oldschoolfrp · 3 months
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Saruman the White ponders his palantír. "You are the trusted apprentice to one of the greatest Wizards in all Middle-earth" in A Spy in Isengard (Angus McBride cover art for Middle-earth Quest gamebook #1 by Terry K Amthor, Iron Crown Enterprises, 1988). McBride has been memed more than once.
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novikjpg · 5 months
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Mesopotamian gods designs for an animation I’ve been working on lately (for my university, huh).
Goofy stuff.
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emmaobsession · 1 month
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valardynasty · 17 days
Ordre des Istari 1/5
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Maïa Curumo aka Saroumane le blanc.
"Saroumane, également connu sous le nom de Curumo, fut le premier des Istari, les émissaires des Valar envoyés sur la Terre du Milieu au Troisième Âge pour aider à contrer le retour de Sauron. Il était à l'origine le chef des Istari et à la tête du Conseil Blanc qui s'est opposé pendant un certain temps au Seigneur des Ténèbres."
Création par Intelligence Artificielle.
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jjangredpanda · 2 years
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southernlovergirl · 1 year
my ideal man is The Stranger from Rings of Power: tall, doesn’t talk much, cries when a small animal or bug dies, can carry heavy objects for me, looks good in a cardigan, mutters cryptic words to trees, rocks a really nice beard
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RAF Astor Sentinel R.Mk 1 flying over the UK.
The Sentinel provides long-range, wide-area battlefield surveillance, delivering critical intelligence and target tracking information to British and coalition forces. It has been operationally deployed in support of operations in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Mali,
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marcotulio9d8 · 1 year
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Ishtar, la diosa babilónica del amor y la belleza, de la vida y de la fertilidad, es una de las deidades más fascinantes y poderosas de la mitología mesopotámica. También conocida como Inanna en la cultura sumeria, Ishtar era adorada como una diosa del amor y la sensualidad, pero también tenía un papel importante en la fertilidad de la tierra y en la protección de la vida en general.
Ishtar era considerada una diosa de múltiples facetas, y su influencia se extendía a diferentes aspectos de la vida cotidiana de los antiguos babilonios. Era venerada como la diosa del amor y la pasión, y se creía que bendecía a las parejas con felicidad y fertilidad en sus relaciones. Los enamorados buscaban su favor y protección, y se le atribuía la capacidad de bendecir los matrimonios y las relaciones sexuales.
Sin embargo, Ishtar también era una diosa poderosa y temida. Se la consideraba una diosa de la guerra y se la representaba armada con un arco y flechas. Se creía que tenía el poder de causar devastadoras inundaciones y sequías, y se la veía como una fuerza impredecible de la naturaleza que podía traer tanto bendiciones como desgracias a la humanidad.
Además de su papel en el amor y la guerra, Ishtar también era adorada como una diosa de la fertilidad. Se creía que tenía el poder de hacer florecer la tierra y asegurar buenas cosechas para los agricultores. Se la asociaba con el ciclo de la naturaleza, la vida y la muerte, y se le atribuía la capacidad de renovar la vida y asegurar la continuidad de la existencia.
La sexualidad era un aspecto central del culto a Ishtar. Se la consideraba una diosa sensual y erótica, y su templo en la ciudad de Uruk era famoso por sus sacerdotisas sagradas, conocidas como las "hijas de Ishtar", que se entregaban a rituales de culto y actos sexuales sagrados en su honor. Se creía que estas prácticas ayudaban a mantener la armonía y la fertilidad en la sociedad humana y en la naturaleza.
Ishtar también tenía una historia mitológica intrigante. Según los mitos, descendió a los Infiernos para rescatar a su amado Tammuz, el dios de la vegetación, quien había sido condenado a la muerte. Sin embargo, su viaje al inframundo fue arriesgado y peligroso, y tuvo que enfrentarse a muchos obstáculos y pruebas para lograr su objetivo. Este mito se interpreta como una alegoría del ciclo anual de la naturaleza, en el que la vegetación muere en invierno y renace en primavera, y Ishtar es vista como una diosa que trae la vida de vuelta a la tierra.
En la iconografía, Ishtar se representa a menudo como una mujer joven y hermosa, con una corona de estrellas y sosteniendo una vara de lirios. A veces también se la muestra montando un león o una serpiente, símbolos de su poder y dominio sobre la naturaleza.
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karamiia · 2 years
Alone it’s just a journey.
Adventures, they must be shared.
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w1llb7ers · 1 year
okay SPOILERS up ahead so beware
Halbrand revealed his true identity as Sauron, right? It's a topic of discussion that people are upset with how Sauron looks, not because he isn't attractive, but because he doesn't match up to their expectations that have been set by artists over the years. However, we know that Sauron was known as Sauron The Deceiver. He deceived people by appearing as someone they could trust. Okay, now here comes my theory:
Sauron is in disguise the whole time and we never see his true form. He's using someone else's looks.
My reasoning:
He states that he'd found the crest (I forgot what it was really) on a dead man. Perhaps he killed this man (Halbrand) and made up a name after taking the form of the man he slaughtered.
He can change his looks however he wants whenever he wants. — Remember those people dressed in white that kept assuming Istar was Sauron? They used a type of shape shifting magic to turn into people that he trusted (Nori) and one even changed into Istar to trick the Harfoots. Sauron could very well be using this too.
He took the identity of the man and proceeded to get what he wanted from the Elves and Númenóreans: Trust.
We have yet to see his true form.
I rest my case.
(or maybe I'm just wishfully thinking amazon will pull this part of his character off LMAO)
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istar-ingolmo · 2 years
Silmarillion Primer: The Maiar
The Maiar are Ainur that are in lesser stature than the Ainur that are The Valar. They are spiritual beings that are the product of the thought of Ilúvatar, but they do not have the same power as the Valar. The realms of influence and power are more focused and less broadly felt. They are for the most part servants/assistants to the Valar in their deeds. 
Unlike the Valar who are numbered 14 (15 before Melkor fell to darkness), the number of the Maiar are unknown. Most do not take on physical appearances like the Valar and choose to remain in the Unseen World. We only know a handful of names.
Melkor corrupted many Maiar to his service. The Balrogs were perhaps Maiar of fire before they were turned to evil purposes. Sauron, himself, was a Maia that was in service of Aulë, but Melkor turned his desire for order to evil and he became one of the greatest of Melkor’s servants.
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All the Istari, the Wizards sent to Middle-Earth to help the Children of Ilúvatar in their fight against Sauron were Maiar. Saruman was the Maia Curumo who also served Aulë and Gandalf was ever with Nienna under the name Olorín, where he learned pity and patience. The words of Olorín could stir the hearts of who heard out of despair.
There are other Maiar that will appear in The Silmarillion more prominently. Melian, a Maia that tended the gardens in Loríen, is chief among them. She wandered in the forests of Beleriand and when the elves were marching westward to Valinor, she managed to entrance Elwë, one of the kings of the Teleri, while she was singing with her nightingales. They became married and Elwë called himself Thingol. She is the mother of Luthien, and through her daughter she is the ancestor of the Half-Elven, the Kings and Queens of Númenor, and the line of Kings of Gondor.
Others also appear in the narrative, Eonwë, the herald of Manwë. Ossë and Uinen are Maia that are in service to Ulmo. Ossë is wild and violent, but his wife Uinen can restrain him. Ossë was almost swayed for a time to Melkor's service, but he able to repent. It is to Uinen that many mariners say prayers to give them safe passage on the seas. The sailors of Númenor would place a Green Bough of Return on their ships to ask for the blessing of Uinen.
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Art By @gerwell
Maiar also possess the ability to change their appearance as the will. As mentioned, many choose to remain invisible and take no forms, but some like Sauron, were able to take any form they chose. This was not only the ability of the Maiar, but all Ainur. Sauron lost this ability at the Downfall of Númenor so that he could no longer take on the fair appearance of a friend. 
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toogoldforthis · 2 years
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valardynasty · 17 days
Ordre des Istari 2/5
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Maïa Aiwendil aka Radagast le brun.
"Radagast le Brun est l'un des cinq sorciers envoyés sur la Terre du Milieu pour contester la volonté de Sauron. À l'origine nommé Aiwendil, il est le Maia de Yavanna, Radagast se préoccupe principalement du bien-être des mondes végétal et animal."
Création par Intelligence Artificielle.
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ravenirisworld · 2 years
ROP finale spoilers
I knew it.....I freaking knew it. 
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Halbrand was Sauron. I have been thinking about it since their first meeting. And The Stranger was none other than our favorite Istar, after all the Harfoots were rooting for him. But what a misdirection they started in this episode. 
Halbrand going to Eregion when Celebrimbor was going to make something was dead give away and the Adar conversation too. The Stranger revived that old tree, I knew without doubt who he was. 
And the whole Queen conversation- classic manipulation. Galadriel had touched the dark, it was referenced few times. She always wished to seek Sauron, look she found him. Gil galad was right about darkness coming if Galadriel were to not go to valinor. 
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cinemaquiles · 2 years
Reconhece todos eles? Como são os atores de O Senhor dos Anéis: Os Anéis de Poder na Vida Real
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dccomicsnews · 2 years
Review: Black Adam #4
Review: Black Adam #4
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