#it looks like a vampire here and i kinda knew that going in bc of what i wanted from the color scheme
ichorblossoms · 4 months
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sketch vs middle
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agaypanic · 1 year
My Babysitter's a Vampire Simp Headcanons
Request Something!
Casts spells all the time just to see you smile
FLOWERS!!! So many flowers, conjured at any moment
Your locker becomes a garden tbh
Would do anything for you
If you need help, he’s there in a heartbeat
If you have a problem that can’t be fixed with a spell, he’d probably try to create his own
Favorite pastime is playing games with you
Especially when you’re playing in his room because, more often than not, you’re sitting on his lap
Your guys’ favorite game to play is Minecraft
“Y/n, where are you?” Benny asked as he built a house for the two of you.
“I’m on the other side of the hill.”
“Why are you so far away? It’s gonna be dark soon.”
“This side has more flowers.” He looked at your screen, and sure enough, you were picking flowers in a field. “The house has to be pretty.”
“Y/n, I dunno how to make the house look like you.” Benny pinched your side with his teasing and you giggled, squirming around in his lap. He kissed your temple before going in to start putting structures inside the house. “Now get over here before I have to go get you.” 
Reluctantly, you left the field and made your way to the house. Making sure to close the door behind you, you ventured inside and found Benny’s character in the bedroom.
“Aww! You put the beds next to each other.”
The second he sees you, he’s a goner
Benny and Ethan gotta pull him down bc he starts floating
Carries all your stuff without you asking
Walks you to class all the time, even if his class is on the other side of the school
Saves a seat for you at lunch even tho it’s your unassigned assigned seat at the table
Practically has heart eyes anytime he looks at you
Talks about you all the time to his friends
They could be talking about something completely different, but he’s determined to make you the topic of conversation whenever he can
“Oh my gosh, that reminds me of the time Y/n…” and the two things will be COMPLETELY unrelated
You immediately spotted your boyfriend and your friends by your locker when you got to school. Rory seemed to be going off on some tangent, and it must’ve been going on too long because the others looked like they were about to murder him or themselves. To spare your friends, you walked fast to meet them. Rory sensed you before you could speak, turning to look at you with vampire swiftness.
“Y/n!” He looked at you like a puppy who hadn’t seen its owner in hours. When you were close enough, he peppered your face in kisses, much to the group’s disgust.
“Hey, Rory.” You laughed when he eased up on the affection, moving to greet everyone else. “Hey, guys.” They replied with their own greetings while you opened your locker. With each book you took out, Rory immediately took it from you without saying a word. “Rory, baby, you don’t have to.”
“Oh, but I insist, honeybunch.” The warning bell rang, and everyone dispersed. Rory walked you to your first period, something he did every day without fail.
“Okay, you better go. I don’t want you to be late.”
“Don’t worry, sweet thing. That’s what superspeed is for.”
“Superspeed you shouldn’t be using in public.” You took your books from Rory and gave him a kiss to tide him over for the next hour. “See you after class?”
“Always, baby.”
Soooo nervous about being around you
Whenever he touched you, he’d get visions of the two of you together
That just made him fall harder for you
Makes flirty remarks based on his powers
“I had a vision we made out” kinda stuff
Memorizes everything about you
He believes every detail is important
Whenever he’s around, don’t even think about paying
Even if he’s broke, he’s paying for your stuff
You and Ethan were in line at some fast food place, all he could afford. You would’ve offered to help pay but knew attempts would be futile. As nice as Ethan was, he was also stubborn. Soon it was your turn to order, and you didn’t even speak, Ethan relaying your regular order perfectly, down to what sauce you wanted. He then let you lead him to whatever booth you wanted.
“You know, I don’t mind paying one of these times.” You commented before taking a sip of your drink. Ethan shook his head, dismissing the thought.
“Y/n, for the thousandth time, it’s fine. I really don’t mind.”
“If you insist.”
“I do.” Your boyfriend grinned, reaching to take your hand. He looked down, watching his thumb rub back and forth over the back of your hand. You saw a slight smirk and knew what was coming. “I just had a vision.”
“Oh really?” You bit back a laugh, flipping your hand over to interlock your fingers. “What happened in this vision of yours?”
“Well, first of all, the food is very delicious.”
“Oh, good.”
“And second, I ask you something very important.” This piqued your interest very much.
“I think you should ask me now.”
“Sorry, babe, I ask you after we get our food.” As if waiting for the cue, your order number was called. Ethan grinned, kissing your hand as he stood from the booth seat. He left, and when he returned with a tray of food, you were impatient.
“Okay, ask me the question. I wanna know.”
“Okay, okay.” Ethan distributed the food between the two of you before looking at you expectantly. “Who gave you the right to be so pretty?”
“Oh my God, Ethan.”
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liminal-space-lesbian · 11 months
Loser IV
Pairing: Enid Sinclair x fem!reader
Warnings: Mutual pining, scary Wednesday, bullying / harassment, the d slur, physical violence, blood, panic attack, mentions of police and EMS
Summary: During a field trip to Pilgrim World you and Enid are paired up for volunteering. Things are going well until a group of boys decide to harass Enid.
Words: 3,659
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
a/n guyssss this is kinda bad ngl... I got carried away but OH WELL. Also any legal stuff I mention is all mumbo jumbo bc I have no clue how any of that works so just ignore it please 🫶
The days following your confession to Enid were... awkward to say the least. Though you both had promised things could go back to normal there was a tension between the two of you. You caught Enid staring at you more than once during Vampire biology, and you weren't quite sure what to make of it.
Today wasn't the day to worry about it however, considering you and your classmates were on a field trip of sorts to Pilgrim World to... volunteer? You weren't really paying attention during the announcement so you weren't even sure. All you knew was that getting away from Nevermore for a change of scenery was just what you needed for a distraction.
Or so you thought.
Apparently your teacher was pairing up students for their tasks of the day, and you were paired with none other than Enid. Perfect.
"Ready, partner?" Enid asks, bouncing up to you excitedly and looping her arm through yours. You stiffened at the contact, your heart skipping a beat at the warmth of her arm against yours. Her smile faltered as she noticed you tense, trying to casually release your arm. The atmosphere between you was awkward now. Great.
"Ready as I'll ever be. What are we even supposed to do anyways?" You ask, trying to diffuse the tension as you begin walking side by side. Enid lets out an agitated sigh, rolling her eyes.
"We get the boring job. We have to check tickets at the entrance." Enid says with a groan, purposefully dragging her feet as she casts a forlorn glance at you. You can't help but chuckle at her antics.
"Well at least you'll have good company." You say with a cocky grin, causing her to smile, pink tinging her cheeks. You felt your heart stutter in your chest. 'Wait, was that flirting? Did I accidentally just flirt with her? Oh God I hope I didn't weird her out.' You think frantically as you turn your gaze ahead.
"Mm that's true. I do think I got the best volunteer buddy for the day." Enid says with a wide smile, her eyes glittering with mischief and something almost like affection. You had to look away from her gaze or else you'd stare for too long. 'Why is she so pretty, oh my God.' You thought as you felt your cheeks burn.
"Oh hey, are you guys the Nevermore volunteers?" A young man with a scruffy beard and messy blond hair asked with a half smile. You nodded, stuffing your hands in your pockets.
"Yep that's us. Are you like our adult supervision for the day?" You asked, eyeing the pamphlets in his hands. He barks out a laugh, causing you to flinch slightly.
"Well, something like that. I'm not gonna be here to supervise much though, you're taking over my job for the day. I'll show you the ropes, and if you need anything I'll be in the lounge." He explains simply, handing you some pamphlets and a hole punch to Enid.
"It's simple, you," he points at Enid, "take a look at the tickets and make sure the date and price is correct, then hole punch the upper right corner like this." He demonstrates on a ticket he pulls out of his pocket, then he turns to you. "And you hand out the pamphlets, which is basically more information on Pilgrim World and also a map of the grounds. Easy peasy." He says, patting you on the shoulder and flashing you a smile. "Well I'm off, goodluck." And with those words he was gone.
You turn to Enid, only to already find her staring at you wide eyed.
"Well that was... a less than ideal introduction." You say, stifling a chuckle at Enid's distraught expression.
"Yeah, that's one way of putting it. We totally got this though, how hard can it be? Like he said, easy peasy." She says, shrugging her shoulders as she tries to stay optimistic, turning to face the entrance as a few people approach with their tickets.
"Hi! Welcome to Pilgrim World!" She says in her usual enthusiastic tone, causing you to smile. This day was gonna be a peace of cake.
~ ~ ~
Oh how wrong you were. After about an hour of standing in the hot sun waiting for people to arrive, this job was looking very bleak. Pilgrim World wasn't as popular of an attraction as it used to be, if it was ever popular to begin with. You were simply standing there sweating miserably, and you now understood why that guy was so eager to leave you two to this job.
"Well this sucks." You say with a sigh, wiping sweat off your forehead. Enid chuckles, gently pushing your shoulder with hers.
"Hey, don't be so negative. I mean we've already been here for," she checks her phone for the time and blanches, "forty minutes?" She nearly shouts in astonishment, her expression crumpling. "Oh my gosh we're going to actually die here." She dramatically says in despair. You couldn't help but laugh, causing her to playfully pout at you.
"Hey, how about I run and grab us some water from the fridge inside? A cool drink will probably make this a bit more bearable." You offer, and Enid turns to you with wide eyes. She grabs you by the shoulders and looks in your eyes seriously.
"At this very moment in time I wouldn't love anything more than a cold water." She says in a dead serious tone and you stifle a laugh, gently patting the hands that rest on your shoulders.
"Yes ma'am! Think you can hold down the fort while I run and get them?" You ask, wiggling your eyebrows playfully as you gesture to the empty queue. She scoffs, playfully pushing you in the direction of the lounge.
"Yes, I am more than confident that I can handle it." She says with an eyeroll and you giggle as you scurry off to get some water. You let out a relieved sigh as you enter the cool ac of the lounge. The guy who was supposed to be supervising you was lying on one of the couches, dead asleep. You chuckle softly as you open the fridge and grab two chilled bottles of water. You turn around to head back outside only to be met with Wednesday standing right behind you.
"Holy shit." You nearly scream, flinching back from Wednesday sharply. The girl doesn't react, simply staring at you with the same intense dead eyed stare.
"What are you doing?" She questions, her tone cold. You feel goosebumps rise on your arms from the intensity of her stare, and you swallow nervously.
"I'm getting water for Enid and I, since it's hot in the sun." You explain, voice shaking embarrassingly as Wednesdays eyes narrow. There is a tense silence for a moment before Wednesday takes a minuscule step closer to you, causing you to take a step backwards, nearly bumping into the fridge.
"Enid cares about you. I can't even begin to understand why, considering you are nearly as unremarkable as a drop of water amidst the ocean. However you are important to her, considering you're nearly all she ever talks about. So I shall give you a single warning." She leans closer to your personal space and you lean backwards away from her, heart racing in fear at her unblinking gaze. 'How does she never blink? It's like she has creepy soulless doll eyes.' You think as her dark eyes bore into your soul.
"If you hurt her, I will eviscerate you and strangle you with your own intestines." Wednesday says, her tone clear and colder than ice. You shiver, and nod, not trusting your voice. There is another moment of tense silence before Wednesday turns on her heel and leaves you alone, heart still hammering in your chest.
"What the hell was that?" You whisper to yourself, blinking at the space Wednesday occupied only moments before. What did she mean, Enid cares about you? She talks about you all the time? You couldn't help feeling a flicker of happiness at the thought. You shake your head, quickly leaving the lounge and heading back to Enid. You'd unpack your encounter with Wednesday later, right now you needed to get back to Enid.
As you approached, you noticed three guys standing a bit too close to Enid for comfort. You could see the jeering smiles on their faces before you heard their voices, and you felt adrenaline begin to flood your system as you approached.
"Isn't this the little werewolf chick from Nevermore?" One of them drawls, pinching the shoulder of Enid's blazer, causing her to lean away from him.
"Yeah I think so. She's the one who can't even shift though, right? Like some sort of runt or something." One of the other boys taunts, reaching over to tug at a piece of Enid's dyed hair.
"Hey, what's going on here?" You announce your presence loudly, shoving your way through the boys to stand beside Enid, placing your body between them. Your tone is cold and your expression is serious as you stare down the boy who touched Enid's hair.
"Tsk, chill we're just trying to get her number." The boy lies, a disgusting smile curving at his lips as his eyes drift from you to Enid, who was still standing slightly behind you. You shift your body to shield her from his gaze.
"Well she's not interested. So either show me your ticket or fuck off." You say, your voice hard as you grit your teeth. He raises his eyebrows at you, a scoff leaving his lips as he glances at his friends for support, who chuckle as well.
"Oh, what, is she your girlfriend or something? Damn, can you imagine being a dyke and a Nevermore freak?" He directs his question to his friends, who jeer and laugh along with him.
"Hey!" Enid protest from behind you, but you cut her off, wrinkling your nose in disgust as you stare him down.
"Seriously dude? Grow up." You snap, your tone laced with distaste. The kid straightens up to his full height, trying to loom over you and intimidate you. Your heart pounds nearly painfully in your chest with fear, but you keep your exterior calm.
"Or what? What even are you anyway, a vampire or some shit? Gonna bite me?" He taunts, and you stare at him with an unimpressed look.
"You're really fucking pathetic, you know that?" You say, anger flaring in your chest now. 'Can't this douchebag just leave us alone? God, why is he so entitled.' You think as your grind your teeth.
"What'd you just say?" He asks in a threatening tone, stepping into your personal space. You hold your ground, meeting his gaze. Your pulse roared in your ears and you felt Enid's hand grip the back of your blazer tightly.
"Oh, are you deaf or just stupid?" You taunt, feeling a shred of satisfaction at the way his expression contorts with anger. You see the way his hands ball into fists and you gently reach behind you, pushing Enid away from you.
Just as you expected the boy shoved you hard in the chest, causing you to stumble backward. Enid cried out your name but you ignored her. He had put his hands on you, now you could beat the shit out of him.
You drop the bottles of water into the dirt and fly at him, driving your elbow into his face. He stumbles back with a grunt, but before you can land another hit one of his friends grabs your arms and wrenches them behind your back. He lifts you up painfully, forcing you to stand on your tiptioes as your shoulders strain under the angle he has your arms pinned at.
"Fucking whore." The boy spits, punching you across the face. Your head snaps to the side but you hardly feel the pain from the adrenaline in your system. You don't know where the third boy is, too focused on the one holding your arms. Your punched in the face again and you twist and writhe, trying to escape the firm grasp on your arms.
Suddenly you're released and sent sprawling into the dirt face first. You scramble to your feet and glance behind you to see Wednesday standing over the boy who had been holding your arms. You turn back to the one who had punched you and lunge. You slam your shoulder into his stomach and tackle him to the ground. He gasps for breath as the wind is knocked out of him. Before he can recover you are slamming your fist into his nose repeatedly. Your vision narrows, solely focusing on continuously hitting him. Your heartbeat roars in your ears and rage seems to fill every inch of your body. 'How dare he harass Enid? How dare he say those things about her?' Your mind repeats this like a mantra as you continue hitting him.
Suddenly someone is dragging you off of him, shouting at you. You shove them away, trying to claw your way back to him, but their grip is too strong.
"Let me go! I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna beat that motherfucker until he can't breathe." You snarl, writhing and struggling against the arms holding you back. Your voice tears through your throat as you scream, slowly losing steam as you feel ever emotion flood your system.
"Y/n, you need to calm down." An even voice says close to your ear, and you sag into the arms, tears streaming uncontrollably down your face. You feel overwhelmed in every sense of the word as you try to catch your breath, hyperventilating as you begin to sob.
The next thing you know you're sitting in the dirt crying, Wednesday in front of you with something akin to concern in her gaze. Enid hovers behind her, looking panicked. You notice her claws are out and covered in blood.
"Y/n you need to take deep breaths." Wednesday says in a steady reassuring voice. You try to even your breathing, still gasping and hyperventilating as your eyes dart around. You notice a few adults are kneeling over the boys. who are all lying on the ground or sitting up clutching various injuries.
"Let's get you three to the lounge." One of the Pilgrim World employees says before leading you to the lounge and away from the boys. You wait for EMS and the police to arrive, slowly calming down, wiping your eyes as you stare down at your shaking and bloodied hands.
"Here." Enid's voice says softly beside you, her hand gently tilting your head towards her so she can dab at the blood dripping down your face. You avoid her gaze, your breathing shaky from crying.
"I'm sorry." You whisper, sniffling slightly. Enid lets out a quiet breath, her thumb tracing your jaw gently.
"You don't need to apologize. You were just trying to help; those guys were being creeps." She says softly as she finishes wiping at the blood on your face. You look up as an officer enters the room, speaking to one of the Pilgrim World employees before nodding and leaving once more to retrieve EMS.
"What'd he say?" You ask the employee nervously. They sigh and look at you with their hands on their hips.
"Well, since we have security footage of the fight we know you're not the aggressor, so long as neither of you press charges the cops are willing to let it go." They say with a heavy sigh, looking relieved. "Of course you'll all be banned from Pilgrim World in the future but I assume that's the least of your worries." They say with a tight lipped smile and a nod.
"Oh okay... Thank you." You murmur, dropping your head to rest in your hands as you take a deep breath, The adrenaline had long since fled your body and now your face and knuckles were throbbing terribly. Your shoulders felt strained from how they had been held as well.
The rest of the day was a bit of a blur as EMS checked you out, patching you up and giving you a few stitches on your lip where it had been split from the boy punching you in the teeth.
Soon you were back at Nevermore and lying on your bed with an ice-pack pressed to the entirety of your face. Every heartbeat sent pulsing pain through your face and hands, causing you to groan. You didn't regret it exactly, you knew you'd fight a thousand people to protect Enid. You just wished it didn't have to escalate that far.
There was a knock at your door and you mumbled for whoever was there to come in. You pulled the icepack off your face and were surprised to see Enid standing there.
"Oh. Hi." You say dumbly, sitting up to stare at her in surprise. She offers you a small smile, padding over to stand in front of you, fiddling with her hands nervously. "Uh... Sorry again for earlier. I didn't want to fight him but he just wouldn't-" Your rambling was cut off as Enid threw herself at you, wrapping you in a tight hug. You stiffened in shock, gently resting a hand on her back.
"Thank you." Enid whispered, pressing her face into your neck, and you felt goosebumps prickle your skin as her breath tickled your skin.
"I- it's no big deal." You say casually, rubbing Enid's back soothingly as she tightens her grip on you..
"I was really scared when they were... I didn't know what they wanted with me. You have no idea how relieved I was when you showed up." Enid admits as she leans back to look at your face. Your heart lurches when you notice her eyes glistening with tears.
"Hey, it's okay. I'd never let them do anything to you." You say, attempting to comfort her as you brush hair away from her face, offering a gentle smile. Her eyes soften and her gaze flicks down to your lips for a moment. Your heart races in your chest, and you think maybe you had just imagined it.
"Well I appreciate you. And I'm sorry that you got hurt." Enid says, leaning back slightly as she adjusts how she's sitting in your lap. Her fingers trace the stitches on your lip and suddenly the throbbing pain was replaced with pleasant tingles.
"I'd do it a thousand times if you asked." You whisper before you can stop yourself, and Enid's lips part slightly in surprise. Her eyebrows pull together slightly as her thumb traces your bottom lip, her breath fanning over your face. 'She looks like she wants to kiss me.' You think, sure you must have some sort of head trauma. No way Enid would-
All at once, she's leaning down and her lips press to yours gently, softer than rose petals. Her mouth is warm, her lips tasting of cherry lipgloss. Your eyes drift shut and your hand on her back presses her closer to you. Your head feels light and airy, as if it's full of clouds. Surely you're dreaming?
No, the way Enid cups your jaw in her hands is all too real. The soft breath she exhales through her nose as she moves her lips against yours, tilting her head slightly so her nose brushes your cheek. All too soon she pulls away and looks into your eyes, her face tinged with a blush.
"I like you too." She confesses in a quiet voice, and you simply stare up at her dumbly, mouth agape. "When you were avoiding me it made me realize I thought of you more than I did Ajax. I was more upset over you than I was over my breakup with him." She murmurs, looking a but ashamed. You bring your hand up to brush your fingers across her cheek lightly.
"I can't say I'm disappointed." You say with a breathless chuckle, a smile curling at your lips involuntarily. Enid smiles back, giggling slightly as she leans into your touch.
"So... will you maybe be my girlfriend?" She asks quietly, her hands sliding down from where they cup your jaw to rest on your shoulders. Your stitches burn from how big you smile.
"Only if you'll be my girlfriend too." You tease, chuckling at the way Enid covers her giggle with her palm, gently giving your shoulder a playful swat.
"Okay, we're girlfriends then." She says with a broad smile, bringing her face close to yours to place a gentle kiss at the corner of your mouth. You gently guide her lips to yours to kiss her fully, relishing in the taste of her lipgloss as you inhale deeply through your nose, smelling her vanilla shampoo.
You lean back onto your bed, pulling her down on top of you, cuddling her close. She is more than happy to oblige, curling into your side and nuzzling her face into your neck, placing a gentle kiss there. Your arm is wrapped around her shoulders while your free hand is laced with hers where it rests on your stomach. Her legs twine with yours lazily and you let out a contented sigh.
Your face and knuckles are still throbbing, and you know your lip will scar. However those worries seem small and far away as Enid's warmth seeps into your body. You feel sleep tugging at your mind as you roll over, tucking Enid's head under your chin as you wrap your arms around her. She quickly reciprocates, her arms looping around your waist as she holds you close to her. She's so soft and warm that it's not long before sleep fully takes you.
When you wake up the next morning with Enid still in your arms, you fully realize that it was in fact not a dream.
p.s. I've never kissed anyone before so if it's poorly written that's why 💀
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infectiouspiss · 7 months
sorry i’m on a vampire bender today so here’s my tags about tiny toothed vampire gerard from this post because looking back at them they slap hard
#OH NO SHES PATHETIC #SHE WOULD NEED TO CARRY A LITTLE KNIFE TO STAB INTO YOUR NECK SO SHE COULD DRINK #that's . much more erotic hold on #getting cornered in an alley by a vampire and you're like oh fuck i'm dead' then he takes out a little tiny pocket knife and you're like #the fuck is happening?' #and he's all i won't kill you i promise just hold still° #and you're scared but you kinda trust him #holds you firm but not so tight you can't escape #and carefully pierces your neck with the knife whispering praise bcs now this is sexual #he drinks carefully and slowly #you can hear him moaning because you taste good #he stops after a while to ask how you're doing and you tell him he can drink some more #your legs start going weak and he stops drinking and lowers you to the floor #he sits with you until you're able to speak again and you ask why he didn't kill you #he doesn't say anything he just pulls you closer and holds you #he pulls out a little first aid kit and patches you up his mouth open as he concentrates #you see his teeth are teeny tiny and you realise this vampire would starve without that knife #you feel sorry for him. he can't feed normally #he almost needs consent to feed . maybe that's why he was moaning maybe he hadn't eaten in a long time #there's no fancy vampire juice in your neck. no anti-coagulant. no anaesthetic. he was gentle the whole time #because he knew you'd feel everything . he was kind #eventually the sky starts to get lighter. he's been holding you for hours now. just making sure you're alive #he pulls out a phone and calls an ambulance. just to make sure you're going to be okay #you ask for his name. gerard. and his number. y know .. just in case #just in case of what?' he asks #in case you get hungry again' #sorry i uh. i like vampires
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ja3yun · 24 days
okay i woke up an hour ago but GOD BE DAMNNED i won’t give you the best reactions or as much as i can of them BUT AH OKAY HERE WE GO
“All you get from Heeseung is knowing stares and a sly smile plastered on his face.” now me kinda needs evil!heeseung 🧌🧌🧌🧌 LIKE JUST IMAGINE man🫠 i shouldn’t imGine..
im gonna be so sad abt yn and jaeyun 😭 (ive been feeling emotional abt jake lately too and hearing well reading this makes me sad helpp but anyway jaeyun doll is mine)
naur ure so stupid yn 😭 what r u doing in his room
“His room is dull, his curtains remaining shut despite the summer weather outside. Come to think of it, you haven’t ever seen him sit out the front with the others, only ever being in their presence when he has to be.” A VAMPIRE ?
😥😥soonyeol barely in this fic and idk she gives me the ick is it bad lmaoo
🧌 now . angels and demons . ? I WAS EXPECTING SOMETHING THAT SAYS BEYONCE U HAD ME FOOOOLEEED (im not disappointed i just thought u were inventing some new supernatural creature out there by how u were saying we were nothing of sort close)
JAEYUN AN ANGEL SO RIGHTT hes so 🥹😭🥹😭🥹 woah . let me get a grip (ill steal jaeyun doll)
“If Jaeyun was an evil spirit, that would have destroyed any perception you had of him,” that would’ve been fun 😭💀 HELP
wait . guardian angel . they feel a connection. jake was supposed to be her guardian angel . mystery solved.
SUNGHOON DEMON OMG OK “Honestly, you should have known, he fucks you like he was part of the incubus club” real ! we need more sunghoon!tdh now i have barely seen anything of that !! (jk)
Heeseung flashing eyes ermm AJ did u write heeseung with crowley in mind 🤣
aw jay is a guardian angel too :( or was 🧌
wait but if hes a guardian angel why he called hell 😥 oh for fuck sake why is everything ABOUT THIS SONNY BITCH
(can i pls have a jaeyun!guardian angel fic now bc 🥲🥲 im deprived)
oh god yn how can u be horny when u found out all of this odlwlfkwlf
“Don’t you see it? How you took Soonyeol’s place so easily, falling into her role like you were born to be ours, like we were made for you.” i mean that was kinda the plot yn had to take over bc she was looking for someone to take care of yall its ur fault u guys got exposed 🕴️
“Are you going to fuck a Prince from Hell?” girl if he was heeseung me too get on with it !
NO BUT JAEYUN URE NOT RUINING JAEYUN FOR ME MF !!! i am so serious give me doll jaeyun rn wtf
"I am your God now." im sat 🧎🏻‍♀️
This might only be for tonight but he will try and make it last an eternity. oh🤣OH CMON lets just kill the sonny bitch
“I’d love to rip that soul from your body and stuff you in a doll suit so I can fuck you forever.” is this foreshadowing 🧌😥
“look at you baptising me” IM SORRY I SNORTED 😭😭😭😭
“Say the word and she's gone, baby," WELL PERSONALLY . im saying the word . please . please . please give me doll jaeyun
I KNEW IT JAKSKDLALD I KNEW IT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YN GUARDING DMKSCKLWKFLE JAEYUN SOULMATE SMSKSL i hope u know u implemented smth in my mind rn and im gonna expect a soulmate!jake epilogue or smth 🧌🥲
okay i love the ending but i still think we should kill the bitch and have yn go back !
ok seriously this was REALLY AMAZING SJSKD im so happy 😭😭😭😭 my jaeyun 😭😭😭😭 i was in a heeseung brainrot which quickly changed to jaeyun im so serious i need myself jaeyun doll will u give him to me plz 👉🏻👈🏻
OKAY AJ ! YOU OUTDID AGAIN !! im really serious when i say that this whole fic was really REALLY amazing !! 🙂‍↕️ i loved it and i don’t usually read like supernatural fics unless its a vampire one SO reading this was like a new door opening to me too 🧌
SKDKD ANYWAY SLAY ! jake endgame 🩷🩷🩷☺️☺️☺️🩷☺️ i love a jake endgame . please epilogue with jake!soulmate endgame 🫶🏻🩷🎀
soonyeol still giving you the ick 😭 i even tried to make her nice sjdhkashd
if i had the mental capacity, it would have written og demons or whatever but the research i was doing let me just tell you, there is a demon and angel for everything like literally everything so it was so difficult
when you mentioned cain it had me sweating! (also yes i was thinking about crowley bc you know thats my man and i love him 😘)
the amount of people that love the 'baptising me' dialogue is so funny bc i was wondering if it was too cringy but personally i find it hot idk
baby ilysm for enjoying this series with me! i can grant you the jake doll but you'll have competition so just be aware (i'll start manufacturing them) <3
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briebysabs · 2 years
Hello everyone I would like to rant on how Vanitas and mostly Noé, deal with their trauma. Why? Because it correlates with my fic and I find it VERY interesting.
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Let me start with Noé bc he’s kinda the main reason I’m writing this. Then Vani will weave his way into it as well. I feel like us as an audience tend to see Vanitas notably as the one that has issues. He has more skeletons in the closet and is definitely more flawed. But when talking about Noé’s character as I have attempted several times in my theories. You realize that his inner turmoil and fear goes deeper than Louis’ death.
Noé has gone through shit. There are a series of things we need to remember before the big tragedy even happens.
1. Noé is an orphan
2. He was adopted by a human elderly couple that passed not long after.
3. He was kidnapped and was on the black market for an unspecified period of time before Teacher bought him.
May I remind you, Noé doesn’t tell Vanitas any of this. Or Louis dying. Domi told Vanitas that his partner is an orphan. Mikhail is the one who tells Vani who Louis even was and how he died in front of Noé.
Think about it. Vanitas is secretive but Noé isn’t sharing a lot either. Hell, Vanitas knew Noé was an Archiviste by I believe from Nox, Count Orlok’s personal guard. Do you notice a pattern here? All the information Vanitas gains about Noé is coming from other people. Why is that?
Well let’s put a pin in this and return to it later. We find out how his grandparents found him, their death and him being kidnapped. All of it is mentioned as like a passing comment. Obviously he’s a child and doesn’t fully understand what’s happening. We don’t know what happened to his eye either. He doesn’t share that with anyone.
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But we see he misses them dearly. But he never mentions or thinks about them in present day. At least we haven’t seen that.
Despite the impact they’ve had on his life and why he cares for humans just as much as vampires.
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So you’re probably like girl, what are you getting at here? Well I’m going to let this clip speak for my entire point and elaborate from that. Because this is the perfect example/representation of what I’m talking about.
I am also adding this panel bc of it ties back to what we put a pin on and I’ll soon come back to in a moment. But keep this in mind. This is Noé’s final thought that was cut from the anime.
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My first bullet point: Noé represses his trauma. This is what differentiates him from Vanitas. Bc instead of pushing it away, Vanitas lets his consume him which is what dictates a lot of the actions he makes. Noé swallows a lot of shit down. That’s why there are several moments he has this sharp outburst of anger. He doesn’t want to confront his past but they affect who he is. That’s why he clings to optimism (looking to the future) bc that’s what keeps him going.
Besides the Book, it’s the other main reason he latched onto Vanitas to begin with. Because he gave Noé that hope.....which is why I’m afraid of the Noé writing these memoirs but that’s a whole other topic.
And here is where the pin comes loose. Noé’s biggest fear is yes, losing the people around him but also himself. Noé is terrified of himself. I won’t necessarily call it self-hatred (though it inevitably kinda boils down to that)
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He’s afraid of his appearance seen while fighting Vanitas, he’s afraid of his strength which is why he holds back a lot or underestimates his enemy. He’s afraid of his Archiviste abilities, he’s afraid of how he felt relieved to be alive after Louis’ death.
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He’s afraid he’ll never understand this world despite finding the good in it. And he keeps pushing it all down and I just wanna hug him because THIS IS NOT HEALTHY.
FYI this method of coping with your problems or trauma is a recipe for disaster. This is what breaks people. At least from personal experience of what I’ve seen. Eventually, a straw is going to break the camel’s back. Because you can’t stay silent forever, you can’t run away forever and man this has turned into a therapy session 🥲
Bro I barely focused on Vanitas. I’ll make a separate thread about him one day. Needless to say, I am incredibly excited for what Lady Archiviste has in store for us and if it’s a Noé centric arc addressing what’s in this ramble LETS FUCKING GO
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iwtvdramacd18 · 7 months
How are youu 🫧 What is like your favorite scene(s) from the show? What part of the show made you be like 'yeah I'll dedicate a portion of my life to this' ...like what hooked you? 😊 Hope you're well 🩵🩵🩵🫧🫧
Ok I gotta think about fav scenes overall later bc there's so much to go through and I have to rewatch soon anyway BUT in terms of when I knew I was hooked it kinda came in stages...
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when he did this little chuckle here that's when I first felt chills and truly that's the moment I got hooked but I wasn't ready to admit it to myself yet.
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Then the Lestat intro scene I was like waaaaaait are they actually committing to him being a piece of shit like we aren't playing games here and then. and THEN the fucking white black cinnamon I had to pause the show and like wheeze violently.
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PAULLLLL I LOVE PAULLLL I talked about Lestat in this scene already but Paul was the other half that made this scene and also a sizable part of my enjoyment in the pilot as well
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the way he just went in on those paw pads like he was HUNGRY for them
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"You ain't gonna do it! You ain't gonna do it!" It's sooooo important to me that they showed the whole family in a scene of happiness and joy and especially that we see Paul being able to smile and dance and be happy too
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I was crying laughing at this I'm ngl
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And then I cried for reallllllll
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Ready for wedding vows <3. but also I love how unapologetically feral this introduction to vampirism is like its interesting to compare this and the other kills in the season and then the finale returning to this level
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There's like this very intense sadness with how he describes the sound of Lestat's heart and his. Like he's describing a death... Louis says SO many things he doesn't actually mean and it's what makes his character so incredible the fact you really have to look past a lot of what he's physically saying to get at the meat of the meanings of his words behind them and once this scene started I was like ok FINE I GUESS I LIKE IT A LOT.....
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annyankers · 2 years
TOP SECRET first chapter of the dangerous/savvy spuffy fic bc i need thoughts on how to progress.
basically need to get us from here to fool for love. have been considering a pit stop in out of my mind bc the fight would be interesting in this universe and you know the Revelation. would involve more with joyce's stuff and maybe a visiting neurosurgeon who gets kidnapped instead the Riley Stuff bc the kindest thing i can do for riley atm is just not draw him.
feel free to gimme thoughts in replies/answers/dms idk whatever works for you!
(chapter under the cut. barest editing has been done)
If there was something Buffy had learned over the years of her being the Slayer it was that the minds of vampires were alien compared to humans, but unlike other demons they weren’t totally incomprehensible. She’d spent enough time around them — hell she’d even dated one— to see that there was a logic and it was one you could follow and understand to what they did. And that understanding was part of the silent agreement she’d had with Spike since last year.
Chip or no Spike was dangerous and once they’d learned more about the Initiative and learned he could hurt demons she should have killed him. That was the responsible slayer thing to do. But she didn’t because she knew Spike well enough to know what his interests and goals were. He wanted the chip out before he left Sunnydale because out in the world there absolutely humans who could take out a vampire, like hunters and necromancers. He couldn’t rely on minions and his reputation for his own personal protection forever, eventually one would turn on him or fail. He stuck with Buffy’s side because he knew that of the two of them she was the one more likely to get access to the kinda people who could do brain surgery. Also he knew that if he left to go and explore his options elsewhere she’d have Willow track him down and Buffy would stake her himself before he was halfway to LA.
Spike was her responsibility and it was her job to balance keeping him on a tight leash and letting him loose to blow off some steam.
Her break up with Riley last year had been well timed (and embarrassingly prompted by Spike knocking sense into her. She hadn’t even wanted to date Riley in the first place! Why had she gone with it!?) things hadn’t gotten so serious that it was painful or messy and they were still in contact in that “we’re in the same business” kinda way. Likely in Spike’s mind with a bit of time and buttering up they could get the chip out which hey, probably had a point there. She idly considered it again, if that was a route she should take, but opted once again to leave it in limbo for now. Right now the pressing issue in her mind was that Dracula was in town and wanted to get chummy. She’d already had a Scooby meeting with the gang over what they knew about him but now it was time for her to hit up her other well of knowledge.
The Scoobies weren’t exactly privy to the depth of her and Spike’s agreement, how much she actually talked to him and how much weight she put on his opinion. Spike didn’t get to where he was as a Big Name Vampire by being stupid or bad at vampiring. She liked to pick his brain on all kinds of things, there was only so much of it she actually put stock into of course. He might be technically her ally but they both knew he was the de facto Big Bad of Sunnydale since there wasn’t anyone else around currently who could actually wrangle anyone around here. Kinda made her miss the mayor sometimes, at least he put civic works on his list of evil schemes.
As it stood she was pretty sure the only person who got that she and Spike were the two biggest fish in town and that they acted like it was Giles, who took whatever info she relayed without always naming her source with a kind of knowing silence.
She barged into his Crypt, Spike looked up from where he’d been watching TV.
He raised a brow at her. “Yeah Slayer? Need something? Kinda busy here.”
She didn’t waste her breath. “So it looks like Drac’s in town and he’s looking to get a bite of Buffy Pie. You know anything about him?”
Suddenly Spike was interested. “He owes me 11 pounds for starters.”
Buffy’s eyebrows shot up. “Dracula owes you money?”
“Yeah.” Spike lit a cigarette. “Fucker.”
“So you know Dracula?”
“Yuuup. We're old rivals. But then he got famous, forgot all about his foes. I'll tell you what. That glory hound's done more harm to vampires than any Slayer. His story gets out, and suddenly everybody knows how to kill us.”
“Okay so what can you tell me about him? He’s got like, wizard powers I know that, he kept poofing when I tried to stake him.”
Spike waved a hand dismissively. “Low level parlor tricks he learned from the Rromani. The real threat’s his thrall. Bloody powerful.”
“Noted. Any ideas on where to find him so I can make him poof permanently?”
Spike raised a brow at her.
“He’s here for you pet, isn’t that what you said? You don’t have to worry about looking for him. He’ll come to you. And he’ll keep coming until he gets what he wants which I’m guessing is you as part of his ridiculous harem.”
Buffy groaned. “ Gross. Well do you have any anti-thrall tips?”
Spike got up, turning off the tv and going over to where he’d thrown his coat.
“None I’d be willing to share with you but I’ve got a better idea anyway. We head back to yours, you go about the end of your night as normal and when Drac comes to ply his cheap seduction I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.”
“Oh you are now?”
“Damn right. First off— I want my money. Second— it’s an insult to my reputation that he thinks that he can come into my territory and go after my prey. Like I can fucking let this shit stand—”
He walked right past her to the door and she followed, half amused. She probably should be offended by him calling her “his prey” but she got what he was saying. This was his town as much as it was hers, he was the head black hat around here and if anyone should be getting the slayer murdering trophy here it was him not some tourist who cropped up on the hellmouth just to get an “I killed the slayer and made her my vampiric consort” t-shirt. Buffy was with him there— well not that Spike had murdering her rights, but that there was no way she was gonna let some out of town vamp make a mess out of her perfectly nice hellmouth for his own fun.
Which is how she found herself in the deeply weird position of now trying to fall asleep while Spike sat in her chair.
“Is this really necessary?”
“Oh yeah. You’re his target. He’ll be through that window by the end of the night mark my words and when he does I’ll be there to rip his poncy head off for disrespecting me again.”
Buffy rolled her eyes and flopped back into her bed trying to get comfortable and ignore Spike’s presence in her room and get some sleep. Or at least be less suspicious bait.
The thing was that last time she’d been this serious about dealing with a vamp it’d been Spike last year. He’d chased her around Sunnydale like the freaking terminator with his stupid anti-vampire damage decoder ring. A ring which she was keeping safe in this very room. For a brief moment when they’d all been looking at it on Giles’ coffee table she thought about giving it to Angel but then she remembered Angelus and the thought died. She wasn’t thrilled with Angel and how that relationship had ended but if he ever lost his soul again while he had a ring that made him indestructible it would be a nightmare. She’d give it back to Spike before she let that happen. She didn’t know how the whole chip situation would react to the ring and honestly she didn’t want to find out. She hoped Spike wasn’t much for snooping.
Somehow eventually, maybe from the sheer power of boredom, Buffy fell into a half doze only to startle awake what felt like a minute later.
There were now two weirdly dressed vampires in her room. Spike and Dracula who he was blocking from getting to her.
“Hey Drac. Funny seeing you here after all these years. Come to pay me back those 11 pounds?”
“Spike. Why are you of all vampires in a Slayer’s bedroom? I didn’t think you had sunken to killing your prey in their sleep.”
Oh shit he did know Dracula. Wow.
“Oh come off it. I’d never.” She could hear the smirk in his voice. “It’s just that this one’s mine and I couldn’t help but notice you coming into my town to try and steal my fun. I’m the Slayer of Slayers mate. You’re a kid’s birthday magician.”
“Mind your tongue!” Dracula scowled looking from Spike to Buffy and back. “If she is your prey then why is it that you can enter her home and she is not yet dead?”
Spike’s smirk turned to a grin. “Cause half the reason I like goin’ after Slayers is I like the fight and this one’s got lots of it. No fun killin’ her just yet when there’s plenty of good fight to be had, though I’ll admit after getting a taste I reconsidered on that one.”
Dracula’s eyes bored into Buffy until Spike moved between them again, likely to protect her from his thrall.
“Course. Nearly took out her jugular last year. Fuckin’ ambrosia. Been a tic since the last Slayer I ate but she’s even sweeter than I remembered.”
There was a hungry look now in Dracula’s face. “You have tasted her?”
“I have. And I will again. Only vampire who will. Slayer’s out of your league. Their blood’s top shelf and not for overdramatic twits like you— it’s something you ought to earn, the taste is.” Spike put a hand on Dracula’s chest. “ Well that’s for me to know and for you to never find out mate.”
Dracula’s eyes burned as they snapped to Spike. “You dare to touch me?”
“Fuck yes I dare.” She could hear the crunch of Spike’s bones. “And I’ll do more than that two you overrated sideshow. Fuck off back to Transylvania this Slayer is mine.”
“You are not worthy of being her equal. To teach her of her own darkness.”
That seemed to set something off in Spike and his hand on Dracula’s chest became a fist, twisting into his blouse. His other one was balling into a fist as well, getting ready to sock him.
“I’ll say it again one more time. The only one who makes her neck their chalice is me. Fork over the cash and fuck off back to your Eastern European shithole of a castle.”
Dracula looked scowling from Spike to Buffy who was now wielding a stake from under her pillow. She wiggled it as she quirked a brow.
“This is not over.” He spat.
“Yeah I think it is.” Spike drawled.
Then poof! Dracula was all misty and floating out her window.
“That’s all the big name Dracula time I get? That was anti-climatic.” Buffy griped.
“Yeah and if it had been climatic your furniture would’ve been the first casualty.” Spike said as he plopped down onto her bed.
“Never mind. Anti-climatic good.”
Spike snorted. His face was still demonic, yellow eyes glinting at her from the shadows of a bone white head. It didn’t send chills down her spine like it did even just a year ago but it didn’t put at her ease either. She’d listened to everything Spike said and knew that while, yeah sure, it was posturing he meant what he said. One day their truce would be done and one of them would end up dead. Spike had a vested interest in keeping other vamps off her in situations like this because he wanted first, middle and last crack at her. Buffy dropped her stake back onto the bed.
“Didn’t even give me my money before he scarpered.”
“And that really is the worst part of his visit to turn me into his vampire harem ho.”
Spike nodded. “Thank you for recognizing that.”
Buffy rolled her eyes. “Okay I’m gonna try and get some actual sleep now.”
“Right I’m going to stay here a bit, make sure he doesn’t think he can circle back after I’m gone and get in a quick thrall.”
“In the room or the house in general?”
“I’d just say the house but with our luck I leave to watch a bit of telly and he’ll be in here the second I close the door.”
“Yeah true. Sounds about right for my luck.”
“You look for his posh mansion or whatever he’s got in the morning and I’ll get some minions tomorrow night to do a bit of tracking on our end.”
Spike got up and purused her bookshelf before pulling one off, she couldn’t really see what he’d picked in the gloom. He sat down again and cracked open the book, settling in to read. Spike didn’t really keep minions in the traditional sense, but he did consider any vampire living in Sunnydale to have tacitly agreed to being his minion by the sheer fact they lived here and he wasn’t afraid to bully them into doing his shit work.
“Right.” Buffy flopped back down into her bed. “Night for real this time I guess.”
“Yeah, sweet dreams Slayer.”
Honestly the whole Dracula thing ended up being kind of a let down. The most interesting part really had been Spike’s stand off with him. It had real soap opera vibes compared to the low budget d-movie vibes raiding his mansion had had. Guess that’s how it always is when you meet a celebrity. They just never held up to the hype.
The thing that was really worrying her was her “hunting” as Dracula called it. Which was— yeah. That’s what it was.
It seemed like every year she got a little more Slayery but something about whatever they did with that spell during the last apocalypse had kicked it into overdrive. She felt wild sometimes, primal. Like all her hungers were just More now. Sometimes she almost felt out of control while also completely in control. Like she was the calm and the storm. It made no sense at all. She’d talked to Giles about starting up her training again. If that spell, the dreams after and her new found urges taught her anything it was that she didn’t know enough about what she even was. What really was the Slayer? How was she made? Who did it? What was she at the end of the day? Human? Half something else? Human plus a spell? What did that mean for her? Did it even matter?
Frankly it was a whole can of worms she’d been actively trying to avoid since she’d found out about Kendra being called. How was she still the slayer if the slayer juice or whatever had moved on? How’d it work? What were they? She didn’t have any answers. Just the feeling like she was two things in one body pulling in different directions but also the same thing all bound up in itself just like it should be.
Buffy prowled the cemetery looking for prey to take out her endless mental circling on. She came across some vampires and tore into them with ease. Enjoying the burn of working muscle as she decimated them with hard-won skill and natural power. It was over fairly quick but satisfying enough she might actually get some rest now. Then she noticed Spike, leaning against a mausoleum and watching her with that burning stare. She’d sensed him but hadn’t actively noted him, her subconscious or whatever not seeing him as a threat she guessed. A dangerous habit to form.
She walked over and he met her in the middle.
“Times like this I wanna crack my bloody skull open and rip the chip out myself.” Spike’s voice was low and rough, his eye’s burning hungrily. “The things I’d do to you Slayer.”
Everything about that sent a tingle through Buffy that she was pretty sure was left over from her weird slayer hunting urge that was only just dying down.
“Yes, I know Spike. You’ve got lots of wicked bad evil plans to do terrible horrible things to me if you ever get your capacity for human murder back.”
He brushed some of her hair back behind her ear. A power move she steadfastly ignored.
“What’s got you out here in the dead of night Slayer? Isn’t it well past your beddy bye for a night like tonight?”
Buffy shifted and looked to the side. “Couldn’t sleep.”
He grinned slowly. “Not enough blood in your teeth?”
She glared at him. But he ignored it.
“Happens to me sometimes. Don’t get in enough violence in my day and it feels like my skin’s gonna come bursting off. Gotta get in a couple of kills before I can finally tuck in. Rip out some throats and all that. Practically demon nature.” He looked her over with interest. “Suppose it makes sense it’s Slayer nature too. You’re built to hunt us.”
That mollified Buffy a little but she still didn’t really like it. But it brought her back to all the things she’d been thinking and feeling since the spell. He had a point. The only other beings who were close enough to slayers to compare where probably vampires—and humans sure, but humans weren’t all aggro and bloodlusty like she got. She had needs and impulses and instincts no normal humans would ever have, not even getting into the physical stuff like strength. Buffy moved automatically over to the mausoleum that Spike had been leaning on to do so herself and he followed.
“I never used to have an urge for— for hunting— that was this powerful before that spell we did to defeat Adam. Now it’s like— I don’t know like I’m more me.”
“Why I hear it you all tapped into something primal, powerful.”
“The First Slayer.”
Spike’s brows raised. “Oh yeah? And what was she like?”
“Primal. Powerful.” Her lips twitched up in a momentary smile. “She was intense and angry and alone. Practically a force of nature.”
“Well there you go. When you did that spell you brought back out with you a little bit more of what’s at that gooey Slayer core and whatever it is, it’s kin to us demons if your feeling the same kinds of urge that I do.” One again his eyes were full of liquid fire. “Cause it’s not just the urge to kill is it? Or at least it’s an urge that you could get off a couple of ways— fighting, fucking, feeding. The three things vampires love best. I bet when you get that itch that keeps you up at night you go for one of those and it’s the first two that do the job best. Shame you dumped soldier boy last year isn’t it? Then again he probably wouldn’t have been able to keep up.”
It was frankly horrifying how spot on he could get.
She glared at him. “You’re a pig Spike.”
He just grinned and bit his tongue just a little.
“We’re nothing alike okay? Demon, Slayer. Bad, Good. Opposites.”
Spike leaned in, looming over her. His breath cool and tabacco-y against her face.
“You think you know ... what you are ... what's to come? You haven't even begun.” He smiled again and some how it was the same smile as always but completely different. It was like the Spike from junior year was back. “You’re as much a part of the dark as me Slayer. You might bat for the other team but you’re built like me. Believe me, I know.”
A chill ran through her along with electricity. She wanted to slap him and run. She wanted to shake him and make him explain his bullshit. Tell her everything he knew about it if he wanted to act like he knew things.
“You might hunt Slayers for sport or whatever Spike but you don’t know anything about us.”
He leaned back a bit so he could meet her with glittering eyes. “Oh I know more than I think you do dear. Never were much of an academic in your slayer studies were you? Remember, you’re not the first Slayer I’ve hunted.”
She didn’t have much of a comeback to that. She wasn’t much on learning the lore-y end of things and she really didn’t know the extent of what he’d done on the whole Slayer hunting thing. It was entirely possible he did know more about it than she did right now.
“Well Spike this has been fun but I’m heading home now. Have fun with the dregs— if I even left any.”
She flipped her hair as she turned and left. Not the most elegant retreat she’d made but she was pretty sure she thawked him with that so she’d take it. Her existential Crisis could wait until she was training with Giles, for now all she wanted to do was finally enjoy a nice night of sleep with no fears of vampiric creeps sneaking in again.
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agaypanic · 7 months
listen i know that your requests are closed but when they are open again i would like to request a Benny x human reader story where the reader is ether the child of stern or hired by him to gain the trust of Benny by getting close to him before ending him with the lucifractor but after getting to know the wizard the reader starts to fall in love with him and can't go through with the task/mission so as a result Stern tries to kill and attack Benny himself until the reader puts her life on the line and goes to sacrifice her life/give it up for him and after a tough hard supernatural battle and fight the reader with no more energy left closes her eyes nearly dying as she's feeling worn out weak exhausted tired beat up/bloody from her wounds and starts to faint pass out black out or fall down/collapse to the ground until Benny quickly catches her in his arms gently thus preventing her body from hitting the floor before he gets brave and protective of her and uses his magic power to save/shield her in return from the blast
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Killer Love (Benny Weir X Stern!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Life as the vice principal’s daughter isn’t easy, especially when he orders you to get close to a student and his friends to then kill them. But after getting to know Benny, you’re conflicted with feelings of love and orders to kill. Unfortunately, your father doesn’t appreciate you not fulfilling his request and switching sides.
A/N: ive been putting off writing this one for as lon as i could bc it felt so convoluted lmao i don’t remember all the details of the last episode so this is just kinda loosely based on the ending of the show. also reader has vampire sense ig ??
“Y/n. You’re needed in Mr. Stern’s office.” Your teacher announced as she set her phone down. Sighing, you packed your stuff up and headed to the office. You don’t remember misbehaving in any way; you were honestly a stellar student. 
Yet, you were still dreading every step you took until you were standing in front of Vice Principal Stern’s door. You knocked on it, listening for an answer.
“Come in.” A voice from inside beckoned, and you opened the door. “Ah, Y/n, sit.” You shut the door behind you and sat in one of the chairs in the office, Stern doing the same in his own chair. “You’re probably wondering why I called you down here.”
You stayed silent, giving a short nod. The quicker this conversation was over with, the quicker you could go back to class.
“I’m assuming you know Benny Weir? Boy in your grade, always wearing stripes and a satchel, considered a bit of a nerd.” You nodded again. It was hard to miss Benny. You shared a class together, and he seemed pretty outgoing, a stark contrast to his best friend Ethan Morgan. “Well, it seems that Mr. Weir has some abilities that can be seen as a threat to some. And by ‘some’, I mean me.”
“What do you want me to do about it?”
“Watch the tone,” Stern ordered sharply. “I need you to become friends with the little dweeb, all of them for that matter, and make them less of a problem.”
“How do I do that?” You asked, but you knew how. And he knew that you knew, so he didn’t answer. He just tilted his head to the side and gave you an unimpressed look, making you smile slightly. “Is that all?”
“Yup.” You stood and went to the door.
“Bye, Dad.” You said before opening the door.
“Nix on the ‘dad’ business, Y/n.” Stern reprimanded. Luckily, no one was around to hear this conversation. “At school, I’m Vice Principal Stern, and you’re Y/n L/n. No relation.”
“Got it.”
Getting to Benny was easy. He was in your last class of the day, and he didn’t have any of his friends with him. Your teacher didn’t feel the need to assign seats, so you quickly slipped into the one next to him before someone else could take it.
“Hey there.” You smiled, resting your head in your hand as you looked up at the boy. He looked a bit startled by your presence, but seemed to welcome it. “Benny, right?”
“Yeah…” He said, a bit confused as to why you were talking to him.
“I’m Y/n.” You put out a hand for him to shake, which he did. “You don’t mind me sitting here, right?”
“No, um… No, I don’t mind.” He said softly, mirroring you by leaning his head on his hand.
“Great. I just wanted a…” You looked him up and down, smile turning shy. Maybe if you ever left Whitechapel, you could become an actress. “Change of scenery.”
Benny laughed with a bit of an airheaded grin, and you knew that he was slowly falling into the little trap you were setting.
For the next three weeks, you sat next to Benny in class. Being in the very back, you would have quiet but enthusiastic conversations. You felt a bit bad for your reasons behind talking to him in the first place; he seemed like a very genuine and funny guy. But whenever your dad asked about the progress you were making with Benny, you didn’t dare to tell him about you starting to actually like being around him.
“So, I was wondering…” Benny trailed off, playing around with his pen instead of using it to write notes. Luckily, you were good at copying the teacher’s writing while keeping up with Benny. You nodded, showing him you were paying attention and urging him to continue. “Do you wanna maybe hang out sometime? Like, outside of school.”
This was what you were waiting for. Talking in class could only get you so far. 
“Yeah! What did you have in mind?” Benny perked up at your answer, straightening up in his seat.
“Well, me and my friends are having a little hang-out thing tomorrow.” This was even better. Your father wanted you to infiltrate Benny’s friend group, not just get close to Benny. “I think you’d like my friends; they’re pretty cool.”
“I’d like that.” You smiled, tilting your head to the side. “Maybe we should exchange numbers? For details and stuff.”
Benny took out his phone at almost lightning speed, giving it to you to put in your number. Deciding to test the waters, you put a heart next to your name when making your contact. You sent a message to yourself before handing the phone back to Benny. When you responded from your own phone, Benny looked down at the notification and grinned at your name.
“I’ll text you the details.” He said as the school bell rang.
Getting permission from your father to go to Ethan’s house was easy. It was sad to say, but he didn’t exactly care about your whereabouts or well-being unless you were benefiting him. But you tried not to think about that as you got ready.
You caught yourself fixating on your appearance, which was a bit strange. For some reason, you wanted to look good when you showed up. You wanted to be noticed.
The walk to Ethan’s house was quick, thankfully. But as soon as you got to the door, you were overcome with nervousness. You don’t know why. But when the door opened, and you saw the person behind it, you had a small realization as to why.
“Hey, Y/n!” Benny greeted you enthusiastically, stepping aside to let you in the house. “You look great.” A sense of pride washed over you at the fact that he noticed you and the effort in your appearance.
You were the last to arrive; the little party seemed to have already started. Two boys were sitting in the living room playing a video game while two girls were talking in the kitchen, which was filled with different junk foods. Benny took you to the kitchen first.
“Guys, this is Y/n, the girl I was telling you about.” Your heart quickened at that. It made sense that he told his friends about you, but it still made you feel giddy. “Y/n, this is Erica and Sarah.”
“Hey!” Sarah held out her hand for you to shake, giving you a warm smile. “Benny’s told us a lot about you.” You giggled before stiffening slightly when you shook Sarah’s hand. You hoped she didn’t notice.
“All good things, I hope.” You glanced at Erica, who gave you the same weird feeling that Sarah had given you. 
Either your father didn’t know, or he didn’t care to tell you that Benny’s friends that he wanted you to ‘take care of’ were vampires.
You and Benny grabbed some food from the kitchen island before he guided you over to the living room. He sat you in one of the chairs and, instead of moving to any of the other available seats, sat on the armrest of your chair. He waited until the game on the TV was paused to speak.
“Y/n, this is Ethan and Rory.” Ethan waved before leaving to get some food. Rory stood up and walked over to you.
“Hey, hottie.” He smiled at you. You laughed your way through the weird feeling you got, realizing that Rory was also a vampire. Benny jokingly pushed Rory away from you, but you missed the slight glare he gave Rory. The blonde boy raised his hands in defense, and Benny subtly shifted closer to you.
The night went by in a flash. Despite everything your father had told you about vampires and how they were evil creatures that needed to be destroyed, you had a really fun time. You warmed up to the group, and you hoped you were right to assume that they took a liking to you as well. Having Benny practically glued to your side was also a plus.
If only you had a different family. One that wasn’t hellbent on gaining power and destroying an entire species. Maybe then you wouldn’t have this terrible feeling brewing inside you when being around Benny and his friends.
“It’s getting late, I think I should go.” You sighed as you looked at the time, not really wanting to leave. “I had a really great time. Thanks for having me.”
Everyone bid you goodbye, also disappointed that you had to go. Benny walked you to the door, stopping you before you opened it.
“Can I, uh…” He seemed nervous. “Can I walk you home? Since it’s so late and all.”
You didn’t want him to. You wanted to say no. He shouldn’t have to go out of his way for you; it made you feel guilty. Especially since liking him was supposed to be an act.
But you really wanted to say yes.
Somewhat hesitantly, you nodded, and Benny raced to get his jacket. He told his friends he would be back soon, and you were soon out the door.
It felt like something shifted as Benny walked you home. You were starting to realize why. Maybe you liking Benny wasn’t fake or pretend, and maybe your liking wasn’t in an entirely platonic way. This never happened to you before; you didn’t know what to do.
“I think I’m falling for you.” That was probably not the right thing to do, but it just spilled out. Benny was taken aback, looking down at you surprised.
“Yeah…” You quickly wished that you hadn’t said anything. But then Benny grabbed your hand, giving it a squeeze. 
Soon enough, maybe too soon for your liking, you reached your house. You sighed, not wanting to go inside.
“Thanks for walking me home.” You said, hand slipping out of Benny’s grip. 
“No problem.” Benny watched you reach out for the doorknob, and he knew that if he didn’t do the thing he wanted to do now, he’d never get the courage to do it. “Hey, Y/n?”
You hummed, turning around only for Benny to gently pull you close to him and kiss you. You don’t know what startled you more, the affection he gave you or the electricity that shot up your spine from his touch.
Benny shouldn’t have kissed you. It would just make everything worse, harder.
But it felt so good.
A week passed, and you had gotten closer to Benny than you had ever imagined you would have. He made you feel wanted and warm and loved. It made you a bit sad, because this wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to like Benny, especially not like this. But you couldn’t help it.
Your father was growing impatient. He soon realized that you weren’t going to take care of your new friends in the way that he wanted. And it turns out that Ethan and Benny had found his precious Lucifractor, an artifact that could drain dark energy and destroy vampires. So he decided to speed up his plan to take out the vampires in Whitechapel.
You couldn’t just stand by and let it happen. When your father left the house, you raced to Ethan’s, telling your friends to meet you there because it was an emergency. You wished you were being overdramatic when you told them it was a matter of life or death.
“Y/n, what’s going on? What’s wrong?” Benny asked, concerned, as you barged into the house. It seemed that everyone except Ethan was in his house.
“I have to tell you guys something.” You said, trying to catch your breath. “And I really hope you guys don’t get mad, but to be honest, it’d be weird if you didn’t get mad, but-”
“Stern’s evil!” Ethan barged into the room, looking frantic. “He’s an evil wizard that’s gonna try to wipe out all the vampires in Whitechapel. We gotta stop him!” Ethan looked at you, suddenly realizing that you probably weren’t clued in on the supernatural happenings in town. He started speaking in a gentle tone. “Y/n, this is gonna sound crazy, but it’s true. Vampires are real.”
“I know.” You murmured.
“Wizards are real.”
“I know.”
“And Vice Principal Stern is an evil-”
“I know!” You shouted, sick of Ethan treating you like you didn’t know any of this stuff. But to be fair, you shouldn’t have known any of it. “I know all of that.”
“How do you know?” Benny asked. Everyone looked at you curiously, and you suddenly wished you hadn’t said anything.
“...Vice Principal Stern is my dad.” You whispered, but they heard you loud and clear. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop on the carpet. Your breath became shaky, and your eyes started tearing up, but you refused to break your composure. “He made me get close to you, to stop you from getting in his way. But I couldn’t go through with it.” You looked at Benny, and everyone realized why you couldn’t follow your father’s orders. “And I was gonna tell you all, but Ethan pretty much beat me to it. But you have to hurry. He’s on his way to take out the Vampire Counsel right now. After that, it’s the rest of the vampires in Whitechapel.”
Hearing that information, everyone started to scramble to leave. You could tell that they were feeling conflicted with you. You were on their side, but you didn’t start out that way. Benny was the last to leave the house, and he gave you a look that held so many conflicted emotions. But then he closed the door behind you.
Now alone, you didn’t feel the need to stop your tears from falling. You felt horrible, like a monster. You should’ve told them sooner; at least then they’d have more time to prepare. 
You couldn’t let them fight alone. You didn’t know if they hated you now, but you owed it to them to at least try to help.
It was like a battlefield when you finally arrived. Your friends ran around the large room, avoiding the blasts your father threw at them using the Lucifractor. They all hid behind objects and furniture.
Except for Benny, who was crouched in plain sight, looking for a spell in his spellbook. And your father noticed him, a sick grin on his face as he focused on Benny.
One second, Benny was looking through his book. The next, you tackled him to the ground, the energy blast just barely missing you.
“What are you doing here?” Benny hissed, and you couldn’t tell if it was in anger or something else.
“I couldn’t just let you guys fight him alone.” You got off of Benny, slowly crawling away.
“Wait, Y/n, where are you going?” Benny reached out for you, but you had already run off. 
Somehow, your father hadn’t noticed your movements, which made it easier for you to sneak up behind him. You grabbed a candlestick from the ground and struck him in the head. He yelped in pain, and you moved to stand in front of him, stepping back as you held eye contact.
“Y/n?” Your father looked confused, then angry. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
You caught a glimpse of Ethan sneaking up on your father. You decided to try to keep him distracted, helping Ethan as much as you could.
“You don’t have to do this, Dad.” You said, although you knew it was pointless. 
“So you’re on their side?” He hissed, and you nodded. “You’re not my daughter… You’re a traitor!” He sent a blast from the Lucifractor at you, and you were tackled out of the way. “You little-” Ethan grabbed your father’s shoulder, cutting him off. But you became more focused on Benny, who was lying on top of you, breathing heavily.
“You know, I really liked you.” He said, and you could sense how hurt he was.
“Benny, my feelings for you were real.” You said softly. “How I feel about you is real; I could never fake that, I swear.”
The staring contest between you was silent but emotional. Both of you wanted to break down, rambling apologies and acceptance of them, but this wasn’t the time. So you hoped that your silent conversation would suffice until you could get out of here.
“We gotta go!” Ethan yelled, catching everyone’s attention. Benny stood up, pulling you up with him, and you all started running.
“Ethan, what’s happening?” You asked, glancing behind you to see your father focusing on the Lucifractor.
“He’s gonna try to absorb the Lucifractor’s power.”
“He’ll die! And we’ll die with him.” You and your friends were barely out the door of the council room, but still deep inside the building. “We’re not gonna make it.”
Everyone stopped running and looked at each other. This couldn’t have been the end. That wouldn’t be fair.
The blast from your father trying to absorb the Lucifractor’s powers was coming fast. You all huddled together, internally preparing for your demise. You squeezed your eyes shut and latched onto Benny, waiting to be taken out.
But it didn’t happen.
Just before the blast could touch you, Benny summoned a forcefield around you and the group. It took all of his strength, but Benny kept the protective barrier up until he was absolutely sure that the danger had passed. 
When he extinguished the forcefield, everyone let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding. For the second time that day, you started to tear up. Benny, hearing your quiet sobs, wrapped you up in his arms and let you cry into his shoulder. You had never been overcome by so many emotions before; you didn’t know how to handle it. But Benny kept you close to him, whispering little ‘you’re okay’s and ‘I got you’s while stroking your hair. You don’t know what you did to deserve someone like Benny, but whatever it was, you’d do it a hundred times to keep him.
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
genuinely curious! can you explain why you think sam and darlin’s personality got nuked? thanks!
Thank you for the ask!
I don't know how to order this so it may end up being a little word soupy, and a lot of this may be repetitive and reminiscent of things ive said before.
TLDR; The amount of fluff that has been inserted into their story line did not and has not provided optimal chance to display uniqueness of their personalities because a lot of Erik’s fluff is generic comfort content. Cuddling, sleep aids, along with some Spicy audios here or there doesn’t provide enough room for personalization to differentiate them from other characters. Plus both of them seeming pretty OOC in some parts of these most recent videos. You gotta Put Those Guys in Situations, ones in which their personalities have more room to bloom.
word soup below the cut
I think the basis of their personalities in the beginning are actually really good. I find them towards the beginning to be interesting and complex, but as the "story" went along i feel like they lost of what made them interesting in the first place.
Sam was this distant member of the Solaire clan who knew healing magic, southern cowboy with the typical southern sass and stubbornness. Darlin started out as very mysterious, very stubborn also, estranged lone wolf searching for an old blood vampire who hurt a human friend of theirs, and what do ya know! It's the same vampire that attacked Fred and Bright, Sam's progeny, they're intertwined in this really wild way. We start uncovering a little bit about them, Sam's turning, more about Darlin's history all that. And for a slow burn romance, their relationship moves forward really fast, which in itself isn't the worst thing in the world! That's chill, they're bonding over shit.
But the whole meeting thing, the reason they really bonded in the first place, is Quinn. And we saw what happened with him, pushed aside, solved as an afterthought. Like, Darlin's stubbornness was written away very quickly (which i've complained about a lot here, the whole "friendship heals all" speeches and all) as well as Sam's own stubbornness and sass. The way that they were done makes it seems like it's because they got in a relationship, but your personality doesn't tone down when you get in a relationship. You don't stop being so sassy or stubborn bc of a relationship, and if you do it doesn't happen that quickly. Nor does it happen because of other people ranting to you.
A major part of the reason it comes off that way is because of the amount of fluff that was inserted into their story. Which isn't in itself a bad thing, but redacted's fluff tends to be stereotypical comfort content, which gets a little.... formulaic and repetitive. It's not that it's bad, but its all his fluff is very much the same, just with different characters. And when you write the same thing over and over with very little changes, you kinda erase a lot of what makes these character's unique.
Like idk, i feel there's ways to make fluffy content that shows off a character's personality. I think Vincent's recent date video and Gavin's recent studying video are really good examples! They had so much personality in those videos! And there were ways to do this with Sam and Darlin, and honestly the Quinn arc ending like this was a major missed opportunity to show off their characters even if it's not necessarily fluff content.
Idk, i really hope this makes sense?? I'm sorry if this is incomprehensible word soup, but if you go look in my pinned at the sam and darlin links you should find more of what i've said about them.
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chocoenvy · 2 years
After rereading some of ur works I wonder how would Mari from the council of gods au world react to visiting the god in the darling x tsaritsa x reader world... I can think of it going like
Mari: Ok we're gonna be visiting an old friend that i have not talked to in some time
Imp: Why?
Mari: It would be nice for u to know the other gods as well
Arte/ Imp: Ok
Mari: but sweetheart you might want to stay here
Puppet: but why?
Mari: Well uuuuhhmmm..... their... uuuhhhh.....
Arte: R rated?
Mari: Yes! whatever that is
Puppet: …oh, ok
*teleports to the other world*
Mari: Morgana there's someone I'd like yo to mee-
Darling flirting with the tsaritsa: Mari your here? i though you were kidding when u said u were coming
Mari: Now i remember why i stopped talking to you and you know what we already finished what we cam here
Arte and Imp: *summons phone* hey Siri how to get amnesia successfully
-porcelain anon
im a bitch for this series oh my god, i highkey forgot about it but i love it
Arte is like "hell yeah you got good tastes." bc tsaritsa simps (or arte could be a tartaglia simp, depends on what you're most into)
I'm still frothing at the mouth at the name morgana- I'm gonna call them Darling still so I don't go full gay panic
and then mari sees reader and is like "the fuck is that"
"We found them on the side of the road :)"
So.... since Imp and Arte were also isekai'd do you think they'd be like "we like this thing." and befriend reader
I think Arte would vibe more with Darling and Mari while Imp would vibe with the Puppet and reader. Also Emi (soft au) would probably vibe with them.
I'm thinkin aloud rn but I think Emi would be kinda outcasted cause they vibe more with Imp and the puppet and the reader, but they don't necessarily feel connected. Cause it's like the popular kid trying to befriend the quiet kid. It can work out but it's hella awkward.
anyways I'll get back on topic
Darling is fucking insane, we been knew, that's probably why Mari stopped associating with them. Darling and Mari are the oldest, all of the other iterations have had something disasterous happen to them, killing them and rebirthing them into another world. Meanwhile, Mari and Darling have never had anything like that happen to them.
Mari, though, remained sane, surprisingly. Perhaps it was because of the puppet they didn't go insane, or perhaps the puppet was the result of cutting ties with Darling. Because Darling is batshit and toxic as fuck. Mari cut them off when they realized this, but still found it important to inform them of the current state of the other gods.
After all, upsetting Darling is never a good idea.
At this point im just making all these readers ocs-
But Darling is absolutely interested in everyone, but Imp is fucking horrified of them. Due to them being from imposter au, they do not have a good correlation to a big powerful and mean god.
Imp absolutely hates Darling. Hides behind whoever they can and look at them with big watery eyes as though any second their gonna jump out at them. Which, knowing Darling, they probably would.
And Darling finds this hilarious. However due to the fact that Imp and the puppet (who had a similar experience to Imp) were fast friends, Mari started to see Imp as a child of theirs (even more than they already did)
So basically Mari and Mori be fightingngngngg
and if i make Tsaritsa jealous of all the attention Darling is giving them? What then? jealous tsaritsa feeds my soul <3
now what if i were to shove piece of shit (vampire) reader into this? Piece of shit reader that befriends Emi Arte and the puppet to try and get out of the cage Darling has trapped them in.
Piece of shit reader seeing how vulnerable and scared Imp is and not giving a shit, threatening them and blaming the fact that they got out on Imp and/or the others.
Anything they can do to get out of trouble and get the hell out of Darling's and the Tsaritsa's grasp.
And Mari realizes there's no saving them. Those mfs crazy man
this makes no sense i'm sorry for going off again, this au just makes my brain rot at speeds unprecedented and I HAVE to write it down bc it's just so fun
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phoephoenix · 2 years
I stayed up until midnight to get my first look at the ballad of never after and OH MY GOD there’s just so much I want to talk about, I’ll keep adding to it as I continue reading
Or at least unlocked it
I feel like the librarian is one of the valors or something related
Also the letter to herself at the beginning? Ahshiskdisjdjs “don’t be distracted by his beautiful face and gorgeous dimples and the cute nickname and-“ Eva oh my god
And also Lala trying to tell her the truth and it turns out the curse was to constantly repeat that same story????
Also lala is getting married AGAIN THE POOR BEAN????
And Chaos had the helm put on by the valors????
Also ajdhaikdkas vampire Eva is so thirsty for jacks oh my god (pun intended)
“She wanted him to rip Chaos off her chest so that he could pin her to the bed instead.”
Obsessed about the way chaos is like. Trying to help her not become a vampire thinking it would be an issue w just the blood thing and instead the main problem is that she just wants to run to jacks no matter what like. Ma mans really said I just wanna help u not become a vampire I’m not your relationship councillor and it did fcking nothing no one even heard him
Oh my GOD JACKS IS ONE OF THE MERRYWOOD 3??? I can’t decide whether I want him to be the original archer or one of the valors who escaped beheading
The og archer would be absolutely incredible because of Eva but one of the Valors could also tie with his title “the prince of hearts” being a reference to the queen of hearts and the whole off with your head thing
But again, him being one of the merrywoods would mean he found his demise through a broken heart and I cannot imagine a more fitting backstory for the prince of hearts
Istg LaLa’s engagement party is basically an endless cycle of Eva and Jacks making each other jealous it’s so funny
Yeah okay, I just read a little more and like. They might bone after this party. I’m like 60-70% sure that’s going to happen, they’re both so thirsty for each other
Jacks really did leave a whole engagement dinner to commit first degree murder bc it was boring
Oh they’re definitely gonna bone
They boned and didn’t even wait for the party to end I cannot believe I was right
“We’re here with Evangeline Fox who just fucked the prince of hearts, please tell us Evangeline, how was your experience and would you recommend it?”
I absolutely love how Evangeline had absolutely no worry, reserves or hesitation to grave robbing and instead just jumped at without even CONSIDERING something else like she straight up shoved her hand on some dead lady’s ashes with no remorse this whole thing is SENDING ME
Okay so I read the rest so fast I didn’t even pause to continue liveblogging it here
I have Several feelings
First of all Apollo is one huge son of a bitch and I literally felt so bad for Eva, it might be unrelated but I kinda saw my own experience as an abuse survivor on that last scene, with him reaching inside her mind and taking away everything she loved and huge parts of who she is like that’s a great metaphor
Jacks, I have so many feelings about Jacks I literally can’t articulate them here
Castor Valor is also a big point here like. Was he the very first vampire? Was vampirism an invention of his mother as a desperate attempt to save him?
I’m very excited to see the Valors as characters they’re going to be absolutely fascinating (and most likely yeet Luc out of his position as heir WHICH CHAOS KNEW HE HAD BC THEY’RE RELATIVES WHY IS THAT SO FUNNY TO ME)
And also LaLa being a Merrywood, my heart absolutely breaks for her, I really felt it when she explained why she’s the unwed bride, I can’t wait for her reunion with her beloved and I’m also curious about her backstory
Actually I’m very curious about ALL their backstories. How did they all become fates? Was it because of the Valors? Of the Fallen Star? It intrigues me in particular because they were all mortals at the same time. Was the ascension something that could happen at an specific time due to some magical happening and ceased to be possible after? Was it an opportunity just for them specifically? Was it because the Fallen Star found them together? What happened? How did it happen? I’m not sure if it was mentioned before how the process happens but I feel like it’s going to be a really incredible story when we get to hear it
And also. I literally cannot wait for the next book. I’m literally dying for more
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softredrobin · 2 years
For the ask game: 31, 32! ^^
I see u making me do a self call out.
Got kinda long bc I am both very emotional and have a lot of favorite quotes so I'm gonna drop a cut to spare the dashes of other folks lol
31. Video(s) that made you cry?
FL S1:
Bakadere Empathy Daemon Asks You For Help
All three "Meeting Up With a _______ Elemental" videos for Huxley, Lasko, and Damien in S1
Comforted by an Arrogant Incubus
Shaw Pack/Solaire Clan:
Tsundere Werewolf Boyfriend Breaks Down
Confronted by Your Pack Alpha
Getting Closer to Your Vampire Mate
Comforted After a Hard Day at Work by Your Alpha Werewolf Boyfriend
Helping Your Sweet Werewolf Boyfriend Get Back to Sleep
Helping Your Werewolf Boyfriend Shift Again
FL S2/Inversion:
Shock and Awe at the Elemental and Energetic Games Qualifiers (it didn't originally... but now it does)
Voices Gone Silent
Right Here
The Void They Leave Behind
All Along
Aftershock/FL S3/Misc Post-Inversion:
Consoling (And Consoled By) Your Elemental Friends
Your Unempowered Boyfriend Tries to Comfort You
Comforted and Cared For by Your Incubus Boyfriend
I think I got them all..? Yikes.... I cry a lot.
32. Favorite quote(s)?
I'll be the first to direct you to my redacted hands series, but regardless.... here's some of my favorites (be warned, two of them in particular are...longer than the others). Also a warning for a quote that talks about the bridging incident.
"God damn it, we've earned some joy in this fuckin' life."
"Home is you, wherever that is."
"Stars are nice, but... I like looking at you better.
"It's okay. You’re safe. You don’t have to hide away anymore, sweetheart."
"What happened with him didn’t mess you up, or leave you as something that needs fixing, or anything like that, any of those shitty feelings that that asshole left in his wake. If you want to do this, it isn’t about him. It’s about you, and the person you choose to share it with. He doesn’t get to have that hold on you. Bridging is a beautiful thing that we have the power to do. And it should be beautiful for you when it happens. When it happens because you chose to do it, and you knew what it was, and it’s done with someone who cares and knows and trusts you. So yes. I would consider it an amazing fucking gift if you chose to share that with me. And I swear on everything I’ve got that I’d treat it with the respect that something like that deserves."
"Being with you makes me happy. The happiest I’ve ever been. I love you."
"Hey, you don’t have to hide your face. You are incredibly brave. And incredibly strong. And you have been walking around with the weight of the world on your shoulders without so much as a flinch. You are someone truly remarkable. Please. Believe it when I say that. You can set the world down now. That doesn’t make you a failure. That doesn’t make you weak. There’s no finish line you didn’t get to, there’s just your life stretched out ahead of you. And there are people in that life who care about you. Very much. People who aren’t going to think less of you, or turn away from you if that weight starts to slip off your shoulders. We are people who will rush to your side to bolster you. To carry some of that burden when it gets to be too much. We’re here for you. I’m here for you."
"And you’re currently holding the hand of an incredibly handsome and painfully humble man, so your taste in that department also seems exceptional if I do say so myself."
"'Yes'? That’s all I get? Well sure, it’s enough, but where’s the weeping, where’s the drama, where’s you cutting me off with a kiss like some kind of movie– ow, why are you hitting me–"
"Hey. Are you all right? No, I'm not talking about 'will be'. I'm talking right now. Are you all right?"
"I got you. Of course I'll stay. You don't have to keep the armor up tonight. The fighting's done. You can just rest."
"This is your pantry? You know there's supposed to be food in here, right? Do I dare even open that fridge… How are there so many condiments and no actual food?!"
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dollwrites · 1 year
HI BABE please take all the time you need I know you're probably sooo busy right now!!! I'm so sorry about your old page you didn't deserve that, but I'm so so happy you decided to stay and make a new one I couldn't even imagine coming on here anymore if you weren't here 😭
THEY ARE TALKIING ABOUT BANNING TIKTOK! Unfortunately our government REALLY wants to ban tiktok they had a hearing with the CEO of tiktok and everything about it, and they're also trying to ban vpns so we cant get to tiktok that way either 😒 it's so annoying I would be so crushed lol I have hundreds of edits and stuff
I DID GET TO SEE DEMON SLAYER OMG IT WAS AMAZING I mostly just went to see the tengen/gyutaro fight on the big screen tbh lol. They only showed the first episode of the new season but I will say koku looked and sounded VERY cool he was super mysterious I'm very excited for you to see in like a week 👀 hate to say it but muzan looked BEAUTIFUL and of course akaza did too, but as someone who hasn't read the manga I was SHOCKED at just how HUGE Doma is like the stature on that man is insane I was expecting him to be kinda skinny and lanky but NOPE 👀 Also mitsuri I- 😳 the bi in me cannot handle it I just love her 😭 like was there a certain scene that was just brazen fan service, yes. But did she look gorgeous YES. I'm also kinda excited to see more of Genya his character design is so cool to me. I'm very excited to see what you think when the new season comes out 👀
Also PLEASE write more diabolik lovers!!! Diabolik lovers is one of the only animes I consistently rewatch I just cant help it it's like a guilty pleasure lol. It has so much potential for dark content like idk if it's just me but I love reading about blood/my blood getting drank etc lol so it fits perfectly. I also just love the trope of being forced to live with them and the whole gothic vampire vibes 🖤
I didn't want to send many tiktoks since ik you're probably so busy with the new blog so I'm just gonna include two diabolik lovers ones lol 🥰
I'm so excited for the new things you're going to post, I hope you're doing well 😘 -jjk anon
First of all I’m so sorry all the shit happened before I could answer your big ask I WAS SO UPSET 😭
OH NO THEY SHOULDNT DO THAT. I mean I pretty much exclusively use tiktok to watch thirst edits of anime hotties BUT STILL I wonder why the gov doesn’t like tiktok???
if they do ban it we’ll have to send each other fan art back and forth 😭😭
YES DEMON SLAYER IM SO EXCITED I’ve been getting so hype about finally seeing Koku baby animated my big big big warrior man 😵‍💫😵‍💫 BRO I SAW SOME LEAKED CLIPS AND PICS IM NOT A MUZAN GIRLIE BUT HE LOOKED V V GOOD and douma is fucking MASSIVE !!! I haven’t read the manga either but one of my besties has and I did make her ( begged 💚 ) to give me all the spoilers which is how I knew about koku in the first place SKKSKSK SO IM EXCITED
YOU LIKE DL TOO ?? YES WE SHARE ONE BRAIN I SWEAR. DL would be a guilty pleasure anime if I possessed even 1 ounce of shame but I do not so I just openly love those slutty slutty vampire men. I must know who your favorites are 🤨🤨 YOU KINDA GIVE SUBARU AND YUMA STAN VIBES but I can also see you being into ayato also THE FORCED DOMESTICATIONNNNN ONE OF MY FAVES WE REALLY DO HAVE ONE BRAIN SKSKSKKSK
THE TIKTOKKKKSSSS OMG YOU SEND ME THE TWO BABIES ??? IM GONNA SCREAM kanato is my little meow meow the urge to be his mommy ( bc his real mom is….. ya know 💀 ) and let him drink from me while I pet his hair is OVERWHELMING and AZUSA SOFT BOY I’m shaking trembling I love those TikToks thank you for the snack babe 💚💚💚
It is kinda hectic trying to transfer everything 😅 BUT I always want to make time for you when I can !!
I have some for you too 🥺🥺
listen… I’m so excited to write that upper moon reverse harem au I’ve been HOLDING ON TO FOR THE LONGEST TIME it’s finally almost time to release these fics and Douma is going to be a MENACE to our poor reader
I genuinely cannot believe my FAVORITE va was cast as the deadbeat dilf I am going rabid
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macaronnya · 2 years
Fresh(?) Impressions (2)
Other parts: |Trickstar| |UNDEAD| |2wink| |Ra*bits| |Akatsuki| |fine| |Ryuseitai| |Knights| |Valkyrie| |Switch| |MaM/Double Face/Crazy:B| |Eden| |Alkaloid|
Hello Enstarries~☆ It hasn't been 24h yet but lucky enough, I'm a master procrastinator so here's the next part with UNDEAD already. This whole series is probably more like me talking in an echo chamber but that's also alright. I couldn't eternalise my first thoughts from other games, which is quite a shame. So this will be a nice memory to look at when someday the game ends and enough time has passed for my opinions on them to have changed. I sure hope that that someday is still very far away.
Anyways here's my last post about Trickstar, if you're curious enough and want more info about me and enstars. And the next one as well, if I'm committed enough to continue.
|Prev| |Next| See above ⬆️
DISCLAIMER!: Everything said here is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to attack anyone. This is not an accurate description of any characters but my subjective rambling for fun, so please don't take it too seriously. (Just to be safe, I'm kinda scared of elite idol fans) Also, you will hear me mention other games a bunch of times bc I'm that bad and uncreative at explaining and I'm still grieving A3!EN's shutdown. Eng is my 2nd or 3rd language so you might see weird spelling or grammar. I like to think I'm pretty decent, though...
Without further ado....Let's Ensemble!☆
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Ah yes, the sexyish bad boy group. Military aesthetic once more but make them goth. All their uniforms are slightly different from each other but still cohesive, which is nothing groundbreaking but I just wanted to mention I love stuff like this. And these outfits in general. Really cool stuff. Also, everyone has different gloves. Purple is my fav color so I might be biased. Their songs are more rock 'n roll with a lot of guitars, which isn't exactly my go to genre but it's nice to listen to it sometimes. Melody in the Dark & Valentine Eve's Nightmare are my favs. They also sing with these oldies microphones, which is cool but looks a bit funny when they gotta take the whole thing to switch places. Surface aside, they're all much sweeter than their image leads on?? Like, I was surprised upon reading their Ep.1.
7.5/10 - I like them a bit, mainly for their color scheme but I think I'll like them for more as well
Rei Sakuma
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I thought he was some mysterious flirt, who will tease and entice you to do flirty stuff but he's actually a nice old vampire next door. His vocabulary and tech knowledge may be from the 19th century but he drinks his respect women (& tomato) juice 👍I know he sleeps in a coffin and has a younger brother who hates him for some reason, so there's something he may have fucked up....He's also very pretty. Possibly one of the prettiest one out of the whole cast. His voice is very attractive as well, sounds like melted chocolate.
8/10 - i like him, he's pretty, polite, lives with a distinct lowkey flair, this card is amazing
Kaoru Hakaze
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Flirty boys often make me weak. Not bc I actually fall for their flirting but I like what hides beneath that. Be it trauma (Ikki, Amesia), shyness (Inigo, FE:Awakening), dorkiness (Impey, Code:Realize). I knew instinctively he's one of them and his panicking monologue Ep.1 that lasts for ⅓ of the time was my proof. I don't think he's christian (like smn else) even though he has a cross necklace here. It would fit more with Rei's vampire package but whatever. He seems easy to fluster, which is just the cherry on top. His voice is also nice, melodic and sweet but only like 65% chocolate.
8.5/10 - Cute but hot as well, I wonder what more he hides
Koga Ogami
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Wild and rowdy. I know he jumped on poor Anzu on her first day. Imagine falling on your face bc of some rude dog boy on your first school day smh. I used to mistake him for Izumi and vice versa. Similiar hairstyle and haircolor, though his color scheme is warmer. Idk why he insists on being taking the saying lone wolf so literally but if it works 🤷‍♀️ He really went at it during Nightless World's MV with his guitar. Surprised he composes but somehow also not. I guess, he's just very creative and passionate, hence his wolf persona.
6/10 - he's not average but also not that interesting
Adonis Otogari
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What a gentleman. He reminds me of Guy (A3!) what with him being rather stoic and looking slightly intimidating but is actually quite caring. And he might have important parents in his homeland? Maybe it's not that special tho, considering he's attending a private academy and looking at the rest of the cast....He's probably the tsukkomi from his unit. Might have the patience of a saint. I didn't expect him to have such a deep voice and it felt a bit off at first, but maybe that's just bc I was still playing A3! and there's another character with the same VA, who's quite different. This is the second time I see this VA in an idol franchise, the idol in question is Gaku from Idolish7. His unit's vibe is also similiar. I forgot to mention it but FORBIDDEN RAIN is an absolute banger as well.
7/10 - I look forward to getting to know him better
This group is one of the more normal units, I think, which is pretty telling of the other ones. Overall on a more favourable side. I dig their costumes and voices.
Reading their Ep.1 made me question whether I suddenly shifted games or smth. Especially Kaoru's??? He's so funny panicking and being all "I'm usually so much coolee why is she so cute? 😣". Rei's manner of speech and the library made me think of these isekai manwhas on the rise. Adonis was suddenly talking about world disasters (ain't that hitting close home) and his guilt of not being of more help and slight desire to just stay in safe Japan but ultimately not regretting helping his land. And Koga is struggling to find his individual self after finally finding a place to belong. Like, what is this tone shift from Trickstar!? I guess, this is a sneek peak to what we will see more of in future events and character development? Do characters have that here?
Anways, feel free to comment whatever and share some thoughts. Until next post!~☆
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snow-system-wol · 4 months
Part of the reason we posted the whole vampire explanation is bc we wrote a short fic thing just about how the Ishgard situation in that AU was kinda becoming a Problem.
Here ya go:
Alphinaud was reasonably certain Count Edmont de Fortemps had not actually met a Miqo'te before now nor heard of one living up in the colder climes like this. Perhaps that was why he seemed on the verge of asking S'ria if Miqo'te became ill in cold conditions, like some sort of wilting houseplant that needed special growing conditions.
It was a fair concern, with S'ria showing little appetite and looking weaker by the day. Normally, the blue tinge to his lips might be blamed on the cold, but he looked ashy and drawn on top of that. Edmont didn't seem to know what to make of it all, and Alphinaud's goal was to make sure things stayed that way.
After all, neither he nor S'ria knew what the Ishgardians would do about his condition, but it was likely to be catastrophic in any scenario. Really, the accusations of heresy were too easy, especially with the tales of how heretics drink draconic blood for some sort of unholy powers – if the truth got out, S'ria would be exiled at bare minimum, but most likely put to death.
Alphinaud was especially cautious in keeping it from the Fortemps, even if that was the most difficult. At best, they would be accommodating but put themselves at extreme risk, and at likely worst, they'd have all possible horrified reactions.
He'd wanted to directly help S'ria more, but… well, S'ria had hesitantly agreed to feed from Alphinaud just once, nearly two weeks ago, and had regretted it near immediately. S'ria insisted that, even though he was hungry, he didn't take more than he should've… but Alphinaud felt weak for the rest of that day and the following one as well. S'ria quickly returned to the stance that feeding off of someone much smaller and younger than him was a bad idea and refused to do it a second time.
(He'd not even considered trying with Tataru, certain that he'd overestimate how much was safe to take from a Lalafell.)
Things could've stayed at a stalemate for a bit longer, but their host showed the good sense to conclude that the Warrior of Light dying in his guest bedroom was a less than ideal state of affairs, and that forced their hands. He approached the two of them, Alphinaud sitting primly next to a S'ria curled up miserably on the couch, with clear purpose in his stride.
“I have been consulting with some of the best chirurgeons I know – some of them have treated Miqo'te outside of Ishgard as well, so do not worry yourself over that. I am sure you would like your weakened state to remain under wraps, but I assure you that they know discretion. I can have them on hand at a moment’s notice.” His tone rather suggested he'd like that moment to be now.
In any other circumstance, such an effort would be sweet. Here and now, though, Alphinaud could see S'ria's ears flatten against his head. Alphinaud had no idea what a medical exam of S'ria may reveal, but it hardly seemed a good idea to allow. They also just would not be able to help him. Alphinaud cleared his throat nervously.
“S'ria is rather… uncomfortable with doctors, I worry causing him undue distress could worsen his state.”
Edmont opened his mouth, and Alphinaud would bet decent gil that he was about to point out that his current state already seemed fairly dire – but S'ria quietly spoke up instead.
“I apologize…I just recalled – some of my medications are among personal effects left at Camp Dragonhead during the chaos of those first few days.” His words were slow, but at least clear. “I'll be quite alright if I go fetch those, and I can set up a supply line to import them there.”
Alphinaud tried not to look as bewildered at what he knew to be a blatant lie as Edmont appeared to be at that statement. (The latter presumably reacting to the fact that S'ria only brought this important detail up now.)
“No, you should stay put. I can send some of our knights to go retrieve them for you.”
Alphinaud quickly jumped in. “My lord, I am more than capable of escorting him.”
The response he received was still a stern frown. “There is simply no need for him to make such a tiring trip out of the city.”
S'ria sat up, eyeing the Count dubiously. “They won't even know what they're looking for, though, that's the problem. And –”, S'ria put on a distressed effect that Alphinaud had never seen him do on purpose (desperate times, he supposed), “–I am just anxious about my medications passing through so many hands, when it – it could be… tampered with.”
Edmont cringed and Alphinaud did not know whether to be impressed or concerned that S'ria had intentionally leveraged his traumatized reactions to his benefit, with their host knowing full well why they'd be anxious after a poisoning. For someone who usually did his best to hide any psychological issues, it was certainly a last ditch effort.
In the end, Edmont had no further complaints – though they never truly needed his approval in the first place, it was simply ideal to keep things civil. S'ria bundled up and sluggishly followed Alphinaud out of the city. The two of them were plenty light enough for Sea to carry them both, though Alphinaud kept a cautious eye on S'ria lest he accidentally fall off the chocobo. S'ria slumped tiredly against her neck and let Alphinaud hold the reins behind him to steer – though she seemed to know the way herself.
Once they were well out of earshot of the city gates, Alphinaud leaned forward to speak to him quietly.
“Are – are you intending what I assume? To tell Haurchefant?”
“Mhm. I hope you don't intend to protest. It's really the best option, and… somehow I can't see him selling me out or telling his family about this.”
Alphinaud shook his head, heedless of the fact that S'ria wouldn't easily see the movement. “Not at all. To be quite honest, I had begun to come to this possibility myself and was considering suggesting it – if you continued to insist on avoiding Tataru and myself as options.” His voice took on the tone of one trying to make a joke, but too anxious to make it work. “If we are too short for your comfort, surely some seven fulms of Elezen will be plenty.”
Even if it fell a bit flat, S'ria graced him with a chuckle all the same.
They needn't have worried, really. Haurchefant never even made the oh-so-Ishgardian comparison with heretics nor seemed particularly scared of him. He was merely quite alarmed at S'ria's weakened state and then somewhat baffled at the explanation. He never doubted that S'ria was telling the truth, but … well, such a thing was not something he'd ever heard of before. If anyone would suprise Haurchefant, though, he seemed used to it being S'ria.
After that, though – having such a direct way to assist the Warrior of Light felt like more of a privilege to him than a burden. All in all, Haurchefant was far more fascinated than fearful – a blessing to be glad for.
Haurchefant was more than happy to keep up the cover story – that importing medicine from Gridania, through the Northern Shroud, was best done to his custody (to avoid Ishgardian control of goods entering the city) and that S'ria insisted on receiving them with his own hands.
Really, though, any excuse for such delightfully frequent visits from the Warrior of Light would have been fine by him.
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