss a-lot that technically started with just Reese but slowly expanded to the rest of the team as well.
From top to Bottom:
*First human outfit for Reese once back on land after having been a mermaid and sea monster with Lia while the two went after the sea witches, with the outfit having been created by Lia based on Reese's prior outfits and while stuff like her ear wrap and nails remained the same as prior to the adventures under the sea, she finds that Lia has created a new necklace for her, much to Reese's surprise but Lia says its a present for someone she has begun to view as a sister slowly, though that just increases Reese's surprise fully...but also makes Reese happy as she's starting to view Lia as a sister as well. *Human form concept of Morgan, daughter of Tameka in this alternate universe, who is staying with her aunt Ariel and uncle Eric for the summer so she has time to get used to being human in time for the new term of Auradon Prep, but any normal summer plans go out the window when King Ben's wedding goes awry... *Mermaid form concept of Morgan, which she takes while diving into the water around the kingdom due to the fire in her aunt's and uncle's palace, being the mermaid to pull Reese out of the water when she and her family quickly went to Reese's, Lia's and Eric's aid after the three ended up in the water during their escape. *Tour of Auradon Prep concept look for Jesse, son of Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen in this alternate universe, who volunteers to help out with the tour, Reese among the attendees of the tour as she at first, does plan to attend Auradon Prep at the start of new term, but after the tour, isn't so sure... *Pirate look concept for Caleb, eldest son of late pirates Mike and Emily in this alternate universe, who is one of Silver's cabin boys on the RLS Baelstrom and is pretty excited when the ship finally lands on Ixsol, not only due to it being a new planet but also being a new planet to solar surf on, though when it comes to befriending the kid Jim brings to ship a-lot, Caleb is the one who did most of the befriending part, Reese swearing she relented to his annoying of her. *Pirate look concept for Silas, youngest son of late pirates Mike and Emily in this alternate universe, who is also one of Silver's cabin boys on the RLS Baelstrom, who similar to his brother, is pretty excited when the ship lands on ixsol, as Silas enjoys learning about new planets, let alone about their music, and he's probably the only one of him and his brother who doesn't completely annoy Reese when befriending her...if anything, he's passing on notes on how to tolerate his brother. *Aurora (left) and Helia (right) Etherial form concepts, who in this alternate universe are twin creations of their Etherial creator and human father, adventurer Antonio, who the twins constantly look out for when ships pass through their mother's system, given he does try his best to surprise visit them when he can, but one of these instances of checking for their father's ship results in them checking in on the RLS Baelstrom, a ship of pirates led by the Commodore and his adopted daughter, Reese, who Aurora finds herself developing a crush on.
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dani-luminae · 11 months
Name changed! Used to be Disneyfan50, decided I was tired of it, now I'm Dani-luminae!
Won't be changing the stuff I post or reblog, just decided I needed a name change.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
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OC Halloween Challenge 2023 Costumes Tell A Story Day Thirty: I Can Be Anybody I Wanna Be
NOTE: These are all alternate universe counterparts on my OCs from various AUs me and my friend, @disneyfan50 , either discuss or write based on disneyfan50's stories.
Featuring (from left to right): *Love From The Stars AU Reese as her eventual adopted father in the AU, Commodore Jim Hawkins of the Pleiadean Fleet (something said Commodore didn't realize at first until Reese said her costume (saying 'Commander' instead as usual, much to Jim's amusement), given Reese tends to dress like him anyway). *Songbird And Sleight Of Hand AU Jayla as her adopted father in the AU, Caleb Covington (who is honored by the costume...in his normal dramatic fashion, of course). *A Million Dreams AU Malachi as his eventual father figure in the au, Ilasqar (whose honored but also proceeds to want to know every detail about how Malachi made the outfit).
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goldstars98 · 1 year
if Beast was the villian in D3
for @disneyfan50
he takes the scepter after hades escape attempt
his evil look is his cotillon outfit but black with a cape the cape has a fake fur trim
he puts the old hag spell on Evie
he still turns ben into a beast
his own wife Belle is turned to stone
the happy birthday scene still exists
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ultraericthered · 1 year
So this post and this one got me thinking more about what a darker, grittier, more twisted and deconstructive (but still very whimsical, wholesome and heart-filled) take on Winnie The Pooh would look like, and since Pooh’s now in the public domain, such a thing isn’t in the realm of the impossible anymore, and would certainly be a more worthwhile contribution to Pooh canon and society as a whole than...that thing. What I lean towards is a three season TV series in a similar vein to Amphibia where low stakes small stories and comedy meets with a larger, steadily building overarching narrative that leads to bigger revelations and higher stakes conflict. Said conflict has to arise from somewhere, so I thought up four OCs to bring it with them!
Context: This hypothetical series would be an Elsewords take on Winnie The Pooh from the main Disney depictions that reframes the Hundred Acre Wood as a vast, magical Eden of regrown nature and wildlife located in Sussex, England on a post-apocalyptic Earth. Christopher Robin is a orphaned boy who lives in a nature-overgrown neigborhood in Sussex and has secret access to the Wood, where he’s befriended some friendly cryptids with very plush animal-like appearances. All the classic Pooh tales transpired until one day Christopher had to leave at behest of his caretakers. In this story’s present day, Christopher is a young adult who returns to the Hundred Acre Wood and learns some deep, dark secrets about it that he’d never known in the childhood he left behind, such as the connection between the Wood denizens and the higher spirits of nature, the crystal stones that keep effect the way time flows within the Wood, why creatures such as Heffalumps, Woozles, and Jagulars are as they are, and the unnatural evil that lurks beneath the Wood’s soil...
Credit to @disneyfan50​, who put forward what could very well work as an ongoing flashback storyline in the first season, prior to the emergence of the first OC seen on this post in the present day tale.
And now, here they are - my OC Bad Guys!
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John Jagular emerges as the chief antagonist of the story, the ruler of the hidden Jagulars’ Vale who, in response to the natural resource scarity in his dominion, seeks to turn the Hundred Acre Wood into his first ever colony and tax the shit out of them so that a portion of their goods (hunny, hacorns, sticks, herbs and plant-life, Rabbit’s vegetables, etc.) can go to Jagular’s Vale. Much as he wants to be taken seriously as a soverign monarch, King John is quite a hapless and oafish figure who normally fails. His basis is the character of King John, who appeared in a handful of poems by A.A Milne, and he is a partial Expy of Prince John from Disney’s Robin Hood. He’d be voiced by Alan Tudyk (w/ his Clayface and King River voice)
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Kaleb Jingswell is the unexpected human antagonist, a competitor of Christopher Robin’s who’s put his foot down in land development and real estate business, meaning yes, he does exactly what you’d think he’d do: tries to secure a deal for the Hundred Acre Woods to get bulldozed and made into the future site of homes for humans. While many are in need of homes in this post-apocalyptic setting, his intent is not to help the needy but simply to spite Christopher by desecrating his childhood playground. Much like John Jagular, Kaleb is heavy on comedic relief despite his cruelty and wickedness. He is a suspiciously similar character to Giles WInslow Jr. from Christopher Robin (2018), but he also has influences in Big City Greens’ Chip Whistler and El Hazard’s Katsuhiko Jinnai (same initials even!) He’d be voiced by Kyle McCarley (Simon Laurent from Infinity Train, etc.).
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Sylvester T. Reynard is the true villain of the piece, a suspicious fox who roams around the woods in clownish get-up, always claiming to be conveniently exactly what someone might need him to be at that given moment. Feigning friendliness to Pooh and friends, Reynard is constantly scheming up ways to dupe them, will never hesitate to stab them in the back when it suits him, and eventually starts playing them, the Jagulars, the Heffalumps and Woozles, and even Kaleb Jingwell’s human demolition team against one another. While as comical a figure as John and Kaleb, Reynard differs in that he does more long term thinking than either of them and has moments where his darker, more intimidating true nature shows itself. His animation would also notably differ from that of other characters, with his movements being stange and jerky and his feet sometimes lifting above the ground, signifying something very off about this particular critter. His basis is the obscure one-off antagonist Sly Fox from the book Pooh’s New Clothes, who duped the Hundred Acre Wood residents and got away with it with a handful of hunny jars, and the clown-like garb and make-up along is an allusion to none other than Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Stephen King’s IT. He’d be voiced by David Tennant (w/ his Dread the Evil Genie voice)
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The Thing From Below is the overarching villain, though we’d not learn he exists until near the very end when it’s revealed he’d been sealed beneath the Hundred Acre Wood for ages. A beast who knows no morality, the Thing wishes to swallow up all the mystical supernatural power within the crystal stones in order to strengthen itself so that it may dominate the Wood and leave a wasteland of dust, decay, and bones in its place. It is said that more of its kind used to exist and are what brought the planet to an apocalypse a good many years ago, the effects of which are still being dealt with, and the older forest spirits imprisoned this last one because it was the strongest and cruelest of them all. Not pictured is that on the tip of its tail a tall, thin branch sprouts out, and on the edge of the branch is a long, crooked wire-like thing, and on the edge of that is Sylvester T. Reynard, who the whole time was the Thing’s puppet working to get it released from beneath the earth (yeah, turns out my “Professor Pericles” idea from 5 years earlier ended up a little more on the mark than I’d expected). As you’ll most likely notice, the Thing is indeed the Skullasaurus, the fabled fearsome monster from Pooh’s Grand Adventure, though it would not be addressed as such. And as an additional Mythology Gag, it’d be voiced by Jim Cummings using only growls, grunts and roars, as all of his “speaking” is done by Reynard.
By the by, I'm also still waiting for that Madeline Robin-centered spinoff, but that should be its own thing entirely, obviously. The poor girl doesn’t deserve to be put through anything like these nightmares!
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Incorrect quotes with Disneyfan50's OCs
*in a crisis concerning the crew of the Lost Revenge* - Rose, heading down the steps into the brig: Gil, go back and help the captain and Harry! If I'm not there in five minutes, leave without me! Gil: What? I am not leaving my best friend! *yanks her back up the steps* Rose, glaring at him: ... Gil: ...Unless they look at me like that. Bye, Rose! *he sprints away*
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unusual-ly · 2 years
Ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags game…! I got tagged by @the-20th-century-girl, @ailendolin and @viola-halogen wow thanks let’s go it’s so rare that I remember to do these things
1. Jemima from BBC Ghosts (just so I don’t have to choose between my favs of the main ghosts)
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2. Ian from Bill (2015)
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3. Jemima from CATS
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4. The Crone from Yonderland
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5. Mischa from Ride the Cyclone (if I absolutely have to narrow it down to one)
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6. Merida from Brave
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7. Georgia Warr from Loveless
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8. Bonzo from ZOMBIES
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9. Red Guy (Harry) from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
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10. Bob Hale from Horrible Histories
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Let’s see if I can pick 10 people to tag (if you want to do it~) @secondbutthole @the-tiktok-rogue @moonahstone @leftabit-leftabit @simonfarnabyslegs @tonksbeybey-she-no-porcupine @scribeartistjo-tan @sayorseee @kokinu09 @disneyfan50
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 year
LET'S GET REAL! 💘 💫 🍭 and 🤍?
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
Okay so I've mentioned my Avatar OC fic Blue before. I am constantly flip-flopping on this fic, honestly. It's a mixed bag. I started writing it when I was 12 or 13, so as you could guess, it's not the best fic. It's important to me as my longest fic, and the fic I've had the longest. It's like, 40-something chapters and SO many words long. If I ever actually decided to rework it in any way, it would take FOREVER. And it would take away all the fun of looking back and seeing how I've developed through that fic. But at the same time, current-day me has developed so much that I often think of how differently I would do things now if I rewrote it entirely, even if that took the silly little charm that I love so much out of the fic. Like Piandao taught Zuko the swords?? My OC and Zuko are love interests and she's Piandao's daughter, do you REALIZE how much I could have done with that if I had known that while writing Blue??
So yeah I flip-flop a lot on whether or not I actually would or want to rewrite Blue if I could ever commit to it. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no. But it's the only fic I would want to do it with.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Any time someone tells me they've reread my fic any amount of times just makes my heart swell with adoration. It means so much to know that people like my work so much they would come back to read it again!
When it's an oc-centric story, I love to hear that people like my oc and care what happens to them. Even if just a normal comment that just happens to say "and I really like your OC they're really cool :)" I'm just like OMG you like my baby!!!! It's so lovely.
🍭why did you start writing?
In fourth grade, my teacher was showing us the basic format of writing stories and assigned us to write a short story inspired by a picture she gave us. I somehow mapped out a whole ass romance story and it clicked for me that it was what I wanted to do. (I've toned down the romance since then.) But I was writing silly little stories before that, too - I wrote what I now realize was a found family Halloween inspired story, and Scooby Doo fanfiction before I even knew what fanfiction was. But fourth grade was when it clicked for me that it was something I really, really wanted to be doing.
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
This is a mild example because there were more people who DID get it, but the Lore Olympus fic I wrote that was like "Hades was an abusive parental figure to Thanatos and this actually gets called out" had a couple of comments go "But Hades had a rough childhood how could he have known???" like get out of here this isn't the environment for you. And also given the nature of the fandom itself I assume people skipped past it because it hated on Hades and that's not acceptable here I guess!!!
Let's get REAL (fic writer asks)
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Hii! I’m a new descendants stan and Thomas Doherty simp here, do you have any fic recs?
hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome to the fandom~ its lowkey dead lol, of course-i rec my fics as i am the top Harry Hook bitch 'round these parts~ i have a whole master list available to read-but the other fic recs i have~ (be warned i mostly read x readers or huma fics)
my fav fics of mine are Regained passion(ballarina/chads sister reader!), the poyw series(our world reader gets sent to descendants and falls in love with Harry)(which has several rewrites and revises, but i suggest reading 2.0 and rewrite the most), and cant stop this feeling(mermaid!chubby! reader)-which is a smut fic so...yeah :D
Chasing the ocean by @findmeontheisle is amazing-i do not believe its completed yet(its very very slow updates but so worth the wait) but its such a good read-its an Harry Hook x reader(of course)
ANY of @disneyfan50's fics!!!!(which are hosted on quotev) like-they're so good-so good, she does justice to Ben's character and even Mal's character in certain fics(even if it's making her worse igbh), most of her fics are OC fics or have an OC in the fics that it mainly follows-aka Lia~ my queen~ the best of these oc fics being True defender and Rewrite the stars~ she ships Lia and Ben and its so cute-i love them so much
@humaforever has a buncha good Huma fics, like *mwah* chefs kiss
@eloras-headcanons is a fellow Harry bitch and has some AMAZING fics to read that have Harry as the main character(we love to put him through so much trauma and angst, like-frfr) my favorite of their fics is Labour of love! which is a chef/baker harry fic that bonds with ms.potts during his time at auradon prep and includes a madness curse~!(they are having writing block for descendants/harry so-slow updates~ but very worth reading)
isle of De vil is a good fic! its a d1/d2 carlos got left behind on the isle fic where he joins the pirates and gets feels for Harry n Uma, its very good-10/10
the line between is a sea three go to Auradon in d1 instead fic! its actually where i first read about the madness curse and just-yoinked it for myself lololololol, its very good, good amount of fluff, angst, yerning, Ben being adnorable, and Gil being a good boi-Huma fic with a side of Ben wanting to date the pirates, its incomplete but so good.
am i good, am i bad, help me figure out who i am? is SUCH a good fic-its complete and a reverse au of D1 that includes the D2 babes-where Ben, Jane, Doug, Lonnie and Aziz(a character from the books) go to the isle instead of the c4 going to Auradon, it includes Bal(cute bal) huma, Lonnie/Jay/carlos, Azis/Jonas, ad Gil/Jane(WHICH IS SO CUTE I CANT), plrently of angst and isle chaos-Lonnie and Aziz join the pirates and Jane is such a brave blue bird in it i love her sm
theres really alot of good fics on a03, thats a good place to look-dont forget to reblog and leave some love for the fics you read on here, and comment and kudos on a03~!
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auradon-bore-a-don · 1 year
I was tagged by both @lady-of-the-spirit & @disneyfan50 to take this uquiz for my OC's. I'll be honest, this was interesting and some of the questions I feel don't fit but it was a fun exercise! I found that this applies to the VK's more than AK's.
Quinn & Nessa
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you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
Elysia & Isle!Elise
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your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
Auradon!Elise, Acadea, Kinsey & Killian
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you need to be held as though you're going to break. you need someone to trace your scars like cracks in a wall, crumbling. their touch is almost painful; you've been without it for too long, without someone to hold you. but, you cannot bring yourself to pull away. (Side note: really mad i couldnt find a solo gif of Sierra from the Calling all the monsters music video)
As for tags - no pressure to anyone - @come-along-pond @carmens-garden @ninjasawakenedmystar @humaudrey
This is also open to anyone who sees this and wants to try it out!
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gay-ghostwriter · 1 year
I got tagged by @disneyfan50 to take this uquiz for some of my OCs, and I think the results were interesting!
Caraway: (Changeling Arcane Trickster, he's got species dysphoria and daddy issues)
you need to be held as though you're going to break. you need someone to trace your scars like cracks in a wall, crumbling. their touch is almost painful; you've been without it for too long, without someone to hold you. but, you cannot bring yourself to pull away.
(Yeah, that's appropriate for him.)
Voltaire: (Tiefling Wild Magic Sorcerer, running away from the circus)
you crave a hug that cracks your ribs… the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
(I'm not sure if this fits or not, but I haven't gotten to play him yet so who knows)
Aleister: (brand new OC I haven't told anyone about, he's an anxious mess who inherited a haunted house)
your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back… a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
(I love this one)
I tag... @euphoricpride , @macaron-cosmos , and @zordonmlw7 !
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First Time In Storybrooke/Return To Storybrooke outfit concepts for Reese in both random alternate universes me and my friend, @disneyfan50 , have going on with my oc, Reese (daughter of Hades version) and disneyfan50's series, An Untold Story.
Top one is for Reese in the AU we dub Rose AU, where she appears in Tales of Auradon onwards as explained on this concept designs post, but unlike prior concept posts, Reese does not have blue hair while in Storybrooke, as after following Rose after the disasterous talk with Beast and Rowena takes the two to Storybrooke, the curse with its effects on magic, blocks Reese's fire hair, meaning she finding with surprise without blue hair, she really does look like her adopted family.
Bottom one is for Reese in the AU we dub Once Upon An Time AU, where she appears from the start of the alternate universe as explained on this concept design post and despite gaining some of her fire hair back a little while in Auradon, returning to Storybrooke with Rose and Rowena means any fire hair is gone once more.
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