#this actually took 5 hours 37!!!!
gabi-theladylover · 7 months
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iluvshinytwink · 2 years
Class Distraction : Jude Bellingham
"It's just like seeing her for the first time again."
Scenario: Jude remembers during your senior high school days when he'd stare at you with those softened, helpless eyes of his. :)
Song: For The First Time by Mac Demarco
AN: sorry for not posting during wednesday, i had a 3 day long school event where all i did was talk shit with my friends, watch volleyball games where i almost died (5 times), play with cards (it got confiscated), eat food, complain how hot it was and wasted money, very productive if u ask me!!!)
The idea of school love in general has me weak in the knees bro, genuinely when is it my turn.
It was undeniable how much Jude adored you. Every time he was done with training all he would think about is that when he'd come back home he could stare and admire you until daylight. He would actually melt when he'd stare at you. A small smile would be on his face and his eyes were focused on your facial features, never blinking. This was a habit that you knew all too well, you knew about this habit as early as your highschool days.
This habit all started when you changed your seat. You and Jude remember when the two of you never talked to each other the first week of being seatmates. You'd look at the board and Jude.. well he looked at you. It's safe to say the both of you were nervous to talk to each other the first week and so Jude expressed that by obliviously staring at you.
The fourth period started and the teacher jotted down notes on the board. Time to time you looked up and down from your notebook to copy them. Jude was following your steps but his eyes stopped looking at the board and wandered to you. He felt his heart jump for a second as he took in your every action. Your eyes rhythmically look up and down, the way your pen glided down the paper. He felt his world stop for a moment. Your eyes lost its momentum and you took a glance at your seatmate.
Your eyes met his and a small smile appeared on your face. Jude's back instinctively straightened yet his eyes never left yours. You felt a chuckle escape your lips and your smile widened. Jude smiled at you warmly.
"Ahem." Your teacher coughed. "Continue your smiling later. This discussion will be added to your quiz on Wednesday." Your teacher smiled at the two of you as your classmates giggled. "We weren't--" Jude defended. "Don't be shy now, Jude." Your teacher smiled as she turned back to the board. You found yourself looking back at Jude and he looked back at you. A smile appeared your face as you held back a chuckle. Jude found himself forming a smile of his own before turning back to his notebook.
Moments like those were prime examples of why the two of you were stricken for each other. A simple glace which seemingly turns into an hour long stare-- brushing of hands which turn into clasped hands, whom never let go of each other. These were the moments that made your love strong.
"Jude! Are you even listening?" You called your to your boyfriend, waving your hand around his face. Jude blinked and he straightened his back. "Huh?" Jude mumbled. You giggled at your boyfriend. "You never change, do you?" You smiled warmly. Jude smiled at you back. "Guess so." He chuckled.
(time check: 11:37 pm.. lawdy lawd. This is kind of doodoo but ill post another tomorrow cause i miss getting my notifs bombed every time i wake up 💔💔 thank you for 104 followers!! Love and appreciate all of y'all! Thank you for letting me know that ur all delulu like me 💋 anyways make sure to SMASHHHH THAG LIKE BUTTON AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE BANGERS LIKE THESE!)
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venus-haze · 1 year
Rebel Yell (Severen x Reader)
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Summary: The clan splits up for the night, and Severen gets in an easy, early kill before booking it back to the motel room. Small towns look the same after a while, and this one is nothing short of dead, even without a group of ruthless vampires stalking the streets for prey. It isn’t until you show up at the motel room door, pretty, helpless, and soaking wet from the rain, desperate for a place to stay, that the night finally gets interesting.
Note: Female reader, but no other descriptors are used. Near Dark has really vague rules when it comes to vampires, so I took some (gross) creative liberties on how sex would work. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 3.2k
Warning: Violence, technically major character death. Sexually explicit content that involves extremely dubious consent and bloodplay (a lot of it. He’s a vampire). Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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Severen slumped into the lone armchair in the motel room, its tropical theme sorely out of place in the middle of Oklahoma. Hundreds of miles of fields and nothing worth looking at. He preferred the desert, brutal and hostile at night yet equally so in the daytime. He envied that type of power. Wanted to be the devil that appeared to saints in their isolation. Lead them into temptation and shed their blood. Despite having eternity, his own hours of operation were woefully limited. 
The clock on the wall opposite him read 11:39. Fuck. The night had barely started, and he’d already fed. Jesse had warned them to only take one person each. It was a small town. Not long before the residents notice half a dozen people dead or missing. As Severen found after feeding on the first easy target he came across, there wasn’t shit else to do. Plenty of time to kill before the others got back. Dejectedly, he looked at the stack of girly magazines Mae swiped from a truck stop a few hundred miles back, somewhere in Alabama–or maybe it was Arkansas. He never paid much attention to that kind of thing. Cosmopolitan’s cover screamed ‘STEP UP THE SPICE! 5 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR MAN ON HIS TOES AND IN BETWEEN YOUR SHEETS.’ He sucked on his teeth as he grabbed the magazine.
Page 37. Ladies, have you ever felt like—blah, blah, blah—number one, wear lingerie. No shit. Number two, initiate sex instead of leaving it up to him. He frowned. People couldn’t be so stupid they needed common sense stuff spelled out for them. 
Unfortunately, he’d left his preferred reading material behind in a motel room a few states ago. It was a lucky find in the first place. Small towns typically didn’t carry that type of thing, even at rest stops. He liked the hardcore stuff that was still kinda amateur. Photos that looked like they were taken in someone’s actual basement instead of on a set. 
He threw Cosmopolitan to the side in a huff. The magazine slid to the edge of the table. He looked at the covers of the other ones. Nothing that piqued his interest. 
He stared at the ceiling, brown patches from water stains over the years. A spot near the opposite side of the room dripped water every few seconds. Thunder rumbled. Lightning crashed. Oh yeah, it was raining. Not many people were out that night because of it. He should’ve waited. Broken into someone’s home and had some real fun. He was always impulsive, especially when he was bored and restless. Jesse called him stir-crazy. He certainly felt that way, his knee bouncing from his pent-up energy.
Muffled below the claps of thunder, there was a steady knock at the door—rapid, desperate. Severen grinned. Maybe the night wouldn’t be a bust after all. 
He stood up, wasting no time in making his way over to the door. A voice on the other side was nearly drowned out by the thunder and knocking.
“Hello? Is anyone awake?” 
He wasn’t sure what he expected when he opened the door. Definitely not you, drenched and shivering. Probably had no idea your top had become see-through from the rain. You were pretty, but damn, you looked pitiful. It took everything in him not to pounce. He had to play it smart, drag things out so as to not find himself in the same predicament as less than a minute prior.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but I haven’t seen anyone in the front office, and this was the only room with the lights on this late—“
“Come on in, darlin’,” he said, moving to the side to allow you entry. 
“Thanks a lot. I’ll check the office again in a few minutes.”
He didn’t respond, tongue darting out from between his lips. Your natural scent mixed with the fresh rain water nearly had him drooling. The view of your bra through your wet shirt didn’t help any. 
“Got a towel?” you asked, folding your arms around yourself in an attempt to stay warm.
“Sure, you make yourself comfortable.”
He motioned to the seat he’d just been moping in before disappearing into the bathroom. Gave himself a once-over in the mirror as he grabbed a towel. Ran a hand through his messy hair. Good enough considering you looked like someone pushed you into a swimming pool. 
“Severen,” he said when he handed you the towel. “Christ, you’re soaked.”
You smiled, answering with your own name. As if he’d remember it. As if you’d survive the night to ever tell anyone else. It didn’t matter. You felt comfortable around him. He sure hit the jackpot with you coming along. The universe threw him a bone for once. Stupid, soaked, and way too trusting of strangers in the night.
He grabbed one of the chairs next to the small table in the room and pulled it over. The towel was already damp from you trying to wring out your clothes with it. You were so absorbed in drying off that you didn’t notice how close he was sitting. He couldn’t help himself.
“You’re real brave, knockin’ on a stranger’s door in the middle ‘a the night. For all you know, I could be some psycho killer.”
You giggled nervously, wrapping the towel around your shoulders. “Guess I’ll find out.”
“Hey, I’m just messin’,” he said. “Where ya headed to?”
“Arizona. I’m gonna go to the Painted Desert.”
Gonna. You’re not gonna do shit. “Why? Does it need a fresh coat?”
You laughed, conversation flowing easily for the next few minutes. He noticed how you relaxed in the chair the longer the two of you spoke. Good. He wanted you to feel comfortable. Trust him. Not expect a goddamn thing.
“I should check the front office again. I’ll be right back.”
“What’s the rush? I mean–”
“Oh my god,” you groaned, looking at the seat. A giant wet spot had soaked into the fabric from your clothes. “Shit, Severen. I’m sorry.”
He waved you off. “Throw another towel over it.”
You rushed into the bathroom. He tilted his chair back just enough to get a look at you. Wet clothes still clung to your body. You bent over as you smoothed out the fresh towel over the armchair. The waistband of your panties peaked out from your jeans.
“Wish me luck,” you said as you headed out.
He smiled in return, which fell as soon as you turned your back. The door shut. Shit. Why did he let you leave? More than that, how did he get so distracted staring at you that you were able to get one over on him? He almost considered going out there to follow you. He shook his head at himself. No need. You were nice. You wouldn’t check-in and not tell him, forget to thank him for taking you in for a few minutes.
Even if you did get your own room, all wouldn’t be lost. He could insist on helping you bring your bags over and then pounce. Probably work out better than making a mess in a room he had to share with everyone else. Either way, he had you. 
He settled back into the chair, arms folded behind his head as he waited for your inevitable return. A grin spread across his face when there was a knock at the door a few minutes later.
“Hey Severen, it’s me!” you called from outside.
“It’s open!” he shouted.  “Any luck?”
“Still nothing,” you sighed, closing the door behind you. “I might see if there’s another place up the road—“
“Darlin’, there ain’t shit for miles,” he said. “What’re you gonna do, sleep in your car?”
The sincerity in your smile should’ve made him feel bad. Instead, he felt restless. You were back to swimming cageless with the sharks. One drop of blood and it was all over. He wasn’t letting this go to waste.
You sat back down in the soggy armchair, rubbing your hands over your arms. He noticed you starting to shake a bit, teeth chattering.
“Cold?” he asked. “I can turn the heat up, but it’ll cost ya.”
You laughed. The carefree sound filled the room for the very last time. You had no idea. 
“What? You think I’m just gonna let you stay here outta the kindness of my heart?” 
“Oh, right! I got money,” you said, beginning to rifle through your purse. “At least $30 in here, but I need some of that for—“
“Ain’t interested in your money, sweetcheeks.”
“I’ll leave, then.”
“Didn’t say that.”
“I’m not a whore,” you spat.
Finally. You had some fight in you after all.
“Didn’t say that either.”
“Then what do you want?”
He sauntered over to you, leaning over the chair. You were trapped. His head tilted down, and he pulled at your scalp to expose your neck. It felt like he was running a razor blade down the vulnerable skin of your throat. 
At first, you didn’t realize what he had done until he lifted his head. Crimson smeared across his face. His grinning mouth dripped blood. A crack of lightning and the room went dark. Shadows obscured his face. He looked like the devil. The lights came back on after a few moments. Too late. He captured your lips in a kiss that made your stomach churn.
The taste of copper filled your mouth, harsh and metallic on your tongue. You nearly choked on your own blood, straight from the mouth of this lunatic whose motel room you’d foolishly taken refuge in. This time, you felt the sting on your bottom lip. How was it possible for his teeth to be so sharp? 
You pushed against him, your palms flat on his chest. “Get the fuck off of me!” 
He didn’t budge. Threw his head back in a fit of maniacal laughter. No way he wasn’t the devil. He tore apart your shirt with ease. The cool air in the room making contact with your bare, wet skin sent a jolt through you. 
His hands gripped your shoulders. “Easy darlin’, I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.”
You blinked, and he pulled you up to your feet. You should have just slept in your car. Kept driving to the next motel, the next city, the next state. Instead, you stopped there and knocked on the lunatic’s door. 
He grabbed a towel and dragged you over to the bed. You watched as he threw the towel to the side. He’d only keep it around if he thought he needed it to clean up something. Blood. 
In your moment of distraction, he pushed you back onto the bed. Severen’s eyes raked over your body, briefly observing, considering. With one hand, he pushed down your bra. Your tits exposed to him, at the mercy of his rough grasp. He squeezed and pinched until your nipples were perky and sensitive. Brushed his thumbs over each of them. You let out the slightest whimper at the sensation. 
“Severen,” you implored. “You don’t have to do this.”
“No, but I really want to.”
He lowered his head. A flash of pain took over your senses. With teary eyes you looked down and saw blood all over your chest. His mouth was practically glued to your tits. They were bleeding. He was nursing on your bleeding tits. 
You shrieked in terror. That only seemed to egg him on. His hands flew to your jeans, peeling the wet denim off of your body. The growl that rumbled from deep in his chest didn’t sound human. He sure as hell didn’t feel human as he began rutting his own denim-clad crotch against your panties. They were wet from the rain. That’s what you kept repeating to yourself. You weren’t turned on by this situation, even subconsciously. It was disgusting. Foul. It had rained. That was all.
Then the rough fabric brushed your clit just right, and you let out a strangled moan. He was still fully clothed. No sign of letting up on your tits. No attempts to get his own pants off and fuck you instead of the animalistic over the clothes humping. You supposed you should be grateful for that much. There was only one way a situation like this could end. You were going to die.
Maybe it was the shock finally settling into your body, but the way he was manhandling you started feeling good. You lifted your hips to give yourself more of the friction from his bulge. His fingers dug into your hips. You wouldn’t be surprised to find more blood. That’s all he was preoccupied with, like he wanted to drain you of it.
His mouth finally left your tits. Another target had been identified. He brushed his nose against your racing pulse on the side of your neck, licking a stripe over it before breaking skin with ease. Your brain felt fuzzy. But you were so close. Didn’t you at least deserve one last moment of pleasure before your impending doom? 
You breathed his name as he lapped up the blood that flowed freely from your neck. It took all of your strength, but you lifted your leg, hooking it around his waist and pressing his body closer to yours. He growled against your skin. Low. Primal. Wet. Everything was so fucking wet. 
Not quite there, but achingly close that you could practically reach out and touch your release with your fingertips. You tried pressing him closer, getting some kind of leverage so you could just cum already.
You spoke through gritted teeth. “Harder.”
His teeth sunk deeper in your neck. It started to hurt again. Everything hurt until it didn’t anymore. The howl you let out burned your throat and rattled your bones. The pleasure filled your body, your pussy clenching around nothing at all, mutilated chest heaving as your strained cardiac system attempted to keep up with you with far less blood than it was used to. Then, all of a sudden, your mind went to mush.
Looking down between you, there was so much blood. Blood everywhere. Some of it was lower than you expected. That part of your body hadn’t been his focus. You weren't on your period. There was no reason for that much blood to be between your legs, on your thighs. The front of his jeans practically drenched in it.
“Why is there blood?” you asked hazily. “Down there. Wh-What did you do?”
He clamped a hand over your mouth. “Nothin’ you need to worry ‘bout. Fuck, ‘m close.”
You didn’t have the energy to do anything besides lay there. Take whatever he decided to give you as he chased his own release. Then, after that, into the abyss. 
Suddenly, the door swung open, and you let out a confused whine at the two voices you heard. Severen growled against your skin.
“What do y’all want!” he shouted. “I’m in the middle of somethin'!”
Your head lulled over to the side. A teenage girl and a young boy stood by the door, the latter slamming it shut. 
The girl had a wild look in her eyes as she pushed the boy behind her despite his protests. She didn’t pity you. Wasn’t nervous either. Almost looked like she was holding herself back. A dog having the slightest bit of self-control while a steak is waved in its face. Of course a freak like Severen would keep similar company.
“Jesse and Diamond are gonna be back real soon,” the girl said, her gaze focused on you. “She shouldn’t be here.”
“Well shit, Mae. I was just finishing up before y’all barged in,” Severen snapped. “Just wait outside a few minutes.”
“It’s our room too!” the boy protested from behind Mae. 
You groaned, feeling a sharp pain wrack through your body. Your stomach felt like it was turning inside out on itself. They didn’t care. Severen got up to argue more with Mae and the boy. Threw a towel over your writhing figure as if that’d make you disappear. Out of sight, out of mind.
Aching, burning, that was all you could feel. Every minute movement was fire. Blood loss, probably. You didn’t know how much you had lost in the first place. Severen ingested most of it. Not enough to pool around your body, give you an idea of how many pints down you were. The arguing voices jumbled together into a cacophony of varying annoyed tones that suddenly silenced when the door opened.
“Are you out of your mind?” a woman snapped. Not Mae. Someone else.
“I’ll dump her somewhere, Jesus,” Severen said.
A gruff, older man’s voice cut through the argument that had started up again. “She dead?”
“I was gettin’ around to it.”
Footsteps approached. The towel was pulled from over your face. You threw your arm over your eyes to shield them from the motel room lights. More like spotlights, their sudden intensity burning your eyes. You could almost hear them too. The constant buzzing made your head throb. You groaned.
“Fuck,” the older man grumbled. “She turned. How the hell did you let that happen?”
“‘Cause he wasn’t thinkin’ with the right head,” the boy said.
“Brat,” Severen hissed. “C’mon Jesse, first time in a hundred years I fucked up. Gimme a break.”
Did he just say a hundred years? You pushed yourself to sit up, holding the towel in place over your exposed, bloody breasts. The headache took a backseat to how awful your stomach felt, like you hadn’t eaten a thing in weeks. 
“You know she has to come with us now? Learn to feed, to survive. That’s gonna be on you,” Jesse said, his steely gaze on Severen. “‘Less anyone has a better idea.”
The boy piped up. “Leave her outside somewhere and let the sun take care of it.”
The woman rolled her eyes, a slight smile on her face. “Let the grown-ups talk. I’m with Jesse.”
“Me too. I think we should give her a shot. Only fair,” Mae said.
Majority ruled. You were staying with whoever the fuck those people were. So much for seeing the Painted Desert.
“‘Nother mouth to feed,” the boy muttered.
Severen squeezed you against his side. “Shut your trap, Homer.”
Suddenly he gave a shit, as if he wasn’t planning to kill you if the other maniacs in the room hadn’t barged in. You were so furious that the room spun. Everyone’s eyes looked owlish as they watched you fall backward onto the bed, your hands clamped over your stomach.
Jesse was shouting something. You didn’t know what. Your body screamed with unprecedented hunger over his frantic instructions. Your view of the ceiling was replaced by Severen’s bloody face. He bit into his own wrist. The copper scent hit your nose like a freight train. You grabbed his arm, bringing the open wound to your mouth without a second thought.
Severen watched with morbid curiosity as you fed from him. He’d never turned anyone before. Didn’t have any plans to. He supposed it was bound to happen this way, some freak accident. At least if it was anyone, it was you. Liked him well enough before. He was sure he could get you to come around to him again. Even if you didn’t, you looked even prettier covered in blood than drenched in water.
He wrenched his wrist from your grasp. You sat up, hungry gaze following his arm. He looked from it to you.
“Damn darlin’,” Severen said, a grin spreading across his face. “You’re a natural.”
“A natural what?” you asked, looking at the group of strange people crowded around you.
Their eyes shifted among each other before Jesse gave you a knowing smile. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt. 30
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Jacob Black x Bella Swan, Jacob Black x Witch!OC, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
The ending didn’t come out like it did the first time I typed this up but it’s close to the original I had worked on last night 🙃
Shocked wasn’t enough to describe the jolt Jacob received when he opened his front door and found Bella. The last bit of hope that imprinting on the witch had just been a dream was quickly eliminated. Standing before him was the love of his life, yet he didn’t feel that same giddiness he once felt with Bella’s presence. That terrified him more than anything; how quickly imprinting changed one’s life.
Behind her on the dirt driveway was a small, tan car. Probably here replacement for her red truck that was totaled when Riley took her. Late in the day, the sky is already casting the world in a pink and orange haze.“Sorry to show up unannounced.” He can tell Bella immediately wanted to nervously chew on her bottom lip as she was prone to do but stopped herself. Subtle changes could be seen on her. She’d been spending time reflecting on herself and really thinking of what she wants in life.
“No, it’s okay.” Jacob steps aside to let her in. Bella hesitated for a heartbeat before walking through. I guess it has been a while since she’s come over.
They go to his room which feel so small now that there was another person occupying it.
He hated this strange feeling. It made him not know how to act in front of her. Like she was a complete stranger to him now and not the girl he'd been mooning over for years. Jacob watches her in a queer way as she perched herself on the edge of his bed. "How has the pack been?"
"Good. (y/n) and Edward left with the Denali couple to drive them back to Alaska." He noticed the flash of momentary hurt on Bella's face before she regains composure and nods.
"I remember them saying they'd be leaving soon." They hadn't spoken about her meeting with them. Jacob had been too focused on what was happening with him and how, even though he was in his human skin, he could still smell Evita's citrus scent that beckoned him to go to Sam's. The alpha had warned Jacob though about scaring her off before she was able to finish the wards that was to protect them from hostile creatures.
“They left last night and should be back in a few hours from the text she sent to our group chat.” Jacob shrugs. “
At that, Bella actually smiles. “I wouldn’t doubt it. Edward drives really fast. Even Alice does too. It must be a vampire thing.”
He tried to think of something else to say, anything to make his life feel normal again. There had been nothing normal about his life though. His mouth was dry and tongue heavy. How could he go on pretending everything was okay? Not to mention he couldn’t imagine how Bella would feel once she learned that another guy who she deeply cared about was taken because of imprinting once again. Her wounds were still healing from her breakup with Edward. It would crush Bella. Jacob may have imprinted on Evita, but he still cared for her greatly. Just not romantically, not anymore.
By the blessing of those above, a tremor in the air gripped Jacob and Bella. The hairs on the back of her neck stand at the tingling that was rushing through her. “Wh. . . What is that?”
The strong aroma of orange blossoms fills his nostril.
This had to be Evita’s magic swirling in the air. It riled up the wolf in him, making Jacob want to spring into action. Were it not for Bella being present, he might have leapt through his window and run to Sam’s house where he knew the witch was staying for the meantime.
Underneath his skin, the animal trembled and agitated him from the inside where he felt uncomfortable in his human flesh.
Inhaling deeply, Jacob closed his eyes to steady his breathing which had quickened. “Magic.”
Bella does a double take. “Magic?”
He stumbles over his words but manages to get Bella up to date on what had been going on in La Push. Even Jacob felt silly about the things he said out loud to her, all of this sounded so unreal yet that’s what his life had become.
The air was still fluctuating with that sharp orange smell and Jacob could spot goosebumps rising on Bella’s arms as an after effect to nearby magic.
“Can I meet her?”
“You want to meet her?” Yes, a reason to see Evita! His wolf rejoiced that he’d finally be able to be near her again despite Jacob’s efforts to ignore it.
Bella doesn’t waver. “Yes. If she’s here to protect the town then I feel like I owe it to her to introduce myself. This. . . This is my fault after all.”
“Stop saying that.” Jacob hated how she pinned the blame of all of the events that had led up to Evita’s arrival. “It’s not you’re fault. Something like this was bound to happen ever since the Cullens came to town decades ago.
“Regardless,” Bella sighed. “I want to meet her.”
That’s how they end up in Bella’s tan Corolla, the small car sped through the empty streets of La Push to get to Sam’s cabin. The drive was overall quiet considering both of them were off in their own little worlds; questioning what they had felt in his room when Evita’s magic swept up their senses into a flurry. The wolf’s eagerness to be near it’s mate was unfathomable as Jacob felt his hands beading with perspiration.
He wasn’t ready to see Evita. Not yet.There was no way Jacob could trust himself to keep his imprinting a secret from Bella if Evita is near.
And Bella, her skin still hadn’t stopped shivering with an odd delight; the back of her neck continued to tingle through her neck and spine. She couldn’t begin to describe the experience. Jacob had called it magic.
The drive didn’t take long, Jacob and Bella were great up for that as Bella’s car pulled to a stop in front of Sam’s cabin. Excited chatter could be heard streaming through from the inside of the house.
Bella gets out of the car first allowing Jacob a few seconds to himself to calm the roaring wave of his heartbeat.
Breathing in a deep inhale, Jacob unbuckles his belt and pushed open the car door.
Smoke from Sam’s chimney twirls out in long ribbons against the mystical color pallet that sunsets are composed of.
From a fluttering curtain in a window, a face briefly appeared and spotted the two of them as they walk up to Sam’s porch. In but a few seconds does Paul open the door to great them. His eyes narrow with caution that confused Bella. Instantly a tension spoiled the air and the house grew quiet.
“Jacob. Bella.” Paul casually greeted but there was a strain to his voice. “Fancy seeing you guys here.”
“We came here to see Evita’s witchcraft.” Jacob is quick to say, hopeful that Paul would buy the reason for it was true.
“We felt the aftershocks and I asked Jacob to take me to meet her.” Explained Bella.
That made Paul’s eyes round. “Aftershocks?”
Sam appeared behind him. “Come in.” He merely instructed and had Paul step aside. “Jacob, stay in the back with me.”
Sam’s living room was crowded with other members of the pack and was wholly transformed into a candlelit space for witchcraft. His usual furniture was gone and in their place were an array of strange and arcane objects. The light from the fireplace made shadows flicker against the walls and distort the shadowy figures of those present.
Everyone leaned in yet kept themselves from straying too far into the circle that Evita had made on the ground.
A small bowl of herbs are slowly catching ablaze by the beckoning of her foreign words. Bella saw with her own eyes a river stone crumble all by itself into fine dust that is carried on an invisible wind and into Evita’s clasped hands. The delicate skin of her wrists appear paper thin as even Bella could see the many lines and rivers of her veins. They looked like they were made of lightening as they burned from under her skin.
Her lips move rapidly in her incantation, and as her words carried into the room, the energy shifted. Candlelight made the dark sway.
Entranced were the rest of the pack as they held their breathing, taking in the wondrous sight before them.
More sharp spices fill the air along with Evita’s citrus scent.
Jacob couldn’t tear his eyes off of her wild and flying curls that whip around her face that was lined with painful looking scars. To Jacob though, the dark scars that run along her face accentuate her fine cheekbones and full lips. A spatter of freckles add to her charm.
The wild wind of energy that had been swirling around her seem to fall away. Time itself felt like it froze.
Multiple breaths that had been held in up until that point exhale with an edge of relief. Her spell was complete.
When the candles are blown out by the dying breath of her magic, Sam slowly turns on the electronic lights of his house. Sitting in the middle of the living room was a pale Evita. Slowly she removes her top hand to reveal an object the size of a quarter and equally flat.
The color of it was the glittering shade of emerald. A warmth eminated from it.
Weary from her efforts, Evita explained with a tired voice “I have five more of these to make. They are to be distributed throughout Forks and La Push. The ward is this small so that it won’t be easily spotted by your enemies. We must bury them at six specific points. About a foot into the ground.” She passed it to Jared who held it with reverence. The ward made it’s way around the pack as they ‘ooed’ and ‘awwed’.
Leah and Seth gather around Evita to help her up and into Sam’s bedroom where she was regain her strength.
Jacob followed the trio with his eyes, unable to follow them thanks to Sam.
While Bella hadn’t been able to be properly introduced to Evita, the visit had been worthwhile. She’d never imagined that magic would look quite like that or that it would feel so intense.
When everyone had a chance to examine the ward, Paul snatched it from Collin’s hands. “This is to be put somewhere with the highest security. This may not look like much but it is essential if we want to keep our territory safe.”
This was not fun and games.
Sam put a hand on Jacob’s shoulder, alerting him it was time for him to go. “She’ll be alright. She warned me ahead of time that this would take a toll on her energy. Proper sleep and food will do her good.”
If Sam hadn’t been Jacob’s alpha, who knows what he would have done. Any other wolf would consider Sam’s posturing as getting in between Jacob and his mate. Hell hath no fury like a wolf being kept apart from their imprintee.
Jacob was still experiencing a heady daze and thankfully didn’t put up much of a fight as he taps Bella’s arm to get her attention. She was still staring at where Evita had been creating her ward.
The simple physical contact coaxed her back to her senses and they slink to the front door. Both too stunned to utter a parting word to anyone.
Bella didn’t know how long they’d been there, but instead of the fuchsia clouds that were highlighted with orange there was now a vast sky filled with stars.
Stars were dull though in comparison to the headlights on Edward’s car that shined right at them.
Names that are in bold are ones I can’t tag for some reason
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd, @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles , @nightly-polaris , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar , @itgetzweird08 , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms , @sassyandclassyx , @scarlet2007 , @theroyalbrownbarbie , @jennyamanda8 , @stevenandmarcslove , @biancaindaeyo , @loversjoy , @turningtoclown , @vixorell , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels , @dumbbitch-juice , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmomgmom , @emmettcullenswife , @yoong1c0re , @daddykylokenobi , @minjix
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kbirbpods · 25 days
Summer Podfic Stats!
Back in January, I said I wanted to do this monthly but then I instantly got too caught up in life. However, this summer was my most productive season yet so I thought I'd do a little stats round up for the season ~
January-August Quick Stats:
Podfic made: 42 hours, 28 minutes, 38 seconds Most podded fandoms (including crossovers) so far: Star Wars (69) & DC (46) Most podded sub-fandoms so far: Clone Wars (45), Batfam (16), DPxDC (10) Most podded authors so far: @wanderingjedihistorian (16) & @flowerparrish (12) Music? Top two choices: No Music (30) & Taylor Swift (27)
Summer Round Up!
JUNE: I waffled on including June in my "summer roundup" but technically my summer starts mid-June. It just so happens that right after work ended, we moved. And it took a minute for my podfic space to be set up. So, in June, I made 1 hour & 41 minutes of podfic. It was quite literally just Chapter 47 of the Sansukh multivoice project. I posted more in June but it was all recorded/edited in May.
JULY: July brought 7 hours, 31 minutes, and 53 seconds of podfic. Much of this was not posted until August when Summer Podfic Swap revealed but it was all recorded in July! In July, my most recorded for event was Summer Podfic Swap with 11 podfics. My longest podfic was The Jedi Within at 3 hours & 16 minutes. My shortest podfic was Red Bones at 6 minutes & 37 seconds.
AUGUST: In a weird coincidence, I made 7 hours, 32 minutes, and 38 seconds of podfic in August. (I've never had two months in a row be almost the exact same.) My most recorded for event was again Summer Podfic Swap with 19 podfics recorded for it this month (I used one podfic I'd recorded another month for the exchange). I also began recording for CCPA this month and did one Pod Together project. My longest podfic in August was Aliit Ori'shya Taldin (Family is More Than Blood) at 37 minutes & 28 seconds. My shortest podfic was Race at 1 minute & 11 seconds.
EVENTS: - 31 podfics posted for Summer Podfic Swap 2024, plus one I provided the voice for as well! - 10 podfics made "just because" - 3 podfics recorded so far for the Chromatic Characters Podfic Anthology V (the link is to the information post, reveals are at the end of September!) - 1 Pod Together Project with Wander & Flowerparrish [text | podfic] - 1 podfic for Fandom Trumps Hate posted (Lights Up! for hoebiwan)
+ large multivoice projects: Chapter 47 of Sansukh, one scene in Chapter 50 of Sansukh, & Chapter 20 of QKP
For my main giftee, I made 14 podfics that totaled up to 4 hours & 12 minutes of podfic. Some of these treats were also treated to others! I made 12 podfics as treats for Flowerparrish. Again, many of these were also treated to others. These treats totaled up to 2 hours & 7 minutes of podfic. In total, there was 7 hours & 16 minutes of podfic that I posted for the event. I recorded 51,787 words! The top fandoms I recorded for the exchange were DC(+ crossovers) at 15 & Star Wars(+ crossovers) at 12. This includes the three SWxDC I recorded (so it would be 12 DC and 9 SW if not)! I did 5 DPxDC podfics, despite how recently I got into it again. The other fandoms included were Mass Effect (2), Stranger Things (2), & The Locked Tomb (1). Crossing over with DC, I had one Tomb Raiders and one Leverage.
WRITING: I actually wrote this summer! I wrote 3 works that can be read now and have more that will reveal for later events! All writing was for DPxDC x Stop trying to make the Olympic Village Tinder Trend happen, Dick! (Jay/Roy, Batfam dynamics, side DP characters) x gold medals and golducks (POV Damian, Jazz Fenton is an Olympic fencer & his hero, Pokemon Go shenanigans) x falling in the dead of night (eyes so green) (Danny/Jason soulmate AU)
& here is the graph:
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Okay to anyone who looked @ this and cared, thank you! Reply with your favorite animal if you read this far ;)
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studentbyday · 11 months
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don't ask me to analyze poetry but sometimes i get the last lines stuck in my head bc it's a long road to get to where i wanna be in life...
yesterday i studied for 3h and 36 mins. i was supposed to study for 6+ hours. today i will try to make up for it bc yesterday was just not enough time to finish everything i was supposed to. i wonder how long it will take me to figure out (and be okay with) a reasonable to-do list. i really feel like i keep overwhelming myself with things to do that i just keep feeling defeated and demotivated every day bc it's impossible to finish it all in 1 day...
finish 2nd biochem discussion reply (took 2h 😑) ✅ (why is it *so* *hard* to read and understand biochem papers without reading at a snail's pace?? 😩)
finish 1.5 psyc ch for this week ✅ (OMG THE NEUROSCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS SO COOL and also really freaky bc many different brain regions are so dependent on each other so damage may mean you don't actually perceive smth??? unfortunately to allow my brain to osmose the info, i need to slow down 🥺 i wish i could go faster.)
finish biochem sec 1, start sec 2 ✅
physio exercises x2 ✅
journal x2 ✅
laundry ✅
update: i could not stick to pomodoro for more than 3h today and i didn't study anymore after that. i could not focus very well after the first hour and a half. i think it's because i didn't sleep well last night. so i'm gonna finally try to be consistent for a week and go to bed between 9-10 even if i don't feel like it and even if i can't fall asleep right away for the first couple of days. also, i think i'll try to reduce the amount of stuff i write on a day's to-do list. i'll still be aiming for 6-8h of studying per day, but we're gonna go with 4 or 5 tasks a day if 2 or 3 of them are small (takes an hour or less) and 3 if all the tasks are big (i.e. takes 2 hours or more) and if i finish early, then everything else i do will be a happy bonus, and if not, that's fine as well bc i'm still gonna get it done within the week, just not this instant. maybe tmr's update will feature a new bujo spread? (i changed it from the 2-page weekly to a super basic 6 column thing that would allow me to timeblock my days but...ofc that didn't help for very long bc all that space allowed me to overwhelm myself every day!)
🎶 liebesleid/love's sorrow - kreisler/rachmaninoff (yes the same set of songs keep getting stuck in my head. it seems to stay like that until i'm able to play them myself. so we're gonna be with this set for a while 😅 as a sidenote, this was a great song to listen to as i journalled about imposter syndrome 😂 it really fit the vibes 😎)
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taekooktimeline · 11 months
September 3, 2023 (filmed), November 4, 2023 (released): Suchwita part 2 of 3
As Yoongi talks about the main title track, “Standing Next To You,” Tae initially was sitting facing forward, but abruptly shifts to stare at Jk as he shares he recorded it the day after “Seven” (when he was in LA).
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Timestamp 21:00
Jk discloses SNTY wasn’t decided as the main title track at the time of recording. He hesitates to say anything further, but Tae encourages him, saying it’ll be edited out.
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Jk asks why he should bother if it’ll be edited out -
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Tae doesn’t respond, but mashes his lips together as he stares at Jk -
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Yoongi laughs at their old married couple bickering, teasing for them to take it outside if they’re going to bicker -
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Timestamp 21:16
After their married couple light bickering, Tae quietly listens in support as Jk talks about how SNTY became the main title track, that Producer Andrew Watt played it and Jk promised to practice it that evening to record it the following day, which leads Tae to audibly express his pride and impressment at how hardworking and talented Jk is.
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Timestamp 21:33
The trio clink glasses, congratulating Jungkook -
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Timestamp 22:16 https://x.com/_k91230v_/status/1720795550193455585?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Interestingly, Tae mentions it would be cool for Jk to perform the song with a band. Two months after recording Suchwita, on November 3, 2023, Jk does perform “Seven” “3D” and “Standing Next To You” with a live band for iHeart radio. This is speculative on my part, but perhaps Tae was hinting at it when they filmed Suchwita, since these two know everything about each other (Jungkook flew to America on September 5, 2023, so it’s plausible this was a hint). If you haven’t heard Jk’s live performance for iHeart, I’d encourage you to watch it. I’ve left the links below. I especially love how SNTY showcases his exceptional vocal range (those high notes, especially when he sings “sun and the moon!” + it’s such a dance heavy song, which helps to highlight what an incredible and powerful dancer he is.
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Timestamp 22:37
Seven on iHeart: https://youtu.be/fkZjni4ieWs?si=vDaQiI1q2-nUWK_Q 
SNTY on iHeart: https://youtu.be/S9pq1HqJKSo?si=4jmpIjGMTe8wBQHW
(At the time of posting, 3D is not an available link)
And Jk says if he did perform a showcase or concert, he’d start it with a “bang” which makes Tae quietly go “oooh,” impressed.
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Timestamp 22:44
Jk bops along to SNTY. Yoongi praises him as the only person in Korea who can pull off pop this well. Jk responds with a thumbs up as he continues to dance along to the main title track. Tae briefly dances along too.
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Timestamp 23:05
Jk reveals before the song ends that the ending is “base and drums,” with a “whoo” from him. He imitates the “whoo” while looking at Tae.
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Timestamp 23:20
As SNTY finishes, Tae praises Jk and says, “so cool” as Yoongi predicts it’ll be #1 on the BB 100 and 200 simultaneously. Jk says he’ll try his best again and Tae encourages him, saying, “let’s go,” which Jk repeats.
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Timestamp 23:35
Yoongi mentions “Golden” was originally going to be a mini album (EP) with 5-6 tracks. Once again, Tae abruptly shifts to stare directly at Jk, exclaiming, “Hmm?” in surprise as he turns.
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Timestamp 23:42
Exclaiming his surprise again as Jk confirms -
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I want to emphasize again how Tae continuously supported and expressed admiration towards Jk throughout the show. He nods along as Jk explains how his mini album morphed into a full album -
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Timestamp 24:08
More glasses clinking together by the trio -
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Timestamp 24:22 
Jk discloses he worked hard, pretty much recording one song a day. As Yoongi asks how long he took recording each song, if it was eight to nine hours a day, Tae exclaims, “Wow,” in amazement.
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Timestamp 24:37
Jk shares that it actually it took him about three hours to record each song, not eight to nine hours, which Yoongi praises as an indicator of “unprecedented growth,” to which Tae agrees.
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Timestamp 24:38
Yoongi continues praising Jk, saying that’s insanely fast. Tae agrees by giving perspective, sharing with a straight face that it takes him three days to record one song. This makes Jk laugh loudly, while Yoongi makes sure to tell viewers, “It’s not a matter of ability but of a person’s character.”
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Timestamp 24:49 or https://x.com/mybwits/status/1720798692872175824?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Yoongi asks Jk why he picked those specific tracks. Tae, being a precious assistant MC, asks the question in a different way. Jk shares it’s about love, with the start of the album being upbeat and about falling in love, and ending with a more sentimental vibe as the album transitions to a break up. He encourages listeners to listen to the songs in order for context.
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Timestamp 25:25 
Side note - I found the meaning of SNTY interesting -
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As Jk states there’s context to the songs, and the order they’re placed in his album (again, with the start of the album being about attraction and falling in love, which is reflected in the more upbeat tracks, and then track seven on are about heartbreak / falling out of love, with a more somber and melancholic tone) Tae listens with a proud expression on his features.
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Timestamp 25:36
Jk has repeatedly expressed his hope and goal to perform a three hour solo concert. Tae mentions it in Suchwita, encouragingly asking Yoongi if “Jungkookie” has enough songs to put on a concert now, which Yoongi affirms.
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Timestamp 26:54 
Sadly, we’ll have to wait a little longer for that world tour (and the bloodbath for tickets). For now, Jk will be performing a showcase in Seoul (November 20, 2023). Tae, again being an endearing, helpful assistant MC, asks Jk when his showcase will be. Tae sports a proud smile towards Jk as he responds that he’ll give ARMY the best time he possibly can.
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Timestamp 27:08
Part 1 link - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline/733647292019687424/september-3-2023-filmed-november-4-2023?source=share
Part 3 link - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline/733647430454837248/yoongi-asks-jk-how-he-feels-about-releasing-his?source=share
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miss-choi-park · 6 months
Sin never tasted so...
Chapter 11 - Better than Shakespeare (Finale)
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A TXT Yeonjun Fanfiction from Mrs. Choi-Park
CEO/non-idol/dom/bully!Yeonjun! / Confident/sub/named/fem!Reader!
Previous Chapter:
[...] It wasn't my decision, it was that of a person who I never thought would make my life worth living so much. And I was more than ready to make a decision that had the same significance and made his life worth living so that he felt the way I felt right now.
Warnings are not needed I think😆
Please remember that I fully respect the privacy of all K-Pop Idols and that this is just a fantasy. It's not my intention to harm anyone! (I've been a MOA since March 2023)
“Okay, see you there, honey.” Yeonjun said, before I pressed the ‘call end’ symbol.
It was Tuesday now…three days since Yeonjun made his decision to leave his parents and their company. Even though I had told him again and again that his parents would definitely pull themselves together and get in touch with him, I didn't seem to be right.
On Sunday we both made the decision to tell my parents everything before it might be too late. They deserved to know the truth, even if no one could predict their reaction.
I had simply told my parents that I wanted to introduce them to a boy. No more and no less. They sounded happily surprised on their cell phones and they were looking forward to the dinner, which was about to happen. Since Yuna knew about me and Yeonjun, I begged her to busy my mind beforehand. So we went shopping in town before it turned 5 o'clock and I had to say goodbye to my bestie. Yeonjun would drive himself to my parents while I took the bus. It would have been a detour for him to get to the city first, even if he offered to pick me up.
Anyway, I was now sitting in the bus and it was just before the stop where I had to get off. Yeonjun would come later than me, which was a good thing. The quarter hour gave me the opportunity to raise some awareness within my parents.
I stared absentmindedly at the road rushing beneath the bus.
To be honest, I was so excited that I felt like I was going to take off at any moment. On the other hand, telling my parents the truth was the right decision. Even though I didn't think they would disown me like Yeonjun's parents did... I didn't want to risk it either.
I trusted my parents...that they would understand...I hoped.
The announcement of the stop at which I had to get off echoed through the almost empty bus, so I dug my nails deeper into my bag.
The tiredness from this morning was gone. I couldn't get any rest tonight and the three lectures didn't really help either...but as time progressed...my heart beat faster and faster against my chest. The bus stopped and I got up to get off, although I briefly thought about just staying seated.
Today was a surprisingly beautiful day. My birthday was approaching and I fervently hoped to be able to celebrate it with my parents.
I had to walk for about five minutes to get to my parents' house, unfortunately today it felt like an hour. It was probably because I was walking so slowly.
My heart was beating faster and faster, my stomach was twisting and my intestines didn't seem to leave me in peace either.
A little desperate, I looked at my cell phone, which showed me the time was 5:37 p.m. I had told my parents I would be there at half past five...so I was already a little late. I could imagine 50,000 other scenarios that I would prefer right now. What was I even supposed to say?!
...actually I had been racking my brain about it all day today...on two occasions I even had some pretty good ideas...but unfortunately I had forgotten them again.
I finally stopped in front of my parents' house.
My gaze wandered over the suburban home where I grew up. I used to call it home...but right now it felt like a house of horrors that I didn't want to go into.
Come on Sumi! You've waited long enough. They are your parents, they deserve the truth!
I hesitantly walked along the entrance until I finally stopped in front of the front door and hesitantly put my finger on the doorbell and finally pressed it after five seconds.
My mother literally seemed to have been waiting behind the door as quickly as she opened it.
"Ah, there you are!” She greeted me and pulled me straight into a hug.
"How are you? Everything good?" She continued to ask as she let go of me and invited me inside.
I looked at her for a moment.
"I am fine." I lied and my mother smiled widely before looking over my shoulder.
"Where did you leave your boyfriend?” She asked and I gulped as I kicked off my sneakers.
"He...he's coming soon.” I muttered as I got rid of my shoes and crawled into the slippers that were waiting for me.
Meanwhile, my mother closed the door behind me.
"I guess the gentleman is shy, huh?" I heard my father's voice, which made me look up. He was standing in the hallway and smiled warmly at me.
I took a breath...
"Seems so." I muttered.
My father laughed briefly before turning around and disappearing into the living room, where my mother followed him.
"I made delicious food!" My mother announced and I trotted into the living room after my parents.
My father was already sitting at the dining table and had opened the newspapers that he had probably read.
My mother stood behind the kitchen island and poured some water into a glass.
Oh man...they seemed really happy...and there was nothing wrong with that...but I felt like I was under electricity.
"Here. When is your darling coming?” My mother asked, handing me the glass. I wrinkled my nose and took the glass from her.
"I don't use that pet name for him." I said and my father started to laugh, which drew my mother and my attention to him.
"What do you call him?" He asked and I took a sip first. Oh man, how do I start this off gently before Yeonjun rings here in no less than ten minutes?!
"He usually calls me Honey or... little one and I...I don't know...", something popped up in my mind, that seemed like a good start, "I call him Junnie."
"Junnie? Is that a nickname?" my father asked, he still had a big smile on his lips.
"How long have you been together?" My mother asked before I took another sip, hoping it would calm me down.
"Two months." I mumbled and mom's eyes widened.
Then there was silence in which I could swear I could hear my heartbeat.
"I can't wait to meet him." My father said and took off his glasses. I just nodded.
"He...may not be what...you imagine." I said sheepishly, even though I could barely hear myself.
"Oh, sweetie, don't be so afraid, as long as he's nice to you, we'll like him." My mother said and went to my father.
If only she didn't regret that statement.
She sat down next to my father who nodded.
"We'll be nice, you know us." he said.
Yes...I knew them...and I knew who they hated...
"Sit down first, when is your boyfriend coming?" Dad asked, pointing to a chair at the front of the table.
I took another breath before slowly starting to move.
It was a miracle that I wasn't shaking with excitement.
"Maybe in ten minutes." I said as I sat down.
"Then it's good." My father said and put his glasses back on to continue reading his magazine. Meanwhile, I turned my glass around in my hands.
Damn, Yeonjun was coming soon and I hadn't prepared my parents for what was about to happen.
"If he's nice to me...can you get along with anyone?” I asked cautiously as I lifted my gaze and looked my mother in the eyes again.
"Of course sweetie, why are you so scared?"
My mother just knew me too well. She could smell my emotional state from ten meters away, against the wind.
"Because he...he really won't be what you expect.” I said cautiously, which made my father look up from his magazine.
He raised an eyebrow: "Hopefully he's not older than me..."
I started to laugh briefly before looking back at my glass, "No...he's only four years older than me."
"Oh so much older? I thought it was someone from your university." My mother said and I looked up again.
"No...he...we know each other from somewhere else.” I said and my parents exchanged a look.
"But four years is nothing...I mean your mother and I are six years apart.” My father pointed out and I began to nod again.
I jumped when the doorbell rang.
Shit! Yeonjun not yet!
"Oh that must be him!" My mother said and jumped up from her chair. Like her, I jumped up, which attracted everyone's attention.
"I'm opening the door! Please wait here!" I almost demanded. My parents raised their eyebrows.
"Yeah...okay, we'll stay here." My father tried to calm me down. However, my brain was numb.
This wasn't the perfect time Yeonjun! If only I had walked a little faster earlier.
Without saying anything, I turned around and practically ran out of the living room. I quickly rushed to the door, glanced over my shoulder to make sure my parents weren't looking and opened the door once I was sure.
"Oh...hey." Yeonjun greeted me, seeming relieved to see me behind the door.
"Lucky you're already here, I thought I was too early.” He said, but I didn't say anything in response, just pushed him back a little and also stepped out of the door, only to pull it slightly behind me so that my parents wouldn't recognize his voice immediately.
"Everything OK?"
"You're way too early! I haven't had any time to prepare them yet!” I said frantically, but so quietly that only Yeonjun would understand me.
His big surprised eyes quickly softened as he began to smile.
"I thought you said you weren't excited." He said and put a hand on my waist. He pulled me a little closer to him and I couldn't help the pent-up feeling from running out of my lungs.
He was right, but I only said that to calm him down. He was so restless on Sunday that I had to calm him down somehow. So I just said that. And it wasn't a lie on Sunday I really wasn't afraid, but things looked completely different now.
"I'm excited as shit..." I admitted as I placed my hands against his chest. His light blue denim jacket served as support.
"Little one, we'll manage it." Yeonjun murmured before I felt his forehead fall against mine. I closed my eyes shortly afterwards.
"Remember? As long as we stay together, we'll get through it all..." He whispered and, as if by magic, my heart calmed down a little. Yeonjun was right! No matter what happened...we would stick together.
"You look amazing by the way!" Yeonjun said after leaning back. This statement brought a smile to my lips. When I looked up at him I was greeted by a warm smile that told me everything was going to be okay.
"You too." I murmured, which only made his smile grow wider.
I really loved when he styled his fluffy hair in a pony, it made his features so much kinder and sweeter.
"We're going in here together and out together, no matter what happens.” He said and I couldn't help but pull myself up on tiptoes and give him a quick kiss on the lips.
"I love you!" I whispered after I was fully back on my feet.
Yeonjun had to laugh for a moment: "Hmm...good for you!"
His statement was followed by a slap on my butt. I rolled my eyes before taking his hand in mine and taking another breath.
I could do it all with him. It was almost scary how quickly Yeonjun calmed my excitement. Of course my stomach was still churning, but I seemed to be calmer in everything.
Finally I turned around and pulled him with me.
With him on my hand, I felt prepared for whatever might come. So I opened the door without thinking about it and led Yeonjun into the house where I would never have ever expected him to be.
Yeonjun quickly took off his shoes and put on the slightly larger slippers, before we exchanged a quick look. Yeonjun pressed his lips together and nodded once, which told me it was now or never.
A little hesitantly, I turned around and led the way.
However, I positioned myself in the entrance to the living room so that Yeonjun wouldn't be visible behind me.
"You have to promise me not to freak out." I said to my parents who were sitting expectantly at the dinner table.
My father laughed: "Bring him in already!"
I took a deep breath as I looked intently at my parents. I slowly entered the room so Yeonjun could enter too. He was following me, from what I could make out by the footsteps behind me. My eyes never left my parents for a second, not even when both of their jaws dropped.
I held my breath as I saw Yeonjun bowing next to me.
"Hello...nice to see you again.” Yeonjun greeted my parents respectfully before standing upright again.
No one in the room said anything after that. I didn't even think I could hear or see my parents breathing. Only the ticking clock brought an impatient sound into the silence.
My mother was the first to close her mouth and look at me. Her face was hard to read, but I didn't have time to as my father pushed his chair back and slowly got up.
I could read his look exactly. He was angry...every muscle in his face told me that. My heart began to beat faster again.
"Dad...please don't be angry...I told you he's not what you expected." I tried to reassure my father as he rounded the table. His gaze was fixed on Yeonjun, who audibly gasped as my father approached.
Instinctively, I took a step forward and stopped my father by placing my hands on his chest. He would never harm me, but I wasn't so sure about Yeonjun...the way my father looked at him.
"Dad please. Listen to us first.” I tried to calm him down and his eyes actually found mine.
"Mike...Sumi is right, let's eat first." I heard my mother's voice. Hearing her statement gave me some strength to hold my father's gaze longer.
"Choi Yeonjun?!" my father hissed. But before I could reply, I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Sir, I have no intention of insulting you. I'm not like my parents, I don't mean to harm you. All I want is a nice dinner to explain all this." I heard Yeonjun say, which gave me even more strength.
My father looked intently at Yeonjun behind me. But to my relief, every fiber of his being no longer seemed to want Yeonjun dead.
"Dinner with you?!" my father asked and suddenly I saw my mother next to him.
"Mike, sit down. Don't do anything stupid.” She said and my father seemed to calm down a little more, which calmed the racing of my heart too.
My father's gaze shifted to my mother, who pulled him back and smiled warmly at him.
When my father actually went back to his chair a little later, Yeonjun and I let out our breaths at the same time.
"Sit down, I will serve the food.” My mother said, looking back and forth between me and Yeonjun.
Unlike my father she seemed calmer and genuinely friendly. After she turned around into the kitchen, I exchanged a look with Yeonjun and raised my eyebrows briefly and shrugged.
Then I waled over and sat on the chair opposite my father, who looked at me skeptically. His eyebrows were so drawn together that you'd think he had a monobrow. Yeonjun sat down next to me shortly afterwards and my father's gaze wandered over to him, his face actually turned even darker like a cartoon character.
There was a more than awkward silence as my father leaned back and folded his hands over his ever-growing beer belly. He twiddled his thumbs more than obviously as he eyed Yeonjun. I could clearly feel his tension.
"What would you like to drink?" My mother asked, coming back to us and putting a glass in front of everyone.
She broke the awkward silence with a genuine smile on her lips.
"Beer…” My father grumbled at first and my eyes followed back to him. His gaze was still fixed on Yeonjun, as if he was silently asking him to say something next.
I started grinding my teeth. My excitement hadn't subsided in the slightest.
"I would like-"
"He's having a beer too!" My father interrupted Yeonjun. My tension grew.
“What do you want, my darling?” My mother asked and I slowly looked away from my father. Normally I would help my mother to get everything on the table, but I didn't dare leaving my father alone with Yeonjun.
"Please...something with alcohol too." I asked her and I also felt the other eyes on me.
Mom just nodded a little skeptical and turned around again.
I also turned back to my father, whose face seemed a little more relaxed.
Luckily my mother came back quickly and put the two bottles of beer on the table. She passed me a cocktail that she had probably already prepared. She had the same one.
My father grabbed his bottle pretty quickly and poured some into his beer glass, which Yeonjun did the same.
My father didn't hesitate for long and raised his glass to his lips. I was afraid he would drink it in one go as long as he sucked on the glass.
When he finally lowered it and half the glass was in his stomach, he cleared his throat.
"Two months, huh?” He began and I clutched my glass like a madwoman.
"We should have told you earlier...but it was...complicated.” Yeonjun took over the speaking, which took a huge burden off my shoulders.
"No no...you should wait two months anyway.", Dad said and then looked at me, "You should know whether it's something serious, right?"
I swallowed.
"So I think it's wonderful." My mother announced and caught everyone's attention.
Oh really?!
My mother looked around and her gaze landed on Yeonjun.
''Maybe we can finally settle the dispute like that.'' she continued and then looked at me. Her smile grew, if at all possible, even wider. All I heard from my father was an unconventional 'hm'.
''I'm not really sure about that.'’ Yeonjun said. His voice sounded defeated, which drew my eyes back to him.
Yeonjun fumbled his glass between his hands and stared briefly into the beer inside.
''My parents found out about this the wrong way…’’, Yeonjun looked up at my mother again and gave her a small smile, ''We had quite a fight.''
My mother's smile was gone when I looked back at her.
''What kind of argument?'' my father asked in between, attracting everyone's attention again.
''My father was very angry when he found out about me and Sumi.''
''Something completely new.'' my father grumbled.
''He kicked me out.'' Yeonjun said quickly before finally raising his glass and taking a sip.
My father's eyes widened and his gaze flickered to me: ''Kicked you out?''
I should finally say something.
''Do you see Dad? Yeonjun is not like what you think.''
''I decided against my family because my father wouldn't allow it.’’ Yeonjun said after lowering the glass again, which drew my father's gaze back to him. He studied Yeonjun for a while before leaning back in his chair.
You could literally hear the cogs working in his head.
''If that's not a token of love.'' my mother said quietly and I had to start smiling, but my eyes went to my lap. She was right, it really was.
''Really unbelievable, who would throw their own child out the door?'' My father asked and I looked up again.
''Oh, I have my own apartment, don't worry. I just have to look for my career somewhere else now." Yeonjun admitted and I looked at him again. We exchanged a quick look in which I tried to smile reassuringly at him before I also raised my glass to my lips.
''I...maybe I can help you there.'' my father said and Yeonjun's eyes widened.
''Excuse me?'' he asked my father as my eyes also went to my father.
''Two birds with one stone. I help my daughter's boyfriend to his feet and thus wipe out my competitor. Old Choi probably won't be happy to hear that his son is working for us.''
There was a moment of silence. Did my father just offer Yeonjun a job?! Was I dreaming?
''Of course only if you accept the offer.'' my father said and raised his eyebrows. I looked at Yeonjun, who was obviously completely perplexed...just like me.
''Wha-what kind of job?'' he asked and my father laughed.
''Well all the major management positions have been filled, but we still need readers. I'm sure you recognize good books when you read them, am I right?", My father said, raising his hand as he said, ''Starting salary 3.700.500 won per month without deductions.''
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yeonjun's jaw drop.
I stared at my father like a dumb bird as well.
''OK 3.800.500 won, I can't get you more than that. Probably still a lot less than you earned from your parents.''
''Oh no, no! I-wow that's a really...thank you.'' Yeonjun stuttered.
My father started to smile as he looked at me.
''You don't have to be afraid that I'll kick you out because of this, mouse, hopefully you know that. As long as you're happy, I'm happy too," he said, leaning forward a little.
I nodded immediately, only then could I start to smile.
''Good!'' my father said a little louder and raised his glass, ''Then on a successful future!''
The rest of the evening was surprisingly friendly and open-minded. My parents, especially my father, seemed to accept Yeonjun more and more every minute and I was honestly happy that my parents took it so well. I have to admit once I got here, there was really a part of me that was afraid my parents would react the same way Yeonjun's did.
But with my parents like this I could look calmly into the future and the same goes for Yeonjun, who introduced my parents to Hueningkai and his Manhwa on the first day in the company. Hueningkai had already canceled the contract with the Choi's one day after the argument between Yeonjun and his parents. He said he wanted to publish it together with Yeonjun and not otherwise. So Yeonjun brought a great success to our company, which only made my father like him even more.
Every day felt like a fairytale after that drama with Yeonjun's parents. And even though I thought my life felt like Romeo and Juliet at one point...it was ultimately much better than Shakespeare's drama.
Two months later
It was Sunday and I was sitting at the breakfast table with Yeonjun in his apartment. As almost always, I had only woken up ten minutes ago and Yeonjun had already prepared breakfast. He was typing away on his phone as I drank my orange juice.
''Huening just can't stop thanking me.’’ Yeonjun finally broke the silence and I laughed when he looked at me.
''We should actually thank him.'' I retorted as I lowered my glass again.
Yeonjun nodded with a smile and looked back at the screen after it vibrated again.
''We can invite him to dinner sometime.'' I suggested and looked at Yeonjun again. He stared frozen at his display.
''Are you okay?'' I asked and Yeonjun looked at me without moving a muscle in his face. I raised an eyebrow, when he turned his phone towards me my eyes widened too.
The chat he showed me was between his mother and him.
I recognized a message, the first in two months:
Yeonjun, your father would never admit it, but he misses you and he's sorry. I finally convinced him to talk to you again. I'm also so sorry that I didn't get in touch sooner, but I was honestly embarrassed to write to you, after what your father did. We would both be happy to invite you to dinner on your next day off, preferably with Jung Sumi.
Love Mom.
The Story ends here. Thanks to all the readers. I hope to see you all soon☺️🙏🫰
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killerandhealerqueen · 4 months
Asks time, let's go
Ask game for fic writers- 1, 3, 5, 16, 24, 28, 30, 37, 39, 44, 58, 72
Ask game for fic writers #2- 10, 15, 16, 30, 32, 38, 44
Fun meta asks - 3, 4, 7, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25
Took, my beloved!! Alright y'all, buckle the fuck up, this shit gone be long
1. do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
For some fics, yes, I do know how they're going to end when they start, but most times we're just kinda...figuring it out as we go. And sometimes that's the fun part because when just writing, you can sometimes come up with shit better than when you outlined/planned it
3. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
I enjoy it. So like...an 8-9? Most of my stories are romance anyways so it's not that hard for me
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
Nope. I don't make playlists for my fics
16. where is your favorite place to write?
Well, I write anywhere, but my bed is always a good place. Things just tend to flow there
24. on average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Depends on the fic. Sometimes I can get pages done, sometimes nothing. But on average, I'd say...1.5-2k? Sometimes more? Like I said, just depends
28. handwritten notes or typed notes?
Typed. My hands cramp after writing for too long. And it's just easier to type if there's a lot of information
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you know" ~ A.A Milne
My parents say it to me a lot whenever I have imposter syndrome/am doubting myself. It helps a lot
37. when creating characters, what comes first: appearance, backstory, motivation, personality, something else?
Now, I don't create OC's, but personality, I think would come first for me. I always like characters who have personalities that don't match their appearance (and personalities are more interesting to work with anyways because they're shaped by backstory, motivation, etc.)
39. are you an avid reader?
I am! When I'm not reading fanfiction and I want to get away from the computer, I'll pick up a book. Sometimes if I'm really into one, I can crush one in a day/couple of hours. I've always been a voracious reader
44. any writing advice you want to share?
Just write what you enjoy. You're not writing to please anyone else but yourself (and maybe a few loyal readers). So like...don't write what's trendy or popular, write what makes you happy. It makes the fic much more enjoyable for you and for your readers
58. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
Hmm...I think for my fic The Tiger is Out, I had to google/duckduckgo the name of the poem the fic was inspired by because I couldn't remember it
72. what do you do if a scene gets too serious?
Oh boy, take a break. There are a lot of scenes in the Killer and Healer rewrite that make me cry/make my heart hurt so I have to take a break from writing it/do something else for a little bit to get a breather. I mean, I can push through (which I've done before) but you feel a little empty afterwards. Or I'll go talk with my discord chat and tell them what just happened to get my mind off the scene
ask game for fanfic writers | send me asks
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
Ooo, great question. Most times, if a story has gripped me by the throat, I'll keep working on it till it's completed. As for multi-chapters, sometimes I fall outta hyperfixation with them and I don't wanna work on them anymore, but then I also don't wanna leave them unfinished indefinitely (which is fine, of course but not for me) so I finish them (and I tend to feel better after I finish them, sometimes because I'm genuinely happy it's finished or sometimes I've relieved that it's over)
15. OCs or no OCs?
For me, no OCs, just because I don't need them in my stories. But more the merrier for others, y'all have fun creating your little guys
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
Most of my fics started out as writing prompts, tbh. My Killer and Healer fics now are mostly my own ideas/aus...unless i'm feeling really uninspired. But I do still use sentence starters or other ideas to kind of spark something, if again, my brain can't figure out what it wants to write
30. What writing software do you use?
I use Microsoft Word and it's the only writing software I will ever use
32. Past or present tense?
Past, for the most part. Sometimes my headcanons will be in present but my fics are mainly in past
38. Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? (Big bangs, zines, NaNoWriMo, etc?)
I do not, actually. I did NaNoWriMo in like...8th grade but nothing since
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
It does! For my fic Violence Is Never the Answer...Except When It Is, @a-single-log-bridge drew Chen Yuzhi with a katana! You can see the fanart here! (With this I am giving y'all permission to draw my fics, please god, draw my fics, I beg)
ask game for fanfic writers! ⌨️🖊📓📝 | send me asks
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Honestly, have no idea
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Gonna copy my scene from my other ask that I got about this question, hang on
From my fic My One and Only (Killer and Healer mignon/vampire au)
         “Jiang Yuelou” he breathed before he quickly knelt before him and cupped his face in his hands.          “Jiang Yuelou” he whispered.  Jiang Yuelou, however, didn’t answer, causing Chen Yuzhi to whimper before he reached out and carefully pulled him into his arms, hugging him gently but tightly.          “I’m sorry.  Jiang Yuelou, I’m so sorry.  I lied…everything that I said was a lie.  I’m sorry.  I love you.  I really, really love you.  So please…please don’t leave me” he begged as he clung to him and buried his face in his neck.          “Don’t leave me.  Please don’t leave me” he pleaded.  Jiang Yuelou, however, didn’t answer again, causing Chen Yuzhi to let out another whimper before he hugged him tighter.          “Please” he whispered, just as two strong, but gentle, arms came around him and hugged him back.          “I won’t” a weak voice whispered, causing Chen Yuzhi to gasp and lift his head out of Jiang Yuelou’s neck as he looked at him with wide eyes.          “Jiang Yuelou” he breathed as Jiang Yuelou slowly lifted his head and smiled at him.          “Chen Yuzhi” he replied, causing Chen Yuzhi to let out a sob before he buried his face in his shoulder and hugged him tightly, making him smile weakly as he gave him a tight squeeze in return.          “I’m here.  I’m here.  I’m not going anywhere” he whispered. 
I just really like this scene because while Chen Yuzhi does like Jiang Yuelou throughout the fic, he's never like...expressed/reciprocated his feelings to Jiang Yuelou, who has. And now in this moment, when he's afraid Jiang Yuelou is going to die, he confesses that he loves him. And who doesn't love that trope, huh?
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
Um...someone's always gonna get whumped, I know that much. Also, descriptions/dialogue...I've always been told I'm good at those...as well as staying in character/characters feel like how they do in canon, no matter the au. So I guess that? Idk (I'm never good about answering questions about my personal writing style because I don't pay attention to that sort of thing)
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
Longfic. Always longfic, especially when it comes to Killer and Healer. I mean, look at my fucking word count on ao3. Do I look like a drabble writer to you? (No offense to anyone who does drabbles, just could not be me)
Most times, I am a pantser. I've learned that plotting kind of stifles my creativity. The only time "plotting" has worked for me is figuring out what's going to happen in each chapter of my fic The Demon and the Angel.
And no, I do not. I like writing my long fics and I like figuring stuff out on the go. That's what makes writing fun to me
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
They're each hard in their own way, but I guess personally titles. Summaries for me are easy because I just take like a line/passage out of my fic and use that as the summary. Tags can be tricky too because I wanna make sure I tag everything that I think is in my fic but sometimes I can't tag everything (though I do try)
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
At some point, I'm going to try a sci-fi fic, which I've never done before, so that'll be interesting. It's inspired by the Netflix Movie Rebel Moon and I think it'll be fun once I get around to it...and my brain stops plaguing me with other au ideas
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
My fic Monster Like Me had a completely different version before I decided I liked the current version better....but even getting to that version it took 3 rewrites, one complete deletion of the fic and original outline and a whole new rewrite to get to what it is today. And I have to say I like this version so much better than what it was originally. Did you know this fic took me almost a fucking month to write? That's the longest a oneshot has ever taken me. Ever
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Oh...I don't really have a lot of meta, at least not with the fic I'm currently working on. But with my Rebel Moon au, the idea actually came to me on my 7 hour plane ride home from Hawaii. I couldn't sleep at all nor did I play on my computer nor did I watch any movies...I just listened to music the entire time. And for most of the time, I listened to
on repeat. If you wanna read the rest of the story, I actually answered about the au over here
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Well, I write most of my stories like they're a movie/drama, so movie/drama would work, because I see my writing (or any writing for that matter) like it's a movie playing in my head
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
A Killer and Healer Howl's Moving Castle au. I've always loved Howl's Moving Castle and I think it would work great as a K&H au, but I just don't know a) which couple to use because it could work both ways and b) when I'm ever going to have time to write it (because I am plagued with other au ideas all the damn time)
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Oh man, talking about fic ideas with your friends. Just gushing about how scenes would work/play out, who characters would be (if I'm inspiring a fic off of a drama/anime/movie/manga), what certain scenes will entail...stuff like that. That shit is fun. I mean, writing is fun too because you're taking what's in your brain and putting it on paper, but like...just brainstorming with your friends is fun
Fun meta asks for writers | send me asks
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tinandabin · 2 years
Hellooo I saw your request are open my eyes literally sparkled! Anyway. can I request a Yandere Kokushibo X fem reader where the reader escaped Kokushibo after months of being caged from his grasp,( this is where the timeskip go). Two or three years later Kokushibo managed to find her again not until he noticed a child who looks human but has demon powers (Half Demon) you can continue the rest THANK YOU I LOVE YOUR WRITING 🥰
TYYY AND IM VERY SORRY FOR THE WAIT!! I hope u enjoy this. <333
Thank Muzan for the first time ever because he has sent Kokushibo on a long mission. A LONG ONE. NO JOKE.
You would fucking kiss Muzan's feet without hesitation if you see him. For once he is a saviour.
And of course no one likes to be trapped like a caged bird, like bro, you are tired of eating raw fucking carrots everyday because that is all that shitty Kokushibo can manage. He can barely get you clean water and he says that he would bring the stars for you /j.
Of course, you will take this golden opportunity. No more being scared. KOKUSHIBO ISN'T YOUR FUCKING MOM. MAN UP.
And so you started using your brain, higher than Einstein could, to break the fucking complex shitty lock-system that rat-assed hair man left.
I swear your brain hasn't brained so much in like, 7 hours 37 minutes 28 seconds.
What you didn't realize were the horrors that awaited you in the future. Not now though, you were busy eating flowers.
Skip to Kokushibo finds you escaped, rage-quits, goes through the 5 stages of grief and searches the whole milky galaxy for you but somehow doesn't search one small village. Typical Kokushibo to forget to search one village!
5 months later, your belly has popped, like really popped, like a balloon.
I don't know how to describe pregnancy forgive me.
Fast forward to you giving birth in horror to that half-demon child who literally tried to chomp your leg but whew, thank God and not that dumb fucking Kokushibo that the child, or newborn, didn't have teeth at the moment.
You raised the cutie, very dangerous, has killed multiple rats 👍. Villagers always come screaming to you like, "[NAME] THERE ARE RATS IN MY HOUSE HELP MEEEEEE" and your child darts out like Sonic and somehow murders all of them and eats them and no blood is left. You are known as the 'Rat-Killer Lady.' When it is actually your child.
Okay, I have bullshitted enough. Someone stop my hands from typing this much bullshit.
Anyways, Muzan, Your Saviour, decided he didn't want to be your saviour anymore and sent Kokushibo to that one small particular village where you resided.
And we all know what happens next.
Can we get applause for me getting here.
Thank you.
Kokushibo, being Upper Moon 1, obviously sensed the half-demon child. How could he not, when he could smell his own blood in it? And yours too.
Of course, you couldn't smell him like he could smell you. ( my goodness, what the fuck. )
So it took Kokushibo no time to sweep you off your feet once again, this time with a kid.
The end.
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shinyhappysims · 6 months
Onyeka Family Update #2
All the Oneyka kids are finally married, so I think now is a good time for another update.
As a treat, this update will be from Adaeze’s POV, because we love to hear from a fellow snarker. Long post ahead because I probably won’t be doing this for the Onyeka fam again and I want to give a semblance of a conclusion to some of their stories.
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My parents Bre (66) and Chukwuma (69) Onyeka are living their golden years in Henford-on-Bagley. I would say they tried their best at raising us but I’m not so sure I believe that. My parents and I don’t talk much, which is more than okay by me. They’ve forgiven me for the whole “secretly applied to college, snuck out and took a bus an hour away and never came back” thing. It’s the fact that literally everything else I’ve done after feels like a personal attack on them and everything they taught me. That’s more their problem than mine, to be honest.
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The oldest Nnadi (39) is married to Miguel (39). They have a staggering quiver of 13 arrows: Gideon (21), Ephraim (19), Shoshanna(17), Bartholomew (14), Abigail (12), Obadiah (10), Keturah (8), Solomon (6), Tirzah (5), Maranatha (4), Galilee (3), Naphtali (1), Ebenezer (0). Yes, I definitely knew all the names of my sister’s kids off the top of my head and didn’t stalk her Simstagram and write down the names just a few minutes before this. Nnadi is obnoxious. I’m not mincing my words because she’s never had the grace to do so with me. She’s literally the person people talk about when they say they don’t like Christians. But that’s amazing for her. She can claim persecution for her beliefs. My parents are so proud that they made her a perfect little doormat for Jesus. All of her kids so far seem to be the same way. Glory be, I guess.
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Kelechi (38) and Sandrine (41) are the Pastor and 1st lady of Calvary Baptist Church in Brindleton Bay. They have 4 children: Faith (16), Daniel (9), Noah (7), and Grace (5). They are, in my opinion, true Christians. Kelechi always has been supportive of me and my siblings that aren’t the way my parents dreamed. As a pastor, he tries his hardest to give objective answers and uses the bible to support his advice, which has led to his popularity as a mentor. Calvary’s population has nearly doubled in his time as pastor. Kelechi and Sandrine were not intending to have such a large gap between Faith and Daniel. Their marriage was very strained in the first few years and they thought having another child would be the fix. Unfortunately, Sandrine had a battle with cancer. Luckily it was caught in the early stages and she pulled through, but the way Kelechi treated her during that time strengthened their relationship and they had more children because they actually loved each other now. If anyone deserves that happy ending, it’s them.
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My twin and favorite sibling Chidi (36) is in an open domestic partnership with the lovely Sade (37). They live in San Myshuno and have no kids, and probably never will. Chidi is an attorney and Sade is an artist. For awhile, Chidi flew under the radar and didn’t make too many waves but that changed about 5 years ago. I think it was a combination of turning 30 and meeting Sade that made him want to stop trying to appease our parents and just live the way he wanted. Chidi is no longer a Christian. He wanted to stay one at first but the more he deconstructed, the more he realized it wasn’t a fit for him.
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It’s me, Adaeze (36)! The Onyeka family failure—not at all. My parents just wish I was. When my husband Raj (38) isn’t being an absolute dreamboat he’s an art restoration specialist at the Simsonian Museum here in Newcrest. We have the coolest little girl named Kali (6) and I haven’t told anyone yet, but we have a second baby on the way! My parents have never met Kali and I don’t plan on letting them. Growing up is hard enough when you don’t have your own grandparents trying to drag you into a cult.
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My sister Isioma (34) and her husband Anwar (36) are living their best lives in Del Sol Valley. They have 5 kids and are expecting number 6 anyday now: Imani (11), Aaliyah (9), Malik (8), and twins Layla and Rahim (4). Isioma has somehow mastered the balance between impressing Mom and Dad and doing whatever she wants. As much as I love her, there are just some things that I can’t talk to Isioma about. She’s nowhere near as bad as Nnadi, but I don’t think she realizes just how close minded she still is. She’s slowly getting better though.
(hi it’s kwanjai please ignore that Layla’s hair glitched black and the twin’s diapers aren’t changed it’s been a long day and I refuse to take this pic again lmao)
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Jachike (32) lives in Windenburg with his wife Maisie (29). They have 7 children: Renata (9), Beaumont (7), Irving (6), Gwendolyn (5), Cordelia (2), Anneliese (1) and Hans (0). I’m fully convinced that they only got married because they were horny for each other and now they don’t know what to do except keep fucking and having more kids. They don’t really seem well matched in my opinion either. Growing up, Jachike was a down to earth, guy next door type, and Maisie just seems extremely out of touch. I mean… she named a child Hans. Maisie also mentioned she only wanted 8 kids, but she’s got a lot of child bearing years left, so I have no clue what her plan is.
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Nnadi Jr. Ifeanyi (29) is married to Nolan (40) and is the proud mother of 6 children: Jordan (8), Lorelai (6), Connor (5), Thomas (4), Alanna (2), and Natasha (0). The only difference between Ifeanyi and Nnadi is that Ifeanyi follows the bible’s command for women to be quiet. All that hate just simmers on the inside. The average person would be rightfully weirded out by her and her husband’s age gap, but Ifeanyi wears it with pride. She thinks it’s a testament to her maturity and meekness. No, bestie… you were groomed. Anyways, my money is on her to have the most kids out of all of us.
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Ifeanyi’s much cooler twin sister Onyinye (29) is married to Joseph (29) and they have 1 daughter, Nwanneka (1). Growing up I became really close to Onyinye. When I moved out I felt like I was leaving behind my child. Onyinye is like me in a lot of ways: science career, having kids on our own terms, only ones with hot husbands. The only difference is she’s still a Christian. I’m proud she was still able to find the loving aspects of that religion, even though I wasn’t. I also love that she doubled down on her emo phase. I remember our mom used to force her and Ifeanyi to dress alike in sickeningly pink bows and huge, frilly dresses.
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Lotanna (27) lives in a sad beige house in Henford-on-Bagley with his sad beige wife Tori (27) and their sad beige children Brixten (2) and Trigg (0). Lotanna is the sibling I’m most wary of. He seems normal on the surface, especially now that he’s married to picture perfect Tori, but then he opens his mouth and the foulest statement you’ve ever heard pops out. He’s never evolved passed edgy Simeddit thread humor, except now it’s not humor, he legitimately thinks that way. I seriously feel bad for his future daughters.
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Sochima (26) has been married to Ciaran (28) for just under a year. I’ve never met Ciaran in person. He seems like the average guy we grew up with, which would be horrifying for me, but a dream for Sochima. Surprised that we haven’t gotten a pregnancy announcement from them yet. I would’ve put her up there with Nnadi and Ifeanyi in terms of the number of babies she would pop out. Wonder what’s going on there.
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.33
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Jacob Black x Witch!OC
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23   Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 34  Part 35   Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
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You're awaken in the early morning hours by sharp taps on your window.
Unable to ignore them anymore, you groan and roll onto your side. You had summer school in four hours. What could possibly be important enough to ruin your good sleep? You'd certainly have to give an earful to whoever it was that woke you.
Pulling up the shades of your window you see Quil and Embry outside.
Reluctantly you open your window. "What are you guys doing?"
"He's here."
"They're here."
They both seem to talk at the same time. There could be many connotations to who they could be referring to. A member of the Volturi was the first to pop in your head before you whisper out "Who?"
Embry holds onto you with his warm eyes. "Evita's friends."
Friends. As in plural.
You shut the window without another word so you could hastily get dressed and join them. Scrawling a note and leaving it on the kitchen table, you explain to your parents in case they wake up before you get back that you would still go to school regardless of what was going on.
The three of you weave through the trees deciding to go the back way. At this hour, it would be odd for someone to find three kids running through the streets. Your phone had died which explained why you hadn't known the news as soon as it happened. Quil and Embry though received a text from Sam that called for immediate action. Anyone whom the wolves aren't familiar with had to meet the pack. This served to familiarize the newcomer's scent for future reference and also to check them out and see if they are trustworthy enough to even pass through our land.
A familiar aroma of magic makes your brain feel tingling. They feel it too as you notice Quil actually stumbles a little bit from the heady sensation.
As you got closer, you bumped into both Leah and Seth on their way as well as Collin who was tiredly rubbing at his eyes. No one spoke. Too excited and in a hurry to reach what Seth had once called HQ. Which for your pack it basically was. All pack and most elder meetings took place there.
The two newcomers sat on either side of Evita inside of the living room. A boy and a girl. They both appeared weary from their travels but have a hand on Evita's lap. Dieufel, who you guess is the boy, is hastily wiping his eyes with his free hand; uncaring of who spotted his stray tears. "She was a warm spirit."
They must have been talking about Letizia. The wolves remain quiet until the guests are ready to introduce themselves. Dieufel was the darkest of the three witches sitting on the couch and already you could feel wisps of power wafting off of him. Just sitting there his presence was an enchanting enigma.
Dieufel had to be in his early twenties, exuding an aura of both mystery and vibrancy. His eyes the color of deep onyx holds a glimmer of ancient wisdom that you'd never seen on a face so young. Thick, dark lashes frame his dark eyes that add a touch of allure to his already striking features. Short, dreaded hair like tightly coiled springs are dyed a lighter shade of brown. His attire seems to blend seamlessly with his persona speaking of his connection to both the modern world and the ancient realms of magic. He has quite the elegant speech pattern that reminds you a little of how Edward spoke. He was proper when introducing himself. "Thank you for taking care of Evita during this time." He'd turned to Sam to say. "For your good will, we will join your cause although it sounds like quite the dangerous objective."
Skin as rich and warm as the finest mahogany, Dieufel inclines his head toward the other female on the opposite side of Evita. With this action you catch the sparkle of a gold earring hanging from one of his lobes. "This is my cousin Nadege."
Good looks must run in the family. Nadege smiles brightly at everyone and stands, almost towering over even Sam himself. Her cheekbones were high and fine, emphasizing her large olive green eyes. Her hair gave off a dark purple sheen, weaved into complicated braids that you admire as she moves to enthusiastically shake hands with the perplexed wolves. Nadege greets everyone with a warm, heavily accented 'hello'. "We've flown so far to meet you all! Once Evita called, we took to the sky immediately."
A few members were perplexed by her overall bubbly attitude but smile. It was always a joy to meet non-volatile supernatural beings.
Her features were expressive as she goes on to lament "Oh we were terribly broken to hear that brise took our Leti from this world. You know it killed another one of us just last year too."
As if used to hearing his cousin's ramblings, Dieufel gently puts a hand on her arm to draw her attention. "Kouzen, kalme ou. You'll scare them off." This earns him a rueful glare from Nadege who apparently didn't like being interrupted.
Sam chuckles. "It's alright. The pack is glad to have you here as well. I'm sure Evita has caught you both up on our situation."
Dieufel nods. "Yes she did. Can't say I've ever encountered anyone from the Volturi specifically."
"I didn't even know who they are." Nadege pipes in.
He rolls his pretty eyes but overall ignores her little comments. She reminds you of a chirping bird. Turning to Evita, he adds "I learned about the Volturi when staying with your family. The traveling witch who had stopped for a respite told us about them. So much power concentrated like that is bound to lead to disaster."
Evita nods. "Yes. I have finished one ward to prepare for their arrival."
"I can tell." replies Dieufel as he eyes her still exhausted face.There's color back in her face but the blue, bruise-like shadows are still stamped underneath her eyes. Overall, Evita's energy is lower as well which would tip off anyone who knew he well enough. "And how many more do you need?"
It wasn't necessary to reply. From the sour expression Evita scrunches her face into, Dieufel learns that the quantity was more than three. He hisses out a sigh at the workload ahead but isn't angry. Of course he'll do anything for his adopted spirit sister. Plus Evita was young and still didn't have much control over her magic. She could only summon a small amount of it at a time. Not like Leti who would have been able to create two wards in one day though it would definitely debilitate her for the following week.
Nadege speaks more in that fast language you don't understand, nudging her older cousin with her sharp elbow. Her long, full lashes flutter when she narrows her light colored eyes at Dieufel. "We can make up the rest. Or are you weak?" She teases with a goading smirk and hands on her hips. Lips, dark and glossy, curl in a devilish upward flick. A few of the wolves chuckle at her boldness. Even Sam's body jerks in a silent laugh at their familiarity. A connection that was similar to the pack. Blood was not what tied them, but genuine respect and affection. It reminds you of the relationship between the older wolves: Sam, Jared and Paul. They were brothers in all but genetics. You considered them your own older brothers, guiding and protective.
A giggle leaves Evita and she leans against Dieufel's shoulder comfortably. The first familiar touch she's had in a while. You're happy for her and notice her face soften and finally relax. She must have been on edge since her sister left home.
"Of course we will help." Dieufel says with a lazy smile. He pats Evita's head and makes the top curls bounce in reply. "But I don't know their specific powers, like your Edward's mind reading." The last part is addressed toward you.
"He's told me. I can easily have him write down the members he knows and their special abilities. The Volturi will have many of them on staff." You remember Edward telling you that they've spent hundreds of years collecting vampires with special powers. And damn did you want to hope that maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to keep the Volturi at bay. They could be strong enough to keep them out forever. That would be too perfect. Your life had proved anything but perfect the past several months. You didn't expect it to be.
That makes the others of your pack bristle. What other powers could be out there that they don't know about? Mind reading and seeing the future had been quite the shock to many. Too much maybe.
Brady and Collin exchange slightly anxious glances, knowing that this kind of talk was feeling a lot like a preparation for war. Wolves they were, but baby fat was still evident on their faces. In about a month it would be gone, chiseled away into manhood. Sam would make sure in that time that they would be ready for battle if it called upon them. They'd been kept away from Victoria's army, but they wouldn't be spared from fighting the Volturi. Barely entering high school in two months, your heart goes out to them. At least you had been granted time to enjoy the beginning of your high school years. There wasn't much to enjoy but you could claim that it had been your own.
Dieufel ponders for a second before nodding. "Alright. What is the deadline?"
Wolves anxiously peer at one another. The answer wasn't ideal.
It made Nadege's eyes round from what Sam told them. Which was "Anytime now."
Credulously, Dieufel shoots his dark gaze at Evita who shrugs and speaks Spanish. Dieufel exchanges his own words in her native tongue and you could hear the worry in his voice. Evita switches to English when she notices several pairs of eyes on her. "Besides, we might have another pair of helping hands soon enough." At that, Evita flicks her eyes over to you. Now the pack's attention centered on you. You'd grown used to it by now. Being the one to freaking imprint on a vampire will do that to you though.
You address the room, more so Sam to fill him in. "Evita says Bella has potential to wield magic."
Jared and Paul are comically confused. "Bella Swan?"
Ignoring the whispers spread through the room, Sam uses his authority as alpha to bring people back to attention. Dieufel and Nadege look thoroughly impressed. When the room is once more quiet, Sam asks Evita "Is it possible for her to learn?"
Dieufel stiffly nods. "Yes. . . it's possible but I do not recommend crash courses in magic. More than anything it is an artform which one should take the most care with. Your intentions may be good but if you are not properly trained, it can blow up in your face."
"Bella can do it." Insisting and also wanting to have Bella's back, you tell them what Jake told you. How smart she was and even got a spot in the high school's AP sciences and math. "She really wants to help."
You never expect Leah to agree with you. "The very least she can do is try it out." Better yet, Leah looked Sam straight in the eye with equal determination. "This is her fault after all."
Sam does a good job not to gawk at Leah addressing him as she hadn't so much as looked at him since the whole Emily drama.
He takes Leah's interest seriously although he is suspicious about her motives. Silently Sam consents with a nod. "You're right. The least any of us can do is try. (y/n), can you get into contact with Bella? Or would you rather-"
He knew it may be awkward for you to talk to Bella considering you were the reason why her and Edward broke up. "I don't mind. I'll call her after I get out of class."
That way everyone could have a rest before the real work began. **
Leah was the first one to leave. She didn't know what possessed her to be so vocal about Bella trying her hand at magic. Maybe it was because she wanted Dieufel to look at her and really see her.
A fluke, she'd put it to when she first saw Dieufel. Of course she would be attracted to him, he was gorgeous and his eyes would make any woman envious of his perfect lashes. The speeding of her heart was just one of intense attraction.
This wasn't-this couldn't be imprinting. Leah refused to even compare it to what she was feeling.
In order to not rise any suspicion, she'd managed to keep her features calm . She couldn't let anyone else know. Wasn't the reason why they kept Jacob's imprinting a secret to protect Evita and not cause added stress? Damn. Why him? Why now? Leah felt her steady descent into mental decay. She felt raving mad.
Feet stumbling to the forest line, Leah runs for it. Home. She needed to get home. That was a safe place. At least it used to before her father died. Now she fell into one waking nightmare after another. Blindly groping in the dark for something to anchor herself to so she wouldn't be swept up in the void. Everything was out of her control. What little control she had. When (y/n) imprinted on Edward, Leah half worried that she would imprint on a blood sucker too. Her and (y/n) were anomalies among the all male wolf pack. Even in the wolf's history there had been very few female warriors who inherited the gift of the moon.
She'd prayed to whoever would listen that she would never imprint and lose that freedom in picking her own partner. Her heart wasn't healed yet from Sam. Being in any kind of relationship was not of importance to Leah.
Leaning against the trunk of a tree to catch her breath, Leah felt absolutely fucked. Everyone would know the moment she transformed thanks to the stupid pack telepathy.
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You slunk back into your bed. You had two more hours before you had to be up and ready for school. Only a few more days then you could attend to the business of protecting La Push and Forks. Bella managed to get good grades all while dealing with murderous vampires. What was her secret, you wonder to yourself. Many of the wolves hadn't been so lucky.
There was no point trying to sleep. Meeting Dieufel and Nadege wired you up. You'd wanted to stay but were reminded that they too were tired from their travels and would need all of their energy. Fair enough. Amped up like when you first met Evita, you suppose it's the magic of their being that energizes you so.
When the time came, you grabbed your backpack and let your dad drop you off at the rez' high school. You did your best to try and pay attention. Someone simply wouldn't let you though. Embry was just as excited as you were about the new arrivals and all the 'cool shit' they would do. Several times the both of you were hushed by the instructor forced into school as well. From years of goofing off in class, you and Embry were masters at passing notes subtly that neither of you were ever caught. He wrote of his doubts that Bella could actually do magic like them. She was the most helpless thing out there and to think that she had power all along was a little more than upsetting to him. But how could she have known though? You argue back. This back and forth helps to pass the time until you're both racing out the doors, grateful to be done for the day.
You wouldn't waste time stopping by your place to drop off your backpack. Embry followed your line of thinking and keeps pace with you. During your snack break that they allowed you, you'd texted Bella to meet you at Sam's. She'd replied that she'd be there. A quick text had been sent to Edward as well to keep him up to date on what was going on. He said he'd let Dieufel and Nadege settle in before bombarding them with his own family.
Neither you or Embry were expecting to find the tribe elders lined up at Sam's front door. You frown looking from one withered face to another. They looked upset. Sam was bravely facing off against them, keeping his voice level so you couldn't hear the words exchanged.
Paul pulls away from Sam's side to greet you. "Head in through the backdoor."
"What's going on with the elders?" Embry inquires while keeping his focus on the older men.
He grimaces and runs a hand through his short black hair. "They don't like the idea of three witches here. They're worried that the magic they're doing will attract more outsiders. More danger for everyone else."
Not allowing you to say anything else, Paul ushers both of you around the back of the house and through the screen of the back door. It led into the cozy but cramped kitchen where Quil was already there with Seth, Brady, Colin and Nadege. The boys were completely enamored with her, that was clear. And you wouldn't blame them. Like her cousin, Nadege was stunning and her personality added to her overall attractiveness. She was friendly and laughed without restraint at something Quil had said while placing an innocent hand on his forearm.
You notice Quil's ears turn a vibrant pink hue. Oh, he was smitten with the witch. He had a stupid grin on his face that was painfully obvious. The second hand embarrassment wasn't too bad since Nadege didn't seem to notice. When she saw you, her eyes crinkle and attention now directly at you. "(y/n)! I don't think I got to meet you before! Evita told me about you." Okay, maybe you were a little smitten with her too now. She was just so warm and pretty you couldn't help your brain going stupid in front of her.
Was this part of her magic? Maybe it was just her natural charm over people. Her reactions appear genuine though.
"It's nice to meet you too." You earnestly grin. She was such a warm person.
"I was just telling your pack brothers how Dieufel and I flew all the way over here. They weren't aware we were shapeshifters too!" She chuckles and you notice her prominent dimples.
"R-Really?" You'd never another animal shape shifter before. Surely Evita would have told you.
She nods. "While our family has always had magic in our blood, we also have another advantage. From as far back as our lineage goes, our ancestors have been able to turn into red-tailed hawks. Much like your own wolf warriors, our animal forms are larger than the actual species."
You were baffled. That was definitely something worth mentioning from Evita. A reminder that the world was so much larger than you could ever imagine.
Brady was beyond thrilled at the information and looked damn near giddy at the prospect of the great big world you were living in. They didn't see the potential danger that you and the older members saw. With such a large world, there were bound to be bigger creatures that could kill you. While you were definitely in recovery from your encounter with Xiomara, you weren't near cured enough to subdue the chill that seized the base of your spine and had you remembering those dark and evil eyes. They continued to haunt you, her claws were branded into your cheek. Three cruel lines that curve from the height of your cheekbone to the curve of your jaw. You remember your mother crying when she first saw them. The despair that she couldn't hide. She could have lived all her life without seeing the evidence of the reality you lived in.
If you were a better daughter. . .
No. You couldn't dwell on your own insecurities. You don’t have to keep going back to that place.
Going back to that vulnerable time with Xiomara did not serve you any purpose. You knew you had to move past that point in time although it was the one you held tightly in your memory.
A bit breathlessly you ask "Can we see?"
Nadege's smile widens; her limbs elongate and bones shift, her clothes become large as her body morphs to accommodate her changing form. Feathers sprout from her skin, first small and downy, then they grew larger and more vibrant with each breath she exhaled. Her arms stretch into wings adorned with fiery red feathers that blend with cream and brown feathers. Traces of her human self fade. The ground seems to retreat beneath her, and she instively spread her newly-formed wings, ready to take flight. Exhilaration washes over her as she looks down to you and the other boys. Dish towels flutter against the breeze she kicks up with her massive wings. She'd easily transformed into a majestic red-tailed hawk, master of the skies and dancer of the wind.
You're surprised how elegant she was, avoiding bumping into the ceiling fan and anything else that could get caught in her wingspan. She'd been beautiful in her human form; utterly breathtaking in her animal form. She shows off a bit, aware of the universal beauty she possessed.
"Forgive my cousin." Dieufel's voice comes out with a bit of a laugh to it. "She has always been known to be quite the bit of the showoff."
Hawk-Nadege shrieks at him and dives for his face but Dieufel easily reaches out and grabs her by her thin bird legs. She continues to half-hearedl thrash against his grip. It wasn't tight enough to hurt her but forbade Nadege from escaping his grip. She was more so annoyed than angry.
The spell breaks over Quil and the other young wolves as they blink away the dream-like filter that had been lowered over their vision.
Nadege's beak attempts to peck at Dieufel's cheek but he's aware of her tricks and keeps her at a distance. You can't help but laugh at how expressive Nadege was in her hawk form. The others, broken from whatever charm she had over them, bust out laughing.
You still couldn't believe how easily Evita and her friends merged into the pack. Already it felt like you had known them for years. They introduced so much more of the world to our small pack. Paul, from standing near them didn't even seem to mind the different knowledge that they brought with them. He laughs along with everyone else as the large hawk squirms and fights against Dieufel's hold.
In this light moment there was hope for the future. Something you desperately held onto. Hope would be your anchor.
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TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch​  , @dangerouslittlefairy​ , @burn-crash-rqmance​ , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite​ , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd​, @godinho11​ , @arin-swear-rose​ , @alexizodd​ , @melaninsugarbaby​ , @lyeatoalinatoheaven , @ronwownsme​ , @itsmytimetoodream​ , @afro-hispwriter​ , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles​ , @nightly-polaris​ , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar​ , @itgetzweird08​ , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms​ , @sassyandclassyx​ , @scarlet2007​ , @theroyalbrownbarbie​ , @jennyamanda8​ , @stevenandmarcslove​ , @biancaindaeyo​ , @loversjoy​ , @turningtoclown​ , @vixorell​ , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels​ , @dumbbitch-juicee​ , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmom​ , @emmettcullenswife , @yoong1c0re , @daddykylokenobi​ , @minjix​ , @magical-spit​ , @krismdavis​  
84 notes · View notes
bookworm-2692 · 1 year
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And here we are everyone! The final update to the Life Tracker with all the chaos at the end! Apologies for the delay here - most of my timing notes were done by Sunday, and then the graphs were complete by the middle of Tuesday, and now it’s Thursday morning. I have no good excuse this time, but here it is!
Previous posts: Session 7, Session 6, Session 5, Session 4. As usual, below the cut is close ups and data and commentary!
There were 37 deaths I counted this session up to Pearl’s permadeath, and then Impulse died twice more before some off-camera life exchanges occurred (Scott showed the first two, so they’re here with their timings, but then after that no one showed when Impulse gained an hour (so got two more kills), Martyn lost an hour (so died once), and Scott gained half an hour (so got a kill), and as you see something doesn’t add up and given that immediately after they get down to their final life I have elected to ignore it and just adjust the time anyway). Then there are the three consensual lava deaths, and then the three final deaths... so there were 45 on camera deaths this session, plus some extra off camera time shuffling.
I actually missed two deaths from Session 7 as well - I had them in my notes so my number of deaths matched what should be, but I somehow forgot to put them in the excel data, so I put them back this week. They were when Impulse fell and Cleo got the kill credit, as when as the Grian double kill on Bdubs and Cleo. I have also removed the 30 minutes I awarded Bdubs for his wolf killing Scar so that he could permadie at the correct time - though I left the 30 minutes Bdubs got for killing Joel in self-defence as a Yellow, as Cleo’s timer shows that she still had this, so I wanted consistency there.
Close up of Sessions 6-8 together
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Close up of Sessions 7-8 together
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Here you can see all the permadeaths together! It was far harder to label these lines than when players were alive and in a nice orderly line, so I hope this is fairly clear. And a close up of Session 8 alone:
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Crazy how Pearl was briefly the one with most time, and Impulse’s habit of keeping his mouth shut about his time served him well - two hours into the session he had 4.5 hours, while Scott and Martyn were both down to 2 hours (and Grian on 1 and Pearl and Etho on half an hour). Scott wasn’t kidding when he said he stole all of Impulse’s time there.
I also decided to acknowledge Martyn’s /kill at the end there, and made him lose the rest of his time there.
Another interesting thing is the fact that Etho and Pearl’s mutual killing of each other, where they both net lost half an hour, didn’t actually effect their final placements. They were on under half an hour when they died, but if they hadn’t killed each other, they still would have been under an hour, and still would have permadied. Grian was definitely on the most time at his permadeath, and BigB got so damn close to it before being saved. If it had taken Mean Gills + TIES even a minute longer to find them and kill them, BigB would have died then (and Pearl may not have lost as much time as quickly as she did).
I do want to acknowledge that Pearl did gain an hour from permakilling Cleo. Because it was PvP, the half hour got automatically added. However, because Cleo permadied, her death message took up the entire screen and completely hid the message telling Pearl she gained 30 minutes, so Pearl then gave herself another 30 minutes. Which means she may have otherwise died when Etho pushed her, but I’m willing to let it slide - Martyn also gained 30 minutes for an unknown reason back between Session 3 and Session 4 that was never acknowledged or removed. He also never fell below two hours until they agreed to equalise, so it probably didn’t effect anything, but I do want both to be acknowledged here.
I also created the graph for the average time per team again, in two forms.
First: where dead people are included in the average
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And the Session 6-8 close up of this
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And the Session 7-8 close up
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And below is the Session 7-8 close up of the version where dead people are removed from the average
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I don’t have much to say here other than I think it’s interesting comparing the two. The first one suppresses how much time Impulse has on account of Skizz and Tango both being dead, but the second one shows it loud and clear.
Now is time for the data screenshots! This session was longer than every session except for the first - they had been averaging around two hours, but this time was an hour and a half. Presumably, this is because at the 2 hour mark, there were still 6 people alive, and three of them had an hour or less to live, and 15 minutes later there were only three but at that point you may as well let it play out.
The first 50 minutes of Session 8:
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The next hour and 10 minutes of Session 8:
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The final 30 minutes of Session 8:
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As usual the red and green boxes indicate deaths and kills. The blue boxes is what I’m using for the “time equalisation” the three of them did off camera. I really tried to work out who would have killed who there but something didn’t work and then I decided it didn’t matter lmao. I did do their three lava deaths separately though because I’m still being anal there.
After doing all that, I finally worked out a better way of zooming in on the graphs, by remembering I can actually force the axes to be smaller, which means more detail can actually be seen. So here those are below.
Life Tracker Session 1-4:
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I also finally worked out how to rotate the text boxes because it wasn’t working earlier, and I think it looks so much better there!
Life Tracker Session 5-8:
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Here unfortunately the text on the left had to be huge for the spacing to work, but then on the right the text had to be much smaller so I could try to space all the names out at the point of death.
Life Tracker Session 6-8:
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I actually made the 6-8 one before the 1-4 or 5-8 ones, so before I worked out the angled text, but I think this still works with just the names at the point of death (the start of the name is at the point of death, unless there’s commas in between and then they’re all at the same point)
Life Tracker Session 7-8:
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Lots of little details here! We’re close enough that Tango’s death can separate from Scar and Cleo. You can see vertical lines close together rather than overlapping as well which is nice!
Life Tracker Session 8:
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This one I did forget to change the title, but you can tell it’s Session 8 only. Tango, Scar, and Cleo died within two minutes of each other, it’s so tight. And Impulse and Scott were within six seconds of each other, so that was always gonna be impossible to separate.
Team Average Time Session 1-4:
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Team Average Time Session 5-8:
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Team Average Time Session 6-8:
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Team Average Time Session 7-8:
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Team Average Time Session 8:
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I also have a copy of the above four with the dead people excluded, which I can share if people are curious, but this post is maybe getting a bit long right now, and I think the version where dead people are included is the better one to show - more accurate to team strength.
I also made some other graphs while procrastinating this post (because I was procrastinating making a decision about some of Bdubs’s deaths/kills to make the time work), but I will include those in their own post as this one is absolutely far too long right now.
I definitely had fun making these graphs each week, so I hope you guys enjoyed too!!
#limited life smp#limlife#24lsmp#i never ended up figuring out the interactive graphs so you can hide individuals#i saw someone suggest to just make a new graph with just the people I wanted#and while that would work... making each graph takes a while bc I also want to add the green yellow and red lines and also each episode mark#and then i have to colour each line individually the colour i want#and like. its possible#but i just wanted the one graph where i could click some things to ignore or include a series#like for the two versions of the average time graph instead of making two graphs i just changed the formula in the data each time#like most of the time its =AVERAGE(all people in the team) but when i make the screenshots for dead people excluded i manually go in and#and delete the dead people and then reverse it back after#bc thats faster than having two graphs to fix#anyway the other graphs and data i made while procrastinating was like. how much time each person spent on each colour#including when they jumped between colours#only one person spent the full eight hours on one of the colours#everyone else had each colour cut short#and that one person had the other two colours cut short#it was fascinating to actually see the eight hours there#being vague bc i do wanna save that reveal for when i make a post sharing those numbers and graphs#but not rn i need to have a shower and stuff first#this post really should have been out like two whole days ago at the latest#i procrastinated on sunday *making* the graph (i had the data) but on tuesday i had made the graphs and then didnt make the post#its thursday now so#it was actually like 7am when i started the post but then tumblr was being so slow so i had to save the draft and pause for an hour or so#so that tumblr didnt eat the post#but its cooperating now#anyway now im rambling in the tags which means im procrastinating hitting post AGAIN#pls enjoy the graphs and data and numbers :D#my spreadsheets
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thelonesomediaries · 9 months
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Some of the new gang has started rolling in. Still expecting 5 dolls. Good old USPS sent the package 37 miles in the wrong direction and although tracking STILL says it’s being delivered today, I know the clowns who fumbled it are NOT going to make it right by actually delivering it today. 🤡
The Sam is a white body, and the two #8’s look so different and it took me a good hour to notice why: the eyelashes of one of them were trimmed. That is goblin tier behavior lol who trims eyelashes?! A bunch of historical clothing arrived with them as well. The Kirsten has pretty rough hair and the beginnings of Silver Eye so she may become a parts donor for older dolls. Tags called dibs on the wig if I go that direction but won’t listen when I explain that the wig may not fit her well. (Edited to add that the Kirsten is in fact a tinsel Kirsten so I won’t be removing the wig. Instead, I will fix her up the best I can and simply be lucky enough to have such a pretty doll even if her hair short/thin)
Speaking of Tags, she’s sitting around looking incredulously at the whole situation. She wonders how theres money to always acquire more dolls but not any to pamper her specifically? She’s got a point.
What she doesn’t realize is that I’m going to dismantle her again and do a more thorough deep clean and proper restringing since the kits I have are terrible.
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crescentblossom66 · 2 months
Prompt 6 Tarnish
Disgusting, unsightly, and frankly just a huge safety issue...Hat Kid sighed, glaring at the large stains of dirt and dust that were covering the whole front window, making get more frustrated the longer she looked at them. How was she supposed to fly anywhere with those stains on the window? Cleaning them up would require her to go outside and float in space...good thing she could breathe in space. Still taking a rag and cleaning the whole windshield would take at least three hours.
The young space traveler was interupted in her thoughts by a robotic 'Ouch! My circuitboard.' Rumbi had crashed against the bottom of her chair in their valiant quest to clean the carpet. “Good job, Rumbi! The whole room is clean again!” After she had shared cookies with Bow earlier and they decided to play tag while eating them left crumbs everwhere, she had expected to still find crumb even this late. She picked the small cleaning robot up, switching it into rest mode so that Rumbi would return back to the charging station. “If only you could help me clean that stupid window.” The small robot made a beeping noise, the pixelated eyes showing a sad expression. “It's okay, you can't clean everything, you're not created to clean windows.” Hat Kid chuckled, placing her mechanical friend down.
Rumi observed as the child yawned and switched the light off in the main room to head to her bed room, docking at the station to charge over the night to be ready to clean tomorrow again...37% charged that was enough to clean something for their master. 'Clean window', the small robot moved across the carpet to the control panel of the spaceship, crashing against it. 'Activating hover mode' without too much trouble, Rumbi used that mode to get onto the console, pressing a button to open the hatch that had been barricaded after the Mafia broke the window. 'Scanning for unclean surfaces' indded, the window was very dirty outside. Floating through the hatch, the small robot struggled with the lack of gravity, but soon managed to hover over to the tarnished glass. 'Initiating cleaning mode', the vacuuming function was replaced by the small brushes and soap at Rumi's base, which allowed the robot to easily rid the windshield off the mud and dust that months out in space accumulated. After the job was done, the small cleaning robot, switched back to hover mode, entered the spaceship again, shut the hatch, and went back to the docking station with 5% energy to spare.
The next day, Hat Kid woke up, faceplanting into the ground again after her alarm clock startled her. With a grown and a yawn, she made her way back to the main room, flipping the light switch to actually see in the otherwise dark room. “Huh?” It only took a few seconds to realize that the window she had tried hard to motivate herself to clean today was already spotless. “How?” She scratched her head in confusion. How could the window get so clean? She looked down after hearing the only sound in the room which was the quiet vacuuming of Rumbi.
'Rumbi clean window' The blue eyed girl tilted her head, picking up the robot.
“You cleaned the window? How? You're for vacuuming the floor.”
'Rumbi clean everything. Master happy?' Hat Kid looked back at the stainless window and then back at her friend. “Yeah, I'm very happy! That clears up my schedule and I can annoy my BFF some more!”
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 95. brb x oc
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a/n: *screams in seven different languages * bea's dress because holy shit ITS BEAUTIFUL
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes
She had only seen things like these in movies, where you take a group of your best friends to help you choose your wedding gown, so having the actual experience right now was almost surreal.
During the week she made sure to separate the bridesmaids invitations and send to the ones she chose. Seeing the women she held so dearly joining her in this brand new adventure made her so happy, especially since the bridal designer wasn’t in San Diego and they had to drive two hours to get there. She hoped Marcus’ friend could help her out, it’d be awful to drive all this way for nothing to happen.
It took them a while to find the actual store but once they did, both cars parked in the parking lot behind the three stories building. The group of women stepped out, Beatrice and Evelyn locking their cars before they walked closer to the glass doors that had a big ‘Welcome Brides!’ sign hanging on it. There were so many different dresses in there, with mannequins of different shapes and sizes, that Beatrice felt more excited than before.
She sent Bradley a message letting him know they already arrived, smiling when he replied with a smiley face and told her to have fun. As they neared the doors, they opened automatically and the inside of that store revealed itself for their eyes. It was enormous, with rows and more rows of wedding dresses as far as the eyes could see, a staircase led to the second floor and she could see more gowns by the opening there too.
A tan woman slowly approached the group, “I assume you are Beatrice,” the brunette nods, still speechless by the sheer size of that place, “I’m Lola, Marcus told me you were coming.” other people appeared by her side, all dressed to impress with colorful suits, “If you ladies could follow James to the second floor,I’d like to speak with Beatrice by herself.”
The youngest looking man behind her nodded to the other women, Shells gave her a thumbs up as she walked past, Evelyn  reassured her they’d be waiting for her presence upstairs and the others gave her words of encouragement before disappearing up the stairs. Now that Beatrice and Lola were alone, the bridal designer offered her a smile, “Now, what would you like as your wedding dress?”
“Oh uh…I…I’d like something that shows my shoulders but it’s not too breezy since my wedding is in September and uh…well, I’d like something that makes me look…good?”
Lola’s smile widened, then she turned to the assistant that was kept behind her since the other went up, muttering stuff to him. Beatrice watched him walk up the stairs before Lola sweeped her hand towards the same direction, “Shall we?” the brunette nods shakily, walking up the steps to the second floor.
She could hear her friends’ voices in one of the many fitting rooms they had there, Shells’ over the top laughter making it obvious where they were. She follows Lola to another door, her friends’ laughter getting louder meaning they were just a few feet away from them, a door that opens a whole new world of wedding dresses.
She had never seen so many, she couldn’t help but gently touch one closest to her, biting her lower lip. Beatrice looked back at Lola, whose dark brown hair was now up in a bun and her suit jacket was removed, “Very well,” she grabs a measurement tape, telling a woman named Heather to follow her, “Let’s take your measurements.”
Beatrice couldn’t help the sharp inhale upon hearing those words, but she nodded, trying to cover how nervous she was getting already. What if she suddenly says there were no dresses her size? What if she says there’s no way she could help? Beatrice’s eyes clenched, trying to get rid of the fear and the doubts by overlapping them with thoughts of her and Rooster, of him smiling at her, or him saying he loved her and that she’d find something.
She was so into her head she didn’t see Lola was finished already, the bridal designer offering the young woman a small smile before turning to her assistant to separate some dresses for her. Beatrice peeked one eye open when she heard the sound of the hook dragging over the metal rack, Lola’s assistant pulling some dresses off and leaving the rest behind, walking away from the room, “Very well, let’s try some on.”
“You…you have dresses my size?” but she almost slapped herself for forgetting about the mannequins outside. 
Lola laughs while trifling her fingers over the dresses, “Of course I do, I have dresses every size.” she pulls one out, holding it in front of Beatrice, “Let’s try this one on.” Beatrice nods, biting her lower lip as the two walk to the little changing area on the corner of the room.
The changing area had a hallway on the outside that led to where her friends were seated, she could still hear them talking amongst each other. After Lola helped her out with the dress, she led her to the outside, holding out her hand as Beatrice held the ends of the dress up so she wouldn’t trip on it - or Heaven forbid, rip it - the bridal designer knocked on the little door twice to signal they were coming, the voices immediately lowering as James’ opened it.
Lola walked out first, still holding Beatrice’s hand and leading her outside, the other women gasped and squealed amongst each other. Beatrice looked up seeing her friends comfortably lounging on a white U shaped couch, sipping champagne and looking mesmerized at what she was wearing, “This is our first option,” Lola said, walking Beatrice to a platform in front of a tri-mirror, the brunette stepped on it and finally saw her reflection.
It was a beautiful dress, she had to admit, turning her torso this way and that to see the rest of it but she didn’t…feel like it was the right one, “Well…” she turns to her bridesmaids, “What do you guys think?”
“It’s really pretty.” Phoenix says with her hand propping her chin up, “I like how it flares by your feet.”
“I like the color,” Halo adds, “It’s a bit of a off-white? Kind of.”
“It’s nice…but it’s not you.” Shells comments and Evelyn nods, sipping her champagne, “I mean, yeah, sure, pretty, whatever but it’s not…Beatrice’s dress. It’s wearing you more than you wearing it.”
Beatrice hums, looking at her reflection and holding the ends of the dress again. She had to agree, this dress was wearing her. She turned to Lola, almost apologetically so, to let her know that this dress wasn’t really communicating with her as she liked, but the bridal designer just smiled and took her away again.
It took a few more dresses, a few more opinions and a few more champagne flutes until Beatrice found one that called her attention. It was beautiful hanging there, she felt her breathing shake as Lola helped her put it on and Beatrice’s hands trembled as she grabbed the ends of the dress, redoing the same way as before.
The second she walked out, she heard nothing. No gasps, no murmurs, absolutely nothing, she looked up at her bridesmaids to see all of them were staring wide eyed, Shells had her hands covering her mouth and Eliza looked ready to cry - alongside Nat who was honestly doing her best to hold the tears back. Beatrice licked her lips, mentally preparing herself before she stepped on the little platform, keeping her eyes closed.
When she blinked her eyes open…she couldn’t really believe that this woman on the reflection was her.
 She didn’t know where to look first, the heart shaped bustier was delicate, embroidered with tiny lace leaves and flowers that traveled all the way down to the flare of her waist and at the beginning of the long skirt, a skirt that was flowy, made out of tulle and long enough that it draped down the platform pooling by the floor. The sleeves followed the bustier, with tiny leaves on the edge but they had the same fabric as the skirt, long to her wrists, billowing in a bell like shape. The color  was almost like a very light peach,so light you’d think it was white if you saw it from afar, it was beautiful.
She looked like a princess.
Beatrice’s only noise after a while was a disbelieved laugh, her eyes stinging with tears the more she looked. She turns on the platform, looking at the dress’ open back that dipped just below her shoulder blades with the leaves still adorning the small area close to the zipper, “Oh…wow…” she whispers, sniffling quietly as she looks at her reflection.
“And now the grand finale.” Lola says as one of her assistants brings something, “Bend down a little?”
Beatrice blinks but does as she says, feeling something scratch her scalp a little and the soft flutter of something falling on her back. As she straightened to once again look at herself, she couldn’t stop the tears nor the smile as she saw the various flowers - fake ones of course - adorning her head and the little dark green bow that kept it together on her head, “There, you look magnificent.” the bridal designer smiles, stepping back so the bride to be could admire herself even more.
Beatrice sniffles again, trying to keep herself together, tapping the corner of her eyes to get rid of the tears before she ends up bawling in there. The little Beatrice, the nine years old one who used to wear her mother’s wedding dress around the house and played as if she was getting married, was having a blast inside her brain.
This dress was better than she ever hoped for, it was beautiful, it was magical, it looked like she stepped right out of a fairy tale book. Beatrice’s eyes stung with tears, she still couldn’t believe that she really was going to get married, that she was wearing the dress of her dreams and that it fit. The dress hugged her figure perfectly, there were some adjustments to be made but she was so happy with how she looked. “Oh, God.” she sniffles again, “I didn’t even– what do you guys think?”
The women looked at her like she was crazy, some of them were definitely crying - yes. Nat was the main one - Shells being the first one to break the dumbfounded silence, “Are you crazy? It’s amazing,Bea!Look at you!!” Beatrice sheepishly looked down at herself, running her hands down the tulle skirt, “It’s…incredible…it’s so beautiful, I think I speak for everyone when I say it’s literally your dress.”
“I agree.”Evelyn replied, her friend’s normally calm voice coming out a bit choked up, “It…it’s meant for you Bea, it was meant for you.”
‘You look so amazing.”Halo then said, as Phoenix fanned her eyes the best she could, “I think that’s definitely the one.”
Beatrice smiles in thanks, turning back around to face the mirror, her eyes moving all over the dress one more time, her eyes shining with tears that rolled down her cheeks when she smiled. This was her wedding dress. She had a wedding dress. It was all surreal and amazing and…insane. She was going to get married just a few months and everything she and Rooster were organizing was going so smoothly.
Even the honeymoon trip was already set up, they were going out of season so it’d be a lot easier to walk around and enjoy it. She just wished…her nonna was there, to see her walking down the aisle with the man she loved, she wanted her to see how happy she was. She hoped she was at least looking down at them from Heaven, giving them her blessing. “Well, um,” she clears her throat, “Since this is the chosen one…I think we can work on the bridesmaid dresses too?” She turned to Lola for confirmation and the woman just nodded with a smile, “I-I’ll just change back and we’ll work on it okay?”
“That’s fine!” she hears Shells’ voice once she enters the hallway, “More champagne for us!”
“I don’t like this one,Mav.”
Pete gives his nephew an unimpressed look, watching him hold up a purple tie to his neck only to pick up a blue one instead, then repeat the process, “You have been trying to choose one for,” he checks his watch, “Ten minutes.”
Bradley tsks, holding the red one up one more time, “Our wedding’s colors will be fall colors,” he explains, “So I want to find something good and I know shit about color theory,I should text Bea and ask her.” he wanted to, the last time they talked was hours ago when she got to the bridal store and that was it. 
He wanted Pete to help him find a nice suit, he had a few but he’d never wear one of his old ones on his own wedding. Besides, his uncle was his father’s groomsmen back in the day and he’d repeat the role at his wedding, there was no one else he’d trust this much - except Beatrice, of course. “Then get something maroon.” Mav says with a shrug, looking down at the selection of ties “Or keep it simple, keep it black.”
“No, the suit is already going to be black,I want a pop of color.”
Mav tried to hold back the sigh, rolling his eyes instead. Honestly, watching Rooster literally preen himself while standing in front of a mirror with the black dress pants of his wedding suit and the dark gray vest with the white shirt underneath reminded him so much of Goose. He also joined his friend in the search for the perfect suit, so it was like the past was repeating itself in front of his very eyes.
Rooster ended up grabbing the maroon tie, wrapping it around his neck and tying it quickly, which to Mav brought him back to the time he helped Rooster when he was much younger…at Goose’s funeral. Poor boy still had no idea why he was there, no idea why he was dressed as such and Carole was, understandably, too nervous to help him out.
So Pete took it upon himself to kneel in front of the blonde boy and tie the light blue colored tie around his collar, giving him the best smile he could muster under the circumstances. And to see him doing the same motion but for a completely different reason was…making Mav very emotional.
He wished Goose and Carole were here, he wished they could see their boy prepare himself for his wedding. He knew they were, but he wished they were here physically. Rooster was much bigger than Goose, taller and broader, but the mannerisms were still the same: the nervous mustache brushing, followed by the hands going down his chest to fix any creases on the vest and the subtle quirk of his lips when he was pleased, “I kinda like this.” Rooster says, turning around to face Mav, “What do you think?”
Pete looks at his nephew from top to bottom, then purses his lips with a nod, “Looks good to me.” the positive words made the younger pilot smile, turning back to face the mirror as Pete grabbed the suit jacket that was on the corner, handing it over to Rooster. He quickly slid his arms inside the sleeves, shrugging his shoulders and buttoning the middle of it, once again running his hands over the length of the suit.
Bradley looked like he was glowing, the apples of his cheeks were flushed a light red and his smile was wide and toothy, brown eyes glinting with tears, “I like it.” he says quietly, “We just need the flower here and it’ll be perfect.” he says gesturing to the breast pocket, dropping his hands by his sides to slide them inside the pants’ pockets, turning this way and that to have a better look of himself, “Mav…I’m going to get married.”
“Yep,” he chuckles, “Having cold feet already?”
“Fuck no.” Rooster laughs, forcing the words out, “I’m happy as fuck, Mav. I just…you know I never ever thought about getting married and yet here I am. I don’t regret anything,Mav.I really don’t.”
“I know you don’t.” Mav says from behind him, walking closer to his nephew to look up at him, clapping his shoulder, “I’d be really upset if you regretted it.”
“I’d ask you to slap me if that happened.”
Both men laughed at the joke, Rooster’s head snapping to the side where his phone was as soon as he heard Beatrice’s ringtone - Mav bit his lower lip to hide his smirk when he heard it was Waiting for a Girl Like You by Foreigner - quickly accepting the call with a smile already starting, “Hey,gorgeous. How’s the dress hunting going?”
“It’s been going great!” she says sweetly, “I already found it.”
“You did?”
“Yes, it’s really beautiful, Roos. I won’t spoil it for you but…yeah, it’s great. How about you? Did you manage to get a nice suit?”
“Sure did,” after a few hours of trying, he eventually chose the usual black, “Just choosing a tie to go with. Any suggestions?”
“Well…I think maroon is a pretty nice color!”
He looks down at the already maroon tie, then looks back at Mav, “Yeah, Mav suggested it too.” his uncle just rolled his eyes and shook his head with a disbelieved smile, “Anyway,” he lowered his voice to a whisper, walking farther from Mav,”How long until you come back?” not that he was missing her already, he really wanted her to have fun with the girls. The scream Nat and Halo let out when Bea told them she wanted the two to be her bridesmaids still echoed in his brain.
“Um…I think in a few minutes? We are finishing the bridesmaid dresses.” she says and he hears her feet taking her to an area where the talking is louder, “And then I want to check the flowers with my aunt, but I’ll be home really soon,I do have to work later tonight after all.”
“Ah, okay.”
“You sound upset?”
“I’m not upset,I was just…hoping we’d have lunch together,” he turns around just in time to see Mav giving her a knowing grin and he immediately looks away, “But if you can’t–” the sound of her laugh was enough to make him melt on the spot.
“Well, maybe I can speed some things up. I can talk to my aunt on the phone after all. Do you have a place in mind?”
“Hmmm, no but I think we can figure something out, don’t you?”
Beatrice laughs again, the sound faltering until she speaks, “Well,I’ll let you know when I leave, okay? Meet you at home?”
“You bet, gorgeous.” he replies, “I love you, see you in a bit.”
“I love you too, Roos. See you in a few!”
She finishes the call and he’s left staring at his phone background like a little boy with a crush, which honestly was how he always felt with Bea. His heart just somersaulted everytime she was around. He hears someone clear their throat, looking over his shoulder to where Mav was still watching him, arching one eyebrow with amusement, “Well,Romeo, is your Juliet coming or not?”
“In a little bit.” Rooster replies, ignoring the nickname and stepping in front of the mirror again, giving himself another once over to check the suit on all sides, “We’ll meet up at home, so,” he starts to remove the suit jacket, “I’m going to change and pay for this. Bea agreed with the maroon tie.”
“She’s a smart girl, of course she would.” Rooster sent a glare towards his uncle, but didn’t say anything else, just walked to the changing room to go back to his Hawaiian shirt, white top and jeans. 
Once he paid for everything, clearly glad with his purchase, he tried to not sound giddy when they walked out. Which wasn’t working, because he was talking miles per minute, enough to make Pete just let him do his thing and be quiet, walking besides his godson with a little smile. Seeing Rooster so happy was a delight and he’d want that to happen as often as possible - which honestly, ever since he met Beatrice it was. 
Rooster was already a good boy, a good man, but Beatrice seemed to bring the best in him. And the wedding was honestly a long time coming, of course it took a few months but he was right by telling Penny they’d tie the knot soon enough. Unfortunately, the two men would have to part ways after Rooster got a message from Beatrice saying she was already home and Pete once again had to hold back his smile at how Rooster just lit up like the Fourth of July reading her message.
Both men hugged each other as goodbye, Maverick watching the blue Bronco disappear in the distance with his head shaking ever so slightly, looking up at the sky, “Your boy.” he mutters, “Your boy is a mix of both of you and it’s incredible.” he laughs before hopping on his bike,riding the opposite way Rooster went to.
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