dihuang · 2 years
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All done. #dragonball #sewing #isocahedron #d20 #art #craft #toymaking #math #geometry #colorstreet https://www.instagram.com/p/ClvAQQduFto/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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helenvader · 1 year
Gaari Logo redone with the Prime Radiant as cuboctahedron - which is the right shape; the previous one was isocahedron, because I couldn't figure out how the shape is called.
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the-mayor-of-space · 2 years
Excuse me mr. space, whats ur campaign for the next universal election period? Idk about others but i really wanna see more weird shaped planets and funny nebulas
for about 7 or 8 years i've been campaigning on a platform of mostly tax cuts for the lowest brackets and improved municipal transportation
isocahedron planet is now on the agenda though, just for you anon
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wastelesscrafts · 2 years
Project: crocheted D20 plushie
I've been learning how to crochet, as mentioned before. Once I got the basic stitches down I figured it was time to learn how to make shapes.
I took one look at the first triangle I made, then promptly decided to make 19 more. The result was a D20 plushie: a worthy addition to my partner's novelty dice collection.
The project:
I followed this Happily Hooked Crochet Magazine tutorial to learn how to crochet triangles. There are multiple ways to make triangles, but I'm still learning so I wanted to keep it simple.
Once I'd made 20 of them, I embroidered a number ranging from 1 to 20 on each of them using the backstitch.
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[ID: four red crochet triangles lying on a black surface. One of the triangles is blank. The other three have the numbers 20, 19, and 18 embroidered on them with a backstitch in yellow yarn.]
A D20 is an isocahedron. If you make one out of fabric and stuff it, it will turn into a ball. That's fine if that's what your project needs of course, but I wanted mine to look a bit more pointy.
After a bit of Googling, I found Ravelry-user Highresmess's take on the D20. They had used felt to shape their dice. I decided to follow their example.
I cut out 20 felt triangles that were slightly smaller than my crocheted triangles, then basted them onto the backs of my crocheted ones.
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[ID: a red crocheted triangle lying on a black background. A slightly smaller red triangle made of felt has been basted onto the crocheted triangle with a matching red thread.]
I then started attaching my triangles to each other with a single crochet join, following this D20 3D model by Armor and Rum as a reference which uses the classic Chessex D20 number placement.
I picked the single crochet join because I wanted a ridge along the sides of my triangle to break up the inevitable roundness of the plushie.
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[ID: five red crocheted triangles have been joined with a single crochet join. They each have a yellow number embroidered onto them: 2, 20, 8, 10, and 12.]
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[ID: five red crocheted triangles have been joined with a single crochet join. A red felt triangle has been basted to the back of each of them.]
I kept attaching my pieces until I had one big flat shape consisting of 20 triangles.
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[ID: 20 red crocheted triangles have been attached to each other with a single crochet join. Yellow numbers ranging from 1 to 20 have been embroidered on each of them with a backstitch.]
I then continued joining the leftover triangle edges, slowly building the 3D shape of my isocahedron.
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[ID: 20 red crocheted triangles have been attached to each other with a single crochet join, forming part of an isocahedron. Yellow numbers ranging from 1 to 20 have been embroidered on each of them with a backstitch.]
I left the two final flaps of my plushie open, then proceeded to stuff it with light-weight scraps of fabric and yarn cut into small pieces.
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[ID: a red crocheted isocahedron lying on top of white floral bedsheets. Each triangle has a yellow number embroidered on it in backstitch, ranging from 1 to 20. The two upper most triangles haven't been joined shut yet. Red felt triangles have been basted to the insides of each triangle.]
When using fabric scraps to stuff a plushie, the fabric weight of your scraps is a useful way to control the weight of your plushie. I used light-weight scraps because I wanted my dice to be light, but you could also experiment with heavier scraps if you're making a pressure-based stimtoy or something.
I also made sure to cut my scraps into small pieces because larger scraps can make a plushie feel lumpy.
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[ID: a red crocheted isocahedron lying on top of white floral bedsheets. The two upper most triangles haven't been joined shut yet. The plushie has been stuffed with a variety of small fabric and yarn scraps.]
I then closed up my plushie and weaved in any remaining loose ends. The resulting plushie is pretty round, but has some shaping to it thanks to the felt and the raised ridges.
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[ID: a hand holding a large crocheted plushie of a red 20-sided die with yellow numbers. The top-facing number is 20.]
The die rolls pretty well. I wouldn't exactly call it balanced, but technically it could be used to play with.
I really enjoyed this project. I learned how to make triangles and how to use the single crochet join, and I got a cool gift for my partner out of it. I also learned how to use the grid-like structure of the single crochet stitch as a canvas for embroidery, which opens up a lot of fun options for future projects.
Most of the things I make have some practical use, like clothes or utility items. It was nice to make something silly for once. I ought to do more projects like these.
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brandnewdress · 5 years
y’all better not start hating on rep again as soon as we get the first single
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regolo54 · 6 years
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notreallyherehahaha · 6 years
These two polyhedra are the icosahedron (left), and the great icosahedron (right).
Since the faces of each of these polyhedra are equilateral triangles, it is possible to augment each of the icosahedron’s faces with a great icosahedron. Here is the result.
I used Stella 4d to make these images. You may try this program for yourself at http://www.software3d.com/Stella.php.
Augmenting the Icosahedron with Great Icosahedra These two polyhedra are the icosahedron (left), and the great icosahedron (right). Since the faces of each of these polyhedra are equilateral triangles, it is possible to augment each of the icosahedron's faces with a great icosahedron.
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wumblr · 4 years
two cubes might know about the icosahedra
haha i almost tagged them in that ask
@twocubes​ are great isocahedrons platonic solids? someone was curious. i gave a rambling answer that was basically “no but i’m not sure exactly why.” because they’re nonconvex...? or something else?
i’m not totally sure how any of these things are defined, in a strict technical sense. i think there are several criteria for platonic solids, and great isocahedra meet maybe all except one of them, but i’m guessing and i don’t really know what the criteria are... pretty sure platonic solids are regular convex polyhedra, and great isocahedrons are regular polyhedra but nonconvex, but i’m not sure whether there are more criteria for platonic solids, or what “nonconvex” even means. is a great isocahedron not neatly classifiable as either concave or convex because it has intermixed aspects of both, or does nonconvex mean something else?
i think i dragged noneuclidean geometry and higher dimensions into my answer briefly, but after some thought i doubt they’re relevant, and it looks like the great isocahedron is actually euclidean. still don’t really understand whether its faces are going through each other or not, though
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ufocaller · 3 years
Preparation for Egypt 22022022
Day 4 Water The energy portals of the earth
Today our task was to connect with our heart chakra and speak the Mantra: “I am the soul of my node.” (Norfolk Island). To me Norfolk has a really shy but heartwarming soul. Even though the place has so many sides to it (being a prisoners Island first and then becoming a paradise like feel-good destination) it still seems feminine and introverted (if that makes any sense haha). I have to say it’s a real task to remember to embrace these attributes in your every day life.
However I really enjoyed our meeting with Mattías. We specified on the different Nodes of the world and he explained the Dodecahedron and the Isocahedron. Basically what the big energy portals (the nodes) of the earth are. So when you stretch a Dodecahedron (which has 20 verticals = nodes) across our planet you will see where the different lines of the dodecahedron geographically meet. And where they meet there’s a portal. And the more lines are connecting the bigger the portal is.
So the big energy portals of the earth’s Dodecahedron are:
Barrow (Alaska)
Four Corners (Arizona)
Palmyra (Kribati)
Isla Sea (Ross Sea)
Eastern Island - Rapa Nui
Isla Scrub (Anguilla)
Cerro León (Paraguay)
Tristao Da Cunha Island
Cao Grande (Santo Tome and Principe Island)
San Lorenzo (Madeira Island)
Kirovsk (Mursmask - Russia)
Gilgit (Cachemire)
Bird Island (Seychelles)
Amsterdam Islan
Western Australia
Norfolk Island
Minami Tori-Shima (Japanese Pacific)
Queen Moud (Antarctic)
Mexican Pacific (Cipperton Island)
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Now to the Icosahedron nodes (these portals are as important as the Dodecahedrons’). The Icosahedron has 12 verticals.
Great Pyramid of Giza
Siberia - Russia
South Antarctica
South of South Africa
Hawaii Area
Galápagos Islands
New Guinea Area
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Here you can find out if there’s portals (intersection points) or network lines (lines without intersection points) in your area:
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debaiser · 7 years
like many trans, i am an isocahedron. sometimes it's a nat perfect perception roll. sometimes it's a crit fail
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covenscribe · 5 years
I just googled isocahedron terrarium and they do exist!
Omg that is Awesome!!! When I have my own place there’s gonna be a hella lot of plants
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hudsonhardwear · 6 years
Making a Giant 20-sided Die out of Cement #3DThursday #3DPrinting
Making a Giant 20-sided Die out of Cement #3DThursday #3DPrinting
Rob Cockerham shares:
With a new batch of triangles for the mold, I could finally make a real nice 20-sided die out of cement! This one weighed 29 lbs.! (13 Kg).
read more on: http://www.cockeyed.com/incredible/isocahedron/20-sided_die.html
Every Thursday is #3dthursdayhere at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models.…
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regolo54 · 7 years
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mamamaguire · 7 years
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Day 191 - Isocahedron trail blazers and we didn’t even know it.
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uverayo · 6 years
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Yesturday opened expo City vs Nature in @laquintadelsordo #artistasdelbarrio with great artists @escayo @a.n.a.zdravkovic @lasha_makharadze and @mick_hender2 #sacredforms #cube #tetrahedron #octahedron #dodecahedron #isocahedron #instalation #expo #drawingonpaper (at Quinta del sordo)
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obviouswar · 8 years
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scan versionaindjnldjhljjf efjdk
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