#it looks... uuhhhh... empty in a way
gabi-theladylover · 7 months
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reji-z · 8 months
Alright, finally I was able to write something after a long time of a writers block, also this is the first time I upload my stuff to tumblr so yeagh.
For a little of context this is in the spirit's eve of the second year.
It's also up on Ao3 here
First night
The meet-up at the saloon after the spirit’s eve festival is your favorite part of the holiday, everyone is in a good mood, belly full of Gus’s food and some are even slightly drunk already, some as in Shane and you.
You started getting closer to him this past month mostly because of your regular stops at Marnie’s ranch regarding your animals, although it’s hard to say if at some point they were more for catching up with Shane than anything else.
In the beginning it was just about the chickens and whatnot, but eventually you started to talk more, about other stuff, hanging out once or twice and just getting to know each other, and the more you knew him there was this weird feeling about him swelling up deep inside you, a feeling you were trying to hold back as much as you could.
But none of that matters right now, you are sitting next to him at the bar with a couple of empty glasses between you, in silence, just enjoying each other's company.
“So… today was fun, spending it with you, I mean” You break the silence, looking at your finger as you trace it on the rim of your empty glass and rest your head on your free hand “I … kinda have to go now, it’s getting late and i have to get up early tomorrow you know”
Shane turns his head at you way too fast, almost as if your words activated a directive on him “Can I go with you” As soon as the words leave his mouth he realizes what he just said and turns his head away, looking in front of him, at the shelves filled with bottles “I-I mean, if you want to… ”
Was the blush on his cheeks from embarrassment of asking if he could walk with you or just because the saloon was warm from all the people in it, probably the second one, right?
“Uuhhhh… Yeah, why not” you try to not make it obvious that the idea of walking with him late at night excites you, but it feels like your tone betrays you, and if he was more sober, he probably would have noticed.
It takes a while of sitting in silence before any of you finally gets up to actually get out of the establishment, he did first, and you followed him behind only standing by his side once you were both outside.
“So, your place first?, since it’s closer” You ask while turning your head to look at him.
“Sure” He turns to look at you too, and you can’t help but to stare at him, those weirdly charming green eyes draw you in, sitting above eye bags that seem to be permanently glued to him and below some of the prettiest eyebrows you’ve ever seen, and the way the light of the saloon windows lights up his whole face is close to divine, of course he noticed you were staring, and lifted his right eyebrow curiously, breaking you out of your trance and making you whip your head away, feeling your cheeks warm up as soon as he lets out a chuckle “Let’s go”
It was nice, really nice, not only because of the pleasing night breeze, nor the euphoria of the alcohol, but also because of him, walking by your side, it just made you feel happy, somehow, for some reason, a reason that honestly you didn’t want to get into right now.
It… was a short walk, way shorter than you expected, or wanted, now both of you under the ranch’s doorway, lingering, looking at each other, hoping to make these few seconds last an eternity, hoping to burn them in your mind to be able to recall them late at night, hugging a pillow on your bed that felt a little bit too big and too lonely for just one person.
At least that was your reason to stay there, leaving you wondering about why he was still there, why isn’t he turning the doorknob and entering his home to call it a night, why is he also looking at you, into your eyes, maybe he is also—no, that’s a dumb idea, he’s not into you like that, you guys are just friends and—
“Uuhhmm…. do you want to hang out a while more?” What? “I mean, if it’s not too late for you” What? “We can go to the pond right here or something” WHAT? Why is he asking to spend more time with you, and why does he sound nervous, and is he blushing? “Actually never mind, forget I said anything” shit, you are taking too long to answer and he’s backing up, it’s now or never.
“NonoIwanttodothat” shit, too eager.
He smiles, he doesn’t do that a lot, especially if it’s for other people, his smile gets bigger, you feel your heart skip a beat.
“Sooooo, to the pond it is” he says while still keeping eye contact.
“Actually I know a place” Do you?... Oh yeah you do “It’s this small part of the forest with a pond that’s hidden away, it’s pretty nice” 
“Really? That sounds perfect, lead the way” another smile, you can feel your insides stirring around from the mere fact of him smiling because of you, wait, perfect? Why would he say that? No time to think about that though, he said yes, and soon enough you were walking to the secret woods, trying to not make too much noise, as if worrying about the critters noticing you.
Once you reached the path leading to the pond (and certain primate statue that you forgot to tell Shane about) you heard him gasp.
“Wow… I’m surprised I didn’t know about this place” He says while looking around.
“Nah, not really, it used to be blocked by this huge log of hardwood”
“And you cleared the path yourself?” 
“Y–yeah” for some reason it’s kinda embarrassing to admit that, you don’t really know why
“Heh, you must be pretty strong then” huh? Is he… flirting? Probably not, ignore it.
It didn’t really matter that you didn’t answer, you were already standing in the entryway to the clearing, not really being able to see much in the dark.
“Wait here” you said before walking towards the torches you’ve left around the pond to light them up and returning to his side “So? What do you think”
The torches themselves reflected on the clear waters of the pond, the images flickering from time to time thanks to the movement of the fishes below, their light shining into it and making a faint glow all along the shore, and in turn, reflecting into Shane’s eyes, making their color shine brightly, pairing well with the greenery around you.
He turns around to look at you, his eyes still glistening, open more than usual “It’s really pretty” your heart skips a beat once again, you feel your cheeks start to burn up, he’s got to be flirting, right?
“I-I know right” you start walking towards the east side of the pond, hoping he didn’t notice your reaction “Come, let’s sit”
He followed behind you and placed himself to your left, as you lowered to start untying your shoes you hear him let out a scream and jump in place.
“FUCK! What IS that!” he points to your right, into the dark, and you don’t even have to look to know what he saw to start laughing at him, making him turn his head to you with a puzzled face “Why are you laughing?”
“Sorry…” It’s hard to stop the giggles to form a sentence “…It’s just an old statue of a monkey, i forgot to tell you about it”
He drops his arm and relaxes, lowering to untie his own shoes “God, it scared the shit out of me”
Now both of you had your feet inside the pond, swaying them back and forth, sitting next to each other, your hands so close together yet not touching, keeping just enough distance to not make things too awkward.
“So, what’s that statue doing here?” He asks while looking at the woodskips swim circles in the middle of the pond.
“No idea, it has a plate saying something about a search for something sweet” now you are looking in the direction of the statue, just barely being able to make out its shape, no wonder he got scared, it really looks like a monster from here.
“Huh” It’s all he says back, now both of you fall silent again, still the nice kind of silence, the one where the mere fact of you sharing this moment encompass any words anyone might be able to muster, the kind of silence you didn’t realize you were yearning for, the kind of silence that feels just right. “You know…” he breaks it, making you turn your head to him “… It used to be boring around here…” now he’s looking at you “…but you managed to change that”
“Y-yeah, well, I kinda need a change from my old life and…” now his fingertips are touching yours “…t-the whole farm in a small town seemed like that change”
His fingers are getting closer and closer to yours, getting on top of them, moving around playfully and so are yours, sort of intertwining them in a dance without rhythm, it feels nice.
Once again you find yourself staring at his eyes, and by god they looked even better now, you feel like you could just stare at them all day, stare at him all day, his eyes, his eyebrows, his hair, his nose, his cheeks, his… lips, at this point it was pretty much clear that you liked him, there’s no point in trying to shove down those feelings anymore, at least not now, not when his hand is on top of yours, his eyes fixated into yours, his whole body turning to face you as his left hand raised to hold your cheek.
Wait, you quickly glance at his hand with your eyes and then back at him, he’s still looking at you, and gives you a little smile, what is going on, weren’t you supposed to just hang out, what happened, when did this happened, how did it happened, does he really like you as well? If he didn’t then why would he be—
Your train of thought ends the instant his lips meet yours, you didn’t even notice him getting closer, fuck it, it feels nice, you close your eyes to properly enjoy it, his lips are soft, more than you’d expect from someone that is always drinking at least, they are also warm, sharing their heat with you, spreading it trough your whole body and converging in your chest, warming up a body you didn’t even notice was cold.
It really couldn’t get better than this right?, the guy you like kissing you in a secluded spot in the forest away from prying eyes and only both of you to bear witness to a thousand years old demonstration of one’s affection for someone else, wrong, it could get better, and it did when you felt his tongue poking at your lips, asking for permission to explore further, to feel more of you, and who are you to deny such kind request.
His tongue was slow, careful, maybe he was nervous, how couldn’t he, he’s been making all the moves since the beginning and you just can’t have that now, can you? So you took the lead this time, pushing your tongue into his to make it retreat into his own mouth to let you move around, faster, more aggressive, more needy, as if you’ve been craving for this since the very first time you arrived in town, which you may or may not have.
Your tongues were not the only thing moving around, you feel his right hand move from on top of yours to land at your knee, slowly moving up, gripping your leg at times, making you get more into the kiss, but this feels a little bit too much, too far, especially when he reaches your thigh and gets dangerously close to your crotch, a feeling that makes you break the kiss abruptly and lean back, both of your eyes opening as soon as the contact breaks, and what you see is Shane with a worried expression in his face, an expression that makes your heart sink, you hate that look on him and you hate even more that it’s because of you.
“I–I…” you finally open your mouth to say something “…sorry, It’s just–too much”
“Shit, sorry…” he looks so guilty “…of course I would go and ruin things right? God I’m so stupid”
“Nonono, It’s…” the words seem to be harder to come up with now, the whole build up of the feelings and alcohol catching up with you “…I like it, but not right now, not here” it kills you to say no but you really don’t want that “It’s fine, really”
You move closer to him, making him look in front of him once again so you can lean on him, your head falling slightly on top of his, trying to really show him that it’s okay and you are not mad.
He sighs, leaning more into you and, once again, sharing each other's heat, your bodies taking part of this give and take of energy.
“I guess we feel the same way then” you whisper, not looking at him.
He chuckles “I hope so, it would be really awkward if we didn’t” his comment making you chuckle too, this guy, you swear to god, but that managed to ease the mood, now both of you reveling in the comfort of knowing that your feelings were reciprocated.
But alas, no matter how sweet new love may be, it is still not sweet enough for a certain someone in a quest that didn’t seem to be any closer to end.
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
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literally just copy pasted what i told ghost in dms no beta we die like men
ok so my youkai au... SO I started thinking about it first when I saw Evan post about theirs, and I saw they they said theirs was more of an isekai style? So like, kinda Inuyasha vibes?? Also mine isn't like... TOO tied into the real hesowar au, bc i dont really know all the canon information so its all just... headcanons and my own worldbuilding (which i love to do i love worldbuilding its what i did for my thesis in art school ANYWAYYYY)) So my thoughts are kinda that theres this youkai world and each of the boys are originally human brothers that were all possessed by the youkai like hundreds of years ago and are now all these 6 powerful youkai that rule over 6 different domains. I think that in each domain, or maybe where all 6 of them converge theres a portal to the human world that opens up? Maybe both.... 7 portals, the strongest one thats always open is in the middle of the domains, each has their own, and their own unique connection to the human realm. I think Ichi, because he's a 9 tailed kitsune, he's connected to like, a specific Inari shrine I think each of the boys excepts for one or two, have like... at least harems or a partner or something at this point? It's later in their lives, idk theyre still young looking WHATEVER IDK, but Ichimatsu hasn't really... expressed any interest in anyone in the realm, yet complains to like, jyushi specifically that he feels particularly lonely. Like none of the people who come to worship him in the realm do it for him, theyre boring, whatever, idk, no connections. And since he's a trickster, the brothers are like "ohhh youre kiniving and play pranks and tricks, why dont you just like, trick a human to to be your mate/bride/spouse, humans are so interesting and quirky" and at first hes like 'no thats fucked up i wouldnt do that' but the he thinks about it ...
SO MEANWHILE, in the human world, this version of Mao, i think, is just in some like... job to pass the time, but they're incredibly lonely, theyre bad at making connections at work, theyre a bit burnt out, just things arent going their way. So, one day on the way home they're just tired, and maybe the route they walk on to and from work is like closed so they take a different route and on their way home they come upon an entrance to a shrine, maybe its a little overgrown, but... somethng calls them in, and they walk up the little stairs and are kinda drawn up to the big donation box. And they kinda just throw a couple coins in and pray and think 'im really lonely, i want companionship but im not sure what to do anymore, maybe i should change careers or just ... change myself completeley ... i need guidance' And theres this voice in the back of their head thats just like 'what if that could come true' and 'give yourself to me' and 'make me more offerings and ill give you a deal you wont refuse' and mao thinks theyre hallucinating from stress but they just empty their coin purse bc theyre kinda compelled to And they realize when they blink a couple times, that THAT was all the money they had on them and still need to buy dinner, so they try to reach down into the donation box to maybe snag back a 500 yen coin but then they fall into the box, and the descent down is a LOT longer than they would have assumed it was, and they land down in there with a thud and look up and around them and now have to figure out how to climb out, and eventually, once they do, and climb up and out of the hole or whatever, they are NOT in that shrine anymore, but somehow in the middle of the forest
SO THEYRE LIKE 'uuhhhh ... what the fuck? Did i hit my head??' and are like 'haha probably hit my head and this is a dream or something' and they dust themself off and start making their way down a path in a random direction to maybe figure out what theyre dreaming about, and theyre walking walking, and SHWOOM, right in front of them flies an arrow and they like, jolt back cause it almost hit them, and theres like ... some kind of lower level like ... imps or goblins or like ... SOMETHING and start fucking chasing mao, because this is some like... you know... uhhh idk if it feudal era? i think thats the term. ANYWAY they have pink hair and are like 'woah this person must have insane magical powers we must kill them and take their magics' and so mao gets chased in the woods all the way to like, a cliffside, and are then cornered, and are like ??????? So since they think its a dream they think if they try hard enough maybe dream logic will work so they maybe jump? immediatley fall and stars screaming, but whats this, something catches them midair and they look up and see theyre in the arms of a man with big ears and pretty red makeup who then like, with the wave of a hand wipes out the imps and lands on the ground with mao in his arms and he finally looks down at them and they share like, locked eye contact for a few moments before hes like 'kind of dumb of you to jump off that cliff considering humans cant fly' AND I HAVE LIKE, some other story beats, but the like... summarized story is that ichi starts to feel guilty for kind of coercing mao to come here so they go on like, a journey together, him protecting them, but teaching them to fight and things, while they travel toward where the domains are converged to get mao into the portal back home, but along the way they both genuinely start to fall for one another and mao eventully gives themself to ichi as his devoted bride/partner/mate and gets like... some minor powers and stuff i thinks... and yeah... hehe..
... heheh yeah... i might wanna draw story beats... i have MORE ideas, like... beats and things that happen on the journey if people wanna hear about those too....
ALSO SOMETHING I NEED TO CLARIFY!! when i say the other boys have partners, its not like... its moreso meant to be like, OTHER PEOPLE who self ship with the other boys, have already claimed them, like... how do i make this make sense.... like ... timeline wise, if like
HYPOTHETICLLY, if you wanted to insert your s/i into MY version of this au specifically, your and the matsu's story would have happened BEFORE mao enters the picture if that makes sense... bc i like the idea of ichi being the last of the brothers to make a connection, only realizing once his brothers have found love, that he wants it too ... haha hehehehehehhehehehe the end
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mollymagician · 1 year
Chapter 3 of A Translation of the Dream is up!
Hob was sitting on his couch, staring at the banana peel in the middle of his coffee table, when a knock sounded at the door.
“‘S open!” he called, knowing who’d be on the other side.
“Okay,” Matthew said, pushing his way in and closing the door behind him. “What was it that was so exciting you needed to sh— uh. Hey there, you good?”
Hob beckoned him over with one hand, pulling his phone out with the other. “Sit down here, look at this.”
Matthew plopped down beside Hob on the sofa, wearing one of his habitual and varied what the fuck faces. Hob opened his camera app, aimed it at the banana peel, and waited.
“What the fuck?” Matthew said.
There was nothing on the screen but a bare coffee table.
“How’d you do that?” Matthew took the phone and aimed it at his hand (there was a hand), at Hob’s face (there was Hob’s face), back at the banana peel. Blank screen. “That’s fuckin trippy. It’s a—a what, some kind of filter?”
“Take out your phone. You try,” Hob said. Something must have bled through in his voice, because Matt gave him a long look as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket and opened the camera. He pointed it at the coffee table to line up the shot. The shot of a bare coffee table.
“What the fuck??”
“That banana peel is three days old,” Hob said. “It should be a manky puddle of sludge by now.”
“Uuhhhh I guesssss…” Matt scrubbed his hand over his hair. “Look, Hobsie, are you okay? Because you’ve been acting weird all week but this is just straight up freaky.”
Hob leaned back against the couch and folded his arms, still staring intently at the banana peel as though he were trying to will it to behave. “I’m fine.”
“Yeah? You’re giving that banana your ‘teacher look’ but I don’t think it’s gonna help, boss. Cause it’s a banana. Can you just tell me what’s going on, please?”
Hob took a deep breath and let it loose. He was not losing his mind. He was not. Matthew was seeing the same things he was and that was a massive relief. It meant he wasn’t hallucinating. Excellent. It also meant that bizarre bullshit was actually happening which was a whole other kettle of upsetting fish.
Hob told him.
“Huh,” Matthew said.
They sat side by side on the couch, arms crossed, staring intently at the banana peel.
“So you’re telling me you saw our dude draw something, pick it up off the page and conjure it into thin fucking air?”
“Uh, pretty much, yeah.”
Matthew reached out and poked the peel. It felt…like a banana. He lifted his phone again and tried to get the thing in frame, putting it straight up against the lens. Picked it up off the table and held it up against the backdrop of the closed front door. Took a photo of his hand, empty.
“Yeah okay so, that is so SUPER fucking weird. I’d think you were screwing with me, but like…it’s you. You don’t do this sort of shit. And also…I don’t know but…we didn’t call him Tall Dark and Spooky for nothing. Dude’s got a vibe.” Matthew grimaced.
“Just do me a favor,” Hob said. “If he ever comes in and I’m not there, just call me? Don’t confront him. He doesn’t mean anyone any harm, I’m sure of it. And…and he’s…shy. About talking to people.”
“Ooooo-kay. And what are you going to be doing?”
Hob thought a moment, then reached out and grabbed his coat where he’d slung it over the back of the couch. “I’m going for a walk.”
“Right.” Matthew watched him skeptically as he shrugged on the coat and, after a moment’s thought, dropped the banana peel into his pocket. “Don’t go doing anything stupid, please.”
“Course not,” Hob said. “When do I ever?”
“This is stupid,” Hob said.
He stood in a dark alley and glared at the walls around him as though he could force them to give up their secrets. He’d been walking for two hours, and now he had to face the fact that ‘wander the streets aimlessly until you stumble over a Twilight Zone escapee’ was not the best plan he’d ever had. The sun had gone down properly a half an hour into his little trek and the temperature was dropping like a stone. His dodgy knee was beginning to complain. No one had tried to mug him yet, though. One bright spot. He sighed and decided that it was time to head back home.
Luckily his meandering rout had brought him back around to the Inn’s general neighborhood and within twenty minutes he was trudging up to the outer door that led to his stairwell. A few steps away, fumbling for his keys, he glanced up and stopped. In the orange of the security light over the entrance, something glowed white against the door.
“Well, I’ll be damned.”
Leaping wildly across the dark painted metal was the same figure he’d only seen in miniature facsimile, painted across the grimy wall of the old White Horse Pub. Now it was here. On his door. As bright and obvious as an arrow. Find me.
“Okay,” Hob said. “Okay, I’m coming.”
Thankfully for his knee, the White Horse wasn’t far.
The opening in the old chain link fence was still there, no one had ever bothered to repair it. It had been years since Hob had pushed through that ragged gap and crunched through the gravel and broken glass in the overgrown front courtyard. The building had stood derelict for decades, locked in development hell as locals fought to get the budget allocated to have it restored and designated a historic site. For now it lurked, a sad old ruin slowly being consumed by graffiti. The usual kind, and—
There, in the ambient urban glow of the street lamps, Hob could make out the remains of Dream’s mural. Sheltered by the overhang of the sagging roof, it had faded but not washed away, like the paintings on the walls of some unearthed villa in Pompeii. Hob stepped in close to study it.
leaping, charging across the open green, gleeful, cutting through the wind like a hot knife, free, free, free
“Oh,” Hob whispered. “There you are.” Like a magic eye painting solved, Hob could see it now, that hidden layer, opening up to him like a book. Why now? he wondered. Stranger, what did you do?
The sound of a boot scraping on flagstone behind him in the dark sent a jolt of alarm up his spine and he tore himself away from the mystery in front of him and spun around, adrenaline prickling at the back of his tongue.
For a moment the sensation persisted, as though he was seeing different pages of reality. Dream stepped out of the deeper shadows of the doorway, a long thin monochrome haunt, draped in shadow, black pools for eyes—then he crossed into a bar of street light and it was the Dream he recognized again. Disheveled, worn. Beautiful.
“Hello, stranger,” he whispered. “Sorry I’m late.”
Dream stopped a few feet away, hands buried in his coat pockets. His eyes were riveted to the ground. Hob could see the tension in every line of his lanky body. “You are not,” he murmured. “I am glad. That you understood.”
Hob huffed a soft laugh. “That was at least one thing I understood.” He pulled the banana peel out of his pocket and set it carefully on the stone ledge of the boarded window beside him. “Was hoping for some clarification on a few others, though.”
Hob didn’t think it was possible for Dream to be any more pale, but even in the dim light he could see him go positively gray beneath a suddenly blank expression. Fuck. Maybe that wasn’t the best way to open up this particular conversation. He lifted both hands in a placating gesture. “Shit. No, it’s okay. Whatever you’re imagining right now, I’m not going to do that. I promise. I just…” He raked a hand nervously through his hair. “I just couldn’t understand what I’d seen and…I wanted to.” Dream was silent, slanting a cautious look up at him as he babbled. “It’s my whole thing, see, I can’t help it. I want to understand. You get me curious about something, someone…uh…I just can’t keep a lid on it. And so.” He gestured to the banana peel, to Dream, to the gloomy old ruin around them. “Here I am. I just had to know if what I saw was…”
“Real?” Dream was staring at him now so intensely it felt like a weight against his skin.
“Yeah,” Hob finished weakly.
Dream stood silently for so long that Hob was certain he was about to be told in no uncertain terms that he was a lunatic and also to fuck clean off thank you very much. He was girding himself to turn and leave, when Dream reached out, slowly, and picked up the banana peel.
Hob watched in wonder as he closed his fist around it, and it…crumbled. Powdery yellow grains sifted through his fingers, swirling off into nothing. He opened his hand, now empty but for a coating of chalk dust, as though he’d swept an old blackboard clean with his palm.
“There are many ways a thing can be real,” Dream said.
Hob opened his mouth, closed it, tried again. “…oh my giddy aunt…” was what he managed to wheeze out.
A corner of Dream’s mouth quirked up and, oh, he’d done that, he’d invoked a smile, even if it was just by being poleaxed and incoherent. “Would you. Walk with me? For awhile?” Dream asked hesitantly. His gaze darted away again. “I promise I’m not…not some sort of devil. I—“ His mouth snapped shut on whatever else he’d planned to say when Hob’s hand closed lightly over his shoulder. He hadn’t even realized he was going to move before he did it, his natural inclination towards friendly touch bullied itself to the fore while the rest of his brain was trying to reboot.
“Clearly,” Hob said. He hoped his smile looked reassuring and not as unsteady as he still felt. “You seem like a person to me.”
Dream’s smile grew, just a bit. Hob hoped that the tension he felt leaving the muscles under his hand wasn’t his imagination.
“Come,” Dream said.
Hob went
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algernongirl · 6 months
New Loki fic up uuhhhh
Here’s a preview :
As the artificial lighting of the TVA hits her eyes, Sylvie rubs at them, finding herself quite ignored.
She hadn’t really wanted to join the TVA. But it was best if she kept an eye on things, knowing what Loki and the others could do. Plus, while McDonalds was fine, she sort of enjoyed the semi chaotic setting of the TVA. So here she was.
However, currently Sylvie was in a situation that left her a bit peeved.
Loki was away at a briefing for the TVA, with several other agents, regarding some sort of event on another planet that they were supervising in order to ensure that there were as few casualties as possible. Though time moved differently at the TVA, his estimated return would be in a week, earth time.
It didn’t really bother Sylvie that he was gone, as he was coming back in no time and she went out on her missions alone anyways. But the one person who was really affected by Loki’s leave was Mobius. B-15, who just went by Bea now, had pulled Sylvie aside to discuss her accompanying Mobius on any missions for the week. She had tried to refuse, but Bea wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“He went by himself all the time before Loki got here. Why do I have to babysit him?” Sylvie sneered.
“It’s not babysitting. Mobius just prefers to have a bit of company now, that’s all.” Bea looks like she’s about to be very stressed out, eyebrows pinched together in a frown. “Plus, between you and me, he’s been kind of moody lately. Just go with him and make sure he doesn’t get himself killed, alright?” Sylvie had agreed in the end, although she wasn’t necessarily happy about it. Though, what could she do, really? If Loki came back and Mobius was dead he would blow the whole place up anyways, so she sort of had to protect the agent in order to keep them all safe, in a weird twisted way.
So at the scheduled mission time, she grabs all her things and clunks down the halls towards the analyst chambers. Mobius, being so high ranking, could easily obtain an apartment out in the city surrounding the TVA, but every time it was brought up he refused.
“I like being close.” He argued, and that was that, not convincing him otherwise.
Basically everyone is at work now. Mobius’s door is the only one beaming the little orange light that indicates that someone is in there.
“Mobius, assignment time.” She knocks on the door. She waits for a minute, but there’s no response. Not even a sound comes from behind the door.
“I know you’re in here, old man.” Sylvie knocked again, this time more insistent. “I’m supposed to be your partner while Loki’s at that meeting, and I swear if we’re late and I get in trouble for it I’ll blow up the pie room.” She meant that to be a serious threat, but it actually sounded quite comedic.
Still, there was no response from behind the door. He had to be in there, and ignoring her was worse than telling her to go away. At this point she was getting pissed. Most people at the TVA ignored her, and if she had to add Mobius of all people to the list of TVA workers that had some sort of issue with her, then Sylvie would lose her mind.
“Alright Mobius. Let’s do this the hard way.” She cracks her knuckles and steps back. Sylvie steadies herself and stands facing the door, focusing on it. Then, she rushes forward and kicks down the door.
It swings on its hinges so hard she’s certain that the whole floor heard it. Still, she walks in, not particularly interested in the current state of the door. The apartment layout in typical; she enters in the living room, the kitchen is to her left, the bathroom to her right, and she can sort of see into the half opened bedroom door. The god notices several empty bottles of water on the desk and floor, and a half empty salad bowl rotting on the coffee table.
Since he isn’t in any of the rooms she can see into, Sylvie figures the agent must be in his bedroom, which is also where she would be if she decided to skip work. So she pushes her way into the room.
She can’t see Mobius, and the whole room is dark, lighted only by a lamp on a bedside table on the side of the bed away from her. At first Sylvie thinks he might be sleeping, but a quick look at the unmade, empty bed shuts down that thought immediately. The small seat next to the windowsill is unoccupied, and the small closet is open and empty save for a few of the brown uniforms and a pair of pajamas.
Sylvie is about to give up when she stumbles over a shoe and almost hits the floor. Luckily she catches herself before she hits the floor. She’s about to look back at the shoe angrily, but then realizes that there’s a grey socked foot poking out around the frame of the bed. The blonde quickly walks around the corner and spots Mobius.
Read here : https://archiveofourown.org/works/55104292
Haven’t had time to draw something for this fic yet so here’s a filler Mobius doodle enjoy
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auroracalisto · 4 years
as fate will have it
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request: Can I please request a Sweet Pea x sweet/innocent!fem!reader when soulmates meet, something important to themselves appears on their soulmate’s wrist as a tattoo. So since being a Serpent is so important to Sweet Pea, a Serpent tattoo appears on Y/n’s wrist, and since being loving is so important to Y/n, a heart would appear on Sweet Pea’s wrist. It would be especially cute if Y/n found out that she’s actually FP’s daughter/Jughead’s year younger sister (but was raised by her adoptive parents in the Northside and maybe FP didn’t know that he had another daughter because her birth mom never told him she was pregnant) because she has “Serpent blood” so it’s like it was fate.  Oooo also, I don’t know if this would be good to add to the plot, but it would also be interesting if Y/n’s adoptive parents told her she had to pick between them or FP & Jug, so an it’s us or them type of thing. Y/n picks FP, her birth dad, and her newfound older brother, Jughead, so she would go to live with them in the trailer.  — @kpopgirlbtssvt​
summary: request covers this 
word count: 2.4k words
warnings: rude parents?  adoption (idk if that’s something to trigger, but just to be safe).  being kicked out of home.  it’s also very possible that it’s ooc sweet pea BUT it’s fineeee
author’s notes: i wanted to clarify that it’s been like two years since i last saw the first season riverdale, so some things could be a little off.  the show is wack but i love the characters.  i also might have somewhat gone off from what the request was, and if i went off too much, just let me know and i will write something else!
Your friend quickly took her seat beside you, smiling.  "Did you hear?"
"Hear what?" you looked up from your book, slipping a piece of paper in between the old pages.  
She let out a soft giggle.  "Well, uh, I know you don't really care, but everyone else is busy—"
"—is that why you're talking to me?"
"Oh my god, no," she blushed.  "No, sorry, that came out totally insensitive, didn't it?  I just... okay, well, they're closing down the southside."
Your eyes widened a bit.  "What?"
"Yeah.  They're gonna consolidate the schools.  So everyone from the southside will be coming up here.  They're supposed to start coming in today.  You should try to see if anyone is your soulmate," she grinned.  
"Yeah, okay, but you've already found your soulmate," you sighed softly, standing up.  You had hardly touched your lunch at all.  From your book and the mention of your soulmate, you didn't want to touch it.  You wanted to meet your soulmate.  Oh, you wanted to love them like they deserved to be loved.  But here you were, finding it hard to believe that you had a soulmate.  
Your friend just smiled.  "You know I love you, right?"
You rose an eyebrow but you soon returned the smile.  "Yeah, yeah.  I know."
She just smiled before she rushed off, gods only know where.  
You stuffed your book back into your backpack, carrying your tray to empty it.  You needed to stop by your locker before your next class.  
Walking out of the cafeteria, you started towards your lockers.  New faces filled the hallway the farther you walked.  You could feel the anxiety start creeping into your veins, but not because of the southside—you had began to wonder if you would find your soulmate from the people who transferred.  
You sighed softly to yourself as you came to your locker—and you had even been prepared to get into it when you saw a man leaning up against it.  He was tall, his hair was dark, and he had gorgeous brown eyes.  He was talking to a short girl with streaked hair and another guy with equally dark hair.  
You cleared your throat to get the tall guy's attention and your blush only darkened as he looked over at you.  
"Would you mind moving?  You're on top of my locker..."
He stared at you for a moment before he nodded, pushing himself off from the locker.  But before he could move too far, a searing pain took over his wrist.  Just as quickly as it had came, it disappeared.  He quickly looked down at his wrist, only to realize that the same exact thing had happened to you.  And now, you were staring down at a serpent tattoo on your wrist, whereas a heart took its place on his own.  
The girl with streaks in her hair was smiling.  "Uuhhhh," she grabbed a hold of the other boy.  "Have fun," she quickly said, before leading him away.  
You blushed and looked up at the man.  "Uh—"
"—a northsider?" he asked, but he couldn't help his smile from forming.  He was about to tease you, but he couldn't help his happiness.  He finally found his soulmate.  "Do you know how much hell I'm gonna get for this?"
Your blush only darkened.  "I—I, well," you breathed out, but your own smile spread across your face.  "That's exciting.  I still need to get in my locker."  You were buzzing with happiness.  The boy moved out of the way and you quickly got into it, looking up at him.  He was far taller than you.  You couldn't help the grin that showed up.  
"I'm Sweet Pea," he said.  
You blushed.  "That's cute."  He rose his eyebrows.  "I mean—" you let out an awkward laugh.  "My name is [Your name]."
"It's nice to meet you, [Your name]," he blushed a bit.  He just smiled.  He would have said more, but his name was shouted from across the hallway.  He looked at you and bit his lip, before he suddenly grabbed your arm, taking a permanent marker from your locker.  He wrote down his number before he looked up at you and grinned.  "Text me, okay?"
You blushed and nodded, before you watched him leave.   
That night, you were too excited to tell your parents about your day.  You finally found your soulmate.  And he was totally attractive.  And worth your love.  You had decided this just moments after he grabbed your arm to write his number down.  It felt like the stars were aligned, just for you.  Perhaps that's what it felt like when you found your soulmate—like nothing could go wrong.  
But as you walked in to your home, dropping your backpack to the floor, it was dead silent.  You walked into the dining room, seeing your parents sitting there with a couple of papers laying out.  Your mother was close to tears, but your father seemed angry.  He cleared his throat as he saw you.  
"[Your name].  Sit."
You did as you were told, beginning to frown.  You looked at your mom.  "What's going on?"
"[Your name].  Remember how we told you we had adopted you?"
You looked at your dad and nodded.  "Of course.  But that doesn't matter... because you're both my parents.  What's this about?"
"Your mother."  
You quickly looked at her, frowning.  
"Your mother fabricated a couple of papers.  She wanted a baby so badly that she would lie about who you belonged to just so she could have you."
"You belong to FP," your dad said, staring down your mother.  You always knew that your father didn't like southsiders, but this was odd.  
"I don't belong to anyone, dad—"
"—don't," he said, frowning at you.  "Your mother decided that it was okay to adopt the child of a gang leader.  She put us in danger.  Your sister.  Your grandparents."
"What—they've never hurt anyone," you frowned at the man.  "Why would she have endangered them if they swear against violence like that—"
"—you'd be surprised," he snorted through his nose.  He clenched his jaws before he handed you the papers.  Before you could grab them, he just dropped them in front of you.  You picked one up, seeing your real birth certificate.  Your birth mother was listed, and then so was your birth father.  Your father was right—FP Jones was listed as your birth father.  
Your face paled and you looked up at him.  "What is this?  What are you trying to tell me?"
"Excuse me?"
"Choose.  The Jones.  Or us."
You looked over at your mother in disbelief.  "What happens if I choose you?"
"We will forbid you from talking with the Jones."
You blinked a couple of times, confusion washing over you.  "But if they're my biological family, I'd like to know them—"
"—if that's the case," your father frowned, "just go and live with them."
You stared at him, feeling your heart beat rushing in your ears.  You quickly got to your feet.  Your mother wasn't defending you.  Your father was kicking you out.  It only took a few moments for you to decide that you would leave.  You quickly rushed to the front door, grabbing your bag.  But not before you had grabbed the papers your father had sat in front of you.  The proof was in the ink—literally.  
You pulled your backpack onto your back, looking down at the papers as you pulled out your phone.  
It had been literal years since you last talked to Jughead Jones.  You had his contact, still.  At least, the one he had whenever the two of you were friends in your seventh grade year.  You began to hope that the stars were aligned for you once more as you clicked on the contact and listened to it ringing.  By the fourth ring, you were prepared to turn your phone off, but you almost gasped as you heard Jughead's voice.  
"Shh," you heard Jughead, before he said hello.  
"Jughead?  Uh, it's [Your name]—"
"—yeah, I have your contact."
"Right," you blushed.  "I, uh," you cleared your throat.  "Do you mind if I swing by your house?  I need to talk to your dad."
You didn't mention the fact that you had just been kicked out of your home.  That could come at a later point in time.  
Jughead blinked a couple of times and he leaned back in his seat.  "Yeah, of course.  When will you be here?"
"In about an hour," you said.  
"Alright.  See you then?"  
With that, he hung up.  He looked over at Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni.  
"Who was that?" Sweet Pea asked.  
"[Your name]."
You hadn't anticipated the walk to Jughead's house, but you still remembered the way.  It had taken you the full hour to get there from your house.  But you were there.  As you walked up to the trailer, you noticed two motorcycles parked by Jughead's dad's truck.  You walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.  You probably looked a mess—from the walk and from the cold air, you were sure you were as red as the red lipstick you always had stuffed in the bottom of your book bag.  
The door began to open and you quickly greeted Jughead, only stopping short when you realized Sweet Pea had answered.  
He smiled at you.  "Hi."
You began to blush and you smiled.  "Hi..."  
He moved out of the way and let you inside.  FP was in the living room, and he looked over at you, confused.  
"What has it been?" he asked, beginning to smile.  "Three years?"
"Four, sir," you weakly smiled.  
FP took notice and he tilted his head.  Sweet Pea frowned and led you over to sit down.  He looked at the papers in your hands as he sat on the edge of the armchair you sat on.  His eyes widened and he quickly looked over at Jughead and his father.  
"I... I wanted to tell you about this.  I don't... do you remember a Julie Harding?"
FP blinked harshly before he nodded.  "Yes."
You took in a deep breath as you looked down at the papers.  "She's my birth mother."
Jughead looked at you with a frown.  "You were adopted?"
You nodded towards him and handed FP your papers.  He took one look at the birth certificate and he looked up at you in disbelief.  "Are you serious?"
You weakly smiled, once more.  "They kicked me out when they realized you were my birth dad."
Sweet Pea's jaw was locked as he looked at you.
FP frowned.  "Well.  You're always welcome here.  I...  I can't believe this," he said.  His frown soon formed into a smile.  "I have another daughter," he breathed out.  
Jughead looked at the papers for a moment.  "We're siblings?"
"I guess so," you began to smile as well.  
Sweet Pea watched you for a moment.  You were always filled with smiles.  You were always happy, even in moments like this.  It astounded him, but he knew that he needed that in his life.  He knew that the stars were truly aligned in just the right way.  
He suddenly took a hold of your hand and you laced your fingers with his, blushing.  Sure, your parents hurt you.  But you took one look around the trailer and you realized that these people were the ones that you could truly make a family out of.  
Two months down the road, you were still asking Sweet Pea to move out of the way so you could get into your locker.  But instead of him staring at you the entire time, he would just kiss your cheek or your forehead, or even your lips, and move to stand on the other side.  Which side truly depended on his mood, just like where he kissed you.  
Every time you would see Jughead, he would greet you with a smile and a short conversation, but when the two of you were with your new friends, you were truly yourself.  You found comfort in the serpents.  You found comfort in your biological family, and with your soulmate, Sweet Pea.  
Sweet Pea stood by your locker, his arms crossed over his chest as he saw you walk down the hall.  He couldn't help his frown from turning into a smile.  Before you could ask him to move, he leaned forward to kiss your cheek.  He quickly took your books and stuffed them in your already opened locker—Toni had memorized your combination and he asked her to unlock it for him.  
He took your hand.  "Come on.  I have a surprise for you."
You rose an eyebrow but you laced his fingers with his.  You tried to protest when you realized that he was about to lead you out of the school, but you stopped yourself.  FP wouldn't berate you for skipping a couple of classes.  
Sweet Pea brought you over to his motorcycle and her turned to look at you, smiling.  "Wear this," he said, handing you his helmet.  
You just blushed and did as you were told before you got onto the back of the sleek bike.  You wrapped your arms around his torso and he put on his helmet before he started his motorcycle and took off.  He drove fast, but not dangerously.  In a matter of minutes, the two of you were back at FP's trailer.  Sweet Pea helped you off and took a hold of both of your hands.  
"I don't have anything to show you.  I just... know that your birthday is coming up soon and I wanted to celebrate alone while we can."
You blushed and gently shoved his shoulder.  
"Not that," he laughed.  "Get your mind out of the gutter.  Nah, I wanted to have a movie marathon with you, but if that's what you want—"
"—movie marathon," you blushed, taking a hold of his hand once more.  He smiled and led you into the trailer.  
He stopped in the doorway to look at you, just taking in your beauty.  He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
"Did I ever tell you how thankful I am that you're my soulmate?" he asked.
You just blushed and shook your head as he let out a soft laugh and hugged onto you.  
Your soulmate acted tough in public—but around you and in private, he was a softy.  Your heart melted every time you saw him, and actions like this only strengthened your love for the man.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled.  
"I love you, Sweet Pea."
His eyes widened as he heard the words, but his smile never left him.  
"I love you, too, [Your name]."
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
I know it’s bc of the demographic and the wishfulfilment for the tween audience, but it’s so funny to me how all these conflicts in shonen MUST be solved by 12-year-old kids. It’s too hard to take seriously at times, tbh. Unless the material actually addresses it, it’s like uuhhhh ok? no adults around to handle this? shoujo has this problem too but it’s mostly wrt the romantic themes, like, the age gaps.
Me looking at the part 1 naruto gifs and going SIR THAT IS A LITERAL BABY and hten remembering Kakashi was like 26 which is STILL too young to be dealing with the shit they were dealing with
That said, somewhere on this blog, I have an entire post explaining how in the shoujo genre, it really feels like sometimes they have children solving the world crises in part to justify the... adultification (?) of preteen/teen characters to justify age gaps. Like "If 14 year old Usagi can save the universe 5 times, of course she can kiss an 18 year old, she's mature and brave!"
That happens less in shounen (although an alarming amount of shounen does have weird "big sister/sensei" fetishization where the young protag is hit on by adult women and it's "acceptable" because protag is a trained killer or whatevre so like... if they're old enough to kill, why aren't they old enough to be hit on by 30 year old women?") but like.......
There's a weird tension in shounen/shoujo where it feels like it wants to tackle adults themes and appeal to the broader audience but wants to still have the tween audience in a chokehold, so like, somtimes, this is all accidental. The same way I feel like a lot of Josei/Seinen ends up wanting to ALSO appeal to kids despite being adult stories.
But like...... there's a very insidious edge to this all. Even when it's not intentional it certainly.... feels it.
And this criticism applies to outside of shounen, outside of manga/anime.
Like... if you want to write a story with adult themes, write the story for adults. Write about two adults in love or whatever, if you wanna explore adult relationsips.
Likewise, if you want to write a story for kids, writ ethe story for kids. You don't need gore nad sex. YOu can have violence and burgeoning sexuality depending on the demographic... but then have with characters who are peers to... your audience.
So many authors/creators want ot have it both ways?? And the result is always just an awkward mess because in having no target audience, you end up having stories that don't really satisfy anyone without any weirdness. Like exploring teen sexuality (which is a healthy and okay thing to do) turns into like... teen porn instead of a gentle hand holding into sexuality. But also adult stories end up being coddlign, empty narratives because tehy don't want to alienate potential teen audiences.
And the worst of them stumble into shit like age gap to pedophilic nonsense or like "12 year old girl saves the world, where ARE her parents?"
Sometimes, there are wys to do it (liek when Naruto was pretending it was about the horrors of war and the cost of child soldiers) but often... the creators just aren't capable of getting there
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annhellsing · 4 years
[sips tea] can i get a fuckin uuhhhh sfw asmo getting OKO'd by sincere compliments either before or during a relationship >:3c
* read this and then send me stuff!! ↳ gender neutral reader.
♡  it’s not that you don’t compliment his body, it’s that you manage to find kind things to say to him that aren’t exclusively that
♡  you praise him for being thoughtful in all ways, from selecting a gift for a friend to putting together an outfit. you’re so observant of all his traits
♡  and, honestly, he can admit that you’re probably even more observant than he is about that kind of thing. asmodeus doesn’t pay attention to himself like that any more, being beautiful is what he’s complimented on so it’s what he gives his attention to
♡  but you never fail to disarm him with sincere compliments about everything else he’s neglected
♡  you take his chin in your hand and tilt his head up, turning it gently to the side so you can admire his makeup. you ask how he did it and when he replies, you praise the time and effort he put into doing it. you adore his craftsmanship
♡  no one’s ever given him that much of a second thought before. and as a result, he’s less on auto-pilot about things. he starts to flaunt, in small ways, the effort he puts into himself
♡  he remembers to take more pride in his work when he knows you care enough to look for it. instead of getting down on himself for being just a pretty face, he knows that you’ll be there for him no matter what
♡  slowly, you become all that matters to him in that sense. empty, hollow compliments are a dime a dozen, he accepts them but slowly stops prioritizing his need to have them
♡  you pull him into this soft, wonderful mindset where things that he does have actual value before just who he is
♡  and you introduce him to people who think the same way. asmo gets better at being able to identify when people are honest, he learns to care if people are being honest
♡  with your help, he comes to understand that he deserves sincere compliments. and that there are people who love him who’ll give him them
♡  of course, his reaction is priceless, even when he’s more used to it. because it’s such a departure from his usual behaviour
♡  he chokes up sometimes, or freezes or turns bright pink. sometimes it’s a combination of all three. he seems genuinely surprised and delighted that you would have even thought to compliment him on something so small
♡  he’s reminded why he adores you, he accepts the praise easily enough but will still do his best every time to return something just as sincere to you. he doesn’t want to think you’re unappreciated
♡  the way you make him feel is so indescribably good. he won’t be satisfied until he knows you understand that. and that he will do his best to reciprocate
♡  sometimes he feels shallow and awful at pointing out things about you that he loves. it’s just second nature to say you have a cute ass. but you never fault him for that because you know he means it
♡  and it occurs to him that if you were to tell him he has a beautiful face or gorgeous eyes or a stunning body (which you do, don’t get me wrong) it would hit different. it wouldn’t be a stranger doing it with an ulterior motive
♡  you chose to be with him, after all. when you had your pick of people, you took his hand instead
♡  and, you remind him, he chose to be with you. so whatever praise he wants to give you, you know it’ll come from a place of real adoration. and he is so glad that you trust him in that way
♡  it comes easier to him after a while. he compliments the doodles you do in your notebook or the way you style yourself when you’re feeling good. he holds your face and tells you that your goodness is a light in his life and that he’s lucky to have been chosen by such a sensitive soul
♡  he takes it as a personal victory when you blush and tell him to stop
♡  asmodeus considers it payback for the times you’ve rendered him absolutely speechless
♡  when he’s used to it, sincere compliments send him rocketing in for a hug. he’ll grab you tight, compelled to action by the force of how much he loves you. he’ll knock you off your feet if you’re not ready for it
♡  you feel the love after you say something nice to him. asmo smothers you in kisses or blows up your phone with heart emojis. and he always lets you know how grateful he is
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a sickly satisfaction (ch.1)
pairing: jason dean/reader
summary: high school sucks. jason dean makes it a little better.
warnings: uuhhhh murder, language, suicide discussion
notes: i have every chapter of this written out already, so every wednesday I’ll release a new one <3 in total the story is 7,800 words! but there are some parts that are kind of short, forgive me for those.
            Eyes down. Walk fast. Stay out of their way. Three simple steps to get through the day. They had an iron grip on the school, their perfectly manicured nails digging into the oily skin of the entire student body. High School was a bloody battlefield in the war that is life. However, the epitome of cruelty, the ultimate teenage angst inducing, self-esteem crushing, happiness shattering war machine came in the form of three girls and their weak-willed sidekick. That’s right; my biggest threat in high school is Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, and Veronica Sawyer. Veronica at least has some semblance of regret and empathy-- she’s just doing what she needs to survive. Unfortunately, that means the rest of us have to struggle to keep our heads above water. 
            Thankfully, I have a sanctuary. A refrigerator heaven filled with endless isles of roadtrip snacks and hangover remedies. Of course, this junk food Garden of Eden also happens to contain my best friend, Tommy Geller. Tommy is 18, emo, and gay, so naturally we got along pretty well. He sits behind the register and lets me hang around until closing. It’s actually pretty nice-- sometimes he lets me do busywork around the store. Sure, it’s sort of pathetic that Snappy Snack Shack is my main source of serotonin, but you know what? There are worse places to be. 
            “Pop open a bottle of champagne, Tommy, because today is a special day!” I cry, pushing open the small class doors. To my delight, the store is empty. There are no irritating customers there to make me keep my voice down.
            “Oh? And why is that?” Tommy inquires, his jet black hair falling in front of his eyes. He’s tired-- and bored-- and I’m the perfect remedy for that. 
            “Today marks exactly six months since I first stepped foot in this town,” I grin. Tommy’s eyebrows perk up.
            “Really? Congrats, kid,” He’s humoring me a bit, but there is a genuine reaction beneath his sarcastic remarks. 
            “Thanks, Tommy. Y’know, that’s twice as long as my time in New Jersey and three times as long as my run in Nebraska. I have a feeling dear old aunt Maria might actually stay here for good,” I hop over the counter before grabbing a can of Coke out of the fridge. I prop me feet up on the counter, but Tommy knocks them down.
            “You know the rules, kid, no stompy boots on the counter.” I roll my eyes. He wipes off the place where my shoes were before organizing the lotto tickets. “Anything interesting happen at school today?”
            “Eh, same old same old. The Heathers were bitches, Veronica was desperately trying to keep up, and I got tripped in the hallway,” Tommy frowns.
            “God, those girls really need to get humbled,” He spits. 
            “You don’t need to tell me. They constantly act so… self-superior, as if their power doesn’t depend solely on whether or not everyone else hates themselves to believe they’re inferior to three teenage girls who are the definition of ‘peaked in high school’,” I squeeze the soda can in my hand, the metal crunching under the pressure. “They need to be more than humbled. The Heathers deserve to be dealt as much pain as they served,”
            “Watch it, kid, you’re sounding a bit homicidal,” Tommy jokes. If only he knew. 
            “It wouldn’t matter anyway. I don’t think they can die-- they’re like a Hydra. If you kill one of the Heathers, three more will grow in her place,” I sigh. Tommy looks concerned.
            “Y/n, you don’t actually want to kill them, right?” I hesitate. The silence makes Tommy worry.
            “I wouldn’t exactly lose sleep if one of them did die,” I reply nonchalantly. “It would be like a public service. Similar to killing the black mold that grows in the girl’s showers,” Tommy looks at me for a second, his expression unreadable, before turning back to his counter. 
            “That’s morbid,” he says. “You know that? You sound like a killer in the making.”
            “Sometimes bad people deserve bad things.”
            “You’re absolutely not helping your case,” Tommy laughs. I can feel someone watching me. It’s an odd feeling, but I brush it off.
            “New topic?” I ask. Tommy nods.
            A mischievous grin grows on his face. “You got a boyfriend? Girlfriend? Partner? All of the above?” he asks hopefully.
            “No, Tommy, and don’t get your hopes up,” I chuckle, before standing up and admiring the neon sign outside.
            “Oh come on, there has to be someone. You can’t possibly go to that hellhole every day and not see at least one hot person!” Tommy groans.
            “Everyone at Westerburg is either evil or boring. No one interests me and I’m not interesting to anyone. Plus, my attention is mainly focused on getting through the day in one piece, not getting laid.” I neglect to mention the stranger I saw in the Cafe yesterday. He was pretty hot, and didn’t seem to be a douchebag-- in fact, he shot two of the douchiest douchebags with blank bullets. A real rarity at Westerburg.
            “God, you need to get out more. I see some pretty people pass through here occasionally, I’m going to start pawning you off,” he jokes.
            “Oh, god, no,” I joined in on his laughter.
            “Yup, I’m going to give every hot person your photo and your address until you finally score yourself some arm candy,” Tommy can barely form sentences through his laughter.
            “I’m gonna to get murdered if you do that, Tom,” I giggle. 
“             And that would be damn shame,” A voice calls from across the counter. I look up to see the most attractive man I’ve ever seen in my entire life. It’s the same guy from the Cafe-- although in the bright convenience store lighting he looks more like a ghost than a man. His jawline looked sharp enough to slice me in half, his cheekbones high and defined. His hair was gorgeous and his teeth were really, really nice. 
            “Uh, yeah, that would totally s-suck,” I choked. Tommy shot me the most horrified look I’ve ever seen. “I’ve, uh, seen you around. That stunt you pulled in the Cafe was wicked, man, seriously.”
            “Hey, it was a public service,” He smirked. Tommy gave me a ‘holy-shit-I’ll-leave-you-two-alone’ look before disappearing in the isles across the room. I could see him peeking through the cereal boxes. “I’m Jason Dean, but most people call me JD.” He offers his hand for me to shake.
             “Y/n, Y/n Ln,” I grip his hand firmly and try not to have a breakdown over the contact. “Y’know, there are much less extreme ways to get people to fuck off than, well, shooting them.”
              “The extreme always seems to make an impression, though, doesn’t it?” His voice was a little bit lower and he leaned in a little bit closer. Tommy was freaking out across the aisle, his eyes wide as his hand raked through his greasy hair. 
            “That it does,” I grin. “There are quite a few people in that school that deserve certain... extremities,” 
            “I think you’re right,” Jason smirked once again. I kept my composure as best I could. “Speaking of extremities, I saw you and Kurt in the hallway last week,” My face is lit ablaze as I recall the incident. Kurt had been continuously pestering me the entire day, and eventually I reached my limit.
            “I guess they aren’t joking when they say the chin is the knockout button,” Jason seems impressed, although I can’t really tell because looking him in the eyes seems like a death sentence. “Landed me three days detention, though. That sucked. Although I guess it can’t compare to whatever they’re dealing you,” At this point, one of the regulars began approaching the front doors. Tommy sprinted out before they got in, seemingly explaining that my entire love life depends on whether or not I can play it cool.
            “Eh, what can I say. I sort of dug myself a grave there,” I spoke without thinking.
            “The only graves that should’ve been dug are Kurt and Ram’s. My one critique? Use real bullets next time,” I froze. Why the fuck would I say that? I mean, I’m not wrong but I doubt JD would stick around after--
            “I like the way you think,” JD laughs, his ears tinted pink. Jason looks at me, and for a moment, I look right back. There’s something behind his eyes, something festering and enticing. I wonder if my eyes communicate anything. “I’ll see you around, Y/n L/n,” 
            “And I’ll see you, Jason Dean,” With that he winked at me, spun on his heel, and walked out the front door. Tommy practically sprinted across the room as I released every muscle I’d been tensing. I slowly melted onto the floor. Laying on the tile with my eyes trained on the bright lights overhead.
            “Oh my god,” Tommy breathed. “Oh my fucking god that was-- oh my god.”
            “I know,”
             “Did you see him? He’s like a greek god,”
            “I know,”
            “And he was totally into you, like, totally,”
            “I should’ve given him my address. I wouldn’t mind getting murdered by him.” I say breathlessly. Tommy sits on the counter and looks down at me.
            “I think I need to teach you how to talk to boys,” Tommy sighs, shock still lingering on his face.
            “Pssh, I can talk to boys just fine,” I retort.
            “You almost collapsed when you saw him,” he says flatly.
            “That was--”
            “I thought you were going to pass out when he told you his name,”
            “But I--”
            “I genuinely believed you were going to vomit when he shook your hand,”
            “Alright! I give! I can’t talk to boys! You caught me! Lock me up and never let me embarrass myself like that again!” I surrendered, throwing my arms in the air before letting them collapse over my face. “He probably thinks I’m a freak,”
            “Are you joking? He was more smitten than you were!” This caught my attention, and I tore my arms away from my eyes. 
            “Huh? Elaborate!” I snapped.
            “You seriously didn’t notice? He’d been staring at you since you stepped foot in here, didn’t you see him? At first I thought it was weird, but then I realized he was smoking hot so I decided I’d let it slide,” “Comforting,” Sarcasm drips from my words. “Y’know serial killers and stalkers can be hot, too.” I rolled my eyes.
“             I seem to recall you saying something along the lines of ‘I wouldn’t mind getting mur--’,”
            “Alright, Tommy, we get it.” I cut him off in embarrassment. “Please continue.”
            “He comes in here a lot, so I knew he was alright. He was beet red the entire time you were talking. Didn’t you see the way he was in a perpetual state of stupid smiling? Dude, he was definitely into you and really bad at hiding it,” Tommy concluded.
            I smiled a big, dumb smile. I didn’t notice the fact that he was nervous, so he probably didn’t notice that I was dying, right? 
            “Tommy, I think we might have a keeper.”
            “Thank god, I don’t think I could stand to see you go to Prom alone. That would be too depressing, even for me,” Tommy enthused. I propped my feet against the edge of the counter, staring at the tips of my boots. For the first time in a long time, Tommy is silent. I can’t get his eyes out of my head. Then again, I don’t know if I want to. 
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crystalwillow · 4 years
That’s Dr. Valentine To You
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Warning: Smut
Age Rating: 18+
It was Valentine’s Day and Casey arrived at work with 2 of her best friends Sienna and Bryce. They walked through the doors holding coffee cups and cookies whilst laughing at a story Bryce was telling them from his high school days. “.... and then out of nowhere he ran out onto the pitch, stark naked and done the full dance. He didn’t know until after that it was on national TV” he laughs as he finishes telling his story, whilst they all clock in and finish their coffees. As they binned their cups and turned to go and get changed a stern voice shouted out from behind them “Valentine. You’re late!” It echoed through the almost empty lobby. They all knew who it was. Dr. Ramsey, and if Casey wasn’t dating him he would definitely sound more harsh right now. They all turned around, Casey digging through her bag as Bryce and Sienna smiled at him as he came to a stop in front of them. “Good morning Dr. Ramsey” Sienna beamed, “Sup dude?” Asked Bryce. Ethan gave them a friendly smile in return and turned to Casey. “Care to explain why you’re late?” He asked. “Uuhhhh yeah. 1 second, it’s in here somewhere........ ah-ha!” She said victoriously and handed him his glasses “you forgot these, the toilet clogged again and the line at the coffee shop was out the door. A down fall of having a 9am start here I suppose.” Casey smiled at him, “oh! I also brought you this” she put her hand in her bag and pulled out one of his favourite cookies and handed it to him “now. I don’t know about you but I have patients to see to and other work to do. See you around Dr. Ramsey” Casey said as she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and rushed off to get changed and start her day. “he’s whipped” Bryce snickered quietly to Sienna before slinking off to get ready for his shift. Leaving Sienna and Ethan to go their separate ways.
2 hours into her shift Casey was rushing through the hallway flicking through a chart as she was on her way to her next patient, when she walked right into someone. “Oh! I’m so sorry” she said quickly catching her stethoscope as it fell from her neck and carried on towards her next room. “But Case-“ Ethan said calling after her softly. But she was gone round the corner before he could say anymore. Saddened he made his way to the nurses station she was at and left his gift there before getting back to work. Later on she returned to the station and was given the gift by another, older nurse who was just about to leave off for the day, “here love. Dr. Ramsey left this here for you. Said you were in a rush earlier” she smiled and pat Casey shoulder softly before leaving the room.
Setting her clipboard down Casey get a better grip on the box and opened in carefully. Inside was a shiny new charm in the shape of a the letter ‘C’ for her bracelet she always wore when she was off duty, she smiled as she wiped a tear from her cheek with a sniffle. “I thought you’d like it” she froze in place as she heard Ethan’s gentle voice behind her. She placed the box on the side and threw her arms around his neck “I love it. Thank you” she said happily as he hugged her back tightly. “Ahem... Dr. Valentine?” A nurse spoke from behind them, they broke their hug and turned around. “You’re needed in room 462” the nurse informed her and rushed off. Casey turned back to Ethan and kissed his lips sweetly “I’ll see you later” she said as she pulled away and waved as she rushed away. Ethan smiled, waved back and put her box away in her pigeon hole at the desk then headed back to work.
A few hours later Bryce and Casey were eating lunch in the cafeteria when Ethan entered and got his own lunch & sat at a table. “So... you’re telling me he’s actually got a soft side for real?” Bryce questioned as Casey ate her cheese salad sandwich. “Mhm” she nodded as she swallowed he food “underneath the gruff exterior, is a really kind, sweet and caring man” she answered and took another bite of her food. “And he replaced your charm you broke literally just 3 weeks ago?” Bryce questioned further and again got a nod as a response. “Wow” he commented and Casey giggled.
Soon they were clearing away their rubbish and about to get back to work when Bryce spotted Ethan sitting alone looking rather glum and zoned out feeling sorry for him. “Okay let’s go. ... Bryce?... Helloooo? Earth to Lahela. ..... BRYCE!” Casey shouted and got his attention “huh? Yeah, they’re real cute” he said startled and Casey burst out laughing “what???!” She asked “Pandas. They’re cute. I answered your question” he replied, “I didn’t ask what you thought of pandas. I said let’s go.” She chuckled. “Oh. I guess seeing people glum is more of a distraction than I thought” he blushed as he pointed toward Ethan as Casey looks at him quizzically. “Oh... um.. I’ll be 5 minutes. If you see Ines, could you tell her I’m a bit tangled up?” Casey asked, Bryce nodded and headed back to work as Casey walked over to Ethan’s table and sat opposite him. “Hey sweetie” she chirped but Ethan didn’t say a word, just poked at his food. “Come on. Your morning can’t have been that bad could it?” She continued as she out her hand over his and smiled softly as he looked up and met her eye. One look told her all she needed to know. He’d lost a patient. She squeezed his hand tightly and he responded in kind and Ethan let out a rough sight “I just-“ he started but the stopped as he choked on a sob and his eyes welled with tears. “Do you need some air?” Casey asked, after a moment he nodded and the two made their way outside.
They crossed the street and sat on the bench just opposite the hospital. “He was doing fine Casey. Everything was brilliant. He was healthy and recovering. Then boom. Just like that... he... he’s gone” Ethan rambled and he slumped forwards putting his head in his hands and sobbing. “Hey... hey it’s going to be alright. I’m here for you” Casey cooed lovingly as she pulled his broad frame closer to her. They sat there for about 10 minutes while Ethan sobbed. Casey felt sorry for him, she had never seen the man she loved so broken, in such a mess like this and it broke her heart. “Hey. You know what would cheer you up?” She asked as Ethan sat up sniffling “what?” He asked dabbing at his eyes with his coat sleeve. “This” Casey stated as she handed him a card and a couple of tissues. He took them and blew his nose before looking at her curiously “go on. Open it” she said pointing to the card in his hands. When he opened it, the most sincere smile spread across his face at the photo on the front. A picture of them together at the baseball game where they saved a Baseball players life. He opened it and some papers fell out. “What’s this?” He asked as he removed the elastic band and flicked through them “one free hug. A free pep talk, workplace only. Kiss me, Please, I need it.” He chuckled at the next one “that is highly inappropriate for the work place Casey Valentine” he smiled at her devilishly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Dr.Ramsey” she replied innocently as she stood up and held out her hand. “Come on. We need to get back. Keep the coupons in your pocket and page me if you want to redeem one” she smiled as he took her hand and they headed back inside.
“Finally! There you are!” Zaid shouted as they entered sharing a kiss “Valentine you’re needed in a meeting in room 521, IMMEDIATELY!” He demanded and Casey rushed off “Love you!” She called back to Ethan as she got in the elevator. “And you were needed in operating theatre 5, almost 45 minutes ago!” Zaid continued ranting as he got closer the Ethan’s face. “DO NOT. Get any closer Zaid.” Ethan spoke authoritatively and Zaid backed off. Later in the day, around 6pm Casey was sitting at the nurses station balancing pencils on her nose. As she was about to successfully add the 5th pencil she jumped at the sudden sound of her pager bleeping.
She collected herself and checked who needed her and where, she then grabbed her stethoscope, pen, ID badge and clipped her pager the her trousers and hurried towards the first place she was needed. As she rushed through a hallway a small rectangular box was held out at her, she grabbed it before she bumped into the arm holding it and looked back before she rounded the corner. A small smile playing on her lips as Ethan stood there and mouthed a quick “I love you” before turning round and returning to his work. The rest of Casey’s shift went past in a blur of checking up on patients and running back and forth from the blood lab.
Towards the end of her shift she was walking back from the blood lab to get changed when suddenly she gasped loudly with a small scream, as was pulled into a side room and heard the door lock behind her and then things shoved into place to bolt it shut. Terrified she had a stalker and was about to be killed she cautiously grabbed her stethoscope from her neck making it a loop and started to turn slowly. A low and amused but familiar chuckle sounded as she turned and relief immediately ran through her as she relax a little as she came face to face with Ethan. “You know I’m impressed you grabbed that thing. Anyone else would have just assumed it to be their lover” he said with a certain darkness to his tone, Casey chuckled a little “Well I’m not anyone, Ethan. You know that.” She replied as she placed her stethoscope on the side. “Now what do you wa-“ she started but was interrupted “To redeem this” he replied with urgency as he held one of her hand made coupons out towards her. She took it to see which it was and laughed warmly “I thought this one was highly inappropriate for the workplace?” She said with a cocky look on her face. “Don’t care. I need you Casey. Right now. You’re all I’ve been thinking about the whole of my 20 hour shift. You drive me crazy and I just... I need you” he rambles looking at her with hunger and need. A need that’s hard to say no to “Alright. Qui-“ before she can even finish her sentence, Ethan’s pushed her up again the cabinet kissing her so ferociously she can taste his desperation. “Mmm. Babe” she said as she pulled away to catch her breath, he looked at her quizzically, waiting for her to continue. “One, I was going to say I need to clock out. I’ve actually just finished. And two, you have a condom right?” She asked.
He gave her the sexiest most hot smirk she’s ever seen and she was so focused on him that she didn’t notice that her breath caught in her throat. “Am I ever not prepared?” He growled lowly in her ear as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the condom to show her. She smiled and he quickly continued his heated assault on her body. “Mmm, Ethan” she moaned softly as he slid his hand into her trousers, rubbing over her panties as his other hand cupped and entertained on of her breasts. Casey bit her lip as she watched him, seeing the concentration on his face. He removed his hands and she groaned in disappointment “Ethaaannnn” he smirked as he unbuckled his belt and dropped his trousers, revealing the thick outlines of his hardened dick causing Casey to automatically fall to her knees “oh god.” She whispered “you’re so hard for me already” she continued as she teasingly rubbed him through his boxers causing him to throw his head back with a low throaty moan. Casey quickly pulled down his boxers allowing his dick to spring free, another moan escaped his lips as she started stroking his hardened length before wrapping her lips around it and starting to suck. “Ohhhhhh. Mmmm fuck. Ahhhh yes.” Ethan moaned as Casey sucked and swirled her tongue around his dick whilst her hands gently massaged his balls. As soon as she pulled away from his dick, Ethan pulled her up by the arm and stripped her of her clothes, sitting her on a chair he dragged in with him and lowered himself to between her legs. “My turn” he said lowly, his eyes dark with hunger. As his mouth made contact Casey gasped and moaned with pleasure “mmmnnnn. Fuck yes.” She continued to let out little breathy moans as Ethan continued his pleasurable assault on her pussy. Not being able to hold off any longer Ethan grabs the condom, ripping open it’s packaging and sliding it on. Soon he’s lining himself up with Casey, looking deep into her eyes. They stare at each other for a moment before a gaspy moan escapes Casey’s lips as Ethan pushes himself inside and starts to thrust. Soon they’re both moaning, sweaty messes as Ethan pulls out and gives Casey a quick kiss, pulling her up and sitting on the chair. A smirk played onto Casey face as she stood over him lowering herself down onto his dick a starting to ride. Both moaning as quietly as they could at the pleasure that ran through their bodies.
A few hot and heavy moments later Ethan picked up his pace, causing Casey to let out a louder moan as how good it felt with her pocket vibrator held against her clit. “Oohhh fuck Ethan yes!” She screamed as her head rolled backwards. Soon he was pulling out and ripping the condom off and binning it, “You want my cum baby?” He asked smiling cockily, already knowing the answer as Casey fell to her knees “suck my cock” he demanded and Casey obeyed sucking harshly on his cock as he let out a string of hissed and whispered moans “oh yeah. Uuhhhhhh. Ssssss, just like that babygirl. Mmmm I’m gonna cum” he moaned lowly as Casey pulled back and opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out a little ready to catch his load “you look so pretty down there with flushed cheeks Casey. So pretty & so fucking sexy” he whispered as he closed his eyes moaning as he came into Casey’s mouth. She swallowed and collected what missed with her finger, swiping it into her mouth a swallowing before sucking his dick a little more and standing up to kiss him.
They stood there for a few moments catching their breath and enjoying each others presence. After a few moments Ethan started to quietly chuckle to himself, “what’s funny?” Casey asked quietly as she drew shapes on his chest “nothing. I just... I just had workplace sex for the first time. I showered a woman with gifts on Valentine’s Day, whilst we were both working. I have a beautiful girlfriend who means the world to me. And she gave me a card and some coupons that were hand-made, because she may or may not have known that she’s the only gift I need. She’s helping me open myself back up to the world and life. I’m opening my heart to her and that’s scary. But I feel.... I feel.... happy.” He says sweetly as he strokes Casey’s hair and she sniffles and holds back tears at his sweetness. “Ethaaannn.” She whined “you’re gonna make me cry. What’s got you all so sentimental and mushy?” She continued to ask. “You have Casey. You came in here a year ago, caught my eye and drove me crazy for the entire year. In more ways than one and now where here.
Standing in a supply cupboard as a couple, half naked after having sex. I only have one question” he said as he pulled his pants back up, zipping and buttoning them up before rebuckling his belt. “Shoot.” Casey replied as she picked up her bra. “What have you done to me Casey?” He asked as he moved close to her and fastened her bra hooks. “What do you mean?” She questioned as she slid her scrubs shirt back on over her head. “Well I’m now flocked by people and called friendly. Not a cold-hearted bastard” he explained and she sighed and he unbarricaded and unlocked the door whilst she tied her shoes. “You were never a cold-hearted bastard. You were just hurt & misunderstood. With many people unwilling to get to know the real you underneath that hurt. All I’ve done is brought the real you to the surface” she answered as they turned off the light and exited the cupboard and walked to the end of the corridor “well.. I’m this way” she said pointing left before running a hand through his sex-tousled hair, smoothing it out. “I’ll see you in a bit then Casey-poo” he smiled returning the gesture and resting his hand on her face.
She leant into his warm touch before reluctantly pulling away “yeah. In a bit” She said softly as she turned away, taking a few steps before stopping and turning back “Oh and um Dr. Ramsey!” She called out stopping him before he turned the corner. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she smiled mischievously “we’re in the workplace so that’s Dr. Valentine to you, sir” she shouted down the hall. He laughed and shook his head good naturedly before carrying on down the hall. Fifteen minutes later Casey exited the main hospital doors to a couple of whoops and cheers. “What?” She said to herself and turned around to see Bryce and Jackie sitting round the statue with a flushed Ethan looking at you apologetically and she knew they’d talked out of him what they had just done moments before. And to be completely honest, she wasn’t mad at him for telling them. I mean he was practically glowing, walking on clouds and grinning like a kid in a candy store. She swatted Ethan’s arm playfully and the four of them made their way home to the apartment block they lived in.
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plastic-portrait · 5 years
hey uuhhhh can i get a fic where sal's crush comes over to his house for a project and sal offers them to stay for dinner, then henry—assuming theyre dating, embarrasses the shit outta sal bc sal talks about them and stuff????
Sure! It was mid-afternoon on a Friday, and I was headed over to Sal’s house to work on our group report in history class. Sal had offered for me to stay for dinner, as our project was due on Monday and we were very behind, so of course, I accepted. The Addison Apartments were much older than I had expected, but I wasn’t here to judge, and anyways it seemed much better off than many buildings of this age. I found Sal’s apartment easily and knocked, and soon enough I could hear footsteps, followed by the door opening.
Sal’s father, Henry, smiled politely. He was much taller than I expected, but that might have been because his son was 5′2′’. They did both have blue hair, so now I knew where that came from.
“Hello, you must be y/n. It’s nice to finally meet you!” Henry seemed oddly cheerful, and I wasn’t sure what he meant by finally. I just brushed it off as a dad thing.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Fisher” We shook hands. 
“Sal is in his room, just make sure you knock. He gets a little jumpy if you don’t announce your presence.” He chuckled to himself.“Will do.”
We went our separate ways, and I walked over to Sal’s door. I knocked but made sure it wasn’t too loud. He called for me to let myself in. I found him on the floor with everything from poster board to glitter glue scattered on the carpet. He sat with his legs crossed, hunched over a piece of paper, sketching out ideas.
“Hey y/n. Hope my dad didn’t bother you too much.” Sal patted an empty space across from him, where I sat,“He didn’t bother me at all,” I assured him. “He actually seems nice. Anyways, what’ve you got so far?” I peeked at his paper, which had a few things written in colored pencil. 
“I’m thinking about using the glitter to border the lettering, but I’m worried that the letters would be too big for the poster board with everything else going on it…” Sal seemed to be anxious, about the project or something else. His bright blue hair was sticking out in every direction under the straps of his mask.“Well, we have a few pieces of poster board here, so let’s try it on one of the extras first.”
We worked on our project for about three hours, and we were both satisfied with how it was turning out. Henry had just finished dinner when we had decided to take a break, which worked out perfectly. The whole apartment smelled good.
The three of us sat around the coffee table, as there was no dining room. Henry was going on and on about how happy he was that Sal finally invited someone over, how many hobbies we had in common, and how I should come over more often. Sal was silent, but I could see that his ears were slowly turning pink with every minute. I was curious as to how Henry knew so much about me, but I didn’t want to call Sal out like that. I actually thought it was cute. “Well, next time you guys want to go on a date, let me know sooner and I can give you some money to get out of the house. I know how boring it can be cooped up in here all day, “ Henry smiled, completely unaware of the impact his words just had on the table.
I glanced over at Sal, who choked when his father spoke. His skin was pale, his eyes were wide open, and he refused to make eye contact with me. I had caught on to what was happening, and that Henry didn’t know that we weren’t a couple. I decided to cover for him for now, if only so that his father wouldn’t feel bad for assuming.“Yeah, getting outside would be nice. Although, I think I still have a bus pass we could use to go to the park, and it wouldn’t cost us anything. Thanks for the offer, though, Mr. Fisher.” I was trying hard not to laugh at Sal comically panicking. If he was in a cartoon, he would explode. After dinner, I helped clean up the dishes, much to Henry’s protesting, and then Sal and I worked on our board for another hour. “Sorry about my dad…” Sal mumbled as we glued the letters to the board. I could tell he was mortified.“It’s alright, Sal. Your dad didn’t know better,” I said. “And anyway, I wasn’t kidding about the park if you want to hang out again. It’s supposed to be nice on Sunday.” 
“I… I’d like that, y/n. But next time we work on this, we’re not doing it at my house.” Sal chuckled nervously. 
“Alright then. But it’s getting late, so I should head home.” 
We cleaned up all of the supplies, and Sal walked me to the door. “See you on Sunday then, y/n.” 
“Yeah, see you then.” I decided to give him a hug, both because it seemed like he needed one, and because I knew it would make him internally freak out. He jumped in surprise, and it was over before he could say a word.“Bye Mr. Fisher!” I called out. I said goodbye to Sal, who looked as though he was still processing what had just happened, his ears bright red.I was curious as to what Sunday would bring.
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noreasonjustbored · 5 years
Perception Is Reality
Charlotte didn’t think that her relationship with Henry was out of the ordinary until people started commenting on it. Constantly.
It all started with a nonchalant remark from a stranger.
After midterms were over Henry, Jasper and Charlotte decided to reward themselves on a job probably well done with breakfast from Denny’s. Pancakes could soothe the soul.
As usual, Charlotte sat with Henry on one side of the booth while Jasper sat on the other side alone. After giving their drink orders, Jasper told them that he had to go to the restroom.
When he was gone the waiter brought out their drinks and set down their straws. Charlotte immediately stole Henry’s straw so that she could put it in his drink.
If she didn’t, he would definitely peel off the bottom and blow the wrapper directly at her face. He had been doing it since they were little kids and he once hit her right in the eye. Over the years, Charlotte started taking his straw to prevent it from happening again. It was habit. She didn’t really think about how others would perceive it.
Noticing the interesting quirk between the two of them the waiter said breezily, “Wow, you guys are a gorgeous couple.” To determine why this comment was made so confidently, Char took inventory of their circumstances.
They were sitting closely, pressed together from shoulder to knee, on the same side of the booth. Henry had his left arm draped on the cushion above her shoulder. AND she had just unwrapped a straw and placed it in his cup. That was kind of a weirdly intimate action.
Okay. I see how this looks. Charlotte thought. But before she could tell them that they were just friends, Henry beat her to the punch.
He stammered out an awkward “Thanks, but we’re not- she and I aren’t- uuhhhh” while taking the hand that was previously behind her and using it to rub the back of his neck.
Jasper had been approaching the table when the comment was made and reached them during Henry’s rambled fumbling. “Wait, you guys are together again?” Jasper inquired with a hint of an excitement.
Trying to prevent the moment from dragging on any further, Charlotte spoke up “Not dating. Best friends.” Not her most eloquent, but it got the point across to their server and to their nosy best friend.
The waiter simply let out a quiet, “My mistake” and asked what everyone was having to eat. Jasper grumbled under his breath about them. “Aw man, I thought my ship was sailing again.”
Henry and Charlotte were on the couch in his living room. They had taken a break from studying and were just talking while munching on roasted almonds.
Somehow he had maneuvered so that his head was resting atop Charlotte’s thighs. She absentmindedly carded her fingers through his hair as they discussed any and every thing.
As Charlotte expertly twisted and twirled her fingers through his blond locks Henry closed his eyes and groaned lowly in pleasure.
This is the position they were discovered in an hour later when Siren walked through the front door with groceries. Henry was snoring lightly and Charlotte was now holding a book with one hand and playing in his hair with the other.
“That is so cute!” Henry’s mother whisper-yelled while taking her phone out to snap a photo of the pair.
This caused Charlotte to whip her head in Siren’s direction and then adamantly shake her head in protest. We are not dating! She screamed in her mind. She didn’t want to talk in fear of waking Henry up. He especially needed the rest lately.
Ignoring Charlotte’s fervent head movement, Siren traipsed by them on her way to the kitchen. “Ah, to be young and in love again” she sighed out.
The next time it happened was when they were sitting in the Man Cave one Saturday afternoon binge watching Dog Judge.
Charlotte had gotten her nails professionally manicured because she was going to her aunt’s wedding the next day.
Since it was a special occasion, Charlotte decided to get holographic gel nail polish. It was sort of an iridescent chrome that changed colors when you moved them around.
Henry was fascinated by her nails. Charlotte usually did her own and rarely painted them any other color besides clear. So when he saw her shiny appendages, he just took one of her hands and didn’t give it back.
He first turned her hand this way and that way to see the different hues present. He rubbed his fingers on the digits’ smooth exterior.
Somehow this devolved into him caressing the whole front of her hand, which was super soft by the way, and then flipping her hand over to see if her palm was just as soft. It was. Softer even.
Charlotte let him do this without protest. She didn’t need that hand to eat the popcorn on the table anyway. That’s what her other hand was for. Plus, his touch was very gentle and super relaxing. She didn’t mind his ministrations at all.
Henry took her hand and placed it on top of his to compare sizes. He was intrigued by how much bigger his hand was. He could curl the tops of his fingers over hers, they were so small and dainty.
Then he smoothed their palms together back and forth several times, spearing his fingers between hers a little more on every pass.
Charlotte instinctually completed the interlocking of their fingers when he stopped moving his hand.
Schwoz walked into the ManCave some time later and witnessed the two teens. 
“Oh my gosh! You guys are dating!” He declared in his funny accent.
Looking away from the TV monitor, Charlotte and Henry stared at him in confusion.
“What?!” Charlotte asked.
“What are you talking about bro?” Henry wondered.
Instead of responding Schowz just walked closer and gestured at their still clasped palms.
Looking down at what he was referring to, they both jerked their heads back up to glance at each other and then disconnected their digits abruptly. They had forgotten all about that.
“We’re just close.” “This means nothing.” The friends exclaim simultaneously.
He scoffed and then gave them an incredulous look while nodding his head as if to say, Sure I believe you. Not.
The following occurrence where someone mentions their nonexistent relationship is during the weekly movie marathon at Henry’s house.
This week was Henry’s turn to pick the genre and he decided that it was a horror/suspense kind of night. Charlotte was not amused.
She was fine during Us and Get Out because she had seen them both before. Now came time for the truly scary stuff. They had just finished Halloween, which wasn’t too bad and now they were starting Annabelle: Creation.
Henry was sitting next to her on the couch in his room, seemingly unaffected, while she peeked through her hands and shrieked a little at every jump scare.
At one particularly horrifying part, Charlotte turned to hide her face into Henry’s shoulder while he just chuckled and smoothly placed his arm around her lower back.
Char was becoming increasingly jumpy as the night wore on. At one point, she gripped Henry’s arm so hard that it left little red indentations that took a few minutes to fade.
Henry kept pulling her closer and closer every time she got scared until she was practically in his lap. Scratch that, he observed, she was ACTUALLY in his lap.
When did that happen? Henry pondered as Charlotte buried her face in his neck. She was slightly trembling and taking harsh breaths that tickled against his clavicle.
He could feel his heartbeat pick up speed from the close contact, the scary movie playing a few feet away not eliciting the same response.
“Henry! I am NOT okay!” Piper yelled while bursting into his room without knocking and cutting off his train of thought.
Frightened by the noise, Henry pushed Charlotte’s body off of his suddenly which caused her to fall onto the ledge of his stairs.
“Dude! What the heck!?!” Charlotte angrily questions.
“Sorry! It was a reflex!” Henry responds while reaching out a hand to help her up.
Piper watched their interaction curiously. “Why are you so spastic bro? No one cares if you make out with your girlfriend.”
Sighing, Henry and Charlotte sit back down next to each other on the couch.
“Would you believe me if I said we were just friends?”
“After what I just saw? No, I would not.” Piper says.
“Figures.” Charlotte mumbles.
One day they were in the Man Cave researching their latest Big Bad. Charlotte was at the monitors diligently looking through their database for clues while Henry got food from the Auto Snacker.
Sitting down with his meal, Henry called her to join him and told her to go back to the evidence later. She had been at it for hours.
“Just a sec. I’m onto something here.”
“Okay but you’re missing out on these cheesy, delicious nachos.”
“I can order my own when I’m done.”
Not finding any flaws in that logic, Henry scarfed down his food. Man was I hungry.
Pushing the empty plate aside, he looked up and realized that Charlotte had not moved from her spot the whole time he was eating.
Letting out a tiny groan of frustration that she was still working, he stood up and walked over.
“You’re supposed to be having dinner right now.”
“I will. In a minute.”
Henry leaned over the back of her chair and reached over her shoulders to pry her hands from the touchpad. He clasped their hands together to prevent her from going back to it.
“You said that twenty minutes ago.”
“Yeah ok. Just another moment” she said while struggling to release her hands from his grip.
Henry spoke directly into her ear. “Nope. Your time is up. Don’t make me throw you over my shoulder.”
A tingle went down Charlotte’s spine at his words and their proximity. “You wouldn’t.”
“Try me” he whispered.
Charlotte gave him a defiant look out of the corner of her eye, freed her hands and crossed her arms over her chest tightly.
Before she knew it, he had spun her chair around and swiftly picked her up into his arms bridal style.
Wrapping her arms around his neck for more support, Charlotte looked up at his face to see him smirking down at her.
“I hate you” she said with no malice in her voice.
“I love you too” Henry replied while taking her to the auto-snacker.
Ray came out of the elevator to see Charlotte in Henry’s arms with her hand on the auto-snacker screen demanding chocolate ice cream.
“Food. I said food Char.”
“Ice Cream is food. The best kind of food at that.”
“Whatever” he conceded. “As long as you eat something.”
“Eh-hem” someone cleared his throat.
Henry looked over his shoulder while Charlotte grabbed her treat and dug in.
“Sweets for the sweethearts?”
She lifted her gaze from her bowl at the statement and saw Ray standing there with an extremely wide, knowing smile.
Henry walked to the table and sat down, causing her to be relocated onto his legs.
Quickly scooting off of his lap with her dessert, Charlotte says in a flat tone “We are not sweethearts.”
“What she said.”
“Well you could’ve fooled me.” Ray airily answers while walking through the sprocket door.
More and more instances popped up where people gave their unsolicited commentary on the friend’s interactions. Everyone thought that they were a couple and the two hardly lasted a day without someone saying something.
Another occasion was when the teens were at school. They were both tired because they had snuck out late the night before to handle a crime alert at the ManCave.
Ray and Henry ended up losing the criminals due to a stroke of bad luck. Someone had left marbles in an alleyway that the heroes were cutting through to catch up to the thieves.
Ray slipped on the marbles and cracked his head against the pavement. Henry tripped over him. The bad guys escaped.
It was 3 AM when they made it back. After they returned, Henry transformed and then promptly knocked out on the circle couch.
Char stayed up later than everyone trying to get a lead on a possible next target that the villains would hit. She didn’t fall asleep until after the sun rose in the sky. It was safe to say that she was exhausted.
Standing at her locker, Charlotte gathered her materials slowly, yawning near constantly. They still had 15 minutes before class started.
When Henry got all the stuff he needed, he journeyed over to his best friend.
“Hey. How are you holding up?”
“Terribly” she moaned out while rubbing the back of neck.
“Got a kink from sleeping at the console?”
“Yep. Several. Plus I have a test first period. Today is not my day.”
Moving her hand out of the way, Henry places his hands on her neck and gently massages away the tension there.
She lets out a long, shuddering breath and gives a soft moan when he hits a particularly tense area. He grins in satisfaction.
“Thank you Hen.” Charlotte says after a few minutes, cueing him to stop.
“No problem” he replies while stepping closer and wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulls her back flush against his body.
Closing the still ajar locker door, she rotates her head to meet his gaze. “What are you doing?”
“Letting you relax” came the simple reply as he flipped around and leaned them both against her locker. Charlotte using his body as a cushion.
Instead of resisting, she just melted more heavily into him, her head dropping back to rest on his chest.
They stayed like this for the remaining ten minutes before homeroom. Eyes closed and Henry’s arms still surrounding her, providing a blanket of comfort and warmth that she didn’t want to leave.
Reluctantly extracting herself from his grip when the bell rang, Charlotte turned to face Henry.
“Better?” he asked.
“Better” she nodded.
He studied her face for a few lingering seconds and thought about everything they had been through together. All the things they had done. All things they would do.
She thought about how comfortable they were with each other, how tactile. How a simple touch from Henry could calm her entire nervous system like nothing else could.
How she knew the same was true for him.
She concluded that they were practically dating already, just without the label.
Taking a deep breath, they continued to stare at each other.
Do you want to go out with me?”
Ms. Shapen broke the spell, walking past them and screaming at their fellow students.
“Come on Lovebirds!” she called out to them specifically.
“We’re coming!” they reply at the same time.
“Jinx.” they say together again and smile.
This time, the assumption was correct.
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cavitycandy · 6 years
Dream Log 2g Ffffffffffffgnvvv: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah
So This one’s gonna be in 3 parts cus they’re all kinda short and i don’t remember when i had them
SO the first one. So yall remember that one Indian girl from the Office, Mindy or something??? Yeah so she gets the death penalty and is executed. But they preserve her body. The way the do it it.....
So shes put in this glass block. Like RESIN THATS THE WORD. So its like they put her in a solid resin box, and she’s sitting like on of those greek ladies sitting, like her body is facing forward but her face is to the side and yeah. 
So this giant block of Mindy just,,,,follows me around everywhere. Not in the way that like,,,,its sliding along the ground, ,,,,making horrible noises the human mind cannot imagine,,,no,,,,like when i turn around then look back, ,,,,, shes there
and apparently i learn later on that im in a minecraft style video game and i’ve been cursed to be followed by mindy until i save a princess or some shit.
The Snecond One goes a little like this so pretty much uuhhhh so im with three of my g o o d friends (one of them is @shootthesun) and,,,,,,,,so theres these three other people. Some whiny ass boy and two girls. The guy is like
oOOoOooooOooOOoOOOo you can’t come to our sECRET dance party ehehehehehehe” and they leave
We follow them cus we’re hastag kool kidz 😤😤😤
We follow them to this abandoned warehouse. And we open this door.
Ok so get some D*shcon vibes flowing through you.
Now imagine D*shcon but in a pitch black abandoned warehouse. Theres an empty stage in the middle of the room. There is one (1) move Gobe light going absolutely apeshit in the color magenta. 
So the two girls, what they’re doing? Well, theyre alternating between making out and looking at their phones. Im pretty sure they made out when the magenta light hit them. W I L D
But the boy. What is that imp doing?????
He is breakdancing. There is no music playing
YOu can hear his uncomfortable, pain-f i l l ed grunts everytime a new bone hits the ground at s u p e r s o n i c speeds
He stops. He is posed in that laying-on-his-side pose. The sexy breakdancer pose. He is not facing us. Then
he is.
He turns at us and lo oooks at us with his  d e a d eyes. His eyes have eyeshine. They glisten as we hear his raggedy, heaving breaths full of emotional emptiness.
He stares at us for at least a minute. Not surprised, more or less,,,
THirstly,,, So im friends with this girl. She looks great. An icon! A beanie, an army green jacket! Snatched my wig!
So she comes to my house and is like..,,,, yo i found thiss,,,,,this usb on the ground or some shit lets,,,,,put it in your pc.
So my dumbass
says yea, lets put this ground usb in my pc
So we put the usb
in my pc
and then this happens
a little popup shows up. Something has been downloaded on my computer! It cannot be trusted and should be viewed.
Oh how the tables shall turn
The fidgets will spin
the mountains will move
for we do in fact, open it,
what do we see
There is a somewhat grayscale picture on screen. But yknow how in the ring, it had a sort of teal base color??? 
So it was this but with a more indigo-y color.
So theres this stone bridge
And underneath the stone bridge is a figure
they are but a silhouette.
The fucking Jaws theme starts playing (it gives me a bit of a Panic) 
And we see, with our own two eyes
This figure begins to move. It starts to fuking R O T A T E
It faces us now. It still has a pitch black body. And for a face is a crude smiley face, done in what looks like glowing white paint or something. 
It then
it then
it then
raises its arms. To reveal that It has
Claws (thanks @shootthesun for that description)
No like
Giant clawed hands
Then the Jaws theme stops right at the climax
Then the creature runs right at us.
It reaches for us.
It tears through the fucking screen then
I just
I d ie!
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noexit-ff · 6 years
52. Part 3
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Patting the side of the bed, turning my head to the side of me frowning. Seeing the empty bed, where has Chris gone. I did fall asleep with him in the bed with me, I sighed out looking up at the ceiling. I feel like a whole new woman, Chris and I had sex all night and honestly I can’t complain now. When he made love to me, that is a feeling that will stay with me. It’s ever so special when he does, the things he said to me is something I love to hear. I just need a little us time, to feel him and his love. Checking my phone and I have a few messages, none from Jen so I can only assume that Junior is being an angel or she is busy, unlocking my phone and tapping on the thing Mel has tagged me in. Instagram loaded up and opened up her comment she left “nasty asses” I read out, scrolling up and going onto what she tagged me in. Seeing it’s a video of Chris and I at the game, the video played and it’s me harassing Chris. What am I like “oh god” I said to myself, someone has literally caught me grabbing his crotch, we look so happy and cute together though. Going back to Mel’ comment and replying ‘I wanted his dick, stop judging me’ I tapped send, I don’t give a fuck because I got what I wanted and it was the best night I have had in a while.
Tiptoeing down the steps with Chris’ tee on, I didn’t bother to have a shower. I smell like my husband, I like the smell. I just need to find out where he is but he is right here, sat at the dining table “I appreciate it, I know it’s short notice and I know I barely been in contact but I needed to find myself, I am slowly getting there with the help” wrapping my arms around Chris’ neck from behind him, pressing a kiss to his cheek “we will discuss that, talk soon Ant. The boss lady is awake” pressing the side of my cheek against his smiling “cool, bye” walking around the chair without moving my arms, sitting on Chris’ lap “you speaking to Ant now? And morning” pressing a kiss to his lips “yeah, I needed a favour” Chris looked down at my bare legs “pussy out? No panties” he lifted the shirt up a little “you know me but what favour was it?” Chris paused “I can only tell you if you put my dick in your mouth” squinting my eyes at him “like that is anything hard to do Chris but tell me” I whined out, pulling myself closer to him, pressing kisses to the side of his face “uuhhhh well, I just want to take you out somewhere. I called Ant and asked what was happening around LA and he said Mariah Carey so we going there, you like her her music” Chris shrugged, my eyes widened “you’re taking me where!?” I said in shock “date night, we going to see Mariah Carey. Just me and you and Cass” I squealed out “oh my gosh! But what about Junior?” we are forgetting about our son “Jen will be fine but you know, I am having a good time so I thought why not” pressing a kiss to his lips.
Jen has not stopped “so while you’re having the time of your life I am babysitting?” this is the second time she has said this “well yeah, after we will pick him up. I am sorry, Chris said it out of nowhere. You know Chris, he is last minute” I need to find a cute outfit “knock yourself out, you both look so happy out and about. Nice to see Chris out too, you deserve to be spoilt, I mean not like you ain’t but whatever” I knew Jen would be happy for us and ok with Junior “how is my baby boy?” I do miss him “he is good, I think I am ready to be a mother now but he’s been so good. We took him to Target with us and he got noticed, people kept saying that is Rihanna’ son. I didn’t like that they was taking pictures so we rushed around, I have a section in my home full of baby Chris diapers and food. He only cried with me in the morning, wouldn’t settle but he calmed down after feeding him. He drools a lot though and is biting down on everything so he is teething” I miss his face “scares me that, he’s a baby and people don’t care, they take pictures like he is a celebrity and he is just a baby. I tend to not have him there when pictures with fans are taken but I am happy he settled, you’re like a second mother to him” Junior needs to be acquainted with Jen, maybe Mel when she builds the courage up to see us.
It’s not everyday Chris and I do get to go out, it’s not everyday that he wants to do something like this with me. I am actually so excited to see Mariah, I am probably wearing the least today but I feel confident. Holding my clutch bag close to me, my heels clicking at the steps as I climbed down, I have taken so long upstairs. I want to look good for my man, I want to make that effort. I have lost weight, like the thickness I had because of Junior has gone and it’s because of stress but I don’t look bad at all “are you ready?” I said slowly walking down the hallway, he did come to the bedroom to say he was getting ready. Looking at myself as I walked by the mirror, I have taken so much time on me “I am” Chris came from around the corner putting his snapback on his head and froze midway, he glared at me. I can feel his eyes undressing me, he licked his top lip nodding his head “let’s just forget Mariah and let’s have sex again” I laughed placing my hand over his chest “we are going now, but do I look good?” he’s not said anything “you look beautiful, I can’t believe you’re mine” I blushed under the make-up, looking down at my bare stomach showing, wearing a black bralette crop tank, black shorts and black heels, I mean it’s not much but I make it look better than it is “let me take a picture of you” here he goes “let’s just go” Chris stepped back with his phone in hand “it’s been a while, come on. I am enjoying this” rolling my eye smiling, placing my clutch in front of me standing for him “hurry up” I said looking down, he’s making me shy and I hate it but also lowkey love it.
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Hearing the sound of my Lamborghini engine roar, it’s been a while. I don’t get the chance to drive my babies since Junior has come along, we have to drive family friendly cars but I am taking my wife out so I can use this car. Watching Robyn pull the door down on the car, I am honestly going to do right by her. She didn’t need to ride for me the way she has, I could have lost her. I was so close to losing a lot and she didn’t leave me, with the things she knows she could have left me but no, she is sat with me holding my hand and I want to repay her. This is by me spoiling he, give her my time. I will never put my friends first, I don’t need them like that “why are you staring at me like that?” Robyn said breaking my train of thoughts “I am admiring you, I posted you on IG after so long” driving off slowly “oh no, Chris. We are supposed to pick up Junior after, we can’t do that in this?” pulling a face “let’s pretend we are not parents, I am sure Jen won’t mind. On god we coming home and having sex, we going to have nasty sex. I have to do it, we can’t have him back home” Robyn shook her head “Jen is going to kill me” Jen can deal “she can practice being a mother while I practice making more babies with you, I could just have sex with you now” I am so horny right now.
Sitting across from Robyn in the restaurant, she is really reading the menu. This is some new place that opened and I ain’t want to take her to the usual spot, she looks so beautiful. It’s amazing how beautiful she looks, tapping on my camera. Robyn pulled a face at the menu, pressing record on my camera “they have rabbit here” she looked up at me so confused “and?” I said without a care “are you recording me, stop it” she put her head back down “but what is wrong with rabbit? You have eaten worse” Robyn shook her head with a smile on her face “rabbits are cute, don’t eat cute things” I snorted “I like eating cute things” I grinned, Robyn put her hand up at me “you’re nasty, get out” stopping the recording “I am not cute ok, you called me sexy” Robyn finally looked up at me knowing I have stopped recording “you’re cute, when you get shy and for that we are getting rabbit” Robyn gasped “you better not” just to try it I might.
I feel like I should have went to Wendy’s because this shit was wack “did you like it?” I questioned Robyn “it was nice actually but I am glad I didn’t order the chicken wings, that looked wack” side eyeing Robyn as the waiter walked over to us “would you like dessert?” I paused looking oer at Robyn “I have dessert, she is sitting across me” the waiter didn’t know what to say “I am sure you will enjoy sir” I busted out laughing “you know it” I know for a fact Robyn wants to hide, the waiter walked off “you know if they could put you on a platter, legs open with chocolate and strawberries, cake around you. Bring you out and then I just eat the dessert and you” my imagination is going wild “is that what what you want for Christmas?” She said, I chuckled nodding my head “please, be in a Mrs Claus outfit for me too” I have given my wife an idea now “oh god Chris, what am I going to do with you. I am very excited for Christmas, this is our first Christmas with our son, I am really looking forward to the future” I cooed out “same, I just want to be there for the people that support me” all year long, fuck the rest because this is about my family now.
Robyn and I walked in late to the concert, not my fault. There was a lot of traffic, holding Robyn’ hand as we walked into the audience. I don’t know how Ant got us front row but I will take it, Cass pointed at the seats for us “cool” letting Robyn’ hand go as we sat down, I didn’t want to come actually, I felt like going home so I can dick my wife down but I did say it. Cass sat down next to me “we about to turn up” I said to Cass “not me, maybe you yes. Rihanna looks already happy” looking to the side of me, she is already singing. He’s got a point, sitting back in the seat and placing my arm behind Robyn’ seat “Dream lover come rescue me, take me up take me down. Take me anywhere you want to baby now” Robyn shimmied into me “you about to be singing a lot ain’t you?” Robyn rested her head against my shoulder “you know it, I am going to be annoying you” I already know it, she pecked my lips as I smiled.
I kind of regret coming here, I should have let Jen come here while I look after Junior because I am honestly so out of place. Rubbing my chin looking at Cass “your date nigga, she wants you” he nudged me, I already had to deal with Robyn singing Fantasy to me “maybe you can take my spot, her ass is half drunk” getting up from the seat, it’s full of women and yeah. I am just here for Robyn, Robyn grabbed my hand “are you done saying I am in heaven with my boyfriend now?” I said to her, Robyn just laughed pulling me closer to her “I love this song!” she has said this for every song “I am sure you do” placing my arms around her neck and she rested against me “you'll always be a part of me, I'm part of you indefinitely. Boy don't you know you can't escape me, Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby” Robyn sang aloud and rested her hands on top of my forearm, pressing a kiss to her cheek “you and I will always be” I grinned at Robyn, she is a mess singing but at the end of the day I rather be here with my wife.
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toshler · 7 years
guitar center Josh
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reader x josh: you take an interest in drums, so you go to the local music store to get lessons. but your hormones take more of an interest in your smoking hot instructor.
ps - i know absolutely nothing about drumming or how music lessons go, so forgive me any musicians out there >.< i specialize in smut ok 
“hi, my name is josh dun. i’ll be your drum instructor.” josh greets you with a friendly smile, shaking your hand. right away, you vaguely recognize him as the passionate drummer in “house of heroes” and your muscles go weak. you vividly remember him drumming his heart out, his passion outshining the other guys in the group and turning your insides to mush. 
“hey aren’t you the drummer in house of heroes?” you ask impulsively. you flush at the devilish little smirk he gives you, hoping he didn’t think you were a stalker. 
“you know our band? usually people don’t pay attention to drummers” he jokes. 
“yeah...i um, seen you playing at battle of the bands against that other group, uh...” the name slips your mind, but you remember the singer being equally as passionate and outshining the other group members. 
“twenty one pilots!! yeah, those guys are...amazing, especially tyler. that boy can rap, and his energy levels are just...” he trails off, switching gears in his brain “anyway, it says here we meet at 4 pm on tuesdays and thursdays for half an hour, so we better get started.” 
josh leads you to the drums set up in the back of the store. you realize that unsurprisingly on a rainy tuesday evening, the store is practically empty. when his back is turned, your eyes explore his entire frame from his dark curls and broad shoulders, down to his muscular forearms and ass when he bends over to grab the sticks. josh breaks the ice before your mind starts playing tricks on you, and you curse yourself for fantasizing at a time like this. 
“i’m just going to run through the different parts of the instrument real quick, this is the high hat, this is the bass drum, these are the cymbals...” he continues going through the parts, giving each a tap with the stick so you can hear how each one sounds. 
“ok, now i’ll just demonstrate a simple beat before having you jump right into it. then i’ll let you try it, and we can pick up from there.” he explains, and you nod in understanding, standing in front of him and paying attention. he slowly sets a drumming pattern, relatively simple compared to what you’ve seen him do. but he still gets into it, and you think ahh that’s easy, i can do that. 
“now your turn” he said, smiling kindly and standing from the seat. you take the seat, he hands you the sticks, and suddenly you become aware that you have no idea what to do. you don’t want to make a fool of yourself in front of a drummer, nonetheless one you have a crush on. 
“it’s alright, i don’t expect you to get it on the first try. we all gotta start somewhere. just test it out so we can see where you’re at” he said, sensing your hesitation. you nod your head, taking a deep breath before straightening your back and raising your sticks. little do you know, josh isn’t thinking about what a dumb newbie you are. he’s thinking about how he can get you more relaxed, because he’s incredibly interested. he thinks about asking you to come to his show, buying you a drink, and getting to know you better. you perform an uncoordinated replication of his beat, obviously overthinking it. you feel like he’s judging your lack of skill, but his eyes are glossing over all your physical features. he’s biting his bottom lip imagining all the possible scenarios. but he’s broken out of his spell when you slam your sticks down in frustration. 
“i’m a total idiot. i can’t do two different things at once, i’ll never get this” you sigh, completely disappointed in yourself. you actually start tearing up and try to look away because you don’t want him to see you being emotionally vulnerable. 
to your surprise, he comes around behind you and starts rubbing up and down your arms. you feel like you should be alarmed, but it actually relaxes you. so much that your eyes almost rolled back from the feeling of euphoria. you actually suppress a moan when you imagine how easy it’d be for him to simply cup your breasts from this position. oh my god, his hands are fucking magic you think to yourself. 
“shhh, shh you are definitely not an idiot. i had the same problems at first. really, it just takes getting used to, but i need you to trust me and not think i’m judging you. i really want you to learn, okay?” he reassures. he internally celebrates that you’re holding still and letting him touch you. 
“okay” you say, nodding your head and letting out a shaky breath. 
“so, you trust me?”
“good, pick up your sticks and lets see if we can get the pattern.” he instructs. once you’re holding the sticks, he leans over you and holds your hands with the sticks. 
“sorry, this is the best way i could think of” he said in an unmistakably sultry voice. he was even surprised at himself for this move. 
“mmm” you respond, totally unable to concentrate with the feel of him pressed up against your back and holding your hands. you try not to shake, but he has you literally trembling with how submissive you felt at that moment. you couldn’t help but imagine him taking you from behind, and it would be easy with how wet you were. he begins to guide you like this, but you’re no longer suppressing your desires. 
“oh my god, josh” you breathe, rocking back in your seat and pressing against him. he lets go of your hands and you drop your sticks, turning around in your seat. he takes your face in his hands and presses his lips to yours and you can feel the lust in his kiss. you’re aware of how he’s standing between your legs, and you happened to be wearing a black leather mini skirt that day. lucky you remembered to wear panties so he didn’t think you had planned this. you moan into his kiss, hands stroking down his sides and to his hips. you tug at the waistband of his jeans and he grunts, pulling away to undo his jeans. the kindness in his eyes was replaced with this dark, brooding stare. he leaves his jeans unfastened and lifts you up from your seat, and you instinctively wrap your arms and legs around him. he carries you back to the storage room. 
“i wanted to fuck you as soon as i laid eyes on you” josh admitted as he pushed you against the wall. you allowed yourself to be pinned and ravaged by his hands all over your body. he groped your tits before pulling your shirt up and burying his face in your cleavage. you lifted your arms so he could pull it off, then fumbled with your bra strap. you chuckled a little at his frustration and reached behind yourself to unclasp it, and he practically ripped it off you. he didn’t hesitate to dip his head down, licking your nipple and sucking it in his mouth almost painfully hard. you moan, running both your hands through his curls and grinding yourself against his knee between your legs. 
“mmm you like that, huh” he growled, that coy smirk returning to his face. you knew it was more of a statement than a question. 
“yes, more please” you whimper, panting from how he’s still groping your tits. almost as a reward, he helps you rub against his knee and you grip his biceps for support. 
“would you like me to eat your pussy?” he murmurs in your ear before leaving love-bites on your neck, holding the skin between his perfect teeth. you swear that was the most beautiful words you ever heard come from anyone’s mouth and give the sluttiest moan imaginable. that pretty much gave him the answer. 
“uuhhhh god josh, please” you beg, squeezing his biceps harder when his teeth clamp down. you feel your heart racing and all the blood rushing between your legs. he gently licks over the teeth marks in your skin and you soften up on your grip, allowing him to pepper quick little kisses down your stomach until he’s kneeling below you. 
“let’s see how wet you are for me” he said, pushing your tight skirt up your thighs to your waist. he was met with lacy red panties. 
“sexy” he complimented, bringing his fingers up to trace along the top. you shudder from his breath fanning against your bare thighs and instinctively spread your legs wider, giving him permission. 
“well what’s this?” josh smirked, fingers tracing from your clit down to a wet spot that soaked through. he put pressure there, massaging little circles until you were crying out and bucking your hips. 
“fuck, josh fuck fuck” you whisper, panting and unable to form any words from how aroused you are.  
“i’m getting to it. i love you moaning my name like that, baby” he chuckled deeply, hooking his fingers into your panties and pulling them down. he’s purposefully taking his time to tease you and knows you’re in too vulnerable of a state to do anything about it. you step out of your panties when he gets them to your feet and he tosses them aside. you feel exposed to the cool air, and he took a moment to look you over. his first instinct is to place sloppy, wet kisses towards your inner thighs to torment you until you’re shaking and spreading your legs even wider. he lifted one of your legs to place over his back and slide his ring and middle fingers inside you. you gasp, the sudden intrusion giving you instant relief and something clamp around. he pumped them a few times before spreading you open with his thumb. he licked from where his fingers were inside you to your swollen clitoris and honed in on it. 
“damn baby, you taste so sweet. and you’re so pink. i could eat your delicious pussy for hours” josh moaned, pulling out his fingers and sucking off your juices. you watch him with your mouth agape and your head rolled back against the wall as he slid them back in you. he sucked your inner labia before flicking his tongue directly over your clit, causing you to twitch involuntarily. that familiar feeling began pooling in your lower stomach as he relentlessly lapped at your clit.
“josh, you’re gonna make me cum” you moaned breathlessly, gyrating against his tongue. 
“fuck, that’s so hot baby. cum all over my tongue” he talked with his mouth to your pussy so you could feel his breaths. his tongue slid into your hole with his fingers and that sent you over the edge, contracting violently around them. he wiggled his fingers inside you, pressing his lips to your clit to suck gently, which intensified your orgasm. it’s so good, you doubled over and he caught you while standing back up. he wrapped his hand around your throat and kissed you, full of tongue so you could taste yourself in his mouth. 
“good girl” he praised while shifting his pants and briefs off his hips to free his throbbing erection. he lifted you up again, backing you to the wall as he guided his cock to your sloppy entrance. you braced yourself, wrapping your arms around his neck as he slowly entered you. your eyes rolled back as he slid deeper, stretching you out until he was pushed all the way to the hilt. you drop your head back, exposing your throat, which he licked and kissed immediately. as you adjusted around his girth, you realize josh’s cock is the biggest you’ve had. when he began humping you, your body became engulfed in flames and your mind shut off.
“fuck me josh, yes, please, harder!” you scream as he bounced you on his cock. you held on to him for dear life, squeezing your legs around his waist to pull him deeper. he was panting against your neck, making these guttural sounds that let you know he was feeling it just as much as you were. 
“damn baby girl, your pussy grips my dick like no other” he whispered, pounding into you to punctuate it. you whined and bit down on his shoulder, digging your heels into his ass. 
“i’m slipping” you whimpered, still grinding your dripping pussy on his cock. 
“i got you, baby. here” he said, pulling you away from the wall and easing you down on the floor. he never pulled out of you, and as soon as he laid you on your back, he was able to fuck you more freely without the restrictions of gravity. your hands clawed at his shirt, trying to pull it off. he supported himself on one arm, pulling his shirt over his head and sitting back on his knees. he wrapped his arms around your thighs as leverage to yank you to him, forcing a strangled sound from your throat at how swiftly he entered you. he resumed his thrusting, watching how you were writhing and arching your back each time he entered you. from the angle, he was hitting all the right spots in you and you were able to drool over his hot chest and abs while he fucked you. that’s when it hit you that your hot drum instructor was owning you right there on the floor and you moaned. 
“h-harder, fuck me harder, josh” you pleaded, and josh grinned at the opportunity to make you beg. 
“oh, you want it rough? how bad you want it, slutty princess?” he asked. 
“so bad, josh, please just give it to me” you begged, bucking your hips the best you could. he held onto your thighs tighter, pinning you down. 
“that’s right. i’m the only one that can give it to you like this, remember that” josh said, pulling back until he was barely inside you before slamming into you. it forced another scream from your throat and you cried for him to keep going, voice already hoarse. 
“you’re the only one” you repeated, bringing your fingers down to rub your clit as you felt your climax approaching. you paid attention to the obscene sounds of his skin slapping against yours and his sexy little grunts. before you know it, another orgasm is rushing through your body and you’re twisting in pleasure with high, needy moans pouring from your mouth. 
“fuck, that’s so sexy” josh huffed, watching you fall apart for him yet again, “where do you want me to cum?” he asked. 
“cum inside me, josh. i want you to fill me up” you answered, and he raised an eyebrow. 
“don’t worry, i’m on birth control” you said, smiling at him and licking your lips. he nodded his head and sped his hips up, thrusting with vigor and purpose. 
“you want it in you, damn, i’m gonna give it to you baby” he said, letting go of your thighs and moving to rest his body back on top of you. a moment later his hips slowed considerably and he was cumming inside you with moans of your name on his lips. you hugged his body tighter to you, running your hands over his back as he pumped you slowly through his own slickness. he remained on top of you, softly kissing your lips and neck until both your breathing went back to normal and his dick softened. 
“oh my god” you said, breaking the comfortable silence. 
“yeah” josh said, laughing. the kindness returned to his eyes and he seemed exactly like how you first met him. only difference was now, he was finally pulling out of you and wiping his cum off your lower lips with your own panties. 
“umm...we’ll just hide these back here. so, see you thursday?” josh said, winking. you laughed as you were putting your clothes back on. 
“it’s a date” you said, kissing him on the lips before heading out of the back of the store. 
also here’s this interview of josh talking about drums 😍
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crystalwillow · 5 years
That’s Dr.Valentine To You
[Ethan x MC] (18+ only)
A/N: This imagine includes mature scenes and as the writer I recommend this to the 18+ fandom members. I will be working on a more younger age rated one soon. The theme is Late Valentine’s Celebrations. Also, I know I’m posting this one late but it wasn’t finished as I crashed super early on V-Day and ended up having like 9-11 hours of sleep 😅. But I hope you guys enjoy this one ❤️
It was Valentine’s Day and Casey arrived at work with 2 of her best friends Sienna and Bryce. They walked through the doors holding coffee cups and cookies whilst laughing at a story Bryce was telling them from his high school days. “.... and then out of nowhere he ran out onto the pitch, stark naked and done the full dance. He didn’t know until after that it was on national TV” he laughs as he finishes telling his story, whilst they all clock in and finish their coffees. As they binned their cups and turned to go and get changed a stern voice shouted out from behind them “Valentine. You’re late!” It echoed through the almost empty lobby. They all knew who it was. Dr.Ramsey, and if Casey wasn’t dating him he would definitely sound more harsh right now. They all turned around, Casey digging through her bag as Bryce and Sienna smiled at him as he came to a stop in front of them. “Good morning Dr.Ramsey” Sienna beamed, “Sup dude?” Asked Bryce. Ethan gave them a friendly smile in return and turned to Casey. “Care to explain why you’re late?” He asked. “Uuhhhh yeah. 1 second, it’s in here somewhere........ ah-ha!” She said victoriously and handed him his glasses “you forgot these, the toilet clogged again and the line at the coffee shop was out the door. A down fall of having a 9am start here I suppose.” Casey smiled at him, “oh! I also brought you this” she put her hand in her bag and pulled out one of his favourite cookies and handed it to him “now. I don’t know about you but I have patients to see to and other work to do. See you around Dr.Ramsey” Casey said as she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and rushed off to get changed and start her day. “he’s whipped” Bryce snickered quietly to Sienna before slinking off to get ready for his shift. Leaving Sienna and Ethan to go their separate ways.
2 hours into her shift Casey was rushing through the hallway flicking through a chart as she was on her way to her next patient, when she walked right into someone. “Oh! I’m so sorry” she said quickly catching her stethoscope as it fell from her neck and carried on towards her next room. “But Case-“ Ethan said calling after her softly. But she was gone round the corner before he could say anymore. Saddened he made his way to the nurses station she was at and left his gift there before getting back to work. Later on she returned to the station and was given the gift by another, older nurse who was just about to leave off for the day, “here love. Dr.Ramsey left this here for you. Said you were in a rush earlier” she smiled and pat Casey shoulder softly before leaving the room. Setting her clipboard down Casey get a better grip on the box and opened in carefully. Inside was a shiny new charm in the shape of a the letter ‘C’ for her bracelet she always wore when she was off duty, she smiled as she wiped a tear from her cheek with a sniffle. “I thought you’d like it” she froze in place as she heard Ethan’s gentle voice behind her. She placed the box on the side and threw her arms around his neck “I love it. Thank you” she said happily as he hugged her back tightly. “Ahem... Dr.Valentine?” A nurse spoke from behind them, they broke their hug and turned around. “You’re needed in room 462” the nurse informed her and rushed off. Casey turned back to Ethan and kissed his lips sweetly “I’ll see you later” she said as she pulled away and waved as she rushed away. Ethan smiled, waved back and put her box away in her pigeon hole at the desk then headed back to work.
A few hours later Bryce and Casey were eating lunch in the cafeteria when Ethan entered and got his own lunch & sat at a table. “So... you’re telling me he’s actually got a soft side for real?” Bryce questioned as Casey ate her cheese salad sandwich. “Mhm” she nodded as she swallowed he food “underneath the gruff exterior, is a really kind, sweet and caring man” she answered and took another bite of her food. “And he replaced your charm you broke literally just 3 weeks ago?” Bryce questioned further and again got a nod as a response. “Wow” he commented and Casey giggled. Soon they were clearing away their rubbish and about to get back to work when Bryce spotted Ethan sitting alone looking rather glum and zoned out feeling sorry for him. “Okay let’s go. ... Bryce?... Helloooo? Earth to Lahela. ..... BRYCE!” Casey shouted and got his attention “huh? Yeah, they’re real cute” he said startled and Casey burst out laughing “what???!” She asked “Pandas. They’re cute. I answered your question” he replied, “I didn’t ask what you thought of pandas. I said let’s go.” She chuckled. “Oh. I guess seeing people glum is more of a distraction than I thought” he blushed as he pointed toward Ethan as Casey looks at him quizzically. “Oh... um.. I’ll be 5 minutes. If you see Ines, could you tell her I’m a bit tangled up?” Casey asked, Bryce nodded and headed back to work as Casey walked over to Ethan’s table and sat opposite him. “Hey sweetie” she chirped but Ethan didn’t say a word, just poked at his food. “Come on. Your morning can’t have been that bad could it?” She continued as she out her hand over his and smiled softly as he looked up and met her eye. One look told her all she needed to know. He’d lost a patient. She squeezed his hand tightly and he responded in kind and Ethan let out a rough sight “I just-“ he started but the stopped as he choked on a sob and his eyes welled with tears. “Do you need some air?” Casey asked, after a moment he nodded and the two made their way outside. They crossed the street and sat on the bench just opposite the hospital. “He was doing fine Casey. Everything was brilliant. He was healthy and recovering. Then boom. Just like that... he... he’s gone” Ethan rambled and he slumped forwards putting his head in his hands and sobbing. “Hey... hey it’s going to be alright. I’m here for you” Casey cooed lovingly as she pulled his broad frame closer to her. They sat there for about 10 minutes while Ethan sobbed. Casey felt sorry for him, she had never seen the man she loved so broken, in such a mess like this and it broke her heart. “Hey. You know what would cheer you up?” She asked as Ethan sat up sniffling “what?” He asked dabbing at his eyes with his coat sleeve. “This” Casey stated as she handed him a card and a couple of tissues. He took them and blew his nose before looking at her curiously “go on. Open it” she said pointing to the card in his hands. When he opened it, the most sincere smile spread across his face at the photo on the front. A picture of them together at the baseball game where they saved a Baseball players life. He opened it and some papers fell out. “What’s this?” He asked as he removed the elastic band and flicked through them “one free hug. A free pep talk, workplace only. Kiss me, Please, I need it.” He chuckled at the next one “that is highly inappropriate for the work place Casey Valentine” he smiled at her devilishly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Dr.Ramsey” she replied innocently as she stood up and held out her hand. “Come on. We need to get back. Keep the coupons in your pocket and page me if you want to redeem one” she smiled as he took her hand and they headed back inside.
“Finally! There you are!” Zaid shouted as they entered sharing a kiss “Valentine you’re needed in a meeting in room 521, IMMEDIATELY!” He demanded and Casey rushed off “Love you!” She called back to Ethan as she got in the elevator. “And you were needed in operating theatre 5, almost 45 minutes ago!” Zaid continued ranting as he got closer the Ethan’s face. “DO NOT. Get any closer Zaid.” Ethan spoke authoritatively and Zaid backed off. Later in the day, around 6pm Casey was sitting at the nurses station balancing pencils on her nose. As she was about to successfully add the 5th pencil she jumped at the sudden sound of her pager bleeping. She collected herself and checked who needed her and where, she then grabbed her stethoscope, pen, ID badge and clipped her pager the her trousers and hurried towards the first place she was needed. As she rushed through a hallway a small rectangular box was held out at her, she grabbed it before she bumped into the arm holding it and looked back before she rounded the corner. A small smile playing on her lips as Ethan stood there and mouthed a quick “I love you” before turning round and returning to his work. The rest of Casey’s shift went past in a blur of checking up on patients and running back and forth from the blood lab.
Towards the end of her shift she was walking back from the blood lab to get changed when suddenly she gasped loudly with a small scream, as was pulled into a side room and heard the door lock behind her and then things shoved into place to bolt it shut. Terrified she had a stalker and was about to be killed she cautiously grabbed her stethoscope from her neck making it a loop and started to turn slowly. A low and amused but familiar chuckle sounded as she turned and relief immediately ran through her as she relax a little as she came face to face with Ethan. “You know I’m impressed you grabbed that thing. Anyone else would have just assumed it to be their lover” he said with a certain darkness to his tone, Casey chuckled a little “Well I’m not anyone, Ethan. You know that.” She replied as she placed her stethoscope on the side. “Now what do you wa-“ she started but was interrupted “To redeem this” he replied with urgency as he held one of her hand made coupons out towards her. She took it to see which it was and laughed warmly “I thought this one was highly inappropriate for the workplace?” She said with a cocky look on her face. “Don’t care. I need you Casey. Right now. You’re all I’ve been thinking about the whole of my 20 hour shift. You drive me crazy and I just... I need you” he rambles looking at her with hunger and need. A need that’s hard to say no to “Alright. Qui-“ before she can even finish her sentence, Ethan’s pushed her up again the cabinet kissing her so ferociously she can taste his desperation. “Mmm. Babe” she said as she pulled away to catch her breath, he looked at her quizzically, waiting for her to continue. “One, I was going to say I need to clock out. I’ve actually just finished. And two, you have a condom right?” She asked. He gave her the sexiest most hot smirk she’s ever seen and she was so focused on him that she didn’t notice that her breath caught in her throat. “Am I ever not prepared?” He growled lowly in her ear as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the condom to show her. She smiled and he quickly continued his heated assault on her body. “Mmm, Ethan” she moaned softly as he slid his hand into her trousers, rubbing over her panties as his other hand cupped and entertained on of her breasts. Casey bit her lip as she watched him, seeing the concentration on his face. He removed his hands and she groaned in disappointment “Ethaaannnn” he smirked as he unbuckled his belt and dropped his trousers, revealing the thick outlines of his hardened dick causing Casey to automatically fall to her knees “oh god.” She whispered “you’re so hard for me already” she continued as she teasingly rubbed him through his boxers causing him to throw his head back with a low throaty moan. Casey quickly pulled down his boxers allowing his dick to spring free, another moan escaped his lips as she started stroking his hardened length before wrapping her lips around it and starting to suck. “Ohhhhhh. Mmmm fuck. Ahhhh yes.” Ethan moaned as Casey sucked and swirled her tongue around his dick whilst her hands gently massaged his balls. As soon as she pulled away from his dick, Ethan pulled her up by the arm and stripped her of her clothes, sitting her on a chair he dragged in with him and lowered himself to between her legs. “My turn” he said lowly, his eyes dark with hunger. As his mouth made contact Casey gasped and moaned with pleasure “mmmnnnn. Fuck yes.” She continued to let out little breathy moans as Ethan continued his pleasurable assault on her pussy. Not being able to hold off any longer Ethan grabs the condom, ripping open it’s packaging and sliding it on. Soon he’s lining himself up with Casey, looking deep into her eyes. They stare at each other for a moment before a gaspy moan escapes Casey’s lips as Ethan pushes himself inside and starts to thrust. Soon they’re both moaning, sweaty messes as Ethan pulls out and gives Casey a quick kiss, pulling her up and sitting on the chair. A smirk played onto Casey face as she stood over him lowering herself down onto his dick a starting to ride.
Both moaning as quietly as they could at the pleasure that ran through their bodies. A few hot and heavy moments later Ethan picked up his pace, causing Casey to let out a louder moan as how good it felt with her pocket vibrator held against her clit. “Oohhh fuck Ethan yes!” She screamed as her head rolled backwards. Soon he was pulling out and ripping the condom off and binning it, “You want my cum baby?” He asked smiling cockily, already knowing the answer as Casey fell to her knees “suck my cock” he demanded and Casey obeyed sucking harshly on his cock as he let out a string of hissed and whispered moans “oh yeah. Uuhhhhhh. Ssssss, just like that babygirl. Mmmm I’m gonna cum” he moaned lowly as Casey pulled back and opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out a little ready to catch his load “you look so pretty down there with flushed cheeks Casey. So pretty & so fucking sexy” he whispered as he closed his eyes moaning as he came into Casey’s mouth. She swallowed and collected what missed with her finger, swiping it into her mouth a swallowing before sucking his dick a little more and standing up to kiss him.
They stood there for a few moments catching their breath and enjoying each others presence. After a few moments Ethan started to quietly chuckle to himself, “what’s funny?” Casey asked quietly as she drew shapes on his chest “nothing. I just... I just had workplace sex for the first time. I showered a woman with gifts on Valentine’s Day, whilst we were both working. I have a beautiful girlfriend who means the world to me. And she gave me a card and some coupons that were hand-made, because she may or may not have known that she’s the only gift I need. She’s helping me open myself back up to the world and life. I’m opening my heart to her and that’s scary. But I feel.... I feel.... happy.” He says sweetly as he strokes Casey’s hair and she sniffles snd holds back tears at his sweetness. “Ethaaannn.” She whined “you’re gonna make me cry. What’s got you all so sentimental and mushy?” She continued to ask. “You have Casey. You came in here a year ago, caught my eye and drove me crazy for the entire year. In more ways than one and now where here. Standing in a supply cupboard as a couple, half naked after having sex. I only have one question” he said as he pulled his pants back up, zipping and buttoning them up before rebuckling his belt. “Shoot.” Casey replied as she picked up her bra. “What have you done to me Casey?” He asked as he moved close to her and fastened her bra hooks. “What do you mean?” She questioned as she slid her scrubs shirt back on over her head. “Well I’m now flocked by people and called friendly. Not a cold-hearted bastard” he explained and she sighed and he unbarricaded and unlocked the door whilst she tied her shoes. “You were never a cold-hearted bastard. You were just hurt & misunderstood. With many people unwilling to get to know the real you underneath that hurt. All I’ve done is brought the real you to the surface” she answered as they turned off the light and exited the cupboard and walked to the end of the corridor “well.. I’m this way” she said pointing left before running a hand through his sex-tousled hair, smoothing it out. “I’ll see you in a bit then Casey-poo” he smiled returning the gesture and resting his hand on her face. She leaned into his warm touch before reluctantly pulling away “yeah. In a bit” She said softly as she turned away, taking a few steps before stopping and turning back “Oh an um Dr.Ramsey!” She called out stopping him before he turned the corner. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she smiled mischievously “we’re in the workplace so that’s Dr.Valentine to you, sir” she shouted down the hall. He laughed and shook his head good naturedly before carrying on down the hall.
15 minutes later Casey exited the main hospital doors to a couple of whoops and cheers. “What?” She said to herself and turned around to see Bryce and Jackie sitting round the statue with a flushed Ethan looking at you apologetically and she knew they’d talked out of him what they had just done moments before. And to be completely honest, she wasn’t mad at him for telling them. I mean he was practically glowing, walking on clouds and grinning like a kid in a candy store. She swatted Ethan’s arm playfully and the four of them made their way home to the apartment block they lived in.
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