#it depends!
darabeatha · 5 months
Muses who feel warm when sleeping against/next to: ody, Constantine, mocte, Ash, duryo, kukulcán, charlie, Nero, Billy, nito, ritsuka, caeneus, camazotz
Muses who feel cold when sleeping against/next to (still comfy to sleep against): Moriarty, tlaloc, Morgan, tezca, Jason, daybit, Vlad, hakuno, Jekyll/hyde, oberon
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maudiemoods · 11 months
If BMOS Sun and/or Moon are reminded of what happened with Eclipse, do they have a panic attack/episode? What would Y/N do if they saw that happen?
Seeing as they haven't really dealt with it and really healed just yet, I think they'd definitely at least cry. If something triggered the memory, rather than just being asked about it (like they were bit, saw eclipse, or saw an old photo of the crew) they'd probably be thrown into a panic attack! How bad it is depends on the situation! They can sometimes pull through if they need to be strong for each other or y/n.
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sphictails · 6 months
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Uhmmm i posted too much stuff lately on twt mostly vents so uhh here is flandre crying ig just so that my tumblr won't be that empty
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flowers-and-fichte · 1 year
If you're ever in the middle of a conflict, just remember: WWJWvGD (What Would Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Do? -> I tried to use Schiller as an example, but if it was illness-related, he'd just freak out)
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thotsforvillainrights · 5 months
With Christmas eve being tomorrow (and me still having some extra asks in the box), I wanted to announce I'm still doing the holiday prompts for sometime after Christmas too!
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macdenlover · 2 days
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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fixaidea · 5 months
Here's a tough one:
You have to remove an animal from a room. Your equipment is a long stick, a bucket and a hoodie.
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cranberrycore · 16 days
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Y’all like lesbian monster yuri?
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southpauz · 1 month
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I drew a pretty lady
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sylviaodhner · 6 months
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Cars and Independence
My Patreon
Update: This comic has received a lot of both positive and negative attention, and I decided to post a follow-up comic to address some of the criticism: Revisiting Independence
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sunnibits · 4 months
just out of curiosity bc some people I know with glasses can just go a few hours or a day without them and be chill but I need them on all the time or I’ll go crazy
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demigods-posts · 5 months
can't wait to see percy's reaction upon learning that the twelve major gods have been staying on the 600th floor of the empire state building. like imagine the rage of this twelve-year-old kid when he learns his dad, who allegedly abandonded him and his mom shortly after he was born, was actually just down the fucking street this whole time.
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anonymousdandelion · 9 months
A general tip for students who are sending those dreaded Religious Absence Emails to your professors: Rather than asking permission to take the day(s) off, politely let them know that you will be taking the day(s) off.
In other words, consider not saying this:
"May I miss class on [date] so I can observe [holiday]?"
It's not that there's anything wrong with the above, per se. But because it's phrased as a request, it risks coming across as optional — a favor you hope to be granted. Problem is, favors are not owed, and so unfortunately asking permission opens the door for the professor to respond "Thanks for asking. No, you may not. :)"
Instead, try something along the lines of:
"I will need to miss class on [date] because I will be observing [holiday]. I wanted to let you know of this conflict now, and to ask your assistance in making arrangements for making up whatever material I may miss as a result of this absence."
This is pretty formal language (naturally, you can and should tweak it to sound more like your voice). But the important piece is that, while still being respectful, it shifts the focus of the discussion so that the question becomes not "Is it okay for me to observe my religion?", but rather, "How can we best accommodate my observance?"
Because the first question should not be up for debate: freedom of religion is a right, not a favor. And the second question is the subject you need to discuss.
(Ideally, do this after you've looked up your school's policy on religious absences, so you know what you're working within and that religious discrimination is illegal. Just in case your professor forgot.)
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unpretty · 1 year
How much time do you spend on Tumblr everyday?
come back with a warrant
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pebblume · 2 days
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let the old men kiss! (whoa who said that??)
inspired by this fic by unavoidablekoishi go support them!!
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roe-oo · 4 months
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i miss my dads i miss my dads I mi
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