#it ain't that deep but for him it is that deep
ozzgin · 11 hours
Daitou I love you but I'm going to date your dad
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Hah, you have no idea how long I waited for someone to point it out. Although he’s probably for seasoned dilf lovers, given he’s rapidly approaching 50. I still feel like Boss has his own kind of charm, you know?
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Yan!Yakuza Boss is the oyabun for one of the biggest Families in Japan. One does not easily reach that kind of prestige, not without a lot of power, charisma, and influence. In his case, it was a combination of raw strength and mad stubbornness that gained him a dedicated following.
You see, there's a particular reason why he adopted Daitou years ago. It wasn't necessarily out of a kind heart, even though he is known for picking up rascals off the streets. The simpler truth is that he saw himself: A misunderstood boy with violent urges and no place to go.
It's easy to see why Boss is loved by everyone. He's less of a leader, and more of a fatherly figure who is ready to fiercely protect his underlings at any moment. His reckless outbursts have turned him into an underground myth of a man who escaped death one too many times. Each scar tells a story.
Despite his tumultuous, bloody past, Boss has always been a cheerful individual. Ridiculously so. When he'd gotten his left arm amputated, he returned to the office the very next day with a smile on his face. "What's with those sad mugs? Told ya I was going to lose some pounds!"
One thing he's never had time for is romance. Hard to juggle a partner when you have a bunch of rowdy criminals under your care. Now he's close to retirement and would prefer to settle down, yet, in his words, "who's gonna care for an ugly old man"? Sure, he'd love a partner to spoil and protect, but he ain't dumb. He sees it everyday, how the civvies cross to the other side of the street, or offer him a deep, fearful bow before scurrying away. No one messes with a yakuza boss.
Except one day, his Daitou shows up with a foreigner youngster behind. The new tenant. He's rather fond of your nonchalance and carelessness. It takes someone mad to casually hang out with the yakuza, and he loves it.
"(Y/N), was it? It's a rough neighborhood you just moved into. You ever get in trouble, just give me a call. I'll personally handle it! Heh, what's the matter? You think an oyabun just sits on his ass all day? My fists will get rusty if I don't throw them around every now and then. Let an old man practice, won't ya?"
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[Main Story] | [More Yakuza]
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elsgooglyeyes · 2 days
hello everyone. long LONG time no see, but i'm back on my bullshit. here's an excerpt from a story i've been pondering over recently.
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for context: joel and ellie took you in when you were 15, blah blah lots of lore. long story short, you end up in jackson with them, you and ellie are 18, almost 19, and unfortunately...you've fallen in love with her. ellie williams. your best friend. oh my god. good luck babe!
summary: you have morning coffees with joel almost every morning, and your feelings for ellie are causing quite the inner turmoil...here's you confiding in joel who has become a father to you. longing. yearning. fatherly love. sarcasm. friends to lovers. the whole shabang.
a/n: i fear this is mostly self indulgent as someone apart of the dead dad club LMFAOO
wc: 2.1k
As you step outside, the early fall air immediately wakes you up slightly as it wicks through your thin clothes. You wrap your free arm around your torso, warm coffee mug in the other as you walk through the side yard of Joel's house. Your feet crunch against the dying grass as you exhale shakily. As you turn the corner, you immediately spot Joel already sitting in his respective chair on the porch. You smile softly as you approach the steps, directing the smile towards him.
Joel looks up as you approach, a familiar warm smile gracing his lips. He tilts his head in acknowledgment, his eyes still weary from sleep.
"Mornin'," he grunts, his voice still rough from waking up. He gestures to the chair beside him, silently inviting you to join. You slowly walk up the porch steps, sleep still taking toll on your body, causing you to move groggily. The sun rises, peeking out behind some clouds, providing you with a bit of warmth from the crisp air.
"Morning," you grumble in return, sitting down on the chair beside him, bringing a knee to your chest and immediately taking a sip of your coffee. You sigh as the hot liquid falls down your throat, warming you up from the inside.
Joel chuckles softly at your grumble, well aware and used to your morning moodiness. He also takes a sip of his coffee, savoring the bitter taste before speaking, "Rough start to the day?" he asks, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Always," you mumble softly, taking another sip, desperate to wake up some more. A soft wind blows, causing the wind chimes to play their familiar music.
Joel grins wryly and nods, settling back into his chair. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the only sounds now being the wind chimes and the faint chirping of birds in the distance. This routine has become sacred to both of you, getting to sit together before the hustle and bustle of the day, just enjoying the other's presence. While the mornings are usually peaceful, your thoughts begin to cloud your mind as soon as your brain wakes up even the tiniest bit. Eventually, Joel breaks the silence, his voice gruff but gentle.
"Seems like fall's finally making its way in," he observes, glancing around, feeling the chill of the air envelope him. You nod in agreement, grimacing. "Unfortunately...it's too damn cold. I'm still not used to it being this cold this early in the year"
Joel nods, a knowing look in his eyes. "Hm," he hums, "sometimes I forget you grew up mainly in the deep south. Your body's built for the warmth, I reckon. You're in for a rude awakening, ain't nothin' quite like a northern fall–or winter, for that matter. It'll get pretty damn harsh up here."
You groan, this is your first winter in Jackson, and while you're grateful to finally have a bed to sleep in and a stable roof over your head, you can't help but feel a little upset at how cold it'll get.
"Can't wait..." you retort sarcastically and take another sip, sighing softly. Joel snorts, a dry chuckle escaping his lips, "Oh you’re just a ray of sunshine this morning, ain't ya? Even more so than usual," he teases, a glint of amusement in his eyes. You chuckle in response, shaking your head, letting out a soft groan.
"Sorry. I'm just thinkin'. Kinda too lost in thought to be the greatest of company this morning." Joel notices the change in your demeanor, your usual early morning grumbles making way for something a little deeper, and his rugged features soften.
He looks over your face, taking note of your slightly furrowed brows and frown. "Penny for your thoughts?"
"I don't know if I can even tell you these thoughts for a quarter," you attempt to joke, but it falls flat. Clearly whatever you're thinking about is taking over your entire mind. However, Joel still cracks a wry smile, appreciating the attempt and nods at you.
"Try me," he says. "Though I can't say I guarantee a quarter's worth of wisdom, but I'm listenin'."
His words bring a sort of peace to your anxious mind, yet the thoughts still linger. You sigh softly and groan, putting your face in your free hand, your other tightening its grip on your mug. Joel watches you closely, noticing your clear frustration. His expression turns more serious, sensing that whatever you're grappling with isn't something lighthearted.
"C'mon, kiddo," he coaxes, his voice gentle but firm. "Out with it." You attempt to disguise your frustration with a forced smile and a wave of your hand, but Joel just smirks at you, knowing you well enough to see through your playful facade.
"Nuh uh," he shakes his head, leaning forward slightly in his chair and takes another sip of coffee, sighing. "That ain't gonna work on me and you know it. What's bothering you?" You roll your eyes playfully, cursing his stubbornness and protectiveness. You squint your eyes slightly and look out onto the street ahead of you, listening to the wind chimes. Eventually, you take a deep breath and open your mouth to begin talking.
"I've got these..." you gesture with your free hand, attempting to find the right words for your inner turmoil, but to no avail, "feelings." You shake your head and take another sip, eyes trained on the street, "I don't know..." You shake your head.
Joel notices your struggle to find the words, his hard gaze unwavering and attentive. He also takes a sip of coffee before setting the mug down on the table between you, looking over at you.
"Feelings, huh? 'Bout what exactly?" He probes gently, his voice filled with patience for you. You close your eyes and sigh, "Who is the better question." You mumble quietly, a part of you hoping he didn't even hear you. However, he did, of course. His brow furrows momentarily, leaning back in his chair, shifting his gaze to try and catch your eye, a small smirk playing on the corner of his lips.
"Who, huh?" He echoes, his voice gravelly, "lemme take a guess..." You roll your eyes. There's not a chance in hell he knows who you're talking about, because it's absurd. You finally shift your eyes back to him, "You'll never guess," you murmur.
Joel chuckles deeply, "Oh you underestimate me, kid," he retorts, the smirk in the corners of his lips deepening. "I know you well enough to take a pretty educated guess." You draw your eyebrows together and look at him, silently challenging him to guess. He takes a moment to consider, his keen eyes studying your expression, and his eyes crinkle.
"Alright," he begins slowly, clearing his throat. "Let me throw out a name." You shrug, taking a sip, confident he'll say some girl you've talked to twice, or even a boy you've mentioned in passing. He looks out at the street, mirroring your early actions before tilting his head, his eyes locked onto yours as he prepares to make his guess. He takes a deep breath, his voice steady and sure.
"Ellie," he says firmly, his eyes unwavering as he gauges your reaction, his eye crinkling more as his smirk deepens into a smug smile. You choke on the coffee you're in the middle of swallowing, coughing as you hear her name fall from his lips, looking at him with wide eyes.
"Gotcha, didn't I?" He teases, his smile turning into a full blown grin as he looks at your shocked and confused face. "Don't look so shocked, kid. You're not exactly subtle."
Your eyebrows furrow as you look between his eyes, "What?" If Joel was able to notice, does that mean...?
He interrupts your thoughts with a husky laugh, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "You think I haven't noticed how you look at her? How you've been looking at her? For years?" He chuckles again and tilts his head at you, "It's pretty obvious, even to an old fart like me."
You groan and place your coffee down on the table, resting your elbows on your knees and burying your face in your hands. "How long have you known?" You mumble into your hands, though you're almost too afraid to know the answer. He hums thoughtfully, "How long?" He repeats, scratching his bearded chin, "hmmm, let me think..." He pretends to count the days out on his fingers, a deliberate slowness to his movements.
"Well, let's see," he says, drawing out each word with his southern drawl, "I think I've known for...oh, I dunno, about a year now.' You raise your head out of your hands and look at him in bewilderment, "Joel...you're lying."
He grins back at you, "Why would I lie about this, kiddo?" You lean back into your chair, rubbing your hand over your face, mumbling an "oh my god."
Joel laughs heartily, finding your flustered state amusing, "Oh c'mon, don't look so horrified," he teases, "it ain't as bad as you're makin' it out to be." You shoot your eyes over to him, shaking your head, "Joel, she's my best friend."
Joel nods in understanding, his expression softening as he looks at your anxious state. "Oh, I know," his voice losing some of the teasing edge from earlier, gentleness taking over, "but feelings ain't always that simple, are they? Feelings are complicated," he reassures, "and when it comes to best friends," he whistles lowly, "well, it'll complicate things even more."
You look up at the porch ceiling, moving to pick up your forgotten coffee and take a long sip, grimacing as it's turned slightly cold. You sigh and look back at him with pleading eyes.
"What am I supposed to do? I thought they'd go away a long time ago but..." you trail off, searching his eyes for his wisdom.
"I wish I had a simple answer for you, darlin'. Feelings aren't always something you can just make disappear. Believe me, I know that all too well." He squints his eyes as he looks out.
"You're no help." You grumble, taking a sip of your now cold coffee. He chuckles softly, the warm sound rumbling in his chest as he raises his hands in mock defense.
"Hey, I never said I was an expert on relationships. Just an old man trying to give his two cents." You chuckle in response and take a deep breath. You're afraid to ask this next question, but it's been gnawing in the back of your mind, "Do you think she knows?" Your voice soft, wincing a little bit as you look down at your coffee.
He ponders your question for a moment, his expression thoughtful as he genuinely tries to come up with an answer, he sighs lowly before answering, "Can't say for sure...Ellie's a smart kid, and she knows you like the back of her hand. But sometimes...feelings can be hard to pick up on, even for the smartest of us." You nod slowly, swirling your coffee in its mug.
"That's what I was afraid of...sometimes I'm scared she can see right into my soul." You chuckle dryly. He lets out a soft laugh, appreciating your lighthearted attempt to play it off, "Yeah she's got a way of seein' through people, doesn’t she? Can't hide much from her, you included."
You groan again, throwing your head back to slump into the chair. "Don't say that. You're supposed to say: 'Oh don't worry, she's completely oblivious and has absolutely no idea you're madly in love with her'" You mimic in his deep southern voice.
Joel can't help but let out a hearty laugh at your imitation of his southern voice. He grins widely, clearly amused by your mockery.
"Alright, alright," he chuckles, reaching up to scratch his beard. "Lemme try again." He clears his throat and puts on his best serious face.
"Darlin', she ain't got a clue," he says in his gravelly voice, suppressing a smirk. "Oblivious as can be."
You smile at him, appreciating his efforts to make you feel better, even if they aren't exactly true. He returns your smile and chuckles, "Hope that's of some help. Though I gotta say," He leans toward you, his voice lowering, "your impression could use some work."
You laugh, feeling put at ease by his familiar teasing, "No...I don't think it does. It's pretty spot on actually," you quip back, causing another gruff laugh to fall from his lips. "If you say so, kid."
You smirk at him and open your mouth to retort back but are cut short by the sound of the door to you and Ellie's shed creaking open, cutting through the relative silence of your surroundings.
"Speak of the Devil," he smirks at your automatic body response of slumping further down into the chair. "C'mon now, you can play it cool. You're tough."
You groan softly, "Im not the same girl you took in when I was fifteen," you whine softly, "I've lost my edge!" You slowly sit up as you hear her footsteps approaching from the side of the house, shooting him a look, "Not a word," you warn him, pointing at him. He raises his hand and pretends to zip his mouth shut as Ellie rounds the house, giving you both a sleepy nod and a grumbled, "morning." Her eyes lighting up when she sees you.
okay that's all you get. love y'all xoxo.
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a-killer-obsession · 16 hours
i am here to ask about your kid pirate kink headcanons. SPILL THE BEANS!
Bless you 🙏 like a cursed genie, I have been freed
Now presenting:
☠️Kid Pirates ☠️
Kink Headcannons 😳
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
Pretty even switch, openly acts like a top, but secretly prefers to be a bottom
When he's a top: spanking, hair pulling, deep throating, restraints, knife and bloodplay, spitting, forced orgasm, somnophilia, free use.
He'll convince you to keep a metal egg in your pussy, and he'll use his devil fruit to vibrate it at the worst possible times just to laugh at you. He loves to make you blush.
He has no trouble putting his hand down your pants in the middle of a bar, pulling you out to a alley and fucking you against the cold wall. Someone catches you? He ain't stoppin'
When he's on the recieving end: restrains (specifically seastone), shibari (but its gotta be red cord or he will SCREAM), being a fucking brat, pegging, praise, degradation, pain (but don't be a pussy about it, if you're gonna hit him then fucking hit him). He wants you to spit on him, call him a pig, beat the shit out of him and fuck his ass till hes screaming. Hell, you can even piss on him if you want, whatever you want as long as he feels like a used piece of meat by the end of it
He loves to show off when he's being a top, so he often invites Killer, whether to join or just to watch him fuck, especially if it's Killer's girl
Absolutely has a breeding kink, no cum is wasted with this man, he's putting it inside you raw and if it starts leaking out, he's pushing it back in
Top, but he doesn't mind being a bottom on occasion. Also enjoys just taking things in equals and going with the flow
Forced orgasm, hair pulling (giving and receiving), restraints, sense deprivation, brat taming (especially Kid). He knows a million different ways to tie beautiful shibari and he'll do it even just to see you wear it casually around the bedroom, or even under your clothes in public. He's got a box under his bed full of toys - blindfolds and cuffs and tools to inflict pleasurable pain
He wants to use tools to smack your ass till the skin breaks, if you can handle it. Your comfort and needs are the most important thing to him. His #1 priority is making you cum over and over till you pass out
He loves to force a orgasm from you in public, to test you, see if you can keep quiet and not get caught
Loves to watch other men fuck you, whether or not you even know he's there, quietly standing in the corner palming himself while you're getting railed. He also loves to play the part of a intruder taking you by force, always prediscussed and consenting of course
I mentioned in my other post that he cums a lot, and its got some spray and distance to it. He takes full advantage of that, you're not leaving his room without a shower unless you wanna walk around absolutely coated in cum
King of aftercare though, he's always gonna end the night bathing you so very softly, laying tender kisses over your body and attending to your every need
Late addition someone reminded me off and I don't know how I forgot cos AGREED, this man absolutely loves to eat pussy, its the most important meal of the day
Bottom, but he'll top if you reallllly want him to
Please call him a good boy, please call him a good boy, PLEASE CALL HIM A GOOD BOY
Seriously, this man eats up praise, but he does like being treated like a piece of meat on occasion
Facesitting, squirting right on his face or cock, watersports, roleplay, pegging, cock rings, edging (he's been such a good boy please let him cum), wax play, choking
Somnophilia, but he'll always be so apologetic afterwards. He just can't help himself when you're laying there looking so fucking sexy
He's gonna worship every inch of your body till you're absolutely begging him to just fucking put his dick in you already
If he's really, really good maybe you'll let him cum on your feet (yes I am a firm believer in the common headcannon that Heat likes Feet)
The toppest top to ever top, don't even THINK about making him your bottom. This man is a experienced dom through and through
In fact, he's the most experienced of all the Kid Pirates, so if you want a orgy he's the man to talk to, and he's gonna make sure everyone is safe and comfortable, and everyone knows the safeword or colour system. He's gonna make sure everyone gets the aftercare they need as well (and has absolutely chewed out Kid on more than one occasion about it, for both forgetting to give aftercare and refusing it himself)
He loves to inflict pain, he loves to see you bound and gagged, he loves to see you being thrown around between multiple partners. He won't fuck you though till you've cum at least five times, because as I mentioned in my previous post, the man is BIG, hes not going to inflict pain on you like that, never like that. You'll be too fucked out and gaping to notice any pain by the time he's gracing you with his fat cock
Truly he doesn't care that much about getting off, he prefers to help others get off. He likes being in control of your orgasms, and he'll edge you if you don't behave exactly how he orders you to. You'll cum when and if he allows it
He's willing to give anything a go as long as it's getting you off and everyone consents, but controlling multiple subs at once is his favourite. His go to is usually Heat and a girl, ordering them around like they themselves are tools to make each other cum till they're both a pile of jelly
Killer learned everything he knows about topping from Wire
Please tell me if you have a headcannon I missed, infect me with your sexy sexy brain worms, maybe they'll make it into a fic 👀
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minniethemoocherda · 2 days
Saying Something Stupid
I am loving all the Morph's First Pride art that I've been seeing! I am so glad that I am not the only one that has discovered a love for them and this pairing! I can't wait to see more of all you guys' amazing artworks! Xxxxxxx
"I know it was you."
Morph froze. Between trying to stay alive in that hellscape of a future, taming a feral Wolverine and having to defeat Sinister, again, they'd pushed that moment on Asteroid M to the back of their mind. A part of them had hoped they would never need to think about that moment again. But, as usual, life hadn't worked out in their favour.
"Listen, I'm sorry for eating all your breakfast muffins, but in my defence you were only eating raw meat for a while and they would have gone bad if I hadn't so-"
"Cut the shit Morph." Logan snapped. "We both know that ain't what I'm talking about."
Fuck. Morph was going to be sick. They could feel their stomach literally churning and Morph had never thrown up their own gloop before but they guessed they were about to find out and oh god why were they still making jokes even in their head and-
"Hey! Look at me!" Morph hadn't realised that they had begun glooping until Logan grabbed their arms and neatly squeezed through them. This close, Morph had no choice but to stare at Logan's face to see that the creases of his brow and the sharp squint of his eyes.
They were going to die. Logan was going to kill him. They wished he would.
"I-I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't have done it!" Morph cried. "But you were dying and I-I had to help!"
"That the only reason?" Logan asked and Morph usually prided themselves on the being able to read The Wolverine better than anyone, but for once they had no idea what the expression on his face meant.
Not that it mattered. Logan had been through so much shit since Asteroid M. The fact that he was still sane enough to ask was a miracle. After all that, the least he deserved was the truth.
Morph took a deep shuddering breath.
"No." They confessed, closing their eyes as soon as they did so that they wouldn't have to see the disgust on Logan's face. They had accepted a long time ago that Logan did not love them back. Which was fine. It would have to be. Because they were more than happy to be his friend, his best bud. Even though now, Logan probably never wanted to look at them again let alone be their friend or-
Someone was kissing them. Someone with a stubbled chin, bristled sideburns and slightly too sharp teeth.
Morph opened their eyes. It was Logan. Logan was kissing them. Which, it had to have been, it couldn't have been anyone else. Except at the same time it couldn't possibly be him. Because that didn't make any sense. Logan should hate them right now.
It had to have been a trick. Some cruel hallucination invented by Sinister to create the image of everything they'd ever wanted only to have it ripped away from them.
Then Logan pulled away and Morph was waiting for the big reveal except it never came and then seemingly unaware of their complete mental shutdown Logan started talking.
"I ain't good with words. And I'm still a bit fucked in the head and I've got my own shit to work through." Logan stated. "But, you're still the only one who can make me laugh. The only one who's always been there for me. Who's seen who I am and wants me anyway. So if you want, then I'm willin' to give this a try."
For once Morph was completely speechless. This was not happening. Even Sinister wouldn't be this cruel.
"If this is all some big joke I swear I-"
"Sydney." Logan breathed and Morph themselves forgot how to breath, as Logan moved his hands from their arms to cup their cheeks. "I would never hurt you."
"I can't believe this is happening." Morph admitted, their voice barely more than a whisper.
"What if I did this?" Logan then pulled them closer until once again his lips brushed against theirs. It was softer than the last kiss, which had been a frantic push of mouth and teeth, compared to the now gentle nudge of Logan's lips. This time, Morph allowed themselves to kiss back. Slowly they parted their lips and Logan didn't hesitate to open his in return. They tentatively traced their tongue along the lower length of Logan's teeth. The Wolverine gasped a growl that vibrated through Morph's body straight to their gut.
They needed to hear that sound again. They needed to make Logan make that sound again.
So they swirled their tongue along the tips of his canines which tasted of beer and breakfast and blood and it was beautiful. More than Morph could ever had imagined. Logan growled again, pulling them closer, hungrily deepening the kiss until he was practically devouring them.
Despite the pairs mutant powers, they both still needed to breath. So reluctantly they broke apart to gasp for air.
"Believe me now?" Logan panted through a smug smirk.
"I don't know." Morph teased, looping their arms around the back of his neck. "I think I might need some more convincing."
Logan didn't any other invitation before he pounced.
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estellan0vella · 15 hours
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The Outlaw and his Radical Woman - Toji Fushiguro AU Word Count: 5.5K Content Warnings: sexism, guns, violence, death Masterlist for Eras AU
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The sun beats down on the small town as you stand on the makeshift stage, a wooden platform set up in the middle of the town square. The crowd is larger than you anticipated, a mix of curious onlookers, supportive women, and a significant number of sceptical, hardened men. The tension is palpable, but you've grown accustomed to it. After all, the fight for women's rights has never been easy, especially here in the wild, untamed West.
Your voice carries across the square, strong and unwavering despite the heat and the murmurs of discontent from some of the men. "We seek nothing but what is justly ours," you declare, holding your head high. "The right to vote, to own property, to be heard and respected as equal citizens!"
Toji Fushiguro stands off to the side, leaning against a post with his arms crossed over his broad chest. His dark eyes are watchful, scanning the crowd for any signs of trouble. Toji is an outlaw, a man with a dangerous reputation, but he's also your fiercest protector and staunchest supporter. Your lover is a walking paradox you find both intriguing and comforting.
His presence is a silent warning to anyone who might think of causing trouble. He doesn't need to brandish his guns or make threats; his mere existence is enough to keep most men in line. You can feel his eyes on you, a steady source of strength that keeps you going even when the glares and muttered insults of your detractors threaten to shake your resolve.
A murmur ripples through the crowd as a particularly burly man steps forward, his face twisted into a scowl. "Women ain't got no place in politics!" he bellows, earning a few grunts of agreement from his comrades. "Go back to your kitchens and leave the real work to the men!"
You pause, letting his words hang in the air for a moment. Taking a deep breath, you step forward, meeting his gaze without flinching. "Is it the kitchen you fear, sir, or the idea of a woman who might challenge your authority?" 
The crowd goes silent, and you can feel the tension ratchet up another notch. The man's face turns an angry shade of red, and he takes a step closer to the stage, his fists clenching at his sides. Before he can make another move, Toji is there, stepping into his path with a lazy, almost casual grace. 
"I reckon the lady's got a point," Toji drawls, his voice low and dangerous. "Now, unless you want to see just how serious I am about keeping her safe, I'd suggest you back off. Unless you don't value the use of your limbs"
The man hesitates, clearly weighing his options. Toji's reputation precedes him, and the gleam in his eyes suggests he's more than willing to back up his words with action. After a tense moment, the man grumbles something under his breath and steps back, melting into the crowd.
You flash Toji a grateful smile, and he gives you a barely perceptible nod and a wink before resuming his position. The interruption serves as a reminder of the stakes involved, but it also strengthens your resolve. Turning back to the crowd, you raise your voice once more, speaking with renewed passion and conviction.
"We will not be silenced or intimidated!" you declare, your voice ringing out like a bell. "Our fight is just, and our cause is righteous. Together, we will forge a future where our daughters and granddaughters can stand tall and proud, free from the chains of oppression!"
The crowd erupts into a mix of cheers and jeers, the women's voices rising in support while the men grumble and curse under their breath. You step down from the stage, your heart pounding with adrenaline and a sense of accomplishment. As you make your way through the throng, Toji falls into step beside you, his hand brushing lightly against yours.
"You handled yourself well up there," he murmurs.
"Couldn't have done it without you," you reply, glancing up at him with a smile. "Thank you, Toji."
He shrugs, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Just doing my part. Besides, I'd hate to see what these small backwater towns would be like without your fiery speeches to stir things up."
You laugh, the tension of the day beginning to melt away. "Well, there's plenty more stirring to be done. This fight is far from over."
"I know," he says, his expression turning serious. "And I'll be right here with you, every step of the way."
You reach the edge of the crowd and slip into the relative quiet of a side street. The sounds of the town fade slightly, replaced by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant call of a bird. Toji stops, turning to face you, his gaze intense and unwavering.
"You know this isn't easy for me," he says, his voice low and earnest. "Being an outlaw, staying in one place for longer than a few days, it goes against everything I've known. But for you, I'd do it a thousand times over. To see you fighting for yourself and future generations. It's all worth it"
Your heart swells with emotion, and you step closer, taking his hands in yours. "And I wouldn't want anyone else by my side, Toji. You're more than just an outlaw to me. You're my partner, my confidant, my love."
He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "And you're my everything," he murmurs against your skin. "Let's show these little towns, and the world, what we're made of."
The days that follow are a blur of rallies, meetings, and strategy sessions. Toji remains a constant presence, his silent strength a reassuring anchor as you navigate the challenges of your crusade. You speak to crowds both large and small, in towns and settlements scattered across the Wild West, always with Toji nearby, his watchful eyes keeping you safe.
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The sun is beginning to dip towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the dusty town square as you stand once more on the makeshift stage. The crowd today is even larger, and there's an air of anticipation mixed with the ever-present tension. Your voice rings out strong and clear, echoing your earlier words and stirring the hearts of those who support you.
"Equality is not just a dream; it is a necessity!" you proclaim, your passion igniting the crowd. "We demand the right to vote, the right to own property, the right to be heard and respected as equals!"
The cheers from the supportive women and a few enlightened men are louder today, but the murmur of dissent from the sceptics remains. You glance at Toji, who stands off to the side, his dark eyes scanning the crowd with a sharp, vigilant gaze.
As you continue speaking, a sudden movement catches Toji's eye. A man in the back of the crowd, his face twisted in anger, is raising a gun. The intent is clear, and the sight sends a shockwave of fear through you. But before you can react, Toji is already in motion.
In one fluid, lightning-fast move, Toji draws his revolver and fires. The crack of the gunshot echoes across the square, and the would-be assassin drops to the ground, clutching his shoulder and screaming in pain. The crowd erupts into chaos, some people fleeing while others stand frozen in shock.
Toji is at your side in an instant, his hand gripping yours tightly. "We need to go. Now," he says urgently, his eyes scanning the crowd for any other threats.
You nod, your heart pounding in your chest as Toji leads you off the stage and through the panicked throng. The sheriff, a burly man with a no-nonsense attitude, is already pushing his way through the crowd, shouting for order. He spots Toji and you, his eyes narrowing in recognition.
"Stop them!" the sheriff yells, but Toji is already moving, his grip on your hand firm and unyielding. "It's the outlaw and his radical woman!"
Toji's reputation is enough to part the crowd in places, fear and respect clearing a path. His eyes are sharp, constantly scanning for an escape route. As you reach the edge of the square, he leads you down a narrow alleyway, the sounds of pursuit echoing off the walls.
"Come on," Toji urges, his voice low and urgent. "We need to get to the horse."
You nod, breathless but determined, and follow him through the winding backstreets. Finally, you reach the stables where Toji's horse, a powerful black stallion, is tethered. He quickly unties the reins and helps you mount, then swings up in front of you. 
"Hold on tight," he murmurs, his voice calm and steady despite the urgency of the situation.
You wrap your arms around his waist, and with a sharp command, Toji spurs the horse into a gallop. The stallion bursts out of the stables and onto the main road, hooves thundering against the ground. The sheriff and his deputies are in hot pursuit, but Toji's horse is fast, and soon the town begins to fall away behind you.
As you ride, the wind whips through your hair, and the adrenaline of the escape courses through your veins. The landscape blurs as you speed away from the town, the horizon painted with the warm colours of the setting sun.
After what feels like an eternity, Toji slows the horse to a trot, then finally to a stop. You find yourselves in a secluded glade, surrounded by trees that offer a sense of shelter and safety. Toji dismounts first, then helps you down, his hands lingering on your waist as he steadies you.
Toji looks you over, concern etched into his features. "Are you okay?" he asks, his voice rough with worry.
You nod, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks to you."
His expression softens, and he pulls you into a tight embrace. "I told you I'd keep you safe," he murmurs into your hair.
You pull back slightly, looking up at him with a grateful smile. "And you did. I don't know what I would have done without you."
Toji reaches into his coat and pulls out a small flask, offering it to you. "A little something to take the edge off," he says with a grin.
You take a sip, the burn of the whiskey warming you from the inside out. "Thank you," you say, handing the flask back to him. "For everything."
He takes a swig and then sets the flask aside, turning to face you. "You know, when I first met you, the troublemaking suffragette preaching to a crowd in a backwater town, I never thought I'd end up here," he admits, his voice soft and reflective. "But now, I can't imagine being anywhere else."
You smile, leaning into him. "I know the feeling. You've given me strength I never knew I had, Toji. Together, we're unstoppable."
He wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "Damn right we are," he says with a chuckle. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
You sit in comfortable silence for a while, the sounds of the night enveloping you in a cocoon of peace. As the stars twinkle overhead, you feel a sense of hope and determination settling deep within you. The road ahead is long and fraught with challenges, but with Toji by your side, you're ready to face whatever comes your way.
"Tomorrow's a new day," you say softly, resting your head against his shoulder. "A new chance to make a difference."
He nods, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your arm. "And we'll face it together, just like we always do."
"Did you hear what the Sheriff called us?" you ask teasingly, grinning up at your lover. "The Outlaw and his Radical Woman."
Toji chuckles, the sound deep and warm in the quiet of the night. "Quite the title, isn't it? Has a certain ring to it. You're an outlaw now, darlin'. Just like me."
You laugh, the sound echoing in the serene glade. "I suppose it does. The Outlaw and his Radical Woman – it sounds like a story for the ages."
Toji's eyes sparkle with amusement, but there's a seriousness beneath the surface. "It's not just a title, you know. Being with me means danger, always looking over your shoulder."
"And being an opinionated woman who travelled alone didn't mean any of that?" you ask, nudging him playfully.
Toji's expression softens, a mix of admiration and concern evident in his eyes. "You're right," he admits. "You've been facing danger long before I came into your life. But now it's doubled, and I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into."
You smile, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "I know, Toji. And I'm not backing down. We'll face whatever comes our way together."
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The next few weeks become a blur of movement and danger, a relentless pursuit by bounty hunters dogging your every step. Each new town brings a fresh wave of threats, and you and Toji find yourselves constantly on the run, barely staying one step ahead of your pursuers.
One afternoon, with the sun casting long shadows through the dense forest, you and Toji find yourselves amidst towering trees, their canopy providing some cover. The sound of approaching horses tells you that the bounty hunters are close. Toji motions for you to follow him, and you both move swiftly and silently through the underbrush, hearts pounding in your chests.
"We can't keep running like this," you whisper urgently, the weight of exhaustion and fear heavy in your voice.
Toji nods, his eyes darting around, searching for a place to hide. "I know. We need to find somewhere to lie low for a while."
Just as the sound of the horses grows almost unbearable, Toji spots a small cave partially hidden by a thicket. He gestures for you to follow, and you both slip inside, the darkness enveloping you as you hold your breaths, listening intently to the approaching danger.
"I swear I saw them head this way," one of the bounty hunters' voices echoes through the forest.
"Keep looking. They can't have gone far," another replies, the urgency in his tone sending shivers down your spine.
You and Toji remain perfectly still, the silence of the cave pressing in around you, until the voices finally fade into the distance. Only then do you allow yourselves to relax slightly, the tension in your bodies easing.
"We need a new plan," Toji whispers, his voice barely audible in the dim light filtering through the cave entrance. "We can't keep running and hiding forever."
You nod in agreement, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling over you like a heavy blanket. "Maybe we can find allies in the next town. People who believe in our cause and can help us fight back."
Toji's expression brightens slightly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "That's a good idea. But we have to be careful. We can't trust just anyone."
After a few hours, when the forest is cloaked in silence and the bounty hunters seem to have moved on, you and Toji emerge from the cave, the cool air of dusk washing over you. You share a look before continuing your journey under the veil of the night. 
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The next town you come across is small but bustling with activity, a lively contrast to the tense days of running and hiding. The main street is lined with wooden buildings, their facades weathered but charming. 
You and Toji enter the town cautiously, keeping to the shadows cast by the setting sun. Toji's hat is pulled low, casting a shadow over his piercing eyes, while the collar of his coat is turned up, concealing the distinctive scar on his lip that would give him away. Your hand fan, elegantly decorated with floral patterns, covers the lower part of your face, lending you an air of mystery while hiding your identity.
The tavern, a two-story building with a swinging wooden sign that reads "The Dusty Trail," is alive with activity. The windows glow with warm light, and the sounds of laughter, clinking glasses, and lively music spill out onto the street. You push open the door, and the cacophony envelops you, a stark contrast to the quiet tension outside.
Inside, the air is thick with the smell of ale, roasted meat, and the faintest hint of cigar smoke. The room is dimly lit, with flickering oil lamps casting a golden glow over the wooden tables and the faces of the patrons. People are engrossed in their own worlds—some playing cards, others engaged in animated conversation, and a few simply enjoying their drinks in solitude.
Toji's presence, even concealed, exudes a quiet intensity that makes people instinctively steer clear. You stay close, your fan still covering your face, but your eyes take in every detail, searching for a safe place to sit.
In one corner, a group of men are engrossed in a card game, their laughter loud and uninhibited. Nearby, a woman with a mournful voice sings a ballad, her eyes closed as she loses herself in the music. At a table near the back, a group of women are deep in conversation, their expressions serious yet animated.
You and Toji exchange a glance, silently agreeing that these women might be the ones you're looking for. With a deep breath, you make your way over to them, weaving through the crowded room with ease.
"Excuse me," you say softly, your voice barely audible over the din. The women look up, their eyes widening slightly as they take in your concealed faces.
"May we join you?" Toji adds, his voice low and steady.
The woman closest to you, a tall figure with kind eyes and an air of authority, studies you for a moment before nodding. "Of course. Please, sit."
You and Toji take your seats, blending into the lively atmosphere as best you can. The women at the table exchange glances, curiosity piqued by your guarded approach. As the conversation begins to flow, you share your story, cautiously at first, but then with growing confidence as you gauge their reactions.
The tall woman with kind eyes, who introduces herself as Eleanor, listens intently, her gaze sharp and thoughtful. "You're the ones they've been talking about, aren't you?" she says quietly. "The Outlaw and his Radical Woman."
Toji gives a slight nod, his hand resting protectively on your knee under the table. "We are," he confirms, his voice low but firm. "And we're looking for allies."
Eleanor and the others exchange meaningful looks before she leans forward. "You've found them. We've been working in secret to support the cause. This town has more sympathizers than you might think."
As plans are discussed and alliances are forged, the atmosphere at the table becomes one of solidarity and shared purpose. Margaret, the seamstress, speaks passionately about organizing women in the town; Lily, the baker, offers her shop as a meeting place; Harriet, the former nurse, talks about tending to those wounded in the fight for equality.
Just as hope begins to blossom among you, the door to the tavern swings open with a loud bang. The room falls silent, all eyes turning to the newcomers—five men with hardened expressions, guns holstered but hands resting ominously on the grips. It's clear from their rugged appearance and the calculating glint in their eyes that these are bounty hunters.
The lead bounty hunter, a burly man with a scar across his cheek, scans the room. His gaze settles on your table, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "Well, well," he drawls. "Look what we have here."
Toji tenses beside you, his eyes narrowing. "Stay calm," he murmurs to you, his hand moving subtly to his side where his gun is hidden as you lift your fan higher.
Eleanor stands, her expression composed but her voice carrying an edge of defiance. "Can we help you, gentlemen?" she asks, stepping between the bounty hunters and the rest of the table.
The scarred man chuckles darkly. "We're looking for an outlaw and his lady. We've heard they might be in these parts. Anyone here seen them?"
A murmur ripples through the tavern, the patrons exchanging nervous glances. The tension is palpable, the room charged with the threat of violence. You glance at Toji, his face set in a grim mask of readiness.
Before anyone can answer, the door bursts open again, this time revealing the sheriff and a few deputies. The sheriff's stern face shows he means business. "What's going on here?" he demands, eyeing the bounty hunters with suspicion.
The lead bounty hunter sneers. "Just looking for some criminals, Sheriff. Stay out of our way, and there won't be any trouble."
The sheriff steps forward, his hand resting on his holstered gun. "This is my town, and I'll decide what kind of trouble we have here."
Without warning, the tension snaps, and the lead bounty hunter draws his gun. But Toji is faster. In a blur of motion, he pulls his revolver and fires, the crack of the gunshot splitting the air. The bounty hunter drops, clutching his shoulder, his gun clattering to the floor.
Chaos erupts as the other bounty hunters draw their weapons. The patrons of the tavern scatter, ducking for cover as gunfire erupts. Toji moves with deadly precision, his shots finding their marks with unerring accuracy. You pull your own gun, a small but reliable derringer, and take aim, firing at one of the attackers who had taken cover behind a table.
Eleanor and the other women move quickly, overturning tables to create makeshift barricades. The sheriff and his deputies flee the fray, leaving you and Toji to face the five bounty hunters, standing in front of the overturned tables to stop innocent townsfolk from getting caught in the crossfire.
A burly bounty hunter lunges forward, his gun aimed directly at you. Time seems to slow as you raise your derringer, your finger squeezing the trigger. The shot rings out, and the man stumbles, a look of shock crossing his face before he collapses.
Toji steps in front of you, his revolver blazing. "Stay down!" he shouts to the townsfolk, his voice carrying above the din. The crowd complies, ducking lower behind the barricades as Toji and you hold your ground.
Eleanor, not content to simply hide, grabs a fallen chair and hurls it at a bounty hunter attempting to flank you. The chair connects with a satisfying thud, and the man goes down, dazed and disoriented.
With two bounty hunters remaining, the odds are slightly more in your favour, but the danger is far from over. The remaining men, sensing their dwindling chances, become more desperate, their shots wild and erratic.
Toji takes a calculated step forward, his eyes locked on the nearest bounty hunter. He fires, the bullet striking true and dropping the man where he stands. The last bounty hunter, a tall, lanky figure with a panicked expression, hesitates, his resolve faltering.
Seeing his chance, Toji strides forward, his revolver aimed steadily. "Drop your weapon," he commands, his voice cold and unwavering. The bounty hunter's eyes dart around the room, realizing he's outmatched and outnumbered.
With a defeated sigh, the man lets his gun clatter to the floor, raising his hands in surrender. Toji kicks the weapon away, his eyes never leaving the bounty hunter's face. "Smart choice," he mutters.
As the chaos subsides and the tavern settles into an uneasy calm, you and Toji find a moment of respite amidst the lingering tension. Ignoring the curious glances of the townsfolk, you lean into each other, sharing a brief but tender kiss—a silent affirmation of your bond and your shared resolve.
In the aftermath of the shootout, Eleanor and the other women continue to tend to the wounded and offer comfort to the shaken townsfolk. Their bravery and determination inspire a newfound sense of unity among the patrons, and whispers of gratitude and admiration fill the air.
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the bond between you and Toji only grew stronger, fortified by the shared trials and triumphs of your journey. Together, you found solace and strength in the company of like-minded individuals, forming a ragtag family united by a common purpose: the pursuit of justice and equality.
With each town you visited, your message resonated with more and more people, drawing them to your cause like moths to a flame. Together, you traversed the rugged landscapes of the Wild West, from bustling towns to remote settlements, spreading your message far and wide.
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Twenty-nine years later, the air in the Montana town square is crisp and cold, a sharp contrast to the stifling heat of those early days of your crusade. Autumn has given way to the first whispers of winter, and the town is adorned with the last remnants of fallen leaves. The crowd gathered today is larger than any you've seen before, their faces a mix of anticipation, joy, and a hard-earned sense of victory.
The makeshift stage, now a well-worn platform of polished wood, stands proudly in the centre of the square. It's adorned with banners and signs, their bold letters proclaiming messages of equality and celebration. You stand at the podium, your breath visible in the chilly air, feeling the weight of history pressing down on you. At 49, your face is lined with years of struggle and triumph, your eyes still bright with the same fiery determination that propelled you all those years ago.
Beside you stands Toji, his presence as solid and reassuring as ever. At 54, he carries himself with the same easy grace and quiet strength that drew you to him in those early days. His dark eyes, though touched with the wisdom and weariness of age, still hold that spark of fierce protectiveness and love.
Toji Fushiguro, protector, partner, and father to your son, remains a formidable figure. His reputation has softened with time, the once-feared outlaw now revered as a hero and ally in your shared fight for justice.
Megumi, now 20, stands with you both, his tall, broad-shouldered frame a testament to his father's strength and your unwavering spirit. The green eyes he got from his father, a striking combination of your determination and Toji's intensity, survey the crowd with a mixture of pride and resolve. He's inherited your passion for justice, and today, he stands as a symbol of the future you've fought so hard to secure.
Flanking you are the women who've become your closest allies and dearest friends over the decades—Eleanor, Margaret, Lily, and Harriet—each one bearing the marks of a lifetime dedicated to the cause. They are your sisters in arms, your found family, and together you've built a legacy that will endure for generations.
As you step forward to address the crowd, the murmur of voices quiets, all eyes turning to you. You take a deep breath, the cold air filling your lungs, and begin to speak, your voice carrying the strength and clarity born of years of public oration.
"Today, we stand on the precipice of a new era," you begin, your voice unwavering despite the emotions swirling within you. "For decades, we have fought tirelessly, facing opposition and adversity at every turn. We have marched, we have spoken out, and we have never wavered in our belief that equality is not just a dream but a necessity."
The crowd listens intently, their faces reflecting the weight of your words. You can see the pride and determination in their eyes, a testament to the shared struggle and the collective triumph.
"On this historic day, November 3, 1914, we celebrate not just the victory of securing the right to vote for women in Montana, but the realization of a dream that has driven us forward through the darkest of times. This right is not just a victory for women, but for all people who believe in justice and equality."
Cheers rise from the crowd, their voices a harmonious chorus of celebration and relief. You pause, letting the moment wash over you, before continuing.
"We owe this victory to the countless women and men who stood with us, who faced the threats and dangers with unwavering courage. We owe it to those who could not be here today, whose sacrifices paved the way for this moment. And we owe it to the future generations, who will grow up in a world where their voices are heard, their rights respected, and their potential recognized."
You glance at Toji and Megumi, drawing strength from their presence. Toji's eyes meet yours, a silent affirmation of the journey you've shared, while Megumi's expression mirrors the pride and hope that fills your heart.
"We are not done," you declare, your voice rising with conviction. "This is just the beginning. We will continue to fight for equality, for justice, for a world where everyone is truly free. Together, we will forge a future where our daughters and granddaughters can stand tall and proud, unburdened by the chains of oppression."
The crowd erupts into applause, their cheers echoing through the crisp air. Your heart swells with pride and hope as you step back, allowing your fellow ralliers to speak. Eleanor takes the podium, her voice carrying the same fire and determination as she recounts the struggles and victories of the movement.
Toji steps closer, his arm slipping around your waist in a gesture of solidarity and love. "You did it," he murmurs, his voice filled with pride. "We did it."
You lean into him, the warmth of his embrace cutting through the chill. "We did," you echo, your voice choked with emotion. "And we'll keep fighting, together."
Megumi joins you, his arm slung casually around your shoulders. "You've both taught me what it means to fight for what's right," he says, his voice steady and full of conviction. "I'm proud to be your son."
Tears prick at your eyes, and you squeeze his hand, grateful for the strength and determination he carries forward. "We're proud of you too, Megumi. You're the future we fought for."
As the celebration continues and the speeches give way to joyous mingling and heartfelt congratulations, you take a moment to look around at the faces of those who've become your family. These people, bound together by a shared struggle and a common dream, are the heart of the movement that has changed the world.
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As time passed, you continued to witness the seeds of change take root and flourish. Women around the world stood up with one united voice, demanding equality and challenging the status quo. Through your unwavering dedication and tireless advocacy, you helped pave the way for a more just and equitable society.
But time is a relentless force, and eventually, it took its toll. You departed from this world, your spirit ascending to join the stars, leaving behind a legacy that would endure for generations to come. Toji, unable to bear the thought of living without you, followed not long after, his spirit bound to yours in an eternal bond of love and devotion.
Together, you are said to roam the rugged landscapes of the Wild West, your spirits intertwined in an eternal quest for justice and equality. Wherever there is oppression, wherever there is injustice, you are there, following the whispers of your names, serving as a rallying cry for those who dare to dream of a better world. Your legacy lives on, a beacon of hope in a world still striving for change.
On a moonlit night, your ghostly forms stand side by side, gazing out over the vast expanse of the prairie. The wind whispers through the grass, carrying with it the echoes of your past adventures and the hopes of a brighter future.
"Do you remember the first time we rode through these lands, Toji?" you ask, your voice a ghostly echo of its former self.
Toji's ghost turns to you, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "How could I forget? It feels like a lifetime ago, yet somehow, it also feels like yesterday."
You reach out, your translucent hand finding his, the touch sending shivers down your spine. "We've come a long way since then, haven't we?"
Toji's ghost nods, his eyes shining with pride. "We have indeed. But our work is not yet done. There are still battles to be fought, injustices to be righted."
Together, you stand in silent solidarity, your spirits intertwined in a bond that transcends time and space. As the stars twinkle overhead, you know that wherever there is oppression, wherever there is injustice, you will be there, fighting side by side as you always have.
And so, the legend of The Outlaw and His Radical Woman continues to inspire, a testament to the power of love, courage, and the enduring quest for a brighter tomorrow. As long as there are hearts yearning for freedom and voices raised in defiance, you will never be forgotten.
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taglist- @sad-darksoul
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the-kr8tor · 2 days
Part two of older Hobie! x Older reader:
Warning, I'm mean.
There are pictures of you all over, he smiles as he recognizes you through all of them. You're so beautiful to him, even as you aged you hadn't lost any beauty. Only getting more mature and always looking back at him with love and a kindness he can't begin to describe, a kindness he hadn't had most of his life. The only thing he had been awarded for living a tough life had been you, and what a reward you were.
He walked alongside the small room, the flowers smelled great. They were your favourite, he recognized them just at the scent even if he forgets the name. He starts to look around the room, wondering if you'll come out soon. Where were you? Where was his dove? He needs to tell you about today, how lovely everything is. He wanted to give you a kiss and an I love you. He couldn't hold your hand as well as he used to, his hands now shaking a bit but he'd still find every way to do it.
He walks a bit closer, wondering why the room is empty exception from him. He looks at the box in front of him, standing over it with a curiosity he's always had. He freezes and looks down at you, how pretty you looked, he chokes back sobs as he recognizes you, his mind fuzzy. Where is he.
You look so old now, beautiful but tired. He rests his hand on your cold face as tears flow down his face, seeping into his wrinkles.
"When'd you get 'ere dove? Oh love...when'd you die? Who put you 'ere...that ain't right. This isn't right at all"
He remembers you breathing and alive, but now he isn't so sure anymore. When had your skin grown cold, when had the blood stop flowing through you, when had your eyes went extinct? Had he been there? He can't recall and he can only cry at the sight, his heart clenching as he holds a shaky hand over his heart.
He had grown old without you, actually you had grown old together, not that he remembered currently. He could only mourn the loss of his life, the loss of his past, present and future. All the flowers in the world couldn't hold a candle to you even when you were encircled with them. Above you stands a plaque, your name, when and how you died. He stares at it in confusion, behind the door silent tears fall as three younger adults watch their father. All of them mourn two things that day: your loss and your Hobie's loss. Two love birds who can no longer sing and fly together. One now long departed and left the other to drift in the deep and quiet halls of memory.
His tears fall into the coffin, he doesn't remember who else is meant to be there but why is the room so empty. He feels it's unjust, you would've deserved to be loved. Where are all your friends? Your family, his family? He cries as his brain asks itself the same question over and over again, failing to break he cycle with his feeble memory. Before he feels an arm wrap around his own, guiding him outside. They seem kind, his mind drifts to how you used to do the same. Oh where you again? You must be at home, that's right, you were always at home. The place he knew and loved, because it had you in it. He smiles, forgetting how to cry and what he's lost as he thinks of what he thinks awaits for him back home. The person holding his arm sobbing as they wipe away their tears, if only their dad recognized them. To him home had been you, so where would he go now. His smile is accompanied by the pain he cannot show as his kid which he doesn't recognize as leads them to his car. What had been his car. It smells like you, how wonderful. Your perfume lingers, he can't wait to go back home and tell you about his day.
-🪦 NOW. YOU A S K E D. and I am providing, so shoo no witch hunt 😚/j
Funny enough (it's not) when one bird from a pair of lovebirds die, one soon follows so with that in mind I shall jump off a cliff brb
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tinydefector · 17 hours
Rut Cycle- Jazz
Jazz x human
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Smut, Size difference, Alpha/Omega hinted, Heat/Ruts, creampie, Oral
Other info: I've got a vote going for who you guys want next but this is a full on Gen 1 ones hot series I'm making.
The whole autobot base is on high alert due to everyone's rut cycle hitting. The multiple meeting between the Autobots and Decepticons over a ceasefire truce for Rut cycles. Jazz's Engine lets out a churn of noises as he leans back against his berth, he had decided it was for the best he retire after the meetings, it meant he was less likely to have problems with the scent of the human allies that also roamed the Ark, most of the humans had been asked to go home for the next week and a bit but a few still hung around. 
The soft sound of knocking breaks Jazz out of his thoughts as he moves towards the to see who it is. Jazz’s visor flickers as he sees his favourite little human standing at his doorstep with a cube Of energy on a cart for him. They smile as they look up at him. “Boss bot said you'd be back here, thought I'd drop you off a cube and come hang out if you're up for it” they state while pushing it into his room. 
 Primus they weren't helping the situation despite how much they tried to assist the bots, hoe close they came To nearly being snatched up by starscream in their meeting early, he knew it was just the rut and how sweet their scent was to the bots but even he was getting close to his limits with how much he could handle before he eventually succumb to the old coding. 
He cycled a deep ventilation, savouring the sweet crystal high grade smell wafting from their form. It makes his sensors ache and his engine whine in need. “ thanks Lil’ Bit. Yer always lookin’ out fer us bots.” He hums as he leans down to grab the Energon Cube. Primus, they stirred circuitry like nothing ever had. 
“Reckon ya better skedaddle now, ‘fore things get outta hand round here. We’ll be right as rain once this wave passes... but it ain’t no place fer a little sweet thing like yerself,  while tension are High with the Cons.” Most of the Bots hadn't Told the humans the reason as to why they had been asked to leave, many belived it was because of the Decepticons and the Autobots not wanting any harm to come to them, in truth that was only part of the reason, the other part was how their scent made the cybertronians Rut worse and many of them weren't willing to risk hurting any of their allies Due to it. Didn’t stop Jazz from wishing, though, just for a taste but he knew it wouldn't stop at just a taste.
Slight worry crosses their face as they look up at Jazz.  "Robo flu?, you didn't get that static bug again, or that little critter the Cons made which caused so much issue in the base last time" They teasingly inquire as they press a hand to his plating as if to check him for a fever out of habit. 
a ragged vent of air leaves him at their touch, joints locking to steel against surging charge and wanting to grab them. Plating heated beneath their hand. His visor lit with barely-restrained longing as azure optics peered down at their concerned face. "Ain't no bug, cher," he lamented softly. "Jus' a bit of a... condition we bots get sometimes. Nuthin' t' worry yer pretty headplate 'bout." 
Gentle digits itched to trace the curve of their cheek, taste their skin against glossa sensors gone mad with need. But he'd offlined his hardsuit protocols, locking down his traitorous system until after they left the room. His frame grew hotter with each passing breem. 
"Ya best skedaddle now, sweetspark." His field pulsed bittersweet promise of a raincheck, "And leave you by your lonesome while Prowl's even more foul?, could keep you company and get you energon when you need it, plus don't need you having a short circuit while i'm gone, cant have my favourite DJ sick can i?" The sweet scent on their skin has Jazz nearly drooling as they offer to stay with him and keep him company. 
JJaz's cycled a shuddering vent engine whining loudly in need, grip creaking upon his half-empty cube as lithe form crossed their arms as they moved to make themself comfortable on his berth that was now piled with Blankets, tarps, polish clothes. 
His systems flashing warning as the magnetic field begged surrender to baser instincts, he desperately wanted to interface or at least let off some steam before he lost his mind and control. "Gonna hafta refuse that favour, li'l sweet. Y'got no idea ... th' things ya do t'me right now." His digits flexed, aching to caress them, claim. He walks to the other side of the room as if an injured animal that's cornered.  
Optics linger over their temptin' outline, memorising every curve as if famine-struck. 
 "Please, lil' spark. F'r both our sakes." His Field pulsed apologetically for cutting their visit short but he couldn't risk them. They stand up on the berth as he walks around in circles. 
Worry lingers on their face as they try to calm him down. “Jazzie talk to me, you're walking around like a cornered animal and you're worrying me” they state as he stops in front of them, his frame stiff as he holds off one last attempt to let them leave before he does something he would regret. Jazz nearly purrs as they cup his face looking up at his visor. Their hands feel divine against his faceplate. 
 The last shred of Jazz's ironclad control sheared away as they ran their fingers across his faceplate holding his face as they stared into his optics as sparked couples would. Tender servo curls around their waist as he uses a digit to lift their chin as a rumble resonated from his cracked spark.  "So sweet t'care... but ya jus' don' understand, li'l sweetspark." Trembling digits traced the fragile line of their face, unable to withstand their pull any longer. 
A deep, subsonic field pulsed from his frame. “I think I've got enough of an idea” they state while pressing their lips to his. A thundering roar leaves his engine as he grabs hold of them pulling them up against his frame as his lips desperately move against theirs. Tasting the sweet yet sinful flavour that is their skin. 
 He cycled his systems,warnings flashing critical. but Primus, how he ached to finally seize what haunted his every fantasised line of code...They whined loudly against his lips, his name muttered between breaths.
All of Jazz's fraying restraint snapped like cheap cabling. A strangled keen tore from his vocalizer as delicate grip yanked them flush against Plating as he eagerly pressed them down against the berth. 
He seized their jaw in a trembling servo, glossa delving past yielding lips with a starved groan. They taste like ecstasy and Rust sticks. Another rumble left deep from his frame. 
His other servo scoured down their back in rapture, digits aching to rip through their clothing and discard it across the floor. "Cher..." he gasped against their mouth. Name spilled like prayer as his interface panel snapped open his spike snaking out, straining against their covered form. 
Whimpered moans leave them as his servos grip thier clothing, dragging it off their body as he throws it across the room, glossa tracing down their form as he eagerly laps against their skin. 
At their little nosies Jazz’s Optics flared, visor blazing, Trembling servos gentled spead their thighs, pressing gentle kisses along them before he bites down and sucks a mark into the skin. “H-hold on t’ me, li’l one,” he rasped out as his glossa traces along their sex “Jus’ hang on tight. Lemme take care’a ya...” 
Slowly, with far more grace than rationality warranted, Jazz began to rock his Glossa against their pulsing warmth with aching care. A loud groan and engine roar leaves him at the taste of them. His optics drank in every flicker of pleasure stealing across their face as the arch and rock against him.
 His spike aches and leaks against the bedding as he slowly works his little human open with his glossa, preping and readying them.  
Jazz burrowed his faceplate between their quivering legs, purrs interlacing pleasured moans dragging from his vocals. His servo curled beneath their legs, hitching them higher. "Primus, babydoll.. so perfect..." He gasped prayers and profanities, they arch and grip his helm as his glossa continues to drive into them. Their gasping cries, have his engine roaring louder.
He pulls away for a moment as he flips them lifting their hips up as he grinds his needy spike against their back, a guttural moan leaves him before he snarls, gripping their waist firmly. Jazz shuddered out a keening groan as he slowly presses his spike into them, stretching them to accommodate his size. 
so tight - so hot and sweet he feared offlining upon first plunge into their sweet little form, their scent driving him wild as his field lets out pulse of energy.  
He curled his servos around their fragile hips, grinding slowly into them, helm tilted back as he clenchs his denta from how tight of a fit it is. "Frag, yes!" he bellowed, slowly picking up pace as he drives into them. Their hands grip onto the blankets as needy moans and cries fall from their lips each time Jazz thrust back into them, grinding his spike into their Smaller form. 
" So beautiful, so perfect...mmm, my Lil mate..." He gasped brokenly, intake clenching.
His thrusts turned feral, spike swelling. He dragged their joined frames up. Holding them to his frame as he goes into frenzy, slamming brutally home again and again.
"Mine," Jazz snarled ferally. "Gonna overload ya so fraggin' good, li'l cher..."
Another savage buck of his hips sent them keening, body pulsing and bucking as they cry out from pleasure. “Jazz oh God!, Jazz!” They claw at his plating desperately trying to grab hold of his arm as he drives into them as feral snarls leave him. A guttural groan echoed from Jazz's intake as their clamp and fluttered wildly around his spike, 
"Frag, li'l bit-, that it, mmm so good" he moans, His spike throbbed mercilessly within their small channel, Another ragged groan was wrenched from depths of his frame as their orgasm hits, his name falling from their lips as if it were a prayer.
He tenses, another guttural moan leaves him and he presses them back down onto the berth, frantically griding into thier tight body. spike pulsing frantically. With a static-laced keen, Jazz finally tumbled over the edge, filling their much smaller body to the brim with bright pink transfluid. Jazz threw back his head with a roar as their tiny frame rolled back to meet each piston in desperation as he pumps more and more into their needy hole. "Frag, yes sweetspark - take it, take m'transfluid, take it all!" 
He rolled deftly within, overload ripped through wiring in a cascade. Transfluid spurted from them as it rolls down their  thighs onto the berth as Jazz holds them close, smaller whines leavign his intake as he grinds into their shuttering body.  
With one finally thust he settles, fan systems on full blast as his frame desperately tries to cool down as he rolls to his side, cradling their body against his, holding them close, his other servo piles the blankets around their exhausted body as he keeps them plugged with his spike. Little whimpered whines leave them as he leans his helm down to press a gentle kiss to their forhead. His systems are slow to reboot, but one thing was for certain,  he wasn't finished with them and he would be damned to the pits if he let them leave his berth until after everyone's rut had subsided. “don't move Babydoll, ain't done with ya yet” he mumbles voice still static laced as his optics shutter behind his visor. 
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uconnposter01 · 9 hours
Me and you
Warnings: Cursing
3.k Words
Chapter 1
October 2021   3rd person pov
Aniyah Sanchez was uncomfortable, she has been at this house party for 2 hours and if one more frat boy tried to hit on her or try to touch her she was gonna scream, she was only here because her teammates  wanted to go out and since they haven't in over a year she was down to come but now Aniyah's over it. It's hot, she's tired, it's crowded, and her teammates were preoccupied with other people leaving Aniyah alone on a couch in the living room surrounded by loud drunk students.
"Damn girl you are bad as shit" a male voice says in her ear way too close for comfort. 
"6 feet” Aniyah says, finding herself starting to feel annoyed.
"My bad" the guy next to her said, backing up a little 
 Aniyah looked at the guy over seeing a light skinned  guy with short curly hair and green eyes. Both of his arms are covered in tattoos, his teeth a vibrant white.
She could tell by the smirk on his face he usually got whatever girl he wanted and the way he shamelessly checked out Aniyah made her skin crawl. 
"I'm gay boo so move along"Aniyah says looking at her nails dismissing the man.
 "Damn don't be like that girl, so I can't even get your name,I'm Ant” 'he says flashing his million dollar smile. 
Aniyah took a deep breath hoping telling Ant her name he would just leave her alone. 
 "Aniyah'' She replied, praying that the interaction would end.
 "See, that was so hard," Ant says, sitting down on the couch.
“Why are you sitting down?" Aniyah questions her eyebrows furrowing  in confusion.
You don't want no friends?" Ant questions smirking.
          He didn't believe the girl next to him could be gay she is way too beautiful. Ant figured if he smooth talked to her and got her to take her guard down he would be golden. 
"Nope" Aniyah says, putting emphasis on the letter p. 
“ What you drink, let me get you a drink from the kitchen,” Ant says, smirking. 
“Fuck no” Aniyah says rolling her eyes.
”Damn, you kinda mean," Ant said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Not sure what to say,he didn't want to give up on the beauty,he was sure she was the most attractive girl in the party right now. He couldn't help but to stare at her hazel almond shaped eyes, they hung low and Ant couldn't tell if it was from weed or was it natural.
"I'm not mean enough seeing that you are still here trying to talk to me" Aniyah responds back rolling her eyes once more. 
"Sheesh" Ant mumbles.
Aniyah's standoffish attitude wasn't gonna deter him though. Once again Ant begin’s to stare at Aniyah, this time noticing how full her lips are,and he couldn't help but think what they would feel like wrapped around his dick.
 "Nigga can you stop staring at me" Aniyah snaps glaring over at Ant
"What's with the attitude shawty?" Ant asks, eyebrows creased in confusion. 
"I'm gonna say this nicely. I'm a lesbian, I'm not interested at all, leave me alone before I get real mean "Aniyah stresses, about to go off on the man.
"How you even know you gay?" Ant asks, disregarding what Aniyah said trying to scoot closer to the brown skinned girl.
 "How do you even know you're straight?" Aniyah questions.
"I'm serious, I think you haven’t got the right dick yet" Ant says, his eyes trailing down the girl's  body hungrily. Aniyah looked at the guy sitting next to her with pure repulse, not too sure Ant took the girl's silence as a cue to move closer and touch Aniyah's thigh.
"Don't fucking touch me nigga, are you fucking dumb dickhead" Aniyah yells pushing Ant away from her. 
"Why are you acting like a bitch, I'm being nice to you and everything, you ain't that cute to have that much of a fucked up attitude" Ant complains, his eyebrows furrowed in anger.
"Because I'm gay, I'm a fucking lesbian,I don't know why your dumbass can't grasp that shit, my body language and my words are telling you that I don't want to be fucking bothered, stop trying to talk to me, I'm not interested in your dumbass take the fucking hint!" Aniyah yells even louder. 
Before Ant could reply to the girl yelling next to him, someone behind him spoke up. 
“Yo, I don't think she wants to be bothered, move along” A tall blond said behind Ant.
    Aniyah looks over at the girl instantly recognizing her as a player on UConn's women's basketball team, she couldn't lie the point guard looked good, way too good if you asked Aniyah. The blond had on an all black Nike tech suit with low top panda dunks on her feet, her straight hair pulled back in a low bun.
"This you?" Ant questions the girl towering over him.
 "Yup, that's all me” Paige says, licking her lips and  looking past Ant and at Aniyah.
“Nah you lying, she’s pretty as hell he can’t be gay” Ant replies in disbelief. 
“You sound ignorant as hell bro, get the fuck outta here, ain’t nothing over here for you” Paige says glaring at the guy. 
“Whatever, shawty wasn’t that cute anyway" Ant gumbles, stomping away, angry he couldn’t take  Aniyah home.
  “My bad ma,I didn't mean to come over like that, but I overheard you and I couldn't just stand there and listen to that shit happen” Paige says rubbing the back of her neck. 
”I appreciate it, I really do,” Aniyah says, biting her bottom lip. 
She likes hearing the point guard call her ma, and between the eye contact and the nickname it all made Aniyah feel somewhat special and giddy. but the giddy feeling disappeared once Aniyah remembered that Paige is a player and that she has probably said these same things to other girls. After hearing so many stories about Paige from her teammate Jazmine she's not sure if she really wants to deal with Paige on a serious level, but she didn't mind having fun.
“What's up mama, you good?” Paige asks,her face etched with concern noticing a slight change in Aniyah’s mood.
 Her face etched with concern noticing a slight change in Aniyah. Paige is so excited to finally talk to the girl, she's seen her everywhere and she couldn't get the girl out of her mind,no matter how hard Paige tried. The first time Paige saw Aniyah on campus was in the dining hall, the second time she saw her was at the library and the third time she saw her was at her game sitting in the crowd and Paige ended up scoring 31 points that night.
As bad as she wanted to go up to the girl each time, Paige decided not to,knowing she has a player reputation. A nasty rumor that started going around on campus during Paige’s freshman year and not being sure if the girl to her left was aware of the rumors about her she never had the confidence to go up to the girl.
Paige was excited, as soon as she saw the girl walk in with the rest of her friends Paige knew this was her chance to talk to her. She proceeded to watch the girl from afar the moment she got here two hours ago waiting for the opportunity to speak to her.
After gaining some liquid courage and overhearing what was happening with Ant, she knew she couldn't pass up the opportunity to help the girl out and talk to her. Paige has let the girl slip through her fingers on three separate occasions; she refused to let it happen again. 
“Yeah I'm good,” Aniyah says, flashing a closed mouth smile. 
“You sure?” Paige asks scooting a little closer. 
“I promise I'm sure” Aniyah responds softly  looking in Paige’s eyes.
The energy around the two girls felt thick as they continued to look at each other, their stares filled with lust and longing.
   “Is this okay?” Paige questions softly, putting her hand on Aniyah’s exposed thigh. 
“Yes” says just as soft her eyes never leaving the intense stare of Paige's blue eyes. 
“What's your name ma?”Paige asks softly in the girl’s ear. 
“Aniyah” She responds just as softly, glancing down at Paige's lips. 
“Paige,” the blond says, holding out her hand to the girl.
 Paige kissed Aniyah's hand and she immediately started to feel  flustered trying to hide her smile Aniyah faced the other direction.
“You are so beautiful please don't hide that pretty ass smile from me, I love it already” Paige says while gently turning Aniyah's face back to her.
Aniyah's smile and the blush on her face grew even wider. Paige smiled back enamored by the braces clad girl, she wanted to learn everything she could about Aniyah she has never been this attracted and infatuated with anyone before especially not this fast.
 ”Do you smoke ma”? Paige asks after a moment pulling out a baggie with 4 blunts in the process. 
“Of course,” Aniyah responds. 
“Come out back with me, It’s hot, loud and packed in here and I wanna get to know you better” Paige says standing up.
Aniyah stood up with her and they walked towards the back of the house. Paige led Aniyah through the party with her hand resting on the small of her back.
 Aniyah couldn’t lie she became enamored with Paige in the short amount of time of being in her presence just off of the energy alone, she wasn't stupid though.  Even  though Jazmine’s words about Paige kept playing over and over in her head, and right now Paige is saying all of the right things that's and doing all of the right stuff.
Even down to her confidence that bordered on cockiness that was emitting out of her, It all screamed player and it made her nervous, but Aniyah isn’t looking for anything too serious right now, she couldn’t even look for something serious if she even tried so this could be a good thing.
The pair walked towards the outdoor couch, the twosome both picking opposite sides of the wicker couch to sit. 
“Why you sitting so far, come mere” Paige mumbles, lighting the blunt.
 Aniyah inhaled trying to not let her attraction for the girl make her make a fool of herself. 
 “That’s it ma, I won't bite, I mean unless you want me too” Paige teases, her eyes are already starting to become hazy. Paige passes Aniyah the blunt and she watches the girl inhale and look up in the sky.
Maybe I do” Aniyah flirts looking over at Paige passing the girl back the blunt. 
The vibe between the two was thick with tension, both semi lost in their thoughts about each other and how to proceed in the conversation.
  “Tell me bout yourself” Paige says, glancing down at Aniyah’s lips.
 “What do you wanna know?” Aniyah questions.
 “Everything” Paige states, turning to face the girl.
“Well I’m 19,  Aquarius gang over here, a Freshman, I’m from PA, my major is Sports Management and my favorite color is green '' Aniyah says rattling off basic information about herself. 
“Where in PA, and you know i wanna know your birthday mama not ya sign, lemme me know when that is” Paige says rubbing her hands together. 
“February 13th” Aniyah says, finishing up the blunt and pulling out another one.                                           "Damn, Ma you a stoner for real huh” Paige teases.
“Yeah” Aniyah says laughing and lighting the blunt, her eyes  glossy and red. 
“Back to birthday’s tho, it’s lowkey crazy that ya birthday is right before Valentine’s Day''Paige says laughing.
      “I know right, It’s pretty chill I guess,'' Aniyah says, feeling like she’s talking about herself a little too much. 
“You didn’t answer my other question though” Paige says, blowing out smoke, looking over at Aniyah intensely. 
      “ What question?” Aniyah questions her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
        ``Where in PA you from, I meant it when I said, I wanna know everything bout you” Paige says softly while staring at the girl.
        “I’m from Upper Darby, it’s the Philly suburbs,” Aniyah explains. 
    “Cool, cool Imma have to come see the vibe down there” Paige said smiling.                   
   Okay I'll take you one day, I wanna know about you know, tell me about you though” Aniyah replies softly.                                                                                                                                                              
    “Well I’m from Minnesota, I'm 20, I play ball,  my birthday is October 20th and my favorite color is purple,” Paige responds.
         “Oh shit happy belated birthday, I'm sorry I didn't realize your birthday was a couple of days ago,” Aniyah says, playing with her fingers.                                                                                       
          It’s aight ma, how was you supposed to know we just met like 30 mins ago ''Paige jokes.        
       “I know, but still” Aniyah says, pouting. 
        “Do you like basketball?” Paige questions after another moment of silence.
       “Yeah, not as much as my sister though, I've even been to a couple of Uconn games” Aniyah says.
       “ How often do you usually go to the games?” Paige questions, licking her lips. 
  “Whenever I can really” Aniyah answers looking over at Paige, glancing at her lips in the process. 
    “You be busy?” Paige asks quietly while focusing intently on Aniyah. 
       “A lot of times yeah, I do gymnastics and sometimes I genuinely just don't feel like leaving my dorm, my sister goes to all of the games though,she said she's gonna get y'all to come to my meets” Aniyah rambles. Paige’s heart drops a little hearing that Aniyah is a gymnast,  the chances of her knowing about those rumors have increased tenfold.
       “Who ya sister?” Paige questions her eyes glancing down at Aniyah’s lips. 
        “Nuveah Sanchez” Aniyah answers.
              Paige’s face lit up upon hearing the Soccer players name, Nuveah and Paige had gotten pretty close during the 2020 school year, they really couldn't hang out or interact too much,however they would play Fortnite and text all of the time.
              “Nu-Nu is my dawg, she talks about you all of the time, she never said your name though or showed you to us, I would've remembered” Paige says once again glancing down at Aniyah’s lips.
            No matter how hard Paige tried not to look at Aniyah’s lips she couldn't help but to, they look so soft and smooth and she desperately wants to feel them on hers. Aniyah quickly caught on to Paige staring at her lips; Paige wasn't even being sneaky anymore she was blatantly staring at her lips. Aniyah didn't mind though, in fact it made Aniyah feel prideful and bold. Licking her lips Aniyah glances over at Paige to see her reaction. Paige bites her lip and clears her throat moving closer to Aniyah so there's no room in between them. Grabbing the blunt gently from Paige’s hand Aniyah lights it puffs and exhales.
“Can I try something?” Aniyah questions softly, grabbing Paige’s chin.
       “Yeah ofcourse mama” Paige says just as softly, her eyes low and her voice husky.
Aniyah takes a hit from the blunt and lightly puts her lips on Paige’s blowing smoke into her mouth in the process. Paige opens her mouth accepting the smoke.
         “Damn” Paige says, exhaling the smoke, her eyes dilated and low.
 Aniyah touched her lips still feeling Paige’s lips on hers. Paige wants to kiss Aniyah, the spark she felt when she had her lips lightly touched her lips still lingered. 
Your lips are so soft" Paige says softly while gently tracing Aniyah’s lips with her thumb.
"Thank you" Aniyah says, staring in Paige’s eyes.
"Can I feel them again ma?" Paige asks, her voice low, dripping with desire.
         Aniyah leans in, her lips softly gently meets Paige’s lips in a kiss that is firm and soft. Paige sighs into the kiss, her hands slowly sliding down to Aniyah’s waist. Breaking the kiss Aniyah rests her forehead against Paige’s relishing the kiss the pair just had. Paige wants to kiss Aniyah again, the kiss was everything that Paige thought it would be plus more. She wants to kiss Aniyah over and  over again. Before Paige could lean in and kiss Aniyah once again a voice interrupts her.
     “There you are, I was looking for you, i’m ready to go” Jazmine whines coming outside. Paige separates from Aniyah after hearing Jazmine's voice not wanting the girl to catch them she didn’t have it in her to deal with a Jazmine  tantrum. 
  “Hey girl” Aniyah says awkwardly slowly scooting away from Paige. 
Jazmine felt anger bubbling up inside when she saw Paige with Aniyah, she had so many questions, why were they out here alone, and why did they look so awkward and guilty. 
“What’s going on with ya’ll?” Jazmine questions annoyance covering her features.
“Nothing, we just chilling,” Paige mumbles, looking down.
 Agitation and sadness spread throughout Paige once she saw Jazmine, Aniyah knowing Jazmine made Paige realize that she 100% knows about the rumors or that they sleep together which made Paige a little worried, she wants to try to pursue something with the girl, and those two big factors make things a little more complicated for Paige.
“You ready to go?” Jazmine asks sharply to Aniyah while glaring over at Paige.
“Yeah, just gimme a minute, I'll  meet you out front” Aniyah says dismissing Jazmine.
“I can wait for you here” Jazmine says sitting in between Paige and Aniyah.
“ Chill, we just talking,” Paige grunts, feeling annoyed. 
“You can’t talk in front of me?” Jazmine questions angrily at the blond.
“Why you acting like this”? Paige asks, looking over at Jazmine, her nostrils flaring in the process.
“Like what, I’m just waiting for my friend” Jazmine challenges.
“Whatever bro” Paige mutters her voice low and tense.
Aniyah sat clueless at the end of the wicker couch confused on the nature of the relationship between the two girls, Jazmine always says that Paige did her friend dirty, but this is a little too intense. Jazmine seems way too jealous right now for her and Paige to not be way more familiar than her just being a friend of someone that Paige fucked in the past. 
“Get my number from Nu-Nu, imma go head and leave, I’ll talk to you later okay” Aniyah says standing up.
“Aight ma” Paige mumbles standing up and pulling Aniyah into a hug.
Jazmine stares angrily at Paige during the hug with Aniyah biting her tongue not wanting to expose the nature of her relationship with Paige, she will be addressing Paige about this later.
“Let’s go” Jazmine huffs getting up.
“Jazzy slow down, why are you so mad?” Aniyah says as she struggles to keep up with Jazmine.
“We’ll talk when we get to our apartment” Jazmine grumbles.
“Girl what, I wanna talk right now” Aniyah says not appreciating how Jazmine is treating her like a child.
“Why did you do the opposite of what I said with Paige” Jazmine questions her voice tense with anger. 
Aniyah blinks, not wanting to go off on Jazmine, taking a deep breath Aniyah pauses before continuing. 
“Because I wanted to, why are you so mad about this?” Aniyah questions her eyebrow raised slightly.
“I told you all the shit did to my friend, and you ignore that and still go fuck with her”Jazmine says her tone confused.
“I don’t want nor can I do a relationship, so I’m cool with just fucking around” Aniyah says nonchalantly shrugging. 
Jazmine rolls her eyes and says nothing to Aniyah, knowing that she would say some smart shit to her, and she damn sure didn’t want to have any issues with Aniyah. Both girls get inside the uber the energy between them is icy and tense. After getting to her dorm Aniyah wordlessly goes inside her room. She truly didn’t understand why Jazmine is being so weird about Paige, she appreciates the girl for trying to look out for her but she’s good. She’ll just check in with the girl and make sure they are still good. 
  After completing her nightly routine Aniyah laid in bed scrolling through Tik Tok, when she got a message that made her smile grow immensely.
          203-436-2177: Hey ma its Paige
                   Read: 1:20 AM
Criticism more than welcomed
I hope y'all have a good day 💜
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messrsbyler · 1 year
modern au mike wheeler, fan of one direction, after classes are done, on his car, remembering how will smiled at other guys during the day: IS YOUR HEART TAKEN? I-IS THERE SOMEBODY ELSE ON YOUR MIND? *twists volume almost all the way up* I'M SO SORRY I'M SO CONFUSED JUST TELL ME- *sobs and bites fist* AM I OUT OF TIME?!
lucas, on the passenger seat: there, there, buddy. let it all out *hands him handkerchief*
he should've, he should've, oh, he should've kissed him~
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drink-tang-gang · 1 year
I think one of the funniest aspects of Baffy is that, Bugs is down BAD, but would rather eat dirt before admitting it.
Like he could re-arrange the entire universe for Daffy and trip him on the next morning. And bcs Daffy doesn’t know he despises Bugs ( on a very surface level bcs deep down he also cares)
yes that's exactly it! We've seen as much in bia haven't we?? it's implied Bugs knows the entire movie was going on just so Daffy could have his limelight. I even love in Bah Humduck Bugs has no purpose in the story. Like at all. Except to tease Daffy and play around with him <3 Bugs lives for that. He doesn't have to be the cool-headed joe he's gotten reduced to (at that time period) he can be his zany trickster self around him and for that alone Bugs would give him the world <3
Daffy cares too, despite his grumblings! Who tf else would burrow with Bugs? Who else would let Bugs be in charge of the map and over-prepare for when he inevitably takes a wrong direction?? Man I love these two.
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airenyah · 9 months
it's really funny seeing everyone salty posts about the hidden agenda finale and i actually agree with everyone but the thing is!!!! i'm just vibing!!!!
i went into this show with absolutely ZERO expectations (and in fact, i would have been extremely surprised if this show ended up being actually good dkfjkfddf), i've never given a single shit about the plot and/or the writing bc i came here for the joongdunk vibes and the joongdunk vibes alone and i had a blast watching this series
like, i'm not even gonna bother criticising this drama bc from the beginning i didn't expect it to be very impressive anyway and so i'll just keep sitting here in my pile of garbage and vibing with it <3333
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Imagine if the remaining Khaenri'ahns, due to the influence of the curse or affliction of Abyssal energy they've been exposed to are able to see like. Warped visions of their old comrades/people via the leylines or in domains from first glance, where it would take others direct exposure or even special abilities to even begin to see them-
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Kae as a kid seeing like. Spectres hanging around a domain and being creeped out#//Meanwhile bby!Luc is nonethewiser and happily tromping on over to pat the door of the domain to Prove he ain't scared of NOTHIN#//Kae trying not to scream and pull Luc away as he unknowingly makes the spectres part around him (bc his Vision) on his way#//Kae finally breaking through his terror and rushing forward to wrench Luc away when the spectres start acting weird and crowding him#//Cringing as he can almost feel them touching his head; whispering abt his role as Khaenri'ahs last hope while Luc yells at him#//Kae; older now; going to that same domain & being almost greeted by Them as he heads inside to investigate just What was going on there#//Getting a NASTY slew of Visions and torments bc he was WHOLLY unprepared for what they were tryna show him#//Dainsleif being Haunted by all the spectres in the Chasm; seeing shadowy figures everywhere he looks/walks#//Stalking him; whispering to him; calling his name; his title; begging for mercy; to be Saved; when he can scarcely do so for himself#//Bc that Abyssal device drained the HELL out of him; and with it amplifying the energy afflicting him; he can almost make out the faces#//Of each and every shadowy spectre coming at/near him. Can almost SEE the tormented faces of the Husks as they Challenge him#//Of HIS comrades; HIS people; hearing their dying; agonized screams through the agony of the Abyss's corruption#//The more affliction with Abyss energy; the clearer yet more Gruesome the images get#//As if it was always TEMPTATION in order to get the person to corrupt themselves more with it all along#//Baiting the person with things they can be intrigued by; be Desperate enough to seek out; feel GUILTY of and try to 'save them'#//Only to end up Ruined themselves when they fall far too deep into its clutches-#//Eh; idk where I was going with this lmao#//An attempt at horror plottings perhaps#//I do miss being able to fully; tho got a lil practice running Boo.thill hcs
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wandringaesthetic · 6 months
I wanna note with the new Cid and Vincent renders. Vincent has the requisite absurd number of belts. And Cid. He's got one. It's holding up his pants.
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pbaintthetb · 9 months
wow season 2 is a beautiful banquet of House calling Wilson out for being more screwed up than him. Like it happens at other times But I keep seeing it now current shout out to
"Yeah I do that [do a PCR to check saliva for cancer markers] after all my dates too. And people think you're the nice one."
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I just wanna say that. there’s something incredibly morbid and gross about the fact that bones took away literally the only thing Sigma had to his name before the casino: his past. And not only his past itself, but his right to narrate his own past. Instead, the TWO lines they do keep about it (about him naming himself Sigma, and finally finding his one place to call home, the casino).... are given to Fyodor to say. Fyodor, his most recent manipulator in a long, long line of manipulators.
And not even just his past, but by extension so many of his strong, strong emotions about himself and what he’s been through and how they’ve made him into the person he is now: his fear, his sorrow, his desperation, his determination, his righteous indignation. His pain. The majority of that is all gone from the anime.
Sigma barely has a story of his own; his past, his suffering, and his emotions are the only things he has claim to, that make him who he is. And bones took even those away from him. Flattening him into an empty piece of paper, ironically, just like he was born from and as.
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gurorori · 9 months
bein' completely honest here i have considered npd shu be4 soooo often cause the. the shoe fits (laugh please), i feel like his past & family environment cld really serve as a push, in the end cluster Bs r all jus' sets of survival & coping tactics ya adopt into yr personality as a result of unjust treatment & trauma <- this is true
nawt 2 armchair diagnose him but like we shall go over sum npd traits. cause we kno here it ain't jus' high self esteem (when the opposite is usually evident)
intentionally or nawt i feel like exvalk shu especially fits the npd mold like dat was his entire character conflict /lh (i miss him)
> a grandiose sense of self-importance
need i say anythin'. listen 2 like the first shu voiceline in ! it was literally 'i am the emperor of ymnsk academy'. .. doesn't he also go as far as 2 declare himself the god of this world? like ''kono sekai no kami da' i remember dat. oh & how much stronger & imposin' his timbre was compared 2 how much softer his voice is rn. he was very much self-focused even though it manifested thru valkyrie, he was distinctly treatin' the unit as his creation & his own creation only. the focus on the self is very real
> a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
i feel like if ya know shu ya will nod away at every single one of these cause. pre-fall valk <- dat wasn' even a fantasy, i feel like he was really narc-thrivin' back then cause it was the reality, they WERE on top. (srry if ya came here 4 thorough analysis i don' do that round here i jus' show ya smth & we both nod solemnly) success, power, brilliance, beauty, even ideal love (shnz wink?) - exvalk shu is both a perfectionist & a maximalist i think he craved it all, an' even when he has achieved great success he jus' can't get enuff, leadin' him 2 get overconfident 2 the point where he was /dat/ oblivious 2 his own (& valkyrie's, but at dat time he saw valkyrie as himself only, & the rest as just an extension, a tool) imminent demise practically laid out in front of him.
> a belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
this guy?
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the guy who calls the general public philistines & views ppl who don' adhere 2 the same high standards he holds 4 himself imbeciles?
> a need for excessive admiration
the 'go on, praise me more!' guy? it might seem at first like he'd b too prideful 2 outright ask 4 external validation but if ya really look a bit into it, he's very reliant on it.. i think it gets amplified by bein' an idol too, bein' very self conscious of yr image. ofc mr oshisan wld find himself in a field where the entire point is 2 b the center of attention & appraisal.
> a sense of entitlement
i think this jus' circles back 2 every other point i made...!!!! exvalk shu is control & acknowledgment hungry. he wants 2 step on n crush the skulls of every1 who is unworthy & soar thru the skies on the mechanical wings of valkyrie.. or wtv. he is intensely focused on his goal 2 the point of tunnel vision cause he fully believes himself 2 deserve the throne. no1 else can b above him. he despises 'commoners' & those below him yet who brought him all the recognition & glory? wats the expression? rest on yr laurels? dunno if 'm usin' it correctly!!!
i also hope i don' come off as dramatisin' too much. like ik marionette is literally jus' one story but i feel it dat much stronger, i guess. 4 (introject) reasons. i hope these things don' read as a huge stretch.
> interpersonally exploitive behavior
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> a lack of empathy
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> envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her
gettin' lazy. i feel like this cld jus' b self explanatory... i don' wanna go in depth into every single one 4 shu, esp cuz. ya don' need every single criteria 2 match. 4 a diagnosis. but if ya have any specific moments 4 this one feel free 2 add on 👍🏼
> a demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes
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