#it pissed me tf off
secondstar-acorn · 21 days
not to be angry on main but to the person who was very loudly complaining about "just for once" and started making fun of me for handing out bracelets in the queue for starkid. why the fuck were you there
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richtkin · 3 months
if hannibal was real i think i’d hate him.
like put the whole cannibalism/murder thing aside yk damn well my ass wouldn’t be smart enough to figure that out.
but like just the fact that he wears suits constantly would piss me off. and ik he’d judge my food but like i’m a poor whore tf do you want me to do? spread my legs? oh wait! you’d somehow manage to judge me for that too!
get the fuck out of my face regina george you aren’t in high school anymore focus on YOUR DAMN SELF.
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fyther · 7 days
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Wip womp
And the doodle I was forced to draw by the flock of jumping beans in my brain.
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gayhoediaz · 1 month
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thimking thots………………
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princessbrunette · 1 month
can’t sleep. fratboy!rafe
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otrtbs · 6 months
today is a slut james day i’m on the hunt for slut james potter fics
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pumkin-patchwork · 1 year
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Hot Rod/ Rodimus!! just started reading MTMTE and I love it so far, also decided to try a new coloring style (where you color on a layer on top of the sketch/lineart, but like not painting) which was fun :>
(slightly less filtered version + speedpaint below):
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dvmb-4ss · 27 days
an ode to the end.
on one hand, house was rightous in his anger. he felt the most steadfast person who had ever entered his life was now choosing to leave, which was a reoccurring theme for every other relationships in his life (his father, stacy, cuddy, etc). wilson was supposed to be the exception, but he was actively choosing less time with house. and that hurt house beyond anything else that had happened to him before. of course he wanted wilson to stay, to choose the rougher path. he'd be in pain, and it would suck, but they would be together. there was a chance for MORE. and house was angry that wilson was choosing no treatment. he felt it was the weaker option. house screams "life is pain! I wake up everyday and im in pain!" he kicks and claws and bats at the notion that life isnt worth living just because it's hard. and then he scrapes "do you know how many times i've thought about ending it?" house has faught this battle, fights it everyday. but "how many times have i wanted to be left alone, and you [wilson] made yourself a nuisance?" house stuck around because of wilson. perhaps not solely, but he was definitely a significant part. so house demanding, conning, pleading, begging for wilson to fight - to stay, just a little longer - only makes sense. house doesn't understand why he isn't worth sticking around for to wilson.
on the other hand, wilson's whole life has been lived in by others. most every decision he has made has been for someone else. when things go wrong he blames himself. he blames himself for danny's disappearance, for amber's death, for house's behavior and the severity of his addiction. he blames himself for the loss of every single one of his patients, and he memorializes that sorrow and regret in his office, directly in sight so he can never forget. but then he's diagnosed, and he cant make sense of it. "why me?" he bitters. "i wish i'd been more like you [house] so then i'd feel like i deserve it." and it sucks! "Of course i dont wanna die!" but now wilson has one final choice. he can be passive in his life once more, waiting patiently until the train reaches its final stop, or he can assume what he claims is dignity. he can stand on his own two feet, making a choice thats about him, and him alone. it is in this last act of his life that wilson is finally able to say "i did something for ME." how cruel for his most personal decision to be his doom. how beautiful for that decision to be his most consequential one.
so, really, they are both right. like always, one will bow, the other will break. this time, though, house yields. there's a clock looming over them now. "how do we start?" they’ve got one more chance to get them right. (i sure hope nothing bad happens immediately after this that would keep them from being together)
ANYWAY edit! been slightly more active in regards to posting my own stuff on here in the last few days and I figured I’d continue. Lmk if you wanna be house mutuals! I’d love to talk!! I edit, draw, and write, but I mostly just like to scream about them 😔💔
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cillyscribbles · 8 months
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but what if they all ran off and were vigilantes together for a bit longer
(bonus surprise under the cuuut 🙈🙈🙈)
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BOOM handholding baby !!!! ha HA you just got GOT!!!!!!
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maxsix · 8 months
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animemenrock · 9 months
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i made this before watching ROTJ
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tariah23 · 28 days
The fact that rap/hip-hop has always been stereotyped as a “lazy,” form of art is rooted in racism. It’s literally poetry but whenever people say shit like “um, I don’t care for it,” and “I never liked it/don’t get it/ don’t listen to it,” and they’re not black, it already shows the kind of person that you are lmfao. ​You don’t even have to be a huge fan but this kind of rhetoric is typically bread from antiblack sentiments and your readiness to automatically dismiss the entire genre as a whole as a valid art form. It’s strange that you don’t care to listen to music from rappers/Hip-Hop artists. “They all rap about the same stuff-“ and “they sexualize women,” as if there aren’t a million other artists out there who don’t do either of those things within the same genre. That’s an ugly excuse. But we’re supposed to fucking know who cave town is or care about someone who is as generic and bland as Taylor swift who doesn’t stand for anything but a fat check. Hip-Hop is more than just an art form. It’s a culture in itself that represents the joy, AND suffering that Black people have used for decades to finally be able to use our voices and uplift our people amidst all of our hardships and daily life struggles. Black people don’t have anything to prove to people who are just now fucking learning who fucking KENDRICK LAMAR of all artists, is. He’s a Fucking Pulitzer award winner, bro. Are you serious.
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leezuhh · 1 year
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figmentof · 5 months
saying we don't get to "see" izzy being abusive to Ed enough, as if the disrespectful way in which he talks to/about Ed, his captain, in s1 wasn't already telling us everything we needed to know about their relationship
"the man is half insane" to Fang and Ivan
lying to Ed about telling Stede his boss is Blackbeard
his attempt to gaslight Ed (and the audience) with his "i've managed your increasingly erratic moods, i've massaged this crew when they worried about your judgment" (word for word)
izzy claiming he's always in charge bc Ed can't do his job, when Fang confirms that izzy cannot captain a ship when left in charge
"Bonnet did something to his brain" as if Ed has no agency and can't make his own decisions, this white guy must've brainwashed him
in s2: mocking Ed in private. he's half dead with a leg freshly lopped off and he still has enough breath in him to mock Ed for being too much of a coward to kill himself
why do you feel the need to demand flashbacks of Ed being abused by izzy before Stede was ever in the picture? would seeing that convince you more? or do you just revel in watching a white man torment the indigenous one. was the show canonically making izzy buy Ed from the english not awful enough for you or what. if you want evidence of izzy being physically abusive you can look towards Stede, who he actually stabbed and attempted to kill twice; and, by the way, punches in the stomach in the name of training him in s2. the training results in a whole bunch of nothing at the end too, but that doesn't count right?
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lavend-ler · 3 months
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due to Reasons I made myself matching SoundRod icons for twitter and tumblr 💙❤
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nailgunstigmata · 4 months
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grown ass man saying eek
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