#it fits the animal such as axo
fly-sky-high-arts · 11 months
Dragon fruit + Axolotl
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Just a friend :)
@mysterious-luck Let me know if you're interested in claiming it for 13$ or more. If not, I will add it to my ko-fi listing~
Update in the reblog~
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heimeldat · 10 months
Mmmm I love the set and creature designs in Claws of Axos. They did such a delightful job of making it all look organic and squishy and alien. I mean yes, if you're TRYING to see what it's all made of, it's obviously wet fabric and bits of random plastic and soap bubbles and whatnot, but if you're just letting it be shapes and textures and colors, it's SOOOOO good. All those semi-animal semi-plant tentacle bits overgrowing the individuated Axon creatures! Those complex layered yellowy-orange colors in the ship that almost evoke flesh-tones but never quite look natural! The sheer amount of motion they fit into that set with the unstable bouncy floor and the fluttery tentacles and the grabby claws and the breathing wall in the background! Gaaaaaah it's just incredible. Making a good set with a budget is cool and all, but making something THIS GOOD with the contents of a dollar store is genius.
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findteenpenpals · 5 months
hi hi! My name is axos and I'm looking for a pen pal, I'm 17 and from the US. I enjoy anime, arts and crafts, writing, and music! If you're interested message me and I'll send you my discord and we can chat there for the time being until I'm comfortable for in person letters :3 when I meet people I try finding things that either fit their personality or remind me of them! If you get a letter from me expect stickers, kandi, and art!
contact @axosowos
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isopodshenanigans · 1 year
Part two of our meeting some other stuffed animals, now meeting the three mice my mom made and using some of their cool playsets! Expect to see at least one more of these at some point. Excuse the day late-ness, I fully forgot to do this yesterday.
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First off, we got some little guys on a super neat plane, the white mouse(they don't have names yet, I'll update this when they do) standing off to the side. Axo is on the bottom of the left side of the wings, Cosmic looks like they're trying to get up onto the right side of the wing, Isolotl and Ace are ontop of the wings, and Squishy is just visible on the back of the plane near the tailfin.
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Extra shots of the plane, one of the plane from the top, showing that Kitsune is in the little cockpit, and then one directly from the front, with all isopods in the same position and the mouse just moved slightly forward to stay in frame.
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Some individual little camping activities, Cosmic trying to roast a tiny marshmallow on a stick over an equally itty bitty fire, and then Squishy and Kitsune in a little canoe, and Ace peeping out of the window of the tent.
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Looks like we got another little mouse joining us! A little grey mouse to go with the white one! It's a little scene around the campfire, the white mouse with a guitar, Squishy with the marshmallow stick, and everyone else just hanging out around the fire. Next to the white mouse is Kitsune, then Axo, Cosmic, Isolotl, Ace, then Squishy and the grey mouse, then back to white. A sleeping bag is just visible in the corner, with the tent and the canoe in the background.
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All the isopods hiding out in the tent for the night! They're a little scared of things coming along to eat them, they are awfully small after all.
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Looks like Isolotl and Axo are being little weirdos, with Isolotl sitting ontop of the poor mouse just trying to sleep in their sleeping bag. Axo is propped up against the side, maybe they want up too? Too bad they can't both fit up there.
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Isolotl once more being a little weirdo and watching the grey mouse sleep in their little suitcase, while Axo, Ace, and Cosmic hang out in the pocket actually meant for clothes.
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dragonherder2030 · 3 years
Cockatiel part 3
Atlas fiddled with her webbed fingers as she awaited the rest to arrive. She was sweating her scales off. This is her first time confronting the reptilians, she needed the negotiating chip, she needed to escape the waters.
Pacing around the wetroom Atlas counted the second, checking her hourglass every 15th. The room was filled with about a foot of water, and in the center of it was a large desk, sitting a few feet above the waterline. On it sat a array of non-lethal weaponry like nets and mud slings. Walls made up of thick coral surrounded Atlas, at the top a collection of glass that falls into the ocean, providing little light. None of the weapons were meant for attack, since we weren’t doing that, the only weapon that could actually kill was the one that she possessed, a dagger make of driftwood and whale bone. That also had some special abilities…
Before Atlas could finish her thought the coral door opened, and came in her burly associates, right on time.
Ethan came in first, he’s an fringehead, and known for his ability’s of capture using his large mouth as a slingshot for nets.
Everette was the second, she’s an anglerfish, and was the strongest of the group, she was going to be carrying the victim.
Oz, they were going to be the most important part of the operation. They were going to keep us from being caught, with Xandra’s magical abilities she will be the most dangerous of the group.
Atlas walks to the center of the room, spreading her arms in the traditional welcome.
“Hello! Ethan Everette and Oz. I, so glad you made it on time,” She said, holding her arms up for another 3 seconds.
The others all did as well, moving around to the table.
“Quite with the formal introductions, we all know each other,” Everette says with a smirk, sitting on the ground and plopping her hands onto the table.
“Yeah Atlas, its getting a bit annoying,” Ethan added on, sitting next to Everette and grabbing at one of the nets, examining it.
Oz gave me a toothy grin, their eyes glowing in amusement. Atlas laughs and sighs.
“You all should be more formal, my mother wouldn’t like me hanging out with a bunch of unschooled buff fish,” I say, failing to stop the smile from forming on my face. She takes a seat at the front of the table, sitting on the ground like the rest of her friends.
“Luckily your mommy dearest isn’t here right now, and gave you permission to hang out with us then,” Ethan says with a very laid back demeanor.
Atlas scoffs, “Permission is a umbrella term for her. But we aren’t talking about that right now,” she gives everyone in the room s teasing glare,”We are discussing the upcoming kidnapping.”
“Does it have to be called a kidnapping? I don’t want to need to explain to my brother that I went to a ‘kidnapping’ when I explain why I was gone late today,” Everette says, cutting me off. I scrunch my face up in annoyance at her interruption.
“Tell him it was a party or something, we don’t have time for interruptions! This is a happening tonight and this is serious! You all are just messing around, this society is to good for everyone here to just get eaten!!” I say, slamming my fist on the table. They were always like this.
Oz looks down, looking guilty even though they didn’t do anything. Ethan and Everette also avoid eye-contact with me. They all knew how important this operation was.
“Sorry… this is just, it can mean so much for our society and mom is letting me try this out. We need to take this chance. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, I’m sorry,” I say, folding my hands in my lap. Ethan looked up at me.
“We know how important this is, we just, aren’t used to this level of intensity. But, continue with the plan…” He says, maintaining her gaze. I nod, now isn’t the time for feelings.
“As I’ve said before I’ve planted the flowering dragons in the location I showed you all last week, in the human world. Knowing Xandra and her cult, they will have found it and be after them. When they get there, presumably tonight since I checked yesterday and the dragons are still there, we capture one of them. If it’s a group or just one person, but if Xandra is there which she usually is for strange accuracies like this, leave her to Oz,” I give Oz a glance. They nod, shifting their tail to curl around them.
“Ev, you will carry the victim, and if Ethan can’t either bag them or tie them up. I’ll make sure no one can follow you,” The knife in my hands feels heavy, but I grip it tighter, “I’ll do whatever it takes.”
The operation is underway, I had spotted them arrive on some earth animal and a drake. Xandra was distracted, if we execute it right, there would be no need for Oz to step in. My night vision gave me an advantage as well, I didn’t know if she had it as well, but I assumed she did. The rest didn’t though, no reptile I’ve come across has. Looking to my left, Everette held a large, wet sack. I wait for Xandra to hand the flowering dragons to the blue belly, and lift her head back up. I nod at Everette and she slowly creeps up to the lizard closet to the water, an iguana. I clutch my knife close to my chest, and walk out of the water, the atmosphere was wet enough to go on land, as well as the mud. I slam my feet into the ground, making my footsteps echo. A light shines onto me, I stare past it to Ethan, who has crawled up behind the drake and holding a blob of mud. I stare back, seeing the blue belly back up to its growling drake, she says something, then I hear Everette bagging the iguana. I run onto land, seeing Ethan pounce behind the blue belly and fill her face with mud. I ran at the Axolotl, pouncing on them, getting on top of them and lifting my knife threateningly. They cover their face in fear. I look to the left and see Everette swim away as the iguana thrashes around in the bag. A pain jabs me in the gut and I see that the Axo has decided to fight back. I lift my body back and slam it into the Axo, swiveling my knife in my hand and punching them with the handle end. Their eyes roll back in their head and I feel them go limp under me. I look to the side and see the blue belly putting up quite the fight with Ethan, and had somehow gotten onto her drake, it and Ethan were having a hissing fit at the moment. The mud under my feet felt familiar, and I ran across it and grabbed onto the hips of the drake, swiveling my legs under my arms and landing a kick onto the blue belly. Falling off the drake, I rolled out. Ethan could take care of her, did Everette escape?
I looked up to see Xandra tending to the Axo, this was the perfect time to escape, Xandra wouldn’t leave her comrades. Quickly getting up I whistled at Ethan, it echoing to hopefully Oz. I run to the edge of the water and jump in, diving under, trying to get to the bottom. I hear Ethan jump in after me and join me at the bottom. We swim along it together, in the path we had chosen, holding our breath.
Woo! Part 3/4 I have finally decided the next one is the last one. This has been fun so far, we meet our villain. Sorry for the weird 3rd person to 1st person change, I’m just to lazy to edit it XD. Alsooo sorry for the more explainy dialogue and stuff, I just wanted to make sure I got the ideas I wanted across.
Part 1 - Here
Part 2 - Here
Part 4: Here
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bluedblue62 · 4 years
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i did not forget about the fursona request challenge!! im just very slow art motive has been low 
but heres for @troublegoose and for @luxxanishere
explanations for design choices:
1st one the animals i was given were cat, axolotl and goose/swan; i was gonna do more with the goose idea, but then i realized the only kind of unique thing geese have going on is their wicked teeth so the wings are based off goose/swan collectively. the white spots on the cheeks also very vaguely resemble the same white cheeks that canadian geese have but its kind of a stretch. then ofc we got the kitty body/paws/head with cheeks that are extra fluffy in three spikes mimicking axolotl fins, and an axolotl tail
2nd one i was given wolf, parrot and axolotl; there are so many different types of parrots that are so different from eachother so i wasnt sure where to start, but i ended up deciding on looking at pictures of macaws for reference since the colors i was given matched best with macaw patterns and i used that to my advantage. the body and head are all wolf, the ruff around the neck is very wolf-y and was used to break things up a bit, most of the body markings are very loosely based off of gray wolf markings, the wings and tail based on macaw markings. i really struggled to fit in the axolotl bit, i didnt want to just do another axo tail, so i gave them a parrot feathered tail and instead just slipped in a little homage to the axolotl in the 3 markings on the cheeks for the fins axolotls have
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itistimetodisappear · 5 years
I thought sand was fine for axos because it passes through their system w/o causing blockages like gravel does ?
The jury is still out on whether sand can cause serious harm to axolotls. What I know for sure is that sand is too heavy to be pushed out by pressure and it’s too fine to be pushed out by stomach muscles or food material. It kinda just gathers in the intestine bends and they can’t pass it. It’s basically the same reason you shouldn’t put sand down the sink. BUT an axolotl would have to eat a lot of sand to get impacted. Compared to the countless people who keep axolotls on sand, the amount of reported sand impaction cases is minute. However, the few grains of sand axolotls ingest with every meal do gather over time. It’ll be many years until sand impaction could become a problem. When impaction problems do start to arise, owners tend not to consider sand as the cause because ‘they’ve been keeping them on sand for years without a problem’. That or they just assume it’s old age. 
Axolotls don’t live on sand in the wild, they live on muddy organic substrate that their stomach can digest. Infact very few animals are adapted to live solely on loose sand, probably because ingesting it regularly will put a cap on lifespan. You could in theory use organic potting soil as a substrate, but it would make for a very murky tank so not may people do. I would instead recommend you go for a bare bottom tank. Or try using large slate pieces or large river stones (any rocks that won’t fit in the axolotls mouth would be fine). If you insist on having sand, I won’t cancel you. But at least try to tong feed your axolotl above the substrate so that you can ensure they do not ingest sand when they eat. You also get a closer relationship with your pet that way so it’s a win win!
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timeagainreviews · 6 years
Classic Baddies for the Thirteenth Doctor!
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As a fan of classic Doctor Who, one of my favourite elements of the new series has been the anticipation as to which classic villains will make an appearance. Not only is it cool to see more of these older monsters, but it’s also exciting to see how they update their look. Some really nail it too. Keeping the classic design of the Daleks while making them look more tank-like and utilitarian in 2005 was a masterstroke. I liked that they embraced the Ice Warriors’ original look as well. While I may not be as hot on the updated Silurians, or Autons, it’s always fun to see classic villains regardless.
When Chris Chibnall mentioned that there would be no classic villains in series 11, my heart sank a little. Are they necessary for Doctor Who to be successful? Not hardly. But it’s fun dammit. Even if they were cameos like the Macra or the Movellans, these were moments I looked forward to. I have a sort of checklist I like to go through with each series of new Who. Are there classic villains? Check. Does the Doctor meet a figure from history? Check. Series 11 has one of those.
It’s been no secret that a major criticism of series 11 has been its lack of compelling villains. I myself have been vocal about this disappointment. So I thought I would make up a list of 10 classic villains I would like to see the Thirteenth Doctor go up against. I’m basing these off a few factors. Personal favourites, Jodie’s vibe, the era, etc. Enjoy! And feel free to add your own!
1. Autons
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First Appearance: "Spearhead from Space" (1970)
I know they have already returned. I know I said I didn’t like their update. That’s exactly why they’re on this list now. I didn’t exactly hate the updated Autons when I first watched them. At the time, I didn’t have any classic villains to compare them to, as they were new to me. I thought they were pretty corny and not very scary, even as they did openly murder people in the streets of London. But when seeing "Spearhead from Space," for the first time, I was supremely creeped out. The newer Autons remind me of the movie theatre scene in “Human Traffic.” Just a bunch of dancers doing the robot. Not very scary. And turning the Nestine consciousness into a big vat of CGI goo, as compared to a giant plastic space squid seems like a crime. They’re due an update.
2. Voord
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First Appearance: "The Keys of Marinus" (1964)
These guys creep me out. Their costumes are really stupid, and I still find them creepy. They’re like spiky fish men mixed with Egyptian gods. Ignoring the weird "Voord became Cybermen," storyline, and focusing on the fishman aspect would be the way to go. Could you imagine their costume if updated correctly? I picture a mix between Edward Scissorhands and a scuba diver. I’ve wanted to see Jodie encounter these guys ever since "The Ghost Monument," reminded me of "The Keys of Marinus." Something about First Doctor villains with the first female Doctor kinda works for me too. Speaking of First Doctor villains…
3. Zarbi
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First Appearance: "The Web Planet" (1965)
Ok, so this one is a bit of a cheat. I know the Zarbi aren’t really a villain by their own doing. In many ways, these oversized ants are just dumb animals. But the biggest way this is a cheat is because I just want them so we can have the Menoptera! I love those stupid moth cuties. I think an updated one of them could look really fun. Think the aliens from the queue scene in the "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy," movie. Something between realistic, and fantastical. They would also add a much-needed sense of levity to the Chibnall era.
4. The Dominators
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First Appearance: "The Dominators" (1968)
The Dominators are a race of men whose name pretty much describes their modus operandi. Having long ago developed beyond the need for women, these guys seem an obvious choice to go up against a female Doctor. Their look is simple enough to update. They need only to look armoured and militaristic. Their robot drones, the Quarks, would be the real challenge to update, but I’m sure they’d nail it. I would be interested in seeing a more bureaucratic ruling class of Dominators as well. Perhaps instead of having a male and female population, they have the soldiers and the suits. Could be a really interesting way to talk about the insular nature of toxic masculinity. This would fit in well with Thirteen’s villains being chauvinistic shitbirds that don’t like women much.
5. Axons
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First Appearance: "The Claws of Axos" (1971)
I’ve heard the Axons get a bit of flack in the past, which is bananas to me. There’s so much potential there. They have a rather psychedelic look, and then they get super gross. I’ve always seen them as very retro style monsters. Jodie’s costume has a real 1970’s "Godspell," look about it, so I always picture her going up against monsters that look the part. They wouldn’t be hard to update either. I would make the golden lines on their humanoid forms slightly raised, like a system of fibres across their skin. And of course, their squidgy red form could be a tangled mass of CGI that kinda bubbles up from the gold lines. The transformation scenes could get very visceral. They’ve got a sneaky nature about them. Like anglerfish, their beautiful golden appearance conceals a horrific monster. They’re known for making Faustian deals with people fool enough to believe their lies. How could we resist?
6. The Mara
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First Appearance: "Kinda" (1982)
Many people love the Kinda/Snakedance storyline. I wasn’t sure what to make of either serial, as the quality of both waivers. Over time, though, I’ve come to really appreciate them as stories. I have a love for characters that exist as a sort of gestalt. There’s something very unsettling about a hive mind. As The Doctor has three companions this time around. There’s lots of room for one of them to go off and become possessed by an evil snake god for a while. Either Graham or Ryan becoming hosts for the Mara could be an interesting way to explore their relationship. While the DVD release saw an updated version of the Mara’s snake form, I’m sure the modern show can do one better. They’ve already done giant spiders, now let's see them do a giant snake!
7. The Rani
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First Appearance: "The Mark of the Rani" (1985)
While I am aware many people dislike the Rani, and the idea of Chris Chibnall choosing a character created by Pip and Jan Baker is unlikely, I still don’t care. Any character can be made good in the hands of a competent writer. All it takes is one good idea. Personally, I’ve never really gotten the guff she’s been given. As a woman capable of cruel scientific experiments, the Rani is a ruthless Time Lady with more guile than the Master. People want to see Thirteen with Missy because they’re both women now, but we’ve had an evil Time Lady for years, and I’d be interested to see what regeneration might bring for her… or him?
8. Rutans
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First Appearance: "The Horror of Fang Rock" (1977)
First Mentioned: “The Time Warrior” (1973)
The Rutans are long enemies of the Sontaran race. I would love to see them amp up the danger by getting stuck in the middle of a skirmish between the two races. I would like to see the Sontarans presented as formidable once again. The Doctor Who video game "The Gunpowder Plot," did update their look, to a decent degree. Either way, modern Who could make a Rutan look much more imposing with CGI, or even practical effects. I’d imagine something like a green man o’ war. Jodie’s Doctor’s tendency to mediate during conflict could land her trying to broker peace between the two races. Could she be successful or would she have to count her losses?
9. Drashigs
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First Appearance: "Carnival of Monsters" (1973)
Here we have yet another Robert Holmes creation! (The other two being the Autons and the Rutans) While mostly just mindless monsters that can eat through anything, I’ve always loved these horrific beasts. With heads the size of a Volkswagen bug, and an appetite for anything in their way, these guys could really add in a danger element. I doubt they could really carry an episode by themselves, but they’d make a great threat! They may be alien snake monsters, but you may have a creeping familiarity when looking at them. This is because the puppets used were constructed around the skulls of real dogs! While I’m sure these pups died of natural causes, the information has always given them an air of creepiness and realism. As Third Doctor era baddies go, these toothy terrors were some of the more believable creatures yet! They wouldn’t need much of an update, looks wise. Part of me would still want them to be puppets. I’d imagine Thirteen’s compassion for misunderstood creatures would send her on a danger defying attempt to save their lives!
10. The Scorchies
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First Appearance: "The Scorchies" (2013)
Ok, so this one is another cheat. Technically these aren’t "classic Who" villains. They come from the audios, but I’m counting them because they’re from a Third Doctor era storyline! If you count the mention of the Rutans in "The Time Warrior," this marks the fifth baddie from the Third Doctor era. What is it about that period that is so mineable? Originally a species with bodies, they lost their corporeal form when their planet was invaded and they were transported to safety via television broadcast waves! In their new puppet bodies, they go from planet to planet hypnotising their inhabitants and burning them! Why? Because they’re salty. So why them?  Well, for starters, look at these guys! Jodie’s Doctor has always reminded me as a bit of mad kids’ show presenter, with her bright colours and friendly appearance. Seeing her with puppets almost feels natural. I love the idea so much that I photoshopped it! It would also make Doctor Who history. While the Eighth Doctor mentioned his audio companions in "The Night of the Doctor," no audio characters have ever made an appearance in the show (at least to my knowledge). Appearance wise, they’d be easy to create. If they wanted to go the extra mile, they could partner with the Jim Henson Creature Shop for an added distinction. I feel like no matter what you do, these little critters could draw a crowd. People would watch just to see if Doctor Who has lost its damn mind! If done right, it could be a fun romp! Who says Doctor Who villains always have to be serious?
Well, that’s it for my list! Did you agree? Do you think poor Natalie needs to get her head checked out? Feel free to reblog with your own additions! I’d love to read what you think! Expect the review of this weekend’s Doctor Who either Sunday or Monday. I’ve not yet re-watched Marco Polo, which I might actually do today, but it’s on my list to write it next week! It’s going to be the first reconstruction I’m doing, so it should be interesting! I’m not sure if I will supplement any of it with the Target novelisation, but I am thinking not. We’ll see! It’s still early into the series!
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