#it made me think of going to my local library each friday after school when i was a kid
terpia · 1 year
I am reading the Neapolitan Quartet by Elena Ferrannte (I finished My Brilliant Friend on Friday and I'm almost 200 pages into the second book now) and I have so many thoughts about complicated female friendships, loving 'ugly' places, women's fiction, etc. But my main thought is just how nice it is to pick up a book that you would have never picked yourself based on a friend's recommendation and find out that you actually really like it.
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malarign · 1 year
told you so
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(when you go on a date with your enemy, and he advises you against it)
synopsis: Being a target of taunting from your enemy was your daily struggle, and when you seemed to get used to it, all of your worries disappeared when you met your new friend. but what if old feelings still didn’t pass?
contains: bff!Heeseung x fem!reader | genre: angst with a fluffy ending (requested), high school au, college au, friends to lovers | tw! mentions of food, bullying, swearing, arguing, crying, kissing and touching without consent, mentions and attempt of assault, please read at your own discretion! y/n being oblivious and delusional, basically he fell first and harder 🤩 | wc: 7,4k
author’s note: while writing this i didn’t have any specific Jisung in mind, this name just popped into my head 😬 also this was originally written to be a mini series but it didn't get much attention so i’m reposting it as a one shot :)) enjoy!
reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!!!
original taglist: @nicholasluvbot, @simpforsunwoo, @sweetjaemss
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Morning, Wednesday, 9th January 2019
You watched as Jisung and his friends emptied your school bag and all your books, notebooks, documents and other personal stuff fall on the wooden floor. All of them laughed while exchanging mean looks. Jisung came up to you, lowered his head to the level of your eyes, and smiled viciously.
“You better hurry, Y/n. I don’t think you want to be late for math class, right?” he asked sarcastically and ruffled your hair.
Trying to keep calm you watched as he wandered off to the class with the rest of the boys he hangs out with. You looked at all the things he threw on the floor and sighed. He never seemed to let you breathe peacefully and lavished you with his nasty comments. Both of you used to be great friends back in middle school, but then he got into a pretty bad environment and became your worst nightmare. Every class you had with him was hours of suffering. You often thought about old times, wondering if there was a way to prevent this.
Crouching down to pick your stuff up you heard how the sound of steps behind you echoed in an empty hallway. You turned your head around to see who was coming. You tried really hard to recognize his face, but you didn’t think you had ever seen him.
“Hi,” he said. His lips slightly parted as he watched your belongings on the floor. “Let me help you.”
He crouched next to you and helped you gather your books and notebooks as you collected smaller items. He neatly put them into your bag and helped you stand up from a not-really-comfortable position.
“Thank you, I really appreciate your help.” You smiled and once more scanned his face to be sure you’d ever seen him.
“I’m Heeseung by the way. I’m new here,” he spoke as he offered his hand to greet you.
“Oh, I was wondering why I couldn’t recognize you.” You smiled sheepishly. “My name’s Y/n.”
Noon, Friday, 17th May 2019
You and Heeseung clicked almost immediately. Both of you had similar hobbies and musical tastes. Since your favorite subjects were his problem and vice versa you helped each other with homework and exam preparations, usually in the calm setting of your local library. He didn’t have problems settling into a new environment. Quite quickly he made a group of friends, bugging you to tag along every time they went out somewhere. His talent for basketball also didn’t slip by the team's coach, who didn’t waste time to make him join training.
Heeseung never failed to bring a smile to your face with his quick-witted jokes and interesting stories about his life before he moved to your city. Being with him healed you in every possible way, making thoughts of Jisung almost completely forgotten. After seeing you spend your breaks with Heeseung made him stop approaching you for some reason. Sometimes when you were alone, because he had to get something done or had different classes made you anxious. You knew that whenever he was next to you, Jisung wouldn’t do anything bad.
The bell rang announcing a long-awaited lunch break. You packed your stuff and looked at Heeseung. You opened your mouth to ask the usual question about your table, but he spoke faster.
“Coach said he needs me for a second, I’m pretty sure it won’t take long. I’ll join you as soon as I’m done, okay?” He didn’t let you say anything and just dashed away after gently patting your shoulder.
You stood there watching as he disappeared behind a corner and let out a shaky sigh. That was the first time you were going to eat lunch alone ever since you met him in March. You even considered waiting for him, just to not have to sit there alone. Then a sudden wave of confidence rushed through your body, thinking “What can go wrong? He said it’s not gonna take long.”
You made your way to the school cafeteria, looking at every student that passed by, praying none of them would belong to Jisung.
After you took your tray with a full meal you sat down at your usual table and watched the entry, nervously waiting for a familiar, friendly silhouette. What you saw was far away from that. You saw Jisung and his friend enter the cafeteria. He noticed you right away. His face showed anger, eyes sharp and fierce. His look made you quiver slightly, unable to look anywhere else. He took his tray and sat at the table behind you. You could hear every bite he took on his apple, loud cracks piercing your ears. You started to count second, wishing Heeseung would come back quickly.
Time passed and you still were sitting alone at the table. Some students finished eating while your tray was still full of food. As much as you tried eating you couldn’t muster up the energy to raise a fork to your mouth.
“Where the hell is he? What is taking him so long? He said he’ll join me.” Your thoughts were disrupted by a fine figure of a man hovering over your form. He leaned into you, his breath brushing your ear.
“Long time no see, Y/n.” His malicious tone sent shivers down your spine, and you could feel tears ready to spill out of fear. “You thought I was done with you just because you started hanging out with that asshole?” He said as he brushed away the strand of your hair. He leaned even closer to you and whispered straight to your ear: “You know I will never back off.”
“Well, maybe you should.”
You noticed Heeseung standing in front of your table.
Jisung came up to Heeseung and asked: “Or what, asshole? What you’re gonna do?” He suddenly collared him and shook his form. His actions were stopped when a loud voice echoed in the cafeteria.
“Choi Jisung!” Heeseung’s coach screamed, his voice in a humbling manner. Jisung let go of Heeseung still maintaining eye contact with him.
“I guess I don’t have to do anything in particular.” Heeseung smiled at him snidely and watched as he made his way out of the cafeteria. He then shifted his look at you who was still slightly trembling at an unexpected and not really pleasant encounter with one of your classmates.
His eyes softened looking at your form, his heart breaking from the regret of not coming to you sooner. He hesitated whether what he should do and finally rubbed your back with his palm in a comforting move. He felt as if you loosened up under his touch. Seeing you calm down he sat down next to you and tried to shift your attention from a bad experience with Jisung.
“You should eat, Y/n. I’m sure it’ll help.” He took a glance at your tray. “I know how you love that pudding,” he spoke and placed the box right in front of you making you smile.
Afternoon, Friday, 17th May 2019
“Y/n can we talk about today?” Heeseung asked. You were laying in his bed, surrounded by notes from your biology class.
You looked at him. His eyes were serious but soft at the same time. You felt bad that you didn’t tell him about your bumpy relationship with Jisung, mostly because you thought the problem solved itself when you met him. But today’s events successfully proved you wrong.
“About what?” You played for time.
“About Jisung and what happened in the cafeteria.” He got straight to the point. He moved his chair to be right in front of you. “Why didn’t you tell me he bullies you?”
“Because he doesn’t,” you simply stated shifting your gaze back to your notes. Somehow word ‘bully’ made your ego ache. You weren’t bullied, at least that’s what you said to yourself.
“Well his action said something else,” he firmly said making you snap.
“What do you know, Heeseung? You don’t know him at all, yet you’re accusing him of bullying.”
Your response took him aback. “Y/n you were literally trembling at his touch and the sound of his voice. Fuck it, you were almost crying!”
“No, I wasn’t!”
“Y/n don’t act like I’m blind. Besides, I know you well.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” you said and rapidly got up, gathering your notes into your bag and storming out of his room. Heeseung watched your irrational actions in utter shock. Why were you so offended? Even you didn’t know why you overreacted like that. Maybe it was because of your past friendship with Jisung? Maybe you still believed he would change for the better, and you would happily be friends like you used to be? Or maybe you would be more than friends like you always dreamt?
You walked downstairs and hurriedly started to put on your shoes. Just when you were about to go out you heard your friend’s mom.
“Y/n? You’re leaving so early?” She asked. “I’m preparing your favorite, kimchi fried rice.” She smiled warmly.
“I’m so sorry, Ms. Lee, but I need to go early today.” You felt bad lying to her, she always treated you like a daughter making sure you were never hungry whenever you hung with Heeseung. “Have a great evening!” You quickly said closing the front door behind you.
Even though it was the middle of May, the weather was rather chilly. You still had your school uniform on, your short skirt not warming you up enough.
“Y/n!” You heard Heeseung’s voice behind you. Hesitating if you should stop or run straight to your house you finally stopped your tracks. Even if you ran he would easily catch up.
You turned around and soon, Heeseung stopped in front of you, breathing heavily from his jog. You let him catch a breath and didn’t say anything.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you mad.”
You thought for a while, you really wanted to stay mad at him for a while, but as hard as you tried, you just couldn’t. You lowered your gaze and replied: “It’s okay. I know you meant well. But you don’t need to worry about me.” You assured.
Your answer didn’t seem to satisfy him, but he remained silent. He opened his arms, offering a conciliatory hug, which you gladly accepted.
“I should go home now,” you announced, still in his embrace.
“Can I walk you home?” he asked, knowing your answer.
“I think I would rather go by myself today. Thanks though.” You slowly pulled out from his arms and waved your hand in goodbye.
Heeseung watched you walk for a while. He couldn’t stop thinking about everything you said. Your words clenched his heart, almost making him tear up. He knew one thing: he definitely will worry about you, and won’t let this happen ever again.
Evening, Saturday, 1st June 2019
“Y/n! Heeseung is already here!” Your mom shouted from downstairs as you did the final touches to your hairstyle.
“I’m coming!” you shouted and hurriedly took your purse. Skipping your way to the hallway you saw Heeseung with a small bouquet in his hands as he talked with your mom with a warm smile. She noticed your presence first.
“Y/n come here quickly.” She gestured for you to stand next to Heeseung. “Let’s take a photo. Make a pose.”
Both of you tried different poses for the photo, from the normal ones to your usual, funny ones. After a short photo shoot, you made your way to Heeseung’s car and drove to have fun at prom.
You arrived at school quite late, as other students were already dancing in the hall. You were about to get out of his car when he stopped you with a soft hand motion. You were slightly confused but all the concern disappeared when you saw his jog around the car to your side. He opened the door gallantly and offered his hand.
“Wow, so chivalry is really not dead, huh?” you remarked and smiled at him while getting out.
“Y/n, I’m afraid you forgot who I am.” He placed his hand on his heart with an injured look on his face.
“Lee Heeseung, I envy your future girlfriend, whoever she is,” you said and made your way toward the other students.
Heeseung watched as you go with dreamy eyes and a moony smile. He couldn’t stop thinking about how gorgeous you looked tonight ever since he laid his eyes on you at your house. And not only today, the day he met you he never thought you’ll get so close and make him fall not only for your looks but charming personality, versatile knowledge, and full of empathy heart. “Hopefully you won’t have to envy her,” he thought to himself planning on confessing his feelings for you today.
When you entered the hall, your ears were pierced by loud music and the stumping of hundreds of feet. Parties like those weren’t your cup of tea, but it being prom convinced you to try having fun along with your classmates. Besides, being aware that you’re not going to be there by yourself helped you harness your train of thought. It wasn’t the first party you attended with Heeseung, but it was definitely the biggest of them all, and most importantly it wasn’t just a house party.
“Shall we?” You heard your friend’s voice and smiled. You danced all night next to each other, jumping and showing off your moves with occasional breaks to drink something or just take a breath.
Both of you sat down on a bench and watched as your classmates were also getting pretty tired. You looked at the clock which showed 10 pm. Four hours of dancing with Heeseung passed in a blink of an eye. You were about to ask him when they plan on leaving when the DJ announced a slow song. Just when you were about to stand up and freshen up in the bathroom none other than Heeseung showed in front of you, his figure towering over yours.
“May I have this dance?” He smiled but his tone wasn’t playful, but serious. Almost too serious.
You simply nodded your head in response and let him guide you to the middle of the dance floor. He took one of your hands into his and placed the other one on your waist, pulling you a little bit closer to him, to the point you felt how his breath fell on your nose. You never were in that close proximity to him, apart from that one hug after your quarrel, but none of you felt awkward at all. The feeling of his hands on your body made you feel safe and at ease, contrary to what you experienced throughout the past few years of high school.
Heeseung looked at you with full adoration in his eyes as you struggled to dance with him, occasionally stepping on his foot.
“Sorry, I had never danced like this,” you confessed sheepishly.
“Don’t worry. Just follow my lead, Y/n,” he murmured in a low voice, sending shivers down your spine. You did as he said, focusing on making the correct steps. Heeseung pulled you even closer, making you both sway in an intimate hug. Hug too intimate for friends. You noticed how his face slowly came closer to yours, and when your foreheads almost touched suddenly both of you landed on a cold, wooden floor. You took a look around and noticed how the other pair fell on the ground, the boy frantically apologizing to you and Heeseung for pushing you. You saw how his jaw clenched and eyes sharpened.
“Well, you should be more careful,” he snapped.
“Heeseung, it’s okay.” Your voice made his face soften and shift his now calm gaze to you. He helped you get up and fix hair that loosened because of the impact. While he was busy fixing your hairclips you noticed a pair of eyes watching you like a hawk. His gaze wasn’t sharp and aggressive like in the cafeteria two weeks ago. It was rather interested and invested. He watched you calmly but your heart started its usual race at the sight of his eyes on your form.
“Are you okay?” Heeseung asked worriedly, noticing your distant gaze.
“Yes,” you answered shortly and quickly. “Yes, I’m fine.”
“Do you want to dance some more or sit down? It must’ve hurt,” he spoke, referring to your fall.
“Actually, can you drive me home?” you asked hurriedly. You didn’t want the situation in the cafeteria to happen again. And knowing Heeseung you knew it was very probable.
His expression dropped at your words, pursing his lips he nodded and lead your way to his car.
Contrary to the ride to the prom, this way was way quieter. None of you dared to speak. One because of regret and the other because of anxiousness. You looked at the trees that you passed by and how almost all windows were dark. You recognized your neighborhood and prepared to get out of his car when his voice stopped you.
You looked at him, your face painting a question, asking him to continue.
He debated for a while. “It’s this moment. Now or never,” he thought to himself.
“I had so much fun with you today, Y/n,” he simply stated, hesitation winning over his will to finally confess.
“Thank you, I also had so much fun.” You smiled and bid your goodbyes, leaving him in his car alone with his thoughts.
“Will you ever realize?”
Afternoon, Tuesday, 18th October 2022
The faint sound of keyboards’ clicking and soft whispers between students, accompanied by rustling scribbling on paper always helped you study. The whole atmosphere helped you compose yourself after long days of school and now college. Getting onto the major of your dreams wasn’t easy, but thanks to your investment in finals preparations and the help of your friends, you succeeded. Not only you studied what you’d always wanted, but you also weren’t as lonely as you were in high school. Because of similar interests, you quickly got in with them, spending breaks in each other’s company and having occasional sleepovers and other friendly hangouts. Thanks to them, accustoming to college life wasn’t as harsh and hard as you expected it to be.
Many things changed since you graduated from high school, apart from one thing - your usual friendly study dates with Heeseung were still a tradition none of you dared nor wanted to break. One would think that studying different subjects would break your friendship, but it only tightened the bond you had.
Heeseung reached for his backpack and took out a small box filled with white and red grapes. He placed it between you two so that you also could grab some. Seeing that you also took out your lunch box with walnuts and cashew nuts. You poured them into his box, knowing how he liked mixed flavors of grapes and nuts. He noticed that and immediately smiled in your direction, whispering a faint but still audible “Thank you”. You returned the smile and focused on your notes once again.
On the other hand, as much as he tried to, Heeseung couldn’t. His mind was flooded and confused about his own feelings for you, which only grew stronger as time passed. Ever since he tried confessing and getting closer to you during prom he didn’t dare to try again. The panic he saw in your eyes spoke for themselves. Fear of losing you overwhelmed his heart, he knew he wouldn’t be able to endure that. That’s why he tried ignoring all the love he had for you, usually failing miserably.
“What are your plans for the weekend?” you asked quietly, trying not to disturb other people around you.
Heeseung got back to his senses and thought for a second. “I have a basketball match at 6 on Saturday,” he replied, raising his one eyebrow. “You forgot?” he asked but it sounded more like a statement, not a question.
You pursed your lips together and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“No worries. Are you still planning to come?” He closed his book and turned around to face you directly.
“Of course!” you exclaimed in a whisper. “I never missed any of your matches and I’m not planning to change that. I like seeing you win,” you added, not knowing you caused his heart to flutter and a swarm of butterflies to fill his stomach.
“What if I don’t win?” he asked, unable to control a bright smile.
“I think we both don’t believe it will ever happen,” you remarked and a few people shushed you, annoyed by your too loud for a library conversation. Heeseung and you mumbled quiet apologies and returned to your books, trying to keep yourselves from laughing.
You called the study session off a little bit an hour later.
“You sure you don’t need a walk home?” he asked for a millionth time today.
“Hee, I’m sure. Besides don’t you have a training today? You better not be late again,” you scolded him and he raised his hands in a surrendering gesture.
“Okay, but text me as soon as you get home.” He pointed at you and squinted a bit.
“I will, bye!” you assured him and waved at him.
Deciding to take advantage of the last warm days, you took a longer route home. You passed by many places you used to go to while you were still a high school student. Cafes you used to study in with Heeseung whenever there were too many people in the library, a park where both of you ate lunches during hot summer days, a basketball court where he taught you how to play and gave you tips on how to make a score. It made you realize that apart from memories with Heeseung you can’t reminisce about other ones, as if you knew him your whole life. You stopped by the cafe you studied in together for the first time, and remembered how awkward you were with each other back then. You smiled at the memory of the very much begging of your friendship. Now that same cafe was filled with couples, taking photos together or of each other and sharing sweet desserts. The sight of love made you question if your future partner is going to like Heeseung. But the thought of anybody not liking him seemed impossible for you.
You continued walking when you saw a familiar figure approaching you. A figure you didn’t expect to meet.
“Hi Y/n! It’s me, Jisung!”
Evening, Tuesday, 18th October 2022
“It’s been a while, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Jisung said in a friendly tone. You also almost didn’t recognize him. He wore the complete opposite attire to his usual pair of jeans and collection of plain T-shirts, now wearing a suit with elegant shoes.
“Yeah, me too,” you spoke and a sheepish smile with a hint of disbelief crept on your face.
“How have you been? I haven’t seen you in like ages!” Jisung kept on smiling and tilting his head to the right, an old habit of his.
“Jisung what do you want?” you asked quickly, scared of his reaction.
Seeing your expression he sighed and spoke: “Y/n, listen. I’m really sorry. For everything I’ve done. I treated you badly, and I regret it with my whole heart.” He placed his hand on the left side of his chest. “What I did was wrong and I want to sincerely apologize to you. I’m so sorry.” His words seemed to be genuine and truthful to you.
“It was a long time ago, it’s okay, Jisung.” You shrugged and smiled softly.
“It’s not really okay, unless you let me redeem myself. let me take you out,” he said nonchalantly.
“Do you have plans on Saturday? There’s a new restaurant that opened a while ago, what do you think?”
Thinking for a while you slowly nodded. Your movement made a strand of your hair fall from behind your ear and he was quick to fix it, making you blush.
“Great. It’s a date then. I’ll come and pick you up at 7,” he announced and said his goodbye, leaving you dumbfounded.
You felt like your chest gets tighter and your stomach fills with butterflies. You turned around to look at him once more but he was already gone. Just when you thought you finally forgot about him and your feelings for him, that somehow buried themselves in the depth of your heart, all you could think about was him once again. The way he looked at you, the way he smiled at you, the way the slightest touch of his fingers brushing fragile skin on your cheek, it all made you feel like on shaky ground.
Then it hit you. You’re going on a date. Your first ever date. You almost let a squeal leave your lips, but stopped it on time by covering them with the palm of your hand. Excitement rushed through your body and you hurriedly headed home.
When you arrived home and were done letting out all excitement and thrill of your body by jumping all over your place, you took the phone out of your bag. You noticed a few missed calls, all from Heeseung. You remembered how you promised to text him when you arrive home, and now he must’ve finished his practice.
You dialed his number and didn’t have to wait for too long for him to answer.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” he asked worriedly.
“Yes, oh my god, Hee! Everything is great!” you couldn’t contain your happiness and wanted to share the news with him.
“Woah, woah, what’s that excitement about?” he asked and laughed at your crazy behavior.
“Hee, I’m going on a date!”
For a while your painful silence submerged the call, the only sound was soft breathing on the other side of the line.
“Heeseung? Are you okay?” you asked.
“Yes, yes, uhm, I’m okay,” he choked out.
“Well, then aren’t you gonna congratulate me?”
“Y/n, I’m very happy for you, but do I know this guy? You‘ve never told me about him.” His voice was rather cold in contrary to his words.
“You know him! It’s Jisung, from our high school.”
“What?” Heeseung couldn’t believe his ears. “Choi Jisung? The one who bullied you?”
“You’re at it again? He didn’t bully me Heeseung! He used to be my friend. Besides, why would you know what type of relationship we had?” You were mad. He never had an opportunity to truly get to know him, yet he was talking badly about him. This made your blood boil, because you knew him, and he certainly wasn’t as bad as Heeseung painted him.
You thought you truly knew Jisung. And you did to some point in your lives, now living on the deluded picture of him made by your imagination.
“Y/n, he treated you horribly! You were scared of him, don’t tell me otherwise, 'cause your reaction said otherwise.” His voice was harsh, sounding like he was scolding you.
“He changed! He apologized to me. He knows what he did was wrong!” you exclaimed, now even more mad than before.
“Y/n people like him don’t change. And even if he did, he shouldn’t be forgiven and given any more chances. Especially by you.”
“Let me decide on that. Fuck you, Heeseung,” you said and ended the call. You threw it on your bed and went to the bathroom to take a long shower, in hopes it would help you calm down.
Your words rang in Heeseung’s head for a long time. He froze, the phone still near his ear as if he was hoping you would say you didn’t mean that. But as minutes passed he realized you certainly did mean your words, and that they were meant to hurt him. He sat on the ground and slumped against a wall. Feeling his eyes sting as they brimmed with hot tears, Heeseung quickly wiped them off before completely breaking down. He stood up after a while and reached into a drawer for his car keys, ready for a night drive.
Afternoon, Saturday, 22nd October 2022
You stood in front of your wardrobe wondering how you should dress for your date with Jisung. You tried hard to think of anything that would suit the vibe and atmosphere of a fancy restaurant you’re going to, but your mind was flooded with thoughts of Heeseung. It was the longest you went without contacting each other, but your ego didn’t let you reach out to him. He should be happy for you, for his friend. After you would be happy for him if he told you he was going to have a date. Right?
After what seemed like ages of wondering about your outfit you contacted one of your classmates, Jennifer.
“Jen, do you have a second you could spare me? you asked as soon as your friend picked up the phone.
“Y/nie, my love, for you I always have time. What’s wrong?” she spoke and brought a long-lost smile to your face.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you but I remember how stressed you were with your presentation, but…” you started, feeling guilty for not telling her sooner.
“Oh my god, what is it? You’re scaring me!” she raised her voice dramatically.
“Well, I’m going on a date and I don’t know what to wear. I still have lots of time left but I’m getting a little bit nervous,” you confessed.
“Oh my! Finally, I’m so happy for you, bestie!” You heard her clapping her hands excitedly. “How about me coming over and rummaging through your clothes?”
“That would be great, but Jen you don’t have to!”
On the other side of the line, you heard the jingling sound of her car keys.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages, plus you need to tell me how that happened, so don’t try to stop me now!” she said, and soon after you hung up.
While you were waiting you sat on your bed, thinking of possible scenarios of today’s date. Will it look like it does in movies? Will it end up only on this one date or will there be more?
Suddenly, the silence of your room got disturbed by the sound of a notification. You took your phone and read a reminder: “♡ Heeseung’s match 6pm ♡”. This made you bite your lips, guilty of not keeping your promise. Sure, you were mad at him, but he is still your best friend. “I never missed any of your matches and I’m not planning to change that,” you remembered your words from a few days ago. You placed your elbows on your thighs and hid your face in your hands. Just when you were about to let out your emotions you heard knocking on your front door. You opened them and they revealed a smiling Jennifer.
“Let’s get to the work, shall we?”
Thanks to Jennifer, picking your outfit was filled with laughter and her anecdotes. This helped you deal with the anxiety caused by your upcoming date, but also, more importantly, stop yourself from thinking about Heeseung. Before you knew it, the outfit was ready, along with a bag, some accessories, and shoes. You still had some time before 7 PM, so you sat in your room and chatted for a while, enjoying each other’s presence after days of different schedules.
“Okay, but most importantly, how did he ask you out?” She waited for your answer with anticipation and excitement.
“I mean we met when I was having a walk in the neighborhood and he just asked me.” You shrugged but your cheeks filled with red tint.
“Oh my god!” Jennifer exclaimed, emphasizing the last word. “I thought he will never ask you out, at this rate. But finally, my prayers were listened to!” She raised her hands in the air, while you were, to say the least, confused and dumbfounded.
“What do you mean? Who are you talking about?” you asked.
Your friend’s smile faded and she lowered her hands. “About your friend, that Heeseung guy. Is he not the one that asked you out?”
“No, why would you think that?”
“So it’s not Heeseung you’re going out with?” You shook your head and noticed how disappointment filled her eyes.
“Oh come on, Jen. You’re not happy for me anymore?”
“I am!” she defended herself. “It’s just… Both of you already seemed like a couple or like you at least like each other. You always say he’s like an angel, that you can’t imagine your life without him, so I kinda just assumed you liked him. Plus the way he looks at you speaks for itself better than your constant love confessions.”
Evening, Saturday 22nd October 2023
The gymnasium hall was filled with loud cheers coming from both bleachers. Players were practicing shots and warming up before the first match of the season. Heeseung was one of them, yet the ace known for excellent aim failed to score almost anything. He kept on looking for you in your usual place where you cheered for him along with your friends. But that one spot was empty, soon to be occupied by some unknown to him student. He tried to push the thoughts of you away, but as much as he tried the more he failed. None of the players or the coach had ever seen this part of him.
The match barely started, yet your university’s team was failing like never. Mainly because something apparently preoccupied the mind of the captain of the team. This made a coach come to a decision of seating him on a bench, for the first time during his player days.
You waited patiently on the couch, ready to go out. The clock showed half past seven, which made you worried, if he will even come. What if he got into an accident? What if something bad happened to him. You anxiously were looking at your phone, waiting for some message from Jisung. You were about to call him when your phone screen lightens up, showing his caller ID. You answered almost immediately.
“Y/n! I’m so sorry for being late, but I’m already near your place so you can already come out,” he said and you could hear the sound of the engine’s drone.
“No worries, take your time,” you reassured him but noticed that the call already ended.
You locked the door behind you and made your way to the elevator.
You spotted his car from afar and waved at him. Your heart almost sprung out of your chest and felt how your throat tightens at every breath you took. You got in and greeted him shyly.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he said, and before you could realize he left a quick and harsh kiss on your lips, leaving you shocked. Jisung on the other side smiled to himself and started the car.
“I thought we could go somewhere where we could be alone before eating, what do you say?” he asked placing his hand on your inner thigh, making you, to say at least, extremely uncomfortable.
You tried taking his hand off your body, but he only gripped your wrist tightly making you hiss. “Oh, Y/n. Don’t act so innocent.” He stopped at the side of the road. Looking around you couldn’t spot a single living soul around you nor any car passing by. “But I can assure you I’ll fuck you better than him,” he said bluntly and started unbuckling his belt.
Not really knowing what to do you slapped him across his face and hurriedly got out o his car. You ran as fast as you can, with stamina better than usual, due to a high level of adrenaline in your body. You thought of the place you should go to. He knew where you lived so your place wouldn’t work. Jennifer’s apartment on the other hand was far away from where you were. The only place that was near enough was Heeseung’s apartment. Looking at the time you thought he must already be home. You turned around once more to see if he was following you. Not thinking twice you continued running, still shocked not knowing what exactly happened.
The first thing Heeseung did after arriving home from his first-ever lost match was take a cold shower. He let the icy water cascade down his body while still thinking about you. What if he did something bad to you during your date? He knew Jisung was up to no good, yet he let you go out with him. He stepped out of the cabin and hurriedly dressed himself into comfortable clothes.
Where should he search for you? he should’ve at least asked you where you were going and now he had an entire city to rummage. Not bothering to dry his hair he grabbed his keys and opened the door only to see you, completely breathless, on the edge of crying at his sight.
Night, Saturday, 22nd October 2023
You stared at your reflection in a mirror, under the bright light of Heeseung’s bathroom. None of you dared to speak, both allowing you to catch your breath, collect thoughts and speak whenever you’re ready. He just let you in and gave you his T-shirt and pair of shorts you always wore whenever you paid him an unexpected visit and wanted to get changed into something more comfortable.
Heeseung decided to prepare a quick meal for you and took your favorite snacks he stored in his kitchen, just in case. Your state worried him to the point he didn’t know what to do. He knew one thing though. Jisung wanted to hurt you, and either he succeeded or his attempt stayed as an attempt. He waited patiently for you, giving you all the time you needed, and thought of all the possible scenarios and how he could comfort you.
You finally decided to leave the bathroom and took a seat next to him on the couch. For a while, the silence filled the room with hesitation and uncertainty.
“Do you wanna talk or eat first?” he asked, trying to sound as gentle as he could.
“Eat,” you simply whispered, voice cracking on the way.
Heeseung looked up at you. You hugged your knees, eyes mentally checked out. He raised his hand to rub your shoulder but stopped himself midway, instead he just nodded and stood up to hand you your bowl. You quietly thanked him and took a bite of still hot noodles he had prepared. Silence once again submerged the room, the only audible sound was an occasional noodle slurp.
Once you finished and placed a bowl on the table sudden realisation hit you. You were assaulted. Jisung wanted to hurt you and he certainly didn’t change. And that Heeseung was right. Your eyes brimmed with tears.
Your expression told him everything he needed to know. Guilt crept over him and all h could think was if it could be prevented. If only his pride and ego didn’t blind him if only he wouldn’t let his emotions stop him. But now it was too late. You, the person he loved dearly was hurt, making him feel helpless.
Before he could think how can he comfort you, you were already in his arms. You cried your heart out on his shoulder as he just closed you in his warm and secure embrace, wanting to bring home to you, in such a crisis you were in.
“Hee, you were right!” you cried, choking on each word. “I should’ve listened to you, it’s all my fault!”
Heeseung pulled out t your words and cupped your cheeks in his palms. His eyes were full of compassion and regret, accentuated by tears that threatened to fall down his face. “No Y/n. It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything to deserve this. I am here to listen and help you.”
His words felt like a soft Sunbeams that hit your skin after days of constant rain. You felt like your tensed body slowly relaxes at his touch and words as he spoke. Realizing how lucky you got, to have a friend like him you smiled as tears still blurred your vision. Nonetheless, you still noticed how he also smiled at you, eyes expressing nothing but pure love and will to protect you from everything.
“Plus the way he looks at you speaks for itself better than your constant love confessions,” you recalled Jennifer’s words now replaying all the memories you made with him during those almost 4 years of friendship.
How he never hesitated to help you whenever he saw you struggling.
How he never let you skip meals during exam season, sacrificing his own study time.
How he always managed to make time for you.
How he helped you live to the fullest during your high school days.
How he was the only person to truly know how to calm you down and help you relax.
How he was the only person to know your true self.
How he just stayed by your side, even though you were wrong, and hurt him with your insensitive words.
He truly does love you. How could you not see this?
What bugged you, even more, was how you didn’t realize you loved him too, maybe even more than he loves you. His compassion, passion, and kindness made him an angel you did not deserve.
“Hee, I’m so sorry.” You shook your head from disbelief at your own obliviousness and stupidity. “I’m so sorry for hurting you, for what I said a few days ago. I regret it and never intended to hurt you.”
He didn’t reply. Instead, he just smiled and invited you into his embrace once again. You gladly fell into his arms and melted in the comforting touch that helped you feel at ease. Your oasis. Your home.
Evening, Friday, 28th April 2023
The spectators were going crazy at the fierce match between the two teams. Your university’s players were currently losing by a few points but still were hoping to win regionals. While teams were discussing tactics with their coaches during a short break you were shouting words of encouragement along with other fans.
After the floor got cleaned players once again stepped on the court and started the last quarter. The ball relocated quickly between the hands of opponents when because of a small mistake of one of them it landed in your team’s captain, Heeseung’s hands. Your side of the bleachers screamed out of joy as he scored 3 points.
For a few minutes, none of the teams scored, raising the stress and emotions to the maximum. Now Heeseung’s team needed a final word to win the game and knock current front-runners off their pedestal. The tension in the air suffocated everyone, they were equally close and far from winning, because of the exhaustion of the other team.
The clock showed one minute till the end and a sudden rush of adrenaline overpowered Heeseung’s body. He had to lead his team to victory and he knew he could do it. He waited for the right moment and took the ball away from another player. He rushed to the hoop making an impressive buzzer beater leaving one side of the hall in tears of regret and the other one of joy.
The team surrounded him in a group hug, celebrating the victory and making it to the nationals, for the first time in your university’s history.
Seeing him so happy and smiley because of victory made your heart fill with glee and pride.
You saw how his teammates’ girlfriends rushed to congratulate them. That’s when Heeseung and your eyes met. He made a confused expression and you saw him say, barely audible because of the noise: “What are you waiting for?” and opened his arms.
You laughed and rushed his way to engulf him in a hug, not caring about the layer of sweat that covered his body and clothes. You pulled out, arms still wrapped around his neck, and kissed him, feeling salty drops on your lips. He melted in your touch and lifted your body while spinning around. You giggled against his lips and pulled away saying: “I’m so proud of you, love” making his cheeks and tips of ears turn bright pink. “I love you so much,” you confessed and looked deeply into his beautiful dark eyes.
“I love you more,” he said leaving a sweet kiss on your temple.
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
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life-with-my-three · 1 year
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I’ve said before, but Hattie has made the sweetest friendship with one of the other little girls at kinder. (Hattie has the backpack for her feeds).
It is really the cutest. *Friend* had a week off kinder. They were both devastated. When *Friend* came back to kinder last week, she brought Harriet a gift bag of things she had made her, because she missed her so much; a unicorn teddy, bookmark with her name, a necklace and a drawing of the two of them holding hands. We then had to provide library bags. So after making a quick one for Hattie, she was desperate to make something for friend after her present, so we made he a matching library bag.
I still haven’t met *Friend’s* mum as she works during kinder drop off, pick up. But we swapped phone numbers, and she has been messaging. She is so nice! Hattie had asthma attacks constantly Wednesday night through to Friday (we’ve now treated with steroids and changed inhalers) and she was messaging asking if she could do anything for us or get anything.
It’s back to kinder tomorrow, but I don’t think Hatt’s lungs will be strong enough tomorrow. Then Tuesday we’re in Melbourne for a doctor’s appointment. It’s a short kinder week which means Harriet won’t get to see her until the week after. They will both be devastated.
The girls talk about each other constantly. *Friend’s* dad told me at drop off last week that friend had declared that she wasn’t her mum or dad’s girl anymore. She belonged to Hattie! 😂
With Fletch now going to Riley’s school next year it means we have to make a decision about where Hattie will go for kinder (local or specialist and by Tuesday). There are pros and cons for each, and I feel guilty for possibly taking a place at the specialist kinder for Hattie who will definitely go to mainstream. I mean the argument could be raised that they have feeding tube training already so she needs the place there also. *Friend* will be at the current kinder next year, so my heart doesn’t want to break them up. It’s a 2min drive vs a 20min drive though. Also the local kinder feeds into the primary school she will go to.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here!
A/N: I apologize for all the profanity in this part ahead of time. I think I’m going to do M/W/Sat updates, as long as my writing permits, and then maybe Wed/Sat updates. I got the day off because it snowed so I thought I would post this since it’s ready haha
* Well you’re royally f*cked
* There’s a big stupid smile curled on your face, and every time you try to hide it, it just comes back wider
* You really shouldn’t be happy right now
* “What has you in such a good mood?” Edward’s got a matching smile of his own.
* Oh shit. It’s fine, you’ll just play dumb.
* “How do you know I’m happy?” How about the dumb grin you’ve got on your face you stupid b*tch.
* You would have smacked your own forehead if you weren’t aware Edward was watching your every move
* You’re lucky Edward’s nice and he doesn’t call you out on it
* “Whenever you’re happy it kind of radiates off of you,” his voice lowers “you know because of your powers”
* Ah, you didn’t know you did that
* “So what do you think about the new girl?” You blurt it out like it’s an intrusive thought
* F*ck. Just-okay just play it cool. Play it cool.
* F********ckkkkk what’s wrong with you.
* Is being happy making you act like a moron?
* He shrugs
* “Just another human, I kind of wish everyone would shut up about it though. Having to hear people talk about her and think about her is getting annoying. It’s like being in a tunnel with one too many echoes.”
* Ah, so he hasn’t noticed yet.
* “I wonder what she’s thinking about.”
* Edward just shrugs again.
* What the f*ck Edward take a hint!
* “Edward?”
* “Yes dear?” He has the nerve to grin after using that pet name. The criminal is teasing you. Some best friend.
* And still it makes you outrageously happy
* You have to force your smile into a straight line
* “What’s the new girl thinking?”
* He looks over to her, Tyler and Mike are fighting for her attention, both of them a moment away from tugging on each arm and shouting “mine!”
* You see him search, you’ve heard enough about his powers to know right now it’s like mall food court level of chatter for him, but in a few seconds he’ll focus on her and realize he can’t hear her thoughts.
* Knowing how prideful he is though, he’ll probably deny it.
* “I don’t know I can’t read her mind” he says bluntly. “Do you think the school music teacher would teach me how to play violin if I asked?”
* “What?!?”
* “I know it’s kind of inconsiderate to ask but-“ you click your tongue
* “No not that!” You gesture towards Bella “you can’t read her mind?!? Isn’t that kind of a big deal?”
* His eyebrows thread together
* “I can’t read your mind either”
* Yes but you’re from a completely different world, in a body that radiates despair (and apparently joy now). You’re basically like some type of eldritch being from another dimension. 
* Edward doesn’t see it that though
* “Honestly it’s a relief, one less mind I have to tune out.” He walks ahead of you as you stay motionless in the middle of the hallway
* What the f*ck is happening?
* “Are you coming? We’re going to be late for Biology if you keep lagging behind like that.”
* How could you forget? The whole story starts because Edward is super into Bella’s blood! He fantasizes killing her for like- the entire class period.
* You were worried for nothing, just because they didn’t have the cafeteria moment isn’t that big of a deal
* The thought makes you both relieved and a little sad
* Still it’s for the best, this is the way things are supposed to be
* And who knows, if you have to leave maybe you can poach Rosalie and Emmett to leave with you
* And maybe Jasper, he won’t like having a human around the house all the time
* “Mr. Cullen, Ms. Eleazar” Mr. Banner hands you each a worksheet.
* Oh right the onion cell worksheet. Ah right the mitosis crap. Well hopefully Mike remembers enough that you both can hobble through
* “New year means new seating arrangement!” He tells you both excitedly. The seating arrangements on the projector.
* “Why am I next to Edward isn’t the seating arrangement supposed to be alphabetical?”
* “I decided to go by grade this time, you should be happy! Aren’t you two...friends?” You can tell your teacher is confused by the nature of your relationship, almost as much as you are. 
* “Super happy Teach.” You mumble taking your seat next to Edward who’s grinning like an idiot
* “You can’t say he’s picking favorites when it’s merit based.” He grins and you roll your eyes
* Angela’s sitting next to Ben Cheney, they seem to be discussing the trigonometry homework, and how it’s basically impossible
* Oh right, he’s supposed to be her boyfriend this year. 
* Personally you think Angela could do way better. But love is blind, you’ll ship it if you have to. 
* And right on cue Mike walks in, Bella following close behind. He takes his seat on the table behind you while Bella talks to Mr. Barnes
* “Why didn’t you guys sit with us at lunch today?” Mike is practically leaned over the entire width of the table.
* Before you can say anything Edward snorts
* “Because (Y/N) was getting lectured for staying out all night again”
* Mike looks like his eyes might pop out of his head
* “W-what? Out all night?! Without inviting me!” You roll your eyes.
* “He’s making it more dramatic, I went out for a run early in the morning because I couldn’t sleep and everyone was freaking out because they thought I got kidnapped.”
* Like any vampire or human stood a chance against you and your violent mood swings
* Mike’s so caught up in lecturing you about how you need to be more careful
* “There’s a lot of weirdos out there!” Yeah you live with them
* That he doesn’t even notice Bella’s taken a seat next to him
* Now that you get a better look at her, she is kinda pretty. She’s the kind of person who probably always looks good in photographs, no matter what the angle. Nice cheekbones and big brown eyes. Modest on boobs and butt, but she’s skinny so it works for her.
* “Hey, you’re Bella right?” You give her your friendliest smile, and you don’t miss the light blush that blooms on her face.
* You’re not sure whether it’s from your beauty or because she’s just not used to so much attention. She just nods.
* “Have you already seen the three whole things there are to do in Town on a Friday night?”
* Bella actually laughs at that. She’s got dimples, and little wrinkles that show up at the corner of her eyes. It’s cute.
* “One of those things is going to the library, so really it’s only two things.”
* She giggles again.
* “Is the other one going over to your house to play monopoly?” Mike asks, a grin arching onto his face
* “No my house is out of town, the other thing is to go to the school football game”
* “I’m not really a big fan of football” Bella hesitantly says, and Mike and Edward laugh
* “Yeah no one here does, everyone goes for the half time show, or just to hang out.” 
* You’re pretty sure your entire friend group only goes to the games to see your cheer routine, especially this year since you’re captain now. The first junior captain in a long time apparently. The news actually made the local newspaper.
* Everything is going good, and you’re starting to think maybe you and Bella might be friends.
* “Why don’t we have a board game night at our house again? Last time was-“
* You stop sentence, you were having so much fun you almost forgot why Edward was so obsessed with Bella.
* The slight breeze from the air conditioning brings her scent to you.
* You cover your mouth and nose with your hand
* Her scent is REVOLTING
* “(Y/N), are you okay?” Mike asks
* You vaguely feel Edward’s hand on your shoulder, has he not caught her scent yet?
* It’s pretty hard to miss
* Like gym socks, with a overly sweet base, it’s like-
* Your head snaps up, and your hand clamps over your mouth and nose even harder, but not because the scent is revolting
* She smells like cheese, perfectly aged Gorgonzola cheese, or maybe Brie?
* You smell the sweeter undercurrent stronger now, it’s like warm juicy peaches
* Roasted peach salad tossed with Gorgonzola and olive oil
* How many times have you dreamed about eating that while basking in the warm sunlight
* “I knew you shouldn’t have eaten those leftovers at lunch,” Edward says, but you know it’s performative, thank god he’s still got some sense after smelling her.
* “Mr.Banner, I think (Y/N) ate something bad, is it alright if I help them to the nurses office?”
* “Yes and hurry!” He’s practically shooing you out as Edward pulls you by the arm
* Nooooo, you wanna smell her moreeee
* You have the sense to not wine and keep your mouth covered.
* Edward doesn’t take you to the nurse, you both don’t stop walking until you’re at the parking lot
* “What the hell was that?” He asks, it’s the first time he’s seemed even remotely angry with you
* He seems more confused then angry though, you’re so shocked you actually sit down on the curb.
* And after a moment of hesitance Edward sits beside you, placing his hand over your own
* “She smells good Edward, like really good.”
* Edward laughs
* “Yeah I gathered that” he shakes his head. “I thought you were supposed to be a picky eater”
* “I aaaaamm” you moan, your head is cradled in your left hand. “She’s like one in a million”
* “You’re one in a million” you lift your head to see Edward looking at you with that stupid sh*t eating grin.
* “Really Edward my life is falling apart because I want to eat someone, and you think the appropriate response is to flirt?”
* To be fair, he’s always flirting, it’s basically apart of his personality at this point
* “You’re being melodramatic.” He chuckles and throws an arm over your shoulder. “Worst case scenario you kill her, Carlisle doles out his funeral punishment-don’t ask, and then we have to start over as freshman again somewhere else.”
* You groan, you finally worked your way up to a junior, you were just starting to get used to this crappy town, you don’t wanna start all over again in a new one
* “What’s the best case scenario?”
* Edward thinks hard for a minute.
* “Best case scenario...the music teacher agrees to teach me how to play the violin and I impress you with my magnificent playing.” You smack him on the arm.
* “Not the best case scenario for you!” You know he’s doing it on purpose. He just wants to make you laugh
* It works, you do laugh. How much more absurd could this situation get?
* “Everything’s going to be fine, if Jasper can handle having to smell 300 students he thinks smell good, you can handle 1.” 
* He’s got a point
* “Wait-didn’t she smell good to you?” Wasn’t that like, the whole d*mn point?
* His eyebrows thread together and he shrugs
* “Um, she smelled alright, no better or worse than the others. I’m not sure what you smelled-“
* What you smelled? The rich but refreshing flavor profile is sublime
* The f*cking heathen doesn’t even know what he’s missing
* “But to me she smelled like peaches”
* Well he kinda knows what he’s missing
* “She’s definitely anemic though, there’s a sever lack of iron in her scent” ah that must be that cheesy smell you’re getting
* Well ain’t this ironic. The girl who’s going to steal your best friend is only getting noticed because of you.
* “I don’t know, personally I prefer Henrietta the 3rds blood, but that’s just me” he’s lying, your blood is good and all, but it’s definitely still not on par with a humans blood
* He’s just trying to make you feel better.
* He rubs your shoulder, before patting it and moving to stand up.
* “Now come on, we have to make you eat some human food so you can throw up in front of the nurse and she lets us leave school early”
* You roll your eyes, anything to leave school early huh?
* “Yeah all right, lead the way Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Brooding”
* “Why do you always say that? I don’t brood that much anymore!”
* “You know how some people have resting b*tch face? You have resting brood face.”
* “Says the person who literally radiates despair” you shove him as you both walk towards the vending machine
* You take a deep breath as you watch Edward fumble with the vending machine
* The dork literally sticks a credit card up to the glass and demands the machine give him chips. 
* (Y/N/N) why isn’t this working? Am I supposed to insert my card through this slot?” 
* You laugh. You’re pretty sure he’s not doing this on purpose.
* “You’re supposed to use cash Edward.”
* You watch as he fumbles with his wallet muttering:
* “Do you think it’ll take a twenty dollar bill?”
* You watch in amusement as Edward tries - and fails- to use a twenty dollar bill, and then proceed to use obscure profanities to curse “this vile wretch of human technological advancement” 
* You feel a sigh of relief escape you.
* Yeah, everything is going to be fine. 
Tags:  @moonlights27 @thebluetint @the100thtwilight @awesomebooklover17 @oneofthepotterheads @smileygirl08 @imdoingathingmom @iconicgguk @yrawn @alyciaswhore @little-horror-show @wicked-watering-can @lazydreamers @xxxmuxxx @puritanicalhypocrite
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demon-slayage · 3 years
The first time you and Cove Holden get into an argument is when you’re in college
-femme reader
-high affectionate Cove, long term dating
-post step 3
-some mild angst but mostly fluff
-hi I haven’t written anything in years and this just popped out at me. Sorry it can get a little specific I based the sorority stuff on some of my own experiences so it does come from a femme perspective as well as my own experiences in the game w a high affectionate sporty Cove.
-hope you enjoy!
You opted to go to a university on the opposite side of the state. You generally didn’t come home to visit all that often just because your schedules didn’t always line up that way but you and Cove made it work. He knew this would happen and you tried to make a point of visiting at least once a month. However, you had joined a sorority because you wanted to make more friends. You could tell your longtime boyfriend was a little wary since your high school and friend group was never into partying like Greek life was known for.
Once you made it into the sorority in late fall you were finally able to attend one of these said ragers that Cove was worried about. You partook in some underage drinking and sent your boyfriend a couple of Snapchats of you hanging out with some sisters who he’s seen before as well as some unknown frat brothers. He simply told you to be safe, have a good time, and call him if you needed him. Knowing full well he’d drop everything to come get you if needed. Even though your drive/flight was hours away. You told him you loved him and not to worry.
But knowing Cove thats all he did over the weekend. Then the week after you had to deal with midterms so you were even busier and had less time to chat with your boyfriend as you were busy studying in the library with your friends and sisters. But regardless of that fall break was coming up and you had planned your visit to see Cove after midterms.
You made sure to text Cove to tell him you weren’t going to be as available but you knew he’d be a little sad but understanding knowing how clingy he was. However being in this situation you didn’t have time to focus on that.
Friday rolled around and you’d opted to fly home instead of taking the 5 hour drive. You’d planned it to be a surprise getting there earlier instead of the usual time. You had your moms pick you up from the airport and they smothered you with hugs and kisses once they saw you walk out of the gate.
You told them about how the semester was going and told them about your organization and they were just happy you were home. They took you family condo and you immediately got dressed to surprise your-probably-worried-you-hadn’t texted-him-for-a-bit-boyfriend. You sent him a text you saying were leaving in the morning which was normal but you’d always sent a follow up once you took a stop in your usual road trip.
You made your way to the tropical place restaurant where he worked and had even stopped by a local candy shop to pick up some fudge for him.
You swung the door open with a jingle and you’d somehow caught Cove conveniently at the host podium but unfortunately the moment he saw you he started immediately choking on the water he was drinking. His boss rushed over to check on him and noticed you and started laughing.
They said “Oh Cove, ever the smooth one. Why don’t you go take a long lunch since your partner is back.” They patted him on the back as he was still hacking pretty hard but you could see tears forming his eyes. You were unsure whether they were from being excited to see you or because he was in pain from choking.
You quickly pulled your dying boyfriend outside and let him finish recovering. After clearing his throat a few times he brought you into a big hug. And kissed your face all over.
“I didn’t expect you back so early!”
“I know I flew instead of driving since I wanted to see you so bad since I have more time! Fall break doesn’t end til Wednesday so you’re stuck with me until then.”
He puts a hand to his heart and says “oh what shall I do with you for that long.” He says it with a sly look in his eyes. But you also notice a bit of sadness in his voice but choose not to comment on it. You will later but not when he has to eventually go to back to work.
“So, do you want to eat here or find somewhere else to go. I guess I have a longer lunch but I don’t want to push it.”
You both opt for eating at his workplace but sitting outside around back away from the customers. You quickly fall into your normal conversations and you tell him about the midterms and your initiation into your sorority, telling him for the first time you have a secret he can’t know. He tries to get you to spill jokingly but you won’t budge. You also sense his sadness rising but again you won’t push until you’re in private.
Eventually your hour comes to a close and you tell him you’ll see him at his apartment later. You wave the spare key he gave you when he moved in and start your 15 minute trek back to your home to grab your belongings which you had left with your moms before they dropped you off to see him.
You ran inside and gave them a quick hug, popped over to Mr. Holden’s house to let him know you were back, who was just as shocked and then made your trek to Cove’s one bedroom apartment.
His complex was actually rather close to your family homes, he now had his independence but was still close enough to pop in on both families. You’d appreciated it since you’d stay at both places when you were in town and if Elizabeth was in town you got to stay with Cove. Though there was still a room available it was mostly just a weak excuse but your families never minded.
You opened up the door and inhaled and felt at peace. The citrusy-ocean scent you were used to hit you and made you tear up slightly. You walked your bag to Coves bedroom and then grabbed your entertainment of choice and headed into the living room to wait for him to get back. Since he was working a morning shift you expected him home in about an hour.
While you waited you remembered the fudge bought for him and made sure to grab it and display it on his coffee table.
Like clockwork when the clock struck 3, your tired boyfriend walked inside. All of the exhaustion on his face completely melted away at the sight of you and in two steps, thankful to his long legs he was holding you in his arms. Very enthusiastic for someone who’d already greeted you.
“You just saw me though!”
“I know but I didn’t get to do this earlier” he brought his lips to yours and the world stood still and all felt at peace. After a few moments you broke apart and you motioned to the fudge on the table.
“I bought some of your favorite to surprise you!”
You saw tears start to form in his eyes and then tears started to form in yours and you both hugged each other again before settling in a tangled pile of limbs on the couch.
However you were still aware of the subtle sadness he was giving off and decided now was the best time to bring it up.
You looked at him with worry and he immediately went wide eyed.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“No, you tell me? I could tell you weren’t all there today when I saw you at the restaurant.”
“Oh,” he sighed. “Yeah. I’m sorry. It’s nothing.”
You looked at him and he immediately broke.
“No you’re right, sorry I don’t know why I sometimes do that still, you can read me like an open book.” He pulled you closer.
“I guess I was just feeling a little insecure.”
You were surprised. The Cove Holden. Insecure? You both trusted each other with the utmost care and neither of you had ever done anything warranting an insecurity to rise but you let him continue speaking.
“You looked like you were having so much fun in those photos, but seeing you with all those guys i didn’t know kind of got to me. And then you were busy the whole week, which I know you couldn’t help. But we couldn’t even talk about it and it just weighed on me.”
Oh Cove. You put a hand up to your mouth and tears started to form in your eyes. You pushed your face into his chest then looked up at him. He looked back at you with a deep intense love.
“I’m sorry I didn’t even think about that! Those guys joined their organization around the same time as me so we’d been getting to know each other and since it was the first time we got to drink I wasn’t even really conscious of what was happening! They’re just some good friends.”
At that he seemed to stiffen.
“What do you mean not conscious? You didn’t drink that much you blacked out?”
You were not actually a drinker at all and felt a little stung by his assumption. You weren’t even allowed to drink your entire new member process until you got initiated into the organization either so that was a first and you knew you didn’t pass your limits either.
“No Cove. I didn’t. I was fine, i didn’t mean it that way. I meant that those guys had just become part of my routine. Not that I had blacked out.” Your tone came out a little more hostile than you meant.
He looked away and cleared his throat.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I know you’re responsible.”
He looked at you and picked up your hand and started massaging it.
“It’s just with alcohol, I worry about it since we never really drank in high school. You’re free to do that of course! You’re free to do whatever you want I just was worried since I’m not able to be there if anything bad did happen.”
Oh. He was right. It’s not like if you did get sick he’d be right there to be able to hold your hair back. Of course he was concerned. You were living different lives right now and it worried him that he couldn’t be a part of some of your firsts.
“Cove, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about that. You’re always on my mind that it kind of felt like you’d be able to instantly come to my aid if I needed but you are actually 5 hours away and 3 if you fly.” You smiled sadly at him.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I trust you I really do, you know that but I’ve been realizing it’s hard for me at times watching you live this different life than me after we spent 10 years doing the same thing. I’ve never felt that insecurity before. In the back of my head I worry you’ll get bored of your boyfriend from your small hometown and want to move on to different things.”
You sighed at that, but not with any malice.
“Cove James Holden. You know you are the only one for me. Like you said, I’ve been with you for 10 years! You’re not getting rid of me that easily! And I’d never get bored of you!”
That elicited a chuckle and you pressed your lips to his cheek and then his lips.
Once you pulled apart he stayed looking at you with a soft gaze.
“I want you to have fun, have the whole college experience. I know you won’t always have time to talk to me. Thank you for sticking with me and riding out these insecurities I feel. You are my person and I know I’m yours.”
“Exactly! You are my absolute person.” You replied happily. Poking him in the chest.
“I love you,” he said as he pressed another kiss to your forehead.
“I love you two Cove Holden. Forever and always.”
You then spent the rest of the evening cooking dinner, catching up, and eventually having the nicest, deepest sleep you’re had in a while being back in the arms of your boyfriend. He had taken the weekend off so you didn’t even need to worry about waking up early in the morning.
When the sun peaked through the blinds you smiled up at the sleeping beauty who’d encased you protectively in his arms all night knowing someday you’d be doing this every day for the rest of your lives.
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kpop-stan23-writes · 3 years
moonbin as a high school kdrama character
so i read this post by @milkybonya and was inspired!
group: astro member: moonbin genre: fluff word count: 3k warnings: mild cursing? pairing: moonbin x gn!reader (let me know if i missed something)
note: i have not spent any time in the korean school system, so the school experience in this will be kinda a mix of my own experiences in high school (the start of the school year in the late summer/fall) and what i've read up or seen in actual kdramas (like how the students stay in the room and the teachers move from class to class)
moon bin has been the top athlete practically since he could walk
basically a child prodigy in anything physical - swimming, basketball, track, you name it
as such, by the time he's a senior in high school, he's something of a local legend
so he's also kinda got a big head
also does annoyingly well in school
almost always sleeping in class or texting his friends or playing games on his phone
and skips out on the study sessions even if they're mandatory
but still manages to earn high marks
he participates in all sports, so very in shape
and always likes to show off when he can
like lifting the hem of his shirt to wipe sweat off his forehead
or will wear no-sleeve shirts at every opportunity to show off his arms
not that he really needs an excuse to show off
since he's on the swim team...
he's just being obnoxious at this point
you've just transferred even though it's your last year of high school
so you have no idea who this moon bin kid is
and because you don't really care about sports, you don't really care about him
you, of course, are in his homeroom and since you're new, the teacher makes you introduce yourself
you're only slightly awkward, because who likes having that many eyes on them, but it's quick and painless and now it's a matter of finding you a seat
of course, there's only one seat empty
and of course, it's right next to moon bin
the teacher asks one of the students seated in the middle-middle of the room to take that empty seat
you're quick to assure him it's fine, you're okay sitting in the back
he gives you a look, and so do some of the other students, because are you sure? you want to start the last and most important year seated next to the student most likely to disturb your studies?
but of course you don't know this, so you insist you'll take the seat in the back
moon bin watches with a smirk on his face the whole time
oh boy, he thinks to himself. a new student to fall in love with me
he leans back casually, balancing on the rear legs of his chair while lacing his fingers behind his head
it's still hot, so everyone's dressed in their summer uniforms, which means moon bin's shirt is completely unbottoned over his white t-shirt, which the girls love because it's definitely maybe just a tad too snug
especially when he's got his hands behind his head, like he does now
you notice the movement and notice his chest, which is barely straining against the soft fabric
you also notice that his relaxed, slightly bored expression changes when he notices you notice him
he smirks and you sigh; oh. he's that type of student
he expects you to grow flustered and blush and try not to look at his chest even though he definitely wants you to
instead, you scoff under your breath when you reach your seat and sit without another glance his direction
not even when his chair drops back to the floor with a crash, making everyone else turn in his direction
the teacher asks him what's going on and moon bin just chuckles and makes up something about losing his balance
once that's resolved, everyone goes back to listening to the teacher
but moon bin is sneaking glances your way while you keep your eyes glued on the chalk board even though you are very aware of the pair of eyes on you
by the time class is over, moon bin is sulking
because no one has ever not been interested in him before
and he's stubbornly not about to accept anything different now
which means:
operation make-[y/n]-like-moon-bin is a go
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
you catch on pretty quick
which makes you ignore him even more
which makes him try even harder to catch your attention
for the most part, you're pretty good at letting things just slide off you like water off a duck
but it's the first big test of the year in the subject you struggle with the most
it's study period, so there is no teacher in the room and most of the students are busy studying
except moon bin
because yes, he gets good grades without trying
but this subject, the one you're the worst at, he's the best at
so he takes the absence of a teacher to flick bits of paper at you
this isn't the first time he's done something like this
so he expects you to continue to ignore him until he gets bored and moves onto the next get-[y/n]-to-notice-him scheme
except it's been a long week
and you're stressing over this test
on top of the other class work for the other classes
so you snap
you're so done with this week that you don't even care you've gotten the attention of the other students
you just glare at moon bin
and he's so shocked his mouth falls open a little and his eyes widen
and he just...sits there
"jesus christ!" you finally exclaim, slamming down your pencil and whirling around to face moon bin. unfortunately for him, his fingers were in the process of flicking another wad of paper your way and he can't stop them. the last bit of paper sails toward you and nails you right between the eyes.
normally, it would be funny and he would laugh and so would the rest of the class and maybe you would even fight a chuckle. but your glance is so dark and furious that he shrinks back just slightly.
"i get that you enjoy trying to get my attention," you say hotly. "but if you've been paying any attention to me, you would see that now is not the time to be doing something so juvenile! if it's attention you want so damn much, there are plenty of other girls who would be more than willing to provide your fill!"
the teacher enters the class for the next period just then and looks between you and moon bin. "is something wrong?" she asks.
"nothing," you say, tearing your glare away from moon bin to address the teacher.
"nothing," moon bin agrees, though his gaze is still on you.
the teacher starts the class and you dutifully take notes, the cold shoulder you're giving moon bin enough to make those around you edge away.
the school day is finally over and you shove your things in your bag in record time and storm out of the room, yanking the sliding door open with more force than necessary and then slamming it shut behind you so hard the glass pane shivers.
and so does moon bin. because even though you never really gave him the time of day despite all of his attempts to get your attention, you had always gone along with it. sometimes he could swear he sees a hint of a smile on your lips and a glimmer of amusement in your eyes.
but you had been right. for all his attention poured into getting you to pay attention to him, he never paused long enough to consider how you were feeling. and in retrospect, the signs were obvious. you had been arriving later than normal over the course of the week, once even almost missing morning check-in. there were bags under your eyes and when you were with your friends, you were quieter and didn't participate as much in conversation.
and of course he knew there was one class in particular that always gave you trouble. you sat next to each other, after all, and he would always sneak a glance at the grades you made on the quizzes or returned homework assignments. he would hear you sigh in frustration and scratch your head in confusion as you tried to work out what you did wrong.
moon bin worries the whole weekend, dreading monday but also impatient for it to arrive, just so he can...he's not sure what. apologize? offer assistance in class? he doesn't know; he's never been in this situation, never been so totally and completely in the wrong.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
the weekend crawls to an end, but for you, it flies by in an instant. you get to school early, rather begrudgingly, hoping the change of scenery would help you retain anything.
your movements are heavy as you trudge into the classroom, only to come to an abrupt halt.
because you're not the first one there
moon bin is at his desk
and he looks nervous
he's sitting on the edge of his chair, his leg bouncing up and down, his hands clasped in front of his mouth
you contemplate checking to see if the library's open this early
but he jumps to his feet and calls your name
you sigh and cross your arms tightly across your chest. "what?" you deadpan.
"i'm sorry," he says quietly.
you quirk an eyebrow in disbelief. "you're what?"
"sorry," he repeats, louder this time and looking you square in the eyes. "i'm sorry i was a jerk to you on friday."
you can just stare at him for a moment, trying to determine his sincerity. his face certainly looks sincere, but he's also a very good actor, if the way he can talk himself out of trouble is any indication.
in a few quick strides, you're standing directly in front of moon bin's desk. he startles a little at the sudden proximity, and then blinks owlishly when you lean your face closer to his, trying your best to read his expression.
"fine," you say after a moment, turning away and plopping into your seat next to his. "apology accepted."
he remains standing for another beat, feeling a little overwhelmed by your sudden closeness and then just as sudden distance. he slowly sinks down into his chair and turns to you as you begin pulling out your notes.
he watches you while you begin to pour over past assignments and quizzes, but then jumps a little when you whirl around to face him.
"if you're going to start flicking papers at me, i take back my 'apology accepted,'" you scowl.
"no, sorry!" moon bin exclaims, his eyes widening a little. "i just...well..." his gaze drifts to the papers on your desk and then back to you. you clear your throat, suddenly embarrassed by your poor scores. you turn away and attempt to shove everything away, but moon bin catches your wrist, to both your surprise.
you glance between his hand on your wrist and his face, and he quickly pulls away, his cheeks starting to turn a bit pink. he clears his throat and says, "well, i thought maybe...i could help you...with studying..."
and suddenly, it's a regular thing
moon bin, voluntarily, in the library
everyone's shocked
and the whispers and stares start to follow you around
but again, you’re new
you have no idea who moon bin is, don't know his reputation, what's regular and irregular for him
and you just think "about damn time he does something other than flex his muscles"
and he's surprisingly good at tutoring
you almost ask him why he doesn't tutor other students
but he's really only good because he wants to be of assistance to you
he doesn't want to be a burden
you work your butt off during those tutoring sessions, because you want so badly to conquer this subject that has forever been the goliath to your david
and moon bin has seen how hard you work in your classes
but he can't help but be impressed with how much effort you pour into getting better
even at a subject you hate and that has beaten you at every turn
moon bin, despite his sportiness and his bright smile, keeps a relatively small friend circle
and they are floored by the sudden change in moon bin
because he's never worked so hard to get someone to so much as look at him
and they realize before he does
before anyone else does
that he's actually falling for you
because he does more than just tutor you
he actually listens to you
like when you hear soft snoring coming from next to you one day in class
you glance over and see moon bin peacefully snoozing, his cheek resting against his fist
with a huff, you jab his elbow with your own, causing his head to drop dangerously close to the desk
you just meet his glare with your own when he whirls around to face you
or when you express your incredulousness when you discover moon bin has never been punished for missing mandatory after-school study sessions
what do you know, he shows up to the very next one and sits next to you
you think nothing of it, but can tell by the gasps and whispers that something major just happened
or you hiss at him to put away his damn phone
because the vibrating it does when he receives a text is distracting
or because his soft exclamations while he plays games is just plain annoying
when his friends ask him about his sudden silence during class, he says he got his phone taken away
when his gamer mates demand to know why he suddenly stopped playing during their usual scheduled battles, he tells them he got bored of the game
or he overhears you scoff when he lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe his brow of sweat, showing off his abs to the squeals of the other girls during gym class
he glances your way to see you roll your eyes and whisper to your friend
he frowns but never does it again
it's not until just before finals before winter break that moon bin realizes what his friends have known for months
he likes you
like, actually likes you
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
it starts when you don't show up by morning roll call
if there's one thing moon bin has discovered about you
(like there's only one thing)
you hate being late
hate it to the point that you get anxious if you can't get to school at least fifteen minutes before first bell
it's not until midday that he overhears someone say that you've caught a bad bug
he immediately worries for you, since the teachers have been giving out even more study material to prepare everyone for finals
after school, he goes up to the teachers' office and quietly asks if he can get a copy of all the extra handouts
when asked why, he says he dropped his in the locker room and got them all wet
the teachers clearly don't believe him but give him the handouts he requests
then he's tracking down your friends
at first he considers dropping them off himself
but instead just shove the papers in your friend's hands and turns away without a word
that continues for the rest of the week as you miss more and more days
when you finally come back to class in time for the first day of finals, you march up to moon bin and drop all the handouts on his desk
he looks up at you and you just stare down at him
your expression is impossible to read and moon bin prepares himself for the worst
but your lips finally turn upward in a small smile and you give him a quiet 'thank you' before taking your seat beside him
"i don't know what you're talking about," he says immediately.
you snort. "please," you say. "did you really think my friends wouldn't tell me who gave them the papers?" he continues to stare at his notes. without thinking, you reach out and place your hand on top of his wrist. his eyes snap up to you and you say, "seriously. i really appreciate it. you didn't have to."
moon bin's heart is hammering in his chest and he wonders if you can feel his pulse in his wrist, where your fingers still lay. he clears his throat and just nods. you turn away, taking your warm touch with you, and you start cramming.
you have to wait a grueling two weeks of winter break before test scores are revealed
the first day of the new semester, everyone arrives early to get a glance at rankings
you make your way slowly to the bulletin board, heart beating nervously
you wait patiently behind the crowd of students, not super anxious to find out any sooner than necessary
you finally make it to the front of the queue and slowly find your name, listed alphabetically
and nearly faint from relief
because while you were expecting average-to-better-than-average grades for most of the subjects
you are beyond shocked to see that not only did you score well in the subject you dread
but your score is fifth best of the entire grade
you hear a quiet congratulations over your shoulder and you know without turning around who it is
because you have grown used to his soft tone from days spent in the library
you don't think twice before throwing your arms around moon bin's neck, a giddy laugh escaping your lips
"i couldn't have done it without you!" you say happily. "thank you so much!"
you pull away to get another look at the score, because wow you're excited
but moon bin catches your hand before you turn away from him completely
and he says simply
"i like you"
you grin and say, "about time you admitted it"
moon bin smiles back and asks, "are you free after school?"
"is the great moon bin asking me on a date?" you ask, raising an eyebrow
both of you ignore the gasps and wide eyes around you
"yes," he says without missing a beat, a wide grin making his eyes turn into crescent moons. "so, are you?"
"yes," you say without missing a beat, a matching grin making your eyes turn into stars.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
let me know how you like the format! part bullet point, part full writing
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pen-paper-and-ink · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Chapter Two
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Aelin Galathynius was tired, but that was what you got when you decided to wake up at six in the morning. Aelin doesn’t remember how Rowan convinced her that 6:30 was a perfectly acceptable time to run in the morning, or how six a.m. really wasn’t thatearly, but she despised him for it.  She knew that was a lie, that she adored Rowan, but every time her alarm goes off, she can’t help but silently curse her best friend.  
Aelin was not a morning person.  One of the only ways she could actually meet Rowan on time most mornings was by sleeping in her leggings, or her gym clothes, that way most mornings all she would have to do was push her feet in her sneakers and pull her golden blonde hair into a pony and be out the door.  Coffee also may or may not help her get her day started.  
She had a Keurig in her apartment, and the sugariest, most creamy coffee creamer in the fridge to help her wake up in the morning.  So that how she usually started her mornings: shoes, hair, and coffee.
The caffine and the sugar in her drink wakes her up as she sips her drink on the way to meet Rowan in front of the campus library, managing to recycle the empty cup just before she sees Rowan.  
They have been going on these morning runs for nearly two years now, since they decided to put their differences beside and become friends. They hated each other when they first met, both dealing with their own inner demons and not realizing that the person they each hated reminded themselves a little too much of what they saw when they looked in the mirror. When they finally called a truce, they decided the both needed a better way to deal with their loss and the stress of the world, hence the near daily jogs.
Even though she hated the early mornings, Aelin would be the first to admit that the runs helped.  She was no longer drinking herself half to death and getting into fist fights, and instead was feeling the steady pound of her feet on the pavement and the beat of her heart as she pushed her body to its limit.  Aelin had always been active in her childhood, avidly practicing karate and mixed martial arts until she was sixteen, she didn’t realize how much she craved the endorphins of exercise and a runner’s high until she was nineteen and started to run with Rowan.
Early on into her friendship with Rowan, Aelin decided becoming friends was one of the best things she had ever done.  Together they had decided to walk the path back to the light, and it had changed Aelin’s life for the better.  Nearing the end of her Junior year at the University of Terrasen, Aelin no longer felt like that angry and bitter freshmen she once was.
Aelin noticed Rowan seemed tired as she approached him, though she supposed that wasn’t odd.  She knew from Sam that he and the guys went out get drinks last night, he usually just wasn’t quite so hung over.  As one of the “healthy lifestyle choices”, as Rowan liked to put it, that they would partake in together was to no longer overindulge in alcohol, and drink their problems away.  Though perhaps this time it was in celebration, as he was approaching the end of his senior year, and she knew how beyond excited he was about starting his master’s program coming that fall.
Though they no longer overindulged, Aelin missed drinking with Rowan.  Rowan got goofy when he drank and damn her if it wasn’t one of the cutest things she had ever seen.  Especially how he giggled when he was tipsy, and she was telling some stupid joke.  She missed him, their lives had been so hectic lately between finishing up the semester and splitting their time among their various friends.
Rowan sighed as they began their run.  Aelin glanced over at Rowan. Who was scowling his way through his morning workout, that at least was semi-normal.  Rowan was not the mostly openly happy man on the best of days, scowling while running through his hangover seemed just like Rowan. They made their way through campus and ran past some of the historic buildings of downtown Orynth.  Aelin always loved this part of the city, she liked to imagine the lives of the long-ago royals as she ran past the palace and what used to be the mansions and hot spots of the wealthy.  
The buildings still belonged to the wealthy, but now they mostly made-up high-end apartment buildings and trendy boutiques and restaurants  near the U of T campus. Aelin should know, her apartment was located inside one of the former mansions, now a trendy apartment complex, near the palace and just a fifteen-minute walk to the campus library.
Aelin and Rowan’s pace began to slow down as they reached the end of their five-mile run, they had almost made it back to the library, the halfway point between both of their apartments.  When they finally reached their stopping point, Aelin flashed Rowan a smile over her shoulder which her warily returned.
“Well, you certainly worked your alcohol consumption off now.” Aelin joked towards Rowan, who just scowled in return.  “You can now go out again tonight, and not feel guilty about all the drinks you downed yesterday.”
“I didn’t drink that much,” Rowan protested.
“Really? That’s not what Sam told me,” Aelin shot back snarkily.  Rowan just sighed, and Aelin flashed him a triumphant grin. “Will I see you at the Cadre tonight?” she asked, naming their local haunt for cheap drinks near campus.
Rowan just solemnly nodded and said “See you tonight, Ace.” As he trudged his way back to his own apartment.
Aelin smiled to herself as she strolled at a leisurely pace as she made her way back to her own apartment.  Aelin loved her apartment.  She loved the white marble counter tops in her kitchen, her sofa in her living room, perfect for lounging the day away, it was her safe haven.  Aelin purchased the place right after her freshmen year of College ended, she would soon be moving out of her dorm and she needed a place to call home, since she could not stand to be alone in the house where she and her parents once lived.
One of the newer fixtures in Aelin apartment was her boyfriend, Sam Cortland.  She had just recently given him a key, so he saw fit to come to her apartment whenever he pleased.
“I see you let yourself in.” Aelin called as she walked through the door.
Sam looked up and grinned at her from his seat at the kitchen island, “Just thought I’d check on my beautiful girlfriend, and see what she was up to today.”
“Besides finishing my English lit paper and getting out of these disgustingly sweaty clothes?” Aelin asked.
“Yes, besides that.” Sam laughed over his cup of coffee.
“I told Rowan I’d meet him at the Cadre tonight.” Aelin said, as she watched Sam’s face become closed off, as he stared deeply into his mug.
“Rowan didn’t say anything about last night, did he?” Sam asked cautiously.
Aelin snorted, “No. It seems you guys had fun last night, judging by Rowan’s hang over though,” Aelin laughed. “I’m surprised you’re up and functioning this morning,” Aelin said as she went over to poke her boyfriend in the stomach.
“Well, I clearly didn’t have as good of a night as Rowan did,” Sam laughed, “but I was thinking we could have a good night soon.” Aelin perked up. “How about Mistward’s next Friday night? We can invite the whole gang. It can be our celebration for graduating and finishing our sophomore year.”
“Mistwards, huh?” Aelin was skeptical, Mistward’s was one of the nicest restaurants in all of Orynth, and one of the most expensive. “Do you really think our friends would be up for that? I don’t think Lorcan can dress nicely enough to get into a place like Mistward’s.”
At the end of every school year, Aelin and all her friends would gather, usually at the Cadre, and have a huge blow out celebration for finishing up the school year.  This year was different since both Rowan and Sam were graduating, this celebration had to be better, and to reflect all of them, and MIstward’s definitely did not reflect Rowan.
“I think I can convince them,” Sam said with a sly grin.
“I don’t Know…”
“Come on, Aelin,” He was still smiling, “I got it covered.” He set his mug of coffee on the counter and got up to kiss her. He pulled her into his arms, holding her close.  She relaxed into his warmth.
“I’m surprised you’re willing to touch me; I’m covered in sweat.” Aelin mumbled into his chest.
Sam laughed heartily, “Maybe my intentions weren’t so pure, we’re both fairly sweaty now. How about I run us a shower.”
Aelin laughed and began to walk into her bathroom to run a shower for the both of them.
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keiyoomi · 4 years
unexpectedly mine | k. tetsurō × reader   
details: 800+ words; fluff, mutual pining, kuroo being kuroo ig.  note: and they’re co-habitating! i hope you’ll like this one~ a certified brain dump. idk if i still have a brain. this idiot thought it was already friday. let me know what you think!
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��for real?” kuroo whispered to himself as soon as he sees you reading one of the books you’ve borrowed from the local library the other day. he knew that you were struggling in a particular subject. honestly, he wanted to help you out, but you refused. 
he quietly placed his bag on one of the chairs, his eyes weren’t leaving your barely awake state. “you should take a quick break.” you jolted from your seat–kuroo swore he had heard you gasp sharply. “your brain wouldn’t be able to absorb the things you’re reading if you’re exhausted.”
“thank you, but i have to finish reading this today or else i wouldn’t be prepared for the presentation tomorrow.” you continue reading the book, tuning out any comments from your roommate (and crush). 
kuroo sighs before leaving the room. he head to the nearby bakery where you two usually grab your breakfast. he was greeted with a warm smile by the cashier as he looks at the desserts on the cake display fridge. then, he stood straight while pointing at your favorite cake.
he watches patiently as the other person behind the counter delicately takes two slices of cakes inside the box. kuroo really hopes that this sweet cheer you up. he wants to hear your voice again, bickering with him non-stop.
“thank you,” he says to the two people behind the counter before leaving the shop. he looks at the box with elegant prints. “oh heavenly flavored cakes, please cheer up that dork before this day ends,” he says dramatically, earning weird looks from the people who were also walking on the sidewalk. 
kuroo greets everyone he knew as he skips towards the apartment complex you two were renting. “kuroo-kun, good evening.” his eyes widens as soon as he hears the voice of the old lady living next to your apartment. “it’s been awhile since i’ve last saw you,” she says before her eyes landed on the box he was holding.
he politely responded to the old woman, saying that he’s been busy with numerous school works and presentations left and right. the old woman nods in understanding, her fond smile never leaves her face. “it’s understandable,” she says before gesturing the box he was holding. “did y/n-chan finally expressed her feelings towards you?”
kuroo’s eyes widens, his breathing hitches as his heart begins to race. “f-feelings. . . towards. . . me?”
the old lady’s eyes appears suprised. then, she covers her lips with her hand. “oh my. she haven’t?” she asked followed by a ‘ding’ from the elevator. “please extend my apologies to y/n-chan.”
he stood frozen inside the elevator, his hand gripping the box’ handle. “she has feelings towards–” kuroo’s eyes widens as he noticed the elevator’s door closing. “–shit!” he pressed the ‘open’ button and rushed out of the elevator.
for some reason, he couldn’t make himself turn the knob and enter your shared apartment. how is he supposed to keep himself calm after learning about–he blushes–that. after finally composing himself, the lines he would say, he finally turns the knob and open the door. 
“i’m ba–”
there was silence inside the apartment. aside from the air conditioner, the entire place is filled with silence. kuroo couldn’t hear any flipping of pages–something that he heard earlier when he entered the place. 
“y/n-chan? are you home?” he inquired as he places the box inside the refrigerator. “y/n?” he called as he made his way towards the bedroom. “n/n. . .-chan?” his voice slowly fades as soon as he sees you sleeping. “this woman,” he mutters before walking towards you.
he lightly taps your cheek, hoping to wake you up. you stirred in your sleep before slightly opening your eyes. “hm?”
“sleep on your bed,” he says, but instead on listening to him, you simply hum before going back to sleep. kuroo sighs. “unless you want me to carry you to–oi, where are you going?”
“to sleep,” you mumble while wobbling towards your bed. then, you throw yourself on your soft mattress. 
kuroo rests his hands on his hips while looking at you with amusement. “this silly girl,” he whispers. ‘i can’t believe she feels something for me too.’ your soft snores interrupted his internal monologue making him chuckle. ‘stop being adorable you little–” he purses his lips to keep himself from smiling. ‘will you finally allow me to pat your head while you’re sleeping if i confess my feelings towards you?’
then, you stirred in your sleep–pulling him back to reality.
kuroo sighs. ‘i guess, i’ll never know unless i try,’ he said to himself before taking his phone out of his pocket. ‘i hope kai have some ideas on how to make a move. if not. . .’ he let out another sigh. ‘. . .well, i guess i could ask kenma. ugh, asking yaku is fine too.’
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note: yaku and kuroo’s friendship is great. they just really love to tease [also: annoy] each other.
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trh-thesussexes · 5 years
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
Long Way Home (Jeon Wonwoo)
I would just like to take a moment and say FUCK PLEDIS, lmao. Also Haley requested this forever ago and I’m just posting it, so I hope this is okay.
Word count: 5325
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You could already hear Minghao scoffing at you in your head. He didn’t believe in perfect days so if you even explained the weekend’s events, he wouldn’t have believed you. So naturally, you were just gonna tell him it was a good time. The sun was almost done setting and you could feel the tan/burn of your days spent outside. Wonwoo cracked open the windows to let the hot air out and turned on the ac, letting the coolness hit your face and making you feel sleepy, and you could hear faint chuckling.
Spending a weekend in Changwon to (properly) meet his family turned out much better than you expected. Instead of taking a plane or train, he opted to make a road trip out of it, picking you up at the crack of dawn on Friday morning. You'd stopped at the gas station at the beginning of the trip, buying all the soda and junk food your arms could hold and rolling the windows down as the sunrise progressed into the morning. The more the world woke up, the more energetic he became and the louder he cranked up the volume.
While you did admire his onstage persona, intimidating you with the way he spewed venom when he rapped, it was another thing to hear him sing off-key to your song choices and giving you his dopey grin whenever you judged him. Wonwoo pointed to everything he remembered from his childhood along the way, stopping at a few places that he was sure that you’d like, like the frozen yogurt place that offered more toppings than he knew what to do with; or the second hand bookstore that gave away bookmarks after buying more than seven books. His favorite part of the road trip had been pulling over at the pet shop he begged his parents to stop at when he was younger but obviously said no.
Wonwoo laughed a lot the whole way there, enjoying the warmth of the sun through the windows and threading his fingers through yours and occasionally bringing them to his lips and kissing your hand, almost forgetting it was the weekend where he had planned to introduce you to his parents and trying his best to keep your nerves calm. It looked like it worked because he didn’t see you playing with your hair or drumming your fingers anywhere or even looking out the window. In fact, when he was about to ask how you were feeling you had fallen asleep somewhere along the way and he just laughed, letting go of your hand.
From all the stops you made, you didn’t get to his parents’ place until mid afternoon. His dad was outside washing the car when you pulled up. Wonwoo got out first and greeted him, trying to make up for all the lost time in that hug. You had to look away from that because it felt too personal for you even though you had those moments multiple times before. They talked for a moment and then he turned around and waved you over. You took a deep breath, fiddling with the door handle and you slowly got out. 
“It’s so good to see you Y/N!” Wonwoo’s father greeted you cheerfully. He didn’t know whether to shake your hand, bow, or hug you right away. He opted for the last choice. “Wonwoo talks nonstop about you! I was afraid he was making this up!” 
“It’s so nice to see you too,” you smiled at him. You kept your grip firm but not enough to hurt him. An awkward pause from you. “Thank you for having us over this weekend.”
“It’s no trouble at all. I missed seeing you here.” He fished out the keys from his pocket and pressed the panic button on it, not saying anything else until another figure emerged from the door.
“Yah! I told you to stop making noise before the neighbors file a complaint on us again!” The woman who became like a second mom to you marched over to him and smacked his shoulder. “Have you forgotten my name or something?” 
“I could never,” he chuckled, “but our guests are here.”
“And you couldn’t take them inside?!” She shook her head at, finger raised and ready to scold him. 
“It was easier if you did it.” He turned the nozzle back on the hose, the water spraying onto the car. “I still have this to clean.” He momentarily aimed it at her, and she screamed, which made him laugh.
“My children! How are you?” She kissed Wonwoo’s cheeks, pinching one of them and straightening his shirt to keep him presentable. “Y/N, you’re looking as lovely as ever.”
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, oh my gosh.” You wrapped her arms around her and did that little dance while hugging. “I’ve missed coming here. How are you?” You missed her warmth.
“Everyday is a good day.” Wonwoo’s mom brushed some crumbs off your face. “I’d invite you guys in, but my house is still a mess. Bohyuk won’t be home until after his detention.” She shook her head just thinking about it. “So, we can stay out here for a couple minutes. Or are you tired?”
“Y/N slept the whole way; I was so bored.”
“You woke me up early,” you whined. “No one wakes up before dawn.”
“Some of us sleep at dawn,” Wonwoo retorted, slinging an arm around your shoulders and trapping you in his hold.
“You’re not human. Ahh! Wonwoo, let me go.” 
“First say you’re sorry.” He didn’t know how much it hurt to laugh this much with you, and you weren’t even doing anything remotely funny. He finally let you go though, panting hard to catch his breath. “You will be the death of me, you know that?”
“Am not!”
“YES….DAD!” Wonwoo hollered, spitting out some of the water that had landed in his mouth when you got sprayed. “What was that for?”
“I see the bickering hasn’t gone away. Since you guys wanna fight so much, you can go pick up your brother after his detention.”
“Who’s fighting?” Wonwoo looked at you. “We’re not fighting. We’re best friends.” He draped his arm over your shoulder again, bringing you close to him, which made you blush for some reason and you smacked him. “Aren’t we friends, Y/N?”
“I’ve never seen you in my life. You’re mistaking me for someone else.”
“This is why you should go along with my foolproof plans,” Wonwoo said a little while later, towel drying his hair and offering another to you. He noticed you still shivering from the cold so he pulled you out into the sun, hoping to warm you up.
“Nah, you still end up getting us in trouble.” You wrung the water from your shirt, surprised at how much it managed to absorb from the sprays Wonwoo’s dad hit you both with and then took it from him gratefully. 
“I’m sorry. My parents are a little more excited for us visiting than I thought.” He brought the towel to your arms, drying you up a little.
“You don’t have to apologize. They miss you. The idol life is hard for everyone, you know?” You shuddered when his cold hand touched your cheek to press your foreheads together. Some of the droplets fell from his hair and landed somewhere on you.
“The rumors are true. Gross.” You both turned your attention to the voice, pinpointing it as Wonwoo’s younger brother as he gagged. “Oh my god, it’s my worst nightmare come true.”
“Shut up. You knew this was coming.”
“I want you to know that I lost a bet for saying you weren’t gonna….stay away from me. You’re wet and I don’t want Y/N’s germs on me.” He waved at you. “Hi Y/N!”
“Hi Bohyuk,” you smiled at him. “Still getting into trouble I see.”
“It wasn’t my fault,” he protested. “If the teacher kept to the right instead of going to the left, then she wouldn’t have been showered with baby powder.”
“How juvenile.”
“Sure, you made the move on my babysitter, but I’m the juvenile one.”
You winked at Bohyuk. Due to babysitting him, you and Wonwoo had become friends. Not best friends who told each other everything, but occasionally hung out at school and sometimes studied at the local library before he went away to train to become an idol. And as Bohyuk grew up, the Jeons didn’t require your services anymore but they helped you get another job as a thanks for your help. 
You weren’t sure how you and Wonwoo managed to reconnect, no matter how many times you looked back on it. You just remembered that one day you were closing up at work….and you swore you just blinked when Wonwoo had dropped by for a visit. Even then, your feelings didn’t develop right away. You didn’t feel your heart break when he left again, and you didn’t chase him to see if he felt something. There was that sadness, yes, but you got over it just as quickly as it came. Always bad with texting during one of the times you exchanged numbers, he only responded when he remembered to and he made up for it with lengthy paragraphs and e-gift cards for you. But once he debuted, you saw him either onstage or in photocards.
And when you moved to Seoul to fill the hunger you had for adventure….nothing happened….at least, not at first. You didn’t bump into him at a coffee shop where he invited you to dinner and confess his feelings for you when he dropped you off at night; and he didn’t spy you in the crowd during one of his comebacks and make his forget lines. In fact, the first time he saw you, he sped through your neighborhood and saw you throwing out the trash, but he wasn’t even sure it was you, so he forgot about even asking you. 
Your paths eventually crossed one day while coming back from work and you picked up dinner you ordered ahead of time. He had been there with Soonyoung and Chan, waiting for the rest of their members when you walked in through the door when he saw you. He had been in the middle of a story but the bell dinging interrupted him. The funny thing was that he didn’t stutter or stop his story when your gazes locked; he merely smiled and waved at you and continued as if you weren’t there, but it wasn’t until you were getting ready for bed that he had messaged you on one of your social media accounts asking why you didn’t say hi or let him know sooner you were in town, but otherwise made no other move to make plans to hang out with you. 
You supposed the thing that got the ball rolling was finding him at a bookstore. Only instead of him looking for books like you were, he was on a coffee run with Seungkwan, but while waiting for their orders, he saw you in the young adult section, taking pictures of the covers and possibly sending them to someone. He left Seungkwan hanging in the middle of the conversation to ask what you were looking for, which scared you and made you drop your phone. By the time you picked it up, he already had a couple of books in his hands, which he swore you would like because he enjoyed them a lot. In the middle of that, he apologized through his laughter And with that he pulled out his membership card for the discount and shooed you to the checkout line and went back to check on Seungkwan who looked offended at having his story time ruined but had the self control to not ask who you were until they were in the confinements of the car and he mentioned you were an old friend.
You asked him about the books….if they had been made into movies or a series or something, and gave him your honest thoughts and opinions, and he offered his own. He seemed more surprised at the fact that he had forgotten how well you could discuss literary works and even though you had different opinions on each, he respected that. He didn’t even think that it would turn into something more (and neither did you), so he didn’t think much about it every time he asked you to go out with him. But then after misreading the signs one night, you kissed him. 
Although he had been shocked, he was also pleasantly surprised at how much he liked it, but he asked you to take it slow with him because of his life and he didn’t want to hurt you if anything were to come out of it. And he credited you for being as patient as you were. He sent you his schedules for the week (and sometimes the month) to see when it’d be okay to see you for more than just your casual outings and after Jihoon knocked some sense into him, he dove in and asked you on a proper date, unsure if it had been the right thing to do.
And now as he looked at you passing the plate to his mom and how you listened intently to whatever story she had been telling you, he figured it was worth it...even when you caught him staring and stuck your tongue out at him.
Saturday had brought you cruising the neighborhood and bickering over trying to remember what the abandoned buildings once held. You waved to vaguely familiar faces asking each other if someone was your friend or his. It was Wonwoo’s turn to play the music, but none of it matched the vibe of the day, so naturally, you skipped songs until they felt right 
You stopped by the library, a little heartbroken to hear that the librarian who used to help you two find books on several occasions had passed away. The last time you saw him before you left for Seoul, he had expressed how much he would’ve loved to see you both at the same table one day and fighting over whatever it was people your age argued about again. They did, however, have a photo hanging by the kids’ section as a memorial and Wonwoo let you rest your head on his shoulder while you paid your respects and spoke softly about how your lives came to be like this. You stayed long enough to read a chapter book from your childhood and renew your library cards knowing full well you wouldn’t come back anytime soon and promised the photo of the deceased librarian that you’d stop here every time you were in town.
For lunch, you stopped at a Chinese restaurant where you found out that the head chef there was now the owner of the chain. She remembered you two as the ones who’d order the biggest plate of orange chicken and split it but always left the vegetables on your plate. She led you to your favorite table, feeling a little guilty at seeing your names carved in there from your adolescent days. For old time’s sake, you ordered the same food, only this time you got your own food since you could afford it now. Wonwoo slurped his noodles loudly, partly to annoy you and partly because food that good needed to be known by making as much noise as possible. The chef/boss even comped your meal because of how adorable you two were together and she seemed pleased to know she played a small role in it. Wonwoo may have left a really big tip as a thanks.
In the afternoon, he brought you to the wide schoolyard of your middle school days. You sat under the big shady tree where you’d hang out with your small group of friends and watched Wonwoo walk to the bench where he hung out with his friends. You brought out a journal and a small speaker to listen to music to fill the silence you didn’t wanna hear just yet. You caught your journal up on the events so far, not leaving any details out and just proclaiming your love for the haven the weekend created. 
Wonwoo had with him a soccer ball and kicked against the gate, creating a ruckus and you asking him to knock it off, mostly because it wasn’t the noise he had in mind. He watched the way you scribbled across the pages, wondering what you could’ve been writing, seeing as though he’s been with you and nothing really seemed worth remembering. After a few more “goals” he scored, he sat down next to you and closed his eyes, to gain some of his strength back. He didn’t ask you to read what you wrote but he asked what you were thinking about, letting your words paint a picture in his imagination At one point, in a fit of boredom he took all his stuff back to the car and re-emerged with the guitar that Jihoon let him borrow. He was still practicing how to play it, so he wasn’t all that great yet, but it didn’t discourage him. He was still playing when you asked for the keys to trade your journal for your switch, figuring a video game seemed like fun. 
When the late afternoon turned to dusk, you both stood up, having gotten a lot further in your respective books than you expected, and stretched, letting the blood flow across your bodies and feeling lightheaded with the sudden movements. He grabbed your hand and together, you explored the campus, reminiscing about the worst and most useless classes ever thought of and why they even existed.
“Wonwoo, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but algebra? We kinda need that. Computer skills on the hand….”
“I could live my whole life without knowing whether parentheses or exponents, especially when you add letters to the equation...no pun intended.” He pointed to the woodshop class, ranting about the stupidy of school districts needing permission to teach sex ed classes but apparently preteens were mature enough to handle heavy machinery that could cause bodily harm and how he almost sliced his finger one time because the board he needed for a project wouldn’t cooperate with him.
“Do you remember this is where we first had lunch together after I started watching Bohyuk?” Wonwoo shook his head and you continued, hoping to jog his memory. “You didn’t say hi or anything. You literally just sat-” you pushed him down on the seat, you nearly falling on him but catching yourself in time, “-right there and started eating your chicken burger as if it was the most normal thing in the world.” You smiled a bit. “I didn’t even know who you were and you scared me.”
He nodded. “I remember some of that. But I only needed to tie my shoe and then you started talking and you haven’t stopped since then. I didn’t have lunch with you though. That was probably a different time. We didn’t become friends until way later.”
“It didn’t happen like that. We became friends really fast….stop shaking your head! My memory is better than yours.”
“What did we have for breakfast?”
You opened your mouth, ready to fire off the first thing you had this morning, but then you scrunched your face up, trying to remember. Was it pancakes….no! They were waffles! You dunked them syrup….right? You were pretty sure you had juice though. Wonwoo had coffee and maybe a bagel….you think. “I-” Your eyes darted everywhere, anything to spark a memory, but you came up empty. You closed your mouth again, lower lip sticking out.
“That’s what I thought,” he said smugly. He squatted a little to get to your eye level. “Who’s my favorite person in the world?” He reached out to poke your cheek to get you to smile. “Come on, friend. Who is it?”
“No,” you pouted, shaking your head at Wonwoo when his smile widened.
“What did I get you for our first official date?” 
“Coasters with kittens you and Seokmin named after the Weasley twins.” You weren’t sure why you remembered that, but it just stuck with you. “Stop trying to be cute with me, you little shit.”
“Okay, fine.” he kissed your forehead, chuckling. “We became friends that day. And what else do you remember about those days?”
“I saw you a lot at the book fairs; you were in the school’s top 30 biggest readers, and you kissed someone under the basketball court during PE once.” 
“I didn’t know you had a crush on me back then.” He pinched your cheek lightly. Well, he’d probably never tell you that he had one on you for about four days, but it went away. But he’d say just about anything to get that blush on your cheeks, even if it meant accidentally busting you but you not admitting to it.
“Come on, let’s go home already. Your mom’s probably waiting for us so we can all eat.”
“Hey, Jagi?” He had to know now, even if you weren’t gonna give him a clear answer.
“Did you really have a crush on me?”
“What’s important is that we’re dating now and not reliving the most embarrassing parts of my life.”
He took that as a maybe.
Sunday morning, after staying up a little too late playing many, many rounds of Mario Kart, Wonwoo’s parents decided on an impromptu family day at the beach despite knowing that you’d have to leave later in the day to get back to Seoul at a (somewhat) reasonable hour. You made sure you had all your stuff packed so you wouldn’t forget anything and you joined the Jeon family for an early-ish breakfast with Wonwoo’s mom pouring too much syrup on her husband’s waffles, despite his protests of not liking it anymore. (He took one bite of them though and proceeded to snatch the bottle away and almost drown them in the gooey mess.) Bohyuk was more interested in whatever noise was coming from his phone than anything else, and Wonwoo almost falling asleep on his waffles. 
You chucked one of the wadded up receipts from your pocket at him and he jumped up, nearly knocking his glass of milk over and you laughed. He seemed wide awake the rest of the day though because he sang all his favorite songs at the top of his lungs on the drive to the beach while you fed him gummy worms and constantly asked him if you were there yet, to which at one point, he pulled over on the side of the road, unlocked the passenger door and told you to get out. 
Once the scent of salt hit your nostrils, you bounced in your seat excitedly, talking at a million words a minute about the last time you spent the day at the beach and how it’s felt like forever since you felt like a kid and had he not been driving, he would’ve kissed your head at your cuteness, but he did take your hand and squeezed it. But when your feet actually touched the sand, you remembered just how much you hated it when it got into your shoes and socks, so you took them off, not caring you’d eventually get blisters from how hot the ground was.
It wasn’t too fully packed with people but still you didn’t stray too far from the family, watching Wonwoo slowly dip his feet in the water but make no other effort to go further inside because Bohyuk was the dutiful brother trying to push him inside. 
You wrote down the non interesting events in your journal, enjoying the waves crashing on the shore and the gulls flapping their wings and reluctantly reading a couple entries to the curious mom. You drank your water happily to keep you hydrated, especially since the sun seemed warmer than most days. Wonwoo did call for you sometime later, and you raced to the water, jumping eagerly over the waves and grasping at his hand when one almost knocked you over. A little before you had to leave, you and Wonwoo walked through the shore, holding hands and just enjoying each other’s company. Truth be told, you didn’t want to leave; you wanted to stay in this paradise, where you didn’t have to worry about anything except maybe falling into the water and possibly taking Wonwoo down with you.
Eventually, Wonwoo did have to gently remind you that home was quite a ways away and a few of the boys wouldn’t forgive him if he didn’t show up, and he had to pull you of the water to say goodbye to his parents. Wonwoo’s mom cried a little, saying she’d miss you both and Wonwoo’s dad hinted at you staying a little longer, going as far as saying that he could call someone at Pledis to excuse him for one more day, and the idea was tempting but you had to go and they only let you leave when you promised you’d come back soon. 
The sun had finally set when you were at the halfway point of home, and you were proud of yourself for staying up with Wonwoo as long as you did. He didn’t have much to say other than asking if you were hungry from time to time.
“You’re not ready to go home yet, are you?” you asked, stifling a yawn. You managed to crack a small smile when his hand found yours and entwined them.
“Not yet. I had so much fun this weekend.” He snuck a peek over at you scrolling through your phone, the brightness illuminating your face. “Are you still scared of my parents?”
“Yes and no. If we break up, it’d be a little hard to tell them that, don’t you think?”
“Or we can get married and hope we end up like them.”
“Jeon Wonwoo, you haven’t even told me you love me yet, and you’re already deciding our future.” You were grateful that he couldn’t see you blushing, but you didn’t feel like outing yourself by asking him to turn down the air. You had to admit the idea was nice though. 
“I didn’t say I love you. I’m just saying that if you don’t wanna tell my mom why we broke up, this can be an option for us and she’d never know.”
You could feel your eyes closing, the small banter tiring you out. Maybe he could make it home without you bothering him. The big neon signs could keep him company and possibly feed him since he often talked about grabbing a bite to eat. You weren’t hungry, but you felt as though you could sleep through the end of the world. You didn’t catch what Wonwoo told you, but you could feel him patting your head.
When you woke up from your nap, the car smelled like food and the streets looked familiar, but you still shut your eyes just in case you were dreaming. You could feel the disappointment of going home bubbling deep inside you. You didn’t want the night to end; you didn’t want to say goodbye to Wonwoo yet. It felt like you didn’t spend enough time with him. Maybe you should’ve stopped at a restaurant or maybe you should’ve stayed up with him. Was it too late to call one of the boys and say you got a flat tire on the way back? Maybe you could tell Wonwoo that you forgot your phone...and the one resting on the cupholder was his mom’s.
“Come on, sleepy head. I know you’re up.”
“No, I’m still sleeping. You can’t make me get up if I’m not awake.” You opened one eye, peeking at your surroundings. Pretty soon, Wonwoo would turn right and then go down a few more streets and then once you passed his favorite grocery store, you’d be home. You didn’t want that.
“Come on. We have to get up for work tomorrow and you have a lot of other things to do.”
You shook your head. “No, not yet.”
“What if I promise to take you out on a date this weekend? Or we can stay at my place and bug everyone?”
“What if I spend the night after everything’s done? I know I promised Chan I’d do something with him, but-”
“No.” you felt childish but you couldn’t help it. “I’m still asleep.” 
“Please Y/N?”
Slowly you opened your eyes, sighing in defeat. You had a good weekend at least, but now you had to face the reality of tomorrow as soon as you got home. You saw the McDonald’s sign, getting ready to hear the blinker to signal his turn, but instead of turning like you expected, Wonwoo drove straight ahead. “Uh, Wonwoo? I think you missed the turn.”
He shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road. “Do you feel like taking the long way home tonight?”
At this, you nodded. You liked when Wonwoo could read your mind and it comforted you to know that he felt the same way, even if he wasn’t as vocal about it. He let his phone choose the songs as he drove on, making random turns and not caring about where he was taking you. He just wanted to be with you until the last possible second. 
“I didn’t know you liked Green Day,” you commented when he stopped at a red light.
“I don’t think I’ve heard enough of their songs to know if I like them, but Vernon probably got into my phone. I can’t understand a lot of what they say anyway.” He shook his head. “All I know is that I question the whole anarchy thing.”
“I mean we jam out from time to time so it can’t be all that bad. The light’s green now.”
“Always in a rush to leave, aren’t we?” He waited a couple more second before driving down a few more streetlights (all of them turning red when he’d pull up) before making another turn that led you to a rural part of Seoul...and the outskirts from the looks of it. You came across a few neighborhoods, Wonwoo explaining how he’d like to live in something like this one day after the whole idol life/military discharge was over. He picked up the habit of kissing you whenever you stopped at the stop signs, liking the fact that it seemed like you were the only two people awake at that hour. 
Eventually he had to take you home, but he took every detour he could find, taking advantage of all the streets that he could find stop signs and red lights, so he could kiss you a little more and have those milliseconds add up. He finally stopped at your apartment building, turning off the music and looking up at you. “We’re here.”
“Thank you for this weekend, Wonwoo. Can we do it again?”
He nodded. “I’d like that a lot.” He deliberated a moment before turning off the ignition and all the lights dimming around you before turning off completely. 
You sighed quietly, feeling sadder than you should’ve but you unbuckled your seatbelt and opened your door. “Good night.”
He caught your arm before you could leave. “Jagi?”
He leaned closer to you until he could kiss you one more time. “Good night.”
Maybe you weren’t falling in love with Wonwoo yet, but you were more than okay with taking it slow. 
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he whispered.
It was your turn to lean in quickly and kiss him good night. “Thank you for taking the long way home.”
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pmpkinns · 4 years
Growls From The Dark (Chapter 1 - Missing)
(I’m deciding to upload the chapters here as I upload them on archieve! I aim to upload a new chapter between Friday or Saturday of each week. Feel free to follow me on my social medio for upload updates and other information! 
Twitter: TiredLeaf@LeafTired , Instagram: _tiredleaf_
Please feel free to leave a comment because I love hearing for y’all!
Word Count: 5K+
Summary:  Luz hasn't shown up to school all week, which leaves her friends concerned. Brushing it off as the human needing to do errands for Eda, Amity's concern reaches its peak when Luz blows off their Azura Bookclub Meeting without any word as to why. Even stranger, Eda and Lilith refuse to tell Amity the truth about the noises she hears from outside the owl house as well as refusing to let her see Luz. Things remain in the dark until Amity is attacked by a strange creature on her way home one night. However, its eyes remind her of the human girl she loves.
It was quiet. Nearly too quiet for Willows liking. Her gaze remained on the empty seat across from her as Gus continued to drink his apple blood without care. There was a silence between them, though it was not awkward, it was oddly peaceful. “Gus, have you seen Luz around today?” Willow asked, a hint of worry clearly laced in her voice. Gus stopped, his eyes shifting to the spot where Luz usually sat. The young witch thought for a moment. Luz had not been in his illusions class that morning, which he found a bit odd. However, his mind had been more focused on writing up an essay for the Human Appreciation Society, discussing a few new things that Luz had told him about the human realm. “I haven’t, but I wouldn’t think too hard on it. Maybe she’s out with the owl lady?” Gus tried his best to calm his friends' worries. They usually talked every morning before school; however, Luz had never picked up.
Willow gave a curt nod of understanding, before going back to the lunch on her tray. As soon as the sound of shuffling reached her eyes, Willow's eyes shot up, expecting to see the smiling Latina. However, they met with a pair of concerned yellow eyes. “Have either of you seen Luz today?” Amity asked her gaze drifting to the empty spot next to her. Willow seemed to tense just a bit, however, remembered Gus’s words. “She didn’t answer her crystal ball this morning, but she’s probably off somewhere helping Eda and Lilith. Also, she does stay with her mother on the weekends, so there’s a chance they’re just spending the day together.” Willow listed the different possibilities. Amity’s ears appeared to droop just a bit, which did not go unnoticed by the plant witch. “Hey, don’t think too much about you. I’m sure she’ll be back tomorrow!” Willow tried her best to raise the spirits of the youngest Blight, Titan knows she needed some joy in her life.
Amity’s eyes continue to remain on the spot where Luz usually sat. Finally, she sighed, giving Willow a reassuring smile. “You’re right, she’s probably just needing a day to herself,” Amity admitted. The group had been through so much within the past two years. With the takedown of Belos, there was still danger lurking in the shadows due to the escape of Kikimora. Due to this, Amity no longer needed to focus on joining the emperors' coven at the time, with Lilith having taken over and currently working to rebuild it and shape it into a proper coven that could do good. Amity now spent most of her days studying, hanging out with her new group of friends, and spending time alone with Luz that the group and her siblings did not need to know about.
School went on normally with only a few incidents. Someone had accidentally created a rather large plant beast that tried to consume students. Another tried creating an illusion of themself that ended up running around the school, spray painting everything in its path. And finally, the school had to evacuate due to a student in potions not paying attention, thus the smoke from their cauldron had caused the fire alarm to go off. The trio met outside, slightly damp due to the water. Willow was busy ringing out the little bit of water from her uniform, meanwhile, Gus created the illusion of a fan to help dry off the notes he had been taken in one of his classes. Amity stood beside him, opening one of her abomination textbooks to try and dry as well. Once everything was situated, and the smoke cleared, everyone returned to their classes to finish off the day. In the end, the group once again met up outside. “Should we just wait to give Luz her schoolwork tomorrow when she comes back?” Gus asked as he stared at the papers in his hands that his teacher had given to him earlier. Willow and Amity shared a look, almost as if they were having a silent conversation with each other. “I think we should wait until tomorrow. That way we can help her if she has any questions.” The plant witch insisted. “I think I’ll copy my notes for Luz tonight, that way she isn’t too lost,” Amity claimed as she thought about the girl, she had a crush on. Willow's eyes shifted towards Amity, who was busy staring at the ground. She bit the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from smiling as Amity’s cheeks turned a light pink.
“I think she’d like that.” Willow agreed.
The next day, Luz did not meet with the trio at the front of the school. Nor did she ever show up to lunch or any of her classes.
The day after, Luz remained absent, something that was beginning to worry the group. She had not been picking up when they called the owl house’s crystal ball, nor had been seen by any of the local vendors.
“Maybe something finally ate her,” Boscha had commented one day as she listened in on the group’s conversation during class change. Both Willow and Amity shot a look towards the three-eyed girl. She currently wore her grudgby jacket, due to the season starting the upcoming weekend, and tossed a ball in her hand. “Or maybe she’s just tired of hanging out with losers, though, she’s quite the loser herself.” The girl commented with a giggle. Willow took a deep breath to calm herself. “Luz is fine, she’s just out due to personal reasons.” Willow lied. Boscha stopped tossing the ball as she scoffed. She was about to open her mouth once again until Skara roughly grabbed her arm. “Boscha, you’re supposed to be at practice! We’ve been wondering where you’ve been!” She stated, tugging at her friend's jacket. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Amity.
“Amity!” She called excitedly, taking a step forward wanting to talk to the green-haired witch, however she was roughly tugged back. “We don’t have time for talking Skara! We need to practice!” Boscha barked as she pulled her friend away. “But you got to talk to Amity!” They heard Skara whine as Boscha led her down the hall and out the school. Amity’s expression became somber. Skara was not as bad as Boscha and honestly, she would be lying if she said she didn’t miss her. Gus took note of this. “Hey, I’m sure Luz is alright like Willow said! You two have your Azura Book Club meeting tonight, right? I’m sure she’ll be there!” Gus tried his best to reassure the youngest Blight. Amity thought it over. She couldn’t say she’d be exactly happy that Luz decided to miss school but attend their book club meeting; however, the thought that Luz missing school but still wanting to see her made her heart flutter a bit. “Yeah, I’m sure she’ll be there.” She agreed, holding her books closer to her chest as if the gesture helped slow down her beating heart.
Amity waited from six till a quarter to the witching hour in her hideout at the library.
Luz never showed.
Her pillow was soaked with tears when she woke up. Her siblings had suspected Amity to be out at a sleepover but were surprised to hear the front door open from the living room where they were busy watching a horror movie. Eric had nearly screamed, but Emira was quickly able to cover his mouth before he woke their parents up. The twins slowly peaked over the couch, surprised to see their sister slowly closing the door closed. “Mittens?” Emira gently called out, watching her sister tense. Both their eyes widened in concern as they took in their sisters tear-stained face. She sniffled weakly, eyes starring at the floor instead of her siblings. “Amity, is everything alright?” Edric asked, standing from the couch and ready to rush to his younger sister to see if she was hurt. Amity’s bottom lip trembled as more tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. “Amity!” The twins tried to keep their voices low as their sister ran from their view and up the stairs towards her room.
They remained in the living room with the movie paused, giving their sister some time to herself, hoping she would come down and speak with them when she felt better.
Amity never returned to her siblings.
Amity cringed at the feeling of the dried tears against her face. She felt gross and wanted a shower more than anything at the moment. Well, she actually wanted to rush to the owl house to see if Luz was alright, but that would have to wait. Amity crawled out of bed nearly jumped at the sound of knocking echoing throughout the manor. Somebody was at the door. Amity glanced at the clock on her wall and then out her window. It was nearly seven in the morning and the sun was just beginning to rise. The knocking continued and from the sounds of it, the person was clearly not happy. Amity grabbed a change of clothes, preparing to take a shower, before walking out of her room. “I know it had to be those twins!” Whoever was at the door barking.
Curious about the topic of her siblings, and what they could have done to make someone so angry, Amity turns away from the direction of the bathroom to instead stand at the top of the staircase. One of the maids starred unamused at the man in front of her. Amity took note of his attire, chalking him up to be one of the farmers that lived a few miles away in the more rural area of the boiling isles. “Excuse me sir, but I don’t really see how you can believe the Blight twins to be the cause of such-” The maid seemed to be mulling over a variety of negative words in her head “-Misfortune.” She went with. The man huffed, rage clear on his face. “Because they’ve done this before!” He yelled, clearly irritated that he was not believed.
“My fence door was torn apart and some of my screech sheep gone!” The man growled. Amity could tell the maid was holding back an eye roll at the man’s accusation. “Well some may be missing; however, you still have the rest.” The maid claimed, ready to shut the door; however, the man was quick to press his hand against it. The woman’s eyes shifted towards his calloused, the twitch of her brown signaling she was becoming more irritated by the second. “There is nothing left.” The man hissed. Amity tensed slightly. It wouldn’t have been the first time a farmer had beat down their door due to her siblings, but something seemed off. When she came home the twins had been in their pajamas, clearly too lazy and not planning to go out and terrorize people with their usual shenanigans.
The man made no move to step inside the manor; however, he clearly didn’t plan on just leaving either. “And what, if I may ask, are you wanting exactly? Because I shall tell you now, the Blights will now be paying for your losses due to a claim without proof.” The maid stated rather harshly. The man sucked his teeth, ears twitching in clear irritated. His mouth opened and closed before he simply took his hand off the door and turned to walk away. The maid puffed out her chest in a bit of pride, though her eyes narrowed when the man stopped. “I know it was those damn Blight twins! And I’m going to catch them next time!” The man barked as he stomped down the old pathway.
Amity processed the conversation. Her siblings had scared local sheep stiff, laughing as they would fall over, however she could not wrap her head around the twins breaking into something physically to cause chaos. No, that was simply too much work for them. If they can’t use magic to get where they want, they’ll go find something else to entertain them. “Ms. Blight.” The voice of the maid pulled Amity away. Her eyes met with disinterested pair of green ones. “You may wish to change before breakfast. Your parents will be joining you, and I doubt they’d be very thrilled to see you in your school attire on a weekend.” The maid hissed. Amity tensed. No doubt about it her parents would be up soon, so she had to hurry. Quickly, Amity rushed to the bathroom. She undressed of her school uniform and tried to make her shower as quickly as possible, aiming to get changed and downstairs before her parents woke.
When she was done Amity wrapped her bathrobe around her, exiting the bathroom as soon as she finished everything she needed to do. She stepped out, ready to head straight to her room, instead of the waiting hands of her mother. Odalia gently cupped Amity’s face. “Sleep well?” She asked as a small smile graced her features. “Yes, mother,” Amity replied automatically. Odalia hummed lowly, her thumbs gently rubbing against Amity’s pale cheeks. “That’s good. I could have sworn I heard you crying at some point in the night,” Her mother stated which nearly made Amity’s body tense. “Oh darling,” She cooed, bringing Amity into an embrace. “Did you and Boscha have a disagreement? I haven’t seen her or Skara around in quite some time.” Odalia claimed. Amity gave a small nod, refusing to open her mouth in fear of her voice betraying how nervous she felt. Odalia hummed lowly, her nails finding purchase in Amity’s hair.
Usually, such an action would cause people to feel comforted and safe. Amity felt like she could throw up. Odalias nails raked against Amity’s scalp, her fingers stopping to place a strand of green between her fingers. “Such a beautiful shade. It really brings out the brightness of your eyes. The paleness of your skin. It’s absolutely beautiful.” She hummed, gently rubbing the wet strands between her fingers. Her hand once against found its way into Amity’s hair. This time she felt a rather harsh scrape against her roots. It made her wince. “Such a nasty shade. Very distasteful to the eye. Don’t you hate it Amity? This disgusting shade of brown takes away from such a lovely shade of green.” Her mother claimed, fingers pulling at her roots as if she were pulling weeds from a garden. What a silly comparison, as if Odalia had to do a hard day’s work in her life, let alone get dirty in a garden.
“I hate it, mother.” Amity lied.
Odalia hummed lowly in joy. She didn’t need to look up to know that her mother's smile had grown. “That makes me so happy to hear. I’m actually going into town after breakfast to have my hair done for a party your father and I must attend tonight. You’ll join me.” She stated, pulling away from Amity. Odalia’s hands once again cupped her face, giving her no choice but to stare up at her mother. “Be a good girl and wear something nice.” Odalia stated with one more look over of Amity “Don’t embarrass me.” Her eyes read before releasing her daughter's face to head downstair. Amity felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She was quick to rush back to her room, changing into something she felt would be flattering to her mother’s taste, which meant an outfit that her mother had gifted her recently.
It took Amity a moment to find something reasonable, due to her usually stuffing all her clothes given to her by her parents to the back of her closet. Usually what she wore were outfits she bought while out with Willow and Luz, some even coming from shopping trips with her siblings. Once she was changed, she used a spell to dry her hair and pulled it up into its usual half pull back state. She packed a bag, making sure to put in the notes and the homework Willow and Gus gave her yesterday since she had been expecting to see Luz that night. She halted at the thought. Amity sniffled at the memory. Was Boscha right? Was Luz tired of hanging out with them? Had she done something that had upset Luz? Amity shook her head free of the thoughts. If Luz had a problem, she’d come to them to speak about it, she wouldn’t just cut them off. Quickly, Amity made her way downstairs, making sure to drop off the bag by the door to grab when she and her mother left. Breakfast was quiet and uneventful, the twins mostly conversing amongst themselves and answering any questions their mother had.
Due to the takedown of Belos, Odalia had enlightened her family about her “concerns” of the Emperor's Coven. She had made it clear she didn’t feel comfortable with her children joining now that such a corrupt person had taken over. They were not allowed to join until a more suitable person was placed as head of the coven. On their way out, Amity grabbed the bag and slipped it over her shoulder. A carriage waited for them outside, which Odalia insisted her daughter enter first. Once they were comfortable the carriage began its journey to the marketplace. “Schoolwork darling?” Odalia asked, having taken notice of her daughter's bag. “Actually, a student in my abominations course was out sick this week, so I offered to bring them their schoolwork.” Amity partially lied. It felt as if her mother was starring through her, subtle smile still on her face as she checked her daughter for any hints of a lie.
“Such a good girl.” Was all that she said before turning her attention to the window. The conversation ended just like that, and the rest of the journey was silent. At the hair salon, Amity was quickly rushed into a chair by her usual stylist who scolded her for allowing her roots to grow out so much. She listened to her mother chuckle as she was placed in her own chair, the stylist being quick to let Odalia’s hair out of its usual updo. “I told her, brown just isn’t her color.” Her mother stated, relaxing in her chair as the stylist began to work. Amity felt embarrassed as the adults talked about her as if she wasn’t there.
Amity stayed out of the conversation, only speaking when spoken to. The sooner this ended, the quicker she could get to the owl house to see Luz and make sure she was okay. To hold her in a tight embrace and run her fingers through her hair. Amity’s face began to burn at the memories. At the times they were supposed to be having a book club meeting, but instead leaned against each other and took a nap, their arms wrapped around each other. The times they would be out to see a movie with Willow and Gus who didn’t realize that the two girls were secretly holding hands under the armrest between them. Jeez, she really missed her. “- And grudgby season has once again started! My husband and I went to the game last night and my oh my, how things have changed since your daughter left Mrs. Blight.” The man behind Amity laughed.
“All negative I hope.” Odalia chuckle, which caused the rest of the salon employees to give a laugh. They could think her mother was joking, but behind that innocent smile, Amity knew her mother meant what she said. “Your daughter was such a star player, it’s sad that she decided to quit.” He spoke as if he wasn’t talking about the girl who sat in his chair. “Oh, I know. Her father and I were so upset to hear that she quit due to a little mishap with her team. Luckily, she’s feeling better and Amity plans to rejoin the team again next year.” Odalia stated proudly. Amity tensed, her eyes widening. They had never spoken about this. She had no plans on returning to the grudgby team. “Oh, how wonderful! It’ll be so wonderful to see you on the field once again Ms. Blight!” Her stylist stated excitedly as he finished adding the last bit of dye to her hair. “Yeah, me too.” Amity gave a fake smile and even through in a giggle for effect.
“Is she wanting to be grudgby captain again?” An older woman who was having her hair washed asked, joining in on the conversation. Amity could feel her mother's gaze, as the older woman stared at the back of her daughter's head from her mirror. “You bet she does,” Odelia stated happily, which earned a few mumbled of joy from the other clients. Though Boscha had brought Hexside to victory on many occasions, everyone knew that the only way she even became captain was due to Amity leaving. “Oh, how exciting! We can’t wait to see you on the field once again!” A man who was having his hair dyed as well claimed excitedly. Amity chuckled, becoming more embarrassed as attention was drawn to her.
“Me too.” Amity lied once again.
Amity waved goodbye to her mother as she once again entered the carriage, hair more elegant and ready to be seen. Her mother had originally offered to drop her off at the so-called classmate's house, but Amity insisted she walk to prevent her mother from being late. Her mother looked as if she wanted to continue with her daughter, though held back as soon as Amity mentioned the party her mother needed to attend. Before entering her mother had gently brushed some strands of green hair out of Amity’s face with a simple “Beautiful once again.” Slipping past her lips before disappearing into the carriage. She waited till the carriage was out of her sight before turning and heading towards the owl house.
Her concern only grew as a few merchants who recognized her, stopped her to ask where Luz had been. She usually delivered potions to people around the area, however, hadn’t been seen all week. Eda and sometimes Lilith would be spotted instead, selling potions to customers both new and old. Amity began to feel more anxious each time she was stopped and asked about the human girl. By the time she reached the edge of the woods Amity’s pace quickened. As soon as the owl house came into view, she began to slow down. Oddly, King was outside. There were scattered band-aid wrappers drifting away from him and past Amity. Some even floating towards the ocean. She shuddered at the breeze, a reminder that the days were becoming chillier, and that she had forgotten her coat at home. King appeared too busy to realize Amity was walking upon him. Hooty had fresh scratches on him, which King placed band-aids over. “You know she didn’t mean it, something just uh, different for now.” King tried to reassure the cowering owl door. The sound of crashing caught Amity’s attention as well as Kings. They both looked up towards the second floor where rattling could be heard. “Is everything alright?” Amity finally spoke up, causing King to jump and Hooty to hiss in surprise. “Danger! More danger!” The owl cried, still not forgetting when Amity had released her furry upon the door two years ago. Honestly, she thought things had gotten better between them, thus something must have happened to cause the door to be so shaken. “Uh, yeah, what brings you here?” King asked, turning his full attention to Amity. “I came to drop off Luz’s homework since she never came to school all week,” Amity claimed, shifting her backpack off her shoulders.
“Welp, thanks for that uh, greenie? I can give that to Luz!” He stated, jumping up to grab the bag from Amity, who quickly held it out of his reach. King glared at her. “What’s the big idea!” He barked, continuing to jump as if he would somehow jump high enough to reach that bag. “Can I please see Luz?” Amity tried her best to keep her temper under wraps. King finally stopped jumping, a long “Um” escaping him and causing a brow to rise in curiosity on Amity’s face. “King, who are you talking to?” Eda’s voice caught both their attention as she threw the door open. She looked tired and her hair disheveled. Her eyes widened. “Oh, it’s you.” She stated rather tiredly. Did these people just forget her name or something? “Edalyn who’s at the door?” Lilith asked from the couch, leaning over the side just a bit to see past her sister. Her eyes widened. “Amity? What brings you here?” She asked, placing some documents on a small table that had been move beside the couch over the past two years.
Amity’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the papers her old mentor had placed down. More so what caught her attention was that by the way she had placed them signaled she had the papers upside down when she was originally holding them. Odd. “I’m here to see Luz. She wasn’t at school all week, so I brought her homework and was going to see if she needed any help.” Amity stated while opening the bag and pulling out the homework. Eda and Lilith exchanged a look. “We can give that to Luz for your Amity,” Lilith claimed as she stood from the couch. Amity was quick to notice the woman nudge what appeared to be a book further under the piece of furniture. Something was off. “May I ask why I can’t see her? Is she sick?” Worry was clear in Amity’s voice as she asked. “Yep, got a bad human sickness or something. I blame it on this one here’s cooking.” Eda tried to joke and even nudged her older sister who simply glared at her.
“The human is just feeling a little under the weather. However, she may not be-” Lilith was cut off at the sound of a loud banging coming from upstairs. Everyone looked up to stare at the ceiling for a moment before the rustling calmed down, though it was clear someone was walking above them. “Yeah, she sounds very bedridden,” Amity stated with a bit of venom laced behind her words. Eda glared at the girl, though Lilith placed a hand on her shoulder. A warning as to hold her tongue. Eda sighed, “Listen, kid, Luz isn’t doing so hot right now-” another loud bang echoed throughout the house “And she probably won’t be for a while.” The witch claimed. Amity shifted her gaze away from the witches to stare in between them. From what she could see the house was a wreck. The couch had claw marks, there were torn and tattered books and pieces of fabric that littered the floor as well. Her eyes narrowed, was that a large hole in the window behind the table? “Did someone try to break in?” Amity once again questioned. The sisters shared a look once more, a motion that was steadily beginning to irritate Amity.
The sounds continued to pick up whenever everything went quiet, however, Amity was noticing that when she spoke, the sounds would stop for a while. As if on cue, the sounds of scratching at wood interrupted the sisters. “So, what exactly do you have up there with Luz?” The teen asked with a raised brow. Once again, the sounds stopped, causing the sisters to exchange a look. “Nothing of importance. Just an old house, don’t you know they creak and moan?” Lilith claimed, shifting closer to Eda to block Amity’s view of the house further. As soon as she finished speaking, the sounds picked up, the clawing seeming to intensify. “Yeah, you’ve been here plenty of times! You know the sounds this house can make.” Eda chuckled, which earned her a rather sour look from Lilith. Amity mulled the words she wished to use next over in her head.
What caught her attention though was the sound of a rather loud sniffing? It was clear whatever creature was above them was trying to figure out something or had the scent of something it was trying to get to. Once it stopped sniffing the scratching began once again. “I think you should go,” Eda claimed, reaching for the bookbag that Amity held in her hands. Before Amity could register what had just happened, the white-haired witch slammed the door in her face. Amity stared wide eyes as she came face to face with a concerned and battered Hooty. She listened as Lilith scolded Eda for her rude behavior, though their voices began to drown out as they took their arguing further into the house. Hooty took in Amity’s upset expression. “There there, it’s okay!” Hooty stated, wrapping its body around Amity once. She wanted nothing more than to shove the bird tube away, but at the same time, she was trying to wrap her head around what just happened.
“Luz isn’t feeling too well, and it’s not really good for her to be out and about, hoot!” Hooty claimed, its eyes shifting to the side of the house where Luz's bedroom was located. “Is-,” Amity’s voice got caught in her throat. She basically knew nothing about the diseases and sicknesses humans caught. “Is she going to make it?” Amity asked with clear concern of what the answer would be. Hooty’s eyes widened, its normal smile once again appearing. “Of course! Luz is going to be fine once Eda and Lilith sort everything out, hoot!” Hooty stated with such confidence Amity couldn’t help but feel a bit better. “Really?” She asked, happy that she was getting a bit of information out of the house at least. “Yep! Eda’s been dealing with the same thing for years! Hoot!” Hooty nuzzled its face against Amity’s who just seemed lost and confused at his statement.
“Welp, you don’t worry too hard about it! I’m sure you’ll see Luz soon when everything is better!” The owl pulled away from Amity as it spoke, once again appearing as just a face in the door. Amity remained standing; the ruckus upstairs having faded away as background noise by now. She was tempted to continue questioning the bird tube, however, quickly concluded that it would not be much help. It was currently trying to reach a spider that was crawling down its web with the weak attempt of grabbing it with its tongue. Amity slowly backed away, deciding it would be best to return home. She had spent a good bit of her day with her mother, much to her displeasure, though felt it would be best to return home before her parents made it back from their party. Plus, the wind was beginning to pick up as well as the chill in the air.
She spared the house one last glance, even moving closer to the cliff to see if she could peer up at Luz’s window. Oddly, it was boarded up, only adding to Amity’s concern. Taking a deep breath, Amity was quick to turn around and head back home. She was sure once everything was said and done with, Luz would explain herself. Amity had to admit to herself that she felt relieved that Luz wasn’t avoiding her on purpose nor their group of friends. She continued down the normal path, though turned onto a new one that she had found which was a quicker way to her home. She hummed at the memories of all the times she had taken it as she slipped away from the owl house to go home. Her mind was occupied to the point she didn’t realize how late it had gotten and how close she was to getting home. The old money houses that littered her neighborhood came into view.
Most of the houses were lit up due to the darkness that had begun to cover Bonesborough, which brought a sense of relief upon Amity that she was nearly home. Her parents wouldn’t be back till later that night, which meant she could do as she pleased. Getting a warm cup of boiling chocolate sounded delightful, something to bite the chill in the air. Maybe she could even convince the twins not to bother her and instead allow her to watch a movie with them. The ideas of what she could do when she got home began to run through her mind. It was so rare for her to feel like she could be herself at home.
Little did she know that a creature lurked close behind, its snout pressed to the ground as it sniffed furiously. The creature had been tracking her, for quite some time. Its speed picked up as Amity’s scent got stronger. The green-haired witch never ever realized what was coming. The only time she registered anything is when the sound of breaking sticks and running caught her attention and she was shoved off the path by a large body and into the darkening woods on the other side.
Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave a comment!
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wastelandcrown · 4 years
logan lark’s adventures in trying to appease his parents
CHAPTER 3: i am actively trying to throw away my shot but it isn’t fucking working
Summary: Logan Lark is a fairly average high school student. By all means, he should be impressing his parents on all grounds. Except...he doesn’t exactly have a social life. So after his parents give him puppy dog eyes, he decides to join the local theatre's youth production. Good grief...His life is about to get weird isn’t it?
Warnings: Potential ooc behavior, Roman is a theatre brat to the highest degree (Sorry Roman stans), Remus being Remus, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Talks of anxiety/medication, Throwing up (Not detailed)
Notes: This fic is based off an idea from @under-the-blue-moonlight. If you wanna be tagged in chapters, please dm me!! This chapter has a lot of anxiety and anxiety talk, so if you’re sensitive to that please be mindful!! Also lots of Logan and Virgil being friends, which I enjoyed writing! I also apologize for the delay, I ended up hating chapters 4-6 after I wrote them and have just rewritten them! Much more to come dw! 
Pairings: Eventual Intrulogical, Eventual Rociet, Eventual One-Sided Logicality, Platonic Analogical, Platonic DRLAMP
Word Count: 2994
Tagslist: @under-the-blue-moonlight @why-should-i-tell-youu2
By almost all accounts, the next week got easier each day that passed. As Logan got acclimated to the chaos and worked on his notebook, things got much better. Part of this could be attributed to his time spent in the tech booth with Virgil. 
Their goal for the week was to pick their audition song and perfect it so that by Friday they could perform and Thomas could quickly and efficiently cast the show. Their performance was in November, which was absolutely way too soon for Logan but Janus had assured him that it was more than enough time to put on an adequate performance. He took Virgil’s lifeline offer surprisingly often. Sitting in the booth and quietly practicing his audition worked out some of the stress in him. Sometimes Virgil would look up from his switch and make a comment on his performance or suggest something is changed, but aside from that, they were quietly comfortable with each other’s presence amongst all of the chaos that was the rest of the theatre. 
When he left the booth, he was nearly swarmed by the others. It became routine. In the morning, he would spend time with Virgil, Patton, and their friend Emile. Oftentimes conversation was light, and the commentary was helpful and constructive. At lunch, he and Virgil would move to the tech booth and eat there together to get some peace and quiet in before inevitably being bombarded in the afternoon. After lunch, someone (usually Remus) would make their way up to the tech booth and drag them out to the boy’s dressing room. Virgil would sit in the corner and occasionally mess with one of the twins, or hiss at Janus in greeting, and Logan would be worked to the bone. He had decided to audition with Hamilton’s rap from My Shot; Doing the first and second halves, but cutting out the middle. Janus was extremely dedicated to being sure Logan’s performance would make an impression. Logan wanted the opposite, but he couldn’t argue with Janus’ dedication to making the entire show perfect. 
Though, Roman’s attitude didn’t really change that much. For four days, he stayed at a zero. By Friday morning, he actually enjoyed his routine in part. Aside from Roman. Actually, Logan thinks if Roman was completely removed from the situation he may actually be happy with his current predicament. All this has just been practice though. When Friday afternoon rolls around and his audition is getting closer and closer, he tries to focus on the other performers. When it’s Roman’s turn, he pays special attention. Now he sees why Roman has an ego about these things. His audition was very good, and he felt natural on the stage. He would make a wonderful Hamilton, and he really looked the part. Despite him and Remus being technically identical, he looked worlds different. His clothes were ironed perfectly, and he had obviously dressed a bit historically today. His wavy hair was combed to let his face shine through in the stage light, and he was...dear lord, was he wearing eyeliner? Logan shook it from his mind and listened to him sing. Just like the days he’d seen him practice, he was very good. Obviously star material. If he didn’t get Hamilton, Logan would eat a page from his notebook. Figuratively, of course. That would be bad for his digestive system. 
On either side of him are Patton and Virgil. He’s not really focusing on auditions until Roman’s, and after he phases back into his overthinking. He’s not nervous, he would never be nervous. Logically, there is no reason for him to be nervous. He’s just being vigilant. That’s it.
Virgil nudges him, “I can practically hear your thinking. You okay?”
“Oh-Uhm-Yes,” Logan says quietly, staring up at the performer on stage, “I’ll be fine.”
Virgil digs into his pocket and pulls out a little cube, he hands it to Logan with a kind expression, “See if that helps your anxiety.”
“I’m not anxious, there’s no reason for me to be anxious.” Logan scoffs, taking the little cube and running his thumb over the side with a small silver ball. The movement does make him feel a little better. 
Virgil smirks, and flicks his shoulder, “You’re smarter than that, Logan. C’mon.”
He’s right, and Logan knows it. Anxious feelings can be totally irrational and are oftentimes a result of doing something new or stressful. 
If he bombed this, it could be very stressful indeed. Janus would certainly not be happy after he put all that work into helping him. Roman would probably laugh, or make some comment about how he knew this would happen. Why did he even care anyway? He didn’t. He was simply falling victim to a very stupid bout of anxiety. When his name is called, he hands Virgil back his cube and makes his way up to the stage. He takes a deep breath, says he is auditioning for no one in particular, and then is cued in. He performs how he was coached, completely ignoring his anxiety and doing the best he possibly could. When he’s finished, Thomas looks very pleased as the crowd claps. Someone even wolf whistles and Logan is fairly certain it’s Remus. He sits quietly for the rest of the auditions, Virgil passes him back the cube. 
The cast list won’t be out until Monday, so all the kids have the weekend to spend enjoying their summer. Well, if they don’t enjoy theatre. Logan managed to be very productive on his days off. His chart was filled and he indulged in sleeping in on Saturday. For two days he was not checkmated by social interaction at all, and it was a paradise. He managed to burn through four books from the local library, and was working his way through the fifth when his phone went off. He picked it up, not expecting a text from Virgil. 
‘hey. logan i just saw the cast list and...god i really hope you dont get straight-up murdered.’
This had confused him heavily, and then he realized what Virgil might mean and he felt anxiety bubble up into his stomach. 
‘How did you see the cast list? Isn’t that classified until tomorrow?’
‘joan and i are tight, they let me see it.’
That makes sense, Virgil seemed close to Joan and Thomas. Closer than he was, at least.
‘Are you willing to tell me who I am playing?’
‘you have to act shocked tomorrow if i do.’
He started to panic, and he looked up at the sky as if pleading with God to make this a dream or a prank. 
‘Okay? Please tell me I didn’t get Hamilton.’
His phone goes off a number of times after this, but he had to put it down. The lead? He was playing Hamilton? Alexander Hamilton, the leading man of the hit Broadway musical Hamilton?
The bubble of anxiety in his chest welled up and made him so nauseous that he couldn’t speak for fear of throwing up. 
He didn’t expect this, he didn’t even want this. He had been so anxious at the audition, and now he was the lead? What was he going to do? He couldn’t perform half as well as Roman! Why did Thomas choose him in the first place!? The idea of standing on that stage performing with an ensemble made him queasy, but Alexander Hamilton had solos. Songs where he stood alone and faced a crowd of eyes just pouring into him, staring at him. Staring into his soul and seeing that he was just a fake. A hack. The lights would be so bright that he would be able to see into the audience and make out faces. Then, after the audience decided they hated him, he would disappoint Thomas who had picked him to be the lead despite first hearing the songs on Monday. He would be hated by the other performers, a wildly untalented newcomer coming in and taking Roman’s spot as lead-And oh god, how would Roman feel? Virgil was right, Roman was going to kill him. It would be righteous too, Roman deserved it. He’d stolen away the lead role in a show he was passionate about. Why couldn’t the production have been something like Shakespeare? Or, even better, there should have been no production at all!
He manages to stumble his way to his bathroom before he throws up, and he hopes his mother didn’t hear him. His hands are still shaky as he cleans himself up and tries not to think about the play. He still feels nauseous and panicked. He spends thirty minutes calming himself down. His heart rate and breathing had risen substantially, and when he had finally calmed he realized he had even been crying. Managing to pick up his phone again, he looked at Virgil’s messages.
Then a minute later, ‘logan are you okay?’
A few minutes later, ‘shit are you panicking?’ 
And a minute ago ‘text me back asap’ 
It’s nice to know it was concerning behaviour to Virgil as well. As he thought about his strange spiral of thoughts and forced himself not to think about them all at once, he realized what had just happened. What would continue to happen. 
‘I am okay. I believe I just had a panic attack. I haven’t had one in years.’
‘youve had one before?’ Ah, right. He hadn’t discussed this with Virgil. He hadn’t discussed a lot of his past with Virgil. 
‘When I was in middle school I had joined debate team, but I realized that public speaking gave me terrible anxiety. I used to take medication to help, as the panic attacks happened semi-regularly. Eventually, I stopped doing debate, and I stopped taking the medication as I thought that would be the end of it. I suppose that was reckless thinking, as it may just be a form of performance anxiety overall.’
‘why then, pray tell, are you fucking doing theatre?’ Logan smiles a little at that, he wondered too.
‘I thought it would go away.’ Logan can almost see Virgil rolling his eyes at the comment, ‘I will speak to my mother and get more medication.’
Then he thinks of Virgil's behaviour and asks, ‘Also, and I apologize if I am overstepping, do you not have an anxiety disorder?’
‘yeah ive got regular anxiety and social anxiety. its a bunch of bullshit. why do you think im on tech?’ He feels a little bad for Virgil now, anxiety disorders are not very pleasant. He only has bouts of anxiety situationally, he can’t imagine it being near-constant. 
‘I assumed it was because you enjoyed it. I will go and speak with my mother immediately.’
‘was being sarcastic L. anyway, tell me how it goes.’ Logan stops when he reads this. Tell him how it goes? That is an invitation to message him regularly, right? It sounds like it, or at least to tell him about a problem that has been irking him. That...that is a thing meant for friends right?
‘Are you sure? I was under the impression that our speaking was reserved for the theatre.’
‘i mean, it can be. but we can be out-of-theatre friends too. if you want. no pressure.’
This...this was a very welcome surprise. He supposed that despite his rebound into performance anxiety, making one of his first friends in a very long time could prove enjoyable. Scheduling conflicts aside. 
‘I would enjoy that. I will update you.’
When he asks his mother about going back on his anxiety medication, she immediately jumps into a very motherly mode. She pulls him into a hug, and pets his hair, asking if anything is wrong, if he’s okay, the whole nine yards. As much as any teenager would hate to admit it, he loved his mother very dearly. This affection was...a lot, yes, but he could endure it for her. She was only showing her care. It was late afternoon, so the doctor was still open. Out of some insane luck, they managed to get an appointment that afternoon and he had his medication by later that night. 
‘Virgil, I am happy to inform you that I am now in possession of medication for my anxiety again!’
‘that was super quick, congrats, im happy for you L.’
They talked for much longer, and Logan felt pleased by his gain in mood. Surprisingly, he was even able to talk about the books he had read with Virgil. If Sunday was on his chart, Logan is certain Virgil would get a twelve for today. Even if that broke his scale. 
He made it a point to ask his father to stop and get coffee the next morning. Partially for him, yes. The medication was new to his system again and had made him slightly groggy when it started taking effect. Though it was partially to get a “thank you” gift for Virgil. He had asked what kind of coffee he liked the previous night when they had talked, and ordered his favourite. He offered to pay for his and Virgil’s coffee, but his father simply shrugged.
“You’ve had a hard week, I’ll buy it for you.”
He smiled softly, appreciating his father’s kind gesture more than he would ever say out loud. When they arrived he even gave him a hug, which was hard with two coffee cups but he made it work. 
Before entering the auditorium he took a deep breath, and reminded himself that everything was going to work out. Which may be a lie, but he would have to enter to find out wouldn’t he? With a push, he made his way in. He regretted it almost instantly. He could hear Roman yelling backstage, probably having seen the cast list. To be fair, Logan didn’t know who Roman was cast as, but he hopes it wasn’t all too bad. Quickly, he manages to avoid any kids who are in the auditorium seats and slinks his way up into the tech booth. 
“Good morning, Virgil.” He says, setting down Virgil’s coffee in front of him. 
Virgil looks surprised, “Morning, is this for me?” 
“Who else would it be for?” Logan asks, making Virgil smirk. 
“Thanks, you should hurry down and look at the cast list though. Roman might rip it to pieces.” 
Logan nods and hurries out, but makes the decision to leave his drink with Virgil in case of any...emergency. 
Ducking into the backstage area, he finds Patton trying to calm down Roman, who is very very angry. Remus is laughing again, but Logan doesn’t know what is so funny about his imminent demise. Janus is the first to notice his presence and gives him a sympathetic nod. 
“Patton, he hadn’t even heard of Hamilton until a week ago! What kind of lead even is that!?”
“Look, I don’t understand it either, but when Thomas gets here you can talk to him! I’m sure Logan is going to be shocked when he gets…” Patton had noticed him and was now staring, “here…”
Roman notices and turns on him and shoves the cast list into his face, “Look at this, Logan! You! You are playing Hamilton! Are you happy!?”
Logan sighs deeply, taking the list and looking it over, “Not in the slightest if that makes you feel any better.”
“That actually somehow makes me feel worse!” Roman shouts then sits down in one of the backstage chairs to pout. 
Janus holds back his laughter, “Wow Logan, this is totally not hilarious at all, Roman should totally be pouting like a little kid and throwing a fit.”
“Guys! Seriously! It’s not a bad thing! Logan’s audition was amazing!” Patton says as cheerfully as usual and walks closer to Logan to point at the cast list, “Look, I’m playing Eliza! That’s super awesome! We’ll be doing a lot of scenes together so I hope we can become better friends!”
Logan just nods, going back to reading. Him as Hamilton, with Roman as his understudy. Along with being his understudy, Roman was going to play George Washington. Logan liked George Washington’s part, and though he didn’t understand his being Hamilton, he’s glad Roman got a large role. Janus would be playing Aaron Burr, which made a lot of sense. Janus would be wonderful as Burr. Patton, as he already said, would be playing Eliza. This was...a bit of a problem, the more Logan thought about it. Patton would be playing his love interest. He...he would think about that when it mattered more. Remus would be playing King George, which Logan was glad about. Remus seemed to really want to play the villain. Though Remus’ name was next to another character’s name as well. Maria Reynolds. Remus Grimm playing King George and Maria Reynolds. He would be in a scene where Remus would have to actively seduce him. 
Just as he started to wrap his head around this, Remus slung an arm over his shoulder. 
“Ain’t it just great that I get to be a monarch and a whore!? I, personally, couldn’t be happier. Make money, get dick, I always say!” Remus says excitedly. 
Logan chokes on his own spit, and has to cough a bit before he can reply, “I can see how the seduction angle appeals to you.”
“It won’t appeal to me if you get sick and Roman ends up Hamilton!”
Logan visibly cringes and Remus chuckles, “So you better not drop out or something, dork! I can do a lot of gross shit but acting out the seduction of my twin brother is way too gross.”
Thinking for a second, Logan turns to look at Remus, who is smiling at him. His teeth are so sharp. His eye shadow is bright violet and a mess. He really does look like he had recently been at a rave. 
“I’ll be sure not to disappoint you, Remus.”
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vergilthelibrarian · 4 years
In Due Time.
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Serial Killer/Yandere!Jeno x FTM!Reader
You woke up, the summer heat making your body sticky from sweat. You slowly sat up, grimacing.
You hated the summer with a passion but you were happy that you were able to show off your new chest since you got top surgery the beginning of this year.
Getting up, you took off your tank top and boxers and went to take a shower. Once you got out, you got dress for work.
You worked at a small bookstore and you loved working there. You got to read all the books you wanted to and for free at that while also getting discounts whenever you did decide to buy a book or two.
You threw on your book bag and headed out the door, making sure it was locked.
As you walked, you thought about the killings that were happening in your city. There was a serial killer on the loose and you would be lying if you didn’t say you weren’t scared. Knowing that the killings were in your city didn’t really help with your mental health and as you were already mentally ill to begin with, let’s just say it fucked with your already bad paranoia and anxiety.
Most of the victims were women though but that still didn’t stop you from being scared. It still didn’t stop the bad scenarios that would enter your mind before you fell asleep.
One wrong turn in an alley and you could wind up dead…
Oh how you hated your mind.
You yawned, covering your mouth as you made it to the bookstore.
You opened the door and was greeted with a rush of cool air, thankful that the air conditioner was on.
Heading to the back of the store, you put your items away and your ears twitched as it heard the bell to the front door ring.
A customer.
You dusted off your shirt and walked out of the back and into the front of the store, taking your spot at the register.
There was a young man with dyed blonde hair walking around, just checking the books out. Taking one out and reading a bit of it or the back of it and repeating this process.
You took out your phone, scrolling on twitter, laughing at memes when you felt a presence before you.
You looked up and gulped.
It was the young man and my god was he handsome.
“I like to buy these books.” he smiled, his eyes turning to crescents and you smiled back, nodding as you took the books to ring them up.
It was 3 books, 2 about psychology and 1 on hypnosis and you didn’t really think much about it.
“And here’s your change!” you chirped and the blonde boy smiled once more at you.
“Thank you.” he said before headed out the door.
You couldn’t help what you did next.
You squealed on twitter about the handsome customer.
~~ The next day at work the handsome young man came in again, looking around the store once more.
You sat at the register reading a book when you felt his presence again.
Looking up, you were met with a bright smile.
“Um, I wanted to ask you a question.” You closed the book and nodded at him.
“Ask away.” you smiled.
“I um… I was wondering if you would like to go out for coffee sometime?” he asked bashfully and you were shocked.
This couldn’t be happening.
This handsome man could not be asking you out.
“W-what?” “Coffee. Would you like to go for coffee sometime?” he repeated and still in a daze, you nodded.
“Sure.” you responded and the smile that was already on his lips grew.
“I’m Jeno.” “Y/n.”
You 2 exchanged numbers and after talking for a bit longer, Jeno left the store.
~~ As you waited at the booth for Jeno, your eyes were glued to the television in the cafe.
“And in breaking news, the dismembered body of a 23 year old graduate student was found in the river today. Luna Kim was has said to have been missing for 2 days. Friends say that during the night of her disappearance, she went home with an unidentified man at a night club. Detectives say this seems to be the work of the Hatchet Killer. If you have any details on this case, please call your local police.”
You felt a chill go down your spine.
Poor girl, you thought.
It was always sad when someone died but to be murdered? That was way that you never wanted to go.
Lost in your thoughts, you jumped as you heard a deep, “Hey.” Looking up, you saw Jeno smiling as he took a seat at the booth.
“Hey.” “I didn’t mean to scare you.” he laughed.
“No, it’s fine. I was just thinking about the Hatchet killings. They found another body today.” Jeno’s face fell.
“Really? Damn...” “I know. God, I hate it here. People can be so evil when they want to be, taking someone’s life in cold blood is just so… inhumane. It’s so wrong like how can anyone even do that?” you rambled and Jeno nodded, agreeing with you.
“Yeah. It’s terrible how evil this world can be sometimes...”
A small smile come on face.
“Do you want to order now?” and you nodded, wanting to get this date started.
You both got up and stood in line, talking to each other.
Jeno was a student in psychology and sociology. He liked studying about the topics on his off time which is why he came in the other day and bought those 2 books about psychology.
You on the other hand was a graduated student, going to school to become a librarian.
“If I could, I would live in a library. Seriously, I’m not joking!” which made Jeno laugh.
You 2 ordered your meals and sat back down, talking more.
You talked about what your hobbies were, how you had a pat cat named Catkitty and how you were teaching yourself the bass guitar out of boredom.
Jeno told you about his hobbies as well, how he liked conducting psychological experiments sometimes and that sparked your interest.
“What do you do exactly?” “I can’t really say anything or my professor will get mad at me.” he rubbed the back of his neck and you backed off.
“Wait. If you study psychology, why did you buy a book on hypnosis?” and Jeno shrugged.
“It looked interesting.” he answered, taking a sip of his ice coffee.
“Oh. Okay.” You 2 ate and chat for a long time and eventually the sun started to set.
“Wow, we’ve been in here for 3 hours...” you commented. “I should go. I hate going home in the dark.” you said, getting up to leave. “Let me walk you home then.” Jeno got up as well.
You agreed and seeing as you 2 already paid for your meals, you both left the cafe.
As the sun set and the sky became dark, the air around you became cool and as you 2 walked backed to your apartment, you talked and laughed away, enjoying each others company.
Jeno seemed like the perfect man to you. He was charming, funny, handsome. He was the total package and you couldn’t believe he asked you out and that you were having a great time with him.
Sighing as you made it to your apartment, you turned around, deciding to give him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Um.” you started, looking down at the floor. “I had a great time today.” your cheeks heated up as you looked up at him.
You was always so shy, you really couldn’t help it at times.
Jeno’s crescent eye smile came into view as he said, “Well, thank you for agreeing to go out with me. I hope we can go out again?” he asked and you nodded.
“I would like that.”
~~ Some months has passed since you and Jeno started dating. Everything seemed perfect. A little too perfect and for these pass 2 weeks, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen.
You couldn’t tell if it was your paranoia messing with you or your instincts warning you but you just had a feeling something was about to happen.
Jeno had been acting… strange as of late.
His usually calm but bright personality was being replaced by a more irritable and stressed personality.
He was snap at you for no reason these days and even manipulated you into not seeing your friends when you wanted to go out last Friday.
It was weird and something was off with the man you loved.
At the same time, the Hatchet killings seemed to have stopped at the moment and that made you sleep a bit easier at night.
But even with that one good thing, you still couldn’t shake the feeling of dread you felt whenever you saw your boyfriend now.
Sitting on your couch and writing a story, you heard a knock on your door.
Looking up, you got up and went to the door, looking through the peephole to see your boyfriend.
You opened the door, a small smile on your lips and you stepped to the side to let him in.
Jeno took off his jacket and shoes, kissed you on the lips and went to take a seat on your couch.
You sat back down, grabbing your laptop and continued writing again.
“Whatcha writing?” he asked and you grinned.
“It’s a story about a this girl trapped in another dimension of reality where some of the inhabitants are zombie like monsters while the other are a cult that sacrifices other people to the “God” of their reality so they won’t turn into the monsters but that “God” is actually a bug like alien from space. I’m still thinking of the details of the story though but I’m calling it Siren.” “That’s really ambitious. I love that about you.” “Why thank you.” you said and continued where you left off on your story.
You were so use to Jeno coming over to your house that you didn’t think about why he was here, only loving that he wasn’t snappy today.
Everything seemed normal, that is until he brought up the Hatchet killings out of the blue.
“So, Hatchet Killer seems to be taking a bit of a break huh?”
You stopped typing and looked up at him.
“I guess so. Honestly, I’ve been able to sleep well knowing that the killings haven’t happened in about a month or so. It’s nice to be able to run to a 7/11 at 2 in the morning to get a slushie again haha!” you laughed and Jeno laughed with you.
“Yeah. I’ve been looking into his case, well, more like I’ve been looking through my dad’s files since he’s a detective working on the case and it seems really interesting. They think he’s a student since all of the victims are college age and that he stalks his victims before kidnapping and killing them.” “Hmm. Is that so?” “Yeah.” “Why do you bring this up?” “I’m just… I don’t know, stressed? I haven’t been able to do my experiments since we started dating and I got bored so decided to look into the case since I know you’re pretty interested in it too.” which you were but still… with you gut feelings and him bringing the case up out of the blue, something just felt… off.
“Well, why can’t you do your experiments?” you asked him and he sighed.
“Mostly because I’ve been spending my days with you. You always occupy my thoughts you know. I wake up thinking of you and I go to sleep thinking of you. I dream about you every night too.” and you frowned slightly, that unshakable feeling gripping you.
“Really.” “Mhm.” he hummed sliding closer to you, so close that your noses were touching.
“Come on Y/n… I know you’re smarter than this.” he said, his face blank and an unreadable emotion in his eyes.
“What? What are you talking about?”
Jeno took you laptop, closed and placed it behind him. One of his hands rubbed your exposed thigh as he said.
“I know that you’ve notice that I’ve been on edge lately. I also know that you’ve been snooping around my room because of it.” you gulped.
You have been curious as to why he’s been acting strange lately so you did look around his room a couple of times to find anything out of the ordinary. The only thing you found were a pair of handcuffs and that was it.
“H-how do you know that?” and Jeno smirked.
“I have cameras around my house, including my room. You remember that bear I gave you?” you nodded, becoming scared as he talked. Jeno had an intimidating side to him and it scared you deeply.
“The eyes have a cameras in the. My friend Renjun made it for me.” “What?! Why would you do that?!” you asked in shock, your voice rising.
“To always keep an eye on my love. I’ve always had kept an eye on you and you letting me into your life just made it easier.”
You tried to get up but was forced back down back Jeno, his hands at your side.
“I know that you think I’m the Hatchet Killer. And you know what? You’re right. I am the Hatchet Killer and I’ve been so stressed because I haven’t been to kill anyone since dating you.” Jeno closed his eyes, took a deep breath, let it out and tighten his grip on you, opening his eyes back up. “You’re too smart for your own good, you know that baby boy. I’ll admit though, my acting got worse the more I got stressed but I did had you fool for a while didn’t I?” he grinned and you began struggling in his grasp. You wanted to get out of there or to at least have this all be a dream.
“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna kill you. I can never go that far with you. But I will have to give you some rules, just so I can continue doing my experiments without you running off with someone else.
“1. Ditch all of your friends and family. I’m the only man that should ever be in your life now, the only man you should care and worry about. 2. If you talk about your friend Mark, I’ll torture right in front of you. 3. You should love me and only me. Think of only me. Do you understand?”
You had stop struggling by then and nodded your head, tears forming in your eyes.
Jeno smiled.
“Good boy. Now, these rules are simple and easy to follow but if you break any of them, I will have to punish you. You don’t want to be punished now don’t you baby boy?” he cooed and you choked out a yes.
“Good. Now pack your things. You’re gonna live with me for now on. Plus, it’ll be easier to train you if you lived with me.”
Jeno wasn’t going to train you.
He was going to break you. Break your mind and turn you into a docile pet that depended on him and only him. He’s been watching you for so long, for 3 years now and planned this meretriciously while also running his little “psychology experiments”. What he didn’t expect to happen, was to become more obsessed with you than he already was.
He knew he was obsessed, it was just he didn’t think he was so obsessed that he stopped one of the few hobbies that gave him joy in his life just to spend time with you, but no matter. You’ll learn to love this life and him in due time.
You were his new joy.
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noona-clock · 4 years
The Doctor - Part 3
Genre: Doctor!AU
Pairing: Donghyuk (iKON) x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 2,994
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During the next week, you tried to forget about the fact that Donghyuk had your phone number. Or that you had his. You had told him to let you know when he was free to be shown around town, but he hadn’t messaged or called you yet, which was fine because he was a busy guy, but I guess that also meant he didn’t feel like just talking casually to you? Or maybe he was too busy for that, and if that was the case, Claire was going to be one disappointed little girl.
Because, to nobody’s surprise, she asked about him every day.
“When are we showing Dr. Kim around? Where are we taking him? If I don’t go with you, will it be a date?”
...To be quite frank, you would also be disappointed if he didn’t even end up being your friend.
But then, on Friday afternoon just after Claire got home from school, your phone rang.
And one glance at your screen showed you the following name:
Dr. Kim
You picked it up without saying a word, knowing that Claire would be trying to listen in if she knew who it was.
“Hello?” you answered.
“Hey,” he replied, and you could hear that sweet smile of his in his voice. “I’m so sorry I haven’t called earlier, and I know it’s kind of short notice, but... are you free tonight?”
“Tonight?” you repeated, and you heard Claire’s soft gasp.
Your daughter ran over to you, grabbing your arm and tugging your sleeve to get your attention. “Is that Dr. Kim?!” she hissed.
“Yes, tonight would be fine,” you answered with a grin. “Claire and I were going to eat at our favorite burger place, so we can turn that into one of our stops on the tour.”
You pressed your index finger to Claire’s lips because she was still whispering ‘Is that Dr. Kim?!’ over and over.
“Perfect,” Donghyuk said.
“We can come pick you up,” you offered. “Just text me your address, and we’ll be over in... half an hour?”
“Sounds good, will do,” he replied. “See you then.”
“Bye,” you smiled. 
Before you had the chance to hang up, Claire yelled out “BYE DR. KIM!”
Not even a minute later, a text message came through with Donghyuk’s address, and you told Claire to go up and get changed for a night out on the town. You were still in your work clothes, so you were certainly going to do the same.
After changing into jeans and one of your cutest blouses, you even went so far as to touch up your makeup and add a little eyeliner and lipstick.
You anticipated Claire’s teasing as you both met out in the hallway outside of your bedrooms, but instead, your daughter froze. She lifted her eyebrows and said, “Wow. You look really pretty.”
A half-smile quirked at your lips, and you bent down to cradle her little cheeks in your palms. “So do you, my sweet girl,” you told her before kissing her nose.
She squirmed away from your affections, of course, but as soon as the two of you left the house and headed out to your car, she grabbed your hand and pressed her cheek to your arm.
Once you got inside your car, you clicked on Donghyuk’s address from his message to bring it up in your GPS app. As soon as you saw it on the map, you knew where it was -- a pretty nice neighborhood, if you were not mistaken.
And, less than ten minutes later, you were proven right. You pulled into the driveway of a very nice house, and you couldn’t stop your eyes from widening.
“Whoa,” Claire breathed from the backseat.
“Yeah, you’re tellin’ me,” you replied. And then you turned around to look at her. “Do me favor, baby girl. Become a doctor when you grow up so you can buy me a nice house like this.”
Claire let out a single, amused laugh and replied with, “Yeah, sure. Okay, Mom.”
You laughed in return, though it still made your heart flip and flutter when she called you ‘Mom.’
Just as you turned around to get on your phone and call Donghyuk, you saw his front door open, and he appeared in the door and lifted one arm to wave at you.
Your heart flipped and fluttered again, though you told yourself it was still doing that from the ‘Mom’ thing.
“Hi, Dr. Kim!” Claire greeted the second he opened the passenger-side door and slid into the seat. “As you can see, I am feeling much, much better. Thank you for being such a good doctor.”
You almost choked on your breath as you shifted your car into reverse and began to back out of Donghyuk’s driveway to begin your tour.
“I think you should probably thank your mom for that,” he chuckled in reply, buckling his seat belt. “But I appreciate the compliment, and I am very glad you’re feeling better.”
When you glanced at your daughter in the rear view mirror as you got to the end of the driveway, you saw she was beaming adorably.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Donghyuk turn toward you, and then you heard him ask, “How are you? No fever, I hope.”
“No,” you answered with a soft laugh. “No fever. I’m doing just fine, how are you?”
“I’m pretty pumped for this tour, I’ll be honest,” he said. “What’s our first stop?”
You looked back at Claire in the mirror again as you began to drive down the street toward the neighborhood entrance. “What do you think, Claire Bear? Where to first?”
“School!” she chirped.
“Weren’t you just at school?” Donghyuk asked with an amused grin. “It’s Friday afternoon, and you already want to go back?”
“We’re not going inside,” Claire corrected. “But you can see my classroom window from the front!”
“All right, to school we go,” you nodded, putting on your blinker and turning toward the elementary school.
As you drove the few miles it took to reach Claire’s school, you pointed out a few of the older houses in town, giving Donghyuk a very brief history of the families who’d lived there back in the day. Surprisingly, he seemed genuinely interested, listening intently to you and asking a few questions here and there.
It was very obvious that he was an intellectual, and... that was very attractive to you.
When you arrived in front of Claire’s school, you pulled into the parking lot and drove as slowly as you could. Claire thrust her arm in-between the driver’s and passenger’s seat, pointing to a window near the end of the building.
“That’s my classroom!” she proclaimed with pride. And then she pointed to the sign with the school’s name by the front entrance. “And that is where they took my picture when I got student of the month. They chose me out of my whole grade.”
Since Donghyuk was a pediatrician and interacted with children all the time, you figured he knew by now to always take what they say with a generous grain of salt. But Claire was actually telling the truth, so you nodded in agreement.
“They did,” you said. “I was very proud, and we went to the zoo downtown to celebrate.”
“But I know I shouldn’t be good in school just to get a prize,” Claire said. “I should be good because it’s the right thing to do.”
You glanced over at Donghyuk when he turned around to look at Claire. There was a very impressed expression on his face, and you couldn’t stop a very wide grin from forming on your lips.
“Wow,” he said to her with a little chuckle. “You are very smart, did you know that?”
“Mommy tells me that all the time,” Claire replied. “She also says sometimes that I’m too smart for my own good, whatever that means.”
A laugh burst from your throat, and you shook your head in amusement.
“Yeah, my mom used to say that to me, too,” Donghyuk admitted with a smirk.
“So, I can become a doctor one day like you?”
“Of course! You can be anything you want to be,” he answered.
“Well, Mommy just said she wants me to be a doctor so I can --”
“Where to next?!” you interrupted. “How about we go down toward City Hall, huh? What do you think, Claire Bear?”
“Yeah!” she agreed. “We can show Dr. Kim the library!”
Phew. You had successfully dodged that bullet.
Thankfully, Claire didn’t bring up -- or start to bring up -- the fact that you wanted her to become a doctor so she could buy you a nice house again. In fact, for the next hour or so, the three of you had a really nice time driving all around town and chatting and getting to know each other.
You drove Donghyuk down to the small but bustling Main Street area and showed him City Hall, Claire’s library, the police and fire stations, and several locally-owned restaurants.
You took him past the middle and high schools, the sports fields, the local park, and pointed out where an ice skating rink and Christmas tree lot was set up during Winter.
Finally, you ended up at a burger place, one owned by Claire’s teacher’s husband -- Mr. Campbell -- who greeted you personally and warmly as soon as you walked in. You introduced him to Donghyuk, explaining that he had just moved here and had also helped Claire when she was sick last week.
“Oh, right,” Mr. Campbell replied as he smiled and shook Donghyuk’s hand. “I heard about the new doctor over at the children’s office. Welcome, glad to finally meet you.”
Mr. Campbell escorted the three of you to what he claimed was the best seat in the house, leaving you with menus and a promise of returning soon for your drink orders.
“Jimmy gave us the best seat in the house when we ate there last week,” Claire pointed out. “I might get used to this.”
“Maybe I should come eat with you every time you go out,” Donghyuk mused.
“Why?” Claire asked.
“I want the best seat in the house, too!”
Claire set down her menu and pursed her lips slightly across the table at him. “Maybe if you got Student of the Month, you would get the best seat in the house on your own.”
Donghyuk laughed at her comment -- well, you did, too, to be honest. But you also poked her side and said, “Hey, now. Don’t be sassy at the dinner table.”
Claire turned back to look at Donghyuk with her most apologetic expression and said, “I’m sorry, Dr. Kim. I bet you will definitely get Doctor of the Month sometime. Maybe even twice.”
Donghyuk leaned forward closer to her, his smile so sweet you could practically feel a cavity forming in your teeth. “I’ll certainly try my best,” he grinned.
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Even though Mr. Campbell’s restaurant did serve milkshakes, you opted to take Donghyuk to an ice cream stand just down the block, wanting to make sure he saw as much of the town as you could show him.
Mr. Campbell understood, of course, and even gave Claire a coupon for a free milkshake the next time she came back in.
The three of you walked down the sidewalk to the ice cream stand, the sunset casting the most beautiful orange glow around you.
Claire saw some friends from school eating ice cream when you arrived, and after raising her eyebrows at you, you let her go ahead and talk to them.
Donghyuk insisted on treating you, and you thanked him eagerly when the teenage boy behind the counter handed you a waffle cone filled with chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Claire tore herself away from her friends long enough to retrieve her own cone (though hers was filled with strawberry), and then you and Donghyuk made your way to an empty bench just a few yards away.
There was a few minutes of very slightly awkward silence after you first sat down, but the two of you were busy licking away at your ice cream, so you didn’t feel the need to fill it with uncomfortable small talk.
In fact, when Donghyuk first spoke, his question was basically the opposite of small talk.
“If you don’t mind my asking,” he began, his forehead wrinkled with curiosity. “What’s the story behind Claire?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, and Donghyuk obviously took that as a sign you didn’t want to answer.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. You don’t have to --”
“No, it’s okay!” you assured him earnestly. “I don’t mind, really. I was just... trying to figure out where to start.”
Donghyuk nodded, obviously wanting to allow you time to think before you answered.
You shifted in your seat and let out a soft sigh before you did, keeping your focus on your ice cream so you wouldn’t get emotional. “Well... I always knew I wanted children. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, and... I’ve always wanted to adopt because... I was adopted, too. My parents started fostering me when I was six and adopted me when I was nine, so I wanted to do that for another child. I just... never found the right guy to do it with, so I finally decided to just apply to be a foster parent myself. My parents were great references since they were already in the foster system, and I make a good enough income to support a family on my own. I’m lucky enough that they accepted me, and I’m even more lucky that Claire was my very first foster child.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a smile curve Donghyuk’s lips, and it took everything in you not to turn and look at him. But you were already feeling a small tightness in your throat, and looking at his precious grin would probably just make it worse.
“I knew I wanted to adopt her a couple of weeks after she moved in, but I waited until the year mark before asking her. I wanted to give her time to adjust and be really sure that she wanted to be a family with me. I filed the papers the day after I asked her, and... remember that night at Jimmy’s? When you almost ran into me?”
“Of course,” he answered immediately.
“We were celebrating the adoption being finalized.”
Donghyuk shifted toward you, his knees now almost touching yours. “That’s amazing,” he said softly. “How long did it take?”
“About ten months,” you told him.
“Geez, I bet you were so relieved.”
You nodded, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. “Yes. And very, very happy.”
“That’s amazing,” he repeated. “I know people have kids every day, but... what you did. I think it’s incredibly admirable.”
“I just know what it feels like,” you said with a shrug. I wanted to give another child the same chance I got. The chance to have a family... to be loved.”
The lump in your throat only got bigger, and then Donghyuk said, “I know I don’t know you guys that well, but... I think Claire knows how lucky she is.”
And that, of course, only made it worse. Hot tears pricked the back of your eyes, and you choked out, “I hope so.”
You saw Donghyuk move the arm closest to you, and you felt his hand come to rest on your back. He rubbed it comfortingly, even sliding his hand up to squeeze your shoulder.
“Do you want another scoop of ice cream?” he offered with a grin.
“No, that’s okay,” you chuckled as you shook your head. “Thank you, though.”
“By the way,” he said. “I’m sorry it took me so long to call you. I wanted to send you a message or something before today... I was just busy. And maybe a little nervous.”
“Nervous?” you asked, slightly astonished. “Why would you be nervous?”
“I thought maybe you were just being nice and didn’t actually want to show me around.”
“No, of course, not. I really did want to.”
“Yeah, I figured you seemed too good to be like that. Plus, I really don’t know anyone outside of the office, and I wanted to actually make some friends here.”
“I’m glad you called,” you assured him, now feeling much more at ease after your emotional, vulnerable story.
The two of you spoke of less serious things for the next fifteen minutes or so, and when both of your cones were gone, you called Claire over so you could all walk back to your car.
When you dropped Donghyuk off back at his house, he thanked both you and Claire profusely for taking the time to show him around. He assured you he had a great time, and Claire reminded him that he most definitely would get Doctor of the Month -- maybe even twice!
You drove home with a smile on your face, but when your phone chimed after you stepped in through your front door... you had even more of a reason to smile.
Donghyuk had sent you a text.
Thank you again for tonight. I had a really good time, and I really appreciate everything.
As Claire headed upstairs to change into her pajamas before your weekly Friday night movie, you typed out a response.
You’re welcome 😊 I hope you feel like you have a friend here now -- or two friends 😆
You were about to close out of your conversation and change into your own pajamas, but you saw he had already read your message. 
And was already typing back.
When his message came through, it was enough to make your heart do a somersault.
I definitely do. 😍
Part 4
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
Fratboy lucas😳👀 yes 🅱️lease oml
AN•I made it a bit angsty, a bit fluffy👼🏻☁️ also this is long ahha, Ik it’s not like, FRATBOY fratboy, but I actually quite like it! lemme know what u think! Also this means I get to make a wayv masterlist eye-
This party was sweltering hot and you were not having a good time. First off, your dorm mate -Elise- left you almost immediately to go talk to a boy from this frat named Johnny, and second, you knew literally nobody else here, as far as you could see.
It wasn’t your fault, though. I mean, sure, you barely left your room unless it was to go to the canteen, your classes, the library, or to the silent films they showed at the theatre every Friday night, along with your two friends Mark and Renjun (who were both from this very frat, yet you couldn’t find either). And yeah, maybe you didn’t talk to people unless you were apologizing for bumping into them, or texting them about a group project. And okay yes, it took Elise two weeks to hear more than three words out of your mouth at a time.
But, honestly, it wasn’t your fault.
You got into this school on a scholarship, and you’d be dammed if you lost it because you stopped focusing on your grades. Elise had to beg -and bribe- you to come to this NCT frat party with her, yet she leaves you five minutes in.
Fuck this, I’m going home. You thought to yourself as you hastily made your way to the door. You had texted your two friends to see where they were, yet neither answered; or even read them, for that matter. As you rounded into the hallway leading to the door, you halted with wide eyes. This seemed like an episode of wipeout to you. The floor was covered in an unknown, slippery substance, and the hallway definitely had way too many people in it for it to NOT be a health code violation. You tried mapping out the cleanest and fastest way to the door, but came up short - besides one.
Okay, you technically lied when you said you didn’t talk to anyone for fun.
Because how could you not talk to Wong Lucas when he was the most beautiful person you’ve ever met?
You remember the day you two met like it was yesterday, and not your freshman year, almost two years ago.
It was almost 12 am, and the library would be closing any second. You boringly walked up and down the aisles, dangling your workers card lanyard to the rhythm of your footsteps. You hated working the night shift at the library, but were just thankful that you had gotten a job right off then bat, anyway, so you barely complained (key word: barely).
The bookshelf hallways were - as usual for this time - empty. As you almost always did (because you were lazy), when you got to the very last shelf, you didn’t even bother to check it, just doing a small turn and continuing the way you came - until you heard the familiar sound of what sounded like a book falling on the floor. Working in a library, you were used to the sound of books being dropped on accident; so much to the point that you didn’t even flinch anymore. But this time, you were quite scared. You considered taking the trek up to the front desk where your much larger coworker, Jaehyun, would have been able to check whatever the sound was. However, you didn’t want to seem helpless, you’re an adult, for Pete’s sake.
So you took the closest weapon you saw - a book on the shelf next to you - and slowly walked where you heard the sound. Rounding the bookshelf, you expected to see a scary, old man with a black trench-coat and a hook hand (in a college library, sure).
What you saw, instead, was a TALL boy with honey colored hair and a purple hoodie standing against the bookshelf with his eyes closed and his head rested against the shelf. A deep sigh suddenly came from him, and when he opened his eyes and moved to reach and grab the book that he undoubtedly dropped, he almost yelled at your sheepish figure and wide eyes staring at him, near the corner.
With his eyes opened, and his head rested normal on his shoulders, you could get a good look at him, and saw that you knew exactly who he was. Wong Lucas; on the football team, if you’re not mistaken. A new member of the NCT frat, along with your new friend Renjun from your physics class, and his best friend, Mark. Extremely popular, especially for a freshman. You were for sure intimidated by him now; not because he was a bigger human than you, but because he was looking at you with a gaze of anger.
Wait what did I do?
“Listen, can you all stop? I just want to study, and I already have to come in at late times to be alone. There’s 100s of boys on this campus, leave me alone, please.” You didn’t really know what to say, but you were definitely annoyed, and also humored.
He really thought you were one of his stalkers.
“Um. I work here. Just coming by to say we’re closing in 5 minutes. If you could get what you needed and come check out, or get it tomorrow. Thank you!” You walked away, but you didn’t miss the rose color that slowly painted his face.
He came up to the register not even three minutes later, a poetry book called “The Worlds Wife” slipped between his fingers, a book you actually had your own copy of. You said nothing while checking him out, just smiled at him while handing the book to him. You expected him to leave right after, but he scratched his neck while staring at his feet, apologizing for what he said and asking if you wanted to stop by the 7-11, or have him walk you home - the rose color on his cheeks still prominent.
Your new roommates words repeated in your ears -“you need to get out”- like a mantra as you uncharacteristically accepted his offer (Jaehyun - who was standing to the side, finishing up closing the computer system - was so shocked he had his mouth open like a fish).
You agreed to get slushies from your local 7-11, and you both sat on the curb, laughing about anything and everything for what seemed like hours - and it was. You were pleasantly surprised to see that he was actually such a good person, with kind values and hilarious jokes. He walked you to your dorm, and kissed your cheek as a goodnight, after getting your number, and watched you walk into your dorm before leaving himself.
After that moment, it was midnight date adventures and movie nights (that usually turned into more), for the next year. He had asked you to be his girlfriend two dates after that first night, and kissed you two after that one. You loved him, and wanted to show everyone; wanted to hold his hand while walking across campus, go on coffee dates between classes, and tell everyone that Wong Lucas was yours.
Lucas did not.
He loved you, and did want to do those things with you, but he said it was because of who he was. He had girls asking him out 24/7, and they were easily jealous. If they caught wind that you two were dating, he feared that they would rip you to shreds. You loved that he cared for you, that he wanted to protect you, but it hurt that he kept you hidden from the people in his life. I mean, not even Renjun or Mark - who were in his frat - knew you two had been dating for a year.
When you had told him you were going to his frats party, he was immediately turned off to the idea. He didn’t want to worry about you, because he wouldn’t be able to be around you. You were so mad, so fed up, that it resulted in probably the worst fight of your relationship.
“Why?” You didn’t want to yell. You didn’t want your RA to come knocking and see Lucas, because god forbid anyone know you two even knew each other.
“You know why, y/n! No one knows we’re together!” You can tell he didn’t want to yell, either - most likely for the same reason. That assumption from you just made your blood boil even more.
“Yeah, why! Why can’t we tell anyone, xuxi? We’re almost juniors in college! We’re not kids anymore, this secret dating thing is bullshit!”
“Because I don’t want you getting hurt, y/n!”
“No, just admit what it’s really about. Admit that you don’t want to be seen with me, a nerd, a loser-“
“Yeah! Is that what you want to hear, y/n? Yes, it’s because you’re a loser, you’re lame, you only have two friends and don’t talk to anyone else. Why must I always be the social one? Why can’t you just go socialize with people, huh? Why couldn’t I have a girlfriend cooler than you, better, more like me?! Yes, I’m embarrassed by you! you satisfied, y/n?” He just about yelled, and you were waiting for the pounding from your RA, or a grouchy neighbor, that never came.
Lucas didn’t say anything, just stared at the ground. When you let out a mumbled, “you should go,” he didn’t hesitate to push past you and slam your door in his way out, making you flinch.
You feared you two might break up from this one, and it seemed he felt the same as he pulled the girl leaning on him - from his spot on the wall - closer, and whispered something in her ear that made her laugh.
He had a beer in his one hand, so you knew he was most likely drunk.
And you were right, he was drunk. By the time he got back to his frat house, he had finally calmed down enough from your fight to rationally think about it, and he immediately wanted to run to his car and drive straight back to you. He felt terrible for saying the things he did amidst his anger. Yet, when he was about to leave, he was roped into the party prep committee, and couldn’t leave. I mean, what could he say?
My girlfriend needs me? No, they wouldn’t believe he has a girlfriend - he didn’t come off as the type, and they would assume he just didn’t want to help. He should have told them, like you wanted so long ago.
So when he hadn’t been given an opportunity to text or call you, he figured that it might be for the best, and you needed time to cool off. And he definitely needed a drink after the lecture he got by his fellow brothers about how he never gets laid at parties, and nows’ the moment. When he was drunkenly shoved into the arms of Soojin - a member of a sorority on campus, and the girl who goes around constantly claiming that she will one day have Lucas (you hated her, she did not know you existed) - he just accepted it, because maybe it would get his brothers off his back, maybe it would get soojin off his back, and it’s not like you’d know. You weren’t there, right? You wouldn’t have come after that fight, right?
Wrong, definitely wrong. Wrong when he looked up from his gaze on Soojin, because he had smelt your delicious and amazing perfume that he loved so much. Wrong when he locked eyes with your own teary ones, trying to scoot past their bodies morphed together, while mumbling an almost incoherent “excuse me” that no one but someone looking would have seen. Wrong when you broke free from the tight space, and speed out of the house, and he didn’t even move, just stood there staring at your retreating figure while Soojin laughed about something that happened, not even knowing what just went down. Wrong when he never went after you, and never called or texted you for a week. Wrong, all wrong.
That week was hell for both you and Lucas.
No one new you too were even dating, so when Renjun and Mark came over because you hadn’t been answering their texts, only to find you burrito wrapped in a blanket with an absurd amount of mac-n-cheese, they assumed you failed a test or something and gave you WRONG words of encouragement (they tried). When Lucas was doing terribly at practice, and was acting completely out of it, nobody asked if he was having relationship troubles. They did ask if he was having girl problems, and when he was about to say yes, his teammates went into a ramble about how taxing a bad one night stand can be on a person. Lucas chose to stay quiet.
He felt like a wimp.
Was he really that much of a loser that he didn’t even try to get you back? Did he even deserve you at all?
However, one night - exactly a week later - Lucas grew a pair (fallopian tubes, of course. Men are whimps and women are TOUGH so from here on out when I say grow a pair, I mean grow a pair of Fallopian tubes) and mapped out the perfect plan to get you back.
Two days later, you were walking through the quad with your head down, on your way to the library, when you smelt a heavy aroma of flowers. When you looked up, you couldn’t believe what you saw.
The whole quad, almost every square inch, was filled with yellow and white daisies.
Yellow and white, your favorite colors. Daisies, your favorite flower.
When you looked around for some source, you locked eyes with a boy who was already looking right at you.
He was wearing a blue tux, and was standing in the center of the daisies with one single rose in his hand. When you slowly approached him and got close enough, he took your hand in his, gave you the rose to hold in your other.
“I know I’m just some lame frat boy. I know I’m a complete loser that thinks a good time is listening to trash music while getting drunk and high, and I don’t deserve someone as amazing as you. I mean, Look at you, and this is you on a regular day.” He was referring to what you were wearing. You had your hair softly curled, and was sporting a yellow, mid-thigh length dress with flowers on it and pure white vans with with yellow, banana socks. You thought you looked basic, but you had to agree that you fit in to the scenery. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said the things I did, and I shouldn’t have made you keep our relationship a secret. You’re a grown woman, and can handle yourself. I love you so much, and I don’t want to lose you. Please, forgive me.” After a few seconds of your silence, a familiar voice came from your left, and when you turned around, you saw a crowd of people had gathered, and Renjun and Mark stood at the front, with mark filming, and renjun shouting,
“KISS HIM!” You chuckled at your best friends words, and when you turned back to a hopeful looking Lucas, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and pulled him into a fairy tale kiss, standing in that daisy field.
The ending is out of character and weird, I know, but I was thinking of Bigfish when I wrote it 😳👉👈 anyway I hope you enjoyed it!👼🏻☁️
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eusaint · 4 years
                              𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆: saint kothari.
hi   friends   !   i   was   supposed   to   post   this   yesterday,   but   as   per   usual,   i’m   off   schedule   by   a   whole   ass   day.   my   name’s   fox,   i’m   currently   twenty-three   years   old   in   the   brt   timezone.   my   pronouns   are   she/they,   but   i’m   really   not   picky   at   all   about   it.   i   haven’t   joined   a   new   group   in   a   good   few   months   ?   everyone   seems   so   nice,   though,   i   can’t   wait   to   plot   with   all   of   you   !   this   is   my   mess   trashcan   baby   saint,   if   you   want   to   plot   with   him   feel   free   to   like   or   or   message   me   !   if   you’d   rather   chat   on   discord,   feel   free   to   hit   me   up   at   oscar isaac pipe me tnx#9349
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⟨   AVAN   JOGIA.   CIS   MALE.   HE/HIM.   ⟩   though   the   mist   might   prevent   some   from   seeing   it,   SAINT   KOTHARI   is   actually   a   descendent   of   H   E   C   A   T   E.   it’s   still   a   question   of   whether   or   not   the   TWENTY-FOUR   year   old   ASTROPHYSICS   MAJOR   from   CHICAGO,   USA   has   taken   after   their   godly   parent   completely,   but   the   demigod   is   still   known   to   be   quite   INTELLIGENT   &   MANIPULATIVE.
                                                 𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄.
born   into   a   moderately   wealthy,   hard-working   family,   saint   never   felt   like   he   truly   belonged.   he   didn’t   belong   in   the   predominantly   white   school   he   attended,   he   didn’t   belong   with   the   old   money   neighbors   of   their   suburb,   he   didn’t   even   feel   like   he   belonged   with   his   family--   between   his   absent   father   and   his   snobby   stepmother,   saint   grew   up   believing   there   was   no   place   on   earth   for   him.
from   a   young   age,   saint   presented   signs   of   mystiokinesis;   more   specifically   prophecies—   it   has   always   been   the   small   things,   such   as   being   able   to   tell   when   a   car   crash   was   about   to   happen,   or   even   when   someone   was   getting   sick.   his   father   called   it   intuition,   but   his   stepmother   always   shushed   him   when   he   had   a   premonition,   no   matter   how   small.   as   saint   grew   older,   his   premonitions   became   slightly   more   sharp,   and   nowadays   he’s   able   to   predict   more   accurate   things;   if   you   should   avoid   the   left   side   of   the   sidewalk   that   week,   if   it’s   going   to   rain   that   day,   and   at   least   half   of   the   lottery   numbers.   he   also   has   presented   a   mild   touch   for   necromancy,   being   able   to   receive   and   pass   along   messages   from   the   dead;   it   works   almost   as   a   game   of   telephone,   however,   and   the   young   man   is   hardly   ever   able   to   hear   the   correct   sentence.
at   the   age   of   fifteen,   saint   left   home.   after   a   particularly   bad   fight   with   his   stepmother,   saint   packed   a   small   bag   and   ran   away.   he   spent   the   next   couple   of   months   couch   hopping,   sleeping   in   bus   stations   and   doing   small   jobs   in   exchange   for   food;   it   was   during   that   last   venture   where   he   met   eric   saryan,   a   local   mobster   that   needed   someone   quiet   and   discreet   to   make   drug   runs   for   him.
saint   spent   the   next   five   years   of   his   life   working   for   eric.   the   money   wasn’t   great,   but   it   was   stable   enough   for   him   to   be   able   to   maintain   himself.   on   his   down   time,   saint   worked   as   a   psychic.   he   would   do   consultations   on   his   living   room,   and   read   tarot   cards   over   the   phone;   his   mystiokinesis   has   never   been   strong   enough   for   perfect   predictions,   but   he’s   always   been   smart   and   good   at   reading   people,   which   also   meant   saint   is   a   great   liar.   he’d   bullshit   his   clients   a   lot,   and   getting   something   extremely   specific   right   every   so   often   meant   that   a   lot   of   them   kept   coming   back. 
at   the   age   of   twenty,   saint   was   arrested   for   possession   of   a   small   amount   of   cocaine.   the   mob   abandoned   him   on   sight,   and   he   had   no   choice   but   to   call   his   father   for   bail;   it   was   a   lot   of   money,   and   the   man   was   willing   to   shell   it   out   as   long   as   saint   made   a   promise   of   coming   back   home   and   getting   his   life   together;   he   was   forced   to   spend   six   months   in   a   rehabilitation   facility,   and   once   that   was   done,   he   needed   to   either   find   a   job,   or   go   back   to   school. 
incredibly   intelligent,   saint   always   had   a   love   for   physics.   after   trying   a   few   odd   jobs   and   getting   fired   from   them   all,   he   decided   to   finally   go   back   to   college   for   astrophysics;   eonia   university   was   his   father’s   choice,   thinking   that   if   saint   was   far   away   enough   from   the   gang,   then   he   wouldn’t   feel   compelled   to   get   back   into   it.
                              𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 / 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄.
saint   is   a   mess.   despite   being   an   adult   who’s   lived   by   himself   for   the   past   ten   years,   the   man   can   barely   keep   himself   alive.   he   doesn’t   put   much   effort   into   classes,   not   that   interested   in   getting   a   diploma,   spending   most   of   his   time   drinking   and   partying   on   campus. 
incredibly   chaotic,   he   doesn’t   hold   back   on   any   of   his   whims.   if   saint   wants   something,   no   matter   how   hard   or   ludicrous,   he’ll   immediately   go   after   it.   prone   to   criminal   activity,   saint   loves   the   forbidden,   from   skipping   class   to   vandalism,   if   something   sketchy   is   going   on,   you   can   bet   saint   is   involved   somehow. 
an   adrenaline   junkie,   saint   will   put   himself   and   the   ones   around   him   in   harm’s   way   for   a   fix.   his   most   recent   addiction   is   street   racing;   considering   how   bad   of   a   driver   he   is,   it’s   surprising   he   hasn’t   gotten   seriously   injured   yet. 
raging   bisexual   with   major   daddy   issues....   but   aren’t   we   all   ?
he’s   5′11″,   with   long-ish   hair   and   a   short   beard.   saint   wears   very   colorful   clothing,   mostly   patterned   button   downs,   and   he   has   a   large   collection   of   sunglasses.   he   has   way   too   many   shitty   tattoos,   including   the   name   of   two   exes,   and   a   ring   on   his   septum.  
                             𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒.
a   BEST   FRIEND   /   saint   and   this   person   met   during   their   first   year,   and   they   instantly   clicked.   they   know   each   other   better   than   anyone   else,   and   you’ll   never   see   one   without   the   other.
a   RIVAL   /   another   party   person,   they   have   a   rivalry   where   they   are   constantly   trying   to   out-do   each   other   during   parties   and   outings;   if   one   of   them   chugs   a   bottle   of   beer,   the   other   will   chug   two   etc.   they   are   definitely   very   messy   and   bad   for   each   other.
a   GOOD   INFLUENCE   /   someone   that   sees   saint   for   who   he   is,   the   soft   layers   underneath   the   bad   boy   persona,   and   often   tries   to   bring   that   out   of   him.
a   SIBLING-LIKE   RELATIONSHIP   /   they   are   each   other’s   cornerstone,   bickering   constantly   but   still   dying   for   one   another;  saint   often   tells   them   he   would   rather   have   them   as   family   than   his   own   half-siblings.
a   HATE   SHIP   /   they   hate   each   other,   but   still   can’t   get   enough   of   each   other;   they   fight   constantly,   and   those   altercations   always   end   up   in   a   bed,   or   angry   sex   in   the   local   bar’s   bathroom,   or   frenetic   make   out   sessions   at   the   library.
a   FRIENDS   WITH   BENEFITS   /   they   like   to   get   on,   but   they   also   enjoy   each   other’s   company   outside   of   the   bedroom;   be   it   in   a   study   group,   or   just   hanging   out   on   a   friday   night,   saint   always   says   the   sex   is   just   the   cherry   on   top   of   their   no-strings-attached   relationship.
a   ONE   NIGHT   STAND   /   for   some   reason,   their   little   affair   didn’t   work   out.   maybe   they   even   tried   to   go   on   a   date   after   their   night   together   but   the   chemistry   just   wasn’t   there;   maybe   it’s   super   awkward,   maybe   they   became   really   good   friends   afterwards.
FRIENDS   OF   ALL   KINDS   /   literally   all   of   the   friendship   ideas.
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