#istg its not that deep
phoenix--flying · 5 months
need people to realize its not worth the effort hating on ships they dont like
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Zoro and Sanji are each other's confidants because despite constantly saying they can't stand each other, they trust the other the most when it comes to stuff they know for sure the rest of the crew won't like. They're each other's "nothing happened" moments. Sanji knows about Thriller Bark. Zoro knows about Wano. Sanji knows about all the burden Zoro has to carry. Zoro literally has Sanji's life on his hands. They trust each other with the things they can't tell their captain. They're his wings so they have to rely on each other to keep the crew from falling. There's just something about the unspoken trust and bond these two have that makes me go insane.
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starrynightsxo · 6 months
person: explain the jurdan "miscommunication" trope.
me: *through sobs* HE EXILED HER *weep* AS A JOKE *wail* AND SHE TOOK IT SERIOUSLY *wallow* BUT HE WAS JUST TRYNA IMPRESS HER *sniff* BUT SHE DIDNT REALISE *cry shouting* COS SHE LET HER FEELINGS GET IN THE WAY *momentary pause* HER *blubbering* FEELINGS *sob*
*cue angsty screaming*
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naquey · 7 months
I'm not going to censored myself, ever. Now, I get that sometimes I write problematic content, and that proshippers or comshippers don't cause me mental duress, but, that being said.
If sebaciel shippers or any proshippers interact I'm blocking you on sight. No ifs, ands, or buts ab it. I don't like it, and cannot separate my morality when I'm dealing with fiction, I feel a strong sense of morality. And yes, ik the internet is full of all sorts of fucked shit, but I DO NOT want to see adults shipped with minors or siblings being shipped together.
It gives me the ick. Regardless of if this happens all the time in any fandom Im in, I'm not saying cater to my needs, I'm saying I do not like it and you will be blocked. If you think I want you to cater to my needs, read this again.
I am not a safe space for you.
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peopleareaproblem · 8 months
just to get this out there before their “true nature is revealed” this episode (according to the newsletter):
I think the ratgrinders are going to be:
narrative foils to each of the Bad Kids
interesting characters & fun to watch
kinda fashy
the imagery of a rodent being crushed by (the) gears (of an effective system), while a clear joke about grinding for XP, is also a deeply fascist idea. it's not even a dogwhistle, it's just a whistle. especially combined with Kipperlily's whole “law and order” vibe.
im not a fan of very organized people talking about crushing vermin, just in general.
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nightyraven-art · 10 days
Been trying to just taking some time for myself and I've been a bit burnt out and exhausted and this week has been a bit busy and hectic just appointments a day trips etc which my social battery is running out and dear lord I'm struggling with being sociable outside
I know it's good for me but I'm so overwhelmed that even typing this Is making me snappy and I'm not having much patience.
Like I don't hate people but once I'm getting overwhelmed by stuff I suddenly want to punch a pillow and scream.
I hate how fast stuff is getting I'm barely having energy again to draw i just come back and next week I have another trip I'm gonna cry.
Yes yes I know I should appreciate it and all and that's y i didn't refuse but
TOO MANY SOCIAL INTERACTIONS , I want to be able to breathe and take some time for myself...it's just I'm getting snappy and overwhelmed that I NEED TO BE ALONE AND I HEAR ANOTHEr single person or another offer to go somewhere I'd rather punch a pillow than go.
I'm not that outgoing, I can maintain social interactions ok but sometimes it's too much.
Alright Imma go and just distract myself
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enderllama · 24 days
Why did they change it
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Why do they keep changing things
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
Tsukauchi saying “A crime is a crime, the past won’t go away. But maybe there’s something more to it.” followed immediately by the words Tomura said in the previous chapter “After all, I am your Villain.”
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I hate when I look up a show/movie on here that I've not watched in a while and suddenly now there's way more of a fandom than when I watched it 😭
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soulwhisp · 9 months
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Society if my mom could just bake a fucking cake without having to go ON AND ON AND ON about how its "such a delicate and feminine thing to do" and her purpose "is to be cooking and being feminine because she is a traditional wife(no shes not she has a job) and a woman"
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1-800-dreamgirl · 19 days
every night the smell of smoke get so strong I can't even properly breath, my lungs should be destroyed by passive smoking vapes in college not by the smoke of human-caused forest fires 😭
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butterfi · 1 year
Sooo I just watch Nimona and oml is it so good, I don't want to spoil anything but the end made me cry then I got really happy.
Like I full on squealed. It was awesome.
Now I'm going to do down the rabbit hole and see the wonderful posts people have done about this movie. :D
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venussaidso · 2 years
The fact that people here take 'finish Naksu/Cho Yeong's arc and stop abandoning it to shoehorn romance and reducing her to a mere love interest' and reduce it to 'yALL dOnT cArE aBoUT NakSU, yOu JuSt wANt aCtiOn aNd rEvEnGe!' is just telling me yall are eating tf outta their bad writing.
First of all, if you cared about Naksu, at all, you would care about the development of her arc. Which, let's be honest, there is none. It's completely nonexistent, she has no motivation as a character either so that's why people are annoyed. THAT IS WHY PEOPLE AREN'T FUCKING WITH THE WAY SHE'S BEEN MADE DORMANT THIS SEASON.
She still has so much material as a character and revenge/fighting for her identity is still such a sensible aspect of hers that is disrespectfully disregarded for filler shit and romance! I care enough to be pissed by that, like come onnnnn. What kind of content do yall dominantly consume to think she's written well this season? This is not good standard writing... at alllll!!
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livelaughlovechai · 8 months
Its so annoying when ppl make everything about race and gender. Coming from a woc, just because someone dislikes a character of a specific gender or race that does not make them racist or sexist.
I dislike amy from superstore and i would dislike her just as much if she was a white male.
I’d punch both cassie and sylvie but I'd also punch nate and someone like brad because they all deserve it cause of their bullshit. It's not that deep.
But it is deeply wrong if they suggest hate against the actor or if their reasons are actually sexist/racist.
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nerdiwolverine · 9 months
Why is that some country's EAS alarms are like "sorry to bother you, but you're about to die and should evacuate. Again, sorry for the interruption. Please have a good day" and then other EAS alarms are like "You are already dead. There is no sleep when the rapture is on its way. Tell your family you love them and pray that any God let's you into heaven"
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dramat-ique · 10 months
okay so pet peeve is people getting really uppity about people having a wrong idea of a comic book character because "the comic that idea comes from is bad/wrong/a retcon."
on one hand, yes, that sucks and I hate it too!! I've complained about that very thing.
on the other. that's the fault of the people making the comics, not the people who read them. you get that, right?
no one is actually obligated to do the research and read what you consider to be the correct versions of that character and fix their mindset. if a person reads a shitty version of that character and forms ideas based on that then?? that's a shame but it's not a fucking crime. where do some of you people get off attacking and shaming people for reading canon material and treating it like it's canon? you may not like it. it may ruin that person's experience with that character. that sucks but they didn't actually do anything wrong and they aren't stupid just cause that's the version of that media they happened to engage with.
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