#it is 10:48 pm i should definitely go to bed
wizardlyghost · 1 year
super weird how childhood events that have had years-long mildly traumatic impacts on my psyche can be attributed to the autism or the adhd with the after-the-fact knowledge that i have those two things. like, one time in like third grade there was a class party sort of thing and all the kids were encouraged to bring in board and card games and stuff to play, and i was super excited to bring my dragonology card game that nobody at home wanted to play with me (because, let's be honest, i was Weird about dragons), but nobody at school wanted to play it with me either, so i just sorta sat at the table in the corner sadly shuffling my dragon cards because i didn't want to give up on the chance that someone might want to play, until i eventually gave up and played other peoples' games that i didn't understand for the remaining fifteen minutes of class. and i just remembered about that right now and remembered all the times that that disappointed and frustrated lack of understanding has haunted me over the last fifteen years and realised Oh, Somebody Should Probably Have Been Concerned Or Something Maybe.
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Safe in your arms by ebony solcum on wattpad
I promised commentary, and I shall deliver!
9:41 pm: LET'S DO THIS! Okay, Wattpad. I've been here before when I was desperately searching for new fics I hadn't read. I don't come here often because I hate the formatting. Have I read this one? It kind of looks familiar…
9:55 pm: I have definitely read this one. That's okay, I am a serial re-reader. I don't remember what happens. 2 chapters in and…Ads?! No thank you, Wordscapes.
10:35 pm: I was going to stop after chapter 3 but the baby woke up before I could get into bed. Feeding and fic, they go together around here. Lots of angst in that basement menagerie. Our awkward babies need hugs. They should just hug each other, already.
11:17 pm: I finally laid down and I'm too tired to continue. Pause after chapter 8. They finally hugged each other!
3:43 am: Up with the baby. More feeding and fic! I have definitely read this before, I remember them teaching Nagini magic! I think it's a really sweet part of the storyline. Achilles Tolliver needs to go away. I mean, he's not there, but he's in the way, darn it.
4:12 am: Whoa, anger Newt! Let it out, dude. 9 chapters down, I'm going back to bed!
6:48 am: Seriously, child. You need to sleep… 😴
8:32 am: UUUGGGHHH, ACHILLES…. *shakes fist* I am sure canon Achilles is a fine, upstanding guy, but we DO love to hate him in fandom, don't we? 🔥
9:14 am: I have to take my 4 year old back to my hometown for a birthday party today. No reading time for me. Bummer…
9:39 pm: All right, I'm back! Let's go, chapter 13… Sad Tina is sad.
9:51 pm: Oooohhhhh intentional hand holding. 👀
9:56 pm: NOOOOOOOOO! I hate him.🙄 His timing is impeccable. Also, Nagini knows…
10:17 pm: Yaaaasssss, Nagini! *snaps* Okay, real talk. They are grown adults and acting like they are 14 around each other. *shoves their faces together* KISS ALREADY! Jesus.
10:31 pm: Whoop, there it is! 😘🥳
10:41 pm: drama time!
12:36 am: my kid woke up…and someone in my story just got punched in the face. Hot damn. Also, there are so many ads… no me gusta.
12:45 am: I hate Achilles. 🖕 Newt is so sweet.
1:19 am: THERE IS MY FLUFF! ☁️☁️☁️ And Christmas!
1:29 am: Nagini is adorable. Her childlike wonder makes me smile. I also love that she was given magical ability. I have often wondered if Nagini is magical or not. I am assuming that there is at least a magical connection since she was born with the blood curse.
1:42 am: Pesky nifflers! Such adorable little posts! Okay, I'm going to sleep. I'm reading in bed and I'm going to fall asleep on my phone. 🤣 That's the end of chapter 33!
10:57 am: Okay, I think I'm almost done. Let's finish this. 💍 Wait, meet the parents time… and of course Newt’s parents suck.
11:13 am: Finished! It was a very sweet story! Thank you for the recommendation, @scamanderishredmayniac!
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chimerical-caracal · 3 years
thank you @howmuchismuch and @dramatically-incorrect-doodles for tagging me!! love you both <3
1. name/nickname: right so i have multiple names that i switch between regularly but atm i’m using quintrell with the nicknames q or quin
2. gender: i usually just say nonbinary but genderqueer, transgender, and cadensgender all apply too (and for those unfamiliar with the term, cadensgender is a gender that’s easily influenced by music)
3. star sign: virgo i think
4. height: 5'1 last i checked, tho i sincerely doubt i’ll be growing more anytime soon
5. time: it is currently 8:48 pm
6. birthday: september 9th
7. favorite bands: AJR, bears in trees, and lovejoy (their ep just dropped go check it out if you haven’t already!!!!!)
8. favorite solo artists: wilbur soot and derivakat tho there are probably more i’m forgetting rn
9. song stuck in my head: primarily one day by lovejoy but all the other songs on the ep are living rent free in my head rn too
10. last movie: i’m not sure... i think it was shrek honestly ksajnfksa
11. last show: i think it was either queer eye or worst cooks in america? most of the tv shows i watch are either cooking shows or cartoons with a couple exceptions
12. when did i create this blog: fuck if i know, it’s gotta be a couple years at least?? i don’t even know where to check that lmao
13. what i post: just whatever shows up on my dash; this blog is a trash heap and i the humble raccoon that sits atop it
14. last thing googled: “wilbur soot merch”; i probably can’t get any because it Costs Money but i can look at it and dream
15. other blogs: @ender-chimera is my minecraft / mcyt sideblog, @oodles-and-boodles-of-doodles is my art / doodle sideblog, @handinhelpinghand is a sideblog for signal boosting any donation posts i come across, and @archaic-orison is an aesthetic sideblog for unsettling / creepy stuff (explore that one with caution, i don’t have a tag system set up for that one yet). i do have a couple more but i don’t really use them anymore; these are all the active ones
16. do i get asks: no but i really wish i did lmao
17. why i chose my url: wasn’t happy with the first couple urls i had for a couple of reasons so i rebranded by mixing one of my favorite words (chimerical) with one of my favorite animals (caracal). it’s especially nice because it rhymes and it’s got alliteration which are 2 more of my favorite things lol
18. following: 148
19. followers: 144 (tho i will note i haven’t gone through and cleared out the bots in a while so that number’s probably inaccurate)
20. average hours of sleep: i’d say around 9 or so, maybe 10? but my sleep schedule is Awful; these past couple weeks i’ve been going to bed around 5 am and getting up at like, 2-3 pm and i don’t think that’s healthy sjndfksaj
21. lucky number: idk if i really have a “lucky” number per say but my favorite number is 6
22. instruments: to varying degrees of success i can play the trumpet, french horn, mellophone, piano, ukulele, and bass guitar, the last of which i Just started working on. i would also like to learn drums and cello at some point if possible
23. what am i wearing: black sweatpants and a pink short sleeve t-shirt that has a cartoon spider and sprinkles on it (it’s cute i promise) with a long sleeve black shirt underneath it. i’m also wearing black nail polish atm which i should do more often i forgot how much i like wearing it
24. dream trip: definitely one big roadtrip to see all my friends, both the ones i’ve known irl for years now and the ones i’ve never met in person before
25. favorite food: idk if it has an actual name but there’s this turkey sausage and rice recipe with celery and tomatoes in it that is So Good i love it so much
26. nationality: american 😔
27. favorite song: i don’t think i could ever choose a permanent favorite song (or just one for that matter) but i’ve been listening to lovejoy’s ep on repeat ever since it dropped so i guess those are my current favorites
28. last book read: it has been. at least a year? since i’ve read an actual book. sajfnkasjnfd i legitimately have no clue it was probably something for school
29. top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: oooooo that’s a tough one. i’d love it if pokemon were real so i think the pokemon world, and maybe minecraft too? but probably just creative mode specifically because i doubt i’d make it past the first night lmao. and i honestly can’t come up with a third fictional universe rn so i guess that’s it ksjnfdksn
30. favorite color: either mint green or lavender, i can never decide between the two. black and white together as a color combo is also very high up there
and i’m just gonna tag a Bunch of people asjdfksjdn i hope y’all don’t mind @b1rdza, @technosoot, @gardenn-of-eden, @athenixs, @anuninspiredpoet, @starry-eyed-spectre, @resident-floatyhotboi, @mpleleaf, @eclecticqueercen, @raeofgayshine, @galaxywitchwolf13, @awkwardang410, @coconut-cluster
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1. Boris Johnson announced a new 3 Tier lockdown system, with the lowest Tier being “medium”, like at McDonalds
2. As part of the announcement, the Chief Medical Officer reassuringly said the plan wouldn’t work
3. The govt said “in all cases, we are following the science”
4. It was revealed the SAGE science committee told the govt to lockdown weeks ago, but that bit of science wasn’t followed very far
5. SAGE went on to say the govt’s “world-beating” £12bn Test and Trace system was having only “a marginal impact on transmission rates”
6. Dido Harding, head of Seemingly Everything, said Test and Trace would be “local by default” and be “highly efficient”
7. She then handed £12bn to Serco, which is highly efficiently charging us £7360 per day for consultants. To trace Covid infections. Which they aren’t doing
8. Serco’s CEO is the brother of an ex-Tory MP. His partner is a Tory donor. Serco’s ex-head of PR is now a Tory Health Minister
9. If you feel all this is a bit corrupt, you can complain to the govt’s Anti-Corruption Champion, John Penrose, who is married to Dido Harding
10. Meanwhile an investigation by the Good Law Project found PPE suppliers owned by Tory donors or associates were paid 30% more per item than similar businesses globally. I'm talling you: John Penrose. He’s your fella. He’ll get to the bottom of it, fo shizzle
11. And only 34 days since the announcement of Boris Johnson’s "brainchild", the £100bn Operation Moonshot, it was quietly scrapped, along with (apparently) Boris Johnson’s brain and around 28% of his children
12. A Tory MP said Boris Johnson’s “personal skillset this doesn't play to this. He's not a details, manager type. He's a picture painter”. On the side of wine-boxes, mostly.
13. Another said “I think it's obvious this is a government happier picking fights than governing”
14. Another said Boris Johnson “prefers to get on with dog-walking” and “let’s Dominic do the work”
15. Chastened by reports local authorities were given only 5 minutes notice of previous lockdowns, this time the govt gave them ... 7 minutes notice of the meeting to discuss it
16. Except some MPs didn't even get that, and were only invited after the meeting had started
17. And the govt invited the MP for Sunderland, who had to inform them she was only of 3 Sunderland MPs. The govt was “surprised to be informed” of this
18. The dep Chief Medical Officer said the infection rate in the north “never dropped” meaning the relaxation of lockdown was at the expense of lives oop north
19. Then the govt said they would “devolve more decision-making” and “give more financial aid to local authorities”
20. But the aid is conditional on the "devolved" local authority doing what the govt wants, which is quite a novel a definition of "devolved"
21. So, following criticism, the govt briefed the press that it was going to consult more with regional govts
22. Literally 2 hours later, the govt briefed the press that Manchester was moving into Tier 3 restrictions. The Mayor of Manchester was not consulted (or even informed) about a decision he must implement, and which affects the largest city-region outside London.
23. A Tory MP, anxious about the lockdown affecting businesses over the party season, asked the PM “what can you tell us about Christmas”. Boris Johnson replied, “it’s a religious festival that’s been celebrated 2020 years”, which I’m sure helps us all
24. Matt Hancock insisted we all follow the science and adhere to the 10pm pub curfew that scientists say makes absolutely no improvement on infection rates
25. Then Matt Hancock broke that curfew, in a House of Commons bar
26. And then Matt Hancock said “The drinks are on me but Public Health England are in charge of payment methodology so I will not be paying anything”
27. In August, Public Health England was scrapped by [checks notes ] Matt Hancock
28. But prior to that, Tories imposed budget cuts of 5% to 10% on Public Health England for each of the previous 7 years
29. Unsurprisingly, it was reported that hospitals in the north of England would run out of beds within 7 days
30. The govt said "Hospital Trusts should consider cancelling all non-urgent treatments"
31. The govt then refused to drop fines it imposes on Hospital Trusts which cancel non-urgent treatments
32. So Matt Hancock announced the reopening of Nightingale Hospitals, which were closed last time because nobody could send patients to them, due to them not being staffed
33. They still aren’t staffed: Matt Hancock's' "urgent boost to nursing training" doesn’t start until 2021
34. Fortunately, the govt began a campaign to get ballerinas to retrain, and then scrapped the campaign 24 hours later
35. In June, Boris Johnson announced an "urgent" £1.57bn Arts Rescue Plan
36. A mere 127 days later, it "urgently" got around to paying out some of that money
37. And then Lord West reassuringly said, “we need to deal with migrants in a concentrated place, a camp or whatever”. He didn’t mention whether Arbeit Macht Frei, but it’s still only Thursday, and who can tell what the remainder of the week will bring?
38. Speaking of dates: 15th Oct, the absolute, immoveable deadline for trade talks that mighty, fearsome  Boris Johnson laid down to the cowed and quivering EU
39. Talks continue tomorrow. Because obviously, duuur
40. The Road Haulage Assoc pointed out we have only 1,668 of the 33,000 EU Haulage Permits we need on 1 Jan
41. Software to control our borders won’t be ready until 4 months after 1 Jan
42. And the govt is “still in the planning stage” of the “Kent Passports” we need on 1 Jan
43. And construction of Kent's “world’s largest lorry park” is behind schedule, so probably not ready on 1 Jan
44. Fortunately the govt is well-prepared, and plans to install 1000s of Portaloos in Kent, the garden of England, to be used by lorry drivers trapped in 2-day queues
45. And our food standards will still be fine, as Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi tweeted “Our manifesto was clear. We will not compromise our animal welfare and food standards”
46. He then voted to compromise our animal welfare and food standards, as did the rest of the Tory Party
47. And then govt used an obscure rule to deny MPs a vote on whether to allow chlorinated chicken
48. Meanwhile, 20 years after North Sea Cod became so overfished the WWF declared it “economically extinct”, Tory MPs voted to reduce protections designed to let fish stocks recover
49. So, after Brexit, our current plan is to accept tariffs that will destroy our manufacturing sector, and border delays that will destroy farming exports and imperil food supplies, and destroy the farming sector ... all so we can go and catch a fish that doesn’t exist
50. But at least we’ve now "got back control", and therefore we can level up the playing field by implementing the govt's landmark “digital tax” policy on giants such as Amazon
51. This week it was announced Amazon will be exempt from the digital tax
52. Speaking of tax exemptions, it was revealed Dominic Cummings has had a £30,000 council tax bill “written off” because he built the house illegally, so it doesn’t count as a real house, or summat. Sorry, my hurricane-force sarcasm briefly turned me more northern.
53. And on the subject of extreme dodgy dealing, let me direct your attention to Robert Jenrick, who set up the £3.6bn “Towns Fund” for the 101 most deprived town, and then gave the maximum grant of £25m to his own constituency, which is the 270th most deprived town
54. His explanation was that he, Jenrick, did not make the decision. It was made by a colleague, Jake Berry.
55. Jake Berry also got money for his constituency. By a dazzling coincidence, that decision was made by – you guessed it – Robert Jenrick
56. Finally: at a meeting led by Liam Fox, the TaxPayers Alliance (insanity-pushers to the Tory Party) advocated cutting pensions immediately because half of old people “won't be around to vote against you in the next election”, and the other half “will have forgotten by then”
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1. What would you like to say to the FIRST person you kissed this year? Hi
2. What is the last reason you cried? My boyfriend was making fun of me 3. Where is your cell phone? SOmewhere oh shit
4. What was the worst mistake of your life? I haven’t made any really big mistakes but I regret not buying a really pretty necklace a couple years ago
5. Did you like NSYNC or Backstreet Boys? Not really
6. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? Christina Aguilera 8. Where did you sleep last night? In my bed
9. What time did you go to sleep last night? Like 6 lol
10. What woke you up today? My alarm 11. What is one thing you wish people didn’t do? Not wear masks
12. Are you excited for the future? Eh
13. Your ex shows up randomly at your house, you say? Wtf
14. Your boyfriend/girlfriend cheats on you with your best friend, you say? I would be so pissed at both of them
15. Do you have any weird inside jokes? Yeah
16. Liquor or Beer? Liquor
18. When was the last time someone yelled at you? Today
19. I am _________ . Bored
21. Have you ever tried to break someone up? No, but there have been people I wished would break up
22. When is the last time you talked to your best friend? The other day
23. Have you done anything you regret this year so far? Probably
24. Where is your best friend? At her house I assume
27. Who was the last person to make you laugh? My boyfriend
28. Anything annoying you right now? My dad
29. Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now? Not really
30. Who has your heart? My boyfriend
32. Have you done anything embarrassing lately? Yes
33. Do people make fun of your nationality? No more than they should
34. Do you eat more than you should? Yes
35. Do you smoke? No
36. Who’s the last person of the opposite sex to hug you? My dad
37. Last time you shoplifted? Never
38. What will you name your future son? Shane or Eric
39. What will you name your future daughter? Phoenix
41. What is your favorite number? 17
42. What gets you happy? Humor and hanging out with people
43. Where were you at 11:45 pm Last Night? At my house
44. Is the person you like older or younger than you? Younger
45. Ever talked to someone that was high? Yeah lol
46. How tall is the person you like? Shorter or taller? 6′4″, definitely taller
47. Did you have a dream last night? Yes
48. Last comment you left someone? I asked my friend for board game recs
49. Do you have a Facebook? Yes
50. What do you think about the last person that you stole this from? She likes surveys
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canaryatlaw · 4 years
okay, well today was pretty good. Up at 8:45 for another day of training stuff, it was a pretty heavy day topic wise and the mid-morning one was regarding dealing with suicide which was obviously a lot but also something I know a good deal about from working with TWLOHA and life in general. There was one point where the presenter had asked this very carefully worded question that she would presumably then explain but by how she worded it I knew exactly what the answer was so as soon as she ended I just unmuted myself and said it and she was like “yeah, that’s exactly right...guess we can move on now” so that brought me a small bit of amusement in a heavy topic (she had asked we thought more men or women were effected by suicide, carefully worded with the “effected” because the answer is women attempt much more but men are more successful, using “effective” covered both categories, so I was slightly pleased with myself for getting that right). anyway, we broke for lunch and I wanted like soup with small pasta in chicken broth (which generally would be pastina which is what I grew up with but I can’t find it here for my life (I should order more off amazon, that’s what I did last time) but then now I was running out of the small pasta that I did have so I like, ended up breaking up some egg noodles into pieces and putting them in, and it definitely did not have the same effect and was quite bland. oh well, I’ll have to fix that at some point. afternoon stuff was good, finished up around 4:15 after which I chilled out for a bit and ended up putting Seinfeld on as background noise because I watched like 10 minutes of one of the hulu comedy shows called like “Pen15″ that was supposed to be like funny middle school stuff except the main two actresses are being played by adults, and it was all just really cringy and un-enjoyable so I changed that pretty quickly. at some point in the afternoon I was replying to opposing counsel on a case and whenever I have OC I generally google their names to see what type of law they do, because we get all different types of lawyers handling OP cases for the Respondent, so I had googled this guy’s name and was then like I should google my own name, so I did, and the first few listings are like linkedin (not that I have any actual info on there other than job) and facebook, but then down a little more an imdb page popped up???? Which was definitely news to me haha so I clicked it and it had one credit from this film I worked on in college that had made an imdb page and in crediting the actors ended up creating a page for them (or for me at least, a few of the other actors had other credits because they were all older than me, I was the kid on that set lol). so that was an amusing find, not that it means much but it’s nice to have. around like 5:30 or so (I think) i walked over to friend’s apartment because it was raining and she didn’t want to come to mine, so we hung out and watched kpop videos and talked, and got chinese and then I convinced her that we should get ice cream because I haven’t had ice cream in soooooo long and we ended up getting the Jeni’s pints that they sell like nationwide but we have like an actual ice cream shop from them. I guess I was like hungry still, but I ate like the entire pint and the calorie count was BAD so oops, guess I’ll have to be better about that. I left at 10 pm and walked home, put the news on for a few before going to more kpop videos friend didn’t want to watch, then to Jimmy Kimmel for a few moments before deciding that since I had seen the one film I’d worked on on the imdb page I wanted to see if I could find the other one I was in that should be on the internet and I found it, and good lord the production value if fucking terrible because it was a 48 hour film challenge film (meaning you write, shoot, and edit to present a finished product in 48 hours) and the category had been “kung fu movie” so some of it was intentional due to that, and just the fact that it was a very quick turn around, BUT the film itself is fucking hilarious and I wasn’t cringing like the entire time I saw myself on there so I’d call that a win. It kind of needs some context to explain what’s going on, but it does have a lot of other little funny moments. after that I watched Seth Myers for a few minutes and then went to shower and start getting ready for bed, and somehow now it’s 2 am and I have a 9:30 call with my boss so I should really be getting to sleep now!! so that is what I will do. Goodnight my dear ones. Stay lovely.
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rainycl0udss · 4 years
Chapter 3;
The morning after party
//When can I say "I love you"?//
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Written Chapter!
Word count; 1780
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Moons POV
I lay peacefully in my bed, sleeping.
That was untill I heard one of the most annoying sounds of all time.
My alarm.
Don't get me wrong, I love the song Euphoria but I wish I didn't have to wake up right now.
I turn my head to the noice and pick up my phone so I can turn of the sound of my alarm playing.
I check my phone on social media and I check my mails aswell.
I look at the time, it's 8:35 am.
Way to early for my liking but I don't really have a choice. I've got plenty of things to do today. I'll probably have to go grocery shopping too. I don't think Mimi is going to be in the right state of mind to do it today.
With a sigh I get out of my bed and walk to the kitchen.
Just like I  had suspected, nobody else is awake yet. They're probably going to be sleeping till noon.
I walk to the fridge and take out some banana milk, cheese and eggs. I'll probably make an omelette with some cheese, drink some banana milk and call it breakfast.
After preparing my meal and eating it it's already 09:48 am.
That's not as late as I thought it would be.
I have to be in the studio around noon, so I've got plenty of time to get ready.
I clean my dishes and decide I'll take a shower to clean myself. Something that is definitely needed because my hair smells like liquor.
I walk back to my bedroom and grab a black jeans and a grey hoodie. I also take some fresh underwear and head to the bathroom.
There is one positive about waking up before everyone else and that is,
The bathroom is not occupied.
I undress, step in the shower and start washing my hair.
I'm not really a morning person, I like to sleep in and I probably would never leave my bed if that was an option. Sadly it's not. I'm also normally not a person who showers in the morning. Normally I shower before I go to sleep. I like it better that way. That way my hair can dry naturally at night and I'll feel fresh in the morning. Obviously I had no time for a shower yesterday night. I was way to tired to do anything else but sleep.
I'm curious if the others remember anything about last night. I have a feeling Mimi probably doesn't. She never does.
Jae, that's debatable. She normally remembers everything, but she normally isn't that drunk so I guess we shall see.
For some reason Yun will probably remember everything, even tho that girl can get so drunk she almost dies, she'll always remember everything. It's kinda scary really.
Jae and Mimi, mostly Mimi, complain that she doesn't remember anything and that Yun should be happy she could remember.
Yun always responds with "It's more of a curse then a blessing, sometimes I wish I didn't remember."
I think I understand what she means, in that perspective I'm the same as Yun.
I can drink as much as I want, I'll remember everything. But I don't drink much so it's never a problem.
Ones I'm done showering I change in my clothes and head back to my room.
My hair is still wet so I decide to wear a beanie.
I look at the clock and see it's 10:27 am.
There is still no sign that my friends are waking up anytime soon.
I put on my boots and take my jacket. I take my keys and my bag and leave for the car.
I guess it's time for me to go grocery shopping.
Ones in the grocery I buy whatever I think we'll be needing. I'm normally not the one to do it, but it needs to be done.
Ones I'm back home I see that Jae is awake.
"Good morning." I say while unpacking the groceries.
"Hey Moon. Do you know where the painkillers are?" Jae asks me in a quiet voice.
She's definitely hungover.
"I think in the cabinet next to instant noodles." I exclam while still unpacking.
I hear her open the cabinet and take a painkiller.
"I found them, thanks." She says after taking a painkiller.
"You seem pretty hungover Jae." I state to her.
"I AM pretty hungover. This fucking sucks." She huffes.
"You shouldn't have drunk as much as you did. Then you wouldn't be in this position." I claim.
"Shut up will you. I know I shouldn't have but you know how it goes..." She argues back.
Honestly, I don't know. I'm pretty good at holding my liquor so it's never really been a problem for me.
"Whatever floats your boat Jae." I chuckle.
"How long have you been awake?" She asked me while she goes to sit down.
I look at the clock and see it's 11:36 am.
"About three hours now. I'm guessing you just woke up." I reply.
"Why the fuck would you wake up that early?" Jae exclames
"Because unlike some people I actually have things to do today and wanted to get it done." I articulate.
Jae just rolls with her eyes.
"I made y'all some breakfast btw, it's more like brunch right now but whatever. It's in the fridge." I announce to Jae.
I get up from the table to walk to my room but I get interrupted by Jae.
"You made us breakfast? That's a first." She interjects.
"It's not a first you bitch, I always make y'all breakfast when you're hungover." I remark.
Without waiting for her to respond I walk to my room.
I grab my bag and put all my work in it.
I walk back to the kitchen to see Jae eat the food I made for her.
She's watching her kdrama while eating.
I go to the cabinet and grab a pot of instant noodles and a banana milk out the fridge. I put them both in my bag and walk to the front door of the apartment.
"Where are you going?" I hear Jae ask me before I could leave.
"To the studio." I answer without looking up.
"It's not even school today." She nags.
"That doesn't mean I can't work for school. Besides, now I'm behind on schedule because of yesterday." I persist.
"Are you leaving already?" I hear a different voice say.
I turn around and look at both Yun and Jae.
"I have to get my work done guys." I sigh.
It's not like it's fun for me to leave them alone all the time. They're my friends and I care about them. But I also care about my future.
"Can't you go to the studio around 1 pm?"
Yun begs me.
I take a deep breath.
I guess I can do that.
I sigh but place my bag on the floor and walk back to the table and sit down.
"I'll stay till 12:30 pm alright." I confirm.
Yun smiles at me.
"Good to hear." She smiles.
"So how are you?" I ask after a short silence.
"I'm oke. I guess." She mumbles while stuffing her face with bacon.
"I honestly don't remember much." Jae confesses.
I'm not surprised about that.
"I fucking wish I didn't remember anything. It was so embarrassing." Yun grumbles.
"I only remember that Mimi started puking and that you were grinding against some guy." Jae laughs.
"Euw, Don't remind me of Mimi puking. You know I hate puke." She recalls disgusted.
"Who was the guy?" I hint in a joking matter.
"Just some guy I made out with, he wasn't my soulmate." She whines.
I just shake my head an laugh a little.
This is typical behavior for her. Same goes for Mimi. Always going around and have one night stands with random guys from clubs. The only rule we have is to not go to his home. Luckily that didn't happen yesterday.
"I really hoped I would have found my soulmate." Jae whimpers.
"Same here, I'll probably just die alone." Yun dramatically states.
"I actually enjoyed myself for and hour are so." I suddenly confess to them.
The both turn their heads to me at the same time and just stare at me.
"Can you both stop staring at me please, it's unsettling." I accuse.
"You enjoyed yourself? At a party? Do I even know you?" Yun jokes while she punches my arm.
"Then what did you do? Because I didn't see you dance even ones." Jae questions.
"I talked to a someone. Her name was Areum. She was very nice. She also helped me find Soo-Yun." I inform them.
"I'm glad you actually enjoyed yourself. Maybe you'll come with us again." Yun smiles at me.
She trying to hint me to go with them again. Oh hell nah.
"I don't think so, but good try." I laugh and pet her on the shoulder.
"But I'm leaving now." I inform them.
I get up and walk to the front door.
"Don't come home to late!" Jae yells.
I pick my bag from the ground and open the door.
"I won't, tell Mi-Hi that her food is in the fridge!" I yell before I close the door.
I decided that I'll go on foot. The studio isn't so far from our apartment it's only a 20 minute walk. I plug in my headphones and start blasting Dimple from BTS.
God I love that song.
Ones I get to the studio I start looking for my ID to show them I have promision to use the studio.
When I look in my wallet for my ID I found an familiar looking card.
It's the card that Ari unnie gave me.
I put it in my pocket and walk in the building.
I show them my ID and walk to my studio.
I poof myself in my seat and pull the card out of my pocket.
Coffee shop Blooming.
It look aesthetically pleasing.
I'll definitely go there this week. I would really like to talk to Ari unnie again. She was very nice.
I put it back in the pocket of my jeans and start to work on my final project of this semester.
I have alot to catching up to do. Definitely now that I'm leaving in a few weeks to Busan for Hanas birthday.
I can't afford to waist time.
I sigh one last time before I take of my headphones and plug them in my computer. I'm in work mode ones again.
This is going to be a long day.
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softspaceboibrian · 5 years
Journeys End in Lovers Meeting (Chapter 2)
Pairing: Professor!Gwilym Lee x reader
Summary: Reader is a new student at Harvard University and, on her first day, she does something she might regret. Or maybe not.
Warnings: none
Wc: 2700
A/N: okay, so, not as many people as I thought read the first chapter, which is sad since I thought it was good. but yeah, I'll keep posting it anyway and, hopefully, it will gain readers with time
Other chapters: 1 - 3 - 4 - 5
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“Gosh, you’re soaking wet… get inside the car” He sounded worried and confused. You didn’t let him beg for you to actually do it. You didn’t know why, but you trusted him enough to get instantly inside his car, even though you had known him for, what? Less than a day? “What happened to you? I thought you were going to go home by bus.”
“Well, the bus didn’t come, I don’t have money for a cab, my flat mate is still working, I don’t know if I left my keys at home or if I lost them. Oh, and it started raining.” You explained without managing to look him in the eyes. You were embarrassed because of all that happened to you in less than ten minutes.
“You can stay at my place till your friend gets home.” His voice was soft, his smile sincere.
“Oh, no. Don’t worry. You can just drop me off at the library or, I don’t know, a café. I really don’t mean to bother you.” You started rumbling on, really not wanting to be a weight for him.
“You are not bothering me. I live alone with my dog, and she loves people. You’re more than welcome, trust me.” He smiled gently, before starting the car. Apparently, you didn’t have much of a say in it. He just decided that you were going home with him and, for some reason, that didn’t bother you, at all. The drive wasn’t long and surely a lot less embarrassing than the walk they had together to get to his office a few hours before. It was filled with funny comments and stories of embarrassing students hitting in him during lesson or trying to kiss him during office hours. After fifteen minutes or so, the car stopped in front of a beautiful townhouse, which reminded you of London.
“Make yourself at home” said the man while letting you in. The house smelled of cinnamon, books, coffee and cranberry. You looked around, noticing that that place looked exactly how you expected the house of an English literature professor to look like: books everywhere, papers full of notes and stains of coffee, tons of used notebooks, numerous bookshelves filled with every kind of book you could ever think of, the desk and the coffee table submerged with papers and, yes, you guessed it, more books. “I’m really sorry for the mess, we were obviously not expecting any visit anytime soon.” He laughed. The way he talked about himself and his dog warmed your heart.
“Don’t worry, my home is a lot worse. I mean, two girls leaving all by themselves, without any parent to remind them to tidy up the room. I think you can imagine how that looks like.” You giggled, putting your bag down and taking off your shoes. Immediately afterward, you felt something touching your leg and, when you turned around, you saw a furry ball sitting right in front of you, with two beautiful blue eyes, and a ball in her mouth.
“Lady, don’t bother our guest” Said the man, getting closer to them, probably to take the dog away. But you got down on your knees, petting the dog before taking the toy from her mouth.
“Lady, that’s a beautiful name” You commented, starting to play with her, throwing the toy and waiting for the dog to bring it back to you.
The man didn’t answer. He just smiled and disappeared in a room, coming out of it a few minutes later in some more comfortable clothes. “You’re still wet, maybe you want to take a shower and change into some warm, clean clothes.” His voice was so gentle it almost gave you shivers.
“Ehm… yes, thank you. If that not a problem with you.” You got up from the floor, leaving Lady alone and walking towards him.
Twenty minutes later you walked into the kitchen wearing warm clothes that were definitely too big for you, your hair had been pulled up in a messy bun, but at least you were no longer soaking wet because of the rain. The kitchen smelled even more of coffee than the living room did, inviting you to get inside and take a seat at the table where the Professor was working. The last thing you wanted to do was to disturb him. But as soon as you sat down, he looked up from the laptop, laying his eyes on you, that soft smile that showed the little wrinkles around his eyes made its way on his face, making you blush for no particular reason. “How are you feeling?”
“Better, thank you.” You smiled, lowering your gaze on the table, while you started fidgeting with your hands.
“Would you like a cup of coffee?”
“I actually prefer tea”
“Yes, please”
“Coming” He winked, going immediately to the stove to prepare you tea. It amazed you how different he looked there, at home, where no one could see him, where he simply was Gwilym, the nice guy next door with an adorable puppy and amazing taste in books. “I’m working on an article.” He said breaking the silence. “I write for an online newspaper. I take care of the literature section. I review new books, I write about recently deceased authors, but this kind of article I’m working on right now is by far my favourite: I have to work on a theme, analyse it through different works, authors, countries, genres.”
“And what is the theme of this article in particular?” You asked, being sincerely curious.
“Don John. You know, the famous Spanish womanizer.” He turned around, arms crossed in front of his chest. “I started by analysing the first drama ever written about him, then I compared it to the Romantic version. Then, I talked about Mozart’s and Byron’s plays and Kierkegaard’s theory of the three phases of life.” He explained with a proud grin on his lips, until he got unexpectedly cut off.
“Did you consider writing about Wilde’s Dorian Gray as modern Don John?” You asked, tilting your head to the side, laying your cheek on the palm of your hand.
He looked at you speechless. “No, I did not…” You had surprised him, positively surprised him.
“Well, you see, they are more alike than one would ever imagine: they both care about appearance more than everything, they like to seduce people – here’s the first difference, Dorian seduces not only women, but also men. Then, for example, look at the characters and the object: Sybil is Doña Ines, Sybil’s brother is Don Gonzalo, the picture is the statue. Easy.” He was amazed by the girl in front of him and her knowledge. “Why modern, you might ask. Well, you see, when the story was first written, it was set in Seville, Spain, one of the most glorious reigns of those times. When Wilde wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray, England was the most powerful country in the world and geographically the centre of the world. Don John used to go out drinking, Dorian is known for using drugs, such as opium.” You kept rambling on for several minutes, stopping only to thank the man for the tea.
When you finished presenting your theory, Gwilym remained silent for a couple more moments, still astonished by your intelligence. “You know Spanish literature too?”
“And Anglo-American, German, Italian, Scandinavian and a little French and Russian.” You replied, right before taking a sip of your no-longer-too-hot tea.
“You will never stop to surprise me, won’t you?”
You giggled, hiding your now rosy cheeks behind the mug, not really knowing what to answer. “You can use my idea, if you want.”
He sat down across from you, setting his mug down on the table right on a small pile of papers. That’s why there's stains pretty much on each paper on his house. “You should write for a blog or a magazine yourself.” His voice was gentle, just as his smile.
“Oh no, writing articles isn’t my thing. I’m more into poetry and novels.” You shook your head, crossing your legs on the chair. “But, I’m serious, use it. If your readers find it interesting, all you need to do is thank me.” You giggled, putting down the mug on the table.
But, at that point, the article was long forgotten, the laptop went on standby mode. “Are you staying over for dinner?”
The next day you woke up at the sound of your alarm going off. You reached for the phone, without finding it. It must have fallen from the nightstand or something, or at least that was what you thought. When you finally managed to open your eyes, the view of a room you had never seen before appeared in front of you, leaving you perplexed. You finally found her phone, which was on the nightstand, charging. A just not your nightstand. It was only when you read Rose’s text messages that it all hit you.
[9:47 pm] Honey, I’m so sorry if I didn’t answer. I was still working. Hope you’re fine.
[9:48 pm] Oh, I see, you’re with Prof Charming.
[10:14 pm] Yes, your keys are home. I’ll leave the spare one under the mat outside the door.
[6:45 am] You’re not home? Are you already out or did you sleep at your teacher house?
[7:01 am] I’m actually a little worried. Text me asap, so I know that you’re okay.
You unlocked you phone and immediately responded Rose’s messages. Yes, you had spent the night there, but you didn’t recall falling asleep in that bed. That was extremely confusing. At that point you got up, taking your phone with her and walking outside of the room, following the scent of black tea and coffee coming from the kitchen, finally finding the tall man, who was standing in front of the stove, waiting for the coffee to be ready, printed papers in his hands. You just walked in, looking at him and greeting him, waiting for him to realize you were actually there. And when he finally raised his eyes from the papers to meet your gaze, a soft smile formed on his lips. “Good morning.” His voice was still a little raspy, he had probably just woke up himself. “Did you sleep well? I made you tea, and here you have toasts with jam or butter, granola, cookies, fruit. Take whatever you want.”
You sat down at the table, still looking at him, hoping he would say something that could remind you how you ended up waking up in his bed. Like, did you drink so much that now you couldn’t even remember doing it? Did you have sex? What happened?!
“Last night you were watching TV and you fell asleep on the couch” He said, as if he could read your mind. “So I picked you up, took you to my room and let you sleep in my bed, while I slept on the couch instead.”
You looked at him in silence for a second, waiting to finish chewing the cookie you had started to eat. “You didn’t have to. You could have woken me up and driven me home, or even just let me sleep on the couch.”
“That’s okay, don’t worry.” He smiled in that gentle way, like he always did, that kind of smile that reassures you, makes you feel comfortable. “Do you need me to drive you to your place so that you can change before going to University?”
“Yes, but you could just drop me off there and then I could take the bus, you don’t need to wait for me.”
“I insist.” His voice was soft, soothing, in a way. He had only known you for less than a day and he was already so caring and thoughtful. And the was weird for you because never in your experience someone did that just because they wanted to. Back in high school, people always wanted something in exchange. They treated you kindly and then they wanted you to do their homework; they invited you to parties, and then they wanted you to vote for them; they invited you over to their place to study together, and then they wanted to have sex. “Come on, I’m just trying to be nice. After all, we’re going to work together now.”
You didn’t let him go on for a lot more. You trusted him, even though you weren’t sure why. In his eyes you see that something that ha led you to accept his ride the day before. You trusted him, and that was the reason why you eventually gave in. And there you were, twenty minutes later, in front of your apartment, finally opening the door and letting the man in. “I’m really sorry for the mess.” You giggled, immediately running towards your flatmate’s room to close the door – it looked like a bomb had exploded inside that room, there were clothes all over the floor, open books on the bed and shoes on the desk, nothing was where it should have been. Luckily, the rest of the house wasn’t that bad, still a mess, but it could have definitely been worse. The living room wasn’t that big, the couch took up most of the space, all of her books were still inside those big cardboard boxes, only a couple of notebooks were lying on the coffee table with some other papers, most of them covered in tea and mug stains. Your room, on the other hand, had a reason for it to be a mess: it was still a work in progress, there were still boxes out, you hadn’t put all the books on the shelves nor all the clothes inside the closet, but that was just because you would usually have something else to do in the afternoon or in your spare time instead of tidying up.
“You can wait here, on the couch” You smiled, right before vanishing inside your bathroom. It didn’t take you long and fifteen minutes later you had showered and were now wearing some dark wash mom jeans, a loose navy blue turtleneck with white stripes, a cream coloured long cardigan and white sneakers. As simple as it could be. You put on some lip balm and walked out of the bathroom, picking up your bag and going back to the living room. There you immediately met those blue eyes that almost sent shivers down your spine, before going back to what they were looking at before. There was something about that man, something that you couldn’t yet understand but that still made you want to spend time with him as if he was a simple friend.
“Your poems are breath-taking. I didn’t expect you to be this good.” He commented, his eyes still on an open notebook. “I mean, I imagined you were probably really good, but I didn’t think you were this good.” When you finally realised what he was holding in his hands, you let you bag fall to ground with a big thud, before running towards him, taking the notebook from his hands and closing it immediately. He looked puzzled, why should someone this good hide her talent? “I’m really sorry, I found it there, on the coffee table. It was open, and I peeked. It’s impressive what you can do.”
“I never show my poems to anyone.” You whispered, hiding the notebook behind your back.
“I don’t get it? Why not share it with the word? Those are wonderful.” His voice was soft, sincere, his eyes tried to meet yours, which were now looking at your shoes.
“I don’t… I don’t think people would actually like them.”
He looked at you in silence for a while, before crossing his arms in front of his chest. “The Romantics, am I right? Those are the poets you look up to. Keats is probably your favourite.”
“Well, that explains a lot.” And you knew exactly what he meant by that, so you just kept your eyes low, trying to hide the peachy colour of your cheeks. “We should get going.” Said the man after taking a quick glance at his watch.
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frcmashes · 5 years
featuring:  hope  mikaelson,  landon  kirby. hon. mentions:  william  halliwell,  lizzie  saltzman tagging: @chosenlonely summary:    hope  tells  landon  that  she  has  feelings  for  someone  else.  surprisingly  enough,  all  hell  doesn’t  break  loose.
hope mikaelsonLast Monday at 6:26 PM
so,  her door is still broken.  she doesn't know why she hasn't fixed it yet.  it'd be a flick of her wrist,  a mumbling of a spell,  and that'd be that.  but it feels too simple.  it feels too much like settling back into a normalcy that's intangible now.  (  like maybe,  if she's meticulous enough,  if she acts like nothing ever happened,  if she's careful about where the cracks were,  no one will ever notice.  except ..  she will.  and lizzie will.  and god,  it's not fair on landon to expect him to accept the damages.  )  she's sitting on her bed,  thinking over how the openness is a good metaphor,  when she hears footsteps.  " hey. "  he makes her want to smile just by being around and she has to accept she's going to lose that feeling.  (  she'll be fine,  she wants to convince herself.  maybe even take lizzie's advice.  not everyone leaves.   )  " you'll never guess what happened today. "  she has to curb the ease that wants to overtake her,  remember what lizzie told her.  she,  at least,  draws the line on going over to meet him.  " i'll give you three guesses. "
landon kirbyLast Monday at 7:48 PM
when  a  text  comes  through  that  says  we  need  to  talk,  it's  a  surefire  sign  that  something's  up.   even  still,  he  tries  not  to  jump  to  worst  case  scenarios  as  he  heads  to  hope's  room.   he  should  be  studying  for  a  test  they  have  the  next  day,  but  he's  sure  no  amount  of  studying  is  going  to  help  him  now.   it's  too  late,  his  mind  already  stuffed  with  about  as  much  as  it  can  handle.   thoughts  of  the  test  fade  away  when  he  sees  the  splintered  door  frame,  eyes  widening  as  he  crosses  the  threshold.   "  uh. "    he  looks  between  her  and  the  door,  using  context  clues  to  fill  in  the  blanks.   "  either  the  monster  of  the  week  busted  your  door  down,  or  lando's  way  stronger  than  i  thought  he  was. "   another  glance.   "  krypto  strength  levels. "     he's  pretty  sure  it's  not  the  latter,  so  his  stomach  churns  at  the  thought  of  yet  another  monster  coming  after  them.
January 21, 2020
hope mikaelsonLast Tuesday at 8:23 AM
she's learnt that the worst things are quiet.  it's only natural that she's responded to the worst moments in her life with aggression,  with violence,  with noise.   it filled the space,  stopped her rampart panicked thoughts.  it's self-preservation at it's finest.  except ...  this time,  with landon making jokes about mysteriously strong dogs and showing up,  she knows it's not possible.  and equally,  that it's not what she wants.  for the first time in her life,  she's going to have respond to quiet with quiet.  (  if she's being stripped of all of her comforts,  all of her coping mechanisms may as well fall to the floor beside them.  )   a smile cracking,  though she can't help if it seems insincere.  not quite reaching her eyes.  " as much as i'd love to have a dog who could do all of that,  "  would she?  questions for another time.  " i guess malivore's spitting out monsters again. "  that wasn't something she'd missed.  " this time it was a croatoan. "  she's halfway to the truth.(edited)
landon kirbyLast Tuesday at 9:33 AM
it's  guilt  that  he  feels.  right  off  the  bat,  it  hits  him  square  between  the  teeth  and  he  flinches.   right,  the  monsters  were  back.  he  knew  that,  might  have  forgotten  to  mention  that  fact  when  he'd  gotten  a  little  preoccupied  with  the  existential  crisis  that  came  along  with  seylah  re-entering  his  life.   "  i  know. "   his  gaze  is  apologetic,  shifting  his  weight  from  foot  to  foot.   "  some  octopus  monster   came  after  me  last  week  when  i  was  walking  lando.   i  meant  to  tell  you,  but  -- "   in  truth,  he  hadn't  been  sure  how  he  felt.   it  seemed  impossible  to  tell  someone  what  was  going  on  in  your  life  when  you  weren't  entirely  sure  you  even  knew.   "  seylah's  here.  my  mom. "     a  sentence  that  he  never  expected  to  say.   "  she  killed  it. "   he  shakes  his  head,  hating  the  guilt  and  the  dread  that  gathers  in  the  pit  of  his  stomach.   everything  with  malivore  makes  it  flare  up,  like  a   fever  you  can't  shake  off.   "  are  you  okay  ?  is  everyone  okay  ? "   there's  concern  in  his  gaze,  crossing  over  to  her  so  he  can  see  for  himself  that  she's  in  one  piece.
hope mikaelsonLast Tuesday at 10:03 AM
he mentions monsters,  and malivore,  and how he meant to tell her but ...  (  she's struck by how they've both been keeping secrets stuck in their separate crises of confidence.  )  guilt is an emotion that was already sitting in the pit of her stomach,  in her chest,  every time they spoke and she kept  everything to herself.  first seylah,  now lizzie.  she isn't sure when she got a reputation for keeping secrets from her boyfriend.  (  and she's definitely sure that it isn't one that she wants to uphold.  )  she shifts on the bed,  despite herself,  despite self control,  and moves closer to him.  " seylah killed it. "   god,  if today is the day for honesty,  she might as well come forth with all of it.  if the croatoan walks through that door again,  hungry to destroy more of life  (  a  process she set in motion  ),  she'll be defenceless.   she doesn't know if it sounds revelatory,  or just quietly accepting.  (  an international assassin known for killing monsters.  she wishes she had just been honest  now.  )  "  i'm fine.  everyone's fine. "
she feels awkward in the space,  instead of reaching out for his hands,  placing her own on her legs.  " but, "  inhale,  exhale,  focus,  " the croatoan  -  the monster that was here today  -  is basically a venus fly trap for secrets. "  she doesn't why it makes her smile,  the absurdity of the situation and her nerves blending together.  " it almost killed me for how many i've been keeping. "  she deserves to feel guilty,  he deserves honesty.  " that trip we took to kansas wasn't for nothing.  we met your mom. "   it feels unconvincing,  her shoulders shrugging high.  " the reason none of us remembered is because she found the portal before we could stop her.  i don't know why.  "  she doesn't know why.  wishes she did.  " i never forgot her.  and no,  i don't know that either. "  she wishes she did.  it would make all of this easier to explain.  " i am so sorry,  landon. "
landon kirbyLast Tuesday at 10:15 AM
he  joins  her  on  the  bed,  figures  if  they're  unpacking  heavy,  guilt-inducing  secrets,  he  should  probably  be  sitting  for  it.   he  notices  how  her  hands  don't  reach  for  him  but  doesn't  think  anything  of  it,  not  when  his  mind's  preoccupied  with  what  she  has  to  say.   a  few  weeks  ago,  he  thinks  he'd  be  angry;   hurt  that  she  hadn't  told  him  something  that  important.    except  now,  maybe  he  gets  it.   he's  met  seylah,  looked  in  her  eyes  and  found  out  some  truths  he's  not  quite  sure  how  to  stomach.   if  she  threw  herself  back  in  that  pit,   well,  maybe  --  he  doesn't  get  it,  but  he  does.    (  maybe  she  was  just  trying  her  best.   trying  not  to  hurt  him.   he's  hurt  anyway,  but  that's  the  thing  about  good  intentions  --  sometimes  you  can  try  your  best  and  people  still  get  hurt.  ) he  swallows  hard  past  the  lump  in  his  throat,  nods  his  head  once.   a  venus  fly  trap  for  secrets.  wow.   he's  kind  of  glad  he  missed  that  one,  not  so  sure  he'd  want  to  announce  to  the  world  some  of  the  truths  he's  been  clutching.   "  i  know  why. "    it's  said  quietly,  like  he's  afraid  to  give  life  to  the  thoughts  churning  inside  of  him.  "  or --  i  can  guess.   i  don't  remember,  so  i  can't  be  sure. "   that  must  be  how  he'd  lost  the  picture.   seylah  took  it.   he  wants  to  be  angry,  but  he  thinks  he's  just  numb.   "  she  never  wanted  to  be  a  mother.   it  was  -- "     ah,  nope.   he  cuts  himself  off,  decides  to  spin  it  in  another  direction.   (  he's  scared  of  what  will  happen  when  he  says  it  out  loud.  )   "  turns  out,  you're  not  the  only  person  in  the  room  who's  had  their  dad  referred  to  as  the  great  evil. "    his  smile  is  tight.   "  i  know who  my  dad  is. "   a  lengthy  pause.   " malivore. "
hope mikaelsonLast Tuesday at 10:43 AM
she shifts further towards him when he joins her,  one leg falling under her to turn to him.  she still yearns to touch him,  can't think of a time she hasn't,  but keeps herself checked.  (  caught up in what he deserves.  )  she wonders,  waits in a space,  for a few moments as his reaction forms.  she'd understand if he was upset,  even more if he was angry.  (  that is,  of course,  how her own emotions register.  )  she exhales when he starts to speak.  i know why.  she really hopes,  prays,  that what's about to come out of his mouth isn't going to be self-deprecation born out of a conversation with his mother.  (  she can face her,  recognises seylah's faults and tries to encourage her to be there for the person who needs her.  especially because she's still haunted by the fifteen year old version of herself,  begging her father to love her.  )
" landon ... "  it's sympathetic,  but not interrupting.  she's going to let him talk,  let him air all of this out.  especially if this is the last time he gets this safety with her.  (  it's her responsibility,  after everything they've built,  to give him that.  )  about his father,   -   a revelation she will quietly wait for  - about them,  about everything.  and then,  all of her plans fall dead before her.  malivore.   (  she's going to break all her rules.  )  it's instinctive,  shifting to hold both of his hands in hers.   " hey. "  she doesn't know if he's going down the same path she often does,  doesn't know if he's questioning who he is and who he can be.  doesn't know if he's talking himself out of the person he is to protect everyone else.  but if his smile is any indication,  there's a part of her in him.." listen to me.  you are not your father.  "  she doesn't know if telling him will make any difference.  but she tries.  (  unlike before,  all her face shows now is unflinching sincerity.  fight.  )  " and yeah,  monsters are probably going to keep coming. "  god knows why,  but they'll keep going.  " and we are probably going to have to deal with your mom, a and malivore. "  protecting him from that reality does no good anymore.
" but last time i checked, "  her hand shifts from in his to on his cheek,  too gentle for her original intentions,  " you're the person who told me our parents sins don't define us. "  evil is relative.
landon kirbyLast Tuesday at 11:03 AM
he  looks  up  when  her  hands  cover  his  own,  no  longer  trying  to  pointedly  ignore  her  gaze.  in  ways,  he's  been  stalling  this  conversation  because  he  knew  she  was  the  voice  of  reason,  would  remove  the  filter  of  bias  that  clouds  his  vision  when  it  comes  to  introspection.   it's  easy  for  him  to  say  that  she's  nothing  like  her  father,  like  the  great  evil  they  write  about  in  history  books,  but  somehow  it's  not  as  easy  to  stomach  when  the  mirror's  turned  around  on  him.   (  he's  a  hypocrite.   he  acknowledges  it,  doesn't  know  how  to  not.  ) "  i  can't  believe  my  own  words  are  being  used  against  me. "   he  cracks  a  smile,  a  real  one  this  time.    he  squeezes  her  hands,  sucks  in  a  breath.   "  logically,  i  know  you're  right.   we  don't  get  to  choose  our  parents,  or  our  circumstances. "   he  certainly  wouldn't  have  chosen  the  cards  he  was  dealt.   "  ...  but  every  time  a  monster  shows  up,  or  someone  gets  hurt, "   his  vision  darkens.   "  it's  on  me. "   his  fault,  his  responsibility.   so  far  they've  been  lucky,  no  one's  gotten  seriously  hurt,  but  what  happens  when  they  do ?    he  thinks  it's  selfish,  staying  here  when  his  presence  puts  people  in  danger,  but  he  doesn't  know  where  he'd  go  either.    he  has  people  here,  people  he  loves  --  people  who  love  him.   is  it  more  selfish  to  stay,  or  to  leave  ?    (  he's  thought  about  this  a  lot  lately,  gone  back  and  forth  so  many  times  it's  like  whiplash.  )     "  dr.  saltzman  kicked  me  out  before  --  maybe  he  was  right. ". he  pulls  his  hands  back,  rubs  at  the  back  of  his  neck  the  way  he  always  does  when  he's  anxious;   when  he's  about  to  do,  or  say,  something  that  might  be  stupid.   except  he's  already  done  that,  said  the  very  ghosts  of  thoughts  that  have  been  haunting  him  the  last  month.    or  at  least,  the  kohl's  notes  version.    some  truths,  some  revelations,  should  never  see   the  light  of  day.
"  i'm  sorry,  i  didn't  mean  to  unload  all  of  that  onto  you. "  a  weak  smile's  flashed,  his  back  straightening  as  he  clears  his  throat.   "  guilty  conscience,  i  guess. "    a  lopsided  shrug  of  one  shoulder,  fixing  his  gaze  back  onto  her  again.    "  --   you  wanted  to  talk  to  me  about  something  ?  i'm  assuming  it's  not  monster  related. "      it  would  be  easy  to  assume  that  it  was,  that  the  truth  monster  would  feed  off  the  unspoken  truths  between  them,  but  there's  a  nagging  prickling  at  the  edge  of  his  rationale  that  says  there  has  to  be  more.
hope mikaelsonLast Tuesday at 11:23 AM
" hmm,  get used to it. "  it's good advice,  wise advice.  they are nothing like their parents,  not even if the most haunted things stay with them in the middle of the night.  (  she shouldn't,  however,  be telling him to get used to anything.  )  her smile is real,  mirroring his,  squeezes his hands back.  (  she loves him,  she really,  truly does.  she simply doesn't love him alone.  )  she shakes off his admittance of blame,  his accountability,  as null and void.  "  no,  it's not. "   she's a hypocrite too.  " dr. saltzman sent you away to protect you.  not to protect us. "
she doesn't know if he's noticed,  but they're a school full of supernatural witches,  werewolves,  vampires and all things in between.  " and we might be in the middle of an apocalypse, "  monsters engulfing them with the barrier down,  mystic falls probably grateful for the reprieve,  " but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice yourself to stop it. "   she'd do the same,  if it were her.  that's the whole problem.  she understands where he's coming from,  understands this yearning to protect the people he loves.  she needs to work on it.  (  maybe he does too.  )  "  we'll figure it out.  all of us.  "   because that's what they always do. he diverts the subject,  pulls his hands back,  and she feels the anxiety that's become familiar start to cling to her.  " don't be. "  she shakes her head again,  offers him a smile in reassurance. " i'm not. "  she's not sorry he walked into her life,  she's not he's malivore's son either.  (  the only part she's really,  truly,  sorry about is what she has to say now.  )   " i know the feeling. "  a breath,  swallowing around the truth as he had.  now it's her turn to spill everything.." and that's actually what i wanted to talk to you about. "  it's moments like this she's reminded why she doesn't like herself with words.  they never come out right,  she can never quite conjure them into the speeches he's capable of.  seeming effortless and romantic and wonderful.  that's just not who she is.  " when the croatoan attacked today,  lizzie was here. "  her heart is pounding.  rip the bandaid off,  quick and easy.  face the rejection,  rebuild her life.  (  listen to lizzie's advice.  not everyone leaves.  ) " and uh,  she was in danger.  and i got so scared,  and it wasn't leaving.  and i had to tell her everything. "  rip it off.  quick and easy.  " i'm in love with her,  landon. "  it still doesn't taste right.  does no one any good.  " and that doesn't mean i don't love you. "  she doesn't think she's ever talked this much in the quiet.  " and it's not about you,  or about her.  it's not like i was trying. i just, "  she doesn't know what she's searching for,  " it just happened. "   she's rambling.  and not in a good way.  " and i am so sorry. "
landon kirbyLast Tuesday at 11:53 AM
he  wants  to  believe  her.   he  wants  to  believe  that  he  should  stay,  that  he  belongs  here  --  that  he's  part  of  the  team.   maybe  not  an  integral  member,  he's  more  hindrance  than  help,  but  he knows  now  what  he's  capable  of.   (  his  alternative  self  might  have  been  a  dick,  but  he's  proof  that  he  can  be  something  more.   something  better.  )    there's  a  light  at  the  end  of  the  tunnel,  some  glimmer  of  hope;    of  maybe  one  day,  no  longer  facing  malivore  as  an  imminent  threat.    he  wants  to  believe  that,  so  for  today  -  he  does.   (  it  might  not  last.   he  might  waiver,  change  his  mind,  but  for  now   he  ignores  the  voices  in  his  head  telling  him  to  run  and  decides  to  stay.  )    "  all  of  us. "   he  repeats  it  with  a  nod,  like  it's  a  mantra  that'll  lead  to  their  salvation.  "  together.". of  all  the  truths  he  was  expecting,  all  the  possible  scenarios  he  could  have  imagined,  this  wasn't  one  of  them.  he's  stunned  into  silence;   which,  in  a  way,  might  be  worse  than  being  angry.    he  wants  to  be  angry,   he  does,  but  it's  hard  to  be  angry  with  someone  you  love.    "  you  love  lizzie. "    he  repeats  it,  acknowledges  the  way  he  leaves  out  one  of  the  key  words.   in.    she's  in  love  with  lizzie.     he  doesn't  like  the  way  that  tastes  in  his  mouth,   bitter  and  unfriendly.      "  you  -- "    he  breaks  off  again,  confusion  clouding  his  processing  as  he  opens  and  closes  his  mouth  a  few  times.    she  loves  lizzie,  but  she  also  loves  him.     there's  a  part  of  him  that  wonders,  in  a  moment  of  darkness,  if  he's  being  punk'd.    maybe  will  thought  it  would  be  funny,   to  catch  the  look  on  his  face.    except,  no,  none  of  them  are  that  cruel.    he  has  to  believe  that  they  aren't  because  if  the  people  he  loves  are  that  cruel  ...  maybe  he's  never  really  known  them.    he  swallows  hard,  fingers  picking  at  the  skin  around  his  thumbnail  as  he  works  it  over  in  his  head.   (  he  can't  look  at  her.   he  doesn't  trust  himself.  not  yet.  ). there's  a  part  of  him  that  feels  responsible.   no,  culpable.   maybe  he  was't  there  for  her,  wasn't  enough,  and  that  meant she  needed  more.   it's  not  like  he  knew  what  he  was  doing,  or  even  how  to  take  care  of  himself  let  alone  anyone  else.  (  he's  projecting;   if  he  blames  himself,  maybe  he  won't  have  to  blame  her.    or  no  one.    who  do  you  blame  in  a  situation  where  everyone  loses  ?  )      "  how  long. "   it's  murmured  at  first,  not  quite  a  question.   finally  he  looks  up,  clears  his  throat  and  asks  again.   "  how  long  have  you  been  in  love  with  her  ? "
January 22, 2020
hope mikaelsonLast Wednesday at 9:42 AM
there's something off about hearing her truth out of his lips.  yes,  she does love lizzie.  yes,  she is in love with lizzie.  but,  no,  it's not the same as loving him.  she loves him in a way that makes her believe she could forever.  with lizzie,  it simply feels ... inevitable.  like their whole lives,  through chambers of miscommunication and resentment and lies,  they've been supposed to get here.  simple course correction from her faults,  and lizzie's faults,  and the world that kept them apart.  loving lizzie is so different to loving landon.  (  she wishes she could tell him that.  could work through the differences and encourage them.  tell him that as long as she has both of them,  however she has both of them,  she'll be okay.  but,   at this point,  she isn't sure that's going to make any difference.  ) " i do. "  she loves them both.  she can't choose,  as though a choice particularly mattered.  if she chose lizzie,  she'd be choosing to wait.  to put all of her loneliness on a person who's already found the antidote to hers.  if she chose landon,  she'd be choosing to lie to him.  and they didn't lie to each other.  (  not after everything.  )  she doesn't know what else to offer,  the truth on it's bare bones before them.  any placation she offers,  any differentiation she makes,  she thinks will only help in the aftermath.  as they speak,  she thinks,  they're still wading through the rubble.  ( hence the door that's still lying,  in pieces,  on the ground.  ).he asks her how long and she has to consider it for a moment.  she's distracted by the movement of his gaze,  hope flaring in her chest,  wondering if this is a good thing.  wondering how long it has been.  she supposes lizzie's always stood out to her.  as a person trying to get close to her first,  and then an enemy who'd finally given up on her.  and now as her best friend.  she supposes that she's wanted to love lizzie for a long time.  that love simply transcended boundaries,  and definitions,  now.  (  it's just course correction,  she thinks.  but she doesn't think explaining her long and winding history with lizzie is going to do either of them any good. )  when she first became conscious that the way she looked at lizzie was different,  though,  she can pin point that. " after i slept with her. "   after he slept with will,  after they did a harmless,  teenage thing.  at least,  it was supposed to be.(edited)
landon kirbyLast Wednesday at 10:16 AM
the  answer  he  gets  is  both  the  one  he  wants,  and  the  one  he  doesn't.    if  she'd  known  before,  if  they'd  gone  into  that  night  on  uneven  footing,  he  thinks  it  would  be  worse.   can  he  really  be  mad  about  this  ?  about  something  he  happily  went  along  with  ?   he's  not  sure.    he's  equal  parts  confused  and  upset,  but  the  anger  hasn't  really  registered.   it  would  be  easier  if  it  had.   if  he  was  angry,  if  he  could  cling  to  it  like  a  shield,  maybe  it  could  protect  him  from  the  inevitable  crash.    (  his  walls  came  down  around  her  and  he  isn't  sure  how  to  throw  them  back  up.   the  dust  crunches  under  his  feet,  reminds  him  why  he  fought.  )     "  okay. ". is  it  ?  okay  ?  he's  not  sure.   maybe  it's  because  there's  so  much  uncertainty  in  this  confession;   he's  not  sure  what  he's  wading  through,  where  any  of  the  other  moving  parts  fit  into  this  equation.   is  lizzie  in  love  with  her  ?  if  she  is,  where  does  this  leave  will  ?  leave  him  ?    there's  uncertainty  in  the  unknown  and  that's  what  he  hates  about  all  of  this.    the  unknown,  of  not  knowing  where  he  stands  --  what  this  means.   "  does  she  -- "    he  pauses,  rephrases.    he's  upset,  but  this  is  still  someone  he  loves.   hurting  someone  else  because  you're  hurting  just  makes  everyone  lose.    (  today,  he  chooses  to  keep  fighting.   he  won't  throw  in  the  towel  just  because  it's  hard.   not  unless  the  fight's  truly,  and  welly,  over  )     "  is  this  --  are  you  breaking  up  with  me  ? "   that's  the  question   he  needs  to  know,  isn't  it  ?   if  this  is  a  storm  they're  weathering,  or  if  she's  bailing  out  as  the  water  comes  rushing  in.      "  are  you  and  lizzie -- "   he  breaks  off,  can't  really  find  the  right  words,  but  he  thinks  she'll  know  where  he  was  going.   she  is,  after  all,  someone  who's  always  managed  to  see  right  through  him.   he  assumes  that  hasn't  changed.    (  or  has  it  ?   he  doesn't  know.  ). it  dawns  on  him,  in  the  pesky  way  that  only  regrets  can,  that  while  he  was  having  fun  --  she  was  falling  in  love.    it's  ironic,  makes  him  want  to  laugh  even  though  it's  not  funny.    he  does  love  will,   felt  some  type  of  something  from  the  very  minute  they  met,  but  it  was  never  like  this.    maybe  in  another  life,   in  a  world  where  there  was  no  hope,  no lizzie,  but  that  wasn't  the  world  they  lived  in.     except  for  hope,  it  is.     he  can't  hold  it  against  her,   knows  the  heart  sometimes  wants  what  it  wants  regardless  of  your  best  intentions,   but  can  he  live  with  it  ?   live  with  knowing  there's  someone  else  in  the  equation  ?    always  wondering  when  the  other  shoe   will  drop  and  he'll  end  up  alone  ?    that's  what  he's  unsure  of.   that's  what  plunges  his  veins  with  ice  water,   sees  him  resisting  every  urge  to   run   so  he's  not  just  another  C O W A R D   afraid  to  face  the  truth.   (  he's  been  running  for  so  long.   maybe  it's  time  he  finally  stopped.  )
hope mikaelsonLast Wednesday at 11:40 AM
it's not okay,  she knows that.  intellectually and rationally she can recognise,  if the roles were reversed,  she'd be running for the hills.  (  she wouldn't even know where to begin.  )  she knows he could too,  that he has before,  but she chooses to take the fact they're both sitting in carefully elected silence as a good sign.  he pauses,  rephrases,  recalculates,  and it's odd to watch.  she doesn't suppose she's ever really seen him fail with words.  (  if this is stripping even their most basic inclinations,  it's a cue of what they have to face.  )  for once,  she has to take his place.  put everything behind honest sentiments and hope for the best.
in an odd way,  asking if she's breaking up with him is a relief.  " no. "  she shakes her head,  longs to reach out and grip his hands  (  physical intimacy,  actions are louder than words  )  and simply lays her hands between them on the bed.  an invitation for a more appropriate time.  (  she's always worked in inches.  push and pull.  )  " the last thing i want to do is break up with you. "  or be broken up with.  the following question is undeniably painful  but   it's the kind of pain she could learn to live with.  lizzie didn't reject her,  or leave her.  she isn't planning to.  she isn't loved romantically,  but she is  loved.  and,  despite what her initial heartbreak would cue,  that's enough.  " we aren't. "  she assures,  and is surprised by how steady her voice sounds.." she loves will.  and i'm okay with that. "  she isn't,  in some epistemic sense of what they could have had,  but she is now.  in their world.  she'll have to be.  (  right now,  the wound is too fresh and she feels too  of the situation to hope for anything else.  )  " she's my best friend. "   there's an unspoken statement within the title.  she's going to be around.  lizzie may not love her,  may never love her,  but she's going to be here.  always.
landon kirbyLast Wednesday at 12:09 PM
when  her  hands  move,  there's  a  panicked  part  of  him  that  thinks  it's  too  soon.   she'll  reach,  he'll  flinch,  and  a  chasm  will  open  up  between  them.   he  doesn't  want  that,  and  he  could  practically  cry  when  she  lets  them  rest  between  them.    god,  this  is  why  he  loves  her.    why  even  right  now,  even  in  this  period  of  confusion  and  uncertainty,  she  still  knows  what  he  needs;    or  what  he  doesn't.     there's  a  ghost  of  a  smile  on  his  face,  hands  coming  up  to  cover  his  face  for  a  moment  as  he  takes  in  a  breath.    this  calm  ...  it's  exhausting,  if  he's  honest.    he  knows  it's  a  choice,  that  he  could  easily  work  himself  up  --  yell,  scream,  hate,  but  who  does  that  help  ?  what  does  it  serve  ?   he's  been  on  the  receiving  end  of  that  kind  of  '  love  '   in  the  past  and  he  knows  that's  not  healthy.  it's  not  okay.     (  this  isn't  okay,  but  he  thinks  they  will  be.  ). he  nods  his  head  once  his  hands  fall  away,  they  drop  into  his  lap  as  he  organizes  his  thoughts.   "  i  don't  want  to  say  this  is  okay  because  it  isn't. "   he  has  to  be  honest,  even  if  it's  hard.   "   but  we  always  said  we  wouldn't  lie  to  each  other.   so  as  awful  as  this  feels  right  now  --  i'm  glad  you  told  me.  you  didn't  have  to. "    she  could  have  sat  on  it,   could  have  let  it  fester  until  it  exploded  at  an  inopportune  time.   that,  he  thinks,  would  have  been  worse.   maybe  irreparably  so.      "  i  guess  i'm  just  confused.   i  don't  know  what  this  means  for  us. "   he  sucks  in  a  breath,   realizing   that  at  some  point  he's  stopped  looking  at  her.  he  needs  to  see  her  now,  meets  her  gaze  and  searches.    he  doesn't  see  any  half  truths,  or  things  left  unsaid.   nothing  that  screams  '  trouble '  and  makes  him  want  to  run  for  the hills.   (  though,  he  does  acknowledge,  it  might  have  been  easier  if  he  did.  the  right  thing  and  the  easy  thing  are  hardly  ever  one  and  the  same.  ). "  i  don't  want  to  break  up. "     he  wasn't  entirely  sure  of  that,  not  until  he  says  it  out  loud.   "  but, "     this  is  important,  something  he  needs  to  say.   "  i  don't  want  to  wonder  if  things  would  be  different  if  lizzie  wasn't  with  will. "    he  doesn't  want  to  be  anyone's  consolation  prize.   they  both  deserve  better  than  that.   "  or  wonder  why  i  wasn't  enough. "   he  thinks  it  has  to  be  the  intensity  of  this ��conversation,  of  the  variety  of  topics  covered,  that  gives  him  the  courage  to  say;   to  not  cower,  to  say  what's  on  his  mind  and  to  not  let  it  remain  unsaid for  god  knows  how  long.   "  so  if  you  need  time  to  figure  that  out  --  to  be  sure,   i  can  wait. "    he's  not  running.   he's  not  going  anywhere.    "   i  just  need  to  know  we're  ...  on  the  same  page. "    or  at  least  in  the  same  book.    he's  not  picky.   he  can  acknowledge  that  there's  a  lot  to   unpack  here,  more  than  can  be  processed  in  a  single  conversation,   but  he's  trying.     he's  trying  because  he  loves  her,   that  hasn't  changed.    (  he'd  said  he'd  fight.    so  he  is.  )(edited)
hope mikaelsonLast Wednesday at 1:28 PM
staying,  as with everything,  comes in different forms.  she's had people fight for her,  barter for her,  die for her.  she's simply never had anyone ... stay for her.  it's always seemed so literal to her.  her father god knows where  for most of her life,  her family spread across the globe.  sent away to a boarding school she didn't know how to adjust to with people she'd never met.  (  she'd come to call them family,  but she couldn't have known that then.  in fact,  she doesn't think she really knew that until recently.  )  she knows that's why the word feels as rooted as the act.  if crisis was quiet,  deafening silence,  then staying was loud.  and vibrant.  in her mind,  at least.   sitting here,  ultimately in careful silence with the boy she loves,  when he has every reason to leave   (  even if there isn't a door to slam  ),  makes her realise she's been wrong. she always knew that emma,  and dr. saltzman,  and her parents,  were right about her.  she was damaged,  and scared,  and she internalised it and forced it into something powerful.  anger was a weapon from a woman who could destroy villages on a whim.  (  her aunts words chimed in her mind often  ;  people like you and me,  we can't get angry.  )  she thinks all that anger she's been holding onto  -  the anger that exploded onto lizzie before she imploded  -  turns her into a person she isn't certain she wants to be.  she still needs to make peace with her parents  (  and her culpability in their deaths  )  and her family.  but landon,  even if he ran,  even if he stole a knife,  even if she sent him away and he went ... he's never left her.  it's taken recognising not all victories are celebrations to recognise that.  (  god,  she loves  him.  )." i wanted to tell you. "  that much is true.  because they don't lie to each other.  she might value that now more than ever.  she can't blame him for anything he says next.  confusion is better than anger,  and it's a hell of a lot better than fear.  she hopes like hell it stays that way.  he continues, she waits. he doesn't want to break up,  she doesn't allow herself to relax yet.  she waits,  and she listens,  until she recognises she needs to take time to think of this.  she doesn't want to be away from him,   wait to be sure,  about a reality that doesn't exist.  (  her dilemma earlier  ;  choosing between them.  she stands by her conclusion.  it doesn't matter.  she can have them both.  )
she should do the unselfish thing.  let them settle,  let them recognise who they are to each other.  if he can wait,  so can she.  (  but god,  she doesn't want to.  )  she takes a few moments,  thinks about her answer,  because she can't underestimate how important it is.   " i don't want  lizzie at the expense of you. "  it sounds contemplative,  like she's reached the only conclusion that makes any sense,  as she meets his eyes.  " and i understand if you need to take some time too. "  she does.  they're both staying.  (  she hopes.  )  " but i didn't fall for her because you aren't enough. "  quite the opposite actually.  he may have happened to teach her love didn't always end in tragedy.  she wants to shift closer,  but she doesn't.  she simply keeps her hands as they are.(edited)
January 24, 2020
landon kirbyLast Friday at 4:38 PM
he’s  never  known  a  love  like  this.   never  looked  at  someone  and  knew,  without  a  shadow  of  a  doubt,  that  they  were  meant  to  be  in  his  life.   he’d  thought  maybe  it  was  fate,  the  universe  throwing  them  into  each  other’s  trajectories  because  they  were  soulmates  --  but  maybe  there’s  more  to  it  than  that.   maybe  it’s  not  fate,  not  some  cosmic  intervention  that  they  have  no  control  over.   maybe  love  is  a  choice;   choosing  not  to  run.   choosing  to  stay.   choosing  to  fight.   (  i’ll  always  be  the  guy  who  fights,  he’d  said  once.   it’s  a  promise  he  isn’t  looking  to  break.  )     so  he  listens,  really  listens,  and  nods  his  head  to  ensure  she  knows;    he’s  not  jumping  in  impulsively,  disregarding  the  gravity  of  their  situation.    he  knows  that  this  should  be  a  death  sentence,  a  final  nail  in  the  coffin  of  their  relationship  --  so  why  isn’t  it  ?  why  isn’t  he  running  ?    why  does  he  stay  ?   it’s  easy.   it’s  not  even  a  question,  not  something  he  needs  to  think  about  or  dwell  on.     there  were  no  nails.   no  red  flags.   one  nail  won’t  keep  the  lid  closed,  won’t  end  the  story  before  it  even  gets  a  chance  to  blossom.. he’s  holding  on  because  he  has  no  reason  not  to.   she’s  never  given  him  any  reason  to  doubt  her  before,  so  why  would  he  start  now  ?   (  honesty,  he’s  learned,  isn’t  a  trap;  it’s  salvation.  )      so  he  doesn’t  hesitate  as  he  shakes  his  head,  his  hands  finally  seeking  hers  out.   he  laces  their  fingers  together,  squeezes  twice.   he  knows  with  absolute  certainty  that  this  is  what  he  wants;   was  there  really  ever  any  doubt  ?    maybe  the  easier  option  would  be  to  leave,  to  throw  distance  between  them  and  try  to  protect  his  heart.   but  does  breaking  your  own  heart  to  stave  off  future  heartbreak  ever  really  work  ?   whether  by  your  hand,  or  not,  the  heartbreak  stings  all  the  same.   (  why  be  miserable  when  you  could  choose  to  not  be  ?  it’s  a  gamble  but  the  best  things  in  life  often  are..  ).  “  i  think  i  should  move  back  into  my  old  room.   at  least  for  awhile. ”   it’s  never  been  official,  his  presence  here.   he  has  his  own  room,  cobwebs  gathering  on  the  bed  posts  as  he  spends  his  nights  in  hers.   he  isn’t  ready  to  let  go,  but  he  rationalizes  that  a  little  space  might  not  hurt  them.   could  even  be  good.  healthy.     “  slow  things  down,  a  little.  while  we  figure  all  of  this  out.   i  can’t  say  it’ll  be  easy,  or  that  i  won’t  be  jealous  sometimes, ”   better  to  be  honest,  ensure  they’re  on  equal  footing.   “  ---  but  i  love  you. ”    that’s  important,  needs  to  be  said.   “  that  hasn’t  changed. ”      he  offers  up  a  smile,  swallowing  hard  past  the  lump  in  his  throat.   “  ...  and  it’ll  be  okay. ”    he  believes  it,  means  it  whole  heartedly  when  he  says  it.   “  we’ll  be  okay. ”     he  can  follow  her  lead,  proceed  in  these  uncharted  waters  together.    in  truth,  he  needs  her  --  need  to  be  with  her,  knows  she’s  a  calming  influence  when  he  feels  like  he’s  one  misstep  from  tumbling  over  the  rails.   he  likes  to  think  they  balance  each  other  ---  drown  out  the  demons,  guide  towards  the  light.   (  yeah,  it’s  a  choice.   not  one  he’ll  regret.  )(edited)
January 25, 2020
hope mikaelsonYesterday at 3:45 PM
at the end of the day,  she's optimistic.  she knows that's far from her natural state,  that she's been a pessimist pretending to be a realist for a long time now.  (  really,  she thought being left was an inevitable reality.  perhaps thats where her  ' realism ' came from.  )  and she knows that she could never call this a good thing.  it hurts two of the people she loves the most,  carves a hole in her own chest to set her insecurities alive.  it's not a good thing by any means,  but it doesn't feel quite so ... crippling either.  she feels safe.  despite the fact there is a croatoan still running around,  likely ruining lives and collecting secrets,  as they speak.  despite the fact she still has to fix her damn door.  she looks at landon,  notices how he laces their fingers together like he misses her just as much as he misses him,  and realises that okay her life is pretty far from ruined.  it's hit a speed bump,  an unexpected complication,  but it didn't crash.  (  hopefully,  it isn't going to when they turn around the next bend either.  )  she still has a best friend,  she still has a boyfriend.  and,  more importantly,  she still has lizzie as her best friend and landon as her boyfriend.  (  selfishly,  she's kind of glad she's able to love them both.  it's not a good thing  but,  one day when the dust of immediate revelations has settled,  she thinks she'll be grateful for the ability to love two wonderful people at the same time.  she's lucky that way.  ).her smile isn't swayed by landon's suggestions,  because none of them seem like leaving.  because,  even if they did,  she knows he isn't.  she squeezes his hands in return,  twice,  as she watches him.  (  just for a moment,  as they talk about the future as a certainty,  she lets herself remember how in love she is.  )  and sure,  she isn't super excited about the prospect of sleeping alone more often,  even less at the jealously she knows she can't deny,  but she thinks that's a normal reaction.  they're going to adjust,  not change.  that's what's important.  " i think that's a good idea. "  she could make a joke,  ask about which nights she's allowed to stay over,  ask about who lando's staying with,   but she thinks it has to come up organically.  when landon's ready to resume being the way they were,  when they both are,  they'll know.  (  she's really looking forward to that.  )  " i love you too. "  she would usually kiss him at moments like this.  when she doesn't trust herself.  she's just going to have to get better with words.  " and i know i can't ask you not to be jealous,  but i can remind you of that. "  that hasn't changed for him,  he promises.  " that hasn't changed for me either. "  she doubts it ever will..we'll be okay,  he tells her,  and she truly believes him.  not because she has blind faith in landon kirby,  not because she loves him.  but simply because she's thought actions speak louder than words  (  hence her persistent preference for physical affection  )  and he's sitting here with her.  still sitting here with her.  not angry,  not rash,  not throwing out everything they've built.  talking to her.  landon is staying,  despite everything she's told him.  that's  why she believes him.  ( and,  more certainly,  she thinks that's why she trusts him too.  )
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montymcallister · 5 years
( 5 ) New Messages
W117 Main Street, Renter’s Row, Downtown Edgewood July 14, 2019, 2:28am
Monty had Known it would be a tequila kind of day long before it had actually become a tequila kind of day. He’d woken up with the certainty settled solidly in his gut the way feelings sometimes took root after a dream. What he hadn’t expected--perhaps hadn’t remembered from the Dream--was that it would be a tequila kind of day because of the absolute shitshow that had rapidly unfolded at what was supposed to be a simple family meal.
His siblings had wanted him to get to know their kids, and his parents had said--indirectly, through Donnie--that they had something they wanted to discuss with him. So they’d tried for something more relaxed than their usual weekly family dinner. Likely because he had never shown up for another, after the Ambush Dinner.
And then it had all gone to hell when Clarissa and Elias hadn’t been able to resist the temptation of trying for a deeper reading.
So. Tequila. Cheap, brand-new-bottle tequila he knew he could kill any built-up alcohol tolerance he had with. It wouldn’t be enough to actually fix anything, but it would hopefully be enough to satisfy the ache in his chest that had refused to fade since The Fuck-Up.
Of course, the closer he got to being completely smashed, the more actually going through all the messages and calls he’d ignored since leaving his parents’ house earlier that day sounded like a reasonable idea.
How much worse could his day get?
With that thought in mind, he boosted himself up to sit beside the bottle of tequila on the kitchen counter, then settled back to dive in, a glass of tequila in one hand, his phone in the other.
From: Clarissa 1:48 PM   Monty come back 1:50 PM   We didn’t mean to upset you 1:56 PM   Please call me back                  We’re worried 2:10 PM   At least tell us you’re not still driving 2:14 PM   Monty 2:21 PM   Fine.                 Call Mom when you’re feeling better
Funny, how not once in her whole series of texts had she even attempted to apologize.
Monty threw the tumbler in the direction of the sink, barely flinching as the glass shattered on impact with the sink’s interior. He braced one hand against the lip of the counter as he shifted into a more comfortable sitting position, his other hand bringing the tequila bottle to his lips.
Funny, how she claimed to be a family-oriented person, with all the shit she pulled.
Funny, that what she never saw what she did as a psychic to be in conflict with her oath as a doctor. Do no harm his ass.
From: Elias 1:49 PM   We’re really worried about you 1:58 PM   At least call someone back
Figures, for the guy most likely to have known what state Monty had left in to have been the most obtuse to what he’d done. Two measly texts in the span of an hour.
From: Actually Satan 1:52 PM   Ur freaking mom n dad out
The insults and strong strong language of the next texts from Nate nearly had him hurling his phone across the room.
Asshole. Motherfucking-
No. No. He was not letting Nate get to him. No
From: Bastard 2:03 PM   This is childish, even for you. 
If he hadn’t been planning on finishing the tequila at some point, the bottle would have found itself following in the tumbler’s wake.
He hurled a metal water bottle--swiped from the counter he was sitting on--across the room to spare the tequila from his flash of fury. It clanged loudly against the cabinets across the way, but did little to actually soothe his flaring temper.
God, did he even want to know what his parents might have had to say about the afternoon?
From: Dad 2:02 PM   Answer your phone. 2:11 PM   Chester 
From: Mom 1:54 PM   We need to know you’re okay. 1:56 PM   Come back home.
He didn’t even want to unpack whatever it was that left his stomach churning unpleasantly after reading the few brief texts from his parents. Really, he shouldn’t have been surprised. When had they ever gone out of their way to express more than a passing concern for him, unless he failed to meet their standards?
Monty exhaled heavily.
Would it even be worth listening to the voicemails? If he knew what was good for him, he wouldn’t even look at who’d called. He’d just delete them all and be done with it. Right?
How masochistic was it to just let all the new voicemails play without looking at the display? He pondered the thought even as he did just that, lightly tossing his phone across the gap between the counters so it landed out of reach.
At least if there was something terrible, his phone wouldn’t suffer the immediate consequences.
One missed call: 1:51 PM From: Clarissa One new voicemail: “Monty, please come back to the house. You shouldn’t be driving right now. We can fix this. Mom and Dad can fix it, if you want. Just call me back, okay?”
One missed call: 1:54 PM From: Clarissa One new voicemail: “Monty. Call me back.”
One missed call: 1:55 PM From: Elias One new voicemail: “Monty, it’s Elias. You’re scaring everyone. We need you to come home.”
One missed call: 4:48 PM From: Ali One new voicemail: “Hey, it’s me. You don’t have to call me back or anything. I know the others have probably been on your case for a while, now. I just want you to know I love you. So. I love you. Be safe.”
He sighed and tipped his head back to rest against the cabinets behind him. 
He’d have to call her in the morning, let her know he’d made it home safely. He didn’t like the idea of her worrying for so long, but given how late it was, she was probably asleep, by this point. It was for the best, anyway. He didn’t want her exposed to him drunk and bitter, anyway.
One missed call: 1:30 AM One new voicemail: “Hey, you.” --
He stilled, the bottle halfway to his lips. Monica.
The ache he’d been carrying in his chest--feelings he had been trying not to examine too closely, beyond determining that they made his throat feel tight, and that the worst of them seemed to be attached to memories Clarissa had dug up--twisted. Some desperate, gaping expanse of loneliness soured the taste of tequila that still lingered on his tongue.
Suddenly the decision to spend the night alone had been a horrible oversight.
-- “I didn’t think you had work today, but I’unno, maybe you do. I know it’s not late enough for you to have gone to bed. Anyway, I sent you some pictures from this morning. The surf wasn’t the best when I went, but the sunrise was gorgeous.” --
Fuck, he missed her. 
-- “My parents were asking about you again. If you’re not careful, I’m just gonna give them your number, and you can deal with them yourself. My mom keeps asking if you’re eating enough, you know. If she had it her way, she’d probably be sending you meals. Miggy’s back for the summer, too. I could probably talk him into bringing some of her cooking out to you. He’s been dying to meet Ali, you know. I sent him that demo of hers that you passed along to me, and he literally will not shut up about how in love with her music he is.” --
He should tell that to Ali when he called her. Maybe that would be enough to distract her from worrying so much about him.
-- “Okay, I’m not sure if you’re machine’s gonna kick me if I keep going like this, so I’ll wrap this up. But you better call me back when you get around to listening to this. I miss your stupid ass. Night, Monty.”
His phone idled after Monica’s message had ended, eventually disconnecting from his voicemail and falling dark when he failed to reach for it.
The shuddering exhale that left him seemed loud in the stifling silence that followed. When he reached up to rub at his face, his hand came away wet, and he tasted salt when he wet his lips.
He hadn’t even realized he’d been crying.
After a long moment--marked by a quiet filled only by a few faint hitches in his breathing, and the slow drip, drip of the kitchen sink’s leaky faucet--he left the tequila on the countertop and eased himself back down to his feet.
He was still slated for the dinner shift at the Lake House. And he had to call Ali in the morning. Maybe Monica, too. He definitely had to call them both at some point before the end of tomorrow. The end of today? He didn’t even know, anymore. Fuck, he was tired.
With another heavy sigh, he shuffled off in the direction of the couch, leaving his phone where it sat.
He’d deal with everything when he woke up. He just needed to sleep.
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obviousartist · 5 years
So no one asked for this but here it is
this is so random gosh
Questions in bold
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
Spotify ‘till the end!
Is your room messy or clean?
It would probably surprise people, but it’s so dang messy.
What color are your eyes?
Do you like your name? Why?
I don’t know, I feel like it’s kind of overused because I know a ton of people with the same name.
What is your relationship status?
Single pringle! Although some people are trying to set me up. So far, no progress, which is fine by me.
Describe your personality in 3 words or less.
Dude, I died.
I know that’s not a real description, but I’m a HUGE pessimist, and I use that sentence too much, I should probably stop, but dude, I actually died, though.
What color hair do you have?
What kind of car do you drive? Color?
Non car = non couleur
Where do you shop?
Where DO I shop? When was the last time I went shopping?
Edit: okay so I went shopping today. At Harris Teeter. Is this asking where I like food shop or where I clothes shop?
How would you describe your style?
Dude, I don’t have a style. I am soooooooooo style-less. I don’t know, though, because Buzzfeed (not an accurate source) always says I’m a hipster. Although, it also says I’m 50, which I can assure you, I am not.
Favorite social media account.
What size bed do you have?
Twin. But I should really get a new one.
Any siblings?
One annoying as f**k brother.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
Great Britain. Lots of culture, and they speak English too. Or NYC. Also much culture and BROADWAY, GUYS. BROADWAY!
Favorite Snapchat filter?
Non Snapchat = non filter
Favorite makeup brand(s)
I wear makeup like twice a year, okay? IDK.
How many times a week do you shower?
Usually every day, but I only wash my hair three/four times a week.
Favorite TV show?
I mean, Ellen is great, right?
Shoe size?
You can’t laugh. It’s a 4/4.5 women’s.
How tall are you?
We are now 5’2”. I know, shorty here.
Sandals or sneakers?
Sneakers. My nails look like trash.
Do you go to the gym?
Sometimes. Not usually, though, because I do many other physical activities already, so it’s not really helpful to wear myself out if I have to dance the next day or something.
Describe your dream date.
Ok. As a forever single pringle, I don’t really know (as of now). But. I will say that a serious creative something would be actually really nice. Not like painting class. But like reading. Performances. Things like that. Even movies (although the book is probably better).
How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
Kid, I’m broke. Haha. #liveswithparents
What color socks are you wearing?
I am currently barefoot, as I like it.
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two. Deux. Dos. Due. Duo.
Do you have a job? What do you do?
No job here.
How many friends do you have?
I don’t know. I have my best friends and then I have my friends and then I have my kind of friends and then I have my acquaintances. I know a lot of people. I don’t like a lot of them.
What’s the worst thing you have ever done?
I don’t know. Not for me to judge.
What’s your favorite candle scent?
3 favorite boy names
Alex, Jordan, and Eden.
3 favorite girl names
Alex, Elizabeth, and Jordan. Big fan of unisex names.
Favorite actor?
I don’t knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Why did I start this, this is very hard?
Favorite actress?
Emma Watson. That one’s easy.
Who is your celebrity crush?
We’re still sorting that out; hold on. ONE ETERNITY LATER . . .
Favorite movie?
The Parent Trap? The Sound of Music? IDEK ok?
Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book?
Money or brains?
I have neither, but if I got to choose money or brains, I would definitely choose brains.
Do you have a nickname? What is it?
No nickname. I guess I’m just not that kind of person.
How many times have you been to the hospital?
I regret to say a few.
Top 10 favorite songs
You’re really in for it, guys. I’m Not Famous - AJR Me Too - Meghan Trainor Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy Nightmare - Halsey Boy With Luv - BTS If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes I Don’t Care - Ed Sheeran SOS - Avicii Summer on You - PRETTYMUCH Kiss and Make Up - Dua Lipa Summer - Calvin Harris
Others include:
Bloom - Troye Sivan
You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift
Do you take any medications daily?
I take vitamin D/calcium supplements. Not medication, but okay.
What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
A what what a what what what? I’m guessing oily?
What is your biggest fear?
Scaredy cat here, so I’ve got a lot of fears. I fear failure and being unwanted, though.
How many kids do you want?
Two. Deux. Dos. Duo.
What’s your go to hair style?
What type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
Medium, I guess?
Who is your role model?
Emma Watson. Misty Copeland. Our female leaders leading change in the world.
What was the last compliment you received?
Uhm. I have no idea, man. I don’t even remember when it was.
What was the last text you sent?
No texting, but I do Skype. “Look kid idk but u said bye so ur loss”
How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real?
I had had my suspicions. But I don’t know who it actually was, and it is driving me kind of mad. I can assume it was my parents.
What is your dream car?
Honda Civic. Very sleek, not overly expensive.
I feel so boring.
Opinion on smoking?
Do you go to college?
One day, my friends. One day.
What is your dream job?
Photographer? Editor? I don’t even know, okay?
Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
Suburbs. You don’t have to drive really far to get somewhere, but it’s still kind of calm.
Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Yes. Always.
Do you have freckles?
Nope. Zero. Nada.
Do you smile for pictures?
How many pictures do you have on your phone?
No phone, but I have a crap ton on my computer.
Have you ever peed in the woods?
Yeah. It was awful.
Do you still watch cartoons?
Non, merci.
Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Can I not eat either?
Favorite dipping sauce?
Soy sauce. Or sesame oil, depending on what food it is.
I’ll settle for ranch for some vegetables.
What do you wear to bed?
Sweatpants/shorts and a T-Shirt/cami.
Have you ever won a spelling bee?
No, I wish.
What are your hobbies?
I play piano and I dance. I also die, but we don’t talk about that.
Can you draw?
I’m decent, I guess. No. I’m awful.
Do you play an instrument?
What was the last concert you saw?
My school orchestra concert.
Tea or coffee?
Water. Orange juice. Neither.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Do you want to get married?
Oui oui.
What is your crush’s first and last initial?
Uhm. Okay. So. SD.
Are you going to change your last name when you get married?
I don’t know. Depends on their last name.
What color looks best on you?
Black/navy blue.
Do you miss anyone right now?
My mom went somewhere (not disclosing) and my friends from school because it’s summer.
Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Shut. Always. I have a brother. And a cat.
Do you believe in ghosts?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
People chewing with their mouths open. Ew.
Jeez I have so many, we’ll just say that for now.
Last person you called?
My mom.
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla. I promise I’m not boring.
Regular Oreos or golden Oreos?
Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
What shirt are you wearing?
An old Battle of the Books T-shirt from school.
What is your phone background?
No phone, but my computer background is an image of the Slytherin common room.
Are you outgoing or shy?
I am selectively outgoing.
Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I don’t know because no one touches it.
Do you like your neighbors?
I don’t know my neighbors. There’s this family that moved in and I’ve seen like two kids. Once on the day they got here. Another time when one of them was mowing the lawn. I don’t know them.
Do you wash your face? At night? In the morning?
At night.
Have you ever been high?
Non, merci.
Have you ever been drunk?
Non, merci.
Last thing you ate?
Peaches and apples.
Favorite lyrics right now.
But: “Shade never made anyone less gay,” Taylor Swift - You Need To Calm Down
Summer or winter?
Day or night?
Night. It’s currently 10:48 PM over here.
Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
White chocolate all the way.
Favorite month?
What is your zodiac sign?
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I don’t know, okay? Probably my mom, though, knowing me.
I’m so boring.
Thank you so much for reading all of the sh*t I wrote up there.
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kokomatcha · 6 years
RWI ch. 10 snippet
Here’s a snippet for chapter 10!  I know it’s been forever, I’m still so busy with my personal and work life, it’s really hard and stressful lol I don’t see myself relaxing until next year, if at all lol I’m so sorry guys ;___; but thank you for your support and interest in my story!  I’m still shooting for writing out three chapters but I actually have to write it all out before I can break it down into its chapter’s so it’s definitely going to take a bit.  And even once those two or three chapters are done, I might have to still take time between chapters so I can catch up on BnHA to understand the series more and work more canon into the plot!  (again, I’ve only watched up to season 1 but I know of spoilers here and there lol). Anyway, thank you so much for your patience and understanding!  I hope you continue to endure the wait, but in the meantime, here’s a little snippet!  It may be tentative to change and might differ from the final draft of the chapter when it’s released.  Regardless, enjoy! (Please excuse the grammar mistakes and typos, lol)
A sudden series of knocks jolted you from your thoughts, causing you to jump as you clutched your phone to your chest, blocking out the light from the screen and immersing yourself in darkness.  Slivers of sunlight peeked through the spaces between your blackout curtains and for a moment you wondered if it was just a very obnoxious pigeon tapping against your window.  But no, the knocks were too loud and in rapid succession to be any sort of avian nuisance and the tapping seemed to be on wood rather than glass.
Was it.... coming from your front door?
You tried to listen to the knocks to find the source, the sound never ceasing or breaking in its consistent rhythm.  You swung your legs over the side of your bed, pushing off to press your feet firmly against the hardwood floor, flexing them against the refreshing cool, smooth surface, taking a moment to ground yourself as you pressed your weight down to straighten up onto your feet.
The knocking persisted.  It was so consistent and steady, you began to wonder if it were construction.  Was there a new project being done around your building?  
Your eyes widened as you thought maybe your neighbor had gone ahead with their renovations, having become tired of waiting for your assistance?  Soon you were stepping quickly to your bedroom door, pulling it open as you darted out of your room and over to your common area.  You made a sharp turn by your couch, fully expecting to see some construction worker hanging outside your balcony, but you stopped as you realized that there was nothing outside your sliding door.
And that the knocking was coming from behind you, where your front door was positioned.
Slowly you turned, looking over your shoulder directly at your front door.  The source of the knocking was now very clear as you could practically see your door vibrating in its frame upon its hinges, the series of knocking seeming to threaten to burst it into a pile of splinters at any given moment.
You stared, frozen in place, caught between being terrified and flummoxed on what exactly was happening.  
Was someone trying to break in to your apartment?  In the middle of the day?  It was the middle of the day, right?  You checked your phone quickly for confirmation before your eyes darted back up at your front door.
3:48 PM.
Yes, it was the middle of the day.  Very much alarmed by this confusing event, you hesitantly stepped forward before rapidly glancing around for something to act as a make-shift weapon.  You found nothing useful until your eyes landed on the pair of scissors you had left on your coffee table when the blond man had used it earlier that morning.  You quickly moved over to grab it before turning back to your front door, your injured hand held in front of you in a defensive position as you clutched the scissors in your hand, holding it up in a position ready to strike as you inched closer to the door.
A wave of deja vu came over you.  It was becoming a very common occurrence and you were getting a bit tired of finding yourself in the most odd, panic-inducing situations.  At least a pair of scissors was marginally better to use as a weapon than the empty glass you had tried to use last time.
This was either a very bold (or idiotic) burglar, or someone really wanted to see you.
But you couldn’t imagine anyone who would come to your apartment in the middle of the day just to see you.  They would have texted or called you, if anything, before coming over.  You never received visitors.
“Hello?  Is anyone home?”
You froze, tensing up at the sound of the booming voice that accompanied the rapid knocking, gripping the scissors tightly in your now sweating palm.  It took a moment for you to register the voice, suddenly realizing it sounded incredibly familiar.  You loosened your grip on the scissors, lowering your hands a few inches as you stared at the door in a mixture of wary disbelief and exasperation.
Burglars wouldn’t be calling out to you.  Would they?
But that voice was so familiar.  It tickled the back of your mind persistently.  It was almost annoying how your mind seemed to nag at the thought.  As if it were something obvious that you felt you should be able to connect.  
You inched a bit closer until you reached your peephole.  You hesitated as your door was still shaking quite a bit from the force and rapid succession of knocking, but you gathered your courage and braced yourself as you leaned up close to look through the peephole. 
You stared in confusion, seeing only an expanse of white and nothing else.  You didn’t see anyone outside of your door despite the fact that there was clearly someone knocking on it. Not the wall across from your door or the rest of the hallway.  You shifted from foot to foot to change the angle you were looking at but to no avail.  You still only saw nothing but white.
“Hello?  I am here, knocking on the door as you requested!”
You jumped back, startled by the booming voice echoing through the hallway of your floor, clutching the scissors and poised in a defensive stance once more.  You stared at your front door with wide eyes before key words seemed to filter through your panicked state of mind—that statement clicked seamlessly in your memory as you suddenly recognized exactly who that voice belonged to.
All Might.
All Might was at your front door.
All Might was...?!
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papikakashikahn · 6 years
Jinyoung / Drunk Texts AU / Request
Tumblr media
This a request from the lyrics GOT7 forum, It’s only around 1,000 words but I think you’ll like it @cutiepjy !!! Basically I have a list of 27 lyrics from several GOT7 songs. You can chose one or two, as well as a Member you’d like the request to be with, and dm me 😊. To read the forum click here. ANYWAYS! Hope you enjoy !!!
  You had been lazily hanging around the apartment you and Jinyoung shared, the whole day. Sadly, Jinyoung was in Australia with the rest of Got7 on tour. But you were sure he mentioned he had off days, and wondered why he hadn’t called you or texted you the whole day. Infact, it was starting to piss you off that he hadn’t even sent a good morning or good night text as he usually did every other day. You trusted Jinyoung, and didn’t suspect him of cheating or anything like that. He was a great boyfriend, mature, and always understanding of you. Even when he was busy he still made time for you. You tried to be a more understanding girlfriend in return. He deserved that at least, you can’t be mad at him for not texting you for ONE day. After all, he was on tour working hard to make his fans happy and you were respectful of that.
  Still though, you couldn't help but feel slightly lonely without him. The fact that you were watching yet another romance drama was certainly not helping either.
  Just as your eyelids began to feel heavy from lack of sleep, your phone that was underneath your blanket lit up, with a buzz. Your eyes flickered to the bright screen glowing from under the blanket. In your mind, you had already asked yourself if it could've been Jinyoung. Your curiosity got the best of you as you quickly unraveled the phone from your blanket, and looked over the screen. 
 Jinyoungie 😙 : Thers a mOon Like u 🌝 (11:43 pm)
You raised your eyebrow at the sentence. Any other message and you would have refrained yourself from responding for at least 10 minutes, but you were just too confused. Rereading the sentence it was obvious something was wrong with him, because 1.) his spelling was off and Jinyoung gets annoyed when people mistype, 2.) he never adds emojis, and 3.) that sentence is just random.
You unlocked your phone to text him back.
Y/N : ...what? (11:43 pm)
As soon as you sent it you received a read receipt. You began to wonder what time it was in Australia anyways. You went to your clock app on your phone. Currently it was 11:44 in Seoul, so that made it … 1:13 am in Australia!
You quickly switched back to you and Jinyoung’s messages.
Apparently he was typing but it's been a minute or two and you expected him to send whatever he was typing by now.
 Y/N : Wtf are you doing up at 1:13 am? (11:44 pm)
Jinyoungie 😙 : Im missing your face (11:44 pm)
  Even though he wasn’t even near you, you’re breath hitched in your throat. Jinyoung wasn’t very good at expressing himself, and you had come to terms with that over the course of your relationship. Infact, you found it cute. More often than less though, you had wished he would say things like this.
Y/N : Are you drunk? (11:46)
That was the only explanation as to why he was acting like this.
 Jinyoungie 😙 : Y does that mater? (11:47)
You sighed in disapproval wondering which manake convinced him to do this... actually there was a fair chance it was Jackson.
Y/N : I’ll take that as a yes 😭 (11:48)
Y/N : Are you okay? Are the others around? (11:48)
You began to feel worried whether he was alright in a totally different country.
Jinyoungie 😙 : I love u wiht all my heArt Y/N ❤️ (11:50)
Your eyes widened at the text. Sure there was a few small errors in the sentence, but it was obvious what he was trying to say. For some reason you started to blush. Maybe it was because you were accustomed to Jinyoung not saying things like this. He didn’t have to, you knew how he felt and that you loved each other.
 Jinyoungie 😙 : Im a bad boyfirend. I neeedd to tell u this more oftn. dont I? (11:50)
You smiled lightly to yourself, imagine Jinyoung texting you all this.
 Y/N : No baby, you’re a great boyfriend. I miss you, and I love you too (11:51)
Jinyoungie 😙 : I wish you were here, evryone is so anoying! ! Bambam Keeps talkng (11:52).
Jinyoungie 😙 : My head hurts hes so loud smH (11:52).
You would have paid anything to see Jinyoung like this. Atleast you knew he was with the guys.
Y/N : You should go to bed baby, it’s late. (11:52).
Jinyoungie 😙 : Do u not like me animore? Am I anoying u? (11:53)
Y/N : No you’re not annoying me, but it’s 1:00 in the morning there Jinyoung (11:54)
 Jinyoungie 😙 : If I hear ur voice i’ ll go to sleep!! I promise (11:55)
 Jinyoungie 😙 : Y/N i miss ur voice so much Plz call me 😫 (11:55)
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Although you were tired you missed his voice a lot too.
Calling him that night, he just continued to talk and talk, about practically nothing. Most of the things he said didn’t make sense, and you could barely hear him over the sounds of the rest of the members being drunk.At one point during the phone call he put you on speaker and you spoke to Jaebum and the other ridiculously drunk members. Youngjae was definitely the most sober because everything that came out of his mouth at least made sense. He explained they all had chicken and beer that night and things just got crazy from there. Once he told you Jinyoung was randomly shouting your name through out the night, Jinyoung snatched the phone back and turned off the speaker you had never expected Jinyoung to drink during his tour out of all the members, but you were just glad he was having fun and making memories with his friends. As long as he was enjoying himself, you were happy.
“I’ll see you in a few weeks... right?” he asked you. You laughed lightly.
“Yes Jinyoung.” you answered him.
“...Will you still love me until then?” he asked with a slur.
You smiled to yourself at his tone when looking to the light from the moon on your carpet. It reminded you that if anything, you and Jinyoung remained under the same sky, and that was enough for you to no longer feel lonely.
“I’ll always love you Jinyoung.”
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carmineclock · 6 years
I Still Feel The Same About You
Clover Last Saturday at 10:37 PM
The funny thing about your luck is that sometimes you can walk into the right place and just wait, and it'll be the exact right time for the person you're waiting for to show up. So today, rather than a book and a photo, you settle yourself on Trace's bed.
Trace Yesterday at 1:13 AM
> Well, lucky him because you indeed return to your room shortly after. You didn't even plan to stay there for long, just get a new change of clothes maybe. You notice the trail leaning inside though, so you're at least prepared when stepping inside. "Well hello. Come here often?"
Clover Yesterday at 1:17 AM
> You snort and wave to him, smiling that one smile he definitely knows by now that means you're planning something or other in the next few moments. "Quite often, lately!"
Trace Yesterday at 1:26 AM
> Of course he got something planned. Sigh and roll your eyes with a smirk. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
Clover Yesterday at 1:30 AM
"Guuuueeess what I found."
Trace Yesterday at 1:37 AM
"My dignity?"
Clover Yesterday at 5:22 AM
Trace Yesterday at 2:18 PM
"Now I'm curious. What is it?"
Clover Yesterday at 2:27 PM
> Carefully retrieve a photo from within your vest and hold it out. > It's what he asked you to find.
Trace Yesterday at 2:30 PM
> You immediately know what it is and you smile (a little sad maybe, but relieved). > You walk over to sit on the bed next to him and take the photo to look at it. "Thank you."
Clover Yesterday at 2:34 PM
> Prrrr. "Did you ever find a place to put things or should I just let you know where the rest is?"
Trace Yesterday at 2:48 PM
"I asked Sitri if I could store some things with him.. Unless you got a better place for it."
Clover Yesterday at 3:07 PM
"I trust you."
Trace Yesterday at 3:20 PM
You flash a smile. "I trust you too.. Thanks for keeping my things safe."
Clover Yesterday at 4:15 PM
"You got an hour?"
Trace Yesterday at 4:16 PM
"I think so. Why?"
Clover Yesterday at 4:17 PM
"I can show you the place if you promise not to leave tracks."
Trace Yesterday at 4:18 PM
Smirk. "I like to think I'm pretty okay at that."
Clover Yesterday at 4:52 PM
"And a kiss?" > You're joking- you get up and gesture for him to come with.
Trace Yesterday at 4:55 PM
> You smirk and get up to follow, but before that- lean down to give him a smooch on the side of his face. He deserves it, honestly.
Clover Yesterday at 5:23 PM
> You make a noise equivalent to heart emoji spam and do a tiny little dance in place before leading him to leave the manor. When you flag a taxi over, you mention, "Almost nobody knows where this is, y'know. Not Snow, not Scratch, not Crow, not even Nep yet. So it's the safest place I could put anything 'til that changes."
Trace Yesterday at 5:24 PM
Huh. "And you're sure you want to show me?"
Clover Yesterday at 5:29 PM
You take his hand in yours and hum. "I want to be yours."
Trace Yesterday at 6:26 PM
On the list of things you didn't expect today-- You look at him quietly for a moment. There's no trace of any negative feeling, hardly even surprise, you just need a moment to process and figure out how to react. Your hand gladly rests in his though. "In what ways, exactly?"
Clover Yesterday at 6:50 PM
"Through thick and thin and hell and high water. I'm through with trying to think I can play the whole world on my own, an' I want to be at your side. So I'm trustin' you, aye?"
Trace Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Aye." You smile and give his hand a squeeze, then lean back and get comfy in the car.
Clover Yesterday at 7:50 PM
You lead him to a rather stylish apartment on the border between Felt territory and neutral, letting him in and leading him through the living room- the shelves are full of old pictures, he might notice, and some of them featuring green faces that don't show up in his memories- to one of the bedrooms. You gesture to the closet with the rest of the stuff you packed before the raid. It's not as if you saved his whole room, but there are the little somethings.
Trace Yesterday at 9:38 PM
You linger at the sight of the pictures. Seeing other green faces is odd enough.. but some of the faces might be uncomfortably familiar, even if you can't quite put your finger on it. After a short moment you manage to pull yourself away to follow him into the bedroom to your stuff. It's okay if it's not a lot, you never expected that (and probably would have made Doc very suspicious), but you're glad for every piece Clover saved and returns. "You're a darling. Thank you.." You sigh rellieved and sit down in front of it, then immediately start rummaging through everything and try to find some of your most treasured possessions. Some especially important photos, the jar with the flowers, a couple of gifts you got, and so on.
Clover Yesterday at 9:43 PM
You settle beside him and lean slightly on him, quietly in support. Some part of you can remember why this was originally half out of spite, but you couldn't even try to feel what you had felt back then again. It seems almost silly now.
Trace Yesterday at 11:37 PM
You lean a bit against him as you go through your things, occassionally showing him something and telling him a tidbid about it. Just a week ago, you could have never imagined to have such a moment together ever again.
Clover Today at 12:02 AM
You keep every little thing he says close to your heart, and you seem happy to hear it all.
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awkward-radar-tech · 6 years
An Awkward Tech: Part 2
Summary: It is time for the “next time” dinner!
Part 1 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7 – Part 8– Part 9 – Part 10
A few days passed and you and Matt continued having small conversations over text. You would text him to complain about your stupid paper and annoying classmates and he would fire back with complaints about his brothers and classmates as a show of understanding. At some point you guys decided you would have your “next time” dinner the night after your paper was due to celebrate. Ally fully interrogated you when she got home the next morning since you and Matt were texting nonstop from when she walked in to after she came back to the kitchen after a shower. She fully approved your crush, since apparently she had been trying to find a way to introduce Matt to you from the moment she saw him the first day of class. When you told Matt all you shared with her, you left off that comment from Ally. That would be something you would share if you ever started dating.
Right after you turned in your paper, you text Matt that you were finally done, and to see if he would finally tell you where he got reservations for tomorrow, since apparently you finishing your term paper required going to a restaurant that needs a reservation.
5:40 pm: no, I’m not going to tell you the name of the restaurant, but you need to wear something nice
5:43 pm: sir, why must we go to a restaurant that requires nice clothes
5:46 pm: cuz I want to treat you. Papers are hard, and that virus must have caused a lot of stress
5:48 pm: oh yeah, definitely ;P
5:53 pm: why do I even talk with you :p
5:57 pm: cuz ya like me
5:58 pm: maybe
6:02 pm: okay, yeah, “maybe”. Can you please tell me the name of the restaurant? I want to look up the menu
6:07 pm: I’m not gonna tell you. But they serve pasta so you’ll be good.
6:10 pm: you know me so well, ya nerd
6:12 pm:  yeah i do and am. you’re a nerd too, so I wouldn’t be talking ma’am
6:14 pm: shut up
6:16 pm: fun fact I haven’t spoken a word out loud in an hour so I can’t shut up, I’m already shut
6:19 pm: I do but I enjoy messing with you. I gotta go, we are having dinner with our parents tonight. Pick you up at 5:30 tomorrow
6:21 pm: have a good evening. See you tomorrow :)
You spent most of the day talking with Ally about the possibility of Matt actually really liking you, and that is why you are going to a nice restaurant. She also convinced you to let her do your hair and makeup for the dinner because what are friends for. Around 5 you changed into your favorite dress and flats and sat and waited for Matt to arrive. You hoped he would arrive early, because you were excited and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.
As you had hoped, Matt knocked on your apartment door ten minutes early. You greeted him with a hug and asked if he wanted to come in or leave now, he opted to come in for a moment. As he walked to the couch, you took note of his outfit, a pale blue dress shirt and dark grey slacks. After you shut the door, you joined him on the couch.
“So, uhh, will you tell me the name of the restaurant now?”
“Nope. You’ll find out when we get there.”
“Fine… I really like your outfit, it looks really nice on you.”
“Oh, uh, thank you. I really like your dress. You look pretty, like always.”
At some point Ally had entered the room from her own, and you didn’t notice. “Will you two just make out or something already, like seriously.”
“ALLY! Really, why are you like this. We should head out now, shouldn’t we Matt?”
“Yeah, uhh we should.”
You followed Matt to a nice looking black sedan. He opened up your door for you and closed it before getting in himself. The drive was quiet except for the radio and the passing traffic, because of the residual awkwardness from Ally’s perfectly timed comment. Matt broke the silence to tell you that you were almost there, and when he pulled into the driveway you realized he made reservations at one of the nicest Italian restaurants in the city. He pulled up to the valet station and was out of the car and at your door before you could even process that this was really happening. He offered his hand to assist you with getting out of the car, then offered his arm to lead you into the restaurant.
A nice hostess stood behind a desk and greeted you both when you walked in. “Good evening and welcome. Mr. Organa-Solo, what a pleasure it is to see you tonight. If you two would please follow me, your table is ready.” She lead the two of you to a slightly secluded booth in the corner, “As requested, sir, and James will be your server for the evening. Enjoy.”
“Matt, you didn’t have to bring me to a place this nice. And why does the hostess know you?”
“I did have to, and I’ll tell you why in a moment. Also, my family comes here often, my mom is a senator.”
“She is a what?!”
“My mom is Leia Organa, the well-known sassy hard-headed senator.”
“Oh my god. And that is why your last name sounded familiar. Now, can you please tell me why you brought me here?”
Right after you said that, James arrived to take your drink order and bring you a basket of bread. After he left Matt spoke up, “Uhh, well, umm, there are two reasons. One is that I wanted to make sure I definitely covered what you paid for our whole meal last week, because that is who I am….”
“Okay, and the second reason?”
“Well, you see, Ally kind of got my feelings right earlier. Well, I don’t want to necessarily make out with you right now, but I do really like you (y/n). And I would like to know if this could count as our first date, if you like me too.”
“Oh, Matt. I really like you too. I would love for this to be our first date.”
“Yes, I was going to ask you out on a date at the end of the night if you didn’t, so…”
“Oh my goodness, I can’t believe this. I thought you just liked me as a friend or something like that.”
“I thought the same thing about you!”
The night went on perfectly fine after that. No awkward silences, only pleasant conversation, some giggles, and one game of footsie that you accidentally initiated when you stretched out your leg. You both enjoyed your meals and shared a nice dessert.
While you waited for the valet to bring back the car, Matt asked if you wanted to visit his favorite place to go and think in the middle of the night. Not wanting the night to be over yet you agreed.
Matt drove you to some type of small warehouse building, and when he got out of the car, you stayed put because of his apparent need to open doors for you, and you weren’t going to complain.
As he lead you around the building to a locked gate he explained that his family owned the building and it was currently his brother’s art studio, but the roof was mainly his. He lead you through the courtyard before going into the building and up a stairwell to reach the roof. Once there, Matt flipped a switch on the wall at the top landing then opened the door to a roof covered in various potted plants from succulents to roses to vegetables, a few benches, a picnic table, and it was all illuminated by a lot of white string lights.
“Oh, Matt, this is beautiful! Did you put all of this together yourself?”
“Mostly. My mom taught me how to tend to a lot of the plants and chose some out herself, and I had help from my brothers to bring up the benches and table. It is calming to care for all these plants, and sometimes when my brothers are annoying me or I can’t sleep I come here to relax and let my mind wander.”
“Wow, I wish I had a place like this. I just end up laying in bed the whole time.”
“Well, since we are dating, anytime you feel the need to come here just let me know and I’ll come and take you. I even keep a sleeping bag and tent in the shed for really bad nights. I guess I should get another sleeping bag for you.”
“Aww, that is so sweet of you Matt.”
The two of you continued to sit next to each other on the bench you ended up on in comfortable silence. You held his hand and rested your head on his shoulder while just watching the distant city lights and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. A few times Matt placed a kiss on the top of your head which made you smile. After awhile, he lightly squeezed your hand so you slightly lifted your head in order to look at him and smiled when you locked eyes.
“Thank you for coming up here with me. You are the first non-family member to come up here.”
“It is my pleasure, I didn’t and don’t want the night to end. It feels like an honor to be the first outsider up here. Thank you for tonight Matty, I have really enjoyed it.”
You both looked at each other for a moment longer before you leaned in for a kiss. It was a sweet and innocent kiss that left you both blushing and smiling like fools.
“I, umm, have really enjoyed tonight, too. Can I uh kiss you again?”
“Yes, Matt, please.”
This time Ally’s tease from earlier became reality. Matt got you to sit across his lap and held your waist, and, to help yourself keep your torso turned, you cupped his head in your hands. The kisses were long and passionate, you were the first one to involve your tongue but after Matt realized what you wanted, he matched you in dominance. You eventually parted and rested your foreheads together while you caught your breath.
The two of you just sat there holding each other for awhile longer, before you both decided that if you stayed out any longer you would be unable to escape the torment of teasing from your nosy roommates about what you had to have done on such a long date.
When you arrived at your complex, Matt walked you to your door before leaving you with a goodnight kiss and wishing you luck with Ally’s inevitable interrogation. You told him to text when he got home, wished him luck with his brothers, and gave him one last hug and kiss before unlocking your door.
You were greeted by Ally sitting on the couch in her pjs just waiting for you to enter. “Sooo, how was dinner?”
“It went well. He took me to a nice Italian restaurant that his family frequents, and I found out that his mom is Senator Leia Organa.”
“Anything else you would like to add, like maybe the reason it is almost 11 and you left at 5:30?”
“Well, he asked me if the dinner could count as our first date, to which I said yes. Then after dinner he took me to his rooftop garden that is on top of his brother’s art studio. And now I am back and he is driving home.”
“(y/n) I know you are leaving out more details, you know I need everything. So spill woman! Did things get spicy?”
“Not in the way you are thinking Ally. We just sat and talked for a bit, then just sat. He kissed the crown of my head a few times, then we actually kissed and made out for a bit.”
“Sounds romantic, you guys seem too sweet already, I don’t think I could handle a double date with you two.”
“Okay Ally, whatever you say. I’m going to bed, goodnight.”
“Goodnight (y/n).”
Once you got into bed, your phone buzzed with a bunch of texts from Matt.
11 pm: I’m home.
My brothers are already in bed or out. I’m safely in bed now so I think I have escaped the interrogation for tonight
Wait I just heard a door open, at least one of them heard me come in, I don’t think I actually esacaped
I was right, they both ambushed me with questions in my room
11:05 pm: oh no. Ally was legit just sitting on the couch in silence waiting for me when I walked in. she wasnt that bad thankfully
11:30 pm: I SURVIVED!!!! They wouldnt believe me when I said we only kissed. They are lumps but i finnally convinced them
11:32 pm: Ally beleived me, thank god, but she caught on that i left out details in the begining
She also said she would never go on a double date with us because we are already “too sweet”
11:35 pm: oh goodness…
You had begun to drift off to sleep waiting for his response after his interrogation, and fell asleep before you could type out “goodnight.”
11:45 pm: I am going to assume you fell asleep. Goodnight sweetheart ❤
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ididntlookback · 7 years
A klance as characters in b99? (As any and Jake lol)
Sorry it took a little long, and sorry the plot is a bit rushed, but here it is!
WC: 1,332
Another Pizza flavored Goldfish rained down on Keith’s keyboard. Then another one. Then another one. Then another one. Then another o-
“Can you please stop that?” Keith finally said, abandoning the work he was trying to do.
“Stop what?” Lance asked while throwing another one atop the desk across from his.
In his office chair, Lance kicked himself over to Keith’s side of his desk. “I can’t help it! I’m bored and I have no self control.” He hadn’t had a good case all week, just a bunch of boring public intoxications (He could practically still smell the throw up one gentleman politely spewed on him the night before). “You have any cool cases? Let me jump on one.”
Keith picked up a goldfish off his keyboard and chucked it into Lance’s lap. “My caseload is super empty.”
Lance squinted his eye. “Oh really?” he rolled the chair forward, until he was uncomfortably close to the fellow detectives face. “‘super’…”
“Totally,” Keith told him.
“Well i say that you ‘totally’ only over exagerate when you’re lying,” Lance said. “I know you too well. What’s the case? Grand Larceny? Solicitation? Spill it.”
“There’s no case! I literally have no idea whatsoever you- dammit,” Keith cursed.
“C’mon, we’re a couple! Legally you have to tell me.”
Keith sighed and gritted his teeth. “It’s a double homicide.”
“A double homicide?! And you kept that from me?! That’s it… relationship over.” Keith stared at him blankley. “Okay no it’s not, i love you forever, but i will work this case with you.”
“Jesus, fine,” Keith said. He picked up another goldfish and ate it experimentally. He immediately spit it out in a nearby garbage.
The two sat together in Lances car, having finished an interview moments earlier. They’d interviewed the maid of the husband and wife who were both killed in their own house. According to her, the husband had been into some sleazy stuff a few years back. She gave the two of them some of his old criminal contacts to go over.
“I ran background on all of them,” Keith started. “This guy’s dead, this one’s in prison, dead, dead, prison, dead, prison, oh, one guy’s alive. This seems too easy, though.”
“What did Mr. Alive do?” Lance asked.
“He has some drug offenses, and was arrested for murder two times but was never charged.”
“I think it’s just the right amount of easy,” Lance said. “I’m gonna go with the criminal who was arrested two times for murder and has ties to the victim.”
“Don’t you think the housekeeper was a little too helpful? It’s like she wanted us to look away from her, and her prints were all over the crime scene and on the knife.”
“She cleans there, of course her prints would be all over the place.”
“I still think we should look into it,” Keith said. “… make it a contest? We split up, follow our hunches, see who’s right?”
“What does the winner get?” Lance asked, getting excited. “Oh! Loser has to give a deep cleaning to the apartment.”
“The apartment is already clean, i make sure of it,” Keith said.
“Clearly you haven’t checked under the bed… and under the couch… and basically uner anything that can hide filth.”
“Dude, seriously? Is that what you do when you ‘clean the apartment’? That’s you’re mess, shouldn’t you just clean it up anyway?”
“Fine. Loser has to clean up and… has to do the next five cases the other doesn’t want.”
“Now we’re talking,” Keith smirked, holding his hand out. The two shook on it.
“Bet begins in three, two, one!” Lance opened the car door and started running.
Confused, Keith furrowed his eyebrows. “Where is he going? This is literally his car.” Hijacking (well, can you call it hijacking if the owner just… leaves?) Lances’ car, Keith sped off to follow up with the maids’ alibi. She said she had been at a local nightclub with a few friends. Once Keith got there he showed a picture of her to the bartender who had worked last night.
“Yeah i saw her,” he said. “She was hanging out with three other girls. I saw her get a phone call and she went outside to answer it. I don’t think i saw her again after that.”
“What time was that?” Keith asked.
“12:30,” He said. “Ladies night had just started, that’s how i remember.”
The coroner’s report put the two deaths between 10 and 11 pm, which means she left after the two were killed. It’s still weird that she left so abruptly after she got a phone call. Keith wasn’t giving up yet, and he was not going to let Lance win.
Why the hell did he leave his car? Lance thought to himself a few minutes after he’d walked off. He got on the subway to the address listed under Joe Fander, the last alive criminal the maid had given them. While he took his seat next to a sleeping woman, Lance thought about forcibly jumping on to Keith’s case and then basically telling him his hunch was idiotic. Yes, it was a jerk think to do. He’d definitely apologize to him later… After Lance wins the bet.
After pushing the sleeping woman off his lap where she had slumped onto, Lance got off at his stop and made his way to the apartment. After knocking on apartment 12C a few times, the door was opened a good thirty seconds later.
“Yeah?” A man answered, as if him answering was a personal favor to Lance.
“Joe Fander?” Lance answered.
“That’s me.”
“I’m Detective McClain with the NYPD. Can you tell me where you were yesterday between 10 and 11 PM?”
Lance watched as his face turned white. Gotcha. Joe quickly slammed the door closed in Lances face and there were unmistakable foot prints of him running to a window inside his apartment. Lance kicked the now locked door down just as Joe was slipping out onto the fire escape. After a pretty easy chase for half a block, Lance was on top of the suspect.
After a thorough apartment search, three jewel crowns were found. They were quickly matched back to a jewelry store that was robbed… last night at 10:48. It was all the way across town from the murder location, so he had an alibi. Shit. Lance didn’t catch the right criminal.
As if on cue, Lance got a call from Keith.
“Oh, darlinging,” Keith said, characteristic of a boastful mood, “have fun cleaning up your own filth and doing the next five aggravated assault cases i have.” After very grumpily making his way back to the precinct, Lance saw Keith there waiting. “Meet Lucy,” he said, gesturing to the woman sitting next to the maid in the holding cell. “She’s the sister of the maid. She called her sister very abruptly last night according to phone records. Lucy’d been having an affair with the man murdered and he was going to tell his wife. She couldn’t be having that, as she has a husband of her own, so she killed our victim and his wife when she got in the way and called her sister to help her clean up the scene. The maid refused and reported the murder, but she didn’t tell us that she knew who the killer was. Lucy confessed pretty much right after i knocked on her door.”
“God, how did you find all of that out so quickly?” Lance asked miserably.
“Guess i’m just a better detective. Have fun cleaning your own bottles and wrappers out from every crevice of the apartment.”
“Okay, fine. I might have jumped the gun on this case a bit.”
“On ‘this case’? Don’t you mean ‘my case’?” The two walked outside together, their shifts having finished.
“… I know i was a jerk. Sorry. Boom! You got a sorry out of me. Isn’t that enough admission of my flaws for the day.”
“I’ll take it,” Keith said. Lance leaned over and kissed him as their car started up. “Seriously though… how much trash have you shoved away in our apartment?”
“… A lot.”
Keith smirked. “Have fun with that.”
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