#it is the end of the world. what are you doing? are you coninueing to do the same old? are you makeing the most of it? are you still trying
darewolfcreates · 4 months
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mmm... many thoughts...
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EVEN MORE Small Things to Imagine With The Brothers and Undatables
Because I got in a good mood after listening to 'My Narrow Road' from Ito Kashitaro. I recomend! it’s good!
The way he squints challengely at you when you spot a single paper plane on the corner of his office that looks suspisciously like a document.
The ultimate betrayal as he nudges the back of your knees with his own consequently making you almost lose balance.
The concentrated furrow of his brows upon his closed eyes as he tests the sounds of an old violin, big eyelashes slowly fluttering open as he gives a satisfied smile.
Present him a plushie and enjoy the sight as he takes a final look at his documents and any lost messages before going to bed, all the while keeping said plushie confortably sitting on his leg, his fingers absentmindely rubbing the soft texture every once in a while
The casualness as you fix each other's clothes and accessories, your hands unwrinkling his collar, his fiddling with your own. Expect to have any long sleeves you wear suddenly be folded up whenever you guys sit near each other.
The teasing peek of skin from his belly and hips as his shirt rolls up just enough when he stretches his arms up with a very long, and slightly exagerated, yawn.
Having him laying on his arms on your middle, the adorable scrunch of his face, rubbing it on his arms as he tries to wipe off the growing smile on his lips when you give his nose an affectionate and gentle pinch.
Peeking from behind a tree and having him chase you around in circles until either of you decide to just to grab onto the other forcefully.
Tying his bangs in a cute little ponytail on the top of his head and watching as he refuses to undo it with pride for the entire day if the tie used was Ruri-Chan themed.
Making voices with him in front of a fan on a hot day, and watching as he starts to make more and more different voices and references the more confortable he gets.
Watching as Henry follows his owner's movements as he wanders back and forth in front of the big aquarium in a rant.
Hugging him close and playing with his hair as he burries his entire face on your shoulder and squeezing you closer with his arms each passing minute until he finally relaxes.
Challenging each other to read the most ridiculous crack fics in the most dramatic poet voice manageable and watching as he struggles to keep his composure.
The ridiculously serious and concentrated frown on his face as he tries to make a perfect ketchup cat on the top of an omelette and the ridiculously cute proud smirk on his lips as his eyes shine brightly at his successfull creation.
Talking to him about a show he has already watched and the undoubtedly excited fidgeding of his body as he struggles both to not spoil you of anything and to not give you omnious comments about what you should expect next.
Alternativelly, his coninuous gaze as he tries to read into every single detail on your facial expressions in a curious attempt to see if it gives out what he should expect to happen next on a show you have watched and recomended to him.
The sight of him humming along to a tune with an absentminded smile as he paints his toe nails. There are clips in his hair to keep his bangs away from his eyes, toe separators on his feet and definetelly a few stains on his hands.
The way he looks in your direction with a wrigling brow as he flips his scarf dramatically over his shoulder in front of a store's one sided mirror.
Sharing a candied apple and watching as he smiles, small pieces of candy still stuck on and off his lips, giddy at both the idea of sharing it with you and the sweet taste of the lovely treat.
The happy twirl he gives as he shows off to you the new outfit he bought, clapping excitedly after having you do the same to him, possibly with the help of his own hand, spinning you smoothly almost like in a dance.
Kissing the very tip of his nose and watching as the corners of his mouth squishes his reddening cheeks as he smiles so hard to the point he may not even be able to keep his eyes open anymore.
The almost bratty but adorable pout he gives when you deny him a sample of the still in process of making food before he proceeds to basically glue himself to your back, his head resting on your shoulders or head, expectant eyes watching as you move.
The sight of his hunk figure crouching down in front of a flower bed, his careful fingers giving the flowers a series soft and gentle nudges and touches, his face devoid of expression as he pays attention to every single detail. He nods, his face now carrying a satisfied smile. They were healthy.
Having him gladly and happily bend his head down to your height as you reach your hands into his hair, giving him a well deserved head pat.
Hanging up a blanket on top of a very throughly organized nest of pillows and stuffed animals in the dark, snuggling to him shoulder to shoulder, a flashlight in one hand, Grimm Fairy Tales on the other.
Watching as he succumbs himself to the rule of kittens as he lays down on the floor, giving a free pass for the small felines to climb and snuggle into his face, neck and body all they wanted.
Whispering ridiculous things right into each other's ears in an attempt to make the other laugh out loud in the worst places and situations.
Curling with him under a big blanket on a cold day, each with their own mug of hot chocolate. The adorable sight of a very obvious cream moustache that has made it's place on the sleepy demon's face.
Taking Use of the closeness of your boddies while cuddling as an opportunity to tickle the hell out of him and watching as he struggles to decide if he should focus on getting out of your betraying hold or if he should keep on blocking your wriggling hands that keep reaching for his most sensitive spots.
Going on a small trip to the human world and somehow ending the day laughing your hearts out as you ride a two seats bike, that came equipped with two very nostalgic bells, together.
Sitting together with your backs touching, the immortal sorcerer closing his eyes, you being able to feel his every breath as he inhales and exhales, his body relaxing and melting into your presence alone.
Taking part of his shenanigans in the kitchen, feeding each other surprisingly edible samples, a happy smile never once leaving his face.
Having your feet on top of his or his on top of yours as you both give in an attempt at slow dancing, his chuckles reverberating between your touching bodies, the vibrations leaving behind a small and giddy tingle on your skin.
Having him sit on the floor in front of you, your fingers combing through his dark hair and his body becoming more and more slouched as you attempt to style the silky strands into a braid.
Hands linked in the air for balance as each of you walk alongside an abandoned rail trail together, both of you aware, almost sheepishly, of how cheesy said action in fact was.
Sitting side by side on top of a tree branch, his fingers softly holding onto yours as both of you gaze into the distance, a gentle breeze swaying your clothes as the two of you enjoy a moment of confortable silence.
Teaching him various types dances and styles, his beautiful laugh echoing through the walls as he both succeeds and fumbles in his gestures, bright eyes attently paying attention and mimicking your every movement.
Going to the carnival together, watching as the prince of hell almost bounces on his feet from attraction to attraction, all the while while wearing a cute animal eared headband he completelly refused to take off until he stepped inside his own castle.
Introducing him to the human world "magicians", his face morphing through a chain of expressions as he watches in wonderous amazement tricks ranging from simple card tricks to making things desappear, reapear and multiply.
Kissing each other all over the face, little smoochy noises getting mixed with a fit of giggles as both of you were set on not leaving a single patch of skin unkissed, even thought the two of you were now smiling too hard to even do it properly.
Introducing him to fruit carving and watching as it slowly becomes like a new hobby for him. The buttler's posture and face turning into something almost fondly relaxed as he skillfully turns various types of fruits into beautiful shapes of objects, animals and flowers.
Giving each other an almost smirk like smile as you Link your arms together, the two of you bringing your respective glasses to your lips before drinking from the liquid at the same time.
Convincing him to try out scented candles, watching as he judges each option throughly, his expressions going through slight, almost unseen changes as he closes his eyes momentarily so he focuses solely on his senses of smell.
Gloved protective hands craddling your head onto his shoulder and firmly holding onto your back, the flicker of an almost sorrowfull expression threatening to break through his usual deadpan demanor gone unseen as he, strangely, hopes for his presence to be of enough confort.
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rocohen20 · 3 years
Happiest Day of Your Life- Chapter 2
Chapter 1, AO3 (if you prefer to read the story there)
I'm fully aware of how much time it took me to update on the story, but I never forgotten about it. For the longest time I've been working on it. Originally I wanted to include more in this chapter so after I finished writing this part a few months ago I tried to continued writing the next part. Yesterday I realized that it would be better to just post this finished part already, and coninue on the rest later.
As for the rest of the story, I'm planning to spend more time on it and hopefully to update the story kind of regularly.
I hope you enjoy it!
Despite all the time it took them to enter the hospital, once they actually got in it took them little to no time to navigate throughout the all too familiar maze of the hospital. During the walk to the room Tyler couldn't help himself and thought about the last time he was here in person- last night. During the visit his grandpa wasn't in the best of shape, yet he was in a great mood- talking about tomorrow's game and how he hoped to see his grandson lifting that Cup above his head tomorrow. They even talked about how weird it was as a family to root against The Leafs this year, despite it being a very long time since the last time the team was in the finals. So, when it was time for Tyler to leave and get back to a team related commitment, he felt great and energized. And he wouldn't have imagined in a million years that it would be his grandpa's last day on earth.
When they turned around the corner, to the hall of said room, they spotted their family outside of the room. With his last steps towards his family Tyler took a big breath and braced himself. He glossed over the different family members until he met the most important one- his grandmother. Usually, she was a short petit woman with short hair and a kind face. However now she looked totally different with a disheveled hair and dry tear-tracks down her face.
When Tyler got directly in front of her, she was quick to raise her face from the instanced place she was staring at. He could feel water gathering in his eyes as he was looking at her eyes, yet he still hadn't cried. He didn't want to be confronted about it so he tried to distract them with some words. However, with his blank mind he had nothing. He stood there silently until he was saved by his grandma, when she suddenly got out of her chair. As his grandmother was at the fine age where family members tended to help you out Tyler and several other family members tried to help her. However, she turned down any offer and got up on her own. Once she was standing up she got right back into her previous activity- staring soulfully into his watery eyes until she wrapped him into a tight hug. The hug took Tyler a step closer to lose it completely, yet he still hung up by a thread, barely.
He broke down once his grandma started running her hand through his hair, a motion she later on passed to her daughter. The embrace itself made him go back in time for when he was small and so loved that he really let himself go. He shut everything around him and just focused on the two of them. Eventually the tears subsided, aside a stray tear every odd moment. He allowed himself three extra moments filled with deep breaths with his face buried in a warm shoulder. However, he still had the real world to face. He raised his head and couldn't help but feel embarrassed and weak when the soft question of "Are you okay?" left her lips.  
He shrugged the question off and just focused on being normal. For some reason his hackles were up and he didn't feel fully comfortable with his family for them to see his real pain. There shouldn’t have been a reason for this, because he did love them and was close to most of them. But the idea of them seeing how hurt he was right now, how vulnerable he was, especially with them knowing the full weight of his loss, scared the hell out of him. That was part of the reason why he searched for an "out", anything that would make this awful nightmare end quicker.
The "out" came once he caught the eye of Luke, Brendon's oldest son, who was three years older than Tyler. Tyler and him were always really close, especially with the both of them being the oldest brother to two sisters, and that's why it didn't surprise Tyler in the slightest that one glance spurred Luke into action.  
"With everything that happened we wanted to wait for you. Grandpa is still in the room if you want to see him. And we could take you to the rest if you…"
Luke stopped midway through the sentence, after seeing the face Tyler pulled. Tyler prepared himself mentally, prior to the start of the playoffs, to the fact that his grandfather was probably going to die. It still hurt him, but in the depth of his heart he was kind of ready for this. And under any other circumstances he even would have been happy that he helped his grandpa's spirit in the last moments and weeks of his life.
However, this was not like the situation he prepared himself for. He was not ready for the added four bodies. He was not ready for the fact that it was his parents, it was his sisters. He just wasn't ready for this. And in a blink of an eye he was expected to deal with this and do the responsible right thing. All of a sudden, he felt suffocated and needed to have a few moments of his own. He got those moments by announcing he was getting coffee for himself. He hightailed out of there before anyone got the chance to volunteer themselves to tag along.
On his journey to the cafeteria, that was also too familiar, he realized how he did truly need coffee. He played in a fucking game seven of the Stanley fucking Cup and won the game for them. And lifted that Cup above his head, and from there he went directly to the hospital to deal with this fiasco. So a coffee at that moment sounded like the best thing in the world. He got himself a cup, sat at an empty table and started drinking with a blank expression on his face.
With the little piece and quiet that the cafeteria provided him, he was able to calm down enough to decide that he had to see the whole family. He didn't really know what to do or say once he'd be in any of those rooms, yet he had to do it. Especially with his immediate family he felt the need to see them. Mostly because he knew himself, and he had to get the conformation that indeed they were no longer among the living. With a plan in mind, he was ready to go back there.
He finished his coffee, got four more cups to the rest of the family, and headed back.
He didn't spend much time with his grandfather. Most of the things that he wanted to say he already told him face to face. Yet he still had a few things left on his mind, so he tried to focus on the present and talk, and not on what was lurking next. Eventually he got out of that room sad yet whole in some sense.
Once outside he didn’t let himself spare much time. Quickly he asked Luke to lead the way to where his family was located. The road itself wasn't familiar to him in any way, especially after Luke told him that they were headed towards the hospital's morgue. Tyler let himself pay half a brain to where they were going and focused more on his raging mind. As they continued walking through the hallways they started to encounter less and less people, until they were the only two people walking those half-lit pass ways. Tyler knew that they arrived at last once Luke stopped abruptly in front of a grey double-door entrance.      
"We were told that you could take as long as you'd like. But afterwards they want to speak to you about your burial options and other bureaucratic stuff".
Tyler wasn't really one hundred percent there in order to register what he was told. That's why he didn't panic as he should have about the prospect of conducting and arranging a funeral for five people. What he was unsettled about was the fact that he was about to enter a place full of dead people, a room full of dead people that also had four special dead bodies.
he stalled in front of the doors and tried to mentally prepare himself to face the situation. As an athlete you get used to doing that before all sorts of situation, and he had gotten fairly good at that as his career went along. However, he never had to prepare himself to this kind of situation and didn't even know how to start wrapping his head around it. He must have stood there too long because Luke stepped up once again and told him "Hey, I know it's tough but you're strong. You can do it and we are right here behind you".
It did the trick because Tyler finally was ready to step inside the room. But he knew that he wanted to be there alone, not with Luke waiting outside the door for him. He asked his cousin to leave, in the most cowardly way, while his back was turned away from him. As the door closed behind him, he heard the muffled "Of course". Then he was the only living person in the room.
The morgue probably had more than one room, especially after considering the size of the hospital. Yet, this room was big enough on its own. It was parted into two unofficial parts. The smaller part with a table filled with overflown files, medical tray that held various medical tools, and a metal bed under surgical lights. He didn't need a medical degree to understand what that part was for. And as unwelcomed images popped in his mind, he transferred his focus onto the other part of the room. That part took the majority of the confined space. It was a wall-wide metal box filled with metal square shaped doors which presumably held various other bodies. He didn't need to guess in which cubicle his family was held- in the middle were four beds filled with bodies.
As he got closer to the beds he focused more and more on the white sheet they were fully covered with. He gently checked the notes attached to their toes and knew their order. They were laid by the order of births- his dad on the far left and his sister Cassidy on the far right. After getting that out of the way he scanned the room one last time. In the scan he was able to spot a metal chair that was located in the corner. He fetched it quickly and sat two meters in front of the beds, right in front of the blank space between his mom and Candance.
Once he settled in, he knew that it was expected of him to start talking. It didn't matter what he would talk about because the important part was that he did talk and used this opportunity. Yet, he didn't have anything to say. He just sat there, like a loser, for what seemed like an eternity in complete silence. The only difference from when he sat down was that now he started feeling the cold, as the freezing air conditioner worked, on top of everything.
What broke his silence was the articulated sentence of "I just won the Stanley Cup".
Along with the statement came a border-line insane laugh. And the manic laugh sat loose something in him and he just followed it with another statement of "I just won the Stanley Cup, I lost my grandfather, and for the cherry on top, there was a car accident that killed all of you guys while I was too busy playing a fucking hockey game".
With the fantastic start of an amazing speech, he started to talk to each and every one of them. He still sat on the chair, and didn't really look at them aside quick glances here and there. However, after he finished with the individual eulogies and the collective final words, he rose from the chair and tentatively started to rise the sheets off their faces, so he could see them one last time. To some of them he wished he hadn't touched the sheet, because he was pretty sure that those images would haunt him for the rest of his life.
He stepped out of the morgue physically and emotionally drenched. He was done with this day, this reality, and the only thing that he craved in that moment was a warm bed to sleep the day off. Yet, he knew that his commitments weren't done, he had to talk to whomever that would be about the burial options.
With an evident reluctance he made himself desert the comfortable empty hallway and go back to the bustling hallway with the rest of his family. It took him a bit of navigation to get to a familiar area of the hospital, after all he wasn't really there to take in the way to the morgue, but he managed. While he walked in the familiar hallways, he started to form a plan for the rest of the evening. There wasn't much to the plan, but he did want to start execute it. In the targeted floor he entered the men's restrooms first.  
Thankfully, the room was empty and he was able to occupy a stall before he could second guess himself. Inside the stall he leaned on a clean looking wall and got his phone out of his pocket. The phone was off even before the game started, yet he couldn't help but stare at it with a horrified look. He felt like he wouldn't be able to deal with all the "congratulations" texts and the unanswered phone calls he undoubtedly had. He still felt that way as he waited for it to turn back on. He tried to mentally block the noise as much possible in the first two minutes as his phone kind of exploded from catching up to everything, but afterwards he just entered his text messages' app.
The first thing that gathered his attention were all the marked chats with unread messages. However, he powered through and tried to find the specific contact he searched for. Luckily for him the chat was fairly at the top so he clicked on that. As he entered the chat their texts' history opened up and the last unread texts from after the game caught his eye.
-You played amazing!!! I can't believe you scored the game winning goal in OT!!!  My boyfriend is so talented.
-I wish I was by your side right now. I miss you so much.
-You want to talk later? I'm celebrating with some friends so we could talk late.
After reading the last text that Emily left, he felt more at ease with sending her a 'Can we talk in about an hour? I have some things left to do but I want to talk to you before I sleep'.
Just him sending Emily that text was enough to elevate his spirit to the needed level to master the courage to get back out there and have an adult conversation about the next move.
The hour they got to his grandparents' house was such a late hour that it was debatable whether it was still considered night. On the drive from the hospital all the adrenaline and playoff's induced pain killers were fading from his body. So, by the time he entered the house his end-of-playoff's body was screaming at him to get into a bed and sleep for a thousand years. He said a quick 'good night' to his grandma and walked towards his preferred guest room at their house. His grandma was the best grandmother in the world and already made the bed beforehand, and saving him the hassle.  
The soft bed practically lulled him right into drowsiness in mere seconds. However, he didn't want to sleep right away. He knew that he needed to talk to Emily. The realistic side of his mind knew that she was probably deep in her sleep and he was better off to speak to her in the morning, after a good night sleep. Yet, the selfish part of his mind wanted to talk to her right now. The honest part of his mind knew that tonight he would talk to her without any filters that would undoubtedly rise in the morning.
It was two against one, so he decided to call her that night.
As he listened to the seemingly never-ending line, waiting for Emily to pick up, he thought once again about how unnatural this relationship with Emily was. How he shouldn't feel that way about someone he met little over two months ago. How there shouldn't be anything between them after that first meeting.
They met on the final days of the regular season. The team finished all of their games, and secured the elicit playoff spot. Coach gave them the day off so they'd rest before the upcoming two months. Tyler's day started like any other off day. He walked the dogs, made brunch and mainly just stayed in his house chilling.
Yet, it took a turn for the worse once he woken up by a phone call from his nap. He took the call with grogginess and only really woken up when he realized it was his mom. She wanted to update him on grandpa's condition. Apparently, he had a setback and is now at the hospital. The thing that stuck with the most was the fact that it didn't look so good.
Following the call he needed a few minutes to get past all the confusion and just process the news. When he finished processing, the anger came pretty quickly and settled deep in his bones. He was aware that his grandpa's health wasn't in the best shape, yet he hadn't expected to hear this news. What hadn't helped his anger was the fact that he was living in Dallas and the rest of his family was located in Canada. Every time he would get news, of any kind, about a variant family member or childhood friend he would get irritated to be reminded of this fact. But now, this close to the start of the playoffs he knew that there wouldn't be that much opportunities for him to visit his grandpa in what would probably be his last moments on earth.
Those polarizing emotions made him feel restless. Plus, his brain went into overdrive and started playing hypothetical scenarios filled with all the things that could go wrong in the near future. By the first scenario he already wanted to shut his brain off. However, he didn't know how and was stuck inside his brain. As time passed, he felt sicker and sicker. And hour or so later he decided to turn to the only method he knew was for sure affective- alcohol.
He wasn't proud of that plan, it reminded him too many of his Boston's days. Yet, he knew that he would do this. The following day they had only an afternoon practice, so there weren't any responsibilities stopping him.
This plan was out of Young Tyler Seguin's playbook that he didn't feel like changing the details much. Just like past nights where he wanted to drink to oblivion, he wanted to be near people and not by himself. The only thing that changed tonight was that he wasn't up for any of his regular places, where people knew him. He searched in google a bar in Dallas where he hadn't been in yet and started to get ready for the night.
He got to the bar just before happy hour, by using uber, so the bar was kind of empty. It worked well for him as he made his way to one of the many vacant stools near the bar. He made himself comfortable in his seat of the next few hours, and looked at all the drinks that the bar had to offer. Before long the bar tender, a somewhat attractive guy in his middle twenties, approached him and asked him what he wanted. He ordered his go-to drink when he is in the mood to get drunk, handed over his credit card with the instruction to keep his tab open, and got started with the program.  
As the bar got fuller and louder, he didn't pay attention to his surroundings. He just kept to himself and if someone occasionally wanted to gather his attention he quickly blew them off. The seat beside him remained for the most part empty, until at some point a group of women took that open bar space. He didn't really pay attention to them, only registering basic things about the group such as them ordering shots and pretty much shouting at his ear. He was glad that after a few rounds of that they kind of split and only two of them stayed by the bar.  
He knew how to drink and he drank often, so he was able to estimate when he was buzzed and when he was shit faced drunk. Yet, he surprised himself when he accidently spilled his drink over the girl who sat closest to him. The glass itself didn't break, but she was still pretty mad at him. He grabbed the nearest napkins and started to clean, drunkenly, the places that it spilled over. He probably did more mess than help, because pretty quick she told him to stop with his attempts and continued to clean her arm and table from any spilled alcohol. Even though he stopped with the cleaning, he still kept with the apologies like the nice Canadian boy he was taught to be.
Because he wasn't busy with cleaning the mass, he looked at the girl properly for the first time. When the girl finished with all of the cleaning, she finally looked at him as well. Even in this slowed brain he figured out that she obviously recognized who that drunk person who sat next to her all night was, but he tried to act like he didn’t realize that she knew who he was. They stared awkwardly like that for a few more seconds, until either one of them realized that the other won't say anything. The moment snapped when she backed away from the bar, probably to wash her hands.
In the few seconds that he was left alone he contemplated whether he should go away from the bar. He felt like he was drunk, but not drunk like he hoped. Yet, he wasn't in the mood to interact with anyone, and he had the feeling that that girl would talk to him during the night. At the end he decided to stay, and leave if she would start to harass him.
Tyler still think that this was the best drunken decision he ever made.
By the time she came back to her seat he had a new drink in his hand. After that he continued like nothing happened, and the girl did as well. However, now that he paid attention to her, he could feel how every few seconds she drew sneaking glances out of the corner of her eyes. It wouldn't have mattered to him much, he kind of used to people doing this around him, if it weren't distracting him.
It got to the point that once she at last spoke up to him he felt relieved…well until he realized what she told him.
"Why are you acting like the world ended and you're not going to the playoffs?"
Something in the way that she asked that question grabbed his attention. It was genuine, and not gossipy like a lot of other fans would be like. Maybe because it sounded like she really cared, he answered honestly.
"Maybe I'm acting like that because my mom called me and basically told me that my grandfather is going to die, and I'm stuck here playing in the playoffs".
Her smile died off her face and she started with the standard answering of "I'm so sorry". However, what really amazed him was that she stuck around for the rest of the night. He learned that her name was Emily and she talked to him through all the shit that's happening. They stayed there for a while, only ending the night when it was apparent that it was time for him to go home. Emily was still worried about him, so she took his phone and helped him order the uber drive back to his house. In that same opportunity she also saved her phone number and begged him to shoot her a text when he came home to let her know that he was okay.
It was supposed to be it, just a random night where he loaded a bunch of crap and dark secrets on a stranger. However, in the morning he felt horrible as his sober mind replayed the night and realized how much of an asshole he was. So, he invited her to a dinner at a restaurant as a consolation prize. That dinner accidently was their first date, even though he genuinely offered that dinner without any ulterior motives.
His stroll through memory lane was cut short as the phone call finally got through and he heard the sleep-filled voice of Emily saying "Tyler? Why are you calling this late?"
Before he could second guess himself, he just said "I needed to talk to you tonight, something happened tonight".
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thedyingredrose · 4 years
Edwards tumble
Red~ for @creatoraa for a lovely lovely picture she drew me! This is a coninuation of the yandere Edward fic!
Edward was just.. intoxicated. He had blocked his thoughts from being shared with the others as he watched you. He carefully observed you cooking, watching with large interest. Maybe he should learn how to cook for you.
Edward didn’t have to cook. He could live off of electric, or gas. While living off of food was an option, he rarely found himself partaking. It took too much time, there was a certain degree of unpredictability, and overall he wasn’t satisfied most of the time.
However if you liked it....
So he started looking online at recipes, scrolling through comment sections and the such. After digging around he found some of the food that looks like yours, and decided to start with that. Only then did he realize he.. didn’t have any cookware... or ingredients.
He cursed, debating on what to do, before hesitantly putting on his jacket and going out.
Cooking didn’t exactly go as expected. His internal fans were running and all of the windows were now open. He was starring at a blackened substance in a pan. He sighed as he started dumping it into a trash can. What a waste of resources.
It was time to take the trash out anyway. He sighed, grabbing the bag and making his way downstairs. As he was walking to the dumpster, he looked around the street. It was already feeling familiar to him.. but you can imagine his surprise when he saw you- or more accurately -bumped into you.
He stuttered in surprise, clinging onto you from instinct as the two of you fell. You both fell on your sides, close together and slightly tangled. His pain sensors reacted, and his leg was damaged.. fuck.
He couldn’t pay attention to that though.. you were so close to him.. he could see your face in so much detail. Your eyes were so big.. and your face was so cute.. your hair looks soft.. and then you were quickly pushing away from him, and his sadness set in. Why couldn’t he hold you longer?
Nonetheless, he mocked a human reaction, stuttering as he jumped back, only for his pain sensors to start going off again.
“Are you okay?” Both of you asked at the same time. Edward was grabbing his ankle... and realized some of his skin tore. Blood was slowly oozing out and he cursed.
“Are you bleeding?" You asked, your eyes wide in shock. Edward bit his lip, “I’m fine- I’m fine, really-“ when he stood up he quickly found he was not fine. The metal rod that held his bone in his leg was broken. That was bad. With a hand on the wall, he squeezed it, trying to get it as back in place as he could.
To you it was just as if he was checking if it was injured. Edward looked up at you and gave you a uneasy smile, “It’s okay- I’m okay- it’s fine- I should go.” And he very quickly started limping back into his building, even when he heard you tell him to wait.
The next day he was at headquarters- the place where the three googles could stay anytime, where they carried out their research, and where they got fixed. Edward was sitting on a slab as Prime looked his injury over, “I’m gonna have to turn off your pain sensors to fix this.”
No fuck, was Edwards first thought. He sighed, “Yep.”
Prime was not amused. He looked up, peering above the rim of his glasses. “Getting hurt is not good Edward. You know it isn’t always easy to fix some of our issues.”
Green scrubbed a hand down his face, “I know.”
“What exactly were you even doing when this happened?”
Edwards pain sensors shut off as Prime started fixing the leg. Let’s see.. stalking the person I’ve been falling in love with and I was trying to cook something for them so I would be worthy of making them food one day, but I ultimately failed. Afterward I went and took the trash out, only to run straight into them, and crash pitifully on concrete, and of course I put some of myself underneath them where I could, and ended up breaking myself, but at least I got a close up look at their absolutely amazing face.
Yeah... no. That wasn’t gonna work. “I was taking out the trash. Tripped on uneven concrete."
Prime looks a bit dubious, but accepts this reason. “Perhaps you should start scanning the concrete before you walk on it. Maybe not be so distracted by the simple things of the human world?” He suggested.
Edward told him it was duly noted, and watched him fix the leg. Once it was all better and the skin sewed up to heal, he got off the table. Newly fixed parts always felt weird. The half human, half robot tried to ignore it though, walking forward. “I’ll see you later.”
“Where are you-“ but when Prime turned around he was already gone.
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storytime-hoe · 5 years
Tough Love Ch.2
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x O/C
Summary: Story picks up during season three as the group goes into Woodbury to rescue Glenn and Maggie from the Governor. However, they pick up another prisoner of Woodbury, Emma (O/C). She is a thief who fears friendships after her hard losses. She stays on the move, studying communities from afar and then robbing them blind. She has stayed alive this way for a while until the Governor catches her in the act. Now she finds herself with the group from the prison in a mission to kill the Governor for what he has done to her. She plans on stealing supplies from the prison group after the Governor is killed, but she might be growing a little too close to the groups members, especially one man in particular: Daryl Dixon.
Warnings: Slow burn, language, usual twd violence, mentions of abuse/rape
Authors Note: First of all let me say HOLY SHIT! I never expected people to read what I write let alone actually like it. This is amazing! I love all of you who gave me feedback and if anyone wants to be tagged just let me know. Also I am trying my hand at digital art for the very first time and I might be making a few quick sketches for this series so if anyone is interested in that I might post them.
Previously: Ch.1
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"What's your name?" Rick said, his voice a low rasp so as not to alert any nearby guards.
We were outside of Woodbury now, but we were not leaving quite yet. Daryl had gone out to cover us as we made a break for our exit. We were home free, only to find out that Daryl hadn't come out with us. Maggie immediately stated that we needed to go back in after him, but Rick was fumbling around in his own head for a plan at the moment. The way he held himself told me he wasn't quite right in the head at the moment, and loosing someone that he valued as much as Daryl was not helping his state of mind.
"Emma," I answered him as sternly as I could manage these days, which wasn't very impressive.
"We are going back in there," Rick explained, still planning things out in his mind. Glenn was in no shape to go back into Woodbury to fight. So, it looked like Maggie and Rick were going to be needing me. "You come with us. If you so much as think about running off, I'll kill you."
"That doesn't sound like a bad choice to me," I crooned with a sly look.
Death was exactly what I had wanted for days and days, but I wasn't ready to go now. The Governor might have killed what good was left in me, but he hadn't killed me. I had things left to offer the world, and I would only die once I decided I had nothing left. I was in control of me again, which felt strange, but nothing was going to change that. Not Rick. Not Daryl. Not the Governor.
Rick took my answer with consideration. He felt he had to persuade me to help them. Good. I sure as hell wasn't about to give my services for free.
"After you help us get Daryl back we will take you to our camp. Have our doctor look you over." He motioned to the bruises that covered my arms and the cuts that I could feel on my face. "After you're fed and taken care of, you can help us deal with the Governor. I'm sure you know plenty about him after your prison sentence with him."
Earlier he ordered me to come with them and I assumed I would be treated like a prisoner just the same as I was in Woodbury, but Rick wasn't coming off as the kind of person who would force me into anything. I was still wary of him, but he seemed like a true honest person at the moment and his words made me more willing to help them. Maybe that was his play? Maybe he wanted to come off as a good person in order to persuade me into doing what he wanted?
"What makes you think I want to help you fight the Governor?" I leaned my weight back on one leg and crossed my arms over my chest defiantly.
Maggie spoke up impatiently. "You've been a prisoner to him for how long now? And you mean to tell us you don't want a chance to put a bullet in his head?"
I stayed silent for a while and searched her eyes as she spoke. "What did he do to you?" I choked out, knowing the answer deep down. I knew she was the Governor's prisoner, but she didn't looked harmed in any way like Glenn did. My stomach seized at the thought of him coming onto someone else like he did me.
"Nothing I'm sure he didn't do to you," Maggie responded, the hurt visible in her eyes.
I clenched my jaw and swallowed hard. I could run away. I could run and never look back on Woodbury. I could leave and not give two shits about the Governor or the prison group anymore. But, deep down I knew I couldn't really do that. The Governor needed to be put down. He needed to be stopped before he hurt anyone else like he did me. Like I assumed he did Maggie.
Besides, I guess I owed the archer for sparing me. Daryl. The face of the man with the crossbow flashed into mind again. I could still see him after he found me in the room in Woodbury. I replayed the moment over and over again in my head. He was the first person to spare me. Even Rick was an asshole upon first meeting me. Daryl might've looked a little sorry for me even, but he was someone who was just like me. He was a survivor. And he had a certain understanding about me that no one had since my brother...
"Michonne?" Maggie's voice cut through my thoughts. She aimed her gun at a dark skinned girl who had just crawled out into view.
"Did you get what you came for?" Rick hissed as he took away the only weapon she had, a katana.
She looked drained. Her breaths were short and quick and all the cuts on her oozed out thick blood onto her face and arms. She leaned against the old train car that she had emerged from under. Her leg was gushing an unhealthy amount of blood from a deep stab wound.
I focused in on her as she argued back and forth with Rick. She had come here with them to save Glenn and Maggie, but apparently split off from the mission. There was something about her... a determination for whatever she had gone after inside of Woodbury. She split off from the group for something so important to her. No. Someone.
"You went after him," I said knowingly. Her eyes flicked to mine as she analyzed me as well, a new face to her, but she stayed silent. "You went after the Governor," I pressed on.
Rick shifted back on his foot and looked at her accusingly.
"I got you here," she countered. "To save them."
"Thanks for the help," Rick curtly stated.
"You'll need help to get them back to the prison or to go back in there for Daryl. Either way," Michonne finished, "you need me."
"Me too," I spoke up, declaring that I was on board with them. All eyes were on me. I gnawed at my lip as I coninued. "I know everything there is to know about this place. And I happen to know that if they captured Daryl, he is about to face off in the arena. They did that with me on my first night."
Rick rolled his neck and looked at me, taking his usual terrifying stare off of Michonne for a moment. "Arena?"
"They had me in there with some other poor kid they captured. A fight to the death. You know, gladiator battle type of thing."
"That's sick," Maggie said with her gun still pointed at Michonne steadily.
"Well, they think it's fun."
"So, you agreeing to help us now?"
I shrugged, not wanting to have to explain myself to this stranger, but I felt that she understood why I was ready to march into battle again. I needed to end the Governor and getting back their man would help us in the long run. Plus, I owed Daryl for getting me out of Woodbury, and I didn't like owing anyone. I would get him out even if it meant going back into the devil's den.
"Fine," Rick said. "So, how are we doing this?"
Everyone leaned in, eager to here a rescue plan. They were all willing to follow me, someone they just met, in order to get back a friend. We were all willing to do anything if it meant the Governor wouldn't like it, as a matter of fact.
It looked like the Governor was pissing off all of the wrong people these days.
My legs ached from being in a crouching position for too long. I was back inside the gates of Woodbury, trying not to panic at being back, with Rick and Maggie behind me. Glenn had complained, but we made him stay behind with Michonne and wait for us to return.
I sat back against the building we were using as cover. The streets of Woodbury were deserted. Everyone was getting ready for the battle at the arena. The arena was encircled by three towering buildings. The memory of my first night at Woodbury hit me hard. I could remember my rival in the arena that night. We were both scared shitless and confused. When the Governor told us to fight to the death, the girl I was to fight looked like she was going to piss herself. She was unwilling to do what it took to survive. But not me. I was full of spirit and ready to fight every man and woman in Woodbury if it meant I could get a chance to escape. I had just lost my brother. After that event I said fuck everyone else and became a selfish raging monster. I was then and I still am. So, I took my chance with the terrified girl. I was going to live no matter what it took. And it took the life of another innocent human.
I turned my head to the ground in shame. Then the gunshot of commencement and yells of the people rung through the air, bringing me out of my episode of depression.
The fight was beginning.
I dashed around the corner and caught sight of the arena through the crowd of people. The orange glow of fire lit up the area casting shadows of the crowd onto the tall buildings in a haunting manner. The Governor was yelling out some bullshit speech that I couldn't hear well over the cheers of the people. That's when I caught sight of Daryl. The crowd went wild when they tore the bag off of his head, revealing him as one of the men from the group at the prison.
"I see him," I let Rick know behind me. "Maggie, get back to the top of the gate. Give us cover once we get to him. Rick, you should stay here. Wait for my signal."
"You know me!" I heard the voice of Merle before I saw him in the arena with Daryl.
Rick squinted over at the arena like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Is that Merle?"
I didn't know how much this group knew about Merle, but so far I could tell they knew enough to always talk about him with a disgusted tone.
"Looks like Merle is his rival for today." I saw enough through the crowd to see that Merle was not holding back. He swung hard at Daryl and brought him to the ground, out of my line of sight.
I felt my eyes widen in the surprise. I had seen enough of Merle for a lifetime, and I knew him well by now. Images of him snarling and spitting in my face flashed before my eyes. He treated be harshly in Woodbury, but during the moments when Merle was not brutal with me, I saw that he only followed orders. That was what he was doing now too. The Governor needed him to kill Daryl in order to prove himself loyal.
But I couldn't believe that Merle would even go against his brother for the Governor. I thought back to the times when Merle talked about raising his little brother because his parents were shit. Merle talked to me a lot about the past, mostly because no one else in Woodbury listened to him, the high tempered redneck, when he was feeling sorry for himself, and I had no choice in the matter.
When he told me his brother was out there, that was the first time he started to doubt the Governor. Yet he always chickened out of his plans of finding Daryl. Still, I always wanted him to be a better person, but I should've known better. I clenched my jaw at the current sight of him beating the shit out of the little brother he claimed to love so much.
"Bastard," I snarled and tighten my grip on my knife so my knuckles turned white. "He'll beat him to death. Because that's what the Governor wants him to do." And he always listens to that prick. No matter what.
"Yeah, I know." Rick checked the scope on his gun and turned back to me. "Get out there and look for an opening. We won't fire until you make the move."
I nodded, confirming the plan we had previously discussed and mentally preparing myself for the mission I had sent myself on. "Got it."
"Get him out alive," Rick's eyes looked into my soul when he spoke to me. It was like he was willing me to be successful in getting Daryl back. As if he could control that.
"Got it," I repeated slightly uncomfortable. I knew his archer man was top priority, even over me.
"And be careful." He looked like he actually meant that. Which was surprising for me. No one had cared about me in a long ass time. It felt nice that he warned me to be safe, even if he didn't mean it and even if he was just using me.
I turned to go but he grabbed my wrist before I could. I tensed up out of habit. I knew that only bad things happened when I was being grabbed anymore. I was stuck with awe when he pressed a small gun into my hand.
I looked up at him questioningly and he simply nodded saying, "Just in case."
This time he finally let me go out away from the building and into the crowd. Even though I should be worried about being recognized, my mind was preocupied with why Rick was trusting me so much. After spending too much time with the Governor, it just didn't make any sense. I needed his trust if we were going to work together in killing the Governor. Just because I trusted him though, didn't mean we had to be friends. I really didn't want to get close enough to care about any of these people. I was just helping them with a job. That was it. That was all I needed it to be.
The crowd around me erupted with a fresh wave of intense screaming. I pushed around bodies to the front of the crowd just in time to see Merle standing over Daryl. They were talking with each other, but I couldn't make out their words. However, the look in Merle's eyes told me he had something up his sleeve. I glanced over at the Governor who was sporting a new bandage over his eye. He was too distracted by something to notice Merle secretly planning with his brother.
I turned to follow the Governor's line of sight to see four men bring out Walkers on leashes. This wasn't part of the fight when I was shoved in the arena long ago, they must've gotten bored with the blantant murdering of people.
The adrenaline coursed through my veins. I hadn't enjoyed that feeling in a very long time and I was pleasured with every second of the anticipation of a battle. I couldn't hold myself back any longer as I leaped out into the arena. I raised up the gun Rick had lent me and fired at the Walker that stood directly in front of the Governor. The Walker fell and a one eyed glare landed on me, unwavering. I held his cold stare with an amount of brute that I didn't think I had in me anymore.
The crowd took notice to my identity, they had seen me as a champion of the arena before. They thought it was all part of the show. And the Governor didn't intervene to tell them any different. He stood like a statue as if he could kill me with his stern look. Anxiety rose in my chest but I forced it away. I wasn't here for him just yet. I had a job to do.
"Well, well, look who decided to join the party," crooned Merle, who was standing back to back with his brother now, ready to fight the Walkers with him as they were pushed closer to them. Daryl had his hands up, ready to pounce. His eyes landed on me with recognition and a million silent questions. I gave him one solid nod that I was here for him and tossed him the gun. My knife was more of my weapon of choice.
Merle looked ready to argue with his brother for the gun, but the shout from Rick from his hiding spot signaled for a spray of gunfire. I dropped to the ground as Maggie fired from the wall. Smoke filled the area and gunfire and shouts echoed in my ears. People were dropping dead everywhere around me. I gripped my knife tight in my hands as I pressed down on the sand and prayed I wouldn't get shot.
Just as I was about to stand again someone kicked my hand that held the knife. It went flying out of my reach and another kick was delivered to my stomach. I groaned and curled in on myself. My injuries that were beginning to heal from Merle's beatings earlier in the week were being freshened up as a boot came down hard on my chest. I looked up just in time to see the Governor's face as he reached down for me.
My mind seized with terror at the thought of what he would do to me if he got me back. I wanted to cry out of failure, but the fire in me sparked. I was not about to let him fuck me over again. Not ever. He didn't own me and didn't control me. At least that is what I was trying to convince myself.
I kicked him between the legs and the pain was enough for him to loosen his grip on my shirt. I saw this as an opportunity to stretch out for the knife that was resting in the dirt. As soon as my fingers closed around the handle, I didn't hesitate to swing the blade at him ferociously. Every part of me wanted to slice him to pieces. He took out his gun to fight back, but an explosion went off, sending us both flat to the ground.
My head buzzed and I didn't even process that someone was pulling me back up. Thinking it was the Governor again, I pulled my fist back at a lame attempt to swing at him. I almost collapsed out of loss when a hand caught my fist before it got the chance to collide with anything at all. It took me a few disbelieving blinks to realize it wasn't the Governor that was holding me upright, but Daryl Dixon. His eyes told me clear as day that if I tried to swing at him again he would put me back down on my ass. I took the silent threat with grace and let him half drag me out of the gates of Woodbury.
I remember seeing flashes of Rick firing his weapon from behind us and yelling, but his voice was muffled to my ears. My vision was a blur and Daryl had to help me walk, up until we were well in the woods and out of Woodbury. The entire walk to the car where Glenn and Michonne waited was a painful one. Every muscle in my body ached and blood dripped down from my eyebrow every now and again. My lungs burned more and more with every breath.
We reached the car parked by the road just as the sun was rising. Glenn appeared from behind it, his sights immediately landing on Maggie. I anticipated some repulsing yet adorable scene from a romance movie to start playing out, but then Glenn started screaming at someone. My mind was still a scattered mess, watching Rick hold out an arm and keep Glenn back from whoever he was yelling at.
I turned slowly to see who the center of the commotion was. I should've known this jackass was what was standing in the way of a peaceful ride back to the prison. Of course Merle-fucking-Dixon had to make it out of Woodbury with us.
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terminusalchemist · 6 years
b/c I’m trash :)
“Does the silence ever bother you?” Kuroo questioned.
Keiji thought for a moment. Did it? “Yes.”
Kuroo nodded but Keiji could tell he was not satisfied. He rarely was. There was always too much going on in his head for his own good; he was always trying to analyze things to try and navigate his way around anything and everything. There was always so much going on in his mind even though outwardly he seemed uninvested or only in it for the mischief- but if one dared to think that that was all that he was then they would come to regret it in one way or another. Either he’d rip the wool from their eyes once he was done getting what he wanted from them or, if he decided he liked them, meddle in everything in your life until you were “happy.” Ride or die, really, and far smarter than anyone gave him credit for.
“I’ve gotten used to his presence so I’m sure you can understand why it’s unsettling,” Keiji indulged Kuroo’s endless curiosity. “Bokuto has a dominate aura. He draw attention to himself effortlessly and he seems very aloof or, as some have said, stupid- though that’s a vastly inaccurate statement. I cannot put into words the spark of intent in his eyes when he’s on the court but I see it and I know that I’ve put my faith in the right person and I trust he could lead an army into victory.”
“But?” Kuroo prompted, eyebrow raised. Keiji sipped his tea as he thought his next words carefully.
“But when he disappeared from my life in order to go to university it practically felt unreal. As if any moment, I could walk into my own university’s gym and see him talking amongst my new teammates, once more standing there and yelling support unto a team and hyping them up for the next upcoming game,” Keiji admitted, reminiscing on memories of swearing that he saw a flash of familiar white and black hair, only to turn to see nothing there after all.
Kuroo listened intently as Keiji coninued. “I know logically that he is an ocean away and hardly ever even awake at the same time as us, but the relative silence since is deafening now. I miss his energy,” Keiji bit his lip, “I miss him.”
“Me too.” They finished their drinks in silence. 
Later, hours after, the conversation was still stuck in his mind, pieces replaying over and over again. It seems even Kuroo has had trouble keeping in contact with Bokuto once he moved to the United States. It was surprising, and a shame.
It was lonely, Keiji realized, when he opened the door to a quiet apartment. In another lifetime, maybe he could’ve come home with Bokuto’s boisterous voice accompanying him. Maybe Keiji would have that smile on his face that he reserved for when Bokuto recounted some ridiculous that he had done that day. Maybe they’d cook dinner together and Bokuto would try to steal some dinner ingredients behind his back and Keiji would catch him, scolding him softly as Bokuto tried to smile innocently, only for them to laugh together in the end as Keiji rolled his eyes. Maybe after dinner, they would sit on the couch together, leaning in close as they barely paid attention to whatever they put on the television. And as they got sleepier and their words began slurring together, they would stumble into their bedroom and Keiji would drift off in Bokuto’s comfortable embrace only to wake up the next morning and look over to see Bokuto’s peaceful sleeping face next to him. He’d probably smile at him, thankful to have someone so wonderful by his side. 
Maybe it could’ve happened in this lifetime if Bokuto hadn’t moved to America.
But that wasn’t fair, placing the blame solely on Bokuto’s shoulders. He hadn’t known anything about Keiji’s fantasies. There was a fair amount of blame that Keiji would have to own up to for his own inaction. Even after Bokuto left, he could have called more, texted more, tried harder to keep in contact with the man he loved even as he remained unrestrained and explore the world, his star just outside of his reach.
Keiji could have done a lot of things that he regretted not doing, but mostly he regrets not confessing. He cursed himself, even as he fell into a fitful slumber.
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Today has been a very rough day.
My day actually started at 11:30pm last night when i broke out in hives for the first time ever. at first i freaked out because i had no clue what they were so i ran into the bathroom where i took pictures of both my upper arms (thats where the hives were). i sent the pictures to my friend lucas because he's always up late and is educated in just about everything and his response was "oh gosh" and then nothing so you could just imagine my horror at this. i ask "oh gosh??? that doesn't sound good lucas! what does oh gosh mean?!" quickly he respons back "It's hives. take a cold shower and wash it off and then if you can, put benodryl on it." so i do this and i go to message him back and i see that in the group chat he told everyone he was going to bed so im sitting here 12am hives covering my upper arms and the person that was walking me through this is now asleep, along with my eniter family and all the other smart people i know. i stay up till 1am the hives on my left are no longer burning however the ones on my right burn more and seem to be growing. around 1:30 my best friend shawn texts me and not even paying attention to what he said i immediatly tell him what's happened and him being the good friend he is he goes and looks stuff up and is trying to calm me down. 5 minutes later he text me "so, the benodryl didnt work? have you tried ALoe?" "no, will Aloe help?" "idk let me check before you do anything." 2 minutes later i recieve a screen shot saying that Aloe can cool the hives while also relieving the burning and even help get rid of them quicker so i go and put Aloe on and it instandly stops the burning and by this time its around 2am so i sit there talking to shawn and i thank him for his help and such and then we go off in a deep ass conversation bc its 2 in the morning what else are ya gonna do right? well i end up telling him something i've never told anyone before because he's been through something similar. By 3am the hives are gone, BUT the world ain't done tourchering me yet. SO naturally mother nature is like "nah she isn't getting any sleep tonight" evil laugh i start my period and its not regualr cramping, no, its much worse. it felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing me with a knife and then twisting it all up inside my guts. This went on till 4 oclock in the morning... 4 am... im in highschool. i get up at 6 am and its fucking monday. i sleep for two hours and 30 minutes... 6:30.. i had to leave at 6:36.. i had no clean clothes either becuase i forgot to put my clothes in the dryer.. i wore sweatpants with a plain black crop top and my frizzy, curly ass hair up in a bun. i looked like a bum. I leave around 6:50 and get to school at 7:20 which gives me 10 minutes to go to my locker and then go up 3 flights of stairs and then all the way across the 5th building. i get there as the late bell rings at 7:30 phew i think to myself im sitting in my first period and half way through i can slowley feel the migraine i had for 6 days that went away just the day before returning. I couldn't take the medicine i had been before because it might've caused me to have an allergic reaction so i just have to deal with it. fast forward to 3rd period the migrine has grown painfully and in my arms where the hives where is becoming very sore and it's getting hard to focus. 4th period i decide to go home so when class changes and im supposed to go to 5th lunch i go to the clinic. they give me ice and have me sit in a chair while i wait for my grandmother to pick me up. I wait an hour because of traffic. on the way home a guy that has messaged me before hits me up. i should note that he is friends with my receant ex and he dated one of my best friends. We talk a bit and he apologizes for radomly texting me and tells me im cute. I dont want to hurt his feelings or anything so i accept the complement and then ask about him dating my friend, which he denies ever happened. i show this conversaton to shawn being a little creeped out and wondering what i should do. shawn being shawn offers to take care of the kid for me but i turn the offer down. I tell the kid im not looking for anything and would perfer if he stopped calling me cute. he says okay and coninues texting me but in a more friend like way and wanting to know more about me. i found out he is 19 and immediatly tell him that i am only 15 but he doesn't seem bothered by that. After a while the conversation between me and the kid stop and i start to focus on the converstation i am having with shawn, it seems that he feels he should have a say in the people that i date because he's overly protective and doesn't want to see me hurt. i tell him that he can have an opinnion about it of course but more than likely it wont stop me from dating someone. this angers him a lot and he ends up saying he thinks we should stop talking for a bit and that talking everyday like we have been since january is unhealth and not normal. so i've lost my guy bestfriend for a while and immediatly go to my bestfriend sarah for comfort and tell her everything, she's always one of the better parts of my day. After i talk to her eveythings pretty okay... untill i eat left over lasagna from the night before. only after about 30 minutes i spot two little spots of hives on my arm so i put Aloe on it and can pretty much assume the alleric reaction is to the lasagna. lasagna is my all time favorite food so rip me.
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marielledownunder · 7 years
Roadtrippin’ in Tassie
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Hello Tasmania!  The “tiny” forgotten state of Straya for many travellers, which is even 3 times bigger than the Netherlands!
After a 2h flight from Melbourne to Hobart, with a beautiful view on my way, I finally arrived in Hobart. What a first beautiful impression! Just got out of my plane and I watched the sunset over the mountains.
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Took the bus to my hostel, the Pickled Frog, and waited for my friend Lieke from back home.
While I was waiting, I started to speak with some Frenchies at my hostel, named Anthony and Joseph. Entertained myself with speaking French with them and in the end I reunited with Lieke! Such a lovely reunion. We haven’t seen each other for like 9 months, and we’re gonna do road trip together in Tassie with our van. She came with Hannah, a Dutch girl whom she’d met from Australian Backpackers. 
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The next day the 3 of us browsed around in Hobart. Visited the Salamanca market, and stayed there to talk about our travels with a drink. Afterwards we went to the botanical gardens and chilled over there. In the evening we went out for a dinner, 15$ steak with fries to treat ourselves before my 10 day road trip with Lieke would start!
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So the next day, Lieke and I got our van from Wicked campers. The first day we did some groceries shoppings and Kmart shoppings for camping. Then we figured out that the car couldn’t get locked at the backdoor… so we went back to wicked campers. Lots of delays and a little bit of stress to take the last ferry to Bruny Island and the sunset. Nevertheless, we managed to take the ferry at 7pm and we were just in time for our sunset photos!
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After that we started to find our free camping and stayed there for the night.
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The second day we drove a bit around in Bruny island. Went to some beaches which I forgot the name and we tried to find some albino wallaby. We found 2 of them, but far away to take a good photo… 
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After Bruny island we took the ferry and headed towards Dunalley to spend our night. There was a pub next to our camping spot, so we spend our evening over there by playing pool with some strange people haha. I knew I was not good at playing pool, but after these matches we got the proof that we both totally suck at this haha.
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The next morning we woke up with lots of rain. Our neighbours offered us some space to have a breakfast without rain and they gave us tea and coffee, so friendly! The rain didn’t stop until 1, so we took our time to see the nice spots (and take a hot shower). We left Dunalley and headed towards Port Arthur. Made some photos of the eagle hawk neck, the remarkable cave, Tasman arch and pirates bay. We did a little 40 min hike around waterfall bay and as a little treat we bought meat pies.
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After that we drove to Swansea and we stopped many times on our ways to capture beautiful sunset pictures like this one below. We decided to camp next to the Swansea river. The view was great, even though it was night!
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Day 4, we left the Swansea lake and we drove to Freycinet National park. This park really reminded me of Wilsons Promontory National park, which is 3h away from Melbourne. They both have beautiful beaches, mountains and enough hiking tracks to keep yourself in good condition. In my opinion I think Freycinet is even more beautiful than Wilsons prom. Besides, lots of wallabies to be found and we couldn’t help ourselves to feed one of them! (and yes, we figure out you aren’t allowed to do that, oops).
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Lieke and I decided to do a hike at Mt Amos. We were told that it was a advanced hike, with steep parts. We believed in ourselves that we could make it. It took us approx 3 hours for a return, and I gotta say it was not easy! Lieke got scared how to get back, but for me the way to the top was harder than our way back. We complained about the fact that the higher we got, the uglier our view became haha. Well, in the end our effort was worth and the view was astonishing on the top, with an beautiful blue color over Wineglass bay. 
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After that we went to a beach to take sunset photos and after looking we found our spot at Honeymoon bay! Such a beautiful beach, one of my favourite I’d say. When the sun went down we went to our free camping spot at friendly beach.
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The next morning we woke up with the sound of the sea and we walked and chilled around at friendly beaches. Such a beautiful blue color. After that we went back to Sleepy bay and Honeymoon beach, to enjoy the view and chill before we left Freycinet. 
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We continued  our roadtrip and went up to Bicheno, where you can go to the Blowhole. In short words the Blowhole are rocks that concentrate waves into powerful jets, big splashes. We decided to have lunch over there and we ended up having awkward conversations with a weird Australian guy. ‘How do we get rid of him?’ We asked eachother in Dutch, and gossiped a lot about him haha. 
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The next destination is St Helens, were we would see the beautiful Bay of Fires, close to Binalong Bay. The reddish rocks and the crystal blue seawater showed us a beautiful view. We camped on a free camping spot next to the sea.
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The next morning we woke up and headed to Launceston, especially because we needed a shower haha. After showering we were wondering where to go and we had no idea. In the end we went to Cataract Gorge. A place with walking tracks, swimming pool, the world's longest single span chairlift and a suspension bridge. Walked around but decided not to do a hike. Around the evening we tried to find a free camping spot, but we failed with that so we ended up camping somewhere next to the road. That was the ugliest spot we ever camped. 
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The next morning on Thursday I went to a farm named Costa. They provide work as you can pick berries. I thought I can start with this and then have another job. After the presentation we went to Cradle Mountain and we figured out that the weather was shit... At a certain moment there was no rain, so we did a little hike until we got stuck by the rain. Found a little woodshed to take shelter. 
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After the rain, we decided to have a warm cup of hot chocolate and use their electricity, so long that we forgot to buy fuel. We wanted to refill but we were too late... no fuel after 5 anymore. We were thinking to stay and camp on the parking lot, or going to the next place in 40 minutes to refill our fuel. In the end we decided to take the risk and coninuing with driving and we just made it. We arrived in Queenstown and decided to camp close to lake Barkley.
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The next day (day 8) we started with our Westcoast part. We realised that we took too much time for the Eastcoast and just 2-3 days left for the Westcoast. We wandered around the area close to Queenstown. Visited the Horsetail ookout and the Ironblow lookout. Then we continued and drove through lake Burbury. Such a beautiful lake and the water looks exactly like an mirror. 
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We continued driving and instead of a real plan we just followed the road and we stopped whenever we wanted. When the lake or lookout sounded interested we decide to take a look haha. That’s how we ended up in Nelson falls, lake st Clair and another place which I forgot the name. 
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At the end of the day we gotta find a free camping spot again. We ended up in Bradys lake. Such a beautiful lake, especially at sunrise. 
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The last day of aventure before we headed back to Hobart. We heard from some travellers that Mount Field is a must see in Tassie and that’s where we were heading next. We asked for some tracks as we came unprepared again. They advised us to do the shorter walks, considering our equipment and the time we arrived. We walked towards the Russel Falls and the Horseshoe falls. 
After that, we wanted to do another hike, we walked around lake seal and we went to the lookout. Shitty hike and we complained a lot about the steepness again, but in the end we got an amazing view.
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After the hike, we came back to our van and drove back towards Hobart. We wanted to see mount Wellington by night so that would be our last stop. After a few hours we arrived at the carpark of Mount Wellington. Another typical from us to go there without any fuel. It was at its minimum and we were so afraid of not being able to go back to a petrol station the next morning. Therefore we decided to walk for 30 minutes. Complaining again haha but in the end it was worth it. 
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The next morning we woke up in Mount Wellington with the view during the day. Beautiful way to wake up. We had to bring the van back, totally cleaned. In the end we had to hurry up cause if we would arrive late we would be fined. Eventually, we brought it back just in time.  Got back in the hostel and we could finally shower again. We felt so dirty and I think I’ve never been ‘un-showered’ for that long, which is 4 days I reckon. Strolled around Hobart again and in the evening we played drinking games at our hostel. The next morning I said goodbye to my friend Lieke, took my bus and I headed towards Devonport. A new chapter will start: starting farmwork all over again! 
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0 notes
legendbringerlove · 7 years
*Facepalm* Sweet mother macree...
A character grows and changes throughout the story. That is the simple fact of life. It has to happen or else the show will stagnate. This is nothing new, for this is how the world works. It’s not a bad thing, but a thing that can help you grow as a writer to help adjust to the story at hand. 
However, I have to disagree with This little post here (https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/786466/today-and-the-future) as it feels like he is trying to say “The later seasons make sure that you can’t really through any new interpitations of the characters,” or worse “The later seasons make it hard to create conflicts in fanfics”. To wich I have to say is really...bullcrap! 
Let’s see here, conflicts that would make interesting stories for the mane six in less than five seconds of thought!
World font of magic being in danger, the mane six have to struggle through it while facing the fact that they are growing older and maybe further apart.
Pinkie discovers that there are different forms of comedy out there (Based on Babylon 5)
Applejack has to deal with a hidden part of her family’s legacy and wants to deal with it alone (Yeah, pride is still a flaw of hers)
Rainbow Dash struggles with her own limits as a racer.
And those are just on the back burner. I didn’t need to set it during season 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or what have you. I am just writing a story with six mares that I have come to love. No, they don’t have to setttle it amicably, they can create different conflicts because of their persona. You can still have Fluttershy’s timid nature, she might be a little braver, but she is still shy. Twilight still has freakouts, Dash might be better, but she is still arrogant. These are flaws that stick with the characters through life. Unless you are someone who watches Sailor moon all the way through stars and goes “Yep, Usagi has nothing left to do now she beat Chaos. Yep, time to go home.” 
No,no,no, and NO! That is stifling your creativity because you are trying to stick to rules! Guess what? In about 10 years, this aint gonna mean crap! You are just going to watch a show and love that characters. Then you are gonna decide to write a fic based on it, danmed the consequences, and damn the coninuity straight to hell! 
I will never get these reviews of certain fics that say “Well, this is set during season 1, or 2, or yadda yadda”. Personally, I just know I am reading a fic and I do not care if I am reading a story set during this season. The only way I’ll know is if Twilight has wings, castle, or a student. That is the only thing for me. 
Maybe it’s because I’m old, or read more magna, or just am a fan of comics so I don’t ever see the point in saying these things. 
The long and short of this rant is this...Do you love the characters? Do you like to write stories? Then do it! They already have the depth you need to give them some punch. Send them on an adventure, give them challenges. You want EG shining to be a poliece officer? Fine! You want Zephyr to be different in EG? Then fine! Slap an AU on the thing or plead ignornace! Or hey, if you want to say that the show ended for you on episode 125 with scene 4, then go ahead and start your wild and crazy AU there and have a blast!
I am sorry for ranting here, but I would rather do it on the platforms where my fans don’t know I live so I can not feel like I am attacking anyone. 
0 notes