#it made me so mad and then the boss kept healing
electric-butter-slug · 9 months
Listen man, I play sonic because it's FUN. I don't play the games to challenge myself emotionally and mentally.
The difficulty of Frontiers was FINE.
Extreme mode felt like a fun challenge but i didn't actually play it on extreme all that much because Hard Mode was good enough. It extended the bosses a bit but they were still fun.
This DLC tho??? Holy fuck I am LIVID. The controls are not good for a lot of aspects of the additional characters, the towers try my fucking patience, and the bosses are insane for no fucking reason.
The stages are visual vomit and I don't even know what I'm looking at. It's too much. Suddenly there's new power ups in the stages that I've never used and oh suddenly there's an exclamation mark above Sonic's head. Usually that's like an emerald mark or something so I'll go closer! Ha! Just kidding! You blew up! For fucking real? Save all three animals! Collect 5 reverse numerical rings, 5 silver medals, now there's a hidden goal, now there's a shadow character race! I'm fucking tired. It's still visually terrible and I can't see what's happening.
Sonic goes fast? Here's some fine fucking platforming! Careful, there's no checkpoints so you better not fall or you'll have to start over for the hundredth time.
That last point goes quadruple for the towers. And what awaits you at the top? Trials. You've spent the whole game leveling sonic up? Well fuck you cuz his stats are "fixed." Fixed at what you might ask? It doesn't say. You have to google it to discover it means fixed at level. Fucking. One. And the tricks to getting through these trials? Yeah, you're gonna need to google that too. Nothing prepares you for the new skills you suddenly need to use like apparently how you can sidestep targets and parry things you normally wouldn't think to parry. And speaking of parry, only perfect parry is available! What's perfect parry? We'll never tell. You should know already, right? Time to fucking google again.
Final boss time? Better use that perfect parry. But this time at least we'll actually fucking tell you HOW to. Oh but the boss is connected to this thing with a cord. You've been attacking it for half an hour with no opening to do real damage? Better Google that too. Oh remember how we never told you you could do that sidestepping thing ever in the course of the game? Yeah now you need to do it or you'll never progress the boss. Oh you wasted a half hour waiting for some mysterious opening? Yeah it's not coming. Better just know what to fucking do I guess.
I have never needed to google anything for a sonic game until this dlc came out. I got to go through and actually have fun. This DLC has NOT BEEN FUN because I have spent more time angry about how shitty and impossibly hard for NO REASON it is. It's unfair for too long with too little payoff. The extra lore is barely worth this. I'm not even sure I care to finish the final fight anymore. I'm just tired.
Y'all who complained about the difficulty better be fucking happy now. I shouldn't be struggling like this on EASY FUCKING MODE.
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pinkiepiebones · 7 months
A prompt for you!
A time Renfield made a mistake and panicked in front of Rebecca. He's so used to being met with rage over the smallest thing, I can imagine he may break something of Rebeccas and break down completely, seized with the illogical fear that she would react like Dracula might.
Whoever said "time heals all wounds" was full of shit.
Rebecca had been chatting with Robert. They had some traditions, now, some rituals. Ever since their decimation of Dracula, after each group meeting (Robert was still committed to the codependency group; Rebecca went with him occasionally but also ducked into an anger management group that met in another part of the church) the two would hang out. The two would try to be normal and establish a friendship built on more than "guy meets girl, girl inspires guy to kill boss, girl happily assists." Of course, Robert was also living with Rebecca in her house while his apartment complex was swarming with various acronym-addled task forces, so it wasn't as though they could wholly avoid each other, either.
This evening, Rebecca was stirring something on the stove and chatting about the things she was learning from group. Robert happily offered the occasional sarcastic remark or genuine question as he moved around Rebecca's kitchen, pulling clean dishes from the dishwasher and placing them in their appropriate spots in cupboards and cabinets. It was nice. It was a nice time.
Then his grip slipped. Condensation on the ceramic, maybe, he didn't know. The mug hit the linoleum.
Rebecca switched the heat on the stove to a lower temperature and muttered a 'shit' as she sought out the broom and dustpan. She bent and picked up the handle of the mug, now bereft of it's vessel, and chuckled. "Wow, that's the last of my chipped college mugs. Surprised it lasted this long." She tossed the handle in the trash and swept up the other shards into the dustpan. Rebecca emptied the dustpan into the bin and put away the broom.
"Yo Rob, you want-"
Rebecca looked around her kitchen. Robert was gone. She reached over and shut the stover burner off and she heard a whimper.
Rebecca walked slowly, carefully, into the little bit of space that she called the dining room and slowly knelt to look under the dining table.
Robert was folded in on himself, tight and small, his hands scrambling, moving to pull his hair and cover his face and back again. He was shaking and whimpering, begging in pleas and apologies.
"Rob," Rebecca said gently. "It's okay. It was just a mug." Rebecca scoffed a little. "Some stupid little thing I got at Target like a decade ago. It's okay, really."
She waited. Robert moved, almost imperceptibly, to look at her with red, tear-stained eyes.
His voice was so small. "I'm not in trouble?"
Rebecca gently shook her head 'no.' She moved back to allow Robert to come out from under the table. He didn't, but the tension in his tightly-wound body lessened a bit.
"You're not mad at me?"
"No." Then, Rebecca asked softly, "but he would have been mad, and that's where your mind went."
Robert nodded a little, sniffled.
Rebecca glanced at the stove. "I gotta do something with the soup. You stay there as long as you need, okay?" She offered him a smile and stood, slowly. No sudden movements.
Robert crawled out from under the table shortly after Rebecca ladled herself a bowl and plopped down on the sofa in the living room. Robert picked at the skin around his nails and scanned the kitchen for potential signs of passive aggression in lieu of active aggression. He found nothing but a bowl for him, already ladled out.
He picked up the bowl and joined Rebecca in the living room. He moved to sit on the floor and she said, "hey, you're allowed on the couch, Rob," softly reminding him of his humanity. He nodded numbly and sat down beside her.
After several minutes of some sort of streaming reality show Robert dared to try to eat. He kept glancing at Rebecca, expecting, anticipating outrage, ire, fury. The only thing anywhere close was when something happened on the show that made her go "oh, come on."
Robert waited until Rebecca set her emptied bowl on the coffee table before he spoke.
"That was a bad one, huh."
She turned to look at him and nodded.
"I'm sorry."
She smiled a sad smile and moved to pat his knee. "No need to apologise. Seriously."
Rebecca snorted and sat back. "Dude, don't do that. Don't be sorry for, for working through decades of trauma." She shut off the TV. "I've been reading more, not just about codependency, but about the specifics of how abuse rewires your brain. So, like-" she shifted, straightening up, looking Robert in his eyes.
"I won't pretend to know what you're going through. But I know you're going through it. And I'm not going to be mad when something triggers you.
"I just want you to know- seriously, lock it in- that I will never hurt you."
Robert nodded. Then, hoarsely, he said, "but I might not always, uh, know that." He tapped his temple and grinned. "I'm a little fucked up, upstairs. Things get muddled."
Rebecca nodded. "I know, pal. I'll be here for you no matter what." She opened her arms. "You want a hug?"
"Oh, yes, please."
They sat a while longer in a somewhat awkward but definitely needful embrace. Rebecca smoother her hand over Robert's hair.
"I must say, that anger management group is working wonders on you."
Rebecca playfully shoved Robert and threw a pillow at him for good measure. "Fuck you!" she said happily.
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I am surprisingly still not dead
Undertale AU tickle fic
Characters: Horror x Dust (ship)
Context: Dust has been saying terrible puns all day and Horror is tired
The day has been long, Horror and Dust were both sent on a mission to gather food and medical supplies, Killer couldn't come with them as he was still hurt from the previous mission, hence the need for medical supplies. They needed to be quiet and discreet, they didn't want the Star Sanses to show up, they were only two and they really didn't need anyone else to be hurt.
But the problem was.. Dust was feeling chatty this day, in a mood for puns, which really didn't help Horror concentrate. He would make jokes and puns all day, they almost got caught because of him ! It was a miracle when they came back in the castle without fighting. Horror was pissed.
- Boss, we have what you asked for.
- Good, thank you Horror. You can put it on the table I'll take care of the rest.
Horror gave the supplies to his superior and left, not wanting to bother him as he was healing his co-worker. He went straight to his room, needing some well-earned rest. He landed flat on his bed.
- Hey Horror I got a new joke for you, you're gonna like it !
Said an eager Dust as he walked in his co-worker's room. Horror sighed in frustration, couldn't he be alone juste one minute ?
He watched as Dust closed the door behind him and went closer to the bed.
- Okay so it goes-
He was cut in his sentence as two strong arms pulled him against Horror's chest.
- H-Horror ?
As previously stated, Horror was pissed and tired.
- You want to laugh, huh ? That's what you want ? Fine, I'll give you something to laugh at !
Dust was suddenly very nervous as he tried to escape the bigger's grip but damn, Horror was really strong !
- C-can we talk about it ?
- I don't think so, no.
Dust had a very bad feeling when he felt Horror's hands on his ribcage, and that feeling got confirmed when these same hands started squeezing his ribs, sending him into a pit of laughter. Dust always put on a tough appearance under his hood, like nothing could get a reaction out of him, but the truth was very humiliating: to get any reaction you simply had to tickle him a little, because under all these layers Dust was actually pretty ticklish... and Horror knew that very well.
But Horror didn't wait, he was mad and wouldn't stop until he was satisfied. He kept squeezing and scratching his victim's poor ribs as he was trying to escape, kicking his legs to no avail and trying to grab his tormentor's hands.
- The more you move the longer it will last.
Dust flinched at these words and immediately tried not to move, but it was hard, very hard, as he really wanted to escape this torture. His legs were shaking as he tried to hold them in place, trying not to move his arms either, his hands firmly gripped on Horror's arms. His face was a bright purple, he hated being tickled, he hated how vulnerable it made him, how he was reduced to a laughing mess, unable to defend himself or even use his magic properly. But it was Horror, and he did have a pretty massive crush on him, so maybe this proximity wasn't that bad, maybe he could handle it a little if it meant being against his chest...
But it was still torture, and even more when Horror lowered his hands to attack his sides, making him arch his back so violently that he was pretty sure he heard a crack.
Dust screamed.
- I said it would be longer if you moved, I didn't say I would stop.
Dust blushed more, if it was possible, very embarrassed by the whole situation. He felt tears starting to form in his eye sockets and soon running down his cheeks. He couldn't take it anymore, it was way to much for him to handle.
He was reduced to begging. What a shame.
- Only if you promise to stop with your puns for today and let me sleep.
Dust quickly nodded his head.
Horror pretended to think for a moment, just to tease Dust a little, then finally stopped his assault on the poor skeleton's belly, letting him catch his breath.
Dust was exhausted, this tickle session sucked out all of his energy. Horror let him go to lay down on his bed again, closing his eyes, hoping not to be interrupted again. He opened his eyes again when he felt a hand pushing his shoulder.
- What ? You want more ?
He asked looking at Dust, who was blushing.
- Can-can I sleep with you.. ?
Horror arched an eyebrow before shrugging and moving to the side to make enough space for Dust.
- Don't make any noise.
- Y-yeah...
He didn't plan on making any noise, he had been tickled enough for at least three month. He laid down next to the bigger skeleton, still blushing a little, and closed his eyes, soon drifting into a peaceful sleep, rapidly imitated by Horror...
- end -
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Accident - Jack Grealish
Who: Jack Grealish Prompt: "Take it easy, you have broken ribs." Notes with request: Jack feeling bad because he wasn’t there when his partner was in a car accident (he was in training and couldn’t answer the phone) and got hurt so he feels super guilty . Requested by: anonymous Warnings: mentions of injury and hospital
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Training had been good today, very good even. After a lengthy period of several consecutive minor injuries, Jack could now truly say he was on the way back. "Good training, mate," Jack said to Kevin, who was already back in the dressing room when Jack came in after training. "You, too," Kevin answered, "but you might want to check your phone. It's been ringing off the hook in the past minutes." "Oh..." Immediately Jack sensed something was way off. He quickly opened his locker to take out his phone, and was shocked to see 20+ missed calls from you.
Jack's heart pounded in his chest as he hit the redial button. After just two rings you answered. "Babe, are you alright?" Jack immediately asked. He listened to your sniffled answer, telling him you were involved in an accident with your car. Even though you assured him you weren't seriously injured, fear gripped at Jack. "Don't move." His voice sounded higher than usual. "I'll be right there." "Everything okay?" Kevin had followed the conversation from Jack's side. "No..." Jack stammered, "my girlfriend's at the hospital. She was in an accident. I-- I have to go..." "Go. Run." Kevin urged. "I'll tell the boss. You must go to her now." Jack just uttered some words of thanks to Kevin, before running out the door. ---- "Oh my god!" Jack exclaimed when he found you in a treatment room of the hospital's A&E. He was freaking out at the mere thought of you being hurt, but when he now actually saw you, bruised and somewhat battered, he lost it. Combined with the fact that he hadn't been able to answer your very first phone call because of training, he was altogether losing his cool. "I'm so, so sorry." Jack hurried over to you. "I was still in training when you called, so I couldn't answer." "I understand, sweetie, I'm not mad," you answered calmly. "I feel so bad about it." Jack shook his head. "I should have been here straight away. Are you okay? What happened? Do I need to go yell at someone for crashing their car into you?" "Babe, babe, calm down." You tried to ease him. "I'm okay. The other driver crashed their car into mine. It was their fault, but I'm okay. I just have a cracked rib and a few bruises." Jack scoffed mockingly. "Oh, is that all?" "I'm already cleared to go home, so no need to worry." You tried to sound breezy, but your cracked rib actually hurt quite a bit and the accident had left you shaken up. Jack stood with his hands on his hips, as he watched you climb off the treatment table. He wanted to help you, but was afraid he would hurt you by doing so. "How can I not worry about you?" He shook his head. "You're all bruised up." "It'll heal." You kept up your bravado, but as you bent down to pick up you back off the floor, a sharp pain of your cracked rib made you yelp. "Babe, take it easy!" Jack was immediately by your side, with his arms loosely around you. "You have broken ribs. Please, let me take you home and get some rest." Suddenly, standing with Jack's arms comfortingly around you, all the scares from the accident came out. "It was all so scary," you sobbed, "and this broken rib actually bloody hurts." "I know," Jack soothed, "let's go home and just allow me to take care of you, okay?" "You really don't have to." You faintly shook your head. "Yes, I do," Jack insisted, "maybe I'll feel less guilty if I can at least take care of you now." You chuckled softly. Now that you thought of it, the foresight to some pampering wasn't so bad. "Alright." "Good." Jack pressed a kiss into your hair. "I'll make sure you're all pampered and comfortable." You smiled and rested your head against Jack's shoulder. "That sounds very nice."
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Tags: @evie-pr, @auawdo, @meteora-fc, @de-geas, @stonesyyyy, @drizzyreese, @hbstre, @liverpoolfanfiction, @sternennebel2001 PL tags: @ella33 Add me to the tags list, too! For more of my Jack imagines, click here
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You'll be okay
Cat Grant x F! Superhuman! reader
A/N: Trying adding a summary for the first time... anyways I love her so much. There is a serious lack of fics for her which is super disappointing but I am here to add to it!
Warnings: fainting, mentions of bleeding
Words: 1340
Summary: While fighting a Fort Rozz escapee, you sustain a serious injury and end up fainting from blood loss in your boss's office making her worry a little more than anyone thought possible.
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You stood at the front of the D.E.O with Hank and Alex, looking up at the Fort Rozz escapee. It was unlike anything you or Supergirl had ever faced before and Supergirl was still at work, you were supposed to be too but you told Kara you’d take care of this one. 
“Okay, so how do I beat it?” You asked as you crossed your arms. You definitely weren’t an alien but superhuman was close enough or the same to some people. 
“(Y/N) you shouldn’t do this on your own.” Alex looked at you with a look of worry and you understood why. Kara couldn’t lose you so soon after Astra. 
“Alex, I still work for the D.E.O.. Supergirl doesn't. So let me do this on my own.” You looked at Hank and then back at Alex. 
“Just be careful okay.”  Alex wrapped her arms around you in a hug and you recuperated the gesture. You pulled back and gave her a nod and a sad smile.  You could never guarantee that you would come back safe no matter how careful you tried to be, but that was the job. It was what you signed up for.
You geared up with the rest of the D.E.O team that was assigned to go with you. You weren’t doing this on your own no matter how badly you wanted to. 
You sat in the back of the D.E.O truck with the other agents trying to think of an attack plan when the top of the armored truck had a dent made in it and the truck swerved.
You kicked open the door and jumped out of the back of the truck tumbling onto the road. 
“(Y/N). Are you okay?” Hank’s voice came through your ear piece as you pushed yourself up, off the ground. 
“Yea, I’m fine.” You looked around in the dark, seeing no one, only the light of the street lamps and the armored truck you had pushed your way out of. You frantically whipped your head around trying to locate your target. 
Where the hell is it? 
You knew it was around here somewhere. You felt a foot meet you back and you were sent flying into a wall.
Found you.
You stepped out of the rubble looking at your target. You ran right for it, taking it to the ground with you. All you had to do was subdue the escapee, but now you were mad and you were going to use your anger to your advantage. 
You sat on top of the creature, keeping its things under yours. You throw punches at its face. The alien kept dodging your attacks, allowing for your fist to keep hitting the pavement. You couldn’t get a proper hit. The alien took one of its large hands and threw you off with such force you hit another wall. 
You stood needing a second to regain yourself from the impact. You took the gun you had strapped to your thigh and took a few shots at the alien sending it down to the ground. If it’s like any of the other aliens it should heal soon. 
“Fuck, that’s really all it took.” You took a breath in and put your hand onto your side only to feel something wet.You brought your hand up in front of your face and you realized what it was. Blood. 
You looked up at Alex as she got out of one of the black suv’s on the scene. 
“(Y/N), you did really well in-” She cut herself off as she saw the crimson liquid leaking through your suit. “Oh my god, you’re bleeding. Are you okay!?” She took a step towards you and took your arm and put it over her shoulders as her other arm found your waist and placed her hand over yours as you put pressure on the wound. 
“Yea, Alex I’m okay. I just need a bandage to be put on it.” You both walked over towards the car and Alex helped you in. 
“There really is no rush, but this really fucking hurts. Can we get back to the D.E.O as soon as possible?” Hank let out a low chuckle as Alex got into the passenger seat so they could get you bandaged up, so you could go into work tomorrow. 
You rushed out of the elevator, simultaneously pulling down your skirt and adjusting your bag on your shoulder. You almost threw your bag onto the floor beside your desk and sighed a breath of relief when you heard Cat’s private elevator open. You had just barely made it. 
“Hey (Y/N), should you even be at work right now?”  Winn said as he ran up to you. You jumped just slightly. 
“I’m fine, Winn, it wasn’t that bad.” You smiled up at him leaning back in your chair just slightly. When you leaned back a little farther, you saw Kara waving you over. 
“Gotta go, I think Ms.Grant wants to see me.” You stood from and braced yourself against the back of it for a second. You walked over towards Kara and went in as she held the door open. You gave her a nervous smile and she gave you one as she closed the door behind you. 
“You wanted to see me Ms. Grant.” You clasp your hands together in front of you. 
“Yes (Y/N), since Ker-ha can’t accompany me on my trip next week, I need you to accompany me in her place.” Cat said without looking up at you. 
The room started to tilt in your vision, but you just chalked it up to having not eaten yet that day. “Of course Ms. Grant, I’ll have Kara send me all the information.” You turned and started to walk out of her office but when you reached the door you stopped with your hand on the door handle. 
Your vision started to darken and only when you hit the floor did Ms.Grant look up from what she was doing. She stood from her desk and walked over to your unconscious form, unsure of what to do. 
It was only when she bent down to check your pulse did she notice the crimson liquid seeping through your white shirt. 
Kara had walked into Cat’s office and saw you on the floor and rushed to take care of everything. 
When you came too you were lying in a hospital bed, feeling a warm hand in yours. You looked around only to see Cat sitting by your bedside looking worried with her hand in yours. 
“Ms. Grant, what are you doing here?”  You struggled to sit up and ultimately gave up when the pain in your side became too much. 
“I was just worried that's all.” You smiled at her and she smiled back. 
“ So I guess you’ve put two and two together?” You raise your eyebrows at her and she lets your hand slip out of her own. 
“The doctors say you’ll be okay, I’ll see you back at work as soon as you're fully healed. I’v asked the doctors to give me updates on your health so I’ll be keeping a close eye on you.” She dogged your question by giving you the answers to your next question. 
“Okay Ms. Grant, I heal pretty fast so I’ll see you soon.” Cat let out a scoff and took your hand in her again. 
“That means taking it easy and no being Supergirls sidekick for a while.” She squeezed your hand and gathered her things. 
“I’m not supergirl’s sidekick.” You said anger slightly showing in your voice. 
“I know, but you sure make it look like that,” Cat slung her coat over her arm. “I’ll be back to see you tomorrow, but please get better soon. I’ve put off my trip for you.” She walked over and placed a kiss to your forehead and walked out of the room, leaving you to rest.
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dragonmuse · 2 years
The new fic made me so unsettled but I can't stop reading it I have no self control I just must know what are they up to. I got so paranoid that now I think the whole shooting in the mod bar was a Jim/Lucius way to bring Lucius in. But I'm also surprised they would bring Charlie in the inside cycle he is to clever to not figure it out but maybe he don't care. Ok this was suppose to be a question sorry. How would Lucius reaction be if Izzy got hurt be it the allergy or a shot. I think Lucius is thinking of Izzy lot as his property in this one but he would still get really mad if something happened to him like the one who got Izzy the food would just disappear
(sorry to unsettle you! The bar incident really was just happenstance, but it tipped the scales of fate for sure. Here is a moment when Izzy gets shot on the job only a year or so into Lucius joining the business.)
“Someone cover me!” Eddy yelled over the comms. “Fucking hell what are you people doing? JIM!” 
“I’m across the street!” Jim’s voice actually raised a few notches and Lucius’ blood went cold. “Who’s closer? I’m on my way, but I might not make it.” 
“What’s going on?” Lucius unmuted, his full attention now on the monitors. Eddy and Izzy had been in one of the blindspots and now he was flipping through view trying to find an angle on them. 
“He’s down,” Eddy barked. “I can’t move him without giving up ground.” 
“THEN GIVE IT UP!” Lucius yelled. 
“I can’t! It’s now or never, Spriggs. I’m going in.” 
There was a long terrible silence and all Lucius’ could hear was the sound of his own breath. Izzy had gone off comms to keep the noise level low, but he could turn it back on with the touch of a finger. If he wasn’t talking, something nasty had happened. 
Lucius tried not to listen to himself hyperventilate, it would only make it worse. 
“I’ve got you,” Jim’s voice cracked back on.
“I’m fucking fine,” Izzy’s voice rumbled over Jim’s mic faintly. “Just a fucking flesh wound.” 
“You’re bleeding like crazy, boss,” Jim said evenly. “You can’t hold a gun like that, c’mon.” 
Lucius muted his mic to suck several deep breaths in and out. Then he clicked back on and spoke calmly and evenly, 
“Jim, I’ve got Allie intercepting you at the corner.  Is this a hospital or a medic situation?” 
“Medic,” said Izzy at the same time Jim said, “Hospital.” 
“Hospital it is. I’ll bring Blue Toby in to back up Eddy. Keep me in the loop. “ 
Lucius didn’t leave his post. If Izzy was with Jim, then he was as safe as if he was Lucius. He could finish the job. Even if he was dashing away tears as he monitored and issued orders, relaying Eddy’s sharp commands even as he issued his own. There would be no reason for anyone to complain about the job he’d done here today. 
His phone chirped after an hour. 
Jim: in surgery. Bullet went through and clipped a tendon in the arm. Be rough healing, but will be fine. 
Lucius: how long in surgery? 
Jim: half hour so far.  
Lucius: be there in twenty, all clear here. 
“Eddy, I’m signing out,” Lucius said over the line. 
“Fine, I’ll finish here. Go see to him.” 
“Thanks,” Lucius kept his tone grateful and worn. He was getting good at that. Saying things how he wanted them heard. 
What he truly wanted just then was to take a chunk of flesh from Eddy to match Izzy’s. This had been their reckless plan and they had been willing to let Izzy bleed for precious seconds to see it through. Sure, it wasn’t a fatal wound, but Lucius liked every ounce of Izzy’s blood exactly where it belonged: either in the man or welled up on his skin in thin stripes that Lucius had put there. 
There was loyalty between him and Eddy. He liked her, even. 
But it was a thin rope compared to the chain that lashed Lucius to Izzy and a thread compared to the titanium umbilical cord that ran between Lucius and Jim. If something happened to Jim, it happened to Lucius. If Izzy bled, Lucius didn’t bleed with him, but he certainly felt the tug at his core and he would make sure that Eddy would pay for that. 
Not today. Not tomorrow. But some day. And on that day the weight of her sins would not balance against a feather. 
Lucius didn’t drive, but he did know how to make rides appear. He was at the hospital as fast as was humanely possible, throwing cash at the driver as he got out. As he approached the doors he struggled again to compose himself. 
“Luc,” Jim caught his eye as he strode inside. 
“Is he out of surgery?” 
“Yeah, they have him in recovery. You can go see him soon. It’s up a few floors. I gave them the papers.” 
The papers were one of Lucius’ smaller forgeries, easy as breathing. Izzy had no idea they existed, and would probably be deeply offended, but naming Jim and Lucius his children was easier to explain than anything else. One day, Lucius was determined, there would be a marriage license which would make things easier, but he was old-fashioned sometimes. He wanted to be asked. For now, this got them where they needed to be. 
Izzy looked small in the bed. Lucius forgot sometimes. Izzy just took up so much space, but half-awake and woozy with anesthesia, he looked vulnerable. Breakable. 
“Hey,” Izzy caught sight of them and blinked slowly. “The job?” 
“Done,” Lucius sat down on the side of the bed without tubes on it. Jim perched at the foot. “Everyone’s clear. No one else got hurt.” 
“Good,” Izzy said vaguely. He reached out with his uninjured arm and found Lucius’ hand. “That’s...fuck. Everything is swimming.” 
“Yeah they knocked you out,” Jim informed him. “I’ve got your shit. Shirt was trashed, hope you didn’t like it.” 
“Don’t even remember what I was wearing,” Izzy shook his head slowly, as if trying to clear it. 
“Good, that means I can replace it with something better and you won’t know the difference,” Lucius said merrily. He held on hard to Izzy’s hand though. Izzy squeezed back. 
“I’ll know. You can’t get that shit by me.” 
“I got the rundown report, you want it?” Jim offered. 
“Give it to me,” Izzy closed his eyes, but he was still awake. It was unclear how much he was following, but Jim’s voice seemed to have a good effect on him. Always worked for Lucius, so why not Izzy too? 
Apparently, the surgery did not mean that Izzy got an overnight stay. A very long car ride home with the man dozing off in the passenger seat while Jim clung to the wheel with white knuckles (they had kept cool through all of it, but Lucius could feel their panic now, always hours late and silent). Lucius sat in the back and planned. Izzy would be out of commission entirely for at least a week. That put Lucius into his office alone. A good time to start making some changes to files and photocopying. Eddy never paid attention to Izzy’s space as long as information flowed out. 
“It’s a good season,” Lucius said eventually. Izzy was definitely asleep, his breath fogging the window. 
“How do you figure?” Jim’s grip eased fractionally. 
“The field is clear. Wolf in the den. Plenty of time for a coyote to loop through.” 
Jim caught his eye in the rearview mirror, “Which one?” 
“Let’s go high.” 
“How high?” 
“How high do you want?” 
Jim’s smile bloomed slow and Lucius’ breath finally entirely evened out.  
“You know what I want.” 
“Then let’s get it done.” 
Izzy never saw a gap in Lucius’ dutiful care. If anything, he was furiously annoyed with it after a few days, grumbling about being ‘suffocated’ under Lucius’ attention, even though he clearly longed for it. It was only when he fell asleep with the aid of prescribed opiates on the third night that Lucius dressed for a night out. 
Not the slutty kind. 
The other kind. 
Jim met up with him at the diner by the entrance to the highway. He got on the back of their bike and they went out into the night. Many hours later, Lucius would slip back into bed with Izzy, who was still snoring away. The world was down one family-killing scumbag, Jim had left him a hard hug and a promise to bring over breakfast the next morning from Lucius’ favorite bagel place. 
Izzy did stir when Luicus curled up beside him though. 
“All right?”  he mumbled. 
“Had to pee,” Luicus smiled at him. “You’re cute when you’re stoned, did you know that?” 
“Not cute,” Izzy informed him, a little slurry. 
“Incorrect,” Lucius kissed his cheek, his neck. 
“Can’t get it up on this shit,” Izzy warned.  
“Mmm, it happens.”
“You’ll be out the door soon enough if it’s permanent.” 
Lucius wasn’t sure why that stung, but it hit hard. “Fuck off with that. This isn’t just sex for me. Hell, I moved in before you could get over yourself enough to do the deed.” 
With a groan, Izzy sat up, blinking rapidly. 
“C’mon, Luc, I can’t become some doddering old man that you hold onto like a fucking relic. You don’t need my money any more.” 
“Maybe I love you, you fucking dumbass,” he spat out. 
The words landed with a thud and they both took a moment to let that sit between them. 
“You mean that?” The way Izzy’s voice sounded like it had been dragged to hell and back always did it for Lucius. Right now, it was reaching into what was left of his heart and squeezing tight. 
“Yeah, Iz,” Lucius said and he did mean it, he thought. As much as he understood, as much as he grasped love, that’s what he had for Izzy. “I love you.” 
Izzy put a hand over his mouth, scrubbed it through his goatee. 
“Will you tell me again when I’m not high as balls?” 
“Yeah,” Lucius laughed, uncertain. “Yeah of course I will.” 
“Okay then,” Izzy wouldn’t look at him, but Izzy never looked at him when he has something to say that mattered. “Think I’ve loved you right from the start. Got you here and I never...it was like catching a falling star.” 
“Aw, Iz,” the uncertainty dissipated. It would never return. Of course Izzy loved him. Lucius had made himself loveable at every turn, ingratiated and wove beneath the man’s skin until he was a part of him. How could he have doubted that. “That’s pretty poetical of you.” 
To cement the point, Lucius drew him into a long sweet kiss, wrapping him up in his arms until Izzy drifted back off.  
A falling star. How apt. Those did tend to land with quite the impact and burn things to the ground. Lucius smiled up at the ceiling. It had been a good night.
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azelle-intermisson · 1 year
My first Maddening Playthrough mvps!!
I only used units I didn't use on my first playthrough(other than pandreo) and I had a lot of fun using these units. I also only used dlc emblems for the last two chapters because I forgot to build a tank and I desperately needed one. I'm prob gonna end up doing another run on random growths with all the units I liked from my first two playthroughs.
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Chloè- Other than Alcryst she carried me throughout the whole game. I loved Marcia in fe9 and gameplay-wise Chloè was exactly the same. She was an actual monster and I honestly did not need to give her all of those weapons because the foraged steel lance was more than enough. With the Erika emblem she demolished every single boss and any enemy in the game other than armor knights. I could have made her a wyvern to make her even stronger but I just kept her in griffin knight.
Alcryst- He is def one of the best units in the game, he is so low investment and kills anything with luna crits. He only had lunar brace for the last two maps and I didn't really feel the difference it made but I'm sure it was doing something. He did like 60% of the damage on the final boss. Also I really loved his support with Céline it was super sweet.
Kagetsu- He started off as a replacement unit after like 4 units died in chapter 11 but was able to keep up with Chloè and Alcryst pretty well. He got the Sigurd emblem because he did not have enough sp for canter but having Sigurd on a flier was soooo useful. I made him a wyvern rider because I don't really like sword masters in this game and I wanted him to fly around. Speedtaker was super useful because wyvern rider has a kinda low speed cap and it let him have 2 chances at criting with his killer axe. His supports where pretty funny too I liked him a lot.
Pandreo- Love this guy so much best supports (other than Yunaka and Zelkov) in the game he is really funny and a very versatile unit. I put him in sage because I thought it would be better than high priest but he ended up having a hard time hitting things so I had to give him divine pulse. With thoron and Corrin he was essential to beating almost every map and having staff access meant he could also heal if he had nothing better to do.
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Veyle- She was not a unit I intended on using when I got her but I barely scraped by chapter 24 so I caved and used dlc on her. I didn't want to use dlc originally because in past fe games the dlc made them really easy but I needed a tank so bad that I caved and used them. This is a genuinely broken combo if you are having difficulties with madding use this build. Flare's dragon type bonus on dragons combined with a crit foraged Obscuritè makes her have 100% crit rate on every hit. Hold out and vantage means if she misses or gets one shot she still lives and gets to attack first on the next combat and heals everything back. The only other fe unit that even compares to how strong Veyle is with Soren is Robin in Awakening but at least nosferatu could break. She took on all of the reinforcements on the left side of chapter 25. I also sent her up alone on the left side of endgame and her and Alcryst ended up killing Sombron before I broke his barrier.
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strangeauthor · 2 years
last night i learned i am not immune to Gamer Rage
in ffxiv, i did anameisis anyder. now normally when i do these dungeons (either with npcs or other players) even in my worst run i can usually get it done in less than 90/80 minutes? here. no.
by the time i finished (with players) we barely made it before time ran out (30 minutes were left). i NEVER had that happen before.
and it was so goddamn frustrating because i did EVERYTHING right. i did what the players told me to do. i stayed with them. i focused on healing. i was dodging mechanics. and i kept. fucking. dying. i could not complete one goddamn boss without dying. i think i ended up crying i was so mad and i was on the verge of just. destroying my computer. at least someone knew i was actually doing my best cause i still got a player commendation so thats good.
so i learned that a) i need to take a break from ffxiv and b) not play the game after 10 pm (it was almost 2 am when i finished this shit). so thats my ffxiv story if anyone cares lol
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marvels-bitch-boy · 2 years
Emerald Eyes Part 3: Chapter 2
Chapter 2: (Y/Ns POV)
Word Count: 5.1k
A/N: I don't really know how I feel about this one but let me know! I hope you enjoy it!!
Master List , P1 Chapter 1 , P2 Chapter 1 , P3 Chapter 1 , P3 Chapter 3
Laying the rubble you feel the cuts that run along your body, and your head pounds like a drum in a heavy metal concert. There is no light peaking through the concrete that has encased you. As you lay buried alive you lose track of how long it's been. Eventually, you pass out from blood loss. Your mind drifts to Natasha... how heartbroken she must feel. You pictured the two of you together, you were sitting on your own couch in your shared apartment. She cuddled up to you and things just felt right, this felt like the way things should have been. You were pulled from the rubble weeks after you passed out. They were shocked that you had survived. Once you were stable you were kept in a medically induced coma. You were told all of this once you had woken up. You had a shrink visit you every morning and afternoon. He talked to you about your feelings, and about the people you thought were family. You told him things that you didn't even remember until you were already singing like a canary.
They put you into physical therapy next and you excelled at it. The rate at which you recovered was faster than ever before. The scientists who came to test on you marvelled at your genetics and the way your body worked. One day you were sitting on the edge of the pool after a session of PT. You heard the steps of heels bounce off the walls and soon enough they reached you. Turning around there was a woman dressed professionally with jet black hair in a bun. She smiled at you and asked you to join her for lunch. You agreed and soon found yourself having a lovely meal while being offered a job. "Leviathan is only interested in unlocking your full capabilities... letting you be yourself to the fullest extent"
"I'm sorry but what is your name again?" you furrowed a brow, you didn't actually remember ever hearing her give it to you. "Valentina de Fontaine... I would be delighted to be a part of your journey towards healing, your shrink informed me that as your sessions progressed you began to harbour a sort of- anger towards your old team. Is that correct?" you nodded your head and continued to eat, "well Y/N. I want to give you the chance to take your revenge, become the man you're destined to be..." she takes a sip of wine and leans back with a smile "How does that sound?"
That was a month ago and now you were working with Zemo who your bosses caught a whiff of. They believed that he could be of use to you and that he was getting rather close to discovering their existence. They posed as a separate organization and loaned you out to him for the time being. He supplied you with information you lacked and you provided the brawn. That was until...
"Wakey Wakey..." you heard a tap on the glass of your cell and saw a short white-haired man in a suit holding a tray of eggs and toast. "Oh c'mon, I know you're happier to see the food than me but at least respond." The man circled you and opened a small door near the floor and slid the tray in.
"And you are?..." the man touched his chest and gave a faux pout. "Wow. did they not tell you I was coming? I'm Agent Ross. I deal with international affairs... and you my friend just made a doozy of one." this made you laugh at his remark. This wasn't even the worst of what you and Zemo cooked up. There was far more at play here. He narrowed his eyes at you as you laughed and took a seat on a chair near the wall. "What's so funny?"
"Ohh, nothing~ I promise you, agent... I'm just one of the moves in this chess game. And we only have a few more till checkmate..." you turned around and sat back down on the bed... he attempted to ask you more but you closed your eyes and remained silent.
Sitting alone can sometimes lead to madness. You knew this too well, after all, you laid in rubble alone for days. No end in sight. Leviathan gave you a second chance to live and to repay them all you had to was destroy the Avengers... at this point, it was like taking candy from a baby.
The lights shifted to red and the alarms began to blare. You knew what was happening and you couldn't hold back your excitement. Zemo stood in the doorway as it slid open. A smile appeared on your face and he began to open your cell. Once you were free your next task was to knock out a guard and get some comfortable clothes. Walking down the halls with Zemo was a quick way to get towards the exit but not until a certain redhead joined the party. She made her way towards Zemo but as the muscle of the operation, you were tasked with making sure he came out unscathed.
Shooting at her as she ran down the hallway and finally made her way to you. Kicking her in the stomach and soon throwing her against a wall. You had her pinned to it and she wrapped her legs around your torso and attempted to headbutt you. Stumbling back only a few steps you felt her twist around you and soon she had you in a headlock with her legs. You began to overheat yourself and she grunted in pain as she only strengthened her grip. You let out one last attempt to burn her off of you before you felt yourself fading from consciousness. This time she could only let go and hold her hands to her chest. You straddled her and looked her dead in the eyes. "I would have never thought you'd stoop as low as Tony... I guess we both changed" you got up and made your way out of the exit. Zemo was nowhere to be seen and you made your way to the nearest pay phone. You quickly dialled Valentina's number and waited for her response. "Ma'am, I'm out... no, he's gone. What should I do now?... What!? Ma'am why would I-" she cut you off and preceded to say what would make you comply with her orders. "Yes ma'am."
Turning back to the building you came from you reentered the building and stripped yourself of the gear, you only kept your gun and began to follow your orders. As you made your way to the sound of gunfire you saw Natasha on top of a many beating at his head and soon she was slammed into the table and choked. Her face began to change colour and you snapped into action. You blasted the man with a direct blaze of fire and froze his fee solid. You began wailing on him relentlessly and only stopped once you were tackled by Steve. He looked at you confused before taking off after bucky.
Natasha looks at you in shock and you quickly approach her, you check her for any injuries and she holds you tight. The sudden change in behaviour is something she is thankful for but also wary of. You pull away from her and look around the room before giving her a concerned look "Nat...where am I?"
- - -
Sitting in an infirmary you wait as the team -what's left of the team- discusses what should be done with you. Your gaze falls on Tony who appears conflicted. His eyes catch yours and you look away as fast as you can. Fiddling with the wires that are attached to your chest is able to distract you for only a few seconds before your eyes wander back. This time they land on Natasha whose face carries a sense of guilt and caution as she speaks. The room you're in is silent but you try to guess what the two are saying to each other. Your attention is pulled from the pair towards the door when a small knock is heard. Softly your voice allows them entry. Your voice was now a light contrast from the dark and harshness it carried.
"Time for your MRI..." The nurse looks at you as one would look at Cerberus as they wander towards the gates of hell. You nodded and kept your hands in your lap as she approached you. Disconnecting you from the cables and wires took longer than they usually would due to the shakiness of her hands. You knew that attempting to help would only make it worse so you remained still and only said "Thank you" as she began to wheel you towards your destination. You did not need any assistance to get up and made sure to move very slowly so as to not incite fear. As you waited for the technicians to start the scan you softly recounted a lullaby from your childhood. The only one that you seemed to have memorized. As the scan finished you lay there motionless. Your muscles did not feel tense at this but you couldn't wait to be back in your room alone. There you were able to move around as you wanted and speak if you felt like it. In the presence of others though, you remained as silent and still as a statue.
On your way back to your room you fell asleep as you were wheeled in and out of the hallways. The quiet hum of the medical equipment and the light tapping of keys from other nurses calmed you and fill you with peace.
Waking up to Natasha gently rubbing your arm and giving you a soft smile felt like a dream. You weren't sure that it was real for a moment. She called for Tony to enter the room and he was accompanied by a man in a white coat. Sitting up you gave Natasha a concerned look and she held your hand "This is Dr Evans... He's a phycologist who wants to talk with you for a little while" she assured you that she would be right outside the door when you finished. Tony gave you a tight-lipped smile and ushered Natasha out of the room. Leaving just you and the Doctor.
He sat down on one of the wheeled stools that sat in the corner of the room. "So... tell me the last thing you remember before the fight " He spoke with a light accent and his tone didn't fall flat of the word gentle.
You recounted the last mission you went on. You recounted the details of how you "died"... and you recounted lying in the rubble until you lost consciousness. Dr Evans nodded his head and wrote something down before asking a few more questions.
"Do you harbour any negative feelings toward the Avengers? Even your former employer S.W.O.R.D.?"
"What emotions do you feel when you think about your life before that mission?"
"Have you ever had any gaps in your memory before today?"
"Do you feel as if the Avengers are the reason you were injured?"
"How would you describe yourself now?"
He asked a few more and you answered as honestly as you could. You nodded your head rather than verbally answer when he began to ask specific questions regarding your mind. You fiddled with a loose thread in your blanket and avoided eye contact. He thanked you for your cooperation and left the room. Waiting for another person to enter you had small sips of water and ate some crackers. The silence in the room became suffocating as you waited. Getting up and moving towards a window you watched the birds and the sun begins to set. As you turned around to get back into bed you were able to see a different angle from the glass wall that separated your room from the rest of the world. You watched Natasha and Tony speak to the kind doctor before he left them too. Natasha's face again seemed to hold concern and she began to think while Tony made his way to your room. Quickly you got into bed and popped a saltine into your mouth as the handle of the door twisted. "Hi..." You gave him a small wave and he cracked a smile.
"You've been cleared by the doc... says you have amnesia, and to just keep an eye out for any depressive episode... We have some things we need to talk to you about but I'll let you get settled back at the compound first." he patted your shoulder and giving you one last smile left the room. As if she had been waiting for Tony to finish his turn Natasha came in and you made eye contact with her. Her Emerald Eyes seemed to glow with a gloss on top of them. You realized that she was close to crying as she looked at you. Your brow furrowed and your head tilted. You looked like a confused puppy. "I've missed you..." she pauses a moment and makes her way from the door "-a lot" She holds you in her arms and you find yourself with your arms in the arm around her not sure if reciprocating the embrace is the right thing to do. You slowly give in and hold her in your arms. A few drops of water hit your exposed neck and you rub circles on her back, you feel her heartbeat join yours in rhythm.
The two of you stay like this for a few moments before she joins lifts herself away from you and smiles at your face. You can't place the feeling that you're having for a moment as she looks over your face. It seems different than the last few times that she's been able to see it, this time she seems to be looking around your face and her hand comes up to hold your cheek. You allow her to continue her movements and feel a finger on your chin. "These came from the explosion..." . You gave her a look of confusion and she lifted your hand to where hers had sat before.
As you ran your fingers along your cheek and down your neck, you began to realize what she was referring to. The scaring that was still fresh on your face and the indent in your chin. Maybe that was part of the reason people were scared of you. You didn't look the same. So obviously you weren't the same.
- - -
The ride to the compound was silent. You seem to be a fan of silence now. There wasn't anyone else on the jet besides the pilot so you could take a small nap. Closing your eyes and drifting off into sleep you allowed yourself to think back on the questions that Dr. Evans had asked you.
The pilot slapped your knee as he made his way down the small ramp at the back of the jet and you grabbed the small bag you had brought. Making your way through the compound you were able to find your apartment and took a shower. Once you were drying off you stopped in place as you caught your reflection in the mirror. You saw almost twice as many scars on your body as you had before. There were small minor ones but the larger ones caught your attention. You were mesmerized by the lines that decorate your body. They seemed to tell a story that you weren't able to interpret.
You heard a voice outside the door and quickly covered yourself with a towel before seeing who it was. The red hair that was faced away from you gazed out the large wall of windows and you felt caught for a moment. "um...Hi?" you awkwardly stood in place as she turned around and a hue of red that almost matched her hair spread across her face. She apologized endlessly and you excused her for a moment as you got dressed, there weren't very many of your clothes in the closet to choose from but you made do with a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. You called for her to come back in and she seemed to be cautious of you now. It was much more different than the moment before. Her gaze on you seemed to be questioning. "Why does Tony have you here?..." attempting to make small talk failed as she only seemed to stiffen at your words. "sorry...Um, I don't really know what's happened since the mission" you scratched the back of your neck as if hoping for a power button to magically appear.
"You blew up a city centre in Nigeria and I blew up the people I was trying to save..." Her words made you stand still as you attempted to comprehend why you would do something like that.
Standing in silence seems to have become your new normal. You sat down on your bed and held your head in your hands. Wanda walked to you but you looked up and sucked in a deep breath. "Can I be alone?... I'm sorry I just, I need to process for a second" she nodded her head and made her way out without another word.
- - -
A few hours later a video message from Tony was delivered and you held your breath as you hesitated to play it. You decided that you needed to be caught up with whatever the team has been facing.
- - -
What the fuck... is Tony serious? I'm not signing that fucking thing. End of discussion.
- - -
You heard an explosion go off in the distance and raced to find Wanda. Well, you found something going on. You found her with Vision being pinned to the floor like a butterfly on a wall. Soon enough she had plunged him into the cement and you stood in shock. Your jaw was on the ground and you didn't know what was happening as Clint came up and grabbed you by the arm. He dragged you to the exit where Pietro was waiting and loaded the two of you into a car and began driving. "What's happening??" You were very very close to yelling as he drove down the highway.
"Cap needs a hand in Berlin... and well..." he looked back at you "I'm pretty sure you agree with him more than Tony" you opened your mouth to speak but came up blank. He nodded his head and went back to driving.
- - -
As you sat in the car while the three were getting snacks when your phone rang. You ignored the number and continued to wait. The phone rang again but you declined. It rang a third time and you decided to power off the device.
Soon enough the two returned and you were able to get back on the road. Wanda hande you a snack every now and then but you were much more interested in getting some rest.
- - - Time Skip 2 days later - - -
You're loading into a small plane that Clint was able to snag. The trip to Berlin was quiet, Wanda remained silent as you sat next to her, she would attempt to talk every few minutes but after two sentences you would go silent again. Pietro was asleep for the entire trip until now and seemed to eagerly be watching out the window as each cloud and mountain passed.
Once you arrived at the small airfield Clint loaded a large duffle bag into the back of a van and soon after Wanda and you hopped in. This time Clint decided to play music as he drove to the berlin airport and you found his music taste was a very odd mix of german folk and heavy metal... it was surprising. As you pulled into the parking structure you saw a familiar face and two not-so-familiar ones. The Captain eyed you up and down once you were standing fully and he took in your appearance. As he was introduced to the man that apparently had been in the duffle bag -you had zero clue- you caught the stare that had been given to you by a stoic black man with his arms folded over his chest. The man made you uneasy as you switched your balance from side to side.
Once the announcement was spread over the speakers everyone began to suit up. Steve on the other hand pulled you aside away from everyone else. You thought he would want to talk about what you've done but he instead brought up something different.
"You remember how your file was leaked?..." you nodded your head and he continued "well, Vision was doing a sweep of who could have accessed it and Pietro got a bad feeling about it... I had Tony do his own investigation before the A.I.M mission..." he looked over at Pietro who was giving him an encouraging look. "It wasn't Wanda who leaked it, it was Vision himself... he wrote the email" You just stood blankly as he waited for a reaction.
"Why would he...-he saw me and Wanda..." You turned your head to look at the redhead who was already in her suit and speaking to her brother. "He wanted to break us apart..." Steve nodded his head giving you a sympathetic look "I thought you should know, I know you forgave Wanda but still, you deserved to know the truth" You couldn't believe what you just found out. Vision framed Wanda for leaking your most private past. He led the team on a wild goose chase and hoped it would fizzle out. He ostracized you from your fellow agents and didn't bat an eye. He attempted to call you insane and brand you a threat. You knew that once you saw him you wouldn't be able to contain the anger you felt towards him now. You rushed to suit up and felt an intense rush of adrenaline. As the team made their way to the tarmac they were blocked by Tony and those who chose to sign the accords. When you saw Natasha amongst them you felt a sting of betrayal. You didn't look her in the eyes when Tony made a point about you and Wanda. Vision floated down and the longer you looked at him the more you were itching for a fight. He only kept his eyes on Wanda as Steve and Tony exchanged words. It wasn't until the spider kid showed up did the fighting picked up. As you began running your body became overheated and you felt the fire coursing through you, you leapt in the air and collided with Vision. He caught himself before he was able to fall completely but you hit the ground and shot icicles in his direction. He fired a blast at you but you dodged and held a stream of fire steady at him while he attempted to dodge in the air.
"You were the one who leaked my file!! You're a fucking coward who hid behind Wanda!" He was stunned for only a mere second but that gave you enough time to leap back into the air and shoot off between flames and ice. He phased through most of them but was hit by an icicle in the chest. Again you fell to the ground but before you could reach the tarmac a red glow shined through your eyes and when you looked up Wanda was lowering you to the ground. All of a sudden the tiny dude became gigantic and caught Rhodey like an action figure. The spider kid began to take out his legs but was knocked to the side like a rag doll. Vision phased through the giant which caused him to tumble to the ground. At this sight the main priority was to make it to the quinjet, rushing down the tarmac after Steve and Bucky you caught sight of Vision blasting a beam of light that took down the control tower but the act he hit Rhodey who came tumbling to the earth from the air like an egg in a middle school science class. Wanda had been hit and you rushed to her side as Vision watched.
You caught her before she hit the ground and her breathing was rapid. As you held her Pietro called out to her and his eyes caught you two. He smiled and ran off to check on Sam who Tony had blasted. You stayed in silence for a moment before she looked into your eyes and thanked you. As you helped her up you were about to speak but the sound of the quinjet taking off is what captured your attention. You watched as those who had fought with you began to trickle together. One by one you checked in. But as you attempted to make your way off the runway you were stopped by Tony, Vision, and Natasha. They attempted to talk it out first but you wouldn't budge. You wouldn't look any one of them in the eyes. You stayed near Wanda and glared at Vision when he attempted to reason with her. "Says the overgrown iPod who framed her for leaking my file... You branded me and used her as a cover" she looked between the two of you and his face said it all. He didn't want her to know what he did. He knew it was wrong and instead of facing the music and owning up to his action, she used Wanda as a shield.
She looked at him with a face of betrayal, Natasha glared at the robot and Tony's head slinked down as he rolled his eyes. "We were gonna tell you while you were at the compound..." Natasha looked back at Tony now. "You knew?" you continued to glare at the so-called team that was standing before you.
"I think you should have made sure to choose a team you trusted..." your words had venom in them as you spoke to Natasha. She chose Tony over you, she put up a performance of grieving and missing you but didn't hesitate to fight against you.
Wanda turned in your arms and spoke. "I swear I had no idea-" You cut her off
"I know, there's no way you could have known. He was able to trick everyone, you didn't deserve how I treated you..." you said in a gentle tone, you wanted her to believe you. Staring in her Emerald Eyes you felt her getting closer to you and suddenly the sound of sirens and tires screeching broke the moment. You held onto her out of instinct as the armed vehicles and black SUVs tore through the airport. Wanda had been clutching to you as armed men jumped out and began to scream orders at you. You didn't let go as Secretary Ross stepped out of a black SUV and ordered you to stand down.
Breaking away from Wanda you made your way to Ross and produced two forms that you had handy from your employer. "You'll want to look these over, I am free to go however so you won't be arresting me anytime soon. I can assure you of that" You turn back to the now splintered team and your vision focused on Natasha. She looked at you shocked and you recognized the betrayal in her eyes. Producing the sly smile from when she had you caged, you winked and left the now tarnished heroes. You could feel the stares burning into you and you continued to hold a smug victorious smile. You held up the bird at their stares as you brought out your phone and dialled the "man behind the curtain"
"Please tell me you're calling with news I haven't heard?" You could hear the news playing in the background as she spoke. Her tone wasn't mad nor demanding, it was playful she knew you'd get the job done.
You loaded yourself into a black SUV similar to the one Secretary Ross had arrived in "Miss Fontaine, have I let you down once?..." you could hear her hum in response "the avengers bought the little act as you said they would, Ross is going over the forms now and soon I'll be back at HQ" the smile you had was obvious in your tone as you spoke. "They really did want to believe I was back, god they are dull" She continued to ask for more details.
"And Zemo? He's dealt with I assume?"
"He's attempting the next part of his plan currently and if I'm correct the Captain and Solider will take care of him for us... if not them then the panther, but he won't be a problem I assure" you said
"Good boy, when you get back we have a place to lay low for a while. Small missions here and there but think of it as some -some well-needed vacation days"
"Yes ma'am... any hint of where I'll be spending that time?" your smile remained on your face.
"Now where would the fun be in that? Have a safe flight Ignatius" she hung up and you began to drive away. You saw the armed vehicles and SUVs that were now carrying the former avengers. The sight filled you with joy. You were free of the Avengers and you had the opportunity to move on now.
- - - 2 months later - - -
As you sit on the beach taking in the sun you hear your phone ring from beside you. Picking it up you can sense the incoming message. "Thought you said these were my vacation days?" you say in a teasing manner.
"Oh we both know in this work those aren't real..." she pauses for a moment and you receive a text "I've sent you the details for this one, its hopefully just a short recruiting mission, I need you to approach an ex widow... you're familiar with the type?"
You close your eyes and only take a deep breath before asking her a clarifying question "Is there a risk of running into a former target?... if so I'm out as soon as I see her"
She laughs and you feel your muscles squirm at the sound. "If you do see her you have my permission to abandon ship and run away to a farm in Tuscany..." she closes some kind of door and continues "just make sure you let the target know of our interests and the offer will do the rest" Like usual she ends the call and you only huff while getting up and finding out where you'll be off to.
Apparently, this widow is in Budapest... yay, your favourite place, maybe you can hit up one of the famous clubs once the mission is over.
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foreteller-ava · 2 years
When You Are Here
Summary: After six years, Date comes home.
A/N: This was written over the course of two days because Nirvana Initiative didn't give me nearly enough Iris or Hitomi. No ffn version because there's no ffn category. AINI Spoilers.
Hitomi’s left hand shook as she drank her tea. Iris had run off to go and help Mizuki at whatever she was facing off at the stadium, and she could only sit in fear for the fate of both her daughter and the girl who might as well have been.
“One member of the team stopping Naixatloz’s “Nirvana Initiative” was critically wounded in the successful mission. More information will be available as it’s released.”
That single line on the news was enough to bring her almost to madness. If she had been unable to stop worrying before, now her fears for their sake was even worse.
As much as she wanted the news, she shut off her TV, unable to listen anymore. She had to ignore her growing fear for what little of her family remained. If it was Mizuki or Iris, she’d already have been called. She was Iris’s emergency contact, and Iris would’ve called her if it was Mizuki.
She kept trying to rationalize their safety, but the fear had yet to leave her. She had already lost Date six years prior. She’d come so close to losing Iris all those years ago. She couldn’t face the thought of what would happen if she lost one of them too. Not after everything they’d all been through.
Unable to take the lack of news, Hitomi picked up her phone, determined to at least call Boss to get some answers as to what had happened, but before she could even open up her contacts, she heard the door open, and a cheerful voice shout, “Mom, I’m back!”
Hitomi ran to the entryway, eager to see Iris standing just to the side of the door with one of the biggest smiles she’d had in ages, not a bruise on her skin or hair out of place. “Iris, you’re–”
Her relief at her daughter’s safety died in her throat as she looked up to see a familiar dark haired man, one eye gray and the other a glowing yellow. Much to Hitomi’s relief, that awful mask of Saito’s face was gone, put away for now as he gave her a small smile.
“Sorry for taking so long, I had to wait for Boss to clear Uncle to go home. I wanted to call so you could know Mizuki and I were okay, but…”
Date stepped forward. “I didn’t want her to ruin the surprise.”
Hitomi didn’t know what to say, instead simply letting tears fill her eyes as she was finally able to process. Mizuki was okay. Iris was okay. And now, Date was okay too.
Iris went to approach her, but Date did first, putting a hand on Hitomi’s cheek, cupping it lightly. “Sorry I took so long.”
Hitomi smiled, her eyes still full of tears but the weight of all of her worries lifting after all these years. “It’s okay, all that matters is that you’re back, and that you’re both safe.”
He was back, and Iris was okay, and Mizuki was okay. Their family, which had been broken for so long, was finally whole again, could finally heal.
The sound of footsteps behind her caused her to separate from Date, and Hitomi turned to see Iris heading towards her room. “Iris?”
“You and Uncle could probably use some time to catch up. I got to have the entire car ride back.” She smiled. “Plus, I need to play Shovelforge. I may not technically have to stream right now, but my audience should know I’m okay, right?”
There was a mischievous glint in Iris’s eyes that made Hitomi doubt that was the only reason she was leaving the two of them alone, but before she could ask any further Iris had shut the door, leaving it just the two of them.
She gave him another smile, this one slightly less uncertain, and brought him to the sofa. She waited for him to sit down, for her to be sure he’d never run away again, to finally ask, “What happened?”
“Well, I’m sure you heard about what happened six years ago,” Date said. Hitomi nodded. Mizuki had lost an eye and Date had gone missing. She remembered all too well when Boss had shown up with quiet Mizuki with a missing left eye, unable to say anything but apologies. 
“As it turns out, I was captured by Naix. Then, when I finally escaped, I had no memory of who I was to come and help. I only remembered when Furue’s other half was found. That’s when I came home”
Six days. Date had been home for six days and she was only able to see him now. She understood why, but he still let her believe he was dead for six days longer than had been necessary, after all those years without him.
As though he sensed her hurt (and maybe he did, she was still unsure of just what functions Aiba had) he added on, “I wanted to stop by sooner, but so much was going on. I had to solve the case before the Nirvana Initiative went active. I didn’t want to let any of you get hurt.” Date looked away. “As it is, I failed that.”
At his guilt, Hitomi remembered the news report. A member of ABIS had been critically injured. With date home, she had just been relieved that it hadn’t been Iris or Mizuki (or him) but that didn’t change the fact that it was probably an agent he was close to. She grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Who was it?”
“The kid thought he had some stupid debt he owed because he’s the reason I was gone for six years.” Date squeezed harder, his grip tight as she could only guess at his guilt. “Aiba was with Mizuki so I couldn’t see them cloaked, and Ryuki…”
She didn’t know Ryuki well, but he had come around a few times. At first with Date as his apprentice in ABIS but later on his own to express his condolences after Date’s disappearance. She knew she should’ve been hit harder by his loss, but the fact that she wasn’t as close to him made it more difficult to do. Still, he had saved Date’s life, and she owed him for that. “Kaname, it was his choice. You just have to have faith he’ll pull through.”
Date looked up at her and smiled softly. “You’ve always known what to say to make me stop worrying.” He cupped her cheek gently with his free hand, holding her face and she leaned into the touch before he gently kissed her. There was no fire in it, no desperation of a man who hadn’t seen the woman he loved in six years, but there would be time for that later when the world returned to normal and Date wasn’t seeking comfort and Hitomi wasn’t just experiencing nothing short of relief that he was okay.
Even after he pulled away, they lingered, their forehead’s touching as they let the moment exist, neither wanting to pull away from the other for fear that they might vanish.
“Don’t disappear for six years again, okay?” Hitomi’s voice was soft, a request. She had only just finally gotten him back, they had only just managed to start relearning each other, when he’d vanished again. She couldn’t go through that pain again. She wouldn’t.
“Never again. I won’t do that to any of you again.” Date smiled.
Despite what their track record seemed to show, Hitomi believed him.
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auguryfaun · 2 years
I've had a really bad full thickness second degree burn on the top of my dominant foot for the past week and it's only now starting to heal and it took 4 days of 11+ hour days to finally get medical attention and find out it was infected because the busy season and kitchen culture are such a bad combo. We're so busy and so short staffed that when the doctor told me she wanted to take me out for seven full days I laughed. I took my two days off and one extra day. I just came back today and hurt like a mother fucker, everyone is stressed and exhausted and the combination of pain and awkward atmosphere made me start crying come the end of the night. I was a solid 7 on the pain scale when I went in and kept pushing harder to do more and I eventually just broke. It took my boss and sous telling me that no one was mad at me for taking care of my injury and that If I need more time I need to take it so I don't get a blood infection or go septic.
Kitchen culture man.
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Silent breakup (part 3) | Jess Mariano x Reader
Summary: After some thinking, you drive up to Philadelphia to see Jess
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Taylor Swift bingo square: Invisible string
As silly as it sounded, something was tying you to Jess. You could feel it with your heart.
Perhaps it had something to do with this ancient Chinese folklore myth you had read about the other day, the one about a red thread of fate tying two people together. The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.
The weeks following Alexander's proposal, you did a lot of thinking. It brought you back to the same question.
''Do you think Jess and I could have a future together?''
Rory was taken aback by your question. Lane, who was sitting across from you on the couch, was completely lost.
''Since when is Jess back in the picture?'' she asked, looking between you and Rory for explanations. ''Wow, I leave on my honeymoon and when I come back, I feel like I missed a whole year of news. I was only gone for two weeks.''
''You want to try again with Jess?''
It was undeniable that you still had feelings for Jess. Feelings as strong as those never really go away. When your heart healed, it stored them in a box in the corner of your heart, safely kept.
Would re-opening this box be worth the risk of re-opening an old wound?
You slumped your shoulders. ''I don't know.''
You always thought love and relationships would get easier as you get older. What a fool you were! If anything, it got more complicated.
''I think you and Jess were a right-person-wrong-time type of situation,'' Rory said. ''You were both young - and so in love -, but poor decisions caused your downfall.''
''I think 'poor decisions' is small to describe what Jess did to Y/N,'' Lane argued. ''He acted like a coward. He could've talked to you, but no, he packed his bag and left.'' She huffed and stabbed a piece of her food, still holding a grudge against Jess. Looking at her, she was more mad at him than you were.
''What should I do?''
You knew it was impulsive and crazy to drive up to Philadelphia this late, but your mind was made and you had to see him. Now.
You arrived at Truncheon Books a little before 9pm, just in time for closure. You walked in, looking around the desks for Jess, but he wasn't there. In fact, there was only one person on the floor, which you recognized as Chris, one of Jess' bosses.
''I'm sorry Miss, but we're about to close-''
''Is Jess here?'' you interrupted with an emergency in your tone. ''I got to talk to him.''
Chris gave you an apologetic look. ''He isn't here at the moment. Are you a client of his?''
''Eh, no. I'm...an old friend.''
An old friend. That was one way to explain your history with Jess. There was so much more between the two of you, but you didn't feel like airing your - and Jess' - past to his boss. Jess was a private person and you doubted he would've wanted Chris to know about his teenage past.
''You're the girl from the book, aren't you?''
A frown creased on your face. ''What?'' you said, not really knowing what he was talking about.
Chris held a finger. He walked over to one of the desks and picked up a copy of The Subsect. ''I dedicate this book to the girl I hurt the most. Without you, this book wouldn't be,'' he read. ''It's you.''
You didn't know what to say. The girl he hurt most was undoubtedly you. But, why? Why had Jess dedicated his book to you? He wrote it long after you broke up.
Behind you, the door opened and there he was, standing in a leather jacket and a load of papers in his hands.
''Next time one of you breaks the printer, I'm gonna kick your ass. The copy shop was closed, but the lady of the library fell for my charm and let me use their printer- What are you doing here.''
This moment felt like deja vu as you turned around and his shoulders stiffened. ''Hi, Jess.''
Chris excused himself, sensing that a private matter had to be discussed between you and Jess. ''I'm gonna go and see if Matthew needs my help upstairs. Can't have that idiot burn the place down.'' He bolted upstairs where the apartment was.
''What are you doing here, Y/N?'' Jess repeated, going over to his desk and putting down the papers he was carrying.
''I came to talk to you.''
He raised an eyebrow. ''At 9pm on a Thursday?''
''Is it wrong timing?'' you asked, suddenly have doubts. Perhaps you shouldn't have come.
Jess shook his head. ''I'm just surprised, that's all. Do you want to sit?''
You nodded, following Jess to a small reading nook with a dark yellow couch and small table. The couch clashed with the vintage carpet, but it somehow worked with the table.
''So, what brought you to Philly?''
''The guy I was dating proposed to me.''
Shock was back on Jess' face. ''Eh, congratulation?'' He faked a smile, trying to be happy for you. If only he had glanced at your left hand, he would've seen the absence of a ring on your ring finger.
''He got down on one knee and proposed to me with this beautiful ring,'' you said with a smile, ''but I said no because he isn't the one that's holding the other end of my string.''
''You know explanations are supposed to make thing clearer?''
''Have you ever heard of the Red String of Fate? The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.'' You searched for his eyes before saying your next words. ''Jess, I think you're the one that's holding the other end of my string.''
His mouth was on yours before he knew what he was doing. Your heart leaped for a second and you kissed him back, pulling Jess by the back of the neck and slipping your tongue into his mouth, tasting familiarity of your ex-lover's lips.
No words could explain how much you had missed this, missed him.
''Jess,'' you breathed, breaking contact.
His eyes opened slowly, a smile curving his lips. ''You drove four hours to tell me this?'' Jess let out a short laugh. ''I can't say if it's crazy or romantic.''
You joined in on the laugh. Looking back, impulsively driving to Philadelphia when classes in the morning was crazy, but don’t we all do crazy things out of love?
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sugarushsuga · 2 years
In Your Own Words - CH. 15
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Genre/Au's: Rom-Com, fluff with bits of angst - Coworkers!AU; enemies to lovers; Journalist!AU
Paring: RM x Reader
Words count: 7.904
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Cursing; FLUFF;
Tigering: Mentions car accident; mentions of broken leg; mentions of blood; heavy make-out (no smut tho)
Synopsis: After graduating your dream was to become a journalist and work to one of the biggest magazines in the country. But that pretty dream does not translate perfectly to reality. The magazine is on verge of bankruptcy, great journalists are moving the rival magazines and not being replaced, your boss is a jerk who doesn't even know your name. Fate seems to be toying you around to its own pleasure, can you take control of your life and achieve your dreams, or you are going to be carried away by fate's plans?
Author note: Once again sorry for the delay on the posting today. I’m already going to edit and schedule next week’s chapter then finish the last chapter of the fic, edit and schedule them all. I’m so excited!
This fanfic follows the world of the Brazilian production Procura-se um marido series. I do not own the series or original content.
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Sabrina calls you terrified, ready to leave Seokjin at the farm and get on the first bus home after reading the message you have sent her telling about Hoseok's accident. But you manage to convince her it wouldn't do any good. Your brother is out of danger, and she might as well enjoy the weekend with her boyfriend and visit him afterwards.
Lorena is perched awkwardly on the bed so as not to touch your brother's injuries. Hoseok is laughing at something she is saying. You watch the scene. Strange how a situation as bad as the accident can result in something good like their marriage.
"What are you laughing at?" You ask, tucking your phone into your jeans pocket.
“You have no idea how relieved I was when I woke up and saw this hardware around the leg. If it was plaster..." you laugh with him. You know what he is thinking. Hoseok continues telling the story to Lorena.
“I was about eight years old. I woke up in the hospital with a broken arm, and my father lectured me like that for going up on the roof after a Kite. Y/n had wrapped a towel around her arm, pretending it was a cast. Is it over there kept bothering the nurse, insisting that she needed a bed too. And she only calmed down when the doctor examined her and said that she was in very bad shape, and she needed to eat chocolate to heal."
"And I'll agreed really quickly," You agree, laughing.
“Then I was released, and we went back home, and the brat thought she had to take care of me. She brought me food, let me choose channels on the TV. It was irritating! I wanted to go out and play on the street, but I couldn't because of the cast, and I got pretty upset. Then, one afternoon, I slept on the couch and Y/n took some pretty colored markers... What in her definition were pink, purple, and blue..."
"And they were pretty!" You object.
"And made thousands of little flowers all over my cast, to cheer me up." Your brother completes. Lorena burst out laughing and shakes her head, looking at you.
"Hoseok didn't come out of the house for weeks," You teel her. "And in my defense, I want to make it clear that I was only six years old."
“She was annoying at that age, and she still is today. And she was so cute too small... Not that it's much different now. She was always beautiful" Hoseok mumbles awkwardly. "I couldn't stay mad at her for more than two days. I never did."
Someone knocks on the door. You get up with your heart racing, but it isn't Namjoon. It's the nurse with a tray of medication. She jabs the syringe in the rubber of the serum plugged into Hoseok and turns off the lights, leaving them on just the sconces next to the door. Lorena pulls one of the chairs closer to the bed, but your brother doesn't like it.
"There's a son of mine in there, babe girl. You can go stretch out on the couch. I'm fine."
"But Hoseok..."
"Please, Lorena, you need to take care of our baby."
A little annoyed, she settles herself on the couch, and, perhaps because of the flush of adrenaline earlier or due to the variation of the pregnancy hormones, falls asleep in ten minutes.
You take the chair next to Hoseok and looks for a comfortable position, keeping your eyes locked on the hospital bed, to make sure he keeps breathing. The leather creaks under you, and Hoseok shoots you several slanted as you try to straighten yourself out. You shift position, folding your legs underneath you.
“Oh, for God's sake!" groans your brother, stretching out his good arm for you to get closer. "Come closer, but I'll throw you away if you drool on me."
You rest your head on his healthy shoulder. "To drool, I'd need to sleep, which won't happen, since you snort like a pig." But you don't move, you just stay there, still, leaning against your brother.
A few minutes later, he strokes your hair. “Thanks for taking care of her,” he murmurs. "Lorena freaks out easily."
“Not without reason. You did the right thing, Hoseok. You will be very happy together."
"I know. I love this woman. And... love you too."
You lift your head, eyes widening. "Oh my God! I'll get the doctor. You must have hit it hard with the head to get all mellow like that."
"Don't be an ass!" But he is smiling.
“I love you too, Hoseok.” And you snuggle even closer to him.
Okay, your brother isn't an idiot all the time.
You keep your eyes closed and end up smiling when, moments later, his snoring fills the room. You try to wait for Namjoon to come back, but tiredness gets the better of you and, when you open your eyes again, it is already day. Your brother is kind of leaning on the bed, having oatmeal feed in his mouth.
“Finally, Y/n,” Grandma say, taking another spoonful and feeding your brother's mouth. "You still sleep like a baby, you haven't even woken up with Vladimir's shouting."
"Leave her be, grandma," Hoseok says with his mouth full. "Y/n slept badly on that chair."
"You need to stop trying to protect your sister from everything, Hoseok. She has to learn to walk alone."
"I'm not protecting," he objects, making a face that makes you laugh.
He is fine and, right after breakfast, he is taken in for further examinations, whose results are more than encouraging. The doctor assures that the worst has already passed and that you can breathe a sigh of relief.
You are a little disappointed that Namjoon didn't keep his promise, but also relieved. You could imagine how your grandmother would dissect it.
"Did you see the accident in the cards?" You ask grandma during lunch at the cafeteria.
"No. Lorena called telling me. It was dawn. We got here when your friend was leaving."
"Namjoon? He returned? Oh, damn it! And saw me drooling over Hoseok? Why didn’t he wake me up?"
“He said you needed to rest. Was worried to see you all crooked in the chair, but I didn't want to disturb you. Hoseok didn't want too either. I spoke a little with him. That Namjoon of yours is a good boy." She bites her sandwich.
Shocked, you swallow a bite of your sandwich at some cost. “He's not mine. What did you talk about?"
"About you." She runs a delicate hand over her pale green skirt, getting rid of crumbs. Her bracelets jingle like bells.
"About what exactly, Grandma?" Oh please, not about the sharpie story. Please!
“He was just worried. Told me how you were after you found out about the accident, that you hadn't eaten much and made me promise that I would make you eat when you wake up. And I'm keeping my promise. Eat, darling."
You hesitate, looking at your grandmother expectantly. "You didn't say anything to him about what you saw in the cards, did you?"
"Of course not." But you aren't so sure, since one of the corners of her lips lift slightly.
The day goes by and, when you find yourself, the night is already pouring out its shadows outside. It is a blessing to hear your brother complaining that he wants to take a real shower and begging to be taken to the bathroom. Grandma is patient and explains, like a zealous mother, that he can't not stand up yet and that he will have to use the urinal. She will spend the night with Hoseok, as well as Lorena, so you were let go.
"But I have nothing to do at home," You object.
"Yes, you have. To sleep. You look like a zombie, Y/n,” Hoseok scoffs. "That was close. But it takes more than a bus and a van to send me from this to the better on. Go home, little sister."
"But I can't leave! You scared me to death, and I thought that I would lose you and..."
“Don't start fresh now." But he smiles. "You do have your life, and I'm fine. Grandma Cecilia will make sure I don't get out of this bed."
"I'm really going, even if it's by force, boy!" She speaks from within the bathroom, where she finished preparing, under the indignant protests of the nurses, a poultice of herbs for Hoseok's wounds.
"See? Besides, you look more broken than I do. That chair doesn't look very comfortable. You grumbled most of the night."
"I don't care about that, Hoseok."
“But I do, and so does Namjoon. He was worried about you. You know, I've been thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that he's not a bad guy. Talked a little with him this morning."
Ah, every woman's dream: her whole family talking to the guy with whom she had an affair while she is unconscious.
"It's just like you to say he's a nice guy, now that we are not together anymore."
"Oh, wait. I never said he's cool. Said he's not bad."
You roll your eyes. Hoseok shakes your hand.
“But I'm serious, little sister. I like the way he cares for you. He wants to protect you, and that's what every big brother wants."
"What did you talk about?" You want to know.
“About the accident, basically. Don't worry, I didn't scare the guy. Now go home and give me some peace of mind. I don't like to see you broken like this."
"Okay, I'll go. But tomorrow I'll be back, and you better get better, or I'll bring some plastic flowers to decorate all these pins."
"Call me as soon as you set foot home."
"Okay." You lean over him and kissed him on the cheek. "Good night, Hoseok. Get well."
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You tense muscles throb begging for rest as soon as you park the car in front of your building. You drag yourself up the stairs, feeling the last drops of adrenaline disappear and exhaustion overtake. Cursing Sabrina at every step for choosing a building without an elevator. You call Lorena's phone from there, letting her know you are at home, and is relieved to hear, in the background, Hoseok arguing with grandma for some reason.
You almost cry with relief as you cross the long, wide hallway of the third floor in search of door 332. Your house has never felt more cozy. You have the key in your hand when the door behind you opens.
“Hi,” Namjoon says.
He is all dressed up—or dressed up enough for him—in jeans and Star Wars black t-shirt. He doesn't seem to have gotten out of bed or be about to go lay.
"Are you going out?" You ask.
"More or less." He closes the door behind him, trapping Yeotan inside. "How is Hoseok?"
"Fine thank God. He took new exams. He should be released tomorrow."
He nods, approaching. “I went to the hospital yesterday after I got out of the magazine, but it was late, and you were asleep."
“I heard." You opened the door but does not enter.
"I thought about going over there today or calling you, but I didn't want to get into family's matters. Since you didn't call me, I figured everything was fine."
“It was."
"That's good, I'm happy." But he doesn’t look happy, he looks... about to explode for some reason. And, in a way, he does. "What did you want say, Y/n?" he asks, distressed.
"What did I want to say when?" You ask cautiously. You aren't sure the content of the conversation he had with your grandmother or with your brother. His question could have a thousand meanings.
"There." He takes a folded sheet of paper from his back pocket, handing it to you. It is your printed email. That last one. And the words “I'm sorry” bounce off the page. “What do you regret, Y/n? To have met me? Have kicked me? Playing cat and mouse? what did you want to say?"
You close your eyes and takes a deep breath. "Namjoon, I have so much to tell you, to explain, but I'm exhausted, I need a shower, something to eat and..."
“Alright, I wait."
And with that, he pushes you into the house. Closing the door, Namjoon picks up your bag, throws it on the coffee table, and continues pushing you towards the bathroom.
"You mean you're going to wait here?" You ask, horrified.
“It's past time we have this conversation. I know your day was exhausting and... scary, but I'm going crazy, Y/n. Go take your bath, I will wait here."
"But Namjoon..."
"Please, Y/n! For pity, charity, or whatever you want to call it, take your shower, eat something, but talk to me." He runs his hand through his hair, takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. Frustrated. Very Frustrated. "I know the timing is bad, but I need to understand what's going on, or…I'll freak out. One minute you want me, the next you say no. Say one thing, but do another. I've never met anyone so…incoherent. I need you to explain this game to me. Please!"
"I take a long time in the shower."
“I'll wait as long as it takes."
"Probably the hot water will make me limp and I'll end up snoozing while we talk,” You warn, hoping he will back away, and you can have this chat when you are aware of everything that is going to come out of your mouth.
"I'll take that risk."
A bit annoyed, you grab a pair of pajamas from the bedroom and goes to the bathroom. About fifteen minutes later, you are showered, your hair dripping on your back and skin flushed from the heat of the water and feeling sore in several points. You find Namjoon on the couch, legs apart, elbows on knees, hands clasped, fingers drumming impatiently. He examines you from head to toe before shifting his eyes to his own hands.
"I made you something to eat." He indicates the plate on the coffee table.
You examine the dubious-looking food. The orange juice is easy to identify, and you think that one day those scorched squares covered in bright red goo were slices of bread. You get emotional. It is the first time he cooks for you.
"Thank you, it looks delicious." You sit down and grab some toast. It's a little bitter, but the raspberry jam disguises the taste well.
“I'm terrible in the kitchen. Sorry." He gives you a sad smile. “You don't need to eat it. Want me to order a pizza?"
“No. I want the toast." You take another bite.
No man had ever bothered to cook you a meal. You will eat what he offers you even if it tastes like cardboard. Finally, you understand why Bea tolerates Taehyung's culinary experiences with that smile glued to her face.
“You look very tired."
"And I am." You take a few sips of juice under his determined gaze and go for the second toast.
Namjoon lets out a long breath and stands up. “Sorry, I… wasn't thinking straight. I think I can wait some hours longer. People talk about..."
"Wait." You wipe you mouth on the back of your hand and drinks the rest of the juice before taking a deep breath, building up courage. "Stay with me."
The confusion and surprise on his face makes you blush.
"Do you want me to spend the night here with you?" he asks cautiously.
You nod, wringing your fingers frantically. "I don't want to be alone and... you... calm me down, I feel more..."
“No need to explain, Y/n. I'll stay."
You let out a long sigh of relief. "Thanks."
After an embarrassing moment, in which the silence is broken only by the sound of your breathing, he asks, indicating the plate in front of me: " You're done?"
He stretches out his arm. "So, come. Let's go to bed."
A tremor reverberates through your body, but you accept the extended hand. Namjoon helps you put the mattress on the bed after you make sure nothing else drips from the ceiling. Then he takes the bucket to the laundry area. Meanwhile, you change the sheets. He returns at the moment you are getting ready to stretch the duvet over the mattress.
"I'll do it," he offers quickly.
He fumbles a little, but he stretches the piece until it is smooth and perfectly positioned on the mattress. Then he lifts one of the corners for you to lie down on. Once you are settled, he covers you. Then Namjoon rounds the bed, takes off his shoes and glasses, placing them on the nightstand, turns off the light, and lays down next to you, facing you.
"Come here, Y/n." He pulls you closer, hugging you. You bury your nose on his neck, feeling his delicious aroma permeate you, the heat from his body warms your cold skin. Namjoon blows out a breath with force a mixture of tenderness and frustration, and it makes your chest ache.
“Sorry,” You mutter into his neck.
"Because? For being honest?"
“I wasn't honest, I was immature. I was furious with you and ended up talking the first bullshit that crossed my mind. On Saturday I told you things that didn't want to say. And I'm sorry about that. Nothing I said is true. It is not anymore, at least. I just wanted to... hurt you, just like you had hurt me."
He moves away and you think he's going to leave you there, but he just reaches for the lamp. You blink at the unwanted light and takes a moment to adjust the view. When it goes back to normal, you find his face practically glued to yours. Namjoon looks exhausted too, but there is that expectation glowing in his brown irises.
"How so?" he asked, anxious and hopeful.
"I didn't like knowing that you and Delilah were alone in my grandmother's,” you confess, embarrassed. "I didn't like it at all, I was furious and... I went after you to find out what was going on. I entered the house through the kitchen, and I heard you talking about me. I heard everything."
"And by 'everything' you mean…" He stops, stiffening to your side, waiting for you to continue.
“I heard you tell her we were just friends. And when she asked if you wanted me, I also heard you saying... no."
He stares at you, stunned, and opens his mouth to speak, but you raise your hand in supplication and you rest it on his chest. “I didn't mean to spy… much." Your face burns. It would be so much better if he turned off that damn light. "I turned around and was on my way out when I tripped over something. And the rest of the story you already know. And, okay, Namjoon. I understood. You're not in the mood for commitment right now, and you're right. You just got out of a relationship, you shouldn't jump into another one that fast. But you care about me. And I know you enjoy being with me... part of the time, at least. And, you know, we don't have to assume a relationship, I mean, we can just..."
"Hey! Wait!" He interrupts you. “You're going too fast. I hurt you for saying I didn't want you, was that it?"
You look away from his shirt. Warm fingers touch and lift your chin, but still, you can't look at him.
"Look at me, Y/n."
You can't. You fear that looking into his eyes, they'd shine the way it always happens when you are this close, and with that you'll lose the logical reasoning and do something stupid. Like saying you are in love with him.
“Look at me, please. Look at me and tell me what you see."
Hesitantly, you dare to stare at his face for just two seconds before facing his shirt again.
“I see a handsome man,” you mutter.
"Is that so?" The surprise in his voice almost makes you laugh. "With glasses and everything?"
“Especially with them,” You admit. “You are the only man on the planet who manages to look good wearing that hideous thing. Well, you and Clark Kent, but since he doesn't exist..." He laughs, still holding your face.
“And what else do you see?" You peek again, ready to look away, but he stops you. “Don't run away, my angel. Look at me."
As soon as you lock eyes with him, you feel unable to escape. They are loving and, at the same time, contain something sinful, hot.
"What do you see, Y/n?" he insists.
“A beautiful man with incredible eyes,” You sigh.
"And what do you see inside them?"
"I-I think... tenderness."
He shows a half-smile. "What else?"
You swallow hard. “There's a good bit of madness too."
“That's right, angel." He caresses your cheek with his thumb the smile grows. “It's going very well. Please continue."
"L-looks like there's something burning inside them." And, oh they send sparks straight to your core.
“They burn. Every time I look at you. I know you've seen them like this before."
Helplessly, you nodded.
"So," he continues, "I'm here wondering how you can you think, for just a minute, that I don't want you?"
"I told you! I heard you saying that..."
"That I didn't want to own you!" He interrupts you. "I don't want that. I want to be your partner, your companion, to be everything to you, but I want you to stay with me because you chose. I want you to decide to belong to me, not to take possession, as if you were an object. I want you to want me just as sickly and crazily as I want you. And oh Y/n, believe me, I want you."
And with that, he brings his lips down to yours. Your hands are tangled in his hair, perhaps because it is strange to see them tamed like that, you don't know... The fact is that you need to hold him close to you, bring him closer, and the thought that you will never let him go again is so intense and determined that it scares you, takes your breath away, leaves you trembling.
Terrified by the idea, you try to release it, but your fingers rebel, and, when he nibbles your bottom lip and then slides his tongue inside your mouth, you give up and surrender to the kiss, to Namjoon, forgetting everything, who you are, where you are, what he is. All that matters is that he is kissing you, sucking your sanity with every caress, returning passion and tenderness with every movement.
“I don't want anyone else, Y/n. Only you,” he mutters into your mouth, rolling over you, his hand slowly moving up your belly.
"Oh, Namjoon!" You sigh under his lips. “Don't tell me that." You grab his shirt, twisting the fabric between your fingers to get rid of it. "Please, don't make me feel special like this."
The soft laughter against your skin shakes your already fragile common sense. Namjoon separates from you only to finish what you have started, taking off his t-shirt in one quick motion.
"You are special. I have no way to change that."
He kisses you again, threading his fingers through the hem of your shirt. You raise your arms in a brazen offer, and he accepts without hesitation. You've done this a few times before, and you know every curve and muscle well, every angle of that perfect body. But none of the times that you were together was this way, so sweet and so…disturbing. The fact Namjoon's not taking his eyes off yours is both intense and delicate, and it is hard not to catch what they are telling you.
He undresses you first, caressing you in the right places—and the wrong ones too, and even those feel right—before taking off his jeans. Naked your skin sticks to his, and you feel goosebumps starting on your toes and they go to the back of your head, bristling everything in their path. When he puts his body over yours, his muscles are taut, that part of him investigating, searching… You close your eyes, arching your hips to meet his wanting that union, which always makes you feel complete.
“Open your eyes, Y/n,” he whispers, not allowing you to reach him.
You obey immediately. He is serious, focused, and sexy as hell with his broad shoulders hovering over you. Looking up, taking in every feature of his beautiful face, you get lost when reaching his eyes. So, Namjoon moves precisely and bringing you together.
Slowly and deeply.
You resist the urge to squint and lose yourself in the sensations. Something greater than carnal pleasure is taking place there. He starts to move,
without ever taking his eyes from yours. Physical pleasure mixed with feelings, and something great, which starts in your chest and spreads through your whole body in seconds, it takes your breath away. The fire in Namjoon's face is the trigger, to decimate any trace of sanity in you.
He wraps an arm around your waist, lifting your hips a little. Hugging his neck, you try to keep yourself in place, as his thrusts grow stronger, longer, impossibly deeper, as if he is trying to merge with you forever. And, in a way, he is succeeding. You have the impression that you'll never be able to get Namjoon out of your heart again.
You stretch an arm across the sheets, looking for something to hold on to, in an attempt to keep yourself on the planet and in that bed. Since you feel you are taking off, and in any moment, you'll float towards infinity. A big warm hand captures yours, curling up the same way your bodies do. The long fingers press against yours, face twisted with pleasure and something else. His chestnuts eyes remain locked in yours, two glowing embers that invite you to enter and see his soul and everything that is going on inside him.
What you see there makes a myriad of emotions in you swell until it becomes greater than you, subjugating yourself. You pour it all out with a hoarse cry. Your lips are captured by Namjoon, as if he can't stand the idea that it would be lost in the air. He shudders, squeezing you tight, exploding inside you.
Namjoon let his head drop, burying it in your neck, breathing with difficulty, his fingers still laced with yours. With your free hand, you touch his soft hair, damp with sweat, and you wonder why you can't stay like this, with him in your arms, for, let's say, forever...
Oh yeah, because you haven't told him how you really feel.
“Namjoon,” You call, your voice still hoarse and your breathing ragged. "I think I... I'm... I didn't mean to, didn't plan, but I...” You swallow, not knowing how to finish the sentence.
“Alright, angel." Kissing your shoulder, he raises his torso and props himself up on one elbow, so his weight doesn't crush you and stare at you with eyes on fire. "I'm too. Much longer than I could realize."
"No, you're not!"
"No?" He laughs, his forehead creasing.
“Not like me. I... I lost all common sense! I can't think of anything else, just you and... Seriously, Namjoon! Don't smile like that!"
"Excuse me." He tries once, twice, but he is unable to stop himself. The huge smile, satisfied and somewhat amused, does not fade and seems to increase. “You look like a scared little girl."
"I'm scared! I've felt this way before, but…” You shake your head. "No, it was never like this, not with all this… madness. I..." You rub your face with your free hand and watch him.
He is just as confused as you are.
"Do you want to know why I broke that damn cup at my grandmother's house?" You continue, speaking quickly so as not to lose courage. "I didn't want to know your future. There, that's it. I didn't want to know what fate drew for you. I broke the cup because I couldn't bear to know that... that I wouldn't be part of it."
You avert your eyes to his broad neck. His pulse is still accelerated, chest still expanding with short breaths.
"Y/n, look at me." Reluctantly, you obey. The fun on his face giving way to seriousness. “If you let me, I'll make you happy. Very much. Not only
because you deserve it or because I want it more than anything else, but because I need to see you happy. It's like I depend on it to breathe." Two fingers run down your cheek. "You have no idea how much power you have over me Y/n. You may not be mine, but I am already yours, all yours. I choose you."
"I'm not finished yet." He interrupts you, with a pleading expression in his face. “You don't know how helpless I felt in the flower episode. And before that, with that wedding invitation... It broke me in half to see you crushed on the stairs, curled up, as if you wanted to disappear. And the most painful, is that it made me realize how small and useless I am, when you received the phone call from your brother's accident. So scared, so hurt, so alone..." He closes his eyes, shaking his head. "I never want to see you like that again. I will never let anything hurt you like that again."
“How can you promise that?" You ask, stunned by the speed of the beats of your heart. "How can you promise something you can't control?"
“I can't stop bad things from happening. I know I can't protect you from the world, but I can and will be by your side no matter what. To bear your pain, listen to you if you need to, save you from a killer bouquet..."
You end up laughing, and he kisses your lips lightly.
"I really want to believe you, but I don't know if I can," You reveal. "You just got out of a relationship, and soon you'll realize..."
He stops you from continuing, putting his index finger on your lips. “I already realized, angel. Want you."
“So, you've forgiven me for the things I said on Saturday?" You ask with a sigh.
He takes your face in his hands, leaning in to kiss you, a splendid smile on his perfect mouth.
“I crawled into your bed without us talking anything out. What do you think?"
"That you don't know what you're doing." You yawn.
"Yes, I know. And I'll prove it to you until there's no doubt left in your beautiful little head. But now you need to sleep. You are almost shutting down." He rolls to the side and pulls you to him, until your back is against his chest.
“I'll never forget what you did for me yesterday." You lift your head for him to put his arm under it and lay on his biceps. "I will never forget how attentive and careful you were to me. As if I were to..."
He covers you with the sheet, kisses your neck and rests his head there.
"Too precious," he adds.
"That." You yaw again. “You said that once."
“And I'll say many more, since you don't hear what I say."
You don't remember fitting in someone else as well as you at that moment in Namjoon. It is like he is a lost part, an extension of you. And not only now, after satisfying your body and soul, but to really fit in, to be part of him and he of you, as if you are only one.
You don't have the strength for anything else, your eyes closed by their own, but a silly smile insist on curving your lips. You let out a satisfied sigh, and Namjoon chuckles softly in your ear.
“I love the way your body fits mine. You were made for me, Y/n,” he grumbles, echoing your thoughts.
A shiver makes you shrug your shoulders and press yourself even tighter against his hot chest. You are exhausted to the point of falling asleep, but before you wander off to the unconsciousness, you have to say something very important to him.
“I think I love you, Namjoon,” you whisper with your eyes closed.
The arms that hold you captive tighten even more, lips soft and warm touch the delicate skin behind your ear, the big hand looks for yours, his long fingers locked with yours, forming a tight knot.
“And I'm sure of it, angel,” he whispers in your ear.
You have every intention of asking what he means by that. if he is sure, you love him, or if he is sure he loves you, but the fatigue, physical and emotional, exhaustion speak louder. And you black out three seconds later.
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The first time you wake up in Namjoon's arms is…warm. A muscular leg, resting on your hips, a hand is touching your left breast, chin resting lightly on top of your head. “Possession” is the word that crosses your mind.
You slip out of bed trying not to make any noise. Namjoon grumbles lightly and turns to the other side. So, you hurry to the bathroom, wearing his t-shirt on the way. You close the door carefully and almost scream at the sight of your reflection in the mirror. Your hair feels like a ball of yarn after having passed through the paws of a cat. Tufts pointing in all directions. There isn't a single strand in place. You abuse the water, trying to tame the hair and apply an absurd amount of cream to comb and kneaded the strands, which start to take shape.
You are just finishing brushing your teeth when the door swings open. Suddenly, and stumbling, naked, Namjoon scrambles across the cold floor.
“Good morning,” he grumbles, hugging you and kissing you lightly.
“Hi,” You grumble, smiling. “I didn't run away."
"You are very brave," he points proudly. "But that bed is very cold without you."
“I need to go to the hospital, Namjoon."
He presses his mouth to your forehead, then releases you.
"I know. I will take you." He stops in front of the toilet, lowers his head, and that unmistakable sound fills the room. Is he...?
Oh, he is. With you in there!
You are getting ready to sneak out, but he says: “I want to take you somewhere today. A party. If your brother is okay, will you agree to accompany me?"
He finishes what he is doing, flushes the toilet, and goes to the sink to wash his hands.
"What kind of party?" You ask, somewhat stunned.
“A family reunion, and I really want you to come with me. Which of theirs is yours?" He points to the cup with the toothbrushes on.
"The blue one."
He laughs.
“I don't even know why I asked." And unceremoniously takes possession of your toothbrush. You look at him, astonished at his lack of manners. Or excess of intimacy.
"What's it?" he asks with a mouth full of white foam.
"Nothing." You shake your head. You had more pressing matters to think about than Namjoon imposing himself that way. "This party... your parents are going to be there?"
"Eh." He spits, rinses his mouth, and dries it on the towel. Some lint stuck in the stubble. “My parents and some of their friends. It's their wedding anniversary. Thirty-eight years."
It's cool. It's ok to use the toilet with you in the bathroom and it's ok to use your toothbrush as if you are that close, but meeting his parents is asking too much.
“Oh… I don't know if it's a good idea."
"It is. Besides, if you don't go, I won't have anyone with less than sixty years to talk to."
“Namjoon, your parents will be there!"
"I thought I had already clarified that point." He laughs, slipping the shower door and turning on the shower.
"I'm talking about your parents! Those people who probably expect to see you with Alexia, your wife, not with me."
He shoots you an angry look. “For the last time, Y/n, Alexia was never my wife. and I would appreciate a lot if you didn't keep bringing someone else into our relationship all the time."
"But I can't..."
"Of course, you can." He stands in front of you, holding your wrists and lifting them over your head, then taking off your shirt.
"If I was able to survive a similar situation at your cousin's wedding, you will be too. Unless you don't want to go for another reason."
"What do you mean by that?"
"That you don't want to appear with me in public because you don't have the intention of having a serious relationship with me." He speaks all this in a jokingly tone, but the apprehension in his eyes is real.
"It's not that." You cringe. "But it's just that... meeting your parents is...too soon! You just came out of a..."
“Here you go again,” he huffs, stepping into the shower and putting his head under the water jet. "You forget you also just got out of a long relationship, and that's not why I keep reminding you all the time, nor I hide behind this excuse."
“It's different, Namjoon. Jimin and I didn't live together. We just dated. Nobody expected us to get married. Not even me. You and Alexia lived in the same house until last month."
“It's been two months. And stop changing the subject! do you want to go or not with me at this party?" He runs his hand through the dark mass of hair, small drops floated around him. A waterfall running down his scarred abdomen, creating amazing designs. It is difficult to tear your eyes away.
“My brother might need me,” You snapped, swallowing hard and licking your lips.
"He has Lorena and your grandmother. I think he can survive a night without you, but that's okay. Let's go to the hospital and then we'll see that. Now stop looking at me like that, or I'll end up wetting the whole bathroom. Come here, Y/n."
You take a step forward, but stop, placing your hands on your hips.
“Hey, you're not the boss around here, you know that? Not everything boils down to a simple, Come here, Y/n."
“Well, it works most of the time,” he jokes.
"Well, it's not working now," You lie.
"Oh, no?" He arches an eyebrow and smiles in that languid way that makes your heart perform acrobatics in your chest. When he speaks again, his voice is pure honey and velvet, like a siren's song. “Come here, angel."
Oh, god... You go.
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Two hours later, Namjoon and you had breakfast at the bakery across the street and you went to the hospital.
You hand over the suitcase with some changes of clothes and snacks you have prepared for Lorena. She enthusiastically thanks you. The reason for such euphoria is Hoseok's visible improvement. You find him already sitting on the bed, doodling on a pad. his face flushed, the bruises no longer contrasting with his skin so much, looking like the old Hoseok again, only with his leg stuck in a horrible cage. He smiles when he sees you, showing his chipped tooth.
"Shouldn't you be lying there moaning and complaining about the cruelty of the nurses?" You scoff.
He laughs. "I think so, but I'm too happy to sulk." Hoseok looks away glancing at the bathroom door where Lorena closed herself for a quick shower. "The doctor says I'll be able to leave today at the end of the day, at the latest tomorrow. There's nothing wrong with my head."
“Out of the usual, you mean."
"Hey dude?" He smiles at Namjoon. "I didn't think I'd see you here again."
"I wanted to stop by to see how you are doing." Namjoon pushes the glasses up with his index. "In case you get sick, and I have to hold you, those kinds of things."
“I knew you were going to fall in love with me, it was that punch, wasn't it? That made you fall for me?" He points the chair for Namjoon to settle in. He sits up, stretching his legs, crossing his ankles.
Lorena comes out of the bathroom at the same moment and looks at Hoseok sideways.
"You're not going to fight with your sister's boyfriend again, huh, Hoseok." She warns.
“Number one,” he begins, “Namjoon is not Y/n's boyfriend. Number two, I hit Jimin's ass because he needed someone to teach him not to make my sister cry. Number three, I'm the big brother. I don't need an excuse to kick any guy who plays my little sister." And with that, he raises an eyebrow, glaring at Namjoon.
Namjoon manages a smile and nods once, as if in agreement with Hoseok. You roll your eyes.
“What do you have, Y/n?" Hoseok asks.
"I? Nothing, why?"
He's studying you intently, frowning. Oh, damn, why did everyone decide to stare at you? Isn't it enough that Namjoon, does it?
"Yes, you do. You're different. It looks... I don't know, like you're glowing."
“It's the new shampoo,” you say without blinking.
You brother narrows his eyes. "What made you so happy?"
“If you had hair like mine, you'd understand."
Lorena covers her mouth with her hand, trying—and failing—to hide her laughter. Hoseok looks at her and back at you, then finally at Namjoon, who looks oblivious and keeps all his attention on your scorching face.
Hoseok frowns.
“You are going at my sister again, you son of a bitch?" he spits at Namjoon.
"Hoseok!" You yell, offended.
"I'm not going at your sister," Namjoon explains quietly, before Hoseok continues with his big brother attack. "I am trying to convince her to date me."
"What?" Hoseok's eyes widen, glaring at you. "How are you trying to convince? Are you playing the guy, Y/n? What's wrong with him, huh?"
"Hobi!" You moan again, blushing even more.
And what about you be playing Namjoon? You barely made up. And at no point he brought up the dating topic. How can you be sure if he really wants it or is he just saying what your stubborn brother wants to hear?
"The guy's not bad," Hoseok goes on. "I think he might be a good boyfriend for you. I don't want my sister doing naughty things around. Why the hell don't you want to date the guy when he wants to date you?"
“Oh, I also want to know. You match so much!" Lorena grumbles by your side. And you stare at her, the word “traitor” glowing neon on your forehead.
"I wouldn't mind hearing the answer." Namjoon clasps his hands behind his head, relaxed and satisfied. “I even invited your sister to meet my parents today, but she refused, made a thousand excuses."
You glare at him. “I'm going to kill you,” You warn Namjoon.
"No, you won't," Hoseok interjects. "You're going to meet the guy's parents today and, end of story. Or am I going to tell Namjoon some pretty embarrassing stories about you."
"You wouldn't dare..."
"Let me see, where do I start..." Your brother drums his fingers on his chin. "Oh! I remember a good one. Listen to this Namjoon, when Y/n was six, she swallowed one of my marbles. Of course, she didn't tell anyone at the time, until she started to turn purple, and I had to turn her upside down to unmount, only she had just finished lunch and when I squeezed her belly..."
"Cool! He wins!" You jumped off the couch. "I will go! I will meet the parents of my boyfriend. Now shut up, Hoseok, or you'll end up staying in the hospital for at least another week!"
"Excellent!" Hoseok flashes an idiotic smile, but turns his attention back to Namjoon, who just gives you a very satisfied nod.
You are going to kill them both!
"So, when I squeezed her belly," Hoseok continues, "the little marble flew far away, only that with it came a jet of pasta, which washed the carpet of the living room. She looked like the Exorcist's girl. I thought that the goo wouldn't ever stop to come out."
You drop onto the couch, burying your face in your hands.
"I hate you, Hoseok!"
“I know, little sister. Oh, and there's the pens too. This is best..."
Hoseok continues telling the embarrassing moments of your life, including some that you would rather die than remember, like when you were in sixth grade and was caught in the staff room trying to figure out the questions of the physics test. You always hated physics.
Namjoon laughs so hard he actually slumps in his chair. You are relieved to see the nurse comes in to bathe Hoseok. You are about to leave the room, but he calls you back.
“I don't want you to stay here. Grandma must be arriving. It's no use stay here,” he adds when you try to protest. "You were so shaken yesterday, and Namjoon seems to do you good. You will have fun. I won't go anywhere. Also, soon they will ask you all to leave anyway. I'm very much alive. In fact, I'd rather if you didn't stay too long in here. There are so many bacteria and viruses in the air, you could end up sick."
Your brother could have all the flaws in the world, but no one ever can accuse him of not having a big heart. He always worries about you, you think even more than your father. Hoseok will be a wonderful father, you are sure of it.
"I'm not five years old anymore, Hoseok," you said excitedly. "I don't get sick for nothing."
"For me you will always be five years old. Now get out of here. Go have fun, but if you need help, you know..."
"There will be a payback, do you hear?" You point a finger at him. "I won't forget the humiliation of today."
He rolls his eyes. "Humiliation? I did you a favor! Now Namjoon already knows the worst of your story, and if he's still here, it's because he fucking likes you. Oh! Don't you get drunk and embarrass me, huh?" He winks.
"Don't you hate not being an only child?" You ask Namjoon as soon as you join him outside the room.
He laughs. "Only when Bea is around. We can go?"
You nod and he puts his arm around your shoulder, leading you down the hall towards the elevator.
"Let's go home," he announces. “You're going to need to get some clothes."
"And then we'll trade your motorcycle for my car, shall we?"
"Of course not. Part of the fun is there, angel. I will transform your wish into reality."
You look at him, suspiciously.
“I don't remember saying I wanted to die at twenty-five."
“And you won't." He laughs and plants a kiss on your lips. "You are going to fly."
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Ⓒ 2022 Sugarushsuga, do not copy, translate or repost.
31 notes · View notes
harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA Dad scenario: You get your quirk!
Warnings: Blood, death and Shiggy angst!
[Your mom's quirk was self healing it could heal any physical damage on her body in a blink of an eye and so it cancelled your dad's Quirk out, the two Quirks mutated with you so, Your Quirk is called Second chance: you can bring people back from the dead, (like the Piemaker from pushing up daisies) when you touch them, but only once, you touch them again they rapidly decay and turn into dust...Though it varies depending on how long they’ve been reanimated for, recently deceased people don’t decay they just drop dead. Unfortunately you found this out the hard way with your mom... and now you're boyfriend.]
No one knew that your mom was part of the league let alone it's leader's wife! At least that what your parents had thought! You and your mom were at the park together after grocery shopping, Your mom called you from the bench she was sitting on telling you it was time to go home! You said okay and ran over to her when suddenly there was a loud pop! and you felt something wet and sticky hit your cheek... your fingers grazed and saw red, and your mommy was on ground surrounded by red, not moving which confused you.
Your [y/ec] watched as parents ran around grabbing their kids and ran from the park, then it was time to go and patted your mommy's telling her to wake up. "C'mon mommy time to go!" she let out a gasp and shot up looking at you stunned, then down at herself she was shot in the chest and was still bleeding! why wasn't she healing? how is she... Your mom was snapped out of her frantic state by the sound of men shouting.
"She's still alive!" she hissed and snapped at you to run! as she got up and followed you while calling your dad telling him what was happening, when she saw you run into the road and grabbed your hand... next thing you knew you were under your mothers body as the men who were chasing you both caught up, they saw your mom not moving and figure she finally bled out, thought one of them was voicing his confusion; he said he was sure he had shot her with a Quirk erasing bullet?
"What do we do wit' the brat?" they were fighting over whether they should kill you or take you to their boss? when this purple haze suddenly appeared behind them, before they could react two hands shot out of the haze and wrapped their necks, there were no screams as the men’s bodies decayed into dust, then you father walked out the portal. 
His red eyes widened in horror as he lost all the strength in his body and fell to his knees in aguish, when he thought was looking at the bodies of his wife and child... until he heard you whimper and sob, he gasped and carefully removed your mother's dead body to find you alive, crying and cover in blood but otherwise unharmed...
Shigaraki let out out a choked sob as you got up and hugged him, his arms froze realizing he didn't have his gloves and couldn't hug you back! until someone held his gloves out in front of him, he looked up and saw Dabi looking at him with an unreadable expression, he put them on and held onto you, then turned away knowing what the cremator intend to do. "I'll be sure bring back some of her ashes for the brat..." he said calmly your dad just nodded somberly and carried you through the portal...
It was three months after your mother's death when your dad found out about your Quirk, you had brought your cat back to life after it was hit by a car, but then it died again when you went to pet it, he realized what had happened to your mom... but, he didn't blame you how could you have known? you didn't even realize your Quirk had manifest. he did however become very very protective and forbid you from using your Quirk unless he says it was okay.
Ten years later
Your dad was in his room playing God of War, when you barged in with a panic look on your face. "What?" he asked pausing his game very shocked as you always knock before coming in. "Uh...Do you have any spare Quirk cancelling gloves?" you asked timidly as your dad's red eyes narrowed. "Why?..." then his eyes widened he saw your hands covered in blood "did you use it?!" he snapped standing at his full height just as your boyfriend staggered in missing an arm and looking like he got mauled by a bear... well hell!
[Your mom's Quirk is called fairy-lights she can make little balls of light appear out of the palm of her hands that float around when she blows on them, the lights are pretty to look at, but are actually made up of a very combustible gases, which makes it very compatible with Dabi's Cremation, Your Quirk is called: Will-o-Wisp which works like your mom's you can make little blue fireballs manifest from your hands that float around, you can make them explode by snapping your fingers.]
It was winter and you had accidently set your clubhouse on fire! you didn't know how to tell your parents about it, because you thought they'd be mad! so you hid in the wood behind the house, and course they freaked out when they saw the shed a smoldering mess! and you nowhere in sight!
Your mom was screaming and crying your name while digging through the wreckage, While Dabi was just frozen he was standing; staring blankly what was essentially his entire damn world shattering before his eyes; it became hard to breath for him as he felt blood tears dripping down his cheeks, before something told him to look at the ground... he gasped seeing little footsteps in the snow leading into wooded area behind the house.
He called out to your mom and the two of them followed the tracks before finding you hiding out in a hollowed tree crying both your parents where in hysterics as the you scooped you into their arms and started hugging and kissing you like it was their last day on earth, of course you were still scared they were gonna be mad you wrecked the shed.
"Firefly... we don't give a flying rat's ass about some shoddy ass shed!" Dabi said with a tremor in his voice as he calmed down kissing your forehead, Your mom butted in "What we care about is you! do you have any idea how scared we were when we thought you were still in there?!" then your dad noticed your hands, your mittens...they were burnt from the inside. You mom noticed too, they locked eyes then looked back at you.
He asked how the fire happened as he had made sure there were no chemicals or anything flammable inside that shed; Dabi was sure of it when he fixed it! Your mom asked if any of her patrons gave you matches or something? 
You shook your head then bit you lip as your parents kept trying to coaxed you into talking, before bring your hand up and away from your face, Your parents watched as these little blue fire balls manifested in your hand and floated about three feet away before blowing up! sending little sparks everywhere.
Luckily the snow kept the forest from igniting into an inferno, Both your parents were in shock, they expected you to have either a fire-quirk or a chemical-quirk, not a hybrid of the two, and strong one at that! Dabi saw your hand smoking and he took what little remined of you mittens off, and much to his relief you had inherited You know who's heat resistance, don't get him wrong he still hates he who will not named, but he's just glad you won't look like you'll be starring in the next Tim Burton movie anytime soon...
[You inherited your mom's quirk Freeze-Frame, it's a time manipulation Quirk that can pause people and objects by clapping your hands or snapping your fingers and keeping your eyes on them (though your Quirk is much stronger then your mom's as you can freeze things at farther range and longer time frame than she can...) ]
You were about to be hit by a out of control truck during hero visit event at your pre-school, Katsuki saw it at the last second and realized he wouldn't be able to get to you in time! but something stunning happen before you were a smear on the road, there was a loud *CLAP!* 
The truck suddenly stopped, at least that what it looked like to everyone else, Katsuki noticed the truck was starting to move, and immediately launched himself in the air towards you; scooping you up just in time the second your eyes were off that truck it wrapped around the tree you'd standing in front of mere seconds before!
Katsuki wrapped his arms around you and tucked rolled as the two of you hit the ground, He came to sliding halt before starring up at the clear blue sky in shock over what just happened. "Dad...Y-you're crushing me!" your voice whimpered snapping Katsuki out of his stupor, and realizing he had you in a bone crushing bear hug...
He suddenly let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding in, before sitting up and holding you at arms length, he look at the truck then back at you. "Are you hurt?" he croaked keeping his eyes on you checking for any pain or distress in your [y/ec] eyes you shook your head and he has shaking as he pulled you into another tight hug.
Katsuki didn't let go of you and signed you out school as the event was cancelled, when he got home he decided to get his mind off of what happened by testing your newly manifested quirk, by throwing a foam dodgeball at you and ordering you to clap to stop it from hitting you.
Of course he forgot to tell your mother about what had happened! So, when she walked through the front door, Katsuki got one look at her face and knew he was sleeping on the couch tonight!
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rhysismydaddy · 3 years
Prisoner's Game Pt. 4 (Rowaelin)
Parts 1 \ 2 \ 3
Journal Entry #2000
Sometimes I think it wouldn't be so bad to die.
To leave this island forever and not have to worry about being discovered anymore.
I wasn't always this macabre, but two thousand days of checking over my shoulder and wishing for a man's murder has dulled the wishful excitement I felt when I first got here.
Five years ago, I was grateful to even be alive.
I couldn't believe a stranger give up everything for me and the others--couldn't believe she'd agree to fight this battle because of my decision.
I have to actually remind myself to still be grateful to her, if I'm being honest.
Because sometimes I think about that night all those years ago, when she showed up in the darkest part of the night to kill me. When she'd held the knife with a trembling hand and told me that the price for betraying Arobynn Hamel was my life. When we discovered together that she couldn't bring herself to kill me.
Sometimes I think it would be better if she would've just done it.
At least it would've been over.
At least I wouldn't have to spend years on an island, living the same day over and over again. I think that's what's driving me mad, beyond anything else.
The predictability of my time.
Every day, I follow the same routine. The routine she laid out for me in a hushed whisper.
I wake up and go to the small café a mile down the road to watch the news. And every day, I pray to see Arobynn Hamel's face next to to the words, "Breaking news: billionaire crime boss found dead."
Because that was her only stipulation.
That the ten of us would stay on the island, hidden from sight, until news of his death was announced. In exchange, we got to live.
She'd warned me it would take a long time.
She'd told me to not get complacent.
And then she'd whispered what she planned to do.
Even now, over five years later, the words she'd whispered while shoving a plane ticket and a new passport into my hands were crystal clear.
"The devil isn't going to go down easy."
The shaft of her recently-fashioned shiv was cold in her hand as she silently grabbed it from under her pillow.
The soft clink of the bars shutting again told her whoever had just snuck in her cell was now locked in with her.
Unfortunate for them.
She wasn't afforded the luxury of a clock, but she knew it was the middle of the night. Normal visiting hours were far over. There was no one here but the bored night guards, four janitorial staff, and rows and rows of sleeping inmates.
And the idiot trying to sneak up behind her bed.
She kept her eyes closed as she listened to the quiet steps walk closer and closer. Right when she was about to turn around and attack, they stopped.
Then the weirdest thing happened. It sounded like whoever it was slid down the wall directly across from her bed.
A killer wouldn't do that.
Curiosity piqued, Aelin turned her head to see who and what was going on.
It was dark in the cell, but she'd recognize that shock of silver hair anywhere.
"Rowan?" she whispered, so quietly she almost didn't even hear herself. "What are you doing here?"
He didn't respond, but the way his muscles tensed told her he'd heard her.
Slowly, she sat up so she could see him better and maybe figure out what was going on.
For the first time in a long time, he looked less than perfect. Far less than it, actually.
His hair was going every possible direction, like he'd been running hands through it and pulling on it. He was wearing a gray t-shirt, rumpled dress slacks, and tennishoes that weren't even tied.
But that wasn't what worried her most. It was the way he was sitting completely still and silent.
He didn't even look like he was breathing.
"Hey," she tried again. "What's going on? Look at me."
Another few heartbeats passed, and then he slowly shook his head.
"Please, Rowan. Just look at me."
He winced, like hearing her say his name physically hurt him.
And then his head came up.
Deep green eyes met hers, and even though it was what she'd wanted, what she'd needed, Aelin instantly wished he'd look away.
Because with one look, she knew he'd figured it out.
He knew, and the pain and turmoil in his eyes... she'd put that there.
She'd seen him angry and sad and happy and everything in between, but she'd never seen him, or anyone else, look so broken.
He looked completely and utterly broken as he sat before her.
"Rowan," she whispered, shaking her head even though she didn't know why.
He bowed his head again, seemingly unable to even look at her.
"Ro," she whispered, dropping to her knees in front of him.
Almost like the old nickname broke something inside him, Rowan's shoulders started to shake.
And then he sobbed.
It was the kind of sob that couldn't possibly be held in. The kind that made her heart clench and tears brew in her own eyes, the kind that told her how much pain he was in.
Tears ran down her cheeks as she put a hand on his arm. He shook off the touch like it burned him and looked up at her again.
"I ruined your life," he croaked, the tears on his face reeking of self-hatred. "I ruined your life."
She shook her head. "No, you didn't."
Anger bled into his tone. "I put you in prison for eight years for murdering people who aren't even fucking dead, Aelin. I didn't listen to you, didn't look hard enough. I've had the clues you left me for eight years. We were in love, and I didn't even try hard enough to... I... please explain to me how I didn't ruin your life."
"You did not ruin my life, Rowan," she told him again, meaning every word.
"Eight years of your life, gone because of me. I don't even understand how you can look at me." He huffed a laugh, but he was far from amused. "No wonder you hate me."
His chest was heaving, his hands were in fists, and his stubble-crested jaw was damp with tears.
And she'd thought he hadn't cared.
Aelin felt like a fool--a horrible, stupid fool--for ever doubting him. For thinking him indignant.
Because this was technically what she'd wanted. What she'd planned to happen.
She'd wanted it to hurt, had wanted him to feel an ounce of what she'd felt when he'd led the case against her.
But it wasn't what she wanted anymore.
Moving slowly, Aelin crawled onto his lap, put her hands on the side of his face, and lifted his gaze to hers while she said, "Arobynn Hamel ruined my life, not you."
He shook his head, breathing heavily. "No-"
She cut him off by wrapping herself around him.
Like she was trying to heal physical wounds, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled his head to her chest. She sank into him until there wasn't an inch of space between them. Her hands wandered over his back as she held him tight to her.
He was stiffer than a board at first, but eventually he sagged against her, wrapping his arms around her in return.
It was like he was drowning in the sea, and she was the only thing preventing him from being swept away. He shook, his entire body trembling, and his arms became a vice around her.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered after a moment.
She shook her head, but it didn't matter. He said it again, and again, and again, until his voice was hoarse and broken.
Aelin ran her hands over his back slowly, and just held him as pain he'd felt for eight years seemed to reach a crest.
Eventually he stopped crying and just laid against her, warm breath fanning across her collarbone.
"I'm so sorry, Aelin," he whispered yet again.
"Please stop saying that. None of this is your fault. You aren't the reason I'm in prison."
"Yes, I am," he insisted, shifting beneath her. "But I'm getting you out right now."
He looked up, eyes bright with new-found purpose, and wiped the tears off his cheeks like they were distracting him.
He nodded quickly. "We can bring those people back, and you can get your life back. I know it's not the same, and I know I can't get you these years back, but-"
He paused. "No?"
She shook her head. "I can't leave yet."
"Leave? What the hell does that mean?"
"It means I still have shit to do here. I'm not leaving before it's done."
His eyes narrowed. "You're acting like this is a hotel, not a high-security prison. And what do you even mean?"
Aelin had the good sense to feel a little guilty as she slowly got to her feet and walked to the wall at the back of the cell. A few well-placed taps later, it swung open.
Rowan's mouth dropped open, then closed, then repeated the whole routine like he couldn't decide what to say first.
He apparently figured it out, because it opened again so he accuse, "I knew you were robbing me! Where the fuck is my bed?"
She sighed and rubbed her temples. "That's what you care about right now? Seriously?"
He grumbled something as he got to his feet and leaned into the makeshift doorway in the wall.
It took him a few moments to examine the ladder leading down to the tunnel, and then he straightened and looked at her again with a mixture of confusion, awe, and understanding on his face.
"You've been sneaking out this whole time."
She nodded.
Most of her escapes had been in the past six months, but she'd occasionally left in the years before to check on something or track down a lead.
"You beat up your roommate so they'd put you back in solitary."
Aelin nodded again.
"But how did you know they'd bring you to this cell?"
A small smile pulled on her lips. "Look again," she told him, gesturing towards the open brick door.
He stuck his head in the hole again and couldn't stifle his surprised intake of breath as he saw the other ladders.
He came back in the cell, and the expression on his face made her bite her lip to hold back a smile. "You... you tunneled into prison?"
"Into every solitary cell," she confirmed.
"When? Why?"
"One of my old jobs for Arobynn was to break a client of his out of solitary. I knew which cell he was in, but... getting locked up is kind of a right of passage for my former career, so I figured I'd plan ahead and give myself a way out, should I ever need it." She smiled. "Hamel never could figure out how I did it, so it's safe for me to use now."
Rowan spent a long moment looking at her. "That's... genius."
"I tend to be," she agreed.
They were both silent for a minute, then he said, "You need to tell me everything. Enough of both of us wasting time assuming what the other is thinking. We need to get everything out in the open, and we need to do it now."
Aelin nodded, knowing it was true.
It was time to either finally trust him or kill him, and just the thought of the latter made something inside of her twist so hard she felt nauseous.
She nodded to the tunnel, not wanting to have the following conversation overheard by any prying ears. He nodded and followed her down, closing the door behind him.
When she knew they were alone, she started to explain.
"Maddison Kliff, my first so-called victim, funded her campaign for senator with money from Arobynn Hamel."
Rowan's eyebrows went up in surprise, but he nodded for her continue.
"He gave it to her, with the caveat that when she won, she'd vote against renewable energy for Rifthold. He has millions in oil, so when she did the exact opposite and voted for the green plan that switched the city to 70% electric, he took a pretty hard hit." She took a deep breath. "The day after the vote, I got my orders to kill her."
His jaw clenched.
"I went that night, thinking I could do it. Thinking I'd get it over with and never think about it again. I snuck in her townhouse and had everything set up." She let out a laugh. "But then I realized my deal with Arobynn covered ten of Sam's jobs. If I killed Maddison, and did a good enough job of it to get away with it, I knew he'd put nine more names on the list."
"So you didn't do it," Rowan said, like he already knew but needed to hear her say it.
"So I didn't do it."
Aelin ran a hand through her hair, starting to pace. "I ran. And then I went back the next night with a suitcase, a new ID for her, and a plan."
"Why Aruba?" he asked.
"I'd done all that research for our trip," she said, a pang of sadness shooting through her at the memory of planning their first vacation together. "I didn't have time to research another place. And I never told you, but the house I wanted us to rent? You kind of... own it."
"I own a house in Aruba," he repeated slowly, his tone making it clear he didn't understand.
She rolled her eyes at his tone. "Arobynn might be a bastard I'd love to put in a grave, but he paid me well. I was eighteen and didn't know what else to do with the money. So I bought a house."
"In Aruba. In my name."
She nodded. "No one can trace it back to you. It's hidden in an off-shore corporation, owed by another off-shore corporation, but technically, yes, you're the owner. It was going to be your Christmas present."
"You bought me a house," his lips twitched. "For a Christmas present."
"I was in love with you," she muttered. Then pointed out, "My lack of shopping impulse control really isn't the point of the story."
He rolled his eyes, still fighting a grin at her antics. "Please continue."
"Right. So I sent her to the house in Aruba and told her to stay at the house with anyone else he wanted me to kill. I told her to not say a word to anyone besides those people, and that I'd be forced to actually kill her if she did. If Arobynn finds out they're alive, he'll send someone for me."
She explained the list next. "He requires proof of all completed jobs, so I kept the "murder weapons" and made sure the crime scenes had enough blood to indicate the person couldn't still be alive. It was mostly fake, but I took just enough blood from each of the victims and mixed it in to make it realistic enough to fool DNA scanners. Then I put the weapons in storage lockers he owns and wrote the numbers down so I wouldn't forget them."
Rowan nodded, most certainly remembering that part.
He was doing a good job of hiding his emotions, but she still saw how heavily this all weighed on him.
Everything he'd been feeling for eight years was hitting him at once, and while explanation made sense, it probably didn't make him feel any better about the role he'd played in all of this.
He confirmed it by asking, "Why didn't you tell me?"
He asked it almost casually, but she didn't miss the pain he couldn't keep from seeping into his voice.
"I wanted to," she breathed. "Gods, I wanted to. I know now you investigated before giving the list to the cops, but to me, it looked like you found it and just turned me in. You never asked me. And you looked at me... you looked at me like you thought I was guilty. I knew you wouldn't believe me."
Rowan went quiet, regret and shame coming off of him in waves so thick she almost choked on it.
"How is all of this going to play out?" he asked, seemingly trying to force himself to think about something else. "And what do you have to do that you need to be in prison for?"
She hesitated, suddenly not wanting to tell him.
Not out of a lack of trust, but because if she told him... he'd realize she's guilty of the crime she's in prison for. He might go back to hating her, back to thinking her a horrible person.
And she just got him back.
She's pulled from her thoughts when he reaches a hand out, slowly gripping her jaw to tilt her face to his.
"I'm not going anywhere," he said, the words final.
Of course he knew what she was thinking just from looking at her face. He always was a little too astute.
A part of Aelin wanted to put on a brave face and act like that wasn't exactly what she'd been worrying about, but a bigger part wanted him. Wanted him to see that even after all this time, she needed him.
So she forced down the witty jokes and sultry smiles she usually used as ways to hide her vulnerability and looked up at him.
He closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. "I promise, Aelin."
His hand was still on her face, and he leaned in until his forehead rested against hers. "I'm never going to leave you again. I'm so... I'm so fucking sorry I did in the first place. I should've come to you, or at least listened when you told me you were innocent."
"I'm sorry I thought you didn't fight for me," she said back. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
They'd both done things they regretted, but Aelin knew that now, no matter what, he was telling the truth. He wasn't going to leave her.
The knowledge felt like a weight lifting off her shoulders, and just to lighten the mood, she whispered, "And I'm sorry I stole your bed."
He pulled back to glare at her. "You're going to explain one day how you even pulled that off. But I'd like the answer to my other question first."
Aelin took a step back and ran a hand through her hair.
"Arobynn Hamel dying is the endgame, Rowan. I have to stay in prison so I can kill him and have an alibi no one will question."
He paused, and for a moment, her fears skyrocketed, so she rushed to explain, "As long as he's alive, those people have to be in hiding and I have to look like I killed them. Once he's dead, I can bring them back without worrying Arobynn will kill them. Or me."
He gave her a strange look, but she spoke before he could, explaining, "It's why I've been in prison for so long. I would've killed him and ended it years ago, but I only found him a couple months ago. He's been in hiding ever since I was locked up, because the FBI knew I was one of his and started looking for him."
"Okay, but Aelin-"
She cut him off. "I know it's insane and not at all ideal, but I need you to leave me in here. Just until he's dead, and then it's over."
He stepped forward and grabs her shoulders, shaking her slightly.
And then he did the weirdest thing.
He smiled.
"What the hell do you look happy about?" she demanded. "I'm being serious-"
It was his turn to interrupt her. "Aelin, if that's the stipulation, you're already free."
Unease drifted through her stomach. "What do you mean?"
"I mean he's already dead."
Shock rushed through her so fast and thoroughly, her vision swam and she swayed in his grip. "What... what did you just say?"
"That's why I came today, now. I actually figured out you were innocent two days ago, but I wasn't going to come until I could tell you with certainty I was getting you out, and I knew you couldn't bring everyone back without risking your life. I've spent the past 48 hours planning a jailbreak and a way to sneak you to somewhere the US doesn't have extradition."
He grinned again. "But then it was announced on the 11 o'clock news tonight that he died last week of pneumonia complications. His family kept it private because they wanted a small funeral, but he's dead, Aelin."
Still feeling the weight of shock, she argued, "He's not dead."
"But he is."
"No," she insisted, pushing away from him and starting to pace again. "He can't be dead."
His face softened at the panic in her voice. "Aelin, I know you wanted it to be you, but-"
"No, Rowan, you don't understand. I mean he cannot physically be dead, because I haven't finished killing him!"
It was his turn to be shocked.
"What do you mean you haven't finished killing him?"
She took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. "I've been poisoning him since the day I figured out where he holes up. Turns out he has kidney problems and goes in once a week for dialysis. I show up and add a little... extra to his medication. The last time I went was less than a week ago, and while he might have been sick, he most definitely was still alive."
Besides that, what were the odds that Rowan figured out her "victims" were still alive, and just two days later Arobynn croaks?
It would be one hell of a coincidence, and Aelin learned long ago to not believe in those.
His eyes went wide. "What? You mean he faked his death? Why the hell would he do that?"
"Because," she said slowly, dread forming like a lead ball in her stomach as she realized what this meant for her, for the ten people whose lives she'd traded her freedom for. "I told Maddison and the others to wait for news of his death before coming back. I told them that until he was dead, they weren't safe."
She shook her head, whispering, "I told them to watch the news."
Rowan realized what she was saying and cursed.
"He knows."
Lemme know in the comments if you want to be tagged!
Part 5 will (realistically) be out in the next three weeks. Sorry for the slow updates; school is consuming all my time and energy.
@audreycressworth @whimsicallyreading @onceupona-chaos @lil-unoriginal-weirdo-273sole @surielandiareendgame @captain-swan-is-endgame @poisonous00 @vasudharaghavan @sailorsassley @endlessdaydream @swankii-art-teacher @thenerdandfandoms @emily-gsh @beanco8 @stokingthemidnightflame @mis-lil-red @ladyfireheart-and-buzzard @sheharahu @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @jorjy-jo @court-of-dreams-and-ashes @perseusannabeth @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @elriel4life @girl-who-reads-the-books @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @live-the-fangirl-life @ireallyshouldsleeprn @highqueenofelfhame @loudphantomdragon @gracie-rosee @rowaelinismyotp @nahthanks @ghostlyrose2 @lovemollywho @inardour @tillyrubes10 @claralady @tswaney17 @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @thegoddessofyou @awesomelena555 @booksofthemoon @greerlunna @jlinez @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @maastrash @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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book-of-yanderes · 3 years
Hi! I just found your account (and I love that you made it clear that there is a difference between fiction and reality, didn't saw it often enough till now) and saw that you even write for OHHS? Is this a dream come true?? ✨ Could I request a yandere Hikaru with a rather introverted reader who (not only doesn't gets hints) keeps to themselves most of the times, but just have problems expressing that they care for others? You know, the type that say "you should take more care of yourself" when you are ill in a not very empathizing way, but then put a little 'eat and drink this, the medicine is on the bottom, get well soon, dont overwork yourself' note with a little bag of grocery stuff inside his locker? I kinda wanna see him going yandere, just completely madness ✨🥺 You don't have to ofc! Have a great night anyways!
Oblivious, Yet Caring (Yandere Hikaru x Reader)
Word Count: 1129
Warnings: obsession, jealousy, possessiveness
It was the same thing, again.
Hikaru and Kaoru had pulled out a shenanigan that ended up with Hikaru hurting himself.
He didn’t care though. 
As a host, it helped him with the princesses and princes that love him. They worried about him and he would feign pain to have them fawn over him even more.
The one thing he didn’t expect was his classmate Y/N to help him out.
“Seriously, you need to be more careful, Hikaru.” they spoke as they helped him organize his shelf in his bedroom.
They were good enough friends that Hikaru invited Y/N over quite a bit. Although he found he was starting to fall for them with how much they tended to him and cared for him. And sure, they came to support him at the Host Club, but it was moments like this where he found himself growing more and more fond of his friend.
But he didn’t expect to get sick just a few weeks after his injury healed.
“Hey, maybe don’t be at the club if you’re not feeling well, Hikaru,” Kaoru commented as he saw Hikaru trying to hide yet another cough during their lunch.
Hikaru looked at Kaoru with a blank expression for a moment before smiling wide. “Hey! I’m completely fine with hosting! Anyways, you and I are a pair…” a cough cut him off and Hikaru was quick to grab his napkin to cover his mouth.
“Seriously… you should go home and rest.” Kaoru only seemed displeased with his brother’s actions.
Kaoru wasn’t the only one.
Y/N was still in the classroom, organizing their wallet/purse before going out to buy themself a lunch. It was easy to note Hikaru wasn’t feeling well, and that was enough for them to feel sorry for him.
An idea was quick to form in Y/N’s head as they left the room, enough for them to hurry off to the local convenience store instead of the restaurant they first had planned to go to.
By the time lunch was almost over, Y/N was back. In their hand was a delicate and pretty package, something fancier than the commoner’s brown sack for a lunch. Before sneaking over to the locker designated to Hikaru, they checked the contents one last time before slipping in a written note. They opened the door to Hikaru’s locker and shut it. 
Thank goodness the classroom trusted each other enough to keep the lockers unlocked in the back of the room.
Soon, it was time to resume lessons, helping to pass time along.
“Just go home, I’ll tell boss that you’re not feeling well.” Kaoru was done with it. He knew Hikaru wasn’t feeling well.
Fed up with how much lecturing came from his brother, Hikaru caved in. “Fine… I’ll go home.”
It was enough for Kaoru. He ended up heading off fast to the music room, leaving Hikaru alone in the classroom. Everyone was gone, except for him.
Hikaru walked over to his designated locker and opened it, grabbing his bag automatically before noticing the foreign object placed on the shelf in the locker. It was an orange and blue bag, decorated in a blue ribbon and a fake blue flower. It wasn’t something he was expecting, but he was curious all the same.
He grabbed it and began to open it, finding the folded note first.
   “Hikaru, I overheard that you were sick and saw how bad it’s been affecting you today in class. I made this little goody bag for you with some items to hopefully help you recover quickly.                                                 Get well soon!                                                              Y/N”
Hikaru set the note down on the desk and went to start pulling out the items. There in the bag was herbal tea, some freshly ground ginger in a small glass jar, and a few cans of his favorite chicken flavored soup.
Y/N did all of this for him?
They really did care about him.
But what Hikaru didn’t expect was for this to make him snap.
If Y/N was this caring for him, then they had to be that special somebody.
He had to be with them.
Over the next few weeks after Hikaru had recovered, he did everything to grab Y/N’s attention. Subtle hints of how he loved them, how he was overjoyed to see them, spending time with them also increased.
But Y/N didn’t seem to notice the love Hikaru was pouring out to them.
He was getting frustrated.
Any time he saw them talking to the other hosts when they came to hang out at the club visibly upset him.
When Tamaki went to do his usual approach on a guest, it was the last straw.
“Y/N, come with me!” Hikaru shouted across the room when he saw Tamaki dip them.
The shout startled both parties, making Tamaki and Y/N look over at Hikaru. Tamaki was quick to bring them back up, but they were sdnatched quickly by a pissed off Hikaru.
“Hikaru, what’s wrong?” Y/N asked as he dragged them out of the room and into a quiet and more hidden hallway in the school.
Hikaru didn’t respond off the bat and instead went to corner Y/N, trapping them between his arms. Their faces were only a few inches apart, both locking eyes with one another.
“How stupid are you?” he nearly shouted it.
Y/N only kept silent, mouth agape with no answer coming out. Their eyes were wide, not understanding why their friend was so upset.
“I love you and you don’t even see it! And to allow Tamaki to romance you like that? When I’m obviously showing you my feelings for you?”
The confession mixed with anger was making Hikaru red in the face, although Y/N also now had a face dusted with the pink of the blood rushing into their cheeks. Never did they think Hikaru was in love with them.
“Hikaru… I didn’t know you liked me in that way.”
“Well, I do!” 
After that statement, he pulled Y/N into his arms and hugged them tightly. He nuzzled into their upper neck before having his lips close to their ear.
“You always worry about my wellbeing, how can I not fall in love with that? I want you to be mine and mine alone. No one else’s.”
His breathing was shaky as he continued to hold onto Y/N tightly. He was still a bit angry, but now he was calming down as he held them. This felt right, to have them in his arms. And when they began to raise their own arms around him, he felt joy begin to surge throughout him.
“Y/N, be my love. Be with me forever.”
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