#undertale tickle fic
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I am surprisingly still not dead
Undertale AU tickle fic
Characters: Horror x Dust (ship)
Context: Dust has been saying terrible puns all day and Horror is tired
The day has been long, Horror and Dust were both sent on a mission to gather food and medical supplies, Killer couldn't come with them as he was still hurt from the previous mission, hence the need for medical supplies. They needed to be quiet and discreet, they didn't want the Star Sanses to show up, they were only two and they really didn't need anyone else to be hurt.
But the problem was.. Dust was feeling chatty this day, in a mood for puns, which really didn't help Horror concentrate. He would make jokes and puns all day, they almost got caught because of him ! It was a miracle when they came back in the castle without fighting. Horror was pissed.
- Boss, we have what you asked for.
- Good, thank you Horror. You can put it on the table I'll take care of the rest.
Horror gave the supplies to his superior and left, not wanting to bother him as he was healing his co-worker. He went straight to his room, needing some well-earned rest. He landed flat on his bed.
- Hey Horror I got a new joke for you, you're gonna like it !
Said an eager Dust as he walked in his co-worker's room. Horror sighed in frustration, couldn't he be alone juste one minute ?
He watched as Dust closed the door behind him and went closer to the bed.
- Okay so it goes-
He was cut in his sentence as two strong arms pulled him against Horror's chest.
- H-Horror ?
As previously stated, Horror was pissed and tired.
- You want to laugh, huh ? That's what you want ? Fine, I'll give you something to laugh at !
Dust was suddenly very nervous as he tried to escape the bigger's grip but damn, Horror was really strong !
- C-can we talk about it ?
- I don't think so, no.
Dust had a very bad feeling when he felt Horror's hands on his ribcage, and that feeling got confirmed when these same hands started squeezing his ribs, sending him into a pit of laughter. Dust always put on a tough appearance under his hood, like nothing could get a reaction out of him, but the truth was very humiliating: to get any reaction you simply had to tickle him a little, because under all these layers Dust was actually pretty ticklish... and Horror knew that very well.
But Horror didn't wait, he was mad and wouldn't stop until he was satisfied. He kept squeezing and scratching his victim's poor ribs as he was trying to escape, kicking his legs to no avail and trying to grab his tormentor's hands.
- The more you move the longer it will last.
Dust flinched at these words and immediately tried not to move, but it was hard, very hard, as he really wanted to escape this torture. His legs were shaking as he tried to hold them in place, trying not to move his arms either, his hands firmly gripped on Horror's arms. His face was a bright purple, he hated being tickled, he hated how vulnerable it made him, how he was reduced to a laughing mess, unable to defend himself or even use his magic properly. But it was Horror, and he did have a pretty massive crush on him, so maybe this proximity wasn't that bad, maybe he could handle it a little if it meant being against his chest...
But it was still torture, and even more when Horror lowered his hands to attack his sides, making him arch his back so violently that he was pretty sure he heard a crack.
Dust screamed.
- I said it would be longer if you moved, I didn't say I would stop.
Dust blushed more, if it was possible, very embarrassed by the whole situation. He felt tears starting to form in his eye sockets and soon running down his cheeks. He couldn't take it anymore, it was way to much for him to handle.
He was reduced to begging. What a shame.
- Only if you promise to stop with your puns for today and let me sleep.
Dust quickly nodded his head.
Horror pretended to think for a moment, just to tease Dust a little, then finally stopped his assault on the poor skeleton's belly, letting him catch his breath.
Dust was exhausted, this tickle session sucked out all of his energy. Horror let him go to lay down on his bed again, closing his eyes, hoping not to be interrupted again. He opened his eyes again when he felt a hand pushing his shoulder.
- What ? You want more ?
He asked looking at Dust, who was blushing.
- Can-can I sleep with you.. ?
Horror arched an eyebrow before shrugging and moving to the side to make enough space for Dust.
- Don't make any noise.
- Y-yeah...
He didn't plan on making any noise, he had been tickled enough for at least three month. He laid down next to the bigger skeleton, still blushing a little, and closed his eyes, soon drifting into a peaceful sleep, rapidly imitated by Horror...
- end -
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giggleeclown · 9 months
Mock Comedy and Play Fights (Undertale Tickle Fic)
Description: When Papyrus and Sans stay late at Toriel’s house until even after Frisk is asleep, their conversation turns a little dry for Papyrus’ taste. Luckily, Toriel and Sans always know how to leave him laughing.
Vivi’s input: THIS IS A SFW TICKLE FIC! If you don’t like that, go away! This also has IMPLIED SORIEL. …but it doesn’t have to be taken that way. Also, this is my first fic in AGES. … and my first official Undertale fic. So if you don’t like that…. GO AWAY! …I wrote most of this very late at night so if it’s inconsistent and you don’t like it? ….you know the drill just don’t read the thing if you don’t like it fuejhf
Laughter is the best medicine, or so they say. Perhaps that’s why Toriel had ended her day with the beloved skeleton brothers by sitting down and trading jokes. Sans sat in the armchair catty-corner, while his brother sat next to her on the couch. Darkness had fallen. What a lovely night for company.
It had started with stories at first, but it seemed that Sans couldn’t help himself around his ‘Tori’, and slowly began devolving the conversation into repetitive puns. That just seemed to be how it always went between those two. At that cue, Papyrus slowly shrank away from the banter, focusing his attention on a complex rubix cube he had been trying to solve.
He didn’t dare ruin their fun, though. Truth be told, Papyrus not only had a soft spot for Sans’ humor, but also for Toriel being in their lives. Since they had reached the surface a few months ago, they had been visiting more frequently, and, every time they did, Sans lit up in a way that Papyrus couldn’t describe. His laughs were more frequent, his smiles made his eyes crease, and he, for the most part, was always able to stay awake for the duration of their visits. Honestly, Papyrus loved hearing the two laugh, especially his brother. That’s why he remained silent, even at points where it became dreadfully exasperating.
“Oh, Sans, do tell another, please!” Toriel begged, wiping a tear from her eye. Sans had to catch his breath before stringing on more, drawing even more laughter from her. Papyrus even had to bite back giggles on a particular few that involved puzzles. It wasn’t until a particularly horrible pun that the ‘fight or flight’ response in him was triggered. He groaned loudly, face in his hands, and that seemed to cause the two to just laugh harder. “OH MY GOD!” Papyrus shouted, muffled by his gloves. He sat up to look at the two. “YOU TWO ARE RIDICULOUS.” That got a chuckle out of Toriel. “No, no, Papyrus,” she began. “We settled that in the underground, remember?” “yeah, bro,” Sans continued, reading her cue with a smirk. “we’re boneheads.” Papyrus only rolled his eyes and unresponsively returned to his rubix cube.
Toriel had noticed Papyrus’ lack of interest, and almost felt a little conflicted by it. It was safe to say that Sans didn’t mind, this was frequent behavior for and to him, but the motherly side of the goat encouraged her to be a little lighthearted and playful, especially because she wanted to see his playful side come out and get to know him better. Even Papyrus should have a pun time! As Sans continued his mock routine, Toriel moved herself a little closer to Papyrus, until she was at his side. He had been fiddling with his rubix cube so intensely that he hadn’t noticed. She continued to giggle at Sans, who was still unexpecting as well, but, at another specifically awful pun, she lurched backwards with laughter, grabbing the skeleton beside her and taking him back with her. “YIII-” He screeched, feeling himself be lifted up and pressed to her chest.
“Goodness, that was funny, was it not, Papyrus?” She giggled sincerely, but he was too confused to respond. Sans now noticed his brother’s new position, but didn’t bat an eye, chuckling at his strange noise.” “yknow, pap, i’d yelp ya out, but you seem tah be takin’ control of the screech-uation.” Papyrus went to respond, inhaling and lifting a finger in protest, but immediately felt large, clawed paws vibrating against his ribcage. The response was immediate. The poor thing launched backwards, head tilted back with a squeal that dissolved into goofy, bubbly giggles. Toriel laughed with him, playing it off like she was laughing at Sans’ remark. “My, my, Sans,” Tori giggled. “It seems that you now have quite the dedicated audience!”
“N-NO, NO!” Papyrus squirmed in her grasp, but was truly secured by the taller figure. “NO, TICKLING ISN’T FAIR!” He exclaimed all this through giggles (as well as a few embarrassing snorts.) On any other occasion, he would have done his best to hold back his laughter, but the surprise had certainly put him at a disadvantage. He tried his best to shakily curl up into a ball, but found it impossible, as Toriel held his midriff as she tickled. He couldn’t press his knees to his chest if he tried.
Speaking of, now the monstress hugged her victim with one arm, squeezing his hips and knees with the other. Papyrus couldn’t reach his lower half due to the fact that he couldn’t lean down, so he settled for covering his mouth and face through squirms and shrieks. Sans had begun to catch on now, and couldn’t be more amused. “awh, bro, has she goat you good?” Papyrus tried to shout at him, but instantly felt his laughter double when gentle fingers scritched at his underarms. All he could get out was a comedic: “SA-AAAAHAHAHEEHEEHEE!” Instantly, Papyrus’s arms clamped down, revealing his pink, bug-eyed, and rather hysterical looking face. Toriel couldn’t help but laugh at both Sans’ pun and Papyrus’ cute laughter. Sans snorted. “yea, bro? ya don’t have to shout, everybone-y’s right here.” Toriel guffawed again, holding Papyrus close and nuzzling her cheek up against his. She didn’t even expect him to be especially ticklish there, but, sure enough, he let out a loud snort before once again attempting to wriggle away.
As much as Papyrus would protest this, Toriel was not at all being harsh or malicious with him. As a matter of fact, she seldom showed any mischief in her gesture. Though he was held securely, Papyrus was not at all strangled or crushed, and Toriel’s tickling remained gentle, though quick and articulate. He wasn’t hurt or overstimulated, and, though he would never admit it, he was somewhat enjoying the game, as well as the extra attention. Just the same, Toriel was enjoying herself, too. She hadn’t gotten to be a ‘tickle monster’ since….well. Regardless, she absolutely loved having an excuse to be so tickly again. She hadn’t realized Papyrus was the perfect target for this sort of behavior. When her paws batted at the curvature of his spine over his shirt, Papyrus made a new, loud, excitable noise. His hysterical laughter was replaced with high pitched shrieks and squeals. Her eyes lit up and became even a little glassy. Papyrus’ giggles were almost downright boyish. He truly was reminding her of someone else in this state, and it caused her to become even more affectionate. With an overwhelming sense of love, Toriel took Papyrus backwards in her arms again, shooting her fluffy hands up his shirt to scratch at his spine and scribble under his arms and inside his ribs. She began to nuzzle into his neck as she did so. Papyrus’ back arched with a harsh shriek as he kicked his feet out in response, wheezing and squealing to his heart’s delight. Toriel noted that he no longer seemed to squirm with a gentle smile.
“jeez, bro, this is no laughing matter. at this rate, you’ll break the windows.” “YOHOU-YOHOHOU’RE NOT FUNNYEEHEE! NYAHAHEEE!” Was all that Papyrus could say before he threw himself into another fit of infectious giggles. Sans beamed. “you sure, dude? judging by all those giggles ‘n whatever, i’m inclined to say you’re findin’ this pretty humerus.” Reluctantly, Papyrus laughed hard and long in response. “see? you got it, bro, good job.” “SAAHAANS! HEEHEHEELP!” The trapped skeleton wailed, to which Toriel giggled. “How rude, Papyrus, wanting to leave during Sans’ terrific comedy routine!” She scritched at his neck with her claws, watching him squeeze his eyes shut and dissolve into snickers. “Don’t leave so soon, or else he’ll get bonely!” Sans winked at her as Toriel drilled her thumb into the taller skeleton’s hip, evoking a loud gasp. “yeah, pap, it ain’t funny bein’ without my bone-ified bro.” Papyrus’ shaky giggles filled the room once more, though he groaned through them. Toriel mock-gasped, taking this as an excuse to go full on with her game, especially when she realized Papyrus was trying to grab onto the couch and pull himself out of her grasp. “Groaning at your brother’s very kind and loving compliment? I suppose this is worthy of my special attack, Papyrus!”
“NO-NOHO- LADY TORIEHEL- WAHAHAIT- NYEEHEEHEHAHA!” But it was too late. Toriel leaned down and blew a loud raspberry on the side of his spine, taking him down with tickles. By this point, poor Papyrus had begun to hiccup between his giggles, face dusted red with embarrassment. Sans chuckled, but knew his brother better than anyone. “hey, tori, let’s give him a break, ’kay? we wanna leave ‘em laughing, not kill him with laughter.” With that, Toriel giggled awkwardly and let the poor, giggling, snickering skeleton up. After a few moments of dazed giggles and hiccups, Papyrus cleared his throat and sat up, a little dizzy and embarrassed. “W-WELL, MISS TORIEL, YOU MAY HAVE WON THIS TIME, BUT I ASSURE YOU, IF IT WERE NOT FOR MY FATIGUE, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SO EASILY TROUNCED.” Toriel giggled, rubbing his back to help him recover. “I do apologize, Papyrus, but your real, genuine laugh is much too cute to resist!” This caused Papyrus to blush a little, giggling. “NYEHEH! W-WELL, AT LEAST THROUGH ALL OF THIS, WE ALL RECOGNIZE THAT SANS’ PUNS WERE NOT THE CAUSE FOR MY LAUGHTER, BUT RATHER LADY TORIEL’S RATHER CONCERNING TICKLING SKILLS.”
That got a glare out of Sans that just screamed sibling rivalry. “ya really think so? hey, tor, lemme try somethin’ real quick.” Toriel read the room, holding onto Papyrus once more before he could comprehend squirming away. Sans got up out of the arm chair, slowly creeping towards the captive skeleton with wiggly fingers. “hey, papyrussssss,” That was all it took, apparently. Papyrus immediately squealed, thrashing vigorously. It was the ‘big brother’ role coming into play. No matter how big Papyrus got, he would always fear his brother’s tickles. “SANS, S-STAY BACK, GET AWAYHEHE, SHOO!” But Sans continued forward, finally coming face to face with his trapped brother. Papyrus curled his toes under his socks and let out a shriek. “pap.” Sans couldn’t help but laugh. “‘m not even touching you… yet.”
Knowing he had already endured a lot, Sans skittered his fingers under Papyrus’ chin, as if he were a certain dog they all knew. Papyrus immediately squealed, squirming and giggling softly, making his loved ones smirk. When Papyrus let forth a harsh squeal followed by a loud snort, Sans pulled away, he and Toriel laughing at Papyrus’ cuteness as Sans sat down on the couch beside them.
Papyrus groaned. “WHY ARE YOU TWO LAUGHING? YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LAUGH ABOUT!” Both settled down, Toriel letting him get off her lap again and settle properly, Sans looking up at him with his signature wink and shrug. “dunno, bro. it’s probably ‘cause you’ve got, like, the goofiest laugh on the entire surface. it cheers everyone up.” “HEY,” His brother snapped back. “... THAT’S TRUE.” His friends chuckled as he pulled them both close, almost in a sort of two-way-snuggle. They snuggled back. He sighed with a playfully frustrated smile and a tired chuckle. “NYEHEH…I SUPPOSE, IF YOU TWO ARE BONEHEADS, AND MY LAUGH IS THE GOOFIEST ON THE SURFACE, THAT MAKES ME A GOOFBALL, DOESN’T IT?” Sans beamed. “the goofiest goofball I know.” “Yes,” Toriel chuckled. “The one us boneheads love the most.” Toriel and Sans once began, albeit a little more sleepily this time, giggled.
This time, Papyrus giggled with them.
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danineedshelp · 6 months
Requests are closed (DNI NSFW)
Tickle art/Non-tickle art {open} {closed}✓
Tickle fics are {open} {closed}✓
Tickle audios are {open} {closed} ✓
[THIS IS FOR TICKLE AUDIOS] I do no cussing unless I have to <-
My name is Dani
Pronouns: He\They\She
Mainly ;Ler
Fandoms I do a lot of (art) for
: The Amazing Digital Circus
: Murder Drones
: Hazbin Hotel
Add (comic) if you want one
*a lot means that there's a 80 - 100% I'll do your request*
If it's a lot and I do it (goes quicker)
Fandoms I rarely do (art) for
: Rottmnt
: Tmnt
: Undertale
Add (comic) if you want one
*Rarely means that there's a 30 - 70% I'll do your request*
If it's rarely and I do it (takes longer)
Fandoms I (write) a lot for
: Hazbin Hotel
: The Amazing Digital Circus
*a lot means that there's a 80 - 100% I'll do your request
If it's a lot and I do it (goes quicker)
Fandoms I rarely (write) for
: Undertale
: Murder drones
: Tmnt
: Rottmnt
*Rarely means that there's a 30 - 70% I'll do your request*
If it's rarely and I do it (takes longer)
Tickle Audios (currently only doing)
: The Amazing Digital Circus
: Hazbin Hotel
: These guys take the longest to get to *so sorry*
Okay that's all ya'll need to know bye!
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Secrets Plans, Silent Screams and Great Discoveries (Papyrus x Reader)
Warnings: None, really! Just some playful tickles with Ler!Papyrus and Lee!Reader. About 3.000 words.
Kanene’s notes: YEAH I REALLY DID IT LET’S GOOOOOOO. It only took like 6 years of knowing undertale to gather the courage to write this so. Never give up from your dreams I guess. Sdfgjukjhgfbn. Haaaaappy day everyone! Wish you a very lovely and great week :D
You snickered, hardly reacting at your friend’s natural loud tune besides pausing the documentary so you could give the skeleton at your side your entire attention. After a few months of friendship - full of shenanigans, laws of physics being broken or unnaturally bent, spaghetti and strangely enough a sock in the corner of your living room that for some reason couldn’t be moved from the floor?? - it became easier to notice the tells of when something has been eating the monster’s mind. A certain way that his eye sockets kept jumping from one side to another, a slight ‘tap tap tap’ of his gloves patting his femurs in a quick pace, the way his body kept swaying on the couch, as if Papyrus was physically stopping himself from doing something. All of these showed that something was about to happen soon.
Good thing this time it was just a random shouted sentence. You don’t think you could take another surprise spar slash training slash self defense class slash friendship special attack from Papyrus. Your poor body was still recovering from the last one from Undyne.
Still, the question had been sudden enough that, after all of your surprised snickers dried out and no further context was given, every single memory and knowledge about human basic constitution and anatomy fled from you (a human) and your mind (a, and it’s important to emphasize, very human like mind who has never been anything but a part of the homo sapiens sapiens species even since it existed) and all the parts of the human body that had no bones were immediately forgotten. 
Under Papyrus’ excited and expectant smile (when did you begin to notice the difference between each of his smiles, again?), you freezed and stared back at him with a default blank expression.
More staring.
Ayyy. That is some very productive interaction you’re having right there.
With no hesitation he met your eyes with an equal unblinking gaze, lowering his back enough so you both would be at the same eye level. You held this for a few seconds before averting your eyes to the television, realizing that the match could go forever since he was a skeleton and didn’t need to blink. 
The screen was still frozen on the exact frame in which the narrator amplified a hair strand in order to explain how proteins and activated genes made it possible for human hair to be found in different shapes, colors and forms. Somehow you felt like Papyrus wasn’t asking about hair. What had been the subject before this, again?
Allured by the sound you turned around only to find Papyrus’ face a few centimeters from yours, which immediately resulted in a yelp as you pushed the skeleton away, closing your eyes with a surprised bark of laughter that only grew stronger with the other’s triumphant shout.
“ONCE AGAIN THE GREAT PAPYRUS WINS THE DIFFICULT NON BLINKING HUMAN GAME WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT (EVEN THOUGH WE SKELETON MONSTERS DON’T HAVE ENOUGH SWEATS TO BREAK!)” He was quick to adjust himself back to his upright pose, red cape flying in a heroic manner behind him, moved by a mysterious wind that you stopped to try to comprehend a long time ago. “NOW, AS A PRIZE FOR MY AUSTONING VICTORY YOU, HUMAN FRIEND, MUST HELP ME TO UNDERSTAND THE MYSTERIES OF HUMAN ANATOMY.”
“Of course, Papyrus. But, huh, you know, if you’re curious, feel free to ask anything, you don’t need to win any game for it.”
Your smile was big and warm when he looked back at you with focused determination. It was hard to not smile when in the company of such a sweet, funny monster. You’re glad you both ended up becoming friends.
“OF COURSE.” He blinked, eyelights growing big and fuzzy on the corners and, before you could take a good look at it and wonder what it meant, Papyrus jumped to stand. “NOW HUMAN, I SHALL GO DO… SOMETHING! SOMETHING REALLY IMPORTANT AND TOTALLY UNRELATED TO YOUR PREVIOUS WORDS, OF COURSE. I WILL SEE YOU SOON.”
“Ah, okay.” Confused, but still more than used to Papyrus sudden appearances and disappearances, you began to stand from your comfy spot on the couch, trying to not think too much about how you expected your fun hanging out would last longer than this and about the sadness that suddenly filled your soul. “Do you want me to open the window so you can-”
But before you could even finish the sentence the Mascot of Monster Kind backfliped himself behind the couch. Your couch. The couch was right behind both of you and as it seems not very close to the wall if a three foot tall skeleton was able to simply backflip his way to hide behind it. That couch, exactly. 
Well, both him and Sans had been in weirder places, though.
(You would never, ever forget the time Papyrus simply asked Sans to come over your place for a movie night over his phone and then in the very next second you heard strange a sound in your closet only to open it and find the older brother cramped inside one of your forgotten shoeboxes making jokes about skeletons on your closet and walking a mile with no shoes or something like that.) 
However, even if able to do amazing things, monsters could be quite fragile and that was one of the reasons that made you basically throw yourself on the furniture to try to see if your friend was fine, an offer of grabbing some monster candy on the tip of your tongue before Papyrus own - surprisingly quiet - musings interrupted it. 
“The Human Once More Prove Themself To Be A Master In Improving Their Friendship’s Power With Nice Words And True Flattering… But Nyeh! The Great Papyrus Will Not Be Defeated! They Don’t Even Suspect That With This Hang Out And My Questions About Humanity I Created The Perfect Scenario For Both Acquiring Knowledge and Having An Amazing Bonding Experience. The Nice Human Friend Won’t Even Realize How Much Strong Our Friendship Will Be Until They Get Sweeped Out Their Feet With How Much Amazed With My Friendship Skills They Are. After That Nothing Will Prevent Us From Becoming Best Friends! Nyeh he he!” 
Oh my god. One of your hands fled to your mouth.
“My Awesome Bonding Plans Never Fail.” He wiggled, confidence oozing from his tune as he adjusted himself better on the tight place, a glimpse of something being caught by your gaze before disappearing again. Was that a kind of book? “Except, Of Course, For When They Do.”
Be still my heart.
With all of your will and determination, you held the urge to scream after witnessing such a sweet scene. 
Carefully, very carefully you turned back to face the TV, sitting calmly on the couch. A huge wave of fondness flooded your entire being as you waited for the tall skeleton to get out from his hidden spot with an expression full of serenity, as if your soul wasn’t babbling and shaking on your chest, overloaded with cuteness.
It didn’t take long before the spot on the couch right beside you was filled again.
“Great to see you around!” Smile. “So, you were asking?”
So. That-
That is not what you were expecting.
Warm phalanges started tracing the shell of your ears, quickly following the path to the skin behind it, careful and delicate swirls and scribbles dancing on every inch of skin, trying to understand how it connected the shoulders to the head. A series of chills ran across your spine, spreading fastly an uncontrollable, giggly sensation that made your lip quirk with a hint of a smile.
Ok. That tickled. A lot.
“HUMAN!” Your body immediately tensed, the flight or fight instinct bubbling just under your skin, wondering if the skeleton realized what just happened. Were monsters ticklish? Wait, was Papyrus ticklish? That thought made a mischievous quirk of lips expand wider in your expression, battling fiercely against the tingles that had just gotten just a tad harder to ignore under those wide attentive eyesockets. You couldn’t tell if the mirth shining on them was playful or just happy. “THERE IS NO NEED TO BE SO TENSE. THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD NEVER UNFAIRLY ATTACK HIS FRIENDS!”
His words did nothing to alleviate your questioning! Attack?? Like a tickle attack? Did he know he was tickling you? But Papyrus wasn’t exactly a subtle guy, he would have said something if he knew about your ticklishness, right? Should you attack him back right now? Could this be counted as a friendly monster spar?
While your thoughts ran a mile per hour in your head an accidental mishap happened, both of his hands momentarily slipping and tickling the underside of your jaw, fishing an unexpected yelp and a squirm that led to you almost scrunching up your neck in reflex.
That made him stop. Papyrus squinted his eyes at you, hands hovering just a little away from the skin, but for all the ghost feeling of phalanges trailing on your ears and somehow spreading all across your neck continued he could very well be continuing his research right now.
Hm. Perhaps agreeing to help him understand better the human body wasn’t the smartest of the ideas.
You tried to ignore the way your face began growing hot and butterflies started to wiggle their wings excitedly on your stomach, a reaction that only grew stronger when a fire of recognition lit on the skeleton's expression, a triumphant ‘AHÁ!’ floating in the air. 
“SO! Papyrus!! I’m glad that I was able to help. That was a very educative research so what if we stopped right here and continued to watch the documentary no-”
“NYEHEHE!” His loud, carefree laughter cut your babbling, a gloved hand patting your shoulder in a comforting manner. “FRET NOT, MY DEAR AND VERY SQUISHY HUMAN FRIEND! A FINE AND UNDERSTANDING SKELETON MONSTER AS MYSELF WOULDN’T HOLD YOUR INCREDIBLE, QUITE EXTREME TICKLISHNESS AGAINST YOU!” ‘Extreme Ticklishness’ If the skies wanted to send lightning to strike you right now that would be the perfect moment. “NOR WILL I LET THIS NOT SO SMALL AND IGNORABLE DETAIL PREVENT US FROM HAVING OUR ULTIMATE FRIENDSHIP MOMENT!” 
He scooted closer, hands open in your direction. Every word and gesture screamed amusement and yet true honesty. His chest poofed with his next sentence, his cape once again flying around. “DON’T WORRY FRIEND HUMAN, YOU CAN TRUST YOUR VERY ADORABLE WEAKNESS WITH ME.”
Papyrus looked full of hope at you and your melting face. 
You needed to look away. If you continued to stare at the playful shine in his eyesockets or the way his smile was so big and hopeful you knew you wouldn’t be able to…
…Damn you and your weakness for this monster. How could you say no to him in this situation?
“Alright.” You slumped in defeat, trying to not show how much giddiness and excitement were dashing across your nerves at saying those simple words, tingles starting to spread again on your tickle spots, butterflies now throwing a party and flying non stop on your stomach. “Go ahead.”
Afterall, it was just a bit of tickling, right? A little bit of it. You could take this. For Papyrus. For education. You definitely could endure a few seconds (or minutes, or hours-) of a tickly research, right? Yeah. Yeah, you could! For the friendship power! You aren’t even that ticklish, afterall!
His phalanges, once again, began trailing your ears, intertwining the light, maddening scribbles with a light tapping as he moved across your cheeks, leading to an unstable grin to form again on your features, the beginnings of an onslaught of titters jumping impatiently in your throat.
No. Nope. Not ticklish at all.
Shivers accompanied his movements as he followed the underline of your jaw, the tracing now escaping to your chin and neck, each new tap tap tap tap of the tip of his phalanges leaving a trail of tingles and bouncy feelings awake on its way.
You could take this. For Papyrus. He was being so incredibly, horribly and unbelievably soft with every touch of his that you could, you definitely could just not start giggling uncontrollably like a teenager in love from those cheesy animes you and Alphys liked to watch. Did his mindfulness make everything even more unbearable and your giggles gigglier? 
Yes. But you were not. going. to. break.
“HUMAN!” You let out a puff of air that sounded too much like a snort but of course it wasn’t one because you were not being affected at all by this research. “THE DOCUMENTARY MENTIONED ABOUT YOUR MANDIBULA BEING ABLE TO HELP YOU TO HEAR BETTER. DOES THAT MEAN THAT EVEN WITHOUT BONES YOUR EARS STILL NEEDS THE HELP OF ONE TO WORK WELL?”
“Y-yeah?” It took everything in your soul to not become a mindless puddle of titters and actually sum enough brainpower to answer him, even though you couldn’t stop how much higher your voice became with such predicament. “Actually, w-we snk- hahave little bones in o-our ears to hehelp with re-ressonance and hearing.” 
Oh my god, he began scribbling his way to your collarbone, taking his precious time to outline every single inch of the sensitive skin. Your wiggles were an inevitability now.
It wasn’t even that strong of a tease. More like a poke of lighthearted fun between friends than anything, however it still made your cheeks bloom with warmth and titters uncontrollably spill from your lips, yelps and high pitched squeals being quick to follow the symphony.
“I cahahahan’t!”
“Nonono!” You tried to protest but it was already too late, his determined drumming began teasing from the nape of your neck to the tip of your shoulder blades with no mercy, quickly making their way across them and getting dangerously close to your ribs. What was the point of this research again? “Pahahapys, come on!”
“GASP!” He said that out-loud, sounding delighted. And, if you could open your eyes and stare at his smile without immediately breaking in louder laughter you would be able to watch how his face got brighter with mischief. He almost bounced on the same place with excitement at how lovely your reactions were and how cool his nickname (His own nickname! Given freely from a friend! A human friend!! His plan was working!!!) sounded between giggles. “OH NO, HUMAN! YOUR CUTENESS LEVELS ARE UNSTOPPABLE RIGHT NOW! THEY COULD EVEN GET ALMOST AS HIGH AS MINE!! HOWEVER, I, PAPYRUS, HAVE NEVER BEEN DEFEATED IN A BATTLE OF CUTENESS, AND NEVER WILL BE! PREPARE YOURSELF! FOR MY ESPECIAL TICKLE ATTACK!!"
“Wait, wait, wait!” Your voice failed when suddenly your sides were tazed unmercifully, fishing more noises than just titters and giggles for the first time. Your wiggling became stronger, your body trying to escape from the horribly, awful tingly shocks but being skillfully chased and attacked by someone who seemed talented in chasing and tickling dodgy targets. “But why!”
You opened your mouth to protest against such an unfair nickname but suddenly there were fingers rubbing circles on your ribs and scratching the space in-between them, being careful to give each bone an equal, especial attention and nothing more than a mix of a wheezed screech and quiet sorts were escaped from your mouth. 
You were trying very hard to pay attention to Papyrus’ words, however, that task, once so simple, only grew at each second harder and harder since your adorable, nice and totally fucking unmerciful friend - that was SO paying for that - found a rather delightfully weak spot right in the middle of the path that connected your side and your belly. And now he was taking his precious time to give to that ticklish spot plenty of scribbles, pinches and pokes, attentively watching your reactions to see which ones brought the best squeaks and made such a beautiful laughter ring happier.
A curious hand gave your knee a squeeze, fishing more protesting high pitched giggles. Your own hands latched on the gloved ones, holding his wrists and attempting to push the offending squeezes away with no real heat or strength. A couple of scribbles found their way to the ticklish skin under the spot and a soft ‘nyehehehes’ followed the wobbly squeals created by such discovery.  
And, just like that, plenty of weak wheezes, ringing laughter, uncontrollable titters, wobbly crackles, sneaky yelps and quiet snorts dutifully followed every squeeze, scratch, drumming, pinching, poking and any and every form of tickle attack that you could ever imagine, each of them hopping across your sides, armpits, belly, knees, ribs, neck and even your spine with both careful, soft tickles and horribly unmerciful attacks that, in the end, equally left you with a gigantic smile from ear to ear plastered on your face, leftover tingles still teasingly tingling and remanent giggles still giggling in the air.
You closed your eyes, taking greedy gulps of air, hands still holding Papyrus’ wrists.
More giggles.
“Hohow high can your cuteness lehevels get?”
Papyrus froze, beads of sweat forming on his skull as your hold got stronger. 
Subtly, he tried to pry his wrists from your grip, more magic sweat appearing on his face when his efforts proved to be unsuccessful.
“Mm hm. Papys?” 
Papyrus’ hands mirrored your hold, arms tensing in preparation for the sparring that would sure happen.
“..... YEAH?”
You opened your eyes, a dangerous glint of playfulness shining in them. 
Random extra stuff and original bullet points of this fic (that has been changed as I wrote the fic because I can’t follow sht xD):
- Papys wants to know more about human's ears ("HOW CAN SOMETHING BE SO EFFICIENT AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH BONES!")
- He ends up discovering human's tickliness and continues to accidentally tickle them. ("NO WORRIES, DEAR HUMAN! THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD NEVER UNFAIRLY ATTACK HIS FRIENDS")
"I cahahahan't!"
- Then he get hit by a wave of playfulness and decide to truly be mischevious with the reader and be like:
- Needless to say, his plan backfired. Reader got even more adorable. Oh noooooo. Papyrus loudly complains about that with plenty of teases, tickles and fake-sad 'nyohohoo!'"
* Also, yeah, Papyrus definitely noticed you peeking at his hidden spot behind the couch but he thought that would be impolite to show that he noticed since you were trying very hard to not make any sound so he just acted as his great, natural self!
* “your body trying to escape from the horribly, awful tingly shocks but being skillfully chased and attacked by someone who seemed talented in chasing and tickling dodgy targets.”  yep that was def a reference about Sans and I personally headcanon Papyrus as a gigantic tickle monster that can AND will tickle his gremlin of a brother sdfrjukjhghyg
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krat395 · 4 months
A "Purrfect" Sleepover
First story of 2024, y'all! :D And what I have here is a request that I did for @godofwaterbreathing. He wanted a story about his OC, a Neko boy named Lucas, having some tickle-related fun at a sleepover with five other kiddos. And four of those five kiddos just so happen to be Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK; the “core four” of my Main Series. As for the fifth one… well, I'll just let you find that out for yourselves. ;) Also, this happens to be a story where some of the character's ages are different from that of my personal headcanon. The kids are still the same ages but some of the adult characters between the ages of 18 and 29 in my headcanon on the other hand have been aged up. You'll find out why once you read the story.
Undertale(c) Toby Fox.
It is Saturday afternoon, early October, and later today, Frisk, Chara, and Asriel will be having a sleepover at their mother's house. Nothing big, just a small gathering with three of their closest friends: MK, Izzy, and their newest friend, Lucas, whom they met during their summer vacation. Lucas is a 12-year-old African American Neko boy; half cat, half human; with blue eyes, medium-length black hair, black cat ears, a black cat tail, and a black birthmark on his right cheek that looks like a paw print. He's a nice boy but also very shy; unlike his mother, Catty. That's right. Catty (who is 30+ years old in this story, along with several other characters that are 18-29 years old in my headcanon) is Lucas's mother. And his father is a human male that left when he was born, thinking that Lucas wasn't his child. Sad. :( But he and Catty got by in life without him though. Surprising considering the number of people that used to berate Lucas just for being a Neko, people often calling him a hybrid in a mean and offensive way. Before Lucas met Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK, he would always hide his ears and tail so no one would berate him for his physical appearance. And he did so again when he met Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK for the first time, fearing that they might do the same. But a few weeks later, after becoming more and more comfortable around the four of them and finding out how trusting and kind-hearted they all were, he worked up the courage to reveal to them that he’s a human-cat hybrid. And after revealing to the four of them that he's a human-cat hybrid, not a day went by without Frisk and Chara petting and/or scratching his ears. X3 They adore Lucas so much. And so will Izzy before the end of the day both Frisk and Chara are sure! The little blonde-haired human girl herself has been wanting to meet Lucas for some time now after hearing so much about him from Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK and tonight’s sleepover will be a perfect opportunity for her to finally do just that. ;) But first things first. Snacks for the sleepover! A sleepover isn't a sleepover without snacks and the Dreemurr kids know just the thing. Donuts from Muffet's bakery! :D The Dreemurr kids, MK, and Lucas were all in the mood for Muffet's signature donuts. So they then rode their bikes over to Muffet’s bakery/house to grab some. Then once they arrived there, the Dreemurr kids and MK made no hesitation to go inside. But Lucas on the other hand was hesitant to go inside. One thing worth mentioning about Lucas is that he has immensely bad arachnophobia. If he is spooked by a spider, real or fake, he'll jump straight into the air, yowl like an angry cat (but in a scared way), and cling to the ceiling above him with his claws until someone either gets rid of the spider(s) or pulls him down themselves. And because Lucas has bad arachnophobia, the Dreemurr kids and MK all told him ahead of time that he didn't have to go inside the bakery if he didn't want to and that he could therefore just wait outside while they grab the donuts. But because Lucas is trying to get over his fear of spiders, he ended up going inside the bakery anyway, only to end up clinging to the ceiling the very second he saw Muffet herself. And he didn't come down until he knew for sure that Muffet was out of everyone's field of vision.
Muffet: Oh, bonjour, Lucas. *Muffet greeted Lucas politely the moment he stepped inside her bakery*
Lucas: *gasp* MEEEEEEEOOOOOOOW!!! *yowled Lucas upon seeing Muffet, right as he jumped high into the air and attached to the ceiling above him* MEEEEEEOOOOOOOOW!!! *he yowled once more, his tail puffed out and trembling with fear*
Frisk: Aw, Lucas. It's ok. *uttered Frisk, trying to comfort Lucas* Oh well. At least you tried to conquer your fear.
Chara: Heh. Yeah. And hey, you lasted longer than all the other times. (Not really but I thought that saying that might help him feel better.)
Muffet: Aww! Poor kitty. Well, that's my cue to leave the room. See you again real soon, dearies.
MK: Bye, Muffet!
Asriel: Thanks again for the donuts.
Muffet: Ahuhuhuhu~ You're very welcome. Take care.
As soon as Muffet left the room, Lucas got off the ceiling only to end up jumping right back up there the moment he felt one of Muffet’s spiders crawling on his tail. A garnet-colored spider named Genevieve to be exact. She had been crawling around the bakery long before Lucas and company arrived. And since she adores Lucas so much, she just had to crawl on him as a means of showing affection. Big mistake! Because once Lucas jumped up to the ceiling, she instantly fell off of him. But thankfully, MK caught her before she could fall too far. He caught her with his long scaly tail and with her clinging to said tail, he then proceeded to walk out of the room to where Muffet was standing while she was waiting for Lucas to leave.
Muffet: Genevieve, what on Earth were you thinking crawling on Lucas like that?! Do you have a death wish?! The boy’s afraid of spiders for goodness’ sake! *yelled Muffet, holding her middle right hand next to MK’s tail so Genevieve could then crawl on said hand* Thank you, MK. You're too kind. Now you and your little friends have a fun sleepover, ok. *she then said politely to MK, thanking him for helping Genevieve to safety*
MK: Hehe. We will, Muffet! See you later. (Wow. Muffet seemed pretty upset. Hope she’s not too hard on Genevieve after what she did.)
And with that, Frisk, Chara, Asriel, MK, and Lucas, after getting pulled off of Muffet's ceiling by the aforementioned kids, headed outside of Muffet's bakery/house with two boxes of assorted donuts, much to Lucas's relief. Then not long afterwards, the five kids rode their bikes back to Toriel's house; Asriel riding on his red bike with one box of a dozen donuts in its gold basket, Chara on her green bike with the other box of a dozen donuts in its silver basket, and Frisk, MK, and Lucas following directly behind them. Then once the five kids arrived back at Toriel's house, they all just hung out together until Izzy showed up. They didn't want to start the sleepover without Izzy and luckily for the five of them, they didn't have to wait too long for her to show up at the house. And once the little blonde-haired girl herself stepped inside the house after being dropped off by her adoptive mother, Heidi, the first thing she did, right after kicking off her pink flip flops, was introduce herself to Lucas. She was so excited to meet Lucas and while Lucas himself didn't say too much to her when they first met, that didn't stop her from giving his ears a little scratch. And by scratching Lucas's ears, she had caused Lucas himself to purr in response, which did nothing but fuel her desire to learn more about him. It was at that point that Frisk and Chara knew that Lucas had made a good first impression on Izzy and vice versa. But to really seal the deal, they'd have to spend some more time together. And luckily for them, they have all night to get to know each other better, doing various activities together along with the Dreemurr kids and MK. And there's one such activity that the Dreemurr kids, MK, and Izzy are hoping will do wonders over all the others. And that activity is… tickle time! :D The Dreemurr kids, MK, and Izzy all love their tickle time and they're hoping that Lucas will as well. And he should, based on everything his mother, Catty has told the Dreemurr kids and MK. Lucas doesn't know it, but Catty has secretly told the Dreemurr kids and MK about how she tickles him and how much he enjoys being tickled by her. And if everything she's told them is indeed true, then Lucas will surely be in for a fun time. ;)
Later that night… in the living room of Toriel's home… after several sleepover activities…
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Well, that sure was fun, you guys! *commented Izzy, shortly after finishing a scavenger hunt with the other kids* Man, you really went all out with this sleepover! *she added, pointing out how the Dreemurr kids have done more than they usually do with their friends during sleepovers*
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! We had to, Izzy. Chara, Asriel, and I don't get to see you and MK as much now that we're in middle school.
Frisk, Chara, and Asriel were all very grateful to spend time with Izzy and MK, two sixth graders at Ebott Elementary School, on this particular night. Ever since the three of them started seventh grade in a new building entirely (Ebott Junior High School), they haven't gotten to see them (or Brad, Justin, Patty, Kyle, and GK) nearly as much as they did when they were all in elementary school together. So that's why they did more activities than usual during this sleepover, to get the most out of their visit. And Izzy and MK both appreciated that very much. Though especially the latter as well as Lucas, due to an opportunity to see Frisk, Chara and Izzy in their PJs. The two boys thought that the three human girls all looked really cute in their PJs; Frisk in a pair of blue flannel pants and a magenta t-shirt over a black long sleeve shirt, Chara in a white t-shirt and green pajama bottoms, and Izzy in a light pink and white striped tank top and pink flannel pants. And as for their footwear, they had none. All three girls were barefoot in their PJs. And so were natural barefooters Asriel and MK; the former in a green t-shirt and black shorts and the latter in a red sleeveless shirt and brown flannel pants. But Lucas on the other hand had on white socks with his PJs, which consisted of a Demon Slayer shirt and green flannel pants. Though probably not for much longer because once tickle time starts, those socks will likely be coming off. Especially if his friends are planning to tickle his feet! Sure, they could just tickle his feet with his socks on but where's the fun in that? ;)
Izzy: Heh. That's true, you don't. Well thank you for going all out for us.
MK: Hehe. Yeah, thanks, you guys.
Asriel: You're welcome. And we'll be sure to do the same with Brad and Justin one of these days and Patty, Kyle, and GK as well. *stated Asriel, wanting to hang out with the aforementioned kids sometime in the near future*
Chara: Hehe. So many of you kiddos. *Chara chimed in, referring to elementary school students as kiddos now that she's in middle school*
Izzy: Heeheehee! That's right! X3
Frisk: Hehe. Yes. And would this kiddo be interested in starting that activity that we think might help Lucas here feel more comfortable about talking to you.
Lucas: Eeeeep! F-Frisk! *exclaimed Lucas, blushing red with embarrassment*
Izzy: Eeeeeeeee! Yes! Yes, please, yes!
Frisk: Heeheehee! Well, Lucas. You heard the little lady. *said Frisk, calling Izzy a little lady despite only being one year older than her* Let's get our butts upstairs and do this thing.
Lucas: O-o-ok, Frisk. And what's this thing we'll be doing?
Chara: Heeheeheehee! You'll see…
And with that, the six kids headed upstairs to Frisk and Chara’s bedroom. Lucas didn't know it but once he and the other five kids arrived in said bedroom, tickle time would start. And the other five kids had the decency to give him a heads up about it before they started doing it, Frisk and Chara informing him of the things that Catty had told them prior to the sleepover and Asriel and MK standing guard at the door in case Lucas tried to run away.
Frisk: Now, Lucas, don't be mad at your mom, but I spoke to her about things you enjoy doing with her and she told us that one of those things was tickling, is that correct?
Lucas: Eeeeeeeep! *squealed Lucas, blushing red with embarrassment* U-u-ummmm, w-w-well…
Chara: Heeheehee! I'll take that as a yes. And you'll be pleased to know that we do too! All five of us!
Lucas: You… you do?
Izzy: Heeheehee! Yes! We all just plain love our tickle time! Provided that it's all in good fun, of course.
Frisk: Heeheehee! Yeah… like what I'm about to do to Azzy here! *exclaimed Frisk, seconds before digging her fingers into Asriel's sides directly in front of him*
Asriel: Hey, wait a second! PFFFFFFFF-HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA!!! *Asriel laughed preciously, dancing in place as Frisk ever so gingerly kneaded his sides* FRIHIHIHISK, NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Lucas: (Awwww! X3) *thought Lucas to himself upon witnessing Asriel being tickled*
Chara: Heeheehee! Hey, I wanna get in on this too! *exclaimed Chara, dashing over towards Asriel to claw at his belly, which in turn made him sink down to the floor*
Asriel: EEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Asriel laughed even harder, moments before leaning against the door behind him and sinking down to the floor until he was in an upright sitting position with his legs straight out in front of him and his soles exposed for tickling* CHAHAHAHARA, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, NOHOHO, NOT YOU TOOOOOOOOHOOHOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! *SNORT* HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Ooh, now it's my turn to join in! *cooed Izzy, mere seconds before leaning over Asriel's legs with his ankles sandwiched between her knees and scribbling her fingers ever so gingerly against his snow white soles*
Asriel: EEEEEEP!!! NOHOHO, IZZY, DON'T-BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *Asriel laughed especially hard once Izzy joined in and tickled his feet* OH MY~ HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! GOOHOOHOOD GOSH GOHOHOHOLLY!!!! *he exclaimed through his laughter, wiggling and splaying his toes uncontrollably with every passing second he felt ten skilled fingers scribbling against his soles* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! *SNORT* GYEEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEHEEHEE!!!!
To try and help Lucas feel more comfortable about being tickled by them, Frisk, Chara and Izzy all felt that they should tickle at least one of the other boys first, to show him that what they were intending to do to him was all in good fun. And of the two boys to tickle before Lucas, they chose to tickle Asriel. And that was simply because it had been a while since Izzy last tickled Asriel. Izzy loves tickling fluffy boys and Asriel reminds her so much of her own fluffy brother, Bastian; her big bunny bro. X3 But she loves tickling scaly boys as well; like her friend and classmate, MK. And little did MK know; he would be tickled by each of the three human girls shortly after they were finished tickling Asriel. They simply couldn't tickle one precious monster boy without tickling the other. No siree!
Minutes later…
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Ok, ready, Chara? *asked Frisk, right as she stopped tickling Asriel, prompting Chara and Izzy to do the same*
Chara and Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Ready, Frisk!
After a moment of silence…
Chara: Hey, MK! Guess what! You're next! *exclaimed Chara in a singsongy voice whilst holding up her hands and wiggling her fingers, making MK nervous enough to dash forward without thinking; and by dashing forward without thinking, MK ended up tripping and falling face-down against the floor, leaving him open for Frisk, Chara, and Izzy to tickle him without a single care in the world*
MK: Eeeeeeeeep!!! Oh no, not again!!! Oooooooof!!!
Frisk: Quick! Before he gets up!
With that said, the three human girls scooted towards MK and pinned him down before he could stand back up; Frisk holding his left robotic arm down against the floor with her bare feet pressed against the left half of his torso, Chara holding his right robotic arm down against the floor with her bare feet pressed against the right half of his torso, and Izzy kneeling over his legs and tail with his ankles and the end of his tail sandwiched between her knees. Then without a second thought, the three human girls began tickling MK, Frisk wiggling her toes against the left half of his torso on the outside of his shirt, Chara wiggling her toes against the right half of his torso on the outside of his shirt, and Izzy wiggling her fingers against his soles and toes as well as in between his toes.
MK: EEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! *squealed MK the moment he felt twenty toes wiggling against his torso and ten fingers wiggling against his scaly feet; everywhere on his soles, toes, and in between his toes* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *he laughed preciously, twitching his tail and robotic arms while they were being held down, trying to break free but to no avail* OHOHOHOHOH NOHOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OHOHOHOH NOHOHOHO, NOT THAHAHAHAT!!! *he then pleaded, blushing tomato-red due to Frisk and Chara tickling him with their toes and Izzy simply tickling his feet* HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! *SQUEAK* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! EEEEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!
Chara: Heeheehee! Now, MK, we know you don't mean that! Not while Frisk and I are tickling you with our pretty toes!
Izzy: Heeheehee! And while I'm tickling your tootsies!
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Thanks! We'll take that as a compliment, you lovable lizard you! X3
Frisk, Chara, and Izzy all know what MK loves and all three human girls were happy to give that to him before tickling Lucas together. MK was in seventh heaven with two cute human girls tickling his torso with their toes and a third cute human girl scribbling her fingers against his overly sensitive feet, not wanting any of them to stop by the time they decided to release him. But they had to release him though! Because if they didn't stop tickling MK, they would've never gotten around to tickling Lucas…
Minutes later…
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Ok, ladies, that's probably good enough, don't you think? *asked Frisk the moment she stopped tickling MK, prompting both Chara and Izzy to do the same*
Chara and Izzy: Heeheehee! Yeah, probably.
MK: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! No, dohohohohohon’t stohohohohop!! *begged MK, still laughing and giggling due to lingering ticklish sensations* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
Chara: Heeheehee! Sorry, Lizzy boy, but we have to!
Izzy: Yeah, don't you want the same to happen to Lucas?
MK: Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Ok, that's fair!! Hahahahahahahahaha!! Go ahead!! *squeak* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeeheeheehee!!
With that said, the three human girls then turned their attention to Lucas, slowly approaching him one by one; Frisk first, Chara second, and Izzy third.
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Well, Lucas… how do you feel about the three of us tickling you now? Are you ready? *asked Frisk, wondering if tickling both Asriel and MK beforehand has helped Lucas feel more comfortable about being tickled altogether*
Lucas: U-u-ummmm, y-y-yeah. I… I think so. *uttered Lucas, both nervous and excited to be on the receiving end of tickles from three little human girls*
Chara: Heeheehee! Good to hear.
Izzy: And don't worry, we'll go easy on you to start. *assured Izzy, giving Lucas's ears a quick scratch* Right, ladies?
Frisk and Chara: Oh yeah, most definitely!
Lucas: G-good… *gulp*
Moments later, Frisk and Chara directed Lucas to lie down on the floor in a spot where they had placed numerous blankets. The two girls not only wanted Lucas to be comfortable whilst being tickled but they also wanted plenty of room for them and Izzy to maneuver. And once Lucas lied down on a floor on top of the blankets in a T position on his back, the three girls officially started tickling him. One by one the three human girls tickled Lucas. And the first of the three girls to tickle him was Frisk. Kneeling next to Lucas's head, Frisk grabbed a hold of both of his cat ears and tickled them to her heart’s content, wiggling her index fingers and thumbs on either the inside or outside of them with every passing second, until it was one of the other girls’ turns to tickle him.
Lucas: Pfffffffff…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! *Lucas laughed, shaking his head lightly the entire time Frisk tickled his ears* Oh wohohohow!! *Squeak* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! I love what I'm hearing so far. *cooed Frisk, adoring Lucas's reactions to the ear tickles*
After one minute, Frisk stopped tickling Lucas and let another one of the girls have a turn. Next up was Chara, who was kneeling off to his right, and she scribbled her fingers against his legs of all places. From his thighs all the way down to his ankles, not a single inch of Lucas's legs was left untouched. And as Chara tickled Lucas's legs, she induced more frantic reactions and laughter from Lucas. His legs are a little more ticklish than his ears, which she and Frisk were informed of beforehand by Catty, but she wanted to find out for herself. And she was more than pleased to find out that Catty had indeed told her the truth. And whichever spot Izzy tickles after Chara finishes tickling his legs should be more ticklish…
Lucas: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! *Lucas laughed harder than before, his legs twitching lightly as Chara scribbled her fingers against them ever so gingerly* Holy… Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Chara: Heeheehee! Having fun, Lucas? *asked Chara, not expecting an answer as she continued scribbling her fingers against Lucas's legs*
Lucas: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Yeheheheheheah!!! *Lucas frantically answered through his laughter, trying his best to keep his legs still for Chara* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!
After Chara stopped tickling Lucas's legs, it was then Izzy's turn to tickle Lucas. And the spots she tickled were indeed more ticklish than his legs. She tickled his sides and to effectively tickle his sides, she kneeled over him with his thighs sandwiched between her knees, trapping him underneath her and giving herself all of the freedom she needed to scribble her fingers against them and squeeze them to her heart's content. And for even more effective tickles, Frisk held his arms down to prevent him from inadvertently smacking Izzy.
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Awww! Of course it does, you cutie. *cooed Izzy, causing Lucas to blush in response* Heeheeheehee! Oh, you are just so cute when you laugh.
Lucas: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! *laughed Lucas once more, wiggling and squiggling in a cute manner underneath Izzy* THAHAHAHAHANKS! *he then shouted through his laughter, unsure of how to respond to such a nice compliment whilst laughing* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *SQUEAK* HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEEEHEEHEE!
After Izzy finished tickling Lucas's sides, it was once again Frisk's turn to tickle him. She was still kneeling next to Lucas's head but instead of tickling his ears a second time, she dug her fingers into the hollows of his armpits, causing him to just plain scream with laughter. His armpits were even more sensitive and as a means of dealing with the tickling to said armpits, he flailed his arms every which way, only to end up stopping once Asriel and MK kneeled next to him and held his arms down; Asriel holding down his right arm and MK holding down his left.
Frisk: Heeheehee! Thanks, you guys. He was starting to get really crazy there!
Asriel: Heeheehee! Yeah, just like you do when we tickle you there, my dear sister. *teased Asriel*
MK: Hehe. He's right! *MK agreed*
Frisk: Oh, you boys… I must say, you're really lucky I'm tickling Lucas at the moment… *claimed Frisk, informing both Asriel and MK that she would be tickling them just for teasing her if she wasn't busy tickling Lucas*
As tempting as it was to adhere to Lucas's request to tickle Asriel and MK, Frisk focused on the task at hand. That being, tickling Lucas and only Lucas. She, Chara, and Izzy just had to give him a proper tickle treatment. And as soon as Frisk finished tickling Lucas's armpits, Chara traded places with Izzy and scribbled her fingers all over his belly on the outside of his shirt, causing him to laugh even harder. Lucas's belly was even more sensitive than his armpits and he was laughing so hard that tears were beginning to form in his eyes.
Chara: Heeheeheehee! Keep going? You got it! *teased Chara, mere seconds before lifting up Lucas's shirt and scribbling his fingers against his bare belly*
Moments later…
Chara: Heeheehee! Ok, ok, just one last thing before we give you a breather… *claimed Chara, holding up a single index finger next to Lucas's bellybutton*
Chara: Heeheeheehee! Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie kooooooo! *teased Chara, swirling one of her index fingers directly inside Lucas's bellybutton for ten whole seconds*
Ten seconds! Ten seconds of swirling an index finger inside Lucas's bellybutton and Chara had managed to make Lucas yowl like that of a housecat. And he'll likely be doing even more yowling after his break is over, for there's one spot that's supposedly more sensitive than his belly…
Lucas: Huff… huff… huff… *Lucas huffed and puffed after Chara had stopped tickling him*
Lucas was gasping for air by the time Chara stopped tickling him. He’s quite the ticklish Neko boy if Frisk, Chara, Asriel, MK, and Izzy do say so themselves. And despite how much he was freaking out while he was being tickled, he had a great deal of fun being on the receiving end of those tickles. He loves receiving attention from girls. Especially cute ones like Frisk, Chara, and Izzy! As well as cute monster boys like Asriel and MK, who will both likely be ticking Lucas shortly after Izzy has another turn.
Frisk: Awww, Lucas! *cooed Frisk, scratching Lucas's ears to help him relax after being tickled, causing Lucas himself to purr in response X3*
Chara: Heeheehee! Awww! Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty! *cooed Chara, adoring Lucas's purring* Speaking of “kitty,” your mom told us that you say that if tickling ever gets too extreme for you.
Lucas: Eeeeeeep! What?! N-no I don't. *claimed Lucas, embarrassed to find out something else that Catty had told Frisk and Chara (and Asriel and MK) behind his back*
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! It's ok, Lucas. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. *assured Frisk*
Chara: Heeheeheehee! Yeah, we're all friends here. You can trust us. And Izzy too!
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! It's true, Lucas! And I for one think it's cute that you have a safe word. My mom has one too. Carrot cupcakes! Actually, that's two words, so it's more a safe phrase in her case. Heeheeheehee!
Lucas: Oh, that's neat.
Izzy: Heeheehee! Right? I love making her say it every time I tickle her big feet. She has extremely ticklish feet! And she's a kicker so if you ever want to tickle her feet, either have someone hold her legs down for you or tie them down.
Lucas: Oh, that's good to know. T-thank you for t-telling me that.
Izzy: Heeheehee! Of course! And speaking of ticklish feet, are your feet ticklish, Lucas? *asked Izzy all cheekily, looking at Lucas with a cute little smile on her precious face*
Lucas: Eeeeeeeep! No! No, not at all! *exclaimed Lucas in response, curling his toes in fear inside his socks*
Izzy: Heeheehee! Are you sure? *asked Izzy in a singsongy voice, shortly before signaling over to Asriel and MK to hold Lucas's legs down against the floor*
Lucas: Eeeeeeep! *squealed Lucas once he felt his legs being held down* Y-yes, I'm sure! I'm sure!
Izzy: Hmm……… I don't believe you.
At that moment, Izzy began tickling Lucas's socked feet, scribbling her fingers gingerly up and down the soles of them and eliciting precious giggles while doing so.
Lucas: Pfffffffffffffff… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Ok, ok, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, they're a little tihihihihicklish!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Now how about these toesies? *teased Izzy, right as she began tickling Lucas's toes with his socks still on*
Lucas: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA! NOHOHO, NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE! *pleaded Lucas through his more frantic laughter, trying to pull his feet away from Izzy only to be prevented from doing so by both Asriel and MK* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Izzy got more of a reaction when she tickled Lucas's toes. And for good reason. His toes are his most ticklish spots; ungodly ticklish according to both him and Catty. Just a slight touch to one or more of them is enough to get him in stitches. Even with socks on! And as Izzy tickled Lucas's toes, Lucas himself laughed so hard that tears ran down his face. Then after a while, Izzy removed both of Lucas’s socks and tickled his feet a second time, much to Lucas's dismay. His feet are far more ticklish without socks and after just a few seconds of fingers scribbling up and down his bare soles, he was yowling in addition to laughing and crying, indicating to everyone else in the room that his feet are indeed more ticklish than his belly.
Lucas was going crazy with every passing second he felt Izzy's fingers scribbling against his bare feet; laughing, squealing, squeaking, yowling, and everything in between. His feet are so ticklish. But the tickle torture he had endured couldn't have been too unbearable. Because the entire time Izzy tickled his feet alone, he never once said “kitty,” his safe word. And she tickled him with more than just her fingers too. In addition to her fingers, she also used a Q-Tip, paintbrush, feather, fork, and toothbrush.
After tickling Lucas's feet with her fingers and five different utensils, Izzy moved aside to let Asriel and MK take turns tickling Lucas. First, Asriel tickled Lucas on his own, quickly tickling him everywhere Frisk, Chara, and Izzy had tickled him; starting with his ears for 20 seconds, then his legs for 20 seconds, then his sides for 20 seconds, then his armpits for 20 seconds, then his belly for 20 seconds, and then his feet for 20 seconds. Two whole minutes of tickles from his furry fingers alone!
Asriel: Heeheeheehee! How do you like my fur, Lucas? *asked Asriel, wondering if his furry fingers were tickling Lucas more than human fingers*
After Asriel finished tickling Lucas, it was then MK’s turn to tickle Lucas. And MK did exactly what Asriel did for two whole minutes. He tickled all of his sweet spots for two whole minutes. But unlike Asriel, he threw his tail into the mix.
MK: Heeheeheehee! Yes, the tail too! Heeheeheehee! I love tickling with my tail! Can you tickle with your tail too, Lucas? *asked MK, wondering if Lucas can tickle people with his tail like he can*
Lucas: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!! I DOHOHON'T KNOHOHOW!!! *Lucas answered, not actually wanting MK to know if he can or can't tickle people with his tail… not at this moment, anyway* HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Moments later…
Even after being tickled by both monster boys back-to-back, Lucas still didn't say his safe word, giving everyone the impression that he handles tickles to his various sweet spots better in short spurts as opposed to lengthy periods of time. And that observation appeared to be true because it wasn't until Asriel and MK tickled him together that he said his safe word; Asriel sitting next to his head tickling his ears and armpits with his fingers and toes respectively and MK kneeling over his legs and ticking his lower abdomen, thighs, and feet with his tail, toes, and fingers respectively. With so many of his sweet spots being targeted at once, Lucas had literally no choice but to say his safe word. But he didn't say it right away though. Not until after two full minutes of tickles to his sweet spots…
Two minutes later…
Upon hearing Lucas say his safe word, Asriel and MK both moved away from him and thus stopped tickling him entirely; Asriel moving to the left of Lucas and MK moving to the right of Lucas. Then, without any warning whatsoever, Asriel and MK found themselves being pinned down against the floor on their backs with their arms above their heads by Frisk and Chara respectively! And not only that; Izzy kneeled over Lucas and pinned his arms above his head! And to keep all three boys held down against the floor, Frisk conjured several spikes (every single one of them a red color) and crisscrossed them around every single one of the boys’ limbs as well as Lucas and MK's tails! :O
Asriel: Oof! *Asriel struggled* Hey! Frisk, I thought we agreed not to use any magic! *he then shouted, annoyed that Frisk had used magic to hold him, Lucas, and MK down against the floor after telling him beforehand that she would not use any magic whatsoever*
MK: Oof! Hey, yeah, what gives, Frisk?! *shouted MK, also annoyed*
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Calm down, boys. Let us girls have a little fun for the next ten minutes or so. You won't regret it. *claimed Frisk in a cheeky manner, giving each of the boys the impression that they will receive some type of reward if they endure tickles from her, Chara, and Izzy*
Izzy: (Heeheehee! You won't!) *mouthed Izzy, sitting behind Frisk and holding her feet up for all three boys to see and running her blue feather across her bare soles; silently informing all three boys that they will indeed receive a reward for enduring tickles from her, Frisk, and Chara*
Asriel: Heh. Well, when you put it that way, okay! *exclaimed Asriel excitedly, now that he knows what the girls are intending to do after tickling them*
MK: Hehe. Yeah, do your worst! *commanded MK, greatly spreading his toes*
Frisk: Heeheehee! Great! And what about you, Lucas? Do you have anything to say before we start?
Lucas: Just three words, Frisk… Bring… It… On! *commanded Lucas in a very confident manner, prompting both Asriel and MK to say the following,*
Asriel: Hehe. Yeah, you tell ‘em, Lucas!
MK: Hehe. Yeah, dude, yeah!
And with that, each of the three girls began tickling each of the three boys with their fingers alone. For nine whole minutes the girls tickled the boys. Though, not the same boy for nine whole minutes. No, every three minutes, the girls switched to a different boy. And how long the boys were tickled on either their upper bodies or their feet depended entirely on the girl that was tickling them. If it was Frisk, each boy received two minutes of tickles to their upper bodies and one minute of tickles to their feet; if it was Izzy, each boy received ninety seconds of tickles to their upper bodies and ninety seconds of tickles to their feet; and if it was Chara, each boy received one minute of tickles to their upper bodies and two minutes of tickles to their feet. But it was hard for each of the three boys to tell though because of how busy they were laughing their heads off. All they knew was that each of the girls’ fingers tickled like crazy and with no chances of freeing themselves from their predicament, the only thing they could do was lay on the floor and take everything that each of the girls were intending to dish out.
During the first three-minute interval…
During the second three-minute interval…
During the third and final three-minute interval…
Sometime later…
Asriel, Lucas, and MK: Huff… huff… huff… huff… huff… *the boys huffed and puffed after nine whole minutes of tickle torture*
Nine minutes! At this point during the sleepover, Asriel, Lucas, and MK had endured nine whole minutes of tickles! And with ticklers like Frisk, Chara, and Izzy, that was no easy task! The three human girls themselves sure know how to get each of them laughing with their fingers alone, scribbling, drumming, and raking their fingers all over several of their sweet spots and verbally teasing them every so often while doing so; the dreaded “coochie coochie coo,” “tickle tickle tickle,” “kitchy kitchy koo,” you name it. But it was all worth it in the end though, because shortly after Frisk freed the three boys, they were all given an opportunity to get some sweet revenge on her, Chara, and Izzy! And to prevent themselves from moving around too much, all three girls stuffed themselves tightly into one sleeping bag with their heads sticking out at one end and their bare feet sticking out at the other; Frisk on the left, Izzy in the middle, and Chara on the right. And sure as hell all three girls wiggled their toes to tease the boys once they saw them stuffed in one sleeping bag together. XD
Frisk: Yoo-hoo. Boys. Oh, boys. *cooed Frisk in a singsongy voice, in order to get the boys' attention once she saw three of them standing up after taking some time to catch their breaths*
Izzy: Time for your reward. *cooed Izzy while Lucas was putting his socks back on*
Chara: And you better hurry up before we change our minds. *teased Chara*
Moments later…
Lucas: Oh G-god… *uttered Lucas, blushing red at the sight of three trapped pairs of ticklish human feet*
MK: Eeeeep! H-h-holy m-m-moly! *exclaimed MK, mesmerized by the sight of Frisk, Izzy, and Chara stuffed in a sleeping bag together with only their heads and feet sticking out*
Asriel: Oh, wow. Oh, w-w-wow! T-t-thank you so much, you guys! *exclaimed Asriel excitedly, knowing full well that the girls were intending to let him and the other boys get some sweet revenge on them*
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Of course, Azzy. You, MK, and Lucas earned it.
Izzy: Heeheehee! They sure have! *Izzy agreed, teasing the boys with her feet more than Frisk and Chara were with their own feet*
Chara: Heeheehee! Wow, Izzy, you must really want your feet tickled, huh?
Izzy: Heeheehee! I do! More than anything!
Frisk: Heeheehee! Well, boys, you heard the little lady. Tickle us, all three of us.
Chara: Heeheehee! Yeah, and don't you dare hold back!
Lucas: Oh, we won't! *exclaimed Lucas, rushing over towards the girls and sitting next to their feet before Asriel and MK could even think to do the same*
With that said, each of the three boys tickled the girls' immensely ticklish bare feet, causing all three of them to laugh both heartily and hysterically inside the sleeping bag that they had stuffed themselves into. And with barely anywhere to go while stuffed so tightly in one sleeping bag, laughing was the only thing they could do. And with every passing second they felt fingers scribbling either gingerly or rapidly against their bare soles and/or twisting in between their toes, they did a great deal of laughing… and squealing… and screaming. For six whole minutes the boys tickled the girls' feet with their fingers alone. And for the sake of variety, the boys switched ticklees every two minutes.
During the first two-minute interval…
During the second two-minute interval…
During the third and final two-minute interval…
After tickling Frisk, Izzy, and Chara together for six whole minutes, Asriel, Lucas, and MK stopped to give them a breather. The girls appreciated that, their bare feet being so ticklish and all. But then shortly after the three of them regained their breaths, the boys tickled them for at least six more minutes! But not together though. Instead, the boys took turns tickling the three girls, resulting in each boy having the three girls' feet all to themself for at least two minutes. And the first boy to tickle the three girls was MK. And he did so by first wiggling his clawed toes against each of the girls’ soles; first Frisk's right sole and Chara's left sole, then Frisk's left sole and Chara's right sole, and then both of Izzy's soles; until finishing it all out with a single feather duster he held with his tail, facing away from all three of them and swinging his tail as if it were a pendulum; the feather duster brushing against the girls' feet with every swing of MK's tail.
As soon as MK finished tickling the girls, it was then Asriel's turn to do the same. But rather than using his feet and short fluffy tail, Asriel instead brushed all four of his limbs against each of the girls’ soles, tickling all three pairs of feet at once with vertical and horizontal motions and letting every strand of his soft silky fur on each limb do all the work; first with his left arm for 30 seconds, then his right arm for 30 seconds, then his left leg for 30 seconds, and then his right leg for 30 seconds.
Then after Asriel’s turn, it was Lucas's turn to tickle the girls. And it was at that point that Lucas revealed to his friends that he is indeed capable of tickling with his fluffy cat tail. He used nothing but his tail to tickle all three girls for two whole minutes, first by swinging it like a pendulum against the girls' bare soles like how MK did with a single feather duster and then by brushing it against all three girls' feet at once like how Asriel did with each of his limbs.
As soon as Lucas finished tickling Frisk, Izzy, and Chara, he and the other boys freed them from the sleeping bag. Yes, as tempting as it was to continue tickling Frisk, Izzy, and Chara while they were stuffed in a single sleeping bag together with only their heads and feet sticking out, the boys freed them from said sleeping bag. Frisk freed the three boys themselves from their magic spike restraints after tickling them, so it was only fair for them to free the three girls themselves from the sleeping bag. Then after freeing the girls, all six of the kids built a large blanket fort together and talked and told each other stories until they fell asleep on the floor. A great end to a fun night of laughter and various shenanigans if the kids do say so themselves. Though, especially Lucas! He was very grateful that he had made a new friend during the sleepover. He and Izzy had such a fun time getting to know each other that night and from that point forward, he would continue to hang out with her and learn even more things about her in the process, like what to do to overpower her in a tickle fight, for example. ;)
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fictitious-fluff · 1 year
This was written in 2021 for Tickletober2021. (posted on @ticklishshenanigansau using their prompt) Posting this to log my progress at a writer
(yes i am p ry lc, have to seperate the name as I want this to be a seperate account that people that know me irl wont be able to find it by searching up my name)
Eight Plus Two Makes Ten
Prompt: Counting
Fandom: Undertale
No pairings
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Nothing scheduled today, Papyrus finally taking a day off to hang out with Undyne... Yup. Today was the best day to relax... A day to just be even more lazy, a da- "Sans!" someone shouted, bursting through the door. Oh, it was Frisk.
"oh, wassup?" Sans waved.
"I called you five times already and you didn't pick up or reply to my texts!!!" Frisk exclaimed.
"oh sorry. left my phone upstairs heh."
"Well grab your phone and let's just get going already I guess."
"going where?"
"To the study lounge outside the library you bonehead. Did you forget about our meet up?"
Oh, right! He knew he was missing something today. "ah... ok, give me a moment." Sans said, before teleporting upstairs to grab his phone. "ok i'm ready, let's go frisk."
"Aren't you gonna teleports us there since we're already 25 minutes late?" Frisk questioned.
"oh right, forgot I could do that heh."
Sans held out his hand as he spoke. Frisk rolled her eyes in amusement and grabbed it.
The study lounge usually didn't have many people since the library had aircon while the study lounge didn't. Both of them usually chose that spot since Frisk always felt the library was too cold. Moreover, they kinda liked the privacy the place provided. The best place to study without any disturbance.
As time flew by, sans stumbled across something peculiar to him. "hey frisk? can I comfirm something?" Sans tapped Frisk's shoulder.
"this book states humans have 12 pairs of ribs... is there a typo? or is it true."
"It's not wrong. Why? Do you have a different number of ribs?"
Sans looked a little surprised, "well yeah. I only have 10 pairs... weird. humans are weird."
"Pff- says the guy that's close friends with a human. Anyways, would it be fine if I checked to see if you really have 10 pairs of ribs? I'm curious now." It was interesting to Frisk how human anatomy and skeleton monsters were so similiar yet so different. But technically skeleton monsters weren't exactly skeletons from humans so it made sense.
"uh well I rather not do it in public.. you know" Sans commented.
"Oh, no, I didn't mean show it to me, I can just try feeling it through ur clothing if that's alright with you."
"well, if that's the case then it's... fine, just do it."
"You sure? I wouldn't want to do something your not comfortable with."
"nah, it's fine. I'm okay with it."
Well... If he said it was alright then alright. Frisk started slowly moving down Sans ribs, counting slowly as she made her way down. All the while, she was oblivious to Sans. There was a reason why he was hesitant.
Sans could feel the slight laughter threatening to slip out. He had to use all of his will power to not move or make any sudden twitches. That, and the fact that he was trying not to grin like an idiot even though it was fruitless.
"snrk-!" it slipped. Welp, all of his efforts were in vain because of that one slip up.
"Uh Sans? You alright? I heard you-" Frisk stopped as she scanned Sans's half covered face. After a few seconds, it clicked. "Oh wait... Are you, ticklish?" Frisk then started scribbling a little harder.
This time Sans pushed on her arm, clearly knowing she was doing it on purpose now. "kh! w-wahait we're a-hat the st-studehe lounge n-now. Theherse p-people studying." Sans stuttered, trying to control his laughter from pouring out.
"Okay, I guess I can lay off this new discovery. For now." Frisk snickered and stopped. "Don't think for a second I'm letting this off though."
Sans whimpered. Time to stay in his room for the next few years. "can we jus get back to reading...?" He pleaded
Frisk gave him a thumbs up and continued to read up on how human souls worked. Occasionally chuckling as she saw Sans ever so often darting his eyes towards Frisk and back to his book.
A few days after the incident, Frisk had planned to have a sleepover at the brothers' house. It was always a blast when the two were around. She couldn't wait to finally relax after studying for one whole week, straight.
Ding! The doorbell sounded. Papyrus was cooking up some lunch, which was finally something other than spaghetti, so he couldn't get the door. "SANS! Can you get the door for me?" Papyrus exclaimed from the kitchen.
"ok" Sans replied, as always.
"oh, sup." Sans greeted Frisk.
"Hey Sans. The food actually smells good for once. Papyrus's been taking classes?" Frisk asked.
"yup. wannna stay in my room while we wait?"
Frisk stated walking up the stairs to Sans's room, only to find out he had taken a shortcut up there. Typical Sans. When Frisk opened the door, as usual, it was a mess. His bed was no more than a mattress on the floor, with a table, a beanbag and a chair beside it. On the table there was a few sketches and books layed out in a pile. Near the entrance to the right, there was a bookshelf full of science books and a few new additions from the last time you visited. Frisk could see Sans sitting comfortably on the beanbag reading a book. As if he had been waiting for Frisk for a long time.
"so, i've recently been reading more about humans. gotta say, pretty weird. guess that's why you were so confused on how i worked, with how all your organs work and stuff." Sans had always thought humans worked similiar to monsters. Sure, he knew they were different, but he didn't know they were extremely different. They did have souls anyways, though he hadn't found a book talking much about human souls which was unfortunate.
Frisk walked over and sat on the chair, all while listening attentively to what Sans had to say. "Yeah, just like how I was surprised you only had 10 pairs of ribs. Speaking of which, I haven't really gotten the chance to count them since last time, have I? And I still have my doubts..." She chipped in.
Sans eyes widened for a brief moment before eyeing Frisk, "d-don't you dare."
"I am also kind of curious how you manage to feel without nerves... I might need to conduct an experiment to find out." Frisk continued.
At this point Sans had wrapped his hands around his sensitive ribs, zipping up his jacket. However, Sans did have a trick up his sleeve to counter Frisk's attack. He did have a knack for observing expressions to tell what their next move would be. In addition, while Frisk was still babbling on, now would be the best time to strike. Now just any attack though, a surprise attack. He could teleport and he was going to use it to his advantage. And that was what he did.
However, Frisk knew, she knew that Sans would retaliate. So the moment he teleported, she turned behind her, expecting to catch him off guard. Though, she was the one who got caught off guard. Sans being Sans, knew full well that Frisk expected something like that. So instead of teleporting behind her, he teleported in front of her. Sans then engulfed Frisk into a bear hug and digged into her sides. Frisk yelped and tried to get away but Sans grip was too strong. Who knew he could actually be decently strong? "!? SAhAnnNs aha! Pfhaaha waahaaittt!"
"you were the one who started this frisk, heh."
No! Frisk couldn't let a silly skeleton overpower her. She had to retaliate! Among her struggles, she managed to catch a hold of Sans's wrist. With much effort, she finally turned the tables. Frisk pulled one of Sans hands above his head and scribbled on his ribs. "crahahaap! frihiskk nohoo, ahem sorrhee!! nahaa-" Sans flailed. Guess he hadn't though that Frisk could get the upperhand so quickly. He should have used his gravity magic on her.
"I started this and I plan to finish it!" Frisk exclaimed. "Now let's see.. How many ribs... 1, 2.."
No matter how Sans struggled and pushed, he couldn't get rid of Frisk's teasing fingers. "aeheh alreheady tohold yaha it wahaaas 10 pahahairrss!!! staaaahaap ghaaha!" Sans tried teleporting or using his magic to push frisk away, but he couldn't focus enough to use it. His magic, though was very powerful, was not trained enough. Damn, he should start training with Pap if this was going to be a thing that Frisk would do now. Now that was a joke of course, he probably would just practice dodging instead.
"Well, I still need to make sure don't I~? 6...7.." Frisk teased.
"thihis iss juhuust cruhuehel- nohooo nahaht theeheere!!!" Sans snorted. "ghaahaha plheheaasee!-" The poor guy kicked and flailed but nothing helped. Uncontrollably laughter continued to pour out.
"Juuust a little more~ I could always go faster~~" Frisk cooed "10..11..12.."
"wahaahait! nahaahaa dohoon't, ahaa! cohome ohonn-"
After what seemed to be an eternity for Sans... "And... 20!" Frisk release the poor guy.
"hff.. hf.. thahnk g.. hff god." Sans panted, slumping to the ground. He lied on his back, facing the ceiling as he closed his eyes.
"Pfft. You alright there Sans?" Frisk chuckled. She handed Sans a bottle of water she found on his desk.
Sans nodded, accepting the water and gulping it down. Afterwards, he looked up at his alarm clock. Damn, it had only been 7 minutes and he was already tired. However, he still had some energy... And he knew exactly how he was going to use it. After a few minutes of chilling in Sans room, the both of them heard Papyrus call them for lunch.
As they walked out, Sans called out to Frisk. "Yeah?" She responded. Sans was about to speak, but stopped himself.
Instead, he replied, "uh nevermind. i wanted to tell ya somethin' but i forgot heh."
Frisk gave him a confused look but continued walking down the stairs. Sans being Sans. When Frisk turned towards the stairs, Sans casual grin turned into a smirk. Guess Frisk forgot that Sans has a tendancy to side with justice.
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thatsadbietch · 1 month
Hmm... how about 6 and 7? (I'd share mine, but there are way too many to count)
There are too many to count, for both of these questions! But I'll do my best 🤭
6. What fictional character(s) would you love to see have a canonical tickle scene?
Hmm, I would have to pick between either Arvin from Pokémon or Ren from Persona. They’re long time favorites that I live to wreck in my fics, canon tickles would just be ✨chefs kiss✨
7. What fictional character(s) would you love to tickle and / or be tickled by?
We're doing three answers for this, because I said so 🙃
I would never pass up the opportunity to wreck Sugawara from Haikyuu! Haikyuu hasn't been on my radar recently but once in a while I get drawn back into it, and he's just a sweetie, I bet he'd be adorable!
I think I would have to go with Rengoku from Demon Slayer to let absolutely wreck me. He would be the perfect balance of gentle and ruthless, he has that older-brother energy and definitely wouldn't be above teases for the entirety of your tickles.
"Laughing like this will strengthen your lungs and help your breathing!"
Bonus answer, a tickle fight (because switch lol) between Undertale's Sans and Papyrus would be so chaotic in the best way. Papyrus's reminding his lee about how strong he is and his silly "Neh heh heh"s would get me.
"This is your fault, silly human, for challenging the GREAT Papyrus!"
Sans would make puns and point out the obvious to you.
"Wow, you're blushing awful hard. Guess that's why they say "tickled pink", huh?"
"Heh, I’m glad I know how to tickle your funny bone, pal.”
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tulipthealtsblog · 10 months
Chara + Feet, please ^^!
"Chara, can you please move?" Asriel asked.
Chara was laying down, and taking up the whole couch.
"Nope. Too comfy." Chara replied.
Asriel was frustrated. Until he devised a plan.
"Asriel, what are you-"
He dragged his finger up the sole of Chara's foot, which caused them to jump back
"Thank you."
But he wasn't done yet.
He grabbed Chara's foot by the ankle and started scribbling on their sole. Then down to the heel. Then on up to the arch. Pausing a bit to play with the toes. Rinse and repeat.
(In all honesty, MAN this took me back. Back when i had first found out about Undertale, and watched all the lore videos, the theory videos, seen the gameplay, I always had tickle thoughts related to Azzy and Chara. So this fic is essentially me doing 8 year old me some justice.)
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Surprise surprise it's a tickle fic
Requested by @danineedshelp
Characters: Dream, Dust (not a ship)
Context: after wandering alone in an AU Dust got captured by Dream who is trying to know where his brother's hideout is
Dream wasn't proud of what he did, but the opportunity was just too big. Dust was in his cave, tied to a chair, a spell refraining him from using his magic, he was blindfolded and gagged. He couldn't move, he couldn't escape, he couldn't call for help. Now all Dream had to do was to find a harmless and quick way to get him to reveal the location of Nightmare's hideout, so that he could free him and there would be no evidence of what he did. He also needed it to generate very little to no negativity, as to not alert Nightmare. After some time he finally had an idea, not a great one, but maybe it could work..
He entered the cave and smiled when Dust straightened on his seat. He was awake, good.
- I think you already know what I'm about to ask you. Do you want to say it now ?
Without any surprises, Dust didn't move. He wasn't going to give out any information, especially not to Dream.
- Well, that's too bad, but it's your choice.
Dust tried to turn around when he felt Dream get behind him, but he was tied very tightly and couldn't move a bit. Being unable to see what was going one wasn't great either, and honestly, he was starting to get really scared...
- Last chance...
Dream said as he got on his knees and put both his hands on his enemy's ribcage, making him flinch pretty violently. Dust didn't move, but his breath did fastened.
As he received no answer Dream decided it was time to start, he had already lost too much time. He slowly started to scratch Dust's ribs, feeling him tense underneath his fingers as a soft ticklish sensation started to take over him.
- Hm-Hmmm.. !
He did try to tell Dream to stop, but the gag stopped him to do so.
- Just nod if you're ready to tell me what I want to hear.
Dream said, but Dust didn't nod, so he spiced up things a little. He started digging his fingertips on Dust upper-ribs, seeing how effective it seemed to be as the tied up skeleton was shaking, trying to contain his laughter.
Dust hated it, he hated every second of it and it has just started. He was so vulnerable, he couldn't see anything, just feel it, he couldn't speak, and he couldn't teleport away. He flinched when he felt Dream squeeze his sides, it was so hard not to laugh, but he really didn't want to give him this satisfaction. He was shaking so bad, and he was pretty sure the positivity emanating from the tickle session covered any negativity he could feel at the moment, meaning Nightmare wouldn't perceive it anytime soon. He was stuck here for Toby Fox knows how long.
- Still don't want to talk ?
Dust shook his head, he really wanted this to stop, but he couldn't just betray everyone like that ! He needed to stay strong until rescue shows up. But it was really hard, the squeezing and spidering on his sides and ribs were really getting unbearable, and Dream didn't look like he was going to let him have a break anytime soon.
Soon small muffled laughs escaped from his lips, it was just too much for him to handle, it was like if the sensation spread to all his body, completely overflooding his mind, he couldn't concentrate on anything else. And Dream wasn't getting tired, he was still relentlessly attacking his sides, sometimes switching to his ribs or armpits, making Dust tense and flinch every time he changed spot, to always keep him alert, never letting him get used to the sensation.
To Dust it was like if timed has slowed down, he didn't know how long it had been since Dream started his little torture, but it sure felt like an eternity. He was getting so tired, it was so much, his blindfold was wet from his tears, Dream has even discovered spots that Dust didn't even know were ticklish, like his hips or neck.
- It's just one word you know, one location and you're free to go.
Dream said right next to his ear canal, sending shivers down Dust's spine. It was really taunting, really, but again, he wasn't a traitor, he wasn't going to betray his gang, his family, so he shook his head again.
Dream frowned, at this rate Nightmare was going to notice Dust was missing. He spiced things up again, sliding his hand underneath Dust's shirt to have a better contact with his bones and quickly resumed the tickle torture. Dust flinched hard when he felt him do that, and God it tickled even more. He was almost yelling through his gag, it was so much, too much ! All of this was driving him crazy. Oh how he wished he never snucked out of the castle... well, at least, he wouldn't do it anymore...
It felt like hours has passed before Dream finally stopped, not because he was getting bored or wanted to give him a break, but because he felt a negative presence in the au they were in. A very distinctive negative presence. He got up, leaving Dust breathless with tears streaming down his cheeks, and when outside of the house, his bow in hands. Nightmare was here, and he needed to find him before he found Dust.
But little did he know that Nightmare was only a distraction, because when Nightmare felt Dream's aura getting far enough from the house he sent a message to Error who quickly opened a portal in Dream's livingroom. Killer and Horror crossed it, and went directly to the cave, after all it wasn't hard to guess where Dust was held hostage.
- Dust ! Are you okay ?!
Killer asked, very worried, as Horror was untying him and taking off his blindfold and gag. The poor skeleton was shaking badly, but he was so relieved to see his friends, and he sure hoped they didn't know what Dream did to him because it would have been very embarrassing otherwise.
- I.. I guess...
He answered weakly.
- We're gonna take you back to the castle...
Horror said as he took his friend in his arm to carry him, seeing how bad he was shaking, he clearly couldn't walk. They went back through the portal, Error closing it behind them.
Dust was finally back in the castle, he was back home where he was safe, away from Dream. Luckily for him no one asked him what happened, they all thought Dream used some sort of psychological torture by manipulating his feelings. Dust would have preferred that.
He just wanted to rest now, to try and forget about all that, and most importantly, he really didn't want to go outside alone anymore.
~ end ~
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giggleeclown · 28 days
A/N: well, I finally wrote it! I don’t have a t-blog of my own to post fics (I don’t think I’ll make one because I really don’t like how everything can be deleted from existence so easily) but I have a Wattpad I post to occasionally. I like submitting the fics to other blogs though, just so more people get the chance to read it. I always submit the link to the fic on Wattpad as well, so here you go: https://www.wattpad.com/1415162684?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_writer&wp_uname=cutefluff177
I hope you enjoy!
VIVI’S RESPONSE: I’ve had this submission in my ask box for a long time, and I’ve read it SO MUCH. But I’ve been hesitant to post it because I love it so much. I didn’t want it to get drowned in any other asks or posts of mine too soon. This is such a fantastic submission, Nonnie. Thank you so much for sharing. I am just at a loss for words because of how articulate, natural, genuine and charming your writing is. Everything here is so canon and in character. Please don’t stop. Please submit more. Even better, make your own blog. It would get so much attention, I’d make sure it did. Thank you so much for trusting me with submitting your fanfiction and sharing it to everyone. It means *so much.* 💕
"Y O U D B E D E A D W H E R E Y O U S T A N D."
The human's eyes widened and appeared to water for a moment, and in that moment, Sans realized he'd gone too far. His intention was never to make the human feel bad. He wasn't sure what his intention was if he was being honest. Originally, he just wanted to give the human the full story. He'd figured the kid deserved to hear the truth from him, but spelling it out like that was never part of the plan.
His tone of voice, his vacant eyes, they had been almost involuntary. In a second he went from seeing the kind human in front of him to seeing the blood stained, evil face he'd seen in his dreams. He was originally just going to mention the promise he made, but the emotions that spilled over from everything made him slip up.
"Hey, lighten up bucko," He tried to reach out with a gentle, hopefully calming voice. "I was only joking."
They wiped at their face and got up from their chair. Without a word the human started walking away.
"Kid, wait!" He got up, reaching out to them.
"I thought we were friends." The smallest, saddest voice Sans had ever heard said. Oh no, he'd really messed up.
"W-we are!"
He was met with only silence as the human sniffled. Sans couldn't have felt more awful. It wasn't the kids fault he could sense alternate timelines. Those versions of the human had messed up, done awful things, and fought maliciously. Not this one. This kid had done virtually nothing wrong compared to those other timelines. How could he have let his emotions get the better of him like that, saying that to the human completely unprovoked? Sure, he wanted to be honest with the kid, but that didn't mean having to go and say something like that.
"I-I... Okay." Sans knew just 'sorry' wouldn't cut it. "I'll go pay for dinner. Can you wait outside for me?"
The human nodded their head.
"Alright, I'll give you a moment." With that he got up and made his way to the counter to pay their check. Meanwhile, the human walked past him and out the door.
Sans was only glad there was no one near them to see what he'd said to the poor kid. After he paid the giant blob fish and grabbed a bottle of ketchup to go he made his way to the entrance of the hotel. A few feet from the door sat the human, knees up and crouched, hiding their face.
"Thanks for waiting for me." He smiled, reaching out a hand. The human looked up for a moment and, hesitantly, decided to take it. Sans helped them stand up. "Do you want to go over to the courtyard? They have some benches we can talk at. No shortcuts required."
"O-okay." They stared up at him. He'd never really taken the time to look them in the eye until this moment. Before, he'd tried not to pay attention, mostly because it brought back painful memories to the nightmares he'd been having. Now that he really looked though, the eyes that looked up at him were completely different from what he was expecting. They were gentle, kind, not like the rage filled ones he'd seen in his dreams.
The two walked over to the bench next to a statue of Mettaton, surrounded by shrubs and bushes also in the shape of Mettaton.
"I'm sorry, kid. I've always been kind of a bonehead, but I really messed up." He gave a dry, humorless laugh.
"I just don't get it." The human shook their head. "Did I do something wrong? I get that I'm not like you guys, and humans have been really bad to you, but I thought I was doing good."
"No, you haven't done anything wrong." He assured the child. "I guess I'm the one that still has some biases."
They wiped at their face, a few tears still remaining. "I understand, you know." They said with a sudden seriousness. "I know what would have happened if that woman had never talked to you. It just never really sunk in that you might have... That you..."
"Hey, enough of that. I shouldn't have even brought it up in the first place."
"But it's true."
He sighed. He didn't like admitting it, but he was at a loss for words. No witty joke or comeback, no pun or sarcasm. Well, he wanted to be honest with the human for once, he might as well pass his judgment a little bit early.
"I've seen you, kid. You always try to do the right thing, even when monsters make it difficult for you. That doesn't make you completely innocent or naive, but you always kept a certain tenderness close to your heart." He handed the human a paper towel he'd grabbed on the way out for them to dry their tears.
They took it, wiping at their face, then crumbling it up and putting it in their pocket.
"Whatever might or might not have happened if things were different, I want you to know I'm glad things turned out this way."
The human took a breath and smiled. They really were resilient. Of course Sans already knew that, watching their every fight, but he'd never seen how quickly the human was able to bounce back emotionally. He didn't know much about their personality in general.
All this time the human had been so caught up in being kind to all the monsters they encountered, getting to know them, becoming friends with them, but Sans never extended the same courtesy back. Sure, he kept an eye out for them. He already knew they could just load their recent save file if something bad happened, but that didn't mean they couldn't feel the pain with every fight they lost. He'd mostly just checked to see what the human chose to do, all so he could pass judgment on them at the end of their journey, just like every other timeline of himself did. However, he never got to know the kid on a personal level, despite the time they had spent together.
"You know, you're a really tough kid. How old are you anyway?" He asked just before taking a swig of ketchup.
"I turned 8 a few weeks ago."
Sans nearly choked. He banged his fist against his chest, coughing and sputtering. Up until then he thought the kid was way older. Of course he had no idea what a human child was supposed to look like, or how tall they were supposed to be, but he never thought the kid was that young. Though, the standards between humans and monsters were a bit different. Some monsters could live hundreds of years, usually reaching adulthood much later in life than humans. To some monsters, 8 was practically still a toddler.
"Sans! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just went down the wrong pipe." He lied as his coughing fit settled down. "Geez kid, you must be pretty tall for your age."
The human raised an eyebrow. "No, I'm pretty average. I think I am at least."
Wow. His knowledge on humans was worse than he thought. The kid had always seemed so mature, from how they talked to others, to how they treated everyone with empathy, and how they handled situations that even some adults would have trouble with. It was hard to believe that in other timelines, a human that age could be capable of everything they'd done.
"I think you're the first person that asked how old I was."
"Really?" He supposed he wasn't the only one that didn't really get to know the human more personally. Or at least the first to ask these questions.
"You know, no one down here has asked me what my name is." They sighed. "Everyone kind of just started calling me 'the human.'"
That couldn't be right. Not a single one of the monsters they'd met had asked their name? Although, thinking back on it, he'd never taken the time to ask himself. Even Papyrus chose to refer to them as 'the human'.
"Well, let me be the first to ask. What is your name?"
A long pause followed, as if they weren't actually expecting him to ask. "I'm Frisk."
"That's a cool name. Pleased to finally make your acquaintance." He held out his hand for Frisk to shake. They took it, only to hear a long, drawn out farting noise come from his hand. For some reason they were surprised, even though this was one of the first pranks Sans ever pulled on them. They gave a snort of laughter before covering their smile.
"Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor," he said with a wink.
"Do you carry that thing with you everywhere?"
"Hey, I'm always prepared for a comedy emergency. Just in case I need to cheer up a friend."
Frisk's smile was small, but it was a sign that Sans was winning them over.
"How come you never told anyone this stuff?" He continued. "Usually you're supposed to say your name when you introduce yourself."
"I- don't know," Frisk admitted. "I've never been good at that kind of stuff."
"You mean like talking to people?"
"Yeah." They turned their eyes away, seemingly shy about the fact.
"Well, you've done really well talking to monsters." He patted them on the shoulder.
Frisk's smile grew. "I guess I have. I never thought about it, but you guys just feel easy to talk to."
The kid really had grown during their journey. Sans felt a sense of pride looking at them. Though they were bruised and battered from the adventure so far, they never let it change who they were. Sans felt foolish for not trying to get to know them sooner, all because of some bad dreams. And what better way to bond with someone than telling them bad jokes?
"Hey kid, do you know how many beans are in a can?"
They thought for a moment, then shook their head no.
"239, any more and they'd be 'too farty'."
They broke out into giggles. "Too farty? That's so dumb."
"Yeah, that one's pretty silly." He chuckled.
Frisk took a breath to stop laughing. "You know, I stopped by the snail farm earlier and did the snail race. I tried taking off my snails shell to make it go faster, but it just made it more 'sluggish'."
Sans was the one to laugh this time, snickering into his hand. "Kid, that was so bad. I'm proud." It was reassuring to see just how quickly the kid bounced back. Maybe things weren't unsalvageable after all.
"I'm still sorry about what happened earlier," he sighed, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
Frisk considered it. "We could keep telling each other bad jokes."
He smiled, relief washing over him, both because Frisk was willing to forgive him, and because he loved telling these jokes. "Bud, you have no idea how happy that makes me."
They kicked their legs giddily. "Oh, I've got one! What is a pirate's favorite letter?"
"Pft, too easy kid. It's arrrrr."
"Nope. It's the C."
Sans face palmed and gave a huff of laughter. "You got me there."
Frisk beamed with pride. Sans never thought he would find someone else that was so proud of their bad puns. Well, other than his friend behind the ruin door.
"Okay, my turn." He continued. This was one of his favorite jokes to annoy Papyrus with, or at least get him to laugh. "How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?"
They were oblivious to where Sans was going with this, even as he leaned just a tad bit closer.
"I don't know."
"Tentacles!" He suddenly poked at the humans side, and that was all it took to get a squeak out of them. "Oh?" He asked with a mischievous glint in his eye. "I guess it doesn't take nearly as many to get you to laugh."
Frisk giggled nervously and wrapped their arms around themself.
"I didn't know humans were ticklish. It's a good thing you didn't let anyone know, they could have been a tickle monster." He quipped.
"No way," they insisted, "there's no such thing as a tickle monster." As far as they had seen. There was still a large portion of the underground they hadn't gotten to explore. For all they knew, a tickle monster could very well be real.
"You want to bet?" Sans wiggled his fingers toward them. "Unfortunately for you, I'm the biggest tickle monster you'll ever meet."
The excited expression on Frisk's face reminded him of when his brother was little. He used to love playing tickle monster, and Sans remembered his giggles along with him halfheartedly swatting away his tickling hands. Frisk actually reminded him a lot of his brother. Both were kind and considerate, both were strong fighters but never had it in their heart to actually hurt anyone. The one main difference was that Frisk seemed to like his jokes.
"Nahaha, I don't believe you!" The human stubbornly shook their head.
"Oh, you don't, do you?" He teased, his hands drawing closer. "Well, I guess I'll just have to convince you!"
He finally skittered his fingers across the human's sides, causing them to flail their arms as they squealed.
"I guess I'm really tickling your funny bone, huh kid?" He grinned as he wiggled his fingers on their side. Frisk squirmed and swatted away the skeleton's hands.
"Sahahahans! It tickles!"
"Really?" He chucked. "I never would have guessed."
Frisk was a kicker, so much so that Sans had to back himself up a bit to avoid getting kicked. "Geez, are all humans this squirmy?" He tried to hide the amusement in his voice, but the endearing giggles coming from the human were hard to not find adorable.
"Nohohohoho! I'm nohohohohot!" They denied even as they were still flailing.
"You're not?" He teased, "Oh, I get it, you're not actually a human. You're a wiggly worm." He made sure Frisk saw his hands make claw-like motions before tickling at their sides again. The playful jester seemed to only make the tickling worse, as Frisk's laughter turned more high pitched. Though they shook their head back and forth, they made no real effort in pushing him away.
"Hey, I've got more jokes for ya." He said without skipping a beat. "Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?"
Frisk was in no position to ask 'why', but that wouldn't stop them from trying. "Whahaha-why?"
"Because, the P is silent."
It was childish, but the silliness of the joke would have already been enough to make Frisk laugh. "Thahahahahats so- ahahAH!" Sans quickly shifted to tickling under their arms. They tried blocking the tickles, but found that they'd accidentally trapped Sans's hands in place. He hardly even needed to try tickling them, all he had to do was wiggle his fingers.
"Hey, I'm alright giving you a hand every now and then, but I'm going to need them back at some point." Papyrus used to fall for the same trap all the time. He could never lift his arms once Sans's hands had been trapped in place, making it all too easy to completely wreck him with tickles.
"Ihihits not my fault!" Frisk exclaimed through their fits of giggling. After a minute, they finally found the strength to lift their arms, and Sans took that as his que to change spots.
"Geez kid, I know these jokes are real rib ticklers, but come on." At that he switched to scribbling along their ribs, driving home the pun.
"SAHAHA-SANS! NOhohohoho!" They helplessly squirmed as he took time to individually tickle between each rib, another skill he'd picked up from his tickle fights with his brother. The human was certainly determined, but even they would need a break from the tickle monster eventually. Right on que, Frisk decided to tap out.
"Ohohohokay! Mehehehercy!" A call for mercy from Frisk meant it was serious. The kid had shown mercy to every monster they'd fought so far, Sans figured he should follow their example.
"Alright, I'll spare ya." He chuckled, releasing the giggling human from his clutches.
Frisk's laughing fit slowly subsided as they held their sides. "You were right, Sans. You are a real tickle monster!"
He grinned at the proclamation. Seems he hadn't lost his touch. It had been a while since he and his brother played that game, but now it felt as though no time had passed. He was still a big brother, that instinct never left him.
"Hey, can skeletons be ticklish too?" Frisk asked.
The grin on Sans face quickly dropped. Oh yeah, he'd forgotten that usually in their game, Papyrus would seek retaliation. He'd always let his brother get some revenge, it was just the principle of the game, but he'd also forgotten just how nerve wrecking the anticipation of being tickled could be.
"Uh, well you see-EEK"
Frisk hadn't actually tickled him yet, all they had done was get ready to poke his side. As soon as Sans even noticed the human was drawing close he flinched and yelped.
Frisk couldn't help but laugh. "Sans, I didn't even do anything."
"H-hey, buddy, l-let's talk about this," he nervously stammered, already guarding his sides.
"So, you're saying skeletons can be ticklish?"
"Nahahahaha! Frisk, whahahahait!" They just wiggled their fingers slightly closer to him.
"Come on, Sans, you said you wanted to make it up to me." Frisk smirked. "I'm the tickle human now!"
That smug kid. Of course they would play that card. He supposed it was only fair, since he was the one who initiated the game in the first place, but why did he have to be so ticklish? He had a knack for making people laugh with his jokes, but he was a bit more reserved when it came to his own laughter. He supposed laughing was another form of vulnerability, one others didn't get to see from him often.
Again, looking at Frisk he was reminded of his brother, eagerly awaiting taking some playful revenge. Papyrus was one of the few people he trusted getting close to, and despite his memories of humans from other timelines, he felt that same bond towards Frisk, like a new little sibling. As long as the kid was having fun, he supposed he could handle it.
At least he thought he could, before Frisk finally poked and prodded his stomach. "Pfft! Bahahaha! Wahah-wahahait! I wahahasnt ready!" How embarrassing. Frisk barely had to lift a finger and he was already a mess. He was hoping the human wouldn't realize that they could tickle his stomach, but that poke had sealed his fate.
"Ready or not, the tickle human is after you!" Frisk seemed to pounce as they scribbled across his torso. Sans couldn't hope to pretend it wasn't getting to him as his booming belly laughs filled the air.
It hardly made sense to Frisk how Sans had a belly in the first place. In their mind, a skeletons' clothes should hang around their bones, but it seemed like magic somehow gave his body a more physical form. They had no idea how that worked, but they were grateful for it. After all, it seemed to make him all the more ticklish.
"Wow, you're super ticklish!" The human exclaimed. "Are all skeletons like this, or are you just extra ticklish?"
"Stahahahap making fun of me!"
"Making fun of you?" they pretended to be offended. "I'm asking a real question."
"NAHAHAHAHAHA FRISK- NOHOHO!" He gawked as they suddenly kneaded his stomach.
"Do you mean no, all skeletons are this ticklish?" They suddenly scratch along his ribs, resulting in a yelp. "Or do you mean no, you're just that ticklish?"
Sans's deep belly laughs turned into snickering as he tried to respond. "No-nohohoho nohohohot either!" As he tried to catch his breath, a loud, unmistakable snort came from him.
Frisk didn't mean to laugh, but seeing the skeleton that was normally so composed be turned into a giggling, snorting mess was something they weren't expecting. "Skeletons can snort, too?"
"Ihihihi dohohohon't- nahahahahaha!" In trying to deny the fact that he could, in fact, snort, he left himself open to a sudden bombardment of kneading and scribbling on his belly. His clothes didn't seem to do much to lessen the ticklish shock, only sending him into even higher pitched laughter. Trying to block the human's hands, he fell to his side, allowing Frisk to tower over him and release their final tickle attack. They scratched and spidered everywhere they could reach. His sides, belly, ribs, nothing was safe as he could only throw his head back in laughter.
"AHAHAHALL RIHIHIHIGHT! I gihihihive, mehehehercy!" He gave in and grabbed hold of their hands, finally pushing them away. "Youhuhuhu little gremlin." His final giggling fit only gave way to more snorting, making Frisk laugh along with him.
They tried to giggle through an apology, unsuccessfully as they doubled over.
"You're a real menace, you know that?" Though Sans shook his head, he was still grinning.
"Saha-sorry, I didn't mean to push."
"Pft, please," He said as he sat up straight, "it takes more than that to take me down." The last thing he wanted was for the kid to think he couldn't handle something as silly as being tickled.
"Really? You seemed pretty ticklish to me. Way too ticklish!"
"Alright, alright," he nudged Frisk's shoulder playfully. "Ya got me, kid."
They kicked their legs in delight. "The tickle human wins!"
Sans patted the human's head. "Hee, looks like someone's fully cheered up."
He was glad the human was a pacifist, otherwise he might have been in trouble there. While he was reflecting, his watch suddenly rang out an alarm. Ah, his break was technically over. Though he didn't really care about going back to work, Frisk seemed to notice as they glanced over at the time.
Nodding their head, Frisk stood up. "I guess I need to get going. Alphys is probably wondering where I've been."
Even though Sans knew they would have to carry on with their journey eventually, he found himself not wanting to say goodbye. He knew Frisk would still have many trials to face, eventually leading them to their ultimate choice. Either they would defeat the king and get to go home, or they would give up their soul. Sans tried not to dwell on it too much, but it was hard not too when Frisk was right in front of him.
Maybe that's the real reason he didn't get to know the kid earlier. Getting attached would make it all the harder to let them go, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to lose something like that again. But the prophecy was already in motion. Even if he wanted to convince the kid to stay, like he'd attempted to do at the restaurant, they were too determined for their own good. As hard as it was, he would have to let the human return to their adventure.
When he turned to say his goodbyes, until he would inevitably meet the human again in the judgment hall, he found himself feeling different than he'd expected. Instead of sadness, there was a sense of hopefulness. Even though it seemed impossible, even if it really was impossible, somewhere in his heart he knew Frisk would make the right choice in the end, and they would be okay.
He stood up, a confident smile on his face. "Good luck, kiddo." Again, he held out his hand for Frisk to shake.
"I'm not falling for that a third time." Frisk rolled their eyes.
Sans dropped the whoopie cushion. "Eh, worth a shot." He winked.
Frisk giggled. "Bye Sans. I hope I see you again soon."
Sooner than they'd think, that's what Sans wanted to say. Instead he just gave a wave, then watched the human as they made their way back into the hotel, where they would continue their journey into the core.
It would be a tough road ahead, for both of them. But this newfound hope seemed to give him his own determination. No matter how this ended, he believed in Frisk, and he was glad he'd finally gotten the chance to know them.
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purpdaderp · 1 year
Hello! I am violet a multi fandom fanfic writer I write x reader / y/n
Requests are open
If you want welcome home go to violetsditsyrainbow
I am writing for
Kingdom hearts
Lego monkey kid
Undertake aus (sanses and papyrus’s you can ask for 3 aus at a time for headcanons)
Don’t hug me I’m scared
John doe
Your boyfriend (these two are not going to be gore just protective fluff, still obsessive just not harmful, murder, or harm/ kid nap y/n)
Casino cup
Bendy and Boris quest for the ink machine
Steven universe
Poppy the performer
Pokémon sun and moon or xyz
Security breach
Dsmp (not dream, and I’ve heard it’s toxic but I’ve never seen any of the toxic parts ): )
The owl house
Genshin impact
Into/across the spider verse
Maybe more (probs forgot the rest lol. If wanted you can ask!)
What I’ll write
Tk fic
Platonic and romantic
What I won’t do
Full angst
Full agresive yandere (slight)
N$fw (not my thing)
Things I am not comfortable with
Hate on furries (I’m idk what the heck you are as long as you aren’t affecting me or others)
Pro shipping
How I will write
Mini story’s
For headcanons like undertale aus, you can ask for 3-4 per request like (3-4 at max characters from Steven universe) x (wanted description of y/n)
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
not me trying to write a tickle fic w papyrus and stopping at every two sentences to scream onto my hands
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dsaf-confessions · 3 months
I've been in the dsaf fandom for a year or two by now lol. but like I've only been lurking and...some fans take dsaf TOO seriously. Like, no hate. none at all. but,, I wish people acknowledged more often that Dayshift at freddy's at it's core, is silly. like, all three games are full of jokes (some less than others) and that's the original premise. Yeah, there's the serious lore bits and all.. but what about the SILLY bits? Can we have the silly bits appreciated? Jack can piss for 15 minutes straight, Dave ate an entire ashtray of lit cigarette butts and lost his sense of taste after, ALL the phone guys were programmed to say "darn" and "heckin'!" as a substitute for swearing, and Dee is a tickler (not ticklish, a TICKLER she tickled Dave til his springlocks went off in the premature ending, and she can tickle Jack when in the suit to set it off if you don't wind the box). Henry is the reason why they have cameras in the fazbender's bathrooms.
I love seeing the serious bits too, but I wish people spent as much time with the silly bits as the serious ones. Even when it comes to making your own silly bits!!! Like, yess!!!! Go write that Undertale!DSAF AU. Go write about Dave and Jack as kitchen appliances. Go write about what you headcannon Dee's favorite songs and movies are. Go write about Jack having magical princess half wolf demon powers. EVEN WITH THE PAINTINGS!!! I saw a drawing of Dave and Jack in sailor moon get up and they killed it. absolutely. I know the dsaf artists out here are killing it with their art, it's all amazing and I have lovingly gazed at all of them before. and yes!!!!! Go RP as Peter Kennedy having a deep carnal desire for bird watching, go RP as Harry Fitzergald enjoying himself at an aquarium, go RP as Dave Miller spending hours trying to figure out how air fryers work so he can give it a shot at building one at home.
Please do anything your heart desires!!!!! You can look out the car window with your headphones in and listen to music while imagining sad sfms of the characters and keep it to yourself. But if you wish to share, just now that there's people out there that have been wishing someone would create what they've been imagining too!!! Make your funky spotify character playlists!! Even your youtube music ones!! Because there will be someone out there who thinks the same as you and enjoys them the same as you !!
I live for the serious ones too. Please, go write that heartfelt fic about Dave yearning for his soulless friend's presence in the afterlife. Please, go write about Jack despairing that he doesn't just stop existing after death, and is stuck in a void. Please, go write about Dee speaking to the gang in afterlife about how she wishes she had a longer childhood, and how she is sad that the very few things that made her childhood a childhood is gone and that she can never truly have it back( jack, and all the friends and lovely gifts and animals and all the joy). Please, go write about DaveTrap surviving the fire in the good ending and being miserable because no matter how much he was angry and hateful, he missed Jack, he missed having a quarrel with him, he missed asking just one more time, if Jack wanted to kill kiddins' with him, and then him having to visit Jack's grave and despairing that Jack had never lied when he told him his name. And then DaveTrap sees the other graves, all the other ones, of the kids that died at fazbender's because of fazbender's. And he also sees a grave bearing his own name. His real name. And it was right next to four other graves, of people who's names rang bells in his ears, of people with a last name he recognized, of people he remembered betting on whether or not they'll die with Henry.
AHHH I think this might be too long. i just love ranting about my ideas because as much as i have a love for writing, i can never execute the ideas. they are cursed to forever be just an idea i can share to my friends who don't like dsaf but like hearing my rambles.
So, whoever is reading this, please go enjoy the games as much as you wish!! enjoy the silly AND the serious side !!!!!
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fictitious-fluff · 1 year
[as of 26 October]
Eyo! Welcome to my blog!
I write mostly tickle fluff, and the occasional angst. Decided to make a side blog to post my fics when I do write them since my main is non-tickle related.
Feel free to drop an ask and say hi :D I don't bite XD
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Posted Fics
Brush the Stubbornness Away - After falling into some paint, Sans is too lazy to get up and clean himself up. Papyrus puts it upon himself to help Sans change his mind.
Eight Plus Two makes Ten - While studying together, Sans finds out that monster and human skeletal structures are different. Frisk wants to comfirm that discovery for herself.
Loki x Reader
(coming soon)
The Bright Sessions
(coming soon)
Sanders Sides
The One and Only - Logan believes he's immune to tickling. However, a small accidental brush from Patton says otherwise.
Dear Diary... - Noelle discovers something interesting lying on Susie's desk
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
Unusual Comfort - A little situation left Pomni alone and down in the dumps. Kinger wants to help.
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Fandom List
Currently writing
Loki x Reader (Platonic/Romantic)
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC) (excluding Bubbles and Kinger. I just can't write them.)
The Bright Sessions
Fandoms I'm familiar with
Doki Doki Literature Club (DDLC)
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (DHMIS)
My Hero Academia (MHA)
MLP: Friendship Is Magic
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) [some parts]
Spy x Family
Sanders Sides
TMNT 2012
Wild Kratts
Your Name / Kimi no Na wa
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verdanabdit · 3 months
Verdana's Fic Rec List
I spend more time saving fics and art to consume later than I actually spend consuming them. I only started sorting read fics into folders a couple years ago after I stopped reading as much, so I have definitely read more than what's in my read folder. But for now, this is all I have notes on.
Unless otherwise noted, these are true of each work: They're happily together in the end Relationship is pre-established L☆wd scenes make use of ecto gen☆tals and are arranged in a phallus-in-pelvic-orifice way L☆wd scenes are consensual or are lightly dubiously consensual and become consensual
All ships are strictly monogamous.
Yes, I'm going to have a strong bias toward Papyrus being the top in non-swap types. My bias for top Sans in swap types usually goes unfed because people don't write it often.
The first batch of recs will be sorted by word count, but any future ones will be added to the top of each section.
URLs are given in addition to hotlinking them because tumblr keeps messing it up despite triple checking with the html editor.
If a work has been deleted, made anonymous, or orphaned, let me know and I'll update the list accordingly. I'm not going to personally monitor them.
Classic Fontcest
Adjustments by Eiznel24 https://archiveofourown.org/works/6194863 Word count: 76,161 Rating: E (Top: Both get a turn, leaning toward Sans) Reader's summary: Landmark work! Life on the surface and feelings realization! With actual Plot and lots of the rest of the Undertale cast! And since there's so much plot, I'm not going to describe and spoil it! L☆wd scenes include soul stuff. Has a prequel of sorts without any romantic hints.
For an Everlasting Smile by Anonymonimus https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11938928/1/For-An-Everlasting-Smile Word count: 65,535 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Landmark work! Sans confesses to Papyrus, who doesn't quite share his feelings, but lies and goes along with it to keep him happy. Told from Papyrus's perspective, it can be painful to read the thoughts they gave him at times as he initially resents this responsibility he's given himself and the toll the secret takes on him. Has a lot of interaction with Undyne and Alphys, and a bit with Grillby. Sans is on the shier side in this one. nagisaheichou illustrated one of the later chapters, and there was a planned sequel that would have been based off of other work by nagisaheichou.
Heat Wave by allidoissin https://archiveofourown.org/works/10611981 Word count: 7,285 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Heat, overstimulation into unconsciousness. 2 chapters of heat. Sans is hit with it in chapter 1, and Papyrus in chapter 2. While not days-long, they cram plenty in. Papyrus has godly stamina, Sans screams, Papyrus admires how wrecked he's made Sans multiple times. 7k words of pure smut and it's good.
Don't Talk With Your Mouth Full by Eiznel24 https://archiveofourown.org/works/7960756 Word count: 7,089 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Landmark work! Papyrus struggling with his feelings and Sans being intentionally annoying. Heat, mast☆rbating at work, first time for both of them. Mention of past Papyton.
A Pleasant Afternoon by allidoissin https://archiveofourown.org/works/9473882 Word count: 4,051 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Life on the surface, some fluff, fingering, lovemaking. I don't know why, but "domestic" certainly describes this for me.
Double Bind by orphan_account https://archiveofourown.org/works/5363873 Word count: 3,239 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Tickling devolves into a lot of fr☆tting. Overstimulation into unconsciousness, confessions after the first round.
Restraint, What Restraint? by Eiznel24 https://archiveofourown.org/works/6226264 Word count: 3,259 Rating: E (Top: Sans, with brief mentions of Papyrus topping) Reader's summary: First heat makes a budding relationship awkward, praise, first times, glossing over the remaining days of heat. I really appreciate it when depictions of heat last for days, whether it's glossed over or trails off on the mention of it not being over.
Expecting by SXH1417 http://archiveofourown.org/works/15821295 Word count: 2,987 Rating: M Reader's summary: They've helped each-other with heats with no strings attached ever since Papyrus came of age, with both avoiding addressing their pining. The morning after their most recent heat, Papyrus feels off... With a side of Undyne interaction! No direct l☆wd scenes.
A Pleasant Evening by allidoissin https://archiveofourown.org/works/9302777 Word count: 2,896 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Oral, overstimulation into unconsciousness, shower s☆x.
Bath Time Courting Time by Anonymonimus https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12194666/1/Bath-Time-Courting-Time Word count: 2,467 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: King Papyrus ending, marriage proposal, bath s☆x, lovemaking.
disenchanted lullaby by nilchance https://archiveofourown.org/works/10384161 Word count: 1,694 Rating: G Reader's summary: Not romantic. Sans and Papyrus talk while stargazing.
spoiled by grundlemuncher https://archiveofourown.org/works/7284772 Word count: 1,134 Rating: E (Top: Sans) Reader's summary: Brotherly banter! Lovely afterglow! Enthusiastic oral and fingering.
Thrust Game by orphan_account https://archiveofourown.org/works/13375716 Word count: 1,116 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Intense, and humor!
Birthday by Suliana https://archiveofourown.org/works/13376274 Word count: 4,054 Rating: G Reader's summary: Papyrus recalls the previous year when Sans was in the process of Falling Down. In present day, he prepares for Sans's birthday. Flashback is angsty, present day is fluffy.
A Brother's Love by FelliSkelli https://archiveofourown.org/works/11416566 Word count: 3,718 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Heat, attempted r☆pe, self-deprecation on Sans's end. Relationship isn't pre-established.
as long as we're going down by nilchance https://archiveofourown.org/works/10475592 Word count: 3,471 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Rough no-L-word type of relationship. nilchance in general is godlike with dialogue and descriptions and has my favorite take on the bros' personalities, but hardly any of their work is monogamous, so I can't read most of it.
Lovelashed by Askellie https://archiveofourown.org/works/11250801 Word count: 3,014 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: The first time they get a little rough, light aftercare.
Bath Time S☆xy Time by Anonymonimus https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12185908/1/Bath-Time-Sexy-Time Word count: 2,515 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Heat, bath s☆x, degrading d☆rty talk, begging, Papyrus is an insufferable tease.
Making a mess of things by SympatriCuckoo https://archiveofourown.org/works/5781751 Word count: 2,122 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: No romantic relationship (though there's hints of one possibly forming in the future), first time doing s☆x stuff together, rough, possessive, controlling, degrading d☆rty talk (Sans is pretty into all of it), begging, oral, eyesocket f☆cking.
like a vandal by nilchance https://archiveofourown.org/works/10623603 Word count: 2,065 Rating: E (Powerbottom: Papyrus) Reader's summary: All of the previous nilchance work summary counts for this one too.
Unwind by SerifSinclair https://archiveofourown.org/works/11431125 Word count: 1,854 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Little bit of fluff, feeling safe together, D/s, oral, dirty talk.
UF Escape by Shadow_Of_Quill http://archiveofourown.org/works/8979679 Word count: 1,516 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Lab setting. Past s☆xual assault by Gaster, nonconsensual mind control (by Gaster), consensual mind control (by Papyrus), eyesocket f☆cking (on Sans), eye injury (on Papyrus).
Salty Honey by PantyAnarchist https://archiveofourown.org/works/11963478/chapters/27052599 Word count: 11,433 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus, with Sans leading in oral) Reader's summary: Oral used as a sleeping aid without asking first. Dubcon before confessions, Papyrus is black-out drunk for a good chunk of it. Brief mention of past partner. Attempted su!cide following the assumption Papyrus had nonconned Sans while drunk. Kind of rushed but happy ending.
Faint Inspiration (Chapter 4 only) by faintof https://archiveofourown.org/works/10211309/chapters/24032616 Word count: 297 Rating: E (Top: Sans) Reader's summary: Magic toys used in public~
Holes by SesuRescue https://archiveofourown.org/works/13660866 Word count: 3,662 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Sans is a brat. S☆x in a tent, handholejob, org☆sm denial, begging, some soul stuff, tentacle d☆ck, sacrum fingering, f☆cked unconscious. ;w; A rare Gbros gem.
what a mess by orphan_account https://archiveofourown.org/works/11073084 Word count: 978 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus?) Reader's summary: A lot of intentional pronoun/POV muckery as the narration in within their goopy heads. Unintentional confession, some soul stuff.
The Graveyard of Deleted Works
Broken Bonedaries Word count: 22,716 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Undertale. Landmark work! Back in the day, this was almost required reading. This author has a fairly good grasp of the brothers' personalities, and uses second-person perspective in a really nice way to better convey the characters' feelings. Relationship is not pre-established, and they go over the struggles of keeping this new facet of their relationship a secret as they're currently rooming with Undyne and Alphys. L☆wd scenes are bone only.
Instruct Word count: 2,110 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Underfell. D/s, P☆tplay elements, begging, org☆sm denial.
Mild Distractions Word count: 1,922 Rating: E (Top: Papyrus) Reader's summary: Underfell. D/s, begging, org☆sm denial, public s☆x.
Verdana's bias for friends list
I don't trust myself to not be biased for the works of people I interact with, so I'm just sticking all the AO3 handles of my friends/acquaintences who have posted at least one brother/brother fontcest work down here. I do not regret spending my time reading them.
If you're not on this list and you think you should be, I probably forgot or didn't even know you wrote stuff (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) Please yell at me
Acoustic_Meatus jewel_xiat L_egantAsshole purplebluepen45 saltwaterflower SweetSoulLov3r
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oddslimee1 · 3 months
Just a Little... Fun!
Lee: Nightmare!Sans
Ler: Killer!Sans
It was night where Nightmare’s castle was. Horror and Dust were out on a mission that Nightmare sent them on, and Killer was sitting on the couch in the living room. He was eating some peanuts and was looking out the window. It was very peaceful for the skeleton (shocking for him I know). Though this peacefulness was ended quickly. Killer wanted to do something… fun. He got up from the couch and started to walk to Nightmare’s office, which was on the second floor of the castle.
He got to the office in a few moments and knocked on the door. Killer heard a gruff noise and assumed that he could come in. He opened the door and saw that Nightmare was sitting at his desk with a book in his hand.
“What do you want, Killer?” asked Nightmare, not taking his eyes off of his book.
“I just want to have some… fun,” said Killer. That’s when Nightmare looked at him in a confused manner.
“What do you mean by ‘fun’? You can do anything that you want in the castle that doesn’t go against the rules,” asked Nightmare. He noticed how Killer got closer to him, but then it dawned on him. Nightmare’s eyes widened as he quickly got up from his desk.
“Do not, Killer, I’m warning you!” Killer just smiled as Nightmare’s tentacles shot at him. He dodged them and pounced onto the other skeleton. Nightmare let out a surprised yelp before falling to the floor. His tentacles were flying everywhere which caused for things to be knocked over, but Killer didn’t care. He had his eyes on the prize, and this prize, well… it was Nightmare’s laughter of course!
Nightmare yelped as Killer dug ten fingers into his boss’s sides. He skittered his fingers up and down, just like how a spider would crawl around. Nightmare bit down on his lip, trying not to laugh. It was working… for the most part. A little muffled giggle would occasionally come out of his mouth, but other than that, he was holding off pretty well. That was, until, Killer flipped him around so that he was on his stomach. Nightmare knew what he was going to do, it was blandly obvious.
“K-Killer, you do this and I swear that I will-“ “You will what, boss, kill me? I don’t think that’ll work when you won’t even be able to move your body,” Killer cut him off before scribbling his fingers all over his lower back. Nightmare instantly bursted out in cackles, and he tried to push killer off of him, but it didn’t work. He couldn’t do anything in this position, it made him feel so weak, so… powerless…
Killer continued to tickle Nightmare shitless, earring an occasional squeak and/or squeal from his boss, which was unlike him, very unlike him.
“KIHIHILLEHER NOHOHAHAHA!” Nightmare laughed. Killer had started to tickle his tentacles, which caused Nightmare’s laughter to go full ballistic
“Nah, I’m good, I think Imma keep going for a bit longer,” Killer said with a smirk (Nightmare could not see said smirk, but he was for sure that Killer was actually trying not to laugh at him). Nightmare would’ve groaned if he wasn’t laughing his ass off.
Killer hit a particularly bad spot on one of Nightmare’s tentacles, and it caused him to full on scream with laughter.
“OHOKAHAY OHOKAHAY I GIHIVE I GIHIVE I GIHIVE!!” Nightmare said through his laughter. Killer saw this as his time to stop, and so he did. When he stopped, Nightmare was panting and twitching like crazy. When he finally got his composure, Killer got off of him.
“You good boss—“ Killer cut himself off when he saw that Nightmare had fallen asleep. He smiled at his boss, and decided that he should let him get some rest.
Hi y’all, I really hope you enjoyed this fic. This is a bit of a birthday special of mine (my birthday was yesterday), and I tried to finish it last night but I fell asleep 😅😅😅. My friend introduced me to Undertale and the Underverse and I loved it! My favorite characters by far are dream and nightmare, but I like all of the charactees equally. Again, I really hope you enjoyed this fic, so have a good day/night!!!
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