#it gives me Character vibes but like not any blorbo of mine
drgreysonmd · 2 months
Yo I was so excited I literally immediately started drawing him, and then hyperfixated all day and then did nothing but just sit in my feels. This is gonna be a long one about some blog stuff too, mates, so strap in!
@flamesque 's Mun LITERALLY had to hold my hand because I CRIED I was so nervous to see his face 😅🤣 it was the happiness of the game finally giving him all the attention I'd always wanted him to have, but the double edged sword of going
"Oh shit. Now everything I've grown so attracted to is officially wrong."
And so I had to sit here all day while I've painted and spoken to friends and fellow muns and just... had to really take a step back and think about how I was going to overhaul everything here too.
So the positive answer is- I'm SO EXCITED because I've already seen so many people talking about him and even my beloved @rose-tinted-kalopsia is planning on writing for him and maybe this means more fanworks for him! It's been very lonely in my little corner with just me screaming about how lovely he is and throwing out headcanon posts and snippets and art and
I get it. It can be hard to love a faceless man in a very visual game. No shade. I'm just happy and hopeful more people will engage in him as a character now!
I also think he's fucking ADORABLE. His glasses and his cute cheekbones and his grey blue eyes bc ofc he'd have grey eyes when his name is fucking Greyson (I swear to God everyone loves to hurt me with puns 🥴🤣) I'd love to see a little bit of a hairstyle change but I've already hit on that. Overall I love him. Very cute, 10/10, totally smashable. I'm getting Bedazzled Brendan Fraser vibes and I'm here for it.
On the less positive side- it's like saying goodbye to a very dear friend. This Grey, MY Grey has become somewhat of a very special blorbo to me. He ended up being like a half oc-half canon character and idek how it happened but it DID and here I lay very distraught and attached to him and it's a little heartbreaking to retire him, if that makes any sense.
It's been quiet here for a while partially due to personal stuff, but also partially due to my sensing the changing in the winds after the story update of No Morning. They've done a lot of lore building with him that while it doesn't give him any actual back story, it's changed or developed parts of his personality that really have diverged him from the Greyson we got snippets of early on. And I'm not mad about that mind you, he's still adorable and I will stand by him until my dying breath, but it's very clear that the Grey I've written, and the Grey they're writing now are diverging very quickly and I need to separate them rather than try and salvage a blend. It was bound to happen when the only thing we had to go on was as a side character in an anecdote, a side character in a single card, and a couple moments posts early on. 🤷‍♀️ (oh and that one Twitter interview).
I've contemplated making mine an OC (just another Dr at Akso) and keeping all the lore and backstory and stuff as his, and gutting this profile back to canon material ONLY, but once again that leaves it as very... well.... barren. I do believe there will be a lot more in store for him in the future, it's just gonna take a while (bc he's a side character so of course, it makes sense) so it might feel like I've kind of hurt or abandoned this place in the meantime, which is definitely not what I want either.
All in all there will obviously be some huge changes happening here, I'm just not entirely sure what they are yet and what that means for active threads too 😅 I have a lot of options so it's just down to figuring out which ones speak to me heart and Muse.
I realize this is probably all waaaaaaay more than you intended to ask so I'm sorry, but thanks for letting me gush all my feels out ahhhhhh♡)
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nfcv-saltmine · 7 days
How'd they turn this sexy Bishōnen man
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Into this fucker
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His breasts are bigger than mine (mind you I'm small chested but wanted a moobs joke) and he's a horse faced whore.
I would give my soul to actual Alucard. I would rip the succubus in half for what she did to him.
Netflix Vania fan service man just let two mostly strangers into his bed, he should have been taken out by natural selection
I personnally would say he's pretty or beautiful more than sexy lol, but yeah. I really don't see the appeal. Even though he has some good shots, not only does he look prettier than usual because of lighting, staging and scenery, but he still has this horse face lmao.
Look at him:
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He's okay (when you don't compare him to the og). He's not that good but he's not awful to look at. But... his face looks so weird to me, partially because I don't find NFCV's artstyle to be that great. Ofc it's subjective, and probably easier to like when you don't know or don't care about the games... but I do. And I find him ugly and cheap (i wonder if he would have as much passionnate fans as he does now if he wasn't going tiddies out all of the time)
He looks fine here, might be one of his best shots:
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But then...
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Ok it might be a little low lmao, since he is supposed to look bad in this context.... or is he? Sure he looks dirty. But he is more tiddies out than ever before and give this "hot mess" vibe to me (like N!Trevor :)). Not only that, but lmao, he is supposed to be neglecting himself.... yet he is more muscular than ever?? What sorcery is this??
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That's how he looked in s1. And that's how he looked in s3:
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It doesn't make any sense. N!Alucard fans complain that Nocturne got rid of their blorbo's tiddies...
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But my guys. S4 gave him a body he didn't even deserve lol. If you don't like this Alucard, how could you like season 1 to 3 Alucard ??
I find it very shallow to praise the s4 tiddies and hate on the twink because it shows you don't care about the character, you just want a fictional man to fuck (good for you but don't pretend it's a show problem lmao). Not to mention... Nocturne!Alucard actually wears clothes. That's why you feel like he has less tiddies. They're hidden under the rich boy clothes he was always meant to have.
I also see comments about how Nocturne "bleached" Alucard when this is literally the effect of the moonlight. This is an artistic choice to match with the scenery. Pretty sure he wouldn't look like this under sunlight lmao.
But the worst part to me isn't how N!Alucard looks, or even how the fans are, imo, overthirsting for him. The worst part is how they took the noble, respectful, graceful Alucard... And turned him into an absolute cunt who is designed to be slutty just to be easier to animate and get fans to thirst for his body and who literally steals the show. ❤️ HE is the one to kill Dracula. HE is the one who gets to be hot and sexy and pretty for the fans. And HE is the one said fans watched Nocturne for. ❤️ Whenever Trevor, Sypha and Alucard stand next to each other in an important moment (when they attack the castle, when they face Dracula, when Trevor and Sypha join Alucard in s4...), Alucard always is in the center. Giving him more important than the rest of the trio. It's a conscious choice made to make you think "ah, yes, this is the main character". I wish I could put more images but Tumblr won't allow me lol.
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leggywillow · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I was tagged by HACKCOUGHAHOOAHOO. Anyway.
I combed through my fics for lines from my blorbo of all time, Adara Surana. She is patient and soft-spoken but I like to think she has a quiet wit. She’s my Warden from Dragon Age.
“Let them think they’ve won, then, if any of them are still alive to celebrate. I don’t care.”
“What do you want me to say, Alistair? I was dealing with it. You carry enough burdens without trying to take on mine.”
“I wasn’t going to let you die if I could stop it. I’m not sorry.”
“This is a very convoluted way of killing one person, you know that?”
“I am well aware of what they hope I’ll do, but they aren’t the only ones who are dangerous. Now I know where they are, and they will regret it.”
“If you think about it, none of us had lives to ruin in the first place.”
“I wouldn’t give the Maker credit for it. It was you. You’re a better man than you believe, and you need to start believing it. You’re more than your worst mistakes.”
“I’m in charge, aren’t I? That means I can fuss over whoever I want and as much as I want.”
“Surely they had a reason for doing all of this besides a death wish.”
“Just what I’ve always wanted: to be studied like a rare animal.”
“If my opinion matters, I’d really prefer that you not wander around in my corpse.
“I’ve never had anything to lose before. Now that I do, how am I supposed to bear it?”
“You’re a Grey Warden now. Whatever debt you think you owe the world will be paid and then some.”
“What did I do? Maker, I heard her, I felt her. I didn’t need to— what did I do?”
“I know what it means for there to be people who—who you can’t refuse. In anything.”
Tagging @feralkwe @icescrabblerjerky @skinwalkingxana @rakshadow @delicatefade and anybody else who wants to do it!
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beevean · 10 months
"You can't convince me Rough & Tumble, Jewel, Clutch or Mimic have any fans. You can't."
Hi, a whole one fan of R&T here and.... yeah even I have to admit that most people's enjoyment of characters like these (mine included) stems mostly from the "I just think they look neat" factor. Granted I will say that I actually like the (very small) bro moments between the two because they remind me of how the comic sent that aspect of Sonic and Tails' relationship down the drain.
Anyway I brought this up because I can confidently say something that only gets worse with every issue: the stans don't actually like the OCs the way they claim they do. They like the aesthetic, the ideas around the characters, the vibes. The comic simply gives you a minimally cared for but still very much empty field with just enough promise of something of value growing there eventually, that you just end up growing a whole plantation of your own with just your headcannons. And that's the thing. The vibes, the ideas, the headcannons. Those are a constant. The moment they get imprinted onto a character, they are always there. That's why the new issue screenshots can only procur a reaction like "omg them". Because the character in the comic as is doesn't matter in the long run. In their minds, said characters already went through a fanfic's worth of screentime with all the study attached, they are already "complete" basically. Appearances in the comic are just visual stimuli to clap, point fingers and go wooooooo and any changes in the actual plot will only incur cosmetic changes on the character's image. At most, that's just an additional tag to the vibes list.
lmao, well I appreciate the honesty 😂 Rough and Tumble being more of an evil Unbreakable Duo than Surge & Kit is wild, man.
But yeah, what you said. And look, listen. After I got into the CV fandom, I saw so many people adopt the most minor of characters and turn them into their beloved blorbo - characters that are lucky if they have any sort of personality detailed in the manual, let alone on screen. So I get it, I get the appeal of taking a character that is nothing more than unexpressed potential and unraveling it, because hey that concept really really appeals to you. Look, I am intrigued by Surge and Kit's concept as well, and Whisper started out well as a quiet, introverted girl in a mostly extroverted cast, so yes I understand.
It's the pretentiousness I can't stand. It's people celebrating IDW as being well written and so much better than the games, when their appreciation boils down to basically gushing about ship teases or funny faces, or memefying their personalities to make them fit better into the prepackaged blorbo molds. The story wants to take itself seriously, so I take it seriously, and it's so obvious that characters are bent down in function of the plot.
Plant all the headcanons you want! But always keep in mind what is your headcanon and what is actually on paper.
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newobsessioneveryweek · 4 months
Hii I'm the Sherman x Connor anon you answered earlier (i check tumblr every once in a blue moon lol) and I totally agree with what you said. I'm totally fine with ignoring canon a little to see ships lol, I think they'd be an awesome pairing if developed.
Personally I dislike Connor x Annabeth. Not only is it not for me, since I headcanon Connor as gay, from what I've seen most Connabeth shippers... don't exactly ship it, they just use it as bait for Percy to get jealous over Annabeth and Percabeth happens later on. And since Connor's one of my faves it's uh.. not exactly a happy ending for him :,)
Previous ask
You're speaking my language Anon! Connor has never been straight to me. Why that is, I could never say. Perhaps tentatively bisexual but always at least romantically interested in guys. It's just the vibes he gives off 👀
(Another side note: most of the time, I HC my blorbos as ace because... I am ace. But in the romantic vein, everything is possible!)
Now that you've mentioned it, I've also realised that people who tag Annabeth x Connor don't actually want them to be together... Hmm, that's a little sad ngl. Very sad actually because Connor has also become a favourite of mine :'] That's the annoying part about liking side/background characters.
But, as the angst-enjoyer I am, it would be an absolute crime if I did not write any such angst for him, the undertaking of which is in progress :] Maybe I'll work this ship in there if it feels natural.
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artseniccatnip · 1 year
Heya! I just wanted to ask, do you have any advice on like... fashion? Cuz I'm gonna be honest, you keep putting your blorbos in top notch fits and I've been looking to draw mine in some, and I'm just wondering if there are good websites or something? If this is too much you don't gotta do nothin' I'm just lookin' for some pointers.
omg 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳  this ask scratches my brain Teehee... first of all THANK YOU!!!
my biggest piece of advice is LOOK AT REFERENCES!! and think of how you wear an outfit, there's personality that goes into what someone is wearing, I'll use this one since the canvas is still open:
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in this pomegranate is giving femme vibes cause they like being femme sometimes, they're wearing a holographic jacket because they love being seen, and a sunhat to accentuate the softness while still having a hat (plus devil horns cause its their motif), think about character motivation, what's their outfit trying to say? they want to be seen or do they want to wear a hoodie to NOT be seen, are they going to the beach is it a hot day, things like that
learn to draw jeans it will save you a lot of stress, trust me. They're popular for a reason, and I tend to default to that when I don't have anything else in mind
if you'd like you can use coolors (dot) co for color palettes which can help a simple design like a t shirt and pants blend together more
I know I allude to this all the time but USE REFERENCES, USE THEM. I use pinterest (evil, I know, but useful) to take pieces of outfits I like and then make a new outfit from that, think of accents like Lace or fishnet, and how that might match your character
learn to draw some basic shoe shapes, it is SOOO HELPFUL, it helps an outfit come together and it looks really good, you don't have to know how to draw every shoe but keep in mind that when you put an outfit together YOU are also putting on shoes, give your character shoes, it can say a lot about them, like if they're wearing sneakers even when they have a dress on it says they don't ascribe to societal norms of fashion or they just. don't own any other shoes LOL
overall, try not to stress too much, learn some basics like how to draw a crop top, jeans, a hoodie, formal wear, and then you'll gradually become more comfortable trying out new things in terms of outfits. I personally like to simplify outfits as if I was going to animate any of them because that's what's comfortable for me, but in that case it helps to think about how the fabric drapes on someone too, also don't forget accessories! esp if your character likes jewelry :]]]
sorry i hope that all made sense and helped a little! I'm so honored you like my outfit designs ;-;; It's a lot of fun to think of how characters might pick out their wardrobe!!
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15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @andromedaexists! It's cool your names have connections to family and saints, and that you've tried so many things/sports. Your cats sound adorable (though this goes without saying for cats perhaps).
As for myself:
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes! My mom wanted to give me a "hippie" name like Freedom or Windsong or something, but my dad would have none of it. In one of their rare instances of compromise, they settled on naming me after a folk/pop singer who was big in the 70s. If I decide to change it at some point, I'll probably choose something very similar in spelling/sound.
2. When was the last time you cried? Like two days ago while thinking about a scene where a character experiences Gender Thoughts (positive). And the day before that while listening to talks on medieval history about humans being humans. Then last weekend, while watching Puss In Boots with my partner. Look, it's not outright sobbing and tears, but I do mist up a lot, okay? For someone who had to numb their emotions to survive much of their childhood and teen years, I appreciate this actually. That despite whatever pain I've experienced it couldn't stop me from recognizing and overflowing at the pleasure and beauty all around me.
3. Do you have kids? No, and no plans to. I'm content with my affection for the children of others in my life.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I think so? I definitely used to, though I think I've cut back on it significantly.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? The way they speak and how they communicate in general. Accents, idioms, whether they're confident (and if that confidence is bravado or well-founded), is their choice of words vibe-based or definition-based, etc. I'll recognize someone's voice before their face tbh. 😅
6. What’s your eye color? Brown. I get compliments on them.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Both? Depends on my mood. I always love a "hard-earned happy ending", though. Those Situations really did a number on my blorbos, but they kept on keeping on. That sort of thing.
8. Any special talents? Defying expectations, I guess? I often apply for jobs/sign up for experiences where the people in charge just go, Um, are you sure you're supposed to be here? And I'm like, Sure, why not, let's go. Then I do pretty well at whatever it is and they're impressed, mostly because they thought I couldn't/wouldn't stick around. People also seem to generally like my baking.
9. Where were you born? Northern California, USA.
10. What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, little art projects, video games, gardening, baking, thinking too much, harassing various invertebrates, sea creatures, and neighborhood animals with my affection/fascination
11. Have you any pets? A cat named Mimi! She was a stray I agreed to adopt from a friend on Discord while drunk. This remains my best decision made while under the influence.
12. What sports do you play/have played? I did martial arts for the last seven years, including fighting in like 4 tournaments. I put it aside since college takes a lot of my energy now. Also, training is expensive, and the culture around it sucks pretty often. I'd like to get back into it one day, just with people who value it for reasons similar to mine.
13. How tall are you? 5' 8". I'm too American to be measured in cm (joke joke this is a joke the metric system and I are buds).
14. Favorite subject in school? Before college, lit/reading. As an adult, I really enjoy history and anthropology related stuff too.
15. Dream job? Making a living off my silly little gay vampire stories. But I'd settle for translating fiction between Spanish and English.
Copy/Paste for mobile users: 1. Are you named after anyone? 2. When was the last time you cried? 3. Do you have kids? 4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 6. What’s your eye color? 7. Scary movies or happy endings? 8. Any special talents? 9. Where were you born? 10. What are your hobbies? 11. Have you any pets? 12. What sports do you play/have played? 12. What sports do you play/have played? 13. How tall are you? 14. Favorite subject in school? 15. Dream job?
No pressure tags (and no pressure to answer any questions you don't want to ofc) @vacantgodling @korblez @space-cadead @afoolandathief @cljordan-imperium @late-to-the-fandom @thecyrulik @blind-the-winds @muddshadow @theskeletonprior @rosieartsie @letsmakeitwrite @k--havok @likegemstone @thatndginger
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canayams-art · 10 months
i also feel like the animation this season is different, more crisps or something, because it looks even better than season 1 already gorgeous one. fengqing taking hold of me again was unexpected, but im dealing with the onslaught of emotions! i think it's just been too long since ive seen them in new scenes :"))
LQQ IS THE MVP OF THE DONGHUA AT THIS POINT! i looooove his design so much, more than the manhua one personally, and every scene he was in was soo good, i would have hard time choosing the one favorite as well. i think lqq debut this season was absolutely on point, and honestly i love watching him on my screen. he's so precious and when i tell you every scenes he's in makes me love him more and more im not kidding.
KEJEJJRJRJ FY AND LQQ INTERACTION WOULD HAVE BEEN SOO GOOD! especially considering mq is much more open as fu yao and being touched by lqq's sincerity and concern for mq would be right there on his face. (dw they make me cry as well🥹) i think i would also like to explore lqq's reaction to qi rong insulting mq, or maybe even their interactions during the aftermath of the tong'lu. mq being canonically good with children and helping lqq with guzi would be soo cute 🥰🥺 their potential for a strong and genuine companionship has me squealing as i write this, no lie
im so with you on your view of quirong!! it's definitely not a ship for me, even if i do tend to give every ship i come across a chance. although i think a fandom as well plays a role in my dislike, the overall impression of the ship didn't really give me the right vibe to like it either. im not above liking a pretty fanart for them when i come across it, but overall i just don't care about them. however it is always nice when you come across someone who also isn't a fan of the popular ship, makes you feel less crazy for not liking them 😭
mhmm if only more people thought like that, the discourses in the fandom would not exist :") it's so silly thinking everyone would have the same taste about fiction and media they watch and choose to interact with, and if that were to be the case the fandoms would be such a dull place to be. everyday i feel like the fandoms have went from a fun place to find like-minded people who enjoy things you do and with whom you can gush over your silly little blorbos, to this draining chore where you're constantly afraid someone will be on your throat for whatever reason if you dare say something about any character whether you like them or don't. it's honestly becoming exhausting but that's exactly why curating your own fandom experience and environment is important to have fun.
im personally ready to drop a fic if i see a trope i don't like or interpretation i don't agree with, even if i was already invested into the story prior. im willing to look past the characterization issue when the fics are clearly meant to be crack, but otherwise it really is very important to me that characters be the closest to canon as possible, especially in canon universe. modern aus are tricky, but honestly with enough lore throw in to explain it, i can swallow slight mischaracterization. anything fanon related tho, yeah im dipping so fast 😭 gods i sure sound pretentious and nitpicky about this but it's true, i learned the hard way that the only way to enjoy a fandoms is to set standards for what you like and not and not really care about others opinions, it's so much more enjoyable and you will eventually find the like-minded people who will support your delusions
side characters are gold mine when it comes to fics and general fandom experience, and from what ive noticed, the less popular the better 😭😭 sure you will probably have to make your own fan work but it's soo worth it at the end of the day! also less discourses so it's definitely a win. i also feel like the side characters/pairings usually have more interesting concepts when it comes to fics/art 🤔 this is not the case in every fandom but from my experiences, fics and art about side characters somehow feel more satisfying? idk to me it always comes across how people make a thing without it being cut out and served for them by already established canon, so to me it always feels more enjoyable to interact with such works
I’m so sad we have to wait a little longer for the next episode to come out,,,,, I need to see fengqing more 😭 Also!!! Lqq really is the heart and soul of the season so far!!! I guess that makes sense considering we’re right in the middle of his arc but he really is such a joy to see in every scene— they really made him so baby and if last episode is anything to go by they’re about to make him so anguished (affectionate). I love this boy so much.
Also every time we bring up more and more different qianqing scenarios, I can’t help feeling that they’re actually so surprisingly complimentary to each other. Now I’m actually just disappointed that mxtx never really explored their dynamic. Lqq would’ve been a perfect ally in mq’s hardships and mq would’ve been a such an asset to have in the search for qr and the management of Guzi’s care (not sure if mq would be nurturing but he’d definitely come through with a lot of “Why aren’t you [insert form of care here] ?”). They could’ve benefited from being closer.
I think there’s something novel about side characters and rarepairs that makes them (personally) so appealing. We don’t see so much about them so we want to know more and from that want comes so much unique and interesting exploration. I just read an entire story about a pair of main guys— I wanna know more about the people who were a part of their story. It’s about the fun of redirecting the spotlight 🥹
(Also I think in a way everyone is a little pretentious with their personal preferences for what they enjoy and how they enjoy it. If the writing or the art isn’t doing anything for you or it loses you along the way then that’s just part of the subjective experience of the arts! It’s okay to admit to being picky or selective.)
Anyway—! As a lqq art peddler I am happy to keep peddling more lqq art in the future. Might even start drawing more donghua lqq (manhua lqq is very special to me but donghua lqq has charmed me so much 😭). I really gotta get back into the frenzied rate at which I used to draw him— now with a couple extra boyfriends LMAO.
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tigerplushh · 1 year
I saw you wanted Creepypasta stuff in your inbox, so I’m going to ramble about Ani the Wight because she’s one of my favourites and I don’t see a lot of content about her. (Thoughts will be scattered I hope you don’t mind! I might also ramble about some other Creepypasta as well.)
I have this Headcannon that Wights are considered an unspoken bragging right about how strong the person with one in their following is because of how hard they are to obtain.
Ani gives me the vibes of someone who did a lot of reading an art and probably still does those two things whenever possible.
I feel like she’d have a photo of her family on her desk or in her bag or something just to remember them, since in her story her home life was fairly good.
Ani’s skin is probably very cold, which would make her a walking air conditioner and probably several people’s favourite person during the hotter months.
I just really like her design, she has lots of blues and cool tones and I adore her outfit (am very gender-neutral gay about her, I’m not gonna lie). I think she’s neat.
Some other creepypasta headcannons of mine that I think are cool:
Eyeless Jack sees his environment like a thermal camera.
Jeff either can’t feel pain anymore or his chronic pain.
Ben feeds off of nearby electricity to stay in a physical form.
I’ve never actually heard about that character before, but she seems really interesting. I love the idea of her being cold and I don’t quite know who she is but like she seems so cool??? I’m gonna try find more content about her and if I end up liking her maybe I’ll start writing for her :3 also I don’t mind the scattered thoughts, feel free to rant about ur Blorbo thoughts here 🗣️🗣️
And those other creepypasta headcanons Are like agreeable asf tbh. Ej having thermal vision or different vision in general is so cool to me, and I love the idea of him relying on his sense of smell and taste Aswell as Touch because of it.
And I’ve never heard that Ben one before but that’s a really fucking awesome idea!! Lots of people write about Ben and his physical for and blah blah but never really talk about how it’s possible, they just use the fictional logic but seeing how it’s possible for him to do that as a ghost/spirit thing is so cool.
Honestly that might be why he likes gaming and shi so much. Not because of his character but because he can leech of the energy and maintain a physical form to terrorise people. Haha wait I actually really like that idea- 😭😭
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toboldlynerd · 2 years
helloooo ela 😊✨!! glad your week has settled down a bit, hopefully you have an enjoyable weekend ahead of you!
i loved reading about your spotify wrapped, i haven’t listened to most of those artists/songs, so i will have to give them a try! i just listened to runaway by AURORA and i loved the way the song kept building and building, it felt almost cinematic 🎥💫. do you have a fav song by AURORA that you’d recommend 👀?
ahhhhh, your tea box sounds so cool!! is it designed to keep the tea fresh/preserved while you’re traveling, or just as a means of storage?? i’m a coffee girl through and through 😌 (and hot chocolate too, aksjsjjj that’s how i survive the winter months, but it can be our secret 🫶)
the 9-1-1 gay firefighters are also my blorbos-in-law 😂, i have yet to succumb and watch it but sounds like it might be inevitable! it looks like there was just a new season? did you enjoy it??
i looked up the summary for graceling, it seems very compelling! i haven’t read any fantasy since i was much younger but i’ve had a few recommendations for it recently, and i remember absolutely loving getting lost in those worlds as a kid 🦄
also, btw, i adored the cute animal gifs 🥺🥰, sending love your way 💙❄️✨
Hi yes hello,
This brightened my day for sure, thank you 🧡
Oh, you've asked the million dollars question lmao AURORA was my favorite artist this year (unsurprisingly) and I do love all her work. So much. It's hard to recommend her songs so I will try my best with 3 good vibes songs, 3 heart-wrenching songs and 3 in between.
1) Queendom (the YouTube video is so good!?!)
3) Exist For Love (because that music video came out way earlier than planned because “her fans needed something to be happy about” and it is just so damn beautiful)
In between
Heart-wrenching, tears possible
Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) (yes, that specific live video for ultimate tear potential. Also tw murder as a significant plot point of the lyrics lol)
Through The Eyes Of A Child (yeah, that version is stripped back. Yeah I cried the first 3 times listening)
Boy In The Grass (it's live, I can't listen to it often cause the raw emotions rattle me every time because of the event the lyrics are based on tw gun violence and child death if you research)
Hehehhe you activated my trap card called “asking about something im passionate about”! This was so hard my dude, it took half an hour and I nearly made the list longer again.
It's just a habit I took over from my mum I guess? It's one normal teabox that gets the designated job of traveling tea box (a little bit like the jeans of teen girl book fame lmao) and then I've also bought some small one that I can use if I don't have much space to work with. It's a certain comfort to know you've got your favorite tea with you at all times...the bigger one is for loose tea leaves and the smaller one for tea bags btw hihi
Omg omgggg, friend, the gay firefighters have taken over my shipping juices since February and won't give them back for nothing 😅 Not gonna lie, a big part of my enjoyment comes from the way it's more of an ensemble show and how they incorporated canon gay and lesbian couples in the main cast (yes, you heard right! POC lesbian main character firefighter!!!!! I am still crushing on her and her wife omfg) and those two blorbos with the most excellent little boy (Chris 🧡) made me read the trope friends to husbands (as in “24hrs marriage speedrun” lets get married - why not right now - alright then) with glee and acceptance of in-character choices that got them there. They are so idiotic sometimes but also so so intelligent 😂✌️
Do you have a favorite artist? Favorite ice cream? (mine is ben and Jerry's cookie dough lol) is there a favorite holiday sweet you always Es eat this time of year?
All the best and warm greetings from a little blanket burrito called Ela ✨🧡
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sampoststuff · 2 years
For the opinion thing, Jarod and Robert.
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Jarod is on the left, and Robert is on the right. So explaining Jarod:
He got both too much and too little screen time. Like the man’s got seven encounters, which honestly I’m all for, I just wish everyone else got that too. And I also think that, while all of his are pretty solid encounters, I think there could’ve been more moments showing a softer aspect of him. We mainly get this in Beat It, Roll With It, and Walk the Dinosaur, where there are moments where he’s talking about Lola in softer aspects (before it mostly turning into something bad/ending abruptly depending on the encounter), and even then he never talks about how he felt about it all. I mean, you can clearly tell how he feels by his actions, which is good! But that small part of me would like to see an encounter where he talks about it a tad more again and about maybeee a smidge about himself.
He’s objectively a horrible person by killing people, especially when most are Brigades who are just caught in the cross fire presumably (kill cops tho and Robert go off). No one’s arguing that. The man does have his limits I believe, and won’t kill on a whim, like in Take Your Time (Do It Right), he’ll just let the player go. And considerably he’ll give the player character warnings when he will kill them and the game offers you chances and dialogue to avoid that. In canon too he spares Sonya, realizing finally that she tried to save Lola.
The deeper than he seems sentiment mostly goes off the top points. He’s not like any other taxi cab serial killer lmao. Mentally ill about this man
Anyway if he were real I’d be scared but also lowkey I’d trust him to hold my drink or stuff anywhere. And also I’m carrying this man in a handbag and he’s a blorbo of mine fr fr.
Also anything I write with him even though I try to be close as possible to canon mannerisms will differ so like, technically whatever I write and what I like with writing him isn’t canon. Also I blame the discord for some thoughts with him. If you know then you know
I love his vibe and how he pulls it off physically. Also mans looks like a scrunky man and I love that for him.
I would be scared and or uncomfortable around him irl and I’m not trusting him to hold my drinks.
Sideburns don’t like but it’s also lowkey funny lol. Balderino over here lolll
Anyway now that the joke stuff is out of the way with Robert, i don’t actively dislike him, but I don’t really like his actions per say. He recruits and uses kids actively for his cause, and like, I feel like anyone reasonable should be like “AYO they got under developed brains and are fragile why the hell are we recruiting them?” Granted, I don’t know what a country like Petria is like to live in, so maybe there’s some differences in that aspect, but that’s just me chief.
On that note, I do think he is a deeper character. I think maybe before the attack in 86, he had concern for his members just as much as he was concerned for the cause. However, after all those deaths, he got motivated in a way that was more on the protest and violence side, kinda like how John is more motivated for a less violent route with the Brigades. His mind is just so focused on the cause now that it doesn’t matter who he recruits or how he reaches his end goal, so long as he reaches it.
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samdaharu · 3 years
Blorbo ask game - Nodame Cantabile
Sorry for the delay in answering, babysitting doggo makes it hard to words, more than usual.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Nodame. It’s Nodame. Of course it’s Nodame. I vibe with her a lot, I share a lot of her joys and anxieties, and she’s just a super fun character ❤
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): If i’m allowed, Nodame again (points at profile image). If not, Mine Ryutaro. He’s basically a golden retriever.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Masumi. They’re fun to watch, and they keep close contact with Nodame after she moves abroad. Also not explicitly trans but none of the jokes are aimed at them, so they’re able to breathe as a character.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): I’m not sure there are any characters that fit this category, if i’m honest. But I do like seeing Elise whenever she shows up.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Franz Von Stresemann. Sure it’s all played for laughs, and he’s a great conductor but holy shit how has this guy not been arrested yet (that we know of)? Probably Elise. Yeah, definitely Elise.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): CHIAKI. I do enjoy seeing him taken down a few pegs and I do like to watch him suffer. In a fun way, of course ^_^ As long as the character development sticks this time.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Nodame’s childhood piano teacher that almost killed her love for music for good. Fuck that guy.
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