#it hit me like a train last night when i thought about it HAHAH
ehnrat · 1 year
oright, Bunie utau voicebank is DISCONTINUED, he is NO MORE >:0 i found it too high to be fitting for the voice i imagine him with, HOWEVER, it will be assigned to another oc, Léo :>
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another character from the Imaginaire comic that attends the same college as Dai (first appearance in episode 5). I haven't gotten to establish yet in the comic, but he and Rubi become friends eventually due to sharing the same interest in dressing up (and Léo getting her into anime/manga)
I thought it would be way cuter and more fitting for these two to be Utauloids and sing duets <3333
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manggojooz · 5 years
Foolish Love, Fake Love (Part 6)
pairing: idol!Jungkook x bodyguard!reader
word count: ~3,300
genre: idol!au; angst; romance; drama; enemies to lovers sort of thing
warnings: none
previous part: Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
summary: If all you can give me is a fake love, then I will be the fool to pretend that it is all true.
Taglist: @a-hopelessly-imaginative-girl @dollwithluv  @sweetcheeksdna  @yeontanie21 @peachygiraffe14  @jeontaes-world 
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One. Two. One. Two.  
The thuds on the punching bag resounded around the warehouse. Your knuckles made cracking sounds after the hours of practice. Your shins were swollen from repeatedly hitting the stiff black fixture. The sweat on your forehead continued to drip down onto your lashes.  
“Come and take a break Y/N”, a much younger and more energetic Ssam Chun shouted at you. Your breathing was heavy as you sat down next to Ssam Chun on the cold hard floor.  
“Ya, how many times do I have to tell you... if you keep pushing yourself like this, it won’t do you any good” Ssam Chun handed you a neon-coloured isotonic drink.  
“How’s the new girl?”, you questioned him instead of responding to his nagging. 
“Yuri? That girl... she’s been whining the whole morning about how her hands hurt,” Ssam Chun snorted, “... she reminds me of you when you just started training haha, do you remember that you used to cry because-”
“Excuse me, nobody cried...”, you were rather offended. You were certain it was just a little tearing and not crying.  
SsamChun puts on his best judging face and then gave a little sigh, “But now you don’t make a sound even after hitting that thing for a good one hour straight... sometimes I wonder is this what humans are like?”  
“What do you mean?” you asked in between a huge gulp of the weird-tasting drink.  
Ssam Chun grabbed your hand and pushed the bandages on your knuckles aside, revealing your red puffy joints.  
“It’s not that the pain isn’t there anymore... look at this... but why do you not feel it anymore?”, he asked.  
For a moment you thought he was making an attempt to nag at you again, but he was not.  
A bolt of light flashes and you look up sharply, hands still holding on loosely to the bracelet bearing the carving. ″5.2″.  
“Oh hahah I thought it would good to capture your reaction when you first see the bracelet”, a man holding a chunky camera quickly proceeded to explain as he notices your expression.  
“This is Jason, Y/N. He's the main photographer today...”, and then the assistant director’s voice trailed off in your mind again as you refocused on the bracelet in your hands.  
How much does Jungkook hate this arrangement? How much does he hate you? To the extent that he would engrave the clause number “5.2” onto this bracelet. Now it didn’t look like a jewellery, now it looks like a handcuff. One that intends to constantly remind you that you are imprisoned in this arrangement too.  
The assistant director was still kind and gentle as she helped you to put on the bracelet and as she explained that the focus of the photos would not be on your face but she joked that you still shouldn’t make funny expressions lest it makes Jungkook laugh instead.  
“Are we starting yet?”, Jungkook walked over and peeked at the bracelet which was now securely circling your wrist, the corner of his lips involuntarily raising a little.  
The photography session was quick, they only wanted one or two good shots after all.  
One of Jungkook’s hand was on your waist, his other hand holding onto yours which was placed on his chest, exhibiting the bracelet that felt cursed. Your back was facing the camera and Jason instructed you to rest your head on Jungkook’s shoulder.  
As if there were a thousand needles poking through his shoulder, you carefully pretended to rest your head, the side of your chin barely even touching the material of that fancy jacket he donned. Your other hand hovering behind his back not daring to touch him at all.  
The thin air between you and him formed the thickest barrier in this world. “Looking good, both of you...” Jason continued to say encouraging words as you listened to the shutter click away.  
Jungkook stepped away quickly once Jason shouted “OK! Done!” and now your hands were just hovering in thin air.  
You again felt that ghostly feeling of someone watching you but as you looked around there was no one suspicious at all.  
“We are leaving soon, go get changed.” Jungkook whispered in a hushed tone.  
You looked at him icily, not saying a word before stalking off.  
From then on time passed peacefully on the surface for a few days.  
The drill was simple. Wake up, go to work, look out for suspicious people around the boys, have lunch with Yuri, sometimes the managers joined you girls, head home when the boys’ schedule ends, make sure to check their apartment for any intruders or suspicious activities and then turning in for the night.  
The days were always long, as one would expect. During these long days you could not help but occasionally notice the metal cuff on your wrist. Every time you observed it, it hurts a little less.  
He hardly spoke to you ever, only meeting your eyes unintendedly now and then. There was once he looked at you for more than five seconds because your phone was ringing incessantly and Yuri had picked it up and yelled at the other side to “stop calling already!”  
But the moment you locked eyes with him, he looked away nonchalantly, without even blinking.  
The main schedule of the day is a filming for their own programme. The company had rented out a small studio near the office for the filming. It had been going on for hours and you had not bothered to go in to watch the progress.  
From the glass window you were sitting next to, you could see the sun slowly setting, indicating the near end of another tiresome day. You hear someone walking towards you and from the corner of your eyes it looked like a shadow – it must be Yuri.  
In her usual full black attire, Yuri strolls up to you, “I thought you would more excited to watch them film such things than I would be...,” she sat down next to you on the artsy looking bench in front of the clear window.  
“I should be excited...” you muttered and could not help glancing at the bracelet on your wrist.  
Yuri sighed, “It must be hard to know that all the while what you thought he was... was not real... but I don’t think he’s a bad person... you guys just met under the wrong circumstances.”  
“Actually... I’ve been avoiding him not because I think he is bad or anything... I mean yes he’s not the nicest to me but if I were in his shoes maybe I'd be the same too,” it was difficult for you to gather how you really felt, “but I feel somewhat bad about being his fan previously... I’m not sure if I’m feeling this way because now I realise everything was fake or was it because I realised how foolish I was then.”  
Yuri’s expression suddenly turned very serious, “What’s wrong with being a fan? You said so yourself to me... You like his music, you like the way he works hard to deliver his performances and you like the way he communicates with his fans, so what’s wrong with being his fan? Why do you need to feel bad now...”
Before Yuri could finish her counselling session with you, a bunch of people started flowing out into the hallway where both of you were seated – a familiar sight of people carrying clothing racks, huge boxes, files, cameras and all that fancy stuff.  
The last of the people to exit were a few of the boys and the managers. Myunghoon was around today too, it had been a while since you saw him with the other managers. He tilted his head slightly to signal that it was time for you two to get going too.  
Springing back on to your feet you walked up together with Yuri, gathering in the middle of the hallway. “We are still waiting a few of them to finish up...” Myunghoon said.
“I’ll go use the washroom for a moment then,” you whispered to him and he gave you a little nod.  
The water flushes really loudly and you used it to your advantage to cover up the sigh you let out, even though when you entered you were sure that there was no one else around.  
What was wrong with you? Yuri was right, you never thought of Jungkook as anything more than an idol that you liked because of their music and their performances. What were you so hurt over? You are feeling increasingly like an idiot by now.  
Just then, darkness suddenly surrounded you – the lights in the washroom had gone off. Immediately, you snapped out of all those thoughts and returned to the alertness that defined your occupation.  
With your left hand slowly grasping the door lock on your cubicle, you carefully tried to open the door. The door wouldn’t move. That was when you realised this was definitely not a simple power trip, someone must be outside.  
Without any warning to whoever was out there, you rammed your side into the cubicle door trying to barge through it. You could hear some shuffling noises and you made no attempt to say anything as you knew there would be no favourable response anyway.  
Your second attempt to burst through the door showed promising results, but the mysterious assailant shoved the door hard causing you to tumble back a step. Just then a shrill voice shouted through the rustic silence “I hate you!! You should die!!”  
You were stunned for a moment, but quickly lunged for the door again while shouting back, “Who are you?!”  
Then the final act came pouring down on you, quite literally. There was water everywhere, pelleting down on you harder than a thunderstorm. You could hardly keep your eyes open as you tried to look up for the source of the downpour.  
“YA!!! Who are you?!” you continued shouting. There was no response and no matter how hard you pushed the door would not budge anymore. You finally managed to find a blind spot from the storm in the cubicle and saw that the mugger had thrown two huge hoses over the top of the cubicle door, which were now spraying waterfalls onto you.  
The cubicle was completely sealed other than the top. You hastily took out your handphone and dialed for Yuri.  
“Yuri, someone attacked me in the toilet... don’t ask for the details now, I'm fine... it’s a girl I think... she might still be in the building,” there was not a moment to waste as you called Yuri to action.  
Once you hung up, you put down the toilet seat cover and mounted it. It was a good thing the cubicle walls were sturdy enough to sustain your weight as you lifted yourself up over it into the adjacent cubicle. Once you were out of your confinement, you saw that your cubicle door was blocked by one of those huge carts that the janitors use. Almost on the verge of swearing, you turned off the hoses and dashed out, avoiding looking at your state in the mirrors.  
You dashed across the hallway, leaving a trail of water behind you. Myunghoon stared at you in shock as you tried to run past him.  
“Where are you going?!” he shouted and grabbed you by the arms.  
“She must still be around, we need to find her!” you yelled back.  
“Yuri and the rest are looking for her” he chanted repeatedly as he dragged you towards the studio. Myunghoon pulls you through the studio set into the dressing room at the back. Seokjin, Yoongi and Jungkook were still in the room packing up their things and they looked visibly shocked when Myunghoon pulled you into the room.  
“Hyung.. What happened?” Jin stammered.  
“Maybe you guys should clear out, on your way out can you get one of the other managers to look for some towels or clothes... I’m not sure if they have any spare though...” Myunghoon was aware that you probably hated to be seen in this state.  
To be fair, at this point you could not really be bothered by how they saw you anymore, but you still wanted to avoid any awkward conversations or eye contact.  
“I have some spare clothes,” Jungkook said a little hesitantly.  
“You do? It's spare or you need them for later?” Myunghoon marched over almost immediately.  
“I was planning to go to the gym after this so I brought some clothes...” just as his sentence ended Myunghoon snatched the bag from Jungkook’s hands.  
“Thank you very much then if that’s the case,” Myunghoon chirped. Jungkook look slightly taken aback though.  
You had been staring at an empty space on the floor for a while now, hoping they would hurry settle it and leave but then a white patch appears before your eyes. 
“I have a spare towel... thought I would sweat a lot from today’s filming but I didn’t get to use...” Yoongi muttered, his words slurring as always. There was hardly an expression on his face as he offered the pristine towel to you, raising it closer to your face when you failed to accept it.  
“Ah... thank you...” you replied as you took it.  
With that they left the room and you were on your own to clean up the mess that was yourself. 
Sejoon shoves a cup of hot tea into a whiny Jungkook’s hands.  
“What are you complaining about? Do you think she wanted it to happen? I know it’s not your fault that those sasaengs are crazy... but it’s not her fault either! And whose fault is it that her name has to be thrown out there as your fake girlfriend?” a rather stern Sejoon was chiding Jungkook to deliver the tea to you. 
Jungkook turned silent for a moment. The past few days he had been so immersed in his inability to control the public sentiment, and the lousy circumstances that made him unable to clarify and say what he wanted to. There was a lot he was not satisfied with, including how you, a fan, was allowed to be his bodyguard. He momentarily questions if he is taking out too much of his dissatisfaction on you.  
“You guys should have never let her become our bodyguard...” Jungkook gripes one last time and Sejoon was just about to tear him a new one but Jungkook escapes with the hot tea in his hands.  
“Yes, come in please,” you answered the knocks on the dressing room door while continuing to squeeze the moisture out of your heavily drenched hair.  
You sat up tensely when it was Jungkook who entered.  
He cleared his throat awkwardly as he notices you were now wearing his baggy black T-shirt and track suit pants. They were obviously ill-fitting and he wondered if you had always been this small; he never really noticed it.  
“Sejoon hyung said you should have some hot tea before we go off, they are still looking for the attacker...” he murmured as he places the cup onto the table in front of you.  
“Thanks...” you whispered back.  
He sits down on the couch opposite you and you looked at him in surprise.  
“Is it your first time meeting a sasaeng?” he asked curiously. 
You were suddenly reminded of the time he suggested that you could be a sasaeng too and a wave of emotions hit you again to know that you were being compared to this type of horror.  
In your trance you sarcastically replied, “Well I guess other than myself, this is probably a first.”  
He looked at you nervously, knowing clearly that you were referring to his past statement. He took a deep breathe before apologising, “I’m sorry for insinuating that you were a sasaeng... I was just really annoyed at that time...”  
You still looked at him coldly, his words only confirming the fact that he took out his annoyance on you.  
“Forget it...”  you responded after a pause, “I can see why you are so sensitive if such things can happen anytime like this.”  
He was so shocked that you let the topic go so easily that he blinked a few times confusedly.  
“It used to be worse,” he quickly said, as if he wanted to avoid giving you any chance to go back to being angry. “When I first encountered them I got so angry... scared... they would say such weird things and I had no idea what I was supposed to do or feel. But... nowadays I don’t feel it that much anymore, most of the time at least, but once in a while when it gets really serious I guess I still feel something...”  
He observed you carefully as he rambled on but you were busy packing all the wet clothes into a plastic carrier that Myunghoon had left with you.  
Without much warning to him and as you were stuffing Yoongi’s towel into the carrier, you suddenly asked “But why do you not feel it anymore?”
His gaze on you changed into one with a shallow depth. After a moment of contemplation, he seems to have found the answer.  
“For survival... how else do you think I am able to live if every such thing is going to get to me?”  
“So does that mean you regret choosing to be an idol?” you continued probing.  
He frowns at you, “Do you regret becoming a bodyguard?”
“At times... but mostly no,” you answered.  
“It’s the same for me too. At times, some times when I really cannot ignore it, I do regret. Why did you choose to do this though?” he felt this conversation was rather intriguing.  
“It was the one thing I could do I guess... or rather the one thing I could do and which made me feel like I am alive... That it was worth my time and my life”, you tried to summarise your thoughts.  
“Feel alive... Is it how it’s like in the movies? When something dangerous happens and you put yourself in danger to protect your “clients” and that makes you feel alive?” he asked a bit too earnestly.  
It was as if the time had hit a pause button, you couldn’t move at all. You never really thought about why you felt this way doing this job after all these time.  
He laughed softly, “They make me feel that way too...”, he concluded. The annoyance was returning back to him. He was ready to get up, dismayed to be reminded that it is the attacks, the harsh comments, the antis and the sasaengs who constantly remind him of his duties as an idol; is that what feeling alive is supposed to be then?
“There is a little girl I know who used to be really scared of “monsters” living under her bed...” you began saying out of the blue, “She would always beg me to check under her bed every night before she would sleep. I did it every night for her... It meant the world to a three-year-old. The way she thanked me and relied on me helped me survive the times when I felt like I had no other value in this world. She made me feel alive.”
Jungkook looks at you intently as you continued, “I don’t know if you get my point but it’s not about how much danger I overcame or how much pain I had to endure or what greatness I achieved. In the end I felt alive because I touched another life – I valued her and in turn, she valued me.”  
If he said he understood what you were trying to tell him it would probably be a lie, but he felt like it meant something more than he could comprehend in that instant.  
You stood up straight to try to match his height, “Don’t feel alive because of the bad things you have to go through. Look at all your fans who have been touched by you... the fans who love you. Feel alive for them.”
With that you thought the conversation was done and you picked up the bag of clothes, turning to head out of the room.  
“Were you...” his voice puts a stop to your steps, “one of them?”  
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lia-the-potato05 · 4 years
Ler Mood
Reader (Ler) x Jimin (Lee)
Description: In which you're in Ler mood and you wanted to tickle Jimin
Author: This is my first ever tickle fic🙈 I felt nervous as f*ck, debating wether it was a good idea to post this or not but eventually I did😐. Anyways Im still new to writing so please excuse all the errors here I feel lazy to edit them😂 so other than that uhm I hope you enjoy😬
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You're just not feeling it today. You sat on the couch boredom taking over your system making you feel like exploding. What's worse is that you're in Ler mood right now and you have this dying urge to tickle someone. But alas its just you alone in your apartment.
You let out a small whine as you slid down your couch slowly making your way to the cold tiled floor
*Knock Knock* Your eyes lit up when you knew someone was outside. I wonder who it is. You stood up and made your way to door, opening it to find out that it was your good ol friend Jimin.
"Jimin! It's nice to see you come in" You smiled gesturing the male to enter inside
"Thanks, It's nice to see you too, I brought some popcorn wanna binge watch some movies?"
"Hell yeah!"
And just like that both you and Jimin spent the last few hours watching movie. There are instances wherein you'd forget your in ler mood but it was still there and you'd be reminded of it from time to time.
You'd be looking at Jimin from time to time wondering if he is ticklish. The curiosity in you made you tempted to attack him with tickles at any moment. But... For some reason you felt to embarrass or scared to do it
"Y/N?" Jimin's voice snapped you out of your train of thoughts. You turned your head to him responding with a hum "You good? You look so uneasy for some reason, wanna check and see if you're ok"
You let out a sigh, you can't f*cking take it anymore. You turned your entire body facing the male with a deadass serious face. "Jimin..." You started off
"Y-yeh?" The male stuttered. He was confused for a sec, wondering why your suddenly like this
"How well can you handle tickles?" You asked, crossing your arms. Your question took Jimin by surprise
"I- uh... Not so well I guess, I'm real ticklish w-why?" Jimin scratch his nape. You suddenly smirked at him
"Good" You then tackled the male to the couch without him being able to react in time. With your swift hands you grabbed a thin rope and bind his hands together securing them above his head.
Jimin looked at you in horror. All weird thoughts consuming his minds. Knowing exactly what assumptions his making you spoke up
"Chill...I'm not doing any of that shet, I'm just simply wanting to satisfy my needs, not just how you think of it" Jimin looked at you in pure confusion "You'll see" You smiled sweetly at him
Without wasting time you decided to go easy on him first. "Boop" You said as you poked his sides
"Y-Y/N" He giggled "What are you doing?"
"What else you think I'm doing" You look at him innocently before poking his sides again. Jimin giggled again amd that's when you started poking both his sides fastly
"Y/N! Hahahahaha stohohohop thahahahat!" Jimin's giggles were getting louder
"Your laugh is too cute why should I?" You began scratching his sides as you started moving your fingers all over his tummy.
"Nohohohohohoho!" Jimin's eye smile started to display as he shook his head side to side wiggling under your weight.
"Yes~" You teased. After a minute or so you stopped giving him time to breath.
"Why are you so cute?"
"I'm not!"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, let's continue now shall we?" You clapped your hands with a smile. You then reached into your pocket pulling out a  cute small feather.
A smirk was on your face as you slowly lift up Jimin's shirt. Slowly you dragged the feather around his cute tummy drawing patterns. Once again he burst out into cute lil giggles. "Y/N! hahahahahaha"
"Does this tickle? Is wittle Jiminie ticklish? Coochi coochi coo~" You teased him. Making him a blush as giggles continue spilling out of his mouth.
If you were wondering what's Jimin thinking about at the moment or how his feeling, strangely he was enjoying it. He wasn't a fond of being tickled, but you, you made tickling feel different to him. Like he wanted more of your attention as you do this to him.
"You're belly button looks cute too I wonder what will happen if I-" You then started placing the tip of the feather on his belly button then started swirling it around the area "Do this".
Jimin had a bright smile on his face, his giggles filling inside the room as you witness floods of tears escaping his eyes.
After minutes you gave him another break. The boy was already a sweaty mess, panting, tears at the corner of his eyes and his face so close to a tomato.
"Now now Y/N you had your fun, you can untie me now"
"C'mon don't act like you don't enjoyed it"
"I- uh..." Jimin started blushing. He got caught off guard when you face was suddenly so close to his.
"So you enjoyed it didn't you?" You smirked, finding his flustered state utterly adorable "Now tell me Jimin... Where is your worst spot?" You asked
"I-...I'm not telling!"
"Feeling a little bratty ey...Fine don't tell me, I'll just have to find out myself then" Jimin gulped, What did i get myself into?
"Now where should I start? I've already seen your sides and tummy, I doubt your feet is ticklish seen Hobi done that before, Hmmmm what about" You started going for his thighs giving it a couple of squeezes making him giggle.
"Well... Its something but not the reaction I was hoping" You stopped going for his thighs as you then went to his ribs. Using your thumbs to rub it against every rib, aswell as wiggling your fingers in between each rib
"Y/N!" He screeched
"Hmmm not quite" You pouted as you stopped tickling him. Suddenly a memory hit you "Ah I remember now" You smirked
Your eyes suddenly diverted to his underarms. "I remember you mentioning it in front of Hobi once how could I forget?" You face palmed
Jimin taking in what you said suddenly felt nervous. "Y-Y/N? What are you talking about?"
"You'll see...this is what happens for not telling me" You pulled his shirt up until his underarms were exposed enough for you to attack. "But I'd find out one way or another" You attack his pits wiggling your fingers fastly on the flesh, receiving the reaction you were hoping to get
"Y/N! NOHOHOHOHO NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHEREEE PLEHEHEHEASSEEE" Jimin squealed, his laugh got louder as he squeezed his eyes shut , hands balled up into a fist, arms harshly tugging on the rope and his head going side to side. He couldn't escape this torture and he had no choice but to endure it. But he was enjoying himself anyways
"Tickle tickle tickle Jimin~ Your so cute~ You like being tickled here don't you?~ This is such a good spot I can tickle here for hours" You teased
"Stohohohohohop with thehehe teheheheheasseesss" He blushed a bright red color, more tears streaming from his cheeks
After a while you finally stopped. You untied his hands and got off of him. The boy hugged his body giggling, the tickling feeling still there.
"I hahahate you" He glared at you "But...your lucky I actually had fun" his words made you smile
"But don't you think I won't get revenge for this" Jimin suddenly stood up wiggling his fingers infrot of you
"Oh sh*t" You suddenly ran. Jimin chased you all around your place. He then tackled you to the ground and that's when tickle fight has begun.
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boywivlove · 5 years
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| Lutz | 01 
Chapters | 02
Pairing: Past Hoseok x Reader | Eventual Jimin x Reader
Genre: Figure skating AU | Slight angst | Fluff
Words: 1K +
Summary : After your last performance at the Junior world championships leaves you with a broken leg, your longtime boyfriend and team mate Jung Hoseok decides to partner with someone else and sign with a new agency  for the next competition, leaving you behind with the remains of a severed relationship. 2 years go by and your leg has long since healed, but a nasty blow to your confidence has put you off the idea of return to the competition circuit after being left behind. But when a chance meeting with an old friend catches you by surprise, you find yourself with a new partner. And after working hard you end right back where everything went wrong. But this time your going to show just far you’ve come.
Warnings : Mentions of broken bones and injury | some strong language |
Authors Note: Heyyyy SO Im still here haha, Ive been so busy with work and getting ready for christmas Ive not had time to write, but hopefully people are still here and want to read my skater AU hahah >W<
Its funny how things can change so quickly. You feel like everything just fits together, like a jigsaw portraying the image of your perfect life. You never really think about the perfection shattering like a mirror and you, being left to pick up the pieces of your once perfect reflection. Some things are just not meant to last forever I guess.
It was currently autumn time in your small little town, the leaves had long since shifted from lush greens into the beautiful hues of orange and red, like fire lining the cobbled streets. The chill in the air calling for thick winter wear and stalls of delicious hot foods perfect for this kind of weather. Yet as you walk the busy street, your once beloved time of year now only brought you broken memories and an ache in your bones you couldn’t seem to shift. 
You readjusted your messenger bag as you opened the door to the small coffee shop, the bell chiming as you felt the warmth kiss your frostbitten cheeks. It had been two years to the day when your dreams were ripped away from you. It was in this very cafe that you remember every detail of that night, every word he spoke to try and make you see his point of view, as if to soften the blow of his abandonment. Who was he trying to kid? His name was Jung Hoseok, Jhope in the figure skating circles. Yes, THAT Jung Hoseok. Lovable bad boy Pro skater Jung. god. damn. Hoseok. It was such a bad break up, if you could call it a break up. More like complete abandonment in your opinion. Who the hell abandons their girlfriend and skating partner for competition? Him thats who. 
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It all happened at the junior world championships. You and Hoseok had been partners for 10 years, ever since you could balance on your skates. and for 5 years you had been a couple going strong. All the training you put in had led up to that moment, the moment to prove yourselves and be scouted out by the mass of agencies that had attended in hopes of snatching some new blood. It was finally your turn and you both breezed through the routine, the toe loops? no sweat. the Salchows were child’s play for you both. But then came the triple lutz. You had practices this particular move almost a hundred times and every time you were near perfect. But that one particular moment. The one time you needed to be flawless, lady luck decided fortune was not in the cards for you. You lost footing mid air and Boom. One broken femur and a trip to the hospital later you felt your ego bruised and your chances of being talent scouted shot.
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It was two months later into your recovery Hoseok had asked you to meet at the cafe you sat in now, four booths over in fact. You had arrived a little late due to your injury inconvenience. He had ordered your favourite hot drink, peppermint hot chocolate and asked how you were. You didn’t think nothing of it but he had been distant since the accident. It wasn’t anything you felt you had to worry about, you were confined to the house the majority of your time after being released from the hospital so it was natural to you you hadn’t seen him in weeks. It was only when he cleared his throat and bit his lip you knew something was on his mind, it was a habit he had since he was a kid. Time seemed to slow down in that moment as your world caved in from under you.
“hey listen,, this is a little hard for me to say…”
“oh? is everything alright? I know we haven't been able to practice in a while but once im all healed-”
“no no its,,, look Y/N ill be straight with you.”
“ o- ok?”
“Y/N,, I want to go somewhere with my figure skating. and with you off the ice for the foreseeable,,,, I dont think I can go anywhere.”
“ oh… uh- so,, are you saying you want to go solo?”
“Not quite,,, aghhh listen, after your accident I realised were on different levels in our skating, this just proves it. This competition should have been easy for us and you go and break your leg for fucks sake,”
“oh like it was my intention to make an idiot of myself out there? How can you blame me for that?! Hoseok if you just wait we can work, I can work on my routines. i ca-”
“Y/N I cant say thins any other way but, I got a call from the S.F.S.A and they want me in their program. They’ve partnered me with a great skater and she-”
“Wait… you've already signed with them,,, and got a new partner. Hoseok I cant… I cant believe you. We always said we skate together or not at all. and you know how much I wanted us to get into S.F.S.A TOGETHER? Its like you dont care about anything we worked towards… and just because I broke my leg? … I just. I cant believe you.”
“come on Y/N dont be like this. This is a big opportunity for me. The Seoul Figure Skating Association in a BIG deal. I thought you’d understand. Your my girlfriend why are you being like this”
“Im HURT Hobi!? The slightest inconvenience and you throw me away? ,,,”
The silence was deafening as the two of you sat in that booth, The lighting overhead made Hobis blonde tips look almost white, and your eyes shimmer with unshed tears. It was as if the Hobi you knew, the man you’d loved since childhood had disappeared the moment he sat down. After all the hard work and effort you had put in, both in your teamwork and relationship, was it all for nothing. 
“I dont think this is gonna work between us anymore… Things, things change. People change and, I want this Y/N. I cant wait for you anymore.”
Those few sentences broke your heart. With nothing else to say to him you stood up, your crutches steadying you as you said nothing, what could you say to someone who just threw away everything you had together for a chance at bettering his career,,, a career you both put so much effort into. A career he was perusing with someone new. Hoseok stood with you when you struggled to adjust your bag around your head, he looked as though he wanted to help you, but the angry tears threatening to spill out of your reddening eyes was enough to tell him not to. As you made your way to the entrance you looked back at him, his face was masked in an almost pained expression, his cheeks were starting to pinken and his jaw was shaking slightly as thought he was about to cry. You left the shop before you could hear him saying its for the best. if that was what he thought then he can leave you. You were just thrown to the kerb and in that moment. your perfect world had shattered. your reflection left broken into pieces on the floor.
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So, two years later and here you sit, in the same cafe, looking over to the booth your whole life came crashing down. Your leg had healed well, and you took back to the ice almost instantly to train yourself up again, but after the pain of losing your partner on and off the ice, you just couldn’t find the confidence you once had. It was as if your competitive lust for figure sating had left you with Hobi. It was after your loss of confidence your mental health took an even bigger hit, you felt yourself declining from the world and the people around you as you just got by day to day. You felt you could heal from what happened physically, but not mentally. But all grey clouds have a silver lining, days went by, the sun came up, and you eventually felt like yourself again. It took a lot, but it was the lack of self confidence in yourself that led you to your current occupation, your local ice rink had an opening for the overseeing the beginners lessons for ages 5-10, as much as you wished you could get back to being the skater you once were, the kids have grown on you. Your days that were filled with dull moping around the now very single woman’s apartment was now filled with tiny rosy cheeked little faces eager to learn. and everyday you felt yourself becoming more and more like yourself. And its this part of your life when you meet someone who turns it all around for you.
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neomysterio · 5 years
“I’m decent when I need to be, but I believe someone is taking shots every time I monologue here,” he says flatly. “ I wouldn’t want to put someone on the deathbed - at least here. Maybe later as the night moves forward, but…” Quentin trailed off for a few moments. “I’m not here to give you advice.”
“I’m also not here to give you relationship pointers.” Not even if he wanted to truly - that wasn’t why he was here. Any other time? Maybe he would have given something, but it was truly doubtful. “I didn’t want to find anyone.”
“All I wanted to do after the events with Logan was either retire fully or slaughter the first person I came across. It just happened to be my current boyfriend,” he said pausing. “I was angry. Really angry…. all I wanted was to rip him apart, but then he made one of his usual jokes. Really, I don’t even know what it was, and I told him… I would stop fighting him if we met over dinner.”
Of course, the reality of the fact was much more complicated than that; it was actual work on many fronts along with actual bonding on levels that Quentin didn’t think possible, but he wanted to stop fighting the other. Maybe in some ways he wanted something more - he just wasn’t exactly sure if he should admit the truth or not.
“That isn’t to say we don’t have our… problems. I’ve hit him with a train multiple times, burned him, ran him over by a car, and even have erased parts of his memory. Not to mention,” he said, pausing, “a few other choice things i’d rather not speak about.”
“I suppose you could call it a work in progress. We were bitter enemy’s for quite some time, but I suppose now things are better. I have him in my bed every night and we actually are,” Quentin trailed off for a moment, eyes lowering to the ground before shifting back to the other, “Quite happy together. Despite all our differences.”
“You see, when he first asked me to move in with him… I didn’t want to. I didn’t even want to think about it, but I told him that if we were moving in together? It would be for good - that we’d work through things. The good, the bad, and… the times I want to rip him apart.” Or so he thought at least, but the reality was not everything was as it seemed, but he was at least being honest… in some parts at least.
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“All I know is… I want to spend the rest of my life with him. It doesn’t matter if I have to give up being Mysterio. I’d do it in a heartbeat for him… on most days.”
Neo laughed. Not a sneering, mocking laugh, it was a genuine one.
Did his counterpart ever hear something like that? When was the last time Neo... laughed? For real?
“Oh, hahah, I’m sorry,” he said, wiping a tear from his eye.
“It’s just.... why did I expect any other answer? Why did I even ask?”
Beck paused a moment, taking a sip of his drink.
“Look. What you have with him... it sounds.. nice. I only wish the best for you with him, even if there are... ah, severe bumps in the road. Maybe one day your anger will die down, maybe you’ll finally be content with what you have. Someday. 
Keep working at it. As stupid as it sounds, I believe in you. It sounds like you have a real keeper on your hands, albeit the whole thing seems... toxic, but there is always room for improvement. I’m sure things will work out.”
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He chuckled again.
“Wait a minute, I asked you for help, and here I am giving you my support. Shows you where my mind is... I can’t properly even hold a simple conversation right, ugh.
I don’t know what lies in store for me and Otto... I suppose one day I should just... go for it? As... tough as that sounds... Maybe it will be fine. Maybe I’m just being a.... ugh. 
Whatever. I guess tonight has my feelings all twisted up and mangled together. I hate it.
Anyways, got any plans for tonight? I have a few plots myself, perhaps we could tag team a few, if you are game.”
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tealquacks · 6 years
The Song Of The Cliffs- chapter twelve
Wilford suppressed a laugh. “Why? Is this about the doctor? It is, isn't it?”
“No,” Eddy yanked him along as they walked, “It's about you. About that siren. It doesn't exist, so the body will be down there.”
“It's real,” Wilford blabbed. Shit.
Edgar only rolled his tired looking eyes, but he let go of his arm at least. Wilford still followed as he walked, and they reached the cliffs. The bar, at least, wasn't that far of a walk from the cliffs. They peered over the edge, purposely ignoring the ship in the cliffs and choosing instead to gawk at the ruddy red rocks resting below. If Wilford hadn't seen Host fall and fall the night before, bones snapping like twigs, he would've thought it was rust of some sort. But knowing that was dried, sun baked blood, made it so much worse.
Edgar stared down emptily at it before quickly beginning to climb down the cliffs. Wilford almost brought up the ship, but really, Edgar would probably rather slice his hands open on the jagged cliffs than go through the open husk of the ship. Cowardly, that man. When they first met, it was at the bar, of course, before Wilford joined the army. They drank and talked all that night, seemingly the only two people left awake in the ocean town. He talked about how the prohibition was hurting his business, but how it would get better. “Besides,” he had said, “the cops- they don’t seem to give a good goddamn about little ol’ me.”
Nobody seemed to give a good goddamn about him, the scraggly bartender that couldn’t keep himself well kept, let alone keep himself together after his wife and child died. He was just the bartender, wasn’t he? The gun felt like it was digging into Wilford’s pocket as he climbed down. How easy would it be to shoot him, say it was an accident? Or knock him down onto the same rocks Host died on?
Since when, since when was it Wilford’s decision whether or not people died? Since when was he the great decision maker, bludgeoning Bim to death with the rock, letting Host fall, even all the way back to killing Mark. But those were all accidents! (Ignoring Bim, of course, but he had to do that for Dark. For Dark.)
He made up his mind then and there, looking down at Edgar and the beach, light, frothy waves smoothing everything. Once on the beach, he would kill him. Feed him to Dark. Leave him on the beach to rot. Whatever he did, he couldn’t let him live. For Dark.
The beach was beautiful as ever, the sand smooth and warm in the morning sun. The sea lapped at the beach in an endless rhythm, and Wilford was tempted to take off his shirt since the day was so hot. He would’ve, but remembering the little bites and scratches Dark had covered him with, decided against it. It wouldn’t matter in a minute, especially after the first shot is fired… What would become of the old bar after he died, Wilford wondered? Would it go up for auction just like Mark’s mansion, or would it be left to rot, old, old wood collapsing in on itself now that it wasn’t being cared for. Wilford chuckled- the bar was so much like the man who ran it.
“Wilford. Wilford!” Edgar snapped his fingers at him, Wilford jolting out of his thoughts. “He landed around here, didn’t he?”
Wilford nodded, setting his hand on the pocket with the gun in it. He turned away from Edgar, pretending to scavenge the rocks for Host’s body. Wilford took a look out at the beach, from the rocks clustered close to the cliffs that gradually shifted into the sand of the beach, then the ocean itself. Maybe Dark was watching him now, watching his fingers twitch as they craved for the jolt of a gun going off in them. Don’t worry, he wanted to tell Dark, it’ll all be over soon. Then I’ll go to you.
He turned around, feeling his heart race and his hands start shaking. Edgar was up to his knees in the ocean water, probably trying to see if Host’s body had gone out to sea. The wrecked ship loomed in the distance, down the cliff side but still standing proud despite its dilapidation. Wilford walked closer to Edgar, trying to keep his steps light in the roar of the sea. He could feel the blood pounding through his veins, every little nerve in his body alight with nervous energy and excitement, the same feelings that sent him down the cliffs to Dark, that let him kill Bim, that helped him drag Host to the maw of the ocean.
Eddy turned to face him, not doing much, just looking at him. Then, he spoke.
“You should warm people, if there’s actually a siren. I could get some people together, we could hunt it down.” He was laughing, knee deep in the ocean. “Instead of a drawing of a siren, we could have the whole damn thing. We could- hahah, we could stuff it!”
The image of Dark, still and lifeless, flashed behind his eyes. He drew his gun, holding it in one shaking hand, aiming for Eddy’s head. Messy hair. The man turned around, but Wilford couldn’t bring himself to fire. Eddy stood. Still. Shaking hands. His heart was racing in his chest as Eddy put up his hands in surrender, not saying a word. Wilford looked into the distance of the ocean, a small smile gracing his face as he loaded the gun, still squarely pointed at Eddy’s head.
“Wilford,” Eddy quietly begged, “put down the gun.”
The smile returned to Wilford’s face.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”
Edgar took a step forward. Wilford let him. The waves were pushing and pulling at them, roars sounding like the ambient sound of the war, back in the trench, back in the sea.
Eddy spoke quietly. “We won’t be finding Host’s body any time soon, will we?”
Another step forward. Hands still high in the air. He looked even more pathetic like this, soaked and dirty and fearful. Another step. What was the point? Shoot the bastard. Shoot him. Shoot.
“You killed him!”
“No, I didn’t. It was an accident.”
“Then where the fuck is his body?!?”
Wilford went silent, afraid to say any more. Realization hit Edgar like a train.
“The siren…”
“Is real? I’ve told you time and time again and only now do you believe me? God, Eddy! How dense are you? Look out there! At the ocean! Nobody has ever seen the whole of it so of course there could be a siren in those waters! And there is one!”
“Host was your friend! And you let that siren get him?”
Eddy took another step forward. So close that Wilford could smell alcohol on his uneven breaths. Was he drunk? Did he know what was going on? Wilford silently hoped he was drunk, that he thought all of this was a bad dream. Eddy’s hands looked like they were shaking. Wilford’s finger twitched at the trigger. Gazed out to the sea again, almost expecting to see Dark perched elegantly on a rock, smiling with his beautiful fangs, and it almost looked like he had the mouth of the tiger. It almost looked like his fangs were like white crystals in a geode. It was Bim, Host, and Mark, all in one smile, all of them trapped behind pretty teeth-
The gun wasn’t in his hands anymore. Wilford reeled back as he stared in front of him, gun now in Edgar’s hands. Held steady. His hair was a mess. Had he ever shot anyone before? No, he wouldn’t shoot him.
“Edgar, we can be… friendly about this. We’re friends, right?”
“You were going to shoot me! You tried to kill me!”
Wilford grinned wildly, hysteric.
“I never actively tried to, it’s all a misunderstanding- if you could give me the gun-“
He lunged at Edgar, who yelped and fell back, both of them now in the warm water. Wilford struggled to find the gun, which was still firmly in Edgar’s hand even as he thrashed and screamed, using up the precious oxygen in his lungs. Metal. Something metal. He grabbed something metal. The gun! He had it! Knees digging into Edgar’s chest, he glared down at him, knowing he looked soaked and psychotic. Trigger, where’s the trigger, where’s the gun even pointed to? Still struggling underneath him, Edgar moved his hand to the trigger. Wilford didn’t have time to stop him-
The gun went off with a bang. The water was running red. Whose blood was it? Edgar was shifting, standing quickly- oh. Oh. Oh no.
Wilford had been shot before, he took a bullet to the leg in the war. This was worse, this was different, the bullet firmly lodged in his chest. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t get his head above the water again. Edgar stared down at him, face obscured through the water. Wilford clutched at his chest, the pain so intense from the blood and the shot and the salt. Lungs burning. Everything burning. He heard a splash as Edgar dropped the gun, still looking horrified. The man pulled Wilford back bit by bit, until Wilford was heaving air and screaming, clawing at the wound. The bartender tried to put pressure on it, accidentally squeezing the wound and making it bleed worse. Idiot. Idiot! What’re you doing!
“I’m going to go get Edward,” Edgar sounded panicked, “I’ll be right back, I promise.”
I thought you cared about me, you bastard! Wilford wanted to yell, I thought you said you loved me! Stay! Save me, goddamnit!
But it was too late for that, wasn’t it..? Blood was pouring from the wound. Thick, hot blood that smelled like iron and ocean water, and he was absolutely soaked, his bag and the drawings inside it ruined. At least there was one in the bar. Hah. Edgar ran through the sand, and Wilford tried to crawl to him, being immediately blinded by pain. Blood wouldn’t stop soaking his shirt- he was losing a lot of it and it wouldn’t stop coming from the wound. Everything was dark and fuzzy as he saw a shadow streak through the water… his head rested on the sand. Light. The sun. Then, someone was on top of him. Face soft. Beautiful. Scared. No more sun. The person was casting a shadow. Dark. Dark. Dark.
“You need to go,” Wilford choked out, the pain nearly blinding to him, “He’ll come back, he’ll see you…”
Dark shook his head as the world spun once more, and Wilford felt himself being pulled into the ocean, watching as Edgar climbing up the cliffs became just a messy, blurred dot in the distance. The gun in the water was the last thing he saw before it all went dark.
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beeeskneeess · 2 years
Hello I hope you are well. I would love to do another reading exchange with you about fs first impression please. My initials are db 🍀🥺☺️
Your fs first impression of you:
A Good Night by John Legend
Right off the bat I think they will just be enamored by and fall for you right off the bat. They will be able to recognize you as their person from the beginning because of their experience in the past with dating. I feel like your fs has dated a lot and have entered into a lot of relationships prior to meeting. This will help them to recognize that the feelings they have for you are different than what they’ve had in the past. I feel like their spirit guides have a hand in that. Their eyes will follow you around the room like a moth to a flame and they will immediately have the desire to talk to you. I feel like your fs really don't put themselves out there a lot or have the need to be very social. I feel like they are a bit of a hermit. I feel like you guys will meet during a social event, one that it's a miracle your fs even went to. Maybe they were forced by friends from work who wanted them to come out of their shell more? Either way they didn’t want to be there, but as soon as they saw you their whole night brightened up. I’m kind of getting an image of someone about to take a drink and their eyes happen to look in a certain direction and bam. Visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q__LS5JBzr8 (1:19-1:31) . However I don’t really think you’ll think much of them in the beginning. It'll be a lot of this in the beginning. Visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1AyNLfVWTA You honestly aren’t trying to be rude. I feel like you are a really sweet person and you’ll try to be kind towards them, but in the beginning you don’t see anything special about your fs. They will just seem like any other person out of a lineup to you. Though that makes them want to try harder to impress you. You’ll be polite but I feel as though you may even be turned off by his behavior.Visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPuYDn80KZI (1:00-1:07) Until one day it just hits you. Visua1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF8Z8x1vYOw( 1:24:30-1:24:40)Maybe you are doing something mundane and they are in your general vicinity (which I feel like they will be often) and you look up and have an aha moment. It’ll take you a while to accept those ‘new’ feelings though I feel as though you’ve always felt a pull towards your fs from the beginning. It's just you didn’t really understand what the feeling was. Maybe you thought it was the opposite like the feeling was warning you about your fs. Maybe in the past you ignored your intuition when it came to people entering your life and you tried to overcompensate. Either way you will recognize them, but it’ll take a little longer. I feel like your feelings will hit you like a freight train all at once though they came in slowly without you noticing. I hope this resonated please tell me if it did!
hello db! I loved your reading and i enjoyed it very much :)) I'm very anti-social HAHHAHA so it makes sense for me not to talk to the guy and ignore him a bit, and yes i always do try to be polite, but yeah if I really want to be alone, and they're still annoying me, yeah i would be turned off. Thank you soo much!!
Forevermore by Side A
This is love From Cinderella
Treacherous by Taylor Swift
your fs first impression of you:
You may meet your fs like through mutual friends? i remembered HHAA the Chinese word cos my parents met thru mutual friends HAHAH tmi but they call it 'kai shiao' IDK i keep picturing a scene with friends? I think you would be invited at last minute cos you will be going somewhere with one of them later. like at first i think you would initially feel out of place, and maybe focused on your phone or their conversation but understand nothing they're saying LMAO, but this one person you fs would invite you into the conversation and get you hooked into it ( i think they noticed that you aren't talking much and they've had their focus on you for some time). I think they are the type to always include people and won't want anyone to be left out. I think you would seem like you're thinking a lot cos no one is really talking to you, but at first i really, I think they would see you as a baby. like their first impression of you I guess is someone innocent and kind + soft. I feel like they would find you like really sweet right off the bat. Like maybe a little bit shy, but you may seem you have that child-like innocence with you. like you would never hurt a fly or any animal. like a baby basically, PLS I think they would like love to squish your cheeks and just like adore you cos ur soo cute. i'm like looking for the word that people use to describe babies like...i think its 'infatuated' JUST KIDDING it's 'precious' (I'm sorry I just pictured the scene like from lord of the rings, the one where gollum says my precious 😭) I really feel they would want to keep you forever in their lives, and protect you forever and ever till the end of time. They actually may find you very like idk do you know the animal farm wait I'm just kidding of mice and men (never read the book), it's a very gory book from what I've heard but uh the idea is somewhat like that but not really. It's like one of the characters I think accidentally kills for example animals cos they're really soo very cute/soft, BUT omg your fs is not like that. just they find you super cute like in Filipino the term we use is 'gigil', its like emotions and they really can't suppress it. like its not 'aww you're soo cute' its like 'OMG you're soo cuteeee AAAAAA, I WANNA KEEP YOU FOREVER' like that. I think the thing that would really make everything click is that they would ask you something that you really like then the conversation would like extend I think instead of ending up spending the day with your friend, you would hang out with your fs. And all of you would just chat there. You would make them feel like they're walking on water. I feel like it would feel easy to talk with you and very familiar, so it feels really safe. and I think if you're not the type to laugh out loud with strangers, you would now. It would feel more comfortable now. I think it would start off as really good friends then it would become something else :))
i really hope you understand this and I hope you enjoyed :))) Pls leave feedback if you can :DD yeah you can tell me like straight up if it does not resonate like at all cos I'm mostly still a beginner, and if does not resonate it will make me very happy :)) ( i did not type that wrong if ur wondering 🫠) Thank youuu 😙
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rowanismybae · 7 years
Unexpected Visitor
Hello again! I wrote something. HAHAH  Okay, seriously. I’ve been working on this fic for a while now and this is the first chapter of it. It’s set in the ToG world and it’s a Fenrys/OC fanfiction.  Two babes asked me to tag them whenever I wrote something again, so I’ll tag them. But if you guys do not wish to be tagged anymore or someone else wants to, let me know. @my-life-is-a-drama-book @writtenbyourstruly And the title was given to me by my girl @deathbytitanium . Always saving my ass.
Fenrys and Gavriel were patrolling the areas near the castle in Orynth and things are smooth as usual. Always making small talk. Although they’d much prefer to patrol in their animal forms, Rowan and Aedion insist they do it in their most human-like forms because that way people would see them and would not hunt them down.
It’s been 5 years after the bloody war and finally, they have some kind of peace. Adarlan and Terrasen are rebuilding. Eyllwe and Terrasen are friendly lands now since everything was explained and Nehemia’s parents were very touched by Aelin and their daughter’s friendship. Aelin was the perfect queen, even with her bloody past. Her people loved her. All Erilea loved her for the sacrifices she made.
Fenrys was so lost in his thoughts that he almost jumped when Gavriel spoke. “Thinking about her again, Fen?”
Fenrys only nodded with a sigh. It was always her. Even though he got past his stupid crush on Aelin, she was always there in his thoughts. He once even had a talk with Rowan because the news of his crush on the Queen was spreading and he didn’t want his friend or his Queen having the wrong ideas. He still remembered it crystal clear.
“Look, Rowan, you and I been through a lot with Maeve,” Fenrys said and Rowan winced at the sound of her cursed name. “and I guess I fell in love with the idea of having a Queen that only had good in her heart; that puts others above herself. And for that I am sorry. I never meant to nourish these feelings for her, but it happened. And I’d never do anything about it. And I’m trying to push past this, ok? Just give me time and please don’t push me away… you’re my family”
“Fenrys, we’d never push you away, so stop talking shit. And as much as I hate listening to you saying you’re in love with my wife, my mate, I understand. Love comes in mysterious moments and for weird reasons.” Rowan sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. When he looked up, he seemed more at ease. “We’re brothers. Nothing changes that. And I am very glad you came to me for this. I appreciate the honesty.” a wry smile played on his lips. “Plus Aelin keeps bragging about it. It’s annoying.”
Fenrys remembered how he and Rowan laughed at that and how Dorian was slightly jealous of Aelin for it. He remembered how the Queen looked at him and treated him exactly how she always had and how grateful he was for it. He remembered when he started seeing other females and how he started to see that he was attracted to Aelin for obvious reasons, but he wasn’t in love with her anymore.
“It’s not like that anymore, you know?” Fenrys said with a shrug and it was true. “It’s just that I can’t stop comparing her to Maeve and how different they are… She always asks if I’m fine with my chores and all, while Maeve just bossed us around.” He was growling at this point and Gavriel just nodded in understanding.
“I understand. Everybody loves Aelin. It’s hard not to once you get to know her.” Gavriel said with a shrug. “I was just teasing you by the way.” He had a sly smile playing on his lips. Fenrys pushed him playfully. “So you got home late last night… or should I say this morning?” He was laughing now, the bastard.
“What? I can’t have fun anymore?” Fenrys asked nonchalantly.
“Who was the lucky girl?” Gavriel asked curiously.
“None of your business,” Fenrys answered with fake anger; the corner of his lips pulling slightly up.
“I think you don’t even know her name.”
Fenrys laughed and Gavriel joined him. “Okay, you got me. I really don’t. But she was gorgeous: black curly hair, dark skin, pretty warm brown eyes and delicious full lips; she was short and curvy. Too bad her voice was annoying. Especially when moaning.” Gavriel was leaning on a tree now trying to catch his breath from laughter. “Damn, I swear that at some point I just wanted to remove her vocal cords so my ears could have some peace! Stop laughing!” But Fenrys himself was laughing now.
“She sounds delightful.” He managed to say but when Fenrys rolled his eyes he started to laugh again. Fenrys punched him on the shoulder and Gavriel wiped away the tears in his eyes. “Ouch! Sorry. I won’t speak of it again… until we reach home. Ouch, Fenrys! You have a painful punch, you know that?” Gavriel was rubbing his arm where Fenrys had hit him.
“Yes. And shut up. It’s not like you haven’t had your share of weird lovers. Remember the male with the goat beard?” Gavriel rolled his eyes and growled.
“Don’t remind me of that. I was wasted. And needy.” Gavriel said with a grim.
Fenrys snorted. “Yeah. Like he was the only weird one on your list.”
“Just shut up Fenrys. I don’t talk about your mistakes and you don’t talk about mine, okay?” He offered his hand and the blond took it.
“Deal. Now, we should get back. It’s almost sundown and I want to train before dinner.” Fenrys started to turn around and Gavriel was grateful for the suggestion. The day was pretty slow anyway. The males started to walk back when something changed in the atmosphere.
Both males stood back to back, swords drawn and observing the area around them. Fenrys had goosebumps all over his skin and Gavriel felt a small chill go down his spine. Magic.
“It was too good to be true,” Fenrys mumbled turning his head around assessing the surroundings. And then he saw the air shifting next to a big rock a hundred feet away in front of him. “Gavriel, look.” he pointed out and Gavriel turned to see.
“What the hell?” Gavriel asked, brows furrowed. “Should we get the others?”
Fenrys shook his head. “It would take more time than we have. Let’s wait and see what’s going on.”
While he spoke, the ground started to be marked in a wide circle. The marks were fuming on the ground and the air got thicker.
“Are those -?” Gavriel started to ask and Fenrys nodded in agreement this time. “Fenrys, we should get the others…”
“Fine. Go get the others, Gavriel. I’ll deal with this. Go!” Gavriel shifted and ran back to the castle with his long cat legs.
Fenrys was scared. Those were Wyrdmarks, for gods’s sake; this couldn’t be good. And then a blinding light started to shine from the circle and a humanoid form started to show and he prepared himself for the fight. As sudden as the light started it vanished and the body fell to the ground.
Fenrys noticed then that it was a woman with a huge bag on her back. He waited for 5 seconds and when he noticed she wasn’t going to stand he approached carefully and her scent hit him. Completely human. He was able to notice some other things about her: her clothing material was different, her bag was filled with weird stuff and her hand had a cut in the palm; probably the source of power for the Wyrdmarks.
Fenrys approached her and saw that she was breathing but was completely unconscious. He heard his friends coming maybe one mile away from where he was and he removed her heavy bag from her shoulders and the stripes in the front of her torso that also kept the bag into place. Her skin was cold, her cheeks were flushed and her lips were pale. He held her up next to his chest right when the others arrived.
“What happened?” Gavriel asked seeing the girl in Fenrys arms. The others shifted into their Fae forms as well.
“She showed up in the middle of the circle and just passed out. I removed her bag that weighs as much as she does. One of you take it and bring back to the castle -”
Lorcan cut him mid-sentence with a snarl. “You’re not seriously saying we should take her to the castle!”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. She needs a healer; she lost a lot of blood and she is really cold and pale.” Fenrys said, leaving no room for discussion. “We should take her to Yrene and keep her handcuffed to the bed and ask her what the fuck she’s doing here once she is better. Now, take her bag and let’s go back.” His voice was strong and firm, but he was scared for her. She was so fragile, so weak. What the hell was she doing there?
“I’ll take the bag and I’ll go with him. Vaughan, Connall and Lorcan inspect the place and wait to see if someone else comes out.” Gavriel said getting the bag and the others nodded in agreement.
“Hold on there, girl,” Fenrys whispered and started to run. He held her tight to his chest and ran like the wind. Gavriel was just behind and Fenrys did not stop at the gates, not even at the doors. He dodged every single person that appeared in front of him and ran for the east wing, to the open and sunny healers room. Aelin hated that the healers at Rifthold had to stay underneath the castle, so she got them one of the brightest and widest spaces of the castle. Fenrys stopped at the door and kicked it with his right foot, startling the ones inside.
“For gods’s sake, Fenrys, was that even necessary?” Yrene yelled, her hand on her chest. Then she noticed the girl on Fenrys arms and started pacing towards him. “Who is she and what happened?” She pointed an empty bed and Fenrys gently placed her there. Gavriel walked in a few seconds later.
“She showed up from a circle of wirdmarks on the floor of the forest and passed out,” Fenrys said and Gavriel went to his side.
“Holy Silba! Narya, bring bandages and water. Also, bring blankets.” Yrene’s hands started touching the girl trying to figure out what was wrong. Her fingers slightly glowed with her healing magic working.
“I’ll go get the handcuffs,” Gavriel said and left after placing her bag on the floor. Yrene lifted her head with a puzzled expression.
“You’re gonna pin her to the bed with handcuffs? How am I supposed to take care of her?” She asked angrily.
“It’s just a security measure Yrene. We don’t know who she is and where she came from. All we know is that she is human and she came from a Wyrdmark portal. We don’t know if she has magic or if she intends to hurt the Queen.” He explained and she went back to her job. Narya came with the supplies and Fenrys stood by the bed’s side watching the girl. Gavriel came back with the handcuffs and Yrene frowned again looking at them.
“She has no magic. She is just a simple human girl, Fenrys. Are the handcuffs necessary? I need to take care of her injured hand…” She tried again.
“He’ll handcuff her good hand until you finish with the other. Then he’ll secure that hand as well. Until we know what we need to know, she’ll stay in this bed.” Fenrys said; arms crossed on his chest. Gavriel worked the cuff on her good hand and Yrene and her helpers worked on the girl.
Gavriel said something about going to report to Rowan about what happened and left. Fenrys stayed. He kept looking at her and he started to notice her really. She had red curly shoulder-length hair, sunkissed skin, heart-shaped lips and her nose tip was shaped into a small ball; she was about Aelin’s size, had a bit more weight than the Queen and Lys. Why was he noticing the small details of this stranger? He forced himself to focus.
Yrene hydrated her and gave her some tonic for gods know what and when the girl’s hand was wrapped, Fenrys handcuffed her to the bed and placed the blanket on top of her. He sat on the chair next to her bed and stayed there. The others came to check on her and told him that no sign of activity on the spot she came from and said that first thing in the morning they would take Aelin there to see the marks so she could decipher what they meant.
After they left, Aedion, Lysandra, Aelin, and Rowan came to see their new guest. Fenrys explained everything he saw and Yrene told them how she was. Aelin came closer, eyes filled with concern while she studied the girl on the bed. They mentioned her clothes and her bag that was still untouched on the side of the bed. They asked him to call them when she was awake because they’d want to show up for interrogation. Aelin was ruthless about it. She’d not have another invasion of her lands, another danger to the ones she loves and her people. She thanked Fenrys and asked him if he’d like for someone to take his place later, but he refused. She gave him a little smile and left with her husband.
They brought him dinner and Connall offered to stay with the girl, but he refused. He also told Fenrys that Vaughan was at her emerging place for the night with Lorcan, they’d keep watch for the night and in the morning when Aelin and Rowan went to check on the marks, they’d come back.
Fenrys was only half paying attention to his twin and Connall noticed that and with a sigh he left, patting his shoulder. And there Fenrys stayed studying the girl sleep. The night came and went. The sun was shining in the sky and the healers came to check on her and she wasn’t awake, but she was starting to make noises, something like words coming from her lips. When was about the middle of the morning, the human girl opened her eyes and started to cough. Yrene came next to her and Fenrys asked one of the helpers to go call the queen and king and tell them the girl was awake.
Fenrys stood up, arms crossed on his chest and with a sly smile he spoke to her for the first time. “Hello there. You have some explaining to do, girl.”
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scenarios-on-ice · 8 years
(We are outgunned)
(Outnumbered, outplanned-)
(The greatest man woman in all of the land of tumblr)
(…what? Ok, don’t worry about the cinnamon roll who did absolutely nothing wrong, somebody on the wiki clearly made a mistake. TG traumatized me with many things these past few weeks but Kaneki disappearing/recieving a ‘fatal’ injury isn’t one of them. He has plot armor, remember? Worry about Urie instead. 
Like in the latest chapter we literally saw him talking with Amon and he was totally fine
I almost screamed when I saw that page
I’ve been waiting so long for them to meet again)
I’ll try to find My Shot again and I’ll let you know when I do! I don’t have much time on my hands at the moment…
Oooh, Armin-Eliza and Mikasa-Angelica do work really well! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that ^^;; Armin and Eliza both have that ‘looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll but could still kill you’ thing going on lol
(I’m personally a fan of Eremika; I couldn’t see Eren ending up with anyone else in canon, though I do like to ship him with Annie…I’d also like the idea of him with Historia if Yumikuri wasn’t one of my OTPs.)
You’re right, Erwin does behave more like Hamilton in general (a more mature version of musical Hamilton or just historical Hamilton), Eren’s not an idiot but he’s still nowhere near Ham in terms of intelligence. I do think Eren fits with Hamilton better in some ways than Erwin though- like his temper, hardworking nature, determination and that bad habit of never knowing when to shut up.
I can just see Eren’s horrified face if someone ever told him to talk less and smile more.
I wanted Levi to be the Burr to Eren’s Hamilton but thinking it over, I realize that while it doe fit I can’t see Levi shouting ‘we’re reliable with the L A D I E S’ in the middle of a crowded ballroom (Levi is also more of a ‘shut up when you need to but when you do have something to say, be honest’ kind of person than a ‘talk less, smile more’ type). So now I want Jean as Burr for Eren. Like, it’s not the best casting ever, but I see some distinctly Burr-like traits in Jean and his rivalry with Eren is very similar to the Burr-Hamilton relationship (only more friendly and less murderous).
(Imagine Jean singing Wait for It and during the line ‘And if there’s a reason I’m still alive when everyone who loves me has died’ Marco’s face flashes across the screen
Or wait, maybe just Marco as the older Theodosia and then Dear Theodosia (reprise)…)
(Like I said above, I agree with you that Levi is a more Burr-like character but younger!Levi is a Hamilton in some ways. Hurricane could be his theme song, only instead of 'write my way out’ it’s more of…you know…fight my way out)
But now I have a harder time deciding who I want as Angelica…I personally prefer Annie or Ymir because Angelica is a witty, sharp character who probably would have gone into politics if people weren’t so sexist back then, and I can see Annie or Ymir bantering with Eren while Mikasa is a more stoic character who lets her actions speak for her. But then, if Jean is Burr I live for the idea of Mikasa brutally shutting down his attempt to hit on her during The Schuyler Sisters (sorry Jean)
(Ok one last time but I really do think Historia’s and Eliza’s character arcs are really similar in some ways)
Oh seriously? That’s so cool! I’m not sure about my acting skills because I’ve never really had to use them…as for singing, I’ve never had any training but I’ve been told I have a good voice. Not anything amazing but apparently it’s nice to listen to? I’m not sure but a lot of people have told me that so. Maybe it’s not too bad XD my rapping skills are pretty average, I think.
Plot twist:
I’d play Peggy.
*gives hugs*
*gives rainbows*
*gives unicorn*
(Idk why I wrote that don’t ask
Seriously though congratulations for getting through that night)
Conspiracy theory:
Your phone and shuffle are plotting to expose you and make you actually admit and accept your feelings
They’re evil
They deserve to burrn like Hamilton’s love letters to Eliza
OK, found the My Shot AMV! It’s by Katherined on youtube ^^
And btw, there’s also an AoT AMV for Aaron Burr, Sir now! The casting isn’t too great in my eyes (they reversed our casting for Levi-Burr and Erwin-Ham, and while I do think Levi is similar to Ham in some ways LMM’s enthusiastic voice paired with his ‘I’m dead inside’ face is weird XD also, Armin is Lafayette in this video? Mikasa is John? The only thing I agree with is Eren as Mulligan…and Armin’s horrified face at 'WHO ARE YOU’).  But the editing is good and it is pretty funny (I take back the comment about Eren as Mulligan being the only casting choice I agree with; there’s also Mike as the Bursar Levi punched)
Mikasa’s scenes at Trost combined with 'these redcoats don’t want it with me’ is kinda accurate though
OH, I see! I’m glad about that ;-; I keep forgetting that Kaneki won’t die no matter what. I mean, we also thought that Armin died and look what happened.
Soooo, what happened to the cookie?? He’s one of my favs in tgre, he can’t die! Or will he just turn into a full one-eyed ghoul?? 
Yeah, I got the link! It wasn’t that nice, to be honest… I mean, I’ve seen a lot better amvs :/
Yeah, Eliza would absolutely murder you if you badmouthed her. But I think Peggy is even worse ;-; I mean, didn’t she scare off people treating her with an axe at one point? That’s just crazy…
True, Eremika seems to be what we’ll get from the manga and I don’t mind at all, tbh. I’m more of an Armin and Annie shipper. Idk why, don’t ask why. YUMIKURI IS THE CUTEST THING EVER. After this is over, marry me!
Erwin has Hamilton’s ambition, but he’s not as hot-tempered or impulsive, thankfully. When I imagine a compulsive Erwin, I get shivers ;-; It’d probably be a nightmare to have him for an enemy. But Com. Eyebrow’s calm is also scary in itself. I mean, the fact that he’s able to lead so many soldiers (including himself) to their death, voluntarily, is terrifying.
Eren has Ham’s temper and determination, but I think he’d rather fight Bert again than having to ‘write his way out’. That’d probably be a nightmare for him… He’d get so insulted if anyone ever told him that XD
Levi fits Burr in many aspects, but I think that the ones he doesn’t share with him are bigger in number.
I think I’d cry from laughing if I ever saw Levi shouting ‘we’re reliable with the L A D I E S’ Even though their relationship isn’t the best fitting, I agree on Jean-Eren for Burr-Ham. I think Jean has enough salt in his head to know when to shut up and he’s pretty willing to do stupid shit to achieve his goals. Only I don’t think he’d murder Eren ;-; I mean, no matter how much they fight, it’s all in good spirit. I think.
*pterodactyl screech* why do you adore toying with people’s feelings so much?? It’s like that ‘You are my sunshine, my only sunshine’ comic I saw for JeanMarco (and HideKaneki for that matter). I did nOT cry.
Levi does fit Hurricane quite a lot. Well, with the environment of the anime, I think a lot of the characters can connect to hurricane, which is actually quite depressing… Only the ‘I’ll write my way out’ would change for every individual person.
All three of them would make amazing Angelicas! Why not three Angelicas? That seems like the easiest answer hahah I think Annie is a bit too emotionless and deadpan for her… So, technically, Ymir would be best one? 
But as you said, Mikasa being like ‘Jean, you disgust me’ would give me life. Also, imagine the trauma when she’d find out Eren (Ham) has been killed…
Historia is Eliza, confirmed. BUT WOULDN’T THAT MAKE YMIR ALEX??? WE HAVE NEW HAM!AOT!!!
Oh, that’s pretty cute ^^ I was in puppetry, so I don’t know how well I’d do in actual acting, tho ;-; I’d love to hear you sing one day :) Yeah, I can’t quite rap either. I’d say I have a more of an ability to speak really quickly than actual rap skills.
You’d be the best peggy ever
Tumblr media
My shuffle is usually quite evil… Like, it gives me Say No To This right after Helpless. Or Congratulations after Satisfied and so on. And sometimes, it goes on a sad song streak. It’s mean ;-;
I shall never admit my feelings! Well, I’ve admitted them to myself, but I don’t plan on confessing anytime soon, since I’m a potato who’d rather stay forever alone than potentially embarrass myself :)
Aaron Burr, Sir is an amazing amv. I really liked the editing, even though Burr Erwin and Levi Ham are a bit different than expected. Imagine this: Levi saying the line ‘I was chosen for the constitutional convention!’
Mikasa will kick anyone’s ass, it’s been confirmed. Mikasa is kickass.
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thegeminisage · 8 years
a long fucking post (sorry)
bc my browser quit so i just copied it into notepad and kept going and didn’t break it up bc frankly i couldn’t be bothered lol i’ve #struggled today anyway:
i...i dont have any stuff to make spicy food with?? oh my god..........
where do i even...find
lol i could go back to the plateau but i’d probably be Sad.
i guess i have no choice :/
wow i miss the old man
pfft i can see farosh from here but it’s so close i’d never make it in time
SOMEDAY /shakes fist
seeking out shelter from a lightning storm inside the ruined temple of time makes me Very Sad
man. man. there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to set this right
except the main story, i guess, hahaha
just for a short moment i didn’t even have time for a picture...wow wow wow
all right i’ve got enough peppers and i’ve had MORE than enough of the plateau im outta here
i fast traveled back to that one shrine i couldnt figure out before
i realize now i was probably supposed to use my paraglider hahaha but i just didnt think of it
theres a chest in here that i cannot. get. oh my god
[death montage]
lol and all that for a little sword
BACK TO THE MOUNTAINS thank god i have a fast travel point now
and that’s all done! time for more of The Story
normally i’d cut this off here but it’s p short so far so w/e
except.......idk where to go next. i know i want to find the zoras, but
which...direction are they. like, i even googled it
i’ll ask my brother and attempt the naked island again while i wait. i read somewhere you can drop your stuff before you properly set foot on there and it helps a bit. plus it’ll be something he hasn’t done, haha
well, so far so good - i managed to drop a few of my best items and a  small amount of food - apples and raw fish - before i stepped on, but i forgot to drink the defense up elixir. i DID remember to eat the extra hearts food, though, and a good thing, bc i came on during a fucking storm in the middle of the night and nearly got killed by some weird yellow octorok popping up out of the ground. fine now tho, all out of extra hearts but other than that good - found some shrooms, a sword, and an axe
oh my god i hit a barrel and DIED bc there was an electric chuchu in it!!!
okay trying again...in the storm again...forgot to drink my defense bonus again...Greay
one orb down!!
lol and i died AGAIN bc i underestimated a bokoblin...i can't take out camps from afar with no arrows!! maybe i can try bombs next time, sigh
i hate getting out to this island
i hate everything ABOUT this island. it is deisnged to kill you. endless skeletons and fire chuchus are great if you need materials and weapons but the chuchus set everything on fire. and there are octoroks ringing the whole island AND on the actual island - there's no safe ground ANYWHERE!!
remembered to drink my elixir but nearly left the stuff i dropped floating in the ocean lol
one orb down AGAIN. 
gotta be a smarter way to do this bokblin camp on the hill. i can't take them all on at once and i can't detonate any of the explosive from afar with arrows, and bombs get me noticed. i can't take that swarm of enemies with no armor. no way.
YES camp down lmao i blew up the barrels with my own bombs since the fucking chuchus noticed me anyway
now i can COOK THINGS thank you thank you
YES now i have hearts up and attack elixirs!!!!
time to fight the blue hinox (:
he has so much defense even with my elixir ;_; im too afraid to get close enough for an attack
i wish i had a defense booster!!
NO oh god a lightning storm now of all times!!! no!!!!!!
oh my god can he follow me into the water...?
wow it's lightning for the next three hours what the fuck?
aaah the music stopped..he's laying back down...i hope his fucking health doesnt refill
i tried using chuchu jelly to make explosions but they didnt hurt him, only my weapons did bc of my elixir...but im sooo afraid to get close to him, if he kills me i have to do ALL this again
i wanna wait the storm out before i fight him again but i get the feeling the storm was triggered by him waking up bc it's nonstop lightning on the little forecast thingy
god there's not even anywhere to take shelter i just have to pray i dont get struck
yeah it changed back to normal rain as soon as he started snoring...he BETTER not have his health back
at least it isnt storming
nooo i hid in the water again and he slept and some of his health came back )))): i am never gonna get him, this is gonna take hours!
as if that wasnt bad enough there's another bokoblin camp with a MOBLIN on top of this big ledge
maybe i can get some arrows at least :/
good news: managed to cheese the bokoblin camp up top. have in my possesion 13 arrows. bad news: hinox is definitely back at full health rn
ok. so im up here where hinox can't actually go (i hope...) and i have my bombs and 13 arrows, plus all these extra bows and weapons and even a pot to cook some more stuff in. i can do this. i can do this.
ok he can't get up here he can't even hit me with projectiles but IMMEDIATELY the lightning started up again so lmao (:
luckily i have found the perfect position from which to roll bombs down at him lol
so this is only gonna take all year ASSUMING i dont get sturck by lightning.
no no no no no NO NO NO
the blood moon!!! why now!!! oh my god!!!!!! can ANYTHING go right oh my god!!!!!!!!!!
at least im far enough down on the ledge the camp up there cant see me
but i'll have to clear out the other one again if i ever manage to kill the hinox and get his orb
:| he keeps trying to go to sleep lol which. no bitch no more health for you jesus fuck
he can't get any of his rocks to land on me and only about every third bomb lands on him lol
his health is sooo low im so tempted to go down and take a swing w/ my weapon, but if i die now and lose all this progress i won't be able to deal so im gonna stay patient and cheese it til the bitter, bitter end
I PERSEVERED!!!!!! STAYED DETERMINED okay now if not for the blood moon that'd be the end of it but no i gotta clean out that one camp AGAIN without dying
i can do this i can do this i can do this
i......i did it
all thats left is to drop my items and put in the last orb
oh my god!!!!
oh NO if you drop too many they start vanishing ok....choose carefully then
lol ALL THAT FOR A SHRINE TO SOLVE this better be one of those no-puzzle chest only deals
LMFAO i have to reclear the big camp to get in the shrine...oh my god...oh my god
ah well maybe i'll get some more shields i accidentally glitched all mine away
should be easy with all my stuff back
aaaand im stuck down here at the camp i cleared out bc its storming. at least the blue moblin got struck by lightning in a stroke of what i can only assume is divine justice
ok the storm has FINALLY passed
i am FINALLY inside the shrine and have a fast travel point
i got 300 rupees, which is garbage, and i got to watch that stupid monk turn to dust.
ooh whoa there's a rito out here!!!! hi!!!!!
lol a training course for flying...20 rupees a pop. now i know what the fucking chest was for. god.
ah i can't do the course and im so tired of failing at things...i guess i'll leave them for now altho i bet you get a SICK upgrade
no wait i looked it up and its just rupees LMAO no thanks
im never coming back to this fucking island ever again
also: forgot that i did not actually explore the sunken ruins earlier bc of Weather, am going to do that quickly before quitting
oh god oh no i landed right here and there's some fucking masked walking beast getting ready to attack me Why God
god okay we're doing this i guess jesus fuck
if that wasn't bad enough farosh is flying above us LMAO and i still can't shoot him
I! KILLED HIM! bc i had a DEFENSE elixir
i wish i had snapped a better pic than his dying body tho :/
o h w e l l
oh!! i found a memory while exploring!!!!!
oh my god...oh my god...
so it was the four pilots of the original jaegers and two are dudes and two are ladies!!! so there was an even mix in the scene #nice
the voice acting was good and still so unexpected
and the MUSIC oh i love the music when he's remembering something
it felt like a scene from any zelda game, but one near the end—except i'm still at the start
it's so similar to how everyone like, rallied behind link at the end of tp to help him beat ganon, but...this time we already know link failed
god!!!!! this is so good!!!!
every time i find myself thinking "this is an amazing game but it just doesn't feel much like zelda" it comes back and gets me
and i found a shrine here!!! #nice
altho i'd really like to be done for the night lol
it was super easy thank goodness
omg no the dragon flying earlier must have been naydra bc there naydra is :'))) hey bud
ah and i ran into kass the accordian playing rito again ;w;
anyway now that im FINALLY done with this pronvince tomorrow i can go find the zoras!! yay!!!!
fun fact my very first username was "[not my name, some random one, not telling what it was] of the zoras" bc i love them so much
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opepin · 8 years
january: week one
02: i woke up late and waited for hillary to pick me up. i decided to go to gyu-kaku with everyone today but aimed to not get the all-you-can-eat. my stomach was feeling weird from the 3 arts club cafe burger. hillary picked me up and we drove to gyu-kaku. we found parking right in front of the place and then we went in and found out that the wait time was 1 hour and 30 minutes. we called up everyone and everyone said they were fine with it. so we met up with mindy and garrick and they got some coffee and we walked over to water tower. it was garrick’s first time there too! we ended up in “the limited” and i was so amazed by the fixtures and stuff. i would have bought some of it but i don’t think i needed anything. mindy, hillary, and ashley got things for real cheap because they were closing out. it was about time to head back and we got a call from them saying that our table was ready. we rushed back and sat down and everyone got $45 ayce because everyone wanted to sit together and just eat. we went for 3-4 rounds. i was the first one to tag out LOL. it was so salty and i just wanted dessert :( hahah. we managed to eat everything plus a lady m green tea cake. we were all dead after.
hillary drove home, mindy and garrick took a lyft, and then ashley and i walked to a starbucks near the red line so i could get on that and she could wait for her ride. hehe, thanks for guiding me, ashley! i got off diversey brown line and walked over to firecakes, where hen was working. i should have gotten off fullerton...because it was closer than diversey, but oh well, it was really nice to walk off some of the food. the clark st. firecakes’ location is so cute <333 hen threw out the garbage, i met her co-worker, and then we commuted home together because we were going the same way. we realized that everywhere was closed because new year is observed today so we just caught up on our ride back home. i’ve missed hen <33333 i love hanging out with her because i feel like she brings out something in me in a way she only can. we’re silly together. cluck cluck cluck. 
hen gave me one of her beautifully crafted milk bottles and a beautiful notebook and a very touching card. i love this girl so much and only wish the best for her <3 so happy that she was one of the few friends i made while at SAIC. i ended the night by exercising because i felt like poop and then talking to kevin because he’s coming back tomorrow~~ tomorrow is a jam-packed day. i can’t wait.
03: i managed to get up at 6:20 am and tom actually picked me up at 6:40 am! go us! the only thing is that it was extremely foggy outside. it was so foggy that i could see it in my neighborhood LOL. we drove out to foster beach and then talked and waited to see the sunrise. we talked about how we’ve been doing and etc and it was really nice. i feel like tom expressed feelings that i’ve been feeling but haven’t really said it out loud. it’s nice knowing that a friend is going through the same thing as you. it hit 7:19 am and it was brighter, but there was no sun to be seen LOL. i think we stayed there a bit longer and then tom drove us to yellow rose cafe in jeff park. this diner is great! our waitress/maybe owner greeted us and took our orders. she gave tom the homemade hot sauce and his reaction was lulz. she made fun of him for a bit. tom and i ate and continued talking. it was one of those deep conversations that i haven’t had in a long time so it was something i realized i needed. the conversations continued in the car on the way back to my house and then he dropped me off. thank you for spending quality 1-on-1 time with me, tom! ((:
it was around 10:30 am when i got back and i ended up napping for an hour. then i put my jacket back on and brought my book bag and stuff and commuted to SAIC to meet up with chewy! we got into the office and talked with kate and nancy! they were the only ones we knew there and apparently, it was their first day back in the office from break. it was nice talking to them and updating them on our lives. i love them so! i’m said vicki and theresa were still on break and i missed them. chewy and i went to russian tea time and got afternoon tea. we got the savory items, tea, and chocolate lava cake (as usual). he caught up, talked, and etc. I’VE MISSED THIS GIRL SO MUCH! she’s been out in LA doing her thing for so long ): it was really great seeing her again. i walked her to the train and then waited for my mom to pick me up. it was like i was in school again lol. we stopped by hong kong market (for an hour, wut) and then drove back home. my mom made dinner, i fell asleep again, woke up and ate, and then we drove to union station to pick up kevin!!! <3333
we talked about his vacation and then kevin gave my family some holiday chocolates, unpacked-ish, and ate dinner. i missed this bear! hehe. we spent the night catching up and making sure that he wouldn’t get sicker haha. we went to sleep pretty late either at 1 or 2 am, but i can’t wait to spend time with kevin again in chicago (((((:
04: kevin and i met up with nluu in ford for lunch. we got lunch at tomate and walked over. i got my chicken quinoa salad with a chicken tamale. kevin got a gordita and a burrito? or a taco? i forget. it was yummy though. we caught up and talked. ryan came by after his class and we talked. they made plans to go climbing every day LOL. we walked with ryan back to tomate and then drove him to tech. then we drove back home and chilled until kevin went climbing. i stayed home and worked out. then i showered and ryan picked me up to go to dice dojo! ryan also was the mvp for ordering and getting our dinner from 527 cafe. we found parking, walked over, and went inside. omg, it’s such a cool place! it’s also much more spacious than i thought it would be. everyone was down in the basement. kevin, ryan, and i ate while watching them play a code/picture game. my popcorn chicken salad was bomb af. i would definitely get this again. i was on a salad streak because i wasn’t eating enough greens x_x i was trying to make up for it LOL.
i played fluxx with winson, ryan, and kevin. michelle came through! then me and the guys headed to a viet restaurant so winston could fill his belly. he got pho, ryan got some spring rolls (he gave me half of one), and kevin got a chicken banh mi with taro bubble tea, which i ate 1/3 and drank some. i got a thai iced tea. ryan’s hate for new york is amazing LOL. i love how he puts it into words. i agree with him but it seems like he was scarred from a past event (he wasn’t), but he is so particular about his reasons for disliking new york. it’s great. winston is planning to get a new job and move out there so that’s what sparked the conversation. i missed everyone <3 we all ran to walgreens and got a pack of water bottles and ran back to dice dojo. ryan ran like he stole it from there or something LOL. winston got hiccups from running with us. it was great lololol.
we passed out the water and then i got strung into playing avalon, which i was confused by and really didn’t like. i effed it up for our team because i didn’t see that kevin was on my team. i thought there were only 3 spies?! so i passed it on accident...sorta, but my team guessed winston was merlin and they were right! yeah, never playing that game. then we paired up and played dix it. jia and i were in last place but oh well haha. peter and nluu were killing it for some reason, ahah. then everyone left at 12 am? i think that was closing time and we said our goodbyes. i was nice seeing matthew and winston again! hehe. kevin drove us home and then we showered and went to sleep. zzz. it’s been an eventful week so far.
05: kevin and i woke up late and then ate some congee. then we drove out to cafe orient 33 to pick up food and eat it while watching pokemon sun and moon episodes. we were going to watch ‘la la land’ but i decided against it because it was kind of cold and i don’t know if kevin would like it. so we ate (i have missed this food -- still so good) and then chilled until i needed to meet hen for dinner and kevin had to meet up with everyone to go climbing. i met up with hen at sabri nihari and the service was great. our servers were so funny. i got to spend more time with hen talking about food and life. the chicken biryani was huge and i sacrificed my stomach for mango lassi. the samosas were so good! the vegetarian one is still my favorite. everything was delicious. we ate wayy too much though. we decided to walk back home in the freezing cold. we walked together until devon and california. hen actually moved closer to me T__T we are so close but yet so far away now! then i toughed it out and walked the rest of the way home. hen had a bit less to walk but we both made it!
kevin was still out so i did an intense af workout. i mixed up videos and did 20 minutes of hiit, 10 min of intense abs, 10 min of blogilate abs, and 20 minutes of hip hop cardio. it felt good but my body feels so weak now. i took a quick shower and then opened the door for kevin. he drank all of the mango lassi i got him when he came back. he ate a lot today .__. he also ate spicy rice cake at joong boo market before climbing. lolool. did he even climb? idk. :P jk haaha. o we digested and then went to sleep after a long day of activity out in the cold haha.
06: kevin dropped me off at cupitol so that i could meet up with michelle and nluu. i got there first so i ordered tea and the gravlax and eggs plate with gluten free bread except that the cashier kept putting in the bagel and i didn’t want the bagel because it had cream cheese and he was confused whether or not i wanted gluten free bread or not. x__x another person helped us out and then i grabbed a seat at the only empty large table so i could save michelle and nluu a seat. my food was disappointing because the smoked salmon was cut so freaking thick and i only got one slice of bread LOL. then a large group of people came and they kicked me out of my seat and then they changed their mind about dining here. .___. finally, michelle and nluu came. i pretty much was anxious the entire time at cupitol. i do not recommend this place. i feel like they are also a bit on the pricey side. so yeah. omg, too many things happening in the morning for me.
we ate lunch together and chilled until nluu had to go back to research. michelle dropped him off and then we drove to ikea. i listened to the moana soundtrack and also showed michelle jay park’s album LOL. i love it so much but i hate the lyrics T_T we talked and stuff and i realized that i was being real oversensitive about things and maybe other things were contributing to how i was feeling about being back in chicago and seeing people. michelle was supposed to figure out what bed frame and sofa she wanted. we did that but also focused on buying kitchen stuff and smaller apartment things. we got matching funnels, ayyy! i also finally got tape measure for my apartment lol. i learned that other ikeas are set up with show rooms first then items unlike this one near chicago. it kind of blew my mind because this ikea is all i know.
we ended the trip with a soft serve and a freshly baked cinnamon rolll. mmm. we also got everyone else a six pack of cinnamon rolls. michelle drove us back and we talked about life lol. it sucks to be in your early 20′s. we stopped by ryan’s and then drove out from there. i didn’t know how long the ikea trip was going to be so i had the house keys so when kevin was done visiting his lab at nu, he couldn’t get his climbing stuff to go with ryan T__T i felt so bad. but he chilled at lab for a bit longer and then met up with ryan at his apartment after. also, sorry ryan! lol he ended up climbing alone. poop. anyway, we all drove to dengeo’s (after getting ashley and winston) where we met up with tom, peter, and honglin. we ate and then michelle went to get terence. then we all drove to the escape room in morton grove. the location is shady af LOLOL.
we had orientation and then we basically pushed into the room and locked in. it was terrifying. there was a butler to help give us hints (helpful or not) and he gave us the backstory. i hear chains in the background so kevin and i move behind some people. then the lights flicker and the zombie actress pops out of nowhere and screams OMG OMG OMG LOLOLOL. kevin and i jumped in the opposite direction HAHAHA. she couldn’t get anywhere though because her chain wasn’t long enough yet... we were all shitting our pants trying to find clues and kevin and winston volunteered as tribute to go into the bathroom area (where the zombie was chained). there were a few seconds of feeding time when the zombie was eating, but that time ended and they were locked in the stall LOLOLOLOL. they “died” (zombie taps you, you’re out but the butler revives you after you do something silly for him) and it’s safe to say that they were scared shitless. kevin was the martyr of the group and he kept dying. i would like to think that she aimed for him because he was the funniest to scare (kevin would literally run backwards to the furthest wall). she also liked scaring peter. POOR PETER! haha.
i don’t think i helped much other than doing the final step of getting the keys. i got a key out with my fingers but the butler didn’t accept it because we were supposed to get the tools hung on the bathroom stall to open the vent where it was stuck...i also got the key from a painting’s eyeball too after helping figure out the morse code via the top planks of wood. we only got 3 out of the 4 keys and then we all died hahaha. it was a pretty great experience tbh. the zombie actress was soooo good! she like threw things (kind of at us but not really) and acted her part real well. she wasn’t so scary after the game ended. we all drove to ford to play telestrations and it was great. sarah can draw so well!!! terence is also a pretty great illustrator. we munched on the cinnamon rolls from ikea and candy that ryan bought. we played until 12 am and then we all drove home. kevin and i hugged everyone goodbye. it was a great end to our trip back home. the escape room and telestrations seemed like they happened on two different days though haha. kevin and i drove back and showered and went to sleep. zzz.
07: you guessed it! our flight got cancelled. that was the first thing i saw when i woke up in the morning. kevin had the option of switching his flight online but for some reason, i didn’t. so i called and waited. luckily, there was a 4:40 pm flight tomorrow so we both signed up for that. kevin went climbing with ryan and i just stayed in bed. i eventually got up and ate leftover chicken biryani for breakfast. then i snuggled with my mom on the couch. she fell asleep and kevin came back. then she went to sleep upstairs because she felt like she was getting sick D: kevin and i just chilled in the bedroom the entire day. my body felt blech too. i ended up dosing in and out multiple times during the day. we did manage to make reservations at sumi robata for dinner so that we would get some outside time lol. i got my mom water from downstairs and my brother was hanging out with his friend in the living room. when it was about time to go, we changed and headed out. i dropped off victoria’s gift at her apartment and then got her delicious peppermint mocha cookies. OMG I’M IN LOVE. THEY’RE SO DELICIOUS. my throat hurt but i kept eating them anyway.
we got a super close spot near sumi and then got seated. it was way busier than the last two times we went. there were some seating issues with another group and service seemed sloppier? we also had to wait for our tea for a while and had to ask for plates. they also no longer have the chopsticks and chopstick holders that we liked x__X idk. haha. overall, the food was great though. the chicken thigh and beef tsukune slider were still bomb af and their kakigori flavor was soo good. it was an orange creamsicle flavor. we also got baked scallops and the sweet potato fries, which were new to us but SO GOOD. we would eat that all day any day. after a day of staying in and eating, we settled back into bed and kevin tried watching a dota game but we both ended up falling asleep at like 1 am, ahahha.
08: we woke up later than i told my parents, but they weren’t really bothered by it. i think they were expecting it LOL. we finished packing and headed out. we went to cai to get dim sum and it was packed af! my mom managed to get us a table quickly :P she has real good bargaining skills. then kevin and i checked off things that we wanted and everyone ate pretty quickly. i obviously ordered the mango tapioca pudding with condensed milk <333 then i struggled to eat everything else we ordered. the mango mochi had a ton of cream inside, but it had chunks of mango in it too, which made me sad because i couldn’t eat all of it. the crab xiao long bao were disappointing...but everything else was fine. my parents drove us to midway and then we said goodbye. we got on the standby list for the 2:25 pm flight straight to boston. i realized that the 7 people in front of us were from the same family so i was hopeful that we’d get seats. gg us because they decided to take all 3 empty seats and split as a family -___-” wtf. we should have called earlier and asked to be put on standby :/
we waited until 4:40 pm to get on our original flight to kansas city. before we boarded, we were told our flight to boston would be delayed about 2 hours...we played pokemon on the flight and experienced some pretty bad turbulence before landing. we were then notified that our flight to boston would be delayed another 30 minutes. so kevin and i went to the nearest restaurant, which was a bbq place and got dinner. i got this less than avarage salmon salad for $17...and kevin got their beef brisket, which only tasted good dipped in bbq sauce. sigh. there was a lady in the same boat as us and she was so nice. we connected through this tragic flying situation and she offered us half of her fries LOL. we went down to wait and i tried walking around but there was pretty much nowhere to walk to because the airport was so small.
we played pokemon to pass the time. they also had boomerang and cartoon network playing on the screens, which was nice. we finally boarded at 9:30 pm and in the air at 9:50 pm. it was a long 4 hour flight (including the time difference). i played more pokemon, we tried napping, etc. we got wheat thins on this flight, which was nice. i sent an email to southwest complaining about my terrible experience all around and i hope they answer me. it’s fucking ridiculous tbh. anyway, we landed at like 2 am and got our bags. then we took an uber back and decided to stay up until 5 am unpacking, opening packages, reading mail, and making ourselves back at home. tomorrow is going to suck for kevin because he wants to go to work but we went to sleep at 5 am. this is my worst experience traveling so far. it was literally an entire day plus some of traveling.
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vielramona · 4 years
What's the first lyrics? FOR BORED PPL
Put any music player on shuffle.
Answer these questions with the first lyric of the song. If the song has no lyrics, skip over to the next one.
1. What do you say when you wake up?
I got my ticket for the long way round (Cup Song)
2. You're late to an appointment. You say:
Hey, you, get of my cloud (Lifted - CL)
3. While you're getting ready, you stub your toe:
I've been here all night, I've been here all day (Side to Side)
4. You just barely make it. You shout:
Baby you don't have to rush, you could leave a toothbrush at my place, at my place
5. The person next to you looks at you awkwardly and says:
Love is amazing~ (Starlight - Taeyeon)
6. You respond:
Crashin', hit a wall, right now I need a miracle (Don't let me down)
7. After the appointment, you leave to go to a cafe. You bump into your ex. What do you say?
Everybody loves to tell me I was born an old soul (Eyes Wide Open)
8. He/She responds:
Waiting for Fortuner at the wrong time (Sober - Selena Gomez)
9. You go to order something. What do you say to the cashier?
Here I am (With You - LYn)
10. They get your order wrong. How do you respond?
All my friends are heathens take it slow
11. They apologize by saying:
I just broke up with my ex, now I am single and I don't really know what's next (Let Me Love You - Ariana Grande)
12. A random man/woman starts flirting with you by saying:
Anytime I'm alone, I can't help thinking about you (Everyday-Ariana Grande)
13. You respond:
I wonder lie to you, I know he's just not right for you (Treat You Better - Shawn Mendes)
14. He/She wants to take you out for dinner. You respond:
Weeks on end I'm on the road, start to lose my sense of home (Running Low)
15. You leave the cafe and bump into an old friend. You greet them with:
What we gotta right here and go back? (The Way)
16. You talk with him/her for a little while and leave them by saying:
Seems like everybody here speak in different languages (Hell No's and Headphones)
17. As you're walking away, you accidentally hit someone. They growl:
I found myself dreaming in silver and gold (Like I'm Gonna Lose You)
18. You say back:
I met you in the dark, you lit me up (Say You Won't Let Go)
19. You come across a fortune teller. She tells you:
Tignan mo nga naman bigla-bigla na lang may kusang darating (Seryoso na 'to)
20. You ignore her. Later to find out her fortune came true. What do you say?
Yeah you really try boy I was blind to all the lies you told me (Jason's song)
21. Someone comes over and asks if you're okay. You respond:
I'm hurtin', babe I'm broken down (Sugar)
22. You run off to catch the bus. You barely make it. The bus driver looks at you and says:
Alam mo bang may gusto akong sabihin sayo (Simpleng Tulad Mo)
23. While you sit down, you get a call. First thing you hear is:
Oh you, waited so long sometimes it's hard to stand out (I don't even know your name)
24. You respond with:
Tale as old as time, true as it can be (Beauty and the Beast)
25. You were so busy talking on the phone you missed your stop. You shout:
I should have told you how I really feel a little in advance (Kiss me Before I fcking lose my mind)
26. The people around you say:
Nakilala kita sa di ko inaasahang pagkakataon (Hanap-hanap)
27. You scurry off the bus and call a friend for a ride. He/She tells you:
When I look into your eyes, it's like I'm watching the night sky (I won't give up)
28. Your friend manages to get you a ride home. You thank them by saying:
Don't need permission, made my decision to test my limits (Dangerous Woman)
29. You realize you lost your house key. You groan:
I know you care for me, there's no question at all (Love me the same)
30. Lucky for you, there's a spare hidden. What do you say out of relief?
I lo-lo-lo-ve it (Just Girly Things)
31. It's been a long day, huh? What are your thoughts?
To unexplain the unforgivable, drain all the blood and give the kids a show. (Shit.)
32. You turn the TV on and hear:
You took a trip and climbed a tree at Robert Sledge's party.
33. You get sick of the TV and check your email. You read:
Look who's digging their own grave, that is what they all say, you'll drink yourself to death. (Sounds like an actual intervention hahah.)
34. Hey, it's dinner time. You realize there's nothing to eat in your house:
When the winter winds little London with lonely hearts, oh the warmth in your eyes swept me into your arms.
35. Remember that person who asked you out to dinner? You call them up and say:
Alone on a train, aimless in wonder. (...)
36. So now you're eating dinner. Your date says:
Jumping up and down the floor, my head is an animal.
37. You respond:
I wish I could cross my arms and cross your mind.
38. After dinner, you realize you don't know who's paying. What do you think when they don't offer to pick the check up?
39. You end up paying. You grumble:
Baby, it's been a long day, baby, things ain't been going my way and I need you here.
40. So the date is over. You tell him/her:
I turn the music up, I got my records on, I shut the world outside until the lights come on.
41. You go home, full and exhausted. Final thoughts before bed?
Come on, skinny love, just last the year.
0 notes
Drarry #1
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You both like larry rp, larry, drarry, and drarry rp. Stranger: Everything about this situation just seemed bad. Harry had left his Invisibility cloak in the dormitory and he was currently Flooing back from winter break, quite late in the evening, and he had no bloody clue how he was going to make it past the common room if anyone was still up. He looked a fright, honestly, and though Harry knew /some/ cleaning spells, he really wasn’t good with the ones pertaining to dried or fresh blood on his face. While he was home for break, he’d gotten into a row with his uncle, which had ended with Vernon shoving Harry against the wall and punching him square in the nose. Harry had gotten one hit in, at least, but he had sort of blacked out, so to speak, and wasn’t aware of doing so until he came back to his senses when his nose broke. It was the second time this had happened to him - that things had escalated in the house enough for physical violence to occur - but this was the first time that anything had been so obviously wrong. Harry tumbled out of the fireplace in the Room of Requirement and was met with an otherwise empty room. He hadn’t even thought to bring the Marauder’s Map with him, something he was kicking himself about now, because as Harry left the Room, he almost ran directly into someone else. “Shit - lumos,” he hissed, covering his nose with his spare hand while the tip of his wand lit up to reveal, /of course/, Draco Malfoy, who looked just as disgruntled as Harry felt. “What are you doing out past curfew, Malfoy?” Harry asked with a deeply furrowed brow, hoping to prevent the Slytherin from asking the same. You: [Reading!] Stranger: [thanks! x] You: [Any specific year you want this set?] Stranger: [probably sixth, or we could always set it in seventh year, as if harry hadn't gone horcrux-hunting, or the super-fun optional 8th year! basically sixth year onward, haha x You: [No worries!] You: It had only been one day. Draco had been back at Hogwarts for one day and already he had received a letter from his father, the usual words twisted in there. Disappointment. Voldemort. Duty. Words he was sick of hearing. Duty to the Dark Lord? Draco owed him nothing. All he had done was stripped away any pride left of the Malfoy's. Narcissa never spoke anymore. Scars and nightmares depicted the horrors that Draco had gone through that winter break, playing home to the death eaters. And Lucius was too numb from fear to do anything. In that sense, Draco felt sorry for his father. He seemed to have aged centuries. The Slytherin common room had become home of excited conversation about Voldemort's return and the oncoming war everyone sensed. After nothing but this at home, it grew old quickly. Curfew had been enforced even more strictly this year than before, but any punishment would pale in comparison to what he had faced at his time at the Manor. Draco had headed straight for the Room of Requirement, praying it would offer him some silence. Perhaps a place to spend the night. A dreamless sleep potion wouldn't go a miss either. He had been in the midst of the three walks, when a force knocked him from the side. Of course. Of course it would be Harry Potter. The blonde sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Wouldn't you like to know, Potter." He spat, though with less ferocity than before. The arguing had a dull sensation to it, as if they had been over this time and time before. Draco supposed they had. Stranger: At least the question hadn't been returned to him. Harry could very easily go along his way after tossing another retort at Malfoy, because why would he bother to stop and speak with the Slytherin? But.. Something lingered, as the blond's words resounded in his ears, and Harry realised why. There was no.. Meaning, behind them. The words seemed empty, the disdainful pronunciation of his last name didn't seem half as forceful as it usually was, as it tended to leave Harry with flecks of Malfoy's actual /spit/ on the lenses of his glasses, and Malfoy looked.. Tired. He looked tired, Harry decided, and he frowned, staying perfectly in the way of the door to the Room of Requirement, wondering why the hell the Slytherin would be out this late at night. Keeping his wandlight low, so as to not bring any attention to himself or his own face and dark circles under his eyes from sleep deprivation, Harry nodded. "Yeah, actually, I would, Malfoy. Mind showing me what the hell you're up to in the Room this late at night?" he asked, his brows still quite furrowed together. "Doing your duty to help Voldemort's cause comes to mind, obviously, but hearing it from you would be just that /bit/ more satisfying." You: [let me just say, you write harry so well. like, i can imagine him saying all that. i'm shook] Stranger: [omg thank you he's my favourite character (sorry draco) i just love him and his mentally ill ass so much!!! and you do draco so well too tbh like most people can't grasp him like you have] You: The last thing that Draco had expected was a conversation. Judging by the time of night and the dried blood clinging to Harry's skin, the other should've been eager to get back to the Gryffindor dormitories before he broke curfew even more. Then again, it wasn't like the rules had ever applied to Potter. Saint Potter. The Chosen One. He had no idea what this was like - having to live up to the name. That had never been expected of Harry. He had never had to prove himself. Hell, before the boy had even turned two years old, everyone around the world idolised him. For what? Staying alive? Well then, Draco at least deserved some praise. He was here after all. So what if Harry had survived the killing curse? Draco had survived the cruciatus curse multiple times over the holidays. And, honestly, the killing curse would've been a blessing at time. At the mention of Voldemort's name, Draco flinched, eyes narrowed. "Maybe I'll tell you what happened to me if you explain why you're sneaking in past curfew?" Draco finally lifted his gaze, feeling the strain around his eyes as he did so. He was so tired. "Off fighting to save the Wizarding world? Pardon me if I don't fall at your feet in praise, as the rest of the world seems to be doing." You: [thank you!! draco's my favourite character so it seems we work out quite well hahah] Stranger: Harry, for a brief lapse in judgment, missed the days when he could actually read Malfoy's stupid, often-smug face. He'd been able to read the expressions flitting across it the way that Hermione read books; easily and without much practice. Now, though, it seemed that the Slytherin was intent on cloaking his thoughts for as long as he could, even when he had merely suspected Harry to be in his train compartment at the start of the year. This was the second time Harry had his nose broken, and he would have preferred his face stomped on again than have his uncle's big, solid fist in his face and against his neck. The request that Draco gave had Harry narrowing his eyes, scanning the blond's face for any signs of emotion. All he could see was a tightness, a tiredness, something missing from his features - the eyes, Harry realised. His eyes were.. Duller. Why? Surely Draco Malfoy, son of Voldemort's lapdog family, wouldn't be struggling as long as he listened to the orders that Harry was positive he was given. "The rest of the world does not /fall at my feet/," Harry retorted instantly, feeling his temper flare at the jab. He didn't ask for this. He'd never asked for any of this. Harry would give his own life ten times over if it meant he got to be some normal nobody living with his parents, and Malfoy had the gall to assume that he loved this, and made sure to bring it up, each and every time they fought. "And why would I tell you? All I'd get is a maybe you'll tell me, maybe you won't, in return. Tell me, Malfoy, what's Voldemort assigned you to do?" Harry asked, making sure to use the wizard's name again, as it had clearly made Malfoy flinch before. Odd, that he would find it uncomfortable. You: It had only just occurred to Draco that, had it been in his possession, Harry would've been using the invisibility cloak. A part of him mourned the fact that this had not happened; if that had been the case, Harry could've shuffled his way back to the common room unnoticed, assumedly uncaring of why his self was out past curfew. There were plenty of instances in which this conversation could've been avoided, and yet here he was. Flinching, yet again. Voldemort's voice didn't just represent the Dark Lord who claimed the name. Not anymore. It represented curses thrown, screams ripping through the Manor walls, burning his throat. It represented fire licking at his veins and the idea that maybe he was going to go insane, just the way that Longbottom's parents had. It represented the disappearance of emotions from his mother and the fall of his father. For a moment, silence passed by the two of them. Harry's features were harsh, scrutinising. This was exhausting. "Get out of my way, Potter. Go and wash the blood from your face." He straightened up. "There is no reason to continue this conversation." You: Voldemort's name* Stranger: There was definitely something that Harry wasn't seeing. He'd been working on becoming more observant, with mainly Hermione's help, but also with Ginny's, on occasion, because she was just as observant as Hermione, and often about different things. He needed to be more observant and aware of people and things in his surroundings if he wanted to be an Auror, when this was all over. If he made it through the war, that was. And knowing that there was something he was missing, that there was a reason for Draco to flinch every time Harry said Voldemort's name, and not being able to know what it was? That was driving Harry insane. He squared his posture, straightening his shoulders slightly, and kept his wand down and lowered, not pointing at any part of Malfoy. "Make me," Harry said, his voice soft but his tone quite sincere. He wasn't moving unless he was moved. You: Draco wanted to retort with how juvenile he was being, spit his name out with the same ferocity he always had. At that moment, he almost missed the way the two had been before. Yes, they despised each other. Draco made Harry's life as hellish as possible, but Harry was always there to match him one for one. Now, it seemed the only reason that Harry wanted to fight was because he was already wound up. The fresh wounds indicated that. If it had been any other night, any other situation, Draco might have jumped at the chance to throw a hex at the other. It had been too long since he'd been allowed to cause destruction with his own wand. Just - not tonight. He craved the bed he knew awaited for him behind Harry's stubborn shoulders. The blonde sighed. "Are you not tired of this?" Genuine curiosity accompanied his voice, the finality slipping in there, too. Stranger: Was he tired of this? What kind of question was that? Harry didn't understand why Draco was asking this of him, why he was suddenly seeming to tire of their camaraderie. What had changed to make the Slytherin seem so.. Defeated? Harry lowered his wand completely, murmuring, "Lumos minima," to keep the light as soft and low as possible, on the off-chance anyone came up this way. He lowered his hand from his nose and mouth, brushing it off on his jeans, which were already quite ruined as it was, since they'd been Dudley's before they were Harry's. He still hadn't managed to buy himself any new clothes that weren't wizarding robes. "I don't understand," Harry said after a long moment, genuine confusion mingling with a touch of concern sneaking into his voice. "Not that I don't understand your question. I'm not understanding why you're asking it." Another pause, during which Harry took the smallest of steps closer to Malfoy, away from the doorway to the Room that lay behind him, with Merlin only knew what waiting for Draco. "Unless you're asking because /you're/ tired. Which you do look tired. Hellish, in fact. You should be in bed in your dormitory," Harry continued, his brows furrowed deeply again, but this time in thought instead of anger as he took another step closer, just a tiny bit braver about approaching the Slytherin before him. "Out with it. What are you tired of, exactly, Malfoy?" You: With every step that Harry took forward, Draco lifted his chin an inch. When had the other grown so tall? His chin was almost fully inclined by the time Harry had stopped, a few inches too close for the slytherin's liking. He was just thankful that the wand light had been diminished to almost nothing - he didn't need Potter enquiring about the marks across his face. Not that he had any room to speak. "Of course you don't understand," Draco muttered, rolling his eyes only a fraction of an amount. The appearance of Nearly-Headless Nick caused them both to startle, eyes momentarily as Harry whispered 'Nox', before falling into silence. Somebody was clearly watching over them, as the ghost moved along with nearly no recognition of the boys besides a brief halt. The tip of Harry's wand lit again, bringing attention back to the question. "You, mostly." He shrugged, though he knew Harry wouldn't buy it. The incline of the other boys left eyebrow showed that much. "Not that it's any of your business, but. Just. There are worse things happening in the world right now than me being out of bed or you sneaking in." Stranger: Harry scowled slightly as Draco called him out for not understanding; he wasn't very skilled at Legilimency, of course he wasn't a mind reader, so he didn't understand very well any of this that they were talking about. It was even further cemented when Draco went on to say that he was tired of Harry, which the Gryffindor knew to be untrue. If he was so tired of Harry, then Draco could just bloody well leave, now couldn't he? Of course he could. Harry lit his wand again, a bit more bright, after they'd nearly been caught out by the ghost - Harry supposed he could've talked Nick out of getting them in trouble, but that would involve talking to the ghost, which was quite depressing. "Trust me, I'm just as aware of all the terrible things happening out there," Harry said, and he lifted his wand up between their bodies to get a better look at Malfoy's face. When he did, his eyes widened slightly and Harry frowned, lifting the wandlight up to better examine his face, completely forgetting the fact that Draco would now see the extent of his broken nose and the bruises like choking on his neck. "And what the /hell/ happened to you? Where'd you get those scratches from? You haven't got a cat, and your Owl is the family owl.." Harry reasoned, frowning as his gaze met the other boy's. He wanted an answer, but wouldn't directly push for one - it wasn't his place. You: Almost like instinct, the second the wand was lifted to his face, Draco tried to take a step backwards out of the light. The last thing he needed was Potter pressing about the origin of the bruising and scratches - the idea of saving people was so ingrained in Harry from years of being told that was his duty, he would never let Draco go in peace to the bed awaiting him if he learnt the severity of the situation. "Oh, will you stop?" Draco sighed through split lips. He had many stories that could explain the injuries - a different one for every person he had lied to. Crabbe, Snape, Dumbledore. His mother. But Harry would see straight through any of them. Clutching at any way to escape this, Draco turned it round on the other. "And what happened to /you/?" He tried to keep his tone light but now that the light spread over Harry's entire face, he could hardly stand to look at him. The nose was clearly broken, perhaps even twice, and the bruises hugging his neck were already starting to turn blue around the edges. Stranger: "Like I said before - make me, Malfoy," Harry retorted, frowning deeply at the idea that he wouldn't be able to know what was happening to the other boy. It was bad enough that he was being secretive and that he was most likely working for Voldemort, but now he was injured, on top of that? They hardly looked like physical injuries; Harry had seen enough of those on himself and hidden on his aunt's arms to know what it looked like when someone gripped you too hard, with brute force. Right now, he was more concerned with the idea of someone using magic to hurt Draco, and to hell with it if the Slytherin wasn't a friend, right? He was still a person, still just a boy, just like Harry, and if Harry could help, he bloody well would. At the question of what happened to himself, though, Harry paused. "I got in a fight," he replied simply, because it was true, and he didn't feel like explaining to Draco Malfoy, of all people, that his remaining blood family hated him and had been abusing him for years in various ways. "Your turn. And why do you almost flinch when I point my wand at you?" Harry asked, frowning again. Stranger: [brb! i'm going downstairs for a drink but i've some drunk family so it might be a bit, but i swear to god i'm coming back!! x You: [okay, no problem! x] Stranger: [omg i survived :') You: Only now, when Draco desperately wished somebody would catch them, no professors were around. Not even bloody Filch and that damn cat. Five years prior to this of sneaking around the castle, the majority of times being caught, and now they were nowhere to be found? The irony of it wasn't lost on Draco. He wished to be caught this time, simply to remove himself from this conversation and Harry's eyes. Ridiculous eyes. Draco would've thought there was pity in them, but he'd known the other long enough to know Potter didn't pity anyone. A shitty childhood and fake people will do that to you. More likely, it was concern. Which threw Draco off even more. Of course, he could always just leave and return to his dorm. But that meant standing down to Harry, which had never been an option. "A fight with a troll?" Draco scoffed, shaking his head. Whatever it had been, it definitely wasn't a fair fight. A quick glance showed Draco there was only a hint of bruising on Harry's knuckles, enough to be the result of only one punch, two at a push. Exhaustion was messing with his head and right now, he would be willing to say anything to get Potter to just stand down (for once) and let him through. "The death eaters making home at the Manor have been locked away for plenty of years and their cursing skills have grown rusty. They needed to practice. Now, let me through." You: [yaaay, welcome back haha] Stranger: "More or less," Harry replied, a hint of a dry smile curling the edges of his chapped lips. Blood had already touched them, though Harry had done his best to wipe it away before coming back to school. He knew that Ron would sleep heavily, but the other boys? Harry couldn't count on that. Besides, it was fair for him to suggest that it was a troll he'd fought, anyway, because uncle Vernon certainly resembled one in temperament, though not in intelligence. He was smart enough to usually hide bruises, place them where shirts and baggy clothes could cover them up. Harry was about to ask Draco, again, what had happened to him, but then he got his answer, and it left Harry speechless. He wasn't sure what to say, to be perfectly honest. Malfoy had just admitted to him that there were Death Eaters at his house, and Harry was.. Well, he wasn't obligated, but he felt as though he had a duty to alert the Order immediately about this, on the off-chance it was true. Then again.. It could be a lie. Harry searched Draco's face for anything, any hint of a lie, but he couldn't find a single one. Letting out a slow breath, Harry nodded. "If you let me in there with you," he relented, only slightly shrinking his posture. "I wouldn't stay for long. But we're going to talk, or you're at least going to let me tend to those, and we won't talk. Either way, I'm going with you and that's final." Harry was firm on thisl he would play the card of being in the Order if he had to, but he didn't want to threaten the Slytherin. You: No part of him had believed that the revelation would be enough to get Harry off of his case - if anything, he knew it would make the situation worse. He probably should care that he'd just disclosed the whereabouts of a dozen death eaters to Harry, and he should probably care about what would happen to him when Voldemort learnt of this. But he didn't. All he cared for was sleep and quiet. So much so that the request of joining him didn't phase Draco. If Harry wanted to sit and watch as Draco slept, then so be it. That was all he was going to get. No heart-to-hearts, no pity. "'Either way, I'm going with you and that's final.'" Draco mimicked in a high-pitched voice, already stepping into stride to complete the three walks. I want somewhere to sleep. I want to be safe. I want to forget. The door to the Room made itself known, twisted patterns stretching across the previously plain wall until it solidified. Too much aware of the Gryffindor one step behind him, Draco entered. As expected, a large bed filled a corner of the room, curtains hung around it. In the centre, a chestnut-oak table stood, a variety of potions upon a silver plate. One in particular stood out to him, purple label visible from the door. Dreamless sleep. Stranger: Harry rolled his eyes at being mimicked; he was used to that. That was more like the Draco Malfoy he knew. Right now, though, everything seemed topsy-turvy, everything turned upside-down and flown around like someone who had no bloody clue how to fly a broom had decided it was okay to pilot one. Harry stepped aside for Draco to make his three strides, watching in wonderment as the door opened for him. He was desperate to know what the other thought of to conjure the Room the way it was - soft, quiet, a large bed in the corner, a table full of potions - and then followed him inside anyway. "At least when you mimic my voice you sound more like yourself," Harry commented, his voice quiet in the room. It felt almost as if he couldn't speak too loudly or he would end up being silenced. He watched as Malfoy seemed to make a beeline for the potions table and followed, inspecting them and noticing they were all for sleep, for dreamless sleep, or for something to aid with sleeping and having pleasant dreams. I need potions to help with his injuries, Harry thought, and watched as some seemed to spring from the table, albeit quite slowly, because if Harry was correct, they were curse marks. "I won't talk to you. Take your potion and get into bed, I'll sort out the potions I need to help you," Harry instructed, his voice a soft murmur in the room. He didn't want to be too commanding and demanding, but it was his nature in situations like this to take control - or was that nurture, instead? Harry didn't know and didn't want to find out, uncorking the bottles and inspecting them one by one, dropping a few drops carefully onto a plate he hadn't noticed before to see what they did. You: The bed grew more comfortable every time. His first experience with the room had been back at the start of the year; he'd been trying desperately to get rid of some curse marks across his ribs. That had been the first time he'd been used by the death eaters and his father had promised, in whispered breaks when they got a chance to be alone, that it would be the only time. That Voldemort had offered him before Lucius could offer himself. Draco recalls that from up close, his father looked a lot older. Any argument that could occur between the two boys was sucked away, a peaceful blanket thrown over the room. Even if they had wanted to fight, had the energy to, Draco had a feeling the room wouldn't allow it. Allowing himself to relax for the first time in days, the blonde finished off three of the potions - all different variations of sleep. Dreamless, fearless, peaceful. His eyes were growing tired and he let himself close them, slightly aware of Harry's presence as he crossed the room to the bed, but too drained to open his eyes. Stranger: It was a bit concerning, really, that Draco was so intent on taking the potions for sleep that he was willing to mix them. Shouldn't he, of all people, know the dangers of doing so? He was close with Snape, and he had better marks in Potions than even hermione did most of the time. Harry kept his comments to himself, though, thinking that it wouldn't be wise to start an argument right now. He wasn't sure if it was his own idea or the Room's, but either way, Harry felt it to be the correct type of thought. He stayed silent until he knew that Draco was tucked into the bed, probably still in his clothes. "Have you any other marks that are bad enough for me to look at?" Harry asked quietly. He had deemed the potions safe enough for use on the Slytherin, and gathered them up on a small silver tray, which he carried over to the bed. A table sprung up just as Harry thought he'd like to have one, and he set the tray down on it before hesitantly sitting on the very edge of the bed. From this angle, from above, with his eyes closed, Draco looked.. Peaceful. At rest. Something about it made Harry's heart twist and he realised it was because the boy looked like a corpse. "I don't know if you're allowed to mix potions like that, but if you don't wake up, I'm going to bring you back and hex you," Harry muttered, mostly to himself. He wasn't sure the other could hear him, anyway. Picking up the first potion - one to penetrate underneath the skin to heal deeper wounds - Harry used a cloth he hadn't noticed before and soaked the tip of it before gently rubbing it onto Draco's face, his motions gentle and slow, not wanting to hurt. You: At the question, the marks sliced across Draco's back and dug into the gaps of his ribs called for attention, but no matter what state he was in, he wouldn't allow Harry to tend to them. If needs be, he would wait until he was alone in the room and do it himself. "No." A hint of a thank you almost came, but not quite. Sleep was already tugging at all of his senses and his muscles screamed for him to let go, but he wouldn't allow himself to fall so willingly whilst Harry was still here. Just as Draco thought that he would've been much more comfortable in pyjamas, a pair appeared besides him on the bed. He would change later. Potions shouldn't really be mixed. It was a fact that Snape focused on intently - he had even set a homework essay on the dangers and side effects of doing so. "The Room will protect me." He replied, voice so soft. He honestly believed it. The Room had been here when he had had nothing else. It had supplied him with everything he had ever wanted and more. The first time he had come, all he wanted was silence, and it had given it. The Room wouldn't hurt him. Stranger: "If it doesn't, I'm going to have words with it," Harry murmured, keeping his voice just as soft as Draco's. He was sure that there were other wounds on his body - there was no way the Death Eaters practiced curses solely on the Slytherin's face and neck - and so Harry was going to tend to his wounds that he could see the best that he could. He paid no mind to the fact that Draco seemed to still be awake, working steadily and quietly for about five minutes before he noticed the pyjamas. "Do you.. Want to change? I can turn around, or - " Harry paused, as a screen seemed to set itself up at the foot of the bed, as if asking for Harry to leave the area. "All right. You change. Two more potions to go to help with healing," he promised, standing up from where he'd been sat on the edge of the bed. Harry left the bed area alone for the time being, giving Draco enough time to change before quietly calling, "Are you decent? I'm coming back." You: His body seemed to move without any indication from his brain, slowly and carefully fitting the pyjamas onto himself. They were silk, of course, and rested comfortably against his bruises. Sometimes, he cursed his body for being so breakable. The curses were understandable - no wizard could leave what he had unharmed, but the bruises were all so /mortal./ A result of hitting the wall too hard or slamming down to the floor with invisible force. Blue and black and tinges of yellow painted him, similar to those formed around Harry's neck and Draco was struck for a minute how broken the two of them were. Quite different to the witty, wholesome children they had been when they had met. The thought pulled him away from reality a moment too long, missing when Harry had spoken and giving no response. The buttons of his pyjama shirt were undone, all of the destruction still visible on his front when Harry stepped out from behind the sheet, his gaze instantly falling there as Draco hurried to work on his buttons. Of course, his hands were shaking. Stranger: Harry paused when he saw the bruises colouring Draco's chest, and with sudden clarity, he could imagine the bruises landing on the other's pale skin. Falling, or hitting something - not curses, not spells - but the aftermath of them. Quite quickly, Harry moved to Draco's side, placing his own hands - warm, a bit calloused, stained with his own blood - over top of the blond's, stilling the motions of them. "No, it's - it's okay. Please, let me help?" Harry asked, his voice unusually soft and gentle. It was even more unusual that he would ask to help, but as he glanced at Draco's face, he decided that waiting for an answer was perhaps stupid, and so he gently guided the blond back to the bed, leaving one hand on the opening of his pyjama shirt while the other reached for the same potion that he had used on his face. "Your face already looks more like it usually does. This can help, with your chest," Harry explained quietly, showing the bottle to Draco and its label before magically uncorking it and using some on his fingers to press lightly into the wounds on Draco's chest. "Just - hold still." You: Harry hadn't really given him a choice, or time to resist. The potion burnt but only slightly and the other was being so gentle that Draco didn't have it in him to ask him to stop. It really looked like he was enjoying this - not the pain that Draco was experiencing but the helping. It was a subdued form of enjoyment, not as if he was happy about the situation but eagerness to help - to fix everything. Even things that couldn't be. As Harry worked on his injuries, Draco had time to examine the other's. The nose angled awkwardly, bruising by the side making it clear that it had been the result of a forceful punch. The muggles idea of fighting wasn't one that Draco had encountered many times, only that incident when Harry had tackled him after the Quidditch game, but he was clued up enough to realise. The bruising around his neck was a whole other story - finger shaped marks were printed there and Draco wondered how long he had had to go without breathing for. "You need to tend to your own injuries, as well." He said quietly, and seconds after, a new handful of potions appeared on the tray. Stranger: "I will," Harry answered after a moment. He didn't really think that his own injuries warranted talking about, or tending to - they weren't as severe as Malfoy's. Harry knew how deep and terrible curse marks could be - hell, Ron even had some imprinted on his arms from the brains that had gotten a hold of him at the Ministry last summer - and Harry knew his own would heal just fine with or without the assistance of magic. "I'm sorry if it stings at all," he added as a means of apologising, just for something, because Harry couldn't bring himself to apologise for following Malfoy into the Room. He wouldn't be able to say it and mean it, and at least he was able to mean the apology for the burning or stinging potions. Harry corked the first potion back up and then grabbed the second, using the cloth this time to trace over the wounds on Draco's chest. He pointedly ignored the other medicinal potions available to him on the counter, as he could use those once he was sure that Malfoy was fine. "Is.. Is Bellatrix at the Manor as well, then?" Harry asked after a moment, barely able to get the name out without feeling hatred rise like bile in his throat. She'd taken the last bit of hope from Harry, the last shred of hope for escape from the Dursleys, without a second thought. Harry had to know. You: Malfoy had a feeling that he would have to force Harry to care for his own wounds - after all, despite what the two of them thought of each other, Harry had proved to be selfless. Whether it was fierce loyalty or a lack of self-care, he did not know. But over the years they had known each other, Draco had seen him go extraordinary lengths for the people he cared about and even now, for the person he hated. At the sound of Bellatrix's name, Malfoy flinched. It had become such a common occurrence that his muscles seemed to curve into it effortlessly, his shoulders rising slightly towards his ears. She had been the one to perform the majority of the cruciatus curses. The rest weren't so cruel. They were far from enjoyable, but stinging and mutation hexes were nothing compared to the torture of the cruciatus curse. Every bad thing that Draco had ever said to Neville hung over him now as a humbling reminder - he would never say another word to him again. "You know I can't." Draco eventually responded, meeting Harry's eyes. The hatred and hurt was evident on his face and his heart twisted, for reasons he didn't understand. "If they find out I even told you about them staying.." He shook his head, closing his eyes momentarily. As always, flashes of green and cries of pain printed on his eyelids. He opened them. Stranger: The fact that Draco flinched when Harry so much as mentioned the name of his aunt - of Bellatrix Lestrange, previously Bellatrix Black - spoke more than words ever could. "Okay," Harry replied simple, knowing that it would be dangerous enough for the youngest Malfoy to actually go home for any length of time, especially now. And Harry, though he was sure it was just guilt, felt entirely responsible for that. How could he help to force someone out of their home and not feel guilty about it? Just because he had been forced out of his own by Voldemort didn't mean that others had to be, as well. Harry finished with the second of the three potions for Malfoy's wounds and then paused, biting on his lower lip, unaware that he might be chewing it until it bled again. "When - when Sirius passed, he left me Grimmauld Place in his will," Harry started, voice soft but slow, not reluctant, but merely tentative. He didn't want to cross any lines. "It's currently the headquarters for the Order. It's the Black family residence, and.. And it's safe. Myself and the members of the Order are the Secret-Keepers for it," he explained, picking up the third potion and ,erely holding it in his hands. "If you wanted, we could relocate you and.. One or two family members, if you needed, to this house." Harry paused again, meeting Draco's eyes, and then began to gently pat the potion from the bottle onto his fingers and then to Malfoy's chest. It was meant to close any wounds and help with healing. "You'd have to renounce any, like.. Loyalty to Voldemort, though." You: "I don't have any loyalty to Voldemort." He replied fiercely, the first heated word that had been spoken since they entered the room and it was gone quicker than it had come. Deep nail marks - courtesy of his wonderful aunt Bellatrix - burnt as the potion sunk in, attempting to heal and close the wound. Any other nail wounds wouldn't have been as painful, but the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange were amongst the most dangerous things to face and the physicality of her showed it. The idea of somewhere safe, where he could sleep without waking every couple of minutes, obviously appealed to him. The fact that his biggest needs - as shown by the room - were a bed and some quiet portrayed that. But the logistics would never work. Despite everything, his father wouldn't renounce loyalty to Voldemort. He would die first. And, although she loved her son deeply, more than she loved Lucius, Narcissa Malfoy was a fiercely loyal woman and would leave none of her family behind. And Draco would die before he left his mother alone - his father was nothing of a protector anymore. "That's very kind of you," He said sincerely, between hisses of pain. "But, right now, that won't work out. As much as -" He paused, a tight smile on his face. Even just talking about this put up countless walls, walls that Harry had somehow managed to work through over the past hour. "Thank you, though." Stranger: "As much as you'd like to accept the offer, you can't. I suppose that's one thing Slytherins and Gryffindors have in common, hmm? We're both intensely loyal to the people we care about," Harry surmised, believing himself to be correct. If he wasn't, he was positive that Malfoy would let him know within an instant - it was part of being a Slytherin, as Harry believed - they always had to be right in one way or another. It was worse than most Ravenclaws, honestly; that House was quite the open-minded bunch, if Harry was being honest about it. He had also noticed how quick Draco had been to denounce any loyalty to Voldemort, and though he was sure that it had much to do with these injuries, Harry wasn't going to press it. Not now, anyway. Every sound of pain that the Slytherin let out had Harry's stomach twisting and he wished he could soothe it, somehow. Without his even thinking it more than on a subconscious level, another potion appeared, one whose lavel explained that it would do something along the lines of lessen pain. "I'm going to add this one as well. I'd ask you to drink it, but I think you've already done something a bit dangerous," Harry murmured, lifting the potion and gently rubbing it over Draco's torso, not focusing on the wounds, but just on the skin he could see and reach. He reached up to the Slytherin's face, hands running warm and smooth along his skin, and Harry paused with one hand on each cheek, his eyes focused on Draco's for the longest moment before he slowly let his hands slide down, over his neck, to rest on his shoulders. "Are you feeling any better?" Harry asked, his voice barely above a whisper. You: "Quite." Draco spoke, purposely keeping his answers short as he knew his voice would be shaky. He took great pride in never crying in front of anybody, not even the death eaters. The metallic taste of blood that he had sampled swam to mind, as Draco had bit down so harshly on his tongue to keep from crying out. He always did, though. Bellatrix seemed to get the most enjoyment out of that, her erratic screams of laughter mixing with his own. And yet, he never cried. Perhaps it was some sort of Slytherin thing - pride, self integrity - or perhaps it was a Malfoy thing. The family had grown used to hiding their own hurt. Even so, it didn't explain why Draco felt the need to cry now. Nobody had touched him in this way in such a long time, as if to comfort him and soothe. Touch had too often become associated with pain. The potion worked quickly, much more so than the others. Naivety wasn't a Malfoy trait. He knew the hexes would never heal completely. The ones on his body he could live with, but deep marks cut across his face and the thought of having a constant reminder so blatantly obvious made him sick. Stranger: Harry stayed silent, not wanting to provoke the other boy into speaking, as he was sure that Malfoy was doing the same thing that Harry himself did when he had been confronted by Dudley when he was younger, or by uncle Vernon mere hours ago, the man's fist against his neck and spots swimming in front of his eyes -he was trying not to cry. It was hard to show emotion as it was, but Harry had purposely shoved any but the righteously angry ones down deep inside of himself. The last time he'd cried had been the summer before his fifth year, shortly before he turned fifteen - he'd woken up sobbing from a dream about Cedric's death, and he hadn't been able to stop it. Even with no one to witness it, Harry felt a deep shame for having cried at all. He wasn't supposed to cry; he was supposed to be the Saviour of the wizarding world, as absurd as that was. Once he'd finished tending to every single one of Draco's injuries that he could reach, Harry murmured, "I'm done." He set the potion aside, resisting the urge to rub at his nose for fear it would ache, and then asked, "D'you want me to, like.. Go back behind the screen while you sleep? I don't want you to, like.. You know. Die in your sleep because of the potions or something." It was a bit of a lame excuse to stick around, but Harry was going to use it. You: One thing that Draco had grown to appreciate tonight was that Harry never pushed - not even really when initially asking about his injuries, not when mentioning Bellatrix, not now when the blonde was clearing fighting the urge to cry. Previous experience, Draco guessed, told Harry that sometimes some things don't need to be told in full. Not yet, anyway. Emotions had always been a taboo in the Malfoy house - all those beside pride and arrogance, it seemed. Weakness was responded to in the same manner as the letter that Draco had received early on this night. "Um. You can, like.. If you want to." As a response to his incoherent mumbling, a round, comfortable-looking seat appeared beside the bed, accompanied with a thick blanket and a reclining ability. His clear fear of being alone should've embarrassed him but it felt the two of them had come on too far - even in the past hour - for trivial things like embarrassment to matter. Stranger: The sound of things magically coming into existence had Harry turning and he couldn't help a slight smile at the sight of the comfortable armchair and thick blanket, both maroon in colour with golden accents to them. It was honestly quite touching that his presence was still wanted, even after barging into the safe space that Malfoy had created for himself. "I'll stay," Harry murmured. "Don't worry." He paused a moment, wondering why he was soothing Draco, but then brushed the thought aside. Carefully, Harry buttoned up the pyjama top again and then hesitated a moment, hand outstretched as if to brush back a strand of hair from Draco's face, but he lowered it instead, almost too shy to go through with it. He wasn't sure if it would be.. Acceptable, to say the least, to brush Malfoy's hair aside as if he were a lover or a caretaker or some odd mix of both. "Sleep well, okay? I'll be right here," Harry murmured, moving himself to sit in the reclining chair. He leaned back in it, comfortable enough in his clothes to curl up tiny and small, as he was used to, shifting the blanket over him. He'd take care of his injuries in the morning, Harry rold himself. You: [hey, it's just turned 5am here and i can feel myself starting to fall asleep so i should probably get to bed. i've loved this so much, i'm so sad to be leaving omg] Stranger: [omg do you have anything we could continue on?? you're GMT, it's only just about 12am for me. i've got kik and email?? omggg You: [yeah, we could definitely continue over email! my email is [email protected] , wanna send your last response there and i'll reply in the morning?] Stranger: [YES okay hold on, if you can stay awake for a couple minutes longer while i send it to you?? You: [yes of course!!] Stranger: [okay okay hold on uno momento x Stranger: [it was sent! my email is [email protected] !! Stranger: [if you wanna grab the chat log link that'd be cool but if not i definitely don't mind!! x You: [yep, got it! of course, i'll grab it and send it over through email. thanks so much for this, i really enjoyed it. i'll speak to you tomorrow!! x] You have disconnected. 

0 notes
travellingthoughts · 7 years
Monday 15th of May 2017
**started writing this one week ago (23nd of May rn) and never finished it. Going to continue where I left off** ***its now the 9th of June FFS Len*** **** I do this every fkn time**** So I'm currently on a train to Stansted Airport in London. I have a flight today to Edinburgh which I'm so excited for. I'll be seeing my cousins for the first time in 12 years, and will be staying with them for my entire stay in Scotland. London has truly been amazing. I've had two of my fave pals here who have kept me busy and feeling elated; Brittany and James. Brittany has been with me since pretty much the start of Daniel and I. She has been with my through the ups and downs, as I have been with her. However we always manage to laugh a lot through the shit times and have a blast. Back at home and especially after Daniel and I broke up we were hanging out every second day, going for walks and coffees and just chilling at out houses and everything in between. Then she left me to travel overseas 😰...and then I left to come over also 😊 Anyway, we did what we would normally do at home in London, and it was fucking awesome! I really enjoy her company, and her ray-of-sunshine personality she has ❤ James and I did what we normally did too; drink alcohol haha. Just kidding, James is kick ass to talk to and he is definitely one of my closest guy friends without it being weird. He introduced me to his mates from London and they were a laugh and a half... but mostly James though lol because he is a fkn pisser 😂 We had so many times together where we just got fucked and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was amazing to have two of my best friends only 30 minutes away. It feels like a lifetime ago when I could do this. It really mellowed the lonely feeling which was awesome. London had it all. The night life, the food and the sites hit the spot! Everyday was an adventure and I literally had everything at my fingertips. It reminded me a lot of Melbourne. Just a lot bigger and a little older. But the people were so nice and helpful. It was also really easy to get around which made life so much less stressful. It was expensive, but easy so whatever. Everything was kind of overpriced but I think I did well with my money seeing as though I was there for a solid 11 days. Weather also wasn't too bad, or well not as bad as I expected. Hahah I pictured consistent rain but it was anything but. Just a drizzle here and there! Nothing like Krakow 🙄 Some of the places I visited were Camden town markets, Westminster abbey, Big Ben, Tower of London, Shoreditch, Clapham common, portobello road markets, Brixton, Brighton and Harry Potter world at Warner Brothers Studio! Would highly suggest all of these places to anyone who wants to go to London. Overall feeling about London: amazing. This brings me to the real date right now (THE DATE LEN SHOULD HAVE POSTED THIS BUT SHES FKN LAZY SO 2 WEEKS HAVE PAST- read the **** above): Tuesday the 23rd of May. I'm on a flight to Dublin as I write this (I feel like I'm always in transit when I finally have the time to write... and I always am haha). Edinburgh exceeded my expectations in regards to the landscape. I always thought of Scotland as being underrated but I truly got to see how underrated it really is. Edinburgh is gorgeous. I was living in the centre the part called New Town. There is New Town and Old Town which separates the city centre... how well thought out and innovative haha. Must of taken them ages to name 😂 The city is very hilly, like it was a work-out getting around (aint complaining). Although pushing 30kg luggage up a killer hill today had me swearing and sweating. One thing I found interesting was the fact that all of the monuments and old buildings are pretty much black. They look burnt and I don't know why... definitely need to research that. I spent my days walking up the famous Princess street and Royal Mile. I visited Carlton Hill which gave me spectacular views of all of Edinburgh (where my last post was written). I did some Harry Potter scavenging around the city and went to the Elephant House Cafe where JK Rowling first thought of Harry Potter. Went to the graveyard (Greyfriars kirkyard) where she got the names for some of the characters and I found Tom Riddles grave. It was pretty spooky but I found something calming about this cemetery. There was so much greenery and people about it didn't feel eery. Saw the university which inspired the design of Hogwarts, and it honestly looked pretty spot on. I was a bit of a Harry Potter geek in both London and Edinburgh and I fkn loved it 🙊 I also went to a Mary King's Close tour which showed me the now underground alleyways of Edinburgh. The city was built on these after the plague, so they were once open to the sky. I heard true stories of important people who lived there and what impact the plague had on the population. Pretty crazy to think that people's insides were shutting down and eating them alive. Very eye opening as I tend to complain about having a cold or my period. Completely insignificant when you put it into perspective. Most of my time was spent with my cousins though. It was really important to me that I was with them every moment I could be. I haven't seen them in ages and I wanted to make the most of every moment. Most night were spent making delicious dinners (they're Masterchefs legit) and drinking wine. We watched the Olympiakos basketball team win the semi final and then lose the grand final, over Souvlaki and Pizza. We talked and talked for hours every night about a whole lot of things, and these are the moments I will treasure forever. They were so loving towards me and made their home feel like mine. They took me to St Andrews on Saturday, where we got ice cream and coffee and walked around. It was stunning! There was so much history behind every building. Especially those that have literally fallen apart or are in pieces. We walked the coast where the "beaches" were (they weren't beaches they were just water hitting massive rocks... no sand or fun in the sun that's for sure) and ended up roaming the University where Prince William studied/met Kate Middleton. It was huge and looked fkn expensive. Deakin definitely doesn't look like that #HECS #yolo 😂 That brings me to my next destination....Dublin! Ireland is my favourite country ever. I would happily live here. The people are the loveliest kind there is, they know how to have a good laugh, they're big drinkers (my style), the landscape is beautiful, there is so much to do always and weather is average but no one gets crabby about it. I have had some of the most eventful nights of my trip in Dublin, and they have happened on the nights where I said I was going to have a "quiet one". If there is one thing I've learned on this trip it's that when you expect something to be great, whether it be a country or a night out, you are more then likely going to be disappointed. Don't expect anything and you'll always be pleasantly surprised! In Dublin I went to Kilkenny (which is like a small medieval town with castles and shit), Glendalough (which has awesome hiking tracks leading to lakes but that's literally it), The Wicklow mountains (which was way too foggy for the tour to stop and get off 😪), The cliffs of Moher (which I believe I ate about 1000 bugs for lunch as they were fkn everywhere but the cliffs are pretty), Galway City (which is a cute but relatively large town), Burren (which is literally hundreds of square meters filled with limestone created from acid rain! It's fkn sick), Giants Causeway (which has like rocks that are huge hexagonal prisms and really pretty views when you hike to the top), Belfast (in Northern Ireland where I did a 'black taxi' tour where you learn about the political unrest that has happened in Ireland and is life changing) AND MY FAVOURITE SITE OF ALL WHICH MANY OF YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN ON MY INSTAGRAM Carrick a Rede rope bridge which is stunning! All in all, I did a lot in Ireland during the day and partied way too hard at night but I loved every single second. My number one memory of Ireland will definitely be when I met up with a primary school friend, Harry Shivmangal, who I have literally not seen in 9 years because he ditched me and left Australia to live in Ireland 😂 We talked and talked for hours about absolutely everything, it was incredible. He has grown up so much but is still exactly how I remember him. Is that weird? Hahah and then on Sunday I went to his house for dinner with his family and they were the absolute best! We had a kick ass meal, plenty of laughs, wine galore, tried to give kisses to the fam dog Lexi but she only wanted me for my food scraps #user, looked back at old photos of me and Haz, and laughed some more 😂 It was such a good night I honestly didn't want to leave! I FUCKING LOVE YOU IRELAND 🇮🇪 Signing off #bouttime, Lenny 🇮🇪❤
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