#it is a transformation of the existing self which is unaware of it's true nature into a greater understanding of how life exists
cat-marshmallow · 1 year
#I was wonderng why the term ego death was borthering me so much and now I think I can articulate a bit#ego death implies that what you are dies#but what the concept which is titled 'ego death' is actually alluding to is the process of understanding that you are conciousness itself#it is a transformation of the existing self which is unaware of it's true nature into a greater understanding of how life exists#because if everyone is a singular conciousness - ego death is the death of the idea that you are fundamentally seperate from everything#that exists in both physical reality and the 'god' which is life#so it's more like 'spiritual understanding of the nature of reality' rather then 'my personality or grip on who I am is forced to die or cha#change#it's not used clinically like how jung defines it it's used naturally similar to if I was thinking for hours alone in a forest at night#as a caveman or something and then I think about humans and animals and plants and how what is is goverened by the rules of what is and#the conditions of the world of which I who am not my body exactly but am filtered through my body and personality experience and then it is#once you think about quantum field as a thing and everything being made up of energy- then the body mind problem is just one singular thing#ego death' is an enhanced awareness of conciousness vs unconciousness as well as observing the quantum field encapsulated in a single moment#single moment of realization which I do not know if this can be a logical realization or not#I feel things so that's how I got it but I'm sure intellectuals can realize intellecutally and then the processing of that information will#will eventually lead to a belief#'ego death' -> ego transformation and acceptance#back to work
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Thinking about redemption yesterday got me thinking about fallen heroes today, and how rare it is to see a character initially painted as a hero be driven to heinousness for legitimate reasons.
Often times, if a hero goes bad, it's because of an external force corrupting their mind. Or it's a misunderstanding and they were secretly still good all along. Or they were just having a rough day and they'll be good again in five minutes.
We rarely see get to see heroes go sour purely on their own merits. Maybe because their values weren't so benign as they'd seemed when pushed to a natural conclusion. Maybe because they expected too much of themselves or of others. Or maybe personal experience taught them to believe something else.
Whatever the case, as often as writers will attempt to examine the transformative power of better angels, we rarely get to see the transformative power of worse devils.
Which brings me to....
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Sayaka Miki is a character that holds a special place in my heart, not for overcoming her flaws but for being consumed by them. She's a cautionary tale into the perils of righteousness.
I need to preface this by bringing up that the characters of Madoka Magica are children. They're irrational, judgmental, ignorant of risk, and quick to throw themselves into horrible mistakes with absolute confidence. Because they're children. That's how this works. The villain of the series is a psychological predator who feeds on the impulsivity and poor judgment of youth, grooming them into self-destruction.
The entire system of Magical Girls exists to give these children enough rope to hang themselves with and then to kick the ladder out from under them. That is the plot, with Sayaka being the primary means by which the show demonstrates the complete journey from rope to ladder.
I just. I need you to understand that even at her worst, Sayaka is a victim of predatory incentives and calculated coercions meant to cultivate her worst traits while stripping her of hopes and dreams. To drown her in mistakes she could never take back. She didn't have the life experience to know better. That's why her predator targets children.
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Sayaka's rope is woven from virtuous self-image. It's not immediately apparent when we meet her, but Sayaka's fatal flaw is ego. Her moral compass is wound extremely tight, and it's only later that we realize it's wound around her neck.
Like many children, Sayaka is trying on an identity moreso than expressing her inner self. She wants to be altruistic. She wants to be selfless. She wants to be a true hero. She wants to live by nothing more than high-minded ideals, expecting no reward for her efforts (but receiving it all the same).
She wants to be the kind of person that Mami was.
But she has no idea who Mami was. She wasn't there to see Mami fracture. To see her break down in vulnerability and express the isolating misery she lives in.
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Sayaka didn't see that. She only saw how cool Mami looked when she was killing Witches. So when she tries on an identity, she's specifically trying on the identity of Mami - blissfully unaware that her interpretation of Mami was nothing but a mask. She is emulating the behavior of a victim already consumed by the predatory incentives she's accepting.
Sayaka was doomed from the moment she made her wish.
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Once again, the show does a brilliant job of concealing this at first. Right off the bat, it's easy for Sayaka to be the hero. She saves both her BFFs Madoka and Hitomi from a Witch in her debut adventure, before being immediately thrust into a moral argument that's super easy for her to win.
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This is what a hero looks like! Should we stand by and let monsters eat people YES/NO
Sayaka says no. Sayaka says letting monsters eat people is bad. Solid Bioware-level moral dilemma she's got here. Sayaka won +10 Paragon points for the choices she picked out of this conversation tree, lemme tell you!
Moments like this work to disguise what's going on here with Sayaka. Obviously Sayaka's making good choices and doing the right thing when the alternative is Kyoko going "Want me to break your crush's limbs so he needs you for life support?" That's awful, so since Sayaka's against it then that means she must be right. Right?
Kyoko is the devil. Sayaka is the paragon.
But this is a story about nuanced and complex people. Sayaka isn't that person. Sayaka likes the idea of being that person. She's being dishonest - With herself, with others around her, and with the universe.
She's trying on an identity, not fully understanding who she really is or what her limitations are.
Incidentally, so is Kyoko, which is what makes their Yin and Yang dichotomy so potent. Having never been tested like this before, Sayaka is more selfish than she truly understands - While Kyoko, damaged by trauma, is more selfless than she wants to believe.
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The thing Sayaka doesn't quite grasp is that, to an extent, it's okay to be selfish. It's okay to want things for yourself. Again, the identity she's trying to live up to was a lie to begin with. She only saw the mask; Never the humanity underneath. So she fails to recognize her own humanity; Her own needs and wants and desires.
She imprisons her own mind in a cage of altruism.
Sayaka is warned multiple times against spending her wish on another person. But she doesn't understand the perils of it. She lacks the necessary perspective to grasp the level of sacrifice she's making. (Because she is a child. I cannot stress this point enough.)
When she makes her wish, Sayaka wants her sacrifice reciprocated. She wants to be rewarded. But she doesn't want to want that. She wants to be the selfless hero for Kyosuke. To silently grant him a miracle because it's the right thing to do for her friend. But she expects, without consciously thinking about it, that the universe will deliver her nice things because she is good.
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But life doesn't work like that. It doesn't give you things you aren't willing to reach for. Sayaka said she just wanted him to be happy. She just wanted to help people. She just wanted to dedicate her life to virtue and altruism, with no wants or needs or desires of her own.
Kyoko was being cruel and unfeeling when she suggested crippling Kyosuke; She was trying to express a mask of selfishness, the same way Sayaka's been trying to express a mask of selflessness. But she wasn't the only person telling Sayaka that it was a mistake to do this. She's just the only person who said it after the fact.
So the universe calls her bluff. While Sayaka waits for her sacrifices to be rewarded, fracturing more and more from learning what those sacrifices truly entail, someone else claims her prize. The work gets harder, not just physically but emotionally. And she only gets what she asked for. Nothing more.
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This is what a hero looks like. She wanted to be Mami.
Remind me. What was Mami's reward for her sacrifices?
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Oh. Yeah. That's right.
The thing of it is, there is a reward for a Magical Girl's sacrifices. There is a prize you're meant to receive for the unjust hardships and self-destruction that you're volunteering to undertake.
It's the fucking wish.
That she, in her righteousness, gave away.
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Sayaka's rope is woven from virtuous self-image. Her fatal flaw is ego. She was undone by arrogance expressed in ignorance, not of glory the way we often think of egotistic people, but of righteousness. She held herself to a standard no reasonable person could ever live up to, and it crushed her as it came crashing down.
And yet, she was a victim all the same. Because she was walked, hand-in-hand, to that pier by a predator. Children are meant to learn from their mistakes. Not to die for them.
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maximalttigers · 1 year
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The sixth profile has a lot of info based on some form of the cannon lore of SRMTHFG and some of my own lore for Hunted Butterfly.
This is Kaneki, the only surviving prototype monkey for the Hyperforce team and through complications became apart of the Super Robot. For a time he was unable to do anything but in 'Hunted Butterfly' he was able to gain his own body through the use of Nano-Bots that the Alchemist left behind. He is cannonly the eldest monkey and the only reason why the Super Robot functions on its own sometimes, due to this he is protective of the team. His original body was like the other monkeys although the tech was a bit different, his current body is comprised of Nano-Bots which he can manipulate whenever which can be seen with his transformers as he can replicate the team's weapons but his true transformer is a blade. Power wise; Since he is basically the Super Robot, he can control any aspect of it as he pleases but usually leaves the main fighting to the Hyperforce team just to be polite. His natural power is plasma energy while having some connection to the Power Primate.
Due to being apart of the Super Robot, he is aware of the past in terms of the original Hyperforce team but for a time was not aware of the Alchemist's fate until later. He was also unaware of the monkeys created after the original Hyperforce team since he was sent away with the original team. At first glance, Kaneki is nonchalant, level-headed and seemingly emotionless at times. But underneath that is a very emotional being who is very in tuned to how people feel while still keeping a calm attitude, he's a good listener and has given really good advice. Most the time, he's taking up the more older brother role to Antauri to help ease his worries and concerns since they share a spiritual connection so Kaneki is most in tuned to Antauri's emotions. Despite being very calm and able to take control of a situation when needed, Kaneki can get pretty violent during really intense  He suffers a lot of guilt and self-hatred for events he fee's could have been avoided if he was able to help better such as Mandarin going evil, Antauri's death and the resurection of the Skeleton King. He's on a long healing path but he knows that he will never fully recover.
Kaneki is meant to be more personal reason as to why the Super Robot has its own subconscious and I wanted to add more to the creation of the original Hyperforce team as I personally refuse to believe that the Alchemist was able to create the team first try. Seemed too easy, there had to be some kind of trial beforehand. He was inspired by the character Mikasa Ackerman from 'Attack on Titan' His general design is meant to be a mix of the Super Robot and his original body, up to you to decide what he originally looked like. By the way, his name is pronounced as 'Kah-Na-Key', the actual name is pronounced differently but I like the way I pronounced it. Fun fact; It's a Japanese name.
The series will go into more depth about his existence and how his character evolves through the events of the story.
I will reveal more about him at a later date.
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powerseeking · 2 years
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“  YAMATO  “ ,  ‘  a legendary sword that was once wielded by his father Sparda, who originally created it alongside the Sparda and Rebellion when the Dark Knight split his power into three pieces, and was named by him to embody a "god of death" ‘.
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         DO NOT REBLOG.   /   Thanks to Sparda bestowing a name and identity upon Yamato, in a similar case to Rebellion, Yamato was able to form their own ‘ existence ‘ as a unique devil arm that was not orginally created from a ‘demons soul’ transforming into a weaon, but instead through spardas own craft and share of power; hence they share a lot of similar design motifs with Sparda’s demon form.
Yamato is also a gender-less entity, but just like Rebellion, has taken a shine to being referred to with she/her ( but is also fine with they/them/it too. )
She is a calm, respected but stern demon with an air of authority to them that is loyal just like Rebellion. And like the other blade, is fiercely protective ; having great respect for sparda ( and care for eva ), both she and Rebellion swore to watch over and protect sparda’s sons after they were born, willing to do anything for their master. She is akin to a guardian and even to this day, continues to watch over his eldest son, Vergil. 
Similar to Rebellion, she has something akin to a mother-like instint with Vergil too. Where she wishes to support on top of protect vergil; the reason why she responded to his call for power, so that he could protect himself but also be able to get through this ( which in turn, activated his devil trigger ). 
To act in his mothers place ( fulfuilling eva’s role ) by going to her son, so that she could protect and save him; especially because after being accepted and chosen by vergil ( despite picking him telepathically ) when sparda bestowed the boys with the blades she had established a connection with vergil and could sense him, especially once his blood had been spilled, allowing her to find vergil prior to his mother ( in turn, yamato wishing to aid Sparda’s wife, but protect the children with sparda no longer being around too ).
 However, vergil missinterpretated the gesture and thus this has diminished over the years due to Yamato appealing more to her wielders want for power and due to being seen more solely as a weapon by him too. But yamato’s presence is still soothing; she just wishes to do whatever is in her power to help vergil aquire his goal, even if she doesn’t truly agree with it, because its all she can do for him in the end.
Due to her nature, and like Rebellion, yamato is notably always in her devil arm form too ( there are rare times she will take her phsyical form ; although due to how vergil uses her she can’t as much or at all nowadays compared to when he was growing up on the run ; if she did use her phsyical form, she would do it while vergil was unaware i.e unconcious ) and although she doesn’t have a ‘face’ like Rebellion she can still sense and see all that happens around her, especially due to the subconcious connection to Vergil despite being unable to communicate with him telepathically speech wise.
Yamato can be said to be the embodiment of Sparda's 'judgement' ; hereby through his decision based on an individuals merits and demerits ( one's heart and mind ). Yamato would either give rise to death ( erasure ) or rebirth ( renewal. ) Yamato could be judge, juror and executor in one.  A sword that can be a key to redemption ( or retribution ), playing into spardas sense of justice ; the scales of justice. 
What one is willing to give up ( sacrifice ) in order to judge ; one self, or others ; death to the past, to start a new beginning. ( just like sparda had done so. )
Outside of the blade embodying spardas ‘judgement’, it also symbolizes power, and protection; Yamato seperating the demon and human world to give humanity the chance sparda judged it deserved, and cast the demon world into ‘death’ due to its missdeads. ( which also works into how Yamato is a key to true hell gates, but can also seal or destroy them too. )
Choice and seperation being a key part of judgement; working in tangent with the core essence of Rebellion. Which also works as well with the swords ability to cut through space and time; to teleport oneself between both worlds ; and how it can cut through anything, nothing shall be left un-judged and shall face the blade.
But what one does with yamato is entirely dependent on the hands of the beholder ; similar to what you see throughout the franchise with how yamato is used differently depending on the ‘choices’ and ‘idealodgy’ of the person wielding her.  In either case, the sword can bestow the wielder with great power; which can be corrupted if the wielder is not ‘balanced’ or wishes to seek for more power  —   with great power comes great responsbility.
Yamato is Rebellions opposite, notably in terms of purposes and what prowess they do possess ; although Rebellion is powerful, Yamato has been noted to be a more powerful blade behind Force edge ( due to being the second fordged blade with Rebellion being the last one ), but can be missused much easier to Rebellion; this is why Sparda trusted his eldest son with the blade, despite not predicting how his son goes on to use it in future. 
But the blade is equally at its strongest when working in union with Rebellion.
It is also a blade that can much more easily blend in with the human world too due to its design, compared to spardas other weapons  —  or most devil arms in general  —  due to the fact that on apperance it doesn’t look like a demonic blade and infact fits more with how blades look in the human world ( an elegant, traditional blade at that too ). 
But in the end, it was a trusted blade of spardas and was one that if the situation called for it, can seperate man and demon due to its ability’s ( that vergil does not learn of until in the future ); a way for sparda to seperate himself if he had to unify himself once again, casting ‘death’ to his demon side.
The sword is also extrodinary in the fact that despite the fact anyone can pick up the blade and use it, it will only react to the blood of a sparda; they’re the only ones who can truly use the blade to its full potential ( because to an extent, similar to rebellion, the blade can bring out the wielders true potential ), but also repair the blade if it has been shattered too ( i.e dmc4 ). It is because of this, how the blade helped awaken vergils demon heritage when he was still a child.  
In the end, yamato is a mesmerizing and beautiful blade that is deadly.
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flickeringart · 3 years
Further exploration...
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I used this chart when going over the implications of the inner planetary placements (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) and their aspects. You can find the post here.
I thought I’d move spontaneously with my own train of thought as it applies to this chart in order to explore it a bit more.
This person is pleasant but private. She’s definitely guarded, as would be expected with Pluto in the 1st, not in a way Saturnian way of being walled off, but in an observant and quiet way of attempting to assess the situation. She would appear to be tolerant and open minded, albeit careful with how she expresses herself, what she reveals and how other people respond (Pluto square Venus). There’s definite optimism but with reserve and caution. Her chart ruler, Jupiter, is in the 8th house of the subconscious and intimate relationships. It would seem as if she’s in for some fated discoveries and adventures, a search for meaning through the depths of the human psyche. It would be safe to assume that wisdom is to be derived from confrontations with the unknown and deeper dimensions of the human existence. In a sense, both the Pluto in the 1st  in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Virgo in the 8th points to a brave explorer that is destined to benefit from getting familiar with the best and the worst of human nature. Her confidence and expansion won’t come through anything superficial, bravery is required to remain curious when faced with the intensity of life. As it happens, Jupiter squares Pluto, which not only indicates a link between the principals of unconscious forces and expansion, but a tense link at that. The survival complex might drive her to jump at every opportunity to be more, learn more and see more of what is hidden from view. “What if I don’t become everything I could be?” is the paranoia of this kind of dynamic. This aspect stimulates action, a pressing need to uncover the truth, to soar higher through diving deeper. There might be great fear fueling the drive to make things happen, causing overextension and inflation. A Sagittarius Ascendant always meets life with boldness and optimism for better or for worse. One can’t miss an opportunity to see what lies beyond the horizon, or in this case, beyond the surface layers of reality!
The Sun, representative of the center of the personality, is inconjunct Jupiter and sextile Pluto, which further confirm the theme of expansion and inner subconscious forces in this person’s life. Sun sextile Pluto implies that there are resources of strength that can be used if necessary. She is probably aware of the power she can wield in terms of resilience, focus and dedication. There’s perseverance and stamina to the personality, without it being compulsive. Sun inconjunct Jupiter is a more ambivalent dynamic. Sometimes, the optimism and general faith seem to be present, at other times she might feel the need to reconsider her perspective and ideas in order to get back on track. Nuance should be considered before setting out on quests and careful deliberation is called for. This is especially true since Jupiter is in Virgo, the analytical earth sign. Modesty, moderation and detailed organization are likely to be skills that bring rewards. It’s not wise to overdo anything and to blindly go for things though– in the case of the inconjunct aspect, things could work out sometimes and sometimes not, which is why discernment is called for. The Sun is in Aquarius, which means that this person is civil and respectful in her personality but also very attached to her own intellectual autonomy and freedom. Aquarians are always friendly and interested in others but never at the expense of their own vision. Aquarius is a fixed sign and won’t except that other people have a sounder mind than they have. Beyond a certain point there’s no room for compromise or deliberation – they like to keep their personal universe intact – even if it’s completely different from everyone else’s. In order for the personality to work well with the abundance of Jupiter in Virgo, she should attempt to be a little more flexible and open to questioning her own fixed mental stance on certain topics. It’s possible to remain in integrity while adjusting certain perceptions and reap the rewards that exploration brings.
Continuing on with the Sun, it forms a conjunction with Neptune, which means that the personality goes hand in hand with the archetypal redeemer, sacrificial victim and artist. There’s softness to this person, passivity and an air of otherworldliness perhaps. In more negative terms, the person might have a personality that exhibits the “holier than thou” attitude. This person can be whatever she likes to be because the identity is not very defined. Yet, she definitely lives in the real world and is keen on materializing the dream, to find herself through her capacity to be potent in the real world (Sun in the 2nd house). The famous painter Frida Kahlo had Sun conjunct Neptune, albeit in Cancer in the 11th house, which indicates a more sensitive and feeling based personality that expressed though art – in the sphere of the collective matters, ideas and change. In the case of this person and this chart, there’s also awareness and emphasis on collective movement and how it affects identity, seeing as the conjunction sits in Aquarius. Self-actualization and individual purpose won’t be found in the sphere of the collective however, it will be found through developing personal control and potency in the real world of material possessions. It’s likely that the person is unaware that the sense of self is tied up with the Neptunian ideal of redemption – conjunct planets usually let us assume that everyone else is the same way – perfectly imperfect, abstract and fluid. Neptune is not very comfortable in the 2nd, being a transcendent principle in a primordial sphere of life. There’s a big risk that when money or possessions are lost that the identity follows down the drain – and painful disillusionment and disappointment instills. Uranus, the Sun ruler, is in Pisces, with further confirms the theme of universal love and collective identity tied to potency in the physical world.
As far as career and work goes, there are a couple of pieces that conspire to make up a certain picture. The ruler of the 10th house of career is Libra, although containing a good bit of Scorpio as well. Venus, the ruler of Libra is in Pisces in the 3rd house of communication, Neptune, the ruler of Pisces conjuncts the Sun in the 2nd. The ruler of the 6th house of work and employment is Gemini, with the ruler Mercury in Capricorn in the 2nd house. Without following the trail any further it’s obvious that there’s a theme of aestheticism and refinement (Libra and Venus) tied up with the redemptive artistic dream (Neptune and Pisces). There’s also interaction, communication and intellectual creativity (Gemini) tied up with material assets (Mercury in the 2nd). Not to mention, Mercury sextiles Venus - a definite indicator of someone who has great writing and communicative skills. There’s a big chance that anything from artistry, writing, sharing, interacting and helping people could be in the cards for this person. As noted, Libra might be the ruler of the 10th but Scorpio also has a presence in the sphere of career matters. In fact, Venus, the ruler of Libra squares Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio. The Venus principle of beauty, love and sophistication makes a tense connection to Pluto, the primitive force, destroyer and transformer. This person might go through power struggles in love and relationships, attempting to control how one is perceived, using subtle dominance tactics to enforce a certain impression. Sociability and charm characterizes the public image as well as privacy, secrecy and guardedness.
Let’s look at relationships, needs and emotions a little bit closer. There are a few things worth exploring, Venus (the sense of beauty and harmony), the 7th house of other people and partnerships, the 8th house of intimacy, death and transformation and the Moon (emotional and physical needs). Since Venus has been touched upon already, let’s look to the 7th house. Gemini is the ruler but Cancer takes up a lot of space as well. The person would seek mental stimulation and interaction through other people, learning and exchange of information. The 7th house is the sphere of life in which the person has to adjust, seek equilibrium and cooperation through the signs occupying the house. Gemini is good at seeing both sides, adapting and playing parts for the fun of it. Cancer is good at sensing the atmosphere and avoiding direct confrontation in order to create safety. The person might encounter struggle and work when tapping into the emotional requirements of being in a relationship, seeing as Saturn is placed here. It would take deliberate striving and concentration in order to achieve some kind of emotional well-being. Since planets in the 7th are easily projected, the person might think other people are walled off, rigid and defensive of vulnerability when in fact it’s a reflection of oneself. The person might have difficulty relating to others on an emotional – physical level, admitting to her instinctual needs and allowing herself to be nurtured and cared for. The Moon, the ruler of Cancer is in Leo in the 8th, quite hidden and brooding underneath the conscious surface. A Leo Moon wants to shine, to be seen and appreciated, but in this case, it lives this out in secret, behind closed doors and through intimate bonds. It’s a powerful Moon, trining both Mars (the personal aggressive drive) and Pluto (the inner emotional forces). Emotionally, this person would be quite demanding, insisting on getting her way. Interestingly, the Moon is also part of a yod figuration, being at the mercy of Venus and Mercury trying to modify and adjust the emotional nature through reason and values. The person might be prone to rationalize and idealize emotion, or try to adjust emotional needs to fit intellectual preferences. There’s a slight polarization of the rational mind - personal preferences and emotional needs. Needless to say this could prove somewhat challenging in relationships. In addition to these aspects, the Moon finds itself in opposition to the Sun (personal identity and purpose) and Uranus (mental convictions and progressive outlooks). In other words the feminine mother archetype is pitted against the masculine father archetype in her life.
The opposition of the Moon and the Sun is usually and indicator that there’s a tendency to disown either one’s instinctual-emotional side or the purposeful conscious direction of one’s life. Some would say that the personal father probably couldn’t relate to the personal mother and vice versa, that they lived complementary lives rather than living a shared experience. The fiery, passionate Moon certainly collides with the more intellectual-rational and “spiritual” Sun conjunct Neptune in Aquarius along with Uranus and Venus in Pisces as well as Mercury in Capricorn. People who have their Moon in opposition to the Sun will seem to have contradictory forces going on, with a Libra-Aries opposition for example, there’s a sociable sympathetic airy personality that fronts in a certain circumstance, and at another time and place that very someone is reckless and impulsive, acting completely “out of character”. A swing of the pendulum has occurred and the Aries Moon has come out, fierce and uncompromising as a striking contrast to the diplomatic and smooth Libra Sun. In the case of this person the dynamic would be similar, the Aquarius Sun would be aloof and quite determined and fixed in conceptual freedom, tolerant, intellectual and open-minded. The contrasting Leo Moon would be bursting with creative energy, wanting to be admired and noticed for its talents and expression. The objective quirk in contrast to the inspired creative can’t exist in the same space and must take turns showing up in life. Because Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs, there’s always going to be ambivalence and insecurity present, the person doesn’t quite know how to integrate the two principals, which is understandable.
It’s likely that the person felt torn between the mother and the father growing up, having to alternate between the two.
Let’s take a closer look at father signifiers in the chart. Let’s look at the 4th house (assuming that the 4th relates to the father) with Aries on the cusp and Mars in Taurus. He must have been quite determined and domestic, presumably quite conventional and aligned with the customs and traditions of society seeing as Mars is sextile Saturn, but also quite eccentric, original and innovative seeing as Mars is sextile Uranus. Mars also makes a square to Mercury, which is a clear indicator of someone who is overly convicted of one’s intellectual capacity to the point of it being detrimental. Although there’s force and sharpness to the intellect there’s pride involved, which might take over and lead to this person forcing information down people’s throats. Mars is also trine the Moon in Leo which would point to a warm and nurturing side. All in all, it seems like the father is quite a force to reckon with – stable, dutiful, exciting, warm, and active, with a risk of going over the top when interacting and engaging with others. In addition to the 4th house image, we have to look to the Sun as a father principle. It’s in the 2nd house of material possessions, which perfectly aligns with the 4th house and its connection to Taurus, the fixed earth sign. Not to mention that the Sun is in Aquarius, highlighting the Uranian connection of inspiration and vision. He would surely be a financially and materially focused person with a lot of inspiration and excitement for the future as well as an interest in public affairs and public relations (Sun inconjunct Jupiter). He’s also a Neptunian type and probably has a rich imaginary realm, inevitably deeply affected by the terrors and misfortunes others are put through, overall sympathetic and accepting of all fates and experiences. There’s also the Sun-Moon opposition, pointing to somewhat of a homebody, deeply connected to the emotional past and its memories. He might’ve had difficulty integrating that part of himself, being a strong presence in the outside world and retreating back into a safe space.
Let’s have a look at mother signifiers in the chart as well. The 10thhouse is unoccupied; Libra is the cusp ruler and Scorpio fills the majority of the house. This is a mother that probably was concerned with behaving in all the socially appropriate ways. It’s also indicative of someone who seeks validation and appreciation and gives it to other people in order to create harmonious atmospheres. She’s also somewhat private, watching her back and letting people know that she sees it all and won’t let things slide. This mother is a pleasant social navigator and private, defensive and biting type. Moving on to the Moon, which gives us an image of a woman of passion and courage, a stubborn fighter (Moon trine Mars and Pluto) working in the shadows of the 8th house. She’s not someone to openly display her force, although it’s certain that she has a whole lot going on beneath the surface layers. Passionate nature aside, she’s also very diplomatic and interactive, although she might have to put in some effort to not let her need to please, interact and care get the best of her (Moon inconjunct Mercury and Venus). She would be restless; the kind to feel trapped and kept apart from her own potential and progression (Moon opposite Uranus) as well as her own purpose, self-actualization and possibly even redemption (Moon opposite Sun-Neptune). It would seem as the mother is trapped through conventional reason (Moon inconjunct Mercury in Capricorn) and self-sacrificing ideals (Moon inconjunct Venus in Pisces). The 8thhouse is related to other people and their resources/values indicating that she is living at the mercy of conditions beyond her own control, at least in her own experience. What other people are willing to support or not support determines her situation – it doesn’t lie within her own control.
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arjuna-vallabha · 4 years
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Shivoham painting and text by Arghya Dipta, Bengal
This painting draws its subject from the non dualistic philosophy of the Shaiva and Shakta Agamas where the individual being  (जीव) is none other than Shiva himself in its true essence. Owing to the play of Shiva’s power of Absolute Freedom ( स्वातन्त्र्य),  his infinite Consciousness voluntarily contracts into a finite being or Purusha who is verily an Anu (अणु) or tiny unit. To effect the creation of the dualistic universe, he himself reduces his omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence to a limited state of knowledge, power and presence. However, even in this limited state, his power of infinite consciousness is not exhausted as it only remains in a latent condition. This is to say that every single individual in the universe, being Shiva himself, houses the totality of the cosmic energy, though s/he is him/herself unaware of it. The spiritual discipline of Tantra aims at the gradual unfolding of this infinte energy latent in our psycho-physical constitution. It is not through the rejection of the body and the material world but a proper harnessing of their vast reservoir of power that this Yoga is possible which aims at the complete integration of consciousness, mind, energy and matter.This is to say that unlike as in the monistic Vedantic system, the Absolute in the Tantras is not a static inert being but is vested with a vibrantly dynamic energy. The entire play of involution and evolution centres round this core essence dynamism in Shiva’s being, which in the Shaiva doctrines of Kashmir is variously identified as Chiti, Shakti, Vimarsha, Vak, Spanda, Satta, Sara, Sphuratta. Being such, it is the very pulsating heart of Shiva.सा स्फुरत्ता महासत्ता देशकालविशोषिणी।सैषा सारतया चोक्ता हृदयं परमेष्ठिनः।।She is the inherent principle of Pulsation (sphuratta), the great Existence (mahasatta) which is beyond time and space. Being the core essence of Shiva, the Supreme Lord, She is known to be His very beating Heart.Being the sole ground of Shiva’s existence, this Shakti and Shiva are absolutely identical. As the Spanda school of Kashmir Shaiva explains, when the pulsation of this dynamic consciousness occurs in a state of equilibrium, Shiva seems to be in a condition of stillness. In other words, even when the Absolute seems to be motionless or purely transcendental, he is never bereft of the dynamism of Shakti since  Shakti Is his very self. However in creation, the one universal Shakti displays multiple modes which evolve into grosser forms through the four stages of speech, since it is as Speech or Vac (वाक) that the dynamism of Shakti operates. In course of this evolution the entire scheme of fifty one letters from A(अ) to Ha (ह) is produced that are grouped under the eight Varga Matrikas.1. Brahmi- the Ka-Group  (कवर्ग) presiding over the letters क ख ग घ ङ2. Maheshvari- the Cha-Group (चवर्ग) presiding over च छ ज झ ञ3. Kaumari- the Ta-Group (टवर्ग), presiding over  ट ठ ड ढ ण4. Vaishnavi - the Ta-Group (तवर्ग) presiding over त थ द ध न5. Varahi- the Pa-Group (पवर्ग) presiding over प फ ब भ म6. Aindri -the Ya-Group (यवर्ग) presiding over  य र ल व7. Chamunda - the Sha-Group (शवर्ग ) presiding over श स ष ह8. Mahalakshmi - the Avarga (अवर्ग), from अ to अःWhat was referred to earlier as the process of Shiva’s playful self-finitization into the individual self, is actually effected by the emergence of these eight modes of Shakti into grosser forms. As subtle Speech solidifies into gross matter, these macrocosmic  goddesses assume the form of the basic crude instincts that dominate the microcosmic Shiva or the individual being. Brahmi becomes lust (काम), Maheshvari anger (क्रोध), Kaumari greed (लोभ), Vaishnavi attachment (मोह), Varahi ego (मद), Aindri jealousy (मात्सर्य), Chamunda sin (पाप) and Lakshmi virtue (पुण्य), all of which keep Him bound within the cycle of phenomenal existence. Every moment they torment him and drive his Karmic courses so that he is reduced to an enslaved  Pashu.  However, with proper spiritual discipline, the limited Anu rises to realise the true nature of these Matrikas and they take an inward and subjective turn and metamorphose into modes of his inner power of unlimited Freedom (स्वातन्त्र्य). It is then that these very negative impulses transform into higher cosmic powers that participate in the infinite play of creation. All the Matrikas then seem to serve the Supreme Shakti or Shiva’s Heart with their respective functions in her play.Brahmi or Lust is realised to be a mode of Srishti-Shakti or that very power which is responsible for giving birth to the universe. Maheshvari or Anger is none other than Samhara-Shakti or the power that destroys the universes after each periodic cyclic course. Similarly Kaumari or Greed is the power that desires to manifest the multiplicity of the universe. Vaishnavi or Attachment is the power called Sthiti-Shakti since attachment to the world is alone responsible for the sustainance of it. . Varahi or Ego holds erect the sense of Individuality, Aindri causes various actions and reactions in creatures to drive the world motion. Chamunda and Laxmi as Paapa and Punya are the two poles of this world cycle.In this painting, the two columns display the two states of Shiva. The lower column has at its centre a figure of Shiva held in heavy chains as he is but the microcosmic Shiva reduced to a finite self perpetually being tortured by the Matrikas. Brahmi as Lust is constantly hitting him with the sugarcane bow and flower arrows of Kamadeva, Maheshvari in her destructive fury is hurling a huge stone at him. KaumarI  or Greed has in her hands a fishing hook that tempts the Pashus only to embrace misery and sufferings at the end. Vaishnavi as Moha ties him with her noose. Varahi with her club beats him down to a tiny being. Aindri or Jealousy burns him within. Chamunda and Laxmi as Paapa and Punya stretch the chains that bind him to entangle him more and more into this bondage.However in the upper column, the same Shiva, with the shackle broken has regained his supreme awareness of himself as the eternally free Lord who has all his five powers of Cit, Ananda, Iccha, Jnana and Kriya fully unfolded and represented by his five faces whose expressions verily correspond to the functions of these powers. In his thirty six hands he holds emblems representing the thirty six elements that constitute the universe. 1. A lamp: Prakasha or the Shivatattva2. A mirror: Vimarsha or the Shaktitattva3. A closed eye: the Sadashiva Tattva with the objective universe concealed in subjective awareness4. An open eye: the Ishvara Tattva with the objective universe patent in its subjective awareness.5. Two eyes: the Shuddhavidya or the predominance of both subjectivity and objectivity.6. A pot: Maya or that which gives an objective form to the formless self separating it from itself as a ‘This’ or ‘Idam’ to be perceived externally7. A noose: Raga8. A book: Vidya or limited knowledge9. A tiny bowl: Kalaa or limited capacity10. A sword: Kaala or time, that which severs11. A goad: Niyati12. A phallus: Purusha or the Self-unit13. A triangular female genital: Prakriti or the three Gunas14. The Sun: Mahattattva15. A head: Ego16. The moon: Mind17.  Nose18. Tongue19. Eyes20. Fingers: Skin that touches21. Ears22. The speaking organs23. Hand24. Leg25. Anus26. Sexual organs27. A veena: sound28. A chamara : Touch29. A brush: Form30. A cup of wine: taste31. Incense: smell32. A hexagon: Space33. A circle: Wind34. A triangle: Fire35. A crescent: Water36. A square: EarthAll has been possible because of the realization of the Great Heart of Shiva, his Shakti whose divine pulsation has caused the integration of the whole universe into his being. The eight Matrikas serve her with their respective gifts. Brahmi with the flower of creation, Maheshvari with the remains of dissolution, Kaumari offers her the juicy fruits that tempt all creatures, Vaishnavi with the music of her flute of world enchantment, Varahi nourishes the individual ego only to be sacrificed to her at the end. A fragrant incense rises from fire of jealousy that  Aindri burns.  Chamunda offers all vices as a pass time drink and all virtues are served as a lamp by Lakshmi.
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thosewickedlovelies · 3 years
we could be Dreamers - Prologue
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x GN!Reader
Rating: T
Summary: How this world came to be
Word count: 1,671
A/N: Hiii friends 🤗 soo there’s not really a lot of plot or Marcus Moreno :( here, but consider this a prologue/worldbuilding for a Marcus Moreno x reader fic I may eventually write lol. I’m really interested in how this universe got from The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl to We Can Be Heroes, because like. Sharkboy and Lavagirl were literally just some kid’s imaginary friends that somehow magically became real, so what does that mean for the other Heroics? Where did they come from?? So I kinda wanted to write something that would make you Think :) and explore the ramifications of such a transformed universe.
Consider my previous Marcus Moreno fic a prelude to this prologue 💗
It was a little unnerving sometimes, being in a room with so much power. No matter that this particular training arena at Heroics Headquarters was at least the size of an American football field- when all of the Heroics are gathered in the same confined space, focused on a single purpose, you can feel it. Like their power prances tauntingly in the corner of your eye, slipping away when you try to look directly at it. Like it winds through the air, worming its way into your veins, so your very blood breathes at you to run, run, run.
Not all of the individual Heroics gave off such uncanny vibes; some were simply ordinary people with extraordinary abilities. Techo-No, for instance, and his gift for creating fantastical gadgets. The implications of his works relevant to the world at large could be worrying, but he had limits. He was just a man. Determined, and creative (even more so with his son throwing ideas at him), but ultimately human.
Not like those with powers who’d been Dreamed.
Take Sharkboy. The temper for which he’d been infamous in his youth had cooled, but when he snapped, he did so literally- blade-sharp teeth an audible clash when he bared them in a ringing snarl. Any water in the room would roil and froth- but the most hair-raising sight was his eyes, tinged with the unreadable, abyssal blackness of his namesake. Focused with a predator’s calculation on the object of his fury. (It made you think that, ironically, his temper had cooled too much- concentrated into something as icy and merciless as the depths of the sea. Just as well his wife was a lava goddess).
It was well-documented that Sharkboy could influence his oceanic kin, seeing as he was half-shark himself. Some marine biologists postulated- in low voices- that fluctuation in his emotions could unknowingly influence shark activity no matter how far from the sea he was. But nobody at Heroics Headquarters had ever dared suggest attempting a study.
That you knew of, anyway. You wouldn’t be surprised if there was a classified government branch somewhere which dealt solely with more insidious studies of the Heroics. Their weaknesses. Ways to defeat them.
Just in case.
Sharkboy and his emotions had stabilized as his Dreamer matured, but not all Dreamers were so invested in the well-being of their creations, or of the world they inhabited and could inadvertently affect. It was suspected that not all Dreamers knew that they had Dreamed at all, that they unintentionally brought Dreams into being far from where they were located and simply never became aware. This resulted in some Dreamed individuals being...unstable. Incomplete, really. Brought forth from a child’s mind, a young person who didn’t yet fully grasp the complexities of existing in this world, or indeed, the intricacies of what made one human at all.
Dreamers were children, more often than not. Their imaginative abilities generally far outstripped those of adults, worn down as they were with the grind of building a real life. The younger the person, the more time and creativity they maintained. The fewer methods they possessed to process their struggles which were grounded in reality, and not their imaginations.
Despite the years that have passed, nobody quite knows what happened to lead up to the Incident. How a single young boy had imagined so powerfully that it had warped reality; how his imaginings had given him the ability to design the universe at will.
The Daydreamer.
Max, as he later insisted on being called. An almost disturbingly innocuous name for a boy who had changed the world. Who had all but envisioned himself into having terrific powers- and enabled others to do the same.
In the years following the Incident, Sharkboy and Lavagirl continued to visit him in secret (Later, scientists realized that this why they recorded occasional, inexplicable disturbances in seismic and marine activity). But it wasn’t long before a larger threat to the entire Earth appeared- and so did they. To defend the place which they declared to be their new home. Though they had been willed into existence to protect Planet Drool, as Max determined to relinquish his daydreaming abilities and by extension, his dreamworld, so did the planet and its life diminish. Their presence there was no longer required, they’d explained. But earth could still benefit from their protection- especially after the reality of the threat came to light.
Someone else had Dreamed.
It wasn’t clear who, or how, or what their intentions had been. But once it had been said, everyone was forced to acknowledge the truth of it- or at least, admit that there was no other explanation. The villain’s origins were not terrestrial in any previously established sense.
Anyone who had ever met a child could have a predicted it. Too many young people ended up feeling outcast, overlooked, by both their peers and adults in their lives. It should have been obvious from the way they whispered his name. Not Max- a moniker far too average and relatable- but what they reverently regarded as his true title. The Daydreamer. A near-holy figure who had changed the game for youths everywhere. Now they had a way to combat those who plagued them. A way to create or become the superheroes who previously only existed in comic books and TV shows.
Or some did, anyway. Individuals with the strength of will and heart to Dream weren’t rare, but they weren’t quite common, either.
The only truly neutral positive of the Dreamer evolution was that governments everywhere suddenly accepted the need for increased mental health resources. Designed to increase healthy socialization for all ages and give young people ways to process and communicate their emotional needs, such programs were approved seemingly overnight in schools from elementary to university aged. “Small town life” flourished, and many city quarters and apartment buildings took to implementing “community builders” or, less charmingly, “social facilitators”- positions designed to create cohesive areas of living and minimize the kind of isolation and negative feelings that could leave someone to Dream of improving their life.
Nowadays, not all super-powered individuals were Dreamed. The second generation of Heroics was a testament to that. As if the universe itself had reckoned with the self-inception of the Dreamers, and seen fit to provide reality-warping countermeasures of its own.
Less than a year after the Incident, babies with...unique qualities began to be born. Few and far between, it seemed at first. Whispered reports swept from far corners of the globe, a phone tree branching from frantic parents to anyone who could provide even the slightest bit of reassurance. It seemed like doctors everywhere were swapping glances, no one willing to admit what was happening- until a second Villain appeared.
Every incident report said the same thing: a baby started crying, and then the hostages were saved by a power outage. A wash of sparks that darkened half the city.
Webbed with red lightning.
You sneak a look at the fully grown Heroic now, the long braids of her ponytail slipping over the shoulder of her characteristic red training outfit. Red Lightning Fury flexes her fingers as she listens to the head trainer explain today’s exercise- the usual sort of ‘heroes versus villains’ battles, with you and your fellow specialists assisting as villains- but judging by the lack of the smell of ozone, she isn’t yet using her powers. Blinding Fast, on the other hand, appears to fritz in place every few seconds, and you guess he’s running invisible laps to pass the time. It’s hard to tell if that’s what’s causing Lavagirl’s hair to tendril like neon pink smoke even though she’s standing still; usually the hypnotic heat shimmer of her lava flow causes the effect naturally.
You stretch in place while team arrangements are announced. As the majority of the Heroics filter into the stands to wait for their match, the buzzing, writhing presence of their power fades, and you can breathe more easily.
A figure flickers into being beside you, and you jump. “Jeez, Visi! How many times have I told you not to do that?”
Having anticipated your reaction from the countless previous times she’s snuck up on you anyway, Invisigirl laughs. “You think you’d be used to it by now.” Your closest Heroic friend grins at you, all pearly teeth against smooth brown skin.
And she’s right, which is why you were so disgruntled. Having been caught unawares too many times by the invisible hero’s silent movements, you had once asked her to give you lessons. Her instruction had improved your own stealth immensely, and now that you knew what kind of signs to listen for, her attempts at startling you didn’t work nearly as often as they had. But- “It’s hard to focus on anything with all of your powers clogging up the air,” you grumble. The birthed heroes understood what you meant- they felt it too, the nagging hiss of something other in the Dreamed heroes’ energy.
Across the arena, it looks like Miracle Guy and Marcus Moreno are waiting to be your opponents. Interesting. Miracle Guy, with his Dreamed up Superman-like abilities, was the only one who had a way of seeing Invisigirl. What it was precisely, you couldn’t recall. You make a mental note to ask Visi later.
Marcus, however, telekinesis aside, is clearly meant to be the counter to your strengths. The two men are discussing intently, but as if feeling your assessing stare, Marcus glances over. He lifts his eyebrows at you in playful challenge, a hint of a smile quirking his shapely lips before he’s pursing them at his duel-mate again.
Suppressing the pleased flutter down your spine, you turn your attention to the task ahead as Invisigirl dips her head toward you. Planning something clever, you realize, intrigued by the glint in her eye. “Let’s talk strategy.”
When the starting bell rings, your partner vanishes, and your smile curves as sharp and gleaming as the blade in your hand.
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templepurohit · 3 years
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Everything that exists, all creation forms a part of Shakti; while the base on which creation stands, the supporting rock, is Shiva, the immoveable permanent force. All such cosmoses come together to stand upon this all-pervading consciousness called Shiva. If all creation is Shakti, what keeps us so distant from her? Adya Shakti is the primary Shakti running the universe. She only identifies with Herself. But we end up identifying a bit too much with our body and mind, it gives us a sense of false pride that boosts our Ego. This boost to our Ego distances us away from Aadishakti. Shakti basically gives identity or individuality. Represented physically as the Kunadlini, she helps the Soul to identify the body. She is the Ego, the “I” within all of us. Adya Shakti and Her creations remain perpetually in motion, transforming and being transformed ceaselessly so long as the cosmos endures .Shakti broadly manifests as Chitta Shakti and Maya Shakti. Chitta Shakti is that aspect of Shakti which self identifies with the Nirguna Bramhan while Maya Shakti self identifies with the Saguna Bramhan. They co-exist. Even the highest states of consciousness have a small portion of Maya. Absence of Maya is when there us no “You”. We are hosts to duality (One is All) as well as non-duality (All is One). Vidya is Chitta Shakti an Avidya is Maya Shakti. The more you identify with your individuality, you will fuel Maya Shakti and be unaware of the macro level represented by Chitta Shakti. As you keep focusing on your limited human personality (physical and mental attributes), Shakti within you, manifests as Ahamkara (Ego). This Ahamkara lies in a delusional state at the base of the spine. When it wakes up, it is called Kundalini. Ahamkara and Kundalini are the same force, but travelling in different directions. Maya Shakti puts us to sleep and awakens the world. Chitta Shakti puts the world to sleep and wakes us up to Reality. Prakriti (Pra+Kriti meaning first action) crave to unite with the Purush. She represents our inner nature, that is passed on through DNA. It controls how we perceive and experience the Universe. Mastering this inner nature, is liberation in the true sense. Our nature (personal Shakti) is limited, it is Aadishakti that is unlimited. Kali standing on Shiva shows that Shiva is the Bramhan and she (Kali) controls the Bramhan. Maya has to be directed to Chitta. Ahamkara must transform into Kundalini. Avidya must turn into Vidya! To transmute Ahamkara (Maya) into Kundalini (Chit) is to die to your human individuality and be reborn into something new. This reansformation is seen from Lakshmi (Maya) to Saraswati ( the transforming force) to Mahakali (Chitta). But alas, that is not possible as long as we call her to fulfill our mundane worldly desires. Attachment is miserable. Mahakali, however, resists being possessed, transferred, organized, or even understood. Cultural conditioning promotes Maya. In fact, attachment to culture too can prevent Maya from transcending to Chitta. It is this same attachment that makes us cover Kali’s bosom out of shame. But we fail to realize, that her nudity is symbolic of her Nirguna nature. Modern pseudo-culture has imbibed fear and shame in us. And we are so accustomed to this fear and shame, that living without it seems impossible. https://ift.tt/3z0e3Lx
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mashi-sims · 4 years
6 Popular tropes that fit #Cooliver
1. Friends to Lovers. Duh
This is the most obvious one, and I wanted to start with this one because if Cooper and Oliver ever become canon, this is what their relationship would be.
In my head, Friends to Lovers is always problematic because it’s easy to lose a beautiful friendship to a mediocre romantic relationship, as has happened to many LGBT couples on TV, but if done correctly, it warms my heart and makes sparks of joy fly all around.
The journey of their friendship not only as a partnership but as a mutual beneficence that helps them both grow and develop as their individual selves, helping each other find their own path, confidence in themselves, inspiration and motivation to fulfill their dreams, ultimately becoming better individuals aiming to transform into the best versions of themselves they can be, *voice intensifies* all while being together and offering each other’s company and support, becoming accustomed to being next to one and other and not being able to imagine a life without the other, slowly developing emotional ties that make them consider if a different kind of love exists, and them exploring it and realizing that, in fact, THERE IS. That type of slow build that transforms into a romantic relationship because they both agree they are each other’s most treasured person and they want to stay in each other’s lives forever, that’s some GOOD STUFF.
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2. Fake Dating
The reason why I believe a good fake dating au can get so popular, is because it can offer a pretty natural transition between “Not having any kind of feelings”/”Being unaware of their feelings” to “Oh, my gosh I am in love with this person what do I do”, and it can be so heart-wrenching it’s addictive.
In a beautiful world, Oliver is totally in love with Cooper and he just doesn’t know it yet, and there’s where this trope comes in handy.
There’s a number of reasons why two characters may start fake dating; getting someone off their backs, making someone jealous/angry, needing a date for a special occasion, or getting some odd financial benefit from it, if you’re willing to take it as far as getting married and having to pretend to be actually married so nobody know their marriage is a scam.
They agree to start fake dating or to start introducing each other to other people as their boyfriends, because Cooper wants these interested girls (and boys) in his money to go away, or because Oliver is the only single one at his ballet and he doesn’t want to go to after-show celebration alone, and after one or many fake dating moments, they start realizing they don’t need to act or pretend to act a certain way at all, because there’s stuff they’d normally do with or say to each other, or at least the trust or the reliance is already there. 
Think about the inevitable time where they do have to stop acting like fake boyfriends and they start missing it, or when they mid-date realize there’s something real between all that pretending and now they don’t know what to do about it, imagine the conversation they’d have when they realize they can’t go back to being friends anymore.
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3. N Things
This one is more like a writing strategy than an actual trope, but it still works. We’ve all read the “4 times they almost kissed, and one time they did” or the “3 times they said I love you to someone else, and one time they said it to each other”
Okay, now hear me out- how about, “3 times Oliver said Cooper wasn’t his boyfriend, and one he didn’t have to”, or “5 times Oliver said he wasn’t gay, and one time he couldn’t”? I’m down for that.
The heart of this trope is the repeatability of a certain joke, a comment or an unfortunate event and that’s obvious it’ll turn itself around, and it’s that one moment that finally comes which makes you want to dance under the rain.
To me, the amount of times Oliver’s had to tell other people that he isn’t gay or that Cooper’s not his bf (Cooper also said it once) is the perfect starter to this “n things” strategy.
Come on, American Housewife! You’re making it too easy for me to expect that one moment when it all turns around!
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4. Babysitters
Neither of these boys is ever shown to be a kid-person nor to have a soft spot for babies, or anything like that! Like, at all! Their whole characters are based around the facts that they are both money-driven, superficial, and self-absorbed (although in the process of becoming better than that), and we barely ever get to see them pouring their hearts out or letting their guard down.
Therefore, imagine a day where Oliver is forced to babysit Violet (or another baby if there comes to be another one), and he’d undeniably be annoyed at the situation because this baby/toddler has ruined his plans, but Cooper obviously stays and helps him out because where else would he be?
It’s the times driving them both crazy when they don’t know how to make a baby stop crying, or when they’re deciding who should change the diaper because neither of them wants to; it’s the time when they’re both a mess because some chaos happened with the food or the paint while they were trying to come up with an activity.
Then it’s Oliver slowly coming down with baby fever as he’s trying make them laugh or when he’s walking around the room trying to make them fall asleep, and Cooper is in awe because he had never seen that side of his friend, and he had never expected it to look so damn cute, and Oliver had never expected Cooper to stay with him for a whole day just taking care of a baby.
It’s at the end of the day when they’re tired as hell but they agree that they had fun and that they’re glad they had each other to help out, and although they don’t say it, maybe it wasn’t so bad their original plans didn’t end up working out.
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5. Hurt/Comfort
This is not a trope for everyone, you may love it, you may hate it, you may be indifferent, or you may be like me; somewhere in the middle but with some strong opinions. If done right, it can be a beautiful addition to the story of two characters in process of falling in love. If done wrong, it can victimize the characters in unnecessary ways or show them in a light that doesn’t suit them, thus making them feel out of character, which is every true fan’s worst nightmare.
Although, let’s focus on the small things; like characters holding on to their emotions for too long until they really can’t do it anymore, and they need somebody to help them out, even if they resist it, because in the end they’ll acknowledge they’re thankful for having them, and it also makes their relationship inevitably grow and develop, because there’s something really special about having someone you can truly be yourself with and knowing that they’ll stay, and they’ll help you through everything and make you feel like you’re going to be okay, even (and especially) during your worst moments.
(Although really toned down,) we’ve already seen this kind of comfort between the two; like when Cooper found out Oliver lied about his vacations, and he told him he didn’t need to lie to him out of all people, and that he could come on vacation with him whenever he wanted, or when Cooper’s parents ditched him and he confided in Oliver, who believed he had become tired of hanging out with him, and Cooper had to reassure him that wasn’t the case; those were small moments where we got to see them somewhat upset and being comforted by the other, and that’s when it feels like their friendship is strong and real.
The reason why I believe this trope fits them so much is because they are barely shown in a vulnerable state that allows them to have a sad plot where they’d need to be comforted, and it’s during times like these where you can really see their relationship grow.
Also, I want to point out that it’s not about romanticizing or sexualizing sadness, at all! It’s about using these moments to slowly build and give consistency to the relationship- don’t even get me started on how much I hate seeing and reading characters making out after having a breakdown.
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6. Mutual Pining
Some people like to suffer, okay? Some of us like a good tragedy, and there’s nothing more tragic than two characters who are deeply in love with each other, but they’ve resigned to keeping it hidden deep down because they’re convinced the other doesn’t feel the same and they don’t want to lose them nor their friendship, even if it means having to live with a painful secret for the rest of their lives.
When you start having feelings for another person, you may be brave enough to let them now or try and see where things go, because you have nothing to lose, right? But what happens when it’s your best friend you have feelings for? There’s a lot there to lose if do things go wrong, and there’s no certainty that they won’t, so you might as well leave things as they are, because nothing would be more painful than to lose the person you love the most for making things weird because they don’t feel the same way...
And it’s completely frustrating to see two characters with the same internal monologue, because you know what IT COULD BE, but THEY don’t know that- and I love it.
There’s a million different ways this trope can play out, and it’s always so interesting to see where things go after both characters have resigned to never let the other one know how they feel, and then we get to see these destructive actions like dating other people because they think their feelings are unrequited, but they have no idea the other is in deep pain because of seeing the person they love with someone else... yes, a good tragedy!
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Anyway, thank you for reading this rant and feel free to add to the list or make any of these come to life.
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theriu · 4 years
Something I struggle with worrying whether a message I share about God will be taken wrong because someone takes it in for the wrong reasons.
Like, God is just AND merciful; He brings judgement AND forgiveness. So when I speak of His love and mercy and forgiveness and compassion; how He holds His arms out to us sinners and tells us He desires relationship with us; how we are saved by grace and not by works; how He DELIGHTS in His children and works all things for their good - there’s always the chance someone already full of the wrong kind of self-love, unaware of their own pride and arrogance and selfishness, will see that and go, “Psh, of course, I’m super loveable. God has good taste and just wants me to be happy, I don’t need to change a thing.”
But when I share about how God is holy and perfect, and that we ALL have sinned and offended the most infinite and perfect of beings, and even the smallest sin has infinite consequences because of this; how we continue to willfully PILE ON our transgressions against God, abusing the free will He gave us to pursue our own selfish desires, and how the only just consequence is death and separation from God - there is the chance that someone who struggles with their sense of self-worth, who is suffering from depression and low self-esteem, who might even BE a Christian already but feel the weight of false judgement and legalism, might still be consumed with thoughts of, “You’re right, I’m a failure, I’m worthless, God probably doesn’t REALLY love ME. I can try all I want, but I’ll never be good enough to deserve His forgiveness.”
And both of these reactions are wrong, because they forget the other half of the message! God is just AND merciful; God punishes the wicked AND gives grace to the repentant. God sent His own Son to save us by dying in our place - the death of one who is infinite and perfect, which is the only sacrifice capable of paying for the sins of billions of finite, sinful humans who CANNOT do enough “good deeds” to counteract the infinite consequences of our sins. And then He rose again, defeating death, offering His gift to us so that we can be reunited with our Creator! He did this because He LOVES US - not because of anything we can do, but because He MADE us to be united with Him as His children, for all eternity!
But we have to accept it; we have to acknowledge His gift, just as a person being given medicine for a fatal disease has to actually take the medicine. Love cannot exist without free will, and free will means we can reject His love and accept the consequences of our sins ourselves - the consequence of eternal separation from God, who is the source of ALL that is good - instead of giving our sinful nature over to Christ’s sacrifice. And even when we have accepted Jesus’ sacrifice, we must understand that this is not carte blanche permission to continue living in sin, for true repentance means you turn AWAY from sin and put Your trust and obedience in God, obeying Him as an expression of love.
But if you give your heart to Jesus and choose to trust in Him as your Lord, you HAVE been made worthy! You will still struggle - Jesus said Himself that, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” We will continue to struggle with our fleshly habits and desires, because this world is broken. But the more we lean on the Holy Spirit and trust in Him for help, the more we will find HE is transforming our hearts to be more like Jesus. We CANNOT fix ourselves - we can only trust the Lord and practice what He has instructed us, and eventually we WILL see that we are improving! Praise the Lord, for He is patient, and He understands our weakness - He experienced it Himself by becoming a man and living among us. We will all stumble, but so long as we turn back to Him, He will keep guiding us and teaching us discipline that leads to true freedom - freedom from our harmful habits and thought patterns that cause us so much grief and hurt our relationships.
It is hard to share the full complexity of Christ in one message. And as demonstrated above, even a simplified version can get long, which isn’t always accessible to our modern short attention spans. But I am trying to remember that ultimately, I can trust that God will get the right message to the right people. Yes, somewhere along the way will be those who see a message of Truth, and the Devil tries to twist it so that they misunderstand and shrink further away from God, like the crows and weeds from the seed parable (Matthew 13). But God is always at work in our hearts, and He is working so that those whose hearts are open even a tiny bit will hear His call, and those whose hearts are hard might still soften and be saved from judgement. He hears our prayers and uses them to further His good will.
I pray that, ultimately, “Your words would be heard, Lord, not mine.” I don’t remember who advised me of that, but I think it is a powerful prayer. May people hear Your words and ignore any of mine that aren’t in line with what You want to say, Lord. Amen.
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tawakkull · 3 years
ISLAM 101: Spirituality in Islam: Part 121
Irshad and Murshid (Guidance and the Guide)
Guidance is defined in different ways, among which are directing to the right path, awakening hearts to the Ultimate Truth, helping feelings and thoughts reach God by removing the obstacles between Him and people’s minds and hearts, and serving as a means for the souls to have some acquaintance with God, and for the souls who have acquired acquaintance with Him to deepen in their relationships with Him. It consists of educating people individually or in communities and, thus, elevating those endowed with the required capability and merit from among them from being potentially human to being really human, or directing them to the horizon of being perfect humans.
We can also see guidance as a call which a perfect teacher, who has full knowledge of the outer and inner aspects of the Religion and who is able to combine them in theory and practice, makes to those endowed with the required capabilities to be human at a certain level of humanity. From this perspective, we can regard guidance as the special efforts of heroes of spirituality to convey to others whatever of spirituality they have particularly been favored with. In the hands of such heroes, coal has always been transformed into diamonds, and rocks and soil have been raised to the level of gold. The teachers of Sufism have dealt with the matter of guidance and guides in this respect and have considered it as the superhuman effort of those with transcendent qualities. They do not regard endeavors at a low level as guidance, nor do they consider as guides those who are unable to open the doors to the horizon of perfect humanity for souls with the required capabilities. For these, themselves, are in need of guidance and must certainly be trained. A famous Turkish proverb states:
A guide who himself is in need of special favor Cannot know how he can impart favor to others! It is truly as if this proverb has been coined in regard to such people.  [1] 
voices the same consideration in a poetic way:
Our teacher himself suffers from a lack of knowledge, So how can he know what guidance really is? Ruhi of Baghdad[2] approached the matter a bit more humorously:
Look at the ascetic: he aspires to be a guide; He started school yesterday, today he wishes to teach. It is a fact that if there is one thing that is the most enduring in this world and the most meritorious in the Hereafter, it is guidance; and therefore a guide is the most valuable person. However, guides can only educate according to their own capacity. It is possible to talk of a wide range of guides, from the spiritual poles or axes to ordinary preachers.
As we have briefly mentioned, guides are, in a general sense, heralds of truth who possess whatever is necessary for guidance, heroes of spirituality, and heirs to the mission of Prophethood, who convey Divine gifts to the hearts. In regard to some aspects of this mission, a guide is also called a “sitter-on-rug” (postnishin), or the “elder one” (shaykh). The word shaykh is also used in the sense of teacher or professor. A guide favored with special nearness to God and special knowledge from God’s Presence, and charged and autho- rized with the duty of guidance, is different from an ordinary preacher. Ordinary guides find in themselves the truths to be imparted to others according to their own horizon of perception, and convey them to others in accordance with their capacity. However, perfect guides, like the North Star, direct all to the true way, based on the fundamental sources of the Religion, and present to others whatever should be presented out of the depths of their hearts and spirit. As for those who are both a spiritual Pole (Qutb) and a Helper or Means of Divine Help (Ghawth), they shape whoever enters their atmosphere in the mold of their own horizon, and rebuild them with the material purely from the Qur’an and the Sunna.
At whatever level it occurs, guidance is the most valued among the duties of servanthood, provided it is done purely for God’s sake; and any hero of truth who fulfills such a responsibility is a guide who is an heir to the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings. However, it should be noted that the companionship of a perfect guide has a particular pleasure of its own and bears signs of a possible “meeting” with God, while it is highly difficult to be able to advance in the company of an imperfect one.
A couplet, whose writer is unknown, reads:
Go to a guide, to a guide, a guide, A guide has a cure for any suffering, O “father!” Anwari[3] contributes to this meaning with the following:
The mystery lying in, “You will never be able to see Me!”[4] — Which signifies the impossibility of seeing God’s “Face”— I was not able to understand it Before my weeping eyes became the Mount of Sinai with love for Him. The mystery of the Cloak in which the People of the Cloak[5] was covered— I was not able to understand it before I became happy in meeting a perfect guide. Now, without going into the differences that arise from the capacity and amount of knowledge each guide has, or the spiritual gifts that each is favored with, I will try to explain the subject in relation to certain essential elements that are found in every guide.
A guide is one who has sufficient knowledge of the relationship between God, humans, and the universe, and the matters concerning this sphere of the Religion. Anyone who does not recognize God is a denier and an ignorant one; and those who are unable to perceive the relationship between Him and existence are blind and unaware of the real nature of their existence, while one who does not know himself is, in fact, lonely and a stranger amidst existence. All of these types of human beings themselves are in need of guidance.
A guide is a hero of spirituality, one who is a careful student of the Qur’an and the book of the universe, and one who has an inquiring mind which has an acquaintance with existential mysteries. A guide is also a sagacious, insightful one with eyes that are observant of things, a tongue busy with reciting the Qur’an, and ears that listen to it. With sound and accurate sense perceptions, profound and comprehensive observations, and powerful reasoning, a guide is distinguished with the manners that are found in a Prophet at a perfect level. Such a person has a universal viewpoint in dealing with matters, is careful of the intersecting points of the revealed rules and commandments and the Divine laws of creation and life. These individuals seek only God’s good pleasure and approval in conveying to people what God wants them to convey and in communicating whatever is inspired into them to needy souls, thereby considering His nearness in whatever they do and say.
Guides are those individuals who try their utmost to proclaim, on any platform, the cause on which they have set their heart in a mood of dedication, and who mediate between what should be conveyed to others and those to whom it should be conveyed. As they never think of any wage, compensation, or reward, they also attribute any material or spiritual return coming, without expectation, to the sincere efforts of those around them. Without ever appropriating whatever spiritual gifts come to them personally, they regard their followers as a means for the arrival of these gifts. This is, without doubt, self-denial; but in a true guide’s sight, it is what an ordinary Muslim should do, not something worthy of acclamation. Such true guides never expect others to appreciate their activities, nor do they aim by them at any worldly or otherworldly outcome, except God’s good pleasure and approval. They are always sincere and upright before God, for they are aware that they follow the way of the Prophets and that this way has certain rules to observe, the most important of which is that any guide should pursue only God’s pleasure in the act of guiding others.
A guide is also a hero of love and tolerance, one who has full knowledge of his audience or followers with all of their characteristics; a guide keeps them under wings of compassion, shares their joys and grief, congratulates them on their accomplishments, and ignores their faults and deficiencies. Like sources of fragrance, such guides diffuse “incense” to satisfy needy hearts; like candles, they consume themselves to illuminate the dark souls around them, for the well-being of the latter. They find true happiness in the happiness of others and avoid no sacrifice in conveying their ideals. They die in order to revive; weep in order to make others laugh; become tired to enable the rest of others; strive constantly in order to be able to awaken others to eternity—without paying any attention to either sincere or insincere appreciation, or to unfair criticisms. They beg God’s forgiveness in the face of compliments, welcome any rightful reactions and criticism, and go on without faltering.
A guide is a wise one equipped with the necessary knowledge of both religious and certain secular sciences to discuss different subjects with an audience and present satisfactory solutions to their problems. In the Naqshbandiya Order, the duty of guidance was not entrusted to those who did not successfully complete all the courses taught in the madrasas or who could not combine spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. Rather, the lodges where the elders or guides of this school taught were each like a fountain of Khadr[6] at which those studying were able to quench their thirst. Any houses of guidance where guides of such caliber did not, or do not, teach are no different from ruins; those who claim guidance in them are deceived and the people who hope for illumination in such centers, which are themselves devoid of light, are indeed unfortunate ones.
Do not offer your hand to whoever claims guidance, For he may lead you to a slope which is impossible to climb, Whereas the path of a perfect guide Is easy enough to follow. [7] However transcendent in general knowledge and knowledge of God they may be, in particular, guides are perfect preachers who can combine, in a balanced way, their ascension toward God while still maintaining the level of their audience when conveying to them what they should convey. They always consider the dispositions, feelings, and thoughts of those whose education they have shouldered, and they avoid causing any misunderstandings or ambiguity in conveying the messages that arise from the particular gifts they have received in the horizon of their relationship with God. A true guide is a strict follower and meticulous student of the Qur’an and is, therefore, obliged to follow the Qur’an in the duty of guidance. Despite being the Word of the All-Great, All-Transcendent One, the Qur’an came to the horizon of the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, not in a wholly transcendental manifestation of the Divine Attribute of Speech, but rather, in consideration of the levels of all its audience. Thus, just as the Qur’an addresses humankind according to their many levels of understanding, its first and greatest communicator—and the greatest of all guides—the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, also considered the different levels of his audience and said: “We, the community of the Prophets, have been ordered to address people according to their capacity of understanding.”[8]
Guides speak with the sublimity of their character, the depth of their spirituality, and the language of their actions. They are exceptionally faithful and devoted to God Almighty. It is an undeniable truth that those whose words do not conform to their actions and who are not trustworthy by their own actions cannot have any positive, lasting influence on people; thus, their message cannot be acceptable. The only way for those things that are said to be acceptable to the human conscience is the unshakable conviction of the truth of those things and the practice of them in one’s life. It is reported that God Almighty said to the Prophet Jesus, upon him be peace: “O Jesus! First give advice to your own soul, and only after you have accepted and followed it, then give it to others—or else be ashamed of Me.”[9] This is in perfect conformity with what the Qur’an quotes from the Prophet Shu’ayb, upon him be peace: “I do not want to act in opposition to you (myself doing) what I ask you to avoid.” (11:88)
O God, make us among Your servants who are sincere and who have been endowed with sincerity in faith and in the practice of the Religion, and honor us with following the Lord of those who have been endowed with sincerity, upon him be the greatest of blessings and perfect peace, and on his Household and noble Companions. [1] Salim Suleyman Uskudari (d. 1893) was a Mevlevi (Mawlawi) Sufi poet and writer.
[2] Ruhi of Baghdad (d. 1605) was one of the important figures in Ottoman-Turkish classical literature, who usually wrote about moral issues. 
[3] Awhadu’-Din ‘Ali Anwari is a famous poet who lived in the twelfth century in Iran and Afghanistan. Besides poetry, he was adept in logic, music, theology, mathematics, and astrology. His Diwan, a collection of his poems, consists of a series of long poems, and a number of simpler lyrics. 
[4] It refers to the Prophet Moses’ desire to see God on Mount Sinai and God’s reply to him, saying: “You will never be able to see Me (while in the world).” See the Qur’an, 7:143. 
[5] God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, once gathered together ‘Ali, his cousin and son-in-law, Fatima, his beloved daughter, and their sons Hasan and Husayn under his cloak, and said: “O Lord, these are my family.” (Muslim, “Fadail al-Ashab” 32; at-Tirmidhi, “Manaqib,” HN: 3726.) After this event, together with the Messenger himself, these people came to be called “the People of the Cloak.” 
[6] (al-) Khadr is he with whom the Qur’an recounts (18: 60–82) the Prophet Moses made a journey to learn something of the spiritual realm of existence and the true nature of God’s acts in the world. It is controversial whether he was a Prophet or a saint with a special mission. It is believed that he enjoys the degree of life where one feels no need for the necessities of normal human life. 
[7] Mehmed Niyazi Misri (d. 1694), a Sufi poet, educated in Egypt.
[8] ad-Daylami, al-Musnad, 1:398. 
[9]Ibid., 1:144; Abu Nu’aym, Hilyat al-Awliya, 2:382.
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legacy-wip · 4 years
Supplemental Worldbuilding: The City of Zorra
(Taken from A Guide to All Places of Importance by Dwarven writer Faldro Coalfield)
A Brief Description
Zorra, the capital and largest urban settlement in Ellonia, is without question the most significant city in the kingdom and perhaps even in all Valmora. Holding over one hundred thousand souls within its walls the city is as diverse as it is sizeable, and a better understanding of its features, districts, and layout will do any traveler good before visiting the city for the first time.
A good place to begin is the actual layout of the capital. Zorra is split into three primary sections, some of which are future divided into more specific districts. The smallest section, though undoubtedly the most impressive, is the Royal Quarter which contains the Palace of Dawn: the seat of power for the kingdom and the residence of Her Majesty Queen Leona. The Palace looms over the rest of the city from its elevated position on the northern most point of Zorra, and its layered walls offer a formidable defense before giving way to the beautifully designed golden and red stained glass that is synonymous with the throne. Dominating the skyline, the Royal Quarter is a sight that will leave a lasting impact on any soul that sees it.  
The second major section of Zorra is only somewhat larger than the first and sits between the Royal Quarter and the rest of the city. It is known as the Iron Band, both because it wraps around the palace, offering another layer of protection, and because the vast majority of the citizens within this area are smiths or soldiers of some kind. The Iron Band is made to be held even if the outer city falls, and from its more secure position it can still continue to conduct necessary military actions as well as continue the production of weapons and armor. It is a dirty, noisy, and hot place, but it offers a great service to the protection of the Crown should Zorra ever find itself under siege.
The last section of the city is by far the largest and most populated of the three. The Commons, as they are regularly referred to, is where the majority of souls dwell within Zorra. They are protected by a single outer wall that runs the exceptionally large perimeter of the city, and within the Commons multiple districts are defined. There are over two dozen unique districts within the city walls, some formally defined, and others only used colloquially, but each has its own purpose and function. A full breakdown of every district within the Commons would be impossible here, but a traveler should be aware of a few of the more prominent ones.
The Harbor: Easy enough to remember, the harbor runs nearly the entire length of the Commons along the eastern coast. Zorra rests in a good location for trade so it is regularly a lively place. Good deals can regularly be found here, if you’ve got the desire to barter. Be careful though, the harbor is a busy place and many a sailor will not take kindly to someone getting in their way. Mind where you step.  
The Exchange: Located in the heart of the Commons, the exchange is a massive market. Goods of nearly every variety can be found here if you learn to navigate it well enough. A visit to Zorra would be incomplete without at least visiting the exchange, if not for the goods themselves then for the experience of smelling a thousand aromas and hearing ten thousand mingling voices at once.
The Green: The largest park in the city, it is a thin but lengthy section that runs along the edge of the curtain wall between the Iron Band and the Commons. It is well maintained and offers a beautiful and calm respite from the crowded commotion of such a populated city. Young lovers or waxing romantics will enjoy the calm and quiet peace of the place, and the Oceanic Lookout on the eastern most edge of the park is a great place to watch the sun rise should a traveler be able to spare the time.
The South End or the “Sty”: Stay clear of this district near the southern wall, it is a hotbed for crime, unseemly actions, and unseemly souls. Many a disoriented traveler has gotten lost in the endlessly winding streets of Zorra and found themselves down in the Sty. The lucky ones come out broke. The unlucky ones don’t come out at all.
The Silver Quarter: If you need to be told what it is, you likely don’t belong there. The Silver Quarter is a fairly small but well maintained and protected section of the city that caters to the aristocracy and the otherwise excessively wealthy and elite. Fine dining, impressive mansions, and beautiful parks grace this section of Zorra. If you’re a count or a rather successful baron than you will find yourself quite at home here. Otherwise, mind your own business and leave this part of town alone, lest you anger some of the guard.
As mentioned previously, these are just a few of the districts one might find in Zorra, but they give you a good sense of the more major areas and functions of the city. A full explanation of this great settlement would require a ten-novel series, so this humble scribe suggests that one visit the city personally to fully experience all it has to offer.
That said, hopefully this brief explanation has provided you some small insight into the layout and workings of Ellonia’s capital. Zorra is without a doubt a city of unparalleled splendor and one surely worth a visit. What is more, the city also has an interesting history. For those interested in such things, I have provided a brief summary of what we know about its uncertain past below.
Zorra gets its name from the old tongue word meaning “New Dawn”. It is one of the, if not the, oldest permanent settlements on the continent of Valmora, and its early history is as muddled and confusing as any account from the Age of Monsters. That said, there are a few defining characteristics that historical scribes do agree on in relation to the founding and early development of the now great city.
The settlement was originally much smaller than its current size but much more heavily fortified. While modern Zorra may brag a series of two curtain walls before reaching the Palace of Dawn itself, early Zorra was even more formidable. Walls of heavy stone were cut from the nearby quarries at the base of Mt. Skybreaker and were set and fortified not only by skilled builders and laborers, but also augmented and strengthened by powerful users of the Arc. Constructed in a manner of layering and clever placement to force multiple pinch points and killing zones, these defenses were manned not only by a large number of archers and guards but also by defensive ballista and other similar heavy weapons. Some historians even claim that the walls were not only strengthen by the Arc, but themselves were imbued with it, allowing mages to syphon and use the Arc from the walls in case of a major siege. Such theories however still lack substantial evidence to be considered fact, but do show some signs of merit. (I should note that any attempt to take a piece of the ruined old wall is strictly forbidden and should NOT be attempted by any traveler.)  
Regardless of the specificities of the early defenses of Zorra, the outcome is unequivocally true: it was a fortress without equal. Modern day wisdom holds Ralguard to be the most formidable fortification in Ellonia, but by comparison Ralguard stands meager next to what Zorra would have been at its height. It was because of this strength that the old city became such an important settlement to begin with. This conclusion however raises a few new questions: Why was Old Zorra so heavily fortified to begin with? How did the small ironclad fortress of Old Zorra transform into the sprawling metropolis we know today? And what happened to the impressive fortifications that existed in its earlier years?
All three of these questions are innately tied to the nature of the Age of Monsters itself. As a quick summary for those unaware, the Age of Monsters is the first period in which we find evidence of a written record and, as the name clearly suggests, it seems to have been an incredibly dangerous time in which the monsters that now infrequently roam Valmora; Giants, Dragonkin, Darkbeasts, Arc Monstrosities, etc. were much more prominent and aggressive. Therefore, it stands to reason that all settlements in this early age of civilization, including Zorra, would need to be heavily protected in order to keep the beasts of the realm at bay. (For more information on the Age of Monsters reference my work in “Threats of the Old Age”)
Once the Age of Monsters ended however and the Great Dragon Tyrants pushed out the old monsters and established their complete dominion over Valmora in the next era, the Age of Tyrants, things changed. The great defenses of Zorra and settlements like it were seen at best by the Tyrants as useless relics of a bygone time, or, at worst, as a symbol of defensive defiance against the strength of their dominion. It should come as no surprise then that the defenses of Old Zorra were quickly brought to ruin by the powerful heat of Tyrdol’s breath. The once might walls now no more than a melted ruin.
In the aftermath of their destruction, the foundation for the city that we are familiar with today began to take root. First rebuilding around the melted ruins of the old walls, Zorra began to expand outward. Under the rule of the Great Tyrants, while all civilized people lived in fear of their terrifying overlords, at the very least there was no less fear of outside attack and less need for such drastic fortifications. Because of this, the city was able to grow to previously unseen levels. Over time the city has continued to grow, and defensive walls have been constructed and expanded to meet the needs of that growth.
After the fall of the Great Tyrants and the death of the legendary hero and self-proclaimed King Gaius the Great, Princess Carolina declared she was to be crowned queen in Zorra’s keep. From that day forward the Palace of Dawn has served as the Crown’s residence and Zorra has served as the kingdom’s capital.
Much is still to be learned about the origin of our capital city, and hopefully time and additional research will yield fruitful results. In the meantime however, we must satisfy ourselves with the information we do know, and take pride in the endurance of a city that has its roots in adversity and perseverance, a city whose history is almost as splendid as the settlement itself.
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I have been working on this character for a long time, and only now am posting this because I finally fixed her human form’s hair. It was the same shade as the dragon form...but that was too light on her complexion.
(Information under the Keep Reading)
This is Pendara (which is usually the dragon/ancient name for my s/i when writing as an s/i character) who is an Archdragon of the Ocean, but also an Ocean/Star dragon hybrid (this is important because it explains how she shapeshifts) that is kind of like a “The Little Mermaid” type character. Wanting to be with humans and learn more about them, before developing feelings for a specific human. Probably the most dangerous one she could encounter given her true nature...the High Mage of Katolis, Lord Viren. (More on how that happens later.)
Pendara has an odd fascination with humans and a deep sense of curiosity about them and their lifestyles, but as a dragon peacefully observing is not possible (especially at the time she thinks to do so, which is before the Dragon King’s death) but eventually the push she needs is made and she uses her magic to transform into a human woman.
She has a small connection to Star magic given her hybrid nature, but only enough to make this transformation. She doesn’t think she is strong enough to turn back, but at the time of doing so doesn’t care. She sneaks across the border and into the human kingdoms where she finds her way to Katolis. There after a series of events, she is given a job at a flower shop, her exotic beauty and kind personality drawing in customers much more effectively than before.
Through this job she can get to know humans and see the way they live their lives. Learning through gossip and books the history of the kingdom, all while living her new life as a florist. Unaware that her life has more in store for her in the most unlikely of ways...
How They Met:
(Disclaimer: Inspiration for this comes from a series of Headcanons for a Chairman Rose x Reader story written by someone else. I only got the flower shop and first request idea from those headcanons, the rest is my own writing.)
As said above, Pendara-after sneaking into the Human Kingdoms to live with humans-eventually got a job at the flower shop in Katolis Capitol’s town square. She was already quite good at ‘flower language’ so they took to her quickly. Making a bit of a name for the little shop.
So much so that one day Lord Viren, High Mage of Katolis, paid the shop a visit. Pendara knew of Viren but had never met him. He made a very blunt and unusual request (same as in the headcanons. Flowers that say ‘fuck you’, probably for his freshly divorced ex-wife after the sting of their splitting hurt less. But still enough he felt salty.), one that caused her to laugh though not at him.
He mistakes her laughter to be at him though and demands why his request is funny. She’s seen humans do this before. Trying to seem more intimidating due to their status. She apologizes with a curtsy, though without any true remorse, and explains herself. It just caught her off-guard.
Still a bit indignant he tries to keep his remaining dignity and asks (a bit snappishly) if she can help him or not. Patience beyond human limits, she does. Telling him the arrangement he will need then putting it together for him. He pays, leaves, and she assumes that’s the end of it. He was amusing, but a Dark Mage...and that made him dangerous to her people. To her.
She sees him again a month later when he returns with another request, this one more positive than the last. She was the one to help him again. Again she thought that would be the end of it, until he returned again in a shorter amount of time. The more he would visit, always she noticed grasping for a business-related reason for it, the longer those visits would be. They would have longer conversations as she would help him decide on the arrangement he needed.
One day he drops pretenses and (in our terms) asks her out. She’s more surprised than she thought she would be, but she accepts. Things go well and one date becomes more. Both their friends (Harrow to Viren, Pendara’s co-workers to Pendara) and family (Viren’s...his kids and his uncle Barius-based on another cute Headcanon that started as a crack idea-whom he’s talking to more often again) can see the positive changes in the two respectively.
Viren seems to be happier than he had been in a long time. Pendara seems more focused and contented... It isn’t for a very long time that they take the next step. She knows he still feels the sting of his divorce. What if this relationship goes the same way? Yes there are a lot of factors that went into the last one...but if this relationship loses its spark, then what?
He’s usually more impulsive and one to risk it all...but not when it’s for himself outside of pursuit of knowledge or magic. It’s when she does something that clears any doubts that he finally proposes. Soren takes it well. He likes Pendara and sees how happy she makes his dad.
Claudia has reservations. She thinks something’s off about Pendara but can’t place what or why she thinks this. Plus she isn’t sure how she feels about her dad remarrying. What if they fight like he did with their mom? She remains wary until a talk with Callum helps her to feel better about it.
And that is how my alternate ship/side-ship (in some cases) comes to be. Pendara is technically a self-insert as well, but much more OC than S/I by now. I cannot comfortably ship myself with Viren as I am...mostly because I don’t see me as I am being very compatible with him even if I was older.
I still like Viren, as a character and a person in the show, but I can’t see Me/g being with anyone but Aaravos right now.
Information to Know:
-No one knows Pendara is a dragon, not even her new family. She feels she should tell them but something holds her back. This will eventually lead to conflict.
-I think by now Claudia and Soren feel comfortable calling Pendara ‘mom’. Maybe not all the time, but it is less of a mouthful.
-Viren and Pendara don’t plan on having kids. Soren and Claudia are enough and privately Pendara isn’t sure they’re even compatible.
-When Aaravos comes into the picture the moment he sees Pendara...he knows what she is. This could be a threat to his plans so he plants paranoid ideas in Viren’s head about her when he gets the chance. Creating strain on their relationship, though slowly and subtly. He knows Viren doesn’t like or trust him...so he has to be careful.
-I don’t think Pendara and Me/g exist in the same storyline or universe. Especially since I’ve taken to the more meta way of writing things. Me, as I am, with my f/o doing whatever in our world instead of in TDP’s.
I don’t know if or when I’ll do anything with her, but I’m posting this on this blog because it’s more TDP than my main, and while she isn’t a self-insert really, I feel more comfortable posting it here.
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norbah · 5 years
-Caster (5*)
Some Servants enjoy the height of their power with the sun at its zenith, but Tezcatlipoca works best in the shadows. He is one of the four creator gods in the Aztec pantheon, and ruler of the north. A deity with an impressive portfolio, he has a variety of skills to ensure his Master’s victory over the other Grail War participants. The god of night, sorcery, obsidian, treachery, the north, divination, jaguars, and beauty, he is certainly a capable and intelligent ally to have. But if there has ever existed a Servant you must never trust, it is Tezcatlipoca.
His many abilities make him a terror outside combat, and he favors underhanded tactics worthy of an Assassin. If it is up to him, he will never enter open combat. Poison, daggers in the night, seduction, kidnapping, and misdirection are all tools in his arsenal, which he is far from afraid of using. Not only can he turn invisible, he is an accomplished shapeshifter, good enough to even fool the other gods, and his list of misdemeanors is extensive. Perhaps most famously, he drugged Quetzalcoatl and tricked them into sleeping with their own sister, but that was far from the most terrible thing he’s managed. Tezcatlipoca is indirectly responsible for each of the last 4 worlds’ ends. He relishes throwing wrenches into others’ plans and happiness, and poisonous, deceitful words come as naturally to him as breathing does to mortals. Whether it be charming a beautiful woman to his side or convincing somebody an utter falsehood is true about themselves, his silver tongue is something to be reckoned with.
To trust Tezcatlipoca is to lose the War. At some point, perhaps several, he will attempt to betray his Master. Not out of any real malice, but simply because that’s who he is. The last time he cooperated successfully with somebody, the world was still being shaped. “No hard feelings” may as well be this being’s catchphrase. However, paradoxically, he may also demonstrate an extreme protectiveness over his Master. All mages and sorcerers are under his protection, after all, and this one in particular moreso. If anybody will screw them over, it will be him. Nobody else.
This is not to say he’s unapproachable. Quite the contrary; Tezcatlipoca is charming by nature, and is relatively easy to get along with, so long as a modicum of respect is shown. But his Master would be wise to remember that tolerance is not the same thing as friendship, and most assuredly not the same thing as loyalty, and Tezcatlipoca WILL betray even his most favorite human on a whim. It’s also recommended to avoid insults, even playful ones. Under his easy smile, he has quite the temper, and will not forget a slight easily, if at all.
Although he was a skilled diviner, the nature of the War is chaotic enough that his Clairvoyance is impeded. Although he finds this disappointing, the chaos and unpredictability of it all are also exciting for him, and he intends to make the most of this experience.
Much like Huitzilopochtli, he demands sacrifice from his Master in order to restore his mana. But unlike the former, he does not require someone’s death. He is content enough to drink some of his Master’s blood every day, but in a dark twist, he wants his Master to let the blood out themselves so he can drink it. In his own words, “I want not just your blood. I want you to offer up your pain to me as well.”
In the context of the Grand Order, he is still an untrustworthy figure, but being surrounded by other schemers such as Moriarty, he can find ways to pass the time that don’t directly involve screwing over the last Master of Chaldea. Though he does not truly respect them the way Huitzilopochtli does, he finds them intriguing and curious, which is reason enough for him to follow along with their lead. They are, after all, perhaps the single worst mage he has ever come across, and yet have accomplished things that far more experienced magi would have fallen short of.
Tezcatlipoca was the protector god of slaves (known as the “Beloved of Tezcatlipoca”), sorcerers, and social pariahs. In other words, he rooted for the underdog. And in the plan for the Restoration of Humanity, there is no greater underdog than Gudao\Gudako.
This does not mean that he won’t attempt to mess with them, of course, but it does mean that his pranks and plots are considerably less vicious than they’d otherwise have been. Food and drink offered by him are always to be refused all the same. He is banned from entering the kitchen at Quetzalcoatl’s suggestion, but unfortunately the prohibition has only made him more eager to sneak in and perform some mischief.
As he delights in all carnal pleasures, it is also not uncommon to find Tezcatlipoca attempting to seduce the female Servants, and even some of the male ones. Despite his untrustworthy reputation, he has an easy charm about him, unlike the brusque nature of Huitzilopochtli. Marital status means nothing to him. Thankfully, his success has been impeded by the efforts of individuals concerned for the public morals of Chaldea, but he is nothing if not tenacious.
All in all, Tezcatlipoca is untrustworthy, sneaky, and capable of great cruelty for no other reason than simple boredom. However, he is also charming, knows how to have a good time, and gets the job done, no matter what it takes to do it. He is a lot more involved with the general antics of Chaldea than Huitzilopochtli is, but this is not necessarily a good thing.
Presence Concealment C
He is a skilled shapeshifter, and can fool even gods when transformed. The other gods were unaware for a very long time that Tezcatlipoca and the jaguar god Tepeyollotl were one and the same. Among his favored forms are a feeble old man, a jaguar, a turkey, a large spider, or a small black dog. While in animal form, he is not detectable by other Servants unless they are specifically looking for something non-humanoid. If so, he is as visible as any other Servant in plain sight would be.
Territory Creation B-/EX
Unlike other Casters, he can’t create a Bounded Field easily. He must have a temple, or even a shrine, in order to properly create one. This is a time-consuming and demanding task, but if managed, Tezcatlipoca’s Field becomes stronger than most. Within this area, his Clairvoyance is fully powered, and nothing can escape his sight. What’s more, any intruders are much more vulnerable to suggestion, or even subjugation of their will. He is, after all, Titlacauan, “He Whose Slaves We All Are”. The larger the shrine, the more pronounced the effects. As civilians wander into the area, he may draw them in as worshipers, as laborers at the temple... or as sacrifices.
Clairvoyance A- (Unusable in FGO except as a plot point, due to the impracticality of building a temple to him before every battle)
By looking into the hearts of humanity, Tezcatlipoca can see their darkest desires, as well as which of those desires they’re most likely to act on. This gives him a rather decent chance to predict how somebody will act in a given situation.
ACTIVE SKILLS Self-Modification B
Tezcatlipoca can take on many strange and terrible forms, and delights in using each of them to perform his mischief.
——— Increase C. star gather rate
The First Sun
Tezcatlipoca volunteered to be the first world’s Sun. But for some reason, perhaps his status as a night god, or the recent loss of his leg, he could only become half a sun. After an argument with Quetzalcoatl turned ugly, the latter knocked Tezcatlipoca out of the sky with a huge club. In his rage, Tezcatlipoca unleashed a rain of jaguars which devoured every living thing on Earth. This is considered by some to be the beginning of their rivalry, though some records indicate their feud had been going on long before this event.
——— Decrease NP Gauge (Demerit) (10%)
——— Greatly increase own Atk (3 turns)
——— Increase Critical strength
Necoc Yaotl
“The Enemy to Both Sides” is an apt descriptor for this tricky god. To fight alongside him is to play with fire, and even if he is on your side, you can never fully drop your guard. He is a true friend to nobody, and is simply looking for an excuse to either reward or punish others, as the fancy takes him. It is simply who he is.
——— 50% chance to greatly increase allies’ Def and Atk (not own) (3 turns)
——— If effect is not activated, lower allies’ Def (not own) (3 turns)
——— (increasing buff chance highly recommended) NOBLE PHANTASM
Name: The Smoking Mirror
Rank: A
Class: Quick
Type: Anti-Personnel
“Heh... Heh heh. Run. Hide, if you wish. The Smoking Mirror reveals you. The Night Wind will carry your screams. Do me a favor and cry out my name... Yohualli Ehecatl. Tepeyollotl. Ome Acatl. ... Tezcatlipoca. Ah... I FOUND YOU.”
Among his many titles, none is more well-known than this one. The obsidian mirror hanging from his chest allowed him to look into both this world and the spiritual one. No enemy was beyond Tezcatlipoca’s reach. Of all the gods, he relished retaliation the most. When at last he struck, he left no room open for a counterattack. Now, as a Servant, he can follow and assault his foe even if they take spirit form. This is the combination of Clairvoyance and his sadistic desire to bestow suffering upon another. This is the true essence of Tezcatlipoca.
——— Apply Evade (1 turn)
——— Apply Sure Hit (1 turn)
——— Remove Guts buff from 1 enemy, if applicable
——— Deal very heavy damage to 1 enemy
——— Deal special damage to Earth and Star Servants, or ghost type enemies.(effect increases with Overcharge) Name: Hurakan (unusable in FGO)
Rank: EX
Class: N/A
Type: Anti-Fortress/Anti-World
The Aztec gods were as much a natural phenomenon as they were sentient deities. The Nahua people’s greatest fear regarding Tezcatlipoca was their belief that he could destroy and pull down the sky, killing all living things in the process. It would not be the first time that he wiped the Earth of life, having personally done so twice before. Thankfully, as a Servant, his power is greatly reduced, and such a feat is beyond him. That does not mean he is defenseless, and is still capable of leveling a small city as a last resort, albeit at a great mana cost. The name Hurakan, one of his Mayan identities, is the root for the word “hurricane”. Some believe Tezcatlipoca may be the mightiest deity in Mesoamerica.
Additional quotes for other Servants Quetzalcoatl: “Oooh, what have we here... Hiya, “KuKu”! How’re you doing? Aww, no smile for old Tezca? Don’t tell me Quetzalpetatl is here too! Eh heh heh!”
Tezcatlipoca’s most assholeish of traits can best be seen when he interacts with Quetz. He can’t seem to resist rubbing the time he humiliated her in her face, and goads her every chance he gets. His verbal barbs are much sharper than hers, and so she often resorts to trying to beat him senseless with her macahuitl while he runs away cackling. In other words, they act as dysfunctional siblings.
Jaguar Warrior: “Hey, hey! I remember you! Wow, you’ve really made a name for yourself. ... Eh? Hold a grudge? Why would I? You kicked my ass pretty good that last time. Glad I didn’t make you a Saber, that could have been much worse...”
Surprisingly, he’s not lying. Tezcatlipoca appreciates a good turnaround more than most, and he thinks Taiga pulling one over him was a thing of beauty. He still does his best to play mean jokes on her, but they seem to be in a different spirit than with others. Almost like a boy pulling a girl’s pigtails... That said, he has locked her out of her room on several occasions, to, as he said, “See how she likes getting kicked out”. So, perhaps he’s not as over it as he says...
Nero: “Eh heh heh... I know what you are. Don’t give me that look. I can see into the hearts of men as easily as you look through a window. Smile, and laugh, and sing all you want. What you did is written in blood. My favorite type of ink.”
The Smoking Mirror allowed Tezcatlipoca to look inside of people. Hiding your guilt from him is near impossible, and he will never let you forget it. Nero is a particular source of delight for him, as her desperate attempts to hide who she was in life are the exact sort of thing he likes holding over people’s heads. He may never actually act on it, but the possibility exists. And knowing that they know he knows is more than enough for him.
Jack: “... I was not there for you. For this, I am sorry. You are, all of you, my Beloved, yet you were alone. ... Mommy takes care of you, you say? Then I’ll take care of Mommy for you. Does that sound good?”
Orphans, while technically under the wing of another god, are close enough to the spurned that Tezcatlipoca might feel sympathy or even concern for them. Of course, he is far from fit as a guardian, but the fact that Gudao/Gudako takes care of any and all who seek it, Tezca looks on a little more favorably in their direction. Jack is one of the few people he abstains from messing with.
Arachne: “Hm? Why the glare, little miss? Is there something in my teeth? Ah, it’s that pesky mortal blood I had earlier, isn’t it? I can never seem to get it out... Eee hee hee, no need to look so scary! It’s just a joke, a joke! ... Well, maybe it’s a joke.”
It’s clear to anybody with eyes in their head that Arachne dislikes gods and divinities in general. Perhaps the clarity of the situation is what makes Tezcatlipoca so determined to provoke her every time he sees her. When asked about the wisdom of antagonizing a specialized anti-Divine Servant so persistently, he simply said he finds Arachne to be fun.
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airbending-bean · 4 years
Thoughts on Wizards
SPOILERS because I’m about to spout out every thought and/or question I have after watching Tales of Arcadia: Wizards.
1.5. The gang had also better get tacos (Jim DID tell Toby that he’d be back one day, and that they’d get tacos)
2. WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THEY WERE SEARCHING FOR THE NEW HEARTH STONE??? When did the Arcane Order become a thing? Like, we know enough to figure out how the spike got lodged in Jim, but what about that fight scene we see in 3Below??? I WANNA KNOW WHAT LED UP TO IT
3. How did Claire’s tear heal Jim? Is it a “true love” trope, or something more? It gave me Tangled vibes, so maybe it’s a sign of how powerful Claire is becoming without her staff? Will that magic play a role in the movie?
4. Was that a painting of Guillermo del Toro in Arcane books? Did Merlin purposefully pretend not to know who Steve is in the book store, since he had not met him in the present till now? Was that his sign (along with Troll Jim & Claire) that a time jump would occur soon?
5. MASSIVE lol @ “Ship just got real.”
6. Is flying Camelot hidden from radars? If not, what does the military from 3Below think of it? Also, how do the Arcane Order and aliens mix together? I’m guessing/hoping info on that comes with the film.
7. When Camelot is invaded, is that really the first Changeling? We know they were created by Morgana, but how are they truly made? How did they all escape the Darklands? Did they all start out as small as Not-Enrique and grow from there? ALSO WAIT: HOW DID THE CHANGELING EXIST WITH NO TROLLS IN THE DARKLANDS IN THE FIRST PLACE???
8. Was that Angor Rot we see dragging in the dead body of Morgana? “Poor girl...”
9. Janice Order: how did they organize? Was it all Morgana speaking to them from the Hearthstone? And flashback to question 7: HOW DID MORGANA CREATE MORE CHANGELINGS WHEN SHE BARELY HAD TIME TO MAKE ONE? Did the Arcane Order accomplish this? Or did she just turn a bunch into changelings before the battle?
10. In Trollhunters, Blinky was unaware of Merlin’s role in the Battle of Killahead & astounded to meet him, yet he had previously been in his presence when Merlin presented the amulet, and knew humans were fairly involved in the beginning of the battle. Also, where are Arthur’s soldiers in the flashback? And the gang? Did Merlin reconfigure the memory on purpose so they wouldn’t have too much info revealed? 
11. The fact that Killahead Bridge was an actual bridge over a river... For some reason I didn’t see that one coming. Got too used to seeing it in non-bridge locations, I guess.
12. How come none of the trolls recognize Jim when he transforms??? They literally met, fought, and shunned him while he was back in the past. Was the possibility of him being the same troll simply too impossible to consider?
13. Wasn’t Morgana imprisoned with her helmet? Because when Douxie & Claire send her away, her head is showing. Also, Merlin originally insinuated he knew little of Morgana’s origins, even suggesting she may be more ancient than him, which we now know is definitely not the case. He even reintroduces her in the first episode as his old student, different from how he described her in Trollhunters. What happened there?
14. There’s also no mention of Douxie in Merlin’s flashback. Was that on purpose, since he knew that THAT Douxie had come from the future? 
15. Why doesn’t Morgana remember Claire & Steve in Trollhunters? Or Douxie when she possessed Claire??? Like, based on Wizards, she’d be WELL AWARE of who he is and his wizarding nature. And wouldn’t it have made sense for her to call Claire “handmaiden” in Trollhunters? I feel like we wouldn’t have really questioned that at the time.
16. Does Douxie not remember meeting his future self because of putting himself to sleep so many times? ”[casting that spell on yourself can cause memory loss]”
17. After typing all this up, it feels as though Merlin is very vague in the information he gives out due to his time-oriented behavior. We always get frustrated with him for his actions, but what if it’s all from his motivations to preserve the timeline? Since, you know, giving too much information to people in time-twisted situations typically causes more chaos than good...
18. Lastly, not a question, but some fun answers to past mysteries!!! - Douxie made the tomb! - Merlin’s expectation of Jim being taller and older, and putting horns in his helmet. - Claire getting special treatment from Merlin in the beginning (?) might have come from previously meeting her & knowing how powerful she’d become. - The mystery of Morgana’s hand = ANSWERED! And I feel like that’s proof that the timeline has ALWAYS consisted of the gang traveling back in time.  - His insistence on turning Jim into a troll. I saw someone else point out that his insistence likely came from preserving the timeline, making him less empathetic and more likely not to listen to anyone’s suggestions. - DEYA THE DELIVERER ORIGIN STORY!!! WAS!!! SO!!! GOOD!!!
TLDR: WIZARDS WAS SO GOOD AND I’M SO EXCITED FOR THE MOVIE!!! Hopefully it answers some of the questions above?
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Meditation's Beneficial Magic
Meditation in the Mind
More and more these days we see countless recommendations to practice the age old art and science of meditation. Most, if not all, extol its seemingly magical power on the human psyche through its purported benefits. These recommendations and claims have stood the test of time- they are universally accepted and well justified. For eons past those who came before us have spoken volumes regarding this great gift we all posses but today sometimes, we neglect to use. Why now are we again reminded of this?
All of us are participating either aware or unaware. in a quantum shift bringing at times, tumultuous changes in all areas of our society and world structures. No one is exempt from the effects these rapid changes bring. While universally experienced, these trans-formative energies are individually unique and processed differently depending on a person's outlook. With a little discipline and practice we can apply this gift of meditation to help balance stress levels, reduce mind-movies which seem to play nonstop to bring increasing levels of joy, clarity and purpose into life.
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While it's true that meditative practices are known by many names in virtually all cultures each with various forms of practice, finding one that will work for you is quite easy. Best of all, this gently leads us ultimately to a special place we often desire and want- greater understanding and acceptance to life's mysteries.
So, let's briefly explore the subject for the sole purpose of learning how to reap many beneficial rewards available through meditation. Besides, it is true, the best things in life are free. So let us begin to clear our minds of useless, wayward abstract thoughts having no justification to control or dictate our life's direction. We will find meditation allows you in the purest sense, to create your own life's experiences. (More discussion about that possibility a bit later). For now, consider that during meditation you can replace, and clear out unwanted thoughts with life affirming versions gaining- a true, lasting peace of mind, body and soul. Meditation is your gateway offering all that and more...you can even create some magic in your life through this simple process!
As you may have heard or if you are already a dedicated practitioner, individuals report profound psychological, physical and spiritual well-being as they practice meditation daily. What then is meditation really all about? For beginners, how can one start? And how far can I go with sincere dedication? In this article are going to examine a few areas- some historical background, benefits, science of the mind and advanced possibilities.
History to Date
According to many archeologists, meditation pre dates written records. It could be easily envisioned a person entering an altered state of consciousness by simply gazing in the mind-stilling flicker of fire while taking no thought. The earliest documented record of meditation comes from India in their Hindu scriptures called tantras. These records date back over 5,000 years coming from the Indus valley and were combined with what is referred to today as yoga. Along with expanding trade, cultural exchange was also carried westward and meditation practice was soon embedded in eastern thought and spiritual practices.
With the advent of Buddha around 500 AD, many diverse cultures began to develop their own interpretations and specialized meditative techniques. Some techniques still in use to this day are said to deliver incredible mind-over-matter powers and supernormal skills that transformed the practitioner. Today, these are devout individuals and are not necessarily monks living in some remote mountain monastery. They are everyday people like you and I. Of course advancing through time, the long history of meditation is no longer only attributed to the Hindus and Buddhists. Not to be left out, Christianity, Islam and Judaism also participate in the perpetuation of meditation each with its own take on the practice.
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However, historically these religious faiths do not dominate in their teachings and practices a culture of meditation when compared to the Asian traditions. Meditation finds its place here in our Western culture in the early 1960's into the '70's. This was a time when much of our culture was being tested, demanding to be redefined. Meditation found fertile ground in which to flourish and expand. Some could say it was the "hippie" revolution which inspired to embrace acceptance of foreign ideas but only ones that possessed real substantive value. It was not long after that when the Western medical and scientific community began to conduct research and studies on meditation. And what did most studies if not all, to varying degrees find?
You guessed it- significant health benefits. One of the most important aspects of meditation is how it releases stress from our bodies. This is achieved by bridging the gap between our conscious and un-conscious selves, situations or non-justified thoughts that ferment stress become less significant and actually lose their power. Through meditation, it does not take long before you feel more peaceful and relaxed about everything. What happened to cause this nearly miraculous change? Studies have proven that meditation raises serotonin levels which directly affect our behavior and emotional temperament. Conversely, low levels of serotonin lead to depression, headaches even insomnia. All symptoms associated with stress.
Today, our western civilization with all our "advanced" knowledge has re-affirmed the ancient knowledge and understanding of meditation's therapeutic power to help alleviate mental and physical ailments. And this was just the infancy of discovery or shall we say re-discovery of unlimited powers available inside each of us. Today, mediation without question is a universally medically accepted form of holistic healing used worldwide. Meditation could be summed up as a natural mechanism within each of us that enables the spirit within, the higher, true self to bridge the communication gap into our physical aspects grounding us in unconditional love.
Rebirth through Breath
Beyond all the medical community assertions lies a vast segment of the population seeking additional benefits when practicing meditation. How can what appears initially only to be a physical act, effect our true inner being so profoundly by simply clearing our conscious thoughts and focusing on our breath? Well the secret really is in our breath. When you first start a meditative practice at face value, it appears really easy. Yet, early on many are easily frustrated because they have really never truly attempted to quiet their thoughts while awake. Successfully navigating the mental mind field of what apparently appears to be non-stop streams of thoughts popping up can at first be a daunting task. Be forewarned this is a common occurrence and quite normal and there is a solution. It's funny actually once realization sets in that you really are like two individuals within a single physical body. And that is not far from the truth.
I, like many who meditate found out early on one key to successfully get beyond this mental speed bump is to acknowledge the thought. Proceed to then dismiss it entirely or agree to revisit the thought after the meditation session and return the mind's focus to your breathing. I have used this method to great success getting past the egos gate keeper role which it often plays.
You may find this method helpful as well if not, find what brings your focus back without distracting thoughts. Again, breathing's role is of utmost importance in this whole process because it is the gateway bridging the physical body with the spiritual body. The goal here is what I refer to as the death of thoughts through focusing on your breath. Becoming more sensitive of taking no thought along with staying present in the moment by the simple act being consciously aware of your breathing, an amazing inner rebirth begins. Next, we define some good basic steps for all meditation practices.
Meditation 101
Chances are in your life you have unknowingly experienced moments in a purely meditative state. The odds are that when this occurred, you found yourself outside in nature. In nature we more easily find resonance with a deeper more real aspect of ourselves which often comes alive in the natural environment.
Perhaps it occurred while relaxing on a beach watching the hypnotic like waves repetitively washing ashore or possibly noticing the invisible wind rustle leaves on a tree as warming sunlight bathed your face. If you recall during these moments, you found a completely relaxed feeling immerse your entire being because you were free of distracting thoughts. This is what being in "the moment" is all about. It is as if your mind tunes into the higher natural frequencies of life which for the most part, are virtually non-existent inside buildings and such. Yet, with focus, proper intentions and processes we can escape these limitations imposed in man-made environments. Of course meditation can be greatly enhanced when it is practical in natural surroundings.
The whole concept of meditation takes on various identities depending what an individual's intention is while performing a chosen meditation. Some may want physical or mental relief, others, answers or directions for a better life. Either way, choices are clearly individualized. Find yours since this goes a long way in helping you along the path aided with a unique, personalized purpose. Define it for you! To begin a meditation, a few simple rules are universally accepted. These generally are-
1) Break away from distractions. Turn off the outside electrical/technological intrusions like phones, computers, TV's etc. A quiet, calm peaceful place is preferred. At first, commit 10 minutes or more with no interruption.
2) Posture is important in that you must be comfortable. Preferably this is with your back upright and your spine to you head straight. Normally a seated position on the ground is preferred with hands in your lap; it can also be done in a chair. Lying down initially is not suggested as you body can assume a sleep mode.
3) Close your eyes gently, relax your jaw and facial muscles. Do a "body scan" looking for any muscle tension that may exist releasing any found. Continue relaxing now for a few moments allowing your body to become comfortable. Be observant of bodily tension arising. The key is to physically relax.
4) Slowly evacuate your lungs completely. Gently inhale and exhale through your nostrils with a deep (from the belly) rhythmic cycle filling your lungs to capacity and expelling the air completely. Slow, long in and out breaths are ideal. Pausing momentarily at the end of each in and out breath. Focus on the feeling and sounds during the entire cycle.
5) Activate the heart-mind connection which provides an initial thought-clearing mode. Do not attempt to suppress these thoughts. Acknowledge them. Briefly as thoughts arise, dismiss them by surrounding any with the six heart virtues of: appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, valor, and understanding. Another very powerful technique is to apply unconditional love (without a judgment position) to any thoughts that may arise, release them and return focus to your breathing.
6) Steadily and incrementally increase the time duration spent in your practice. As the moments of time lengthen between arising thoughts, you are now well on the way to higher levels of meditation. Remind yourself to notice and appreciate the beneficial by-products you have regained.
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